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Coach Donna Ward



Your Plan, Strategy & Savvy Blogging Pathway to Success

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Ask Coach Donna Ward

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Woo-hoos ~ What others are saying about Coach Donna

“Donna is the coach we all wish we had years sooner. She gets it, and gets to it, not for you but WITH you. I love the way Donna walked me through logical progression of my business development planning and was good at helping me hold to my plan. Authentic, gen-uine and sincere, I enjoy working with Donna.” Bob Forshay

“Before I met Coach Donna, I tried to set up a blog site – I would be up until 2 am just to get one little thing done. Thinking maybe this blogging thing wasn’t for me. Then I met Coach Donna and she talked about how easy it was and with her help I was able to set up my blog. Now it’s fun!” Vicky Lynn Hollenweger successcellutions.com

*** Want to read about their experiences? Then go ahead and go to http://coachingbusinessentrepreneur.com/woo-hoos.

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But, who am I to be telling you about strategy, business, and blogging?




★ Intuitive Social

Media Expert

★ Professional Blogger

★ Doing It For YOU or

Training YOU How To

Do It Yourself

★ Consultant/Coach

for Corporate, Conscious Entrepreneurs, & Small Biz.

★Teaching confident

blogging & promotion

★ Author, speaker,

marketing strategist

★ askcoachdonna.com

★Read more about me at askcoachdonna.com/coachdonna

Hey There! Coach Donna here. I just wanted to thank you for downloading my guide, “Your Plan, Strategy and Savvy Blogging Pathway to Success” I hope it helps you structure more creative, more effective, and more fun ways to promote your business and blog content. Setting up a successful blog that makes some money for you, or that you just want to share your hobby or story, and maybe grow a list of followers to keep in touch with – whatever success means for your blog, it will be the result of an immense amount of effort, determination, consistency, and perseverance.

So you want to be a successful blogger? Here are five qualities you must possess.

1. Patience

2. Passion

3. Self-Motivation

4. Clarity of focus

5. Consistency

Find these qualities within yourself – or bring them to your forefront. And, you’ll have

readers that come back as raving fans for your regularly-updated content.

- Your blog provides a platform for you to building a community through your content and social media interactions.

Just to be clear, always…

✓ Put your readers first. Make sure that your readers’ best interests are served.

✓ Be inspiring. Be real to your readers. Passing along that feeling of “You can do it” is irresistible!

✓ Give more than you expect to receive. Your audience will respond to you best when you make adding value a priority. Now answer this question for yourself…

- How are you going to start becoming ‘savvy’ in your blogging?

Need more help with your Social Media and Blogging strategies? Just Ask Coach Donna

To your greatest successes, Coach Donna

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“There is nothing I believe in more than the power of your blog and Social Media for

your business, hobby, and for sharing your passion. Getting started is the first big step,

not perfection. But you do have to do it right. Blogging and Social Media is not so

difficult when you have your goals, strategy, tactics, and a passionate, knowledgeable,

and confident YOU. Using your blog and Social Media to engage with your audience,

prospective customers, clients, and friends in a genuine non-salesy way. Chat with

them. Share your passion. Be YOU.” Coach Donna Ward www.askcoachdonna.com

How can YOU use the power of blogging and Social Media to reach out to your audience, and entice them to reach back and engage with you?

Bear with me, because I'm going to show you how…

You can work your Savvy Blogging Plan with the

‘Big Picture’ for your strategic path.

But there is just one small catch...

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Strategies and Tactics

Your Audience Has To Be Clear

Setting Yourself Up For Success

Increased SEO, site Traffic, and

Conversion Rate

Promotional Tactics Are A Part Of

Your Strategy

Get Your Audience To Your Site…

There’s always going to be more…

The secret is…

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Get Your Strategies and Tactics in Place

And Implement Your first step in your Blogging Strategy:

The long-term direction for your blog is one that outlines your specific goals and a path, with clarity, to reach those goals.

1. Think of your blog as a long-term commitment.

It’s your investment: in time, energy and effort..

Start by answering these important questions:

• Why do I want to blog?

• What do I want to get out of blogging?

• What do I want my audience to get out of it?

2. What is your purpose for your blog?

Give your blog a purpose, a reason for being. It’s different from setting goals. Your goals here are brand-centered, while purpose is reader-centered.

Ask yourself these questions:

• Why would people want to visit my blog?

• What makes what I write something my audience wants?

Promote & grow your blog right now

through simple strategies at little

or no cost.

Blog Goals: Why Do You Need Them? “Blogging is a journey,” Heidi Cohen explains. Like going on a trip, you can’t just jump into blogging without knowing where you’re heading…you need strategic… goals to guide your blog and it may help you answer some of the questions.” HeidCohen.com.

