+ All Categories

o990-PFDepartment of the Treasury

Return of Private Foundationor Section 4947(a)(1) Nonexempt Charitable Trust

Treated as a Private Foundation

OMB No 1545-0052

^)OOSinternal Revenue Service I Note : The foundation maybe able to use a copy of this return to satisfy state reporting requirements I

For calendar year 2006 , or tax year beg inning , 2006 , and ending

(; (: heck all that annly Initial ratttrn Final ratnrn Amenriarf ratiirn ArtdrisS chance Name ehannn

Name of foundation A Employer Identification number


Otherwise , Number and street (or P 0 box number if mail is not delivered to street address ) Room/suite B Telephone number (see page 1I ofprint the instructions)

or type.

See Specific 235 EAST 42ND STREET 212 733-4250

In tru tions City or town, state , and ZIP code C It exemption application is ►.s c pending , check here . • . • •

D 1. Foreign organizations , check here . ►

NEW YORK , NY 10 017 2. Foreign organizations meeting the

(c )(3 )H Check type of organization, X Section 501 exempt private foundation85% tu check here and attach


. . . .compu tation

1 Section 4947 ( a )( 1 ) nonexem pt charitable trust Other taxable p rivate foundation1 f

I Fair market value of all assets at end J Accounting method Cash 1 X AccrualE If private oundation status was terminated

►0. 1 under section 507 (bx1XA ). check here .

col (c) lineof ear (from Part ll q Other (s ecif )y , , y _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _p F If the foundation is in a 60-month termination

16) 10' $ 378 554 886. (Part 1, column (d) must be on cash basis.) under section 507(bt(t )( B),


ere • ►

Analysis of Revenue and Expenses (The (d) Disbursementstotal of amounts in columns (b), (c), and (d) (a) Revenue and (b) Net investment (c) Adjusted net for charitablemay not necessarily equal the amounts in expenses per

booksincome income purposes

column (a) (see page 11 of the instructions) . ) ( cash basis only)

I Contribution,sa.fts• grants, etc , received (attach schedule)U if the foundation is not required to2


attach Sch B T 18STM3 Interest on savings and temporary cash investments 3 , 133 , 129. 3 , 133 , 129.

STMT 194 Dividends and interest from securities • • • • 5 , 356 , 169. 5 , 356 , 169.

5a Gross rents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . o '

b Net rental income or (loss)

6a Net gain or (loss ) from sale of assets not on line 10 23 689 735. nn iT,b Gross sales puce for all

102,777,799.assets on line 6a

7 Capital gain net income (from Part IV, line 2) . STMT201 23 689 735.

8 Net short-term capital gain . . . . . . . . .

n 9 Income modifications .10a Gross sales less returns

and allowances •

] b Less Cost of goods sold ,

c Gross profit or (loss ) (attach schedule) . • , •

11. Other income ( attach schedule ) 5 , 236. 5 , 236.. . . • • . .

12 Total . Add lines 1 throu gh 11 32 184 269 . 32 , 184 , 269e

13 Compensation of officers , directors , trustees, etc NO

14 Other employee salaries and wages . . . . .U)

15 Pension plans , employee benefits . . . . .

16a Legal fees (attach schedule ) STMT 1 41 , 375. 20 , 688 . NONE 20 , 688.


.• • .

b Accounting fees ( attach schedule)STMT 2 51 , 700. 25 , 850 . NONE 25 , 850 ..

c Other professional fees (attach scIS18M • 3 2 , 043 , 689. 872 488. NONE 1 186 523 .

17 Interest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

H 18 Taxes (attach schedule ) (see page 14 of the instructions 651 678 . NONE NONE NONE

19 Depreciation ( attach schedule ) and depletion

20 Occupancy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

21 Travel , conferences, and meetings • • • • , •

22 Printing and publications . . . . . . . . . .

c 23 Other expenses (attach schedule ) 9TM. 5 3 , 605. NONE NONE 1 , 605.

2 24 Total operating and administrative expenses.

a Add lines 13 through 23 . . . . . . 2 , 7 0047 . 919 026 . NONE 1 , 234 , 666.

0 25 Contributions , gifts, grants paid . . . . . . 37 898 863. 34 699 , 537.

26 Total enses and disbursements . Add lines 24 and 25 40 , 688 , 910. 919 , 026. NONE 35 , 934 ,203.

27 Subtract line 26 from line 12

a Excess of revenue over expenses and disbursements • • -8 , 504 , 641.

b Net Investment Income (if negative , enter -0-) 31 , 265 , 243.

c Adj usted net Income ( if n tive , enter -0- ) . -0-




For Privacy Act and Paperwork Reduction Act Notice , see the Instructions . * * STMT 4 Form 990-PF (2006)JSA8E 1410 3000

01198L 2231 V06-8.3 2125581d l

, -F

Attached schedules and amounts in the Beginning of year


Balance Sheets description column should be for end-ofyearamounts only (See instructions ) ( a) Book Value

j I Cash - non-interest-bearing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

2 Savings and temporary cash investments . . . . . . . . . . 1 112 133 Accounts receivable ►

End of

Book Value Fair Market Value

., 246 , 349. 1 ,246,349.

Less- allowance for doubtful accounts ►------------

4 Pledges receivable ►------------------------

Less allowance for doubtful accounts ►5 Grants receivable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,

6 Receivables due from officers , directors, trustees , and other

disqualified persons (attach schedule ) (see page 16 of the instructions)

7 Other notes and loans receivable ( attach schedule) ►-----

Less allowance for doubtful accounts ►------------

- - - - -

y 8 Inventories for sale or use

y 9 Prepaid expenses and deferred charges . . . . . . . . . . _ 302 , 107 .

Q 10 a Investments -US and state government obligations ( attach schedule)** 15 16 0 314 .

b Investments - corporate stock ( attach schedule ) . STMT 7, 20 395 473 .

c Investments - corporate bonds ( attach schedule ). STMT ,8 2 , 524 , 047 .11 Investments - land, buildings, ►

and equipment . basis ___________________Less accumulated depreciation ►(attach schedule ) ___________________

12 Investments - mortgage loans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

1 3 Investments - other ( attach schedule ) , , , STMT .9. 317 063 154 .14 Land , buildings, and ►

equipment basisLess accumulated depreciation ►(attach schedule ) ___________________

15 Other assets (describe ► _____________STMT- 10) 1 , 009 , 801 .

16 Total assets (to be completed by all filers - see page 17 of

the instructions . Also, see page 1 , item I ) 357 567 030 .

17 Accounts payable and accrued expenses , , , , , , , , , , _ 1 , 887 528.

18 Grants payable , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 3 , 235 , 379.

R19 Deferred revenue


20 Loans from officers , directors , trustees, and other disqualified persons

,00 21 Mortgages and other notes payable ( attach schedule) , , , ,

22 Other liabilities ( describe STMT_11) 579,792.

23 Total liabilities (add lines 17 through 22) . . . . . . . . . . .

Organizations that follow SFAS 117, check here

and complete lines 24 through 26 and lines 30 and 31.N

24 Unrestricted . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25 Temporarily restricted , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

m 26 Permanently restricted . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Organizations that do not follow SFAS 117,U. check here and complete lines 27 through 31. ►F0 27 Capital stock , trust principal , or current funds

28 Paid -in or capital surplus, or land, bldg , and equipment fund , , , , ,

S 29 Retained earnings , accumulated income , endowment , or other funds

30 Total net assets or fund balances (see page 18 of theasZ instructions ) , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

31 Total liabilities and net assets/fund balances ( see page 18 of

the instructions)

Analysis of Changes in Net Assets or Fund

16 841 881. 16 841 881.

23 ,771, 7 17. 23 771 717.

4 , 563 , 852. 4 63 , 852.

30 752 160 . 330 752 160.

78 554 886. 378 , 554 , 886.

116 578.

6 , 325 , 705.




351.864.331.1 366,330.77

1 357,567, 030.1 378,554Balances

I Total net assets or fund balances at beginning of year - Part II, column (a), line 30 (must agree withend-of-year figure reported on prior year's return) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

2 Enter amount from Part I, line 27a 2

3 Other increases not included in line 2 ( itemize ) ► SEE STATEMENT 12 3-------------------------------------

4 Add lines 1, 2, and 3 .. . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. . . .. . . . . . . . . .. .. ... . . .. . . 45 Decreases not included in line 2 (itemize) ► SEE STATEMENT 13 56 Total net assets or fund balances at end of year (line 4 minus line 5) - Part II, column (b), line 30 ... . . 6JSA **ST1KT 66E 1420 3 000




369, 188,486.



Form 990-PF (2006)

01198L 2231 V06-8.3 2125581

Capital Gains and Losses for Tax on Investment Income3

n(a) List and describe the kind(s) of property sold (e g., real estate ,

2-story brick warehouse, or common stock, 200 shs MLC Cc )acquiredP a-PUD Don

(c) Dateacquired

(mo , day, yr)(d) Date sold(mo , day,






(e) Gross sales price (f) Depreciation allowed(or allowable)

(g) Cost or other basis

plus expense of sale(h) Gain or (loss)

(e) plus (f) minus (g)





eComplete onl y for assets showing gain in column ( h ) and owned by the foundation on 12/31/69 (I) Gains (Col (h) gain minus

(i) F M V. as of 12/31t69 (1) Adjusted basisas of 12/31/69

(k) Excess of col (i)over col Q), if any

col (k), but not less than -0-) orLosses (from cot (h))




2 Capital gain net income or (net capital loss) . , , _If gain, also enter in Part I, line 7

If (loss), enter -0- in Part I, line 7 } 2

3 Net short-term capital gain or (loss) as defined in sections 1222(5) and (6)-

If gain, also enter in Part I, line 8, column (c) (see pages 13 and 18 of the instructions)

If (loss ) , enter -0- in Part I, line 8 3Qualification Under Section 4940(e) for Reduced Tax on Net Investment Income

(For optional use by domestic private foundations subject to the section 4940(a) tax on net investment income.)

If section 4940(d)(2) applies, leave this part blank.

Was the foundation liable for the section 4942 tax on the distributable amount of any year in the base period ? Yes NoIf "Yes," the foundation does not qualify under section 4940 ( e). Do not complete this part.

1 Enter the appropriate amount in each column for each year; see page 19 of the instructions before making any entries.(a )

Base period years Calendar year(or tax year beginning in)

(b)Adjusted qualifying distributions

(c)Net value of nonchantable-use assets

(d)Distribution ratio

(col (b) divided by col (c))

2005 24 428 726. 346 171 929. 0.07056818868

2004 28 282 602. 345 , 037 , 139. 0.08196973254

2003 30 322 861. 343 056 318. 0.08839032954

2002 37 , 866 439. 360 402 606. 0.10506705104

2001 32 , 175 . 34R- 382 115 133. 0.08420328121

2 Total of line 1, column (d) , . . . . . . . , . 2 0.43019858301

3 Average distribution ratio for the 5-year base period - divide the total on Ilne 2 by 5, or bythe number of years the foundation has been in existence if less than 5 years . . .. . . . 3 0. 08603971660

4 Enter the net value of noncharitable-use assets for 2006 from Part X, line 5 4 361 , 373 , 118.

5 Multiply line 4 by line 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 5 31 092 441.

6 Enter 1 % of net investment income (1 % of Part I, line 27b) . . . 6 312 , 652.

7 Add lines 5 and 6 7 31 , 405 , 093.

8 Enter qualifying distributions from Part XII, line 4 . . . , 8 35 , 934 , 203.i f line 8 is equal to or greate r t han line 7, check the box in Part VI, line 1b, and complete that part using a 1% tax rate See the PartVI instructions on page 19.

1430 3 000 Form 990-PF (2006)

01198L 2231 V06-8.3 2125581

- - tJ-OVOJO.77 raja -r

Excise Tax Based on investment Income (Section 4940(a), 4940(b), 4940(e), or 4948 - see page 19 of the instructions)

j a Exempt operating foundations described in section 4940(d)(2), check here ► and enter 'N/A- on line I

Date of ruling letter _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ (attach copy of ruling letter If necessary - see Instructions) ,

b Domestic foundations that meet the section 4940(e) requirements in Part V, check 1 312 652.here ► and enter I% of Part I, line 27b

c All other domestic foundations enter 2% of line 27b Exempt foreign organizations enter 4% of Part I, line 12, cot (b)

2 Tax under section 511 (domestic section 4947(a)(1) trusts and taxable foundations only Others enter -0-) . . 2

3 Add lines 1 and 2 , , , , , , , , 3 312 , 652 .4 Subtitle A (income) tax (domestic section 4947(a)(1) trusts and taxable foundations only Others enter -0-) . . 4 NONE

5 Tax based on Investment income. Subtract line 4 from line 3 If zero or less, enter -0. . . . . . . . . 5 312 652 .

6 Credits/Payments

a 2006 estimated tax payments and 2005 overpayment credited to 2006 , 6a 880 , 126., , ,

b Exempt foreign organizations-tax withheld at source , , , , , , , , , , , , 6b NONE

c Tax paid with application for extension of time to file (Form 8868) 6c NONE, , , , , , ,

d Backup withholding erroneously withheld . . . . . . . . . 6d

7 Total credits and payments. Add lines 6a through 6d . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 880 , 126.

8 Enter any penalty for underpayment of estimated tax. Check here if Form 2220 is attached . . . . . . 8

9 Tax due. If the total of lines 5 and 8 is more than line 7, enter amount owed , , , , , , , , , , , , , ► 9

10 Overpayment If line 7 is more than the total of lines 5 and 8, enter the amount overpaid , , , , , , , ► 10 567 , 474 .11 Enter the amount of line 10 to be. Credited to 2007 estimated tax ► 567 474. Refunded ► 11 NONE

Statements Regarding Activities

1 a During the tax year, did the foundation attempt to influence any national, state, or local legislation or did it Yes No

participate or intervene in any political campaign? , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 1 a X

b Did it spend more than $100 during the year (either directly or indirectly) for political purposes (see page 20

of the instructions for definition)? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 b X

If the answer is "Yes' to 1a or 1b, attach a detailed description of the activities and copies of any materials

published or distributed by the foundation in connection with the activities

c Did the foundation file Form 11 20-POL for this year? , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 1 c X

d Enter the amount (if any) of tax on political expenditures (section 4955) imposed during the year

(1) On the foundation (2) On foundation managers ► $

e Enter the reimbursement (if any) paid by the organization during the year for political expenditure tax imposed on

foundation managers. ► $

2 Has the foundation engaged in any activities that have not previously been reported to the IRS? , , , , , , , , 2 X, , , ,

If 'Yes,' attach a detailed description of the activities

3 Has the foundation made any changes, not previously reported to the IRS, in its governing instrument, articles of

incorporation, or bylaws, or other similar instruments? If "Yes,"attach a conformed copy of the changes . . . . . . . . . . 3 X

4a Did the foundation have unrelated business gross income of $1,000 or more during the year? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4a X

b If "Yes," has it filed a tax return on Form 990-T for this year? , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 4b X

5 Was there a liquidation, termination, dissolution, or substantial contraction during the year? , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 5 X

If "Yes," attach the statement required by General Instruction T

6 Are the requirements of section 508(e) (relating to sections 4941 through 4945) satisfied either:

• By language in the governing instrument, or

• By state legislation that effectively amends the governing instrument so that no mandatory directions that

conflict with the state law remain in the governing instrument? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 X

7 Did the foundation have at least $5,000 in assets at any time during the year? If "Yes," complete Part It, col. (c), and PartXV. 7 X

8a Enter the states to which the foundation reports or with which it is registered (see page 20 of the

instructions) ► NY,________ __________ ____ _ __________ _ __________ ____ ________

b If the answer is "Yes" to line 7, has the foundation furnished a copy of Form 990-PF to the Attorney General

(or designate) of each state as required by General Instruction G? If "No," attach explanation . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . 8b X

9 Is the foundation claiming status as a private operating foundation within the meaning of section 4942(j)(3)

or 49420)(5) for calendar year 2006 or the taxable year beginning in 2006 (see instructions for Part XIV on

page 28)? If 'Yes,* complete Part XIV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 X

10 Did any persons become substantial contributors during the tax year? If 'Yes,' attach a schedule listing theirnames and addresses , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 10 X

Form 990-PF (2006)


6E 1440 3 000

01198L 2231 V06-8.3 2125581

990-PF 5Statements Regarding Activities Continued

11 a At any time during the year , did the foundation , directly or indirectly , own a controlled entity within the

meaning of section 512(b)(13)? If 'Yes," attach schedule (see instructions) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 a X

b If "Yes ; did the foundation have a binding written contract in effect on August 17 , 2006 , covering the interest,

rents , royalties, and annuities described in the attachment for line 1la" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l l b N

12 Did the foundation acquire a direct or indirect interest in any applicable insurance contract? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 X

13 Did the foundation comply with the public inspection requirements for its annual returns and exemption application? 13 X

Websiteaddress - __-__WWW.PFIZER.COM---------------------------------------------------------------------14 The booksareincareof ► -CAROLINE ROAN _____________________ Telephone no

Located at EAST 42ND STREET NEW YORK^_ NY ____ ________ ______ ZIP+ 4 .10017 =5755

15 Section 4947( a)(1) nonexempt charitable trusts filing Form 990-F in lieu of Form 1041 - Check here . . . . . . . . . . N(A . . . . . .and enter the amount of tax-exempt interest received or accrues during the year



Statements Regarding Activities for Which Form 4720 May Be Required

File Form 4720 if any item is checked in the "Yes" column, unless an exception applies. Yes No

1a During the year did the foundation (either directly or indirectly) q

(1) Engage in the sale or exchange , or leasing of property with a disqualified person? , , , , . , , , Yes a No

(2) Borrow money from , lend money to, or otherwise extend credit to (or accept it from)

a disqualified person? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Yes X No

(3) Furnish goods , services , or facilities to (or accept them from ) a disqualified person? . . . . . . . X Yes No

(4) Pay compensation to, or pay or reimburse the expenses of, a disqualified person? . . . . . . . , Yes X No

(5) Transfer any income or assets to a disqualified person ( or make any of either available

for the benefit or use of a disqualified person )? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . q Yes X No

(6) Agree to pay money or property to a government official? (Exception . Check "No"

if the foundation agreed to make a grant to or to employ the official for a period

after termination of government service , if terminating within 90 days) . . . . . . . . . . . . . q Yes aX No

b If any answer is "Yes" to 1a ( 1)-(6), did any of the acts fail to qualify under the exceptions described in Regulations

section 53 4941 (d)-3 or in a current notice regarding disaster assistance (see page 22 of the instructions )? . . . . .. • • • . 1 b X

Organizations relying on a current notice regarding disaster assistance check here . . . . . . . . . . . . . ►c Did the foundation engage in a prior year in any of the acts described in la, other than excepted acts ,

that were not corrected before the first day of the tax year beginning in 2006" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 X

2 Taxes on failure to distribute income ( section 4942) (does not apply for years the foundation was a private

operating foundation defined in section 4942(1)(3) or 4942(j)(5)).

a At the end of tax year 2006 , did the foundation have any undistributed income (lines 6d

and 6e , Part XIII) for tax year(s) beginning before 2006" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . q Yes aX No

If "Yes," list the years - - _ - - - - _ - - - , _

b Are there any years listed in 2a for which the foundation is not applying the provisions of section 4942(a)(2)

(relating to incorrect valuation of assets) to the year's undistributed income? (If applying section 4942(a)(2)

to all years listed , answer "No" and attach statement - see page 22 of the instructions ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2b N

c If the provisions of section 4942 (a)(2) are being applied to any of the years listed in 2a , list the years here

----------- --------- --------- ---------3a Did the foundation hold more than a 2% direct or indirect interest in any business

enterprise at any time during the year? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . q Yes q No

b If "Yes, " did it have excess business holdings in 2006 as a result of ( 1) any purchase by the foundation

or disqualified persons after May 26, 1969 ; ( 2) the lapse of the 5-year period (or longer period approved

by the Commissioner under section 4943 ( c)(7)) to dispose of holdings acquired by gift or bequest, or (3)

the lapse of the 10- , 15-, or 20-year first phase holding period? (Use Schedule C, Form 4720, to determine

if the foundation had excess business holdings in 2006.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3b X

4a Did the foundation invest during the year any amount in a manner that would jeopardize its chantable purposes? . , . , . , , 4a X

b Did the foundation make any investment in a prior year ( but after December 3 1 , 1969 ) that could jeopardize its charitable - ---purpose that had not been removed from jeopardy before the first day of the tax year beginning in 2006? . . . . . . . . . . . 4 b X_

Form 990-PF (2006)


01198L 2231 V06-8.3 2125581

990-PF (2006) 6

Statements Regarding Activities for Which Form 4720 May Be Required Continued

5a During the year did the foundation pay or incur any amount to.

q(1) Carry on propaganda, or otherwise attempt to influence legislation ( section 4945(e))" . . . . . . Yes X No

(2) Influence the outcome of any specific public election (see section 4955 ), or to carry

on, directly or indirectly , any voter registration drive? Yes


X No

B(3) Provide a grant to an individual for travel , study , or other similar purposes? . . . . . . . . . . . Yes X No

(4) Provide a grant to an organization other than a charitable, etc, organization described

in section 509 ( a)(1), (2), or ( 3), or section 4940 (d)(2)? (see instructions ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . Yes 0 No

(5) Provide for any purpose other than religious , charitable , scientific , literary, or

educational purposes , or for the prevention of cruelty to children or animals? q Yes q No

b If any answer is "Yes" to 5a ( 1)-(5), did any of the transactions fail to qualify under the exceptions described in

Regulations section 53 4945 or in a current notice regarding disaster assistance (see page 23 of the instructions )? • - • •- 5b X.

Organizations relying on a current notice regarding disaster assistance check here . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

c If the answer is "Yes" to question 5a(4), does the foundation claim exemption from theSEE STATEMENT 22 a E]tax because it maintained expenditure responsibility for the grant? Yes No

If "Yes, " attach the statement required by Regulations section 53 4945-5(d)

6a Did the foundation , during the year , receive any funds , directly or indirectly, to pay0 qpremiums on a personal benefit contract ? . . . , , , , , , , . . . . . . . . . . . . . Yes X No

b Did the foundation , during the year , pay premiums , directly or indirectly , on a personal benefit contract? 6b XIf you answered "Yes" to 6b , also file Form 8870

7a At any time during the tax year, was the foundation a party to a prohibited tax shelter transaction? ElYes Nob If yes , did the foundation receive any proceeds or have any net income attributable to the transaction? . 7 b X

Information About Officers , Directors , Trustees , Foundation Managers , Highly Paid Employees,

1 List all officers . directors . trustees . foundation managers and their compensation (see nano 23 of the instruction-q1-(b) Title, and average (c) Compensation (d) Contributions to (e) Expense account,

(a ) Name and address hours per weekdevoted to position

( If not paid, enter-0-

employee benefit plansand deferred compensation

other allowances

-------------------------------------SEE STATEMENT 15 NONE NONE NONF




2 Compensation of five hiahest- paid emnlovees (other than those included on line I - see nano 24 of the instructions).If none . enter "NONE."

(a) Name and address of each employee paid more than $50,000(b) Title and average

hours per weekdevoted to position

(c) Compensation(d) Contributions toemployee benefitplans and deferredcompensation

(e) Expense account,other allowances






Total number of other employees paid over $50,000 . 10- 1 NONEForm 990-PF (2006)

JSA6E1460 4 000

01198L 2231 V06-8.3 2125581

rm 990-PF (2006) 13-6083 839 Page 7

Information About Officers , Directors , Trustees , Foundation Managers, Highly Paid Employees,and Contractors Continued

3 Five highest-paid independent contractors for professional services (see page 24 of the instructions). If none, enter"NONE."

(a) Name and address of each person paid more than $50,000 (b) Type of service (c) Compensation

---------------------------------------------------------SEE STATEMENT 16 1 , 817 , 440.





Total number of others receiving over $50,000 for professional services . . NONE

Summary of Direct Charitable Activities

List the foundation ' s four largest direct chantabte activities during the tax year Include relevant statistical information such as the numberof organizations and other beneficiaries served , conferences convened , research papers produced, etc


NSA------- ---------------------------------------------------


2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------





rTTAD39M Summary of Program -Related Investments (see Daoe 24 of the instructions)Describe the two largest program -related investments made up by the foundation during the tax year on lines 1 and 2 Amount

1-NONE ---- --------------------------------------------------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

All other program-related investments See page 25 of the instructions



Total . Add lines 1 throug h 3 . . ►Form 990-PF (2006)


01198L 2231 V06-8.3 2125581

FJ*O-PF (2006) 13-60 83839 Page 8Minimum Investment Return (All domestic foundations must complete this part. Foreign foundations,see page 25 of the instructions.)

1 Fair market value of assets not used (or held for use) directly in carrying out charitable, etc ,purposes-

a Average monthly fair market value of securities . la 363,681, 525.b Average of monthly cash balances. . . 1 b 1 , 815 , 810.c Fair market value of all other assets (see page 25 of the instructions) . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 c 1 , 378 , 927.d Total (add lines 1a, b, and c), , , , , , , , , , , , , , , Id 366 , 876 , 262.e Reduction claimed for blockage or other factors reported on lines la and

1 c (attach detailed explanation) Ile2 Acquisition indebtedness applicable to line 1 assets 2 NONE3 Subtract line 2 from line ld ........................ . ..


3 366 , 876 , 262.4

............ ..Cash deemed held for charitable activities. Enter 1 1 /2 % of line 3 (for greater amount, see page 26

of the instructions) 4 5 , 503 , 144.5 Net value of noncharitable-use assets . Subtract line 4 from line 3. Enter here and on Part V, line 4 5 361 , 373 , 118.6 Minimum investment return . Enter 5% of line 5 6 18 066 656.92.11 Distributable Amount (see page 26 of the instructions) (Section 49420)(3) and (j)(5) private operating

foundations and certain foreign organizations check here ► n and do not complete this part.)

1 Minimum investment return from Part X, line 6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 18 , 068 , 656.2a Tax on investment income for 2006 from Part VI, line 5 2a 312 , 652.b Income tax for 2006. (This does not include the tax from Part VI.) 2b

c Add lines 2a and 2b 2c 312 , 652.3 Distributable amount before adjustments. Subtract line 2c from line 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 17 , 756 , 004.4 Recoveries of amounts treated as qualifying distributions , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 45 Add lines 3 and 4 .............................................. 5 17 , 756 , 004.6 Deduction from distributable amount (see page 26 of the instructions) . . 67 Distributable amount as adjusted Subtract line 6 from line 5 Enter here and on Part XIII,

line 1 7 17 , 756 , 004.

Qualifying Distributions (see page 26 of the instructions)

1 Amounts paid (including administrative expenses) to accomplish charitable, etc., purposes:a Expenses, contributions, gifts, etc. - total from Part I, column (d), line 26 , . . . . . . . 1 a 35 , 934 , 203.b Program-related investments - total from Part IX-B ..... ......... lb NONE

2 Amounts paid to acquire assets used (or held for use) directly in carrying out charitable, etc.,purposes ...... ........ .... .... 2 NONE

3 Amounts set aside for specific charitable projects that satisfy the: -

a Suitability test (prior IRS approval required) 3a NONEb Cash distribution test (attach the required schedule) . . . . . ... . ..


3b NONE4 Qualifying distributions . Add lines 1 a through 3b Enter here and on Part V, line 8, and Part XIII, line 4 . , , , . .


4 35 , 934 , 203.5 Foundations that qualify under section 4940(e) for the reduced rate of tax on net investment

income Enter 1% of Part I, line 27b (see page 27 of the instructions) 5 312 , 652 .6 Adjusted qualifying distributions . Subtract line 5 from line 4 6 35 621 551.

Note : The amount on line 6 will be used in Part V, column (b), in subsequent years when calculating whether the foundationqualifies for the section 4940(e) reduction of tax in those years.

Form 990-PF (2006)

JSA6E 1470 3 000

01198L 2231 V06-8.3 2125581

G. 990-PF (2006) 13-6083839 Page 9

Undistributed Income (see page 27 of the instructions)

( a) (b) (c) (d)1 Distributable amount for 2006 from Part XI, Corpus Years prior to 2005 2005 2006

line 7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 , 756 , 004 ,

2 Undistributed income, if any, as of the end of 2005

a Enter amount for 2005 only . . , . . , . . . NONE

b Total for prior years 2 004 NONE

3 Excess distributions carryover, if any, to 2006

a From 2001 7 , 991 , 700.

b From2002 ,,,,.. 19 , 911 , 985.

c From2003 ,,,,,, 13 , 350 , 969. S -

d From 2004 , , , , , ,


12 , 228 , 065. - '

e From 2005 7 , 696 , 718.

f Total of lines 3a through e , , , , , - , , , , 61 , 179 437 ,

4 Qualifying distributions for 2006 from Part

XI l,line 4 35,934,203.

a Applied to 2005, but not more than line 2a NONE '

b Applied to undistributed income of prior years - -(Election required - see page 27 of the instructions) S

c Treated as distributions out of corpus (Election ,-required - see page 27 of the instructions) . . .

d Applied to 2006 distributable amount , , , , , 17 , 756 , 004.

e Remaining amount distributed out of corpus . . 18 , 178 , 199. -

5 Excess distributions carryover applied to 2006 ,(If an amount appears in column (d), thesame amount must be shown in column (a) )

6 Enter the net total of each column asindicated below:

-a Corpus. Add lines 3f, 4c, and 4e Subtract line 5 7 9 , 37 , 636. -

b Prior years' undistributed income Subtract


. .line 4b from line 2b ............ NONE

c Enter the amount of prior years' undistributed 'income for which a notice of deficiency hasbeen issued, or on which the section 4942(a)tax has been previously assessed , . . , . .

d Subtract line 6c from line 6b Taxableamount - see page 27 of the instructions , , , , NONE

e Undistributed income for 2005 Subtract line -4a from line 2a Taxable amount - see page27 of the instructions , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , NONE

f Undistributed income for 2006 Subtract Slines 4d and 5 from line 1 This amount mustbe distributed in 2007



7 Amounts treated as distributions out ofcorpus to satisfy requirements imposed by _section 170(b)(1)(E) or 4942(g)(3) (see page28 of the instructions) , , , ,

8 Excess distributions carryover from 2001 notapplied on line 5 or line 7 (see page 28 of -the instructions) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 991 700 .

9 Excess distributions carryover to 2007. ,

Subtract lines 7 and 8 from line 6a 71 365 936 .

10 Analysis of line 9-

a Excess from 2002 , , , 19 , 911 , 985.

b Excess from 2003 , , , 13 350 969.

c Excess from 2004 , , , 12 , 228 , 065. • '° i

d Excess from 2005 , , , '7 , 696 , 718.e Excess from 2006 . . . 18.178.199. 1

Form 990-PF (2006)


6E1480 3 000

01198L 2231 V06-8,3 2125581

990-PF (2006) 13-60 83839 Page 10

Private Operating Foundations (see page 28 of the instructions and Part VII-A, question 9) NOT APPLICABLEI a If the foundation has received a ruling or determination letter that it is a private operating

foundation , and the ruling is effective for 2006, enter the date of the ruling ►b Check box to indicate whether the foundation is a private operating foundation described in section 49420)(3) or L 4942())(5)

2a Enter the lesser of theTax year Prior 3 years

adjusted net income from (a) 2006 (b) 2005 (c) 2004 (d) 2003(e) Total

Part I or the minimum

investment return from Part

X for each year listed . .

b 85% of line 2a . . . . .

C Qualifying distributions from Part

XII, line 4 for each year listed

d Amounts included in line 2c not

used directly for active conduct

of exempt activities . . . . .

e Qualifying distributions made

directly for active conduct of

exempt activities Subtract

line 2d from line 2c . . . . .

3 Complete 3a, b, or c for the

altemative test relied upon

a 'Assets' alternat ive test - enter

(1) Value of all assets . . .

(2) Value of assets qualifying

under section

4942OX3XB )(t). . . .

b "Endowment" alternative test-

enter 2/3 of minimum invest-

ment return shown in Part x,

line 6 for each year listed . .

C 'Support' alternative test - enter

(1) Total support other than

gross investment income

(interest, dividends , rents,

payments on securities

loans ( section 512( a)(5)),

or royalties)

(2) Support from general

public and 5 or more

exempt organizations as

provided in section 4942

GX3XBxro ) . . . . . .

( 3) Largest amount of sup-port from an exemptorganization , , , , ,

(4) Gross investment income ,

Supplementary Information (Complete this part only if the organization had $5 ,000 or more in assetsat any time during the year - see page 28 of the instructions.)

1 Information Regarding Foundation Managers:

a List any managers of the foundation who have contributed more than 2% of the total contributions received by the foundationbefore the close of any tax year (but only if they have contributed more than $5,000). (See section 507(d)(2) )


b List any managers of the foundation who own 10% or more of the stock of a corporation (or an equally large portion of theownership of a partnership or other entity) of which the foundation has a 10% or greater interest.

N/A2 Information Regarding Contribution , Grant, Gift, Loan , Scholarship , etc., Programs:

Check here ► if the foundation only makes contributions to preselected charitable organizations and does not acceptunsolicited requests for funds. If the foundation makes gifts, grants, etc. (see page 28 of the instructions) to individuals ororganizations under other conditions, complete items 2a, b, c, and d.

a The name, address, and telephone number of the person to whom applications should be addressed:

b The form in which applications should be submitted and information and materials they should include:

c Any submission deadlines:

d Any restrictions or limitations on awards, such as by geographical areas, charitable fields, kinds of institutions, or otherfactors:

JSA6E1 490 3 000 Form 990-PF (2006)6E1

01198L 2231 V06-8.3 2125581

Orm 990-PF (2006) 13-6083839 Page 1 1

EYWRI-Supplementary Information (continued)

3 Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year or Approved for Future PaymentRecipient If recip i ent is an individual,

show any relationship toFoundation Purpose of grant or Am t

Name and address (home or business) any foundat ion manageror substantial contributor

statusreci p ientrect P


a Paid during the year

SEE STATEMENT 21 34,699,537.

..................................................Total ► 3a 34 , 699 , 537.

b Approved for future payment


Total 3b 3,413,190.

Form 990-PF (2006)


661491 3 000

01198L 2231 V06-8.3 2125581

•rm 990-PF (2006) Page 12Analysis of Income-Producing Activities

Enter gross amounts unless otherwise indicated Unrelated business income Excluded b section 512, 513, or 514 (e)Related or exempt

(a) (b) (C) (d ) function incomeeu coo Amount See page 29 of

I Program service revenue sines a Exclusion code amountthe instructions







g Fees and contracts from government agencies

2 Membership dues and assessments , , , , ,

3 interest on savings and temporary cash investments 14 3 , 133 , 129.

4 Dividends and interest from securities 14 5 , 356 , 169.

5 Net rental income or (loss) from real estate

a Debt-financed property . . . . . . . . .

b Not debt-financed property , , , . , , ,

6 Net rental income or (loss) from personal property

7 Other investment income

8 Gain or (loss) from sales of assets other than inventory 18 23 689 735.

9 Net income or (loss) from special events . , ,

10 Gross profit or (loss) from sales of inventory.

11 Other revenue a

b OTHER INCOME 01 5 , 236.




12 Subtotal Add columns (b), (d), and (e) , . , , 32 , 184 , 269.

13 Total. Add line 12, columns (b), (d), and (e) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 32,184,269.(See worksheet in line 13 instructions on page 29 to verify calculations )

Relationship of Activities to the Accomplishment of Exempt Purposes

Line No. Explain below how each activity for which income is reported in column (e) of Part XVI-A contributed importantly to. the accomplishment of the foundation's exempt purposes (other than by providing funds for such purposes). (See

page 29 of the instructions.)


6E 1492 3 000

01198L 2231 V06-8.3 2125581

Form 990-PF (2006)

-PF 2006 13 -6083839 Page13Information Regarding Transfers To and Transactions and Relationships With Noncharitable

Did the organization directly or indirectly engage in any of the following with any other organization described in section Yes No

501(c) of the Code (other than section 501(c)(3) organizations) or in section 527, relating to political organizations?

a Transfers from the reporting foundation to a nonchantable exempt organization of

(1) Cash ..........................................................1a1 X

(2) Other assets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1!1)2 X

b Other transactions

( 1 ) Sales of assets to a noncharitable exempt organization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 b 1 X

(2) Purchases of assets from a noncharitable exempt organization , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 1 b 2 X

(3) Rental of facilities, equipment, or other assets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 b 3 X

(4) Reimbursement arrangements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 b 4 X

(5) Loans or loan guarantees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 b ( 5 ) X

(6) Performance of services or membership or fundraising solicitations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 b ( 6 ) X

c Sharing of facilities, equipment, mailing lists, other assets, or paid employees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 c X

d If the answer to any of the above is "Yes," complete the following schedule Column (b) should always show the fair market value of the goods,

other assets, or services given by the reporting foundation If the foundation received less than fair market value in any transaction or sharing

arrangement, show in column (d) the value of the goods, other assets, or services received

(a) Name of organization (b) Type of organization (c) Description of relationship

Und a Ities of Perjury, I declare that I have examined this return, including accompanying schedules and statements, and to the best of my knowledge andbell f i t is rue, correct, a omplete Declaration of preparer (other than taxpayer or fiduciary) Is based on all information of which preparer has any knowledge

^ i kILL^U u_Signature of officer or trustee

rn Preparer's4JU) M p signature -..1

m a Firm's name (or yours if KPMG LLP'self-employed), address, 345 PARK AVENUEand ZIP code



01198L 2231

2 a Is the foundation directly or indirectly affiliated with, or related to, one or more tax-exempt organizations described in

section 501 ( c) of the Code (other than section 501 ( c)(3)) or in section 527? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . q Yes No

b If "Yes." comolete the followma schedule

PV 44 210612 670 1341 K C 29404-237-43452-7 A0137766 211A

P 201)737 1011231) 10017 IRS USE ONLY 136033339 I E 3

Department of the Tieasury Poi assistance, call:

J InlcrnalIle" enueSen ice I-877-829-5500

•^^7! OGDEN, 11T 84201-nn74

009938.424391.0032.001 1 AT 0.334 530

11111111111111111.1lll11111I l•l,..lll,uo.ll•l.lnl^1nl.^l^l



Notice Number : CP2I I:\

Da(e: September 24, 2007

'I'uwaver Identification Number:

13-6083839'I'm 1'01 ' 111: O9OPPF

'Fax Pcuio I : I)ecembel i I , 2(1(16



We have received your Form 8868 , Application for Extension of Time to File an Exempt OrganizationReturn , for the return (form) and tax period identified above

We have approved your request and have extended the due date to file your return toNovember 15, 2007

Please attach a copy of this letter to your return when you the it. It is evidence that we granted anextension of time to file your return. A copy is provided for your records.

If you have any questions, please call us at the number shown above, or you may write us at the addressshown at the top left of this letter.

For tax forms, instructions and information visit w ww. irs. ue (Access to this site will not provide youwith your specific taxpayer account Information.)

Page I


FORM 990PF, PART I - LEGAL FEES--------------------------------------------------------------



LEGAL FEES 41,375. 20,688 . NONE 20,688.-------------- -------------- -------------- --------------

TOTALS 41,375. 20,688. NONE 20,688.-------------- -------------- -------------- ---------------------------- -------------- -------------- --------------

01198L 2231 V06-8.3 2125581 STATEMENT 1


FORM 990PF, PART I - ACCOUNTING FEES------------------------------------------------------------------------





PER BOOKS INCOME--------- ------



51,700. 25,850.--

NONE---------- --

25,850.-------------------------- --

TOTALS 51,700.------------ --

25,850. NONE 25,850.

01198L 2231 V06-8.3 2125581 STATEMENT 2


FORM 990PF, PART I - OTHER PROFESSIONAL FEES----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------





PER BOOKS---------




872,488. 872,488. NONE NONE

961,201. NONE NONE 976,523.

210,000. NONE--------- -



TOTALS 2,043,689.-----

872,488. NONE 1,186,523.

01198L 2231 V06-8.3 2125581 STATEMENT 3


FORM 990PF, PART I - TAXES----------------------------------------------------






PER BOOKS INCOME INCOME PURPOSES--------- ------ ------ --------


-------------- -------------- -------------- --------------


01198L 2231 V06-8.3 2125581 STATEMENT 4









PER BOOKS INCOME--------- ------


INCOME PURPOSES------ --------

1,500. NONE NONE 1,500.

105. NONE NONE-- ---

105.------------------------- ----


---------- ----NONE

--------NONE 1,605.

01198L 2231 V06-8.3 2125581 STATEMENT 5














01198L 2231 V06-8.3 2125581 STATEMENT 6


FORM 990PF, PART II - CORPORATE STOCK--------------------------------------------------------------------------












01198L 2231 V06-8.3 2125581 STATEMENT 7


FORM 990PF, PART II - CORPORATE BONDS--------------------------------------------------------------------------


CORPORATE BONDS 4,563,852.---------------

TOTALS 4,563,852.------------------------------

01198L 2231 V06-8.3 2125581






FORM 990PF, PART II - OTHER INVESTMENTS------------------------------------------------------------------------------












01198L 2231 V06-8.3 2125581 STATEMENT 9


FORM 990PF, PART II - OTHER ASSETS--------------------------------------------------------------------












01198L 2231 V06-8.3 2125581 STATEMENT 10

















01198L 2231 V06-8.3 2125581



DESCRIPTION AMOUNT----------- ------

UNREALIZED GAIN ON INVESTMENTS 25,828,796.--------------

TOTAL 25,828,796.----------------------------


01198L 2231 V06-8.3 2125581










01198L 2231 V06-8.3 2125581


















NEW YORK, NY 10017




NEW YORK, NY 10017





NEW YORK, NY 10017




NEW YORK, NY 10017




NEW YORK, NY 10017



01198L 2231 V06-8.3 2125581 STATEMENT 14


FORM 990PF, PART VIII - LIST OF OFFICERS, DIRECTORS, AND TRUSTEES=aeea==ae==oooa=v=c==o=o=eoaa=a=====__°====o-oom=--o=c==oooooooc=






------------------- ------------ ------------- ----------


NEW YORK, NY 10017




NEW YORK, NY 10017




NEW YORK, NY 10017




NEW YORK, NY 10017




NEW YORK, NY 10017

-- -- - -------------





-------- --


-------------- --------------- -



01198L 2231 V06-8.3 2125581 STATEMENT 15



NAME AND ADDRESS----------------

TYPE OF SERVICE---------------






P.O. BOX 7174




NEW YORK, NY 10017






NEW YORK, NY 10017















01198L 2231 V06-8.3 2125581






--------------------------FOUNDATION STATUS OF RECIPIENT
























01198L 2231 V06-8.3 2125581 STATEMENT 17



Investment Fund Gain/( Loss)

NT Money Market 120,101Pfizer Stock 47,314Pimco 1,134,741Pfizer-Delaware 30Bank of Ireland 14Private Equities 183Technology Partners Fund VII 11,361Oak Investment Partners X 9,438Redpoint Ventures II 4,738Behrman Capital III 810TA IX 5,987JH Whitney V 5,025BGI Alpha Tilt 228Dodge & Cox 1,462Artisan Small Cap Val 2,514Cap Guardian Intl 268BGI Intl Alpha Tilt 1,147Pimco Tips 846,501PFE Found. Blackrock 848,873

Subtotal 3,040,735

Audit Adjustment 92,394

Total to Part I, Line 3 3,133,129





Investment Fund Gain/(Loss)

NT Money Market 4Pfizer Stock 803,520Forstmann Leff 86Bank of Ireland 411Technology Partners Fund VII 40Oak Investment Partners X 8,668Redpoint Ventures II 2,245Behrman Capital III 42,671TA IX 91,485JH Whitney V 86,757Pfizer Foundation Delaware 399,210BGI Alpha Tilt 2,409,110Dodge & Cox 885,404Artisan Small Cap Val 21,611Cap Guardian Intl 306,426BGI Intl Alpha Tilt 385,387PFE Found. Blackrock 85,070Subtotal 5,528,106

Audit Adjustment (171,937)

Total to Part I, Line 4 5,356,169





Investment Fund

NT Money MarketPimcoPfizer-DelawareTechnology Partners Fund VIIOak Investment Partners XRedpoint Ventures IIBehrman Capital IIITA IXJH Whitney VPfizer Foundation DelawareBGI Alpha TiltDodge & CoxArtisan Small Cap ValCap Guardian IntlBGI Intl Alpha TiltPimco TipsPFE Found . BlackrockSubtotal

Audit Adjustment

Total to Part I, Line 7
















$ 7,571,31914,864,4921,673,194





ORGANIZATION NAME PROGRAM TOTAL FOUNDATION AMOUNTAIDS CARE SERVICE, INC Healthcare $ 7,500.00AIDS CARE SERVICE, INC Healthcare $ 18,000.00AIDS RESOURCE COUNCIL Healthcare $ 7,500.00AIDS RESOURCE COUNCIL Healthcare $ 17,000.00AIM-AID TO INMATE MOTHERS Healthcare $ 7,500.00AIM-AID TO INMATE MOTHERS Healthcare $ 18,000.00CHATHAM SOCIAL HEALTH COUNCIL Healthcare $ 10,000.00COMMUNITY FUNDS, INC Healthcare $ 100,000:00FAMILY SERVICE OF GREATER Healthcare $ 7,500.00FAMILY SERVICE OF GREATER Healthcare $ 18,000.00HOPEHEALTH Healthcare $ 18,000.00NTERNATIONAL AIDS EMPOWERMENT Healthca(e $ 7,500.00NTERNATIONAL AIDS EMPOWERMENT Healthcare $ 7,50000NTERNATIONAL AIDS EMPOWERMENT Healthcare $ 18,000.00JACKSONVILLE AREA SEXUAL Healthcare $ 7,500.00JACKSONVILLE AREA SEXUAL Healthcare $ 7,500.00MOBILE AIDS SUPPORT SERVICES Healthcare $ 7,500.00MOTHERSVOICES Healthcare $ 7,500 00MOTHERS' VOICES Healthcare $ 18,000.00MUJERES UNIDAS CONTRA EL Healthcare $ 18,000.00NATIONAL MINORITY AIDS COUNCIL Healthcare $ 30,000.00NATIONAL MINORITY AIDS COUNCIL Healthcare 50,000.00RURAL WOMEN'S HEALTH PROJECT Healthcare $ 18,000.00SEMBRANDO FLORES Healthcare $ 18,000.00SOUTHEAST GEORGIA COMMUNITIES Healthcare $ 18,000.00SOUTHWEST LOUISIANA AIDS Healthcare $ 7,500.00SOUTHWEST LOUISIANA AIDS Healthcare $ 18,000.00UNION MISSION, INC Healthcare $ 7,500.00BIOTECHNOLOGY INSTITUTE Education $ 96,580.00CONNECTICUT CENTER FOR SCIENCE Education $ 1,000,000.00EMORY UNIV SCHOOL OF MEDICINE Education $ 2,58500FAIRLEIGH DICKINSON UNIVERSITY Education $ 10,000.00FENWAY HIGH SCHOOL Education $ 80,000.00FOUNDATION FOR LINCOLN PUBLIC Education $ 115,000.00GREENWOOD SCHOOL DISTRICT 50 Education $ 26,666.00GREENWOOD SCHOOL DISTRICT 51 Education $ 26,666.00GREENWOOD SCHOOL DISTRICT 52 Education $ 26,666.00KALAMAZOO VALLEY COMMUNITY Education $ 15,000 00KEYSTONE CENTER Education $ 27,950.00

KEYSTONE CENTER Education $ 285,000.00LEARN Education $ 35,000.00

LEARN Education $ 86,835.00LEARN Education $ 125,000.00LEARN Education $ 135,000.00MARINE BIOLOGICAL LABORATORY Education $ 46,504.00MEMPHIS MUSEUMS INC. Education $ 15,000.00MORRI EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATION Education $ 10,000.00

NEW YORK HALL OF SCIENCE Education $ 35,000.00NORTH CAROLINA MUSEUM OF Education $ 13,100.00PARKWAY ACADEMY OF HEALTH & Education $ 20,000.00THE ROBIN HOOD FOUNDATION Education $ 1,000,000.00UNIVERSITY OF BUFFALO Education $ 1,000.00UNIVERSITY OF PUERTO RICO Education $ 29,100.00VASSAR COLLEGE Education $ 1,000.00WILDLIFE CONSERVATION SOCIETY Education $ 50,000.00WORCESTER POLYTECHNIC Education $ 41,667.00

AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY International Health $ 800,000.00NTERNATIONAL LONGEVITY Intemational Health $ 325,000.00PEOPLE-TO-PEOPLE HEALTH International Health $ 400,000.00

BROOKLYN CHILDRENS MUSEUM Directed $ 250,000.00COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF Directed $ 250,000.00GOD'S LOVE WE DELIVER Directed $ 50,000.00NORTH CAROLINA MEDICAL SOCIETY Directed $ 50,000.00POPULATION COUNCIL Directed $ 75,000.00


1 OF 2




TOTAL: $ 7,571,319.00


2 OF 2


2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION MATCHING GIFTS Summary by Organization Name

Or anization Name Total Company Amount100 Black Men of Indiana lis Inc - Indiana olis IN 500.0010-10 International Net Scholarshi p Foundation - Tucson , AZ 200.001860 House Inc. - Skillman NJ 40.00300 Committee Inc - Falmouth , MA 50.004 Oneworld Incorporated - Kalamazoo , MI 500.004-H Clubs & Affiliated 4 H Or anizations - Fort Collins , CO 50.006th Man Foundation - Leesbur iz, VA 13 ,000.009 11 Environmental Action Inc. - New York , NY 50.00A Better Chance of Westport Inc - Interfaith Council Of Westport - 650.00A Caring Crisis Pre gnanc y Center of Northeast Colorado - Brush , CO 400.00A L A In the U S Inc - Rockville , MD 30.00A L S Therapy Development Foundation - Cambrid ge , MA $6 . 550.00A Le g To Stand on Inc - New York, NY 555.00A Livin Memorial To the Holocaust Museum of Jewish Heritage - New 259.00A Moveable Feast - Jewett City, CT 50.00A Place To Grow Inc - Wakefield , RI 150.00A S Foundation Oran ge County - Irvine , CA 102.0A Sacred Place Inc - East Lyme , CT 405.00A Torah Infertility Medium of Exchan ge - Brookl yn, NY 380.00AACR Foundation for the Prevention and Cure of Cancer - Philadel phia , 100.00Aaron Davis Hall Inc - New York , NY 50.00AARP Foundation - Washin gton , DC 75.00Abandoned Animals - Hamden , CT 200.00Abbeville County Fire Commission - Ed gewood Volunteer Fire Department $ 1 , 000.00Abbott Northwestern Hosp ital Foundation - Minneapolis , MN 800.00Abb Kelle Foster House Inc - Worcester , MA 25.00Abc of Wilton Inc - Wilton , CT 50900Abi g ail Alliance for Better Access To Developmental Dru gs Inc - 50.00Abilene Boys Ranch - Ben Riche y Boys Ranch - Abilene , TX 200.00Abilene Christian University - Abilene , TX 691.00Ability Beyond Disability Inc - Bethel , CT 25.00Abingdon Theatre Company - New York , NY 204.00Academic Alliance Foundation for AIDS Care and Prevention In Africa - $3 , 350.00Academic Freedom Lecture Fund - Ann Arbor, MI 50.00Academy of Basic Education , Inc. - Brookfield , WI 250.00Academy of Communications and Technolo gy Charter School - Chicago , IL 100.00Academy of Mount St. Ursula School - Bronx , NY $4 , 751.62Academy of Our Lady of Good Counsel - White Plains , NY 450.00Academy of Performing Arts Incorporated - Orleans , MA 75.00Academy of Saint Therese - Gales Ferry, CT $ 3 , 286.00Academy of Science of St Louis - Saint Louis , MO 470.00Academy of Strin gs - Johnson City, TN 575.00Academy of the Fox Cities Inc - Appleton , WI 900.00Academy of the Holy Angels Colle ge Preparatory School - Demarest NJ $6 . 750.00Academy of the Holy Family - Baltic , CT 50.00Academy of the Hol y Famil y Inc - Sacred Heart Educational Center - 500.00Academy of the Holy Names - Tampa , FL $200.00Academy of the New Church - B ryn Athyn, PA 50.00Acadia Zoolo g ical Park - Trenton , ME 450.00Access Fund - Boulder , CO 102.50Accion International - Boston , MA 265.00Accuracy In Academia Inc - Washin gton , DC 50.00Ace Baile Childrens Foundation - Newport , RI 25.00Achievement Center for Children - Bedford Hei ghts , OH 250.00Acoustic Neuroma Association - Cumming, GA $5000Acterra Action for A Sustainable Earth - Palo Alto , CA 125.00Action A ainst Hun ger USA - New York , NY $3 ,950.00Action for Brid geport Community Development Inc - Brid geport , Ct 250.00Action International Ministries - Mountlake Terrace , WA 55.00Actors Fund of America - New York , NY $ 1 , 80000Actors Theatre of Atlanta Inc - Atlanta , GA 200.00Adams State Colle ge Foundation - Alamosa CO $ 1 , 450.00Adaptive S ports Foundation Inc - Windham, NY $485.00Adel hi University - Garden City, NY $ 1 , 175.00Adirondack Council Inc. - Elizabethtown , NY 280.00Adirondack Forty-Sixers Inc - Cad ille NY 25.00Adirondack Mountain Club Inc - Lake George , NY 505.00Adirondack Nature Conservancy - Keene Valle NY 100.00Adirondack Tri-County Nursin g and Rehabilitation Center Inc - North 25.00Admiral Nimitz Foundation - Fredericksburg, TX 70.00Adopt-A Pet - Allegan , 150.00Ado tion Rhode Island - Pawtucket , RI $25.00Adrian Colle ge - Adrian , MI $ 1 , 700.00Adult Literac y Service of Indian River County Inc. - Vero Beach , FL 100.00


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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION MATCHING GIFTS Summary by Organization NameOrganization Name Total Company AmountAdventure Center at Pretty Lake - Mattawan , MI 50.00Adventure Learnin Centre Inc - Margate , FL 13000.00Advocates for Children of New York Inc - New York , NY 75.00Advocates for Self-Government - Cartersville , GA 50.00AED Fund of Kalamazoo County - Porta ge , MI 25.00Aerospace Education Foundation , Inc. - Arlin gton , VA $25.00Africa Education Initiative - Mystic , CT 750.00African Leadershi p Inc - Franklin , TN 100.00African Medical & Research Foundation Inc. - New York , NY $25 ,050.00African Medical & Research Foundation Amre - New York, NY $ 5 . 500.00African Wildlife Foundation - Washington , DC $75.00Africare - Washin gton , DC 100.00AFS-USA Inc - New York , NY 300.00Aga Khan Foundation U S A - Washin g ton , DC $ 16 , 220.00Ag ing Community Coordinated Enterprises Supportive Services Inc - 100.00Agnes Scott Colle ge - Decatur , GA 50.00Agricultural Hall of Fame - Bonner S prin g s , KS 200.00Agudath Israel of America Inc - Center for Shmitah Observance in Israel - $5 , 079.00A udath Israel of America Inc - New York , NY 205.00Ahava Kids Inc - Old Saybrook , CT 40.00Ahope for Children - Vashon , WA $250.00AHRC New York City Foundation Inc - New York, NY 25.00Aid for Friends - Philadel phia , PA 50000Aid To Artisans Inc. - Hartford , CT $ 15000Aidchild Inc - Christiansted , $5 , 050.00AIDS Action Committee of Massachusetts Inc. - Boston , MA 375.00AIDS Arms Inc - Dallas , TX 705.00AIDS Community Alliance Inc - Harrisbur g, PA 50.00AIDS Foundation of Chicago - Chicago , IL 275.00Aids Fund - Philadel phia , PA 25.00AIDS Pro i ect Los Angeles Inc - AIDS Marathon Los Angeles - Los 522.00AIDS Pro i ect Los An eles Inc - Los An geles , CA 500.00AIDS Project Worcester Inc - Bolton , MA 250.00AIDS Research Alliance of America - West Hollywood , CA 200.00AIDS Research Consortium of Atlanta Inc. - Atlanta , GA $ 100.00AIDS Resource Foundation for Children Inc. - Newark , NJ 450.00AIDS Walk Michi gan Inc - Detroit , MI 25.00AIDS Walk New York - New York, NY $8 , 590.00AIDS Walk San Die go Inc - San Die go , CA $6 , 135.00Aidschild Inc - Christiansted , VI $3 ,290.00Aiki Extensions Inc - Chicago , IL 200.00Air Force Memorial Foundation - Arlin gton , VA 275.00Airedale Terrier Rescue and Adoption - Ann Arbor , MI 300.00Akimel A-al Middle School - Tempe , AZ 150.00Akita Rescue - Mid Atlantic Coast Inc - Silver Sprin g, MD 50.00Akron-Canton Re ional Foodbank - Akron , OH 475.00Aktina Productions Inc - Long Island City, NY 200.00Al and Charlene Ward Childrens Home - Alamogordo , NM 1 000.00ALA of SB & Ventura Counties - Santa Barbara , CA 25.00Alabama Educational Television Foundation Authority- Apt - Birmingham, 25.00Alan Guttmacher Institute - New York NY $25.00Alan T. Brown Foundation To Cure Paral ysis - New York, NY $650.00Alana Dung Research Foundation - Honolulu , HI $ 1 , 500.00Alaska Conservation Foundation - Anchorage , AK 200.00Alaska Folk Festival Inc - Juneau , AK 25.00Alaska Wildlife Alliance - Anchorage , AK 100.00Albany Colle ge of Pharmacy at Union University - Albany, NY $2 , 890.00Alban Diocesan School Board - St. Peters School - Sarato ga Spring s , NY 50.00Albany Law School - Albany, NY 500.00Albany Medical Center Foundation Inc - Albany, NY 100.00Albany Medical Colle ge Alumni Fund - Albany, NY 100.00Albemarle Re g ional Library - Albemarle Re g ional Library - Winton , NC 100.00Albertus Magnus College - New Haven , CT 504.00Albion College - Albion , MI 2 385.00Albion College - Albion , MI $3 . 175.00Albrecht-kem per Museum Of Art - St. Joseph , MO 80.00Albrook School - Baskin Ride NJ 500.00Albuq uerque Academy - Albuquerque , NM 100.00Albuquerque Rescue Mission - Albuq uerque , NM 315.00Alcott School - Scarsdale , NY 60.00Alderman Elements School - Wilmington , NC 100.00Aldo Leopold Audubon Society Inc - Stevens Point , WI 30.00Aldrich Parent Teacher Association - Omaha, NE 40.00Aleh Foundation - Brookl vn. NY 100.00


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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION MATCHING GIFTS Summary by Organization Name

Organization Name Total Company AmountAlert En ine Hook and Ladder and Hose Company No. One Inc - Great 25.00Alexander Hamilton Home and School Association - Morristown , NJ 100.00Alexian Brothers Hospital Network - Arlin gton Hei ghts , IL 120.00Alex's Lemonade Stand Foundation - Wynnewood , PA 2 216.00Alfre - Morristown , NJ $3 ,650.00Alfred B Maclay Jr Day School - Tallahassee , FL 125.0Algonquin Arts A New Jersey Non- Profit Corporation - Manasquan , NJ 100.00Ali Forne y Center - New York , NY 500.00Alice Lloyd Colle ge - Pi ppa Passes , KY 150.00All About Labs - Little Rock , AR 200.00All Childrens Hospital Foundation Inc. - Saint Petersbur g, FL 50.00All Faiths Food Bank Foundation Inc - Sarasota FL 100.00All Hallows Foundation - Bronx NY 200.00All Hallows Hi gh School - Bronx , NY 2 831.75All Saints Episcopal Day School Inc - Hoboken , NJ 60.00All Saints Episcopal School of Ty ler - Tyler , TX $ 1 , 000.00Allamuchy Elementary Parent-Teacher Organization - Allamuchy, NJ 75.00Allamuchy Townshi p Volunteers Fire Department - Allamuchy, NJ 50.00Alle gan City Public Library - Alle gan , MI 50.00Alle gan County Foundation - Alle gan , MI 400.00Alle gan Health Care Group Inc - Alle gan , MI 0.00Alle gan Public Schools - Alle gan , MI 100.00Alle gheny Colle ge - Meadville , PA 925.00Allen Creek Therapeutic Preschool - Ann Arbor , MI 100.00Allen University - Columbia , SC $5,000.00Alley Cat Allies Incorporated - Bethesda , MD 665.00Alle y Cat Rescue Inc - Mount Rainier , MD 275.00Alliance Defense Fund Inc - Scottsdale , AZ 150.00Alliance for A Livin g Ocean - North Beach Haven , NJ 335.00Alliance for Character In Education - Park Rid ge , IL % 1000110Alliance for Education - Seattle , WA $ 1 ,250.00Alliance for Global Justice - Chiapas Media Pro i ect - Chicago , IL 25.00Alliance for Livin g Inc - New London , CT $ 1 , 885.00Alliance for Lung Cancer Advocac y Support and Education - Washington . $ 125.00Alliance for Lupus Research Inc - New York , NY $325.00Alliance for the Great Lakes - Chica go , IL $350.00Alliance of AIDS Services-Carolina - Ralei gh , NC $100.00Allied Arts Council of St. Jose ph Missouri - St Joseph , MO 25.00Allow The Children - Forest , VA 2 060.00Alma Colle ge - Alma , MI $ 1 ,050.00Alma Colle ge - Alma, MI $2 .225.00Almada Lod ge-Times Farm Camp Corporation - Andover CT 400.00Aloha Medical Missions - Honolulu , HI 100.00Alpha Chi Si gma Educational Foundation - Indianapolis , IN $95.00Alpha Chi Si gma Educational Foundation - Indianapolis , IN 290.00Al ha Chi Si ma Fraternity National Office - Indianapolis , IN 140.00Alpha Iota Education Fundation Inc - Indianapolis , IN 250.00Alpha Lambda Delta - El gin , IL 25.00Alpha Omicron Pi Philanthro pic Foundation - Brentwood , TN $50.00Al pha One Foundation Inc - Miami , FL 525.00Alpha Phi Foundation Inc. - Evanston IL 325.00AI ha Si ma Nu Incorporated - Milwaukee , WI 50.00Al pha Si gma Phi Educational Foundation - Carmel , IN 50.00Alpha Tau Omega Foundation - Indianapolis , IN $20000Al pha Zeta Foundation Inc - Saint Louis MO 25.00Al pha Zeta Foundation , Inc. - Chesterfield , MO 25.00Al pha- I Association - Annapolis , MD 25.00AI ha rote Association for the Blind - Kansas City, MO 215.00Alp ine Elementary School - Al p ine , UT $2 , 500.00ALS Association , the - St. Louis Regional Chapter - St. Louis , MO $300.00Also Known As Inc - New York , NY 50.00Altered Tails - Scottsdale , AZ 500.00Alternative Gift Markets Inc - Wichita KS 240.00Alternatives for Girls - Detroit , MI $2 .000.00Alternatives of Kalamazoo Crises Pregnancy Center - Kalamazoo , MI 560.00Altru Health Foundation - Grand Forks , ND 1000.00Altrusa International Foundation Inc - Longview , WA 122.00Alumni Association Colle ge of Medicine State University of New York 125.00Alumni Association of the Bronx Hi gh School of Science - Bronx , NY 70.00Alumni Association of the State University of New York at Alban - 25.00Alumni Association of the University of Rhode Island Davis H - Kinston 7 392.00Alumni Association University of Nebraska - Lincoln , NE 75.00Alumni Fund Alumni Association State University of New York Downstate 600.00Alumni of the State University of New York Agri & Tech Colle ge at 85.00


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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION MATCHING GIFTS Summary by Organization Name

Organization Name Total Company AmountAlvin A Dubin Alzheimers Resource Center Inc - Fort Myers , FL 90.00Alzheimer's Association/New York City Chapter - New York , NY 75.00Alzheimers Disease & Related Disorders Asso Inc Hou SE Texas Chap 100.00Alzheimers Disease & Related Disorders Association - Poughkeepsie , NY 225.00Alzheimers Disease & Related Disorders Association - Ralei g h , NC 25.00Alzheimers Disease & Related Disorders Association Inc - Timonium , MD 150.00Alzheimer's Disease & Related Disorders Association/Richmond - Glen 50.00Alzheimers Disease and Related Disorders Association - Albany, NY 370.00Alzheimers Disease and Related Disorders Association - Ann Arbor , MI $3 , 520.00Alzheimers Disease and Related Disorders Association - Asbury, IA 25.00Alzheimer's Disease and Related Disorders Association - Atlanta , GA $50.00Alzheimers Disease and Related Disorders Association - Cincinnati , OH 200.00Alzheimers Disease and Related Disorders Association - Columbia , MO 125.00Alzheimers Disease And Related Disorders Association - Denver, CO 250.00Alzheimers Disease and Related Disorders Association - Fairfax , VA $ 1 ,055.00Alzheimers Disease and Related Disorders Association - Hartford , CT 50.00Alzheimer's Disease and Related Disorders Association - Huntsville , AL 225.00Alzheimers Disease and Related Disorders Association - Indianapolis , IN 335.00Alzheimers Disease and Related Disorders Association - National $ 10 , 536.00Alzheimers Disease and Related Disorders Association - Omaha , NE 75.00Alzheimer's Disease and Related Disorders Association - Philadel phia . PA $ 1 ,025.00Alzheimers Disease and Related Disorders Association - Phoenix , AZ 250.00Alzheimers Disease and Related Disorders Association - Pittsburgh , PA 25.00Alzheimers Disease and Related Disorders Association - Providence , RI 25.00Alzheimers Disease And Related Disorders Association - Rochester, NY 100.00Alzheimers Disease and Related Disorders Association - San Diego , CA 25.00

----Alzheimers Disease and Related Disorders Association - Skokie , IL Ti ,050.00Alzheimers Disease and Related Disorders Association - Southfiled , MI 366.00Alzheimers Disease and Related Disorders Association - St. Louis , MO 200.00Alzheimers Disease and Related Disorders Association - West Palm Beach , 300.00Alzheimers Disease and Related Disorders Association Inc - Irvine , CA 50.00Alzheimers Disease and Related Disorders Association Inc - Kensington , $ 10 , 652.00Alzheimers Disease and Related Disorders Association Inc - Memphis , TN 25.00Alzheimers Disease and Related Disorders Association Inc - Tucson , AZ 100.00Alzheimers Disease and Related Disorders Association Inc - Watertown , 200.00Alzheimers Disease and Related Disorders Association Inc. - Denville , NJ 450.00Alzheimers Disease and Related Disorders Association- Louisville Chapter 250.00Alzheimers Disease and Related Disorders Association- New Hampshire 50.00Alzheimers Disease and Related Disorders Association- New York City 175.00Alzheimer's Famil y Centers , Inc. ( the George G. Glenner ) - San Die go, CA 100.00Alzheimers Foundation of America Inc - New York , NY $215.00Alzheimers Services of Cape Cod & the Islands Inc - Hyannis , MA 100.00Alzheimers Services of the Capital Area - Baton Rouge , LA 250.00Amarillo Area Foundation Inc - Chang ing Faces Fund - Amarillo , TX 100.00Amateur Athletic Union of the United States - Houston Ballcats - Houston , $2 , 615.00Amateur Athletic Union of the United States - Louisville Panthers - 600.00Amateur Athletic Union of the United States - New Jersey Dream - Little 2 500.00Amberly Elementary School - Porta ge , MI 50.00AMDPA Foundation Inc - Little Rock , AR 250.00Ame o Inc - Mansfield , MA 25.00Amelia Island Chamber Music Festival Inc - Amelia Island , FL $5 , 287.93American Academy of Arts and Sciences - Cambrid ge , MA 800.00American Ag ing Association Inc - Media , PA $150.00American Air Museum In Britain - Washin gton , DC 75.00American Anti q uarian Society - Worchester , MA 115.00American Anti-Slavery Group Inc - Boston , MA 100.00American Association for the Advancement of Science - Washin gton , DC $550.00American Association of Bovine Practitioners - Auburn , AL 610.00American Association of Christian Schools Inc - Bethesda Christian $ 1 . 500.00American Association of Nurse Anesthetists Foundation - Park Ride IL 250.00American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists - Lawrence , KS $300.00American Association of the Soverei gn Military Order of Malta - New $2 . 700.00American Association of University Women Educational Foundation Inc $1.550.00American Association of Zoolog ical Parks and Aquariums - Silver Sprin g, 200.00American Ballroom Theater Company Inc - New York , NY $ 1 ,000.00American Bear Association - Orr, MN 175.00American Bible Society - New York NY 50.00American Birdm Association Inc - Colorado Sprin gs , CO 100.00American Bonanza Society Air Safety Foundation Inc - Wichita , KS 50.00American Brain Tumor Association - Des Plaines , IL 00$ 1 . 125.American Breast Cancer Foundation - Baltimore , MD 567.5American Brittan y Rescue - Centreville , MD 30.00American Brotherhood for the Blind Inc. - Baltimore , MD 175.00American Camp ine Association Inc - Martinsville , IN 50.00


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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION MATCHING GIFTS Summary by Organization NameOrganization Name Total Company AmountAmerican Cancer Society - Dallas , TX 30.00American Cancer Society - Des Moines , IA $ 1 00.00American Cancer Society - Gettysburg, PA 75.00American Cancer Society - Greensbur g, PA $25.00American Cancer Society - Kingston , NY $ 1 75.00American Cancer Society - Kokomo , IN $ 1 50.00American Cancer Society - Lincoln , NE 285.00American Cancer Society - Norwich , CT $21 , 306.00American Cancer Society - Philadel phia , PA $75.00American Cancer Society - Pittsburgh , PA $475.00American Cancer Society - Ralei gh , NC $50.00American Cancer Society - Rochester, NY $25.00American Cancer Society - State Colle ge , PA $25.00American Cancer Society - Tacoma, WA $25.00American Cancer Society - Traverse Cit y, Ml $50.00American Cancer Society - Trenton , NJ 2 50.00American Cancer Society Arizona Division , Inc. , Tuscon Unit - Tucson , 50.00American Cancer Society Dade County - Miami , FL $50.00American Cancer Society District Iv Office - Grand Junction , CO $ 1 00.00American Cancer Society Divisions - Montgomery, AL $50.00American Cancer Society Divisions Inc - Akron , OH $500.00American Cancer Society Divisions Inc - Amherst, NY $500.00American Cancer Society Divisions Inc - Asheville , NC 50.00American Cancer Society Divisions Inc - Atlanta , GA $ 1 , 285.00American Cancer Society Divisions Inc - Austin , TX $285.00American Cancer Society Divisions Inc - Bethlehem , PA $455.00American Cancer Society Divisions Inc - Canfield , OH $2 , 358.00American Cancer Society Divisions Inc - Carroll , IA $500.00American Cancer Society Divisions Inc - Chalfont , PA $ 100.00American Cancer Society Divisions Inc - Champai gn , IL $25.00American Cancer Society Divisions Inc - Che rry Hill , NJ $ 80.00American Cancer Society Divisions Inc - Chicago, IL $ 150.00American Cancer Society Divisions Inc - Cleveland , OH 70.00American Cancer Society Divisions Inc - De Pere , WI $75.00American Cancer Societ y Divisions Inc - Duran go, CO $80.00American Cancer Society Divisions Inc - Eldersbur iz, MD 50.00American Cancer Society Divisions Inc - Elizabeth , NJ $790.00American Cancer Society Divisions Inc - Endicott, NY $ 1 , 225.00American Cancer Society Divisions Inc - Evanston , IL 200.00American Cancer Society Divisions Inc - Everett WA $ 100.00American Cancer Society Divisions Inc - Flushin iz, NY 500 00American Cancer Society Divisions Inc - Fruitland Park , FL 50.00American Cancer Society Divisions Inc - Greenville , NC 100.00American Cancer Society Divisions Inc - Greenwood , SC 25.00American Cancer Society Divisions Inc - HarrisburIz. PA 50.00American Cancer Society Divisions Inc - Jacksonville Beach , FL 100.00American Cancer Society Divisions Inc - Jacksonville FL 125.00American Cancer Society Divisions Inc - Lancaster, PA $ 5 . 580.00American Cancer Society Divisions Inc - Laureldale PA 300.00American Cancer Society Divisions Inc - Lexin gton , KY 440.00American Cancer Society Divisions Inc - Lincolnshire IL 225.00American Cancer Society Divisions Inc - Loudonville NY $425.00American Cancer Society Divisions Inc - Lufkin TX 150.00American Cancer Society Divisions Inc - Mankato , MN $200.00American Cancer Society Divisions Inc - Marco Island , FL $ 1 , 000.00American Cancer Society Divisions Inc - Maryv ille , IL 575.00American Cancer Society Divisions Inc - Mason , OH $3 , 150.00American Cancer Society Divisions Inc - Michi gan Center, MI $455.00American Cancer Society Divisions Inc - Middletown , NY $45.00American Cancer Society Divisions Inc - Moorhead , MN $ 1 . 200.00American Cancer Society Divisions Inc - Naples , FL 100.00American Cancer Society Divisions Inc - Nashville TN $ 160.00American Cancer Society Divisions Inc - New Castle , DE $ 1 ,050.00American Cancer Society Divisions Inc - Norfolk VA v.Ann_noAmerican Cancer Society Divisions Inc - Oakbrook Terrace , IL $745.00American Cancer Society Divisions Inc - Portage , MI 80.00American Cancer Society Divisions Inc - Pou ghkeepsie , NY 50.00American Cancer Society Divisions Inc - Sacramento , CA 40.00American Cancer Society Divisions Inc - Salisbury, MD 265.00American Cancer Society Divisions Inc - San Antonio , TX 938.00American Cancer Society Divisions Inc - San Die go, CA 50.00American Cancer Society Divisions Inc - Savannah , GA 25.00American Cancer Society Divisions Inc - Silver S prin g, MD $ 100.00American Cancer Society Divisions Inc - Southfield , MI 50.00


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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION MATCHING GIFTS Summary by Organization NameOrganization Name Total Company AmountAmerican Cancer Society Divisions Inc - S yosset, NY 760.00American Cancer Society Divisions Inc - Tinney Park , IL $490.00American Cancer Society Divisions Inc - Tulsa , OK $30000American Cancer Society Eastern Division Inc. - North Brunswick , NJ 595.00American Cancer Society Inc - Anchorage , AK $ 100.00American Cancer Society Inc - Ann Arbor , Ml $4, 276.00American Cancer Society Inc - Atlanta , GA 525.00American Cancer Society Inc - Auburn , AL $ 100.00American Cancer Society Inc - Batavia , IL 100.00American Cancer Society Inc - Birmingham , AL $ 1 , 785.00American Cancer Society Inc - Bronx , NY $ 17500American Cancer Society Inc - Brookl yn, NY $5 . 106.00American Cancer Society Inc - Cedar Raids IA 635.00American Cancer Society Inc - Charlotte , NC $5000American Cancer Society Inc - Cincinnati , OH 25.00American Cancer Society Inc - Columbia , SC 25.00American Cancer Society Inc - Covina CA 275.00American Cancer Society Inc - Denver, CO 290 00American Cancer Society Inc - Downey, CA 200.00American Cancer Society Inc - Dublin , OH $ 12 ,713.00American Cancer Society Inc - East Lansin g, MI $38 , 524.00American Cancer Society Inc - Fort Myers , FL 125.00American Cancer Society Inc - Framingham , MA $28 , 638.00American Cancer Society Inc - Fresno , CA 75.00American Cancer Society Inc - Glen Allen , VA 75.00American Cancer Society Inc - Greensboro , NC 50.00American Cancer Society Inc - Hackensack , NJ $ 1410.00American Cancer Society Inc - Hollidaysburg, PA $ 15000American Cancer Society Inc - Houston , TX $2 ,485.00American Cancer Society Inc - Jackson , MS 25.00American Cancer Society Inc - Kailua Kona, HI $20000American Cancer Society Inc - Kansas City, MO $4 , 808.00American Cancer Society Inc - Kennesaw , GA 25.00American Cancer Society Inc - Kennewick , WA 25.00American Cancer Society Inc - Lon gmont, CO 100.00American Cancer Society Inc - Los Angeles , CA 700.00American Cancer Society Inc - Madison , WI 320.00American Cancer Society Inc - Marietta , OH 100.00American Cancer Society Inc - Medford , OR 25.00American Cancer Society Inc - Memphis , TN 300.00American Cancer Society Inc - Mendota Hei ghts , MN 305.00American Cancer Society Inc - Milford , PA ($ 10000)American Cancer Society Inc - Morgantown , WV $ 100.00American Cancer Society Inc - New York , NY $2 ,245.00American Cancer Society Inc - Oakland , CA $ 1 . 125.00American Cancer Society Inc - Oklahoma City. OK 500.00American Cancer Society Inc - Palmdale , CA 100.00American Cancer Society Inc - Parsippany, NJ $7 ,411.00American Cancer Society Inc - Phoenix , AZ 1 565.00American Cancer Society Inc - Portage , MI 100.00American Cancer Society Inc - Reddin iz, CA 50.00American Cancer Society Inc - Rochester, MN 25.00American Cancer Socie ty Inc - Rockford , IL $975.00American Cancer Society Inc - S pokane , WA $460.00American Cancer Society Inc - S prin gfield , IL 25.00American Cancer Society Inc - Tama FL 1 189.00American Cancer Society Inc - Utica , NY 500.00American Cancer Society Inc - Warren , OH $22500American Cancer Society Inc - Watertown , SD 50.00American Cancer Society Inc - Waukesha , WI 550.00American Cancer Society Inc - Wausau , WI 300.00American Cancer Society Inc - West Chester , PA 100.00American Cancer Society Inc - West Orange , NJ 225.00American Cancer Society Inc. - Fort Worth , TX 30.00American Cancer Society Inc. - Grand Rapids , MI 100.00American Cancer Society Inc. - Portland , OR 100.00American Cancer Society Inc. - West Palm Beach FL 50.00American Cancer Society Inc. Commonwealth Division - Hershey, PA 965.00American Cancer Society Inc. Northwest Suburban - Palatine IL 25.00American Cancer Society Inc. Queens Division - Rego Park , NY 150.00American Cancer Society Indian River County Unit - Vero Beach , FL $575.00American Cancer Society Lon Island Divison - Hauppauge , NY 810.00American Cancer Society Monmouth Unit- Ocean Unit - Shrewsbury, NJ 975.00American Cancer Society New Hampshire Division - Bedford , NH 50.00


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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION MATCHING GIFTS Summary by Organization NameOrganization Name Total Company AmountAmerican Cancer Society New York State Division Inc. - East S yracuse , $350.00American Cancer Society North Central Mary land Area - Baltimore MD $300.00American Cancer Society Putnam Unit - Maho ac NY $ 125.00American Cancer Society Somerset Chapter - Raritan , NJ $550.00American Cancer Society Westchester Division - White Plains , NY $ 1 , 360.00American Cancer Society Wisconsin Division - Pewaukee , WI $800.00American Cancer Society/Breast Cancer Awareness - Framin gham , MA $55.00American Cancer Society/Broward County - Fort Lauderdale FL 50.00American Cancer Society/Gainesville - Gainesville , FL $ 100.00American Cancer Society/Gwinnett County Unit - Duluth , GA 25.00American Cancer Society/Los An eles Reg ion - Los Angeles , CA 50.00American Cancer Society/Orlando Metro Unit - Orlando , FL $ 150.00American Cancer Society/Pinellas County - Pinellas Park , FL $200.00American Cancer Society/Southeast - Greensboro , NC $25.00American Cancer Society/Union - Elizabeth , NJ $211.00American Carpatho-Russian Orthodox Greek Catholic Diocese of USA - $ 1 , 000.00American Center for Law and Justice Inc. - Tucker, GA 280.00American Center of Polish Culture Inc - Washin gton , DC $75.00American Chemical Society - Washin gton , DC 50.00American Chestnut Foundation Vermont Chapter - Bennington , VT 275.00American Chinese Culture and Education Foundation - San Die go , CA $5 . 180.00American Civil Liberties Union Foundation Inc - New York , NY $4 ,450.00American Civil Ri ghts Institute - Sacramento , CA $ 100.00American Colle ge of Laboratory - Chester , NH $2 , 100.00American Colle ge of Veterinary Internal Medicine Foundation - Lakewood , $5 ,000.00American Colle ge of Veterinary Patholo g ists Veterinary Patholo $2 , 500.00American Colle ge of Veterinary Sur eons Research and Education $500.00American Committee for Shaare Zedek Hos p ital In Jerusalem Inc. - New $ 154.00American Committee for the Weizmann Institute of Science Inc. - New 100.00American Council of the Blind - Washin gton , DC $75.00American Council of Youn g Political Leaders Inc - Washington , DC 500.00American Council on Science and Health - New York, NY $ 100.00American Dental Association Health Foundation - Chicago, IL 500.00American Diabetes Association Inc - Bin gham Farms , MI 50.00American Diabetes Association Inc - Fairfax , VA $23 , 704.00American Diabetes Association Inc - Houston TX $50.00American Diabetes Association Inc - Merrifield , VA $2 ,940.00American Diabetes Association Inc - Middletown , CT $300.00American Diabetes Association Inc - New York, NY 250.00American Diabetes Association/Los Angeles - Los Angeles , CA 25.00American Dietetic Association Foundation - Chica go , IL $50.00American Family Association Inc - Tupelo , MS 250.00American Farmland Trust - Washington , DC $35.00American Forests - Washington , DC $925.00American Foundation for AIDS Research - New York , NY 675.00American Foundation for Pharmaceutical Education - Rockville , MD $ 1 ,435.00American Foundation for Suicide Prevention - New York , NY $4 ,080.00American Foundation For The Blind Inc - New York , NY 200.00American Friends of Genesis Jerusalem Inc - S pringfield , NJ $2 . 300.00American Friends of Jerusalem Institute of Talmudic Research - Brookl vn. $ 1 , 900.00American Friends of Kenya Inc - Norwich , CT $ 115.00American Friends of Ku at Ha'ir - Brookl yn, NY 1000.00American Friends Of Lemaan Achai - Oceanside , NY $600.00American Friends of Ma en David Adorn - Encino , CA 36.00American Friends of Meir Panim - Brookl yn, NY $536.00American Friends of Mi dal Ohr - New York , NY $25.00American Friends of Ramot Torah Schools Inc - Brookl yn, NY 25.00American Friends of the Ghetto hters House Inc - Teaneck, NJ 1 000.00American Friends of the Hebrew University Inc - New York , NY $25.00American Friends of Thorat Chaim Inc - Monse NY 25.00American Friends of Torah Lakol - Brookl yn, NY $2 . 500.00American Friends of Yad Eliezer Inc - Brookl yn, NY $ 1 .017.00American Friends of Yeshivath Kerem B avneh Inc - New York, NY $5 ,000.00American Friends Service Committee National Office - Philadel phi a, PA $2 .495.00American Fund for the Royal Opera House Inc - Fort Lauderdale FL $200.00American Health Assistance Foundation - Alzheimer's Disease Research - $ 1 . 506.00American Health Assistance Foundation - Clarksburg, MD $250.00American Health Assistance Foundation - Macular De eneration Research - 1 255.00American Heart Association - Audubon , NJ $25.00American Heart Association - Austin TX $460.00American Heart Association - Bethlehem , PA 25.00American Heart Association - Cincinnati , OH 35.00American Heart Association - Conshohocken , PA 105.00American Heart Association - Des Moines IA 75.00


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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION MATCHING GIFTS Summary by Organization NameOrganization Name Total Company AmountAmerican Heart Association - Glen Allen VA 1 335 00American Heart Association - Greenville . NC $50000American Heart Association - Irvine , CA 300.00American Heart Association - Jacksonville FL 25.00American Heart Association - Memphis , TN $30000American Heart Association - Pittsbur gh , PA 135.00American Heart Association - Syracuse , NY $5 ,735.00American Heart Association - Tempe , AZ $ 15000American Heart Association Colorado - Denver . CO 75.00American Heart Association Connecticut Affiliate - Wallin gford , CT $52,206.76American Heart Association Greater St. Louis Division - Saint Louis MO $ 17500American Heart Association Inc - Baltimore , MD $2 ,050.00American Heart Association Inc - Boca Raton , FL 375.00American Heart Association Inc - Boise , ID 50.00American Heart Association Inc - Bonita S rm s FL 150.00American Heart Association Inc - Charlotte NC 100.00American Heart Association Inc - Colton , CA 100.00American Heart Association Inc - Columbia , MO $25.00American Heart Association Inc - Columbus , OH $ 1 , 617.00American Heart Association Inc - Dallas , TX 100.00American Heart Association Inc - Des Moines , IA 365.00American Heart Association Inc - Florence , SC 525.00American Heart Association Inc - Fresno , CA 2 125.00American Heart Association Inc - Ft. Lauderdale FL $22500American Heart Association Inc - Gettysburg, PA 100.00American Heart Association Inc - Grand Rapids MI 25.00American Heart Association Inc - Greenville , SC 75.00American Heart Association Inc - Honolulu , HI $ 1 , 000.00American Heart Association Inc - Houston , TX 75.00American Heart Association Inc - Jackson , MS $ 1 , 800.00American Heart Association Inc - Jefferson Cit y, MO 300.00American Heart Association Inc - Knoxville TN 50.00American Heart Association Inc - La Jolla , CA 400.00American Heart Association Inc - Lancaster PA $ 1 . 027.00American Heart Association Inc - Lincoln NE 910.00American Heart Association Inc - Little Rock , AR 100.00American Heart Association Inc - Los Angeles , CA $ 1 , 525.00American Heart Association Inc - Louisville , KY 40.00American Heart Association Inc - Lubbock , TX 75.00American Heart Association Inc - Marietta , GA 450.00American Heart Association Inc - Morrisville , NC 100.00American Heart Association Inc - Nashville , TN 100.00American Heart Association Inc - New York, NY $ 1 ,475.00American Heart Association Inc - Omaha, NE 100.00American Heart Association Inc - Overland Park , KS 50.00American Heart Association Inc - Portland , OR 50.00American Heart Association Inc - Providence , RI 25.00American Heart Association Inc - Robbinsville , NJ $ 15 .040.00American Heart Association Inc - Sacramento , CA 50.00American Heart Association Inc - San Francisco, CA 150.00American Heart Association Inc - San Jose , CA 100.00American Heart Association Inc - Santa Rosa CA 25.00American Heart Association Inc - Savannah , GA 25.00American Heart Association Inc - Seattle , WA $ 1 .029.00American Heart Association Inc - Sioux City IA 370.00American Heart Association Inc - Southfield MI 1 175.00American Heart Association Inc - St. Louis , MO 14 056.00American Heart Association Inc - St. Petersburg, FL 665.00American Heart Association Inc - Tallahassee . FL 500.00American Heart Association Inc - Topeka , KS 2 687.00American Heart Association Inc - Uniontown PA 30.00American Heart Association Inc - Waco TX 100.00American Heart Association Inc - West Lawn. PA 100.00American Heart Association Inc - Wonnlevsburiz, PA 92.00American Heart Association Inc. National Office - Dallas TX 325.00American Heart Association Metropolitan Chica go - Chica go , IL $49 , 106.00American Heart Association Oran 2e County Chapter - Irvine , CA 25.00American Heart Association San Mateo County Office - Burlin game , CA 50.00American Heart Association Southeastern Pennsylvania Affiliate - 75.00American Heart Association , Maryland - Glen Allen , VA $200.00American Heart Association/Colorado S prin gs - Colorado S nn s CO 100.00American Heart Association/Columbus Metro Division - Columbus , OH 125.00American Heart Association/Lancaster Pennsylvania Chapter - Lancaster, $ 135.00American Heart Association/Northern Ottawa - Grand Raids MI 25.00


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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION MATCHING GIFTS Summary by Organization NameOrganization Name Total Company AmountAmerican Heart Association/Pennsylvania Division - Lancaster, PA 435.00American Hemerocallis Societ y - Brawle y, CA 50.00American Hikin g Society - Silver S prin g, MD $50.00American Historical Society of Germans From Russia - Lincoln NE 250.00American Horse Trials Foundation Inc - Centreville , MD $230.00American Horticultural Society Inc. - Alexandria , VA 0.00American Hosp ice Foundation Inc - Washin gton , DC 50.00American Humane Association - En g lewood , CO 560.00American Humanist Association - Washington , DC 250.00American Indian Colle ge Fund - Denver, CO 520.00American Industrial Hyg iene Association Foundation - Fairfax , VA 100.00American Institute For Cancer Research - Washin gton , DC $ 11 ,674.00

- Chicago , ILAmerican Institute of Philanthrovy 315.00American Institute of the Histor of Pharmacy - Madison , WI- 500.00American Intellectual Property Education Foundation - Oradell , NJ $ 1 . 200.00American International Colle ge - S pringfield , MA 750.00American Irish Historical Societ y Inc. - New York , NY 500.00American Jewish Committee New York - New York, NY $3 , 100.00American Jewish Con gress Inc - New York , NY 635.00American Jewish Historical Society - New York , NY 50.00American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee Inc - New York, NY $6 , 572.00American Jewish World Service Inc - New York , NY $ 1 . 586.00American Kidney Fund Inc. National Office - Rockville , MD 250.00American Lebanese S ian Association Char Inc - St. Jude Childrens $44 , 509.50American Le g ion Community Ambulance Inc - Jewett City, CT 50.00American Le prosy Missions Inc - Greenville , SC 1000.00American Life League Inc. - Stafford , VA $ 1 , 1 77.63American Liver Foundation - New York NY $ 1 ,430.00American Liver Foundation - Newton , MA 1 , 3 82.00American Liver Foundation - San Francisco , CA 1 50.00American Lung Association - Pl ymouth Meetin g, PA 30.00American Lun g Association - San Die go , CA 1 75.00American Lun Association - Seattle WA $ 1 90.00American Lun g Association Connecticut Inc. - East Hartford , CT $ 1 . 435.00American Lun g Association Metropolitan Chicago - Chica go , IL 3 25.00American Lung Association Middlesex County - Burlin gton , MA 360.00American Lung Association National Headquarters - New York , NY 690.00American Lun g Association of Alaska - Anchora ge , AK 30.00American Lun g Association of Eastern Missouri - Saint Louis MO 1 50.00American Lun g Association of Eastern Missouri - St. Louis MO 25.00American Lun g Association of Gulfcoast Florida Inc. - Saint Petersburg, FL 25.00American Lun g Association of Illmios-Iowa - S prin gfield , IL 25.00American Lung Association of Indiana - Indianapolis , IN 1 00.00American Lung Association of Iowa - Des Moines , IA 30.00American Lung Association of Kentucky - Louisville KY 1 25.00American Lung Association of Maine - Augusta , ME $ 1 .475.00American Lun Association of Maryland Inc - Hunt Valle MD 1 50.00American Lung Association of Massachusetts Inc - Sprin gfield , MA 1 00.00American Lun g Association of Michi gan - Southfield , MI 900.00American Lung Association of New Hampshire - Bedford NH 25.00American Lung Association of New Jersey - Union , NJ 3 1 50.0American Lung Association of New York - New York NY 425.00American Lun Association of New York State Inc - Albany, NY 1 50.00American Lung Association of North Carolina - Ralei gh , NC 25.00American Lun g Association of Ohio - Columbus OH 25.00American Lung Association of Pennsylvania - Camp Hill , PA 1 85.00American Lung Association of Sacramento Emigrant Trails - Sacramento 25.00American Lung Association of San Diego & Imperial Counties - San Die go, 25.00American Lung Association of South Central Pennsylvania - Wexford PA 25.00American Lun g Association of Texas - Dallas TX 25.00American Lun Association of the Inland Counties - San Bernardino CA 25.00American Lung Association of Utah - Salt Lake City, UT 50.00American Lung Association of Virg inia - Abingdon , VA 500.00American Lung Association of Virg inia - Richmond VA 0.00American Lung Association of Wisconsin - Brookfield , WI 1 50.00American Lune Association Orange County - Santa Ana, CA 225.00American Lun Association/Ohio - Cincinnati , OH 0.00American Mensa Education & Research Foundation - Arlin gton , Tx 25.00American Motorcycle Heritage Foundation - Pickerin gton , OH 25.00American Museum of Natural History Planetarium Authority - New York $9 . 1 75.00American National Red Cross - American Red Cross Northwest New Jerse 1 .625.00American National Red Cross - American Red Cross St. Louis Area - Saint 8 25.00American National Red Cross - Asheville NC 1 00.00American National Red Cross - Cedar Rapids , IA %1 0000


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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION MATCHING GIFTS Summary by Organization NameOrganization Name Total Company AmountAmerican National Red Cross - Charlotte , NC $ 1 , 500.00American National Red Cross - Charlottesville VA 200.00American National Red Cross - Chica go , IL 1000.00American National Red Cross - Columbus , NC 200.00American National Red Cross - Concord , NH 200.00American National Red Cross - Cuba , MO $ 1 , 000.00American National Red Cross - Darien , CT 100.00American National Red Cross - Farmin gton , CT $6 .721.00American National Red Cross - Hartford , MI 100.00American National Red Cross - Hurricane Katrina Relief Fund - 555.00American National Red Cross - Jackson , MS 30.00American National Red Cross - Jimmy Flynn Bone Marrow Transp lant $ 1 , 650.00American National Red Cross - Kalamazoo , MI $7 , 211.90American National Red Cross - Lansin MI 35.00American National Red Cross - Lexington , KY 500.00American National Red Cross - Los Angeles , CA 100.00American National Red Cross - Mineola , NY $2 , 847.00American National Red Cross - Minneapolis , MN 500.00American National Red Cross - Mount Pleasant , MI 200.00American National Red Cross - Nashville , TN 494.00American National Red Cross - New York , NY 798.00American National Red Cross - Odessa , TX 100.00American National Red Cross - Pensacola , FL 500.00American National Red Cross - Plainfield , NJ 25.00American National Red Cross - Portland , ME 25.00American National Red Cross - Princeton , NJ 175.00American National Red Cross - Readin tz, PA 200.00American National Red Cross - Saint Paul , MN $60000American National Red Cross - San Die go, CA 350.00American National Red Cross - San Juan PR 50.00American National Red Cross - Santa Cruz CA 50.00American National Red Cross - Savannah , GA 200.0American National Red Cross - Southern Pines , NC 200.00American National Red Cross - State Colle ge , PA 50.00American National Red Cross - Tampa, FL 200.00American National Red Cross - Terre Haute , IN 475.00American National Red Cross - Tucson , AZ $ 1 .000.00American National Red Cross - Vero Beach , FL 50.00American National Red Cross - Washin gton , DC $77 . 821.00American National Red Cross - Western Connectircut Chapter of the 100.00American National Red Cross - Winston Salem , NC 25.00American National Red Cross and Its Constituent Chapters and Branches 450.00American National Red Cross and Its Constituent Chapters and Branches - 100.00American National Red Cross and Its Constituent Chapters and Branches - 935.00American National Red Cross and Its Constituent Chapters and Branches - 225.00American National Red Cross and Its Constituent Chanters and Branches - 350.00American National Red Cross and Its Constituent Chapters and Branches 350.00American National Red Cross and Its Constituent Chapters and Branches - 100.00American National Red Cross and Its Constituent Chapters and Branches - 200.00American National Red Cross and Its Constituent Chapters and Branches - 100.00American National Red Cross and Its Constituent Chapters and Branches - 250.00American National Red Cross and Its Constituent Chapters and Branches - 100.00American National Red Cross and Its Constituent Chapters and Branches - 100.00American Opera Projects Inc - Brooklyn, NY $ 100.00American ORT Inc - Farmington Hills , MI $2 . 350.00American Parkinson Disease Association - Madison , WI $50.00American Parkinson Disease Association - Staten Island , NY 3 635.00American Physicians Fellowshi p for Medicine In Israel - Boston , MA 125.00American Printin g House for the Blind Inc. - Louisville , KY 50.00American Psychiatric Foundation Inc - Arlin gton , VA % 1 000.00American Red Cross - Columbia , SC $200.00American Red Cross - Daytona Beach , FL $650.00American Red Cross - Detroit , MI $ 1 . 825.00American Red Cross - Fort Myers , FL 750.00American Red Cross - Fort Pierce , FL $25.00American Red Cross - Hendersonville , NC 200.00American Red Cross - Kansas City, MO 100.00American Red Cross - Lewisburg, WV 500.00American Red Cross - Lincoln NE $ 1 , 225.00American Red Cross - Montclair, NJ $ 1 . 300.00American Red Cross - Newton, NJ $450.00American Red Cross - Oklahoma City, OK 200.00American Red Cross - Providence , RI 50.00American Red Cross - Riversidecounty Chapter - Riverside CA $ 100.00


