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Page 1: Yunquera Autentica Agricultura Sostenible


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e c o l o g i c a l l y p r o d u c e d i n t h e s i e r r a

Yunquera Autentica presents food from the sierra, naturally produced and delivered straight to your door - www.lacocinanatural.com

food from the s ierra del ivered to your door


r is it ? OK, you work hard and there is very little time left over at the end of the

day, do you really want to spend it shopping or would you prefer to spend it with your family ?

and aren’t you dis-appointed with the fruit and veg you buy in the supermarkets ? sure, everything looks good but there is no flavour, and strawberries in January ! what is that all about ? just think of the food miles !

trying to manage a busy lifestyle ? you want to eat a healthy diet, you are concerned about the environment, how do you do it ?

La Cocina Natural can help, from the heart of the la Sierra de las Nieves comes the Yunquera Autentica veg box, ecologically produced traditional food, delivered straight to your door, and the best bit ? it is cheaper than you can buy in the supermarket !

natural, in-season, fresh fruit and vegetables along with many other other foods such as olive oil, hand picked, packed and brought to you directly from Yunquera

check out our website for more details

Box 1 - couple8-10 seasonal vegetablesa selection of 8-10 types of seasonal vegetables sufficient for 2 people for 2 weeks

Box 2 - small family8-10 seasonal vegetablesa selection of 8-10 types of seasonal vegetables sufficient for up to 4 people for 2 weeks

Box 3 - large family8-10 seasonal vegetablesa selection of 8-10 types of seasonal vegetables sufficient for up to 6 people for 2 weeks

Additionsyou can add as many additional vegetables (or other products) such as are available to the selected box such products might include staples such as potatoes, onions, garlic, olive oil etc. or any other product available from our website

Deletionsyou can remove from the box up to three types of vegetables should they not be to your liking

it is hard to eat a natural, healthy diet













Veg Boxes

Page 2: Yunquera Autentica Agricultura Sostenible

why buy from la coc ina natural

when you buy from La Cocina Natural you can be sure that...

everything is freshpicked the day beforewe only sell seasonal food picked and packed the day before we deliver it to you

low food mileswe never buy in food from other places and never, ever fly it in from 1000’s of miles away you get fresh, natural Yunquera Autentica food delivered to your door

ecologically grownfree of chemicalswe grow everything we sell and we grow it in a traditional way using methods that have been handed down in our village throughout the ages

picked when readywe don’t store food, we pick it when it is ready and bring it to you, only in this way can you be guaranteed to get the great flavours of fresh natural food, you will be amazed at the taste !

great qualitywe grow what we sellwe control the quality, we use the best seeds and grow the best varieties so you get the best food, simple really !

best valueno middlemenwhen you buy from La Cocina Natural you buy direct from the producer no middlemen, no wholesalers just great food at great prices delivered directly to your door

our promisecheckout our offers

Box 1 - couplejust the two of you ? then order Box 1, enough veg for 2 people for two

weeks, picked the day before delivery, we bring you a selection of the very best our gardens have to offer, typically comprises 8-10 types of in-season fruit and vegetables

single box € 10bi-monthly contract € 15 pm

“let your food be your medicine, and your medicine be your food”


Box 2 - small familyyou have a growing family, you need more, then Box 2, is the one for you bringing enough veg for four people for four weeks and with the all same delicious flavour of Box 1 and the same great guarantee of 8-10 varieties of fresh picked seasonal fruit and vegetables

single box € 20bi-monthly contract € 30 pm

Box 3 - large familyyou have a large family then you need the big box, Box 3, enough for 6 people for two weeks, guaranteed fresh and delicious, just like all our vegetables ! and

comprising the same 8-10 varieties of great seasonal food

single box € 30bi-monthly contract € 45 pm

Additionswe all carry the staples, potatoes, garlic onions etc and you can add as many of these to your box whenever you want, we can also deliver great Yunquera olive oil and other foods with your box, check out the website for details

as requested € POA

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