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3. Know your audience

Your “who” is so important when it comes to blogging.

That is: Who is your audience?

Lock in on their needs – find and engage with them!

Listening also uncovers your audiences’ needs and wants for what resonates with them in your content type and format.

Align their needs and wants with your blogging objectives. The biggest part of your content is what your readers will want.

In order to attract the ideal audience to your blog, you have to understand who they are and what they need/want. That way you can serve up content that is both relevant and useful to your ideal audience.

Got a Blog With a Community? <<< Click and read

4. How often will you publish a blog post?

I’ve read it so often: “Consistency is the heart of blogging.”

You need to set and commit to a schedule.

- How much time can you set to creating valuable content for your blog?

- How many posts can and will you write, publish, and promote each week?

Scheduling how often you’ll blog, is setting a target.

If you’re starting out, aim for one post per week, as a minimum. Three times a week is better. You Need the Essentials for Your Content Posting <<< Click and read

5. Create your editorial calendar

It’s important for a blog to have focus. Do you ever wake some mornings in a panic, or foggy headed, about what you’re going to write about?

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That’s when you know it’s time to begin thinking like a professional publisher and create your editorial calendar for your blog.

Once you have a list of blog post titles or rough ideas for your posts, outline a schedule for posting. Decide which post you’ll publish on which day. Mark the posts on a calendar ~ this is where you’ll use an editorial calendar.

Here is a prime example of an editorial calendar from Hubspot.com

6. Creating your blog’s brand

‘You had me at hello’ Jerry Maquire ~ Perception is everything!

How your blog comes across to readers— design, colors, style, etc. is also important. These articles give insights into important elements you should be looking at for branding purposes.

Need Blog Design Tips To Convert? <<< Click and read

7. Writing

Research and watch what others are doing that’s working and then model and creatively adapt it for your own.

You don’t have to get stuck in the same format every time you post.

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Remember that your

audience has to be clear

about what’s in it for

them. `


#1 Write it as a story – make it entertaining and engaging.

People seem to remember your story better because you are wanting to connect through empathy and feeling. You’ll offer a story of where they are now and where you can take them, that resonates with who they are and what they need.

#2 You have to convince the reader that you are one of them…

“Become your (audience) and speak like you really understand him.” Jeff Laurie is a brand-building direct copywriter.

When you know your clients problems and understand their own language, and thinking, it makes your writing more inviting to your ideal reader.

’Know Your Audience’ is really the theme of your blogging.

Everything you do in your blog will be focused on one goal:

Selling your message to your ideal readers – your audience.

The better you know who your audience is will help you be able to speak directly to their hearts.


#3 Hooky headlines bring your readers in to want more. Without a compelling promise of transformation, your reader may decide not to get more involved.

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Did you know?

- Those really great irresistible headlines you see in magazines and online are not using new formulas for headline writing? I’ve read that most of them have been used for over the past 50 years.

These old, yet new, headline templates are written by great direct response copywriters that may change the words to fit what they’re talking about, but the ideas are essentially the same, rehashed over and over again by every popular magazine, newspaper, and blog in the world.

Need Some Secrets to Crafting Powerful Content? <<< Click and read

I have an extra bonus for you –

I’ve interviewed a couple of copywriters – my most recent copywriter interview was with Tammi Metzler, The Write Associate.

I’d love for you to have that.

How Content Marketing and Copywriting Work Together to Grow Your Community <<< Click

When we get right down to it blogging is

for—connecting, sharing, and developing a

loyal community of readers.

Now here comes the good part …

Then you publish your blog post.

A word of caution:

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This is where your tactics come into play for you. It’s the details that will make your blogging promotion work for you.

As you may have noticed…

- You’ll need to learn how to promote, promote, and promote your content to make sure you have an audience that is aware that it exists.

This is a consistency system you’ll need to get into place.

- These are promotional tactics that will help you get closer to your strategic goals.

I’m pretty sure by now you’ve heard all about the wonders of content marketing.

A Couple of Stats Showing Increased SEO, site

Traffic, and Conversion Rate

Understanding your audience is a first step, but does content marketing actually improve your site’s rankings, drive traffic, and encourage visitors to return?

1. Blogs give websites on average 434% more indexed pages and 97% more indexed links. (Inbound Writer)

2. Year-over-year growth in unique site traffic is 7.8 times higher for content marketing leaders compared to followers (19.7% vs 2.5%). (Kapost)

Promotional Tactics are a part of your strategy

13 Tactics

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Boost Your Blog Visitors & Communicate Value

1. Target and work within a community that is more likely to share – keep reading and I share ‘How-To’.

2. Join groups on your Social Media platforms where your audience already is a part of a community.

3. Learn how to use copywriting-SEO – making your site more search friendly. You’ll learn a bit more with this article >>> Still Discovering New Keywords?