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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION MATCHING GIFTS Summary by Organization NameOrganization Name Total Company AmountAmerican Red Cross - Shelter Island , NY $ 1 . 000.00American Red Cross - Somerville , NJ


American Red Cross - Stamford , CT $2500American Red Cross - Washin gton County Chapter - Ann Arbor , MI 1 808 00American Red Cross - West Palm Beach , FL $2 , 13200American Red Cross - Wilmington , NC $ 10000American Red Cross Chi ppewa Valle y Chapter - Eau Claire , WI 200.00American Red Cross Iowa River Chapter - Marshalltown IA 500.00American Red Cross Lehi h Valle y Chapter - Bethlehem , PA 100.00American Red Cross Livin gston Chapter - Howell , MI 150.00American Red Cross Metropolitan Atlanta Chapter - Atlanta , GA $2 , 100.00American Red Cross Middlesex County Chapter - Middletown , CT $35000American Red Cross North Bergen Ramap Valley Chapter - Ridgewood , Ni 100.00American Red Cross Oconee County Chapter - Walhalla , SC 225.00American Red Cross of Au usta - Augusta , GA 100.00

1American Red Cross of Southeastern Michi gan - Detroit , MI 100.00American Red Cross South Central Connecticut Chapter - New Haven , CT 300.00American Red Cross Southeastern Fairfield County Chapter - Brid geport , 100.00American Red Cross Southeastern Pennsylvania Chapter - Philadel phia , PA 525.00American Red Cross Suffolk County Chapter - Ya hank NY 150.00American Red Cross Tarrant County Cha ter - Fort Worth , TX 125.00American Red Cross Westchester County Chapter - White Plains , NY 625.00American Red Cross/Alabama - Birmin gham , AL 50.00American Red Cross/Central Massachusetts Chapter - Worcester , MA 375.00American Red Cross/Greenwich Chapter - Greenwich CT 50.00American Red Cross/Holland - Holland , MI $ 100.00American Red Cross/Orange County Chapter - Santa Ana, CA $ 150.00American Red Cross/Rhode Island Chapter - Providence , RI $ 1 . 000.00American Red Ma en David for Israel - New York , NY 5 ,074.00American Red Ma en David for Israel - Philadel phia , PA 100.00American Refugee Committee - Minneapolis , MN $ 150.00American Rivers Inc. - Washington , DC $400.00American School for the Deaf - West Hartford , CT 50.00American Second Harvest - Chica go , IL $510.00American Sephardi Federation - New York , NY 400.00American Social Health Association - Research Trian g le Pa, NC 25.00American Society for Clinical Pharmacology & Thera eutics - Alexandria , 375.00American Society for Handicapped Children In Israel , Inc. - New York , NY 336.00American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Thera eutics Inc - 100.00American Society for Technion- Israel Institute of Technology Inc - N. 100.00American Society for Technion- Israel Institute of Technolo jzv Inc - New 500.00American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty To Animals - New York, $9 . 335.00American Society for Veterin ary Clinical Patholo gy - Madison , WI $ 100.00American Society for Yad Vashem Inc. - New York , NY 100.00American Society of Animal Science - Savoy, IL $3 .450.00American Society of Civil Eng ineers Foundation Inc - Reston , VA $ 100.00American Society of Safety Engineers Foundation - Des Plaines , IL $ 10 . 500.00American Songbook Preservation Network NFP - Glenview , IL $500.00American Stroke Foundation - Mission , KS $75.00American Suicide Foundation - New York, NY $ 1 , 575.00American Su orters of Yedid Inc - New York, NY 1 000.00American Symphony Orchestra Inc - New York , NY 25.00American Task Force for Lebanon - Washington , DC $465.71American Tmmtus Association - Portland , OR $525.00American University - Washington , DC % ] 500.00American University in Cairo - New York , NY $30.000.00American Values - Arlin gton , VA 50.00American Veterin ary Medical Foundation - Schaumbur iz, IL 100.00Americans for Medical Progress Educational Foundation - Alexandria , VA 100.00Americans for Peace Now National Office - Washington , DC 250.00Americans United for Life Inc. - Chicago , IL $3 . 615.00Americans United for Separation of Church and State - Washin gton , DC 1 132.00American-Scandinavian Foundation - New York , NY 52.00Americares Foundation Inc - Stamford CT $8 , 100.00Americas Future Inc. - Saint Louis , MO $25.00Americas Keswick - Colony of Mercy - Whitin g, NJ $1.200.00Americas Second Harvest - Chicago , IL 443.00Americas Second Harvest of Coastal Georg ia Inc - Savannah GA 5000.00Ames Hi gh School Athletic Booster Club Inc - Ames IA 125.00Amethyst House Inc - Staten Island , NY 750.00

---Amherst College Trustees - Amherst MA --36 ,039.05Amherst Colle ge Trustees - Fol ger Shakes peare Library - Washington , DC 250.00Amigos De Las Americas - Houston , TX 100.00Amit Women Inc. New York Chapter - New York, NY $2 . 700.00


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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION MATCHING GIFTS Summary by Organization NameOrganization Name Total Company AmountAmnesty International Usa Inc National Head uaters - New York, NY $6 ,47§-.00-Amon Carter Museum of Western Art - Fort Worth , TX $85.00Amos Herr House Foundation - Landisville , PA $300.00Amos House - Providence , RI $200.00Amos Tuck School of Business - Hanover , NH $250.00Amputee Coalition of America Inc - Knoxville , TN 30.00Amvets Charities Inc - Lanham , MD 230.00Am otro hic Lateral Schlerosis Association - Atlanta , GA 150.00Am otro hic Lateral Schlerosis Association - Dedham , MA $750Am otro hic Lateral Sclerosis - Warwick , RI 450.00Am otro hic Lateral Sclerosis Association - A goura Hills , CA 535.00Am otro hic Lateral Sclerosis Association - Ambler , PA 600.00Am otro hic Lateral Sclerosis Association - Denver , CO 250.00Am otro hic Lateral Sclerosis Association - Grand Rapids , MI 100.00Am otro hic Lateral Sclerosis Association - Indianapolis , IN 375.00Am otro hic Lateral Sclerosis Association - IrvinTX 25.00Am otro hic Lateral Sclerosis Association - Milford , CT 2 100.00Am otro hic Lateral Sclerosis Association - Minneapolis , MN 125.00Am otro hic Lateral Sclerosis Association - Omaha , NE 25.00Am otro hic Lateral Sclerosis Association - Pittsburgh , PA 25.00Am otro hic Lateral Sclerosis Association - Ralei gh , NC 50.00

--Am otro hic Lateral Sclerosis Association - Rockville , MD T . 100.00Am otro hic Lateral Sclerosis Association - San Die go, CA 25.00Am otro hic Lateral Sclerosis Association - Scottsdale , AZ 50.00Am otro hic Lateral Sclerosis Association - Southfield , MI 250.00Am otro hic Lateral Sclerosis Association- Greater New York Chapter - 2 , 745.60Ananda Mandir , Inc. - Somerset , NJ $ 1 , 000.00Anca Endowment Fund - Washin gton , DC 100.00Anchor House Foundation Inc - Trenton , NJ $2 , 545.00Anchor House Ministries Inc - Auburndale , FL 100.00Ancillae Assumpta Academy - W cote PA $ 100.00Andersen Deans Foundation - Newport Beach , CA $2 , 800.00Anderson Educational Foundation Inc - Staatsbur h NY 200.00Anderson University - Anderson , IN $35.00Anderson University Inc - Anderson , IN 1.050.00Andover Hebron Marlborou gh Youth Services Inc. - Hebron , CT 50.00Andrews University - Berrien S prin g s , MI 360.00Andrews University - Berrien S prin g s , MI 550.00Androscogg in Home Health Services Inc - Lewiston , ME 100.00Angel Planes - Green Valle y, NV 325.00Angel Swim Connecticut Trust - Old Lyme , CT $ 1 ,995.00Angela Hosp ice Home Care - Livonia , MI 815.00Angelman Syndrome Foundation Inc - Westmont , IL 325.00Angels Gate Inc - Fort Salon a NY $ 1 ,200.00Aneels of Hoe - Wyckoff, NJ 50.00Angelwood Inc - Jacksonville , FL 25.00Ang lican Singers - Mystic , CT 850.00Animal Defenders of Westchester Inc - Yonkers , NY 50.00Animal Friends of Connecticut Inc - W Hartford CT 25.00Animal Friends Rescue Project - Pacific Grove CA 250.00Animal Haven Inc - Flushin g, NY 275.00Animal Health Foundation - Pacific MO 150.00Animal Legal Defense Fund - Petaluma , CA 250.00Animal Lifeline of Iowa Inc - Carlisle , IA 750.00Animal Medical Center - New York , NY $1.250.00Animal Placement Agenc y of the Windsors - Princeton Junction , NJ 300.00Animal Placement Bureau - Lansin g, MI 500.00Animal Protection Society of Durham - Durham NC $500.00Animal Protective Association of Missouri - Saint Louis , MO $25.00Animal Rescue and Foster Pro gram Inc - Greensboro NC $ 100.00Animal Rescue League of Boston - Boston , MA $50.00Animal Rescue League of Marshalltown Iowa - Marshalltown IA $ 100.00Animal Rescue League of Southern Rhode Island - Wakefield , RI $ 1 . 825.00Animal Ri ghts Alliance Inc. - Cos Cob CT $ Best Friend Fund Inc - Oshtemo , MI 30.00Aniuman Wazifa Sadaat 0 Mommeen North America Inc - New $500.00Ann Arbor Academy - Ann Arbor , MI $2 . 325.00Ann Arbor Area Community Foundation - Ann Arbor, MI $8 . 305.00Ann Arbor Art Association - Ann Arbor MI 95.00Ann Arbor Ballet Theatre - Ann Arbor , MI 25.00Ann Arbor Center for Independent - Ann Arbor, MI 50.00Ann Arbor Civic Theatre - Ann Arbor MI $300.00Ann Arbor Community Center Incorporated - Ann Arbor MI $ 100.00Ann Arbor Film Festival Inc - Ann Arbor , MI 1 800.00


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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION MATCHING GIFTS Summary by Organization NameOrganization Name Total Company AmountAnn Arbor Hands on Museum - Ann Arbor , MI $5 , 550.00Ann Arbor Huron Hi h School Athletic Booster Club - Ann Arbor , MI 293.00Ann Arbor Pioneer Hi gh School PTSO - Ann Arbor , MI $5000Ann Arbor Summer Festival Inc - Ann Arbor , MI $ 1 . 297.00Ann Arbor S ymphony Orchestra Inc - Ann Arbor , MI $4 . 750.00Ann Arbor Teen Center Inc - Ann Arbor , MI 1770.00Ann Arbor YMCA - Ann Arbor , MI $ 1 . 825.00Ann Arbor Youth Chorale - Ann Arbor , MI 295.00Ann Bancroft Foundation - Pl ymouth , MN 500.00Ann Brodies Carolina Ballet - Columbia , SC 1000.00Annandale Hose Company No I - Annandale , NJ 25.00Anne Arundel Count CASA Inc Court Appointed S pecial Advocates - $50.00Ann-Hua Chinese School - Ann Arbor , MI $20000Annie Penn Memorial Hospital Foundation - Reidsville , NC 100.00Annunciation Maternit y Home Inc - Georgetown , TX 250.00Antares Foundation Inc - San Antonio , TX 300.00Anti-Cruelt y Society - Chicago, IL 250.00Anti-Defamation League of Bnai Brith - New York , NY $2 , 997.00Anti-Defamation Lea gue of Bnai Brith - Westwood , CA 25.00Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese - St. George Church - St. $2 , 759.00Anti q uarian & Landmarks Societ Inc - Hartford , CT 100.00Anti-Slave ry International - Free the Slaves - Washington , DC 200.00An own Arizona Inc - Phoenix , AZ $ 13 , 500.00Anza-Borre go Foundation - Borre go S prin g s , CA $ 1 ,000.00Aon Memorial Education Fund - Chica go, IL 25.00A alachia Service Pro ect Inc - Johnson Cit y, 1000.00Appalachian Mountain Club - Boston , MA $2 , 393.24Appalachian State University - Boone , NC $ 1 , 625.00Appalachian State Universit y Foundation - Boone , NC $ 10000Appalachian Trail Conference - Ha ers Ferry, WV 505.00Appleseed Foundation Inc - Washington , DC $ 1 , 000.00Appropriate Technolog ies for Enterprise Creation-USA Inc - San Francisco 100.00Apropos Housin Opportunities and Management Enterprises Inc. - Mount 520.00Aquarian Charter School - Anchorage , AK 250.00Aquidneck Island Land Trust - Middletown , RI 50.00Aquin Catholic Elementary School - Cascade , IA 5000.00Aquin Elementary School - Cascade , IA $5 ,000.00Aquinas at Dartmouth Inc - Catholic Student Center at Dartmouth Colle ge - 225.00Aquinas Colle ge Inc - Grand Raids MI $5 ,050.00Aquinas Institute Of Rochester - Rochester , NY 200.00Aquinas Literac y Center - Chica go , IL 25.00Ara Parse ghian Medical Research Foundation - Tucson , AZ 650.00Arbor Hospice and Home Care - Ann Arbor , MI 50.00Arbor Hospice Foundation - Ann Arbor , MI 950.00ARC Gateway Inc - Pensacola, FL 250.00ARC of Illinois - Homewood , IL 100.00ARC of New Jersey Inc - Livin gston , NJ 600.00ARC of New Jersey Inc - Morris Plains , NJ 25.00ARC of New Jersey Inc - North Brunswick , NJ 200.00ARC of New Jerse y Inc - Washmgton , NJ 100.00ARC of Northwest Wayne County - Redford MI 0$ 1 ,225.0Arcadia Information Network - Parent to Parent of Southwest Michi gan - 25.00Arcadia University - Glenside , PA 175.00Arch Foundation for the University of Georg ia Inc - Athens GA 380.00Archbishop Curley Hi gh School - Baltimore MD $ 1 .031.00Archbishop Molloy Hi gh School - Briarwood , NY 225.00Archbishop Ryan Hi gh School - Philadel phia , PA 50.00Archbisho p Stepinac Hi gh School - White Plains NY $250.00Archbisho Williams Hi gh School - Braintree , MA $ 100.00Archbishop Wood Hi gh School - Warminster PA 100.00Archbishops Annual Appeal- Archdiocese of Hartford - Hartford , CT $7 ,798.90Archdiocese of Newark - The Scholarshi p Fund for Inner-City Children - $6 , 275.00ARC-South Bay - Gardena , CA 50.00Area Congre gations Together Inc. - Derby, CT $550.00Area Cooperative Educational Services - North Haven , CT 25.00Areivim - Monse NY 90.00Arendell Parrott Academy Inc - Kinston , NC 1000.00Arise Inc - S prin gfield , MA 250.00Arizona Aerospace Foundation Inc - Tucson , AZ $ 100.00Arizona Animal Welfare League Inc - Phoenix AZ 50.00Arizona Animal Welfare League Inc. - Phoenix , AZ $200.00Arizona Community Foundation - Phoenix AZ $ 105.00Arizona Elks Major Projects Inc - Tucson , AZ 100.00Arizona Humane Society - Phoenix , AZ $75.00


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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION MATCHING GIFTS Summary by Organization NameOrganization Name Total Company AmountArizona Native Scholastic Enrichment and Resources Fndtn - Scottsdale , 250.00Arizona Ouest for Kids - Phoenix AZ $500.00Arizona Scholarshi p Fund Inc - Mesa, AZ $825.00Arizona Sonora Desert Museum - Tuscon , AZ $5 .625.00Arizona Stars Youth Basketball Association - Mesa , AZ 6 ,000.00Arizona State University Foundation - Tema AZ 355.00Arizona Zoolo g ical Society - Phoenix , AZ 109.00Ark - Ann Arbor , MI 705.00Arkansas Foodbank Network Inc - Little Rock, AR 25.00Arkansas Special Olymp ics Inc - North Little Rock , AR 50.00Arkansas State University Foundation Inc - State University, AR $1,000.00Arlin ton Charities Inc - Arlin gton , TX 50.00Arlin ton Life Shelter - Arlin gton , TX 50.00Arlin gton Master Chorale - Arlin gton , TX 100.00Arlington Public Library Foundation - Arlin gton , TX 25.00Armed Services YMCA of the USA - Alexandria , VA 100.00Armenia Fund U S A Inc - New York , NY 50.00Armenian General Benevolent Union - New York , NY 700.00Armenian Missionary Association of America Inc - Parmus NJ 525.00Army Aviation Heritage Foundation and Museum - Hampton , GA 400.00Arnot Art Museum - Elmira , NY 350.00Arsha Bodha Center A New Jerse y Nonprofit Corporation - Somerset , NJ $ 1 . 000.00Art Center of Battle Creek - Battle Creek , MI 25.00Art Dorrington Ice Hockey Foundation Inc - Atlantic City, NJ 35.00Art Institute of Chica go - Chica go , IL 620.00Art of Problem Solving Foundation - Al pine , CA 50.00Art With A Heart Inc - Indianapolis , IN 50.00Arthritis Foundation - Charlotte , NC $7500Arthritis Foundation - Phoenix , AZ $50000Arthritis Foundation - Urbandale , IA $ 1 , 500.00Arthritis Foundation Inc - Atlanta GA 105.00Arthritis Foundation Inc - Chicago , IL $ 1 . 015.00Arthritis Foundation Inc - Dallas , TX 475.00Arthritis Foundation Inc - Encino, CA 25.00Arthritis Foundation Inc - Honolulu , HI 125.00Arthritis Foundation Inc - New York, NY 505.0Arthritis Foundation Inc - Owings Mills , MD 125.00Arthritis Foundation Inc - Pensacola , FL 100.00Arthritis Foundation Inc - Richmond , VA 50.00Arthritis Foundation Inc - Rochester, NY 100.00Arthritis Foundation Inc - Rocky Hill , CT 450.00Arthritis Foundation Inc - Saint Louis , MO $8 ,410.00Arthritis Foundation Inc - Salt Lake City, UT 25.00Arthritis Foundation Inc - Washin gton , DC 425.00Arthritis Foundation Inc. - Iselin , NJ 515.00Arthritis Foundation Inc. - Kansas City, MO 50.00Arthritis Foundation Inc. - Philadel phia , PA 125.0Arthritis Foundation Inc. - Seattle , WA 100.00Arthritis Foundation Inc. Lon g Island Chapter - Melville , NY 780.00Arthritis Foundation Inc. National Headq uarters - Atlanta , GA 25.00Arthritis Foundation Inc. Northern Ca. Chapter - San Francisco, CA 520.00Arthritis Foundation Inc. Rocky Mountain Chapter - Denver, CO 100.00Arthritis Foundation Inc. Southern California Chapter - Los An geles , CA 200.00Arthritis Foundation Massachusetts Chapter - Newton , MA 50.00Arthritis Foundation Michi gan Chapter - Troy, MI $2 .095.00Arthritis Foundation/Kansas City - Kansas City, MO 45.00Arthritis Foundation/SmokyMountain Branch - Nashville , TN 50.00Arthritis Research Institute of America Inc. - Clearwater , FL 50.00Arthur Ashe Youth Tennis and Education Inc - Philadel phia , PA 5000.00Arthur Elementary School - Cedar Raids IA 50.00Artists Association of Nantucket - Nantucket , MA 250.00Artrain Inc - Ann Arbor, MI $500.00Artreach Inc. - Norwich CT 75.00A rts & Education Council of Greater St Louis - Saint Louis , MO 110.00Arts Center of Coastal Carolina - Hilton Head SC $ 1 . 750.00Arts Council of Greater Kalamazoo - Kalamazoo MI 75.00Arts Council of Greenwood County Inc - Greenwood , SC 600.00Arts Council of the Morris Area - Morristown NJ 100.00Arts Council of Wilson Inc. - Wilson , NC 250.00Arts Council Silicon Valley - San Jose , CA 150.00Arts Council Wichita Falls Area Inc - Wichita Falls , TX 600.00Arts Horizons Inc. - Englewood , NJ 50.00Arts Illiana Inc - Terre Haute IN 50.00Arts In Southold Town Inc - Cutcho ue NY 100.00


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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION MATCHING GIFTS Summary by Organization NameOrganization Name Total Company AmountAsbury Colle ge - Wilmore , KY 1100.00Asbury Theolog ical Seminary - Wilmore , KY $10.000.00Asha for Education - Houston , TX $ 101.00Asheville Choral Society - Asheville , NC $ 1 , 200.00Asheville School Incorporated - Asheville , NC $250.00Ashley Hall Foundation - Charleston , SC 750.00Ashoka - Arlin gton , VA 250.00Asia Society - New York , NY 120.00Asian Professional Extension Inc - New York , NY $2 ,000.00Asian Relief Inc - Greenbelt , MD 270.00Asian Relief Inc. - Greenbelt , MD $ 100.00Asociacion Puerto Rico Ouena De Diabetes - San Juan PR $ 1 , 150.00Asociacion Te e ac De New York - New York , NY $5 , 000.00Asociancion Medica Hispano Americana De Wisconsin Inc - Milwaukee , $40000Asolo Performin g Arts Center Inc. - Sarasota , FL 415.00Asolo Theater Inc - Sarasota , FL $ 1 , 500.00Aspen Buddy Pro ram Inc - As pen , CO $ 1 , 000.00Aspen Institute Inc - Washington , DC $2 , 250.00Aspen Valley Community Foundation - Aspen , CO $2 , 500.00As etuck Land Trust Inc. - Westport , CT $2 , 235.00Asphalt Green Inc. - New York , NY 500.00Assisi Nature Council USA - Action for Nature - San Francisco, CA $200.00Assistance Lea ue of Houston - Houston , TX $ 1 , 225.00Assistance Lea ue of Kansas City - Kansas City, MO 70.00Assistance League of San Pedro South Inc - San Pedro CA 50.00Associate Alumnae of Doug lass Colle ge - New Brunswick , NJ 175.00Associated Baptist Press - Jacksonville , FL 950.00Associated Beth Rivka School for Girls , Inc. - Brookl yn, NY $8 , 725.00Associated Humane Societies Inc - Forked River , NJ 100.00Associated Humane Societies Inc - Newark , NJ $400.00Associated Humane Societies Inc - Po corn Park Zoo - Forked River , NJ $ 100.00Associated Male Choruses of America - Kalamazoo , MI 225.00Association for Computing Machinery - Orem , UT $3 ,000.00Association for Rescue at Sea Inc - Fish Creek WI 1 ,000.00Association for Retarded Citizens Texas - San Antonio , TX 1 , 500.00Association for Retarded Citizens Texas - Wichita Falls , TX $ 100.00Association for the Blind and Visuall y Impaired - Grand Rapids , MI $75.00Association for the Preservation of Civil War Sites Inc. - Hagerstown . MD $2 , 33700Association for the Preservation of Virg inia Antiquities - Richmond , VA $60.00Association for the Protection of Animals Inc - Granite City, IL $6 , 125.00Association for Women In Science Inc - Waco , TX 80.00Association of Food and Dru g Officials - York , PA 250.00Association of Former Students of Texas A & M University - Colle ge $380.00Association of Former Students of Texas A & M University - Colle ge $3 , 190.00Association of Graduates of the United States Military Academy - West $ 1 , 542.00Association of Graduates of the United States Military Academy - West $19.939. 0Association of Graduates United States Air Force Academy - U S A F 400.00Association of Horizon Inc - Chicago , IL 150.00Association of Marian Hel pers Congre gation of Marians - Stockbrid ge , MA 25.00Association of Maryland Families Inc - Pasadena, MD 160.00Association of the Bar of the City of New York Fund Inc. - New York NY 100.00Association of the HITWG Camps Inc - New Haven , CT 25.00Association of Women In Science Educational Foundation - Bethesda , MD 25.00Assumption Colle ge - Worcester , MA 94.22Assumption Hi h School - Daven po rt , 100.00Ataxia Telang iectasia Childrens Project Inc - Deerfield Beach , FL 105.00Atelier CMS - Jefferson City, MO 75.00Athenaeum Foundation Inc - Indianapolis , IN 100.00Athenaeum of Ohio - Cincinnati , OH $ 1 ,050.00Athens Volunteer Fire Department Auxiliary - Athens , MI 3000.00Athletic Booster Club of Dexter Inc - Dexter , MI $ 1 , 140.00Atlanta Botanical Garden Inc - Atlanta GA 250.00Atlanta Educational Telecommunications Collaborative - Atlanta GA 508.00Atlanta Symphony Orchestra Robert W. Woodruff Arts Center Inc. - 50.00Atlantic Classical Players Inc - Vero Beach FL 150.00Atlantic General Hospital - Berline , MD 50.00Atlantic Salmon Federation Inc. - Calais , ME 100.00Au Sable Trails Institute of Environmental Studies - Grand Rapids , MI 800.00Auburn Automotive Herita ge Inc - Auburn IN 200.00Auburn University Foundation Auburn Campus - Auburn , AL $5 . 720.00Aucado Rescue Mid-Michi gan - Remus MI 200.00Audubon Society of New Hampshire - Concord , NH 63.00Audubon Societ y of Rhode Island - Smithfield , RI 25.00

,Augusta Choral Society Inc - Augusta , GA 2000.00STATEMENT 21B

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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION MATCHING GIFTS Summary by Organization Name

Organization Name Total Company AmountAu usta Health Care Inc - Fishersville VA $ 100.00Augusta Opera Association Inc - Aug usta , GA $500.00Au usta Rescue Mission Inc - Augusta , GA $50.00Au gustana Colle ge - Rock Island , IL 350.00Au gustana Colle ge - Rock Island , IL $ 1 . 100.00Augustana Colle ge Association - Sioux Falls , SD 200.00Aunt Marys Dog House Inc - Hope , NJ 200.00Auricle Communications - WMFU - Jerse y City, NJ $ 126.00Austin Pea State Universie - Clarksville , TN 1000.00Austin S ymphony Orchestra Society - Austin , TX 280.00Austin Trinity School - Austin , TX $ 1 , 500.00Autism Clinic of Texas - Treehouse Day Pro ram - San Antonio , TX 900.00Autism Research Institute - San Die go, CA $25.00Autism Society of America - Winthrop, ME 100.00Autism Society of America Inc - Lombard , II 45.00Autism Speaks Foundation Inc - National Alliance for Autism Research Inc $ 1 , 000.00Autism S eaks Inc - New York , NY $50.00Avalon Nonprofit Housin g Corp - Ann Arbor , MI 25.00Avalon Theatre Pro i ect Inc - Washington , DC $300.00Avalonia Land Conservanc y Inc. - Old Mystic , CT $7595.00Ave Maria University Inc - Nap les , FL 350.00Aviation Hall of Fame of New Jersey - Teterboro , NJ 200.00Avila University - Kansas City, MO 250.00Avodah the Jewish Service Corps Inc - New York, NY $250.00Avon Old Farms School Inc. - Avon , CT $ 1 , 375.00Avon Products Foundation Incorporated - Cincinnati , OH 35.00Avon Products Foundation Incorporated - Rye , NY $ 15 ,042.00Avsc International Inc. - New York, NY $ 125.00AWAKE-Asian Womens Alliance for Kinshi p and Equality Inc - New Cit 630.00Awareness Society A New Jersey Nonprofit Corporation - Duvall , WA $50000AYCO Charitable Foundation - Clifton Park , NY $ 14 ,910.00Ayn Rand Institute: the Center for the Advancement of Ob jectivism $ 150.00Azusa Pacific University - Azusa, CA 150.00B & 0 Railroad Museum - Baltimore , MD $75.00B..a. Chesed Fund - Brookl yn, NY $50.00Babson Colle ge - Babson Park , MA $2 , 500.00Bach Festival Society of Kalamazoo Inc - Kalamazoo , MI 550.0Bach PTO - Ann Arbor , MI 540.00Backdoor Friends Purebred Cat Rescue - Farmington Hills , MI 25.00Backsto ers - St. Louis , MO 410.00Back-To-School Clothin g Drive Association - Glendale , AZ 50.00Backus Foundation Inc. - Norwich , CT $2 . 200.00Bacon Academy - Colchester , CT 250.00Bader Fund - University of Wisconsin Foundation - Madison , WI $ 1 , 500.00Bailey House Inc. - New York NY $3 ,050.00Bainbrid a Island Community Endowment - Bainbrid ge Is , WA 100.00Bais Brocho Dkarlin Stolin - Brookl yn, NY 25.00Bais Yaakov of queens - Kew Gardens , NY 75.00Ba i a Christian Ministries - Chino , CA $ 1 , 000.00Baker University - Baldwin City, KS 200.0

all State University Foundation - Muncie , IN 700.00all State University Foundation - Muncie , IN 9 930.73

Ballet Theatre Foundation Inc - New York , NY $11,940.00Ballet Theatre of Des Moines - Des Moines , IA $ 1 , 250.00Balloon Angels Inc - Louisville , KY 1 . 560.00Balm In Gilead Inc - New York, NY 0.00Baltimore Outreach Services Inc - Baltimore , MD 100.00Bank Street Colle ge of Education - New York NY 100.00Banner Desert Medical Center - Mesa , AZ 25.00Banyan Theater Company - Sarasota , FL 50.00Bas Care International - Piscataway, NJ $48 , 751.0Baptist Childrens Home and Family Ministries Inc - Val paraiso , IN 150.0Baptist Childrens Homes of North Carolina Inc - Thomasville , NC 25.00Ba tist Convention of Georgia Executive Committee - Child Enrichment 17000.00Baptist Health System Foundation - Children's Miracle Network 300.00Baptist Medical & Dental Mission International Inc - Hattiesbur g, MS $2 . 5 .00Baptist St Anthonys Hospital Co oration-Children's Miracle Network - 100.00Baptist Village Inc - Waycross , GA 1000.00Bar Association of Nassau County Fund Inc - Mineola , NY 500.00Baraka African Ministry - Detroit , MI 100.00Barbara Ann Karmanos Cancer Institute - Detroit , MI $3 , 110.00Barbara Gordon Montessori School - Colle ille TX $400.00Bard Colle ge - Annandale On Hudson , NY $4 , 200.00Barden Benner Carter Memorial Fund - Cleveland Hei ghts , OH $ 100.00


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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION MATCHING GIFTS Summary by Organization NameOrganization Name Total Company AmountBarksdale Theatre - Richmond VA 525.00Barnard Colle ge - New York NY $24 , 795.00Barne at Li ght Historical Society - Barne at Li ght , NJ $2500Barrin g ton Girls Hocke y Association - Barran ton RI 50000Barrm ton Sta a Co Inc - Sheffield , MA 125.00Barry Telecommunications Inc - West Palm Beach , FL 400.00Barstow School - Kansas Cit y, MO 150.00Barth Syndrome Foundation Inc - Larchmont , NY 100.00

1Bartholomew County Retirement Foundation - Columbus , IN 100.00Barton Center for Diabetes Education Inc - N. Oxford , MA 235.00Bartow-Pell Landmark Fund - Bronx , NY 180.00Basket of Hope - Saint Louis , MO $5 ,000.00Baskin Rid ge Fire Company No I - Baskin g Rid ge , NJ 150.00Basset Rescue of Old Dominion Inc - Charlottesville , VA 100.00Bat Conservation International Inc - Austin , TX $250.00Bat Theatre Inc - The Flea Theater - New York , NY $25.00Bates Colle ge - Lewiston , ME $4 , 800.00Bates Elementarv School - Dexter , MI $75.00Battle Creek Area Catholic Schools Foundation Inc - Battle Creek MI $1,000.00Battle Creek Area Catholic Schools Foundation Inc - Battle Creek , MI $ 1 , 800.00Battle Creek Civic Theatre - Battle Creek MI $850.00Battle Creek Community Foundation - Battle Creek , MI $ 1 ,45000Bay Cliff Health Camp - Bi g Bay, MI 800.00Bay County Historical Society - Bay City, MI 50.00Bay County Womens Center - Bay City, MI $375.00Bay Path Colle ge - Longmeadow , MA $25.00Ba School Cultural Arts Center - Mathews , VA $ 100.00Ba ith Lepleitot Inc - Brookl yn, NY 1 054.00Baylor Colle ge of Medicine - Houston , TX $25.00Baylor School Hu gh Huddleston - Chattanooga , TN $500.00Baylor University - Waco , TX $300.00Baystate Health Foundation Inc - Bhs- Rays of Hope Walk - S prin gfield , $ 100.00Bbb Wise Givin g Alliance - Arlin gton , VA 45.00Bbc Foundation Inc - Clarks Summit , PA $ 1 ,000.00Beaches Womens Partnershi p Inc - Ponte Vedra , FL $ 100.00Beacon School Parent Association - New York , NY $590.00Beans and Rice Inc - Radford , VA $60.00Bear Lake Watch - Salt Lake City, UT 100.00Beatrice Hi Rh School - Beatrice , NE 150.00Beaver County Humane Society - Monaca , PA 25.00Becker Colle ge - Worcester, MA 50.00Beczak Environmental Education Center - Yonkers , NY 500.00Bedford County Federated Libra ry S ystem Inc - Bedford PA 125.00Bedford Free Library - Bedford , NY 140.00Bedford Hills Fire Department Inc - Bedford Hills NY 100.00Bedford Hills Free Libra ry - Bedford Hills NY 75.00Bedford Hills Historical Museum - Bedford Hills NY 150.00Bedford Historical Society - Bedford , NY 75.00Bedford Stuyvesant Famil y Health Centre Inc - Brookl yn, NY $ 1 ,000.00Bedford Villa a Chowder and Marchin Club Inc - Bedford , NY 200.00Behrhorst Partners for Development Inc - Milwaukee , WI 40000Bel Canto Company Inc - Greensboro , NC 190.00Bel grade Reg ional Conservation Alliance Inc - Bel grade Lakes , ME 25.00Belhaven College - Jackson , MS 500.00Bellarmine Colle ge - Louisville , KY 600.00Bellarmine Preparatory School - Tacoma , WA 100.00Belle Center Inc - St Louis MO 275.00Bellevue Hi gh School Alumni Association - Bellevue OH 250.00Bellville Hospital Foundation - Bellville , TX 25.00Belmont Child Care Association Inc - Elmont , NY 100.00Belmont University - Nashville , TN 500.00Beloit Colle ge - Beloit , WI $3.550.00Bement School Inc - Deerfield MA 725.00Benedictine Academy - Elizabeth , NJ 150.00Benedictine Colle ge - Atchison KS 675.00Benedictine Health Foundation Inc - Kin gston , NY 25.00Benedictine Health S ystem Foundation - St Francis Health Care Foundation 25.00Bennett Colle ge - Greensboro , NC 100.00Bennington County Humane Society Inc Stratevest Grou N A - 25.00Bentley Colle ge - Waltham MA 175.00Berea Colle ge - Berea, KY $50.00Berea Colle ge - Berea , KY $300.00Ber en Catholic Hi gh School - Oradell , NJ 1800.00Bergen Performin g Arts Center Inc - Englewood , NJ 350.00


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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION MATCHING GIFTS Summary by Organization Name

Organization Name Total Company AmountBerkele y Hei g hts Rescue S q uad Inc - Berkeley Hei g hts , NJ 50.00Berke le -Carroll Street School - Brookl yn, NY $5 , 250.00Berks Count Communit Foundation Inc - Readin g, PA $200.00Berkshire Choral Institute - Sheffield , MA $250.00Berkshire Community Action Council Inc - Community Services - Great $25.00Berkshire Garden Center Inc. - Stockbrid ge , MA 250.00Berkshire Opera Company Inc. - Pittsfield , MA $250.00Berkshire Taconic Community Foundation Inc - Great Barrin gton , MA $ 15 , 530.00Berkshire Theatre Festival Inc - Stockbrid ge , MA $200.00Bernard Zell Anshe Emet Da School - Chicago, IL $850.00Bernardo Hew hts Middle School - San Die go , CA $25.00Bernardsville Libra ry Association - Bernardsville NJ 500.00Berry Colle ge - Mount Be rry, GA $ 150.00Berwyn Fire Company - Berwyn , PA $ 100.00Best Buddies International Inc - Miami , FL $ 125.00Best Friends Animal Sanctuary - Kanab UT $5 , 355.00Best Little Cat House In Pennsylvania - Harrisburg, PA $200.00Best Production Company Inc - Norwich , CT $ 1 , 594.00Beta Gamma Si gma Inc - Maryland Hei ghts , MO $25.00Beth Medrash Govoha of America - Lakewood , NJ $700.00Beth Medrash Govoha of New York - Lakewood , NJ $300.00Bethama Foundation - Ann Arbor , MI $2 ,050.00Bethany Christian Hi g h School Inc - Goshen , IN 300.00Bethany Christian Services - Grand Raids MI 300.00Bethany Colle ge - Lindsbor g, KS $750.00Bethel Colle ge - North Newton , KS $ 150.00Bethel Colle ge & Seminary - Saint Paul , MN 125.00Bethel Colle ge Inc - Mishawaka , IN $ 150.00Bethel Lutheran School - St. Louis , MO $50.00Bethel Recovery Center Inc - Brid geport , CT 200.00Bethesda Chevy Chase Rescue S q uad Inc. - Bethesda MD $ 150.00Bethesda Foundation Inc - Cincinnati , OH 25.00Bethesda Hosp ital Inc - Hos pice of Cincinnati - Cincinnati , OH $25.00Bethesda Lutheran Homes and Services Inc - Watertown , WI $3 ,690.00Bethesda Union Societ y of Savannah - Savannah , GA $4 ,676.00Bethlehem Haven of Pittsbur gh - Pittsburgh , PA $21000Bethsaida Community Incorporated - Norwich , CT $910.00Bethune Cookman Colle ge - Daytona Beach , FL $5.100.00Better Existence With HIV - Evanston , IL 525.00Betterment Foundation - Washin gton , DC 690.00Beyond War - Eugene , OR 100.00Bi Cultural Day School - Stamford , CT 0$ 10, 710.0Bia im Baseball Foundation - Oklahoma City, OK $1.500.00Bi-County United Way of Cass & Jackson Inc - Inde pendence , MO 100.00Bide-A-wee Home Association - New York , NY $2 , 321.90Bi g 33 Scholarshi p Foundation Inc - New Cumberland , PA 100.00Bi g App le Circus - New York , NY $ 12 ,950.00Bi g Apple Institute Inc - Brookl yn, NY $45 ,000.00Bi g Brother Bi g Sisters of Metropolitan Portland - Portland , OR 25.00Bi g Brothers & Sisters of the Fox Valley Reg ion Inc - Appleton , WI 25.0Bi Brothers and Bi Sisters of Greater Lansin g Inc - Lansin g, MI 100.00Bi g Brothers and Bi Sisters of Metropolitan Milwaukee Inc - Milwaukee , 100.00Bi g Brothers and Bi g Sisters of New York City Inc - New York , NY 805.00Bi g Brothers and Bi g Sisters of Sussex County - Newton , NJ $ 1 ,000.00Bi g Brothers and Sisters of Sangamon County Inc - S prin gfield , IL 50.00Bi g Brothers Bi g Sisters A Community of Caring - Kalamazoo , MI 1 385.00Bi Brothers Bi Sisters Livin gston County - Howell , MI 50.00Bi Brothers Bi g Sisters of Central Ohio Inc - Columbus , OH 50.0Bi g Brothers Bi g Sisters of Eastern Missouri - St. Louis , MO 25.0Bi Brothers Bi g Sisters of Greater Memphis - Memphis , TN 200.0Bi g Brothers Bi g Sisters of Northeastern Wisconsin Inc - Green Bay, WI 75.00Bi g Brothers Bi g Sisters of Northwestern Michi gan - Traverse City, MI 100.00Bi g Brothers Big Sisters of Saginaw Bay Area Inc - Saginaw , MI 25.00Bi g Brothers Bi g Sisters of Southwestern Indiana - Evansville IN 200.00Bi g Brothers Bi g Sisters of Yavapai - Prescott AZ 25.00Bi g Brothers-Bi g Sisters of Metropolitan Chicago - Chica go, IL 200.00Bi g Brothers-Bi g Sisters of Southeastern Connecticut Inc - Oakdale CT $365.00Bi g Brothers-Bi g Sisters of Tucson Inc - Tucson , AZ $2 ,000.00Bi Brothers-Bi g Sisters/Lancaster County Pennsylvania - Lancaster. PA 95.00Bi g Brothers-Bi g Sisters/Warren County - Washington , NJ 25.00Bi g City Mountaineers Inc - Golden , CO 1000.00Bi g Green Scholarshi p Foundation Inc - Huntin gton , WV 600.00Bi gelow Cooperative Day Care Center - Cambrid ge , MA $ 150.00Bi gelow Laborato for Ocean Sciences - W Boothbay Harbor ME 75.00


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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION MATCHING GIFTS Summary by Organization NameOr anization Name Total Company AmountBike & Build Inc - Brooklyn, NY $2 , 300.06B ke Across America Inc - Connecticut Challen ge - Stamford , CT $ 1 , 030.00Bike Across America Inc - Yale Cancer Center Survivorshi p Clinic $ 315.00Bike Centennial Adventure Cyclin g - Missoula , MT 175.00Bikur Cholim of Far Rockaway Lawrenceation Inc - Lawrence , NY 54.00Bikur Cholim of Queens Inc. - Flushin g, NY 25.00Bikur Cholim Staten Island Inc - Staten Island , NY 300.00Bill Libra Association - Led and CT 20.00Bill Memorial Library - Groton , CT 175.00Bill of Ri ghts Institute - Arlin gton , VA $ 10000Billie Holiday Theatre Incorporated - Brookl yn, NY 500.00Bill y Andrade-Brad Faxon Charities for Children Inc - South Attleboro , $ 1 , 000.00Bil uis Edhi Relief Foundation Inc - Corona , NY 4 500 00Binder Park Zoolog ical Societ Inc - Battle Creek , MI 300.00Binky Patrol - Laguna Beach , CA 50.00Biola University Inc. - La Mirada CA 150.00Birds of Vermont Museum Inc - Huntin gton , VT 40.00Birmingham Grou p Health Services Inc - Ansonia , CT 100.00Birmin gham Jewish Day School - Birmin gham , AL 35000Birth Haven Inc. - Newton , NJ 200.00B rthline of San Diego County Inc - San Die go, CA $5 ,000.00Birthri ght of Greater Westbrook Inc - Clinton , CT 125.00Birthri ght of Terre Haute Inc. - Terre Haute , IN 200.00Birthright of Windham Inc - Willimantic , CT 100.00Bishop Dubourg Hi g h School - Saint Louis , MO 710.00Bisho Eustace Preparatory School - Pennsauken , NJ 250.00Bishop Gasses Sudan Relief Fund Inc - Manassas , VA 100.00BishopGuilfo le Hi gh School - Altoona, PA $ 1 . 950.00Bishop Hendricken Hi gh School - Warwick, RI 100.00Bishop Kearney Hi gh School - Brookl yn, NY $5000Bisho Mccort Hi gh School - Johnstown , PA $ 10000Bisho Noll Institute Foundation Inc - Hammond , IN 500.00Bishop O'Dowd High School - Oakland , CA 300.00Bishop School - La Jolla , CA $6 .025.00Bishop Sullivan Center Inc 052196 - Kansas City, MO 150.00Bishopric of Public , Ecumenical & Social Services , USA - Cedar Grove , $3 . 300.00Bishops Fund for Children - Hanford CT $ 150.00Black Mountain Assisted Famil y Livin g Inc - Brattleboro , VT 25.00Black River Public School - Holland , MI $ 0 . 150.00Blackburn University - Carlinville , IL 2,292.00Blair Academy - Blairstown , NJ $250.00Blair Academy - Blairstown , NJ $ 1 , 000.00Blake School Middle Campus & Lower Campus - Hopkins , MN $ 1 .000.00Blanchester School District - Blanchester , OH $2 ,000.00Blessed Hoe Seventh Day Christian Church - Blessed Hoe Communitv $1 1 000.00Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church of Lincoln - Blessed Sacrament School 4 500.00Blinded Veterans Association - Washin gton , DC 225.00Block Island Historical Society - Block Island , RI 100.00Block Island Volunteer Fire and Rescue Department - Block Island , RI 200.00Blodgett Butterworth Health Care Foundation - Devos Children's Hos pital 775.00Bloomfield Colle ge & Seminary - Bloomfield , NJ $200.00Bloomfield Volunteer Emergency Squad Inc - Bloomfield , NJ $30.00Bloomsburg University Foundation Inc - Bloomsbur g, PA $225.00Blount County Education Foundation - Alcoa , TN $500.00Blue and Gray Education Society - Danville , VA $2.751. 00Blue Hill Trou Ltd - New York , NY $90.00Blue Lake Fine Arts Camp - Twin Lake , MI $685.00Blue Mountain Academy - Hamburg, PA $50.00Blue Rid ge Literacy Council Inc - Hendersonville , NC $50.00Blue Ridge Public Television - Roanoke , VA $235.00Blue Spruce Foundation Inc - Readin iz, PA 650.00Bluffton Colle ge - Bluffton , OH $3 ,480.00Bluffton Self Hel p Inc - Bluffton , SC 25.00BI eville Hi gh School Scholarshi Foundation Inc - Blytheville , AR 1000.00B'nai B'rith - Moorpark , CA 25.00Bnai Brith - Washington , DC 153.00Bnai Brith - Westlake Village , CA 25.00Bnai Brith Foundation of the United States - Washington , DC 904.00Bnai Brith Hillel Foundation - Ann Arbor MI 10.00Bnai Brith Hillel Foundation - Cambrid ge , MA 100.00Bnai Brith Hillel Foundation - Hillel Foundation - Purdue University - West 50.00Boca Grande Health Clinic Foundation Inc - Boca Grande , FL 2000.00Boca Raton Rotary Fund Inc - Boca Raton Fl 200.00LBoggy Creek Gang A Hole In the Wall Gang Camp Inc - Eustis , FL 150.00


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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION MATCHING GIFTS Summary by Organization Name

Organization Name Total Company AmountBolivian Ouaker Education Fund Inc - East Concord , NY 1 00.00on Lin Elementary School - Bartlett , TN 25.00

Bonaventure Historical Societ y Inc - Savannah , GA 50.00Bond Co Community Unit 2 Academic Foundation Inc - Greenville , IL 25.00Bond Street Theatre Coalition Ltd - New York , NY 200.00Bonei Olam Inc - Brookl yn, NY 50.00Bonim Lamokom Inc - Brookl yn, NY 36.00Bonita Spring s Assistance Office Inc - Bonita S prin g s . FL 1 50.00Bonn ale Environmental Education Center at Heifer Hill Inc 50.00Books for Kids Foundation - New York, NY 1 10.00Booth & Dimock Memorial Library Incorporated - Coventry, CT $25.00Booth Tarkin gton Civic Theatre of Indiana polis Inc - Indianapolis . IN $3 09.00Boothbay Harbor Memorial Libra ry Association - Boothbay Harbor , ME $75.00Boothbay Railway Villa ge - Boothba ME $75.00Boothba Re ion Historical Society - Boothbay Harbor, ME 200.00Boothbay Re g ion Land Trust Inc - Boothbay Harbor , ME 50.00Borculo Christian School Foundation Inc - Zeeland , MI 50.00Bor ess Foundation - Kalamazoo , MI $25.00Borough of Wood Ride in New Jerse y - Wood Rid ge Fire Department - $25.00Boston Ballet Inc. - Boston , MA $250.00Boston Colle ge - Chestnut Hill , MA 300.00Boston Colle ge Hi gh School - Boston , MA $300.00Boston Colle ge Hi gh School - Boston , MA $ 1 . 690.00Boston Colle ge Trustees - Chestnut Hill , MA $72 , 896.00Boston Cure Project Inc - Accelerated Cure Project Inc. - Waltham , MA $3 ,250.00Boston Health Care for the Homeless Pro ram Inc - Boston , MA 250.00Boston Latin Academy Girls Latin School Foundation Inc - Andover , MA $500.00Boston Latin School Association - Boston , MA $2 ,775.00Boston Preservation Alliance - Boston MA 250.00Boston Symphony Orchestra Inc - Boston , MA $8 . 680.13Boston University - Boston , MA $ 1 ,000.00Boston University Trustees Develop & Alumni - Boston , MA 350.00Boston University Trustees of Boston University - Sea Education 925.00Botanical Gardens of Volusia Inc - Port Orange , FL 250.00Boulder Community Hospital Foundation - Boulder , CO 200.00Boulder County Mental Health Foundation - Boulder, CO 450.00Boulder Philharmonic Orchestra - Boulder , CO 250.00Bowdom College - Brunswick , ME $2 ,000.00Bowdoin College - Brunswick , ME $5 ,000.00Bowie Crofton Pre gnanc y Center Inc - Bowie , MD $2 , 500.00Bowlin e Green State University - Bowling Green , OH 185.00Bowlm Green State Universit y Foundation Inc - Bowlin g Green , OH $ 1 ,606.00Bowling Green-Warren County Humane Society - Bowling Green , KY $2 ,090.00Boy Scouts Of America - Boulder Dam Area Council - Las Vegas , NV 250.00Boy Scouts of America - Charleston , WV 400.00Bo Scouts of America - Cincinnati , OH 50.0Bo Scouts of America - Columbus , OH 650.00Boy Scouts of America - Connecticut Rivers Council - East Hartford , CT $8 , 630.00Boy Scouts of America - Denver , CO 60.00Bo Scouts of America - Derby, CT 235.00Boy Scouts of America - East Providence , RI $ 1 , 257.00Boy Scouts of America - Gastonia , NC 650.00Boy Scouts of America - Greenwich , CT $ 1 . 750.00Boy Scouts of America - Kalamazoo , MI 3 . 525.00Boy Scouts of America - Kansas City, 225.0Boy Scouts of America - Ke ystone Area Council BSA - Mechanicsbur iz, PA 50.00Boy Scouts of America - La Crosse , WI 500.00Bo Scouts of America - Madison , WI 00.00Boy Scouts of America - Miami Lakes , FL 50.00Boy Scouts of America - Milford , CT 175.00Boy Scouts of America - Monmouth Junction , NJ 100.00Boy Scouts of America - Moosic , PA 50.00Boy Scouts of America - Northern New Jersey Council 333 - Oakland NJ 275.00Bo Scouts of America - Patriot Path Council - Boy Scouts Troop 111 - $50.00Boy Scouts of America - Patriots Path Council - Florham Park , NJ 305.00Boy Scouts of America - Pensacola , FL 75.00Boy Scouts of America - Redlands CA 1 100.00Boy Scouts of America - Saint Louis , MO $ 1 ,457.00Boy Scouts of America - San Die go , CA 100.00Boy Scouts of America - Shreveport , 125.00Boy Scouts of America - St. Charles , IL 120.00Boy Scouts of America - Texarkana , TX 150.00Boy Scouts of America - The Housatonic Council - Derby, CT 250.00Boy Scouts of America - Walton , NE 220.00


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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION MATCHING GIFTS Summary by Organization NameOrganization Name Total Company AmountBoy Scouts of America / Pack 10 - Westerl - Moosup, CT 100.00Boy Scouts of America Baltimore Area Council - Baltimore , MD 150.00Bo Scouts of America Charles Sommers Scout Service Center - Saint 100.00Boy Scouts of America Council - Clinton Valle Council - Waterford , MI 30.00Boy Scouts of America Council - Detroit , MI 144.00Bo Scouts of America Council - Eau Claire , WI 157.50Boy Scouts of America Council - Fresno , CA $2 .090.00Boy Scouts of America Council - Great Sauk Trail Council , BSA - Ann $2 , 140.00Bo Scouts of America Council - Manitous 88 - Order of the Arrow - Ann 120.00Boy Scouts of America Council - Readin jz, PA 200.00Boy Scouts of America Council - San Rafael , CA 2 500.00Bo Scouts of America Council - Santa Ana , CA 125.00Boy Scouts of America Council - Traverse City, MI 125.00Boy Scouts of America Council - Tyler , TX 40.00Bo Scouts of America Council - Waynesboro , VA 75.00Boy Scouts of America Council - Wichita Falls , TX 390.00Bo Scouts of America Golden Empire Council - Sacramento , CA 200.00Bo Scouts of America Grand Canyon Council - Phoenix , AZ 98.00ffoy Scouts of America Lake Huron Area Council - Auburn , MI 25.00Boy Scouts of America Mid-Iowa Council - Des Moines , IA 100.00Bo Scouts of America Milwaukee County Council - Milwaukee . WI 700.00Boy Scouts of America Minsi Trails Council - Lehi h Valle y, PA 150.00Boy Scouts of America Narragansett Council - Providence , RI 372.00Roy Scouts of America National Council - App leton , WI 410.00Boy Scouts Of America National Council - BSA Western Alaska Council - 250.00Boy Scouts of America National Council - Hoosier Trails Council - 50000Bo Scouts of America National Council - Toledo , OH $ 1 , 000.00Boy Scouts of America Ntl Council - Gerald R. Ford Council - Grand 500.00ffoy Scouts of America Ntl Council - Lancaster, PA 100.00Boy Scouts of America Ntl Council - Munster , IN 300.00Boy Scouts of America Ntl Council - Portland , OR 70.00Boy Scouts of America Sa amore Council - Kokomo, IN 100.00Bo Scouts of America Theodore Roosevelt Council - Massa e ua NY 640.00Boy Scouts of America Troop 180 - Lebanon , CT 1 400 00Bo Scouts of America- Troop 3 - Derby, CT $2 , 855.00Boy Scouts of America Trust Fund Lon gs Peak Council - Greele y, CO $2 , 550.00Boy Scouts of America Twin Valle y Council - Mankato , MN 95.00Boy Scouts Of America Westchester - Putnam County Council - 350.0013o Scouts of America/Central Florida Council - Apopka , FL 100.00Bo Scouts of America-Greater New York Councils - New York , NY $ 1 , 100.00Bo Scouts/Chester County Council - West Chester , PA 200.00Bo choir of Ann Arbor - Ann Arbor , MI 100.00Boykin Spaniel Foundation - Camden , SC 75.00Boys & Girls Club - Kalamazoo , MI 275.00Bovs & Girls Club of America - New York, NY 100.00Boys & Girls Club of Cap istrano Valle y - San Juan Ca o CA $2 .000.00Boys & Girls Club of Clifton Inc. - Clifton , NJ 100.00Boys & Girls Club of Greater Nashua Inc - Nashua , NH $2 . 500.00Boys & Girls Club of Marshall County, Inc. - Plymouth , IN 100.00Boys & Girls Club of Northern Westchester - Mount Kisco NY $3 ,750.00Bovs & Girls Club of Pittsfield - Pittsfield , MA 100.00Boys & Girls Club of Southeastern Connecticut Inc - Groton CT 25.00Boys & Girls Club/Monmouth Count y, Inc. - Asbury Park , NJ 100.00Boys & Girls Clubs of America - New York , NY $ 12 , 500.00Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Washin gton Inc - Silver S prin g, MD $50.00Boys & Girls Clubs of the Trident Area Inc - Charleston , SC 250.00Bovs and Girls Club of Fullerton - Fullerton , CA 30.00Boys and Girls Club of Grants Pass and Jose phine County Incorporated - 04 .2 . _OBoys and Girls Club of Greater Milwaukee Inc - Milwaukee , WI $85.00Boys and Girls Club of the Wisconsin Rapids Area Inc - Wisconsin Ra dis 600.00Boys and Girls Clubs of Deep East Texas - Nacogdoches , TX 10 125.00Boys and Girls Clubs of Hartford Inc - Hartford , CT 100.00Bovs and Girls Clubs of Providence - Providence , RI 100.00Boys Club of Lauderdale Count Inc - Meridian , MS 400.00Boys Club of New York Inc. - New York, NY $ 100.00Bovs Clubs & Girls Clubs Of Newport County Inc - Newport, RI $250.00Boys Home Incorporated - Covington , VA $1.000.00Bovs Ho - Staten Island , NY 2 750.00Bovs Re ublic - Chino Hills CA 50.00Bovs Scouts of America - BSA Patriots Path Council Inc - Florham Park 180.00Bo s Scouts of America - Connecticut Yankee Council - Milford CT 75.00boys Scouts of America - Nashville TN $ 1 , 100.00Boys Scouts of America - Portland , OR $240.00Bovs Town Jerusalem Foundation of America Inc. - New York NY 36.00


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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION MATCHING GIFTS Summary by Organization Name

Organization Name Total Company AmountBoys Town of Missouri - St. James , MO $ 100.00Brackett Foundation - Hamilton , NY $350.00Bradford Jonn ycake Center Inc - Bradford , RI $375.00Bradley O'Martin Melonoma Foundation - Co ell TX $ 100.00Bradley University - Peoria , IL $50.00Bradle y University - Peoria , IL $ 13 , 300.00Bradshaw Mountain Wildlife Association - Mayer , AZ $50.00Brady Center To Prevent Gun Violence - Washington . DC 625.00Brad Kohn Foundation - Wilmin gton , DE 250.00Braille Institute of America Inc - Los Angeles , CA 150.00Brain In u Association of Connecticut , Inc - East Hartford , CT 100.00Brain In•u Association of Mich igan Incorporated - Bri ghton , MI 150.00Brain In u Association of New Jerse y Inc - Edison , NJ 100.00Brain Tumor Foundation for Children Inc - Atlanta , GA $500.00Brain Tumor Society Incorporated - Watertown , MA $ 1 , 140.00Brainerd Memorial Library Association Inc - Haddam , CT 200.00Bramson Ort Technical Institute - Forest Hills , NY $4 . 686.00Brandeis University - Waltham , MA $50.00Brandeis University - Waltham , MA $3.037.12Brandon Artists Guild - Brandon , VT $250.00Brand ine Graphic Workshop Inc - Philadel phia, PA $1.500.00Branford Food Council Inc - Branford , CT 250.00Bravo Volunteer Ambulance Service Inc. - Brookl yn, NY 25.00Bread for the Journe Inc - Kalamazoo , MI 800.00Bread for the Joume Inc - Mill Valle CA 500.00Bread for the World Institute Inc - Washin jz ton , DC $ 10000Break A Le Productions Inc - New York NY 100.00Brearley School - New York , NY $1,80000Breast Cancer Fund - San Francisco , CA $50050Breast Cancer Prevention Fund - Everett , WA 50.00Breast Cancer Recove ry Foundation , Inc. - Madison WI 250.00Breast Cancer Research Foundation - New York NY 100.00Breckenrid ge Festival of Film Inc - Breckenrid ge , CO 100.00Breckenrid ge Music Institute Inc - Breckenridge , CO 400.00Brenau University - Gainesville , GA 100.00Brentwood Oaks Church of Christ - Brentwood Christian School - Austin , 250.00Brescia University Inc - Owensboro , KY 8 580.00Brevard Chamber Orchestra Association Inc - Brevard , NC 25.00Brevard Colle ge Corporation - Brevard NC 100.00Brevard Community Band - Brevard , NC 150.00Brevard Music Center Incorporated - Brevard , NC $2 , 300.00Brewster Food Pantry Inc - Brewster , NY $ 1 ,000.00Brewster Ladies Library Association - Brewster , MA 35.00Briar Cliff Colle ge - Sioux Cit y, 25.00Briar Cliff Colle ge - Sioux Cit y, 300.00Brick Church School - New York, NY 550.00Brick House Community Resource Center Inc - Turners Falls , MA 250.00Brid eham ton Historical Society - Bnd eham ton NY 50.00Brid ge port Hosp ital Foundation Inc. - Brid geport , CT 125.00Brid geport Rescue Mission Inc - Brid geport , CT 50.00Brid a ort Roman Catholic Diocesan Cori) Catholic Center - St. Charles $240.00Brid gewater State Colle ge Foundation - Brid gewater , MA 100.00Brien Center for Mental Health & Subtance Abuse Services - Pittsfield , $ 1 ,000.00Bri gham & Womens Hos pital Inc - Boston , MA 598.41Bri gham Young University - Provo , UT 1 25.00Bri gham Young University - Provo , UT $ 1 . 835.00

ri ght Hoe International - Hoffman Estates , IL 3000.00Bri ght Horizons Foundation for Children - Nashville , TN $ 1 . 200.00Bns Avrohom - Hillside , NJ 54.00Brit Tzedek Vshalom Jewish Alliance for Justice and Peace - Chicago , IL 25.00Broadwa y Cares-Equit y Fi ghts AIDS Inc - Classical Action Performing 75.00Broadway Cares-Equity Fi ghts AIDS Inc. - New York, NY 75.00Broadwa Theatre Guild - Grand Raids MI 1 00.00Bronx Charter School for the Arts - Bronx , NY 250.00Bronx Defenders - Bronx NY 440.00Bronx O era Company Inc - Bronx , NY 25.00Brook) Academy of Music Inc - Brookl yn, NY $2 . 1 05.00Brook) Ballet - Brookl yn, NY 75.00Brook) Botanic Garden Co oration - Brooklyn, NY $2 . 743.41Brook) Colle ge Foundation Inc - Brookl yn, NY 50.00Brook) Colle ge Foundation Inc - Brookl yn, NY 50.00Brook) Friends School - Brookl yn, NY $ 1 . 400.00Brook) Historical Society - Brookl yn, NY 1 20.00Brook) Institute of Arts and Sciences - Brooklyn Museum of Art - 45.00


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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION MATCHING GIFTS Summary by Organization NameOrganization Name Total Company AmountBrookl yn Law School - Brookl yn, NY $3 , 261 0-0Brookl yn Museum - Brookl yn , NY 240.00Brookl yn Philharmonic S ymphony Orchestra Inc - Brookl yn, NY 300.00Brook) n Pre Alumni Association - Bronx , NY 50.00Brookl yn Public Libra ry Foundation Inc. - Brookl yn, NY 25.00Broome Community Colle ge Foundation Inc - Bin ghamton , NY 50.00Brotherhood Or anization of a New Destiny - Los Angeles , CA 100.00Broward Gold Coast Down Syndrome Organization Inc - Sunrise , FL 180.00Broward House Inc - S.M.A.R.T Ride - Fort Lauderdale , FL 50.00Brown University - Providence , RI 100 00Brown University In Providence In The State of Rhode Island - Providence $30 .846.52Brownin g School - New York NY $ 1 .00000Brown-nsd Hillel Foundation Brown University - Providence , RI 360.00Brownstone School and Daycare Center Inc - New York , NY 300.00Bruce Museum Inc. - Greenwich , CT 40.00Brucemore Inc - Cedar Rapids , IA 50.00Brunswick Public Library Association - Curtis Memorial Libra 100.00Brunswick-To sham Land Trust Inc C/O Jan Bodwell - Brunswick , ME 150.00B ryan Colle ge - Dayton , TN $2 . 700.00Bryan ISD Education Foundation - B ryan , TX 100.00B an's House/O pen Arms , Inc. - Dallas , TX 50.00B ant Colle ge - Smithfield , RI 425.00Bryant University - Smithfield , RI 125.00Bryn Mawr Colle ge - B ryn Mawr , PA 500.00Bryn Mawr Hospital Foundation - B ryn Mawr, PA 100 00Bryn Mawr School for Girls of Baltimore City - Baltimore , MD $50.00Buckheart Ministries Inc - Escondido , CA 250.00Buckin ham Browne and Nichols School - Cambridge, MA $9 , 886.59Buckin gham Count Volunteer Rescue S q uad Inc - Dillwyn, VA 50.00Buckin gham Friends School - Lahaska, PA 700.00Buckle y School In the City of New York - New York , NY $4050.00Bucknell University - Lewisburg, PA $ 12 , 100.00Bucks Count Association for the Blind Inc - Newtown , PA 25.00Bucks County Community Colle ge Foundation - Newtown , PA $ 100.00Buddhist Compassion Relief Tzu Chi Foundation USA - Flushin g, NY 1 200.00Budd Program Inc - As pen , CO $ 1000.00Buddy-Mentor Inc - Trumbull , CT 250.00Buffalo and Erie County Historical Society - Buffalo , NY 100.00Buffalo and Erie County Public Libra Co - Amherst Public Libra - 25.00Buffalo Philharmonic Orchestra Society Inc - Buffalo , NY $ 100.00Buffalo State Colle ge Foundation Inc - Buffalo , NY 50.00Builders Be yond Borders , Inc - Norwalk , CT 130.00Buildin g With Books Inc - Stamford CT 750.00Burcham Hills Foundation - East Lansin iz, MI $300.00Bur er Km Cancer Caring Center - Pittsburgh , PA 25.00Burn Foundation - Philadelphia , PA 25.00Bumon Inc - Rubicon Theatre Company - Ventura , CA 800.00Burns Park Foreign Language Initiative - Ann Arbor , MI $2 ,890.00Bums Park School Parent Teacher Organization - Ann Arbor , MI 475.00Burns Recovered Support Grou t) Inc - Saint Louis , MO 250.00Burr & Burton Seminary - Manchester, VT 200.00Busch Wildlife Sanctuary Inc - Jup iter , FL $2 .000.00Business and Professional Womens Foundation - Washin ton DC 225.00Butler University - Indianapolis , IN 325.00Butterfield Youth Services Inc. - Marshall MO 100.00Buttonwood Park Zoological Society - New Bedford , MA 100.00B am Animal Rescue Kindness S quad - Stanhope, NJ 50.00C & Ws Rustic Hollow Shelter Inc - Nashua , IA $680.00C I R Inc - Battle Creek , MI $50.00Cabrim Medical Center - New York , NY $500.00Cactus Jack Foundation - Waterford , CT 1 150.00Cafe of Life Inc - Bonita Springs, FL 250.00Cahokia Mounds Museum Society - Collinsville IL $230.00Cal State Bakersfield Foundation - Bakersfield , CA $50.00Caldwell Colle ge - Caldwell NJ $6 ,950.00Caldwell Count Smart Start A Partnershi p for Young Children - Lenoir, $50.00Calhoun School Inc. - New York , NY $ 17 . 500.00California Community Foundation - Lorraine Jackson Foundation - Los 2000.00California Institute of Technolojzv - Pasadena CA 500.00California Institute of Technolo jzy - Pasadena CA 00$3 , 335.California Lutheran University - Thousand Oaks , CA $ 1 . 000.00California L me Disease Association - Weaverville CA 50.00California Musical Theatre - Sacramento Li ght Ope ra Association - 150.00California Native Plant Society - Sacramento , CA %'IR


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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION MATCHING GIFTS Summary by Organization NameOrganization Name Total Company AmountCalifornia Pol ytechnic State Foundation San Luis Obis po Campus - San $9 , 550.00California Pol ytechnic State Universit y - San Luis Obispo , CA 500.00California State University Fresno Foundation - Fresno , CA 2 125.00California State University Lon g Beach Foundation - Long Beach , CA 450.00California Waterfowl Association - Sacramento , CA 200.00California Wilderness Coalition - Oakland , CA 100.00Calisto a Education Foundation - Calisto a CA 250.00Call A Ride of Greenwich Inc. - Greenwich , CT 200.00Calumet Theatre Company - Calumet , MI 75.00Calusa Land Trust and Nature Preserve of Pine Island Inc - Bokeeha FL 250.00Calvary Baptist Church of Plymouth Michigan - Plymouth Christian $13,924.00Calva ry Fund Inc - Bronx , NY $2 , 750.00Calva ry Hos pital Inc - Bronx , NY $2 ,215.00Calvert School Inc - Baltimore , MD 500.00Calvin Colle ge - Grand Rap ids , MI $ 14 . 120.00Calvin Colle ge - Grand Rapids , MI $32 .255 .00Calvin Theolo g ical Seminary - Grand Rapids , MI


Calvin Theolog ical Semina ry - Grand Rapids , MI 500.00Camas Educational Foundation - Camas , WA $5000Cambrid ge Academy - Greenwood , SC $3 , 500.00Cambrid ge In America - New York, NY 7 . 887.00Camellot Academy Inc - Blue S pring s . MO $ 10 . 100.00Camerata Sin gers - Allentown PA 75.00Camilla Hall Nursing Home - Immaculata , PA $ 1 .000.00Camp Augusta Incorporated - Nevada City, CA $ 1 . 500.00Camp Beechpoint Inc - Alle gan , MI 150.00Camp Berea Inc. Newfound Lake - Hebron , NH $8 , 550.00Cam Dee ark Inc - Westbrookvlle NY 500.00Camp Dudley YMCA Inc. - Westport , $ 1 , 000.00Camp Hazen YMCA - Chester , CT 150.00Camp Hazen Youn g Mens Christian Association Inc - Chester, CT $ 1 , 625.00Camp Horizons Inc Babcock Hill Rd - South Windham , CT $ 15 , 500.00Camp Ker-Anna - Central Falls , RI 125.00Cam Manito-wish YMCA Inc - Boulder Junction , WI 100.00Camp O-at-Ka Inc - Sebago , ME 50.00Camp Ouality Usa Incorporated - Boyne City, MI 65.00Camp Ouality USA Incorporated - Camp ualit New Jersey - Adel hia 925.00Camp Ramah In Wisconsin Endowment Corporation - Chicago , IL 100.00Camp Shiloh Inc - New York , NY 50.00Cam Shohola Scholarshi p Fund - Greeley, PA 100.00Camp Seers EI abar Youn Mens Christian Association Inc - Dm mans 100.00Camp Sunshine and Camp Snowflake Inc - Rid gewood , NJ 30000Camp Sunshine at Sebago Lake Inc - Casco , ME 100.00Campanile Foundation - San Die go , CA 175.00Cam hill Villa e U.s.a. Inc. - Co ake NY $2 , 600.00Canal Community Alliance Inc - San Rafael , CA 500.00Cancer Care Inc - New York , NY 1 600.00Cancer Care Options Inc - Evansville , IN 1 00.00Cancer Fund of America Inc - Mesa, AZ 75.00Cancer Fund of America Inc. National Headquarters - Knoxville , TN 1 70.00Cancer Research and Prevention Foundation - Alexandria , VA 25.00Cancer Research Foundation of America - Alexandri a, VA 1 00.00Cancer Research Fund of the Damon Runyon-Walter Winchell Foundation - $ 1 , 352. .00Cancer Research Institute Inc - New York NY 1 00.00Cancer Research Institute Inc. - New York , NY 225.00Cancer Su ort Team Inc - Mamaroneck NY 50.00Candies Inc - Terre Haute , IN 25.00Canine Companions for Independence - Woodstock , IL 275.00Canine Companions for Independence National Headquarters - Santa Rosa , 425.00Canine Companions for Independence Northeast Re gional Center - 50.00Canine Partners for Life - Cochranville PA 50.00Canisius College - Buffalo , NY $7 , 1 45.00Canisius High School of Buffalo - Buffalo , NY 200.00Cannon School Inc - Concord NC $ 1 , 1 00.00Canterbury School - Greensboro NC 500.00Canterbury School Incorporated - New Milford , CT 1 00.00Canon Crest Academy Foundation Inc - San Die go , CA $ 1 ,075.00Canon Hi Rh Baseball Boosters - Anaheim , CA 375.00Ca acitor - San Francisco CA 25.00Cave Cod Community Colle e Educational Foundation Inc - West 150.00CaDe Cod Conservatory of Music & Arts - Hi ghfield Theatre - Falmouth , 00.00Cape Cod Museum of Natural Histo ry - Brewster, MA 400.00Ca a Cod S m hon Orchestra Association Incorporated - Yarmouth Port, 357.00Cape Eleuthera Foundation Inc - Princeton NJ 75.00


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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION MATCHING GIFTS Summary by Organization Name

Organization Name Total Company AmountCape Fear Area United Way Inc - Wilmington , NC $ 1 , 20000Cape Henry Colle g iate School Inc. - Virg inia Beach , VA $5000Cave Museum of Fine Arts Inc - Dennis , MA 50.00Ca ttal Area Food Bank - Washington , DC $ 150.00Capital Area Humane Society - Hilliard , OH 75.00Capital Area Humane Society - Lansin g, MI 500.00Ca tal Community Broadcastin g Inc - Juneau , AK 50.0Capital Humane Society - Lincoln , NE $2 , 395 O0Capital Universit y - Columbus , OH 75.00Ca ital University - Columbus , OH 1450 00Capitol Broadcastin Association Inc - Austin , TX 300.00Cap itol Civic Center Inc - Rome , NY $ 1 ,000.00Cappe lla Cantorum Inc - Essex , CT 50.00Capri Elementary School - Encinitas , CA 750.00Capri School PTA - Encinitas , CA $ 15000Caramoor Center for Music & the Arts Inc - Katonah , NY 60.00Cardinal Glennon Childrens Hospital - Saint Louis , MO $ 1 . 51200Cardinal Haves Hi gh School - Bronx , NY $2 . 570.00Cardinal Haves Home for Children - Millbrook , NY 75.00Cardinal Ritter Colle ge Pre p Hi gh School - Saint Louis , MO $ 1 , 460.00Cardinal S pellman Philatelic Museum Inc - Weston , MA 60.00Care & Rehabilitation of Wildlife Inc - Sanibel , FL 100.00Care and Share of East Lyme - East Lyme , CT 3475.00Care Free Medical Inc - Mason MI 1 . 000.00Care Net Pre gnanc y Resource Center - Canston , RI $ 1 , 835.00Care Pregnanc y Center of Tulare County Inc - Visalia , CA 3 725.00Careerstarter Inc - Brentwood , MO 100.00Carefree Foundation Inc - Chevy Chase , MD 100.00Care iver Volunteers of Central Jerse y A Faith In Action Program - 25.00Care ivers of Lakewood Inc - Lakewood , NJ 25.00Care ivers of Rockingham County Inc. - Reidsville , NC 100.00Carenet - Birmingham, AL 25.00Caribbean Children's Foundation Inc - Muske gon , MI 750.00Carillon Medical Center for Children - Roanoke , VA $ 10000Caring Brid ge - Eagan , MN 50.00Caring Families Pre gnancy Services Inc. - Danielson , CT 200.00Caring for Carcinoid Foundation Inc - Cambrid ge , MA 375.00Caring To ether Inc. - Alban y, NY $ 100.00Caris Pregnancy Clinics - Palatine , IL 200.00Carl Schurz Park Association Inc - New York , NY $50.00Carle Development Foundation - Urbana , IL $50.00Carleton Colle ge - Northfield , MN $7 , 500.00Carleton Colle ge - Northfield , MN $9 , 173.60Carlisle Area OIC - Carlisle , PA $25.00Carlisle Arts Learnin g Center Inc - Carlisle , PA 25.00Carlos Albizu University - San Juan , PR $ 1 . 500,00Carlow College - Pittsburgh , PA 225.00Carlsbad Hi gh School Cross Country & Track and Field Boosters - 150.00Camatic Music Association of North America Inc - Fords , NJ 115.00Carne gie Center Council for the Arts Inc - Three Rivers , MI 600.00Came ie Council on Ethics and International Affairs , Inc. - New York, NY 250.00Cameme Hall A Corporation - Lewisburg, WV $ 1 .250.00Carnegie Hall Society Inc. - New York , NY $5 , 803.25Carne g ie Hill Nei g hbors Inc. - New York , NY $100.00Carne g ie Institute - Pittsburgh . PA $ 143.00Carne g ie Institution of Washin gton - Washin gton , DC 15000.00Carne ie Mellon University - Pittsburgh , PA $ 100.00Carne ie Mellon University - Pittsburg h , PA $ 10. 548.00Carolina Farm Stewardshi p Association - Pittsboro , NC $500.00Carolina Raptor Center - Charlotte , NC $35.00Caroline House - Brid ge port , CT 250.00C enters Way Ranch Inc. - Fortson , GA 500.00Carrie Tin gley Hosp ital Foundation Inc - Albuq uerque , NM 90.00Carrillo Elementary School Parent Teacher Organization - Carlsbad CA 200.00Carroll Colle ge - Waukesha, WI 100.00Carroll Colle ge - Waukesh a, WI 850.00Carroll Hospital Center Foundation Inc - Westminster , MD 100.00Carrollton School of the Sacred Heart - Miami , FL 500.00Carson City Hospital - Carson Cit y, MI 25.00Carson-Newman College Inc. - Jefferson Cu TN $2 . 150.00Carter Center Inc - Atlanta , GA $ 10, 506.00Carteret County General Hos pital Foundation Corporation - Morehead City. 500.00Carthage Colle ge - Kenosha , WI $ 1 . 350.00CARTI Foundation Inc - Little Rock , AR 270.00


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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION MATCHING GIFTS Summary by Organization NameOrganization Name Total Company AmountCarver Community Organization Inc - Evansville , IN 100.00CASA De Los Ninos Inc - Tucson , AZ 25.00CASA Franciscana Outreach - Scottsdale , AZ 150.00Casa Manana Musicals Inc. - Fort Worth , TX 25.00CASH of Grant County Inc - Marion , IN 50.00Cascade AIDS Project Inc. - Portland OR 50.00Cascade Ride Elementary PTSA 2 6 2 - Sammamish , WA 354.00Cascades Humane Society Inc - Jackson , Ml 200.00Casco Bay Health Center - Peaks Island , ME 100.00Case Alumni Association - Cleveland , OH 100.00Case Western Reserve University - Cleveland , OH 75.00Case Western Reserve University - Cleveland , OH $7 , 800.75Casita Maria , Inc. - Bronx , NY $2 , 500.00Cass Community Social Services Inc - Detroit , MI 280.00Castaway Animals Rescue Effort - Aurora , MO 75.00Castro for Recove ry Inc - Manchester , VT 250.00Castleton Volunteer Fire Department Inc - Indianapolis , IN 50.00

at Adoption & Trauma Sanctuary Inc - Tiburon , CA 500.00Cat Connection Incorporated - Royal Oak , MI 100.00Catamount Outdoor Famil y Center Non-Profit Inc - Williston , VT 50.00Catamount Trail Association - Burlin gton , VT 35.00Catawba Colle ge - Salisbu ry, NC $ 13 . 395.00Cathedral Church of St John the Divine - New York, NY 250.00Cathedral Hi h School - Indianapolis , IN 25000Cathedral Hi gh School - S prin gfield , MA 250.00Cathedral Pre paratory School - Erie , PA 150.0Cathedral Pre paratory Semina ry - Elmhurst , NY $31 ,929. 0Catherine Washburn Memorial Association - Lopez Island , WA 100.00Catholic Bishop of Northern Alaska - Fairbanks , AK 75.00Catholic Central High School of Detroit - Novi , MI 750.00Catholic Central Hi gh School of Detroit - Redford , MI $8 . 050.00Catholic Charities - Philadel phia , PA 150.00Catholic Charities Archdiocese of New Orleans - New Orleans , LA 200.00Catholic Charities Archdiocese of Newark - Newark , NJ 300.00Catholic Charities Diocese Of Trenton - Trenton , NJ 275.00Catholic Charities Diocese of Venice Inc - Venice FL 3 . 125.00Catholic Charities Diocese of Worcester Inc - Worcester, MA 525.00Catholic Charities Inc - Norwich , CT 14, 583.00Catholic Charities Inc - Wichita , KS 50.00Catholic Charities of Buffalo - Buffalo , NY 395.00Catholic Charities of East Tennessee Inc - Knoxville , TN 500.00Catholic Charities of Fairfield County Inc - Bridgeport , CT $ 1 . 475.00Catholic Charities of North Dakota-Catholic Famil y Services - Faro ND 100.00Catholic Charities of Philadel phia - Philadel phia , PA 250.00Catholic Charities of St Louis - St. Louis , MO 250.00Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis - 1 000.00Catholic Charities Services Corporation - Cleveland , OH 50.00Catholic Charities USA - Alexandria , VA $ 10. 895.00Catholic Charities/Diocese of Santa Rosa - Santa Rosa, CA 600.00Catholic Charity Fund - Providence , RI $3 ,946.00Catholic Family and Human Ri ghts Institute Inc - New York NY 224.80Catholic Famil y Services - Kalamazoo , MI $2 . 875.00Catholic Indian Mission of Fort Yates - Fort Yates , ND $ 1 . 525.00Catholic League for Reli g ious and Civil Ri ghts - New York, NY 590.70Catholic Medical Mission Board - New York NY $2 . 660.00Catholic Relief Services Inc - Baltimore , MD $35 . 894.08Catholic Schools of Broome County - Binghamton , NY 500.00Catholic Social Services - Dayton , OH $4 . 543.50Catholic Social Services Inc - Atlanta GA 250.00Catholic Social Services of Southwestern Ohio - Cincinnati , OH 100.00Catholic Social Services of Washtenaw County - Ann Arbor MI $ 1 . 100.00Catholic University of America - Columbus School of Law - Washin gton , 100.00Catholic Universit y of America - Washington . DC $ 1 . 025.00Catholic University of America - Washington , DC $2.01 .00Cato Institute - Washington , DC 850.00Catskill Animal Sanctuary Inc - Sau gerties , NY 100.00Causa Inc - Hartford , CT 400.00Cause Foundation - Aurora , CO 50.0Cazenovia Colle ge - Cazenovia , NY $7 . 500.00Cazenovia Lake Association Inc. - Cazenovia , NY 35.00Cazenovia Preservation Foundation Inc - Cazenovia , NY 25.00CCSU Foundation Inc - New Britain,CT 600.00Cds International Inc - New York , NY 200.00Cedar Community Foundation Inc - West Bend WI 150.00


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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION MATCHING GIFTS Summary by Organization NameOrganization Name Total Company AmountCedar Crest Colle ge - Allentown , PA 100.00Cedar Grove Ambulance and Rescue S quad Inc. - Cedar Grove , NJ 150.00Cedar Grove Historical Societ y - Cedar Grove , NJ 100.00Cedar Lake Park Preservation and Develo pment Association - Minneapolis , 100.00Cedar Park Hi gh School Band Boosters - Cedar Park , TX 200.00Cedar Rap ids Museum of Art - Cedar Rapids , IA 65.00Cedars Home For Children Foundation Inc - Lincoln , NE 330.00Cedarville University - Cedarville , OH 700.00Celiac Disease Foundation - Studio City, CA 200.00Celiac S prue Association United States of America Inc - North Haven , CT 60.00Centenary Colle ge - Hackettstown , NJ $ Q20.00Center for A New American Dream - Takoma Park , MD 100.00Center for Bio-Ethical Reform - Lake Forest , CA 25.00Center for Biolo g ical Diversity Inc - Tucson , AZ 150.00Center for Child Protection - Austin , TX 25.00Center for Community Resources Co - Brookl yn , NY 500.00Center for Defense Information - Washin gton , DC 50.00Center for Excellence In Education - Mc Lean , VA 100.00Center for Food Action In New Jersey - En glewood , NJ 100.00Center for Gender Eq ualit y - New York , NY 25.00Center for Hope Hos pice Inc - Scotch Plains , NJ 25.0Center for Humane Education for Southern California & Humane Society $7.313. 0Center for Inde pe ndent Documentary Inc - Sharon , MA $5 .000.00Center for Individual Ri ghts - Washington , DC 150.00Center for International Health and Cooperation Inc - New York , NY $ 1 . 000.00Center for Jewish History Inc - New York, NY 50.00Center for Marine Education & Recreation at Oyster Bay, Inc. -Oster Ba 250.00Center for Minority Studies Inc - Miami , FL 100.00Center for Modern Dance Education Inc - Hackensack , NJ 25.0Center for National Inde pendence In Politics - Phili psbur g, MT 350.0Center for New Americans - Northampton , MA 250.00Center for Partici patory Change Inc - Asheville , NC 25.00Center for Peace Through Culture Inc - Montere y, MA 125.00Center for Public Inte grity - Washin gton , DC 25.00Center for Reli g ion Ethics and Social Policy - Ithaca , NY $2 , 500.00Center for Reproductive Law and Policy Inc. - New York NY 35.00Center for Social Services Lesbian & Gay Mens Community Center - San $ 1 , 410.00Center for the Arts Reli g ion and Education - Berkele y, CA 100.00Center for the Prevention of Sexual and Domestic Violence - Seattle WA 100.00Center for the Stud y of Services - Washington , DC 100.00Center for Traditional Music and Dance Inc - New York , NY $ 1 , 536.00Center for Women In Transition - Holland , MI 50.00Center In Asbury Park Inc - Bradle y Beach , NJ 3045.0Center of Contemporary Arts - Saint Louis MO 325.0Cente oint Elementary School-White Bear Lake Area Hi gh School - White 50.0Central Asia Institute - Bozeman , MT 100.00Central Baptist Theolog ical Seminary - Kansas City, KS 750.00Central Catholic Hi p h School - Bloomin gton , IL $5.000. 0Central Catholic St Nicholas School - Saint Louis , MO 200.00Central City Hospitalit y House - San Francisco , CA 125.00Central Colle ge - Pella , IA $4 .471.00Central Connecticut Coast Youn Mens Christian Association Inc - Al pha 200.00Central Connecticut Coast Young Mens Christian Association Inc - New 50.00Central Dakota Childrens Choir - Bismark , ND $250.00Central Du a e Pastoral Counselin Center - Carol Stream , IL 500.00Central Fund of Israel - New York , NY $ 100.00Central Hig h School Foundation - Omaha , NE $50.00Central Hi gh School Foundation - Omaha, NE 600.00Central Indiana Community Foundation Inc - Indianapo lis , IN $250.00Central Iowa Art Association - Marshalltown , IA $200.00Central Kentucky Ridin for the Handicapped Inc - Lexington , KY 50.00Central Methodist University - Fayette , MO 1443.00Central Michi gan University - Mount Pleasant , MI $9.485.00Central Michi gan University - Mt Pleasant , MI


Central Missouri Food Bank Network Inc - Columbia , MO 500.00Central Missouri State University Foundation Inc. - Warrensburg, MO 100.00Central New York Jazz Arts Foundation Inc - S yracuse , NY 500.00Central Ohio Diabetes Association Inc - Columbus , OH 25.00Central Park Conservanc y Inc - New York , NY 704.00Central Pennsylvania Autism Education and Resource Center - The Vista 512.00Central Suffolk Hospital Foundation - Riverhead , NY 200.00Central Union Mission - Washin gton , DC 180.00Central Valle Crisis Pregnancy - Pre gnancy Care Center - Fresno, CA 250.00Central Virg inia Educational Communications Corporation - Richmond , 891.00


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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION MATCHING GIFTS Summary by Organization Name

Organization Name Total Company AmountCentre Colle ge of Kentucky - Danville KY 1 , 200.00Centre County Breast Cancer Coalition Inc - Boalsbur PA $2 . 250.00Centro De La Comumdad - New London , CT 785.00Centro Margarita - Cidra , PR $ 1 . 100.00Centurion Ministries - Princeton , NJ 725.00Cerebral Palsy Center of Bergen County Inc - Fair Lawn , NJ 10070Cerebral Palsy Inc - Green Bay, WI 50.00Cerebral Palsy of Monmouth & Ocean Counties Inc. - Wanamassa NJ .06 150.00Cetacean Research Unit Inc - Whale Center of New Eng land - Gloucester , 150.00Cfids Association Inc. - Charlotte , NC $2 .719.00Chabad Lubavitch of Puerto Rico Inc - Carolina, PR 72.00Chabad of Eastern Connecticut - New London , CT $2 . 177.50Chadron State Foundation Chadron State Colle ge - Chadron , NE 100.00Chagrin Falls Educational Foundation Inc - Chagrin Falls , OH 50.00Chai Lifeline Inc. - New York , NY $589.00Challenged Athletes Inc - San Diego , CA 760.00Chamber Education Foundation - Ri Mentoring Partnershi - Warwick , RI $ 100.00Chamber Music Conference - Leonia, NJ $ 100.00Chamber Orchestra of Boston Inc - Boston , MA 2 500.00Chaminade Colle ge Preparatory - St Louis , MO $ 1 . 550.00Chammade Development Fund Inc - Mineola , NY 1 .025.00Champai gn Urbana Community Schools Foundation for Educational $500.00Chan ge for Kids Inc - New York, NY $ 150.00Channel 10/36 Friends Inc. - Milwaukee , WI $335.00Channel 36 Foundation - Providence , RI 112.00Chaparral DiamondBackers Softball - Scottsdale , AZ $ 1 . 000.00Chapel Hill Public Libra ry Foundation - Chapel Hill , NC $25.00Chain School - New York , NY $600.00Chap in School - Princeton , NJ $ 125.63Cha a ua School Foundation Inc. - Cha a ua NY 200.00Cha a ua Volunteer Ambulance Corp s Inc. - Cha a ua NY $225.00Charcot-Marie-Tooth Association - Chester , PA $ 100.00Charit Be ins at Home Inc - Rosl yn, NY 80.00Charles Darwin Foundation Inc. - Falls Church , VA $575.00Charles E. Murphy P.T.O. - Oakdale , CT 50.00Charles House Association - Carrboro , NC 50.00Charleston Symphon y Orchestra - Charleston , SC 1 500.00Charlestown Ambulance & Rescue Service Inc - Charlestown , RI $25.00Charlestown Earl y Learnin Center Inc - Charlestown , RI $ 105.00Charlevoix County Community Foundation - E Jordan , MI 100.00Charlevoix Public Schools - Charlevoix , MI 100.00Charle 's Fund , Inc. - South E remont MA $500.00Charlie Brown's Kids - Lincoln , NE $25.00Charlotte Country Day School - Charlotte , NC $ 1 . 000.00Charlotte Museum of History Inc - Charlotte , NC $100.00Charlotte Observer Empty Stockin g Fund - Charlotte , NC 25.00Charlotte Rescue Mission - Charlotte , NC 150.00Charlotte Symphony Orchestra Inc - Charlotte NC $50.00Charlton Hei ghts Elementary School - Ballston Lake , NY $200.00Charter Oak State Colle ge Foundation Inc - New Britain CT 250.00Chartiers Valley Partnershi Inc - Carne ie PA $ 1 .000.00Chatham Colle ge - Pittsburgh , PA 280.00Chatham Ecumenical Council for the Homeless Inc - West Chatham , MA 25.00Chatham Emergenc y S q uad Inc. - Chatham , NJ 150.00Chatham Townshi p Volunteer Fire Dept - Chatham , NJ 100.00Chattanoo ga Area Brain In u Association - Chattanooga , TN 50.00Chautauqua Institution - Chautauqua , NY $7 , 555.00Cheekwood Tennessee Botanical Gardens and Museum of Art Inc - 75.00Cheetah Conservation Fund - Cincinnati , OH $16,200.00Cheff Center for the Handicapped - Au gusta , MI 675.00Cheff Therapeutic Riding Center - Augusta , MI $2 ,070.00Chelsea Chamber Players Inc - Chelsea , MI 250.0Chelsea Community Hospital - Chelsea MI 150.00Chelsea Music Boosters Inc - Chelsea , MI 275.00Chemical Herita ge Foundation - Philadel phia , PA 2 700.00Chemotherapy Foundation Inc. - New York NY 50.00Chernun g County Humane Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals - 50.00Chernun g County Performin g Arts Inc - Elmira , NY 50.00Chemun Valley Montessori School - Elmira, NY 50.00Cherish Our Children International - Houston TX $2 ,25. 0.00Cherry Street Mission - Toledo OH 825.00Che rryland Humane Society - Traverse Cit y, MI 100.00Chesapeake Bay Foundation Inc. - Annapolis , MD 230.00Chesapeake Bay Memories Charities Inc - Middle River MD 32.00


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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION MATCHING GIFTS Summary by Organization Name

Organization Name Total Company AmountCheshire Academy - Cheshire , CT 200.00Chess-In-the-Schools Inc - New York , NY 275.00Chester Count Womens Services Inc - Coatesville , PA 150.00Chesterfield Day School - St Albans , MO $ 1 , 09000Chesterfield Day School St Albans - Saint Albans , MO $2 ,970.00Chesterfield Montessori School Inc - Chesterfield , MO 300.00Chesterton Hi 2 h School Music Boosters Association - Chesterton , IN 200.00Chestnut Fine Arts Center Inc - Olathe , KS 25.00Chestnut Hill Academy - Philadel phia , PA 100.00Chestnut Hill Benevolent Association - Chestnut Hill , MA 100.00Chestnut Hill Colle ge - Philadelphia , PA $50000Chevra Hatzalah Brookl yn - Brookl yn, NY 300.00Chevra Hatzalah Far Rockaway - Far Rockaway, NY 86.00Chev-Vets Charitable Association - Cleveland , OH 555.00Cheyenne Traditional School - Phoenix , AZ 300.00Chi Omega Foundation - Memphis , TN 775.00Chicago Anti-Hun ger Federation - Chicago , IL 100.00Chicago Chapter Ma en David Adorn Inc - Skokie , IL $ 1 , 025.00Chicago Foundation for Education - Chica go , IL $75000Chicago Horticultural Society - Glencoe , IL $2 .000.00Chicago Li hthouse for the Blind - Chica go , IL 50.00Chicago Symphony Orchestra - Chicago , IL 600.00Chico State University Foundation - Chico , CA 175.00Chiefs Childrens Fund - Kansas City, 240.00Chihuahua Rescue and Transport - Pearland , TX 25.00Child & Famil y Services of Michi gan Inc - Lansin g, MI $3 ,00000Child & Family Services of Michigan Inc - Okemos , MI 25.00Child Abuse Prevention Program - New York , NY 200.00Child Abuse Prevention Services - Marshalltown IA 100.00Child Abuse Prevention Services Inc - Lansin g, MI 500.00Child Advocacy Center of the Ninth Judicial Dist of Tennessee Inc - Lenoir 100.00Child and Family Agenc y of Southeastern Connecticut Inc - New London $ 16 , 839.60Child and Family Agency of Southeastern Connecticut Inc - New London . $3 , 175.00Child Care Network Washtenaw Re ional 4c - Ann Arbor, Ml 250.00Child Guidance Clinic for Central Connecticut Inc. - Meriden , CT 500.00Child of Christ Lutheran School - Hartland , MI $7 . 500.00Child , Inc - Wilmington , DE 500.00Childhelp Inc - Scottsdale , AZ 25.00Childhood Anxiety Network Incorporated - Prospect , KY $2 , 550.00Childhood Leukemia Foundation Inc - Brick , NJ 50.00Children & Famil y Resource Center of Henderson County Inc 400.00Children First Foundation Inc - Eastchester, NY 225.00Children Inc - Richmond , VA $2 , 742.00Children International - Kansas City, MO $9 ,996.00Children of Bellevue Inc. Bellevue Hospital Center - New York. NY $2 , 700.00Children of Bellevue , Inc - New York, NY 300.00Children of Chernobyl Relief Fund - Short Hills , NJ 50.00Children of the Americas - Trabuco Canyon , CA 205.00Childrens Aid & Famil y Services , Inc. - Paramus , NJ 350.00Childrens Aid And Family Services Inc - Paramus , NJ 25.00Childrens Aid Society - New York , NY $ 1 , 600.00Childrens Brain Tumor Foundation Inc - New York, NY 20.00Childrens Cancer Fund of America - Powell , TN 70.00Childrens Cancer Research Fund - Minneapolis , MN 400.00Children's Cardiom o ath Foundation Inc - Tenafly, NJ 180.00Childrens Care International - Vancouver , WA 50.00Childrens Center for the Visuall y Impaired - Kansas City, MO 200.00Childrens Crisis Treatment Center Inc - Philadelphia , PA 750.00Children's Day School of Wilton - Wilton , CT 200.00Childrens Day Treatment Center & School Inc - New York NY $ 1 .00000Childrens Defense Fund - Washington , DC $ 1 . 090.00Childrens Dream Foundation - Rye Brook , NY 250.00Children's Golf Foundation Inc - West Palm Beach FL 500.00Childrens Healthcare of Atlanta Foundation Inc - Childrens Miracle 475.00Childrens Home Society of North Carolina Inc - Greensboro , NC 25.00Childrens Home Society of West Virg inia - Charleston , WV 250.00Children's Hoe International Foundation - Saint Louis , MO 363.00Childrens Hosp ital @ Westchester Medical Center - Valhalla NY 775.00Childrens Hospital and Health Center - San Diego, CA $ 1 .075.00Childrens Hosp ital Foundation - Denver, CO $ 1 . 075.00Childrens Hospital Foundation - Oakland , CA 2 550.00Childrens Hospital Foundation - Seattle , WA 75.0Childrens Hospital Foundation - Washington , DC 200.00Children's Hospital Foundation - Washington , DC 000.00


