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Page 1: You know what I love? Our God is so€¦ · • You know what I love? Our God is so creative. Just look around, He made all of us so unique! • And because He’s such a creative
Page 2: You know what I love? Our God is so€¦ · • You know what I love? Our God is so creative. Just look around, He made all of us so unique! • And because He’s such a creative

What’s up everyone? Welcome to the Way Station! • You know what I love? Our God is so

creative. Just look around, He made all of us so unique!

• And because He’s such a creative God, and He created us in His image, we also get the opportunity to be creative here at church.

• So you came at just the right time because we are in our new, creative series “Out in the Wild”!

• We’ve transported you to Africa to take you on an African Safari so we can discover the uniqueness and importance of the best book EVER… the Bible!

• Let’s open up with a word of prayer! Lead Kids in Prayer ELEM WILD WK 1 (1)

o I’ll be your Safari guide today! To get us started, I want you to say “Jambo rafikis”!(Have kids repeat)

o You just said “Hello friends” in Swahili! Now, since we are on an African Safari, we need to practice our best tribal dance moves! Repeat these moves and words after me! (Demonstrating motions with each phrase)

Head up Head down

Arms to the sky Arms to the ground

Spin around o And the last move you need to know is called

the funky monkey! ELEM WILD WK 1 (2)

o During that part we’re going to lose our minds and go crazy! You can follow me or follow the video. Are you ready? Let’s go!

Great job everyone. Whew, that was a really fun song! And not only was it fun, but it also taught us an important truth about opening our eyes to see all of the wonderful teachings in the Bible. And that’s what this series is all about! Wild_Lesson

Right now, we’re about to take a journey across the plains of Africa on a safari! If you’re ready to go, let me hear you count down with me…3…2…1! ELEM WILD WK 1 (3)

Now that you’re introduced to Up and Adam, you’ll be excited to know that we’ll be seeing them here in Africa throughout this series. I want to talk to you about the TWO challenges I have for you during this series.

• The first challenge is to… bring your… BIBLE! Sounds easy enough. But don’t just bring it and leave it! Make sure to take it back home with you and READ it!

• Your second challenge is to memorize the names of ALL the books in the New Testament.


Page 3: You know what I love? Our God is so€¦ · • You know what I love? Our God is so creative. Just look around, He made all of us so unique! • And because He’s such a creative
Page 4: You know what I love? Our God is so€¦ · • You know what I love? Our God is so creative. Just look around, He made all of us so unique! • And because He’s such a creative

• To help you out, we have these cards (hold up Bible Challenge card) for you to take home. They have a list of all the books you need to memorize. We have a brand new Books of the New Testament pin to award each of you who memorizes the books of the New Testament this series!

• Now, let’s go over our Need to Know for today! Say it with me!

God is so incredible because He didn’t just make us and leave us to fend for ourselves out in the wild, wild world. ELEM WILD WK 1 (5)

He made sure to give us His Word! The 66 books in the Bible tell us about who God is and how we should live our lives. • It is full of all kinds of amazing stories! True stories

of how God chose to use ordinary people like you and me to share in incredible adventures with Him!

• I’m so excited for this series and the AMAZING things we’re going to unpack as we read the Bible.

• Here’s a little more on how cool the Bible is!


The Bible is a way that God choses to speak to us. It’s FULL of the Truth and His words seem to always hit you when you need it!

Wild_Worship Something we read throughout the Bible is how God’s creation, which includes you and me, worships God! God loves it when His people come together to worship Him. So there is a part in the song where you’ll grab a partner and spin around! Let’s worship together!

Wild_My Lighthouse_Worship

Wild_ Offering_Slide The Bible is like a lighthouse! It guides us on where to go and shows us the light of God’s Word!


The discipline of giving offering can also be found in the Bible. The greatest, most sacrificial offering ever given was when God gave Jesus! Jesus came to earth and paid the ULTIMATE price for our sins. So when we give offering, it’s a way we can worship Jesus for what He’s done and do our part to get His message of forgiveness to the world. If anyone has offering, please place it in (indicate area). Wild_Announcements

Let's be on mission during the months of February and March by showing kindness to children in foster care! We can do this by participating in Love Gives: Foster Care Kits. ELEM WILD WK 1 (8)

Page 5: You know what I love? Our God is so€¦ · • You know what I love? Our God is so creative. Just look around, He made all of us so unique! • And because He’s such a creative
Page 6: You know what I love? Our God is so€¦ · • You know what I love? Our God is so creative. Just look around, He made all of us so unique! • And because He’s such a creative

Items to be gathered for a care kit include: • A small water bottle • A small juice • A nut-free granola bar, rice Krispy treat, or

fruit bar • A small toy (such as playing cards, a toy

car, a small lego set, etc.) • An encouraging note

After you’ve collected all five items, please place them in a plastic, gallon-sized Ziplock bag. Make as many bags as you'd like! Then, drop your kit/s off at any CF Kids Drop Spot near check-in. And don’t forget to tell your small group leader so you can receive a pin!



Wild_Baptism Class_Slide

Baptism is a way to show others, “Hey, I’ve decided to turn from my sin and follow Jesus with my whole heart!” If you made this decision, ask your parents to sign you up for Baptism class!

It looks like that’s all the time we have today. Let’s close in prayer.

Wild_Books of the Bible_Video Wild_Open the Clouds_Video ELEM WILD WK 1 (10)

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