4. Know your keywords for each post and tag them for each post. These tags are for my post at 3 Colossal Tips Using Social Media to Drive Traffic

- Tags are a way of picking out specific details (keywords) about your posts

- SEO will be able to get a much better understanding on the keywords that are most relevant to your site.

5. Build your online community and share.

6. Pay attention to those analytics.

7. Use eye catching and relevant images.

8. Reference your own posts in your new posts and link back to them.

9. Guest Blog and have Guest Bloggers

10. Incorporate great blog design and formatting.

11. Engage and interact with comments on your blog and others’ blogs with valuable notes.

12. Attend and give events to bring more people back to your site and generate leads for your email list.

13. Have a system that you continually follow to write, publish, promote, and build your community.

Example of using a tactic to help reach your long-term goals: Writing guest posts on other blogs to give your blog broader exposure is a tactic that helps you move closer to reaching your long-term strategic goals.

“Social Media and blogging replaces your marketing with useful advice.”

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These promotional tactics are also a reminder that… Creating content alone is just not enough to drive traffic to your site.

4 Tips Once You Get Your Audience To Your Site… 1. Provide better information than your competition, to keep your readers coming back and looking to you for the answers to their questions.

2. Help them share and bookmark your site.

Hint: ask them to share and make it easier with a WP plugin – something like ‘Shareaholics’

3. You do want them to subscribe to your content, and come back again and again. Have your optin box, or page, and offer ready to go. Mine is here and you can take a look at my page at askcoachdonna.com/bloggingsavvykit <<< Click

4. How about they come to your site to learn and interact with you?

- Another fabulous promotional tactic is participating in Social Media “Blogger Support” groups is one of the best ways to gain more shares, traffic and followers.

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What You Can Do With Blogger Support Groups

Promote and submit your blog posts across several “Social Media sharing” groups

Add blog comments with your linkback to your site.

Share and grow your followers and generate leads!

Learn more about how to build your list at Click to learn more…

Can Your Irresistible Optin Offer Reveal Some Secrets?

Below is an example of a spreadsheet that I use to post on several “Social Media sharing” groups

I’ve given you just 3 group URL’s for Facebook – I belong to many more.

1. https://www.facebook.com/groups/ultrablogchallenge

2. https://www.facebook.com/groups/UltimateBlogChallenge

3. https://www.facebook.com/groups/BloggersCorner/

Now you can check in with some of the members and leaders in these groups to find more sites to join in on, once you have your system in place. Or you can chat with me about this!

Follow my suggested steps below.

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Step #1 – Search for more “Social Media sharing” groups on Facebook

Step #2 – Read what rules for that group.

Step #3 – Join the group – keep track of groups joined so you can check for acceptance into the group.

Step #4 – Participate and follow the rules.- They will expel you from the group is you do not follow their rules.

Step #5 – Do this regularly starting with the groups I’ve listed in the above image and be sure to set your spreadsheet up to help you keep track of what you’re doing, done, and need to do.

Step #6 – Join our Blogging Mastermind Community and learn more about how to do this, plus what I’ve talked about in this ebook and much more askcoachdonna.com/mastermind

There’s always going

to be more…

One of the many things I love about blogging is that there is always something new to be learned – from working with affiliates, SEO, different Social Media platforms, promotion, and plugins as well as what can seem like tedious time management, dealing with your email list, growing your community, and a hundred thousand other things you are so familiar with. Right?

As you may have noticed…

Growing a business, or a hobby blog, is like enrolling in 'The School of Personal


All of your ‘stuff’ comes up to challenge you as you work to create the success you

crave and make the difference that you want to make. You have to do it yourself, step-

by-step, but, remember that you don’t have to do it alone. That’s why there are free

and paid for types of training and seminars you can get help from. Support, mentors,

and coaching groups!

Nest of all…

I am here to help.

If you’d like a community of bloggers masterminding with you, along with tips,

how to’s and coaching then join our small group at


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What do we do in our

Blogging Mastermind?

- We help you build a structure that

literally pulls your blogging boldly

forward and onward to bring visibility,

credibility, generate leads. And build

your community of ideal visitors.

- Keeping you from getting sidelined or

distracted, because you’re building a

support system.

- You have a comfort zone of success

that you’re accustomed to and as you

break through boundaries, you need a

means of support as you pull through


So that’s the just the mastermind help of our


You’ll also have a Mentor, that’s me Coach


What is a mentor: A coach or mentor is critically important in reducing your

learning curve and getting you on the right track.

FACT: “One common theme found with most top bloggers is the use of a mastermind group or a mentor.”