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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION MATCHING GIFTS Summary by Organization NameOrganization Name Total Company AmountChildrens Hosp ital Medical Center - Cincinnati , OH 25.00Childrens Hospital of Michi gan - Detroit MI 290.00Childrens Hospital of Michi gan Foundation - Birmin gham , MI 75.00Childrens Hos pital of Philadel phia - Philadel phia , PA 20 255.14Children's Hos p ital of the Kin 2 s Dau ghters , Inc. - Norfolk, VA 180.00Childrens Hos pital Pittsburgh Foundation - Pittsburgh , PA 550.00Childrens Hun per Relief Fund Inc - Santa Rosa , CA 367.00Childrens Inn at Nih T C I - Bethesda , MD 0$6 , 000.1Childrens Institute of Pittsbur gh - Pittsbur g h , PA $50.00Childrens Leukemia Foundation of Michi gan - Southfield , MI $50.00Childrens Medical Center Co oration - Boston , MA $ 1 . 455.00Childrens Memorial Foundation - Chica go , IL $ 1 , 200.00Childrens Mercy Hospital - Kansas City, MO 25.00Children's Museum - Bridgewater, NJ 500.00Childrens Museum of Indiana polis Incorporated - Indiana polis , IN 1 00.00Childrens Museum of Manhattan Growth Through Art & Museum 1 15.00Childrens Museum of Oak Rid ge Incorporated - Oak Rid ge , TN $ 1 0000Childrens Museum of Southeastern Connecticut Inc. - Niantic , CT $ 1 5000Childrens Museum of the East End - Brid eham ton NY 50.00Childrens Network International - Bell , CA 25.00Children's Oncolojzv Services Inc - Chica go , IL 1000.00Childrens Preschool Inc - New Haven , CT 1 00.00Children's Rehabilitation Center - Warren , OH 50.00Childrens Resources International Inc - Washington , DC 50.00Childrens Restoration Network Inc - Atlanta , GA $2 , 1 25.00Childrens School Inc. - Stamford , CT 1 00.00Childrens Science and Technology Museum of Terre Haute Inc. - Terre 5 35.00Childrens S ecialized Hosp ital Foundation Inc - Mountainside , NJ 425.00Childrens Storefront - New York , NY 400.00Childrens TLC - Kansas Cit y, MO 600.00

Tumor Foundation - New York , NY $2 .350.00Childrens Village Inc - Dobbs Ferry, NY 500.00Childrens Wish Foundation International Inc. - Atlanta , GA 100.00Childrens Wish Foundation International Inc.- National Chapter - Atlanta $ 1 , 635.00Childrens Workshop - Pl ymouth , MN 320.00Childs Garden Montessori Pre-School Inc - Stonin ton CT 5 300.00Chill Foundation - Burlin gton , VT 0.00ChimneyCanyon Fire Safe Council - San Die go, CA 100.00Chinatown Health Clinic Foundation Inc - New York, NY 250.00Chinese Center on Lon g Island Inc. - West Hempstead , NY 500.00Chi ppewa Valley Health Clinic Inc - Eau Claire , WI 5000CHMOL - Brooklyn , NY 75.00Choate Rosemary Hall Foundation Inc. - Wallin gford , CT $5 . 575.00Chocolate Church Arts Center - Bath , ME $4500Choctawatchee Senior Hi gh School - Fort Walton Beach , FL 100.00Choice Concern for Health Options Information Care & Education - $25.00Chorus of Westerl y - Westerl y, RI $2 .057.00Chosen Hoe - Jamestown , MI $ 1 .000.00Christ Church Community Development Corporation - Hackensack NJ 500.00Christ Episcopal Church - Christ Ep iscopal School - Rockville MD $ 1 .000.00Christ House - Washington , DC 125.00Christ Lutheran Church - Christ Elementary School - Lincoln , NE $4 . 310.00Christ Lutheran Church - Christ Lutheran School - Phoenix , AZ 125.00Christ Presbyterian Church Inc - Christ Presbyterian Academy - Nashville , $500.00Christ School - Arden , NC $2 .014.00Christ the Saviour Semina ry - Johnstown , PA 200.00Christa House - West Babylon , NY 175.00Christendom Colle ge - Front Royal , VA 25.00Christendom Educational Corporation - Front Royal , VA $ 1 . 000.00Christian Advocates Servm Evan elism Inc - American Center for Law 600.00Christian Aid Mission - Charlottesville , VA 128.00Christian Appalachian Pro i ect Inc - Lancaster KY $ 1 .680.00Christian Assistance Ministry Inc - San Antonio , TX 950.00Christian Broadcastin g Network Inc. - Virg inia Beach , VA 215.00Christian Brothers Academy - Lincroft, NJ $ 1 . 135.00Christian Brothers Colle ge - St. Louis MO $3 .000.00Christian Cancer Center of Kakinada India - Melbourne , FL 12 500.00Christian Center Assembl y of God - Christian Senior Citizens Center - 1 200.00Christian Children's Fund - Richmond , VA $9208.50Christian Community Action Norwalk Inc. - Norwalk , CT 50.00Christian Counselin g Center of Southeastern Connecticut Inc - Groton CT 550.00Christian Foundation for Children and Ag ing - Kansas City, KS $ 11 ,725.00Christian Herald Association Inc - Bowery Mission - New York , NY 508.78Christian Herald Association Inc - New York , NY $ 120.00


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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION MATCHING GIFTS Summary by Organization Name

Organization Name Total Company AmountChristian Herita ge Schools Association Inc - Riverdale , UT 25.00Christian Home Educators of Colorado - Parker , CO 205.00Christian Nei ghbors S E - Otsego , MI $50000Christian Record Services Inc. National Camps for Blind Children 100.00Christian Reformed World Relief Committee - Grand Rap ids , MI 8 515.00Christian Relief Services Charities Inc - Runnm Stron for American 955.25Christian School Association of Ann Arbor - Ann Arbor MI $5 , 350.00Christian Youth Theater Chica go - Cary, IL 50.00Christmas In October - Kansas City, MO 300.00Christopher Reeve Paral ysis Foundation - Short Hills NJ 795.00Christophers Inc - New York , NY $585.00Chromosome 18 Re g istry and Research Societ y - San Antonio TX 5 .000.00Church Health Center of Memphis Inc - Memphis , TN 100.00Church Homes Inc. Con gre gational Noble Horizons - Salisbu ry, CT 5 000.00Church World Service/ Crop - Elkhart , IN $8 , 50500Church World Service/Crop National Office - Elkhart , IN 1471.00Churches of Christ Disaster Relief Effort Inc - Nashville TN $200.00Churchill School - Saint Louis MO 832.00Churchill School and Center - New York , NY $20 , 300.00Cincinnati Art Association - Cincinnati , OH $500.00Cincinnati Right To Life Education Foundation - Cincinnati , OH 25.00Circle of Hoe Cancer Foundation - Brooklyn , NY 55.00Circle of Hope Childrens Foundation - Scarsdale , NY 250.00Citadel - Charleston , SC 250.00Citadel Bri gadier Foundation Inc - Charleston , SC 3 200.00Citadel Foundation - Charleston , SC $ 1 ,900.00Citadel Human Resource Center Inc - Brookl yn , NY $ 1 , 500.00Citizens Against Government Waste - Washin gton , DC 25.00Citizens Campai gn Fund for the Environment - Farmin gdale , NY 50.00Citizens Committee To Save Our Canyons - Salt Lake City, UT 200.00Citizens Crime Commission of New York City Inc - New York , NY $50000Citizens Foundation USA - Lincolnshire , IL S2 . 000.00Citizens Research Council of Michi gan Inc - Livonia, MI 500.00City Colle ge Fund - New York, NY 100.00City Colle ge Fund - New York NY 885.00City Gospel Mission - Cincinnati , OH 250.00City Im pact - Lincoln , NE 100.00City of Charleston - Charleston , SC $ 1 , 000.00Cit of Hiawatha - Morrill Public Library - Hiawatha , KS 75.00City of Ho - City of Hope National Medical Center - Philadel phia , PA $375.00City of Hope - Duarte , CA 675.00City of Hoe - Skokie , IL 100.00City of New Bern - New Bern Fire De t - New Bern , 50.00City of Parchment - Kindleberger Summer Festival - Parchment , MI 25.00City of Seattle - Seattle Animal Shelter - Seattle , WA 75.00City of Three Rivers - Three Rivers , MI $200.00City on A Hill - Boston , MA $50.00City Rescue Mission - Jacksonville , FL $ 140.00City Squash Inc - Bronx , NY 300.00City Team Ministries - San Jose , CA 25.00Cit Union Mission Inc. - Kansas City, MO $ 1 .335.00City University School of Law at Queens Colle ge Foundation Inc - $ 100.00Cityharvest Inc - New York , NY $6 .335.00Citymeals-On-Wheels National Office - New York NY $6 . 124.00Civic Center of Greater Des Moines - Des Moines , IA 500.00Civic Li ght O era Association - Pittsbur gh , PA 100.00Civic Li ht Pro i ects - Encinitas , CA 80.00Civilians Inc. - New York NY 505.00Ci Foundation for Sids - Hackensack , NJ 100.00Clag ue Middle School - Ann Arbor , MI 200.00Clara Latham Memorial ParkTrust - Sioux City, IA 1250.00Clarence Little Leag ue Football Association Inc - Clarence Center , NY $4 .000.00Clarin Chamber Players of Montclair Inc - Montclair, NJ 75.00Clarion Music Society Inc - New York, NY $ 100.00Clarion University Foundation Inc. - Clarion , PA 00.00Clark Lane Middle School - Waterford , CT $450.00Clark University - Worcester MA $2 .050.00Clarke Colle ge - Dubu ue IA $ 130.00Clarkson E ecare Foundation - Ellisville MO 100.00Clarkson Universe - Potsdam , NY $1.3 50.00Clarkson University - Potsdam , NY $2.175.00Classical Theatre of Harlem Inc - New York , NY 50.00Clean Water Fund - Clinton Townshi p, MI 25.00Clean Water Fund - Washin gton , DC 275.00


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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION MATCHING GIFTS Summary by Organization Name

Organization Name Total Company AmountClear S ace Productions Inc - Rehoboth Beach , DE $500.00Clearing - Ellison Bay, WI 50.00Clea Colle ge - Ann Arbor , MI $3 , 000.00Clemson IPTAY Club - Clemson , SC 14448.00Clemson Universit y - Clemson , SC $1.120.00Clemson Universit y Foundation - Clemson SC $6 , 915.6-0Clemson University Foundation South Carolina Botanical Garden - $5 00.00Cleveland Clinic Foundation - Cleveland , OH $ 1 , 725.00Cleveland Lutheran Hi gh School Association Inc - Rocky River , OH $2 , 1 75.00Cleveland Museum of Art - Cleveland , OH 500.00Cleveland Museum of Natural History - Cleveland , OH $ 1 50.00Cleveland State University Foundation Inc - Cleveland , OH $25.00Cleveland State University Foundation Inc - Cleveland , OH 1 50.00Cleveland Zoolog ical Society - Cleveland , OH 250.00Clifford E. Bryant Comm. School - Ann Arbor , MI 30.00Clifford W Beers Guidance Clinic Incorporated - New Haven , CT 700.00Climax-Scotts Elementary School - Scotts , MI 1 75.00Clinton Child Care Service Inc - Clinton , CT 40.00Clinton Townshi Foundation for Educational Excellence Incorporate - 50.00Closter Nature Center Association - Closter , NJ 25.00Clubhouse at Essex Elementary - Deep River , CT $5 50.00Coalition A ainst Breast Cancer Inc - St James , NY 25.00Coalition Against Lincoln West Inc - New York, NY $75.00Coalition for Animal Protection Inc - Omaha, NE $3 00.00Coalition for Animal Rescue and Education - Hillsboro MO $25.00Coalition for Animal Rescue and Education - Saint Louis , MO $ 1 25.00Coalition for Buzzards Bay Inc - New Bedford , MA $ 1 , 1 25.00Coalition for the Homeless Inc - New York , NY $75.00Coalition for the Homeless Inc. - New York , NY $ 1 ,006.70Coalition on Temporary Shelter - Detroit MI $ 1 , 125.00Coalition To Salute Americas Heroes - Mc Lean , VA 250.00Coalition To Salute Americas Heroes - Mclean , VA $ 1 . 375.00Coalition To Salute Americas Heroes - Ossinin iz, NY $ 1 , 330.00Coast Guard Foundation Inc. - Stomn ton CT $ 100.00Coast Guard Mutual Assistance - Arlin gton , VA 100.00Coastal Bend Alcohol-Dru g Rehab Center - Corpus Christi , TX 50.00Coastal Concerts Inc - Lewes , DE $ 125.00Coastal Educational Foundation Incorporated - Conway, SC $200.00Coastal Humane Society Inc - Brunswick , ME 35.00Cocalico Education Foundation - Denver PA $25.00Cocker Rescue of Fort Lauderdale Inc - Fort Lauderdale , FL 200.00Coe Colle ge - Cedar Raids IA $ 10,025.00Cohanzie School - Waterford , CT $25.00Colby Colle ge - Waterville , ME $ 1 .425.00Colby-Sawyer Colle ge - New London NH 50.00Colchester Land Trust Inc - Colchester , CT $ 110.00Colchester Youth Services - Colchester CT 250.00Cold Sprin g Harbor Laboratory - Cold S prin g Harbor NY $450.00Cold Sprin g School Inc. - New Haven , CT 1000.00Colel Chabad - Brookl yn, NY 75.00Col ate University - Hamilton , NY $2 ,000.00Col gate University - Hamilton , NY 5 . 125. 0Colink - Lake Forest Park , WA $ 1 ,000.00Colle ge Area Pregnancy Services Inc - San Die go, CA 500.00Colle ge Communit y School District - Cedar Rapids , IA $ 100.00Colle a Foundation at Delhi Inc - Delhi , NY $ 1 . 100.00Colle ge Fund / UNCF - Fairfax , VA 350.00Colle ge Hei ghts Foundation Inc - Bowling Green , KY 50.00Colle ge Li ght Opera Company Inc - Falmouth , MA 250.00Colle ge Misericordia - Dallas , PA 150.00Colle ge Misericordia - Dallas PA 250.00Colle a of Charleston Foundation - Charleston , SC $12.400.00Colle ge Of Mount Saint Vincent - Riverdale , NY $2 . 350.00Colle ge of Mt Saint Vincent - Riverdale , NY $250.00Colle ge of New Jerse y - Ewin g, $ 1 . 700.00Colle ge of New Rochelle - New Rochelle , NY $ 1 .075.00Colle ge of Notre Dame - Belmont , CA $200.00Colle ge of Our Lady of the Elms - Chicopee , MA $600.00Colle ge of Saint Benedict - Saint Joseph , MN 50.00Colle ge of Saint Elizabeth - Morristown , NJ 24$35.194.Colle ge of Saint Rose - Albany, NY $750.00Colle ge Of St Catherine - St Paul , MN $50.00Colle ge of St. Catherine - Saint Paul , MN $ 1 , 100.00Colle ge of Staten Island Foundation Inc. - Staten Island , NY 825.00


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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION MATCHING GIFTS Summary by Organization NameOrganization Name Total Company AmountColle ge of the Hol y Cross Trustees - Worcester, MA $50.90800Colle ge of William & Ma - Williamsbur g, VA $775.00Colle ge of William & Mary - Williamsbur g, VA $83000Colle ge of William and Mary - Tribe Atheletics - Williamsburg, VA $2 ,750.00Colle ge Of Wooster - Wooster , OH $ 19 ,286.00Colle ge School Association - Saint Louis , MO $20000Colle ge Year In Athens Inc - Cambrid ge , MA $ 125.00Colle ges of the Seneca Hobart & William Smith Colle ges - Geneva NY $ 1 , 150,00Collierville Youth Athletic Association - Collierville , TN 800.00Collins Elementary School - Grand Rap ids , Ml 100.00Colon Cancer Alliance - New York , NY 100.00Colonial Dames of America - New York , NY 80.00Colonial Theatre School Inc - Westerl y, RI 280.00Colonial Williamsbur g Foundation - Williamsburg, VA $5 , 355.00Colony Theatre Company - Burbank , CA 300.00Colorado Animal Rescue Inc A Nonprofit Corporation - Glenwood Sprin gs $2 ,000.00Colorado Childrens Chorale - Denver CO 50.00Colorado Christian University - Lakewood , CO 100.00Colorado Colle ge Th - Colorado S prin g, CO 225.00Colorado Colle ge Th - Colorado Swings , CO 25.00Colorado Lutheran Hi gh School Association - Denver , CO 100.00Colorado National Monument Association Inc. - Fruita , CO 100.00Colorado School of Mines Foundation Inc. - Golden , CO 150.00Colorado Seminary - University of Denver - Denver , CO 600.00Colorado S prin gs Philharmonic - Colorado Sprin gs , CO 1000.00Colorado State Universe Foundation - Fort Collins , CO $7 ,095.00Columbia Academy School - Columbia , TN 100.00Columbia Count Historical Societ Inc - Kinderhook , NY 60.00Columbia Grammar & Pre paratory School - New York , NY $ 1 , 000.00Columbia International University - Columbia, SC 235.00Columbia Memorial Hosp ital - Hudson , NY 50.00Columbia Public Library Association - Columbia , PA 25.00Columbia-Greene Hospital Foundation - Hudson , NY 350.00Columbus Academy - Gahanna , OH 30.00Columbus Speech and Hearin g Center - Columbus OH 50.00Combined Jewish Philanthrop ies of Greater Boston Inc. - Boston MA 896.00Combo Arts - Cumberland , RI $5.000.00Comfort Zone Camp Inc - Richmond , VA 25.00Committee for Accurac y In Middle East Re porting In America Inc - 561.00Committee for the Blind of Poland Inc - New York , NY 150.00Committee To Encourage Corporate Philanthro p - South Asia Earth quake $ 1 , 000.00Commonwealth Fund for KET Inc - Lexin gton , KY 150.00Communities in Schools of Nassau County Inc - Fernandina Beach FL $2 . 500.00Communities of Faith for Housing Inc - Hoboken , NJ 125.00Community 2000 Education Foundation - Charlestown , RI 400.00Community Action Committee of the Lehi gh Valle y Inc-Second Harvest 550.00Community Action House - Holland MI 300.00Community Action Southold Town Inc - Green ortNY 200.00Community Advocates for Persons With Developmental Disabilities 160.00Communit y AIDS Resource & Education Services of Southwest Michigan - 375.00Community Answers Inc - Greenwich , CT 250.00Community Assistance Pro ram Inc. - Detroit , MI 1 000.00Community Association for Rehabilitation Inc - Palo Alto , CA 250.00Communit y Cancer Services Inc Isabella County - Mt Pleasant , Ml 50.00Community Care Center for Forsyth County - Winston Salem , NC $ 100.00Community Care Connections Inc - Butler, PA $ 100.00Community Colle ge of Baltimore Foundation Inc - Baltimore MD $ 100.00Communit y Colle ge of Rhode Island Foundation - Warwick RI $2 , 200.00Community Communications Inc - Orlando , FL $ 135.00Community Council For The Homeless at Friendshi p Place - Washington , 85.00Community Cyclin g Center - Portland , OR $50.00Communit Dance Ensemble Inc Ouaker Hill , CT 75.00Community Famil y Life Services Inc - Washington , DC 35.00Community Food Bank Inc - Tucson AZ 1 ,250.00Community Food Bank of New Jersey Inc - Hillside NJ $3 , 550.00Community Food Bank of New Jersey/Hillside - Hillside , NJ $ 1 , 150.00Community Foundation for Greater New Haven - New Haven CT $440.00Communit Foundation for Northeast Mich igan - Straits Area Community $600.00Community Foundation Inc - Richmond , VA 50.00Communit y Foundation of Cape Cod - Yarmouth Port, 75.00Community Foundation of Collier County - Naples . FL 60.00Community Foundation of Greater Memphis Inc - Mid-South AIDS Fund - $500.00Community Foundation of Henderson County Inc - Arthur Hill Scholarshi p $250.00

l Community Foundation of New Jersey - Morristown NJ $ 1 . 100.00STATEMENT 21B

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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION MATCHING GIFTS Summary by Organization Name

Organization Name Total Company AmountCommunity Foundation of Southeastern Connecticut Inc - New London , CT $ 12 , 116.00Community Foundation of the Ozarks Inc - El Dorado - El Dorado Sprin gs , $ 1 ,000.00Communit y Foundation of the Ozarks , Inc. - S rin field MO 100.00Communit Foundation Servin g Coastal South Carolina Inc. - Charleston $ 10 .00000Community Fund for Instructional Video in Education Inc - San Diego, CA 200.00Community Fund of Bronxville-Eastchester Tuckahoe Inc. - Bronxville , 50 00Community Funds Inc - New York, NY 50.00Communit y Healing Centers - Kalamazoo , MI $75.00Communit Health & Nursin Services - Brunswick , ME 200.00Community Health In Partnershi p Services - Saint Louis , MO 250.00Community Health Protect , Inc. - New York , NY 50.00Community Hope Inc - Parsi ppany, NJ 600.00Community Hospice Care - Tiffin , OH 25.00Communit y Hos pice Foundation Inc - Rensselaer , NY 225.00Communit Impact - New York , NY $450.00Communit y Library, Inc. - Kilmarnock , VA 100.00Community Livm Centers Inc - Farmin gton , MI $9 .424.00Communit y Musicworks - Providence , RI $250.00Community of Jewish Life Inc - Chavurat A z Chaim - Stamford , CT 200.00Community Pro tects Committee Inc - St. Francis WI 60.00Communit Radio for Northern Colorado - Greele y, CO 120.00Community Research Resource Information Services for Seniors - Danville $ I ,000.00Community Scholarshi p Fund of Pleasantville New York - Pleasantville , 25.00Community Service Council of Chester Co Inc - Chester County Cares $ 1 , 000.00Community Service Society of New York - New York , NY 35.00Community Services Council-Utah Food Bank - Salt Lake City, UT 200.00Communit Soup Kitchen of Morristown Inc - Morristown , NJ 50.00Community Television Foundation of South Florida Television Station $40.00Community Theatre of Cedar Rapids Inc - Cedar Raids IA 55.00Community Visitin g Nurse Agenc y Inc - Attleboro , MA 75.00Community Volunteers In Medicine Inc - West Chester PA 200.00Community Youth Network Inc - Grayslake , IL 50.00Communti Foundation of the Holland Zeeland Area - Holland , MI $2 , 250.00Companion Animal Rescue & Education Inc - Bayonne , NJ 50.00Company of the Redwood Libra and Athenaem - Newpo rt , 140.00Compassion International Incorporated - Colorado Sprin gs , CO 7 794.00Compassionate Care Hospice - Mount Holl y, NJ 50.00Compassionate Friends Inc - Oak Brook , IL 250.00Common Heights Concert Band - Saint Louis MO 50.00Compton Hei ghts Nei ghborhood Betterment Association - Saint Louis MO 500.00Comstock Community Center Incorporated - Comstock MI $3 , 164.00Comstock Public Schools Foundation - Kalamazoo , MI ($50000Concern Worldwide U.s. Inc. - New York NY 300.00Concerned Women for America - Washington , DC 50.00Concord Coalition Corp - Arlin gton , VA 55.00Concord Colle ge Foundation - Athens , WV 80.00Concord Family Services Inc. - Brookl yn, NY 600.00Concord Free Public Library - Concord , MA 25.00Concord Land Conservation Trust - Concord , MA 50.00Concordia Colle ge - Ann Arbor, MI 700.00Concordia Colle ge - Bronxville , NY 25.00Concordia College - Moorhead MN 100.00Concordia Colle ge - St. Paul , MN 8000.00Concordia Seminary - Saint Louis MO 550.00Concordia Theological Seminary - Fort Wayne , IN 250.00Congre gation Beth El Inc of New London - New London , CT 525.00Congregation Beth Mikroh Inc - Yeshiva Beth Mikroh - Monse NY 25.00Congregation Ezras Yisroel of Bo an - Brookl yn, NY 54.00Congregation Mercaz Hatorah of Belle Harbor School - Belle Harbor. NY 50.00Congregation Rode ph Sholom Rodeph Sholom Food Program - New York , 680.00Congregation Yeshiva of Telshe Alumni - Bronx , NY $2 . 500.00Congretional Church of Led and - Boy Scouts of America - Troop 16 - 75.00Connecticut Aeronautical Historical Association - Windsor Locks CT 500.00Connecticut Association for the Gifted Inc - Westport, CT 100.00Connecticut Audubon Society Incorporated - Fairfield CT 760.00Connecticut Breast Cancer Foundation Inc - Weston CT 50.00Connecticut Breast Health Initiative , Inc. - New Britain , CT $2 .095.00Connecticut Buttertly Association Inc - New Haven CT 25.00Connecticut Center for School Change Inc - Hartford CT 300.00Connecticut Chamber Choir Inc - Monroe CT 200.00Connecticut Childrens Medical Center - Hartford CT 50.00Connecticut Childrens Medical Center Foundation Inc - CT Children 100.00Connecticut Childrens Medical Center Foundation Inc - Hartford CT $5 . 154.00Connecticut Citizen Research Grou Inc. W Hartford CT 70.00


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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION MATCHING GIFTS Summary by Organization Name

Organization Name Total Company AmountConnecticut Classical Guitar Society Inc - Hartford , CT 50.00Connecticut Colle ge - New London , CT $ 8 . 01 1.50Connecticut Colle ge - WCNI-FM - New London , CT $ 1 . 587.50Connecticut Colle ge Arboretum - New London , CT 50.00Connecticut Community Care Inc. - Bristol , CT 50.00Connecticut Down Syndrome Congress Inc - Farmin gton , CT 300.00Connecticut Earl y Music Society Inc - New London , CT 995.00Connecticut Food Bank Inc. - New Haven CT $ 12 . 340.00Connecticut Forest and Park Association Incorporated - Rockfall , CT 220.00Connecticut Friends School Co oration - Wilton , CT $2 .000.00Connecticut Fund for the Environment Inc. - New Haven , CT 175.00Connecticut Gilbert & Sullivan Society - Middletown , CT 450.00Connecticut Grand Opera & Orchestra Inc. - Stamford , CT 500.00Connecticut Hosp ice Inc - Branford , CT $ 1 , 150.00Connecticut Humane Society - Newin gton , CT $2 ,620.00Connecticut Institute for the Blind - Hartford , CT 200.00Connecticut Le gal Services Inc - Middletown , CT 500.00Connecticut Lions Charities Inc - Bristol , CT 105.00Connecticut Lupus Foundation Inc. - West Hartford , CT 500.00Connecticut O era Association Inc. - Hartford , CT $ 100.00Connecticut Ornitholo gical Association Inc. - Fairfield , CT 25.00Connecticut Players Foundation Inc - New Haven , CT $2 ,250.00Connecticut Public Broadcastin g Inc - Hartford , CT $21 .967.05Connecticut Radio Information S ystem Inc - Windsor , CT 100.00Connecticut River Foundation at Steamboat Dock - Essex , CT $4.105.00Connecticut River Watershed Council Inc - Greenfield , MA 25.00Connecticut Section P a Golf Foundation Inc - Rocky Hill , CT 125.00Connecticut Songwriters Association - Glastonbury, CT $5 .000.00Connecticut Songwriters Association , Inc. - Mystic , CT 250.00Connecticut S ports Foundation Inc. - Old Saybrook , CT 100.00Connecticut State Rifle & Revolver Association Inc - North Haven , CT 75.00Connecticut Storm Basketball Club Inc - Norwich , CT $4 , 703.00Connecticut Storytellin g Center , Inc. - New London , CT $6 ,050.00Connecticut Trust for Historic Preservation - Hamden , CT 180.00Conservation Fund - Arlington , VA 100.00Conservation Law Foundation Inc. - Boston , MA 105.00Conservation Resources , Inc - Chester , NJ $ 1 , 000.00Conserve Wildlife Foundation of New Jerse y Inc - Trenton , NJ 100.00Consortium for Graduate Stud y In Mana gement - Saint Louis , MO 250.00Constance Brown Hearin and Speech Center - Kalamazoo, MI $ 1 , 375.00Construct Inc - Gt Barnn ton MA 75.00Consumers Union of United States Inc - Yonkers , NY 25.00Convent of the Good She pherd of Los An geles - Good Shepherd Shelter - 25.00Convent of the Sacred Heart - Greenwich , CT $10.275.00Convent of the Sacred Heart School - New York , NY $2,500.00Conway Interfaith Clinic Inc - Conwa y, AR 750.00Cook Childrens Medical Center - Fort Worth , TX 25.00Cook Inlet Christian School - Soldotna , AK 100.00Cooke Center for Learmn and Development Inc - New York, NY 50.00Cookie Cart - Minneapolis , MN $1.500. 0Cookson Hills Christian School - Cookson Hills Christian Ministries - 100.00Coon Raids-Ba and Community School Distirct - Coon Raids IA 250.00Co-Op America Foundation Inc - Washin gton , DC 350.00Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art - New York , NY $ 15 ,960.00Cooperative for Assistance and Relief Everywhere Inc - Care - Atlanta , GA $20,267.90Cooperative for Assistance and Relief Everywhere Inc.- Care - Chica go , IL 25.00Co land Herita ge Association Of Cortlandt Inc - Cortlandt Manor, NY 75.00Coptic Orphans Support Association - Merrifield VA 900.00Cor Jesu Academy - St. Louis , MO 100.00Coral Rid ge Presbyterian Church Inc - Westminster Academy - Fort $ 1 . 5 0.00Coral Sprin gs Divin g Booster Club Inc - Lake Worth , FL 11000.00Coralations . Inc. - Culebra , PR 100.00Coralwood Foundation , Inc. - Decatur , GA 1000.00Corazon De Vida Foundation - Irvine , CA 225.00Cornell College - Mount Vernon , IA 75.00Cornell Colle ge - Mt. Vernon , IA 750.00Cornell University - Ithaca , NY $45.390.00Cornell University Payroll Office - Ithaca , NY 115.00Comer Health Center - Ypsilanti , MI 250.00Cornerstone Elementary School - Dexter , MI 100.00Cornerstone University - Grand Raids MI 185.00Cornerstone University - Grand Raids MI 2 035.00Cotnhusker Council-Boy Scouts of America Trust - Walton , NE 2045.00Cormn - Painted Post Civic Music Asssociation - Coming, NY 150.00


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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION MATCHING GIFTS Summary by Organization NameOrganization Name Total Company AmountCoro New York Leadershi p Center - New York, NY 500.00Coronaca Fire Department and Rescue Unit - Greenwood SC 100.00Coronado Hi p h School All S ports Booster Club - Islander S ports .00Co oration of Haverford Colle ge - Haverford PA 0-77774M.Co oration Of Mercer University - Macon , GA 700.00Co us Christi Catholic School - Holland , MI 1000.00Correctional Association of New York - New York , NY 1000.00Cortland Colle ge Foundation Inc. - Cortland NY $3 ,275.00Cota Childrens Organ Transp lant Association Inc. - Bloomin gton , IN $2 ,000.00Cotte Junior Colle ge - Nevada , MO 50.00Cotte y Junior Colle ge - Nevada , MO 250.00Cougar Foundation - Clovis CA 65.00Cougar Fund Inc - Jackson , WY 300.00Council of Better Business Bureaus Foundation - Arlin gton , VA 45.00Council of Community Services of New York State Inc. - Alban NY 50.00Council on Fore ig n Relations Inc. - New York , NY $2 , 300.00Counselor In Schools Inc - New York , NY 800.00Count Basie Theatre Inc - Red Bank , NJ 35.00Country Day School of the Sacred Heart Inc - Bethesda, MD $5 ,000.00Country School - Madison , CT $2 , 125.00County Colle ge of Morris Foundation - Randol ph-NJ 200.00County of Calhoun - Calhoun County Public Health Department - Nursin g 100.00Couple To Coup le Lea p,= International Inc. - Cincinnati , OH 50.00Coup les Coachin g Coup les Inc - Decatur , GA 100.00Courage Center - Golden Valle MN 40.00Court A ointed S pecial Advocates of Denton County Inc - Denton , TX 25.00Court A ointed S pecial Advocates of Morris County Inc - Morristown , NJ 4 , 100.00Court A ointed S pecial Advocates of New Jersey Inc - Elizabeth NJ 225.00Court Appointed S pecial Advocates of Travis County - Austin , TX 100.0Cousteau Society Inc - Hampton , VA 210.00Cove Center for Grievm Children Inc - Meriden , CT 185.00Covenant Care Services Inc - Macon , GA $ 1 , 500.0Covenant Christian Assembl y - Covenant Christian School - Tuscumbia , 00030 .Covenant Colle ge - Lookout Mountain , GA 250.00Covenant House - New York NY $24 . 854.00Covenant House Florida Inc - Fort Lauderdale , FL $2 ,250.00Covenant House Mich igan - Detroit , MI 410.00Covenant Partners Outreach Inc - Atlanta , GA $7 ,000.00Covenant Shelter of New London Inc. - New London , CT $ 1 , 630.00Covenant Theolog ical Seminary - Saint Louis , MO 250.00Covered Bride Girl Scout Council Inc - Girl Scout Troop 407 - Jasonville 100.00Covered Bride Girl Scout Council Inc - Terre Haute IN $2 ,000.00Covington Catholic Hi gh School - Covin gton , KY 175.00Cradle Foundation - Evanston , IL 100.00Craft Alliance - Saint Louis , MO 50.00Cranaleith S iritual Center - Philadel phia , PA $ 1 , 000.00Cranbrook Educational Community - Bloomfld HIs MI $ 1 , 700.00Crawford County Foundation - Cuba, MO $ 1 , 500.00Crawford County Historical Society - Cuba , MO 500.00Crazy Horse Memorial Foundation - Custer , SD 39.00Creative Arts Workshop Inc - New Haven , CT 50.00Creative Center Inc - New York , NY 75.00Creative Dance Center - Seattle , WA 550.00Creede Repertory Theatre Inc - Creede , CO $7 , 826.17Crei ghton University - Omaha NE 750.00Crei ghton University - Omaha , NE $ 1 ,050.00Cretin-Derham Hall Hi gh School Develo pment Office - St Paul , MN $50.00Crim School Parent-Teacher Organization Inc - Brid gewater , NJ $75.00Crime Stoppers of Ca Inc - Cary, NC $ 175.00Cri pp led Childrens Foundation - Birmin gham , AL 50.00Crisis Center - Iowa City, 500.00Crisis Nurse ry Inc - Phoenix , AZ $ 1 ,000.. 00Crisis Pre gnancy Center of the Lehi gh Valle y-Care Net Pre gnancy Center - 100.00Crisis Pre gnanc y Center Of The Wabash Valle y Inc - Terre Haute . IN 775.00Crisis Pre gnanc y Center of Tidewater Inc - Norfolk VA $2 , 500.. 00Crista Ministries - Seattle WA $23 150.00Crista Ministries - World Concern - Shoreline , WA 160.00Cnttenton Center - Sioux City, IA 800.00Crittenton Hospital - Rochester, MI 500.00Crittenton Hospital Medical Center Foundation - Rochester, MI 250.00Croatian Relief Services Inc - Fairview , NJ $50.00Crockett Elementary - Brentwood , TN $ 150.00Crohns & Colitis Foundation of America - Cleveland OH $ 125.00Crohns & Colitis Foundation of America - Columbia MD $ 150.00


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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION MATCHING GIFTS Summary by Organization Name

Organization Name Total Company AmountCrohn's & Colitis Foundation of America - Farmin gton Hills , MT 00.00Crohns & Colitis Foundation of America - Indianapolis , IN 795.00Crohns & Colitis Foundation of America - Manala an NJ 100.00Crohn's & Colitis Foundation of America - Nashville , TN 100.00Crohns & Colitis Foundation of America - Needham , MA 300.00Crohns & Colitis Foundation of America - New York , NY $ 1 , 641.00Crohn's & Colitis Foundation of America - Scottsdale , AZ 25.00Crohns & Colitis Foundation of America - Trevose , PA 50.00Crosby Fund for Haitian Education - Lyme , CT $2 .075.00Cross International Aid Inc - Pompano Beach FL 4449.00Cross International Catholic Outreach Inc - Boca Raton , FL 75.00Cross Mills Public Libra ry - Charlestown , RI 25.00Cross-Cultural Solutions - New Rochelle , NY 225.00Crossin g the Finish Line Inc - Norristown PA $2 ,460.00Crossroads Bible Colle ge Inc - Indianapolis , IN 1 1 , 000.00Crossroads Community Foundation Inc - Natick , MA $ 1 , 250.00Crossroads Lake County Adolescent Counselin g Services - Mentor , OH 50.00Crossroads of Michi gan - Detroit MI 200.00Crossroads Pre gnanc y Center - Hanford , CA 500.00Crossroads Rhode Island - Providence RI 50.00Crossville Christian School - Crossville , TN $2 ,000.00Crotched Mountain Rehabilitation Center Inc. - Greenfield , NH 100.00Croton Caring Committee Inc. - Croton On Hudson NY 100.00Croton-Harmon Education Foundation Ltd - Croton-On-Hudson , NY 50.00Crouse Health Foundation Inc - Syracuse , NY 1 250.00Crumle y House Head In u Rehabilitation - Limestone TN $9 , 500.00CRY - Child Relief and You America Inc - Braintree , MA 25.00Cryptic Masons Medical Research Foundation Inc - Nashville , IN 250.00Crystal S prin gs Baptist Youth Camp Inc - Medina , ND $6 ,000.00CSSGA Foundation Inc - Wethersfield , CT 25.00CT Green Devil Softball Association Inc - Jewett City, $2 ,000.00Cultural Leadershi p Inc - Saint Louis , MO 50.00Cultural Renaissance for Economic Revitalization - Bronx , NY 150.00Culver Educational Foundation - Culver IN $2 , 500.00Culver-Stockton Colle ge - Canton , MO 250.00Cumberland College - Williamsbur g, KY 289.00Cumberland County Playhouse Inc. - Crossville , TN 250.00Cumberland Presbyterian Children's Home - Denton , TX $ 1 . 100.00Curators of the University of Missouri - Saint Louis MO 700.00Cure Autism Now - Los Angeles , CA 880.00Cure JM Foundation - Encinitas , CA 175.00Curry Colle ge - Milton , MA 50.00Cutaneous L homa Foundation Inc - Birmin gham , MI 150.00Cyclic Vomitm Syndrome Association Inc - Canal Winchester, OH 100.00Cypress Colle ge Foundation Inc - Cypress , CA 880.00Cystic Fibrosis Foundation - Atlanta GA 750.00C stic Fibrosis Foundation - Bethesda , MD 850.00Cystic Fibrosis Foundation - Broomall , PA 200.00Cystic Fibrosis Foundation - Charlotte , NC 525.00Cystic Fibrosis Foundation - Chicago , IL 30.00Cystic Fibrosis Foundation - Dallas , TX 75.00Cystic Fibrosis Foundation - Indianapolis , IN 250.00Cystic Fibrosis Foundation - Latham , NY 275.00Cystic Fibrosis Foundation - Mission , KS 25.0Cystic Fibrosis Foundation - Ralei gh , NC 900.00Cystic Fibrosis Foundation - River Ede NJ $2 ,410.00Cystic Fibrosis Foundation - Saginaw , MI 125.00Cystic Fibrosis Foundation - San Die go , CA 725.00Cystic Fibrosis Foundation - Sausalito , CA 50.00Cystic Fibrosis Foundation - St. Louis , MO 150.00Cystic Fibrosis Foundation - Troy, MI 100.00Cystic Fibrosis Foundation - Wethersfield , CT 1365.00Cystic Fibrosis Foundation - Whitehall PA 200.00Cystic Fibrosis Foundation Headquarters - Bethesda MD 900.00C stic Fibrosis Foundation Headquarters - Grand Raids MI 2 , 555.00Cystic Fibrosis Foundation Headquarters - MelvilleNY 3 395.00Cystic Fibrosis Foundation Headquarters - Orlando , FL 1 . 925.00Cystic Fibrosis Foundation Headquarters - Washin gton , DC 3200.00Cystic Fibrosis Foundation Headquarters - White Plains , NY 615.00Cystic Fibrosis Foundation Kentucky- West Virg inia Chapter - Louisville 75.00Cystic Fibrosis Foundation Massachusetts Chapter - Natick , MA 375.00Cystic Fibrosis Foundation Minnesota Chapter - Saint Paul MN $ 1 , 200.00Cystic Fibrosis Foundation Western Penns ylvania Chapter - Pittsburgh , PA 200.00Cystic Fibrosis Foundation/Natick - Natick , MA 270.00


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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION MATCHING GIFTS Summary by Organization Name

Organization Name Total Company AmountCystic Fibrosis Research Inc - Mountain View , CA 100.00D & H Canal Historical Society Inc - Hi g h Falls , NY 75.00Dakota Boys Ranch Foundation - Minot , ND 50.00Dakota Indian Foundation Inc. - Chamberlain , SD 25.00Dakota Wesle yan University - Mitchell , SD 25.00Dalhart Animal Wellness Group and Sanctuary - DalhartTX $4 ,400.00Dalhousie University Foundation Inc - New York , NY 1000.00Dallas Childrens Theater Inc - Dallas , TX $ 10000Dallas Foundation A Texas Nonprofit Corporation - Dallas , TX 100.00Dalton Schools Inc. - New York , NY 650.00Damian P Meehan Memorial Fund Inc - Monroe , NY 250.00an Padula Memorial Fund Inc - Ticonderoga , NY 150.00

Dana Farber Cancer Institute Inc - Boston , MA $31 . 787.00Dana Farber Cancer Institute , Inc. - Boston , MA 325.00Dana Farber Cancer Institute-the Jimmy Fund - Brookline , MA 50.00Dana Hall School - Wellesle y, MA 250.00Danbury Animal Welfare Society Inc - Danbury, CT 25.00Danbury Hosp ital Development Fund Inc - Danbury, CT 150.00Dance Theatre Foundation - New York , NY 475.00Dance Theatre of Harlem - New York , NY 100.00Daniel Jonathan Stowe Conservanc y - Belmont , NC $75.00Danish American Societ y Inc - New York , NY 200.00Danish Immi grant Museum - Elk Horn , $25.00Darc y School A New Jerse y Nonprofit Co oration Inc - Chatham , NJ 500.00DARE To Care Inc - Louisville , KY $ 1 . 000.00Darien Libra ry Inc. - Darien , CT 450.00Darlin gton Free Medical Clinic - Darlington , SC 100.00Dartmouth Class of 1953 Charitable Trust C/o Led and National Bank - $ 1 . 976.00Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center - Lebanon , NH 500.00Daughters of Israel Inc - West Oran ge , NJ 50.00Daughters of the Hol y S p irit - Putnam , CT 500.00Davar Institute Inc - Teaneck , NJ 125.00Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption - Dublin , OH 200.00Davenport Rid ge School - Stamford , CT 33.00Davenport University Foundation - Grand Rapids , MI $25.00Davenport University Foundation - Grand Rapids , MI 250.00David Gordon Louis Daniel Foundation - Mclean , VA 100.00David Li pscomb Universit y - Nashville , TN 300.00Davids House Inc - Lebanon , NH 50.00Davidson Colle ge - Davidson , NC 25.00Davidson Colle ge - Davidson , NC 444.00Davis & Elkins Colle ge - Elkins , WV 50.00Davis College - Johnson City, NY 300.00Davis Memorial Fund Inc - Lawrence , NY 86.00Dawn Incorporated - Ann Arbor , MI 625.00Da Kimball Hosp ital - Putnam , CT 325.00Day S prin g School of the Arts - Maryland H is MO 50.00Day2 Inc - Empire State AIDS Ride - New York, NY 50.00Da croft - Ann Arbor , MI 300.00Dayton Art Institute - Dayton , OH 100.00Dayton Foundation - Dayton , OH $25.00Daytop Village Inc - Daytop Preparatory School - Mendham NJ $3 . 100.00Daytop Villa a of New Jerse y Inc - Mendham NJ 1000.00DC Voice - Washington , DC 50.00De La Salle Colle g iate - Warren , MI $2 , 75000De La Salle Institute - Nana , CA $2 .900.00De Paul University - Chica go, IL 50.00De Pauw University - Greencastle , IN $3 .273.20Deacon John Grave Foundation - Madison , CT 75.00Dea Memorial Foundation - Danielson , CT 375.00Death With Di gnity National Center - Portland , OR 100.00Deborah Hosp ital Foundation - Browns Mills , NJ -------3 1 .030.00Decatur General Hospital Foundation Inc - Decatur , AL $50.00Deckerville Community Hospital Inc - Deckerville , MI 500.00Dedicated Animal Welfare Group of Laguna Niguel & Mission Viejo Inc - 200.00Dedication and Everlastin g Love To Animals - Glendale , CA $ 100.0Dee River Volunteer Fire Department - Dee River, CT 200.00Deer Canon Elernentarv Foundation Co ration - San Diego , CA 270.00Deerfield Academy - Deerfield , MA 50.95Defenders of Animal Ri ghts Inc. - Phoenix , MD 50.00Defenders of Wildlife - Washington , DC 0.00Defenders of Wildlife Inc. - Washington . DC $ 1 ,059.00Degree of Honor Foundation - Saint Paul , MN 100.00Del Mar Schools Education Foundation - Del Mar, CA %R IM 00


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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION MATCHING GIFTS Summary by Organization Name

Organization Name Total Company AmountDelasalle Hi gh School - Minneapolis , MN 100.00Delaware County Society for the Prevention of Cruelty To Animals $5000Delaware Putmy Rescue - Hockessin , DE 250.00Delaware Valle y Colle ge - Doy lestown , PA $ 1 , 000.00Delaware Valle y Colle ge of Science and Agriculture - Doylestown , PA 200.00Delaware Valle y Golden Retriever Rescue Inc - Reinholds , PA $1,750.00Delbarton School - Morristown , NJ $ 14 ,225.60Delta Colle ge Foundation - University Center, MI 145.00Delta Delta Delta Foundation - Arlington , TX 600.00Delta Gamma Foundation - Columbus , OH 125.00Delta Kappa Epsilon Alumni Association - Delta Chi Association , Inc. - 175.00Delta MU Delta Honor Society - Brookfield IL 25.00Delta Si gma Phi Foundation - Indianapolis , IN 30.00Delta Tau Delta Educational Foundation Inc - Fishers , IN 100.00Delta Waterfowl Foundation - Bismarck , ND 50.00Democracy North Carolina - Carrboro , NC 50.00Denison Pe uotse os Nature Center - Mystic , CT $8 ,085.00Denison Pe uotse os Nature Center Inc. - Mystic , CT $2 ,918.40Denison University - Granville , OH 25.00Denison University - Granville , OH $ 1 , 875.00Dent County Animal Welfare Society - Salem , MO 25.00Denver Art Museum Inc - Denver , CO 35.50Denver Brass Inc - Denver , CO 150.00Denver Dumb Friends League - Denver , CO 60.00Denver Rescue Mission - Denver , CO 123.60Denver Zoolog ical Foundation Inc - Denver , CO 67.50Denville Public Library - Denville , NJ 25.00Depaul University - Chicago , IL $ 1 , 250.00Depauw University - Greencastle , IN $2 , 800.00Depot Theatre Inc - Westport , NY 100.00De rry Montessori Childrens Center Inc - De rry, NH 50.00Desales Hi gh School - Louisville , KY 50.00Desales University - Center Valle y, PA 250.00Desert Botanical Garden - Phoenix , AZ 170.00Desert Foothills Musicfest - Carefree AZ 1 , 775.00Desert Vista Hi gh School - Phoenix AZ 400.00Desmoid Tumor Research Foundation Inc - Suffern , NY $650.00Desta - Littleton , CO $450.00Destination Cure the Race Against MS - Vienna , VA 100.00Destin y Foundation - Airmont , NY $36.00Detroit Country Day School - Beverl y Hills , MI 500.00Detroit Educational Television Foundation WTVS Channel 56 In Detroit - $ 8 . 145.00Detroit Educational Television Foundation WTVS-Channel 56 In Detroit - $345.00Detroit Hispanic Development Corporation - Detroit MI $ 1 , 000.00Detroit Historical Society - Detroit , MI 50.00Detroit Institute of Arts - Detroit , MI $4 , 337.00Detroit Rescue Mission Ministries Genesis House 111111 & Oasis - Detroit , $2 , 330.00Detroit Symphany Orchestra Hall - Detroit , MI 975.00Detroit Zoolog ical Society - Royal Oak , MI 768.00Devereux Foundation - Devereux Glenholme School - Washington , CT 150.00Dewitt Count Restoration - Clinton IL 90.00Diabetes Research Institute Foundation Inc. - Hollywood , FL $750.00Dian Fosse y Gorilla Fund - Atlanta , GA $200.00Diane Pepp ler Resource Center Inc - Sault Ste Marie MI $ 1 ,400.00Dickinson Colle ge - Carlisle , PA 2 850.00Didasko Ministries Inc - State Colle ge , PA 255.00Didi Hirsch Psychiatric Service - Culver Cit y, CA 50.00Different Path , Inc - Ann Arbor , MI $250.00Different Stages Inc - Austin TX 100•Diocesan Council For The Society of St Vincent De Paul Diocese Phoenix - 250.00Diocese of Bridge port Catholic Center - Bridge port , 12047.66Diocese of Buffalo New York - Campai gn for Catholic Education - Buffalo 35.00Diocese of Camden - House of Charity - Camden , NJ 100.00Diocese of Kalamazoo - Catholic Hi gh School Scholarshi Fund $75000Diocese of St. Petersburg Catholic Charities - Saint Petersburg, FL 1 .4 .000Diocese of the Armenian Church of America - Children of Armenia 100.00Direct Relief International - Santa Barbara , CA 180.00Disabilities Resource Center Atlantic and Cape May Inc - Egg Harbor $ 1 . 000.00Disabled American Veterans Charitable Service Trust - Cold S prin g, KY $6 .995.00Disabled American Veterans Charitable Service Trust Inc - Cincinnati OH 25.00Disabled American Veterans Life Memorial Foundation Inc - Arlington , 400.00Disabled Sports USA - White Mountain Adloptive Snows its School - 100.00Disabled Sports USA - Wounded Warrior Project Inc. - Roanoke VA 380.00Discalced Inc - Mark Morris Dance Grow - Brooklyn, NY 100.00


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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION MATCHING GIFTS Summary by Organization Name

Organization Name Total Company AmountDiscovery Museum Inc - Brid ge port , CT 250.00Dismas Inc - Dismas House of Michiana - South Bend , IN 100.00District III Area Agenc y on Ag ing - El Dorado Spring Senior Center - El $ 1 , 000.00Divers Alert Network Inc. - Durham , NC 200.00Divine Savior Hol y An gels Hi gh School - Milwaukee , WI 250.00D omba Dance & Drum Centre Ltd - New York , NY 3 750.00Doane Colle ge - Crete , NE 325.00Dob s Bennett Band Boosters Club - Kin g s port , TN 25.00Doctors for Global Health Inc - Decatur, GA 100.00Documentary Educational Resources Inc - Watertown , MA 250.00Dodge City Community Colle ge Endowment Association - Dod ge City, $ 100.00Doe Fund Inc - New York , NY $4 , 335.00Do town Historical Society - Saint Louis , MO 40.00Dohen Eye Institute - Los Angeles , CA 250.00Dollars for Scholars North Central Hi gh School - Farmersburla, IN 250.00Domestic & Forei gn Missionary Society of the Protestant Ep iscopal Church 85.00Domestic and Forei gn Missionary Society of the Protestant Episcopal - 300.00Domestic Violence Pro i ect Inc - Ann Arbor , MI $4 , 980.00Dominican Colle ge of Blauvelt - Orangeburg, NY 50.00Dominican Literac y Center Aurora - Aurora , IL 50.00Dominican Sisters Famil y Health Service Inc - Ossinin NY 100.00on Stewart Association - Broken Arrow , OK 132.00

Donald Danforth Plant Science Center - Saint Louis , Mo 200.00Donorschoose Inc - New York , NY $3 ,987.97Door - A Center of Alternatives Inc - New York , NY $2 , 700.00Door County Maritime Museum Inc - Sturgeon Bay, WI 150.00Dordt Colle ge - Sioux Center, IA 700.00Dordt Colle ge - Sioux Center , IA 800.00Dorflin ger Suydam Wild Life Sanctuary Inc - Honesdale , PA 50.00Dorot Inc - New York , NY $ 1 , 898.00Dorot, Inc. - New York , NY 50.00Dorothy Bennett Merc y Center - Brooklyn, NY 250.00Doroth Whitfield Historic Society Inc - Guilford , CT 100.00Double D Bar Ranch Inc - Manorville , NY $3 ,450.00Double Helix Co oration - St. Louis , MO $39300Dou g las County Educational Foundation - Summit View Pled ge Drive - 300.00Doug lass Fund - New Brunswick , NJ 625.00Dou lass Or anization for Occupational & Related Education - New 405.00Dover Hi g h School - Dover, PA $ 1 , 000.00Down Syndrome Association of Central Ohio - Columbus , OH 525.00Down Syndrome Association of Charlotte Inc - Charlotte , NC 50.00Down Syndrome Association of Northwest Indiana Inc - Hi ghland , IN 100.00Down Syndrome Association of Western Michi gan - Grand Rapids , MI 250.00Downey Side Inc - New York , NY 100.00Downtown Evenm Sou Kitchen Inc. - New Haven , CT 200.00Dr Carl Weis Scholarshi p Fund - New London , CT 75.00Dr. Mary Fisher Medical Foundation - Pa gosa S prin gs , CO $2 ,000.0Dr. Walter J Ernst Jr. Veterinary Memorial Foundation - Baton Rou ge , LA 300.00Drake University - Des Moines , IA 100.00Drake Universit y - Des Moines , IA $ 1 , 210.00Drama Lea ue of New York Inc - New York , NY 250.00Dream for Africa Inc - Tulsa , OK 4440.00Dream Program Inc - Winooski , VT 250.00Dress for Success Inc - Atlanta , GA 200.00Drew University - Madison , NJ $2 ,401.00Drexel University - Philadel phia , PA 800.00Drury Colle ge - S pring field , MO 100.00Drury Colle ge - Springfield , MO 200.0Dublin School Inc. - Dublin , NH $5 ,000.60Duchesne Academy of the Sacred Heart - Omaha, NE 100.00Duchesne Hi gh School - Saint Charles MO $2 . 825.00Duckre Tanner School - Philadel phia , PA $ 1 ,000.00Ducks Unlimited Inc - Carlinville , IL 125.00Ducks Unlimited Inc - Memphis , TN 30.00Ducks Unlimited Inc - Sullivan , IN 250.00Duke University - Durham , NC $ 16 .064.00Duke University - Durham NC $39 .495.00Duke University Medical Center - Durham , NC $9.115.00Duke Universit y/Reg inald B. Howard Fund - Durham , NC 750.00Dula Sentle Foundation - Manchester, ME $1.000.00Dunes Fund Inc - Che rry Grove , NY 50.0Duquesne University - Pittsburgh , PA 200.00Duquesne University - Pittsburg h PA 1 805.00Duquesne University Of The Hol y Ghost - Pittsbur gh , PA 17 .6? 7 .00


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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION MATCHING GIFTS Summary by Organization Name

Organization Name Total Company AmountDurango Nature Studies - Duran go , CO $55.00Dutchess County Art Association Inc - Pou hkee sie NY 900.00D ouville Senior Care Inc - Lowell , MA 50.00Dysautonomia Foundation Inc - New York , NY $ 15000Dystonia Medical Research Foundation - Chicago , IL $ 1 ,000.00E 0 Smith S ports Boosters - Ashford , CT $25.00E.C. Scranton Memorial Library - Madison , CT 755.00E.L. Auxilia C&F Agency-Child and Famil y A genc y of Southeastern $25000Eag le Forum Education and Leal Defense Fund - Alton , IL $25.00Eag le Lake Property Owners Inc - Ticonderoga , NY 94.00Eag les Band Inc - Pittsfield , MA $ 1 ,000.00Earl Warren Middle School - Solana Beach , CA 600.65Earlham Colle ge - Richmond , IN 300.00Earlham Colle ge - Richmond , IN $ 11 , 130.00Earl y Childhood Center Parents Association Inc. - New York , NY $300.00Earl y Childhood Connections for Arapahoe and Douglas Inc - Englewood , $ 1 . 000.00Earth Action Network Inc - Norwalk, CT $ 100.00Earth Justice Le gal Defense Fund - Oakland , CA $2 ,775.00Earthen Vessels Inc - Cambrid ge , MA $ 100.00Earth lace the Nature Discovery Center Inc - West rtCT $500.00Earthwatch Expeditions , Inc - Maynard , MA $2 , 564.00East Brunswick Friends of the Library - East Brunswick , NJ $4 .900.00East Carolina University Educational Foundation Inc - Greenville , NC $9 , 644.65East Carolina University Foundation Inc - Greenville , NC $600.00East Catholic Hi gh School - Manchester , CT $75.00East Coast Greenway Alliance - Wakefield , RI $85.00East Elementary School - Sharon , MA 100.00East End Hos p ice Inc. - Westhampton Beach , NY 100.00East Fresno Kiwanis Foundation - Fresno , CA $4 , 550.00East Lyme Arts Council Incorporated - Waterford , CT 956.00East Lyme Hi gh School - East Lyme , CT $205.00East Lyme Hi gh School Senior Class Party East Lyme , CT $ 1 , 200.00East Lyme Hi gh School/Swimmin g & Divin g Team - East Lyme , CT 300.00East Lyme Historical Society - Mantic CT $25.00East Lyme Middle School - Niantic , CT 325.00East Lyme Public Library - Niantic , CT $3 , 200.00East Lyme Rowing Association - East Lyme , CT $25.00East L me Youth Services - Niantic , CT $ 115.00East Lyme Youth Services Association - Niantic , CT $50.00East Martin Christian School - Martin , MI $ 1 , 330.00East Stroudsbur University Foundation - East Stroudsburg, PA 50.00East Tennessee Childrens Hospital Association Inc - Knoxville , TN 144.00East Tennessee State University Foundation - Johnson Cit y, TN $75.00East Valle y Christian School Tuition Organization Inc - Chandler, AZ $500.00Easter Seal Society - Chica go , IL $3 , 365.00Easter Seal Societ y Bay Area - Oakland , CA 50.00Easter Seal Society for Cri ppled Children & Adults of Connecticut Inc. - $25.00Easter Seal Society of South Central Pennsylvania - Altoona , PA $80.00Easter Seal Society of Southeastern Mich igan Inc - Pontiac , MI 300.00Easter Seal Society of Southwest Florida Inc. - Sarasota , FL $50.00Easter Seal Society of Western Penns ylvania - Pittsburgh , PA 50.00Easter Seals Connecticut Inc - Norwich , CT $2 ,065.00Easter Seals Missouri Inc - Manchester MO $500.00Easter Seals Southern Georg ia Inc - Albany, GA 100.00Eastern Connecticut Ballet Inc - East Lyme , CT 50.00Eastern Connecticut Ballet Inc. - East Lyme , CT 175.00Eastern Connecticut Sailin g Association Inc - New London Community 250.00Eastern Connecticut State Colle ge Alumni Association - Willimantic , CT 150.00Eastern Connecticut State University Foundation Inc - Willimantic , CT 650.00Eastern Connecticut Symphony Inc - Friends of the Symphony - New $ 1 . 295.00Eastern Connecticut Symphony Inc - New London , CT $ 15 , 503.00Eastern Illinois University Foundation - Charleston , IL $ 3 , 075.00Eastern Lon Island Hos pital - Green ortNY $2 .000.00Eastern Mennonite University - Harrisonbur iz, VA 841.78Eastern Michi gan University Foundation - Ypsilanti , MI 75.00Eastern Michi gan University Foundation - Ypsilanti , MI $9 ,734.00Eastern Nazarene Colle ge - umc MA 250.0Eastern Orthodox Management Co - Hol y Trinity Eastern Orthodox 500.00Eastern Paral yzed Veteran Association Inc-United Sp inal Association - $ 1 , 330.00Eastern Paral yzed Veterans Association - Wilton , NH 25.00Eastern Paral yzed Veterans Association Inc - Jackson Hei ghts , NY 250.00Eastern Shore Land Conservanc y Inc - Oueenstown , MD 100.00Eastern States Exposition Foundation Inc - West Springfield , MA 100.00Eastern Washington University Foundation - Cheney, WA 50.00


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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION MATCHING GIFTS Summary by Organization NameOrganization Name Total Company AmountEaston Community Center Inc - Easton , CT 4000Easton Volunteer Emergenc y Medical Service Inc - Easton , CT


Eastside Domestic Violence Program - Bellevue , WA 5000Eastside Retirement Association - Redmond , WA 100.00Echo Cancer Foundation - Norwich , CT 1 250.00Echo Hose Ambulance Corps Inc - Shelton , CT 150.00Echo National Jewish Institute for Health - S prin g Valle y, NY 280.00Eckerd Colle e - Saint Petersbur FL 500.00Eckerd Colle e - Saint Petersburiz, FL 750.00Eckerd Youth Alternatives Inc. - Clearwater, FL 25.00Ecology Action of the Mid Peninsula - Willits , CA 250.00Ecolo Center Inc - Ann Arbor , MI 819.86Economic Opportunit y A gency of Washin gton County Inc Office of Th - 100.00ECSU Foundation Inc - Eastern Connecticut State University - Willimantic 75 0Ecumenical Council of San Diego County - San Die go , CA 50.00Ecumenical Senior Center - Kalamazoo , MI 225.00Eden Institute - Princeton NJ 25.00Eden Institute - Princeton , NJ $ 1 , 100.00Ed gerton Garden Center Inc - Hamden , CT 50.00Edinboro Universit y of Pennsylvania - Edinboro , PA $6 , 172.10Edison Greenways Group Inc - Edison , NJ 50.00Edith Wharton Restoration Inc - Lenox , MA 250.00Educate the Children Inc - Ithaca , NY $5000Education and Hoe - Norwalk , CT 600.00Education Foundation of Stanislaus County - Modesto, CA 300.00Educational Broadcasting - New York , NY $21 , 266.30Educational Broadcastin g Corr) - WLIW 21 - New York, NY $3 ,915.00Educational Foundation of Alpha Gamma Rho - Kansas City, MO $ 1 . 725.00Educational Foundation of Dexter - Dexter, MI 200.00Educational Information Corporation WCPE Radio - Wake Forest , NC 250.00Educational Media Foundation - Rocklin , CA $ 1 , 640.00Educational Media Foundation/DBA K-Love Radio - Rocklin , CA 40.00Educational TV Endowment of South Carolina Inc - S partanburg, SC $499.00Educational TV Endowment of South Carolina Inc - Spartanburg, SC 313.00Edwin O. Smith Hi gh School - Storrs Mansfield , CT $3 ,000.00Effective Alternative In Reconciliation Services - Bronx , NY $2 ,000.00Ehlers Danlos National Foundation - Los An geles , CA $5 ,000.00El Paso Pharmacy Foundation - El Paso , TX 125.00Elder Hi h School - Cincinnati , OH 275.00Elderhel of San Die go - San Diego, CA 550.00Elderhostel Inc - Boston , MA $ 1 . 050.00Eldrid ge Street Proiect Inc. - New York , NY 108.00Elementa District 33 for Educational Exellence - West Chicago , IL 250.00Elephant Sanctuary In Tennessee - Hohenwald , TN 285.00Eli Whitney Museum Inc - Hamden , CT 200.00Elie Wiesel Foundation for Humanity Inc - New York, NY 25.00EIS ahs Promise - New Brunswick , NJ 250.00Elim Christian School - Palos Hei ghts , IL 60.00Elim Christian School - Palos Hei ghts , IL 100.00Elim Christian School Foundation - Palos Hei ghts , IL 190.00Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation - Washin gton , DC 25.00Elizabeth Hos p ice Inc. - Escondido , CA 525.00Elizabeth Hos p ice , the - Escondido , CA 50.00Elizabeth Lund Home Inc - Burlin gton , VT 75.00Elizabeth Stone House Inc. - Jamaica Plain , MA 280.00Elizabethtown Colle ge - Elizabethtown , PA $2 , 7 55.57Elk Grove Unified School District - Elk Grove , CA 25.00Elkhart Civic Theatre Inc - Bristol , IN 25.00Elkhart Community Schools - WVPE Public Radio - Elkhart, IN 3 00.00Elks National Foundation - Chica go , IL 455.00Ella E M Brown Charitable Circle - Marshall , MI 900.00Ellen Browning Scri pps Elementary School - San Diego, CA 00.00Ellicott Wildlife Rehabilitation Center - Colorado S prin gs , CO 00.00Ellsworth Colle ge Foundation - Iowa Falls , IA 25.00Elm Shakespeare Company - New Haven , CT 75.00Elmhurst Colle ge - Elmhurst , IL 1 00.00Elmhurst Colle ge - Elmhurst , IL 200.00Elmhurst Islamic Center - Elmhurst , NY $6 . 500.00Elmira Colle ge - Elmira , NY 200.00Elon University - Elon Colle ge , NC $10.662.00El pos Inc - East Lyme , CT 25.00Elyria Catholic Hi gh School Educational Endowment Foundation - Elyria , 200.00Emb -Riddle Aeronautical University Inc - Daytona Beach , FL 100.00Emergenc y Food Box Inc. - Marshalltown , IA 500.00


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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION MATCHING GIFTS Summary by Organization Name

Organization Name Total Company Amount-Emergin g Strate g ies for Learnin g and Leadershi p Inc - New York, NY $4560

Emerson Colle ge Dept of Finance - Boston MA 50.00Emerson Health Care Foundation Inc - Concord , MA $5000Emerson School Inc - Ann Arbor , MI 43 420.00Emma Willard School - Troy, NY $2 .750.00Emmanuel Colle ge - Boston , MA $5 , 150.00Emory & Henry College - Emory, VA 100.00Emory Universit y - Atlanta , GA $ 1 , 700.00Em ire State Colle ge Foundation Inc. - Saratoga S prin g s , NY 100.00Employment Horizons Inc - Cedar Knolls , NJ $ 1 , 000.00Emporia State University Foundation Inc. - Emporia , KS 525.00Emunah Women of America - Edison , NJ 278.00Emunah Women of America - New York, NY 483.00Encinitas Education Foundation - Encinitas , CA $2 ,450.00Encinitas Union School District - Encinitas , CA 250.00Encore Community Services - New York , NY 50.00Encore Music Boosters Club - Troy, MO $ 1 . 356.00Endicott Colle ge - Beverl y, MA 25.00Endicott Colle ge - Beverl y, MA 50.00Endometriosis Association Inc - Milwaukee , WI 100.00Endowment Fund of the Phi Kappa Psi Fraternity - Indianapolis . IN 125.00Endurance Trust Incorporated - Lake Worth , FL 850.00Enfield Loaves & Fishes Inc - Enfield , CT 25.00Eng lish S peakin g Union of the United States - Charlottesvle , VA 60.00Eng lish S peakin g Union of the United States - New York, NY 100.00Enis Furley Foundation Inc - Jasper , IN 1000.00Ensi n Class Association - La Porte , TX 100.00Ensworth School - Nashville , TN 500.00Entertainment Industry Foundation - Los Angeles , CA 620.00Entertainment Industry Foundation - Revlon Run/Walk for Women - Studio 375.00Environmental and Conservation Organization of Henderson County 40.00Environmental Defense Incorporated - New York, NY $2 , 356.00Environmental Law Institute - Washin gton , DC $ 5 ,000.00Ephrata Community Ambulance Association Inc - Ephrata , PA 100.00Ephrata Community Hosp ital - Ephrata , PA $ 5 ,000.00Ep ilep sy Association - Cleveland , OH 125.00Epilepsy Association of Southeast Wisconsin - Milwaukee , WI 75.00Epilepsy Foundation of America - Landover , MD $2 ,685.00E p ile p s y Foundation of Massachusetts & Rhode Island Inc - Boston , MA 50.00Epilep s y Foundation of Michi gan - Southfield , MI $2 ,240.00Epilep s y Foundation of Mississipp i - Jackson , MS 25.00Ep ile psy Foundation of the St Louis Region - St. Louis , MO 150.00Epilepsy Society of Southern New York Incorporated - Pearl River, NY 1000.00Ep i phany School Foundation Inc - New York , NY 950.00Episcopal Church Home for Children - York Place Children's Home - York 50.00Episcopal Churches & Dioceses - Saint Alban's Episcopal School - $3 ,000.00Episcopal City Mission of the Diocese of Missouri - Saint Louis , MO 500.00Episcopal Ministries of the Diocese of Bethlehem Inc - New Bethany 95.00Ep iscopal Relief and Development - New York, NY $2 , 560.00Episcopal Retirement Homes Inc - Cincinnati , OH 250.00Equal Justice America Inc - Midlothian , VA 400.00Eq uestrian Connection NFP - Libertyv ille , IL $4.600.00Erica Zwickel Foundation - Pine Brook, NJ 700.00Erskine Colle ge - Due West , SC 500.00Esf Colle ge Foundation Inc. - S yracuse , NY 50.00Essex Ambulance Association Inc - No on CT 475.00Essex Community Fund - Essex , CT 425.00Essex County Arts Council - Westport , NY 500.00Essex County Green Belt Association Inc - Essex , MA 100.00Essex Elementary School Foundation Inc - Essex , CT 550.00Essex Fire Eng ine Co 1 S pecial Acct - Essex , CT 640.00Essex Historical Society - Essex CT 120.00Essex Land Conservation Trust Inc - Essex , CT 275.00Essex Library Association Inc. - Essex , CT $ 14 ,951.93Essex Rotary Scholarshi p Foundation - Essex CT 200.00Estes Park Medical Center Foundation - Estes Park , CO 250.00Estonian Relief Committee Inc - New York, NY 250.00Estuary Council of Senior Clubs Inc. - Old Saybrook, CT 25.00Eternal Word Television Network Inc - Irondale , AL 820.00Ethiop ian American Educational Foundation - East Lansing, MI 220.00Ethiop ian Orthodox Coptic Church of North and South America - Lion of $2 , 000.00Eugene O'Neill Memorial Theater Center Inc - Waterford , CT 275.00Euthanasia Research & Guidance Organization - Junction City, OR 25.00Evan gelical Childrens Home - Saint Louis , MO 200.00


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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION MATCHING GIFTS Summary by Organization NameOrganization Name Total Company AmountEvan gelical Free Church of America - Camp Spofford - S pofford , NH 750.00Evangelical Lutheran Church In America - Good Shepard Lutheran Church 40.00Evan gelical Lutheran Church In America - Hol y Trinity Evangelical 100.00Evan gelical Lutheran Church In America - Lehi gh Valle y Lutheran School $5000Evan elical Lutheran Church In America - Trinity Lutheran Semina ry $4 .000.00Evan elical Lutheran Church In America World Hun ger and Disaster 95.00Evan gelical School of Theology - M erstown PA 100.00Evans Scholars Foundation - Golf, IL 12 , 650.00Evanston Northwestern Healthcare - Evanston , IL 25.00Evas Kitchen & Shelterin g Programs Inc - Paterson , NJ $ 5 . 175.00EVE Inc - Lansin g, MI 750.00Everett Hi gh School Blue and Gold Club - Everett , WA 100.00Everett Public Schools Foundation - Everett , WA 25.00Evergreen State Colle ge Foundation Library 3121 - Ol ympia , WA 500.00Ever Child Ministries Inc - Hebron , IN 250.00Eve ry Orphans Hope - Frisco , TX $ 14 , 248.00Eve rybod y Wins D C Inc - Washin gton , DC $ 1 , 300.00Everybody Wins Metro Boston Inc - Boston , MA 250.00Ever woman Opportunit y Center Inc - Buffalo , NY 250.00Executive Committee of the Southern Baptist Convention - First Baptist 500.00Executive Council of the Genaral S ynod of United Church of Christ - First $ 1 , 050.00Exeter Volunteer Fire Co. No. 2 - Exeter , RI 50.00Exeter-West Greenwich Little League - Exeter , RI $700.00Exotic Feline Rescue Center Inc - Cente oint IN $62500Experience Learnin g Community - Seattle , WA $200.00Extreme Response International Inc - Snellville GA $250.00Eye-bank for Si ght Restoration Inc. - New York , NY $ 1 , 375.00Ezer Mzion Inc - Brookl yn, NY 50.00Ezra Academy of Oueens - Forest Hills , NY 50.00Ezras Torah Fund Inc Torah Relief Society - New York NY 108 00F E E D Scholarshi p Fund and Children's Foundation Inc - Loveland , CO 100.00F L W Kraus House Conservancy - Frank Lloyd Wright House - Saint 500.00Fair Housm Center of Metropolitan Detroit - Detroit , MI 100.00Fairbury Public Schools Foundation - Fairbury, NE 50.00Fairfield County Children's Choir Inc - Trumbull , CT 500.00Fairfield County Chorale Inc - Fairfield , CT 500.00Fairfield Universit y - Fairfield Colle ge Pre parato ry School - Fairfield , CT 395.00Fairfield University - Fairfield , CT $22 ,966.93Fairfields Volunteer Fire De partment Incorporated - Burgess , VA $ 100.00Fairlei gh Dickinson University - Teaneck , NJ $25.00Fairlei gh Dickinson University - Teaneck , NJ $3 . 300.00Fairmont State Colle ge Foundation Inc - Fairmont , WV 125.00Fairness & Accurac y In Re ortm Inc - New York , NY 25.00Fairview Parent Teacher Organization - Monroe , NC 50.00Fairwood Elementary P T S A - Renton , WA 100.00Faith and Politics Institute - Washin gton , DC 3 500.00Faith Baptist Bible Colle ge - Ankeny, IA 100.00Faith Bible Church - Faith Christian School - Sterlin g, VA 600.00Faith Community Church Inc - Faith Christian School - Indianapolis , IN 600.00Faith House Inc. - Lafayette , LA 50.00Faith In Practice - Houston , TX 25.00Faith Lutheran Church - Lincoln NE 750.00Fallsm ton Library Co - Fallsin ton PA 100.00Falmouth Academy Incorporated - Falmouth MA 150.00Falmouth Free Clinic Inc - Cape Cod Free Clinic - Falmouth , MA $ 12500Families for Russian and Ukrainian Adoption - Merrifield , VA 200.00Families Northwest - Bellevue , WA 25.00Families of S pinal Muscular Atrophy - Fayetteville , NC 250.00Families of Sp inal Muscular Atrophy - Hamden , CT 25.00Families Of Spinal Muscular Atrophy - Libertyv ille , IL 715.00Families United for Inde pendent Livin g Inc - McMinnville , OR $ 1 , 000.00Families With Children From China Fund - Newton , MA 100.00Families With Children From China Inc - New York , NY 600.00Family & Children Services Inc - Kalamazoo MI $8 , 8 5.00Famil y & Childrens Agency Inc - Norwalk , CT $2 , 800.00Famil y Adoption Consultants - Kalamazoo , MI 100.00Famil y Book Club - Ann Arbor , MI 100.00Famil y Counselin g Center - CSRA - Augusta , GA 100.00Famil Counselin g Service - Lexin gton , KY 500.00Famil y Fest Inc Christian Ministry Non Profit Org - Bloomin gton , MN 100.00Famil y Focus Adoption Services - Little Neck NY 50.00Famil y Friends - Grants Pass OR 200.00Famil Givin g Tree - Mil pitas , CA 59.90Famil Health Center of Battle Creek - Battle Creek , MI 500.00


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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION MATCHING GIFTS Summary by Organization Name

Organization Name Total Company AmountFamil y Inn Foundation Inc - Brookline , MA 50.00Famil y Institute of Connecticut Inc - Hartford , CT $ 1 . 300.00Family Life Serv.of Washtenaw City/Pre g nanc y Counselin g Center - $ 1 . 360.00Famil y Life Services of Washtenaw County - Ann Arbor , MI 30.00Family Life Services of Washtenaw Count - Ypsilanti , MI $ 1 , 435.00Famil y Literac y Foundation - San Die go , CA 25.00Family Literacy Foundation - Solana Beach , CA 25.00Famil y Pant ry-Damiens Place Corp - Fairhaven , MA 25.00Family Planning Association of Maine Inc - Augusta , ME 400.00Famil y Reach Foundation - Parsi ppan y, NJ $42500Famil y Refu ge Center - Lewisburg, WV $ 1 .000.00Famil y Research Council Inc - Washin gton , DC $ 1 , 970.00Family Resources Center on Disabilities - Chicago , IL 40.00Family Service Association of Lincoln - Lincoln , NE 800.00Famil y Service of Morris County - Morristown , NJ $5 ,050.00Famil y Service of Westchester Inc. - White Plains , NY 375.00Famil y Su ort Network - St Louis , MO 75.00Famil y To Famil y Inc - Carroll , IA $ 1 , 500.00Family Trust Foundation of Kentucky Inc - Lexington , KY $ 1 , 00200Famil y Violence Center Inc - S prin gfield , MO

.$ 5 .00000

Famil y-Faculty Connection of Dingeman Elementary School - San Die go , 765.00Fanconi Anemia Research Fund Inc. - Eu gene , OR 150.00Fanconi Anemia Research Fund , Inc. - Eu gene , OR 265.00Fannie Battle Day Home for Children Inc - Nashville , TN 50.00Far Hills Bedminster First Aid S quad Inc - Far Hills , NJ 150.00Farm of the Child Inc Mo - Charlottesville , VA 500.00Farm Sanctuary Inc. - Watkins Glen , NY 1 330.00Farmers Museum Inc - Cooperstown , NY 25.00Farmersbur g Indiana Friends of the Park Association - Farmersburg, IN 75.00Farmhouse Foundation - Kansas City, $ 1 , 275.00Farmin gton Canal Rail To Trail Association Inc - Hamden , CT 50.00Farmin gton Friends of the Library Inc - Farmington Hills , MI 30.00Farmington Hills Police Benevolent Association - Farmington Hills , MI 150.00Farmworker Ministry Inc - Auburndale FL 850.00Father Flanagans Boys Home - Boys Town , NE $5 ,790.00Father Fred Foundation - Traverse Cit y, MI 360.00Fathers of St Edmund Southern Missions Inc - Edmundite Seminary Guild - 100.00Fathers of St Edmund Southern Missions Inc - Selma, AL 1 , 335.00Faxton-St Lukes Healthcare Foundation - Utica , NY 250.00Fayetteville Public Education Foundation Inc - Fayetteville , AR 750.00FCNL Education Fund - Washington , DC 25.00Fed ration of Jewish Communities of the C I S Inc - New York , NY 25.00Feed My People - Saint Louis , MO 30.00Feed the Children Inc - Oklahoma City, OK $3 . 806.00Feedin g Americas Hungry Children - Phoenix , AZ 36.00Felice Lesser Dance Theatre Foundation Inc - New York , NJ 250.00Felician Colle ge - Lodi , NJ 100.00Feline Rescue and Rehome Inc - Little Rock , AR 25.00Fellow Earthlin g s Wildlife Center Inc - Morongo Valle y, CA 50.00Fellowshi p of Reconciliation Inc - New York , NY 200.00Fenton Community Charitable Association - Fenton , MO 1000.00Fenway Colle ge Hi g h School Fund Tr Ua 030392 Barbara Salisbury Ttee - 100.00Fergus Area Colle ge Foundation - Fergus Falls , MN 500.00Ferris State University - Bi g Rap ids , MI 747.24Ferris State University - Bi g Rap ids , MI $2 .465.00Ferst Books Foundation Inc - Madison , GA 100.00Festival Ballet Providence - Providence , RI 100.00Festival of the Atlantic Inc. - Point Pleasant Beach , NJ 250.00Fidelco Guide Dog Foundation Inc - Bloomfield , CT $2 . 125.00Fidelco/Guide Dog Foundation - Bloomfield , CT 75.00Fidelit y Investments Charitable Gift Fund - Boston , MA $9 .039.00Fielding Graduate Institute - Santa Barbara , CA 100.00Fieldstone Farm Therapeutic Riding Center - Chagrin Falls , OH 1000.00Fifth Maine Reg iment Communit y Center - Peaks Island , ME 250.00Fi ghtin g AIDS Continousl y Together - Allentown , PA 100.00Fil-AM Club of North Texas Wichita Falls - Wichita Falls , TX 268.00Film Society of Lincoln Center - New York , NY 245.00Film Video Arts Inc - New York , NY 100.00Filson Club - Louisville , KY 187.00Final Exit Network Inc - Marietta , GA 50.00Financial Executives Grou p Inc - Westvort, CT 100.00Finca International Inc - Washington , DC $ 1 , 250.00Fine Arts Society of Indianapolis - Indianapolis , IN 50.00Finlandia Universit y - Hancock , MI 00$2 , 500.


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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION MATCHING GIFTS Summary by Organization Name

Organization Name Total Company AmountFire Island Pines Property Owners Asssoc Charitable Foundation Inc - Fire $4 , 150.00Firefi ghters Charitable Foundation Inc - Westerl y, RI 25.00Firehouse Theatre Pro ect Inc - Richmond , VA $275.00Firemens Association of the State of New York - The Fireman's Home - $ 100.00First Baptist Church of Ore gon City - Hel p in g Other Peop le Eat - Canb y, $50.00First Call for Hel p Inc - Parsi ppany, NJ $550.00First Choice Pre gnancy Center Inc - Cave Coral , FL $50.00First Choice Womens Resource Centers - Morristown , NJ $3 , 700.00First Choice Women's Resource Centers - Morristown , NJ $300.00First Coast Womens Services - Jacksonville , FL $3 , 250.00First Congre gational Church/Kalamazoo Drop-In Child Care Center - $2500First Presb yterian Church Health Clinic - Kalamazoo , MI $ 1 , 775.00First Ste -Western Wayne County Pro i ect on Domestic Assult - Pl ymouth , $50.00First-Pl ymouth Preschool and Discove ry Days - Dimensions Educational $ 125.00Fish for the Poor International - Marshall , VA 1000.00Fisher House Foundation Inc - Rockville , MD $ 1 , 450.00Fishers Island Library Association - Fishers Island , NY $250.00Fisk University - Nashville , TN $ 16 ,000.00Fistula Foundation - Santa Clara , CA $ 100.00Five Towns Senior Center Inc - Woodmere NY $ 100.00FJC - New York , NY $30 ,000.00Flag ler Auditorium Governin Board Inc - Bunnell , FL 1000.00Flag ler Colle ge Inc - St. Au gustine , FL 200.00Flanders Elementary School - East Lyme , CT 450.00Flanders Fire Company I Inc - Flanders NJ $50.00Flat Rock Brook Nature Association - En g lewood , NJ $525.00Flatbush Volunteers of Hatzoloh Inc - Brookl yn, NY 50.00Fleet Charitable Gift Fund - The McCourt Foundation - Ouincy, MA 25.00Fletcher Allen Health Care Inc - Burlin gton , VT $2 ,000.00Flock Theatre Company - New London , CT $200.00Floras Pet Pro i ect - Naugatuck , CT 200.00Florence Engelhardt-Pappas Scholarshi p Foundation - Phoenix , AZ 125.00Florham Park Memorial First Aid Squad Inc - Florham Park , NJ 135.00Florida Academy of African-American Culture - Sarasota , FL 50.00Florida Academy of Famil y Physicians Foundation Inc - Jacksonville , FL 500.00Florida Atlantic University Foundation Inc - Boca Raton , FL $25.00Florida Grand O era Inc - Miami , FL $500.00Florida Gulf Coast University Foundation Inc - WGCU - FM Radio $35.00Florida Institute of Technolo Inc. - Melbourne FL $50.00Florida Re perto ry Company, Inc. - Fort Myers , FL $ 100.00Florida Sheriffs Association - Tallahassee , FL $25.00Florida Sheriffs Youth Ranches Inc. Central Office - Boys Ranch , FL $350.00Florida State University Foundation Inc - Tallahassee , FL $50.00Florida State University Foundation Inc. - Tallahassee , FL 100.00Florida Studio Theatre Inc. - Sarasota , FL $300.00Florida West Coast Public Broadcastin g Inc. - Tampa, FL $265.00Florida West Coast Symphony Inc - Sarasota , FL $400.00Flowers With Care of the Diocese Brooklyn Inc - Astoria, NY 50.00Fluvanna County Arts Council - Fork Union , VA 150.00Fl ynn Theatre for the Performin g Arts - Burlin gton , VT $40.00Focus Hoe - Detroit , MI 525.00Focus Humanitarian Assistance U S A - Falls Church , VA $ 10 ,000.00Focus St Louis - Saint Louis , MO $ 1 . 310.00Focus: Hope - Detroit , MI $50.00Focusin g on Children Inc - Nap les , FL $250.00Folksbiene Yiddish Theatre Inc - New York , NY $50.00Fontana Chamber Arts - Kalamazoo , MI $7 , 335.00Fontbonne Hall Academy - Brookl yn, NY 50.00Fontbonne University - St. Louis , MO 100.00Fontbonne University - St. Louis , MO 350.00Food & Friends Inc - Washington , DC 100.00Food Allergy & Anaphylaxis Network - Fairfax , VA 350.00Food Allerp-v Initiative Inc - New York , NY 250.00Food Bank for New York City Food for Survival - New York, NY 275.00Food Bank for the New York City Food for Survival - Bronx , NY 75.00Food Bank Inc. - Ralei gh , NC 750.00Food Bank of Eastern Michi gan Inc - Flint , MI $ 150.00Food Bank of Lincoln Inc - Lincoln , NE 3 135.00Food Bank of Northeast Georg ia - Athens , GA 50.00Food Bank of Western Massachusetts Inc - Hatfield , MA $300.00Food for Free Committees Inc - Cambrid ge , MA $ 100.00Food for Survival Inc. - Bronx , NY $ 125.00Food for the Hun gry Inc - Pheonix , AZ $2 .220.00Food for the Poor Inc - Coconut Creek, FL $20 .224.00 1


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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION MATCHING GIFTS Summary by Organization NameOrganization Name Total Company AmountFood Gatherers - Ann Arbor , MI $ 11 . 129.00Food Lifeline - Shoreline , WA 37.00Food Outreach Inc. - St Louis , MO 200.00Foodbank of Monmouth and Ocean Counties Inc - Neptune , NJ 350.00Foodbank of South Central Michi gan - Battle Creek , MI 200.00Food-Peop le Allied To Combat Hunger Inc - Millwood , NY 560.00Foodshare Commission of Greater Hartford - Bloomfield , CT 1 , 575.00Foote School Association Inc - New Haven CT $ 1 , 053.68Foothill Presb yterian Hos p ital - Foothill Foundation - Glendora CA 250.00Foothills Land Conservancy - Maryv ille , TN 200.00For Gods Children International A Non Profit Corporation - Council Bluffs , 150.00For Pete - Omaha , NE 550.00For the Love of Christi , Inc - Austin , TX 100.00For the Love of Life - Thousand Oaks , CA 100.00Fordham Preparato ry School - Bronx , NY $3 ,450.00Fordham University - New York NY $ 10 ,000.00Fordham University - New York , NY $25 , 847.00Fordham University - WFUV-FM 90.7 - New York , NY $2 , 173.00Fordham University- Law School - New York , NY $ 1 . 8 0.00Fordne y Club - Sag inaw . MI 250.00Forest Hills Educational Trust - Jamaica Plain , MA 250.00Forest Hills Football League Inc - Forest Hills , NY 200.00Forest Park Forever Inc - Saint Louis , MO 680.00Forest Reents Foundation - Lincoln , NE 25.00Forest Service Employees for Environmental Ethics Inc - Eu gene , OR 90.00For otten Felines Inc - Clinton , CT 75.00Forgotten Harvest Inc - Southfield MI $ 1 , 500.00Forman Schools Inc. - Litchfield , CT 200.00Forrest City Education Foundation Inc - Forrest City, $ 10 , 000.00Fors yth Dental Infirmary for Children - Boston , MA 100.00Forsythe Junior Hi gh School - PTSO - Ann Arbor , MI 50.00Fort Collins S ymphony Orchestra - Fort Collins , CO 50.00Fort Griswold Battlefield State Park Foundation Inc - Groton , CT %30000Fort Hays State University Endowment Association - Hays , KS $6 ,025.00Fort Wayne Zoolo g ical Society Inc - Fort Wayne , IN 50.00Fort Worth Symphony Orchestra Association Inc. - Fort Worth , TX 275.00Fort Zumwalt West Hi gh School - O'Fallon , MO 60.00Foundation Fi ghtin g Blindness Inc - Baltimore , MD $3 ,490.00Foundation Fi ghtin g Blindness Inc - Los Angeles , CA 225.00Foundation Fi ghtin g Blindness Inc - Owin gs Mills , MD $5 , 340.00Foundation Fi ghtin g Blindness Inc - Princeton , NJ 50.00Foundation for Children and Families of Iowa - Des Moines , IA 50.00Foundation for Economic Education Inc - Irvington , NY 50.00Foundation for End-of-Life Care Inc - Miami , FL 75.00Foundation for Ichthyosis and Related Skin Types - North Wales , PA 25.00Foundation for Indian Development - S prin gville , UT $ 10 , 000.00Foundation for Indiana University of Pennsylvania - Indiana , PA 275.00Foundation for Individual Ri ghts In Education Inc - Philadel phia , PA 50.00Foundation for New Jersey Public Broadcasting Inc - Trenton NJ $ 1 , 797.00Foundation for Peace - Washington , DC $2 ,000.00Foundation for Public Broadcastin g In Georg ia Inc - Atlanta , GA 375.00Foundation for Public Broadcastin g In Mississi pp i Inc - Jackson , MS 75.00Foundation for Public Relations Research and Education Inc - Gainseville 200.00Foundation for Sustainable Develo pment - San Francisco , CA 3 000.00Foundation for the National Cap ital Reg ion - Save Darfur Coalition - $ 1 , 225.0Foundation for the National Institute of Health Inc - Bethesda , MD 75.00Foundation Healths stem Minnesota - Minneapo lis , MN $500.00Foundation of Advocacy for Mental Health Inc - Alban y, NY $400.00Foundation of Hudson Valle y Hospital Center Inc - Cortlandt Manor, NY $2 , 500.00Foundation of the American Academy of Ophthalmology - San Francisco , $ 1 , 500.00Foundation of the Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary Inc. - Boston , MA 25.00Foundation Of The Metropolitan Colle ges - Kansas City, MO $ 100.00Foundation of the Metropolitan Colle ges - Kansas City, MO 125.00Foundation of the Rotary Club of Pittsford New York - Penfield , NY 100.00Foundation of the State University of New York at Binghamton Inc - $850.00Foundation of the University of Medicine and Dentistry of NJ - New $ 11 , 750.00Foundation of the Visiting Nurse Association of Northern New Jersey - 25.00Foundation To Eradicate Duchenne Inc - Alexandria , VA $ 100.00Foundation To Provide Enrichment & Scholarshi ps for Rhoades School $40.00Fountain Hills Communit y Theater Inc - Jazz in the Hills - Fountain Hills , $ 1 , 500.00Fountain House Inc. - New York NY $ 125.00our County Community Foundation - Almont , MI 25.00our Count Players Inc - Barboursville , VA 50.00

Fourth Row Theatre Company Inc - Old Lyme , CT 25 00STATEMENT 21B

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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION MATCHING GIFTS Summary by Organization NameOrganization Name Total Company AmountFox Chase Cancer Center - Philadel phia , PA $50.00Fox Creek Hi h School - North Augusta , SC $ 112.00Fox Valle Lutheran Hi gh School Federation Inc - Fox Valle y Lutheran $200.00Fox Valle y Technical Colle ge Foundation Inc - App leton , WI $500.00Fr. Gabriel Richard Hi gh School - Ann Arbor , MI $ 1 , 500.00Fractured Atlas Productions Inc - New York , NY 1 800.00Framin gham State Colle ge Foundation Inc - Framingham , MA $50.00Francis House Inc - Syracuse , NY $ 150.00Francis M. Weston Audubon Society Inc - Pensacola , FL $ 1 , 000.00Francis Marion Universit y Foundation - Florence , SC $ 100.00Francis W. Parker School - San Diego, CA $ 125.00Franciscan Childrens Hos p ital & Rehabilitation Center - Bri ghton , MA 2 810.00Franciscan Haircuts From the Heart - Cincinnati , OH 50.00Franciscan Mission Associates - Mount Vernon NY $2 ,225.00Franciscan Outreach Association - Chica go , IL 1000.0Franciscan Shelter House Inc - Louisville , KY $ 1 ,000.. 0Franciscan University Of Steubenville - Steubenville , OH $50000Franciscan Universit y of Steubenville - Steubenville , OH $ 1 ,40000Franciscans International - New York , NY 25.00Frank Lloyd Wri ght Home & Studio Foundation - Oak Park , IL 250.00Frank Te ieda Middle School - San Antonio , TX 100.00Frankfort Christian Academy Inc - Frankfort , KY 10 500.00Franklin & Marshall Colle ge - Lancaster , PA ($ 3 .921.00 )Franklin & Marshall Colle ge - Lancaster , PA 600.00Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt Institute - Hyde Park , NY 450.00Franklin Colle ge of Indiana - Franklin , IN 200.00Franklin Colle ge of Indiana - Franklin , IN $2 , 550.00Franklin Community Action Corporation - Greenfield , MA 50.00Franklin County Home Health Agency Inc - St Albans , VT 100.00Franklin County Humane Society of Missouri - Union MO 100.00Franklin Lakes Volunteer Ambulance Corp s Inc - Franklin Lakes , NJ 150.00Franklin Road Academy - Nashville , TN 175.00Franklin School Parents and Teachers Association Inc - Newton , MA 100.00Franklin Townshi p Food Bank - Somerset , NJ 500.00Franklin United Methodist Home Inc - Franklin , IN 450.00Franklin University - Columbus , OH 250.00Franklin-Somerset First Aid Squad Inc. - Somerset NJ 25.00Fraxa Research Foundation Inc - Newbu ortMA $ 10000Fred Gabler Hel pin g Hand Camp Fund Inc - New City, NY 85.00Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center Foundation - Seattle , WA 200.00Frederick N. Griffith Foundation for the Advancement of Transp lant Inc - 750.00Fredericksburg Area Food Bank - Fredericksbur g, VA 250.00Free Clinic of Franklin County - Rocky Mount , VA 100.00Free Clinic of Reidsville & Vicinity - Reidsville , NC 450.00Free Library Association of Kennebunk - Kennebunk , ME 50.00Free Libra ry of New Hoe & Solebur - New Hoe PA 300.00Free Press - Northampton , MA 25.00Freed-Hardeman University - Henderson , TN 100.00Freedom Alliance - Dulles , VA $ 1 , 355.00Freedom Fli ght - Justin , TX $2 ,000.00Freedom From Hunper - Davis , CA $ 1 , 050.00Fremont Area Community Foundation - Fremont , MI 250.00French Camp Academy - French Camp, MS $ 100.00French Canadian Heritage Society of Michi gan - Royal Oak MI 25.00French Institute-Alliance Francaise - New York, NY 100.00French-American School of Rhode Island - Providence RI 500.00Frenchman Bay Conservancy - Hancock , ME 75.00Fresh Air Fund - New York NY $4 ,420.00Fresh Ministries Inc - Jacksonville , FL 150.00Fresh Start Inc - Lincoln , NE 100.00Frick Collection - New York , NY $21500Friend To Friend - Carthage , NC 100.00Friend To Friend-America - Des Moines WA 1 192.00Friends 4Michael Foundation Inc - Monroe NY 250.00Friends for Steven Pediatric Cancer Foundation - Chica go , IL $ 100.00Friends for Youth Inc - Redwood City, $50.00Friends Fort Trumbull State Park - New London , CT 50.00Friends In Adoption Foundation Trust - Middletown Sprin g s , VT 500.00Friends In Deed Inc. - New York, NY 25.00Friends In Deed Washtenaw Area Social Ministries Network - Ypsilanti , $2 ,470.00Friends of Acadia - Bar Harbor , ME $450.00Friends of Ambler Farm Inc - Wilton CT $ 10000Friends Of Animals Inc - Darien , CT 900.00Friends of Atlantic Beach Element- School Inc - Atlantic Beach , FL 1000.00


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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION MATCHING GIFTS Summary by Organization Name

Organization Name Total Company AmountFriends of Ave Maria School of Law - Ann Arbor , MI 25.00Friends of Ave Maria School of Law - Ann Arbor MI $ 125.00Friends of Aviara Middle and Elementary Schools - Carlsbad , CA $25.00Friends of Cave Cod National Seashore - Wellfleet, MA $ 100.00Friends of Carmel Richmond Inc - Staten Island , NY $25.00Friends of Chabad Lubavitch San Die o - San Diego, CA $ 15 ,00000Friends of Clinton Youth and Famil y Service Bureau Inc - Clinton , CT $25.00Friends of Connecticut State Parks Inc - Rockfall , CT 25 00Friends of Door County Libraries Association - Sturgeon Bay, WI 40.00Friends of Duane Park Inc. - New York NY $ 100.00Friends of Fluvanna County Library Inc - Fork Union , VA 60 00Friends of Forgotten Felines Inc - East Lyme , CT $28500Friends of Fort Tryon Park Inc - New York , NY $ 100.00Friends of Franklin County Public Library Inc. - East omt FL $250.00Friends of Gillette Castle State Park Inc - East Haddam , CT $50.00Friends of Green Chimne ys - Brewster , NY $3 . 700.00Friends of Guatemalan Children Inc - Coon Valle y, WI $20000Friends of Harkness Memorial State Park - Waterford , CT $ 1 . 042.00Friends of Haworth Munici pal Libra ry - Haworth NJ $ 100.00Friends of Historic Huletts Landis - Huletts Landin g, NY $25.00Friends of Hudson River Park Inc - New York , NY $5000Friends of Hyde Hall Inc. - Cooperstown , NY $ 1 . 000.00Friends of Idaho Public Television KAID-KIPT Inc. - Boise , ID $ 150.00Friends of Iowa Educational Broadcastin g Network - Johnston , IA $250.00Friends of Israel Disabled Veterans Inc Beit Halochem - New York , NY $300.00Friends of John Paul II Foundation of Philadel phia Inc - Philadel phia , PA $2 ,057.65Friends of Karen Inc. - Port Jefferson , NY $50.00Friends of Kids With Cancer Inc - St Louis , MO $25.00Friends of KWMU Inc - Saint Louis , MO $4 . 533.00Friends of Lake Ouannapowitt - Wakefield , MA 35.00Friends of Lakeside Nature Center Incorporated - Kansas City, MO 125.00Friends of Leslie Science Center - Ann Arbor , MI 440.00Friends of Liberia Inc - Washin gton , DC 500.00Friends of Lied Lied Center for PerforminArts - Lincoln , NE 525.00Friends of Louisiana Public Broadcastin g - Baton Roue LA 5.00Friends of Marshlands Inc - Rye , NY 35.00Friends of Mary Riepma Ross Media Arts Center Inc - Lincoln , NE 75.00Friends of Mc ill University Inc - New Rochelle , NY 800.00Friends of Meals on Wheels - Woodland CA 200.00Friends of Michi gan Animals Rescue - Pontiac MI 225.00Friends of Music In Middletown Inc - Middletown , NY 100.00Friends of Post 53 Inc - Darien , CT 125.00Friends of Powell Gardens Inc - Kingsville , MO 550.00Friends of PS 163 Inc - New York NY $ 1 ,000.00Friends of Ps166 Inc - New York, NY 2 000.0Friends of Public Radio Arizona - Tempe , AZ 50.00Friends of Rose Canyon - San Diego , CA 500.00Friends of Russian Orphans - Jackson , NH 500.00Friends of Russian Orphans - S ylvania , OH 100.00Friends of Saguaro National Park Inc - Tucson AZ 250.00Friends of School of the Arts Inc - Rochester , NY 200.00Friends of Seven - S pokane , WA 80.00Friends of Shawe & Pope John Schools Inc - Madison IN $2 , 500.00Friends of St Dominic Inc - Blauvelt , NY 50.00Friends Of Station Sq uare Inc - Forest Hills NY 100.00Friends of Stomn ton Crew Inc - Stonm ton CT 475.00Friends of Stra ys Inc - Kew Garden Hills , NY $50.00Friends of the Acton Libra ry - Old Saybrook , CT 150.00Friends of the Animal Shelter and Guardians of the Homeless Animals - 800.00Friends of the ARC Foundation Inc - Utica , NY 250.00Friends of the Au usta Library - Au gusta , GA $ 100.00Friends of the Belmont Public Library Incorporated - Belmont MA 50.00Friends of the Bernards Townshi p Library - Baskin g Rid ge , NJ $60.00Friends of the Bethel Public Library Inc - Bethel , CT 100.00Friends of the Bi g Timber Carnegie Public Library Inc - Bi g Timber, MT 500.00Friends of the Boxford Town Libraries Inc - Boxford , MA 50.00Friends of the Bri gham and Womens Hos pital Inc - Boston , MA $ 1 .000.00Friends of the Bri ghton District Libra ry - Bri ghton , MI 100.00Friends of the Brookl yn New School - Brookl vn. NY 827.00Friends of the Catholic Diocese of Tororo U anda East Africa - Bedford 100.00Friends of the Cedar Rap ids Public Libra ry - Cedar Raids IA $25.00Friends of the Cha a ua Public Library - Cha a ua NY 50.00Friends of the Children New York - New York. NY 950.00Friends of the Childrens Museum at La Habra Inc - La Habra , CA $50.00



2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION MATCHING GIFTS Summary by Organization NameOrganization Name Total Company AmountFriends of the Coastal Gardens Inc - Savannah , GA 1 00.00Friends of the Cold S prin g Harbor Fish Hatche ry Inc - Cold Sprin g Harbor , 1 00.00Friends of the Cumbress & Toltec Scenic Railroad Inc - Albu uer ue NM 225.00Friends of the Deep River Library - Dee River , CT 50.00Friends of the Delaware Canal Inc - New Hoe PA 250.00Friends Of The Dobbs Ferry Libra ry Inc - Dobbs Ferry, NY $4 ,2 50.00Friends of the Earth - Washin gton , DC 390.00Friends of the Eastern California Museum - Independence , CA 50.0Friends of the Eastham Publiclibra ry Inc - Eastham MA 50.00Friends of the Fife Lake Public Library - Fife Lake , MI 1 50.00Friends of the Florence Wild Rivers Inte rpretive Center Inc - Florence , WI 300.00Friends of the Frankfort Public Library Inc - Frankfort , IN 1 00.00Friends of the Free Public Libra ry of the Borou gh of Florham Park - 25.00Friends of the Frelm hu sen Arboretum - Morristown , NJ 1 35.00Friends of the Garden City Public Libra ry Inc. - Garden City, NY 50.00Friends of the Iowa Falls Librar - Iowa Falls , IA 1 00.00Friends of the Israel Defense Forces - New York , NY 36.00Friends of the Jefferson Public Library - Metairie LA 1 00.00Friends of the John Hay National Wildlife Refuge - Newbu ry, NH 250.00Friends of the Lancaster County Public Library - Kilmarnock, VA 1 00.00Friends of the Library of Collier County Inc - Naples , FL 1000.00Friends of the Libra ry of Marco Islands - Marco Island , FL $ 10000Friends of the Library of North Port Area Inc. - North Port , 50.00Friends of the Library of the Chathams - Chatham , NJ 100.00Friends of the Lyric Inc - Stuart , FL 250.00Friends of the Manchester Animal Shelter - Manchester , NH 25.00Friends of the Marshalltown Iowa Public Libray Inc - Marshalltown , IA 750.00Friends of the Memorial and Library Association of Westerl y - Westerl y, RI 125.00Friends of the Mendham Township Library - Brookside , NJ 80.00Friends of the Mission View Library - Mission Vie o CA 50.00Friends of the Mounts Botanical Garden Inc - West Palm Beach , FL 450.00Friends of the Music Hall - Portsmouth , NH 59.00Friends Of The National Parks At Gettysburg Inc - Gettysburg, PA 775.00Friends of the National Zoo - Washin gton , DC 25.00Friends of the Northville District Libra ry Inc - Northville , MI 120.00Friends of the Orphans - Tempe , AZ 250.00Friends of the Orphans-North west - Bellevue , WA 750.00Friends of the Oswe atchie Hills Nature Preserve Inc - Niantic , CT $6, 775.00Friends of the Placentia Libra ry - Placentia , CA 25.00Friends of the PI mouth District Library Inc - Pl ymouth , MI 150.00Friends of the Porta ge Senior Center Inc - Porta ge , MI 400.00Friends of the Richland Community Libra ry - Richland , MI 250.00Friends of the Rid gway Libra ry - Rid gway, CO 250.00Friends Of The Rockbrid ge Re ional Library - Lexington , VA 100.00Friends of the Rou ge - Dearborn , MI 30.00Friends of the Salem Free Public Library Inc. - Salem , CT 25.00Friends of the Sandwich Public Library Inc. - Sanwich , MA 25.00Friends of the Sausalito Public Library - Sausalito , CA 100.00Friends of the Sea Lion Inc - Laguna Beach , CA 250.00Friends of the Selby Public Library Inc - Sarasota FL 50.00Friends of the Shelter Inc - Baskin Rid ge , NJ $ 1 . 500.00Friends of the Somers Public Library - Somers , NY 25.00Friends of the St Clair Shores Historical Commission - Saint Clair Shores , 100.00Friends of the St. Louis Public Libra ry - St Louis , MO 75.00Friends of the Tellico Villa e Library Inc. - Loudon , TN $50.00Friends of the Town of Pelham Public Library Inc. - Pelham , NY 50.00Friends of the Tybee Theater - Tybee Island , GA 500.00Friends of the University of Nebraska State Museum Natural History 60.00Friends of the Webster Groves Public Libra ry - Saint Louis , MO 25.00Friends of the West Caldwell Public Library - West Caldwell , NJ 25.00Friends of the West Custer County Library District Inc - Friends Of The $250.00Friends of the West Custer County Library District Inc - Westcliffe CO $250.00Friends of the Westchester Band Inc - White Plains NY 25.00Friends of the Westfield Memorial Library - Westfield NJ $2 , 500.00Friends of the Westport Library Inc. - Westport , CT 200.00Friends of the Wissahickon Inc - Philadel phia , PA 100.00Friends of the Ypsilanti Police Department Inc - Ypsilanti , MI $50.00Friends of the Ypsilanti Youth Orchestra - Ypsilanti MI 30.00Friends of the Zoo Inc of Kansas City - Kansas Cit MO 50.00Friends of Tower Grove Park Inc - Saint Louis , MO 190.00Friends of W F P Inc - Washin gton , DC $ 1 , 315.00Friends of Westbrook Public Library - Westbrook CT $50.00Friends of WFCR BroadcastinCouncil - Amherst, MA 100.00Friends of Wheeler Library Inc - N Stonin ton CT $25.0


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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION MATCHING GIFTS Summary by Organization Name

Organization Name Total Company AmountFriends of Wheeler Library Inc - North Stomn ton CT $675.00Friends of Woodbrid ge Libra ry Incorporated - Woodbrid ge , CT 25.00Friends of WRR - Dallas , TX 35.00Friends of Yad Sarah Inc - New York , NY $ 1 . 000.00Friends of Yeshivat Haran Inc - Brookl yn , NY $ 10.000.00Friends of Yo g i Inc - The Yog i Berra Museum Leamin Center - Little 35.00Friends Peace Teams Inc. - Saint Louis , MO 800.00Friends School of Baltimore Inc. - Baltimore , MD 500.00Friends Select School - Philadel phia , PA 1000.00Friends Seminary - New York , NY $9 .425.00Friends Without A Border - New York , NY 500.00Friendshi p House - Kalamazoo , MI 100.00Friendshi p Village of Tempe Foundation Inc - Tempe , AZ $ 1 , 000.00Friendsville Elementary - Friendsville , TN 150.00Front Ran ge Educational Media Corporation - Denver, CO 100.00Front Ran ge Equine Rescue - Larks pur , CO 75.00Front Runners New York Inc - New York , NY 100.00Frontier Nursin g Service Inc - Wendover , KY $275.00Frost Valle y Ymca - Montclair , NJ 400.00FSU Ouarterback Club - Fresno , CA 50.00Fu Jen Universit Foundation - San Francisco , CA 1000.00Fullerton Interfaith Emergency Service Inc. - Fullerton , CA 0.00Fund for American Studies - Washin gton , DC 75.00Fund for Animals Inc. - New York, NY 235.00Fund for Armenian Relief Inc - New York , NY 750.00Fund for the City of New York , Inc. - New York , NY 25.00Fundacion Aid for AIDS Inc - New York NY 50.00Fundacion Save A Sato Inc - Gua abo PR 110.00Funders Concerned About AIDS Inc - New York NY 200.00Furman University - Greenville , SC $ 1 . 605.00Futurebuilders in Support of the Trollwood Performin g Arts School - Faro 150.00Futures Foundation - Clinton Townshi p, MI 200.00Futures In Education Foundation Cathedral Preparatory Seminary $ 1 ,400.00Gabriel Proiect Inc - Bowie , MD 385.00Gabriel Pro tect Inc - Vineland , NJ 350.00Gabriella Axelrad Education Foundation - Encino CA 25.00Gabriels An gels - Mesa, AZ $ 100.00Gadsb s Tavern Museum Society - Alexandria , VA $ 150.00Gain International - Richardson , TX 266.00Galapagos Conservanc y Inc - Falls Church , VA 300.00Gales Ferry Volunteer Fire Company - Gales Ferry, CT $ 1 , 325.00Gallaudet University - Washin gton , DC 100.00Gallup Hill PTO - Led and CT 356.00Gallu Hill School - Led and CT 530.00Gamma Phi Beta Foundation - Englewood , CO 125.00Gannon University - Erie , PA 500.00Garde Arts Center Inc - New London , CT $4 ,905.00Garden Academy - Montclair, NJ 25.00Garden City Community Fund - Garden City, NY 50.00Garden City Fire Department Inc - Garden City, NY 100.00Garden Education Center Of Greenwich Inc - Cos Cob , CT 50.00Garden State Underwater Recove Unit - Milford , NJ 50.00Gardner - Webb University - Boilin g S prin g s , NC 50.00Garrett Evangelical Theo Semin - Evanston , IL 100.00Garwood First Aid S quad Inc - Garwood , NJ 250.00Gatewa Community Colle ge Foundation Inc - North Haven , CT 250.00Gateway Community Services - East Lansin g, MI 750.00Gateway Greenin g Inc - Saint Louis , MO 55.00Gateway Speed Skatin g Club - Saint Louis , MO 80.00GateGateway-Longview Foundation - Buffalo , NY 0.00Gateways Summer School - San Die go, CA 50.00GatherinPlace - Cleveland , OH 25.00Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation Inc.- Los Angeles - Los 50.00Gay & Lesbian National Hotline Inc - New York , NY 800.00Gay Community Center of Philadel phia - Philadel phia, PA 250.00Gay Mens Health Crisis Inc - New York , NY $5.060.00Gaylord Hosp ital - Wallin gford , CT 550.00Gaylord Hosp ital Inc. Main Campus - Wallin gford , CT $3 .02500Genealogical Research Society of Northeastern Pennsylvania Inc 25.00General Assembl y of the Christian Church Disciples of Christ Inc $5.200.0General Association of Re gular Baptist Churches - Calvary Christian 900.00General Conference of Seventh Day Adventist - Great Lakes Adventist $ 1 , 500.00General Conference of Seventh Day Adventist - New Jersey Conference of 100.00General Conference of Seventh Day Adventist - Seventh Da Adventist of 750.00


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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION MATCHING GIFTS Summary by Organization Name

Organization Name Total Company AmountGeneral Conference of Seventh Day Adventists - Adventist Development & 7 856.25General Council of the Assemblies of God - South Hills Assembl of God - 1 000.00General Council of the Assemblies of God - Sprin gfield , MO 1 1 . 278.00General Council on Finance & Administration - Mt. Bethel Christian 250.0General Council on Finance & Admins of the United Methodist Church $ 1 , 280.00General Council on Finance & Admins of the United Methodist Church - 3 , 560.00General Council on Finance & Admins of the United Methodist Church 5000.00General Council on Finance & Admins of the United Methodist Church 30.00General Council on Finance & Admins of the United Methodist Church - 36.00General Council on Finance & Admins of the United Methodist Church - $2 ,000.00General Israel Orphan Home for Girls Jerusalem Inc. - New York, NY S 1 . 896.00Generation Excel Inc - Boston , MA 50.00Generous Hands Inc - Vicksbur g, MI 500.00Geneseo Foundation Inc - Geneseo , NY 700.00Geneva Colle ge - Beaver Falls , PA $5 . 600.00Geneva Point Center Inc. - Moultonborou h NH $700.00Genocide Intervention Fund - Washington , DC $ 10000George Bush Presidential Library Foundation - Colle ge Station , TX $25.00George C Marshall Research Foundation - Lexin gton , VA $550.00George Mason University Foundation Inc. - Fairfax , VA $ 1 , 200.00George School - Newtown , PA $ 100.00George Washin gton University - Washin gton , DC $275.00Georgetown Colle ge - Georgetown , KY $350.00Georgetown Pre parato ry School Inc - North Bethesda , MD $3 , 100.00Georgetown University School of Medicine - Washin gton , DC $ 12 .92500Georg ia Agape Inc - Atlanta , GA $50000Georg ia Colle ge & State University Foundation Inc - Milled geville . GA $ 1 .00000Georgia Department of Natural Resources - Wildlife Conservation Fund 500.00Georg ia Historical Society - Savannah , GA $75.00Georg ia Pharmac y Foundation , Inc. - Atlanta GA $500.00Georg ia Southern Colle ge Foundation Inc - Statesboro , GA $600.00Georg ia State University Foundation Inc. - Atlanta, GA 200.00Georg ia Tech Foundation Inc - Atlanta , GA 01 . 15 .. 0Georg ian Court Colle ge - Lakewood , NJ $5 , 50000German Shepherd Rescue of New En land Inc - Wayland , MA $20000German Shepherd Rescue of Southeastern Penns ylvania - Philadel phia , PA % 55000German St Vincent Orphan Association - St. Vincent Home for Children - 2 .0 .00Germantown Academy - Fort Washington , PA % 50.00Get Your Guts In Gear Inc. - Brookl yn, NY 700.00Gettysburg Colle ge - Gettysburg, PA $ 1 , 250.00Gettysburg Colle ge - Gettysburg, PA $ 1 . 929.24GiantKids - Maho ac NY 1 00.00Gibault School for Boys Inc. - Terre Haute , IN 25.00Giddy Hall School Alumni Association - Brooklyn, NY 375.00Gift of Life Bone Marrow Foundation - Boca Raton , FL 700.00Gift of Life Inc - Rochester MN 400.00Gifted Resource Council - St. Louis , MO 75.00Gildas Club - New York, NY 1 00.00Gildas Club Grand Rapids - Grand Rapids , MI 25.00Gilda's Club of Westchester - Purchase NY 50.00Gildas Club-Metro Detroit - Royal Oak, MI 1 70.00Gill St Bernards School - Gladstone , NJ 825.00Gillen Brewer School Inc - New York , NY $7 ,250.00Gilmour Academy Inc - Gates Mill OH 1 250.00Gilmour Academy Inc - Gates Mills , OH $ 1 , 1 80.00Girl Scout Council of Bergen County - Paramus , NJ $25.00Girl Scout Council of Greater St. Louis - St. Louis , MO $5000Girl Scout Council of Hawaii - Honolulu HI $2500Girl Scout Council of Southwestern Connecticut Inc. - Wilton , CT 75.00Girl Scout Council of the Natons Capital - Washington , DC 25.00Girl Scouts Connecticut Trails Council Inc - North Haven , CT 250.00Girl Scouts Norcentex Council - Wichita Falls TX 275.00Girl Scouts of Gateway Council Inc - Jacksonville , FL 1 00.00Girl Scouts Of Rhode Island Incorporated - North Providence RI 25.00Girl Scouts of River Bluffs Council - Glen Carbon , IL 50.00Girl Scouts of Rollin g Hills Council - North Branch , NJ 25.00Girl Scouts of Southeastern Pennsylvania - Philadel phia , PA 25.00Girl Scouts of the Huron Valley Council - Ann Arbor MI 750.00Girl Scouts of Westchester & Putnam Inc. - Pleasantville , NY 400.00Girl Scouts of Westchester/Putnam - Pleasantville NY 1 00.00Girl Scouts-Audubon Council Inc - Baton Roue LA 150.00Girl Scouts-Circle T Council Inc - Fort Worth , TX 100 00Girl Scouts-Great Plains Council - Omaha, Ne 75.00Girl Scouts-Totem Council - Seattle , WA 150.00


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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION MATCHING GIFTS Summary by Organization Name

Organization Name Total Company AmountGirls Incorporated - New York , NY $ 1 . 750.00Girls Incorporated of Northern New Jersey Inc - Mountain Lakes , NJ 250.00Girls Preparatory School - Chattanoo ga , TN 150.00Girls Vacation Fund Inc - New York , NY 50.00Gist Cancer Research Fund - New City, 250.00Givin g Back Fund Inc - Cure Parkinson's Pro ram - Los Angeles , CA 500.00Gladne y Fund - Fort Worth , TX 50.00Glanzmanns Research Foundation Inc - Thomson , GA $ 1 ,000 0Glassmen Jr Drum & Bug le Corps Inc - Toledo, OH $ 10000Glassroots Inc - Newark , NJ $ 10000Glassy Mountain Fire Safety District - Landrum , SC $ 1 , 500.00Glaucoma Foundation Inc - New York , NY 200.00Glaucoma Research Foundation - San Francisco , CA 25.00Glcs-Pathway of Pride - Richland , MI $5000Gleaners Community Food Bank Inc - Detroit , MI $ 1 , 6 . 500Gleaners Community Food Bank Inc - Howell , MI 25.00Glen Alp in Conservancy - New Vernon NJ 50.00Glen Oaks Community College Foundation - Centreville , MI 200.00Glen Oaks Volunteer Ambulance Corp s - Floral Park , NY 300.00Glen Ride Educational Foundation Incorporated - Glen Rid ge , NJ 2 50.00Glen Ride Historical Society - Glen Rid ge , NJ 1 00.00Glen Rock Hi gh School Class of 59 Scholarshi p Fund - Glen Rock , NJ 50.00Glendale Senior Citizens Club - Glendale , WI 1 00.00Glendale Volunteer Ambulance Corps - Glendale , NY 1 50.00Glenhaven Youth Ranch Inc - Plainview , AR $2500Glenn's House - Ann Arbor , MI $57500Glens Falls Hi gh School - Glens Falls , NY 1 00.00Glide Foundation-Glide Commune Development Inc - San Francisco , CA 25.00Global AIDS Interfaith Alliance - San Francisco , CA $5 , 500.00Global Children - Brattleboro , VT 50.00Global Friends In Action Inc - San Die go , CA $ 1 , 500.00Global Fund for Women Inc - San Francisco, CA 750.00Global Jewish Assistance and Relief Network - Brookl yn, NY 36.00Global Medical Relief Fund Inc - Staten Island NY 1 00.00Global Orphan Assistance League GOAL - McKinney, TX 1 00.00Gloucester-Mathews Free Clinic - Hayes , VA $2 , 1 00.00Gloucester-Mathews Humane Society Inc - Gloucester , VA $ 1 , 1 52.95Glowin Embers Girl Scout Council - Kalamazoo , MI $ 1 , 1 75.00Glsen Inc - New York , NY $3 , 990.00Goal U S A Fund - New York , NY 1 50.00Gobles Public Schools Foundation - Gobles , MI $7 ,605.00Goddard Riverside Community Center - New York , NY $360.00God's Littlest An gels Inc - Colorado S s CO 80.00Gods Love We Deliver Inc - New York , NY $ 12 , 8 5.00God's Pant Food Bank Inc - Lexin gton , KY $750.00Gods World Publications Inc - World Journalism Institute - Asheville , NC $250.00Gogebic Community Colle ge Foundation - Ironwood , MI $75.00Golden Age Inc - Greenwood , MS $ 1 , 000.00Golden International Inc - Omaha , NE 234000Golden Retriever Rescue In Nebraska Inc - Lincoln , NE $286.00Golden Re-Triever Rescue Inc - Pleasantville , NY $25.00Goldie B Flober Center for Children - Rockton , IL $35.00Gonzaga Preparato ry School - Spokane , WA $ 150.00Gonzaga University - S pokane , WA $450.00Good Counsel Inc - Hoboken , NJ 8 .725.00Good Do Foundation Inc - Brookl yn, NY $ 100.00Good Fellowshi p Club of Chester County Inc - West Chester , PA $25.00Good Nei ghbor Ministry - Fort Lee , NJ 8 250.00Good Samaritan Fund and Services of Greater Sun City Center Inc - Sun 50.00Good Samaritan Health Services Foundation of Lebanon Pennsylvania - 25.00Good Samaritan Minstries Ltd - Richmond , VA 100.00Good Samaritan Mission Services Inc - Children's Mission Fund - Orlando , $30.00Good She pherd Rehabilitation Hosp - Allentown , PA $50.00Good Shepherd School for Children - St Louis , MO $350.00Good Works Inc - Athens , OH 100.00Goode Volunteer Rescue S quad Inc - Goode , VA 25.00Goodland Presb yterian Childrens Home - Hugo, OK $ 16 , 841.53Goodspeed Opera House Foundation Inc. - East Haddam , CT $3 , 750.00Goodwill Industries - Terre Haute , IN $500.00Goodwill Industries of Greater New York and Northern New Jersey Inc - 60.00Goodwill Industries of Southwestern Mich igan Inc - Kalamazoo , MI $550.00Goodwill Industries of Western Connecticut Inc - Brid geport, CT $850.00Goodwill Rescue Mission Inc - Newark , NJ $2 ,444.00Goodwood Museum and Gardens Inc - Tallahassee , FL $ 100.00


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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION MATCHING GIFTS Summary by Organization Name

Organization Name Total Company AmountGoose Rocks Beach Association Inc - Kennebunk ort ME 50.00Gordon Colle ge - Wenham, MA $3 ,050.00Gordon Conwell Theolog ical Seminary Inc - South Hamilton MA $2 , 700.00Gorilla Foundation - Woodside , CA 50.00Goshen Christian School Society - Goshen , NY $7 , 343.00Goshen Colle ge - Goshen , IN $ 13 , 895.00Goshen Colle ge Inc - Goshen , IN $4 , 530.00Goshen Land Trust - Goshen , CT 25.00Gospel Rescue Mission of Grants Pass - Grants Pass , OR $5 . 100.00Gospel Rescue Mission , Inc. - Tucson , AZ 30.00toucher Colle ge - Baltimore , MD 600.00Governor Wolf Historical Societ - Bath , PA 80.00Grace Cares Incorporated - Brattleboro , VT 25.00Grace Church School - New York , NY 50.00Grace Colle ge - Winona Lake , IN 100.00Grace Community Church - Community Christian School - Tualatin , OR 50.00Grace Cotta a Foundation - Townsend , VT 100.00Grace Lutheran School - Chica go , IL 50.00Graduate Center Foundation Inc - New York , NY 161.00Grafton Hi gh School - Grafton , WI $2 ,000.00Grameen Foundation USA - Washington , DC $ 1 , 450.00Grand Harbor Community Outreach Program Inc - Vero Beach , FL $2 .000.00Grand Haven Christian School - Grand Haven , MI 50.00Grand Junction Musical Arts Association - Grand Junction , CO 100.00Grand Rapids Art Museum - Grand Raids MI 25.00Grand Raids Cable Access Center - Grand Raids MI 150.00Grand Rap ids Christian School Association - Grand Rap ids , MI 200.00Grand Rap ids Oral Deaf PTO - Grand Rap ids , MI 300.00Grand Rap ids S ports Hall of Fame Ltd - Grand Rap ids , MI 150.00Grand Rapids S ymphony Society - Grand Rap ids , MI $ 1 , 525.00Grand Rap ids Youth Commonwealth Inc - Grand Raids MI 25.00Grand Street Settlement Inc - New York , NY $9 ,250. 0Grand Traverse Area Catholic Schools - Traverse Cit y, 30.00Grand Traverse Li g hthouse Museum - Northport , MI 350.00Grand Traverse Re ional Community Foundation - Traverse Cit y, MI $5 ,275.00Grand Traverse Re ional Land Conservancy - Traverse City, $2 ,020.00Grand Valle y Audubon Societ y - Grand Junction , CO 833.00Grand Valle Hosp ice - Grand Junction , CO $ 1 , 000.00Grand Valley State University - Grand Rap ids , MI $8,412.35Grand Valle y State University - Grand Rapids , MI 9 ,972.0Grant Foundation - Hosp ital Albert Schweitzer - Pittsburgh , PA 250 00Grass River Natural Area Inc - Bellaire , MI 132.00Grassland Herita ge Foundation - Shawnee Mission , KS 25.00Gra hawk Elementary School - Scottsdale , AZ 300.00Great and Small - Bo ds MD 250.00Great Commission Ministries Inc - Character That Counts - Lees Summit 250.00Great Lakes Aq uatics - Kalamazoo , MI 50.00Great Lakes Bible Colle ge - Lansin g, MI $3 ,400.00Great Lakes Li ghthouse Keepers Association - Mackinaw City, MI 200.00Great Neck PTO Inc - Waterford , CT 100.00Great Smoky Mountain Council - Knoxville , TN $ 1 , 350.00Great Swam Watershed Association - New Vernon , NJ $320.00Greater Boston Food Bank - Boston , MA 25.00Greater Cedar Rap ids Foundation - Cedar Rapids . IA $25.00Greater Chica go Food Depository - Chicago, IL $ 1 . 170.00Greater Da on Pro-Life Education Foundation - Dayton , OH 250.00Greater Dayton Public Television Inc - Think TV Network - Dayton , OH $ 130.00Greater Delaware County Community Foundation - Friends of Music $250.00Greater Green Bay Community Foundation Inc - Green Bay, WI $50.00Greater Greenwood United Ministry Inc - Greenwood SC $6 , 100.00Greater Ham tons Interfaith Council Inc - Famil y Councelm Services $975.00Greater Houston Community Foundation - Houston , TX 25.00Greater Kalamazoo United Way Inc - Kalamazoo , MI $240.00Greater Kansas City Community Foundation - Kansas City, MO $25.00Greater Lansin Food Bank - Lansm MI $2 ,400.00Greater Middletown Chorale , Inc. - Middletown , CT 100.00Greater Newark Christmas Fund - Newark , NJ $590.00Greater Newark Holiday Fund Inc - Newark , NJ $343.00Greater Niag ara Frontier Council Boy Scouts of America - Buffalo . NY 100.00Greater Piedmont Challen ge Teen Challan ge Inc - Greensboro NC $25.00Greater Pittsburgh Community Food Bank - Duquesne , PA $25.00Greater Pittsburg h Literac y Council - Pittsburgh - PA $50.00Greater Providence Youn Mens Christian Association - Providence RI $625.00Greater Providence Young Mens Christian Association - South County $ 150.00


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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION MATCHING GIFTS Summary by Organization Name

Organization Name Total Company AmountGreater Providence Young Mens Christian Association - YMCA of Greater 250.00Greater Reedville Association - Reedville , VA 30.00Greater Rochester Area Community Foundation - Rochester , MI 610.00Greater St Louis Pre gnancy Resource Centers Inc - Saint Louis MO 650.00Greater Washin gton Educational Telecommunications Association Inc. - 310.0Greater Yellowstone Coalition - Bozeman , MT 300.00Greek-American Educational Public Information System Inc - Astoria , NY 400.00Green Bay Botanical Garden Inc - Green Bay, WI 170.00Green Knoll Res ue Squad Inc - Brid gewater , NJ 50.00Green Mountain Club Inc. - Waterbury Center VT 200.00Green Valle y Community Fund Inc - Green Valle AZ 50.00Greenbrier County Youth Carnp Inc - Lewisburje, WV 250.00Greenbrier Historical Society - Lewisbur WV 150.00Greenbrier Reperto ry Theatre Company - Lewisbur iz, WV $ 1 , 250.00Greenbur h Nature Center - Scarsdale , NY 60.00Greenfaith - New Brunswick , NJ 110.00Greenhill School - Addison , TX 122.00Greenhills School - Ann Harbor, Ml $4.180.00Greenho a Services for Women Inc - New York, NY 500.00Greenin of Detroit - Detroit , MI 75.00Green eace Fund Inc - Washington , DC 410.00Green eace International Inc - Washington , DC $450.0Greensboro Colle ge Inc. - Greensboro , NC 1 , 100.00Greensboro Dreamers - Greensboro , GA $300.00Greensboro Justice Fund Inc - Northampton , MA $250.00Greensboro Opera Company - Greensboro , NC $ 1 , 000.00Greensboro Symphony Society Inc. - Greensboro , NC $ 1 , 000.00Greensboro Urban Ministry - Greensboro , NC 90.00Greenville Colle ge - Greenville , IL $ 1 , 800.00Greenville Little Theatre - Greenville , SC 250.00Greenville Museum of Art Inc. - Greenville , NC 140.00Greenville S ymphon y Association - Greenville , SC $ 1 , 800.00Greenwic h Academy Inc. - Greenwich , CT 100.00Greenwic h Adult Day Care Inc - Greenwich , CT 513.63Greenwich Choral Societ y Inc. - Greenwich , CT 100.00Greenwic h Country Day School Inc - Greenwich , CT $ 1 , 650.00Greenwic h Emergency Medical Service Inc. - Riverside , CT 300.00Greenwic h Hos p ital - Greenwich , CT 475.00Greenwic h House Inc. - New York, NY 500.00Greenwich Library - Greenwich , CT 25.00Greenwic h Lyme Disease Task Force Inc - Greenwich , CT 50.00Greenwich Point Conservancy Inc - Old Greenwich , CT 25.00Greenwich Symphony Orchestra Inc. - Greenwich , CT 400.00Greenwic h World Hunger Association - Greenwich , CT 175.00Greenwood Christian School - Greenwood , SC 500.00Greenwood Christian School Inc - Greenwood , SC $ L350.00Greenwood Community Theatre Inc - Greenwood , SC 400.00Greenwood County Coalition for Critical Human Needs - Greenwood , SC 500.00Greenwood Gardens & Nature Center A NJ Non Profit Co - Short Hills , 100.00Greenwood Music Carri p Inc - Northam pton , MA 500.00Greenwood Pals - Greenwood , SC 200.00Greenwood Soup Kitchen Ministries Inc - Greenwood , SC 200.00Greenwood Womens Center - Greenwood , SC 500.00Greenwoods Counselin Services Inc. - Litchfield , CT 300.00Greer Community Ministries Inc - Greer, SC 300.00Gre y Nuns of the Sacred Heart - Yardle y, PA 500.00Grinnell Colle ge - Grinnell , IA 1000.00Griswold Players Inc - Jewett City, CT 25.00Griswold Players Scholarshi p Fund Inc - Jewett City, CT 250.00Griswold Re g ional Lions Charities Inc - Jewett City, CT 25.00Griswold School District - Griswold Hi gh School - Jewett City, CT 925.00Griswold Volunteer Fire Co. - Jewett City, CT 25.00Grosse Pointe Public Library - Grosse Point Farms , MI 50.00Grosse Pointe War Memorial Association - Grosse Pointe Farms , MI 25.00Groton Cit y Little Lea ue/Groton Little Lea ue Inc - Groton , CT 100.00Groton Education Foundation Inc - Groton , CT $ 100.00Groton Open Space Association - Groton , CT $ 1 . 510.00Groton Public Library - Groton , CT 500.00Groton Scholarshi p Fund Inc. - Groton , CT $5 .950.00Groton School Cori) . - Groton , MA $4. 600.0Grove City Colle ge - Grove City, PA 200.00Grove Cit Colle ge - Grove City, 500.00Growing Stage Theatre - Netcon g, NJ 25.00Gryphon Place - Kalamazoo , MI %2 -034.00


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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION MATCHING GIFTS Summary by Organization NameOrganization Name Total Company AmountGuadalupe Center Inc. - Immokalee , FL $ 10, 130.00Guardian Angel Animal Rescue - Livonia MI $250.00Guardians of Hydrocephalus Research Foundation - Brookl yn, NY $50.00Guardians of the Sick Inc. - Brookl yn, NY $500.00Guatemala Healing Hands Foundation Inc - Brookl yn, NY $50.00Guest House , Inc. - Lake Orion , MI $310.00Guide Dog Foundation for the Blind Inc. - Smithtown , NY $ 1 , 110.00Guide Dogs for the Blind Inc - San Rafael CA $500.00Guidm Eyes for the Blind Inc - Patterson , NY $3 . 163.00Guidm Eyes for the Blind Inc - Yorktown Hei ghts , NY $3 , 175.00Guilford Abe Program Hole In the Wall Thrift Shop - Guilford , CT $50.00Guilford Art Center Inc - Guilford , CT $ 175.00Guilford Colle ge - Greensboro NC $350.00Guilford Communit y Fund Inc. - Guilford , CT $200.00Guilford Foundation Inc. - Guilford , CT $ 11 .075.00Guilford Free Public Library Association Inc. - Guilford , CT 175.00Guilford Youth Basketball Leag ue Inc - Guilford , CT $ 150.00Guitar Foundation of America Inc - Garden Grove , CA $25.00Gulfcoast Wonder and Imag ination Zone Inc - Sarasota , FL 100 00Gull Lake Comm School Foundation - Richland MI 450.00Gull Lake Community Schools Foundation - Richland , MI 100.00Gunnery Inc. Gunne ry School - Washin gton , CT $2 ,000.00Gus Foundation - Chica go, IL 500.00Gush Etzion Foundation - Manchester , NH 144.00Gustav Mahler Society of New York Inc - New York , NY 120.00Gustavus Adolphus Colle ge - St. Peter , MN 300.00Guthrie Theatre Foundation - Minneapolis , MN $ 1 . 575.00H E A R T S of the Father Outreach Inc - Sheffield , MA 50.00H Lee Moffitt Cancer Center And Research Institute Foundation Inc 125.00H T Dance Company Inc - New York , NY 345.00Habitat for Humanity - Cave Creek , AZ $ 1 . 500.00Habitat for Humanity International Inc - Alamosa CO 100.00Habitat for Humanity International Inc - Alexandria , MN 100.00Habitat for Humanity International Inc - Alle gan , MI 25.00Habitat for Humanit y International Inc - Americus , GA $41 , 862.80Habitat for Humanity International Inc - Ann Arbor , MI $4 ,605.00Habitat for Humanity International Inc - Asheville , NC 500.00Habitat for Humanity International Inc - Battle Creek , MI 25.00Habitat for Humanity International Inc - Brooksville , FL 100.00Habitat for Humanity International Inc - Champai gn , IL 25.00Habitat for Humanity International Inc - Chester , PA 50.00Habitat for Humanity International Inc - Chicago , IL 100.00Habitat for Humanity International Inc - Columbus , OH 260.00Habitat for Humanit y International Inc - Crystal River , FL 100.00Habitat for Humanity International Inc - East Dover, VT 25.00Habitat for Humanity International Inc - Fernandina Beach , FL 50.00Habitat for Humanit y International Inc - Fort Collins , CO 350.00Habitat for Humanity International Inc - Gastonia , NC 50.00Habitat for Humanity International Inc - Hendersonville , NC 150.00Habitat for Humanit y International Inc - Hillsboro OR 100.00Habitat for Humanity International Inc - Holland , MI 30.00Habitat for Humanity International Inc - Independence , MO 250.00Habitat for Humanity International Inc - Jackson , WY $ 1 , 500.00Habitat for Humanity International Inc - Johns Island , SC $ 10000.00Habitat for Humanity International Inc - Kansas City, MO 100.00Habitat for Humanity International Inc - Kinston RI 210.00Habitat for Humanity International Inc - Lancaster, PA 125.00Habitat for Humanity International Inc - Lebanon , PA 500.00Habitat for Humanity International Inc - Memphis , TN 125.00Habitat for Humanity International Inc - Monroe , MI 120.00Habitat for Humanity International Inc - Nashville , TN 600.00Habitat For Humanity International Inc - New London , CT $ 12 . 167.75Habitat for Humanity International Inc - New Rochelle , NY 300.00Habitat for Humanity International Inc - Newark , NJ 100.00Habitat for Humanity International Inc - Newburgh , NY 200.00Habitat for Humanity International Inc - Newton NJ 100.00Habitat for Humanity International Inc - Plymouth , MI 150.00Habitat for Humanity International Inc - Purcellville , VA 50.00Habitat for Humanity International Inc - Sacramento , CA $3 ,000.00Habitat for Humanity International Inc - Saint Augustine , FL 40.00Habitat for Humanit y International Inc - Saint Charles MO 100.00Habitat for Humanity International Inc - San Diego , CA 50.00Habitat for Humanity International Inc - Sheridan WY $2 0000.00Habitat for Humanity International Inc - St. Louis MO 350.00


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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION MATCHING GIFTS Summary by Organization NameOrganization Name Total Company AmountHabitat for Humanity International Inc - Tacoma , WA $300.00Habitat for Humanity International Inc - Terre Haute , IN $700.00Habitat for Humanity International Inc - Vero Beach , FL $ 100.00Habitat for Humanity International Inc - West Yarmouth MA $200.00Habitat for Humanity International Inc - Wichita Falls , TX $ 100.00Habitat for Humanity International , Inc. - Beckley, WV $500.00Habitat for Humanity New Haven Inc. - New Haven , CT 400.00Habitat for Humanity New York City Chapter - Brookl yn, NY 2 325.00Habitat for Humanity of Collier County Inc - Navies , FL $7 , 384.99Habitat for Humanity of Greater Brid geport Connecticut - Brid geport , CT $560.00Habitat for Humanity of Lee County Inc. - North Fort Myers , FL $ 100.00Habitat for Humanit y of Metro Louisville Inc - Louisville , KY $2 ,00000Habitat for Humanit y of S.E. Conn. - New London , CT $2 , 235.00Habitat for Humanity of the Lehigh Valle y Inc. - Allentown , PA $900.00Habitat for Humanity- Valle y of the Sun - Phoenix , AZ $300.00Habitat for Humanity/ SE Connecticut - New London , CT 200.00Habitat for Humanity/St. Louis - St. Louis , MO 250.00Hackensack Medical Center Foundation Inc - Hackensack , NJ $ 1 ,05000Hackensack Riverkeeper Inc - Hackensack , NJ 115.00Hackettstown Community Hosp ital - Hackettstown , NJ 250.00Hackettstown First Aid & Rescue S quad - Hackettstown , NJ $ 140.00Hackle School - Tarrytown , NY $ 1 , 271.00Hadassah Medical Relief Association - New York, NY $4 ,963.00Hadassah the Womens Zionist Organization of America - Memphis , TN 25.00Hadassah the Womens Zionist Or anization of America - West Bloomfield 50.00Hadassah The Womens Zionist Or anization Of America Inc - New York , 150.00Hadassah Womens Zionist Organization of America Inc - Norwich , CT 25.00Haddam Historical Society Inc. - Haddam , CT 75.00Haddam Land Trust Inc - Haddam , CT 30.00Haddam Public Health Inc - Haddam , CT 100.00Hadley School for the Blind - Winnetka , IL 50.00Haiti Fund Inc - Fairfield , CT 25.00Haitian Health Foundation Inc - Norwich , CT $28 , 873.08Haitian Ministry Diocese of Norwich - Uncasville CT $2 , 195.00Hale House Center , Inc. - New York, NY 50.00Hale House For The Promotion Of Human Potential Inc - New York , NY 575.00Half Moon Bay Open Space Trust - Half Moon Bay, CA 100.00Half the Sky Foundation - Berkele y, CA 200.00Halifax Hosp ice Inc. Hospice of Volusia-Fla ler - Port Orange , FL 25.00Hamden Hall School Inc - Hamden , CT $2 , 500.00Hamilton Colle ge - Clinton , NY $2 . 775.00Hamlme Universit y - Saint Paul MN 300.00Hammond Museum Inc. - North Salem, NY 125.00Hampden-S ydne y Colle ge - Hampden Sydney, VA $ 1 , 800.00Ham ton Christian Schools Inc. - Hampton , VA 50.00Hampton Community Library - Allison Park, PA 25.00Hampton Roads Educational Television Association Inc - Norfolk , VA 300.00Hampton Universe - Hampton , VA $ 1 ,00000Hand of Hope Inc - Peoria , AZ 50.00Handicap Village - Opportunity Village - Clear Lake , IA 100.00Handonworldwide Inc - Carlisle , MA 750.00Hands Across the Americas Inc - Lutherville , MD 1 ,200.00Hands Of Hope - Belle Chasse , LA 2000.00Hands Together Inc. - S prin gfield , MA $ 1 ,250.00Hannahs Gift Inc - Mystic , CT $ 1 , 300.00Hannibal Lagrange Colle ge - Hannibal , MO 100.00Hanover Colle ge Trustees - Hanover, IN 350.00Hans Herr House Foundation - Lancaster Mennonite Conference Historical 50000Happiness Is Campin g Inc - Bronx , NY 25.00Happy Memories Inc - Elk Grove Village , IL 100.00Havvy Tales Humane Inc - Franklin , TN 100.00Happy Valle y Elementary School - Santa Cruz , CA 850.00Harambee In Progress - Yardley, PA $ 150.00Harbor Health Services Inc - Branford , CT 100.00Harbor Playhouse Company - Co us Christi , TX $3 ,000.00Harding Academy - Nashville , TN 500.00Harding Academy of Memphis , Inc - Memphis , TN $25.00Hardin g Land Trust Inc - New Vernon , NJ 1000.00

Townshi p Historical Society Inc - New Vernon , NJ 25.00HardinTownshi Library - New Vernon , NJ 250 00Hardin g University - Searc y, AR $25000Hanford Day School Inc. - Be[ Air , MD $25.00Harlem Educational Activities Fund Inc - New York, NY $75.00Harlem Episcopal Academy - New York NY 50.00


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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION MATCHING GIFTS Summary by Organization Name

Organization Name Total Company AmountHarlem School of the Arts Inc - New York , NY 125.00Harlem Valle y Rail Trail Association Inc - Millerton NY 25.00Harmonium Inc - San Diego, CA 200.00Harmony Foundation Inc - Chicago , IL 25.00Harold Washington Colle ge - Chica go , IL 800.00Harper Creek School District - Battle Creek , MI $ 1 . 000.00Harrin gton Park Fire Company Number 1 Inc - Harrington Park , NJ 100.00Harris ton Park Volunteer Ambulance Corp s - Harrin gton Park , NJ $50 00Harry Chapin Food Bank of Southwest Florida Inc - Fort Myers , FL 300.00Harry Jacobs Chamber Music Society Inc - Augusta , GA 100.00Hart Area Public Library - Hart , 25.00Hartford Gay & Lesbian Health Collective - Hartford , CT $4 , 810.00Hartford Hos p ital - Hartford , CT 325.00Hartford Hospital - Helen & Harry Gray Cancer Center - Hartford CT 50.00Hartford Symphony Orchestra Inc. - Hartford , CT 225.00Hartland Institute of Health and Education - Hartland Wellness Center - $2 ,000.00Hartwick Colle ge - Oneonta , NY 570.00Harvard Business School Association of Boston - Community Action 50.00Harvard Club of Sarasota - Lakewood Ranch , FL 250.00Harvard Law School - Cambrid ge , MA 250.00Harvard Medical School - Cambrid ge , MA 600.00Harvard Universit y - Cambrid ge , MA $ 11 ,200.00Harvard Universit y - Cambrid ge , MA $27 , 725.50Harvard University- School of Business - Cambrid ge , MA $9 ,430.86Harvest Hope Food Bank - Columbia , SC 100.00Harvesters-the Communit y Food Network - Kansas City, MO $ 1 , 735.00Harvey Mudd Colle ge - Claremont , CA 664.00Harvey Mudd Colle ge - Claremont , CA $ 1 , 000.00Harwich Conservation Trust - Harwich ort MA 100.00Hastin gs Colle ge Foundation - Omaha NE $ 1 , 050.00Hastings Historical Society - Hastin g s On Hudson NY 35.00Hathawa Brown School - Shaker Hei ghts , OH 25.00Hatzalah Volunteer Ambulance Corps of Union County - Elizabeth , NJ 440.00Have A Heart Adopt A Soldier - Malone , NY 195.00Haven House - East Lansing, MI $ 1 , 000.00Haven of Rest Ministries Incorporated - Akron , OH 300.00Haven of Rest Ministries of Battle Creek - Battle Creek , MI $2 , 650.00Haverford School - Haverford , PA $ 1 ,000.00Hawaii Concert Society - Hilo HI 500.00Hawaii Island Humane Society - Kailua Kona, HI 200.00Hawk Mountain Sanctuary Association - Kem ton PA $2500Hawthorne Elementary School - Lincoln , NE 500.00Hazelden Foundation - Center City, MN 75.00Hcsc Blood Center - Bethlehem , PA 25.00Healin g the Children Midlantic Inc. - Butler NJ 300.00Healin g the Children Mi-Oh - Grand Raids MI 25.00Health Environmental and Learnin g Program - Harlin gen , TX 500.00Health Ministries Clinic Inc - Newton , KS $ 1 , 000.00Health Occupations Students of America - Leesville SC 150.00Health Science Foundation of the Medical University of SC - Charleston , $ 1 ,00000Health Science Foundation of the Medical University of South Carolina - 650.00Health Volunteers Overseas - Washin gton , DC 10.00Healthcare Chap lainc y Inc. - New York NY 100.00Healthcare Foundation of Cape Cod Inc - Hyannis , MA 50.00Heard Museum - Phoenix , AZ 240.00Heart Care International Inc - Greenwich CT 955.38Heart Society of Gaston County Inc - Gastonia , NC 300.00Heart To Heart International Inc. - Olathe KS 875.00Heart To Heart International Ministries Inc - Ramona CA 125.00Heartbeat International Inc - Columbus , OH 25.0Heartland Alliance for Human Needs & Human Ri ghts - Chicago, IL 150.00Heartland Humane Society of Missouri - Saint Peters MO 800.00Heartson g Inc - Scarsdale , NY 200.00Heat and Warmth Fund - Detroit MI 705.00Hebrew Academy for S ecial Children Inc - Brookl yn, NY 54.00Hebrew Academy of Cleveland - Cleveland OH 500.00Hebrew Academy of Lon g Beach - Cedarhurst NY $ 1 ,00000Hebrew Academy of Morris County - Randol ph , NJ $ 1 . 120.00Hebrew College - Newton , MA 100.00Hebrew Free Burial Association Inc. - New York NY 254.00Hebrew Free Loan Society Inc - New York , NY $25.00Hebrew Home and Hosp ital Inc. - West Hartford , CT 25.00Hebrew Theolog ical Colle ge - Skokie , IL 219.00Hebrew Union Colle ge Jewish Institute of Reli g ion - Cincinnati OH 450.00


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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION MATCHING GIFTS Summary by Organization Name

Organization Name Total Company AmountHebron Elementary School - Hebron , CT 25.00Hebron Interfaith Human Services Inc - Hebron , CT 125.00Heifer Pro t ect International Inc - Little Rock , AR $42 , 882.50Hei g hts & Hill Communit y Council Inc - Brooklyn , NY $ 1 . 000.00Hey hts Arts Collaborative Inc - Cleveland Hei hts OH 100.00Hei ghts Parent Center - Cleveland Hei ghts , OH $ 1 , 370.00Helen Haves Hos pital Foundation Inc - West Haverstraw , NY $75.00Helen Kate Fumess Free Library - Wallin gford , PA $550.00Helen Keller International Inc - New York NY $200.00Helen Keller Services For The Blind - Brookl yn, NY $450.00Helen Woodward Animal Center - Rancho Santa Fe , CA 1775.00Hellas Foundation Incorporated - Jefferson City, $941.00Hellas Hi h School - Jefferson City, $ 1 , 08 .00Hel p Hosp italized Veterans - Winchester, CA $ 1 , 368.00Hel p International - Provo , UT 350.00Hel p of O i ai - O ai CA 300.00Hel p The Afghan Children Inc - Vienna , VA 200.00Hel p the Hel p less - Vadnais Hei ghts , MN 300.00Hel ets Rescue - Al pine , CA $ 11 , 75000Hel in An els Inc - West New York , NJ 150.00Hel in Hand Clinic Inc - Sanford , NC 250.00Hel pin g Hands Healin g Ministries Inc - Louisville , KY 100.00Hel p in g Paws Inc - Colchester , CT 25.00Hel pin g Paws of Minnesota Inc - Hopkins , MN 100.00Hel source - Bi g Brothers Bi g Sisters - Ann Arbor , MI 25.00Hemlock Farms Volunteer Fire and Rescue Company - Hawle y, PA 200.00Hemophilia Association of Northern New Jersey - East Brunswick NJ $5 ,000.00Hemo hillia Foundation of Mich igan - Ypsilanti , MI $3 , 6400Henderson County Free Medical Clinic Inc - Volunteer Medical Resource 230.00Hendersonville Communit y Band - Hendersonville , NC $7500Hendersonville S ymphony Orchestra Inc. - Hendersonville , NC $2 , 550.00Hendrix Colle ge - Conway, AR $2 ,700.00Hen B. Plant Museum University of Tampa - Tampa , FL 120.00Hen H. Kessler Foundation Inc. - West Orange , NJ 25.00Hen L Ferguson Museum - Fishers Island , NY 600.00Hen Street Settlement - New York , NY 85.00Hen Viscardi School - Albertson , NY 200.00Hepatitis B Foundation - Doylestown , PA 150.00He hzibah Childrens Home Association - Oak Park , IL 150.00Hera Foundation - Carbondale , CO 200.00Henta a Baptist Academy Association - Kalamazoo , MI 500.00Henta a Christian Academy Association - Kalamazoo MI 520.00Henta a Christian Schools , Inc. - Milwaukee , WI 500.00Henta a Conservancy - Doylestown , PA 250.00Heritage Dance Foundation Inc - Goldsboro , NC $ 1 , 000.00Heritage Foundation - Washington , DC 800.00Heritag e Library Foundation Inc - Hilton Head Island , SC 350.00Herita a Middle School - Chino Valle AZ 200.00Heritage Oak Foundation Inc - Buffalo , NY 150.00Herita a Plantation of Sandwich Inc. - Sandwich , MA $2.050. 0Hermanos Carmelitas Teresas De San Jose Inc - Canovanas , PR $3.660.001Hermosa Beach Education Foundation - Hermosa Beach , CA $ 1 ,000.00Hernando-Pasco Hospice Inc - Hudson , FL 250.00Heron Dance Limited - Williston , VT 35.00Herreshoff Marine Museum - Bristol , RI 50.00Hesston Colle ge - Hesston , KS 40.00Hesston Colle ge - Hesston , KS 290.00Hetrick-Martin Institute Inc - New York , NY 125.00Hewitt School - New York NY $5 . 500. 0Hht Foundation International Inc - Monkton , MD 50.00Hias Inc. - New York NY 25.00Hidden Harvest - Sag inaw . MI 100.00H i gh Hopes Thera eutic Ridin g Inc - Old Lyme , CT $6 , 47-1.00H i gh Ho s Thera peutic Ridin g, Inc. - Old Lyme , CT $2 , 700.00H i gh Museum of Art- Robert W. Woodruff Art Center Inc. - Atlanta , GA 266.00H i gh Rid ge House , Inc. - Riverdale , NY 100.00H i ghlander Research & Education Center Inc - New Market TN 100.00H ilbert College - Hambur NY 100.00H ill An Dale Famil y Leamin g Center - Santa Monica , CA $2 , 500.00Hill House Inc - Riverside , CT 500.00Hillburn Communit y Scholarshi p Fund - Hillbum NY 300.00H illel the Foundation for Jewish Campus Life - Charlottesville VA 180.00H illel the Foundation for Jewish Campus Life - Eastern Michi gan 360.00H illel the Foundation for Jewish Campus Life - Hillel S acuse University - 360.00


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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION MATCHING GIFTS Summary by Organization NameOrganization Name Total Company Amount

filet the Foundation for Jewish Cam us Life - ittsbur jz h , PA $ 15000Hillel the Foundation for Jewish Campus Life - Rut gers Hillel - New 300.00Hillel the Foundation for Jewish Cam us Life - Washin gton , DC $6 , 853.00Hill-Murra School - St Paul , MN 250.00Hillsborou h Rescue S q uad - Neshamc NJ 50.00Hillsdale Colle ge - Hillsdale , MI 300.00Hillsdale Colle ge - Hillsdale , MI $2 ,250.00Hilltop Country Day School Inc - S parta , NJ 600.00Hillwood Museum and Gardens Foundation - Washin gton , DC 72.00Hilton Head Island - Deep Well Pro iect - Hilton Head Island , SC 4000.00Hindle Elementary School - Darien , CT 100.00Hingham Education Foundation Incorporated - Hin gham , MA 225.00Hinsdale Hosp ital Foundation - Hinsdale , IL 25.00Hiram Colle ge - Hiram , OH 575.00H'stioc osis Association of America , Inc. - Pitman , NJ 200.00Historic Deerfield Inc - Deerfield , MA 60.00Historic House Trust of New York City Inc. - New York , NY $ 133.00Historic Hudson Valle y - Tarrytown , NY 330.00Historic Kansas City Foundation - Kansas City, MO 250.00Historic Landmarks Foundation of Indiana Inc - Indianapolis , IN 668.04Historic Lexington Foundation - Lexington , VA 200.00Historic Preservation Trust of Pike County Pennsylvania Inc - Milford PA 100.00Historic Richmond Foundation - Richmond , VA 125.00Historical Society of Boonton Township Inc - Boonton , NJ $2 . 500.00Historical Society of Marshall County Iowa - Marshalltown , IA $ 5 0.00Historical Society of Mich an - East Lansin g, MI 100.00Historical Society of Whitehall - Whitehall , NY 100.00Historical Society of Windham County Inc - Newfane , VT 25.00Hiwassee Colle ge Inc - Madisonville , TN 100.00Hoag Hospital Foundation - Newport Beach , CA 100.00Hoff Barthelson Music School - Scarsdale , NY 100.00Hofstra University - Hempstead , NY $3 . 500.00Hohokus Memorial Volunteer Ambulance Corps Inc - Hohokus , NJ $2500Holderness School - Pl ymouth , NH 653.00Hole In the Wall Gan g Fund Inc - New Haven , CT $3 , 125.00Holland Christian Education Society - Holland , MI 200.00Holland Community Hosp ital - Holland , MI 30.00Holland Hi 2h School Athletic Boosters Club Holland , MI 400.00Holland Historical Trust - Holland , MI 326.0Holland Senior Citizens Center Inc Everp reen Commons - Holland MI 975.0Holland S ymphon y Orchestra Inc - Holland , MI $2 , 550. 0Hollie Mignon Di s Memorial Fund Trust and Youth Ranch - Toppin g, 25.00Hollins Universit y - Roanoke , VA $ 1 , 500.00Holl croft Foundation Incorporated - No on CT 100.00Holmdel First Aid S Q uad Inc. - Holmdel , NJ 100.00Holt International Childrens Services Inc - Eu gene , OR 25.00Holy Angels Inc. - Belmont , NC 100.00Hol An els School - Little Falls , NJ $ 1 , 837.00Holy Apostles Soup Kitchen - New York , NY 825.00Hol Cross Colle ge Inc - Notre Dame , IN 150.00Hol y Cross Hi g h School - Covin gton , KY 25.00Hol y Cross Hi h School of Bayside - Flushm NY 50.00Holy Cross School - New Orleans , LA 250.00Hol y Famil y Adoption Foundation - Pasadena , CA 25.00Holy Name Jesus School - Valhalla , NY 000.00Holy Redeemer Catholic Elementary School - AI harett GA 300.00Holy Remainder Health S ystem - Huntingdon Valle y, PA 100.00Holy Rosary Catholic School - Arlin gton , TX $2 .200.00Hol y Trinity Orthodox Seminary - Jordanville , NY 500.00Home for Little Wanderers Inc - Boston , MA $25.00Home for the A ed the Little Sisters of the Poor Washin gton Dc - 25.00Home for the Armenian Aged Inc - Emerson , NJ 100.00Home School Foundation - Purcellville , VA 100.00Homefront Inc - Lawrenceville , NJ $ 1 . 050.00Homeless Families Foundation - Columbus , OH 100.00Homeless Solutions Inc - Morristown , NJ $ 1 , 615.00Homes for Hoe Inc - Largo , MD 25.00Homes for Our Troops Inc - Taunton MA 55.00Homestead Girl Scout Council Inc - Lincoln , NE $50.00Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi - Baton Rouge , LA 200.00Honorable Order of Kentucky Colonels Inc - Louisville , KY 25.00Hon a Hon wan i Mission of Hawaii - Project Dana - Honolulu , HI 250.00Hood Colle ge of Frederick Maryland - Frederick , MD 275.00Hoosac School - Hoosick , NY 50.00


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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION MATCHING GIFTS Summary by Organization NameOrganization Name Total Company AmountHo A Lon Hollow Rabbit Rescue and Ado tion Inc - Norwalk , CT 130.00Hopatcon g Ambulance Service Inc - Hopatcon g, NJ $50.00Ho and Home - Colorado Springs , CO $10.000.00Hope Clinic - Y psilanti , M[ $450.00Hope Colle ge - Holland , MI 15 975.00Hope Colle ge - Holland , MI S39 . 806.00Hoe for Kids - San Die go , CA 100.00Hope International Inc. - Brambleton , VA $29 ,900.00Hoe International University Pacific Christian Colle ge - Fullerton , CA $ 100.00Hoe Medical Clinic Inc - Y psilanti , MI .00$7 .900Hope Ministries - Pleasant Hill , IA

.$ 50.00

Hoe Preg nanc y Center - Clarksville , TN 200.00Hoe Worldwide-Philadel hia Inc - Wayne , PA 346.00Ho ehealth - Florence , SC 100.00Ho elme Women's Center Inc - Danbu ry, CT 500.00Hopkins Committee Of Trustees Inc - New Haven , CT $2 . 300.00Hopkins Committee of Trustees Inc. - New Haven , CT $778.65Horace Bushnell Memorial Hall Corporation - Hartford , CT $ 100.00Horace Greele Scholarshi p Fund Inc - Cha a ua NY 300.00Horace Mann School - Riverdale , NY $350.00Horace Mann-Bernard School - Riverdale , NY $3 ,475.00HORSE of Connecticut Inc - Washin gton , CT 30.00Horse Play Therapeutic Ridin g Center and Equine Sanctuary - Exeter, RI 1000.00Horses Haven - Howell , MI $2 , 175.00Hos is Foundation - Larks pur . CA $4 .000.00How ice at Charlotte Inc. - Charlotte , NC 1,550.00Hospice Austin - Austin , TX $ 100.00Hospice B y the Sea Inc - Boca Raton , FL 25.00Hosp ice Care In Westchester and Putnam Inc - Tarrytown , NY $50.00Hosp ice Care Inc - New Hartford , NY 25.00Hosp ice Care Network - Woodbury, NY $300.00Hos p ice Care of Rhode Island - Pawtucket , RI $25.00Hospice Care of Rhode Island Foundation - Pawtucket , RI $225.00Hos p ice Care of Southwest Michi gan - Kalamazoo , MI $4 . 140.00Hospice Care of the Low Count Inc. - Hilton Head Island , SC $30.00Hosp ice Education Institute Inc. - Machiasport , $230.00Hosp ice Foundation Inc - Pou ghkee psie , NY $250.00Hosp ice Foundation of Cape Cod Inc - Hyannis , MA $50.00Hos p ice Foundation of Greater Baton Rouge - Baton Rouge , LA $75.00Hospice Foundation Of Martin & St Lucie Inc - Stuart , FL $ 1 .000.00Hospice Foundation of Southwest Florida Inc. - Sarasota , FL 300.00Hosp ice Foundation of the Florida Suncoast Inc. - Clearwater , FL $ 100.00Hosp ice Foundation of Western New York Inc - Cheektoha a NY 200.00Hos p ice House Foundation Inc - Odessa, TX 25.00Hos pice Minnesota - North Saint Paul , MN 150.00Hospice of Anderson Inc - Anderson , SC $500.00Hosp ice of Boston Inc - Brockton , MA 25.00Hosp ice of Cincinnati Incorporated - Cincinnati OH $25.00Hospice of Cleveland County Inc - Shelb y, NC $25.00Hos p ice of Hilo - Hilo , HI 1 00.00Hos pice of Holland Inc. - Holland MI $400.00Hosp ice of Houston County Inc - Warner Robins , GA $25.00Hosp ice of Humboldt - Eureka , CA $ 1 00.00Hosp ice of Lancaster County - Lancaster , PA 2 600.00Hos p ice of Lenawee Inc - Adrian , MI $ 1 .475.00Hosp ice of Marion County Inc. - Ocala , FL $200.00Hosp ice of Metro Denver Incorporated - Denver , CO $50.00Hosp ice of Michi g an - Grand Raids MI $ 1 85.00Hos p ice of Michi g an Inc - Detroit, MI $4 . 465.00Hosp ice of Midland Incorporated - Midland , TX $50.00Hos pice of Muske gon County Inc - Muske gon , MI 1 25.00Hospice of Naples Inc - Naples , FL 280.00Hosp ice of Northwest Ohio - Pe rrysburg, OH 285.0Hosp ice of Orleans , Inc. - Albion NY 500.0Hosp ice of Palm Beach County Inc. Main Office - West Palm Beach , FL 250.00Hos p ice of Rockin gham County Inc. - Wentworth , NC 50.00Hosp ice of Santa Cruz County - Scotts Valle y, CA 35.00Hospice of Siouxland - Sioux City, IA 75.00Hos pice of Southeastern Connecticut - Uncasville CT $ 14 , 290.00Hosp ice of Southwest Florida Inc. - Sarasota FL 25.00Hosp ice of the Carolina Foothills Inc - Columbus , NC 1 50.00Hosp ice of the Comforter Inc - Altamonte Springs , FL 1 00.00Hosp ice of the North Coast - Carlsbad , CA $ 1 , 88O 00Hospice of Westchester - White Plains , NY 25.00


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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION MATCHING GIFTS Summary by Organization NameOrganization Name Total Company AmountHosp icecare Inc - Madison , WI 25.00Hosp icecare of the P4edmont Inc - Greenwood , SC $59000Hosp ices of the National Capital Region - Capital Hospice - Falls Church , 150.00Hosp ital for S pecial Surge ry Fund Inc. - New York , NY $ 1 , 275.00Hosp ital Foundation of Crawford County - Denison , IA 100.00Hosp ital Hospitalit y House of Kalamazoo Inc - Kalamazoo , MI $ 1 , 025.00Hosp ital Hospitalit y House of Richmond Inc - Richmond , VA $50.00Hosp italler Brothers of St John of God - Westville , NJ 285.00Hosp italler Brothers of St. John of God Missions - Deptford , NJ 75.00Hotchkiss School - Lakeville , CT $ 1 , 426.00Hothouse Theatre Co - St Louis , MO 25.00House Inc - Woodbrid ge , VA $ 1 , 650.00House of Bread Inc - Hartford , CT 120.00House of His Creation - Gap, PA 500.00House of Mercy - Des Moines , IA 500.00House Rabbit Society of Missouri - Chesterfield , MO 200.00Household Goods Recycling Ministry - Acton , MA 50.00Housin g for All Co oration - Hyannis , MA 100.00Housin g Partnershi p - Portsmouth , NH 60.00Housin Resources , Inc. - Kalamazoo , MI 425.00Howard A. Latta Scholarshi p Fund - St Louis , MO $35.00Howard University - Washin gton , DC 500.00Howe Military School - Howe , IN $5 . 500.00Howell Nature Center - Howell , MI $ 100.00Howell Public Schools Education Foundation - Howell , MI 50.00Howland Local Schools - Warren , OH $ 1 , 500.00Hucklebe rry Youth Programs Inc - San Francisco , CA $ 1 , 500.00Hudson County Animal League - Jersey City, NJ 200.00Hudson Hi hlands Land Trust Inc - Garrison , NY $500.00Hudson Montessori School - Hudson , OH $ 100.00Hudson River Sloop Clearwater Inc. - Poughkeepsie , NY 265.00Hudson Valle y Gilbert and Sullivan Society, Inc. - Poughkeepsie . NY 75.00Huh Moore Historical Park and Museums - Easton , PA 200.00Hugh O'Brian Youth Foundation - Dearborn MI 50.00Hu works - Hurst , TX 250.00Hull's Angels Inc - Lexin gton , VA 100.00Human Concern Center of Marin - San Rafael , CA 200.00Human Life Alliance of Minnesota Education Fund - St. Paul , MN 247.63Human Life Foundation Inc. - New York , NY 350.00Human Life International Inc - Front Royal , VA 300.00Human Needs Food Pantry Inc - Montclair, NJ 525.00Human Needs Food Pantry Inc. - Montclair, NJ $600.00Human Ri ghts Campai gn Foundation - Washin gton , DC $ 10 ,095.00Human Ri ghts Watch Inc - New York , NY $ 1 , 250.00Humane Farmin g Association - San Rafael , CA $350.00Humane League of Lancaster County - Lancaster , PA $30.00Humane Society Calhoun Area - Battle Creek , MI 80.00Humane Societ y for Seattle-Kin g Co - Bellvue , WA $50.00Humane Society of Baltimore County Inc - Reisterstown , MD $50.00Humane Society of Broward County - Ft. Lauderdale , FL 150.00Humane Society of Central Delaware County Inc - Heart of the Catskills $250.00Humane Societ y of Chittenden County - South Burlin gton , VT $50.00Humane Society of Greater Kansas City - Kansas City, KS 100.00Humane Society of Guilford County Inc - Greensboro NC $ 100.00Humane Society of Harrisbur Area Inc - Harrisburg, PA $25.00Humane Society of Huron Valley - Ann Arbor , MI $5 .246.00Humane Society of Kent County - Grand Rapids , MI $500.00Humane Society of Livin gston County - Howell MI $925.00Humane Society of Louisiana Inc - New Orleans , LA $ 1 , 000.00Humane Society of Missouri - Saint Louis , MO $585.00Humane Society of Monroe County, Inc. - Monroe , MI $ 120.00Humane Society of Pierce & St Croix Inc - River Falls , WI 1000.00Humane Socie ty of Pomona Valley Inc - Pomona , CA 35.00Humane Society of Ramsey County - Saint Paul , MN $50.00Humane Societ y of Rochester and Monroe County - Fai rport , 100.00Humane Society of Skag it Valley - Burlington , WA 100.00Humane Society of South Brevard Inc - Melbourne FL 175.00Humane Society of Southern Arizona - Tucson , AZ 425.00Humane Society of the Treasure Coast Inc - Palm City, FL 100.00Humane Society of the United States - Washin gton , DC $10.908.00Humane Society of the United States New Jersey Branch Inc - Washington , $25.00Humane Society of the White Mountains - Lakeside AZ $ 100.00Humane Society of Utah - Salt Lake City, $ 100.00Humane Society SPCA - Columbia, SC $200.00


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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION MATCHING GIFTS Summary by Organization NameOrganization Name Total Company AmountHumboldt Senior Resource Center Incorporated - Eureka , CA 100.00Hun School of Princeton - Princeton , NJ $ 1 , 129.28Hundred Club of Connecticut - Glastonbu ry, CT 500.00Hungarian Boy Scout Association In Exile Inc - Newfounland , NJ 500.00Hunter Colle ge Elementary School Parent Teacher Association Inc - New $2 ,000.00Hunter Colle ge Foundation Inc - New York, NY 3046.00Hunter Colle ge Hi p h School Alumnae I Association Inc - New York , NY 200.00Hunter Colle ge Hi gh School Parents Teachers Association - New York, NY $ 1 . 339.65Hunterdon Land Trust Alliance - Frenchtown , NJ 200.00Hunterdon Musical Arts Inc C/O Nancy Roth - Flemin gton , NJ 100.00Huntin gdon Colle ge - Montgome ry, AL 1000.00Huntin tons Disease Society of America - New York , NY $2 , 055.00Huntin tons Disease Society of America Inc - Cleveland , OH $2 , 500.00Huntin tons Disease Societ of America Inc - Cranbu ry, NJ 280.00Huron Hi gh School - Ann Arbor, MI 833.00Huron River Watershed Council - Ann Arbor , MI $ 1 , 130.00Husker Athletics Fund - Lincoln , NE $ 1 , 020.00Husson Colle ge - Bangor , ME $ 1 . 500.00Hutchinson Community Colle ge Endowment Association - Radio Kansas - 105.00H acinth Foundation A New Jersey Non rofit Corporation - New 250.00Hyacinth Foundation Central New Jersey - New Brunswick , NJ 750.00Hyde Collection Trust - Glens Falls , NY 35.00Hyde School - Bath , ME 350.00Hyde School at South Woodstock Inc - Woodstock , CT 350.00Hydrocephalus Association - San Francisco , CA 150.00H enic Art Inc. - New London , CT $ 3 , 350.00H dman Area Health Center Inc - H dman PA 25.00Have A Dream-Houston - Houston TX 25.00M Sulzbacher Center for the Homeless Inc - Jacksonville , FL 500.00daho State University Foundation Inc. - Pocatello , ID $4 , 600.00natian Corporation Saint I gnatius Hi gh School - San Francisco , CA 50.00

lit Bombay Herita ge Fund Inc - Cupertino , CA 25.00Illinois Colle ge - Jacksonville , IL 25.00Illinois District Council Assemblies of God - Carlinville , IL 360.00Illinois Institute Of Technology - Chicago , IL 475.00Illinois Railway Museum - Union , IL 50.00Illinois State University Foundation - Normal , IL $1.110.00Illinois Wesleyan University - Bloomington , IL 9 , 100.00mmaculata Colle ge - Immaculata , PA 50.00mmaculata High School - Somerville , NJ 375.00mmokalee Foundation Inc - Nap les , FL 2 500.00Imperial Colle ge Foundation Inc - Atlanta , GA 100.00n Defense of Animals - San Rafael , CA $ 1 , 625.00n Harmon Therapeutic Ridin g Inc - Ashaway, RI 850.00ncarnate Word Academy - Houston , TX 250.00Inde pendence First Aid S quad Inc - Great Meadows , NJ 85.00Inde pendence Pass Foundation - Aspen , CO 50.00Independence Townshi p Volunteer Fire De t - Great Meadows , NJ 85.00Inde pendent Colle ge Fund - Albany, NY 250.00nde endent Films Inc - Aspen Filmfest - Aspen , CO 200.00Inde pendent Order of Odd Fellows - Groton , CT $ 17 .050.00ndian & Colonial Research Center Inc - Old Mystic , CT 0.00ndian Athletic Foundation - Monroe LA 200.00ndian Communit y Center Corr) - Montville , NJ 51.00ndian Creek Parent Faculty Org Inc - Indianapo lis , IN 600.00ndian Mountain School - Lakeville , CT 100.00ndian River Hosp ital Foundation Inc - Vero Beach , FL 25.00ndian River Symphonic Association Inc - Vero Beach FL 850.00Indiana Masonic Home Foundation Incorporated - Indianapolis , IN 100.00ndiana Opera Society Inc - Indianapolis , IN 125.00ndiana Petite Paws Rescue An gels Inc - Val paraiso , IN 250.00ndiana Repertory Theatre Inc - Indianapo lis , IN 50.00ndiana State University Foundation Inc - Terre Haute , IN $3 ,225.62ndiana S ymphony Society Inc - Indianapo lis , IN $ 1 , 492.70ndiana University Foundation - Bloomington , IN $ 1 . 700.00ndiana University Foundation - Bloomington , IN $ 18 , 360.00ndiana Wesleyan Universit y - Marion , IN 50.00ndiana olis Art Center Inc - Indianapolis , IN 240.00Indianapolis Humane Society Inc - Indianapolis , IN 150.00Indianapolis Museum of Art Inc - Indianapolis , IN 927.30Indianapolis Symphonic Choir Inc - Indianapolis , IN 100.00ndiana olis-Marion County Public Library Foundation - Indianapo lis , IN 35.00ndus Center for Academic Excellence - Lathru p Villa ge , MI $ 12500nformation & Referral Service Inc - Tucson AZ 200,00


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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION MATCHING GIFTS Summary by Organization NameOrganization Name Total Company AmountIniciativa Comunitana De Investi gacion Inc - San Juan PR 385.00Inured Marine Sem er Fi Fund - Camp Pendleton , CA 750.00Inner-Cit Scholarshi p Fund Inc - New York , NY $ 3 ,960.00Ins piration Co oration - Chicago , IL 250.00Institute for Children With Cancer and Blood Disorders A Non- - New 25.00Institute For Creation Research - Santee , CA 100.0Institute for Educational Achievement Inc - New Milford , NJ 250.00Institute for Food and Development Policy Inc - Oakland , CA 200.00Institute for Human Services Inc - Honolulu , HI 185.00Institute for Justice - Arlin gton , VA 50.00Institute for Neurode enerative Disorders - New Haven , CT 320.00Institute for One World Health - San Francisco , CA 600.00Institute For The International Education Of Students - Chica go , IL 50.00Institute of Livin g Hartford Hospital- Fund Development Dep t - Hartford , 25.00Institute on Taxation and Economic Polic y - Washington , DC 35.00nstituto Cervantes of Chicago Inc - Chicago , IL 75.00Inte grated Day Charter School Inc - Norwich , CT 100.00ntensive Education Academy Inc - Hartford , CT $ 1 , 000.00ntercessions Word Ministry - Royal Oak , MI $ 15 .000.00Intercolle g iate Studies Institute Inc - Wilmin g ton , DE 150.00nterfaith Alliance Foundation Inc - Washin gton , DC 250.00nterfaith Assistance Ministry Inc. - Hendersonville , NC $5 .000.00nterfaith Care Alliance - Austin , TX 125.00nterfaith Council for Homeless Families of Morris County Inc - 465.00nterfaith Council for Peace & Justice - Ann Arbor , MI 345.00nter-faith Council For Social Service - Carrboro , NC 750.00nterfaith Council for the Homeless of Union County Inc. - Plainfield , NJ 50.00nterfaith Council for the Homeless on the Lower Cape - Orleans , MA 300.00nter-Faith Food Shuttle - Ralei gh , NC 750.00nterfaith Hospitalit y Network for the Homeless of Essex Cnt - South 500.00nterfaith Hospitalit y Network of Coastal Georgia - Savannah , GA $ 1 ,000.00nterfaith Hosp italit y Network of Washtenaw County Inc - Ann Arbor , MI $ 1 . 175.00nterfaith Housin Association of Westport and Weston Inc. - Westport , 50.00nterfaith Indonesian Childrens Fund - San Die go , CA $2 ,400.00nterfaith Nutrition Network - Hempstead , NY 100.00nterfaith Residence - St Louis , MO 800.00nterlochen Center for the Arts - Interlochen , MI 1 000.00nterlochen Center for the Arts - Interlochen , MI $ 1 . 210.60nterlochen Center for the Arts Interlochen Public Radio - Interlochen , MI 00.00nternational Aid Inc - S prin g Lake , MI $4 , 825.00nternational Assistance Group - Oakmont, PA $ 1 , 525.00nternational Association for Oran Donation and Related Activities $ 1 , 380.00nternational Campai gn for Tibet - Washin gton , DC 150.00nternational Center In New York , Inc. - New York , NY 25.00nternational Center of Photo graphy - New York, NY 225.00nternational Child Care USA Inc - Columbus , OH 263.00nternational Compassion Minist ry - Olymp ia Fields , IL 100.00nternational Council of Ophthalmology Foundation - San Francisco, CA 250.00nternational Crane Foundation - Baraboo , WI 125.00nternational Essential Tremor Foundation - Shawnee Mission , KS 50.00nternational Eye Foundation - Kensin gton , MD 25.00nternational F 0 P Association Inc - Winter S prin g s , FL 50.00nternational Fellowshi p of Christians & Jews - Chicago, IL 650.00nternational Forum on Globalization Inc - San Francisco CA 35.00nternational Four-H Youth Exchan ge Foundation of the USA Inc - Toulon , 100.00nternational Fund for Animal Welfare Inc - Yarmouth Port , MA $ 1 ,490.00nternational Guidin g Eyeses Inc. - S ylmar , CA $25.00nternational House - New York , NY $4.750.00nternational Institute for Mediation & History Conciliation Inc - Brookline $ 1 , 500.00nternational Institute of Connecticut Inc - Brid geport , 55.00nternational Justice Mission - Washin gton , DC 125.00nternational Lon gshoremens Association Afl-Cio Childrens Fund - New $1,000.00nternational Medical Corp s - Santa Monica , CA $750.00nternational M eloma Foundation - N Hollywood , CA $375.00nternational Orthodox Christian Charities Inc. - Baltimore , MD $ 1 ,275.00nternational Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War Inc. $ 100.00nternational Planned Parenthood Federation - New York , NY $200.00International Rescue Committee Inc - New York , NY $7 . 142.00nternational Rescue Committee Inc - Womens Commission - New York $2 .215.00nternational School at Dundee - Riverside CT $300.00nternational School of Boston - Ecole Biling ue Inc - Cambrid ge , MA 250.00International Services of Hope Inc - Waterville , OH $545.00nternational Teams - El g in , IL $ 1 , 200.00nternational Tennis Hall of Fame Incorporated - Newport , 50.00


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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION MATCHING GIFTS Summary by Organization Name

Organization Name Total Company AmountInternational Trachoma Initiative Inc - New York , NY 550.00International Volunteers In Urology Incorporated - Salt Lake City, UT 300.00International Wolf Center - Minneapolis , MN 200.00International Yacht Restoration School Inc - Newport , RI 11000.00Inte rp last Inc - Mountain View , CA 100.00Interreli g ious Fellowshi p for the Homeless of Bergen - Teaneck , NJ 50.00Interstitial Cystitis Association - Rockville MD 200.00Interweave Inc. - South Orange , NJ 50.00Intrep id Fallen Heroes Fund - New York , NY $3 ,295.00Iolani School - Honolulu , HI 100.00Iona College - New Rochelle , NY $ 14 , 399.10Iowa Barn Foundation - Nevada IA 100.00Iowa City Community School District Foundation - Iowa City, IA 100.00Iowa Falls Community Chest - Iowa Falls , IA 200.00Iowa Falls Communit y School District - Iowa Falls , IA 100.00Iowa Falls Community Theatre Inc - Iowa Falls , IA 500.00Iowa Health Foundation - Blank Children's Hospital - Des Moines , IA 100.00Iowa Natural Heritage Foundation - Des Moines , IA 225.00Iowa Public Television Foundation - Johnston , IA 270.00Iowa River Hosp ice Inc. - Marshalltown IA 250.00Iowa State University Foundation - Ames , IA 400.00Iowa State University Foundation - Ames , IA $ 10 ,240.92Iowa Wesle yan Colle ge - Mt. Pleasant , IA 30.00Iranian Childrens Cultural & Educational Society - Alban y, CA 240.00Irish American Partnershi p Inc - Boston , MA 300.00Irish Hills Girl Scout Council - Girl Scouts of Tecumseh - Tecumseh , MI 100.00

1Irish Re pertory Theatre Company Inc. - New York , NY 350.00Iron County Museum Endowment Fund Inc - Cas ianMI $5000Irvine Public Schools Foundation - Irvine , CA 300.00IrvinS Gilmore International Ke yboard Festival - Kalamazoo , MI $ 1 , 808.00Irvin gton Volunteer Ambulance Corps Inc - Irvin gton , NY 100.00Is 183 Inc - Stockbrid ge , MA 50.00Isaac W. Bemheim Foundation Inc - Clermont , KY 25.0Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum Inc - Boston , MA 175.00Isaiah House Inc - Rochester , NY 200.00Islamic Circle of North America - Jamaica, NY $ 1 , 500.00Islamic Relief - Burbank , CA $2 , 580.00Island Concerts Committee - Fishers Island , NY 50.00Island Count Club Charitable Foundation Inc - Marco Island , FL 750.00Island Gift of Life Foundation Inc - Shelter Is Ht , NY 100.00Island Institute - Rockland , ME 140.00Island Libra ry Company - Chincotea gue Island , VA 100.00Island Pacific Academy Inc - Ka olei HI $3 ,000.00Island Philharmonic Society Inc. - Melville NY 50.00Island Repertory Theatre Company Inc - New York , NY 250.00Islesboro Ambulance Association - Isleboro , ME 150.00Israel Emergency Solidarity Fund - Teaneck , NJ 566.00Israel Pro i ect Inc - Washington , DC 500.00Ithaca Colle ge - Ithaca , NY 485.00No on Library - No on CT 100.00No on Playhouse Foundation Inc - No on CT $ 1 , 150.00Izaak Walton League Of America - Mantolokm NJ 300.00Izaak Walton Lea ue of America - Save Bame at Bay - Lavallette , NJ 550.00J B S peed Art Museum - Louisville , KY $1.125.00J Wood Platt Caddie Scholarshi Trust - Southeastern , PA $ 1 , 200.00J. Kyle Braid Leadershi p Foundation - Villa Grove , CO 250.00J.e. Cos riff Memorial School - Salt Lake City, UT 550.00JA Worldwide - Chesterfield , MO $ 1 , 110.00Ja Worldwide - Princeton , NJ 100.00Jackson Area Home Educators Support Group Inc - Jackson MI 348.00Jackson Hole Therapeutic Ridin Association - Teton Village . WY 7000.00Jackson Hos pital Foundation Inc - Montgomery, AL 3000.00Jackson Inter-Faith Shelter - Jackson MI 100.00Jackson Preparatory School Foundation - Jackson , MS 250.00Jackson Ski Tourin g Foundation Inc - Jackson , NH 150.00Jackson State Universit y - Jackson , MS 600.00Jackson Symphony Orchestra Association - Jackson , MI 150.00Jacksonville Count Day School - Jacksonville , FL 175.00Jacksonville S ymphony Association - Jacksonville FL 50.0Jacksonville University - Jacksonville , FL 50.00Jacob A Riis Nei hborhood Settlement - Lon Island NY 500.00Jacob Burns Film Center Inc - Pleasantville , NY 35.00Jacob Sears Memorial Library Corporation - East Dennis , MA $2 ,248.00Jacobs Pillow Dance Festival Inc - Lee , MA 500.00


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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION MATCHING GIFTS Summary by Organization Name

Organization Name Total Company AmountJacobsbur Historical Society - Nazareth , PA 50.00Jaf Ministries - A goura Hills , CA 30.00Jamaica Estates-Holliswood-South Bayside Volunteer Ambulance Corns . 25.00Jambo Tanzania Inc - Sprin gfield , MA 500.00James A Greenleaf Memorial Trust Fund Inc - Groton Long Point , CT 530.00James Caldwell Hi g h School Scholarshi p Fund - Caldwell NJ $ 1 . 000.00James Madison University Foundation - Harrisonburg, VA $3 .945.00James Whitcomb Riley Memorial Association - Indiana University Dance 50.00James Whitcomb Rile y Memorial Association - Indianapolis , IN 50.00Jameson Health Care Foundation - New Castle , PA 200.00Jamestown Colle ge Inc - Jamestown , ND $2 , 000.00Jamestown Yorktown Foundation Inc - Williamsburg, VA 200.00Jane Goodall Institute for Wildlife Research Education & Conservation - 75.00Jansen Memorial Hosp ice - Tuckahoe , NY 75.00Janus School - Mount Joy, PA $ 1 . 100.00Japan Societ Inc. - New York , NY $ 1 ,49100Japanese American Service Committee - Chica go , IL 50.00Jarrett Meeker Foundation - La Mesa, CA 50.00Jason Taylor Foundation Inc - Plantation , FL 240.00Jasonville Friends of Public Libra ry - Jasonville , IN 50.00Jazz at Lincoln Center Inc - New York, NY 765.00Jbi International Inc - New York , NY 200.00Jcahpo Education & Research Foun- Dation Inc - St Paul , MN 200.00Jcc of Central New Jersey - Scotch Plains , NJ 500.00Jed Foundation - New York , NY $ 1 ,00000Jefferson City Rae and Abuse Crisis Service - Jefferson Cty, MO $ 1 . 000.00Jeffre y Pride Foundation , Inc - Barrington , IL 50.00Jehovah Jireh S ports Inc - Indiana polis , IN $ 1 , 000.00Jennings Center for Older Adults - Garfield Hei ghts . OH 200.00Jerabek Elementary School - San Die go , CA 250.00Jeremiah Pro ram - Minneapolis , MN 500.00Jerse y Battered Womens Service - Morristown , NJ $2 , 700.00Jerse y Cares Inc - Newark , NJ 100.00Jerse Shore Animal Center - Brick , NJ 75.00Jespy House C 0 R E Goldfin er - S Oran ge , NJ 780.00Jesuit Colle ge Pre paratory School - Dallas , TX 925.00Jesuit Hi g h School - Tama FL $ 1 , 310.00Jesuit Volunteer Corps Southwest - San Francisco , CA 250.00Jewish Adoption and Foster Care Options Inc - Sunrise , FL 25.00Jewish Cam us Life Fund Inc - Columbia/Barnard Hillel - New York , NY $50.00Jewish Center for Community Services Inc - Bridgeport , CT $380.00Jewish Center for S pecial Education - Brookl yn, NY 311.00Jewish Community Center In Manhattan Inc - New York NY $ 1 , 222.00Jewish Community Center of Washtenaw County - Ann Arbor MI $ 1 , 500.00Jewish Community Housin Corporation - River Edge , NJ $2 , 500.00Jewish Community Relations Council of New York Inc - New York , NY 75.00Jewish Educational Center Yeshiva and Mesivta of New Jersey - Elizabeth , $ 1 .025.00Jewish Famil y & Childrens Service - Pittsburgh , PA $1.295.00Jewish Family & Childrens Service of Greater Mercer Co - Princeton , NJ 250.00Jewish Famil y & Childrens Service of North Jersey Inc - Wayne , NJ $50.00Jewish Famil y & Childrens Services of the East Bay - Berkele y, CA $50.00Jewish Family Service Agency of Clark County - Las Vegas , NV $400.00Jewish Famil y Service Inc - Brid geport , CT $50.00Jewish Famil y Service Inc. - New London , CT $ 10000Jewish Famil y Service of San Die o - San Die go . CA $ 15 ,750.00Jewish Famil y Service of Sarasota Manatee Inc - Sarasota , FL $ 100.00Jewish Famil y Service of Southern Middlesex County - East Brunswick NJ 100.00Jewish Famil Services of Greenwich Inc. - Greenwich , CT $25.00Jewish Famil y Services of Metrowest - Florham Park - Florham Park NJ $275.00Jewish Famil y Services of Washtenaw County - Ann Arbor , MI $ 1 ,200.00Jewish Federation of Central New Jersey - Scotch Plains , NJ 150.00Jewish Federation of Danbury - Danbury, CT 150.00Jewish Federation of Eastern Connecicut Inc. - New London , CT 9443.14Jewish Federation of Greater Clifton - Passaic - Clifton , NJ 72.00Jewish Federation of Greater Middlesex County - South River, NJ 161.00Jewish Federation of Greater New Orleans - Metairie , LA 500.00Jewish Federation of Northeastern Penns lama - Scranton PA 100.00Jewish Federation of Ocean County - Lakewood , NJ 25.00Jewish Federation of Palm Beach County Inc. - West Palm Beach , FL 100.00Jewish Federation of Rhode Island - Providence , RI 50.00Jewish Federation of Somerset County - Bridgewater, NJ 200.00Jewish Federation of South Palm Beach County Inc - Boca Raton FL $5568.98Jewish Federation of St. Louis Holocaust Museum and Learnin g Center - 0.00Jewish Federation Of The Delaware Valley - Lawrenceville NJ 500.00


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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION MATCHING GIFTS Summary by Organization NameOrganization Name Total Company AmountJewish Federation of the Greater East Bay - Contra Costa Jewish $65500Jewish Federation of the Greater East Bay - Oakland , CA 600.00Jewish Federation of Washtenaw County - Ann Arbor , MI $5 , 135.00Jewish Foundation for the Ri ghteous - New York, NY 36.00Jewish Fund for Justice Inc. - New York , NY 100.00Jewish Guild for the Blind - New York , NY 261 00Jewish Healthcare Center Inc - Worcester , MA 1000.00Jewish Heritage Center of Oueens and Long Island - Flushing, NY 25.00Jewish Historical Society of Metrowest - Whippany, NJ 50.00Jewish Home & Hos p ital for Aged - New York , NY 50 00Jewish Home and Ap in g Services - W Bloomfield , MI 75.00Jewish Home Foundation of North Jersey Inc - Rocklei gh , NJ $6.500.00Jewish International Connection New York Inc - New York, NY $50.00Jewish Museum - New York NY $ 10 , 130.00Jewish National Fund -Keren Ka emeth Leisrael- Inc - Boston , MA 25.00Jewish National Fund Keren Ka emeth Leisrael Inc. - New York, NY $282.00Jewish National Fund Keren Ka emeth Leisrael Inc. - Rockville Centre , 330.00Jewish Service for the Development- All y Disabled of Metro West Inc - $ 172.00Jewish Theolog ical Seminary of America American Jewish Center - New $ 1 , 026.00Jewish United Fund of Metropolitan Chica go - Chicago , IL $ 1 , 250.00Jewish Vocational Service of Metro West - East Oran ge , NJ $750.00Jewish Women International - Washin gton , DC $25.00he Foundation Inc - Fairfield , CT $ 100.00

JI Cares - Ju piter , FL $25.00Joan C Banfield Foundation - Dexter, MI $350.00Joans Legac y the Joan Scaran gello Foundation To Conquer Lun g Cancer - $250.00Joe Torre Safe at Home Foundation - New York , NY $ 1 , 850.00Joes View - Kalamazoo , MI $2 , 50000John Burrow hs School - Saint Louis , MO $2 ,475.00John Burrou g hs School - St. Louis , MO $ 1 , 000.00John Carroll University - University Hei ghts , OH 300.00John F. Kenned y Center for the Performin g Arts - Washin gton, DC 513.00John G Shedd Aquarium Society - Chica go , IL 95.00John Jay Colle ge Foundation Inc - New York , NY 50.00John Muir Medical Center - Walnut Creek , CA 200.00John P Burke Memorial Fund - Providence , RI 300.00John P Salamone Memorial Foundation - Whippany, NJ $ 1 , 205.00John P Stevens High School - Edison , NJ 800.00John Theissen Children's Foundation - Wanta h NY 200.00John Wood Community Colle ge Foundation - Ouinc y, IL $ 1 . 250.00John Xxiii Home - Hermita ge , PA 50.00Johns Hopkins University - Baltimore , MD $ 18 ,020.00Johns Island Foundation Inc - Indian River Shores , FL $2 ,002.00Johnson Bible Colle ge - Knoxville , TN $25000Johnson County Committee on Ag ing Inc - Cleburne , TX 100.00John-Vincent Peter Co am Memorial Foundation for the Arts - New York , 50.00Joliet Area Community Hosp ice Corporation - Joliet , IL 25.00Joliet Catholic Academy - Joliet , IL $ 17 ,022.42Joni and Friends - A goura Hills , CA $2 ,950.00Jonn cake Center Inc. - Peace Dale , RI 575.00Joseph Kushner Hebrew Academy - Livin gston , NJ $ 1 , 000.00Jose ph P Haves Theatre Inc - Beach Haven , NJ 590.00Joshua House Fund Inc - Darien , CT 75.00Joslin Diabetes Center Inc - Boston , MA $25.00Joslin Diabetes Center , Inc. - Boston , MA 130.00Joy Junction - Albuq uerq ue , NM 200.00Joyce Theater Foundation Inc. - New York , NY 100.00Joyful Noises Inc - Joyful Noises Pre School and Childcare - To sfield MA 404.00Judevine Center for Autism - St. Louis , MO 100.00Judicial Watch Inc - Washin gton , DC 100.00Judson Center Inc - Royal Oak , MI 1 000.00Jud Ride Inc - Clayton , MO 25.00Juilliard School - New York , NY $ 1 , 223.00Julia Dyckman Andrus Memorial - Yonkers , NY 5 000 00Julian D. Parker School of Science Math & Technology - Stuart , FL 200.00Jump for the Cause - Encino , CA $50.00JumpRhythm Jazz Pro i ect - Chicago, IL 300.00Jum start For Youn g Children Inc - Boston , MA $2 . 500.00Juniata College - Huntingdon , PA $1.175.00Junior Achievement - Memphis , TN