When I work one-on-one with clients they are constantly amazed at how UNCOMPLICATED their blogging becomes. And, I know we can dramatically impact your blogging, Social Media and list building, too.

Business Savvy and Strategy

The secret is…

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Steady, consistent and small actions towards a defined goal that will get you to your journey’s destination.

Yep, you will make mistakes…lots of them and we get real frustrated (read my own story, again!). In fact, most of what you try will not work. But they aren’t failures, really – not if you are focused on your path and are relying on strategy not tactics to guide you.

Pretty soon, with enough actions and adjustments, you will get really good at

what you do.

Once action steps start moving you along, doors seem to open up for you, allowing for more resources to come your way…and building up your Business SAVVY – that is CONFIDENCE.

Savvy Synonyms: (adj.) resourceful, astute, sharp, shrewd, informed,

experienced, (n.) understanding, discernment

How do you get good,

better, best?

When I was 6 years old I started piano lessons, a bit later my teacher discovered I was willing and able to also learn the accordion, the guitar, and the clarinet. We had the “Bright Shiny Object Syndrome” and it kept me wowed. Every day was something new – but, I wasn’t moving strongly ahead in any one instrument. Was that good for me? Well, my dad didn’t think so. He said I needed to choose one instrument and get good at that by practicing every day. The piano was my choice and I did get really good at this and stepped up to performing in front of audiences and concerts – I became confident that I could do this. (Now I haven’t played the piano in years – so don’t even think about asking me! Ha!)

My point is, if you want to get good at something, the only way to get there is focused practice, practice and more practice. As you develop your blogging and promotional talents over time (always making a bit more improvements), you get more and more savvy.

Okay –

Now we’re talkin’!

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When you combine strategy and savvy you move in a clear direction and you take small, step-by-step actions towards improving your life and work.

With every small step, you will get better and better at traveling on your path towards reaching your goals.

As you travel your path you get:

• More focused on the moment and where you are going.

• More confident.

• Better results – making you want to keep going.

• Faster at making decisions.

• Better at marketing.

• More wisdom about your niche/business.

• Better known (more visibility) – people become inspired by your actions and seeing what you are doing and how you help others.

• Oh, and more money – that’s a fun thing!

Here’s the Thing…

It’s hard to become successful, trying to skip steps in the necessary experiences needed to develop your blogging savvy. (Could you imagine me playing the piano at a concert, if I skipped over several weeks of lessons or practice? Not me. As I practiced more, I even started to create music, because I was becoming savvier.)

All those little, insignificant small steps on your path AUTOMATICALLY cause BIG LEAPS.

• You’ll get BIG A-HA’s and tons of BIG IDEAS when you are just present to

where you are on your path…simply making small improvements where you are.

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That’s what I’m talking about…

-- This is why it works! Step by step learning processes turn into experience and

savvy for you and your blogging.

Most importantly, because you have strategy and savvy, you’ll actually be able to DO something with your new perceptions and understandings!

Building a Blog…Well, it takes time and happens in stages.

Find your direction – the path you want to be on. Gain clarity and focus on the niche that is right for you. Attract clients – leads, traffic, prospects – get out there and know them - and

learn your Target Audience and their needs – how you can help them Position yourself as the ‘go-to’ expert Become successful doing what you enjoy

This is what I do – Blogging, Social Media and Building

Communities – I do it for you ~ Or Coach you to success

Specific areas we cover

when you coach with me ~ • How to build your list – leads - prospects

• How to drive traffic to your site

• How to finally lock down your USP (Unique Selling Proposition)

• How to STOP chasing one bright shiny object after another

• How to define your target market and ideal client

• How to create titles and tag lines for your blog, products, services, and programs so the title sells it all for you

• How to create your hooks and headline

• How to write your copy

• How to master your time so you’re free to do what you love

• How to get all the resources, tools. and vendors you’ll need to reach your ideal success

• And much, much more

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Promoting your blog can be more fun and easy…once you have someone like me to hold you by the hand and show you the step-by-step pathway to your success. Let me help you avoid the common pitfalls.


Don't get discourage and stay steady - keep your

life simple. Take a serious look at your strategies and tactics and chances are you can

easily increase your income within 30 days or less if you just drill deeper on the things that are already working for you where you are.

Contact me, if you need help along the Blogger's Path.

P.S. You can learn more about me at Coach Donna’s Story

✔Blog www.askcoachdonna.com

✔ Twitter: twitter.com/CoachDonnaWard

✔ Google+: plus.google.com/+CoachDonnaLWard

✔ Pinterest: pinterest.com/bizcoachdonna/

✔ LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/coachdonnaward

✔ Email: [email protected]

Find Me Onlne and Let’s Connect!

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