Junior Achievement Inc. National Headquarters - Colorado Sprin gs , CO 1000.00Junior Achievement of Georg ia Inc - Atlanta , GA 100.00Junior Achievement of Lincoln Inc - Lincoln , NE 315.00

1Junior Achievement of New York Inc - New York, NY $ 19 . 192.10STATEMENT 21B

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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION MATCHING GIFTS Summary by Organization Name

Organization Name Total Company AmountJunior Achievement of South Central Michi gan Battle Creek MI 100.00Junior Achievement of the Wabash Valle y, Inc - Terre Haute IN 295 00Junior League of Charleston Inc - Charleston , SC 100.00Junior Lea ue of Kin g sport Inc - Kingsport , TN 50.00Junior Lea ue of Pelham Inc - Pelham, NY $ 100.00Junior League of the City of New York Inc. - New York , NY $ 1 , 901.00Junior League of the Palm Beaches Inc - West Palm Beach FL $200.00Junior Lea ue/New York - New York NY $ 1 . 150.00Just Cats Sanctuary - North Branch , NY 850.00Just Food Inc - New York , NY $9 , 500.00Just Strays Inc - Yonkers , NY 600.00Juvenile Diabetes Foundation - Atlanta , GA 240.00Juvenile Diabetes Foundation - En glewood Cliffs , NJ $ 1 . 150.00Juvenile Diabetes Foundation - Indiana polis , IN $2 . 080.00Juvenile Diabetes Foundation - Minneapolis , MN 250.00Juvenile Diabetes Foundation - Pittsburgh , PA 250.00Juvenile Diabetes Foundation International - Bala Cynwyd , PA 525.00Juvenile Diabetes Foundation International - Collierville , TN 50.00Juvenile Diabetes Foundation International - East Brunswick , NJ $2 ,980.00Juvenile Diabetes Foundation International - East Greenbush , NY $235.00Juvenile Diabetes Foundation International - Hamden , CT $4 ,255.00Juvenile Diabetes Foundation International - Shrewsbu ry, NJ $300.00Juvenile Diabetes Foundation International - W Hartford , CT $90.00Juvenile Diabetes Foundation International - Wilmington , DE $ 125.00Juvenile Diabetes Foundation International Office - New York NY 3 010.00Juvenile Diabetes Foundation/New York City Chapter - New York NY 30.00Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation International - Albu uer ue NM $ 100.00Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation International - Baton Rouge , LA 25.00Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation International - Cedar Rapids , IA 75.00Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation International - Cherry Hill NJ $2 , 500.00Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation International - Chicago , IL $3 ,605:00Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation International - Cincinnati , OH 25.00Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation International - Columbia , SC 25.00Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation International - Columbus OH 50.00Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation International - Dallas , TX 500.00Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation International - East Brunswick NJ 175.00Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation International - Fort Lauderdale , FL 50.00Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation International - Fort Worth , TX 300.00Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation International - Glens Falls NY 50.00Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation International - Grand Raids MI $ 1 , 665.00Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation International - Greenville , SC $ 150.00Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation International - Greenwood , CO $50.00Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation International - Hamden , CT $6 , 590.00Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation International - Harrisburiz, PA 230.00Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation International - Honolulu HI 35.00Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation International - Houston , TX 50.00Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation International - Inde pendence , OH $ 175.00Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation International - Irvine , CA $50.00Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation International - Lincoln , NE $3 . 025.00Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation International - Louisville , KY


Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation International - Madison , WI $50.00Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation International - Melville NY $925.00Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation International - Missoula , MT $250.00Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation International - Nashua , NH 25.00Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation International - Nashville , TN $ 1 , 375.00Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation International - New York, NY $2 .075.00Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation International - Norfolk , VA $ 100.00Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation International - Norwalk , CT $ 1 , 655.00Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation International - Omaha , NE $25.00Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation International - Pasadena , CA $450.00Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation International - Phoenix , AZ 225.00Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation International - Ralei gh , NC $250.00Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation International - Roanoke VA $250.00Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation International - Saint Louis MO $5 , 820.00Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation International - Saint Petersburg, FL $50.00Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation International - San Die go , CA 1 .275.00Juveni le Diabetes Research Foundation International - South Bend , IN $ 125.00Juveni le Diabetes Research Foundation International - Southfield MI $392.00Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation International - Toledo OH 200.00Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation International - Tucson , AZ 25.00Juvenile D i abetes Research Foundation International - Warwick, RI 25.00Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation International - Washington , DC $265.00Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation International - Wellesle y Hills , MA 50.00Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation International - White Plains , NY 75.070


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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION MATCHING GIFTS Summary by Organization NameOrganization Name Total Company AmountJuvenile Diabetes Research Foundation International - Wyomissin g, PA 25.00K Zoo Folklife Or anization Inc - Kalamazoo MI 200.00Kaet-tv Channel 8- Arizona State University Foundation - Tempe , AZ 580.00Kahal Darkei Noam - Brookl yn, NY 250.00Kairos Dwelling - Kalamazoo

,MI 200.00

Kaiser Elementa ry School - Costa Mesa , CA 25.00Kalamazoo Academy Inc - Kalamazoo , MI $8 ,932.00Kalamazoo Animal Rescue - Kalamazoo , MI 3 838.00Kalamazoo Area Math and Science Center - Kalamazoo , MI $7 .060.00Kalamazoo Aviation Histo ry Museum - Porta ge , MI 50.00Kalamazoo Central Maroon Foundation - Kalamazoo , MI 125.00Kalamazoo Chapter of the Links Inc - Kalamazoo MI $5000Kalamazoo Childrens Chorus - Kalamazoo , MI 75.00Kalamazoo Christian School Association - Kalamazoo , MI $28 . 525.00Kalamazoo Christian School Association - Kalamazoo , MI $40 ,959.00Kalamazoo Christian School Foundation - Kalamazoo , MI 500.00Kalamazoo Civic Players Civic Theatre - Kalamazoo , MI $ 1 , 950.00Kalamazoo Colle ge - Kalamazoo , MI $38 ,894.57Kalamazoo Colle ge - Kalamazoo , MI $53 .655.50Kalamazoo Communities In Schools Foundation - Greater Kalamazoo Girls $ 1 .010.00Kalamazoo Communities In Schools Foundation - Greater Kalamazoo Girls $ 1 . 669.00Kalamazoo Communities In Schools Foundation - Kalamazoo , MI 200.00Kalamazoo Communit y Foundation - Kalamazoo , MI $3 .431.00Kalamazoo Community Foundation - Kalamazoo , Mi $27 , 120.00Kalamazoo Concert Band Association - Kalamazoo , MI 975.00Kalamazoo County 4 H Leaders Council - Kalamazoo , MI 50.00Kalamazoo County Child Abuse and Neg lect Council Inc - Nazareth , MI 500.00Kalamazoo County Humane Society - Kalamazoo , MI $5 ,420.00Kalamazoo Deacons Conference - Kalamazoo MI $2 ,390.00Kalamazoo Gay-Lesbian Resource Center - Kalamazoo , MI 950.00Kalamazoo Gos pel Mission - Kalamazoo , MI $ 19689.70Kalamazoo Institute of Arts - Kalamazoo , MI $ 1 , 935.00Kalamazoo Junior Academy - Kalamazoo , MI $2 . 145.75Kalamazoo Junior S ymphony Society - Kalamazoo , MI $2 ,075.00Kalamazoo Junior Womans Club - Kalamazoo , MI 250.00Kalamazoo Loaves & Fishes - Kalamazoo , MI $ 8 , 330.00Kalamazoo Nature Center Inc - Kalamazoo , MI 1 105.00Kalamazoo Reg ional Catholic Schools Foundation - Kalamazoo , MI $6,381.00Kalamazoo Reg ional Catholic Schools Foundation - Kalamazoo , MI $ 12 ,730.00Kalamazoo Re ional Educational Services Agency - Kalamazoo , MI $ 1 ,250.00Kalamazoo Symphony Orchestra - Kalamazoo , MI $7 ,040.00Kalamazoo Valle y Community Colle ge Foundation - Kalamazoo , MI 250.00Kalamazoo Valle y Community Colle ge Foundation - Kalamazoo , MI $ 1 . 700.00Kalamazoo Valle y Habitat for Humanity - Kalamazoo , MI $ 1 , 885.00Kaleidoscope of Hope Foundation Inc - Madison , NJ 30.00Kanawha Hosp ice Care Inc - Dunbar , WV 100.00Kansas City Hos pice Inc. - Kansas Cit y, MO 75.00Kansas City Rescue Mission - Kansas Cit y, MO 362.00Kansas Cit y S ymphony - Kansas City, MO 250.00Kansas Humane Society of Wichita - Wichita , KS 425.00Kansas Land Trust Inc - Lawrence , KS 25.00Kansas Public Telecommunications Service Inc. - Wichita , KS 57.00Kansas S pecial Ol ympics Inc - Mission , KS 50.00Kansas State University Foundation - Manhattan , KS 640.00Kansas State Universit y Foundation - Manhattan , KS $24,813.00Kansas University Endowment Association - Lawrence , KS 8 575.00Kansas University Endowment Association - Saint Lawrence Center 100.00Kappa Alpha Theta Foundation - Indianapolis , IN 50.00Kappa Delta Foundation Inc - Memphis , TN 50.00Kappa Ka a Gamma Foundation - Columbus , OH 80.00Karen Ann uinlan Charitable Foundation , Inc. - Newton , NJ 125.00Karen Emergency Relief Fund Inc - East Lyme , CT 700.00Karmanos Cancer Institute - Lathrup, MI 175.00Katherine Nordell Lloyd Center for Environmental Studies , Inc. - South 150.00Kathleen E.Goodwin School - Old Saybrook , CT 100.00Kathys House Inc - Milwaukee , WI $2 .200.00Katie Sampson Foundation - Saint Davids , PA 100.00Katonah Villa e Library - Katonah NY 200.00Katonah-Bedford Hills Volunteer Ambulance Corp s - Katonah , NY 25.00Kayak for A Cause Inc - Norwalk , CT 350.00Ka ama Inc - Brookl yn, NY 175.00Kazoo School - Kalamazoo , MI $2,678.00Kb -fm 89.1- Bri gham Youn g Universe - Provo UT 300.00KCET Communit y Television of Southern California - Los Angeles , CA 190.00


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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION MATCHING GIFTS Summary by Organization Name

Organization Name Total Company AmountKcrw-fm 89.9- Santa Monica Colle ge - Santa Monica, CA $32500Kcts Television - Seattle , WA 425.00Kcur-fm 89 3- Curators of the Universit y of Missouri - Kansas Cu MO 75.00Kean Universit y Foundation Inc Inc. - Union , NJ $640.00Kearne Famil y Youn g Mens Christian Association - Keame NE $500.00Keeshond Lovers United Inc - Lecom ton KS 665.00Kew Orthopedic Foundation Inc - Middlebury, CT $ 100.00Kelli Tackett Keystone Place - Centreville , MI 200.00Kellop-e Elementa ry Parent Teacher Or anization - Hickory Corners MI 48.00Kemmerer Villa ge - Assumption , IL $500.00Kendal on Hudson - Slee py Hollow , NY $ 14 , 751.00Kennebec Valle y Humane Societ y - Augusta , ME 25.00Kennebunkport Conservation Trust - Cape Porpoise , ME $50.00Kenned Center Inc - Trumbull , CT $50.00Kenned -Kennck Catholic Hi gh School - Washin gton , PA $50.00Kenneth B. Walker Residential Group Home Incorporated - Columbus , GA $2 ,000.00Kennck Glennon Seminary - St. Louis , MO $ 1 , 000.00Kennck-Glennon Seminary - St. Louis , MO 6000.00Kensin gton Volunteer Fire Department Inc - Kensin gton , MD 75.00Kent Historical Society - Kent CT 300.00Kent Hos p ital Foundation - Warwick , RI 580.00Kent Land Trust Inc. - Kent , CT 500.00Kent Library Association Inc - Kent , CT 250.00Kent Place School - Summit , NJ 1 100.00Kent School Corporation - Kent , CT $4 . 150.00Kent State Universit y Foundation - Kent , OH 570.00Kentuck Educational Television Foundation Inc - Lexington , KY 75.00Kentucky Humane Society Animal Rescue League - Louisville KY 150.00Kentucky Public Radio Inc - Louisville , KY 55.00Kentuck y Resources Council Inc - Frankfort, KY 50.00Kentucky Special Ol ympics Inc - Frankfort , KY 100.00Kentuck y S ecial Ol ymp ics Inc - Louisville , KY 25.00Ken a Childrens Fund Inc - Hopkins , MN 25.00Kenya Orphanage Pro ect - Lake Wylie , SC 500.00Kenyon Colle ge - Gambier , OH 775.00Kenyon Colle ge - Gambier , OH $2 , 500.00Keota Community School District Foundation Inc - Keota , IA 480.00Keren Yehoshua V Yisroel Inc - Far Rockaway, NY 180.00Keren-or Inc - New York , NY 500.00Kerr County United Way - Kerrville , TX 500.00Ke rrytown Concert House Inc - Ann Arbor , MI 00.00Kevin Guest House - Buffalo , NY 75.00Kevin M Eidt Scholarshi p Fund - Norwalk , CT 625.00Kew Gardens S ynagog ue Adath Yeshurun - Kew Gardens NY 225.00Keweenaw Community Foundation - Houghton , MI 400.00Kewforest School Inc - Forest Hills , NY 100.00Keystone Golden Retriever Rescue Inc - Dubois , PA 200.00Keystone S ymposia on Molecular and Cellular Biology - Silverthome , CO 1000.00Kid Kare - Clinton , IN 500.00Kidney Cancer Association - Evanston , IL 50.00Kids Can Free the Children - Hartford , CT $2 . 550.00Kids Can Save Foundation Inc - Ft. Lauderdale , FL 50.00Kids Care Connections Inc - Mt Pleasant , SC $25.00Kids Corner Child Care Center - St Peter , MN 25.00Kids From Wisconsin Ltd - Milwaukee , WI 100.00Kids In Crisis Inc - Cos Cob , CT 3000.00Kids of Chatham Organization Inc - East Hampton , CT $750.00Kids Wish Network Inc - Holiday, FL 25.00Kids Wish Network Inc - Oldsmar, FL 25.00Kidsave International Inc - Washin gton , DC 150.00Kidsfirst Foundation Inc - Indiana polis , IN 800.00Kidsmart - Brid geton , MO 25.00Kieve Affective Education Inc. - Nobleboro , ME 275.00Killin gworth Land Conservation Trust Inc - Killm worth CT 50.00Killin worth Library Association Inc - Killm worth CT 150.00Killin gworth Volunteer Fire Company Inc. - Killin worth CT 100.00Kimball Union Academy - Meriden , NH 250.00Kimbell Art Museum - Fort Worth , TX 25.00Kimberton Farms School Inc - Kimberton , PA 330.00Kindergarten Center PTO - Jeffre y School PTO - Madison CT 100.00Kinder-USA Kids In Need of Education Development Relief - Dallas , TX 100.00Kin gs Colle ge - New York , NY 500.00Kin g s Colle ge - Wilkes-Barre PA 150.00Kin in Colle ge - Wilkes-Barre , PA $ 1 ,000.001


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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION MATCHING GIFTS Summary by Organization NameOrganization Name Total Company AmountKin gsbu ry Ensemble - Saint Louis , MO $ 1 ,433 .00Kin g s port Ballet - Kin g sport . TN 100.00Kinkaid School Inc - Houston , TX 2000.00Kipp Academy Charter School - Bronx , NY 500.00Ki pp Summit Academy - San Lorenzo , CA 200.00Kirkwood Public Library Foundation - Saint Louis , MO 50.00Kirkwood School District Parent Teacher Or anizational Council - 75.00Kirtland Community Colle ge Foundation - Roscommon MI $ 150.00Kitchen Inc - S pringfield , MO $5 , 150.00Kittitas County Friend of Animals - Ellensbur g, WA 900.00Kitty Harbor, Inc - Griswold , CT 1 325.00Kivel Cam us of Care - Phoenix AZ $ 1 , 300.00Kiwanis Ambulance Service of Boonton Inc - Boonton , NJ 50.00Kiwanis Club of Tryon Foundation Inc - Tryon , NC 150.00Kiwanis International Foundation Inc - Indianapolis , IN 150.00Kni ghts of Aksarben Foundation - Omaha, NE 50.00Kni ghts of Columbus Charities Inc - New Haven , CT 125.00Km hts Temp lar Eye Foundation - Schaumburg, IL 100.00Kni ghts Trust Inc - Bronxville , NY $50000Know Place Like Home Inc - Lisbon , CT $9 ,000.00Knox Colle ge - Galesbur g, IL 100.00Knoxville S ymphony Society Inc. - Knoxville , TN 50.00Koby Mandell Foundation Inc - Bethesda , MD 50.00KOCE-TV Foundation - Huntin gton Beach , CA 175.00KOED Inc. - San Francisco , CA 538.00Kristin Brooks Hope Center - Washington . DC $ 1 , 500.00KTEH-TV Foundation - San Jose , CA 100.00KTF Productions - Portage , MI 500.00KUED/KUER Public Broadcasting Universit of Utah - Salt Lake City, 95.00Kume as Elementa ry School Foundation - San Die go, CA 350.00Kunc-fm 91.5- Universit y of Northern Colorado Foundation Inc. - Greele y, 180.00Kutztown University Foundation - Kutztown , PA $7 . 116.00Ku er Colle ge - Grand Raids MI 400.00K Baptist Homes for Children - Mount Washin gton , KY 25.00K iv Mohyla Foundation of America - Chicago , IL 100.00Kyrene de los Lagos Elementary School - Phoenix AZ 127.00Kyrene Schools Community Foundation - Tempe , AZ 225.00L S U Foundation - Baton Rou ge , LA $ 1 , 354.00L S U School of Medicine-New Orleans Medical Alumni Association Inc - 500.00L.I.f.e - Local Involvement for Environment Central School - Larchmont , 500.00La Costa Canyon Hi gh School Foundation Inc - Carlsbad , CA 300.00La Crosse Area Famil y Y M C A Inc - La Crosse WI 300.00La Musica Di Asolo , Inc. - Sarasota , FL $20000La Plata County Historical Society Inc - Durango . CO 40.00La Plata Youth Services Inc - Durango , CO 25.00La Salle Colle ge Hi gh School - W dmoor PA 50.00La Salle Hi h School - Cincinnati , OH $ 1 , 100.00La Salle University - Philadel phia . PA 685.00Labor and Industry for Education Inc - LIFE - Cedarhurst , NY $ 180.00Labs4rescue Inc - Killin worth CT 50.00Labyrinth Inc - New York , NY 50.00Lad Riders Breast Cancer Research Foundation Inc - Eag le , WI 75.00Lafayette Colle ge - Easton , PA 1 825.00Lahe Clinic Foundation Inc - Burlin gton, MA 75.00Lake Catholic Parents Association - Mentor , OH 25.00Lake Christian Ministries Inc - Moneta, VA 200.00Lake Erie Colle ge - Painesville , OH 150.00Lake Forest Colle ge - Lake Forest IL 500.00Lake Forest Colle ge - Lake Forest, IL 550.00Lake George Association , Inc. - Lake George , NY 225.00Lake Oswego School Dist Foundation Inc - Lake Oswego, OR $50000Lake Oswego Swim Club - Lake Oswego , OR 25.00Lake Silkworth Ambulance - Hunlock Creek PA 55.00Lake Silkworth Volunteer Fire Dept - Hunlock Creek , PA 25.00Lake Sunapee Protective Association - Sunapee , NH 150.0Lake Zurich Hi gh School - Lake Zurich , IL 00.00Lakeland Elementary School - Lakeland , MI 30.00Lakeland Emergency S quad - Andover NJ 80.00Lakeland Hills Famil y YMCA - Mountain Lakes , NJ 750.00Lakeland Symphony Society Inc - Parsi an NJ 50.00Lakes Environment Association - Bridgton . ME 165.00Lakes Reg ion Mental Health Center - Laconia , NH 75.00Lakes To Locks Passage Inc - Crown Point NY 25.00Lakeshore Excellence Foundation - Stevensville MI 0.00


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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION MATCHING GIFTS Summary by Organization Name

Organization Name Total Company AmountLakeshore Pre gnancy Center Inc - Holland , MI 25.00Lakeshore Rescue Missions - Holland Rescue Mission - Holland , MI $3 . 86500Lakeside Treatment and Leamin Center Inc - Kalamazoo , MI $ 175.00Lakeside's River Park Conservancy - Lakeside , CA $ 1 . 000.00Lakeview Schools Thomas Jefferson Education Foundation - Battle Creek , $45.00Lam Foundation - Cincinnati , OH $271.00Lamar University Foundation Inc - Beaumont , TX $5 ,214.00Lambda Chi Al pha Educational Foundation Inc. - Indianapolis . IN $300.00Lambda Leal Defense and Education Fund Inc. - New York , NY $ 1 . 750.00Lambertville-New Hope Ambulance and Rescue Squad Inc - Lambertville , 150.00Lambe Fund Of Haiti - Washington , DC $ 150.00Lambuth University - Jackson , TN $250.00Lancaster Country Day School - Lancaster , PA $2 , 500.00Lancaster County Conservanc y - Lancaster , PA $5 ,000.00Lancaster Farmland Trust - Lancaster , PA 50.00Lancaster General Hospital - Lancaster , PA $ 100.00Lancaster Theolo g ical Seminary the United Church of Christ - Lancaster , $2 .430.00Lance Armstron g Foundation Inc - Albert Lea , MN 12 190.00Land Conservanc y of West Michi gan - Grand Rapids , MI $ 100.00Lander Foundation - Greenwood , SC $2 , 500.00Lander University - Greenwood , SC 200.00Landmark Medical Center - Woonsocket, RI $ 50.00Landmark Volunteers Inc - Sheffield , MA 50.00Landmark West Inc - New York , NY 385.00Landmine Survivors Network Lsn - Washington , DC 250.00Landon School Corporation - West Bethesda , MD $30.00Lang ley Crew Boosters Club Inc - Mclean , VA $ 125.00Lan gle y Hi 2 h School Alumni Association Inc - Pittsbur gh , PA $ 1 , 000.00Lansm City Rescue Mission - Lansin g, MI $500.00Larimer County Food Distribution Center - Fort Collins , CO $2500Larry Jones International Ministries Inc - Oklahoma City, OK $ 1 , 405.00LaSalle Academy - Providence , RI 360.0Lasell Colle ge - Newton , MA 25.00Lasell Colle ge - Newton , MA $500 0Latin Network for the Visual Arts , Inc. - Gales Ferry, CT 925.0Latin School Of Chica go - Chicago , IL $ 1 , 000. 0Latino Commission on AIDS Inc - New York, NY 850.00Latinos De Livonia - Livonia , MI 850.00Latinos Unidos - Ann Arbor, MI 500.00Latta Place Incorporated - Huntersville , NC 35.00Laurel School - Cleveland , OH 500.00Laurelhurst Parent-Teacher Association - Seattle , WA $ 1 . 239.00Lauren's Li ght Inc - Coconut Grove , FL 100.00Law Enforcement Education Program Inc - Tro y, MI 100.00Law Enforcement Legal Defense Fund - Arlin gton , VA 100.00Lawrence Academy - Groton , MA 5 , 5 0.00Lawrence Alumni Association Inc - Lawrence , MI 1 , 000.00Lawrence and Memorial Hosp ital Inc - New London , CT $31 , 568.70Lawrence Community Health Services - Jansen Memorial Hospice 75.0Lawrence Hi gh - Lawrence , MA 100.00Lawrence Hospital - Bronxville , NY 350.00Lawrence University of Wisconsin - Appleton , WI 150.00Lawrence University of Wisconsin - Appleton , WI 980.00Lawrenceville School - Lawrenceville , NJ $ 1 , 350.00Lawton Chiles Elementary School - Tampa, FL 100.00Lawton Education Foundation Inc - Lawton , MI 500.00Lawyers Alliance for New York - New York, NY 500.00Law ers Committee for Human Ri ghts - New York, NY 350.00Lazarus House Incorporated - Lawrence MA 200.00Le Moyne Colle ge - Syracuse , NY $4 , 817.52Leader Dogs for the Blind - Rochester, MI 200.00Leadership Education & Athletics In Partnershi p Inc. - New Haven CT 100.00Leadershi Institute - Arlin gton , VA 75.00Leadershi Rhode Island Educational Foundation - Providence . RI 75.0League for Animal Protection of Huntin gton Inc - Huntin gton , NY 100.00League of American Wheelmen Inc - League of American Bicyclists - 150.00League of Conservation Voters Education Fund - Washington , DC 100.00League of Woman Voters of Michi gan Education Fund - Lansin g, MI 25.00League of Women Voters Education Fund - Washin gton , DC 125.00Lea ue of Women Voters of Connecticut Educational Fund - Hamden CT 200.00League of Women Voters of New York State Education Foundation Inc 85.00Leamis International Ministries - Montea le TN 150.00Learn To Read of Northwest Florida Inc - Pensacola, FL 150.00Leamin Center for Deaf Children Inc. - Framin gham , MA 125.00


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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION MATCHING GIFTS Summary by Organization NameOrganization Name Total Company AmountLeamm To Give A Michi gan Domestic Non profit Co - Grand Haven , 1000.00Lea Firefi ghters Foundation - New York , NY $500.00Lebanon Valle y Colle ge of Pennsylvania - Annville , PA $ 11 , 560.50Led and Education Advancement Foundation - Led and CT $2 ,675.00Led and Fire Company District I - Led and CT 325.00Led and Hi p h School - Led and CT $ 1 , 395.00Led and Hi p h SchooVNeed y Student Fund - Ledyand CT 25.00Led and Historical Society Inc - Led and CT 150.00Led and Inter Church Emergency Assistance Fund Inc. - Gales Ferry, CT 0$2 ,075.0Led and Middle School - Gales Ferry, CT 150.00Led and Rotary Foundation Inc - Led and CT $696.00Lee University - Cleveland , TN $500.00Leelanau Conservanc y - Leland , MI $ 1 , 000.00Le gacy Boxer Rescue Inc - Hurst , TX $80.00Leal Aid Society - New York , NY $585.00Leal Information for Families Today - New York , NY $450.00Leal Momentum - New York , NY 175.00Leal Services of South Central Mich igan - Ann Arbor, MI 150.00Lehi gh University - Bethlehem , PA $7 ,650.00Lehi gh Valle Hospital - Allentown , PA 450.00Lehi p h Valle y Public Telecommunications Corp . - Bethlehem , PA 100.00Lemoyne-Owen Colle ge - Memphis , TN $ 1 , 500.00Lena Public School District - Lena WI $ 1 , 000.00Lenawee County Humane Society - Adrian , MI 100.00Lennon Center - Dearborn Hei ghts , MI $3 . 336.00Lenoir-Rh e Colle ge - Hickory, NC $ 11 , 875.00Leo Hi gh School - Chica go , IL 350.00Les Ballets Grandiva Ltd - New York , NY $ 1 ,435.00Les Turner Am otro hic Lateral Sclerosis Foundation - Skokie , IL 140.00Lesbian and Gay Community Services Center Inc - New York , NY 2 690.00Lesbian and Gay Immi gration Ri ghts Task Force - New York NY 25.00Lesea Inc - South Bend , IN 100.00Lesle y University - Cambrid ge , MA 50.00Lester and Rosalie Anixter Center - Chica go Hearin g - Chicago , IL 360.00Letourneau University - Lon gview , TX 50.00Letoumeau University - Longview , TX $ 1 ,00000Let's Get Ready Inc - New York , NY 100.00Leukemia & L m Noma Society - Leukemia Society of America - S yracuse , 875.00Leukemia & Lymphoma Society - San Francisco , CA $2 , 789.00Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Inc - Alban y, NY 50.00Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Inc - Albuq uerque , NM $ 1 ,20000Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Inc - Alexandria , VA 627.00Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Inc - Amherst , NY 125.00Leukemia & Lymphoma Societ Inc - Atlanta, GA $2 ,775. .00Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Inc - Baltimore MD 600.00Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Inc - Birmin gham , AL $ 1 , 600.00Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Inc - Brookfield , WI $225.00Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Inc - Charlotte , NC $ 1 . 425.00Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Inc - Chica o IL $3 .015.00Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Inc - Cincinnati , OH 175.00Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Inc - Cleveland , OH 345.00Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Inc - Cranston RI 700.00Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Inc - Dallas , TX 650.00Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Inc - Denver , CO 205.00Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Inc - Framingham , MA 985.00Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Inc - Fresno , CA 25.00Leukemia & L m homa Society Inc - Golden Valle MN $25.00Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Inc - Harrisburg, PA 75.00Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Inc - Holl ywood , FL 400.00Leukemia & I m homa Society Inc - Honolulu , HI $50.00Leukemia & Lymphoma Societ Inc - Indianapolis , IN $450.00Leukemia & Lymphoma Societ Inc - Irmo SC 950.00Leukemia & I m homa Society Inc - Las Vegas , NV $200.00Leukemia & Lymphoma Societ Inc - Los An eles CA 3 612.00Leukemia & Lymphoma Societ Inc - Louisville , KY 50.00Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Inc - Madison Hei g hts , MI $5 ,461.00Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Inc - Meriden CT $ 17 .778.00Leukemia & L m homa Society Inc - Nashville , TN $ 12 ,730.00Leukemia & Lymphoma Societ Inc - New York, NY $ 16 .790.00Leukemia & I m homa Society Inc - North Hi ghland , CA 50.00Leukemia & L m homa Society Inc - Oklahoma City, OK 476.00Leukemia & I m homa Society Inc - Omaha NE 85.00Leukemia & L m homa Society Inc - Orlando FL 25.00Leukemia & L m homa Society Inc - Philadel phia , PA 385.00


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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION MATCHING GIFTS Summary by Organization Name

Organization Name Total Company AmountLeukemia & Lymphoma Society Inc - Phoenix , AZ 150.00Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Inc - Pittsburgh , PA 25.00Leukemia & L m homa Societ y Inc - Pittsfield MA 17 . 662.00Leukemia & Lymphoma Societ y Inc - Richmond , VA 1 975.00Leukemia & L m homa Societ y Inc - Saint Louis , MO 3 590.00Leukemia & Lymphoma Societ y Inc - San Antonio, TX 725.00Leukemia & L m homa Society Inc - San Die go , CA $3 . 300.00Leukemia & L m homa Societ Inc - San Jose , CA 1 , 150.00Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Inc - Santa Ana , CA 1 065.00Leukemia & L m homa Society Inc - Seattle , WA 950.00Leukemia & L m homa Society Inc - Shawnee Mission , KS 250.00Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Inc - Stamford , CT 425.00Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Inc - Tama FL 50.00Leukemia & Lymphoma Societ Inc - Westfield , NJ $ 12 . 829.8Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Inc - White Plains , NY $ 1 , 390.00Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Inc - Wichita , KS 175.00Leukemia & L m homa Society Inc - Wilmington , DE 175.00Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Inc - Wilmin gton , NC 100.00Leukemia & L m homa Society Inc. - Allentown , PA 250.00

1Leukemia & L m homa Societ y, Inc. - Normal , IL 725.00Leukemia and Lymphoma Society - Des Moines IA 00$ 1 . 050...Leukemia Lymphoma Society - Melville , NY 50.00Leukemia Research Foundation Inc - Glenview , IL 50.00Leukemia Societ y of America - Cary, NC 1 650.00Leukemia Societ y Of America Inc - Alexandria , VA 320.00Leukemia Societ y of America Inc - Amherst NY 50.00Leukemia Society Of America Inc - Dallas TX 600.00

---Leukemia Society Of America Inc - Pittsfield , MA 7 1 ,095.00Leukemia Society of America Inc. Indiana Chapter - Indianapolis , IN $ 1 , 280.00Leukemia Society of America Inc. Palm Beach Area Chapter - West Palm 118.00Leukemia Society of America Inc. South New Jersey Chapter - Westmont , 125.00Leukemia Society of America Lon Island Chapter - Melville NY $2 , 550.00Leukemia Society of America Mich igan Chapter - Madison Hei ghts , MI 500.00Leukemia Society of America New York City Chapter - New York , NY $2 , 738.43Leukemia Society of America South Carolina Chapter - Irmo SC 100.00Leukemia Society of America Tri-Count Chapter - Santa Ana, CA 1000.00Leukemia-Research-Life Inc - Detroit , MI 25.00Lev Lachim Inc. - Brookl yn, NY 175.00Lewa Wildlife Conservanc y USA - Marshall , VA $ 1 . 000. 0Lewis and Clark Colle ge - Portland , OR 25.00Lewis University - Romeoville , IL 250.0Lewisburg Area Hi g h School Foundation - Lewisbur iz, PA 200.00Lewisburg Elementary School - Lewisburg, WV 250.00Lexin ton Arts Council Inc - Lexington , MI $ 1 .000.00Lexington Christian Academy - Lexin gton , MA $ 1 ,000.00Lexin gton Humane Society - Lexin gton , KY 500.00Lgbt Youth Out Loud - Live Out Loud - Deer Park , NY $ 100.00Libert y Corner Fire Company - LibertCorner NJ 85.00Libert y Corner First Aid S quad Inc - LibertCorner NJ 25.00Libert Hi Rh School - Bethlehem , PA $250.00Libert y Wildlife Rehabilitation Foundation Inc - Scottsdale , AZ $50.00Libra Association of La Jolla - La Jolla , CA 750.00Library Association of Rin gwood - Rin gwood , NJ 30.00Libra Foundation of Hennepin County - Minnetonka , MN 100.00Libra Foundation of Martin County Inc - Stuart , FL $ 1 .000.00Libra Foundation of Needham Inc - Needham , MA $ 150.00Libra of Michi gan Foundation - Lansin g, MI 500.00Life Center of New York - Brookl yn, NY $5 ,000.00Life Challen ge of Southeastern Mich igan - Detroit , MI $ 150.00Life Choice Ministries Inc - Manhattan , KS 50.00Life Dynamics Inc - Denton , TX 25.00Life Educational Corporation - Phoenix , AZ $250.00Life Haven Inc - New Haven , CT 00.00Life House - Sleepy Hollow , IL 350.00Life International Inc - Gridley, IL 100.00Life Issues Institute - Cincinnati , OH $25.00Life Leal Defense Foundation - Nana, CA 50.00Life Options Academy Inc - Albuquerque , NM 200.00Life Promotions Inc - Appleton , WI $2 , 575.00Life Resource Network - San Die go , CA $ 100.00Life Skill Foundation - Saint Louis MO $ 100.00Life-Gods Sacred Gift - Bronx NY 0.00Lifeline Pre gnanc y Care Center Inc - Millersburg, PA $ 150.00Lifelon AIDS Alliance - Seattle , WA $25.00


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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION MATCHING GIFTS Summary by Organization Name

Organization Name Total Company AmountLifesavers , Inc - Lancaster , CA 50.00Lifer ire Inc - New York, NY 331.50Li g ht House Mission Inc - Terre Haute , IN $4 ,491.00Li ht of Life Ministries Inc - Pittsburg h , PA 25.00Li hthouse - Lincoln , NE 150.00Li hthouse Communit y Charter School - Oakland , CA 50.00Li hthouse International - New York , NY $410.00Li hthouse Pre gnanc y Care Center - Manistee , MI 100.00Li hthouse Voc-Ed Center Inc - Groton , CT 2 250.00Lincoln Action Pro gram Inc - Lincoln , NE 50.00Lincoln Arts Council - Lincoln , NE $50.00Lincoln Center For The Performin Arts Inc - New York , NY $ 1 , 665.00Lincoln Christian School Foundation - Lincoln , NE $5 ,000


Lincoln Cornhuskers Inc - Lincoln , NE $2 , 850.00Lincoln Institute for Research and Education - Great Falls , VA 150.00Lincoln Lutheran Hi g h School - Lincoln , NE $ 1 , 600.00Lincoln Lutheran School Association Education Foundation Inc - Lincoln , 100.00Lincoln Midwest Ballet Guild - Lincoln , NE 51.00Lincoln Orchestra Association - Lincoln , NE 25.00Lincoln Public Schools Foundation Public Schools Adm Buildm - Lincoln , $4 , 880.00Lincoln Rota Club 14 Foundation - Lincoln , NE $328.0Lincoln School - Providence , RI 300.00Lincoln University - Lincoln University, PA 100.00Lincoln Universit y Foundation Inc - Jefferson Cit y, 850.00Lincoln YWCA - Lincoln , NE 100.00Linden Hall School for Girls - Lititz , PA 850.00Links Foundation Inc - Washin gton , DC $ 1 . 300.00Linn Benton Food Share - Corvallis , OR $25.00Lmsl School Incorporated - Wheeling, WV $ 1 .000.00Lions Ti gers & Bears - El Cam , CA 100.00Lisa Ross Parker Foundation - Brentwood , TN $2 ,90070Lisbon Historical Society Inc - Lisbon , CT $35.00Literac Council of Bonita S prin g s - Bonita Sprin gs , FL 200.00Literac y Partners Inc - New York , NY $25000Literacy Pro i ect Inc - Greenfield , MA 450.00Literacy Volunteers of America - Morristown , NJ 3000Literacy Volunteers of America Washin gton County - Westerl y, RI 50.00Literacy Volunteers of America/Somerset County Inc - Brid gewater , NJ 250.00Literacy Volunteers of Eastern Connecticut - New London , CT 550.00Literacy Volunteers of Rensselaer County - Troy, NY 25.00Literac y Volunteers of Sussex County Inc - Newton , NJ 160.00Literary Classics of the United States Inc - Library Of America - New York 100.00Literc Volunteers-Valle y Shore Ct Inc - Westbrook , CT 50.00Lithuanian Foundation - Lemont , IL 50.00Lititz Community Center - Lititz , PA $ 1 , 375.00Lititz Public Libra ry Inc - Lititz , PA 400.00Little Flower Catholic Hi gh School - Philadel phia , PA $ 1 , 725.00Little Flower Childrens Service of New York - Wadin g River , NY 100.00Little League Baseball Inc - Cypress , CA $1.700.00Little League Baseball Inc - Greenwood Abbeville Little League - 500.00Little League Baseball Inc - Lyme/ Old Lyme Little League - Old Lyme , CT 850.00Little League Baseball Inc - Milan Youth Lea ue - Milan , MI 300.0Little Lea ue Baseball Inc - New Haven , CT 1 500.00Little Lea gue Baseball Inc - Old Lyme , CT 765.00Little League Baseball League - Pawcatuck , CT 225.00Little Red School House Inc - New York , NY 350.00Little Rock Christian Academy Foundation Inc - Little Rock , AR 120.00Little Shelter Animal Adoption Center Inc - Huntin gton , NY 475.00Little Sister of the Poor St. Jose phs Home for the Elderl y - Totowa, NJ 50.00Little Sisters of the Poor - Denver, CO 100.00Little Sisters of the Poor - Enfield , CT 275.00Little Sisters of the Poor - Latham , NY 750.00Little Sisters of the Poor Buildin g Fund Jeanne Juan Residence - 272.55Little Sisters of the Poor Home for the A ed - Bronx , NY 900.00Little Sisters of the Poor Home for the ARed Oueens Village , NY 2000.0Little Sisters of the Poor Home for the Aged Inc - Mobile , AL 1000.00Little Sisters of the Poor Home for the Aged- Jeanne Juan Residence - 35.00Little Sisters of the Poor In Richmond - Richmond , VA 250.00Little Sisters of the Poor Inc - Newark , DE 50.00Little Sisters of the Poor Inc Home for the Aged - Somerville , MA 200.00Little Sisters of the Poor of Indiana Inc - Indianapolis , IN 30.00Little Sisters of the Poor of New Mexico - Gallu p, NM $ 100.00Little Sisters of the Poor of the State of Penns ylvania - Pittsburgh , PA 50.00Little Sisters of the Poor St Jose phs Home for the Elderly - Totowa, NJ 150.00


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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION MATCHING GIFTS Summary by Organization Name

Organization Name Total Company AmountLittle Sisters of the Poor St. Josephs Home for the Elderl y - Totowa , NJ $2 , 175.00Little Sisters of the Poor, Home for the Aged , Inc. - Mobile , AL $ 1 ,00000Little Theatre of Winston-Salem Inc - Winston-Salem , NC $25.00Little Traverse Conservancy Inc - Harbor Sprin gs , MI $2 ,200.00Livada Orphan Care - Windsor , CA $700.00Livin g Bank International - Houston , TX 125.00Livin g Compassionassion - Mu h s CA $ 10000Livin g Free - Mountain Center , CA $50.00Livin g Hone International - Clackamas , OR $ 100.00Livin g Water International - Su g ar Land , TX $4 ,260.00Livin g ston County Catholic Social Services Inc - Howell , MI $ 1 , 150.00Livin gston Fire Department Inc - Livingston , NJ $75.00Livin gston First Aid S quad Inc. - Livin gston , NJ $25.00Livin g stone Colle ge - Salisbury, NC $5 , 100.00Loaves & Fishes - Apopka , FL $ 1 , 000.00Loaves and Fishes - Kalamazoo , MI $335.00Loaves and Fishes Too - Minneapolis , MN $2 , 000.00Local United Network To Combat Hunger - Mystic , CT 75.00Lock Haven University Foundation - Lock Haven , PA $75.00Locks of Love Inc - Lake Worth , FL 155.00Log Hill Volunteer Fire Department - Montrose , CO 200.00Logan James Herr Foundation - Madison , WI 1 200.00Lon Cane Academy Inc - Mccormick , SC $30.00Lon g Island 2 Day Walk To Fi ght Breast Cancer - Nesconset , NY 825.00Long Island Childrens Museum - Garden City, NY $300.00Lon g Island Colle ge Hospital - Brookl yn, NY $50.00Lon g Island Greenbelt Trail Conference - Central Isli p, NY 25.00Lon g Island School for the Gifted - Huntin gtn Sta, NY $ 10000Lon g Island Teen Challenge - W Babylon , NY $7500Long Island University - Brookville , NY $ 11 , 870.00Long Island University - Greenvale , NY 1 ,000.00Lon g Island Youth Guidance Inc. - Deer Park , NY $ 1 , 200.00Lon g Park Amphitheater Foundation - Lancaster PA 25.00Lon g Valle y First Aid S quad Inc - Lon g Valle NJ 100.00Lon mont Humane Society Inc - Longmont, CO 100.00Lon gwood University Foundation Inc - Farmville , VA 40.00Lookout Pass Free Ski School - Wallace , ID 75.00Loomis Basin Dol phins Inc - Loomis , CA 500.0Loomis Institute - Windsor , CT 300.0Loomis Institute - Windsor, CT $ 1 , 000.00Loon Echo Land Trust - Brid gton , ME 100.00Loon Lake Food Pantry and Resource Center - Loon Lake , WA 35.00Loras Colle ge - Dubuq ue , IA 500.00Loras Colle ge - Dubuque , IA $ 1 , 000.00Lori Ar uilla Andersen Foundation - Des Plaines , IL 335.00Lorin g Hospital - Sac Cit y, IA 100.00Lorraine Jackson Foundation - Los An geles , CA $ 1 , 100.00Los Angeles Gay and Lesbian Community Services Center Inc. - Los $2 , 500.00Los Angeles Jewish Home for the Ag in g - Reseda , CA $ 1 . 100.00Los Angeles Mission Inc - Los An geles , CA $37900Los Angeles Team Mentorin g Inc A Delaware Corporation - Los Angeles. $ 1 .000.00Los Penas quitos Academy Foundation - San Die go, CA 225.00Lost Creek Grove Restoration and Preservation Foundation Inc - 55 00Loudoun Country Day School Inc - Leesburg, VA $250.0Loudoun Interfaith Relief Inc - Leesburg, VA 750.00Louis T Graves Memorial Public Library Association - Kennebunk ort ME $2500Louisbur Colle ge - Louisburg. NC $ 1 ,06000Louise S Mcgehee School - New Orleans , LA 150.00Louisiana Baptist Childrens Home - Monroe , LA $ 1 ,430.00Louisiana Baptist Convention Executive Board - Slidell , LA 200.00Louisiana Bound Booksellers - Baton Rouge , LA $50.00Louisiana Society for the Prevention of Cruelty To Animals - Mandeville , 50.00Louisiana State University Foundation Baton Rou ge - Baton Roue LA T1 .000.00Louisville Chorus Inc - Louisville , KY 500.00Louisville Colle late School - Louisville , KY 25.00Louisville Olmsted Parks Conservanc y Inc - Louisville KY 25.00Louisville Presbyterian Theolog ical Seminary - Louisville , KY 300.00Louisville Senior Foundation - Louisville , CO $ 1 . 000.00Lourdes College - Sylvania , OH $ 15 , 000.00Love A Child Inc - Nap les , FL 300.00Love In the Name of Christ of Kalamazoo County - Kalamazoo , MI 25.00Lovett School - Atlanta , GA $500.00Low Count Institute Inc - Friends of the Rivers - Okatie SC 100.00Lowell Elementary - Seattle WA 50.00


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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION MATCHING GIFTS Summary by Organization NameOrganization Name Total Company AmountLowell Hi gh School - Lowell , MI $500.00Lowell Observatory - Flagstaff, AZ $300.00Lower Cave Fear Hospice Incorporated - Wilmin gton , NC $50.00Lower Delaware Autism Foundation - Lewes , DE $ 1 , 100.00Lower East Side Harm Reduction Center Inc - New York , NY $ 100.00Lower Platte South Natural Resources District - Lincoln , NE $75.00Loy Norrix Hi gh School - Kalamazoo , MI $ 100.00Lo Norrix Hi g h School - Kalamazoo , MI 700.00Loyola College In Maryland Inc. - Baltimore MD 950.00Loyola School - New York , NY $ 1 , 500.00Loyola University New Orleans - New Orleans , LA $200.00Loyola University of Chicago - Chica go, IL $375.00Lsu Alumni Association - Baton Rouge , LA $550.00LTTS Charter School Inc - Universal Academy - Irvin iz, 250.00Lucile Packard Foundation for Children - Palo Alto , CA $ 100.00Ludwi Von Mises Institute for Austrian Economics Inc.- Auburn 25.00Luke M. Powers Catholic Hi gh School - Flint , MI $2 ,625.00Luke Society - Sioux Falls SD $2 ,000.00Lungevity Foundation - Chicago , IL 825.00Lu pus Alliance of America - St. Clair Shores , MI 100 00Lu us Alliance of America Inc Hudson Valle y New York Affiliate - White 25.00Lu us Foundation of America Inc - Baltimore , MD $ 100.00Lupus Foundation of America Inc - Utica , NY 50.00Lu us Foundation of America Inc New Jersey Chanter - S prin gfield , NJ 25.00Lu pus Foundation of America Inc Piedmont Chapter - Matthews , NC 50.00Lupus Foundation of America Kansas City Chapter Inc - Kansas City, MO $ 100.00Lupus Foundation of America Western Pennsylvania Chapter Inc. $2500Luther Colle ge - Decorah , IA $425.00Lutheran Border Concerns Ministry - San Diego, CA $750.00Lutheran Braille Workers Inc - Yucai pa , CA $75.00Lutheran Church Missouri Synod - Concordia Seminaries - Saint Louis , $500.00Lutheran Church Missouri Synod - LCMS Joint Seminary - Saint Louis , $450.00Lutheran Church Missouri S ynod - Open Arms Christian Childcare Center $2 ,000.00Lutheran Church Missouri Synod - Saint Lorenz Elemantary School - $4 .000.00Lutheran Church Missouri Synod - Saint Michael Lutheran School - $20 ,900.40Lutheran Family and Children's Services of Missouri - St. Louis , MO $25.00Lutheran Hi g h School Association - Greendale , WI $75.00Lutheran Hi 2 h School Association of Greater Detroit - Rochester Hills , MI 1 600.00Lutheran Hi g h School Association of Greater Kansas City - Kansas City, 50000Lutheran Hi p h School Association of Nassau and Suffolk Counties - 500.00Lutheran Hi g h School Association of St Charles County Inc - Saint Peters 530.0Lutheran Hi ph School Association of St Louis - Saint Louis , MO 500.0Lutheran Home and Services for the Aged Inc - Arlington Hei ghts , IL 200.00Lutheran Home For The Aged - Arlin gton Hei ghts , IL 200.00Lutheran Homes of South Carolina Inc - Irmo , SC 230.00Lutheran Outdoor Ministries of New Eng land - West Ossi ee NH 600.00Lutheran Social Services - New York , NY 260.00Lutheran Social Services of Illinois - Des Plaines , IL 2 000.00Lutheran Social Services of Michi gan - Detroit , MI $5 , 725.00Lutheran University Association - Val paraiso University - Valparaiso , IN $2 , 100.00Lutheran World Relief Inc. - Baltimore MD $2 , 505.00Luthercare - Lititz , PA 150.00Lutz Childrens Museum - Manchester, CT 100.00Lycee Francais De New York - New York , NY $3 ,480.00L comm Colle ge - Williamsport , PA 450.00Lyman Allyn Art Museum - New London , CT 2 450.00Lyman Memorial Hi p h School - Lebanon , CT 25.00Lyme Academy of Fine Arts - Old Lyme , CT 50.00Lyme Academy of Fine Arts Inc - Old Lyme , CT 23 155.00Lyme Ambulance Association Inc. - Hadl me CT 250.00Lyme Art Association Inc. - Old Lyme , CT $2 , 830.00Lyme Compact Inc - Lyme , CT 1050.00Lyme Fire Company Incorporated - Old Lyme , CT 175.00Lyme Historical Society - Florence Griswold Museum - Old Lyme , CT $ 15 ,47500Lyme Land Conservation Trust Inc. - Lyme , CT 2 1 92 .00Lyme Public Hall Association Inc. - Lyme , CT 400.00Lyme Public Libra ry, Inc. - Lyme , CT 875.00Lyme-Old Junior Womens Club - Connecticut Junior Women Inc - Old 100.00Lyme-Old Lyme Lions Charities Inc - Old Lyme , CT 315.00Lyme-Old Lyme Middle School - Old Lyme , CT 330.00Lyme-Old Lyme Soccer Club Inc - Old Lyme , CT 810.00L mes Elderl y Housin g Inc - Old Lyme , CT 5.00L mes Youth Service Bureau Inc - Old Lyme , CT $6 , 190.00L m hatic Research Foundation Inc - Greenvale , NY 500.00


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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION MATCHING GIFTS Summary by Organization NameOrganization Name Total Company AmountL m homa Foundation - New York , NY 500.00L m homa Research Foundation - New York , NY $2 , 785.00Lyn ne Cohen Foundation for Ovarian Cancer Research - Santa Monica , CA $ 1 , 500.00L ric O era of Chicago - Chica go , IL $7 .210.00M S D of Lawrence Township Foundation Inc - Indianapolis , IN 250.00M W V Theatre Company Inc - North Conway, NH $ 100.00Macalester Colle ge - Saint Paul , MN $6 . 200.00MacCurd -Salisbu Educational - Old Lyme , CT 100.00Machne Israel , Inc. - Brooklyn , NY $ 10000Mackinac Center - Midland , MI $200.00Macmurray Colle ge - Jacksonville , IL $ 100.00Macmurray Colle ge - Jacksonville , IL $300.00Macomb Community Colle ge Foundation - Warren , MI $ 100.00Macon Symphony Orchestra - Macon , GA $5 ,000.00Mac hail Center for the Arts - Minneapolis , MN $ 125.00Madeira City School District - Cincinnati , OH $ 14,950.00Madeira School - McLean , VA $250.00Madh am Us A New Jerse y Non Profit Corporation - Kendall Park , NJ $ 180.00Madison ABC Program Incorporated - Madison , CT 485.00Madison Academic Ma ent Hi p h School - Jackson , TN 150.00Madison Ambulance Association Inc - Madison , CT 150.00Madison Community Service - Madison , CT 200.00Madison County Childrens Carrip Inc - Oneida , NY $ 1 4 000.00Madison Foundation Inc - Madison , CT 85.00Madison Land Conservation Trust Inc. - Madison , CT 630.00Madison Lions Foundation Inc. - Madison , CT 200.00Madison Public Library Inc - Madison , NJ 25.0Madison Volunteer Ambulance Corps - Madison , NJ 180.00Madonna Foundation - Lincoln , NE 150.00Madonna of the Streets Inc - Buffalo , NY $46000Madonna Place Inc - Norwich , CT 275.00Madonna University - Livonia , MI 550.00Ma ee Womens Health Foundation - Pittsburgh , PA 50.00Magic Circle Theatre - Roseville , CA 50.00Mag ic House - Saint Louis , MO 365.00Magnet Educational Foundation Inc - New London , CT $ 1 , 590.00Mahanoy Area Historical Societ y - Mahanoy City, PA 200.00Maimonides School - Brookline , MA 100.00Maine Audubon Society - Falmouth , ME $ 1 , 530.00Maine Coast Herita ge Trust - Topsham , ME 450.00Maine Handicapped Skiing - Newry, ME 25.00Maine Island Trail Association - Portland , ME 100.00Maine Maritime Museum - Bath , ME 65.00Maine Public BroadcastinCo rporation - Lewiston ME 210.00Maine Sea Coast Missionary Society - Bar Harbor ME 25.00Maine Wilderness Watershed Trust Inc. - Aususta . ME 40.00Make A Wish Foundation of America - Phoenix , AZ 975.00Make A Wish Foundation of America - Washington , DC $3 , 308.00Make A Wish Foundation of Metro St Louis Inc - Saint Louis MO 75.00Make A Wish Foundation of NW Ohio Inc - Toledo OH 25.00Make A Wish Foundation of Philadel phia & Southeastern - Blue Bell PA 700.00Make A Wish Foundation of Susquehanna Valle y - Lancaster PA 50.00Make A Wish Foundation of the Mid-Atlantic Inc. - Kensington . MD 75.00Make A Wish Foundation of the Texas Gulf Coast Inc - Houston , TX 1 00.00Make A Wish Foundation/Central & Northern Florida - Maitland FL 25.00Make A Wish of Nebraska - Omaha , NE 1 00.0Make the Road By Walkin g - Brookl yn, NY 25.0Make Way Partners Corporation - Birmin gham , AL 1 , 600.00Make-A Wish Foundation of San Die go Inc - San Die go , CA 300.00Make-A Wish Foundation of Western Penna and Southern WV Inc - 50.00Make-A-Wish Foundation of Central and Western North Carolina Inc - 50.00Make-A-Wish Foundation of CT Inc - Trumbull CT $3 . 798.00Make-A-Wish Foundation of Greater Atlanta and North Georgia - Macon 1 30.00Make-A-Wish Foundation of Greater Boston - Boston , MA 250.00Make-A-Wish Foundation of Indiana Inc - Indianapo lis , IN $ 1 , 500.00Make-A-Wish Foundation of Louisiana Inc - Metairie LA 100.00Make-A-Wish Foundation of Metro New York Inc - Lake Success NY 75.00Make-A-Wish Foundation of Michi gan - Ann Arbor MI 2 735.00Make-A-Wish Foundation of New Mexico - Albuquerque , NM 125.00Make-A-Wish Foundation of Northern Illinois - Chica go , IL 200.00Make-A-Wish Foundation of Rhode Island - Cranston RI 700.00Make-A-Wish Foundation of the Hudson Valley Inc - Tarrytown , NY 100.00Makindu Chiidrens Program - Brownsville OR 500.00Malachi House Inc - Cleveland , OH 868.00


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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION MATCHING GIFTS Summary by Organization Name

Organization Name Total Company AmountMali nant Hyperthermia Association of the United States , Inc. - Sherburne 50.00Malta House Inc - Norwalk , CT 175.00Malta Inc - Groton , CT 1 065.00Malvern Pre paratory School - Malvem , PA 00.00Mamaroneck Avenue School - Mamaroneck , NY 500.00Mamaroneck Community Nurse ry School - Mamaroneck , NY 19 100.00Mamaroneck Schools Foundation Inc - Larchmont , NY $50.00Mamaroneck-Larchmont Student Aid Fund Inc. - Mamaroneck , NY 150.00Mamas Kitchen - San Die go , CA 900.00Manavi Inc - New Brunswick , NJ 200.00Manchester Boys Club Inc - Manchester Boys & Girls Club Inc 50.00Manchester College - North Manchester, IN 300.00Manchester Colle ge - North Manchester, IN 625.00Manchester S ymphony Orchestra and Chorale Inc - Manchester , CT 585.00Mandarin Christian Church Inc - Jacksonville , FL 3 , 500.00Manhasset Public Libary - Manhasset , NY $ 14 . 85000Manhasset Womens Coalition Against Breast Cancer Inc - Manhasset , NY 100.00Manhattan Colle ge - Riverdale , NY $35 . 535.50Manhattan Country School Inc. - New York , NY 300.00Manhattan Hi gh School for Girls - New York , NY $1.000.00Manhattan New School PTA - New York , NY 600.00Manhattan Theater Club Inc - New York , NY $8 , 310.00Manhattanville Colle ge - Purchase , NY 300.00Manlius Pebble Hill School - Dewitt , NY 75.00Manna Food Bank Inc - Asheville , NC 100.00Manzano Day School - Albu q uerq ue , NM 50.00Ma International - Brunswick , GA 950.00Maplebrook School Inc - Amenia , NY 450.00Maral Foundation - Lansin g, MI 25.00Marc Lustgarten Pancreatic Cancer Foundation - Bethpage , NY 1 1 00.00March of Dimes - Ann Arbor , MI 25.00March of Dimes - Maitland , FL 1 00.00March of Dimes Birth Defects Foundation - Anchora ge , AK 30.00March of Dimes Birth Defects Foundation - Asheville , NC 25.00March of Dimes Birth Defects Foundation - Bettendorf, [A 25.00March of Dimes Birth Defects Foundation - Colle ge Station , TX 50.00March of Dimes Birth Defects Foundation - Dallas , TX 50.00March of Dimes Birth Defects Foundation - Grand Rapids , MI 1 50.00March of Dimes Birth Defects Foundation - Greenville , SC 25.00March of Dimes Birth Defects Foundation - Kansas City, MO 50.00March of Dimes Birth Defects Foundation - Lincoln , NE


March of Dimes Birth Defects Foundation - Omaha, NE 25.00March of Dimes Birth Defects Foundation - Pine Brook, NJ $6,7 58.00March of Dimes Birth Defects Foundation - Ralei gh , NC 250.00March of Dimes Birth Defects Foundation - Rochester NY 30.00March of Dimes Birth Defects Foundation - Sacramento , CA 50.00March of Dimes Birth Defects Foundation - San Die go, CA 50.00March of Dimes Birth Defects Foundation - White Plains , NY $5 ,911.00March of Dimes Birth Defects Foundation Greater Colorado Chapter $25.00March of Dimes Birth Defects Foundation Greater New York Chapter $ 1 . 025.00March of Dimes Birth Defects Foundation Lon g Island Chapter - $2 ,080.00March of Dimes Birth Defects National Foundation - Ann Arbor, MI 25.00March of Dimes Birth Defects National Foundation - Atlanta, GA 75.00March of Dimes Birth Defects National Foundation - Chica go , IL $350.00March of Dimes Birth Defects National Foundation - Columbia, SC $25.00March of Dimes Birth Defects National Foundation - Cranbury, NJ $925.00March of Dimes Birth Defects National Foundation - Falmouth ME $25.00March of Dimes Birth Defects National Foundation - Greenwood , SC $350.00March of Dimes Birth Defects National Foundation - Indianapolis , IN 80.00March of Dimes Birth Defects National Foundation - Irvine , CA 330.00March of Dimes Birth Defects National Foundation - Kin Of Prussia , PA $ 100.00March of Dimes Birth Defects National Foundation - Manchester CT $ 1 , 850.00March of Dimes Birth Defects National Foundation - Memphis . TN $ 150.00March of Dimes Birth Defects National Foundation - Norwalk CT 975.00March of Dimes Birth Defects National Foundation - Portage MI $3 , 816.00March of Dimes Birth Defects National Foundation - Riverside , CA 75.00March of Dimes Birth Defects National Foundation - Southfield , MI 8 350.00March of Dimes Birth Defects National Foundation - Westboro , MA 150.00Mar olin Hebrew Academy Yeshiva of the South - Memphis , TN 300 00Maria Montessori Charter Academy - Rocklin CA 580.00Marianist Mission - Dayton , OH 55.00Maricopa County Community Colle ge District Foundation - KJZZ-FM - 695.00Maricopa County Schoolhouse Foundation - Phoenix , AZ 125.00Marie Selby Botanical Gardens Inc. - Sarasota , FL $ 15 .075 n0


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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION MATCHING GIFTS Summary by Organization Name

Organization Name Total Company AmountMarietta Colle ge - Marietta OH 800.00Marillac Clinic Inc - Grand Junction , CO $ 1 .00000Mann Symphony Association - San Rafael , CA $300.00Marine Biolog ical Laborator - Woods Hole MA 50.00Marine Corps Herita ge Foundation uantico VA $22 . 650.00Marine Coms Scholarshi p Foundation Inc. - Princeton , NJ 100.00Marine Corps-Law Enforcement Foundation Inc - Mountain Lakes , NJ 25.00Marine Mammal Center - Sausalito , CA $ 115.00Marine Tovs for Tots Foundation - Lake Ann , MI $ 10000Marine Toys for Tots Foundation - Ouantico , VA $2 ,913.00Mariners Museum - Newport News , VA 200.00Mario Lemieux Foundation - Brid geville , PA 100.00Marion Institute Inc - Marion , MA 300.00Marist Brothers - Worth , IL 30.00Marist Colle ge - Pou ghkee psie , NY 400.00Marist School - Atlanta , GA $725.00Maritime Aquarium at Norwalk Inc. - Norwalk , CT 225.00Mark Twain Parent Teacher Or anization Inc - Houston TX $ 100.00Market Street Mission Inc. - Morristown , NJ $ 1 , 892.78Marquette University - Milwaukee , WI 100.00Marq uette University - Milwaukee , WI $2 ,400.00Marquette University Hi g h School - Milwaukee , WI 1 375.00Marrow Foundation - Washin gton , DC 110.00Marshall Economic Development Impact Committee - Medic - 250.00Marshall's Miles - Douglas , MA 25.00Marshalltown Auditorium Foundation - Marshalltown , IA 500.00Marshalltown Community Colle ge Foundation - Marshalltown , IA $2 , 750.00Marshalltown Community Concert Association - Marshalltown , IA 350.00Marshalltown YMCA-YWCA - Marshalltown , IA $2 , 000.00Marthas Vineyard Historical Society Inc - Ed artown MA $450.00Marthas Vineyard Hos pital Inc - Oak Bluffs , MA 350.00Martin and Osa Johnson Safari Museum Inc - Chanute , KS 250.00Martin House Community for Justice Foundation Inc. - Trenton . NJ 350.00Martin House Incorporated - Norwich , CT $ 1 , 650.00Martin Luther Kin g Community Development Corporation - Indianapolis , $ 100.00Martin Memorial Foundation Inc. - Stuart , FL 175000Martinsville Rescue S q uad Inc - Martinsville , NJ 125.00Marvelwood Pre paratory School - Kent , CT $3200.00Ma Baldwin Colle ge - Staunton , VA 250.00Mary Brid ge Childrens Foundation - Tacoma , WA 100.00Ma C. Wheeler School Inc - Providence , RI 100.00Mary Hitchcock Memorial Hospital - Lebanon , NH 200.00Ma Institute and Saint Louis Country Day School - Saint Louis , MO 200.00Ma Louis Academy - Jamaica Estates , NY 250.00Ma Washin gton Colle ge Foundation Mary Washington Colle ge - $2 .740.00Ma care Inc - New Haven , CT $2 .000.00Ma rove Colle ge - Detroit , MI 50.00Ma rove Colle ge - Detroit , MI 1 , 150.00M knoll Sisters of St. Dominic , Inc. for Outreach Pro rams - 0.00Ma mount Manhattan Colle ge - New York , NY 125.00Ma mount University - Arlin gton , VA 100.00Maryv ille Colle ge - Maryv ille , TN 12 500.00Maryv ille Universit y of St Louis - St. Louis , MO 525.00M wood University - Scranton , PA 50.00Mashantucket Pe not Museum & Research Center - Mashantucket , CT 224.00Masonic Brotherhood Foundation Inc - New York, NY 100.00Masonic Charity Foundation of New Jersey - Burlin gton , NJ 100.00Masonic Charity Foundation/Connecticut - Wallin gford , CT 425.00Masonic Healthcare Center - Wallin gford , CT $ 10000Masonic Home of Missouri - Columbia MO $ 1 , 800.00Masonic-Eastern Star Home for Children - Fremont, NE 25.00Mass Institute of Technolojey - Cambrid ge , MA $4. 175.00Massachusetts Audubon Society Inc. - Lincoln MA 425.00Massachusetts Colle ge of Liberal Arts - North Adams , MA 200.00Massachusetts Colle ge of Pharmacy - Boston , MA 5 1 . 200.00Massachusetts College of Pharmac and Allied Health Sciences - Boston $L100.00Massachusetts General Hospital - Boston , MA 425.00Massachusetts Institute of Technology - Cambrid a MA 27644.20Massachusetts Land Lea ue - Belchertown MA 1 16000Massachusetts Melanoma Foundation - Concord MA 260.00Massachusetts S pecial Ol ympics Association Incorporated - Danvers MA 303.50Massachusetts Special Ol ympics Association Incorporated - Hathome MA 100.00Master Gardener Foundation of Rhode Island Inc - Kinston RI 50.00Masters Academy of Central Florida Inc - Oviedo FL 10 000.00


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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION MATCHING GIFTS Summary by Organization NameOrganization Name Total Company AmountMasters School - Dobbs Fe rry, NY $ 1 , 500.00Masterwork Chorus Inc - Morristown NJ 25.00Mata amon Lake Association Inc - Glenburn ME 100.00Mater Dei School Inc - Bethesda MD $ 1 , 100.00Matemity Care Coalition - Philadel phia , PA 75.00Mathcounts Foundation - Alexandria , VA 100.00Mathematics Foundation of America - Port Huron , MI $3 ,00000Mathen School and Hospital Inc - Peapack, NJ $ 1 , 100.00Mathews Ruritan Christmas Blessin g Fund - Mathews , VA 100.00Mathews Volunteer Fire Department Inc - Mathews , VA 100.00Matrix Theatre Comi)any Inc - Detroit MI 450.00Matsuyama Elementary School - Sacramento CA 50.00Mattawan Public Education Foundation - Mattawan , MI $ 1 , 900.00Matthew 25 Inc - Worcester , MA 175.00Matthew Siravo Memorial Foundation Inc - Wakefield , RI 25.00Matthew Wei lean Soccer Scholarshi p - Point Pleasant NJ 500.00Mattituck Laurel Library - Mattituck , NY 330.00Mayfield Hi gh School Alumni Association - Mayfield , OH 50.00Mayhew - Bristol , NH 200.00Ma mont Foundation - Richmond , VA 200.00Mayo Foundation - Rochester , MN $8 , 290.50Mayors Feed the Hungry Program Inc - Sarasota FL 25.00Mays Mission for the Handicapped Inc. - Heber Spring s , AR 25.00Mazon Inc A Jewish Response To Hun er - Los Angeles , CA $ 1 , 373.00Mcauley Hi gh School - Cincinnati , OH 375.00Mccallie School - Chattanooga , TN 400.00Mccarter Theater - Princeton , NJ 350.00McCarthy Charity Golf Classic Corporation - St Louis , MO 50.00McCarton Foundation for Developmental Disabilities Inc - New York , NY $4 , 175.00MccartCancer Foundation - Royal Oak , MI 25.00McCormick County Senior Center - Mccormick , SC 30.00Mccourt Memorial Garden In Memory of Sept 11th Victims of SE Ct Inc - 35.00Mcdonogh School Incorporated - Owin gs Mills , MD 600.00

cg ivne ye Community Center Inc - Brid geport , CT 100.00McGuire Memorial Foundation - New Bri ghton , PA 100.00McKee Botanical Garden Inc - Vero Beach , FL $2 , 600.00Mcleod Medical Center Foundation - Florence , SC 100.00McQuaid Jesuit Hi gh School - Rochester, NY 250.00Meadowbrook Educational Foundation - Poway, CA 25.00Meadowbrook Waldorf Association - West Greenwich , RI $3,900.00Meadville Library Art and Historical Association - Meadville , PA 25.00Meals on Wheels of Central Maryland Inc - Baltimore , MD 50.00Meals on Wheels of Contra Costa Inc - Martinez , CA $2500Meals on Wheels of Northam pton County-Bethlehem Area Inc - 200.00Meals On Wheels of Rid efield - Rid gefield , CT $50.00Meals on Wheels of Stamford-Darien Inc - Stamford , CT $25.00Meals-on-Wheels Greater San Die go Inc - San Die go, CA $50.00Meals-On-Wheels Inc. of Greenwich Connecticut - Greenwich , CT 100.00Meals-On-Wheels Inc. of Tarrant County - Fort Worth , TX 280.00Meals-On-Wheels of New Rochelle Inc. - New Rochelle , NY $ 100.00Medaille Colle ge - Buffalo , NY 100.00Media Research Center Inc - Parents Television Council - Alexandria , VA $ 100.00Media Watch International - New York , NY $272.00Medic Alert Foundation United States Inc - Turlock , CA $ 130.00Medic One Foundation - Seattle , WA $60.00Medical Benevolence Foundation - Houston , TX $ 1 . 250.00Medical Care for Children - Mechanicsville , VA $500.00Medical Center at Princeton Foundation Inc. - Princeton , NJ $ 1 ,000.00Medical Education for South African Blacks Inc - Washin gton , DC $ 1 , 600.00Medical Foundation of North Carolina Inc - Chapel Hill , NC $250.00Medical Missionaries of Mary - Chicago , IL 100.00Medical Missions Foundation - Leawood , KS $2 , 8 .00Medical Teams International Inc - Portland , OR $2 ,450.00Medicinal and Bioorganic Chemistry Foundation - Lawrence , KS $ 1 , 775.00Meeting Street Center - East Providence RI $375.00Meeting Street School - East Providence , RI $ 100.00Meharry Medical Colle ge - Nashville , TN $50.00Meharry Medical Colle ge - Nashville , TN 250.00Meir Panim Inc - Brookl yn , NY $500.00Mel Trotter Ministries - Grand Rap ids , MI $350.00Melba School District - Melba , ID $ 13 , 800.00Melmark Home Inc - The Melmark School - Berwyn, PA $550.00Memorial & Library Association - Westerl y, RI 1 080.00Memorial Communit y Health Inc - Aurora NE 100.00


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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION MATCHING GIFTS Summary by Organization Name

Organization Name Total Company Amount-Memorial Health S ystems Foundation Inc - Ormond Beach , FL $5 . 000.50

Memorial Hos pital Endowment Foundation - Aurora , NE 350.00Memorial Libra ry Association Incorporated of Dennis - Dennis MA 100.00Memorial Sloan-Ketterin Cancer Center - New York , NY $47.567.00Memo ride Inc - Cataumet , MA 125.00emphis Area Golden Retriever Rescue Inc - Germantown , TN 100.00

Memphis Food Bank - Memphis , TN $ 1 . 841.00Memphis Humane Society - Memphis , TN $500.00Memphis Jewish Community Center - Memphis , TN 75.00Memphis Jewish Federation - Germantown TN $ 1 . 300.00Memphis University School - Memphis , TN $2 , 600.00Mendham Area Senior Housin Co oration - Mendham , NJ 50.00Mendham Borou gh Police Scholarshi p Fund - Mendham , NJ 1 00.00Mendham Free Public Library - Friends of Mendham Public Library 1 00.00Mendham Free Public Library - Mendham , NJ 50.00Mendham Inde pendent Hook and Ladder Company - Mendham , NJ $ 1 90.00Mendham Townshi p First Aid S q uad Inc - Brookside , NJ $50.00Mendon Schools - Mendon , MI $2 . 800.00Mennonite Central Committee - Akron , PA $400.00Mennonite Disaster Service - Akron , PA 430.00Mental Health Association In Essex County - Westport , $2 50.00Mental Health Association In New York State Inc - Goshen , NY 60.00Mental Health Association of Connecticut Inc. - Wethersfield , CT $75.00Mental Health Association of Erie County - Buffalo NY $40.00Mental Health Association of Essex County - Montclair, NJ 25.00Mental Health Association of Virg inia Inc - Roanoke , VA $50.00Mental Health Association of Westchester Inc. - Elmsford , NY $50.00Mental Health Associations In Florida Inc - Jacksonville , FL $250.00Mental Illness Research Association - Bloomfield Hills , MI $225.00Mercer County Community Colle ge Foundation - Trenton , NJ 425.00Mercer Street Friends Center - Trenton NJ 573.00Mercersburg Academy - Mercersburg, PA 100.00Mercy Center Corporation - Asbury Park , NJ $ 100.00Mercy Communit y Health Inc - W Hartford , CT $300.00Mercy Corp s - Portland , OR $4, 366.75Mercy Hi gh School - Farmington Hills , MI $750.00Mercy Hi h School - Middletown , CT $ 1 , 585.00Mercy Hi gh School - Omaha , NE 100.00Merc Learnm Center of Brid geport Incorporated - Brid geport , CT 700.00Mercy Ministries of America Inc - Nashville , TN 300.00Mercy Shi ps Foundation - Garden Valle y, TX 500.00Meredith Colle ge - Ralei gh , NC $ 5 ,000.00Meredith-Dunn Learnin Center Inc - Louisville , KY 100.00Meridian Art Association Inc - Meridian , MS 100.00Meridian Community Colle ge Foundation - Meridian , MS 100.00Meridian Health Systems Inc - Neptune , NJ 50.00Merrick Foundation Inc - Central City, NE 1 ,750.00Merrimack Colle ge - North Andover, MA $ 1 , 000.00Merrimack Valle y Housing Partnershi p Inc - Lowell , MA 100.00Merrimack Valley Young Mens Christian Association Inc - Lawrence , MA 100.00Merritt Parkway Conservanc y Inc - Westport , CT 100.00Mesa Soccer Association Inc - San Diego . CA 400.00Mesa Youth Service Inc - Grand Jct CO 50.00Mesivta Yeshiva Rabbi Chaim Berlin - Brooklyn, NY 10 750.00Mesivtha Tifereth Jerusalem - New York, NY $5 .000.00Mesivtha Tifereth Jerusalem-CWSP - New York , NY 16000.0Mesothelioma A lied Research Foundation Inc - Santa Barbara , CA 150.00Messiah Colle ge - Grantham , PA $ 1 , 950.00Methodist Childrens Home Society - Detroi t- MI 25.00Methodist Colle ge - Fayetteville , NC 2 500.00Methodist Theolog ical School in Ohio - Delaware , OH 200.00Metro Hi h School - Cedar Rapids , IA 5000Metro Inner City Childrens Campai gn Inc - Brookl yn, NY 25.00Metro-International Program Services of New York Inc - New York , NY $4 , 300.00Metropolitan AIDS Nei ghborhood Nutrition Alliance Inc. - Philadel phia , 350.00Metropolitan Indianapolis Public Broadcastin g Inc - Indianapolis , IN $818.05Metropolitan Ministries Inc - Tampa, FL 150.00Metropolitan Montessori School - New York , NY 100.00Metro olitan Museum of Art - New York, NY 34 037.00Metropolitan Opera Association Inc - New York, NY 00$21 . 530.Metropolitan Opera Guild Inc - New York, NY $24 , 185.00Metropolitan School District of Shakamak Education Foundation Inc 100.00Metropolitan YMCA of the Oran ges Inc - West Essex YMCA - Livin gston , 200.00Meyer Center for S ecial Children - Greenville , SC 500.00


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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION MATCHING GIFTS Summary by Organization NameOrganization Name Total Company AmountMf Legal Services Inc - New York , NY 1000.00Miami University - Oxford , OH 25.00Miami University Foundation Inc. - Oxford , OH $3 , 375.00Manus River Gorge Preserve Inc - Bedford , NY 300.00Micahs Place Inc - Fernandina Beach , FL 25.00Michael G. Schwartz Memorial Foundation - Wilmin gton , DE 25.00Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinsons Research - New York , NY $30 , 520.00Michael Magro Foundation - Hicksville , NY 500.00Michiana Public Broadcastin g Co oration - Elkhart , IN 111.00Michi gan 4-H Foundation - East Lansm Ml 125.00Michi gan Academy of Famil y Physicians Foundation - Okemos , MI 250.00Michi an Arts Ensemble Inc - Kalamazoo , MI 100.00Michi an Audubon Society - Lansin g, MI $ 1 , 52000Michi gan Bach Colle gium - Kalamazoo , MI 350.00Michi an Festival of Sacred Music - Kalamazoo , MI 255.00Michigan Golf Foundation - Dexter, MI $4 ,000.00Michi gan Historical Center Foundation Incorporated - Lansing, MI 40.00Michi gan Humane Society - Southfield , MI $2 ,970.00Michi gan Land Use Institute - Beulah , MI 500.00Michi gan Lyme Disease Association - Wayne , MI 500.00Michi an Maritime Museum Inc - South Haven , MI 100.00Michi gan Opera Theatre - Detroit , MI $ 1 . 250.00Michi an Parkinson Foundation - Bin gham Farms , MI 270.00Michw an Reach Out - Ann Arbor , MI 250.00Michi an Rowin Association - Ann Arbor , MI 525.00Michi gan Self Hel p for Hard of Hearin g People Umbrella Inc - Grand 300.00Michi an Sheriffs Association Educational Services Inc - Lansin g, MI 25.00Michi gan S pec lal Ol ympics Inc - Mount Pleasant , MI 50.00Michi gan State Trust for Railwa Preservation Inc - Owosso , MI $ 100.00Mich igan State University - East Lansin g, MI $ 15 , 747.42Michi gan State Universit y - East Lansin g, MI $51 , 261.25Michi gan State University Foundation - East Lansin g, MI 3 417.00Michigan Tech Fund - Houghton , MI $ 1 . 713.30Michi gan Tech Fund - Hou ghton , MI $4 , 668.00Michi gan Theater Foundation Inc - Ann Arbor, MI $6 , 300.00Michi gan Theolog ical Semina ry - Pl ymouth , MI 800.00Michi gan Youth Arts Festival - Kalamazoo , MI 150.00Mid America Reformed Seminary - DerIN $3 .000.00Mid Coast Hun er Prevention Program Inc - Brunswick , ME 100.00Mid-America Baptist Theolog ical Semina ry - Cordova , TN 400.00Mid-America Baptist Theolo g ical Seminary - Cordova , TN $7 , 750.00Midamerica Boston Terrier Rescue - Omaha, NE 480.00Mid-America Reformed Semina ry - DerIN 200.00Mid-Atlantic German Shepherd Rescue , Inc. - Laurel , MD $90.00Middle East Crisis Committee Inc - Woodbrid ge , CT $2 , 500.00Middle East Forum - Philadel phia , PA 250.00Middle East Media and Research Institute Inc - Washington , DC $ 1 ,000.00Middle Tennessee State University Foundation - Blue Raider Athletic $4 , 580.00Middle Village Volunteer Ambulance Corps Inc. - Middle Village , NY 60.00Middlesex Hospital - Middletown , CT $360.00Mid-East Citizen Di plomacy - Indianola , WA 40.00Mid-Hudson Camerata Chorale Inc - Poughkeepsie , NY 100.00Mid-iowa Workshops Inc - Marshalltown , IA 250.00Mid land Foundation - North Branch , NJ 50.00Mid-Manhattan Center Inc. - New York , NY $3 , 850.00Mid-Manhattan Performin g Arts Foundation Inc - St Bart's Players - New 50.00Midsummer Macon - Macon , GA 500.00Midtown Educational Foundation - Chica go , IL 150.00Mid west Athletes Against Childhood Cancer Inc - Milwaukee , WI ---7 1 , 500.00Midwest Center for Holocaust Education Inc - Overland Park , KS 50.00Mid west Elite Cheer Academy - Chicago , IL $43 , 100.00Mid west Eye-Banks - Ann Arbor , MI 250.00Midwest Gre yhound Adoption - Su gar Grove , IL 70.00Mi ghty Ei ghth Air Force Herita ge Center Inc. - Savannah , GA 25.00Mike 's Way Foundation - Easton , CT 155.00Mila ro House - Lancaster , PA 2 970.00Milan Public Library - Milan , MI 25.00Mile Hi h Down Syndrome Association Inc - Denver, CO 100.00Mile Hi gh United Way Inc - Denver, CO 100.00Miles of Hope Breast Cancer Foundation Inc - La ran eville NY 100.00Milford Fine Arts Council Inc - Milford , CT 100.00Milford Holland Rescue S quad Inc. - Millford , NJ 50.00Milford Re ional Healthcare Founation Inc - Milford , MA 50.00Mill Neck Foundation Inc. - Mill Neck , NY 60.00


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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION MATCHING GIFTS Summary by Organization NameOrganization Name Total Company AmountMillburn S ports Activit y Foundation - Short Hills , NJ 100.00Millburn-Short Hills Volunteer First Aid S q uad Inc. - Millburn , NJ 75.00Millenium Promise Alliance Inc - New York , NY 400.00Miller Elementary School - Canton , MI 101.00Millersville University of Penns ylvania - Millersville , PA 25.00Milli gan Colle ge- Milli gan Colle ge , TN 50.00Milliken Universit y - Decatur , IL 350.00Mills Colle ge - Oakland , CA $ 1 . 900.00Mills Communit y House Association - Benzonia , MI 5000.00Millsaps College - Jackson , MS 500.00Milton Academy - Milton , MA $80000Milton and Rose D Friedman Foundation Inc - Indianapolis , IN 25.00Milton Legac y Baseball - Al pharetta , GA $2 , 500. .00Milton-Union Alumni Association Inc - West Milton , OH 25.00Milwaukee Reperto ry Theater Inc. - Milwaukee , WI $5 .000.00Minds Eye Theatre Inc. - Leawood , KS 250.00Mineral County - Creede , CO $7 , 173.83Mini Aussie Rescue & Su ort of New Eng land - Hillsboro , NH 50.00Ministry Seven Mission - Hendersonville NC 25.00Minist ry With Communit y Inc - Kalamazoo , MI $5 . 135.00Minist With Communit y/Kalamzoo Homeless Shelter - Kalamazoo , MI 25.00Minneapolis Medical Research Foundation - Minneapolis , MN 50.00Minneapolis Society of Fine Arts - Minneapolis , MN 100.00Minnehaha Academy - Minneapolis , MN $3 . 125.00Minnesota De artment of Natural Resource - Saint Paul , MN 50.00Minnesota Historical Society - St Paul , MN 525.00Minnesota Lakes Maritime Society - Minnesota Lakes Maritime Museum - 375.00Minnesota Public Radio Inc. - Saint Paul , MN $ 1 .465.00Mint Museum of Art Inc - Charlotte , NC 50.00Mint Theater Company Inc - New York , NY 1 000.00Mira Mesa Christian School - San Die go, CA 175.00Miracle House of New York Inc. - New York , NY 35.00Miracle Lea ue of Del Mar - Del Mar, CA 50.00Miracle Ranch Childrens Home Inc - Irvine , CA 50.00Miracles of Mitch Foundation - Chaska , MN 25.00Miriam Foundation - Saint Louis , MO 250.00Mirrer Yeshiva Educational Institute - Brooklyn , NY 180.00Misencordia Home - Chica go , IL $ 1 , 000.00Miss Porters School Inc - Farmington , CT 100.00Mission Bay Montessori Academy Parents Grout) Foundation - San Die go, 50.00Mission Hills Community Church Inc - Mission Hills School - Rancho $9 , 815.29Mission Honduras - Chica go , IL 50.00Mission Hosp ital Re g ional Medical Center Foundation - Mission Vieio CA 675.00Mission Marketp lace - Chelsea, MI $5 ,000.00Mission Metroplex Inc - Arlin gton , TX 500.00Mission of Our Lad y of Mercy - Chicago , IL $5 .630.00Missionaries of Africa - Washington , DC 100.00Missionaries of Charit y - Bronx , NY $2 . 800.00Missionaries of the Poor Inc - Atlanta GA $ 1 .050.00Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate - Belleville , IL 220.00Missionary Servants of the Most Hol y Trinity - Silver Sprin gs , MD 75.00Mississi i State University Fd - Mississippi State , MS 1 600.00Mississipp i State University Foundation Inc. - Mississi pp i State , MS $ 18 , 779.87Missouri Baptist Childrens Home - Brid geton , MO $2 ,000.00Missouri Baptist Healthcare Foun Att Janice Burnett - Saint Louis MO $25.00Missouri Botanical Garden - Saint Louis , MO V2 .913.00Missouri Botanical Garden Board of Trustees - Saint Louis , MO $ 1 .938.00Missouri Cha pter the Lupus Foundation of America Inc - St. Louis , MO $25.00Missouri Historical Society Jefferson Memorial Buildin - St. Louis , MO 260.00Missouri Parks Association - Columbia , MO $ 125.00Missouri Skatm Association - Missouri S edskatin Association - Saint $25.00Missouri Special Ol ymp ics Inc. - Jefferson Cit MO $80.00Missouri Valle y College - Marshall MO $ 1 .000.00Missouri Western State Colle ge - St. Joseph , MO $240.00Missouri Wildlife Rescue Center - Ballwin , MO 175.00Mitchell Colle ge - New London , CT 12 970.00Mitchell Farm Equine Retirement Inc. - Salem, CT $ 1 . 030.00Mitchells Place Inc - Birmingham , Al 12000.00MMSC Foundation - Marshalltown , IA $750.00Mohe an Elementa School - Uncasville , CT $25.00Mohe an Fire Company Inc - Uncasville , CT 50.00Mollie Biggane Melanoma Foundation Inc - Garden Cit NY 350.00Molloy Colle ge - Rockville Centre , NY $50.00Mommas Inc - Wanta h NY $65.00


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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION MATCHING GIFTS Summary by Organization NameOr anization Name Total Company AmountMom's Club of Greater Meadows - Great Meadows , NJ 25.00Monadnock Community Hos pital - Peterborough , NH 300.00Monarch Butterfl y Sanctuary Foundation - Roseville , MN 350.00Monmouth Colle ge - Monmouth , IL 255.00Monmouth County Societ y for the Prevention of Cruelty To Animals 75.00Monmouth Health Care Foundation - Long Branch , NJ 50.00Monmouth University - West Lon Branch , NJ 200.00Monroe School District - WMNR Fine Arts Radio - Monroe , CT 575.00Monsignor Ferris Life Center Inc - Rockaway Park , NY $3 .000.00Montana Rescue Mission - Billin gs , MT 500.0Montana State University - Bozeman , MT 1250Montana State Universit y Athletic Scholarshi p Association Inc - Bozeman , 250.00Montana State University Foundation - Bozeman , MT $2 ,000.00Montclair Ambulance Unit - Montclair , NJ 100.00Montclair Earl y Childhood Corporation - Montclair , NJ 00$ 1 . 500.Montclair Kimberly Academy Foundation - Montclair, NJ 850.00Montclair Public Library - Montclair , NJ 50.00Montclair State Universit y Foundation Inc. - U er Montclair, NJ 350.00Montefiore Medical Center - Bronx , NY 2326.00Montel Williams MS Foundation - New York NY 200.00Montessori Childrens Center Inc - Kalamazoo , MI 325.00Montessori Country School of Md Inc - Germantown , MD 100.00Montessori Discovery School - Norwich , CT $85000Montessori Educational Center Inc - Alexandria , LA $ 0000Montessori Scholarshi p Or anization Inc - Peoria, AZ 850.00Montessori School of Alexandria Inc - Alexandria , VA 25.00Monteverde Conservation League Us Inc - Town and Country, MO 50.00Montgomery Emergency Medical Services Inc - Belle Mead , NJ 25.00Montgomery Hos pice Society Inc - Rockville , MD $ 10000Mont elier Foundation - Montpelier Station , VA 50.00Montshire Museum of Science Inc - Norwich , VT 125.00Montville Fire Department - Montville , NJ 125.00Montville Hi gh School - Oakdale , CT $ 10, 225.00Montville Hi ph School Pro i ect Graduation - Uncasville , CT 500.00Montville Unico Foundation A New Jersey Nonprofit Corporation - $5 .000.00Moody Bible Institute of Chicago - Chicago , IL $2 .95000Mood Bible Institute of Chicago - Chicago, IL $26 , 950.00Moore Free Library - Newfane , VT 25.00Mooreland Hill School Incorporated - Kensin gton , CT 225.00Moorhead State University Alumni Foundation - Moorhead MN 600.00Moorsbrid ge Elementary School - Portage , MI 25.00Moravian Colle ge - Bethlehem , PA 400.00Moravian Manors Inc - Lititz , PA 100 00Morehouse Colle ge - Atlanta , GA 500.00Morgan Hi gh School - Clinton , CT 40.00Morgan Memorial Goodwill Industries Inc - Boston , MA 100.00Morris Animal Foundation - Englewood , CO $ 13 , 075.00Morris Animal Refu ge - Philadelphia , PA 25.00Morris Area Girl Scout Council - Randol ph , NJ 2 , 500.00Morris Center YMCA - Cedar Knolls , NJ 100.00Morris County Hispanic Affairs Organization - Dover, NJ 250.00Morris Farm Trust - Wiscasset , ME 50.00Morris Land Conservanc y - Boonton , NJ 501.00Morris Museum Inc - Morristown , NJ $71500Morris Museum Inc. - Morristown , NJ $390.00Morris Plains Library Association - Morris Plains , NJ 25.00Morris Trails Conservanc y Inc - Morristown , NJ 35.00Morristown Memorial Health Foundation Inc - Morristown , NJ $6 . 711.00Morristown Nei ghborhood House - Morristown , NJ 150.00Morristown-beard School - Morristown NJ $ 1 , 000.00Mosaic - Omaha , NE 175.00Mosaic Foundation for Autism Inc - Port Washington , NY $ 150.00Moses Brown School Foundation - Providence , RI $20000Mostl y Monkeys - Ramona CA 40.00Mostl y Mutts Animal Rescue and Adoption - Kennesaw , GA $250.00Mote Marine Laboratory Inc - Sarasota , FL 150.00Mother and Unborn Bab care of Lon Island Inc. - Deer Park NY 375.00Mother of Perpetual Hel p School - Ephrata , PA 25.00Mother Teresa Catholic Elementary School - Liberty Tw OH 50.00Mothers A ainst Drunk Driving - Des Moines , IA 25.00Mothers Against Drunk Driving - Escondido , CA 100.00Mothers A ainst Drunk Drivin g - Indianapo lis , IN 35.00Mothers Against Drunk Drivin g - Irving, TX 850.00Mothers Against Drunk Drivin g - North Haven , CT 40.00


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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION MATCHING GIFTS Summary by Organization Name

Organization Name Total Company AmountMothers Against Drunk Driving - Waterford , MI $50.00Mothers Against Drunk Driving - Westchester , CA $200.00Mothers A ainst Drunk Driving National Office - Irvine, TX $2 , 882.00Motor City Brass Band - Southfield MI 250.00Mount Angel Abbey & Seminary - Saint Benedict OR 300.00Mount De Chantal Visitation Academy Inc - Wheelin g, WV $2 , 300.00Mount Desert Festival of Chamber Music Inc - New York , NY $750.00Mount Hol yoke Colle ge - South Hadle y, MA $ 17 . 825.89Mount Marty Colle ge - Yankton , SD $ 100.00Mount Mercy Colle ge - Cedar Rap ids , IA $ 100.00Mount Morris Park Community Improvement Association - New York, NY $25.00Mount Olive Colle ge Incorporated - Mount Olive , NC $2 .000.00Mount Olive Colle ge Incorporated - Mount Olive , NC $2 .000.00Mount Pleasant Public Library - Pleasantville , NY $50.00Mount Saint Dominic Academy School - Caldwell NJ $3 , 050.00Mount Saint John School - Dee River , CT 225.00Mount Saint Jose ph Hi gh School Inc. - Baltimore , MD 300.00Mount Saint Mary Colle ge - Newburgh , NY 125.00Mount Saint Marys Colle ge - Emmitsburiz, MD $2 , 589.00Mount Sinai Childrens Center Foundation Inc - New York , NY $50.00Mount Sinai Hosp ital - Mount Sinai Adolescent Health Center - New York , 70.00Mount Sinai Medical Center Inc. - New York , NY $250.00Mount Sinai School of Medicine of New York University - Savi- Mount $286.00Mount Union Colle ge - Alliance , OH $650.00Mount Vernon Ladies Association of the Union - Mount Vernon VA $ 160.00Mount Washington Observato ry - North Conway, NH 180.00Mountain Lake Public Telecommunications Council - Plattsburgh , NY 50.00Mountain Lakes Free Public Library - Mountain Lakes , NJ 25.00Mountain Lakes Volunteer Fire Department Inc - Mountain Lakes , NJ 25.00Mountain Meadow Country Experience - Philadelphia , PA $ 100.00Mountain States Legal Foundation - Lakewood , CO $50.00Mountain Valley Health Council Inc. - Londonde rry, VT $ 100.00Mournm Hoe - Lincoln , NE $50.00Movm Image Inc. - New York, NY $242.00MPD Foundation - Chica go , IL $50.00Mrc Industries Incorporated - Kalamazoo , MI $200.00Mt Olivet Gospe l Church - Mt Olivet Christian School - Corona NY $5 ,000.00Mt Pleasant Animal Shelter - East Hanover , NJ $210.00Mt. An el-Silverton-Wdbrn Habitat for Humanity, Inc. - Mount Angel , OR $200.00Muhlenber Colle ge - Allentown , PA 50.00Muhlenberg Colle ge - Allentown PA 800.00Muirlands Middle School - La Jolla CA 350.00Mullein Hill Christian Academy Inc - Lakeville , MA $500.00Multi le M eloma Research Foundation Inc - New Canaan , CT 25.00Multi ple Myeloma Research Foundation Inc - Norwalk , CT $9 , 1 00.00Multi le Sclerosis Association of America Inc - Cherry Hill , NJ $255.00Multi ple Sclerosis Comprehensive Care Center - Teaneck , NJ $50.00Multi ple Sclerosis Foundation Inc - Fort Lauderdale , FL 805.00Multi ple Sclerosis Foundation , Inc. - Fort Lauderdale FL $30.00Multnomah School of the Bible - Portland , OR 1 50.00Municipal Art Society of New York - New York, NY 355.00Murray State University Foundation - Murra KY 1 00 00Muscular Dystrophy Association - Akron , OH 1 00.00Muscular Dystrophy Association - Allentown , PA - Allentown , PA 1 25.00Muscular Dystrophy Association - Avenel NJ 50.00Muscular Dystrophy Association - Beaumont , TX 25.00Muscular Dystrophy Association - Bedford , NH 1 00.00Muscular Dystrophy Association - Boston MA 1 00.00Muscular Dystrophy Association - Canton MI $5000Muscular Dystrophy Association - Charlotte NC 725.00Muscular Dystrophy Association - Cincinnati OH 28.00Muscular Dystrophy Association - Columbus OH 225.00Muscular Dystrophy Association - Coral Sprin g s , FL 50.00Muscular Dystrophy Association - Cranbe Townshi p, PA 50.00Muscular Dystrophy Association - Downers Grove , IL 25.00Muscular Dystrophy Association - Fort Collins , CO 50.00Muscular Dystrophy Association - Fort Worth , TX 1 00.00Muscular Dystrophy Association - Glastonbu ry, CT 5 15.00Muscular Dystrophy Association - Grand Rapids , MI 655.00Muscular Dystrophy Association - Green Bay, WI 25.00Muscular Dystrophy Association - Greenville , SC 25.00Muscular Dystrophy Association - Hamden , CT 475.00Muscular Dystrophy Association - Harrisburg, PA 25.00Muscular Dystrophy Association - Hawthorne NY 450.00


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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION MATCHING GIFTS Summary by Organization NameOrganization Name Total Company AmountMuscular Dystrophy Association - Kansas City, MO 205.00Muscular Dystrophy Association - Lincoln , NE 75.00Muscular Dystrophy Association - Maywood , NJ 25.00Muscular Dystrophy Association - North Haven , CT 65.00Muscular Dystrophy Association - 0 Fallon , MO $5000Muscular Dystrophy Association - Okemos MI 560.00Muscular Dystroph y Association - Portland , OR $2500Muscular Dystroph y Association - Roanoke , VA $ 1 2500Muscular Dystrophy Association - Sacramento , CA 1 20.00Muscular Dystrophy Association - Sarasota , FL 1 00.00Muscular Dystroph y Association - Shawnee Mission , KS 30.00Muscular Dystroph y Association - Sterlm Hei g hts , MI 40.00Muscular Dystroph y Association - S yracuse , NY $50.00Muscular Dystrophy Association - Taylor , PA 1 00.00Muscular Dystrophy Association - Tucker, GA 1 50.00Muscular Dystrophy Association - Tucson , AZ $2 ,495.00Muscular Dystroph y Association - Tyler , TX 500.00Muscular Dystrophy Association - West Des Moines , IA 50.00Muscular Dystroph y Association - West Palm Beach , FL 100.00Muscular Dystrophy Association - Williamsville , NY 25.00Muscular Dystrophy Association Lake Sucess - New Hyde Park , NY 50.00Muscular Dystrophy Association St. Louis Chapter - Saint Louis , MO 300.00Muscular Dystrophy Association/Los An eles - Los Angeles , CA 100.00Museum of American Folk Art - New York, NY 100.00Museum of Contemporary Art - Chica go , IL 150.00Museum of Contemporary Art San Die go - La Jolla , CA $3 ,000.00Museum Of Fine Arts - Boston , MA $ 1 . 335.00Museum of Modem Art - New York , NY $3,286.00Museum of Northern Arizona Inc. - Flagstaff, AZ 118.00Museum of Photographic Arts - San Die go , CA 00$ 1 ,000.Museum of Science - Boston , MA 25.00Museum of Television and Radio New York - New York , NY 85.00Museum of the City of New York - New York , NY 183.00Museum-Greenwood S C - Greenwood , SC 250.00Music Associates of Aspe n Inc. - Aspen , CO 1 , 500.00Music Center of South Central Michi gan - Battle Creek, MI 50.00Music for Youth Inc - Westport , CT 300.00Music Institue of Chicago - Winnetka , IL 100.00Musica Dolce - Westerl y, RI $ 1 , 126.00Musical Arts Association - Cleveland , OH $4 ,200.0Musical Masterworks Inc - Old Lyme , CT $2 , 310.00Musical Theatre West - Lon g Beach , CA 3 ,000.00Musicals Toni ght Inc - New York , NY 25.00Muske gon Rescue Mission - Muske gon , MI 25.00Muskingum Colle ge - New Concord , OH 500.00Muskin gum Colle ge - New Concord , OH 775.00Muslim Community of New Jersey Inc Woodbrid ge - Woodbrid ge , NJ 10000.00Mustard Seed Communities Inc -.Medfield MA $ 1 , 175.00Mustard Seed Communities Inc - New York , NY 590.00M elod s lastic Syndromes Foundation - Crosswicks , NJ 25.00Myositis Association of America Inc - Washin gton , DC 25.00Mystic & Noank Library Inc - Mystic , CT $3 , 720.00Mystic Area Shelter and Hos p italit y Inc - Mystic , CT $2 ,405.00Mystic Art Association - Mystic , CT 725.00Mystic Babe Ruth Lea gue Inc - Mystic , CT 25.00Mystic Ballet Inc - Mystic , CT 425.00Mystic Community Center Inc - Mystic , CT 130.00Mystic Con gre gational Church Inc - Mystic , CT $3 , 260.00Mystic Hag Committee - Mystic , CT 130.00Mystic Marinelife Aquarium - Mystic , CT $ 13 , 2 8.00Mystic Middle School - Mystic , CT 470.00Mystic River Chorale - Mystic , CT 505.00Mystic River Historical Society Inc - Mystic , CT 630.00M stic River Homes Inc - Noank , CT $3 .400.00Mystic Sea ort Museum Inc - Mystic , CT $ 11 , 143.00N A V A H Organization - Lakewood , NJ 150.00N M Animal Welfare Society Inc - New Milford , CT 525.00N Y Police and Fire Widows & Childrens Benefit Fund Inc - New York , 300.00NAACP Leal Defense and Educational Fund Inc. - New York, NY $2 ,480.00Names Project Foundation - Atlanta, GA $200.00NAMI Marin Inc - San Rafael CA 125.00Nami Michi gan - Lansin g. MI $50.00NAMI of Hamilton County Inc - Cincinnati , OH $50.00Nami of St Louis - Kirkwood , MO $25.00


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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION MATCHING GIFTS Summary by Organization Name

Organization Name Total Company AmountNAMI oran ge County - Santa Ana , CA 100.00NAMI ueens-Nassau Inc - National Alliance for the Mentall y III - Lake 655.00NAMI Rhode Island - Providence , RI $ 15000Nami Western Massachusetts Inc - A gawam , MA 25.00Nantucket Conservation Foundation Inc. - Nantucket , MA 25.00Nantucket Historical Association - Nantucket , MA 150.00Nap les Botanical Garden Inc - Nap les , FL $ 1 , 475.00Naples Eq uestrian Challen ge Inc - Nap les , FL 200.00Nap les Players Inc - Nap les , FL 200.00Nashville Rescue Mission - Nashville , TN 5 500.00Nassau Council of Girl Scouts Inc - Garden City, NY 25.00Nassau County AHRC Foundation Inc - Brookville , NY 150.00Nassau County Museum of Art - Roslyn Harbor , NY 70.00Nassau County Police Activity Lea ue Inc - Mineola , NY 50.00Nasson Colle ge Alumni Association - S nn vale ME 170.00Natchau Hosp ital Inc - Mansfield Ctr , CT $ 1 , 850.00Nathan B. Stubblefield Foundation Inc. - Tampa, FL 100.00National 4-h Council - Chev y Chase , MD 25.00National Abstinence Clearin House - Sioux Falls , SD 50.00National Academy of Sciences - Washin gton , DC 750.00National AIDS Bri gade Inc - Boston , MA 25.00National Alliance for Autism Research Inc - Princeton , NJ $6 , 37500National Alliance for Research on Schizophrenia and Depression - Great 175.00National Alliance for the Mentall y III - Arlin gton , VA 540.00National Alliance for the Mentall y III of Beaufort County SC - Hilton Head , 2 . 000.00National Alliance for the Mentall y Ill of Berkshire County Inc - Pittsfield , 100.00National Alliance for the Mentall y III of Johnson County - Iowa Cit y, IA $500.00National Alliance for the Mentall y III of Sarasota County Inc - Sarasota , FL 50.00National Alliance for the Mentall y III of Westchester Inc - Elmsford , NY 50.00National Alopecia Areata Foundation - San Rafael , CA 250.00National Alumnae Association of the Texas Womans University - Denton , 100.00National Ambucs Inc - Kalamazoo , MI 250.00National Arbor Day Foundation - Lincoln , NE 300.00National Association for the Advancement of Colored People - Baltimore , 250.00National Association of Biology Teachers Inc - Reston , VA 100.00National Association of Colle g iate Women Athletic Adminstrators - 200.00National Association of Rocketry - Marion , IA 0.00National Association on Drug Abuse Problems Inc - New York, NY $7 ,00000National Ataxia Foundation Incorporated - Minneapolis , MN 500.00National Audubon Society Inc - Audubon Guilford - Greenwich , CT 25.00National Audubon Society Inc - Audubon New York - Albany, NY 50.00National Audubon Society Inc - Boulder , CO 1 85.00National Audubon Society Inc - New York , NY $5 , 1 85.00National Black M B A Association Inc - Chica go , IL 250.00National Brain Tumor Foundation - San Francisco , CA 75.00National Breast Cancer Coalition Fund - Washington , DC 25.00National Cancer Coalition Inc - New Orleans , LA 80.00National Care g iving Foundation - Alexandria , VA 50.00National Cat Protection Society - S prin g Valle y, CA 1 00.00National Cathedral School - Washington , DC 500.00National Center For Disability Services - Albertson , NY 50.00National Center for Fatherin g - Shawnee Mission , KS 1 50.00National Center for Law and Economic Justice - New York , NY 1 50.00National Center for Learnin g Disabilities - New York, NY 1 50.00National Center for Lesbian Ri ghts - San Francisco , CA 65.00National Center for Missin g and Exploited Children - Alexandria , VA 50.00National Center for Science Education Inc - Oakland , CA $ 12 . 1 01.00National Center for Science Education Inc. - Oakland , CA 600.00National Center for Youth Law - Oakland , CA $ 1 . 000.00National Center on Famil y Homelessness - The Better Homes Fund - 50.00National Childhood Cancer Foundation - Arcadia , CA 25.00National Childrens Alliance Inc - Washington , DC 580.00National Childrens Cancer Society Inc - Saint Louis , MO $ 1 ,355.00National Coalition Against Domesitc Violence - Denver , CO 500.00National Conference for Community and Justice Inc - Omaha, NE 250.00National Corvette Museum Foundation Inc - Bowlin g Green , KY 75.00National Council of Jewish Women Incorporated - Livin gston , NJ 80.00National Council of Jewish Women Incorporated - New York NY 50.00National Council of Jewish Women Incorporated - Susan G. Komen Race 135.00National Council of Young Israel - New York , NY $1 ,800.00National Council on Alcoholism Oran a County - Lake Forest , CA 00$ 1 , 250.National Council on Economic Education - New York , NY 500.00National Cowboy and Western Herita ge Museum Inc - Oklahoma City, OK 100.00National D-Day Memorial Foundation Ltd - Bedford , VA 50.00


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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION MATCHING GIFTS Summary by Organization Name

Organization Name Total Company AmountNational D-Day Museum Foundation Inc - New Orleans , LA 540.00National Depressive and Manic De ressive Association - Chicago, IL 50.00National Disaster Search Do Foundation Inc - Ow , CA 30.00National Down Syndrome Con gress - Atlanta , GA $5000National Down S drome Societ - New York , NY 1 . 175.00National Eczema Association for Science and Education - San Rafael , CA % 120.00National Emergenc y Medicine Association - Towson , MD 50.00National Environmental Policy and Law Center Inc - Boston , MA 25.00National Exchan ge Club Foundation for the Prevention of Child Abuse - 50.00National Federation Of The Blind - East Hartford , CT 175.00National Federation of the Blind Inc. Headq uarters - Baltimore , MD 362.00National Federation of the Blind of Nebraska - Lincoln , NE 25.00National Federation of the Blind of Pennsylvania - Philadel phia , PA 50.00National FFA Foundation , Inc. - Indianapolis , IN $52500National Foundation for Cancer Research - Bethesda , MD 860.00National Foundation for Infectious Diseases - Bethesda MD $ 1 , 000.00National Herita ge Foundation Inc - Walsh Famil y Charitable Foundation - 600.00National Humane Education Society - Charles Town , WV 370.00National Italian American Foundation Inc - Stomn ton CT 850.00National Italian American Foundation Inc - Washin gton , DC 500.00National Jewish Medical And Research Center - Denver , CO $ 1 , 811.00National Jewish Outreach Program Inc. - New York, NY $ 1 . 000. 0National Kidney Foundation Inc - Ann Arbor , MI 25.00National Kidne y Foundation Inc - Chicago, IL 600.00National Kidney Foundation Inc - Indianapolis , IN 100.00National Kidney Foundation Inc - Nashville , TN 235.00National Kidne y Foundation Inc - New York, NY 725.00National Kidney Foundation Inc - Norwood , MA 100.00National Kidne y Foundation Inc - Rocky Hill CT 881.00National Kidney Foundation Inc - St Louis , MO 75.00National Kidney Foundation Inc - S yracuse , NY 500.00National Kidney Foundation Inc. National Office - New York , NY $ 1 , 920.00National Kidne y Foundation Of North Carolina Inc - Charlotte NC 100.00National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund Inc. - Washington , DC 25.00National Life Center Inc - Woodbury, NJ 25.00National Marfan Foundation Inc - Port Washin gton , NY 500.00National Medical Fellowshi ps Inc. - New York, NY 500.00National Mental Health Association - Alexandria , VA $ 1 , 500.00National Model Railroad Association Inc - Chattanoo ga , TN 550.00National MPS Society Inc - Bangor, ME $ 1 , 100.00National Multi p le Sclerosis Society - Albuquerque , NM $ 1 , 125.00National Multi ple Sclerosis Society - Birmin gham. AL 25.00

----National Multip le Sclerosis Society - Carlsbad , CA 7 1 , 140.00National Multip le Sclerosis Society - Charleston , WV 100.00National Multi p le Sclerosis Society - Charlotte , NC $ 1 , 385.00National Multi le Sclerosis Society - Charlottesville , VA 250.00National Multi p le Sclerosis Society - Cheyenne , WY 50.00National Multip le Sclerosis Society - Chica go, IL 750.00National Multi p le Sclerosis Society - Denver CO 5645.00National Multi ple Sclerosis Society - Harrisburg, PA $2 .695.00National Multip le Sclerosis Society - Hartland , WI 150.00National Multi le Sclerosis Society - Houston TX $2 , 815.00National Multi p le Sclerosis Society - Independence , OH 625.00National Multi p le Sclerosis Society - Indiana polis , IN 125.00National Multi p le Sclerosis Society - Jacksonville FL 225.00National Multi p le Sclerosis Society - Little Rock , AR 5.00National Multi p le Sclerosis Society - Los Angeles , CA 50.00National Multi le Sclerosis Society - Maitland FL 100.00National Multip le Sclerosis Society - Maumee , OH 00.00National Multi p le Sclerosis Society - Melville , NY $ 1 , 850.00National Multi p le Sclerosis Society - Nashville , TN 900.00National Multi p le Sclerosis Society - New York , NY $9 .930.00National Multi p le Sclerosis Society - Newington , CT $5 ,958.00National Multi le Sclerosis Society - Portland , ME 50.00National Multip le Sclerosis Society - Ralei gh , NC 750.00National Multi p le Sclerosis Society - Saint Louis , MO $8 , 367.00National Multi p le Sclerosis Societ y - Salt Lake City, UT 75.00National Multi p le Sclerosis Society - Santa Barbara , CA 172.39National Multi p le Sclerosis Society - Shawnee Mission KS 300.00National Multip le Sclerosis Society - Southfield , MI $20 , 308.00National Multip le Sclerosis Society - St. Louis , MO 325.00National Multi le Sclerosis Societ y - Tempe , AZ 650.00National Multi p le Sclerosis Society - Tulsa OK 100.00National Multi le Sclerosis Society - Williston , VT 100.00


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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION MATCHING GIFTS Summary by Organization Name

Organization Name Total Company AmountNational Multi ple Sclerosis Society - Wilmin gton , DE 240.00National Multi ple Sclerosis Society Alle gheny District - Pittsburgh , PA $ 1 , 125.00National Multi p le Sclerosis Society Ber en-Passaic Chapter - Paramus , NJ $7 . 610.00National Multip le Sclerosis Society Central New En gland Chap - Waltham , 25.0National Multi ple Sclerosis Society Central North Carolina Chapter - 50.00National Multi ple Sclerosis Society Colorado Chapter - Denver, CO 14 , 61000National Multi le Sclerosis Society Greater Delaware Valley Chapter - $2 , 925.00National Multi ple Sclerosis Society Maryland Chapter - Owin gs Mills , MD $ 3 , 900.00National Multi ple Sclerosis Society Massachusetts Chapter - Waltham , MA $1,850.00National Multi ple Sclerosis Society Mid Jersey Chapter - Oakhurst , NJ 2 150.00National Multi ple Sclerosis Society Minnesota Chapter - Minneapolis , MN 200.00National Multi le Sclerosis Society National Capital Chapter - Washington , 1 255.00National Multi p le Sclerosis Society Northern California Chanter - Oakland , 100.00National Multi p le Sclerosis Society Ozark Branch Chapter - S rm field 333.40National Multi p le Sclerosis Society Rhode Island Chapter - Warwick , RI 650.00National Multi ple Sclerosis Society South Florida Chanter - Ft. Lauderdale , 125.00National Multi p le Sclerosis Society Southern Ny Chapter - White Plains , 150.0National Multi p le Sclerosis Society Western Connecticut Chapter - 90000National Multi p le Sclerosis Society Western Washington Chapter - Seattle , 350.00National Multiple Sclerosis Society Wisconsin Chapter - Hartland , WI 530.00National Multi ple Sclerosis Society/Long Island Chapter - Lon g Island , NY 100.00National Multi ple Sclerosis Society/Mid Jersey Chapter - Oakhurst, NJ 75.00National Multi ple Sclerosis Society/West Des Moines - West Des Moines , 25.00National Museum of Catholic Art and Histo ry - New York , NY 100.00National Museum of Women In the Arts Inc. - Washington , DC $ 135.00National Museum of Womens History - Annandale , VA 200.00National Music Theatre Network Inc - NY Musical Theater Festival $4500National Organization For Rare Disorders Inc - Danbury, CT $ 100.00National Organization Of Disorders Of The Corpus Callosum - Yorba 50.00National Osteonecrosis Foundation Inc - Baltimore , MD 250.00National Osteoporosis Foundation - Washington , DC 800.00National Ovarian Cancer Coalition Inc - Boca Raton , FL $725.00National Park Conservation Association - Washin gton , DC $2 .065.00National Park Foundation - Washington , DC $600.00National Parkinson Foundation Inc - Media , PA $ 175.00National Parkinson Foundation Inc - Miami , FL $875.00National Parks Conservation Association - Washington , DC $235.00National Philanthropic Trust - Breast Cancer 3 Day - Jenkintown , PA $39 ,419.50National Philanthro pic Trust - Jenkintown , PA $826.00National PKU News - Seattle , WA $82.00National Police Defense Foundation Inc - En lishtown NJ 50.00National Press Photo graphers Foundation Inc - Mc Lean , VA 50.00National Priorities Pro i ect - Northampton , MA $300.00National Psoriasis Foundation - Portland , OR $ 16000National Relief Charities - Elkwood , VA $853.00National Review Institute - New York NY $250.00National Ri ght To Life Committee Educational Trust Fund - Washington , $75.00National Ri ght To Work Leal Defense and Education Foundation Inc. - $25.00National Schizophrenia Foundation - Lansing, MI 75.00National Society of Colonial Dames In the State of New York - New York, $3 . 703.00National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution - Cohoes , $25.00National Society of the Dau ghters of the American Revolution - 300.00National Society To Prevent Blindness - Columbus , OH $ 100.00National Society To Prevent Blindness - Middlebu ry, CT 325.00National S pasmodic D s homa Association - Itasca, IL 100.00National S p inal Cord In u Association - Bethesda , MD 25.00National S ports Center for the Disabled Inc - Winter Park , CO 100.00National Taiwan Universit y Academic Development Foundation Inc - Oak 125.00National Theatre Workshop of the Handicapped Inc - New York, NY 250.00National Transp lant Assistance Fund Inc - Radnor , PA 875.00National Trust for Historic Preservation In the United States - Washington , $2 , 740.00National Trust for Historic Preservation In the United States- Drayton Hall - 165.00National Tuberous Sclerosis Association Inc - Silver Sprin g, MD 2000.00National Underground Railroad Freedom Center Inc - Cincinnati OH 25.00National Urban League Inc - New York , NY 110.00National Vulvod nia Association - Silver Sprin g, MD 50.00National Wild Turke y Federation Research Foundation Inc - Ed efield SC 50.0National Wildlife Federation - Reston , VA $ 10,49000National Wildlife Refuge Association - Washin gton , DC 25.00National Womens Hall of Fame - Seneca Falls , NY 225.00National Yiddish Book Center Inc. - Amherst, MA 473.51National YMCA Fund Inc - Chica go , IL 600.00National Youth Science Foundation - Charleston , WV $200.00National-Louis Universit - Chica go, IL 50.00


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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION MATCHING GIFTS Summary by Organization Name

Organization Name Total Company AmountNative American Heritage Association - Rap id Cit y, SD 150.00Native American Ri ghts Fund - Boulder CO $7500Native Seeds Southwestern Endangered Aridland Resources Clearin g $ 1 , 500.00Nativit Academy at St Boniface Inc - Louisville , KY 1000.00Nativity Preparatory School - Wilmin gton , DE 50.0Natural Area Preservation - Ann Arbor , MI 100.00Natural History Museum of the Adirondacks - Tupper Lake NY 250.00Natural Resources Council of Maine - Augusta , ME $5000Natural-Resources Defense Council Inc - New York , NY $5 .255.00Nature Conservanc y - Arlington , VA $26 , 532.00Nature Conservanc y - Boston MA 150.00Nature Conservanc y - Charlottesville , VA $14,239.92Nature Conservancy Inc - East Lansin g, MI 5 , 295.00Nature Conservanc y Inc - Lander , WY 200.00Nature Conservancy Inc - Topeka , KS 175.00Nature Conservanc y Inc. Connecticut Chapter - Middletown , CT $8 ,750.00Nature Conservancy Inc. Missouri Field Office - St. Louis MO 50.00Nature Conservanc y Inc. New Jerse y Field Office - Chester NJ $20000Nature Conservancy Mashomack Preserve - Shelter Island , NY 100.00Nature Conservancy of Rhode Island Inc. Block Island Office - Block 750.00Nature Conservanc y of Rhode Island Inc. Rhode Island Field Office - $5000Nature Institute - Godfre y, IL 75.00Navajo Health Foundation-Sae Memorial Hospital Inc - Window Rock , 25.00Naval War Colle ge Foundation Inc - Newport , 500.00Nazareth Colle ge of Rochester - Rochester, NY 800.00Nazareth YMCA - Nazareth PA 500.00Nch Healthcare S ystems Inc - Naples , FL $ 1 , 250.00NCSU Student Aid Association Inc - Ralei gh , NC 136.00Nebraska 4-h Development Foundation - Lincoln , NE $7500Nebraska AIDS Pro i ect Inc - Omaha , NE $ 100.00Nebraska Boys Ranch - Alliance , NE 25.00Nebraska Boys Ranch Snow-Redfern Memorial Fdtn - Alliance NE $500.00Nebraska Childrens Home Society Foundation - Omaha NE $ 1 . 500.00Nebraska Coaches Association - Lincoln , NE $50.00Nebraska Foundation for A ricultural Awareness - Lincoln , NE $240.00Nebraska Groundwater Foundation - Lincoln , NE $50.00Nebraska Humanities Council - Lincoln , NE $ 100.00Nebraska Masonic Foundation - Lincoln , NE $ 100.00Nebraska Stroke Foundation - Lincoln , NE $25.00Nebraska Wesleyan University - Lincoln , NE $200.00Nebraskans for Public Television Inc - Lincoln , NE $595.00Nederland Area Seniors Inc - Nederland , CO $500.00Nederland Community Library Foundation - Nederland , CO $5 ,000.00Nefesh B'Nefesh Jewish Souls United Inc - New York , NY $25.00Neffsville Community Fire Company No 1 - Lancaster , PA 50.00Nei hborhood Alliance Of New London - New London , CT 100.00Nei ghborhood House Association - San Die go Food Bank - San Die go, CA $ 12000Nei hborhood Music School Inc - New Haven , CT $ 1 , 100.00Nei ghborhood Senior Services - Ann Arbor , MI 235.00Nei ghbors Against Noise Inc - New York NY $200.00Nei ghbors Link Cori) - Mount Kisco , NY 100.00Nelson Galle Foundation - Kansas City, MO $850.00Neon Museum - Las Vegas , NV $250.00Ner Israel Rabbinical Colle ge Inc. - Baltimore , MD 275.00Nerin a Inc - Putnam , CT 00.00Nennx Hall Hi gh School - Webster Groves MO 200.00Nest Plus M Egg - New York, NY 500.00Network 20 20 Inc - New York , NY 50.00Neumann Colle ge - Aston , PA 50.00Neuro ath Association Co - New York, NY 25.00Nevada Humane Society Inc - S parks , NV 75.00Nevada Public Radio Corporation - Las Ve asNV 230.00New A Lye Stud of Humanitys Pu rpose - Tucson AZ $7 ,000.00New Alternatives for Children Inc. - New York, NY 100.00New Bethel Community Development Corporation - Biloxi MS $ 1 . 50000New Britain General Hospital - New Britain , CT 40.00New Brook Volunteer Fire Association Inc - Newfane . VT 50.00New Brunswick Cultural Center Inc. - New Brunswick NJ 300.00New Canaan Community Foundation Inc. - New Canaan , CT $2 .274.00New Canaan Country School - New Canaan , CT 0006 .0 .New Canaan Hi 2h School - New Canaan CT 25.00New Canaan Hi eh School Scholarshi p Foundation Inc. - New Canaan , CT 250.00New Canaan Library - New Canaan , CT 200.00New Canaan Teen Center Inc. - New Canaan , CT 100.00


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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION MATCHING GIFTS Summary by Organization NameOrganization Name Total Company AmountNew Castle Historical Society - Cha a ua NY 300.00New Century Theatre Inc - Northampton , MA $ 16000New City School Inc - St. Louis , MO 50.00New Colle ge Foundation Incorporated - Sarasota , FL $ 12 . 500.00New Eng land Aquarium Corporation - Boston , MA 90.00New Eng land Center for Children Inc - Southborou gh , MA $2 ,430.00New England Colle ge - Henniker , NH 200.00New En land Conservato ry of Music - Boston , MA 50.00New En land Deaconess Association - Concord , MA 500.00New England Electric Railwa y Historical Societ y Inc. - Kennebunk ort 75.00New England Historic Genealo g ical Society Inc. - Boston , MA 200.00New England Learnin g Center for Women In Transition Inc - Greenfield , 100.00New England Li ghthouse Foundation - Groton , CT 620.00New England Medical Center - Boston , MA 75.00New En land Medical Center Hosp itals Inc. - Boston , MA 25.00New Eng land Mountain Bike Association Inc. - Acton , MA 25.00New England Old En g lish Shee pdog Rescue Inc. - Lincoln , MA 100.00New Eng land quilt Museum - Lowell , MA 35.00New En land Wild Flower Society - Framingham , MA $ 190.00New Eng land Yearl y Meetm of Friends New En g land Friends Home - 150.00New En land Youth Theater Inc - Brattleboro , VT $ 1 , 000.00New Fairfield Sherman Animal Welfare Society Incorporated - New 50.00New Famil y Life Services - Colville , WA 105.00New Frontiers Challen ge Center - Dowelltown , TN 100.00New Hampshire Catholic Charities , Inc - Manchester , NH 400.00New Hampshire Community Technical Colle ge Foundation - Concord , NH 500.00New Ham shire Food Bank - Manchester, NH 50.00New Hampshire Mime Company-Pontine Movement Theater - Portsmouth , 25.00New Hampshire Public Radio Inc. - Concord , NH 300.00New Hampshire Public Television University of New Hampshire - Durham 430.00New Hanover Townshi p Volunteer Fire Company No I - Gilbertsville , PA 60.00New Haven Ballet Inc - New Haven , CT 100.0New Haven Foundation - New Haven , CT $7 . 885.00New Haven International Festival of Arts & Ideas Inc - New Haven CT 325.0New Haven Leon Sister City Project Inc. - New Haven , CT 150.0New Haven Symphony Orchestra Inc. - New Haven , CT 600.0New Holland Christian School - New Holland , SD 50.0New Hope Church of Richland Michi gan - Ark An els Preschool - $ 1 , 500.0New Hoe Historical Society - New Hope , PA 350.00New Hope International - Colorado S prin g s , CO $ 1 , 800.00New Israel Fund - Washin gton , DC 425.00New Jersey Audubon Societ y - Bernardsville , NJ 634.00New Jerse y Ballet Company Inc - Livin gston , NJ 2000.00New Jersey Center for Outreach and Services for Autism Communrt Inc 00.00New Jerse y Coalition for Inclusive Education Inc - Turnersville , NJ 25.00New Jersey Commission on Cancer Research - Trenton , NJ $15,000.00New Jersey Conservation Foundation - Far Hills , NJ 250.00New Jerse y Historical Society - Newark , NJ 2 000.00New Jerse y Institute of Technolo jzy Foundation - Newark , NJ 700.00New Jerse y Opera Theater Incorporated - Princeton , NJ 300.00New Jerse y Performin g Arts Center Corporation - Newark , NJ $ 13 ,953.23New Jersey State Opera - Newark , NJ 50.00New Jerse y State Or anizaion of Cystic Fibrosis - Totowa , NJ 450.00New Jerse y S ymphony Orchestra - Newark , NJ $4 , 600.00New Jerse y Youth S ymphony Union Co - Murray Hill NJ 125.00New Leash on Life Animal Rescue Foundation - Newhall , CA 50.00New Life Community Development Corporation - Elmhurst , NY 845.00New Life International Cori) - Underwood , IN $ 13 , 850.00New Life of New York City Inc - New York , NY $2 ,437.00New Life Rescue Mission - Detroit , MI 650.00New London Area Food Coalition Inc - New London , CT 1000.00New London Community Meal Center Inc - New London , CT $21 ,790.00New London County Association for Retarded Citizens Inc - Norwich , CT 875.00New London County Historical Society Inc - New London , CT 150.00New London County Ostomy Association - Groton , CT 50.00New London Development Co oration - New London , CT 50.00New London Hospital Association Inc - New London , NH 350.00New London Landmarks Inc - New London CT $225.00New London Led a Li hthouse Foundation Inc - New London , CT $375.00New London Main Street - New London CT 125.00New London Maritime Society Inc. - New London CT $500.00New London Police Department - New London , CT $ 1 , 800.00New London Public Schools - New London Adult and Continuin $25.00New Mexico State University Foundation Inc. - Las Cruces , NM 150.00


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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION MATCHING GIFTS Summary by Organization NameOrganization Name Total Company AmountNew Mexico Symphony Orchestra - Albuquerq ue , NM 100.00New Orleans Area Habitat for Humanity Inc - New Orleans LA 425.00New Orleans Museum of Art - New Orleans , LA 100.00New Orleans Musicians Hurricane Relief Fund Inc - New Orleans LA 100.00New Perceptions Inc - Ed ewood KY 75.00New Philharmonic of Northwest New Jersey - Cedar Knolls NJ 400.00New Providence Police Athletic League - New Providence , NJ 50.00New Providence Rescue S quad Association Inc - New Providence , NJ 50.00New River Aviation Memorial Foundation - Cam Le eune NC $ 125.00New Rochelle Humane Society Inc - New Rochelle NY 50.00New School Universit y - New York , NY $ 1 , 625.00New World Chamber Orchestra Inc - New World Youth Orchestras - $300.00New York Academy of Medicine - New York , NY ► 000.00New York Academy of Sciences - New York , NY $5 ,00000New York and Presbyterian Hospital - New York , NY $ 1 . 050.00New York Bar Foundation - Albany, NY 25.00New York Blood Center Inc - Uniondale , NY 60.00New York Botanical Garden - Bronx , NY $ 34 , 596.00New York Cares Inc - New York , NY 125.00New York Cares , Inc. New York City Partnershi p - New York , NY 25.00New York CitBallet Inc - New York NY $ 17 ,962.00New York City Center Inc - New York, NY $535.00New York City Cyclones Inc - Brookl yn , NY $500.00New York City Gay And Lesbian Anti-violence Pro ect Inc - New York , $5 , 800.00New York City Opera Inc - New York , NY $2 ,690.00New York City Police Foundation Inc. - New York , NY 500.00New York Cit Relief Inc - Elizabeth , NJ 100.00New York City Rescue Mission - New York , NY 560.00New York Civil Liberties Union Foundation - New York , NY 300.00New York Colle gium Incorporated - New York , NY 150.00New York Conservation Education Fund Inc - New York , NY $ 1 , 000.00New York Disaster Interfaith Services Inc - New York NY 500.00New York Families for Autistic Children Inc - Ozone Park , NY 525.00New York Festival of Son g Inc - New York , NY 100.00New York Firefi g hters Bum Center Foundation - Bronx , NY 30.00New York Foundation for Leadershi p - New York, NY 200.00New York Foundation for the Arts Inc. - New York, NY $5000New York Foundlin g Hospital - New York, NY 300.00New York Foundlin Hos pital Center for Pediatric Medical and Rehab 120.00New York Geneolo ical and Biographical Society - New York , NY 125.00New York Gilbert Sullivan Players Inc - New York NY 275.00New York Hall of Science - Flushin jz, NY $2 , 57000New York Historical Society - New York , NY 315.00New York Hospital Cornell Medical Center Fund Inc. - New York, NY $ 1 , 500.00New York Institute of Technolo gy Main Campus- Old Westbury - Old $7 , 500.00New York International Ballet Competition Inc - New York, NY 25.00New York Medical Colle ge - Valhalla , NY 250.00New York Methodist Hosp ital - Brookl yn, NY 500.00New York Military Academy - Cornwall On Hudson , NY 1700.00New York Opportunit y Network - New York, NY 100.00New York Parks & Conservation Association Inc. - Albany, NY 25.00New York Pops Inc. - New York . NY $550.00New York Preservation Archive Project Inc - New York , NY 250.00New York Public Interest Research Grou p Fund Inc - New York, NY 495.00New York Public Libra ry Astor Lenox and Tilden Foundations - New York $ 1 . 221.00New York Restoration Pro i ect - New York , NY 150.00New York Rivers United - Rome , NY $5 .000.00New York Road Runners Foundation Inc - New York , NY 763.00New York Shakespeare Festival - New York , NY 1 450.00New York Special Ol ympics Inc - Schenectad y, NY 1640.00New York State Association for Retarded Children- New York City $25.00New York State Naral Foundation Inc. - New York , NY 25.00New York Theatre Workshop Inc - New York, NY 490.00New York Times Neediest Cases Fund - New York, NY $2 .775.00New York University - New York NY $ 150.00New York University - New York , NY $8 ,455.00New York Universit y Medical Center Foundation - New York , NY $9 .495.00New York University- School of Law - New York NY $ 1 . 110.00New York Womens Foundation - New York NY $ 150.00New York-New Jersey Trail Conference Inc - Mahwah , NJ 115.00Newark Boys Chorus School - Newark , NJ $4.305.00Newark Day Center - Greater Newark Fresh Air Fund - Newark , NJ $ 1 , 220,00Newark Museum - Newark , NJ 100.00Newark Museum Association - Newark , NJ 35.00


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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION MATCHING GIFTS Summary by Organization NameOrganization Name Total Company AmountNewark Public Radio Inc - Newark NJ l 045.00Newcastle Elementary PTSA - Newcastle , WA 50.00Newman Center Catholic Student Center the University of Massachusetts - 25.00Newton Boys and Girls Club Corporation - Newton MA 225.00Newton Memorial Hos p ital Foundation Inc - Newton , NJ 600.00NFA Foundation Inc - Norwich , CT $2 . 525.00NH Society for the Prev of Cruelty To Animals - Stratham , NH 75.00Niagara University - Niagara University, NY $ 1 ,40000Niantic Lions Charities Inc - Niantic , CT 190.00Nichols College of Business Administration - Dudley, MA 50.00Nick Dimaria Foundation - Warminster, PA $ 125.00Nicklaus Children's Health Care Foundation Inc - West Palm Beach , FL 25.00Nicollet County Historical Society - St. Peter , MN $200.00Night Minist - Chicago, IL 100.00Ni g ht Runners Mobile Crisis Services Inc - Palm Beach Gardens , FL $2 , 700.00Ninety-Nines Inc - Oklahoma Cit y, OK 65.00Nis ua - WashWashin gton , DC 50.00NJ Shakes eare Festival of Morris County Inc - Madison , NJ 100.00NLCC Guardian Fund Inc - Waterford , CT $25.00No Loner Alone Ministries Inc - Lancaster , PA 25.00Noahs Ark Animal Welfare Association - Led ewood NJ 130.00Noahs Lost Ark Inc - Berlin Center , OH $2 , 500.00Noahs Wish - Placerville , CA 600.00Noam Shabbos - Brookl yn, NY 452.00Noank Baptist Grou p Homes Inc - Noank , CT 350.00Noank Fire Company No 1 Inc - Groton , CT 125.00Non-Profit Enterprise at Work Inc - Ann Arbor , MI 200.00Norman Bird Sanctuary Trust - Middletown , RI 50.00Norman Public School Foundation - Norman , OK 250.00Norman Rockwell Museum at Stockbrid ge Inc. - Stockbrid ge , MA 150.00Noroton Fire Department Incorporated - Darien , CT 125.00Noroton Hei ghts Fire Department Incorporated - Darien , CT 25.00North American Conference on Ethiopian Jewry Inc - New York , NY $650.00North American Foundation for the University of Leeds Inc - Easton , CT $ 10 ,000.00North Carolina Arboretum Society - Asheville , NC 150.00North Carolina Museum of Art Foundation Inc. - Ralei gh , NC 50.00North Carolina School of the Arts Foundation Inc. - Winston Salem , NC 25.00North Carolina State Universit Foundation Inc - Ralei gh , NC $7 .019.00North Carolina Symphony Society Inc. - Ralei gh , NC 25.00North Central Colle ge - Naperville , IL 500.00North Central Hi g h School - Farmersbur g, IN 100.00North Central Indiana Food Bank Inc - South Bend , IN 200.00North Chatham Historical Society - North Chatham , NY 100.00North Count Animal League - Morrisville , VT 165.00North Country Trail Association Incorporated - Lowell , MI 95.00North Dakota Cowboy Hall of Fame Inc - Bismarck, ND $20000North Dakota State University Dev Foundation - Fargo, ND $ 1 ,000.00North Dakota State University Development Foundation - Faro ND 475.00North Detroit Jets Athletic Association - Hi ghland Park , MI 5641.00North Fa ette Community School District Foundation - West Union , IA 190.00North Fork Animal Welfare League Inc - Southold , NY $ 1 .087.00North Fork Chorale , Inc. - Cutcho ue NY 300.00North Fork Environmental Council Inc. - Mattituck NY 250.00North Greenville Colle ge - Ti erville SC $ 1 , 050.00North Gwinnett Schools Education Foundation - Suwanee , GA $500.00North Haven Historical Society - N Haven ME 100.00North Park University - Chicago, IL $2 .400.00North Salem Free Library - North Salem , NY 500.00North Salem Ove n Land Foundation Inc - North Salem , NY 250.00North Shore Animal Lea gue America Inc - Port Washington , NY $2 .229.00North Shore Community Arts Foundation Inc - Beverl y, MA 221.00North Shore Medical Center Foundation Inc - Salem , MA 200.00North Shore School District 112 Education Foundation - Hi hland Park , IL 50.00North Shore Universit y Hos ptial Foundation - Great Neck , NY 275.00North South Foundation - Burr Rid ge , IL $2 . 783.00North Stonin ton Citizens Land Alliance Inc - North Stonin ton CT 405.00North Stonin gton Education Foundation Inc - North Stomn ton CT 1700.00North Stonin gton Elementary School - North Stonin ton CT 375.00North Stonin gton Historical Society Inc - North Stonin ton CT 625.00North Stonin gton Lions Chanties Inc - North Stonin ton CT 475.00North Texas Food Bank - Dallas TX 300.00North Texas Public Broadcasting Inc - Dallas , TX 750.00Northeast Animal Shelter Inc. - Salem , MA 360.00Northeast Arkansas Humane Association - Jonesboro, AR 50.00


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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION MATCHING GIFTS Summary by Organization NameOrganization Name Total Company AmountNortheast Du a e S ecial Recreation Association - Addison , IL 235.00Northeast Foundation Inc - Beverl y Hosp ital - Beverl y, MA $50.00Northeast Historic Film - Bucks port , $60.00Northeast Mississi pp i Community Colle ge Develo pment Foundation Inc - 200.00Northeast Organic Farmin g Association of New York Inc - Cobleskill , NY $50.00Northeastern University - Boston , MA 1 322.00Northern Alaska Environmental Center - Fairbanks , AK $ 100.00Northern Band and Orchestra Parents NBOP - Porta ge , MI $ 1 . 465.00Northern Connecticut Ballet Inc. - Windsor, CT $60.00Northern Illinois Food Bank - Saint Charles , IL $350.00Northern Illinois University Foundation - Dekalb , IL 155.00Northern Illinois University Foundation - DeKalb IL $7 ,75000Northern Illinois Universit y Foundation - Northern Public Radio - Dekalb , 100.00Northern Ireland Childrens Enterprise Inc - Putnam Valley, NY $ 1 . 200.00Northern Kentucky University Foundation Inc - Hi ghland Hei ghts . KY 1 100 00Northern Michi gan Christian School Association - Mc Bain , MI 200.00Northern Michi gan University Foundation - Marq uette , MI $ 1 , 500.00Northern Minnesota Public Television Bemidji State University - Bemidji 120.00Northern Virg inia Delta Education and Community Service Foundation - $750.00Northern Westchester Hospital Center - Mount Kisco , NY $ 100.00Northfield Mount Hermon School - Northfield , MA $3 ,000.00Northfield Mount Hermon School - Northfield , MA $ 10 ,475.00Northland Colle ge - Ashland , WI $ 100.00Northwest Catholic Hi h School - West Hartford , CT 250.00Northwest Center for Famil y Service and Mental Health Inc. - Lakeville , 250.00Northwest Film Forum - Seattle , WA 70.00Northwest Foundation Inc. Northwest Missouri State Universit - $25.00Northwest Harvest E M M - Seattle , WA $500.00Northwest Indiana Meals on Wheels Inc. - Crown Point , IN $ 1 , 000.00Northwest Ohio Communit y Shares Inc - Toledo , OH $ 174.00Northwest Sarcoma Memorial Foundation - Seattle , WA 50.00Northwestern Colle ge - Oran ge City, IA $65.00Northwestern Colle ge - Saint Paul MN $560.00Northwestern Memorial Hospital - Chica go, IL $ 300.00Northwestern Michi gan Colle ge - Traverse City, 300.00Northwestern Michi gan Colle ge Foundation - Traverse City, MI 200.00Northwestern University - Evanston , IL $2 .075.00Northwestern University - Evanston , IL $ 18 , 69500Northwood University - Midland , MI $4 , 226.00Norton Galle ry and School of Art Inc - West Palm Beach , FL $ 1 , 020.00Norton Healthcare Inc - Louisville , KY $3000Nortwest New Jerse y Community Action Program Inc - Philli psburg, NJ $ 100.00Norwalk Hospital Foundation Inc - Norwalk, CT $640.00Norwalk S ymphony Society - Norwalk , CT 125 00Norwalk Youth Symphony Inc - Norwalk , CT $ 1 , 250.00Norwich Free Academy - Norwich , CT 1 205.00Norwich Human Services - Norwich , CT $5 . 100.00Norwich University - Northfield , VT $500.00Notre Dame Academy - Staten Island , NY 100.00Notre Dame Academy Toledo Ohio - Toledo , OH $ 100.00Notre Dame Convalescent Home Inc - Norwalk , CT $ 1 .250.00Notre Dame Hi gh School - Easton , PA 500.00Notre Dame High School - West Haven , CT 50.00Nottingham Hig h School - Syracuse , NY $30.00Novato Rotary Endowment - Novato, CA $5 ,600.00Now Leal Defense and Education Fund - New York , NY 100.00NPG Foundation - Birmingham , MI 100.00Nrrth aniali Institute of Dance Inc - North Brunswick , NJ $ 1 . 250.00Nursin & Home Care Inc. - Wilton , CT $550.00Nurturin g Network Inc - White Salmon , WA $25.00Nutley Family Service Bureau , Inc. - Nutle y. NJ $25.00N Hos p itals Center - New York , NY 125.00Oak Knoll School of the Holy Child - Summit, NJ $ 1 ,000.00Oak Rid ge Milita Academy Inc - Oak Rid ge , NC $300.00Oak Ride Public Schools Education Foundation Inc - Oak Ride TN $50.00Oak Trails School Inc - Ann Arbor , MI $50.00Oakland Community Pools Project - Oakland , CA $250.00Oakland Small Autonomous Schools Foundation - Oakland , CA $ 100.00Oakland University Foundation - Rochester, MI $3975.00Oakwood Colle ge - Huntsville , AL $ 1 . 000.00Oakwood Friends School Inc. - Pou ghkeepsie , NY S1000 00Oasis Haven for Women & Children Inc - Paterson NJ $ 100.00Oasis Sanctua Foundation Ltd - Phoenix , AZ $ 10000Oberlin Colle ge - Oberlin . OH $ 1 , 000.00


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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION MATCHING GIFTS Summary by Organization Name

Organization Name Total Company AmountOberlin Colle ge - Oberlin , OH $4 . 890.0Oblon g Land Conservanc y Inc - Pawling, NY 50.00Obsessive Compulsive Foundation Inc - New Haven , CT 1200.00Occidental Colle ge - Los Angeles , CA $ 10 , 250.00Ocean Conservancy Inc - Washin gton , DC $ 5 . 850.00Ocean Isle Land Conservancy - Ocean Isle Beach NC 100.00Ocean S prin g s School District - Ocean Spring s MS 50.00Ocean Technolo gy Foundation Inc - Groton , CT 300.00Oceana Inc - Washington , DC $7500Oconee Christian Academy - Seneca , SC $ 1 , 500.00Oconee Re g ional Humane Society Inc - Eatonton , GA 300.00Od Yosef Chai Inc. - Brooklyn, NY 147.00Oddfellows Playhouse - Middletown , CT 100.00Odyssey School - Austin , TX $3 , 050.00Off Our Backs - Washin gton , DC 50.00Office of Catholic Education - Bishop Shanahan Hi h School - 100.00Office of Catholic Education - Philadelphia , PA $3 , 525.00Office of Victim Services - Plainville , CT 300.00Ogdensburg First Aid S quad Inc - Ogdensburg, NJ 25.00Og lala Lakota Colle ge - Ky le , SD 25.00O lala Lakota Colle ge - Kyle , SD 1 80.00Ohel Childrens Home and Famil y Services Inc. - Brookl yn, NY $ 1 , 425.00Ohio Citizen Action Education Fund - Cleveland , OH 50.00Ohio Dominican Universit y - Columbus , OH 1 00.00Ohio Northern University - Ada OH 1 50.00Ohio Northern University - Ada OH 450.00Ohio S ecial Ol ymp ics Inc - Columbus , OH 25.00Ohio State University Development Fund - Columbus , OH $4 ,03500Ohio State University Foundation - Columbus OH $42 , 249.88Ohio Universit y Foundation - Athens , OH $ 1 , 1 75.00Ohio Wesle yan University - Delaware , OH $ 1 . 2 37.55Ohio Wesleyan University - Delaware , OH $5 , 1 50.00Ohio-West Virg ma YMCA - St George , WV 1 00.00Ohr Halimud-the Multi-Sensory Learning Center - Brookl yn, NY 25.00Ohr Somayach International Inc - Brookl yn, NY 1 80.00Oiai Film Festival - O ai CA 8 50.00Oiai Valle y Community Hos p ital Foundation - O ai CA $2 , 500.00O i ai Valle y Land Conservanc y - Ow , CA 25.00Oiai Valle School - O j ai , CA 50.00OK Foundation - Operation Kids Foundation - Salt Lake City, UT 1 00.00Oklahoma Baptist University - Shawnee , OK 325.00Oklahoma Christian Schools Incorporated - Edmond , OK 760.00Oklahoma Christian Universit Inc - Cascade Colle ge - Portland OR $ 1 . 000.00Oklahoma Christian Universit Inc - Oklahoma City, OK $5000.00Oklahoma Philharmonic Society Inc - Oklahoma Cit y, OK 100.00Oklahoma S ecial Olympics Inc - Tulsa OK 200.00Oklahoma State Universit y Foundation - Stillwater , OK $6. 135.00Old Brid ge Volunteer Emergency Medical Services Inc - Old Brid a NJ 50.00Old Church Cultural Center - Demarest NJ 150.00Old Church Cultural Center School of Art - Demarest , NJ 100.00Old Colon Historical Society - Taunton , MA 75.00Old Dartmouth Historical Society - New Bedford MA $ 1 . 101.00Old Greenwich Riverside Community Center - Old Greenwich CT 100.00Old Lyme Conservation Trust , Inc. - Old Lyme , CT $ 1 ,225.00Old Lyme Day Care - Old Lyme , CT 525.00Old Lyme Daycare Inc - Lyme , CT $2 .035.00Old Lyme Fire Deaprtment Inc - Old Lyme , CT 675.00Old Lyme Little Lea ue - Old Lyme , CT 525.00Old Lyme Rowin g Association Inc - Old Lyme , CT 100.00Old Lyme South End Volunteer Ambulance Association - Old Lyme , CT 430.00Old Lyme-Phoebe Griffin Noyes Libra ry Association - Old Lyme , CT $ 14 . 127.00Old Newsboys Goodfellow Fund of Detroit - Detroit MI 155.00Old North State Council Inc Boy Scouts of America - Greensboro NC 100.00Old Saybrook Education Foundation - Old Saybrook, CT 375.00Old Saybrook Land Trust Inc. - Old Saybrook , CT 575.00Old Saybrook Middle School - Old Saybrook , CT 125.00Old Stone House of Brookl yn - Old Stone House Museum - Brookl NY 65.00Old Villa a School - Northville , Ml 25.00Older Womens League National Office - Washington , DC 50.00Ol ga and Dorothea Dessin Society Prevention of Cruelty To Animals $42000Ol ga Dunn Dance Company - Great Barrington , MA $ 1 ,050.00Oliver Gos pel Mission - Columbia , SC 300.00Olivet Colle ge - Olivet , MI 50.00Olivet College - Olivet , MI 150.00


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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION MATCHING GIFTS Summary by Organization NameOrganization Name Total Company AmountOlivet Nazarene University - Bourbonnais , IL 150.00Olivet Nazarene University - Bourbonnais , IL $3 , 82 .00OI L me Historical Society - Lyme , CT 125.00Ol ympia Philharmonic Societ y - Arcadia , CA 500.00Omaha Down S drome Parents Network - Omaha , NE $5000Omaha Habitat for Humanity, Inc. - Omaha , NE 625.00Omaha Home for Boys - Omaha , NE 80.00Omega Institute for Holistic Studies Inc - Rhinebeck NY 500.00OMF International - Littleton , CO 2 180.00One Israel Fund Ltd - Cedarhurst , NY 25.00One To One Learnin g Center - Northfield IL 450.00Onl Make Believe Inc - New York, NY 500.00Ontonagon County Historical Society - Ontonagon , MI 75.00Open Arms - Ti gard , OR 600.00Ove n Door and Next Door Shelters - Kalamazoo , MI $3 ,010.00O en Door Animal Sanctuary - House S prin g s , MO 400.00ODen Door Famil y Medical Center Inc - Ossinin g, NY 42.00Open Door Mission Inc - Rochester, NY 25.00O en Doors With Brother Andrew Inc. - Santa Ana , CA 675.00ODen S ace Institute Inc - Friends of Hudson - Hudson , NY 100.00Opera Grand Rapids - Grand Rap ids , MI 100.00Opera New Eng land of Cape Cod Inc - Centerville , MA 25.00O era New Eng land of Northeastern Conn Inc - Pomfret , CT $ 15000O era North - Lebanon , NH 250.00O era Providence - Providence , RI 200.00O era Theater of Connecticut - Clinton , CT $ 125.00O era Theatre Of Saint Louis - St Louis , MO $3 ,250.00Operation AC Inc - Newark , DE $50.00Operation Food Search Inc. - Saint Louis , MO $ 180.00O eration Fuel Inc - Bloomfield , CT $ 1 , 625.00Operation Helmet Incorporated - Montgomery, TX 250.00Operation Helmet Incorporated - Operation Helmet - Michi gan Affiliate - 574.00Operation Holiday Inc. - Morristown , NJ $ 165.00Operation Hoe of Fairfield Inc. - Fairfield , CT $50.00Ope ration Mi gration-USA Inc - Niagara Falls , NY 200.00O ration Mobilization - Tyrone , GA $ 125.00Operation Smile Inc - Norfolk , VA 2 . 550.00Operation Sunshine Inc - Parsi an NJ 100.00Opportunity Enterprises Inc - Val paraiso , IN 450.00Ormortunity House - Reading, PA 30.00Opportunity International Inc - Oak Brook, IL $75.00O rahs An el Network - Chica go , IL 5 600.00Optimist International Foundation - St Louis , MO $4 , 100.00Opus 21 - Kalamazoo , MI $75.00Oral Roberts Universit y - Tulsa , OK $ 100.00Oran e Coast Colle ge Foundation - Costa Mesa, CA 500.00Oran a County Community Colle ge Association Inc - Middletown , NY 100.00Oran ge County Parks and Recreation - Florida Elite Track Club - Orlando , 5000.00Orange County Performin g Arts Center - Costa Mesa, CA 185.00Oran ge County Philharmonic Society - Irvine , CA 100.00Orange EMS & Rescue S quad Inc - Hillsborou gh , NC 100.00Orchard Place Foundation - Des Moines , IA 150.00Order of St Benedict - St. Anselm Colle ge - Manchester, NH $ 10, 162.50Ore gon Food Bank Inc - Portland , OR 100.00Ore gon Humane Society - Portland , OR 50.00Ore gon Public Broadcastin g - Portland , OR 120.00Ore gon State University Foundation - Corvallis , OR 160.00Ore gon State University Foundation - Corvallis , OR $2 . 590.00Or amc Acidemia Association Corporation - Pl ymouth , MN $ 10 ,000.00Organization for Autism Research Inc - Arlin gton , VA 100.00Organs R Us - Redwood City, CA 50.00Orion the Hunters Institute - Helena , MT 25.00Orlando Re ional Healthcare Foundation Inc. - Orlando , FL 25.00Orleans Count Historical Society Inc - Brownin ton VT 100.00Oro United Methodist Church - Lewisburg, WV 5 000.00OROC - Ba Village , OH 35.00Orphaned Pets Inc - West Caldwell , NJ 125.00O heon Inc. - New York , NY 150.00Orpheus Chamber Orchestra Inc. - New York , NY 50.00Orrs and Baile y Islands Fire Department - Orrs Island , ME 25.00Orwi sbur Area Free Public Library - Orwi sbur PA 50.00Oshkosh Area Community Foundation - Oshkosh , WI 250.00Ossinin Food Pantry - Ossinin g. NY 100.00Osteo enesis Im erfecta Foundation Inc - Gaithersbur g, MD 200.00


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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION MATCHING GIFTS Summary by Organization NameOrganization Name Total Company AmountOswe atchie School Organization - Waterford , CT $30.00Oswe go Colle ge Foundation Inc - Oswe go , NY $ 125.00Otis Library - Norwich , CT $2 . 865.00Otsar Famil y Services Inc. - Brookl yn , NY 75.00Otsar Orthodox Torah Services and Advocac y for the Retarded Inc. - 100.00Otse go Memorial Hosp ital - Gaylord , MI $985.00Otse go Public Schools Foundation - Otse go, MI $500.00Ottawa University - Ottawa , KS $225.00Ouachita Baptist University - Arkadel phia , AR 25.00Our Companions Domestic Animal Sanctuary Inc - Bloomfield , CT 85.00Our Dail y Bread - Cincinnati , OH 50.00Our Father's Arms Inc - Sullivan IN 500.00Our House Inc - Los Angeles , CA 15000Our Lad of Grace Montessori School and Center - Manhasset , NY 100.00Our Lad y of Guadalu pe Middle School - Detroit , MI 755.00

1Our Lad y of Lourdes Medical Center Inc - Camden , NJ 225.00Our Lady of Mount Carmel School - Tenafl y, NJ 100.00Our Lad of Pe etual Hel p School - Selma, TX $3.000.00Our Lad y of the Elms Hi gh School - Akron , OH 100.00Our Lad of Victory Academy - Dobbs Ferry, NY 100.00Our Lad y of Victory Homes of Charity Inc - Lackawanna , NY 255.00Our Little Haven - St. Louis , MO 175.00Our Savior Lutheran Church-Our Savior Lutheran School - Louisville , KY $ 1 ,050.00Outreach International - Independence , MO 50.00Outreach Pro tect Inc - Richmond Hill , NY 100.00Outreach United Resource Center O.U.r. - Longmont, CO $ 100.00Outward Bound Inc - Garrison , NY $750.00Ovarian Cancer Research Fund , Inc. - New York , NY 500.00Overlook Hosp ital Foundation - Summit , NJ $ 10 ,075.00Owsley Brown Frazier Historical Arms Museum Foundation Inc - 60.00Oxalosis & H eroxaluna Foundation - New York , NY 100.00Oxfam - America Inc - Boston , MA $ 12 . 615.00Oxford City School S ystem District - Oxford , AL $ 1 . 050.00Ozanam Hall of queens Nursin Home Inc. - Ba side NY 25.00Ozanam Home for Boys Inc. - Kansas City, MO $2 ,025.00Ozarks Health Services Inc - S prin gfield , MO 250.00Ozone House Inc - Ann Arbor , MI 325.00P E 0 Foundation - Des Moines , IA $ 1 . 500.00P G Chambers School Inc - Cedar Knolls , NJ $3 .250.00Pace Academy - Atlanta , GA $250.00Pace University - New York , NY $7 , 391.00Pacer Center Inc. - Minneapolis , MN $ 100.00Pacific Aviation Museum Pearl Harbor - Honolulu , HI $50.00Pacific Colle g iate School - Santa Cruz CA $2 ,700.00Pacific Le gal Foundation - Sacramento , CA 100.00Pacific Lutheran University - Tacoma, WA 240.00Pacific Luthern University - KPLU FM - Tacoma , WA 95.00Pacific Public Radio Inc.- California State University - Long Beach , CA 60.00Pacific Tsunami Museum Inc - Hilo , HI 35.00Pacifica Foundation - New York , NY 125.00Packer Colle g iate Institute - Brookl yn, NY $2 , 100.00Padre Pio Foundation of America Inc. - Cromwell , CT 75.00Pads To Hope Inc - Palatine IL 200.00Page Ahead Children's Literacy Program - Seattle , WA 25.00Page Private School - Sanford , FL 25.00Paine Colle ge - Au gusta , GA $ 15 ,000.00Paine Memorial Free Library - Willsboro , NY 100.00Palestine Children's Relief Fund - Kent, OH 1 950.00Palliative Care Center of the North Shore - Glenview , IL 275.00Palm Beach County Amateur Golf Association Inc - Palm Beach Gardens 125.00Palm Beach County Association for Retarded Citizens , Inc. - West Palm 500.0Palm Beach Rehabilitation Center Inc - Lake Worth , FL 400.00Palmetto Health Foundation - Columbia SC 250.00Palomar Colle ge Foundation - San Marcos , CA 300.00Palos Verdes Peninsula Education Foundation - Palos Verdes , CA 150.00Pals for Paws Inc - Kokomo, IN 25.00Pamo'a Inc - Chester VT 100.0Pan Massachusetts Challenge Trust - Needham, MA $20. 577.00Pan-American Institute - San Ysidro CA $2.60 .00Pancreatic Cancer Action Network Inc - El Segundo . CA 875.00Paoli Memorial Hos p ital Foundation - Bryn Mawr. PA 100.00Pa anicolaou Corps for Cancer Research Inc - Boca Lao Cancer Research 100.00Pa anicolaou Corps for Cancer Research Inc - Coconut Creek FL 200.00Paper Bag Players Inc - New York . NY 50.00


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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION MATCHING GIFTS Summary by Organization Name

Organization Name Total Company AmountPaper Mill Playhouse - Millburn N] $2 , 513.06Paradise Valle y Unified District - Phoenix , AZ 300.00Paral yzed Veterans of America Inc. - Washin gton , DC $2.122.00Paral yzed Veterans of America S inal Cord Research Foundation - Wilton , 0.00Paramount Center for the Arts - Peekskill , NY 25.00Pardee Cancer Treatment Fund of Clare County - Clare , MI 100.00Parent and Teachers Assocation of Public School 116 Inc - New York, NY 300.00Parent Pro i ect for Muscular Dystrophy Research Inc - Middletown Oh 2 025.00Parent Teacher Association of Lillie Devereaux Blake School PS 6 - New 750.00Parent Teacher Council of Stamford - Stamford CT 125.00Parent Teacher Org anization Forsythe Junior Hi gh School - Ann Arbor , MI 175.00Parental Stress Center Inc - Madison , WI 60.00Parents & Friends of Lesbians and Gays Detroit - Royal Oak , MI 50.00Parents and Friends of the Lower Fairfield County Reg ional Center I - $3 , 000.00Parents As Teachers National Center Inc - Saint Louis , MO $ 14400Parents Association of P.s. 158 - New York NY $ 1 ,200.00Parents Association of Stuyvesant Hi gh School - New York, NY 600.00Parents Committee on Bird Rock Elementa ry School - La olla CA 350.00Parents Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays Inc - Ann Arbor, MI 100.00Parents Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays Inc. - Washin gton , DC 25.00Parents for Torah for All Children - Brookl yn, NY 108.00Parents Television Council Inc - Los Angeles , CA 200.00Parish Day School of the Ep iscopal Church of the Transfi guration - Dallas , 325.00Park Nicollet Health Services - St Louis Park , MN 50.00Park S quare Advocates Inc - Boston , MA $8 , 702.00Parke Count Community Foundation Inc - Rockville , IN 50.00Parker Jewish Institute for Health Care and Rehabilitation Foundation - 250.00Parkersbur g Catholic School - Parkersburg, WV 200.00Parkinson Alliance Inc - Whittier , CA 25.00Parkinson Council - Bala Cynwyd , PA 300.00Parkinsons Association of West Michi gan Inc - Grand Raids MI 100.0Parkinsons Disease Foundation Inc. - New York NY 2 30 .00Parkinsons Disease Research Society - Glenview , IL 250.00Parkinsons Unity Walk Inc - New York , NY 230.00Parks & Trails Council of Minnesota - Saint Paul , MN 100.00Parkview Foundation , Inc. - Fort Wayne , IN 100.00Parkway Education Foundation - Chesterfield , MO 100.00Parkwa School District Parent Teacher Organization Council - Green 100.00Parsi ppany Rescue and Recove ry Unit - Lake Hiawatha , NJ 155.00Parsi ppan y Volunteer Ambulance Inc - Parsi ppan y, NJ $2500Part of the Solution Inc - Bronx , NY 25.00Partners In Health - Boston , MA 1 925.00Partnershi p for Health Inc - Hendersonvlle NC 500.00Partnershi for the Homeless - New York , NY 560.00Partnershi for the Homeless Inc. - New York NY 50.00Pasadena Humane Society - Pasadena , CA 150.00Pascack Valle y Hospital Foundation - Westwood , NJ 200.00Passaic River Coalition - Warren , NJ 150.00Passaic Valle y Hospice - Totowa , NJ 100.00Pastoral Center of the Diocese of Charlotte - Charlotte , NC 500.00Patch of Chillicothe - Chillicothe , MO 500.00Paterson Community Health Center Inc - Paterson , NJ 300.00Path People Attempting To Hel - Tyler , TX $2 ,000.00Pathfinder International - Watertown , MA 550.00Pathways To Care Inc - Casselbe rry, FL 550.00Patricia M. Sitar Center for the Arts - Washington , DC 30000Patrick Henry Colle ge - Purcellville VA 100.00Pattenbur Volunteer Fire Company Inc - Clinton , NJ 150.00Patti Fund Inc - Lon Island City, NY 150.00Paul D. Camp Community Colle ge Foundation - Franklin , VA 200.00Paul uinn Colle ge - Dallas , TX 5 1 . 000.00Paula Rosina Santoro Foundation Inc - Morristown , NJ 225.00Pawcatuck Nei ghborhood Center Inc - Pawcatuck CT 2 560.00Paws With A Cause - Wayland , MI $3 , 385.79PBA Widows & Orphans Fund Inc - New York , NY 100.00PBJ Outreach Program - Livonia , MI $ 1 . 000.00Peace Center Foundation - Greenville , SC 500.00Peace House Foundation - Eden Prairie , MN 100.00Peace Nei ghborhood Center - Ann Arbor , MI $ 1 , 600.00Peaceful Valle y Donkey Rescue Inc - Tehachap i , CA $525.00Peaceworks Inc. - Morristown NJ 5 000.00Pearl Theatre Company Inc . - New York, NY $ 100.00Peck School - Morristown , NJ $750.00Peconic Land Trust Incorporated - Southam pton , NY 100.00


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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION MATCHING GIFTS Summary by Organization Name

Organization Name Total Company AmountPedals for Prog ress A New Jerse y Nonprofit Corporation - Hi gh Brid ge , NJ 130.00Peddie School - Hi htstown NJ 1 100.00Pediatric Brain Tumor Foundation of the United States - Asheville , NC 140.00Pediatric Cancer Foundation - Scarsdale , NY 550.00Pediatric Cancer Research Foundation - Irvine , CA 1 050.00Peer Support , Inc. - San Diego , CA $ 10 , 700.00Peers Influence Peers Partnershi p Inc - Putnam Valle y, NY 675.00Pelham Good Nei g hbor Fund - Pelham , NH 375.00Pelican Mans Bird Sanctuary Inc. - Sarasota , FL 50.00Pen American Center Inc - New York , NY 25.00Peninsula Friends of the Libra ry - Palos Verdes , CA 25.00Peninsula Metro oliton YMCA - Mathews Famil YMCA - Mathews , VA 100.00Peninsula Open S pace Trust - Menlo Park , CA 100.00Peninsula Players Theatre Foundation Inc - Fish Creek , WI 100.00Penn Air & Hydraulics Foundation - York , PA 300.00Pemmn ton School - Pennin gton , NJ 200.00Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts - Philadel phia , PA 250.00Pennsylvania Peace Links - Pittsburgh , PA 100.00Pennsylvania Societ y for the Prevention of CrueltyTo Animals - 50.00Pennsylvania State University - Fayette County 4-H - Uniontown , PA 553.00Penns ylvania State Universit y - University Park , PA $ 1 . 100.00Penns Ivama State University - University Park , PA $32 , 213.42Penrickton Center for Blind Children - Taylor. MI 150.00Pensacola Habitat for Humanity Inc - Pensacola , FL 200.00Pentwater Artisan Learnin Center Inc - Pentwater, MI 400.00Peop le for the Ethical Treatment of Animals Inc - Norfolk , VA 720.00People Fundm Peop le - Madison , NJ $ 1 , 400.00Peo le Hel of Sussex County Inc - S parta , NJ 100.00Peop le Helpin g Horses - Arlin gton , WA 50.00People To People - Nanuet , NY $ 1 , 333.73People To People International - New Orleans , LA 100.00Peoples City Mission - Lincoln , NE $2 . 550.00Peoples Community Clinic Inc - Austin , TX $ 1 , 100.00Peoples Resource Center - Wheaton , IL 50.00People-To-Peop le Health Foundation - Millwood , VA $2 ,740.00Pe erdine University - Malibu , CA 900.00Pe not Library Association - Southport , 200.00Pere Marquette Watershed Council Incorporated - Baldwin , MI $500.00Performance Network of Ann Arbor - Ann Arbor , MI $2 , 750.00Performance Space 122 Inc - New York, NY 250.00Performance Zone Inc - The Field - New York , NY $1.750.00Performin g Arts Association of St. Joseph - Saint Jose ph , MO 25.00Performing Arts Center Foundation Inc - Purchase , NY 300.00Peri-Natal Hospice of Washtenaw - Ypsilanti , MI $ 100.00Perkiomen School - Pennsburg, PA $ 1 . 500.00Perrot Memorial Library Association - Old Greenwich CT $250.00Pen-v Nurse ry School of Ann Arbor - Ann Arbor, MI $50.00Person To Person Inc - Darien , CT $ 100.00Pet Adoption and Welfare Society -Paws-Inc - Dahlone a GA 100.00Pet Adoption League - Yonkers , NY 50.00Pet Adoption League Inc - Hackettstown , NJ $250.00Pet Connections Inc. - Old Lyme , CT $425.00Pet Pals Northeast - Plainfield CT $300.00Pet Partners of Habersham Inc - Cornelia GA $2 ,000.00Pet Resource Network Inc - Otsego , MI 8.00Peterborough Players Inc - Peterborou gh , NH $2 ,000.00Petfinder.Com Foundation - Tucson , AZ $25.00Pets Alive Inc - Middletown , NY $ 3 ,000.00Pets Are Wonderful Su rt - San Francisco, CA $75.00Pets for Life Inc - Kansas City, MO $250.00Pheasants Forever Inc - Saint Paul , MN $ 1 ,030.00Phel ps Memorial Hospital Association - Sleepy Hollow , NY 100.00Phi - Kirkland Village - Bethlehem , PA $350.00Phi Beta Karma Society - Washington . DC 745.00Phi Delta Theta Educational Foundation - Oxford , OH 100.00Phi Gamma Delta Educational Foundation - Lexin gton , KY 250.00Phi Museum Foundation - Peachtree City, GA 900.00Philabundance - Philadel phia , PA 100.0Philadel phia Colle ge of Bible - Langhorne . PA 500.00Philadel phia Colle ge of Osteopathic Medicine - Philadelphi a, PA $500.00Philadel phia Community Health Alternatives - Philadel phia , PA $1,000.00Philadel phia Museum Of Art - Philadel phia , PA $464.00Philadel phia Orchestra Association - Philadel phia , PA 700.00Philharmonic Center For The Arts Inc - Naples . FL $21 , 950.00


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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION MATCHING GIFTS Summary by Organization Name

Organization Name Total Company AmountPhilharmonic Orchestra of New Jerse y Inc - Warren NJ $ 100.00Philharmonic Symphon y Societ y of New York Inc. - New York , NY $ 15 . 526.25Philli p s Brook House Association Incorporated - Cambrid ge , MA $200.00Philli p s Collection - Washin gton , DC $90.00Philli p s Exeter Academy - Exeter , NH $16.609.70Philli p s Free Libra ry - Homer, NY $ 3 .000.00Phoebe Devitt Homes - Allentown , PA 2 .000.00Phoenix Art Museum - Phoenix , AZ $ 1 , 285.00Phoenix Crisis Center , Inc. - Granite City, IL $50.00Phoenix S ymphony Association - Phoenix , AZ $ 100.00Phyllis Bodel Infant-Toddler Pro at the Yale School of Medicine Inc - 75.00Physicians Committee for Responsibl E Medicine Inc - Washington , DC 200.00Physicians for Social Responsibilit y Inc - Washin gton , DC 155.00Pi Kappa Phi Foundation - Charlotte , NC 100.00Piedmont Agency on Ag in g Inc - Greenwood , SC 100.00Piedmont Colle ge - Demorest , GA $20000Piedmont Educational Foundation Inc. - Hickory, NC $14,000.00Pierpont Moran Library - Moran Library and Museum - New York , NY 210.00Pierpont Morgan Library - New York , NY 335.00Pi g Iron Theatre Company Inc - Philadel phia , PA 50.00Pike County Arts Council Inc - Mc Comb , MS 500.00Pike Count Humane Society Inc - Milford , PA 25.00Pikes Peak Hosp ice and Palliative Care Inc - Colorado S prin g s , CO 25.00Pillar of Fire - Zare hash NJ 365.00Pilobolus Dance Theatre - Washin gton Depot , CT $5 , 100.00Pinckne y Schools Foundation - Pinckney, MI 225.00Pine Cobble School Inc - Williamstown , MA 500.00Pine Point School Inc - Stonin ton CT $ 19 ,092.75Pine Street Inn Inc. - Boston MA 150.00Pinellas County Jewish Day School Inc - Clearwater , FL $ 1 , 200.00Pines Animal Welfare Society Inc - Sayv ille , NY 250.00Pinewoods Camp Inc - Plymouth , MA 100.00Pink Pro iect Inc - Pink Ribbons Pro i ect - Houston , TX 200.00Pioneer Band Association - Ann Arbor , MI 50.00Pioneer Day School - San Die go , CA 12 000.00Pioneer Hi gh School - Ann Arbor, MI $275.00Pioneer Orchestra Parents Society Inc - Ann Arbor , MI $25.00Pi p Start - Austin , TX 200.00Pitt County Health Education Foundation Inc - Greenville , NC 100.00Pitt Memorial Hosp ital Foundation Inc - Greenville , NC $ 105.00Pittsburg State University Foundation Inc - Pittsburg, KS 50.00Pittsbur State University Foundation Inc - Pittsburg, KS .19 575.00Pittsburgh Community Broadcastin g Co oration - Pittsbur gh , PA 60.00Pittsburgh Foundation - Pittsburgh , PA $1,000.00Pittsburgh Parks Conservancy - Pittsburgh , PA 25.00Pittsburgh Symphony Society - Pittsburgh , PA 100.00Pittsburgh Trust for Cultural Resources - Pittsburgh , PA 155.00Pitzer Colle ge - Claremont , CA $2 , 250.00Pius X Foundation - Lincoln , NE 500.00PKD Foundation - Kansas City, $10.589.00Plainwell Community Center Inc - Plainwell , MI 140.00Plan International Usa Inc - ChildReach - Warwick , RI $2.597.00Plan International Usa Inc. - Warwick , RI $ 1 . 862.00Planeta Science Institute - Tucson , AZ 25.0Planned Parenthood Association of Southwest Florida Inc. - Sarasota , FL 40.00Planned Parenthood Association Of The Mercer Area - Trenton , NJ S 1 . 000.00Planned Parenthood Federation of America Inc - New York , NY $6 , 135.00Planned Parenthood Golden Gate - San Francisco , CA 100.00Planned Parenthood Hudson Pecomc Inc. -Hawthorne , NY 300.00Planned Parenthood Mar Monte Inc - Salinas , CA 100.00Planned Parenthood Mid Michi gan Alliance - Ann Arbor , MI 225.00Planned Parenthood of Central New Jersey - Shrewsbury, NJ 400.00Planned Parenthood Of Chester Co - W Chester, PA 25.00Planned Parenthood of Connecticut Inc - New Haven , CT $2 . 825.00Planned Parenthood of Ct - New Haven , CT $ 1 . 050.00Planned Parenthood of Georg ia Inc - Atlanta , GA 100.00Planned Parenthood Of Greater Northern New Jerse y Inc - Morristown NJ $50.00Planned Parenthood of Lincoln Nebraska Inc - Lincoln , NE 200.00Planned Parenthood of Metropolitan New Jersey Inc. - Montclair , NJ $100.00Planned Parenthood Of Nassau County - Hempstead , NY $25.00Planned Parenthood of New York City Inc - New York, NY 835.00Planned Parenthood of North Carolina - East and West - Raleigh , NC $25.00.Planned Parenthood of Northern New En land - Williston , VT $ 160.00Planned Parenthood of Omaha-Council Bluffs Inc - Omaha, NE 750.00


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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION MATCHING GIFTS Summary by Organization Name

Organization Name Total Company AmountPlanned Parenthood of Oran e & Durham Counties - Chapel Hill , NC 50.00Planned Parenthood of San Diego and Riverside Counties - San Die go , CA $550.00Planned Parenthood of South Central Michi gan - Kalamazoo , MI $7 , 375.00Planned Parenthood of the Texas Capital Re ion Inc - Austin , TX $5 ,000.00Planned Parenthood of Western Penns ylvania Inc - Pittsburgh PA 25.00Planned Parenthood-Palm Beach Area Inc - West Palm Beach FL 100.00Planned Pethood Inc. - Swanton , OH 1 000.00Plantation Community Foundation Inc - Venice , FL $ 1 , 020.00Plantin g Fields Foundation -Oster Bay, NY 120.00Plast Ukrainian Scoutin g Or anization USA - New York, NY 100.00Plattsburgh Colle ge Foundation - Plattsbur gh , NY 75.00Play for P I N K Inc - New York , NY 150.00Playwri ghts Company - New York , NY $22 ,000.00Playwri g hts Horizons Inc - New York , NY $2 , 560.00Playwri ghts Theatre of New Jerse y - Madison , NJ 150.00Pleasant Union Elementary - Ralei gh , NC 100.00Pleasant Valle y Association Inc. - Lyme , CT 25.00Pleasant View Retirement Community - Manheim PA $ 1 . 800.00Pleasantville Volunteer Fire Department - Pleasantville , NY 25.00Please Touch Museum - Philadel phia , PA 500.00Pl ymouth Canton Community Schools - Pl ymouth , MI 100.00Pl ymouth Christian Schools Association - Grand Raids MI 105.00Pl ymouth Community Arts Council - Pl ymouth , MI 150.00Pl ymouth Goodfellows Association - Pl ymouth , MI 50.00Pocono Health Foundation - East Stroudsbur PA 300.00Poder Learmn Center - Chicago , IL 350.00Point Foundation - Chica go , IL 100.00Poland Band Parents Inc - Poland , OH 25.00Police Athletic League Inc - New York , NY 795.00Police Athletic Lea ue of Parsi ppany Troy Hills - Parsi ppany, NJ 25.00Police Athletic League of Summit N J - Summit , NJ 25.00Police Protective Fund - Austin , TX 75.00Polish American Foundation of Connecticut Inc - Connecticut Virtuosi $ 1 , 000.00Polk Memorial Support Fund Inc - Pineville , NC 25.00Pol ytechnic Pre parato ry Country Day School - Brookl yn , NY $2 ,000.00Pol ytechnic University - Brookl yn, NY $22 ,415.90Pomfret School Incorporated - Pomfret , CT 250.00Pomona Colle ge - Claremont, CA 400.00Pomona Colle ge - Claremont , CA $ 1 , 150.00Pom e s Pillar Historical Association Inc - Worden , MT 500.0Pope John Xxiii Catholic School - Scottsdale , AZ 100.00Pope John Xxiii Hi gh School - S parta , NJ $3,425.00Population Communications International Incorporated - New York NY 50.00Population Connection - Washin gton , DC $ 1 , 290.00Population Services International - Washington , DC 25.00Po ulation-Environment Balance . Inc. - Washington , DC 100.00Po uetanuck Volunteer Fire Dep t Inc - Preston CT 100.00Port Aransas Community Theatre - Port Aransas , TX 50.00Port Chester Public Libra ry - Port Chester , NY $25.00Port Chester-Rye Volunteer Ambulance Corps Inc - Port Chester , NY 40.00Port Huron Hosp ital Foundation - Port Huron , MI $ 100.00Porta ge Athletic Foundation - Kalamazoo , MI $800.00Ports a Community Outreach Center Inc - Porta ge , MI $355.00Porta ge Northern Hi gh School - Porta ge , MI 1 600.00Portage Northern Parents - Portage , MI 50.00Porta ge Public Schools - Porta ge , MI $ 100.00Porta ge Public Schools Education Foundation - Kalamazoo , MI 100.00Porta ge West Middle School - Portage , MI 600.00Porter-Gaud School - Charleston , SC 600.00Portsmouth Free Public Libra ry Association - Portsmouth , RI 150.00Portu guese Water Dog Foundation , Inc. - Oaks , PA $ 150.00Potapaug Audubon Society - Old Lyme , CT $ 100.00Potsdam Colle ge Foundation Inc. - Potsdam, NY $ 1 . 700.00Potter Childrens Home - Bowlin g Green KY 50.00Poughkeepsie-Hi ghland Railroad Brid ge Co Inc - Pou ghkeepsie , NY 50.00Pound Animal Welfare Societ of Montclair Inc. - Montclair NJ 25.00Powell Gardens Inc - Kin gsville , MO 25.00Power of Ho - Bellingham , WA 100.00Practical Bible Colle ge - Bible School Pk NY 500.00Prader-Willi California Foundation - Torrance , CA 100.00Prader-Willi S yndrome Association - Sarasota , FL 100.00Prairieton Fire Department - Prairieton , IN 25.00Prasanthi Trust Inc - West Hartford CT %Q00.00Pratham USA - Houston , TX 600.00


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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION MATCHING GIFTS Summary by Organization Name

Organization Name Total Company AmountPratt Institute - Brookl yn, NY 504.02Predisan-USA Inc - Tucker , GA $2.000.00Pregnancy Care Center Inc. - New Rochelle , NY $25000Pre gnancy Center East Inc - Cincinnati , OH 150.00Pregnancy Center of Greater Toledo - Toledo , OH 100.00Pregnancy Center West Inc - Cincinnati , OH 475.00Pregnancy Resource Center - Grand Rapids , MI 25.00Pregnancy Service Center Inc of Salina Kansas - Salina KS 250.00Pregnanc y Support Center Inc - Groton , CT $6 . 355.00Pre for Pre - New York , NY 150.00Presb yterian Camps And Conferences Inc - Johnsonbur NJ 25.00Presb yterian Day School - Memphis , TN $ 100.0Presb yterian Home of South Carolina - Columbia , SC 250.00Presb yterian Hos p ital Foundation - Charlotte , NC 25.00Presb yterian Medical Care Mission - Abilene , TX 200.00Prescott Center for Alternative Education - Prescott , AZ 250.00Presentation Colle ge - Aberdeen , SD 50.00Preservation & Trustees of Bates Colle ge - Lewiston , ME 100.00Preservation Foundation of Palm Beach Inc - Palm Beach , FL 250.00Preservation League of New York State - Alban NY 800.00

1Preservation New Jerse y Incorporated - Trenton , NJ 100.00Preservation Society of Newport County - Newport , 480.00President & Friends of Middlebu ry Colle ge - Middlebu ry, VT $2 ,27500President and Directors of Georgetown Colle ge for Georgetown University 4 683.9President and Fellows of Harvard Colle ge - Harvard University - School of 661.13Preston Hi gh School - Bronx NY $3 ,910.40Pretty Lake Vacation Camp - Mattawan , MI $ 1 , 820.00Preventive Medicine Institute - New York , NY 50.00Priestl y Fraternit y of St Peter Inc - Elmhurst , PA 335.00Primaril y Primates Inc - San Antonio, TX 1 200.00Primary Stages Company Inc - New York, NY 300.00Princeton Academy of the Sacred Heart Inc - Princeton , NJ $ 1 , 350.00Princeton Annual Givin g - Princeton , NJ $11,164.00Princeton Area Community Foundation Inc - Lawrenceville , NJ 200.00Princeton Child Development Institute - Princeton NJ 225.00Princeton Day School Inc. - Princeton , NJ 250.00Princeton First Aid and Rescue S quad Inc - Princeton , NJ 325.00Princeton Pro Musica - Princeton , NJ 118.00Princeton Senior Resource Center - Princeton , NJ 250.00Princeton S ymphony Orchestra Inc - Princeton , NJ 200.00Princi p ia Corporation Pnnci is Colle ge - Saint Louis , MO 100.00Prison Fellowshi p Ministries - Lansdowne , VA 00$ 10,036.Pro - Life Action League - Chicago , IL 224.70Pro Music Center Inc - Wilson , NC 250.00Progresso Latino - Central Falls , RI $ 100.00Project Acorn - Morris Plains , NJ $50.00Pro ect Action Foundation Inc - Seminole , FL 25.00Project ALS Inc - New York , NY 600.00Pro i ect Bread - the Walk for Hun ger Inc - Boston , MA 655.00Pro i ect Concern International - San Die go , CA $2.754.91Pro ect Ezra - New York , NY 200.00Pro ect Ezrah Needs Inc - En glewood , NJ 683.00Project for Public Spaces Inc - New York NY 500.00Pro i ect Grow - Ann Arbor MI 100.00Project Health - Boston , MA $ 1 .000.00Project Hope the Peop le To People Health Foundation Inc - Millwood , VA 1 495.00Project Inform Inc - San Francisco, CA 300.00Pro ect Mexico of the Orthodox Church - Chula Vista , CA 50.00Project Noah - Northfield , OH 1 25.00Project of Easton Inc - Easton PA 50.00Pro ect O n Inc. - New York NY 25.00Project Orbis International Inc - Orbis Si htfli ht - New York , NY 60.00Project Orbis International Inc. - New York , NY 25.00Pro i ect Renewal Inc - New York , NY 200.00Project Return Inc. - Westport , 676.8Proiect Save Armenian Photograph Archives Inc - Watertown , MA 75.00Project Self-Sufficiency of Sussex County Inc - Sparta , NJ 1 85.00Pro ect Wildlife - San Die go , CA 50.00Project Zawadi Inc - Brookl yn, NY 25.00Promise Villag2 Home for Children - Davisbur g, MI 50.00Prospect Hi gh School - Mount Prospect , IL $ 1 50.00Prospect Park Alliance Inc - Brooklyn, NY $9 . 87500Prospect Park Yeshiva Hi gh School for Brookl yn - Brooki vn. NY 72.00Prospect Theater Company Inc - New York NY 60.00


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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION MATCHING GIFTS Summary by Organization Name

Organization Name Total Company AmountProstate Cancer Foundation - Santa Monica, CA 200.00Prostate Cancer Research Institute - Los Angeles , CA 50.00Protestant Community Center Inc - Newark, NJ 50.00Protestant Ep iscopal Church In the United States of America - White 500.00Protestant Episcopal Diocese of Connecticut - Calvary Music School - 1 300.00Protestant Episcopal Diocese of Connecticut - St. James Parish- Pack 75 100.00Providence Animal Rescue League - Providence , RI 100.00Providence Childrens Museum - Providence , RI $2500Providence Christian Academy Inc - Lilburn , GA $ 1 , 500.00Providence Colle e - Providence RI $9 ,025.00Providence Education Co ration Of Kalamazoo - Providence Christian $5 .000.00Providence Education Corporation of Kalamazoo - Providence Christian $33 , 370.00Providence Haitian Pro i ect - Providence , RI 1000.00Providence Ministries - Saint Paul , MN $9 ,03200Providence Rest Foundation Inc - Bronx , NY 50.00Providence Schools of Jacksonville Inc - Jacksonville , FL 2 000 00Providence Self Sufficienc y Ministries Inc - St. Ann's Clinic - Terre Haute , 240.00Providence Society - Providence Christian Hi h School - Fremont , MI 100.00Providence St. Mel Hi gh School - Chicago , IL 100 00Providence-Haiti Outreach Corp . - Providence , RI 100.00Province of St Joseph of the Capuchin Order - Capuchin Soup Kitchen - $3 , 280.00Provincetown Community Compact Inc - Provincetown Harbor Swim for 250.00Ps i l - New York , NY $ 10000Ps 11- William T. Harris School - New York, NY 500.00PS 183 Parents-Teachers Association Inc - New York , NY $ 1 . 225.00PS 6 Lillie D. Blake School - New York , NY ($ 12500 )PS 87 PA Inc - New York , NY 500.00

---Psi Chi the National Honor Society In Psychology - Willimantic CT 72 , 500.0PTA California Con ress of Parents Teachers & Students - George White 325.00PTA California Con ress of Parents Teachers & Students - Los Alamitos 250.00PTA California Con gress of Parents Teachers & Students - Park Dale Lane 225.00PTA California Con gress of Parents Teachers & Students - Solana Beach , $200.00PTA California Congress of Parents Teachers & Students Inc - Belmont , 460.00PTA California Congress Of Parents Teachers & Students Inc - Mariners $950.00PTA California Congress of Parents Teachers & Students Inc - Oak Mesa 350.00PTA California Congress of Parents Teachers & Students Inc - Pacific Rim 25.00PTA California Congress of Parents Teachers & Students Inc - Redondo 392.00PTA California Congress of Parents Teachers & Students Inc - San Diego , 50.00PTA California Congress of Parents Teachers & Students Inc - Santa 130.00PTA California Con gress of Parents Teachers and Students Inc - Torre y $ 175.00PTA Connecticut Congress - Niantic CT 90.00PTA Connecticut Inc - Niantic , CT 686.00PTA Florida Con gress - Tampa , FL 60.00PTA Iowa Congress Washin gton Hi gh School PTA - Cedar Raids IA 100.00PTA Kansas Congress - Riverview Elementay School - Shawnee KS 25.00PTA Massachusetts Parent-Teacher Association Inc - Mary Lee Burbank 100.00PTA Missouri Congress-Central Hi gh School - S pringfield , MO 275.00PTA New Jerse y Congress of Parents & Teachers - Dutch Neck PTA - 125.00PTA New Jersey Congress of Parents & Teachers - South Mountain School 50.00PTA New York Congress - New York , NY $300.00PTA North Carolina Con gress - Charlotte , NC 25.00PTA Tennessee Congress of Parents & Teachers Inc - Germantown , TN $75.00PTA Tennessee Congress of Parents & Teachers Inc - King sport , TN 100.00PTA Texas Con gress - Brookwood Elementary School PTA - Houston , TX 50.00Public Broadcastin g Foundation of Northwest Ohio - Toledo OH 13.00Public Broadcastin g of Colorado Inc - Colorado Public Radio - Centennial , 395.00Public Communicators Inc - Boulder , CO 140.00Public Library of New London - New London CT 125.00Public Radio Nebraska Foundation Inc. - Lincoln , NE 715.00Public School Foundation of the Rossville Consolidated School - Rossville , 50.00Public Television 19 Inc. - Kansas City, MO 875.00Pulmona Fibrosis Foundation - Chicago, IL 375.00Pulmonary Hypertension Association Inc - Silver S prin g, MD $ 1 .600.00Punahou School - Honolulu HI $26,225.00Puppies Behind Bars Inc - New York, NY 625.00Pura Vida Ministries - Denver CO $2 ,450.00Purcell Marian Hi gh School - Cincinnati , OH $50.00Purchase College Foundation - Purchase NY 50.00Purchase Community Inc - Purchase , NY $250.00Purdue Foundation Inc - West Lafayette , IN 3640.00Purdue Foundation Inc - West Lafayette , IN $35,695.00Purdue University - West Lafayette , IN 550.00Purp le Rose Theatre Company - Chelsea MI 1 475.00Push America - Charlotte , NC 700.00


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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION MATCHING GIFTS Summary by Organization NameOrganization Name Total Company AmountPutnam County Playhouse Inc - Greencastle , IN 75.00Putnam General Hosp ital Memorial Foundation Llc - Eatonton , GA 100 00Putnam Valle y Central School District Video Club - Putnam Valle y, NY 100.00Putnam Valle Central Schools - Putnam Valle y Yearbook Fund - Putnam $ 1 . 100.00Putnam Valle y Education Foundation , Inc - Putnam Valle y, NY 100.00Putnam Valle y Free Library - Putnam Valle y, NY 250.00Putnam Valle y Hi gh School - Putnam Valle y, NY 500.00P me - Armenian Association for - Van Nuys , CA 900.00

nail Gardens Foundation Inc - Encinitas , CA 60.00Quaker Farms Volunteer Fire Company - Oxford , CT 50.00uakerdale - New Providence , IA $ 10000

Quantum House , Inc - West Palm Beach , FL $ 1 .00000Quechee Library Association - uechee VT $2500ueen of Peace Hi gh School - North Arlin gton , NJ 25.00

Queen of Peace Residence/Little Sisters of the Poor - queens Villa ge , NY $2500Queen of the Miraculous Medal Church - Jackson , MI $3 , 542.40ueens Colle ge Foundation Inc. - Flushin g, NY $2 ,080.00

Queens Colle ge Foundation Inc-Oueens Colle ge Choral Socie ty - Flushin g, 00$ 10000Queens Grant Community School Inc - Mint Hill , NC 200.00Queens Library Foundation Inc. - Jamaica , NY 95.00Queens Symphony Orchestra Inc. - Glendale , NY 25.00Queens Village Hollis Bellerose Volunteer Ambulance Corp s Inc - queens 25. 0ueens Yeshiva Ketana Inc - Flushin g, NY 63.00

Ouincy University Corporation - Ouinc y, IL 300.00uinebau -Shetucket Heritage Corridor Inc - Putnam , CT 225.00

Quitman Resource Center for Preservation Inc - Rhinebeck , NY 50.00uo ue Free Libra ry Inc. - uo ue NY 100.00

R A W Ministries Inc - Saint Albans , NY 350.00R.E. Fitch Senior Hi gh School - Groton , CT 100.00Rabbi Harry H Epstein School Inc - Atlanta GA 0.00Rabbi Israel Meyer Hacohen Rabbinical Rabbinical Seminary of America - 115.00Rabbi Jacob Joseph School - Staten Island , NY $6 ,000.00Rabbi Marc H. Tanenbaum Foundation Inc - New York , NY 75.00Rabbi Pesach Raymond Yeshiva - Edison , NJ 550.00Rabbinical Colle ge of America - Morristown , NJ $5 . 585.00Rabbinical Colle ge of Telshe Inc. - Wickliffe , OH 75.00Rachel Lon street Foundation Inc - Augusta , GA 200.00Racine Zoolo g ical Society - Racine , WI 100.00Racine 2 Save Lives - Denver, CO 50.00Radio Catskill W.J.f.f. - Jeffersonville , NY 200.00Radio Station KNOM - Nome , AK 130.00Rails-To-Trails Conservancy - Washin gton , DC $ 1 , 595.00Rainbow Acres - Camp Verde , AZ 355.00Rainbow Boosters Inc - Shawnee Mission , KS $400.00Rainbow Connection - Galveston , TX 850.00Rainbow Omega Inc - Eastabo a AL 1 .025.00Rainforest Action Network - San Francisco , CA 425.00Rainforest Alliance Inc - New York , NY 15.00ts!Ralston Cider Mill A NJ Nonprofit Corporation - Mendham , NJ 50.00Ralston En ine Company No I - Mendham , NJ 100.00Ramano Colle ge Foundation - Mahwah , NJ 75.00Ramano Valle y Chorus - Sweet Adelines International - Ramsey, NJ $2 , 500.00Ramapo-Bergen Animal Refuge Inc - Oakland , NJ 125.00Ramaz School - New York, NY $ 13 , 800.00Ranch Community Services , Inc. - Menomonee Falls , WI $50.00Rancho Coastal Humane Society - Encinitas , CA $500.00Rancho Encinitas Academy Lea ue - Encinitas , CA 250.00Randol ph Chemical Eng ine Co No 2 Inc - Randol ph , NJ $ 125.00Randol ph Hi gh School - Randol ph , NJ 00.00Randol ph Macon Womans Colle ge - Lynchburg, VA $9 ,000.00Randol ph Rescue Squad - Randol ph , NJ 60.00Randol ph-Macon Colle ge - Ashland , VA $ 1 , 750.00Randol h-Macon Woman's Colle ge - Lynchburg, VA 600.00Rand 's Ran gers - Pass Christian , MS $ 1 , 000.00Ran gele y Libra ry Association - Rangeley, ME 50.00Ran geley Re g ion Cross-Country Ski Club - Rangeley, ME 200.00Ranken Technical Colle ge - St. Louis , MO 35.00Rape Assistance & Awareness Program Inc - Denver, CO $25.00Rae-Souse Abuse Crisis Center Inc - Lincoln , NE $ 100.00Raphaels Life House Inc - Cranford , NJ 100.00Rappahannock Foundation Inc - Kilmarnock VA 80.00Rappahannock General Hosp ital Foundation Inc - Kilmarnock VA 100.00Raptor Education Group Inc - Anti o WI $30.00Raptor Recove ry Center Incorporated - Elmwood , NE 250.00


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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION MATCHING GIFTS Summary by Organization NameOrganization Name Total Company AmountRaptor Trust - Millin gton , NJ 300.00Raritan River Concerts Inc - Oldwick NJ 675.00Raritan Valle y Habitat for Humanity. Inc. - Bridgewater, NJ $ 10000Rawhide Rescue Inc - Green Brook , NJ $3 .500.00Ray Hi gh School - Corpus Christi , TX 100.00Ray of Li ght Farm Inc - East Haddam , CT $ 1 . 000.00Raymond F. Kravis Center for the Performin Arts Inc. - West Palm Beach $2 , 350.00Reach Out and Read of Greater New York Inc - New York, NY 395.00Reach Studio Art Center - Lansin g, MI 800.00Read To Grow Inc - Branford , CT 160.00Readers Make Leaders Inc - Atlanta , GA $ 1 , 200.00Readm Is Fundamental Inc - Washin gton , DC 265.00Real Goods Solar Livin g Institute - Hovland , CA 50.00Real Medicine Foundation - Los Angeles , CA 150.00Reason Foundation - Los An geles, CA 100.00Reconstructionist Rabbinical Colle ge - W cote PA 125.00Recordin for the Blind & Dyslexic - Princeton NJ 50.00Recordin g for the Blind & Dyslexic Inc - Austin . TX 200.00Recording For The Blind & Dyslexic Inc - New York , NY 500.00Recordin g for the Blind & Dyslexic Inc. Princeton Unit- Main Office - 262.00Rector & Visitors of the Universrt of Virg inia - Charlottesville , VA $ 1 , 615.00Rector Church Wardens & Vstry Mmbrs of Chch of St Luke In Fields of 525.00Rectory School - Pomfret , CT 100.00Recycle Ann Arbor - Ann Arbor , MI $1.000.00Recycle Livin gston Inc - Howell , MI 75.00Rec cle-A-Bic cle Incorporated - Brooklyn, NY 81.00Red Cedar Chamber Music - Marion , IA 25.00Red Cloud Indian School - Pine Rid ge , SD $ 1 , 650.0Red Feather Development Group - Bozeman , MT 100.00Red Ma is Softball Or anization - Huntersville , NC $2 ,000.00Red Oaks School Inc - Morristown , NJ 500.00Redeemer Evan gelical Lutheran Church and School - Westfield , NJ $2 . 500.00Redem tons Mater Archdiocesan Missionary Seminary - Kearn y, NJ $3 .975.00Rediscover - Lee's Summit , MO 500.00Redwood Emp ire Food Bank - Santa Rosa , CA $ 1 ,000.00Redwood Gospel Missions - Santa Rosa, CA 300.00Redwood School & Rehabilitation Center - Ft. Mitchell , KY $2 .400.00Reed Institute - Portland , OR 2 300.0Reflex S ympathetic Dystrophy S yndrome Association RSDSA - Milford , 50.00Reformed Bible Colle ge - Grand Rap ids , MI 1 1 - 350-00Reformed Herita ge Christian School Association - Kalamazoo , MI % 5 600.00Refuah Yeshuah - Brookl yn , NY 211.00Refugees International - Washin gton , DC $1.000.00Rea of Connecticut Inc - Bethan y, CT 40.00Re ents of the University of California at San Diego - La Jolla , CA 350.00Re gents of the Universit y of Michi gan - Palatine , IL $23 .424.00Re gents of the Universit y of Michigan - Palatine , IL $ 199 .096.15Re g ina Opera Company Inc. - Brookl yn, NY 155.00Re g ion 4 Education Foundation Inc - Deep River , CT 500.00Reg ional AIDS Interfaith Network - RAIN Inc - Charlotte , NC 25.00Re Tonal Food Bank of N E New York Inc - Food Bank of the Hudson 50.00Re g ional Multicultural Ma net School - New London , CT $ 1 , 946.00Regional Performin g Arts Center Inc - Philadel phia , PA $ 150.00Re gional Science and Discovery Center Inc - Coming, NY 100.00Reis Hi gh School - New York , NY $ 19 ,692.00Reis University - Denver , CO 30.00Rehabilitation Institute of Michi gan - Detroit , MI 1000.00Rehoboth Christian School - Rehoboth , NM 350.00Rehoboth Christian School Association - Rehoboth , NM 855.00Reliance House Inc - Norwich , CT 25.00Reli g ious Coalition for Reproductive Choice - Washington , DC 25.00Remsenbur Academy Association Inc - Remsenburg, NY 25.00Renbrook School Incorporated - West Hartford , CT $ 1 , 100.00Rend Lake Colle ge Foundation - Ina IL 500.00Renew East Lyme Inc - Niantic CT 250.00Rensselaer Pol ytechnic Institute - Troy, NY $ 1 .200.00Rensselaer Pol ytechnic Institute - Troy, NY $26 , 554.00Reperto ry Theatre of St Louis - Saint Louis , MO $20000Rescue House - Encinitas , CA 500.00Rescue Mission Inc - Omaha , NE 300.00Rescue Missions Ministries Inc - Durham , NC 100.00Resist Inc - Somerville , MA 35.00Resource Center for Women & Their Families - Belle Mead , NJ 25.00Resource Foundation - Larchmont , NY 5 100.00


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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION MATCHING GIFTS Summary by Organization NameOrganization Name Total Company AmountResources for Children With S pecial Needs Inc. - New York , NY 250.00Responsibilit y - San Ysidro , CA 30.00Resthaven Patrons Inc. - Holland , MI 80.00Restless Le g s S drome Foundation Inc - Rochester , MN 75.00Resurrection Catholic Missions of the South Inc. - Montgomery, AL 400.00Retrouvaille of Northwest Ohio Inc - Toledo , OH 200.00Rett S yndrome Research Foundation - Cincinnati , OH 300.00Return To Freedom - Lompoc , CA 25.00Returned Peace Corps Volunteers of New Jersey - Jersey City, NJ 50.00Return-United Fund Education Russian Immi grant Children Israel - 54.00Reuth Womens Social Service For Israel Inc - New York , NY 200.00Rev. Charles C. Cassid y Parochial School Endowment Inc - S parta , NJ $6 , 300.00Rev. Louis O'Vander Thomas Educational Foundation - Trinity Ep iscopal $ 1 , 750.00Reverend George A Brown Memorial School - S parta , NJ 2000.00Rhode Island Academic Decathlon Association - Warwick , RI 50.00Rhode Island Autism Pro i ect - Cranston , RI 300.00Rhode Island Colle ge Alumni Association - Providence , RI 400.00Rhode Island Colle ge Foundation - Providence , RI 500.00Rhode Island Communit y Food Bank Association - Providence , RI $ 1 , 675.00Rhode Island Community Foundation - Providence , RI 730.00Rhode Island Historical Societ y - Providence , RI 100.0Rhode Island Hos p ital Foundation - Hasbro Children's Hosp ital - $25000Rhode Island Hos p ital Foundation - Providence , RI $ 1 , 525.00Rhode Island Philharmonic Orchestra - Providence , RI 350.00Rhode Island School of Desi gn - Providence , RI 500.00Rhode Island Sharks - New En g land Phoenix Softball - Waterford , CT 800.00Rhode Island Zoolog ical Societ y - Providence , RI 858.00Rhodes College - Memphis , TN 400.00RI Societ y for the Prevention of Cruelty To Animals - Riverside RI 50.0Richmond Boys Choir Inc - Richmond , VA 75.00Richmond Concert Pops Inc - Richmond , VA 25.0Richmond District Nei ghborhood Center Inc - San Francisco , CA 250.0Richmond Memorial Library - Marlborou gh , CT 50.0Richmond Symphony - Richmond , VA 100.00Richmond Trian g le Players - Richmond , VA 75.00Riddle Brook Elementary School - Bedford , NH 100.00Ride for Autism Inc - Manalapan , NJ 675.00Ride on St Louis Inc - Kimmswick , MO 25.00Ride4fun Bridgewater Farms - Saline , MI 575.00Rider Universit y - Lawrenceville , NJ $3.600.00Ride Meadow Elementa ry, School - Ellisville , MO 25.00Rid efield Boys Club - Rid gefield . CT 500.00R•d efield Senior Center Foundation Inc - Rid gefield , CT 100.00Riding to the To - Windham , ME 60.00Ri ght To Life of Central California Education Fund - Tulare Count Ri ght 300.00Ri ght To Life of Mich igan Educational Fund - Grand Rapids , MI 400.00Rippe Dore Foundation - Beverl y Hills , CA 340.00Ri pon Colle ge - Ri pon , WI 550.00Ritter Center - San Rafael , CA 500.00River City Brass Band - Pittsburgh , PA 250.00River Hos p ital Foundation Inc - Alexandria Bay, NY 500.00River Le gac y Foundation - Arlin gton , TX 150.00River Raisin Centre for the Arts Inc - Monroe , MI 25.00Riverdale Yonkers Society for Ethical Culture Inc - Bronx , NY 300.00Riverfront Childrens Center - Groton , CT 600.00Riverhead Foundation for Marine Research and Preservation - Riverhead , 50.00Riverkeeper Inc - Tarrytown , NY 50.00Riverlink Inc - Asheville , NC 100.0Riverside Park Fund Inc. - New York , NY 150.00Road Runners Club of America - St Jude Runners Association - Peoria, IL 370.00Roanoke College - Salem , VA 150.00Roar Foundation - Acton , CA 250.00Roarin Fork Public Radio Inc - KAJX , Apen Public Radio - Aspen , CO $ 1 . 250.00Robert E. Fitch Hi h School - Groton , CT 200.0Robert Matchen Nutrition Center - Society of St Vincent Depaul - Pontiac 150.00Roberts Wesle yan Colle ge - Rochester, NY 400.00Robertson Foundation Inc - Ann Arbor, MI 504.65Robie Foundation Inc - Sparta , NJ 50.00Rochester Area Nei hborhood House Inc - Rochester , MI 100.00Rochester College - Rochester Hills , MI $ 12 , 500.00Rochester Hills Public Library - Rochester Hills , MI 275.00Rochester Hills-Oakland-Rochester Older Persons Commission - Rochester, 170.00Rochester Institute of Technolo jzy - Rochester , NY 560.00

4Rochester Philharmonic Orchestra Inc - Rochester , NY 225.STATEMENT 21B

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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION MATCHING GIFTS Summary by Organization NameOrganization Name Total Company AmountRock Valle y Colle ge Foundation - Rockford , IL $ 1 . 000.00Rockbnd a Area Free Clinic - Lexington , VA 100.00Rockbrid a Historical Society - Lexington , VA 250.00Rockefeller Universit y - New York, NY $ 10 .541.00Rockford Colle ge - Rockford , IL 100.00Rockford Rescue Mission Ministries - Rockford , IL S50000Rockhurst Hi gh School - Kansas City, MO 200.00Rockin g Chair Project Inc - Bronxville , NY $8 , 650.00Rockin the Boat Inc - Bronx NY 200.00Rockin gham Community Colle ge Foundation Inc - Wentworth NC 100.00Rockland Community Colle ge Foundation Inc - Suffern , NY 50.00Rockland Pre gnanc y Counselin Center Inc - S prin g Valle NY 500.00Rockport-Fulton Good Samaritans Inc - Rockport , TX 500.00Rockwood Valle y Swim Club Parents Association , Inc. - Ellisville , MO $ 1 .000.00Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation Inc - Missoula , MT 100.00Rocky Mountain Famil y Council - Denver, CO 250.00Rocky Mountain Public Broadcastin Network Inc - Denver , CO 695.00Rodeph Sholom School - New York , NY 100.00Rodman Ride for Kids - Boston , MA 160.00Roe er Cit & Country School Inc - Bloomfield Hills , MI $85000Roger Williams University - Bristol , RI 1 050.00Rollins Colle ge - Orlando , FL 1 000.00Roman Catholic Bishop of Fall River Catholic Education Center-Bisho 240.00Ronald Mcdonald Childrens Charities Inc. - Oakbrook . IL $2 ,250.00Ronald Mcdonald House Charities Inc - Indianapolis , IN 250.00Ronald Mcdonald House Charities of Charlottesville Inc - Charlottesville , 250.00Ronald Mcdonald House Charities Of Eastern Wisconsin Inc - Wauwatosa , 50.00Ronald McDonald House Charities of Greater Las Vegas Inc - Las Vegas , 100.00Ronald Mcdonald House Charities of Memphis Inc - Memphis , TN 100.00Ronald Mcdonald House Charities of Metro St Louis Inc - Saint Louis , MO 275.0Ronald Mcdonald House Charities of New/ So.Colorado - Albuquerque , 500.00Ronald Mcdonald House Charities of Southern Arizona , Inc. - Tucson , AZ 250.00Ronald Mcdonald House Charities of Southern California-Cam Ronald 500.00Ronald Mcdonald House Charities of the Heart of America Inc. - Kansas 50.00Ronald Mcdonald House of Ann Arbor - Ann Arbor, MI $ 1 , 725. 0Ronald McDonald House of Chapel Hill Inc - Chapel Hill , NC 200.00Ronald Mcdonald House of Durham Inc - Durham , NC 100.00Ronald McDonald House of Lon Branch NJ , Inc. - New Brunswick , NJ 100.00Ronald Mcdonald House of Lon g Island - New Hyde Park , NY 25.00Ronald Mcdonald House of New York Inc - New York , NY $2 , 990.00Ronald Mcdonald House of Winston-Salem Inc - Winston-Salem , NC 25.00Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation - Simi Valle y, CA 193.00Room To Heal Foundation - Coto De Caza , CA 1000.00Roosevelt Elementary School - Tampa , FL 500.00Roosevelt University - Chica go , IL 100.00Rosa Hill Home - Hawthorne NY 25.00Rose City Renaissance - Norwich , CT 700.00Rose Hulman Institute of Technology - Terre Haute , IN $2 , 600.00Rose International Fund For Children (TRIFC ) - Bellevue , WA 100.00Roseland Christian School - Chicago , IL 50.00Roseland Christian School - Chica go , IL 100.00Rosemont Colle ge Of The Hol y Child Jesus - Rosemont , PA $250.00Rosemont Colle ge Of The Hol y Child Jesus - Rosemont, PA 450.00Rosenthal JCC Northern Westchester - Pleasantville , NY $400.00Rossman School - St Louis , MO $3 ,972.56Roswell Park Alliance Foundation - Buffalo , NY $480.00Rotary Club of St Andrews- Columbia Scholarshi p Foundation - Columbia , 1000.00Rotary Foundation of Gaston County Inc - Gastonia , NC $250.00Rota Foundation of Rotary International - Lincoln , NE 201.00Rotary Foundation of Rotary International- Evanston - Evanston , IL $ 550.00Rotch-Jones-Duff House & Garden Museum Inc - New Bedford , MA $ 1 , 879.46Rothsville Volunteer Fire Company Relief Association Inc - Lititz , PA $ 100.00Rough Riders Foundation Inc - New Canaan , CT 193.00Round House Theatre Inc - Bethesda, MD 395.00Roundabout Theatre Compan y - New York, NY $8 , 550.00Rowa on Historical Society Inc. - Rowa on CT $ 1 , 000.00Roxana Community School District #1 - Camp Roxy S pecial Education $200.00Roxbu Ambulance Association Inc - Roxbury, CT 25.00Roxbury Auxiliary Police Association - Succasunna , NJ 40.00Roxbury Community Colle ge Foundation Inc - Boston , MA $250.00Roxbury Land Trust Inc - Roxbury, CT $25.00Roxbury Latin School Inc. - West Roxbury, MA $500.00Roxbury Parents for Exceptional Children Inc - Succasunn a, NJ 25.00

. Roxbury Volunteer Fire Dept Inc - Roxbury, CT 25.00STATEMENT 21B

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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION MATCHING GIFTS Summary by Organization Name

Organization Name Total Company AmountRoy B. Petteng ill Ambulance Association Inc - Marlborou gh , CT $3006Roy H. Mann Junior Hi gh School - Brookl yn , NY 150.00Royal Arch Research Assistance Inc - Louisville KY 100.00Royal Famil Kids Camp Inc - Santa Ana , CA $250 00Rudolf Steiner School Association of Ann Arbor - Ann Arbor , MI $2.500 00Rudolf Steiner School Inc. - New York NY 250.00Ruffed Grouse Society - Shaker Hei ghts , OH 100.00Rumson Country Day School - Rumson , NJ 100.00Rural Futures International - Scotts , MI $75500Rural ualit Coalition Foundation - Nevada City, CA 25.00Rush-Presb yterian St Lukes Medical Center - Chica go, IL $2500Rutgers University Foundation - New Brunswick , NJ 500.00Rutgers University Foundation - New Brunswick , NJ $35,690.75Ruth Ellis Center Inc - Detroit , MI 100.0Ryan Andrew Kaiser Memorial Foundation - Leonardo NJ 300.00Rvan's Place Inc. - Goshen , IN 50.00Rye Art Center Inc - Rye , NY 120.00Rye Country Day School - Rye , NY $3 , 750. 0Rye Historical Society - Rye , NH 50.00Rye Historical Society - Rye , NY 45.00Rye Neck Parent Teacher Student Association - Mamaroneck , NY 25.00Rye Senior Serve - Rye , NH 100.00S 0 M E (so Others Might Eat) - Washington , DC 50.00S P C A Hunterdon Co District - Milford , NJ 225.00S P C A of Connecticut Inc - Monroe , CT 425.00Sacramento Childrens Home - Sacramento CA 200.00Sacred Heart Academy - Hempstead , NY 390.00Sacred Heart Hi gh School - Salina , KS 25.00Sacred Heart School - Groton , CT 9009.82Sacred Heart University - Fairfield , CT 400.00Sadd Students Against Drivin g Drunk Inc. - Marlborough , MA 55.00Saddleback Colle ge - Foundation for South Oran ge County Community 250.00Saddlebrooke Community Outreach Inc - Tucson , AZ $5 , 000.00Safe Harbor of Greater West Chester Inc - West Chester, PA 650.00Safe Haven Animal Sanctuary of Sussex County Inc - Nassau , DE 725.00Safe Haven Ministries Inc - Grand Rapids , MI 35.00Safe Passage - Yarmouth , ME 25.0Safe Sitter Inc - Indianapolis , IN 500.00Safehome Inc. - Overland Park , KS 50.00Sae Colle ges - Russell Sage Colle ge - Troy, NY 150.00Sagebrush Equine Trainin g Center for the Handicapped Incorporated - 250.00Saginaw Community Foundation - Saginaw , MI 150.00Saigon Childrens Charit y USA - New York , NY ($76.00Saint Aloysius Parish - Saint Aloysius School - Spokane , WA 25.00Saint Andrews School of Boca Raton Inc - Boca Raton , FL 1000.00Saint Anns School - Brookl yn, NY 400.00Saint Anthonys Community Center Inc - City Fare - Wilmington , DE 50.00Saint Barnabas Develo ement Foundation - Livin gston , NJ 546.00Saint Bamabas Hosp ice and Palliative Care Center - West Orange , NJ $ 1 . 025.00Saint Bamabas Medical Center - Livin gston, NJ 100.00Saint Clares Foundation Inc - Denville , NJ 175.00Saint Elizabeth Church - Saint Elizabeth Educational Fund - Uwchlan , PA 325.00Saint Francis Hospital and Medical Center Foundation Inc. - Hartford , CT 100.00Saint Francis of Assisi Service Dog Foundation - Roanoke , VA 40.00Saint Francis University - Loretto , PA $5 ,420.00Saint James School Inc - Saint James , MD $5.000.00Saint Jose ph Hi g h School - Metuchen , NJ 250.00Saint Jose hs Colle ge - Rensselaer , IN 300.0Saint Lawrence Seminary Hi gh School - Mount Calvary, WI 25.00Saint Louis S ymphony Orchestra - Saint Louis , MO 355.00Saint Mary Colle ge - Leavenworth , KS $ 125.00Saint Marys Colle ge - Notre Dame , IN $ 10 . 850.00Saint Mary's School - Canandai gua , NY $50.00Saint Ma s School - Ralei gh , NC $200.00Saint Peters Colle ge - Jerse y City, NJ $1.400.00Saint Peter's University Hosp ital - New Brunswick , NJ $300.00Saint Saviors Episcopal Church - Saint Saviour's Church Nursery School - $250.00Saint Thomas Hi gh School - Houston , TX 100.00Saint Vincent De Paul Society - Edmond OK 15 000.00Saint Vincent's Catholic Medical Centers of New York - New York NY $75.00Saint-Mary-of-the-Woods Colle ge - Saint M of the Woods , IN 200.00Saint-ma -of-the-woods Colle ge - St Ma Of The Woods IN 100.00Saladin Temple Childrens Tr Fund - Grand Ra ids MI 25.00Salado Youth Association Inc - Salado , TX $500.00


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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION MATCHING GIFTS Summary by Organization NameOrganization Name Total Company AmountSalanter Akiba Riverdale Academy - Bronx , NY $2 , 375.00Salem Land Tr - Salem , CT $875.00Salem School P T 0 F Inc - Salem , CT $75.00Salem Sure Soccer Club - Salem, CT $550.00Salem Volunteer Fire Company Incorporated - Salem CT $450.00Salesian Missions - New Rochelle , NY $ 1 , 450.00Salesianum School - Wilmin gton , DE $200.00Salesmanshi Club of Dallas Union Station No 350 - Dallas , TX $2 ,000.00Saline Area Schools - Saline , MI $250.00Saline Christian School Association - Saline MI $2 . 500.. 00Saline Hi p h School - Saline MI $350.00Salisbu Public Health Nursin g Association Inc. - Salisbury, CT 200.00Salisbu ry School Inc. - Salisbu ry, CT $ 10000Salisbu State University Foundation Inc - Salisbu ry, MD $7500Salt Marsh Opera - Stonin ton CT $ 1 , 600.00Saluda Senior Center Inc - Saluda , NC $50.00Salvation Army - Ann Arbor , MI $2 ,985.00Salvation Army - Atlanta , GA $20000Salvation Army - Augusta , GA 50.00Salvation Arm - Belleville , IL I .0Salvation Army - Boston , MA 325.00Salvation Army - Bradenton , FL 200.00Salvation Army - Columbia , SC 950.00Salvation Army - Conway, SC $50.00Salvation Army - Dallas TX $385.00Salvation Army - Denver , CO 400.00Salvation Army - Fort Myers , FL $750.00Salvation Army - Fort Worth , TX 75.00Salvation Army - Greensboro , NC $3 , 000.00Salvation Army - Greenwood , SC 700.00Salvation Army - Hartford , CT $2 ,930.00Salvation Army - Hendersonville , NC $5000Salvation Army - Howell , MI $655.00Salvation Army - Indiana polis , IN $2 , 522.87Salvation Army - Jacksonville , FL $ 100.00Salvation Army - Jonesboro , AR $ 100.00Salvation Army - Kalamazoo , MI $ 3 , 115.00Salvation Army - Kansas City, $430.00Salvation Army - Lake Worth , FL $25.00Salvation Army - Las Vegas , NV $500.00Salvation Army - Leesburg, FL $50.00Salvation Army - Lincoln , NE $35.00Salvation Army - Louisville , KY $200.00Salvation Arm - Marshalltown , IA $50.00Salvation Army - New London , CT $ 1 , 000.00Salvation Army - Norwich , CT 5 000.00Salvation Army - O'Fallon MO 500.00Salvation Army - Omaha , NE 150.00Salvation Army - Paterson , NJ 300.00Salvation Army - Pensacola , FL 150 00Salvation Army - Philadel phia , PA 195.00Salvation Army - Phoenix , AZ 100.00Salvation Army - Plymouth Corps Community Center - Pl ymouth , Ml 200.00Salvation Army - Portland , ME 225 00Salvation Army - Proiect Warmth - Kansas Cit y, MO $50.00Salvation Army - Rhode Island Good New hbor Ener Fund - Providence , 50.00Salvation Army - Roseville , MN $ 175.00Salvation Army - San Antonio , TX $850.00Salvation Army - San Francisco , CA $2 , 100.00Salvation Army - Sarasota , FL $ 100.00Salvation Army - Seneca , SC $200.00Salvation Army - Southfield MI $8 . 100.00Salvation Army - Stuart , FL 250.00Salvation Army - Tama FL 50.00Salvation Army - Terre Haute , IN $2 . 190.00Salvation Army - Tustin , CA 150.00Salvation Army - Union , NJ $6 , 720.00Salvation Arm - Washin gton , DC 150.00Salvation Army - Western Penns lvania Division - Pittsburgh , PA 125.00Salvation Army - Wilmin gton , NC 135.00Salvation Army - Winston Salem , NC 500.00Salvation Army & Its Components - Charleston , SC 375.00Salvation Army & Its Components - Dallas , TX 380.00Salvation Army & Its Components - Fort Collins , CO 50.00


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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION MATCHING GIFTS Summary by Organization NameOrganization Name Total Company AmountSalvation Army & Its Components - Holland MI $2 , 300.06Salvation Army & Its Components - Lynchburg, VA $ 1 ,000.00Salvation Army & Its Components - New Bern , NC $ 1 , 500.00Salvation Arm & Its Components - Painesvilles , OH $ 100.00Salvation Army & Its Components - Pittsburgh , PA $25.00Salvation Army & Its Components - Seattle , WA 150.00Salvation Army & Its Components - S yracuse , NY 35.00Salvation Army & Its Components - Toledo , OH 100.00Salvation Army & Its Components Att Finance Dept - Akron , OH 100.00Salvation Arm & Its Corn onents Att Finance Dept - Asbury Park , NJ 25.00Salvation Army & Its Components Att Finance Dept - Cleveland , OH 100.00Salvation Army & Its Components Att Finance Dep t - Lancaster, PA 100.00Salvation Arm & Its Components Attention Finance Department - Batavia 50.00Salvation Army Greater New York Division - New York, NY $ 17 , 652.00Salvation Arm National Co - Alexandria , VA $2 ,075.00Salvation Army National Corp - Grand Rap ids , MI $2 , 750.00Salvation Army National Corp - Hurricane Katrina Relief Fund - 600.00Salvation Army National Corp - Memphis , TN 50.00Salvation Army National Corp - Naples , FL $4 ,000.00Salvation Army National Corr) - Petoske y, MI $200.00Salvation Arm National Cori) - Stur g is , MI 500.00Salvation Army of St. Lucie Count y - Fort Pierce , FL $2500Salvation Army of Washtenaw County - Ann Arbor , MI $ 1 . 395.00Salvation Arm Oklahoma Division - Shawnee , OK 200.00Salvation Army Pennsylvania Cha pter - Levittown , PA 200.00Salvation Army Residences Inc - Jackson , MS 400.00Salvation Arm Residences Inc - Midland , TX 350.00Salvation Army Services Inc - Battle Creek , MI 200.00Salvation Army Services Inc - Chicago , IL $ 1 , 495.00Salvation Army Services Inc - Des Plaines , IL $2 ,095.00Salvation Army Services Inc - Janesville , WI 365.00Salvation Army Services Inc - Kenosha , WI 55.00Salvation Arm Services Inc - Los Angeles , CA 25.00Salvation Army Services Inc - Portland , OR $ 150.00Salvation Army Services Inc - San Die go , CA 520.00Salvation Arm Services Inc - Wauwatosa , WI 50.00Salvation Army Services Inc - Ypsilanti , MI $ 160.00Salvation Army Southern New Eng land Division - Hartford , CT $ 11 ,601.19Salvation Arm/Eastern Michi gan - Southfield , MI 50.00Salvation Arm /Greater Hartford - Hartford , CT 850.00Salvation Arm /Kansas City - Kansas City, 25.00Salvation Arm /Levittown Corps/Bucks County - Levittown PA 500.00Salvation Army/Mankato - Mankato , MN $55.00Salvation Army/Northwest Area Services - Toledo , OH $25.00Salve Reg ina University - Newport , 250.00Sam & Elizabeth Colt American Cultural Foundation - Bristol , CT $ 1 , 000.00Sam Houston State University - Huntsville , TX 50.00Samantha Smith PTA Lake Washington Council - Sammamish WA 500.00Samaritan Auxiliary - Watertown , NY 125.00Samaritan Center - Jefferson Cit y, MO $ 1 ,000.00Samaritan Homeless Interim Program - Somerville , NJ 200.00Samaritan House - San Mateo , CA 50.00Samaritan Ministries - Winston Salem, NC 25.00Samaritans Inc - Boston , MA 25.00Samaritans Purse - Boone , NC $ 19 , 705.00Sama an - Poway, CA $2 , 500.00Samford Universit y - Birmin gham , AL 25.00Sam's House-A Nepalese Orphanage - Morris , MN 250.00an Antonio Metropolitan Ministry Inc - San Antonio , TX $ 1 , 100.00an Antonio Rescue Mission - San Antonio , TX $1.850.00an Antonio Wildlife Emergency Centre - San Antonio, TX 100.00an Bernadmo Mountains Land Trust - Lake Arrowhead , CA 25.00an Diego Carrier Museum - San Die go , CA $ 1 ,000.00an Die o Childrens Hospital Foundation - San Die go, CA 1000.00an Die go Foundation - San Die go , CA 275.00an Die go Humane Societ & SPCA - San Diem, CA $2 , 160.00an Die o Lost Boys of Sudan Charitable Corporation - Carlsbad CA $ 1 ,500.00an Diego Opera Association - San Diego , CA 750.00

San Diew Public Library - San Diego , CA 260.00an Diego Reperto ry Theatre Inc. - San Die go , CA 250.00an Die go Rescue Mission Inc - San Diego. CA 399.00an Die go Societ of Natural History Balboa Park - San Diego . CA 2000.00an Diego State Universit Foundation - San Die go , CA $2 , 118.55

San Die go Urban League Inc - San Die go, CA $ 100.00STATEMENT 21

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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION MATCHING GIFTS Summary by Organization Name

Organization Name Total Company AmountSan Elio La oon Conservanc - Encinitas CA 450.00San Fernando Valle y Hebrew Hi g h School Valley Torah Hi gh School 25.00San Francisco AIDS Foundation - San Francisco CA 2 875.00San Francisco School - San Francisco CA 250.00San Francisco Symphony - San Francisco CA 124.00San Jose Public Library Foundation - San Jose , CA 50.00San Miguel School - Camden , NJ 50.00Sand y S prin gs Historic Community Foundation Inc. - Sand y S prin g s , GA 50.00

----Sanilac County Historical Society - Port Sanilac , MI T2 ,000.0Sanilac Count Humane Society Inc - Carsonville MI 300.00Sankara Eye Foundation USA - San Jose , CA 700.00Sankara Nethrala a Om Trust Inc - Rockville , MD 2000.00Santa Claus Anonymous incorporated - Baltimore , MD 50.00Santa Monica Hi g h School Graduate Nite - Santa Monica CA 25.00Sarah Foundation Inc - Guilford , CT 55.00Sarah Lawrence Colle ge - Bronxville , NY $ 15 , 100.00Sarasota Architectural Foundation Inc - Sarasota , FL 50.00Sarasota Concert Association Inc. - Sarasota , FL 200.00Sarasota County Arts Council - Sarasota , FL $5000Sarasota Film Society - Sarasota , FL 50.00Sarasota Opera Association Inc. - Sarasota , FL 500.00-Sarasota-Manatee Jewish Federation Inc. - Sarasota , FL 500.00Sarato ga S pring s Performin g Arts Center Inc - Sarato ga Sprin gs . NY 775.00-Sasha Farm - Manchester , MI 300.00Sassamansville Fire Co - Sassamansville , PA 3.00Savannah Area Family Emergency Shelter - Savannah , GA 100.00Savannah Country Day School - Savannah , GA $500.00Savannah Foundation Incorporated - Savannah , GA 250 00,Savannah Onstage - Savannah , GA $ 1 , 750.00Save A Life Today Foundation A Nonprofit Corporation - Summit , NJ $30.00Save Eag le Mountain Lake - Fort Worth , TX $200.00Save Ellis Island Inc - Mt. Olive NJ 100.00Save Ocean Beach Inc - New London , CT 100.00Save the Animals Rescue Team Association - Little Falls , NJ $ 100.00Save the Bay Inc - Providence , RI $ 1 , 120.00Save the Children Federation Inc - Cold Sprin g Harbor , NY $4 , 300.00Save The Children Federation Inc - Westport , $ 19 , 796.00Save the Manatee Club Inc. - Maitland , FL 50.00Save the Redwoods League - San Francisco , CA $585.00Save the River/Save the Hills Inc - Waterford , CT $50.00Save the Sound Inc. - Norwalk , CT $ 125.00Savekitt y Foundation - Bellerose , NY $250.00Savm Lives Throu gh Alternate Options-Slao - Houston , TX $ 1 , 550.00Saxton B Little Free Library Inc - Columbia , CT $25.00SCADD - Lebanon , CT 90.00Scarsdale Famil y Counselin Service - Scarsdale , NY $3 ,000.00Scarsdale Historical Society - Scarsdale , NY $ 1 ,000.00Scarsdale Student Transfer Education Plan Inc - Scarsdale , NY 50.00Scarsdale Volunteer Ambulance Corp s Inc. - Scarsdale NY $5 ,000.00Scenic Hudson Inc - Pou ghkeepsie , NY $ 150.00Schenle y Golf Operatin g Co oration - The First Tee of Pittsburgh - $350.00Schiff Natural Lands Trust Inc - Mendham NJ $90.00Scholarshi p & Welfare Funds of Alumni Association of Hunter Colle ge - 225.00Scholarshi p America Inc - Fishers IN 100.00Scholarshi p America Inc - Washin gton Citizens Scholarshi p Foundation - 100.00Scholarshi p Foundation of St Louis - Saint Louis , MO 25.00School & Community Services Inc - Student Advocacy Center - Ypsilanti , 25.00School for the PerforminArts - Iowa City, IA 100.00School of American Ballet Inc. - New York , NY 400.00School Sisters of Notre Dame - Elm Grove WI 30.0Schoolcraft Colle ge Foundation - Livonia , MI $ 1 .493.80Schoolcraft Communit y Library Inc - Schoolcraft MI 25.00Schooner Inc. - New Haven , CT 40.00Schreiber Pediatric Rehab Center of Lancaster County - Lancaster . PA 345.00Schuylkill Canal Association Inc - Oaks , PA 50.00Schwab Fund for Charitable Giving - San Francisco CA 1 000.00Science Center of Eastern Connecticut Inc - New London , CT 560.00Science Center of Iowa - Des Moines IA $250.00Science Museurn-Ima g ination Station - Museums Of Wilson Inc - Wilson , $250.00Science With A Mission Inc - Sharon , MA 25.00Scleroderma Foundation - Danvers , MA $570.00Scleroderma Foundation - Farmington Hills , MI 525.00Scleroderma Foundation New Eng land Inc - To sfield MA $5000Scleroderma Foundation of the Delaware Valley - Spring Lake NJ 300.00


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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION MATCHING GIFTS Summary by Organization NameOrganization Name Total Company AmountScleroderma Foundation Tri-State Inc Chapter - Binghamton , NY $ 1 , 5 60.00Scleroderma Research Foundation - San Francisco , CA 50.00SCO Famil y of Services - Briarwood , NY 1 00.00Scoliosis Association Inc - Boca Raton , FL 25.00Sconset Trust Inc. - Siasconset , MA 1 50.00Scotch Plains Fanwood Scholarshi p Foundation - Fanwood , NJ 25.00Scott Hazelcorn Childrens Foundation - Berkeley Hei ghts , NJ 50.00Scranton Council for Literac y - Scranton , PA 50.00Scri pps Foundation for Medicine and Science- Scri pps Health - La Jolla , 50.00Scripps Health - La Jolla , CA $9 ,475.00Scripps Ranch Hi gh School Foundation - San Die go , CA 1 50.00Scru gg s Volunteer Fire Department and Rescue Squad Inc - Moneta, VA 50.00Sdtc-the Center for Discovery Inc - Harris , NY 1 00.00Sea Research Institute Inc - Mystic , CT $ 12 , 349. 0Seabrook Village Inc - Neptune , NJ 300.00Seacoast Hosp ice - Exeter , NH 1 00.00Seacoast Land Trust - Portsmouth , NH 1 00.00Seacoast Science Center Inc - Rye , NH 1 50.00Seattle Opera Association Inc. - Seattle , WA 1 00.00Seattle Opera Guild Inc. - Seattle , WA 80.00Seattle Pacific University - Seattle , WA 1 00.00Seattle Pacific University - Seattle , WA 250.00Seattle University - Seattle , WA 250.00Second Amendment Foundation - Bellevue , WA 1 50.00Second Harvest Food Bank Servin g Santa Cruz and San Benito Counties - 250.00Second Harvest Gleaners Food Bank of West Mich igan Inc - Comstock $ 1 , 200.00Second Harvest St. Paul Food Bank - Saint Paul , MN 1 55.00Second Hel pin g s Inc - Indianapolis , IN 50.00Second Stage Theatre Inc - New York, NY 1 00.00Security on Campus Inc - Kin g Prussia , PA $ 1 , 600.00Sedona Arts Center Inc - Sedona , AZ 250.00Sedona-Oak Creek School District - Sedona , AZ 550.00Seed Foundation Inc - Washington , DC 200.00Seedlings Braille Books for Children - Livonia , MI 400.00Seeds of Peace Inc - New York , NY 500.00Seeing Eye Inc. - Morristown , NJ $2 ,600.00Self Hel p Alternative Livin g Opportunities of Michi gan Inc - Kalamazoo , $ 100.00Self Help for Hard of Hearin g People - Bethesda , MD 500.00Self Hel p for Hard of Hearin g People - Hearing Loss Association of 200.00Self Hel for Hard of Hearing People - Portage , MI 70.00Self Memorial Hosp ital Auxiliary Inc - Greenwood , SC 140.00Self Reg ional Healthcare Foundation - Greenwood , SC $11.110.00Seminary of the Immaculate Conception - Huntington , NY $5 . 900.00Seminole Boosters Inc - Tallahassee , FL 1.400.00Senan o Elementary School - New Castle , PA 500.00Senior Action In A Gay Environment Inc - New York, NY 25.00Senior Care and Activities Center - Montclair , NJ $50.00Senior Center Incorporated - Charlottesville , VA $60000Senior Gratiot Inc - Ithaca , MI 300.00Senior Services Associates , Inc. - El g in , IL 50.00Senior Services Center of the Chathams Inc - Chatham , NJ 100.00Senior Services Inc - Kalamazoo , MI 770.00Senior Services Incorporated - Winston Salem NC 50.00Se phardic Geriatric Foundation of New York Inc - Brookl yn, NY 100.00Sephardic Home for the Aged Inc - Brookl yn, NY 75.00Se q uoia Humane Society - Eureka , CA 100.00Se quoia Park Zoo Foundation - Cutten . CA 5 000.00Sereoli i Nomadic Education Foundation - New York , NY $3 ,000.00Serrv International Inc - New Windsor , MD 100.00Servants of Relief for Incurable Cancer - Hawthorne NY $2 , 500.00Service Coms of Retired Executives Association - Carmel , NY 250.00Servin g Our Community Kids Corps Public Charity - Saint Louis MO 100.00Sesame Workshop - New York , NY 169.30Seton Foundation For Learmn - Staten Island , NY 50.00Seton Hall Preparato ry School - West Oran ge , NJ $2 ,010.00Seton Hall University - South Orange , NJ 1000.00Seton Hall University - South Orange , NJ $ 13 ,57500Seton Hill University - Greensburg, PA 200.00Seton Lasalle Hi g h School - Pittsburgh , PA 50.0Several Sources Foundation Inc - Ramsey, NJ $ 1 . 375.00Sewickley Academy - Sewickle y, PA 200.0Sexual Assault & Trauma Resource Center of Rhode Island Inc - 265.0Sexual Trauma Services of the Midlands - Columbia , SC 150.0Shad y Hill School - Cambrid ge , MA 250.0


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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION MATCHING GIFTS Summary by Organization Name

Organization Name Total Company AmountShakespeare Festival of St Louis - Saint Louis , MO 225.00Shakespeare Theatre - Washington , DC 535.00Shakespeare Theatre of New Jerse y Inc - Madison , NJ $1.414.54Shalom Task Force Inc - New York , NY 180.00Shalva Inc - Chicago , IL 75.00Shama Inc - Plover , WI $7 .000.00Shamokin Area Hi gh School Alumni Educational Fund - Shamokin , PA 100.00Shands Teachin g Hosp ital and Clinics Inc - Children's Miracle Network - 100.00Share - Pre gnancy and Infant Loss Support Inc - St Charles , MO 300.00Share and Care Foundation for India - Ramse y, NJ $500.0Share Foundation With the Handicapped - RollinPrairie IN 100.00Share- Self Hel p for Women With Breast or Ovarian Cancer - New York , 50.00Share Your Care Inc - Moundsville , WV 100.00Shared Care Inc - Myrtle Beach , SC $ 1 . 000.00Sharelink-S iritan Worldwide Aid Foundation Inc - Wheaton , MD 500.00Sharin and Carin Hands Inc. - Minneapolis , MN 500.00Sharing Inc - Braintree , MA 25.00Sharin villa a Cancer Survivor Groups Inc - Far Hills , NJ 125.00Sharon Alternative Elementary School Association Inc - Sharon , MA 250.00Sharron Millers Academy for the Performin g Arts Inc - Montclair, NJ 2 000.00Sharsheret - Teaneck , NJ 72.00Shaw Festival Foundation - Buffalo , NY 100.00Shaw University - Ralei g h , NC $5 ,000.00Sheboygan Arts Foundation Inc - John Micheal Kohler Arts Center - 250.00Shefa Fund - Philadel phia , PA 808.00Sheffield Historical Society - Sheffield MA 375.00Sheffield Land Trust Inc - Sheffield , MA 125.00Sheila Fund Inc - White Plains , NY 780.00Shelburne Farms - Shelburne , VT 50.00Sheldon Arts Foundation - Saint Louis , MO 100.00Sheldon Swope Art Museum Inc - Terre Haute , IN 475.0Sheldrake Environmental Center Inc - Larchmont , NY $ 1 . 050.00Shelter Association of Washtenaw - Ann Arbor , MI 2 . 775.00Shelter Connection Inc - Greenvale , NY 20.00Shelter for Abused Women of Collier County Inc - Naples , FL $ 1 , 750.00Shelter for the Homeless Inc - Stamford , CT $ 1 . 000.00Shelter Island Public Library Society - Shelter Island , NY $250.00Shelter Island Webster Foundation Inc - Shelter Is , NY $ 1 00.00Shelter Our Sisters Inc - Hackensack , NJ $25.00Shelton Historical Society Inc - Shelton , CT 60.00Shenandoah Valle y Educational Television Corporation - WVPT Public $35.00Shepherd Center Inc - Atlanta , GA $250.00Shepherd Colle ge Foundation Inc. - She herdstown WV $ 15 ,000.00Shepherds Baptist Ministries Inc. - Union Grove , WI 50.00She herds Center of Greater Kalamazoo - Kalamazoo , MI $250.00Shepherds Center of Greater Winston-Salem Inc - Winston Salem NC 50.00Shepherds Gate - Livermore , CA $200.00Sheriffs Auxiliary Volunteers of the Green Valle y District Inc - Green $25.00Sherman Foundation - Corona del Mar, CA 25.00Sherwood Education Foundation - Portland , OR $ 1 00.00Sherwood Forest Cam Inc. - St. Louis , MO 500.00Sherwood Forest Elementary School - Winston Salem , NC $2 50.00Shevach Hi gh School - Flushm NY $25.00Shiloh Christian Childrens Ranch Inc - Shelbina . MO 2 .000.00Shiloh Development Corporation - Brin g ing About New Grounds - New 350.00Shimer Colle ge - Wauke gan , IL $250.00Shmin e Li ht Charitable Cori) - Westlake , OH 1 688.00Shi man's Memorial Golf Tournament - Waterford CT 3000.00Shi nsbur UniversityFoundation - Shi nsbur PA $50.00Shi nsbur Universit y Foundation - Shi nsbur PA $2 ,815.00Shoes That Fit - Claremont , CA 100.00Shor Yoshuv - Lawrence , NY 36.00Shore Memorial Hospital - Somers Point , NJ 550.00Shorecrest Preparato ry School Inc - St. Petersburg, FL 50.00Shoreline Arts Alliance Inc - Guilford , CT 35.00Shoreline Greenway Trail Inc - Guilford , CT 50.00Shoreline Sou Kitchens - Essex CT $9 .095.00Short Term Emergency Aid Committee - Davis CA 100.00Shreve rt Re tonal Arts Council - Shreveport , LA $ 1 , 250.00Shriners Hosp ital For Children - Sprin gfield , MA 175.00Shriners Hosp itals for Children - Minneapo lis , MN 200.00Shnners Hosp itals for Children - Portland , OR 100.00Shriners Hosp itals for Children - Saint Louis , MO 150.00Shriners Hospitals for Children - Tama FL $3&00.00


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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION MATCHING GIFTS Summary by Organization Name

Organization Name Total Company AmountShults-Lewis Child and Famil y Services Inc - Val paraiso , IN $450.00Shwachman-Diamond America - Kemersville NC $ 100.00Siamese Cat Rescue Center - Locust Dale , VA $ 1 , 225.00Sible Environmental Learmn Center Foundation Inc - Midland , TX $ 100.00Sibley Memorial Hosp ital - Washin gton , DC $75.00Sickle Cell Disease Association of America Dade County Chapter Inc - 350.00Sickle Cell Disease Foundation of California - Culver City, CA 1 500.00Sickle Cell Foundation of Georg ia , Inc. - Atlanta , GA $ 10000Sidwell Friends School - Washin gton , DC $ 10,000.00Siena Colle ge - Loudonville , NY 300.00Siena Hei ghts Colle ge - Adrian MI 230.00Sierra Child and Famil y Services - Diamond Sprin gs , CA 250.00Sierra Club Foundation - San Francisco , CA $5 , 399.50Sierra Los Tulares Land Trust - Visalia , CA 500.00Sierra Nevada Alliance - South Lake Tahoe , CA 50.00Sierra Nevada Colle ge - Incline Village , NV $ 10 ,000.00Si ght Savers International Inc - Washin gton , DC 250.00Si gma Alpha Epsilon Foundation - Evanston , IL 125.00Si gma Beta Delta Inc - Saint Louis , MO $2500Si gma Chi Foundation - Evanston , IL 878.00Si gma Phi Epsilon Educational Foundation- Richmond - Richmond , VA 75.00Si ma Pi Educational Fund Inc. - Vincennes , IN 30.00Si gma XI the Scientific Research Society Inc - Research Trian g le Pk , NC 550.00Si gnature Theatre Inc - Arlington , VA $ 1 , 500.00Siloam Famil y Health Center - Nashville , TN 25.00Simmons Colle ge - Boston , MA 950.00Simon Wiesenthal Center Eastern Office - Los Angeles , CA 261.00Simon Wiesenthal Center International Head quarters - Los Angeles . CA 995.00Simp le Chan ges Inc - Alexandria , VA 100.00Simsbury Land Conservation Trust Inc - Simsbury, CT 25.00Sinai Academy - Brookl yn, NY 100.00Singers Minnesota Choral Artists - Saint Paul MN 100.00Siouxland Community Foundation - Sioux City, IA $ 1 .000.00Sister Cit Association of Chelsea Michi gan Inc - Chelsea , MI 60.00Sistercare Inc. - Columbia , SC 150.00Sisters of Charity of St. Elizabeth - Convent Station , NJ 100.00Sisters of Charit y Senior Care Corporation - Bayle y Place - Cincinnati , OH 50.00Skidmore Colle ge - Sarato ga S vg, NY $ 1 , 450.00Skidmore Colle ge - Sarato ga S pring s , NY $ 16 .206.00Skmker Debaliviere Community Council - St Louis , MO $ 10000Slam Dunk for Life Inc - San Antonio , TX $21000SLE Foundation Incorporated - New York, NY $ 1 . 025.00Small Animal Rescue Inc - Princeton , NJ 50.00Small Animal Veterinary Endowment - Princeton , NJ 550.00Smart Start Child Development Center - O ai CA 250.00Smile Network International - Minneapolis , MN 50.00Smile Train Inc - New York, NY $ 10.935.00Smith Colle ge - Northam pton , MA $2 . 117.8Smith House Health Care Center - Willsboro , NY 200 0Smith Mountain Lake (SML) Marine Voluntary Fire Company - Moneta , $500Smithfield Elementary School - Charlotte NC 50.00Smithsonian Institution - Washin gton , DC $2.151.40Smithsonian Institution-National Museum of the American Indian - 222.00Soar Productions - Port Monmouth , NJ $ 1 , 500.00Soarin g Eag le - Billin gs , MT 575.00Soccer Rhode Island Inc - North Kingstown , RI 50.00Society for Christian Education of the Holland Christian Schools - Holland , $ 1 . 87500Societ for Christian Instruction of Zeeland Michi gan - Zeeland , MI 500.00Society for Orphaned Armenian Relief - Berwyn, PA 30000Society for Preservation of Weeksville & Bedford-Stuyvesant History - 550.00Society for the Preservation of New En g land Anti quities Inc - Boston , MA 45.00Society for the Prevention of Cruelty To Animals of Fredericksburg - 200.00Society for the Prevention of Cruelty To Animals of Monterey County - 150.00Societ for the Prevention of Cruelty To Animals of Southwest Michi gan - 365.00Society for the Prevention of Cruelty To Animals of Westchester Inc. - 900.00Society for the Treatment of Abandoned and Fractured Friends - Laurie , 50.00Socie ty of Saint Andrew Inc - Bi g Island , VA $50.00Society of St Vincent De Paul - Bethpage , NY $ 1 .001.00Society of St Vincent De Paul In Diocese of Rockville Center- Anthony $200.00Societ of St Vincent De Paul In Diocese of Rockville Center- Bethpage $75.00Society of St. Vincent De Paul - St. Louis , MO 100.00Society of St Vincent De Paul Niantic - Niantic CT 240.00Societ of St Vincent De aul In the Diocese of Brookl yn - Flushing 25.00Societ of Toxicolo g ic Patholog ists - Reston , VA 100.00


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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION MATCHING GIFTS Summary by Organization Name

Organization Name-

Total Company AmountTociety Prevention of Cruelt To Animals Chester County - West Chester , 25.00Society Protection New Ham shire Forests - Concord NH 250.00Society To Advance the Retarded & Handicapped - Norwalk , CT 200.00Soho Partnershi p Inc - New York , NY $30000Solana Beach Foundation for Learnin - Solana Beach , CA 3 010.00Solar Cookers International - Sacramento , CA 150.00Soldiers Angels - San Antonio , TX 28.00Solidarity Brid ge Inc - Evanston , IL 100.00Solomon R Guggenheim Foundation - New York , NY 520.00Solomon Schechter Academy - New London , CT $ 10 , 323.00Solomon Schechter Academy Of New London County - New London , CT 36.00Solomon Schechter Day School Inc - Newton , MA 100.00Solomon Schechter Day School of Bergen County - New Milford , NJ 36.00Solti Foundation - Wilmette , IL 800.00Somerset County Cultural Diversity Coalition Inc - Brid gewater , NJ 500.00Somerset Home for Temporaril y Dis placed Children - Brid gewater , NJ 250.00Somerset Medical Center Foundation Inc - Somerville , NJ $ 15 ,200.00Somerset Volunteer Fire and Rescue Company No I - Somerset , NJ 50.00Somethin Good in the World - Cortlandt Manor, NY $ 1 , 100.00Sonoma Land Trust - Santa Rosa , CA $ 1 , 100.00Sonoma State University Academic Foundation Inc - Rohnert Park , CA 200.00Sonoma State University Academic Foundation Inc - Rohnert Park , CA 1 000.00Sonos Chamber Orchestra Inc - New York , NY 150.00So a Creek Elementa School Foundation Inc - Marietta, GA 100.00So hia Academy - Providence , RI $3 , 500.00Soro tomist International Inc - Mansfield Center , CT 200.00Sos Beag le Rescue Inc - Dayton , TN $ 1 , 100.00SOS Community Services - Ypsilanti , MI 550.00SOS Crisis Center Inc - Ypsilanti , MI 200.00Soulsville - Memphis , TN 50.00Sound Beach Volunteer Services Foundation Inc. - Old Greenwich , CT 75.00Sound Community Services - New London , CT 50.00Sound View Beach Association Inc - Old Lyme , CT 11500.00Sound Waters Inc - Stamford , CT 125.00Soup Kitchen Inc. Boynton Beach - Boynton Beach , FL 200.00South Carolina Aquarium - Charleston , SC 460.00South Carolina Historical Society - Charleston , SC 125.00South Carolina Medical Association Foundation - Columbia SC 250.00South Carolina State University Educational Foundation - Orangeburg, SC $7 ,000.00South County Players - Vicksburg, MI $50.00South Dakota Future Farmers of America Foundation Inc. - Bath , SD $550.00South Dakota School of Mines and Technolojzv Foundation - Rapid City, 25.00South Dakota State University Foundation - Brookin gs , SD $ 100.00South Dakota State University Foundation - Brookings , SD $3 . 339.00South Florida Science Museum Inc - West Palm Beach , FL $4,250.00South Haven Area Senior Services Inc - South Haven , MI $ 150.00South Haven Public Schools - South Haven , MI 4000.00South Hills Crisis Pre gnanc y Center - Bethel Park , PA 25.00South Kingstown Land Trust - Wakefield , RI 150.00South Lyon Hi ph School Band Parents Association - South Lyon , MI 100.00South Middle School - Manchester, MO 100.00South Nassau Communities Hosp ital - Oceanside , NY $400.00South Orange Rescue S quad - Carrboro , NC 100.00South Shades Crest Elementary - Hoover, AL 170.00South Shore Audubon Societ y - Freeport , NY 200.00South Shore Youth Impact - Holland , MI $ 1 .000.. 0South Side Hei r) Center Inc - Chicago , IL 150.00South St. Paul Educational Foundation - South St. Paul , MN 250.00South Street Seapo rt Museum - New York, NY 59.00South Street Theater Co Inc - Morristown , NJ $ 1 . 100. 0Southbury Ambulance Association Inc - Southbury, CT 50.00Southbury-Middlebu ry Youth and Famil y Services Inc - Southbu ry, CT 25.00Southeast Community Colle ge Educational Foundation - Lincoln , NE $4 .000.00Southeast Michi gan Land Conservancy - Superior Land Conservanc - $ 125.00Southeast Missouri State University - Ca Girardeau , MO 600.00Southeast Pro iect Communit y Pride Inc - Madison , NJ 100.00Southeastern Connecticut Chinese School Inc - East Lyme , CT $34 . 160.06Southeastern Guide Dogs Inc. - Palmetto , FL 50.00Southeastern Natural Sciences Academy Inc - Augusta , GA 325.00Southern Appalachian Hi ghlands Conservanc y - Asheville , NC 50.00Southern Berkshire Library Literac y Network Inc - Lee , MA 50.00Southern California Public Radio - KPCC-FM 89.3 - Pasadena, CA 620.00Southern Connecticut Animal Trust Inc - Stamford , CT 230.00Southern Connecticut State Colle ge Foundation Inc. - New Haven , CT 25.00


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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION MATCHING GIFTS Summary by Organization Name

Organization Name Total Company AmountSouthern Illinois Universit y Edwardsville Foundation - Edwardsville , IL 400.00Southern Illinois University Foundation - Carbondale , IL 100.00Southern Illinois University Foundation at Carbondale - Carbondale IL $ 1 , 353.00Southern Methodist University - Dallas , TX 250.00Southern Mutual Hel p Association Inc - New Iberia LA $ 1 .250.00Southern New Hampshire Rescue Mission - Nashua , NH 100.00Southern Ocean County Hosp ital Foundation Inc - Manahawkin , NJ 350.00Southern Ore gon Humane Society - Medford , OR 100.00Southern Ore gon Public Televison Inc. - Medford , OR 200.00Southern Ore on Universit y Foundation - Ashland , OR $ 1 .000.00Southern Povert y Law Center, Inc. - Montgome ry, AL $6 .405.00Southern University S ystemstem Foundation - Southern University Law Center - $3 , 000.00Southern Utah Tibetan Society Inc - La Verkin , UT 100.00Southern Utah University Foundation - Cedar City, UT 50.00Southern Utah Wilderness Allian - Salt Lake City, UT 35.00Southern Vermont Arts Center Incorporated - Manchester, VT 100.00Southern Virg inia University - Buena Vista , VA $2 , 600.00Southold Historical Society - Southold , NY 275.00Southside Boys and Girls Club Inc - Norfolk , VA 500.00Southside Communit y Land Trust - Providence , RI 25.00Southside Doio Ltd - Schoolcraft , Ml $ 13 , 500.00

Youn Mens Christian Association of Coastal Georgia Inc - 150.00Southwest Christian Hi gh School Inc - Chaska , MN 300.00Southwest Florida Holocaust Museum Inc - Navies , FL $3 , 500.00Southwest Florida S ymphony Orchestra and Chorus Association Inc. - Fort $3 , 500.00Southwest Indian Foundation - Gallu p, NM $2 ,000.00Southwest Michi gan Land Conservanc y Inc - Porta ge , MI $ 1 , 930.00Southwest Missouri State University - Springfield , MO 250.00Southwest Wildlife Rehabilitation and Educational Foundation Inc - 500.00Southwestern University - Georgetown , TX $15.300.00S pain Park Hi 2h School - Svain Park Patrons of the Park - Birmin gham , AL 100.00Spaldin g University - Louisville , KY 1000.00Sparta Township Fire Department - Sparta , NJ 100.00S parta Volunteer Ambulance Service Inc - S parta , NJ 100.00Spartanburg County Foundation - Spartanburg, SC 250.00Spasmodic Torticollis Dystonia Su ort Grou p of Wisconsin Inc - 25.00Spay-Neuter Lea ue Inc - Terre Haute , IN $ 100.00SPCA of Texas - Dallas , TX 875.00S pecial Needs Advocate for Parents - Los An geles , CA 50.00S ecial Ol ymp ics Connecticut Inc - Hamden , CT $7 , 622.00Special Ol ympics Georg ia Inc - Atlanta , GA 150.00S pecial Ol ympics Illinois - Normal , IL 50.00S pecial Ol ymp ics Illinois - St Charles , IL 25.00S pecial Olympics Inc - Clermont FL 350.00Special Ol ympics Inc - Columbia , SC 250.00S Olympics Inc - Indianapolis , IN 50.00S pecial Ol ymp ics Inc - Lawrenceville , NJ 50.00S Olympics Inc - Little Rock , AR 50.00S pecial Ol ympics Inc - Missouri S pecial Ol ympics , Inc. - Jefferson City, 175.00S pecial Ol ymp ics Inc - Mount Pleasant MI 904.00Special Ol ymp ics Inc - Normal , IL 25.00S pecial Olymp ics Inc - Portland , OR 25.00Special Ol ymp ics Inc - Princeton , NJ 367.00Special Ol ymp ics Inc - Ralei gh , NC 110.00S pecial Ol ympics Inc - Santa Monica , CA 332.5S pecial Ol ympics Inc - Schenectad y, NY 50.00S pecial Ol ymp ics Inc - Warwick , RI 110.00S ecial Ol ymp ics Inc - Washin gton , DC $ 1 .05000Special Olymp ics Michigan Inc - Lansing, MI 50.00S pecial Ol ympics Michi gan Inc - Mt. Pleasant MI 835.00Special Olymp ics Michi gan Inc - S pecial Olymp ics Area 16 - Schoolcraft 258.00S pecial Ol ymp ics Michi gan Inc - Team Farmington Special Olympics - 50.00S pecial Ol ympics Nebraska Inc - Omaha, NE 85.00S ecial Olympics New Jersey Inc - Lawrenceville , NJ 70.00S pecial Ol ymp ics New York Inc - Fort Tilden , NY 25.00Special Ol ymp ics New York Inc - S yracuse , NY 25.00S ecial Ol ympics New York Inc - Westchester Putnam Special Ol ympics $ 150.00S pecial Olympics Penns ylvania Inc - Norristown PA 600.00S Olymp ics Rhode Island Inc - Warwick , RI $ 100.00Special OI m ics Southern California Inc - Culver City, CA 35.00S vial Ol ymp ics Texas Inc - Austin , TX $ 175.00S pecial Ol ympics Virg inia Inc - Richmond , VA $ 100.00S OI m ics Wisconsin Inc - Madison , WI $50.00Special Olympics/Groton - Hamden , CT 185.00


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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION MATCHING GIFTS Summary by Organization Name

Organization Name Total Company Amount

Special Operations Warrior Foundation - Tampa , FL $550.00S pecialized Lan g uage Development Learnin g Center Inc - Kalamazoo , MI 630.00S pecialized Water Interest Movement Inc - Brid gewater , NJ $200.00S ectrum for Livin Development Inc. - River Vale NJ $25.00Selman Colle ge - Atlanta , GA $500.00Spence Chapin Services To Families & Children - New York , NY $2 , 590.32S ence School - New York , NY 200.00S ma Bifida Association Of America - Washin gton , DC $25.00S Center Windsor Inc - Windsor, NY $7 . 500.00S pokane Public Radio - S pokane , WA $240.00S onsors for Educational Opportunity Inc - New York , NY $250.00S ports & Thera peutic Recreation Instruction Development Evacuation Inc - $ 100.00S ots lvania Preservation Foundation Inc - S is lvama VA $50.00S prin g Arbor Colle ge - S prin g Arbor , MI $25.00S Arbor Colle ge - S prin g Arbor , MI $400.00S Hill Colle ge - Mobile , AL $500.00Sprin g of Tampa Bay Inc - Tampa , FL $ 100.00S brook Elementa ry School - Westerl y, RI 100.00S rin field Colle ge - Sprin gfield , MA $ 100.00S nn field Colle ge In Illino is - S prin g field , IL $50.00S prin gfield First Aid S q uad Inc - S pring field , NJ $ 100.00S prin gfield Foundation - S pringfield , OH $ 13 . 824.00S rin field S ymphony Orchestra - S pringfield , MA $50.00S rin ort Free Library - Union S pring s . NY 50.00S Rescue - Columbia, SC 250.00S uam Lakes Natural Science Center - Holderness , NH $1 00.00S uan Beach Life Savin Station Preservation Committee - Manas uanNJ 50.00Sri Lanka Medical Association North America Inc - Stony Brook NY 300.00St Ag nes Hosp ital Foundation Inc - Baltimore , MD 1 50.00St Andrews Presbyterian Colle ge - Launnbur NC $1,1 00.00St Andrews Society of the State of New York - New York , NY 1 50.00St Anthon y S Guild - Paterson , NJ L2 10.00St Bernard Hi ph School - Uncasville , CT $2 , 768.00St Charles Hospice - Good She pherd Hospice - Port Jefferson Stati , NY 50.00St Charles Public Library Foundation Inc - St. Charles , IL 1 00.00St Cloud State University Foundation Inc - Saint Cloud , MN 50.00St Coletta of Wisconsin Charitable Foundation Inc - Jefferson , WI 50.00St Colettas of Illinois Foundation - Tinle y Park , IL 1 00.00St Edmunds School Foundation - Eunice , LA $50.00St Francis Colle ge - Brookl yn Hei ghts , NY $3 , 845.00St Francis Foundation Inc - Everyday Blessing s - Thonotosassa FL 1 000.00St Francis Friends Of The Poor Inc St Francis Residence Ii - New York, NY 4 400.00St Francis Hos p ital Foundation Inc - Rosl yn, NY $ 1 , 250.00St Francis Pre paratory School - Fresh Meadows , NY 80.00St Gabriels System - Philadelphia , PA 250.00St Huberts Giralda - Madison , NJ $ 1 .450.00St John Catholic Church of Lincoln - St John Jets Athletic Club - Lincoln , 1 00.00St John the Baptist - Saint Louis , MO 450.00St Johns Community Services - Washington , DC 50.00St Johns Hi p h School - Toledo , OH 41.00St Johns Preparato ry School - Colle geville , MN $250.00St John's University - Colle geville , MN 1 ,000.00St Jose h Catholic School - Madison , MS 3000.00St Jose ph County United Fund - Centreville , MI 500.00St Jose h Foundation Inc - Aug usta , GA $ 100.00St Jose ph Museum - Saint Jose ph , MO 35.00St Josephs Rehabilitation Center Inc - Saranac Lake , NY 0.00St Jude Chi ldrens Research Hosp ital - Memphis , TN $20, 365.00St Labre Indian School - Ashland , MT 2 ,645.00St Lawrence University - Canton NY 225.00St Lawrence University - Canton NY $2 , 150.00St Louis Area Food Bank Inc - Saint Louis MO $750.00St Louis Chinese Language School - St Louis , MO 6 400.00St Louis Colle ge of Pharmacy - St Louis , MO 700.00St Louis Community Colle ge Foundation - St. Louis , MO 25.00St Louis Regional Educational & Public Television Commission - Saint 1 295.0St Louis Rowing Club - St Louis , MO 350.00St Louis Society for the Blind - Saint Louis , MO 50.00St Louis University - St. Louis , MO 725.00St Lukes Hospital - Bethlehem , PA 200.00St Lukes Hospital - Maumee , OH 50.00St Lukes Hospital Foundation Inc - Columbus , NC 100.00St Lukes Hosp ital Foundation Inc Newburg h , NY 100.00St Mar aret Memorial Hospital Foundation - Pittsburgh , PA 50.00


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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION MATCHING GIFTS Summary by Organization NameOrganization Name Total Company AmountSt Marks School of Southborou gh Inc - Southborou gh , MA $ 1 , 465.90St Martins Episcopal School - Metairie , LA $600.00St Ma Catholic Central Hi gh School - Monroe , MI $ 100.00St Mary Catholic Central HS - Monroe , MI 50.00St Mary Medical Center Foundation - Lan ghorne , PA $25.00St Mary on the Hill Catholic School Endowment Fund - Augusta , GA $525.00St Marys Academy - Portland , OR $ 1 , 000.00St Ma s Foundation Ozaukee Inc - Glendale , WI $200.00St Marys Westside Food Bank Alliance - Phoenix , AZ $575.00St Matthews & St Timoth s Nei ghborhood Center Inc - Star Learnin g $500.00St Matthews Community Outreach Center Inc - St. Matthew's Learnin g 3 100.00St Michael Lutheran Church of Canton Townshi p - Canton , MI 200.00St Michaels Country Day School - Newport , $ 3 , 500.00St Michael's Ep iscopal Day School - Carmichael , CA $2 , 500.00St Michaels the Archan gel - Leawood , KS $ 3 . 780.00St Norbert Colle ge - Depere , WI $250.00St Olaf Colle ge - Northfield , MN $350.00St Patricks Housin g Inc - St. Louis , MO $ 100.00St Patricks School Foundation Inc - Louisville , KY $ 10, 540.00St Pauls Lutheran School - Ann Arbor , MI $ 18 ,217.00St Pauls School for Girls - Brooklandville , MD $800.00St Peter Claver Latin School for Boys Inc - Cincinnati , OH $250.00St Peters School - Philadel phia , PA $200.00St Pius X Hi gh School Foundation - Albuquerque , NM 2000.00St Raphael Foundation Inc - New Haven , CT $50.00St Rose Hi gh School - Belmar , NJ 150.00St Stephen - St Edward Educational Trust Inc - Warwick , NY $500.00St Thomas Day School - New Haven , CT $500.00St Vincent De Paul Society - St.Vmcent De Paul Society Tuition Aid $ 100.00St Vincent De Paul Society of St Pauls - Union City, NJ $ 1 ,000.00St Vmcents Foundation Inc - Brid ge port , CT $630.00St Vincents Medical Center - Brid ge port , CT $350.00St Wendelin Schools Educational Foundation - Fostoria , OH 500.00St Xavier Hi gh School - Cincinnati , OH 25.00St. Adoysius School - New York , NY 50.00St. Anne's-Belfield Inc - Charlottesville , VA 425.00St. Anthony Community Hospital - Warwick NY 50.00St. Anthon y of Padua School - Butler , NJ 250.00St. Anthony's Orphana ge - Congre gation of Rogationists - Saner. CA $ 1 . 500.00St. Baldrick's Foundation Inc. - Pasadena , CA 550.00St. Basil Academy - Garrison , NY 175.00St. Bonaventure Indian Mission & School - Thoreau , NM $620.00St. Bonaventure University - Saint Bonaventure , NY 750.00St. Bri gid School - W Hartford , CT 25.00St. Cabrini Nursing Home , Inc. - Dobbs Ferry, NY 25.00St. Charles Borromeo Seminary - Wynnewood , PA 25.00St. Charles County Historical Society Inc - St Charles , MO 35.00St. Charles Humane Society Inc. - Saint Charles , MO 50.00St. Christophers Inn Inc. Graymoor - Garrison , NY $ 1 . 580.00St. Clair Shores Library - St. Clair Shores , MI 100.00St. Clares Riverside Health Care Foundation - Denville , NJ $ 10 , 535.00St. Cloud State Universit y Foundation Inc. - Saint Cloud , MN 500.00St. Elizabeth School - Wyckoff, NJ $ 100.00St. Francis Hi gh School - Athol Springs , NY $ 1 . 050.00St. Francis Memorial Home Inc. - Tiffin , OH 600.00St. Gabriel's A eal For Youth 2005 - Jamaica , NY 100.00St. Gre o s Academy - Moscow , PA 25.00St. Herman's Theological Seminary - Kodiak , AK 200.00St. Hubert School - Chanhassen , MN 225.00St. I gnatius Hi gh School - Cleveland , OH 900.00St. I gnatius Nursin g Home United States Catholic Conference - 100.00St. Ignatius School - Bronx , NY 250.00St. James Catholic Church - Haubstadt , IN 400.00St. John Health System Foundation - Madison Hei ghts , MI 540.00St. John Lutheran Church - St. John Lutheran School - Rochester, MI $3 ,717.50St. John School - Lincoln , NE 400.00St. John the Baptist Diocesan Hi gh School - West Isli p, NY 200.00St. Johns Bread & Life Program Inc. - Brookl yn , NY 125.00St. Johns Colle ge - Annapolis , MD 250.00St. Johns Hi gh School - Shrewsbu ry, MA 275.00St. Johns High School - Toledo , OH 25.00St. Johns Preparato ry School - Danvers , MA $ 1 , 000.00St. Johns Pre paratory School - Long Island City, NY 100.00St. Johns School - Old Saybrook , CT $2 ,05000


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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION MATCHING GIFTS Summary by Organization NameOr anization Name Total Company AmountSt. Johns Seminary - Bri ghton , MA $2 , 100.00St. Johns University - Colle geville , MN $2 ,725.00St. John's University - JamaicaNY $2 , 850.00St. Johns Villa - Carrollton OH 50.00St. Jose h Abbey - Saint Benedict , LA 500.00St. Jose h Colle ge - West Hartford , CT 12 . 617.50St. Jose h Hi eh School - Brookl yn, NY 100000St. Jose h Hi eh School - Kenosha , WI 1 . 100.00St. Jose h Los Toros p Fund - Grafton , WI $ 1 ,000.00St. Jose h School - Bronxville , NY $ 15 , 500.00St Jose hs Center - Scranton , PA 125.00St Josephs Colle ge - Standish ME 50.00St Josephs Colle ge Brookl yn Cam us - Brookl yn, NY $3 , 775.00St. Jose hs Home for the Blind Inc. - Jersey Cit y, 100.00St. Joseohs Hosp ital and Medical Center Foundation - Paterson , NJ 1 654.00St. Jose phs Indian School Chamberlain , SD 4080.00St. Jose h's School - Norwich , CT %63500St. Jose hs School - West St. Paul , MN 35.00St Josephs School for the Blind - Jersey City, NJ $58000St. Josephs University - Philadel phia . PA $4 . 325.00St. Jude Memorial Foundation - FullertonCA 50.00St. Jude the A ostle School - Atlanta , GA 100.00St. Lawrence Seminary - Mount Calvary, WI 1 280.00St. Leo School - Corona , NY 3 100.00St Louis Art Museum Foundation - Saint Louis , MO $2 , 108.00

St . Louis Black Re erto Company Inc - Saint Louis , MO $3 ,000.00

St. Louis Cancer Foundation - Saint Louis , MO 25.00St. Louis Childrens Choirs - St. Louis , MO 50.00St. Louis Christian Chinese Community Service Center - Saint Louis MO 200.00St. Louis Colic a of Pharmac y - St Louis , MO 1 425.00St. Louis De Montfort School - Fishers , IN $ 1 ,400.00St. Louis Effort for AIDS , Inc - Saint Louis , MO 175.00St. Louis Prio School - Saint Louis , MO $8 .294.56St. Louis Science Center Foundation - Saint Louis , MO $5 .987.00St. Louis Symphony Society - Saint Louis , MO $3 , 300.00St. Louis University - Saint Louis , MO $4 , 829.00St. Louis Zoo Friends Association - Saint Louis , MO $7 . 757.50St. Louis Zoo Friends Association - St. Louis , MO 290.00St. Luke Lutheran Home for the Agin - St. Luke Lutheran Community 25.00St. Lukes Community Services Inc. - Stamford , CT 25.00St. Lukes Foundation Inc. - New Canaan , CT $ 1 . 563.00St. Lukes Roosevelt Hospital Center - New York , NY 100.00St. Malachi Food Fund - Cleveland , OH 139.00St. Marks School of Texas - Dallas , TX 250 00St. Ma Academy Bay View - Riverside , RI 250.00St. Mary School Rosebank - Staten Island , NY $5 , 500.00St. Marv- St. Jose ph School - Willimantic , CT 25.00St. Marys Academy Elementary School - Englewood , CO 50.00St. Ma s Colle ge of California - Mora a CA 100.00St. Ma s Dominican Hi g h School - New Orleans , LA 100.00St. Ma s Hi gh School - Manhasset , NY 525.00St. Marys Hi h School - St Louis , MO 100.00St. Ma 's School - New London , CT 125.00St. Ma s University of Minnesota - Winona , MN 100.00St. Ma s University of San Antonio - San Antonio , TX 300.00St. Memrad School of Theolo jzy - Saint Meinrad , IN $6 , 150.00St. Michael Academy - New York , NY $2 .600.00St. Michaels Academy - New York , NY $225.00St. Michaels Colle ge - Colchester, VT $250.00St. Michaels Home for the Aged Greek Orthodox Church Inc. - Yonkers , 50.00St. Michaels Seminary - Ramsey, NJ $ 100.00St. Monica's - Lincoln , NE $ 100.00St. Norbert Colle ge - De Pere , WI $750.00St. Olaf Colle ge - Northfield , MN $2 , 800.00St. Patrick School - Terre Haute , IN $3 ,000.00St. Patrick's Cathedral School - Norwich , CT $ 1 , 000.00St. Patricks Home for the A ed and Infirm - Bronx , NY 300.00St. Paul Chamber Orchestra Society - Saint Paul , MN $ 1 . 500.00St. Paul School - Pensacola , FL 100.00St. Pauls School - Concord , NH 100.00St. Peter Claver Elementary School - Selma , AL 195.28St. Peter's Colle ge - Jersey City, 750.00St. Peters Hos p ital Foundation Inc. - Albany, NY 50.00St Peters Preparatory School - Jersey City, 900.00


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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION MATCHING GIFTS Summary by Organization NameOrganization Name Total Company AmountSt. Pius X Catholic Hi g h School - Atlanta , GA 800.00St. Pius X School - Westerl y, RI 85.00St. Ritas School for the Deaf - Cincinnati , OH $775.00St. Stephens Indian Mission Foundation - Saint Stephens , WY $60.00St. Teresas Academy - Kansas Cit MO $ 1 , 200.00St. Thomas Aquinas Hi gh School - Dover . NH $300.00St. Vincent Colle ge - Latrobe , PA $225.00St. Vincent De Paul Place - Middletown , CT $500.00St. Vincent De Paul Society - Curnmin iz. GA $200.00St. Vincent De Paul Villa ge Inc. - San Die go, CA 700.00St. Vincent DePaul Society - Kalamazoo , MI $200.00St. Vincent Ferrer Hi h School - New York, NY $325.00St. Vincent Ferrer School - Delra y Beach , FL $850.00St. Vincent's Foundation Inc - Swim Across the Sound - Bride rtCT $ 1 . 885.00St. Vladimirs Theolog ical Seminary - Tuckahce NY $ 10, 375.00St. William the Abbott School - Seaford , NY $ 100.00St. Xavier Hi h School - Louisville , KY $2 .000.00St.Patrick Cathedral School - Norwich , CT $200.00Staff of Hope - Ralei gh , NC $440.00Staggerwing Museum Foundation Inc - Tullahoma , TN 50.00Stamford Emergency Medical Services , Inc - Stamford , CT $75.00Stamford Hosp ital - Stamford , CT $425.00Stamford Jewish Center Inc. - Stamford , CT $25.00Stamford Museum and Nature Center Incorporated - Stamford , CT $400.00Stand Up for Animals - Westerl y, RI $605.00Standup for Kids - San Die go , CA $250.00Stanford University - Stanford , CA $700.00Stanford Universit y Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford - Stanford , $ 18 ,470.00Stanford Universit y/the Stanford Fund - Stanford , CA $450.00Stanle y M Isaac Nei hborhood Center - Meals on Wheels- New York City - 50.00Stanle y M. Isaacs Nei ghborhood Center Inc. - New York , NY $75.00Stanle M. Isaacs Nei g hborhood Center , Inc - New York , NY $2 .450.00Stales High School PTA - Westport , $50.00Star of Texas Fair and Rodeo - Austin , TX $300.00Star Tele gram Charities Inc - Goodfellows Fund - Fort Worth , TX $ 100.00Starli ght Theatre Association of Kansas City Inc - Kansas City, MO 100.00Starlets Volleyball Clubs USA - Encinitas , CA $4 ,000.00Stan Commonwealth - Albion , MI $ 125.00State College Area Youn g Mens Christian Association - State Colle ge , Pa $ 1 , 000.00State of Connecticut - Animal Population Control Program - Hartford , CT 50.00State of Michi gan Department of History Arts and Libraries - Portland 40.00State Theatre Re ional Arts Center at New Brunswick Inc - New $500.00State University Colle ge at Oneonta Foundation - Oneonta , NY $ 150.00State Universit of Iowa Foundation - Iowa Ci ty, IA $5 , 600.00State University of New York - Syracuse , NY 200.00State Universit y of New York at Albany Foundation Inc. - Alban NY 315.00State Young Mens Christian Association of Michi gan - Central Lake , MI 1000.00Staten Island Academy - Staten Island , NY 500.00Staten Island Council for Animal Welfare - Staten Island , NY 250.00Staten Island Historical Society Inc - Staten Island , NY 50.00Statue of Liberty Ellis Island Foundation Inc. - New York NY $ 1 ,210.00Stay-Focused Inc - New York , NY 100.00Steadman Sports Medicine Foundation - Vail , CO 50.00Stedfast Baptist Church - Stedfast Baptist Academy - Groton , CT $7 . 525.00Steffen Thomas Museum & Archives Inc - Buckhead , GA 450.00

in Hos p ice Services Inc - Sandusky, OH 25.00Ste p 13 Inc - Denver CO 100.00Stephen F. Austin State University Foundation Inc. - Nacogdoches , TX 5 000.00Stephen Gaynor School - New York NY 500.00Ste phen's County Humane Society Inc - Toccoa GA $ 1 ,000.00Ste in Out - Royal Oak , MI 100.00Ste m Stones Center for Handica pped - Cincinnati , OH 50.00Sterling & Francine Clark Art Institute - Williamstown , MA 70.00Sterlm College - Sterlin g, KS 100.00Stetson Universit y Inc. - Deland FL 250.00Stevens Institute of Technolojzy - Hoboken , NJ $ 1 ,982.00Stevens Institute of Technology Trustees - Hoboken NJ 250.00Steward School Corporation - Richmond , VA 250.00Stitch - Washin gton , DC 25.00Stockbrid ge Fire Department Inc - Stockbrid ge . MA 25.00Stockbrid ge Library Association - Stockbrid ge , MA 50.00Stonehill College Inc. - N Easton , MA $400.00Stonelei h-Burnham School - Greenfield , MA 50.00Stonewall Community Fund - New York NY 150.00


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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION MATCHING GIFTS Summary by Organization Name

Organization Name Total Company AmountStomn ton Community Center Inc - Stonin ton CT 900.00Stonm ton Education Fund Inc - Pawcatuck , CT 600.00Stonin ton Free Library Association - Stomn ton CT 6 , 100.00Stonin ton Hi gh School - Pawcatuck , CT $10,840.00Stomn ton Hi gh School - Stonin gton Hi gh School Cheerleadin g Team - 6 000.00Stonin ton Historical Society - Stomn ton CT 225.00Stonm ton Little League Baseball Inc - North Stonm ton CT $ 1 , 080.00Stomn ton Public Schools - Old Mystic , CT 250.00Stonin ton Tn Centennial Scholarshi p Fund - Stonin ton CT 225.00Stonin ton Village Improvement Association Incorporated - Stonin ton CT 800.00Stony Brook Foundation Inc - Stony Brook, NY 925.00Stony Brook School - Stony Brook, NY $300.00Stony Point Elementary School - Stony Point , NY 100.00Storahtellin g Inc - New York , NY 50.00Storm Kin g Art Center - Mountainville , NY 50.00Stout University Foundation Inc - Menomonie , WI 100.00Stowe Land Trust - Stowe , VT 125.00Stowe Performin g Arts Inc - Stowe , VT 50.00Strate g ic Air and Space Museum - Ashland , NE 100.00Stratford Coalition for the Homeless Inc - Stratford , CT $50.00Stratford Shakespearean Festival of America - Detroit , MI 250.00Strawbe Banke Inc - Portsmouth , NH 110.00Stray Rescue of St Louis - Saint Louis , MO 350.00Streator Area United Way - Streator , IL 350.00Streator Area United Way Inc - Streator , IL 360.00Streeterville Organization of Active Residents - Chicago , IL $650.00Stron g Home Care Grou p - Visiting Nurse Foundation - Webster . NY 100.00Sts. Joachim and Ann Care Service - Saint Charles , MO 144.00Stu-Community Incorporated - Charlottesville , VA 150.00Student Advocac y Inc - Elmsford , NY 100.00Student Conservation Association Inc - Charlestown , NH 155.00Student S ponsor Partnershi p Inc. - New York , NY $2 ,600.00Studio Museum In Harlem Inc - New York , NY $ 1 . 75 .00Studio Theatre Inc - Washington , DC 60.00Stu esant Hi g h School Alumni Association Inc - New York, NY 480.00Submarine Force Library & Museum Association - Groton , CT 750.00Suchu Inc - Barnevelder Movement/Arts Complex - Houston , TX 50.00Sudden Infant Death Syndrome Network Inc - Led and CT 100.00Suffield Academy - Suffield , CT 500.00Suffolk County Historical Society - Riverhead , NY 35.00Suffolk County Senior Citizens Chorus , Inc. - Nesconset , NY 100.00Suffolk University - Boston , MA 100.00Sullivan South Hi gh School - Kingsport , TN 290.00Summer Institute of Lin guistics Inc - Orlando , FL $ 11 ,382.25Summer Music Inc - Brid geport , CT 500.00Summerfest at Leonia - Leonia NJ 500.00Summit Area Public Foundation - Summit , NJ 100.0Summit Chorale Inc - Summit , NJ 750.00Summit Christian Academy - Newport News , VA 100.00Summit Educational Foundation Inc - Summit, NJ 100.00Summit Performing Arts Resource Committee Inc - Summit , NJ 50.00Summit Public Radio and TV Inc - Breckenrid ge , CO 100.00Summit School - Jamaica Estates , NY 5 125.00Summit School Inc - Winston-Salem , NC 5000.00Summit Speech School - New Providence , NJ 250.00Summit Volunteer First Aid S q uad - Summit, NJ 100.00Sun Angel Foundation Inc - Tempe , AZ $3 ,650.00Sun Cities 4 Paws Rescue - Youn town AZ 50.00Sun City Area Interfaith Services Inc - Sun City, $ 1 .000.00Sun City West Community Fund Inc. - Sun City West , AZ 100.00Sun Health Foundation Inc Dba Boswell Hosp ital Foundation - Sun City, 100.00Suncoast Seabird Sanctuary Inc. - Indian Shores , FL 193.00Sunli ght of Collier County Inc - Nap les , FL 250.00Sunn side Community Services Inc - Sunn side NY 50.00Sunrise Communications Inc - Lincoln , NE 50.00Sunrise Theatre Inc - Fort Pierce , FL 250.00Sunset Hills Elementary Education Foundation - San Die go, CA 55.00Sunset Primary School - West Linn , OR 250.00Sunset Ridge Elementary School - Middleton , WI 25.00Sunshine Center Inc. - Inde pendence , MO 100.00Sunshine Kids Foundation - Houston , TX 150.00Sunshine Ministries Inc - Saint Louis , MO 175.00Suns stem Development Corporation - Florida Hospital Foundation - 250.00Support Connection , Inc. - Yorktown Hei ghts , NY 675.00


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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION MATCHING GIFTS Summary by Organization NameOrganization Name Total Company AmountSurfers Alumni Association - New London , CT $450.00Surfrider Foundation - San Clemente , CA $ 1 , 031.00Susan G Komen Breast Cancer Foundation - Boston , MA 125.00Susan G Komen Breast Cancer Foundation - Hartford CT 90.00Susan G Komen Breast Cancer Foundation - Indianapo lis , IN 75.00Susan G Komen Breast Cancer Foundation - Kansas City, MO 25.00Susan G Komen Breast Cancer Foundation - Pasadena , CA $ 100.00Susan G Komen Breast Cancer Foundation - Piano , TX $ 125.00Susan G Komen Breast Cancer Foundation - San Diego , CA 102.00Susan G Komen Breast Cancer Foundation - Seattle WA 50.00Susan G Komen Breast Cancer Foundation - West Palm Beach , FL $ 100.00Susan G Komen Breast Cancer Foundation Inc - Austin , TX $200.00Susan G Komen Breast Cancer Foundation Inc - Charlotte , NC 30.00Susan G Komen Breast Cancer Foundation Inc - Chicago , IL 50.00Susan G Komen Breast Cancer Foundation Inc - Clayton , MO $360.00Susan G Komen Breast Cancer Foundation Inc - Denver , CO $50.00Susan G Komen Breast Cancer Foundation Inc - Durham , NC $325.00Susan G Komen Breast Cancer Foundation Inc - Fort Worth , TX $ 100.00Susan G Komen Breast Cancer Foundation Inc - Grand Raids MI $50.00Susan G Komen Breast Cancer Foundation Inc - Jenkintown , PA $325.00Susan G Komen Breast Cancer Foundation Inc - Kalamazoo , MI $3 , 478.00Susan G Komen Breast Cancer Foundation Inc - Louisville , KY 375.00Susan G Komen Breast Cancer Foundation Inc - Pa illion NE $ 100.00Susan G Komen Breast Cancer Foundation Inc - Philadel phia , PA 125.00Susan G Komen Breast Cancer Foundation Inc - Richmond , VA 50.00Susan G Komen Breast Cancer Foundation Inc - Sacramento , CA 50.00Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation - Lawrenceville , NJ 200.00Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation - Milwaukee , WI 50.00Susan G Komen Breast Cancer Foundation - Phoenix , AZ $ 10000Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation Inc - Cleveland , OH 625.00Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation Inc - Komen National Race for 450.00Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation Inc - Murrieta , CA 100.00Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation Inc.- Greater Cincinnati 180.00Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation Inc.- National Office - Dallas $ 10 , 136.00Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation Inc.- New Jersey Chanter - 400.00Susan G Komen Breast Cancer Foundation Inc.- New York Chapter - New $5 ,993.00Susan G Komen Breast Cancer Foundation Inc - Phoenix Chapter - 25.00Susquehanna Art Museum - Harrisburg, PA 30.00Susquehanna University - Selins grove , PA 100.00Sus uehanna University - Selins grove , PA $ 1 . 225.00Sus quehanna Valle y Emergenc y Medical Services - Landisville , PA 43.00Sus quehanna Valley Pre gnancy Services - Lebanon , PA 25.00Sussex Christian School Association - Sussex , NJ 75.00Sussex County Arc - SCARC - Augusta , NJ 675.00Sussex County Association for Retarded Citizens Foundation Inc - Augusta , $ 3 , 200.00Sussex Count Interfaith Hosp itality Network - Newton , NJ 125.00Sustainabilit Project Inc - Gilsum NH 50.00Sustainable South Bronx - Bronx , NY 250.00Sutter Roseville Medical Center Foundation - Roseville , CA 100.00Suttons Bay Public Schools - Suttons Bay, MI $5 ,00000SW Austin Rattlers Baseball - Austin , TX 500.00Swarthmore Colle ge - Swarthmore , PA $8 .485.00Sweet Briar Institute - Sweet Briar, VA 775.00Sweet Grass County Combined Campai gn - Bi g Timber , MT 500.00Swim Across America Inc - Larchmont , NY 100.00Swim for Life Foundation Inc - Tustin , CA 50.00S ycamore School Inc - Indianapolis , IN 100.00S m hon S pace , Inc. - New York , NY 240.00Synergy Services Inc - Parkville , MO 1000.00Syosset Scholarshi p Fund Inc - S yosset , NY 25.00S yracuse Children's Chorus Inc - S yracuse , NY 225.00Syracuse Health Science Center Medical Alumni Foundation Inc - 250.00Syracuse Library Foundation - Syracuse , NE 60.00S racuse Universit y - Syracuse , NY 6 090.00TASK - Trenton NJ 175.00T J Martell Foundation - Madison. NJ 575.00Tabbys Place A Cat Sanctua Inc - Rin oes NJ 250.00Tabitha Foundation - Lincoln , NE 25.00Tabitha Foundation - Tabitha Meals on Wheels - Lincoln NE 32.00Tablet Publishin g Bri ght Christmas Fund - Brookl yn, NY 125.00Tabor Academy - Marion , MA 250.00Taft School Corporation - Watertown CT 525.00TAG - Treatment Action Group Inc - New York NY 40.00Tah uamenon Area Schools - Newberry, MI $50.00


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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION MATCHING GIFTS Summary by Organization NameOrganization Name Total Company AmountTail gaters Help in g Aid Need y Kids S irits Inc - Ida , MI 200.00Taiwanese-American Foundation of San Die o - San Die g o, CA 1640.00Taking Control of Your Diabetes - Del Mar, CA 200.00Tallahassee Memorial Healthcare Foundation Inc - Tallahassee FL 75.00Talmudic Research Center of Northern New Jerse y - Passaic , NJ 300.00Tamarisk Coalition - Grand Jct , CO 100.00Tamassee Dar School - Tamassee , SC 1 000.00Tamassee Dar School - Tamassee , SC $2 .000.00Tamils Rehabilitation Or anization Inc - Cumberland , MD $25 ,000.00Tama Metropolitan Area YMCA Inc - Bob Sierra Famil y YMCA - Tampa . 750.00Tanzanian Childrens Fund Inc - Portland , ME 100.00Tar River Choral and Orchestral Society Inc - Rocky Mount NC $2 , 125.00Tarrant Area Food Bank - Fort Worth , TX 100.00Tassa i ara Soccer Complex Inc - Walnut Creek CA 300.00Tatnall School Inc - Wilmington , DE 200.00Tau Beta Pi Association Inc. - Knoxville , TN 250.00Taylor Hi gh School - Kokomo , IN 100.00Taylor Trust Fbo Salvation Army 0902304600 - Phoenix , AZ 100.00Taylor University - Fort Wayne , IN $500.00Taylor University - Up land , IN 500.00Taylor University - Upland , IN $95000Teachers Colle ge Columbia University - New York , NY 100.00Teak Fellowshi Inc - New York, NY 200.00Team Connecticut Baseball Inc - East Hartford , CT 800.00Team Continuum Inc - New York , NY 75.00Team for Educational Activities In Motherland - Fremont , CA 330.00Teaneck Volunteer Ambulance Coms - Teaneck , NJ 50.00Teatown Lake Reservation Inc. - Ossinin g, NY $5000Technoserve Inc. - Norwalk , CT 850.00Ted Williams Retros pective Museum & Libra ry Inc - Hernando , FL 610.00Teen Action Service Corps - Carlsbad , CA $6 ,00000Teen Heart - Kalamazoo , Ml 225.00Teen Missions International Inc. - Merritt Island , FL 600.00Tekamah-Herman Public Schools Foundation - Tekamah , NE 25.00Telfair Museum of Art Inc - Savannah , GA 200.00Tellico Village Community Concerts - Loudon , TN 50.00Telugu Association Of North America Incorporated - Tiffin , OH 900.00Temple Sinai - Ann Newman Preschool - Dresher , PA 30.00Tem le University - Philadelphia , PA $3 .025.00Temple University Account Payroll De partment - WRTI Public Radio - 675.00Temp le Universit y Law Foundation - Philadel phia , PA $275.00Ten Thousand Thin s - Minnea polis , MN 100.00Tennessee Baptist Childrens Homes Inc - Memphis , TN 32.00Tennessee Tech Education Foundation Office of the Dean Colle ge of $2 , 600.00Tennessee Temple Universit y - Chattanooga , TN 200.00Tennessee Wesleyan College - Athens , TN 100.00Tennies From Heaven - Phoenix , AZ 100.00Terre Haute Area Meals on Wheels Inc - Terre Haute , IN $50.00Terre Haute Humane Society - Terre Haute , IN 1 . 300.00Terre Haute Miss Softball America Inc - Terre Haute , IN 500.00Terre Haute South Little Leag ue - Terre Haute , IN 300.00Terre Haute South V igo Hi gh School - Terre Haute , IN 30.00Terre Haute Symphony Association - Terre Haute , IN 875.00Terre Town Baseball Inc - Terre Haute , IN $ 1 . 050.00Terri Brodeur Breast Cancer Foundation - New London , CT $30 , 501.00Tewksbury Hospital Equestrian Farm , Inc. - Tewksbury, MA 50.00Texans for Life Coalition - Irvin g, TX 100.00Texas A & M University - Colle ge Station , TX $4 , 190.88Texas A & M University 12th Man Foundation - Colle ge Station , TX $670.00Texas A & M Universit y Development Foundation - Colle ge Station , TX 5 725.00Texas Agg ie Band Association - B ryan , TX 100.00Texas Agg ie Co s of Cadets Association - Colle ge Station , TX 100.00Texas at Dallas , University of - Richardson , TX 250.00Texas Christian University - Fort Worth , TX 1 825.00Texas Heart Institute - Houston , TX $250.00Texas Independent Rhodesian Rid eback Rescue - Boyd , TX $250.00Texas Neurofibromatosis Foundation - Friends of Children - IrvinTX 50.00Texas Scottish Rite Hospital for Cri ppled Children - Dallas , TX 105.00Texas State University - San Marcos Development Foundation - San 325.00Texas Tech University - Lubbock , TX $750.00Texas Tech Universit y Foundation - Lubbock , TX $6 , 110.00Thacher School - O ai CA 125.00Thames River Community Service Inc - Norwich , CT $ 10 . 94 .07THANC Foundation Inc - New York NY $ 1 . 10000



2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION MATCHING GIFTS Summary by Organization NameOrganization Name Total Company Amountthe Childrens Theater Company and School - Minneapolis , MN $50.00-Theatre Action Project - Austin , TX $500.00Theatre Arlin gton Inc. - Arlin gton , TX 50.00Theatre Development Fund Inc - New York, NY 325.00Theatre Downtown Inc - Washington Stage Guild - Washington , DC 200.00Theatre for A New Audience Inc - New York , NY 500.00Theatre In the Park - Ralei gh , NC $ 125.00Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnershi p Inc - Washin gton , DC 25.00Theolog ical Horizons Inc. - Charlottesville , VA $7 .457.00Theolog ical Seminary of St. Charles Borromeo - Wynnewood , PA 100.00Therapeutic Horsemanshi p - Wentzville , MO $ 125.00Therapeutic - Ann Arbor , M[ 125.00Thera eutic Ridin Inc - Ann Arbor MI $ 1 , 620.00Thermal Belt Outreach Ministry - Columbus NC 150.00Theta Chi Foundation of Al pha Delta Chapter Inc - Indiana polis . IN 100.00Theta Delta Chi Educational Foundation Inc. - Boston MA $200.00Theta Tau Educational Foundation - Austin , TX 150.00Theta Xi Foundation - Saint Louis , MO 550.00Thiel Colle ge - Greenville PA $3 , 540.00Think Detroit Incorporated - Detroit , MI $52.00Third Street Alliance for Women and Children - Easton PA $250.00Thomas A Edison State Colle ge Foundation Inc - Trenton , NJ $200.00Thomas Aquinas Colle ge - Santa Paula , CA $ 1 , 350.00Thomas Aquinas Colle ge - Santa Paula , CA $4.050. 00Thomas Hartman Foundation for Partinsons Research Inc - East Isli p, NY 25.00Thomas Jefferson University - Philadelphia , PA $ 1 . 650.00Thomas More Law Center - Ann Arbor , MI 125.00Thomas More Societ y - Chica go , IL $ 175.00Thomas Pete aul Foundation Inc - Chatham , NJ $2 , 000.00Thompson Ecumenical Empowerment Group Inc - N Grosvenordale , CT 120.00Thompson Island Outward Bound Education Center Inc - Boston , MA 100.00Thornapp le Arts Council of Barry County - Hastin g s , MI 500.00Thornton W. Burgess Society Inc. - East Sandwich , MA 225.00Thornwell Home for Children - Clinton SC 450.00Thorou ghbred Retirement Foundation Inc. - Shrewsbury, NJ 100.00Thousand Island Memorial Scholarshi p Fund - Clayton , NY 50.00Three Lakes Association Inc - Bellaire , MI 100.00Three Rivers Colle ge Foundation - Norwich , CT 715.00Threshold Foundation Inc - West Bend , WI 50.00Thrive Inc - Acton MA 800.00Thro s Neck Volunteer Ambulance Corp Inc - Bronx , NY 61.50Thunderbird the American Graduate School of International Mana gement - 15000.00Thunderbird the Garvin School of International Management - Glendale , 25.00Thurgood Marshall Academy - New York , NY 1000.00Thursda Mornin g Club Inc - Madison , NJ 600.00Tibetan Poverty Alleviation Fund Inc - Cambrid ge , MA 150.00Tides Center - Oasis For Girls - San Francisco CA 50.00Tiffin Theatre Inc - Tiffin , OH 500.00Ti ger Haven - Kin gston , TN 125.00Ti ger Missin g Link Foundation - Tyler , TX 50.00

erlil Cat Rescue Inc - Can yon Country, CA $ 1 . 100.00Ti gers Unlimited Foundation - Auburn , AL $2 .200.00Tikva Corp - New York , NY $3 ,050.00Tilford W. Miller School - Wilton , CT 500.00Timber Ride Elementary - Marietta , GA 25.00Timber Trace Elementary School - Palm Beach Gardens , FL 50.00Timberlake Christian Church - Timberlake Christian Schools - Forest VA 1000.00Timmy Foundation Inc - Indianapolis , IN 250.00Timothy Christian School - Elmhurst , IL 100.00Timothy Hill Childrens Ranch Inc - Riverhead NY 7000.00Tin Mountain Conservation Center Incorporated - Conway, NH 275.00Tinton Falls Emergency Medical Services - Tinton Falls NJ 50.00Tin Miracles Foundation - Darien , CT 25.00

of the Mitt Watershed Council - Petoske y, MI 175.00Ti pitinas Foundation Inc - New Orleans , LA 250.00Tissue Banks International Inc - Baltimore , MD 800.00Tiverton Four Corners Center for Arts & Education - Tiverton , RI 100.00Toddler Pro ram - Honolulu , HI $ 1 , 025.00Tohono Chul Park Inc - Tucson , AZ 982.00Toledo Botanical Garden Board Inc - Toledo, OH $2 , 87 .80Toledo Museum of Art - Toledo , OH 185.00Toledo Orchestra Association Inc - Toledo , OH 275.00Toledo Rescue Mission - Toledo , OH 950.00Toledo Zoolog ical Society - Toledo , OH 0.50


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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION MATCHING GIFTS Summary by Organization Name

Organization Name Total Company AmountTolland Fund Inc - Manchester , CT 75.00Tom Kenney Foundation Inc - Haddonfield , NJ 150.00Toma ua Indian Memorial Museum the - Exeter , RI 100.00Tomchei Shabbos of Bergen County Inc - Bergenfield , NJ 116.00Tommy Fund Inc - New Haven , CT 490.00Tommy Toy Fund Inc - Norwich CT 50.00Tomorrow Fund Rhode Island Hospital - Providence , RI 25.00Tomorrows Child Michi gan SIDS Inc - Lansin iz, MI 100.00Tomorrows Childrens Fund Inc. Hackensack Medical Center - Hackensack $ 1 . 150.00Toms Praise Place Inc - Kalamazoo , MI 100.00Topeka Jazz Worksho p Band Inc - Topeka , KS 200.00Torah Academ y for Girls - Far Rockaway, NY 14 000.00Torah Academy of Philadel phia - Ardmore , PA 125.00Torah Schools for Israel - New York , NY $ 1 , 119.38Torre y Pines Hi gh School Foundation Inc - San Die go , CA 2 876.00Totino Grace Hi gh School - Fridle y, MN 1 700.00TOUCH Foundation Inc - New York , NY 200.00Touchstone Community School Inc - Grafton , MA 100.0Tourette S yndrome Association Inc - Silver S prin g, MD 25.00Tourette S yndrome Association of New Jerse y Inc - Somerville , NJ 200.00Tower Education Association - Ann Arbor, MI 250.00Tower Foundation of Manhasset Inc ° Manhasset , NY 250.00Tower Foundation of San Jose State University - San Jose , CA 50.00Tower School In Marblehead Inc - Marblehead , MA #.75 00Town of Darien - Darien Senior Acivities Center - Darien , CT 500.0Town of Fairfield Arts Council - Fairfield , CT 50.00Town of Griswold - Griswold Re g ional Visitin g Nurse Agency - Jewett 930.00Town of Groton - Energy Assistance Fund - Groton , CT 850.00Town of Groton - Groton Senior Center - Groton , CT 350.00Town Of Groton Parks And Recreation - Groton , CT 100.00Town of Led and - Led and Senior Center - Gales Fe rry, CT 100.00Town of Old L me - Town Woods Playground - Old Lyme , CT 200.00Town of Pelham - 9/11 Memorial Fund - Pelham NY 50.00Town of Preston Parks & Recreation Commission - Preston , CT $ 1 , 050.00Town of Stonin gton - Pancatuck Middle School Library Endowment Fund $3 , 300.00Town of Sunapee - Abbott Library - Sunapee , NH $ 10, 000. 0Town of Wethersfield - Wethersfield , CT 50.00Town on New Canaan - Waveny Lode Renovation - New Canaan , CT 25.00Town School - New York , NY 1 000.00Town School Inc - New York, NY $5 ,450.00Townshi p of Warren - Warren , RI 1000.00Township of Washington Public Library - Washington , NJ $25.00Townshi of Washington Voluntary Ambulance Cori) Inc - Township of $ 100.00Township of Washington Volunteer Fire Department - Tw of Washington , $80.00Townwide Fund of Huntin gton Inc. - Huntin gton , NY $500.00Toxic Discovery - Columbia , MO $ 100.00Toxicolo p,y Education Foundation - Ralei gh , NC $2 , 560.00Tracy Art Center Inc - Old Saybrook , CT $ 150.00Traditional Chinese Medicine Alumni Inc - New York , NY 1 000.00Traditional Small Craft Association Inc - Mystic , CT 50.00Tra gedy Assistance Program for Survivors - Washin gton , DC 150.00Trailnet Inc - St Louis , MO 750.00Transfi guration School - New York , NY 800.00Transformation Retreats Incorporated - Richmond , VA 200.00Translational Genomics Research Institute Foundation - Leslie's Fund - 100.00Trans lant Foundation - Philadel phia , PA 100.00Trans ortation Alternatives Inc. - New York, NY 540.00Transportation Riders United Inc - Detroit , MI $30.00Transylvania University - Lexin gton , KY 500.00Transylvania University - Lexin gton , KY $ 1 . 500.00Travell Home & School Association Inc - Rid gewood , NJ 50.00Travis County Youth Show - Manor, TX 50.00TRC Foundation Inc - The Resource Center - Jamestown , NY 100.00Tree House Animal Foundation - Chicago, IL 885.00Tree Research & Education Endowment Fund Tree Fund - Wheaton , IL 180.00Trees Inc - Terre Haute , IN 100.00Trees Water and Peop le - Fort Collins , CO 25.00Trevor Day School - New York , NY 250.00Trevor Pro ect Inc - Beverl y Hills , CA 100.00Tri city Health Partnershi p Inc - Saint Charles , IL 100.00Tribeca Partnershi p Inc - New York , NY 00.00Tri-boro First Aid S uad Inc. Butler . NJ 25.00Trickle U Pro ram Inc. -New York, NY 1 5.0007Tri-Count Scholarshi p Fund - Parse anNJ 2 700.00


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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION MATCHING GIFTS Summary by Organization Name

Organization Name Total Company AmountTri-County United Way Inc Oueensbu ry, NY 100.00Trillium Collective Ltd - Lewisbur WV 150.00Trinit Catholic Hi p h School - Stamford , CT 250.00Trinity Center Inc - Winston Salem , NC 25.00Trinity Christian Colle ge Association - Palos Hei ghts , IL 210.00Trinity Christian Colle ge Association - Palos Hey is IL 335.00Trinit y Colle ge - Hartford , CT $8 ,955.00Trinity Colle ge - Washin gton , DC 100.00Trinit Colle ge - Washin gton , DC 100.00Trinity Ep iscopal School for Minist ry - Ambrid ge , PA 100.00Trinity Health-Mich igan - Ann Arbor , MI $3 ,240.00Trinity Health-Michi an - Pontiac , MI 50.00Trinity Hi gh School - River Forest , IL 500.00Trinity Hi gh School Inc - Louisville , KY 100.00Trinrt International University - Deerfield , IL 250.00Trinity Lutheran Church - Trinrt Lutheran School - Newport News , VA $ 1 . 000.00Trinity Lutheran Seminary - Columbus , OH 100.00Trinit y Preparato ry School of Florida Inc - Winter Park , FL 100.00Trinity Reperto ry Company - Providence , RI $350.00Trinity School - New York , NY $2 , 600.00Trinit University - San Antonio , TX 150.00Tri p le Threat Performin g Arts Academy - New York , NY $ 1 , 000.00Trisomy 18 Su ort Inc - Dale City, VA 50.00Tri-State Actors Theater Inc - Sussex , NJ 75.00Tri-State Universit y - An gola , IN 500.00Tri-State Universit y Incorporated - Angola , IN 300.00Tn-town Youth Services Bureau Inc. - Deep River , CT 150.00Trout Unlimited - Led and CT $ 1 , 300.00Trout Unlimited National Office - Arlin gton , VA 445.00Truman State Universit y Foundation - Kirksville , MO $ 1 . 325.00Trumbull Emergency Medical Service Association Inc - Trumbull CT 100.00Trumbull Hi gh School Academic Challenge for Excellence Ace Foundation 50.00Trust for Public Land - San Francisco , CA 625.00Trustees of Boston University - Boston University Academy - Boston , MA 550.00Trustees of Columbia University In The City of New York - New York, NY $4 , 865.00Trustees of Columbia University of New York City - Graduate School of $ 1 , 400.00Trustees of Columbia University of New York City - New York, NY $24 , 825.00Trustees of Dartmouth Colle ge - Hanover , NH $5 .600.00Trustees of Dartmouth Colle ge - Hanover , NH $24 ,034.80Trustees of Grinnell Colle ge - Grinnell , IA 50.00Trustees of Newark Academy - Livin gston , NJ $2 . 300.00Trustees of Philli p s Academy - Andover, MA 834.84Trustees Of Philli p s Academy - Andover, MA 5 .000.00Trustees of Princeton University - Princeton University Class of 1949 - $ 100.00Trustees of Princeton Universit y - Princeton , NJ 9 173.50Trustees of Reservations - Beverl y, MA 1 831.00Trustees of the Hamline University of Minnesota - Saint Paul , MN $ 1 ,700MTrustees of the University of Pennsylvania - Philadel phia , PA $815.00Trustees of Tufts Colle ge - Medford , MA $ 14 , 500.00Trustees of Tufts Colle ge - Tufts Veterinary Fund - Medford , MA $ 1 . 600.00Trustees Of Union Colle ge - Schenectad y, NY $3 . 300.00Trustees of University of Penns ylvania - Philadel phia , PA $16.080.00Trustees of Westminster School Inc - Simsbu ry, CT $ 1 , 390.68Trustess of Columbia University In the City of New York - New York , NY 1 . 300.00Truthout - Encinitas , CA $ 175.00Try For Others - Sacramento , CA 500.00T on Downtown Development - Tryon , NC 100.00TSO Inc - Tomchei Shabbos of queens - Forest Hills NY $72.00Tuberous Sclerosis Alliance - Silver S prings , MD $25.00Tubman Famil y Alliance - Minneapolis , MN 3 000.00Tucson S ymphony Society - Tucson , AZ $25.00Tug Mc raw Foundation - Glenside PA 25.00Tuition Assistance Program for Catholic Education - Cincinnati , OH 100.00Tulane University - New Orleans LA $ 13 , 825.00Turn of River Fire Department , Inc. - Stamford , CT 25.00Turnin Point Inc - Mount Clemens , MI 5000.00Turtle Bay Tree Fund Inc - New York , NY 25.00Turtle Island Restoration Network - Forest Knolls CA 25.00Tuske ee Universit y - Tuske ee AL 100.00Twenty First Centu ry Foundation - New York, NY $2 ,250.00Twin Cities Public Television Inc - KTCA - St. Paul , MN 65.00Twin Cities Public Television Inc. - Saint

Paul ,MN $ 1 , 145.00

Twin W. First Aid Squad Inc. - Princeton Junction NJ125.00

Two River Theatre Company - Red Bank , NJ 25.00STATEMENT 21B

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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION MATCHING GIFTS Summary by Organization Name

Organization Name Total Company AmountTybee Beautification Association Inc - Tybee Island , GA 50.00Tybee Island Historical Society Inc. - Tybee Island , GA 200.00T ler Volenec Foundation - Al gon q uin , IL $46500Tzivos Hashem - Brooklyn , NY 36.00U A C S Inc - Unity Health Hosp ice - Saint Louis , MO 25.00U C Davis Foundation - Davis , CA $ 15 . 1 50.00U C Riverside Foundation - Riverside , CA 75.00U C San Die go Foundation - La Jolla , CA $2 . 900.00U C Santa Cruz Foundation - Santa Cruz CA 275.00U S - En g lish Language Advocates - Arlin gton , VA 50.00U S Catholic Conference - Sacred Heart League - Walls , MS 80.00U S Catholic Conference - St. Peters School - Lincoln , NE 2 800.00U S Submarine Veterans Charitable Foundation Inc - Groton , CT 3 80.00U S-Labor Education In the Americas Pro i ect - Chicago , IL 25.00U S-Ukraine Foundation - Washington , DC 450.00U S. Catholic Conference - Academy of Notre Dame - Villanova PA 1 00.00U.S. Catholic Conference - Bishop Kenny Hi gh School - Jacksonville , FL 300 00U.S. Catholic Conference - Cathedral Hi gh School - New York , NY 1 00.00U.S. Catholic Conference - Catholic Charities and Family Services $3 , 3 16.99U.S. Catholic Conference - Lancaster Catholic Hi gh School - Lancaster, PA 275.00U.S. Catholic Conference - Missionary Community of Saint Paul the 25.00U.S. Catholic Conference - Saints Charles and Helena Church - Clio , MI 500.00U.S. Catholic Conference - St. Labre Indian School - Ashland , MT 685.00U.S. Catholic Conference-The Columban Fathers - St Columbans , NE 100.00U.S. Dream Academy Inc - Columbia , MD 25.00U.S. Naval Academy Foundation Inc. - Annapo lis , MD $2 , 750.00Uci Foundation - Irvine , CA 175.00UCLA Foundation - Alaska AIDS Vaccine Ride - Los Angeles , CA 125.00UCLA Foundation - Los Angeles , CA $250.00UCLA Foundation - Los An geles , CA $3 ,085.00Udavum Karangal of USA - Bedford , MA $550.00Uganda Children's Charity Foundation - Dallas , TX $50.00U ganda O hans Fund - Bozeman , MT $75.00UJAFederation of Bergen County and North Hudson - River Ed ge , NJ 255.00UJC 9/11 Emergency Relief Fund-United Jewish Communities - New 100.00Ukrainian American Archives & Museum Inc - Detroit , MI 100.00Ukrainian Catholic Education Foundation - Chicago, IL $ 100.00Ukrainian Institute of America, Inc. - New York, NY $ 1 , 000.00Ukrainian Museum - New York , NY $ 12 . 275.00Ukrainian National Womens League of America Inc - New York , NY $ 100.00Ulster and Delaware Railroad Historical Society - Fleischmanns NY $ 100.00Umass Memorial Foundation Inc - Worcester MA 200.00Urnrc Heritage Foundation - Chelsea MI 300 00UNC-TV the University of North Carolina Center for Public Television - 1 170 00Unicorn Theatre - Kansas City, MO 25.00Union Avenue Opera Theatre - Saint Louis MO 87.00Union College Gift Foundation Inc - Schenectady, NY 100.00Union for Reform Judaism - Reli g ious Action Center of Reform Judaism 36.00Union Gospel Mission Association of Seattle - Seattle WA 738.00Union Gospel Mission Association of S pokane - Spokane , WA 25.00Union Gospel Mission Association of St Paul - St. Paul MN 150.00Union Hospital Foundation Inc. - Terre Haute IN 50.00Union Mission - Norfolk , VA $2 , 500.00Union of American Hebrew Congre gations - New York , NY 100.00Union of Concerned Scientists Inc - Cambrid ge , MA $6 , 310.00Union of Orthodox Jewish Con gre gations of America - Jewish Union 111.00Union of Orthodox Jewish Con gre gations of America - National 347.00Union Rescue Mission - Little Rock , AR 35.80Union Rescue Mission - Los Angeles , CA $50.00Union Settlement Association , Inc. , the - New York NY $200.00Union Theological Semin ary - New York NY 300.00Union University - Jackson , TN $ 15 . 250.00Unitarian Universalist Association - UUA-UUSC Gulf Coast Relief Fund 50.00Unitarian Universalist Service Committee Inc - Cambrid ge , MA 485.00Unite for Sight Inc - Newtown CT $50.00United Animal Nations - Sacramento , CA 100.00United Arts of Central Florida Inc - Maitland FL 110.00United Board for Christian Hi gher Education In Asia - New York NY 500.00United Cerebral Palsy Association - Ouaker Hill CT $ 1 , 525.00United Cerebral Pals y Associations Inc - Washin gton , DC 110.00United Cerebral Pals y of the Wabash Valley Inc. - Terre Haute , IN 150.00United Church of Christ - First Congre gational Church - Crisis Ministries 250.00United Community and Famil y Services Inc - Norwich CT $ 1 , 825.00United East Athletics Association Inc - New York, NY .00$ 1 , 000


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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION MATCHING GIFTS Summary by Organization Name

Organization Name Total Company AmountUnited Fund of Eldora - Eldora , IA 95.00United Fund of Manhasset Inc. - Manhasset , NY 100 00United Fund of Pakistan Inc - Boston , MA $76500United Fund of Westfield NJ - Westfield , NJ 150.00United Givers Plan of Pack A Nack Lake Inc - Wayne , NJ 100.00United Hands Inc - Columbus , OH $ 1 . 000.00United Hands Inc - Ocala , FL $9 , 500.00United Hospice of Rockland Inc. - New City, NY 625.00United Hospital Fund of New York - New York, NY $15.050.00United Hospitals Foundation - Saint Paul , MN 50.00United In Harmony - Beverl y Hills , CA 350.00United Japanese Society of Hawaii - Honolulu , HI $50000United Jewish A eal Federation of Jewish Philanthro pies of New York $ 14 , 780.00United Jewish A eal Federation/ Bergen County - River Ed ge , NJ $2 . 500.00United Jewish A eal of Metrowest - Whippany, NJ $6 , 750.00United Jewish Communities - New York , NY 100.00United Jewish Communities of Metrowest - Whippany, NJ $ 16 , 515.36United Jewish Federation - Pittsbur gh , PA $3 . 275.00United Jewish Federation of Greater Stamford , New Cannan and Darien , $2 . 000.00United Jewish Federation of Metro West - Whippany, NJ $21 ,038.71United Methodist Church & Its Affiliated Organizations - 14th and $5000United Methodist Committee on Relief Umcor - New York , NY 600.00United Nations Foundation - Washin gton , DC 550.00United Nero Colle ge Fund Inc. - Fairfax , VA $4 , 530.00United Palestinian Appeal Inc - Washin gton , DC 600.00United Performin g Arts Fund Inc - Milwaukee , WI 60.00United Service Organizations Inc - Arlington , VA $4 ,215.00United Service Organizations Inc - Saint Louis , MO 510.00United Soccer Foundation - Kalamazoo , MI 90.00United States Association for Unhcr - Washin gton , DC $ 1 , 226.00United States Catholic Conference - Flourtown , PA 100.00United States Catholic Conference - St. Odilia School - Shoreview , MN $2 ,08000United States Catholic Conference - Washington Twp., NJ 500.00United States Cerebral Palsy Athletic Association Inc - National Disability 450.00United States Coast Guard Academy Alumni Association Inc - New 575.00United States Committee for the United Nations Population Fund Inc - New 693.00United States Committee For Unicef - Washin gton , DC 580.00United States Committee S ports for Israel Inc - Philadel phia , PA 50.00United States Conference of Catholic Bishops - Retirement Fund for 25.00United States Conference of Catholic Bishops - Saint Michael's Hi gh 200.00United States Conference of Catholic Bishops-Catholic Charities - 2 325.00United States Dressa ge Federation Inc - Lexin gton , KY 5 000.00United States Fund for UNICEF - New York, NY $34 . 170.00United States Holocaust Memorial Council - Washin gton , DC 1 . 316.00United States Li ghthouse Society Inc. - San Francisco, CA 270.00United States Merchant Marine Academy Alumni Foundation Inc - Kin s $ 1 , 500.00United States Merchant Marine Academy Foundation Inc. - King s Point , 1 580.00United States Milita ry Mothers & Friends Inc - Lancaster , PA $250.00United States Naval Academy - Annapolis , MD $5 .000.00United States Naval Academy Foundation Inc - Annapolis , MD $ 100.00United States Naval Academy Foundation Inc - Annapo lis , MD $950.00United States Olymp ic Committee - Colorado S prin gs , CO l 715.00United States Pony Clubs Inc - Shetucket Valle y Pony Club - Bozarah , CT $100.00United States Ski Team Foundation - Park City, UT $ 122.00United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism - Conservative Yeshiva - New $ 150.00United Ukrainian American Relief Committee - Philadel phia , PA $ 1 . 450.00United Way of Alachua County - Gainesville , FL $12.794.00United Way of America - Hurricane Katrina Relief Fund United Way $ 150.00United Way of Bartholomew County - Columbus , IN $ 100.00United Way of Cape Cod Inc - H annis MA 250.00United Way of Clinton County Inc - Plattsburgh , NY $ 100.00United Way Of Dade County - Miami , FL $5 . 106.00United Way of Greater Battle Creek , Inc. - Battle Creek , MI 00.00United Way of Greater Memphis - Memphis , TN 200.00United Way of Greater New Haven Inc - New Haven , CT $ 1 , 000.00United Way of Greater Rochester Inc - Rochester, NY 100.00United Way of Greater St Louis Inc - 100 Neediest Cases - Saint Louis , MO 250.00United Way of Greater St Louis Inc. - Saint Louis , MO $1,250.00United Way of Greenville County Incorporated - Greenville , SC $ 1 , 000.00United Way of Greenwood County - Greenwood , SC $ 12 , 500.00United Way of Henderson County, Inc. - Hendersonville NC 50.0United Way of Larimer County, Inc. - Fort Collins . CO $2 ,200.00United Way of Lexm ton-Rockbrid a County - Lexington , VA $ 10000United Way of Lexm ton-Rockbrid a County Inc. - Lexin gton , VA 500.00


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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION MATCHING GIFTS Summary by Organization Name

Organization Name Total Company AmountUnited Way of Lincoln and Lancaster County - Lincoln , NE 100.00United Way of Manistee County - Manistee , MI 800.00United Wa of Marshall County, Inc. - Pl ymouth , IN 100.00United Way of Merrimack Count y - Concord , NH 200.00United Way of Mesa County Inc - Grand Junction , CO 1 000.0United Way of Mid Coast Maine Inc - Bath , ME 400.00United Way of Monmouth County Inc - Farmin gdale , NJ $ 1 , 550.00United Wa of Monroe County Inc - Bloomington , IN 25.00United Way of Monroe County Inc - Key West , FL 000.00United Way of Morris County - Cedar Knolls , NJ $1,100.00United Way of North Essex - Montclair , NJ 50.00United Way of Norwalk & Wilton Inc - Norwalk CT $35,000.00United Way of Oran ge County - Irvine , CA $2 .694.25United Wa of Rockin gham County Inc - Wentworth , NC 100.00United Way of Rutherford County - Murfreesboro , TN $ 10 ,000.00United Way of South Sarasota County Inc - Venice , FL 100.00United Way of Southbrid ge Sturbrid ge and Charlton - Southbrid ge , MA 100.00United Way of Southeastern Conn Inc - United Wa /Gemma E. Moran 3 485.00United Way of Southeastern Connecticut Inc - Gales Ferry, CT $2 ,424.00United Wa of Southern Chester County - Kennett Square , PA 25.00United Way of St Lucie County Inc - Fort Pierce , FL 900.00United Way of Sussex County - Newton , NJ 100.00United Way of the National Capital Area - Vienna , VA $ 1 , 500.00United Way of Transylvania County - Brevard , NC 25.00United Way of Westchester & Putnam , Inc. - White Plains , NY $8.833.00United Way of Westport Weston Inc. - Westport , CT 400 00United Way/Labor Food Center - New London , CT $40000United Ways of Alabama - Alabama Governor's Emergency Relief - $25000Unity Christian Hi gh School Association - Hudsonville , MI $2 , 500.00Unity Health Foundation - Shawnee , OK 400.00Unity Learnin g Environments Inc - Morristown , NJ $ 1 , 150.00University at Albany Foundation - Alban NY 663.00University at Buffalo Foundation Inc - Buffalo , NY $2,325.00University Health Care Foundation Inc - Au gusta , GA 100.00University Hospitals Health S ystem Inc - Cleveland , OH 50.00University Li ggett School - Grosse Pointe , MI 50.00University of Aberdeen Development Trust Inc - Paterson , NJ 150.00University of Akron Foundation - Akron , OH 275.00University of Alabama - Tuscaloosa AL 5 357.00Universit y of Alabama at Birmin gham - Birmin gham , AL $2 , 025.00University of Alaska Foundation - Fairbanks , AK $2 , 600.00University of Arizona Foundation - KUAT TV/Radio - Tucson , AZ 311.05University of Arizona Foundation - The Arizona Cancer Center - Tucson , 550.00University Of Arizona Foundation - Tucson , AZ 800.00University Of Arkansas - Fayetteville , AR $2 ,000.00University of Arkansas Foundation Inc - Fayetteville , AR $ 121 .250University of Arkansas Foundation Inc - KLRE - Little Rock AR 145.00University of Arkansas Foundation Inc - Little Rock AR $ 1 . 025.00University of Arkansas Foundation Inc - University of Arkansas - 500.00University of Baltimore Educational Foundation , Inc - Baltimore , MD 50.00University of Baltimore Educational Foundation , Inc - Baltimore , MD $50.00University of Bridgeport - Brid ge port , CT 625.00University of California - Davis , CA $3 .500.00University of California Berkele y Foundation - Berkele y, CA $4 ,000.00University of California Berkeley Foundation - Berkeley, CA $ 11 ,275.00Universit of California San Francisco - Hastin gs Colle ge of the Law - San 100.00University of California San Francisco - San Francisco , CA 50.00University of California San Francisco Foundation - San Francisco , CA 500.00University of California San Francisco Foundation - San Francisco , CA $5 , 325.00University of California San Francisco Pharmacy Alumni - San Francisco, 50.00University of California Santa Barbara Foundation - Santa Barbara , CA 1 050.00Umversit of California-San Diego Foundation - La Jolla , CA 100.00University of Charleston - Charleston , WV 100.00University Of Chicago - Chica go, IL $8 .097.0University of Chicago - Chicago , IL $11.726.00Universit of Chica go Oriental Institute Museum - Chicago , IL 100.0University Of Cincinnati Foundation - Cincinnati , OH 100.00Umversit of Cincinnati Foundation - Cincinnati , OH $ 1 . 200.00Umversit of Colorado Foundation Inc - Boulder , CO $10.615.00Universit of Connecticut Foundation Incorporated - Storrs CT 25.00Umversit of Connecticut Foundation Incorporated - Stony CT 35 785.00University of Connecticut Foundation Museum of Natural History - Storrs , 25.00University of Connecticut Law School Foundation Inc. - Hartford CT 100.00Universit of Dayton - Dayton , OH 2 125.00


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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION MATCHING GIFTS Summary by Organization Name

Organization Name Total Company AmountUniversit y of Delaware - Newark , DE 1 000.00University of Delaware - Newark , DE .00$2 ,550Umversit of Detroit Jesuit Hi p h School - Detroit , MI 1 1 , 640.00University of Detroit Mercy - Detroit , MI 1 180.00University of Detroit Mercy - Detroit , MI 0$7 , 611.Universit y Of Evansville - Evansville IN 25.00University of Evansville - Evansville IN 100 00Universit of Findlay - Findlay, OH 100.0University of Findlay - Findlay, OH 728 00Universit y Of Florida Foundation Inc - Gainesville , FL $8 . 820.00Universit y Of Georg ia Arch Foundation - Athens , GA 135.00University of Georg ia Athletic Association Inc - Athens , GA 320.00University of Georg ia Athletic Association Inc - Athens , GA $1.200.00Universit of Georg ia Athletic Association Inc - William C. Hartman Jr. $3 , 967.00Universit y of Georg ia Foundation - Athens , GA $2 , 825.00University of Hartford - W Hartford , CT 500.00University of Hartford - West Hartford , CT 800.00University of Hawaii Foundation - Honolulu HI $2 .725.00Universit y of Houston Foundation - Houston , TX $ 1 ,950.00Umversrt Of Idaho Foundation Inc - Moscow , ID 225.00University of Idaho Foundation Inc. - Moscow , ID $ 1 . 380.00University of Illinois Foundation - Champai gn , IL $ 17 ,968.70University Of Illinois Foundation - Champai gn , IL $21 , 525.00University of Indiana polis - Indianapo lis , IN 95.0University of Iowa Facilities Corporation - Iowa City, IA 100.00University of Iowa Foundation - Iowa City, IA 600.00University of Iowa Foundation - Iowa City, IA $4 ,075.0University of Judaism - Los Angeles , CA 100.00University of Kentucky - Lexin gton , KY $ 1 , 525.00University of Louisiana at Lafayette - Lafayette , LA 185.00University of Louisiana at Lafayette Foundation - Lafayette , LA 150.00Umversit of Louisiana at Monroe Foundation - Monroe , LA $ 8 ,000.00University of Louisville Foundation Inc. Main Campus - Louisville KY 850.00University of Maine Pul p and Paper Foundation - Orono , ME 125.00Umversrt of Maine System Inc - Orono , ME $ 1 , 250.00Universit y of Maryland Baltimore Foundation Inc - Baltimore MD 300.00University of Maryland Baltimore Foundation Inc - Baltimore , MD 2000.00University of Maryland Colle ge Park Foundation Inc - Colle ge Park MD $6 , 552.63University of Maryland Foundation Inc Aldephi - Adel hi MD $ 1 ,285.00University of Massachusetts Amherst - Amherst , MA $5 , 650.00Universe of Massachusetts Boston Campus - Boston MA 100.00University of Massachusetts Dartmouth Foundation Inc. - North Dartmouth 150.00University of Massachusetts Foundation Inc - Amherst , MA 225.00Universit of Massachusetts Foundation Inc - Boston MA 125.00University of Massachusetts Foundation Inc - WUMB-FM - Boston MA 125.00University of Massachusetts Lowell Campus - Lowell , MA $2 .650.00University of Massachusetts Medical Center Foundation Inc. - Worcester, 250.00University of Memphis Foundation - Memphis , TN 100.00University of Memphis Foundation - Memphis , TN 400.00Umversit of Miami - Coral Gables FL $ 10,000.00University of Miami Payroll Office - Coral Gables , FL $ 1 , 235.00University of Minnesota Foundation - Saint Paul MN $5 , 375.00University of Minnesota Foundation - St. Paul , MN 19 244.00University of Mississi pp i Foundation - Universit y. MS $3 ,265.00University of Missouri - St Louis - St. Louis MO 100.00Universit of Missouri- Columbia - Columbia , MO $ 11 , 740.00University of Missouri- Kansas City - Kansas City, MO 350.00University of Missouri- Rolla - Rolla MO 960.0University of Missouri-Columbia - Columbia , MO $ 1 , 200. 0University of Montana Foundation - Missoula , MT 175.0University of Nebraska Foundation - Lincoln NE $ 1 , 850.00Umversit of Nebraska Foundation - Lincoln , NE $ 10. 667. 0University of Nevada - Reno NV 350.00University of Nevada Las Vegas Foundation - Las Vegas . NV 50.00University of Nevada Reno Foundation - Reno , NV 1000.00University of New England - Portland , ME 325.00University of New Hampshire Foundation Incorporated - 4-H Foundation of 1 1 . 730.00Umversit of New Hampshire Foundation Incorporated - Durham NH 2 , 300.00University of New Haven - West Haven , CT 1 110.00University of New Mexico Foundation Incorporated - Albuq uerque , NM $ 1 , 330.00University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill - Chanel Hill . NC 275.00University of North Carolina at Chanel Hill - Chanel Hill . NC $9 ,630.00University of North Dakota Foundation - Grand Forks ND $2 ,750.00

l University of North Texas Foundation - Denton , TX 50.00STATEMENT 21B

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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION MATCHING GIFTS Summary by Organization Name

Organization Name Total Company AmountUniversity of Northern Iowa Foundation - Cedar Falls , IA 255.00University of Notre Dame - Notre Dame , IN ::=3 ,050 00University Of Notre Dame Du Lac - Notre Dame IN $38 ,496.79University of Oklahoma Foundation - Norman , OK $500.00Universit y of Oklahoma Foundation Inc - Norman

,OK $525.00

University of Oklahoma Foundation Inc. Norman Campus - Norman , OK $23 ,437.00University of Ore gon Foundation - Eugene , OR $3 ,975.00University of Penns ylvania - Philadelphia , PA 1443.00Universe[ of Pittsburgh - Pittsbur gh , PA 100.00University of Pittsburgh Office of the Comptroller - Pittsburgh , PA $21 ,620.00University of Pu get Sound - Tacoma , WA $25.00University of Pu get Sound - Tacoma , WA $ 1 ,000.00University of Redlands - Redlands , CA 200.00University of Rhode Island Foundation - Kingston , RI $75.00Universit Of Rhode Island Foundation - URI Cooperative Extension $25 , 275.00University of Rhode Island Student Senate Inc - Kin gston , RI 50.00University Of Richmond - Richmond , VA $ 1 , 950.00Universit y Of Rochester - Rochester , NY $8 ,010.00University of San Francisco - San Francisco , CA 75.00University of Santa Clara - Santa Clara , CA $ 100.00University of Sciences and Technolo of China Alumni Foundation - $210.00University of Scranton - Scranton , PA 450.00University of South Carolina Educational Foundation - Columbia , SC 10000.00University of South Carolina Educational Foundation- Columbia - $26 ,954.00University of South Dakota Foundation - Vermillion SD 75.00University of South Dakota Foundation - Vermillion , SD $5 , 600.00University of Southern California - Los Angeles , CA 9 ,460.00University of Southern Mississi pp i Foundation - Hattiesbur iz, MS $3 , 200.00Universit y of St Thomas - St. Paul , MN 100.00Universit y of St. Thomas - Houston TX 100.00University of St Thomas - Saint Paul MN 300.00University of Tampa - Tampa , FL 50.00Universit of Tennessee Foundat Ion Inc - Knoxville , TN $10,545.00University of Tennessee Foundation Inc - Martin , TN $3 , 750.00University of Texas - Austin , TX $ 150.00University of Texas at Arlin ton - Arlin gton , TX 225.00University of Texas at Austin - Austin , TX 2 , 800.00Universit y of Texas at San Antonio - San Antonio , TX 25.00Universit of Texas Foundation Md Anderson Cancer Center - Houston , TX $ 1 , 200.00Universit y of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas - Dallas , TX $3 , 280.00University of the Ozarks - Clarksville , AR $3 ,400.00Universit y of the Sciences in Philadel phia - Philadel phia , PA 775.00University of The South - Sewanee , TN $ 1 , 000.00University of Toledo Foundation - Toledo , OH 7 .700.00Universit of Tulsa - Tulsa , OK $ 1 , 240.00Universit y of Utah - Salt Lake City, UT 25.00University of Utah - Salt Lake City, UT $ 1 ,925.00University of Vermont and State Agricultural Colle ge - Burlington , VT $ 19 , 319.20University of Virginia Alumni Association - Charlottesville , VA 175.00

Universit of Virg inia Darden School Foundation - Charlottesville , VA $ 1 , 250.00Universit of Vim inia Foundation - Charlottesville , VA 750.00University of Virg inia Law School Foundation - Charlottesville , VA 50.00University of Washin gton Foundation - Seattle , WA $5 .728.00Universit of Wisconsin at Stevens Point Foundation Inc. - Stevens Point 190.00University of Wisconsin Eau Claire Foundation Inc. - Eau Claire WI 300.00Universrt Of Wisconsin Foundation - Madison , WI 15 600.00Universit y of Wisconsin Foundation - Madison , WI $39 ,015.00University of Wisconsin Foundation Madison - Madison , WI $2 . 750.00University of Wisconsin Oshkosh Foundation Inc - Oshkosh , WI 1 000.00Universit of Wisconsin Oshkosh Foundation Inc. - Oshkosh , WI 100.00Universrt of Wisconsin River Falls Foundation - River Falls WI 150.00University of Wisconsin Su error Foundation Inc - Superior , WI 200.00Universit of Wisc-River Falls Foundation - River Falls , WI 50.00University of Wyomin g Foundation - Laramie , WY 125.00University Place Art Center Wesle yan Lab Galle ry - Lincoln NE 70.00Universit Radio Foundation Inc. - Charlotte NC 150.00Universrt School of Jackson - Jackson , TN 250.00University System of New Hampshire - Bamstead Trailblazers 4-H Club - 250.00Upper East Side Hatzolah , Inc. Volunteer Emenrgency Medical Service - 50.00Upper Merion Park & Historic Foundation - Km Of Prussia PA $25.00Upper Pinellas Association for Retarded Citizens Foundation Inc. U arc $200.00U er Room Inc - Kansas Cit MO $ 100.00U er Valle y Haven Inc - White River Jct , VT 100.00U state Forever - Greenville , SC 250.00


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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION MATCHING GIFTS Summary by Organization Name

Organization Name Total Company AmountUrban Justice Center/Mental Health Pro ect - New York , NY $100.00Urban Lea ue of Nebraska - Omaha , NE $ 100.00Urban Tree Connection - Philadel phia , PA $7 , 500.00Urbana City Schools - Urbana , OH $ 1 , 176.00Urolog ical Research Foundation - Chesterfield , MO $30.00Urolojzy Research and Education Foundation - Dallas , TX 100.00Ursinus Colle ge - Colle geville , PA 300 00Ursinus Colle ge - Colle geville , PA $97500Ursuline Campus Schools - Sacred Heart Academy - Louisville KY 175.00Ursulme Campus Schools Inc - Louisville , KY 500.00Ursuline School of New Rochelle - New Rochelle , NY $10.050.00US Cathlic Conference - Kalamazoo Hackett Catholic Central - 500.00US Catholic Conferenc - Maria Hi gh School - Chica go , IL 250.00US Catholic Conference - Academy Of Notre Dame - T n sboro MA $1,050.00US Catholic Conference - Academy of Our Lady of Merc y, Lauralton Hall - 650.00US Catholic Conference - Academy of Saint Elizabeth - Convent Station 650.00US Catholic Conference - Academy of the Sacred Heart - New Orleans , LA 500.00US Catholic Conference - All Saints Catholic School - Manassas , VA 25.00US Catholic Conference - All Saints Catholic School Norwalk - Norwalk, 425.00US Catholic Conference - Althoff Catholic Hi gh School - Belleville , IL 250.00US Catholic Conference - Archbishop Carroll Hi gh School - Washin gton , 3 500 00US Catholic Conference - Archbishop John Carroll Hi gh School - Radnor , $5000US Catholic Conference - Archbishop Molloy Hi gh School - Briarwood , $ 1 , 760.00US Catholic Conference - Archdiocese of Santa Fe - Santo Nino Re g ional $ 10,000.00US Catholic Conference - Archmere Academy - Claymont , DE 200.00US Catholic Conference - Assumption Hi gh School - Louisville , KY 100.00US Catholic Conference - Beaumont School - Cleveland Hei ghts . OH 200.00US Catholic Conference - Beckman Hi gh School - Dyersville , IA 650.00US Catholic Conference - Benedictine School Foundation - Rid el MD $ 1 . 175.00US Catholic Conference - Bisho Denis J. O'Connell Hi gh School - 125.00US Catholic Conference - Bishop Kelle y Hi gh School - Tulsa , OK 500.00Us Catholic Conference - Bishop Lou ghlin Memorial Hi gh School - $ 12 ,385.00US Catholic Conference - Bishop Molloy Retreat House - Jamaica NY $4 ,095.00US Catholic Conference - Bishop Neumann Catholic Hi gh School - Wahoo $8 ,025.00US Catholic Conference - Bishop Noll Institute Foundation , Inc - 500.00US Catholic Conference - Bishop O'Reill y Hi gh School - Kin gston , PA 50.00US Catholic Conference - Bishop Watterson Hi gh School - Columbus , OH 75.00US Catholic Conference - Carrip Learnm Center - Newton , NJ $ 1 . 500.00US Catholic Conference - Capuchin Franciscan Friars - Union City, NJ 25.00US Catholic Conference - Cardinal Mooney Hi g h School - Youngstown , 200.00Us Catholic Conference - Cardinal S eilman Hi g h School - Bronx , NY 500.00US Catholic Conference - Cathedral Catholic School - Natchez , MS $2 , 500.00US Catholic Conference - Cathedral Hi h School - Indianapo lis , IN 250.00US Catholic Conference - Catholic Campai gn for Human Development 50.00US Catholic Conference - Catholic Charities - Kansas City, MO 25.00US Catholic Conference - Catholic Charities Diocese of Brooklyn $ 1 , 259.00US Catholic Conference - Catholic Charities Diocese of Rockville Centre - $2,300.00US Catholic Conference - Catholic Charities of Northwest Florida - 100.00US Catholic Conference - Catholic Charities of Paterson - Paterson , NJ 335.00US Catholic Conference - Catholic Charities of Terre Haute - Terre Haute , $400.00US Catholic Conference - Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of New $ 1 , 025.00US Catholic Conference - Catholic Hi gh School - Baton Rou ge , LA $450.00US Catholic Conference - Catholic Relief Services - Norwich , CT $ 1 , 500.00US Catholic Conference - Catholic Schools of Fairbanks - Fairbanks , AK $25.00US Catholic Conference - Catholic Tuition Organization of the Diocese of $7.200.00US Catholic Conference - Catholic Tuition Organization of the Diocese of $500.00US Catholic Conference - Center for Action and Contemplation - 25.00US Catholic Conference - Central Catholic Hi gh School Canton - Canton , 450.00US Catholic Conference - Central Catholic Hi p h School of Toledo - $50.00US Catholic Conference - Central Catholic Hi h School-Portland - 100.00US Catholic Conference - Central District Catholic Hi gh School - 125.00US Catholic Conference - Childrens's Hospital of Illinois at OSF Saint 350.00US Catholic Conference - Cho us Christy School - New York NY 100.00US Catholic Conference - Christ Prince of Peace School - Manchester, MO 250.00US Catholic Conference - Christ the King Hi gh School - Middle Village , 225.00US Catholic Conference - Christ the Kin g School - Milwaukee , WI $1.000.00US Catholic Conference - Christian Brothers Academy - Albany, NY 125.00US Catholic Conference - City of St. Jude - Montgomery, AL 50.00US Catholic Conference - Cornelia Connelly Center - New York NY $2 . 500.00US Catholic Conference - Corpus Christi School - Pacific Palisades , CA 750.00US Catholic Conference - Corpus Christi School - Piedmont , CA 300.00US Catholic Conference - Crei ghton Pre paratory School - Omaha, NE 50.00US Catholic Conference - De La Salle Colle g iate Hi h School - Warren , 300.00US Catholic Conference - De Smet Jesuit High School - Saint Louis , MO 100.00


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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION MATCHING GIFTS Summary by Organization NameOrganization Name Total Company AmountUS Catholic Conference - De Smet Jesuit Hi h School - Saint Louis MO $375.00US Catholic Conference - Diocese of Allentown - Secretariat for Temporal $ 1 . 000.00US Catholic Conference - Diocese of Norwich - Norwich , CT 1 000.00Us Catholic Conference - Dominican Sisters of Hoe - Newburgh , NY $3 , 175.00US Catholic Conference - Dukette Catholic School - Flint , MI $338.00US Catholic Conference - El yr ia Catholic Hi gh School - El yria , OH $ 100.00US Catholic Conference - Emmanuel House For Older Adults Ann Arbor , $700.00US Catholic Conference - Faithful She herd Catholic School - Eagan , MN $400.00US Catholic Conference - Fontbonne Academy - Milton , MA $ 125.00US Catholic Conference - Franciscan Life Center - Meriden , CT $500.00US Catholic Conference - Gonza a Colle ge Hi h School - Washin gton , DC $ 100.00US Catholic Conference - Grand Rapids Catholic Secondary Schools - $25.00US Catholic Conference - Gwynedd Vall y Academy - Gwynedd Valle y, PA $ 100.00US Catholic Conference - Hackett Catholic Central Hi gh School - $3 , 540.00US Catholic Conference - Hackett Catholic Central Hi gh School - 10 000.00US Catholic Conference - Hol y Cross Association - Notre Dame , IN 260.00US Catholic Conference - Hol y Infant School - Ballwin , MO $280.00US Catholic Conference - Hol y Name Health Care Foundation - Teaneck , 50 00US Catholic Conference - Hol y Name of Jesus School - New Orleans , LA $500.00US Catholic Conference - Hol y S p irit Church - Saint Vincent de Paul 200.00US Catholic Conference - Hol y S p irit School - Maryland Hei ghts , MO $3 . 200.00US Catholic Conference - House of Peace Inc - Milwaukee WI $ 10 ,000.00US Catholic Conference - I gnatian Lay Volunteers Corps - Baltimore MD 250.00US Catholic Conference - Immacolata School - Richmond Hei ghts , MO 700.00US Catholic Conference - Immaculata Hi gh School - Marrero , LA 100.00US Catholic Conference - Immaculate Conception Re g ional School 11 000.00US Catholic Conference - Immaculate Conception School - Franklin , NJ 125.00US Catholic Conference - Immaculate Conception School - Staten Island , 400.00US Catholic Conference - Immaculate Conception Seminary - Newark, NJ 450.00US Catholic Conference - Immaculate Conception Ukrainian Catholic Hi gh $5 . 100.00US Catholic Conference - Immaculate Heart of Mary School - Atlanta , GA 550.00US Catholic Conference - Incarnate Word Academy - St. Louis . MO 150.00US Catholic Conference - Incarnation Catholic School - Centerville OH 276.00Us Catholic Conference - Inner City Scholarshi p Fund - New York , NY $4 ,075.00US Catholic Conference - Jesuit Hi p h School - New Orleans LA 100.00US Catholic Conference - Jesuit Partnershi p - Milwaukee WI 100.00US Catholic Conference - John F. Kennedy Catholic Hi h School - 300.00US Catholic Conference - Juni ero Serra Hi gh School - San Mateo , CA 50.00US Catholic Conference - Kau an Mount Carmel Hi gh School - Wichita , 250.00US Catholic Conference - Kellenburg Memorial Hi gh School - Uniondale 175.00US Catholic Conference - Kuempe r Catholic Hi gh School - Carroll , IA 1 075.00US Catholic Conference - Kuem er Catholic School System - Carroll , IA 720.00US Catholic Conference - Lansin g Catholic Central Hi gh School - Lansin g, 50.00US Catholic Conference - Lima Central Catholic Hi gh School - Lima OH 100.0US Catholic Conference - Little Flower Catholic Hi gh School - 25.00US Catholic Conference - Louisville Hi g h School - Woodland Hills CA 350.00US Catholic Conference - Lourdes Hi gh School of Oshkosh - Oshkosh , WI 25.00US Catholic Conference - Loyola Blakefield - Towson , MD 75.00US Catholic Conference - Malden Catholic Hi gh School - Malden MA 50.00US Catholic Conference - Manna Community Meal - Detroit MI $2 ,000.00US Catholic Conference - Marian Hi gh School - Bloomfield Hills , MI 250.00US Catholic Conference - Marian Hi gh School - Framin gham , MA 50.00US Catholic Conference - Marian Hi gh School - Tamaqua, PA 125.00US Catholic Conference - Marian Middle School - Saint Louis MO 25.00US Catholic Conference - Marion Catholic Hi gh School - Marion , OH 50.00US Catholic Conference - Marion Catholic Hi gh School - Tamaqua , PA 50.00US Catholic Conference - Marq uette School - Tulsa , OK $9.700.00US Catholic Conference - Ma lawn Of The Oran ges Hi gh School - South 50.00US Catholic Conference - Ma mount School - New York, NY 275.00US Catholic Conference - Mater Dei Hi gh School - New Monmouth , NJ $ 1 , 500.00US Catholic Conference - Mcaule y Co - Providence , RI $ 130.00US Catholic Conference - Merc y Home for Children - Brookl yn. NY $ 1 ,000.00US Catholic Conference - Merton Mercy Academy - Merion , PA $2 . 715.00US Catholic Conference - Montini Catholic Hi gh School - Lombard , IL 500.00US Catholic Conference - Morris Catholic Hi gh School - Clifton , NJ 350.00US Catholic Conference - Most Sacred Heart of Jesus School - Wallington , 550.00US Catholic Conference - Mother Seton School - Union City, NJ =8. 150.00US Catholic Conference - Mount Saint Mary Academy - Watchun NJ 2 250.00US Catholic Conference - Mount Saint Michael Academy - Bronx , NY 75.00US Catholic Conference - Mount St. Jose ph Academy - Rutland VT 150.00US Catholic Conference - Ms r. McClancy Memorial Hi gh School - East $300.00Is Catholic Conference - Nazareth Academy - Lagran ge Park , IL $800.00US Catholic Conference - North American Martyrs Catholic School - $ 11 , 180.00US Catholic Conference - Notre Dame Cathedral Latin Hi gh School - $500.00


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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION MATCHING GIFTS Summary by Organization Name

Organization Name Total Company AmountUS Catholic Conference - Notre Dame de Sion School - Kansas City, $ 150.00US Catholic Conference - Oblate Missions - San Antonio TX $2 , 200.00US Catholic Conference - Our Lady Academy - Bay Saint Louis MS $500.00US Catholic Conference - Our Lady Of Fatima Church - Hartford , CT 500.00US Catholic Conference - Our Lady of Fatima School - Seattle WA 393.00US Catholic Conference - Our "dy of Lourdes Church - Cub Scout Pack $550.00US Catholic Conference - Our Lady of Lourdes Elementary School - 5 000.00US Catholic Conference - Our Lady of Lourdes School - Northrid ge , CA $ 1 , 000.00US Catholic Conference - Our Lad y of Miraculous Medal School - $400.00US Catholic Conference - Our Lady of Mt. Carmel School - Roseto

,PA $ 1 , 075.00

US Catholic Conference - Our Lady of Peace School - North Augusta , SC $ 100.00US Catholic Conference - Our Lady of Pe rpetual Hel p School - Scottsdale , 2 800.00US Catholic Conference - Our Lad y of Pompeii School - New York, NY $20 ,000.00US Catholic Conference - Our Lady of Providence Junior and Senior Hi gh $250.00US Catholic Conference - Our Lady of Providence School - St. Louis MO 320.00US Catholic Conference - Our Lady of the Ham tons Re g ional Catholic $ 160.00US Catholic Conference - Our Lady of the Lake School - Mandeville , LA $ 100.00US Catholic Conference - Our Lady of the Miraculous School - Rid gewood , 50.00US Catholic Conference - Our Lady of the Mount Church - Warren , NJ $50.00US Catholic Conference - Our Lad y of the Pillar School - Saint Louis , MO 1 750.00US Catholic Conference - Our Lady of Wisdom Reg ional School - Port 1 , 000.00US Catholic Conference - Our Lady Oueen of Angels School - New York, $ 1 . 700.00US Catholic Conference - Our Lad y Oueen of Peace School - Belleville , IL $25.00US Catholic Conference - Owensboro Catholic High School - Owensboro , $3 ,000.00US Catholic Conference - Padre Pio Shelter - Larchmont , NY $ 100.00US Catholic Conference - Parish Kitchen - Covington , KY $250.00US Catholic Conference - Piarist School - Martin , KY $50.00US Catholic Conference - Pontifical North American Colle ge - New York , $0.00US Catholic Conference - Pope John XXIII Central Catholic Hi gh School - 50.00US Catholic Conference - Prince of Peace - Farrell , PA $ 1 , 350.00US Catholic Conference - Project Northeast - Putnam , CT 100.00US Catholic Conference - Providence Catholic School - Kansasville , WI 650.00US Catholic Conference - Providence Ministry Corporation - Room at the $ 100.00US Catholic Conference - Oueen of Peace Elementary School - Gainesville $2 ,940.00US Catholic Conference queen of Peace School - Mishawaka , IN $ 1 , 000.00US Catholic Conference - Ouincy Notre Dame Hi h School - uinc IL $400.00US Catholic Conference - Re g ina Hi gh School - South Euclid , OH $5 ,000.00US Catholic Conference - Resurrection Catholic School - Lancaster, PA 25.00US Catholic Conference - Risen Christ School - Minneapolis , MN 2000.00US Catholic Conference - Roman Catholic Bishop of San Jose - San Jose , $750.00US Catholic Conference - Roncalli Hi gh School - Manitowoc , WI $ 1 , 000.00US Catholic Conference - Rosati-Kam Hi ph School - Saint Louis , MO $300.00US Catholic Conference - Sacred Heart Academy - Stamford , CT 50.00US Catholic Conference - Sacred Heart School - Emporia , KS $500.00US Catholic Conference - Sacred Heart School - Groton , CT $ 10,445.00US Catholic Conference - Sacred Heart School - Oklahoma City, OK $ 1 , 500.00US Catholic Conference - Sacred Heart Southern Missions Housing $25.00US Catholic Conference - Sacred Hearts of Jesus & Mary School - Sun $620.00US Catholic Conference - Saint Adalbert School Annual Fund - Enfield , 200.00US Catholic Conference - Saint Anthony Hi gh School - South Huntington , $ 8 . 100.00US Catholic Conference - Saint Anthony Zuni Indian Mission - Zuni , NM 150.00US Catholic Conference - Saint Augustine School - Kalamazoo , MI 700.00US Catholic Conference - Saint Bernard Hi h School - Uncasville , CT $ 1 , 625.00US Catholic Conference - Saint Catharine Academy - Bronx , NY 100.00US Catholic Conference - Saint Charles Pre paratory School - Columbus , 500.00US Catholic Conference - Saint Dorothy School - Drexel Hill , PA 100.00US Catholic Conference - Saint Elizabeth School - Ozone Park , NY 25.00US Catholic Conference - Saint Ignatius Colle ge Preparatory School - 100.00US Catholic Conference - Saint Joseph Mercy Hospital - Ann Arbor , MI 100.00Us Catholic Conference - Saint Joseph of the Palisades Hi gh School - West $2 , 500.00US Catholic Conference - Saint Joseph School - Marion , IA $2 , 80000US Catholic Conference - Saint Jude The Apostle School - Baton Roue 750.00US Catholic Conference - Saint Margaret Mary's School - Omaha, NE $3 . 548.80US Catholic Conference - Saint Martha School - Enfield , CT $700.00US Catholic Conference - Saint Mary School -Branford , CT 100.00Us Catholic Conference - Saint Mary Star of the Sea Church - New $50.00US Catholic Conference - Saint Michael's Colle ge Prep Hi gh Sch - 100.00US Catholic Conference - Saint Monica School - Kalamazoo MI 700.00US Catholic Conference - Saint Patricks School - Terre Haute , IN 30.00US Catholic Conference -- Saint Paul School - Wellesle y, MA 250.00US Catholic Conference - Saint Peter's The Apostle Elementary School - 50.00US Catholic Conference - Saint Philomena School - Portsmouth , RI 500.00US Catholic Conference -Saint Scholastica Academy - Covington , LA 200.00US Catholic Conference - Saint Thomas Aquinas Hi gh School - Overland 85.00


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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION MATCHING GIFTS Summary by Organization Name

Organization Name Total Company AmountUS Catholic Conference - Saint Thomas the Apostle School - West $ 1 , 875.06US Catholic Conference - Saint Vincent Catholic Medical Center - New $50.00US Catholic Conference - Saint Vincent De Paul School - Houston TX $ 1 ,750.00US Catholic Conference - Saint Vincent de Paul Soup Kitchen - Norwich , $28 ,276.50US Catholic Conference - Saints Peter and Paul School - San Francisco, $ 100.00US Catholic Conference - Salesian Hi gh School - New Rochelle , NY $ 3 ,644.00US Catholic Conference - Santa Mar arita Catholic Hi g h School - Santa $300.00US Catholic Conference - Schlarman Hi g h School - Danville , IL $2 ,000.00US Catholic Conference - School Sisters of Notre Dame - Wilton . CT $ 1 , 000.00US Catholic Conference - School Sisters Of Saint Francis - Milwaukee , WI $200.00US Catholic Conference - Seattle Pre parato ry School - Seattle , WA 100.00US Catholic Conference - Seminary of the Immaculate Conception 718.63US Catholic Conference - Seton Catholic Hi gh School - Chandler , AZ 431.00US Catholic Conference - Shrine Hi gh School - Royal Oak , MI 200.00US Catholic Conference - Sisters of Christian Charities - Mendham NJ 200.00US Catholic Conference - Sisters of Life - Yonkers , NY 25.00US Catholic Conference - Sisters of St Francis of Assisi - St. Francis , WI 50.00US Catholic Conference - Sisters of St Jose ph , Maria Re g ina Convent - $2 , 025.00US Catholic Conference - Sisters of the Divine Compassion Mi grant 400.00US Catholic Conference - Sisters , Servants of the Immaculate Heart of 225.00US Catholic Conference - St A gnes Schools - St Paul , MN 150.00US Catholic Conference - St Ann's Orphanage - Ossinin g, NY 250.00US Catholic Conference - St Basil Colle ge - Stamford , CT $ 1 . 000.00US Catholic Conference - St Francis Desales Hi gh Toledo - Toledo , OH 600.00US Catholic Conference - St Joseph Elementary School - McPherson , KS 500.00US Catholic Conference - St Jose ph School - Saint Charles , MO 100.00US Catholic Conference - St Margaret's School - Otse go , MI $3,000.00US Catholic Conference - St Mary's Colle ge - Orchard Lake , Ml 554.00US Catholic Conference - St Marys Colle ge & Prep - Orchard Lake , MI $ 10. 618.20US Catholic Conference - St Marys on the Hill School Endowment Fund - $7 ,000.00US Catholic Conference - St Michaels School - Cranford , NJ 500.00US Catholic Conference - St Paul Inte arochial School - Ramsey, NJ 800.00US Catholic Conference - St Wenceslaus School - New Prague . MN 1 036 00US Catholic Conference - St. Adalberts School - Elmhurst , NY 500.00US Catholic Conference - St. Agatha Academy - Winchester , KY 1 500.00US Catholic Conference - St. A nes Hi gh School - Colle ge Point , NY 250.00US Catholic Conference - St. Alban Roe School - Wildwood , MO $ 1 ,900.00US Catholic Conference - St. Andrew Avellino School - Flushin iz, NY 1 400.00US Catholic Conference - St. Andrew The Apostle School - Clifton NJ 50.00US Catholic Conference - St. Angela Merici School - New York , NY 25.00US Catholic Conference - St. Ann - Boy Scouts of America Troop 239 $3 ,000.00US Catholic Conference - St. Anne's School - Garden City, NY 200.00US Catholic Conference - St. Anselms Abbey School - Washington , DC 100.00US Catholic Conference - St. Anthony Bread for the Poor - Saint Louis , 125.00US Catholic Conference - St. Anthony School - Ft. Lauderdale , FL $2 ,500.00US Catholic Conference - St. Antoninus School - Cincinnati , OH 1 ,725.00US Catholic Conference - St. Bartholomew Inte rparochial School - Scotch 100.00US Catholic Conference - St. Basil The Great School - Kimberton , PA $300.00Us Catholic Conference - St. Benedict at Auburndale School - Memphis , 50.00US Catholic Conference - St. Benedict's Pre paratory School - Newark , NJ 1 000.00US Catholic Conference - St. Bernard's School - St. Paul , MN $2 ,000.00US Catholic Conference - St. Cabrini Home Inc - West Park , NY 25.00US Catholic Conference - St. Catherine School - Ka as HI 360.00US Catholic Conference - St. Catherine's School - S prin g Lake , NJ 75.00US Catholic Conference - St. Dominic Hi g h School - 0 Fallon , MO 500.00US Catholic Conference - St. Elizabeth Academy - St. Louis , MO $ 100.00US Catholic Conference - St. Elizabeth Ann Seton School - Palm Coast FL $325.00US Catholic Conference - St. Frances Cabrini Elementary School - Allen $ 1 , 800.00US Catholic Conference - St. Frances Cabrini Hi gh School - Allen Park, MI $3 ,000.00US Catholic Conference - St. Frances de Chantal - Bronx , NY 25.00US Catholic Conference - St. Francis Breadline - New York , NY 335.00US Catholic Conference - St. Francis De Sales School - Las Vegas , NV 200.00US Catholic Conference - St. Francis Hi gh School - La Canada Flmtrid a 200.00US Catholic Conference - St. Francis of Assisi - St. Francis Outreach - $3 .000.00US Catholic Conference - St. Francis of Assisi School - Ann Arbor , MI $2 . 545.00US Catholic Conference - St. Francis of Assisi School - Nau gatuck , CT 25.00US Catholic Conference - St. Francis Seraph School - Cincinnati , OH 65.00US Catholic Conference - St. Giles School - Oak Park , IL 585.00US Catholic Conference - St. Gre gory the Great School - San Diego, CA $ 1 , 500.00US Catholic Conference - St. I g natius Loyola School - New York, NY 250.00US Catholic Conference - St. James - St. John's School - New Bedford , MA 5000.00US Catholic Conference - St. John Catholic School - Panama City, FL 3000.00US Catholic Conference - St. John Francis Reg is Catholic School - Kansas $25.00US Catholic Conference - St. John Neumann Regional School - Palmerton , 75.00


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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION MATCHING GIFTS Summary by Organization NameOrganization Name Total Company AmountUS Catholic Conference - St. John the Apostle School - Ore on City, OR 25.00US Catholic Conference - St John The Baptist School - Waunakee , WI 1000.00US Catholic Conference - St Joseph School - Bogota , NJ 75.0US Catholic Conference - St. Joseph School - New London , CT $2 ,458.00US Catholic Conference - St. Jose h School - Norwich , CT $ 1 , 810.00US Catholic Conference - St. Joseph School - Shawnee , KS $2 , 835.00US Catholic Conference - St. Jose h School - York , PA 50.00US Catholic Conference - St. Josephs Academy - St. Louis , MO 25.00US Catholic Conference - St. Joseph's Hi g h School - Trumbull , CT 100.00US Catholic Conference - St. Joseph's Home and School - Grafton , WI 750.00US Catholic Conference - St. Joseph's School - Yorkville - New York , NY $3 , 500.00US Catholic Conference - St. Lawrence O'Toole School - Oakland , CA 100.00US Catholic Conference - St. Leo the Great School - Lancaster , PA $6 ,200.00US Catholic Conference - St. Louis School - Clarksville , MD $ 16 , 150.70US Catholic Conference - St. Louis University Hi gh School - Saint Louis , 675.00US Catholic Conference - St. Maria Goretti Hi gh School - Philadel phia , PA 100.00US Catholic Conference - St. Maria Goretti School - Westfield , IN $ 13 , 120.00US Catholic Conference - St. Mary Gate of Heaven School - Ozone Park , 625.00US Catholic Conference - St. Mary School Home and School Association - 50.00US Catholic Conference - St. Mary Star of the Sea School - New London 25.00US Catholic Conference - St. Mary's Hi h School - Saint Louis MO $ 1 ,000.0US Catholic Conference - St. Marys School - Staten Island , NY $2 , 700.00US Catholic Conference - St. Mary's/Hol y Famil y School - Mt. Sterlin g, IL $ 1 . 310.00US Catholic Conference - St. Matthias School - Somerset, NJ 100.00US Catholic Conference - St. Michael School - Pawcatuck , CT $ 1 , 210.00US Catholic Conference - St. Michael's School - Netcong, NJ $6 , 500.00US Catholic Conference - St. Monica School - St. Louis , MO $7 , 652.00US Catholic Conference - St. Patrick Church - John Paul II Hi gh School - 1 . 500.00US Catholic Conference - St. Patrick of Heatherdowns School - Toledo , 2 , 340.0

1US Catholic Conference - St. Patrick School - Bri ghton , MI 400000US Catholic Conference - St. Patrick School - Cedar Falls , IA 250.00US Catholic Conference - St. Patrick School - Louisville , KY $ 1 .025.00US Catholic Conference - St. Patrick School - Meridian , MS $5 ,200.00US Catholic Conference - St. Patrick Senior Center - Detroit, MI 50.00US Catholic Conference - St Patrick's Hi gh School - Portland , MI 150.00US Catholic Conference - St. Patrick's School - Elkhorn NE $6 , 700.00US Catholic Conference - St. Paul Catholic Hi h School - Bristol CT 30.00US Catholic Conference - St. Paul's Seminary - Pittsburgh , PA 110.28US Catholic Conference - St Peters Catholic School - Lincoln , NE 1000.00US Catholic Conference - St. Peter's School - San Francisco , CA 250.00US Catholic Conference - St. Proco ius Elementary School - Chicago , IL 200.00US Catholic Conference - St. Richard Parish Church and School - Saint $ 1 . 000.00US Catholic Conference - St. Richards Catholic School - Jackson , MS 600.00US Catholic Conference - St. Rita School - Rockford , IL $4 ,268.00US Catholic Conference - St. Rose School of Lima - Massape qua , NY $ 1 , 627.56US Catholic Conference - St. Scholastica Academy - Covm ton LA 100.00US Catholic Conference - St. Teresa of Avila School - Cincinnati , OH $ 1 . 250.00US Catholic Conference - St. Teresa of Avila School - Pittsburgh , PA 300.00US Catholic Conference - St. Thomas Aquinas School - Derry, NH 100.00US Catholic Conference - St. Thomas Grade School - Ann Arbor, MI 500.00US Catholic Conference - St. Ursula Academy - Cincinnati , OH 100.00US Catholic Conference - St. Vincent De Paul Church - St. Vincent de Paul $2 . 500.00US Catholic Conference - St. Vincent de Paul Pharmacy - Crescent $250.00US Catholic Conference - St. Vincent De Paul Place - Norwich , CT $ 10, 800.00US Catholic Conference - St. Vincent DePaul Society - Saint Charles , MO 50.00US Catholic Conference - St. Wenceslaus School - Wahoo, NE 136.00US Catholic Conference - St. William School - Philadelphia , PA 500.00US Catholic Conference - Standin Rock Catholic Indian School - Fort $500.00Us Catholic Conference - Stuart Country Day School of the Sacred Heart $ 1 , 925.00US Catholic Conference - The Brothers of the Christian Schools 50.00US Catholic Conference - The Society of St Vincent De Paul - Maryland 300.00US Catholic Conference - Thomas Merton Center - Brid geport , CT 225.00US Catholic Conference - Union Catholic HiA School - Scotch Plains , NJ 25.00US Catholic Conference - Ursuline Academy - Kirkwood , MO $ 1 ,000.00US Catholic Conference - Valle Catholic Hi h School - Sainte Genevieve , 690.00US Catholic Conference - Villa Duchesne/Oak Hill School - St. Louis , MO $ 1 ,000.00US Catholic Conference - Villa Marie School - Lincoln , NE $ 1 . 400..00US Catholic Conference - Visitation Academy - Town and Country, MO 950.00US Catholic Conference - Weston Jesuit School of Theology - Cambridge , 25.00US Catholic Conference - Xavarian Hid School - Brooklyn, NY $4 .050.00US Catholic Conference -- Xaverian Brothers Hi gh School - Westwood , 550.00US Catholic Conference - Xaverian Hi gh School - Brooklyn, NY $ 1 ,950.00US Catholic Conference- Church of the Nativity Catholic School 500.00US Catholic Conference -Saint Labre Indian School - Ashland MT 100.00


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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION MATCHING GIFTS Summary by Organization NameOrganization Name Total Company AmountUS Catholic Conference- St. Elizabeth/St. Robert Re g ional School - Saint 50.00US Catholic Conference-Divine Child Hi 2h School - Dearborn . MI 600.00US Catholic Conference-Incarnate Word Elementary School - Chesterfield , $ 1 . 250.00US Catholic Conference-Little Flower School - S prin gfield , IL 500.00US Catholic Conference-Mount Merici Elementary School - Waterville , 125.00US Catholic Conference-Orato Preparato ry School - Summit , NJ 450.00U Catholic Conference-Our Lady of An gels Association - Niagara 25.00U Catholic Conference-Societ y of Sacred Hearts Sprout Creek Farm - 25.00US Catholic Conference-St Anthony of Padua/St Al phonsus School - $4 , 500.00US Catholic Conference-St Jose ph Seminary - Yonkers , NY 50.00US Catholic Conference-St. Boniface School - El g in , NE 25.00U Catholic Conference-St. Francis of Assisi School - Cordova, TN $ 1 , 500.00US Catholic Conference-St. John's School - Duluth , MN - Duluth , MN 500.00US Catholic Conference-St. Jose h's School - North Grosvenordale CT 200.00US Catholic Conference-St. Louis de Montfort Catholic School - Fishers , $95000U Catholic Conferene - Our Lady of Victories School - Sayreville , NJ $3 .000.00US Catholic Confernece - Academy of the Sacred Heart - Saint Charles , . 700.00U Catholic Confernece - Notre Dame Academy - Savannah , GA 4441.50US Catholic Confernece - Pius X Hi gh School - Lincoln , NE $ 1 , 525.00US Catholic Confernece - St. Catherine of Siena - Readin g, PA 25.00US Catholic Confernece - St. Michael Catholic School - Garden Cit SC $2 , 550.00US CatholicConference - Nativity Mission Center - New York NY 125.00US Catholice Conferece - Trenton Catholic Academy - Trenton , NJ 500.00Us Lacrosse Foundation Inc - Baltimore , MD $ 1 .000.00Us Nav Memorial Foundation - Washin gton , DC 85.00US. Catholic Conference - Catholic Charities of Jackson - Jackson , MI 100.00Uso of Metro litan Washin gton - Fort Myer , VA $2500Utah State University Research Foundation - Logan , UT $ 1 , 050.00Utah Valle Community Colle ge Foundation Inc - Orem , UT 980.00Utica Colle ge of S yracuse University - Utica , NY 5000UWM Foundation Inc. Milwaukee - Milwaukee , WI 325.00VA North Texas Health Care S ystem - Dallas , TX 50.00Valerie Fund - Maplewood , NJ $3 ,050.00Kalle y Forge Military Academy Foundation Valle y Forge Military Colle ge - 100.00Valle Hosp ital Foundation - Ridgewood , NJ 891.00Valley of the Sun Hospice Association - Phoenix , AZ 150.00Valle Public Television , Inc - Fresno, CA 110.00Valley Shore YMCA - Westbrook , CT $2 ,215.00Val paraiso University Association - Val paraiso , IN 840.00Van Buren Youth Camp, Inc. - Bloomingdale , MI 25.00Vanderbilt University - Nashville , TN 1 500.00Vanderbilt University - Nashville , TN $ 8 ,068.00Vanderbilt YMCA/YMCA of Greater New York - New York, NY 500.00Van uard Public Foundation - San Francisco , CA 500.00Vantage Health S ystem Inc - Dumont, NJ 50.00Variety Child Learnin g Center - S yosset , NY 25.00Variety Club of Iowa Inc. - Des Moines , IA 100.00Vassar Brothers Hosp ital Foundation - Poughkeepsie , NY 50.00Vassar Colle ge - Poughkee psie . NY 100.00Vassar Colle ge - Poughkee psie , NY 2 417.23Vassar-Warner Home - Pou ghkee psie , NY 75.00Vbm Community Outreach Inc - Sag inaw , MI 5000.00Veera atan International Inc - West Windsor , NJ 71.00Ventura County Humane Society for Prev of Cruelty To Child & Animal - 50.00Ventura Hillsides Conservancy - Ventura , CA 25.00Verde Valle y Sanctu ary - Sedona , AZ 50.00Verdi re Public School Foundation - Verdi re NE 50.00Vermont Audubon Council - Huntington , VT 50.00Vermont Council on the Arts Inc - Montpelier, VT 40.00Vermont Educational TV Inc. - Colchester , VT 1 35.00Vermont Foodbank - South Barre , VT 85.00Vermont Institute of Natural Science Inc. Quechee , VT 290.00Vermont Jazz Center Inc - Brattleboro VT 1 00.00Vermont Land Trust - Montpelier , VT 300.00Vermont Law School Inc - S Royalton , VT 500.00Vermont Public Radio - Colchester VT 547.00Vermont Special Olympics Inc - Williston , VT 1 90.00Vermont Stage Company Inc - Burlin gton , VT 1 10.00Vermont Wilderness School Inc - Brattleboro , VT 1 00.00Vermont Youth Conservation Corps , Inc. - Richmond , VT 35.00Vermonters for Clean Environment Inc - Danb VT 200.00Vernon Multi purpose Center - Kansas City, $3 , 500.00Vero Beach Museum of Art Inc - Vero Beach , FL $2 ,675.00Verona Rescue S uad Incorporated - Verona , NJ 100.00


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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION MATCHING GIFTS Summary by Organization NameOrganization Name Total Company AmountVeterans for Common Sense Inc - Washin gton , DC 25.00Veterans of Forei gn Wars Foundation - Kansas Cit y, MO $ 1 , 64000Veterina ry Scholarshi p Trust of New Eng land - North Attleboro , MA $2500VHI Save the Music Foundation - New York , NY 525.00VHL Famil y Alliance - Boston , MA 100.00Vicksburg Hi gh School - Vicksbur g, MI 400.00Vicksbur g Historical Society - Vicksburg, MI 600.00Victor Valle y Animal Protective Leag ue - App le Valley, CA 25.00Victo ry Garden Theater - Chica go , IL 150.00Victo ry Junction Gan g Camp Inc - Randleman , NC 125.00Vi go Youth Football Cori) - Terre Haute , IN $ 1 , 900.00Villa Maria Academy - Erie , PA $20000Villa Walsh Academy - Morristown , NJ $ 1 , 225.00Villa Walsh Academ y Hi gh School - Morristown , NJ $ 1 , 050.00Villa ge Community School - New York , NY 150.00Villa ge Improvement Society of Dennis - Dennis , MA 100.00Villa ge Li ght Opera Group, L t.d - New York , NY 200.00Villa ge of Has tin gs-on- - The New Hastin gs Library Fund - 25.00Villa ge of the Blue Rose - Clarksville , MO 150.00Villa ge School for Children Inc - Waldwick , NJ $_2978.00Villanova Universit y - Villanova , PA $ 12 ,426.00Villanova Universit y School of Law - Villanova , PA $2 .000.00Vince Lombardi Charitable Funds Inc - Milwaukee , WI 50.00Vineman Inc - Santa Rosa , CA $2 .260.00Vine and Outreach Ministry - Kalamazoo , MI 125.00Virg inia Association of Free Clinics Inc - Glen Allen , VA 2 500.00Virg inia Commonwealth University Foundation - Richmond VA $3 .250.00Virg inia Con gress of Parents and Teachers - Gayton Elementary School 60.00Virg inia Con gress of Parents and Teachers - Kent Gardens PTA - Mclean , $ 10000Virginia Consort - Charlottesville , VA 100.00Virg inia Gildersleeve International Fund Inc - New York , NY 100.00Virg inia Mason Medical Center - Seattle , WA 25.00Virg inia Mennonite Retirement Community - Harrisonburg, VA $ 1 ,000.00Virg inia Military Institute Foundation - Lexin gton , VA $6 ,000.00Virginia Museum of Fine Arts Foundation - Richmond , VA $500.00Virginia Student Aid Foundation Inc. - Charlottesville , VA $ 1 .450.00Virg inia Tech Foundation Inc - Blacksburg, VA 625.00Virg inia Tech Foundation Inc - Blacksburg, VA 6 185.00Virginia Tech Foundation Inc - Roanoke , VA 100.00Visalia Rotary Community Foundation - Visalia , CA 500.00Visalia-Tulare County Libra ry Foundation - Visalia , CA 100.00Vishwa Hindu Parishad of America - Houston , TX 151.00Visiontrust International Inc - Colorado S prin g s , CO $ 178.00Visitin g Nurse & Community Health Inc - Arlin gton , MA $ 100.00Visiting Nurse & Health Services of Ct Inc - Vernon Rockville , CT $25.00Visitin g Nurse and Hospice Care of Southwestern Ct Inc-Hospice Care Inc. $ 100.00Visiting Nurse Association and Hos pice Foundation Inc. - Vero Beach , FL $650.00Visitin g Nurse Association Community Healthcare Inc - Guilford , CT $50.00Visiting Nurse Association Inc Old Lyme - Old Lyme , CT $400.00Visiting Nurse Association Of Bethlehem Pa Inc - Bethlehem , PA 200.00Visiting Nurse Association of Brookl yn Inc - Brooklyn, NY 100.00Visitin g Nurse Association of Central Connecticut Inc - Hospice of Central 50.00Visitin g Nurse Association of Chittenden and Grand Isle Counties - 75.00Visiting Nurse Association of Chittenden and Grand Isle Counties - $200.00Visiting Nurse Association of Northern New Jersey Inc - Morristown , NJ 50.00Visitin g Nurse Association of Oyster Bay & Glen Cove Inc -Oster Bay, $ 150.00Visitin g Nurse Association of Somerset Hills - Bernardsville NJ $6 , 180.00Visiting Nurse Association of South Eastern Connecticut Inc - Waterford $ 1 , 350.00Visitin Nurse Association of Southeastern Massachusetts Inc. - Fall River , 50.00Visitin g Nurse Association of Southwestern Indiana Inc - Evansville , IN 150.00Visitm Nurse Association of the Wabash Valle y Inc - Terre Haute IN 50.00Visitm Nurse Association of the Wabash Valle y Inc. - Terre Haute , IN 125.00Visitin g Nurse Association of Walling ford Inc. - Wallingford , CT 100.00Visiting Nurse Associaton of Central New Jerse y Inc. - Red Bank , NJ 50.00Visitin g- Nurse Service of New York - New York , NY 001 , 170.Visiting Nurse Services of Connecticut Inc - Brid geport , CT $ 100.00Visiting Nurses of the Lower Valley - Centerbrook, CT 300.00Vita Living Inc - Houston TX 250.00Vitae Societ - Jefferson Cit y, MO $ 1 , 100.00Viva Cuba Inc - Cuba, MO 1000.00Vivian Beaumont Theater Inc - New York NY 2 ,290.00Vivian Chaput Memorial Fund - Carlisle MA $50.00Vizsla Club of America Welfare Foundation Inc. - Pi rsville PA 250.00Vizsla Rescue Fund Inc. - Oakle CA 500,00


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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION MATCHING GIFTS Summary by Organization Name

Organization Name Total Company AmountVoice for Florida Keys Children Inc - Key Largo , FL 250.00Volunteer Ambulance of Mamaroneck and Larchmont - Larchmont , NY 25.00Volunteer Center of Bergen County Inc. - Hackensack, NJ 50.00Volunteer Center of Gr. Kalamazoo - Kalamazoo , MI 675.00Volunteer Center of Sonoma County Inc - Santa Rosa, CA 50.00Volunteer Center of SW Ct - Stamford , CT 50.00Volunteer San Die go - San Die go , CA 50.00Volunteer Services of Greater Kalamazoo Inc - Kalamazoo , MI 200.00Volunteers for Wildlife Inc - Huntington , NY 50.00Volunteers In Asia - Stanford , CA 5000.00Volunteers In Medicine Clinic Inc - Stuart , FL 200.00Volunteers In Service to Education in India Inc - Hartford , CT 500.00Volunteers of America - New York , NY 50.00Volunteers of America Inc - Alexandria VA 100.00Volunteers of America Inc - Southfield , MI $ 1 . 145.00Volunteers of America Inc - S pokane , WA $400.00Volunteers of America Inc Greater New York - New York , NY 50.00Vox Earl y Ensemble Inc - Ann Arbor MI 500.00VSA Arts of Wyomin g - Casper, WY $85.00W 0 Smith Nashville Community Music School - Nashville , TN 100.00Wabash Co 4-H Fair Association - Wabash , IN 100.00Wabash Colle ge - Crawfordsville , IN 700.00Wabash Colle ge - Crawfordsville , IN $ 1 , 300.05Wabash Senior Citizens Inc - Terre Haute IN 625.00Wabash Valley Community Foundation Inc - Terre Haute , IN 300.00Wabash Valle y Community Foundation Inc. - Terre Haute , IN 50.00Wabash Valley Girls Softball League Inc - Terre Haute , IN 600.00Wabash Valle y Officials Association - Terre Haute IN $3 , 000.00Wachiska Audubon Societ y - Lincoln , NE 100.00Wagner College - Staten Island , NY $ 10000Wagner Colle ge - Staten Island , NY $7 , 625.00Wag s Stray Animal Foundation - Fortville IN 125.00Wake Forest University - Winston Salem NC $225.00Wake Forest University - Winston-Salem , NC 1 , 660.00Wakeman Memorial Association Inc. - Southport , CT $ 125.00Walden School Ltd - San Francisco , CA $ 100.00Waldorf Colle ge - Forest Cit y, IA $ 1 . 500.00Waldorf School of Garden City - Garden City, NY $350.00Walker Art Center - Minneapolis , MN $ 1 . 500.00Walker Cancer Research Institute Inc - Boynton Beach FL 25.00

Walker School Inc - Marietta, GA $2M0.00Walled Lake Northern Music Boosters - Commerce Tw MI 120.00

---- !Walnut Hill School - Natick MA 075.00FIWalnut Rid ge Baptist Church - Walnut Ridge Academy - Waterloo IA 25.00Walnut Street Theatre Corp - Philadel phia , PA 50.00Walsh Jesuit Hi gh School - Cuyahoga Falls , OH 500.00Walsh University - North Canton , OH 350.00Walter K Hoernin Endowment Fund - Brookl yn, NY 250.00Walter Reed Societ y - Washington , DC 100.00Walters State Communit y Colle ge Foundation - Morristown , TN $ 1 , 500.00WAMC- National Public Radio - Albany, NY $ 1 .250.00Wamso- Minnesota Orchestra Volunteer Association - Minneapolis , MN 100.00Wanda Wallace Foundation - In g lewood , CA $ 19 ,950.00Wanta h Levittown Vol Ambulance Corp - Levittown NY 25.00Warm the Children Inc - Ann Arbor , MI 600.00Warm the Children Inc - Hi anum CT 165.00Warm Up Fund Inc. - Weston , CT 80.00Warren J Plaut Charitable Tr - Southampton . MA 250.00Warren Wilson College Incorporated - Asheville , NC 300.00Wartburg Colle ge - Waverl y, IA 425.00Wartburg Lutheran Foundation Inc - Brookl yn, NY $2 , 500.00Warwick Community Ambulance Association - Lititz , PA 52.00Washington & Jefferson Colle ge - Washington , PA $5 ,649.00Washington & Lee University - Lexington , VA $6 .900.00Washin gton Animal Rescue League - Washington , DC 450.00Washington Area Senior Citizen Center - Washington , PA $ 1 , 280.00Washin gton Association of Rail Passengers - Seattle , WA 50.00Washington Colle ge - Chestertown MD 25.00Washin gton D C Martin Luther Kin g National Memorial Project 250.00Washington Drama Society Inc - Washington, DC 660.00Washin gton Humane Societ y- the Society for the Prevention of Cruelt To 50.00Washin gton Le gal Foundation - Washin gton , DC 300.00Washin gton Library Boosters - Kin gsport , TN 25.00Washin gton State Historical Society - Tacoma, WA 300.00


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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION MATCHING GIFTS Summary by Organization Name

Organization Name Total Company AmountWashington State Universit y - Pullman , WA 1 . 150.00Washin gton State University Foundation - Pullman , WA 6.300. 0Washin gton Trails Association - Seattle , WA 365.00-Washin gton Universit y - Saint Louis , MO $7 , 553.00Washin gton Universit y - Saint Louis , MO $9M0.00Washtenaw Community Colle ge Foundation - Ann Arbor , MI $ 1 , 880.00Washtenaw County Parks and Recreation Commission - Ann Arbor , MI $500.00Washtenaw Housin g Alliance - Ann Arbor , MI 25.00Washtenaw Land Trust - Ann Arbor , MI 1 430.00Washtenaw Literac y - Y psilanti , MI $2 ,400.00Washtenaw United Way - Ann Arbor , MI $6 , 590.28Water for Peop le - Denver , CO $ 100.00Water Fowl Festival Inc - Easton , MD $464.00Water Missions International - Charleston , SC $ 100.00Water Street Rescue-Mission - Lancaster PA $ 1 ,415.00Waterbu s Ski Club Inc - Muske o WI $3 , 850.00Waterfire Providence - Providence , RI $ 100.00Waterford Country School Incorporated Ouaker Hill , CT $975.00Waterford Country School , Inc. - quaker Hill CT 680.00Waterford Education Foundation Inc. - Waterford , CT $500.00Waterford Hi gh School - Graduation Party Waterford , CT 280.00Waterford Hi gh School - Waterford CT $ 1 , 380.00Waterford Public Library - Waterford , CT $1,900.00Waterford Rota ry Club Foundation Inc - New London CT 225.00Waterfront Historic Area Leag ue of New Bedford Inc - New Bedford , MA 450.00Waterloo Cedar Falls S ymphony Orchestra Association - Cedar Falls IA 800.00Waters Waywood Weezils - Whitmore Lake , MI 250.00Waukesha County Historical Societ y Inc. - Waukesha WI 250.00Waukesha Land Conservancy Inc - Brookfield WI 300.00Wave Hill Incorporated - Bronx , NY $5 . 1 0.00Waven y Care Center Inc - New Canaan , CT 500.00Way To Grow - Minneapolis , MN 100.00Wayland Academy S ecial Ca Fd - Beaver Dam, WI 100.00Wayne County Community Foundation - Wooster OH 100.00Wayne State Foundation Wayne State Colle ge - Wayne , NE 75.00Wane State University - Detroit , MI $ 1 ,064.70Wayne State University - Detroit , MI $2 , 280.00Wane State University - WDET/WSU - Detroit , MI 947.00Wayne Township Memorial First Aid Squad Inc - Wayne , NJ 125.00Wayne-Westland Junior Miss Pro gram Inc - Westland , MI 75.00Wa Flete School - Portland , ME 250.0Wayside Christian Mission - Louisville , KY $1.500.00Wayside Waifs Inc - Kansas City, MO $ 1 , 150.00WBEZ Alliance Inc - Chica go , IL 330.00WBGL Radio Station - Carlinville , IL 360.00Wb b-fm 90.5- Brookdale Foundation Trust - Lincroft , NJ 85.00WBUR-FM 90.9- Boston University - Boston MA 740.00We Adopt Greyhounds Inc W A G Inc - Glastonbu ry, CT 70.00Webb School of Knoxville - Knoxville , TN 250.00Webb Schools - Claremont , CA 100.00Webster University - St. Louis , MO 275.0Welcome House of South County - Peace Dale RI 150.00

---Wellesle y Colle ge - Wellesle y, MA 77 , 540.00Wellesle y Colle ge Alumnae Association - Wellesle y, MA 300.00Welles-Turner Memorial Library Second Century Fund Inc - Glastonbu ry, 50.00Wellness Community of Greater St Louis - St. Louis , MO 75.00Wellness Community-Central Indiana Inc - Indianapolis , IN 35.00Wellness Community-Del aware - Dover, DE $ 1 . 750.00Wellness Community-Delaware - Wilmin gton , DE $100.00Wellness Community-Greater Cincinnati - Cincinnati , OH 25.00Wellness House - Hinsdale , IL $3 , 850.00Wellness Huron Valle y - Ypsilanti . MI 1 100.00Wellsprin g of Greenbrier Inc. - Frankfort WV 1 850.00Wellspring-Cori Te rry and Dancers - Kalamazoo , MI 75.00Wentworth - Doug las Hospital - Dover, NH 100.00Wentworth Coolid ge Commission Inc - Portsmouth , NH 50.00Wesbury Foundation - Meadville PA 245.00Wesle Colle ge Inc - Dover, DE 50.00Wesley Shelter Inc - Wilson , NC 125.00Wesleyan School Inc. - Norcross , GA $ 1 , 500.00Wesleyan Universit y - Middletown , CT 14 850.00Wessex Animal Welfare League Inc. - E Hanover NJ 50.00West Broad Street School - Pawcatuck , CT 500.00West County Christian School Inc - Chesterfield MO 500.00


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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION MATCHING GIFTS Summary by Organization Name

Organization Name Total Company AmountWest End Community Center - Providence , RI 50.00West Essex First Aid S quad Inc. - West Caldwell NJ 275.00West Essex Rescue S quad - West Caldwell NJ $ 125.00West Farms Land Trust Inc. Ouaker Hill , CT $35.00West Harlem Environmental Action Inc - New York , NY %7 000.00West Liberty State Colle ge Foundation Inc - West Libert y, WV $3 ,025.00West Michi gan Cancer Center - Kalamazoo MI 186.00West Michi gan Glass Society - Kalamazoo , MI $540.00West Michi gan Horticultural Society Inc - Grand Raids MI $ 175.00West Morris Mendham Hi p h School - Mendham NJ 2000.00West Oran ge Animal Welfare Lea gue - West Orange , NJ $ 100.00West Oran a First Aid S q uad , Inc. - West Oran ge , NJ $50.00West Seneca West Hi gh School - West Seneca NY $ 100.00West Shore Community Colle ge Foundation - Scottville , MI $500.00West Side Montessori School - New York , NY $200.00West Suburban Y M C A - Newton , MA $50.00West Texas Food Bank - Odessa , TX $ 125.00West Texas Rehabilitation Center - Abilene , TX $200.00West Virg inia State Universit y Foundation Inc - Institute , WV $2 ,92000West Virg inia University Foundation Inc - Morgantown , WV $ 12500West Virg inia Universit y Foundation Inc - Morgantown , WV $2 ,400.00West Virg inia University Hospitals Inc - Rosenbaum Famil y House - $ 140.00West Virg inia Wesleyan Colle ge - Buckhannon , WV $300.00Westchester Arts Council - White Plains , NY $60.00Westchester Community College Foundation Inc - Valhalla , NY $45.00Westchester County Golf Association Caddie Scholarshi p Fund Inc - 75.00

----Westchester Day School - Mamaroneck , NY T4 , 500.00Westchester Holocaust Education Center - Purchase NY $400.00Westchester Land Trust Inc - North Salem Land Preservation Alliance - $250.00Westchester Philharmonic Inc. - White Plains , NY $ 150.00Westchester Shore Humane Society Inc - Harrison NY $50.00Westchester-Fairfield Hebrew Academy - Greenwich , CT $ 1 , 950.00Westchester-Putnam Leal Services - White Plains NY $ 10000Westcoast Theatre Troupe of Florida Inc - Sarasota FL 700.00Westerl y Adult Day Services - Westerl y, RI 50.00Westerly Ambulance Corps Inc - Westerly, RI $3500Westerl y Hospital Foundation Inc - Westerl y, RI $2 , 535.00Westerl y Senior Citizen Center Association - Wester) RI 25.00Wester) Troops Boy Scouts of America Inc - Westerl y, RI $ 1 , 000.00Westerl y-Area-Rest-Meals-Warm-Inc - Wester) RI $4 ,435.00Western Baptist Colle ge - Salem , OR 150.00Western Connecticut State University Foundation Inc - Danbu ry, CT 75.00Western Illinois University Foundation - Macomb , IL 100.00Western Illinois Universit y Foundation - Macomb , IL 300.00Western Kentucky University Foundation - Bowlin g Green , KY 610.00Western Michi gan Christian Hi gh School - Norton Shores , MI $ 1 , 100.00Western Michi gan University - Kalamazoo MI $ 1 .481.10Western Michi gan University Foundation - Kalamazoo MI W.642.32Western Michigan University Foundation - Kalamazoo , MI $4522820Western New England Colle ge - Sprin gfield , MA 100.00Western New York Public Broadcastin g Association - Buffalo , NY 60.00Western Pennsylvania Humane Society - Pittsburgh , PA 25.00Western Pennsylvania Prostate Cancer Foundation - Pittsburgh , PA 25.00Western Reserve Academy - Hudson , OH 600.00Western Reserve Health Foundation - Tod Children's Hosp ital - 50.00Western Rowin g Association Incorporated - Richland MI 2 , 650.0Western Theolog ical Seminary - Holland , MI 1 , 150.0Western Universit y of Health Sciences - Pomona CA 100.00Western Virg inia Foundation for the Arts and Sciences - Center in the 50.00Westerville Carin g And Sharin g - Westerville , OH 50.00Westfield Foundation - Westfield , NJ $195000Westfield Volunteer Rescue S quad , Inc. - Westfield , NJ 150.00Westminster Christian Academy Association - Saint Louis , MO $ 1 .600.00Westminster Colle ge - Fulton , MO $6.000.00Westminster Colle ge - New Wilmin gton , PA $3.975.06Westminster Colle ge - Salt Lake City, UT 500.00Westminster Schools Inc. - Atlanta GA 50.00Westminster-Canterbu ry Foundation - Richmond VA $2 . 500.00Westmont College - Santa Barbara , CA $ 1 .000.00Westmont School Inc - Mendham NJ 400.00Westmoreland Sanctuary Inc - Mount Kisco NY 75.0Weston Hi gh School Boosters Club Inc - Weston , CT 100.00Weston Historical Society Inc. - Weston , CT 200.00Weston Playhouse Theatre - Weston , VT 25.00


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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION MATCHING GIFTS Summary by Organization NameOrganization Name Total Company AmountWestport Historical Society - Westport , 500.00Westport Historical Society Inc - Westport , MA 250.00Westport Historical Society Inc. - Westport , $ 1 , 000.00Westport Library Association - Westport , $ 3 , 200.00Westport School of Music - Westport , $20000Westport Soccer Association - Westport , 500.00Westport Volunteer Emergency Medical Service Inc. - Westport , CT 600.00West ort Youth Athletic Association Incorporated - Westport , 150.00Westrid a School for Girls - Pasadena , CA 200.00Westtown School - Westtown , PA 25.00Westtown School - Westtown , PA 100.00Westwood Educational Foundation Inc - Westwood , MA 50.00Wetlands Institute - Stone Harbor, NJ 575.00WFSU-FM Florida State University Foundation Inc. - Tallahassee , FL $7 ,000.00WGBH Educational Foundation - Boston , MA $7 ,668.00WGVU/WGVK TV - Grand Valle y State University - Grand Rapids , MI $4 , 13200Wharton PTO - Lancaster , PA $20000Whas Crusade for Children Inc - Louisville , KY 300.00Whatcom Film Association - Bellin gham , WA 250.00Wheaton Colle ge - Norton , MA $ 1 , 125.00Wheaton Colle ge - Wheaton , IL 250.00Wheaton Colle ge - Wheaton , IL 750.00Wheaton Rescue S quad Inc - Wheaton , MD 25.00Wheelchairs for the World Foundation - Danville , CA 300.00Wheeler Hi gh School - North Stomn ton CT 100.00Wheeler Middle School - North Stomn ton CT 25.00Wheeler Mission Ministries - Indianapolis , IN 30.00Wheeler School and Library - North Stonm ton CT $2 , 100.00Wheelm Jesuit Universit y - Wheeling, WV 250.00Wheelock Colle ge - Boston , MA 350.00Whidbey Island Waldorf School - Clinton , WA $ 1 , 000.00Whiskers Animal Shelter Inc - Plainfield , CT 200.00White House Fellows Foundation - Washington , DC 50.00White Plains Beautification Foundation Inc. - White Plains , NY $ 11 ,906.30White Plains Hi h School - White Plains , NY 25.00White Plains Historical Society - White Plains , NY 25.00White Plains Hospital Center - White Plains , NY $ 1 , 175.00White Plains Hos pital Medical Center - White Plains , NY $ 1 , 475.00White Plains Library Foundation Inc - White Plains , NY 50.00Whitefield Academy Inc - Mableton , GA 50.00Whitfield School Inc - Saint Louis , MO $ 1 ,000.00Whitman Colle ge - Walla Walla , WA $ 1 ,050.00Whitman-Walker Clinic Inc - National AIDS Marathon Training Program - 1 00.00Whitmore Lake Health Clinic Inc - Whitmore Lake , MI 1 50.00Whitney Museum of American Art - New York , NY 475.00Whitworth Colle ge Inc. - S pokane , WA 1 75.00Why Know Abstinence Education Inc - Chattanoo ga , TN 1 00.00WHYY Inc - Philadel phia , PA $ 1 , 444.00Wichita State University - Wichita , KS $ 1 05.00Wickham Elementary School - Coralville , IA 200.00Wide Horizons for Children Inc - Waltham , MA $25.00Widener University - Chester, PA $ 1 25.00Widowed Persons Service - Wyomin g, MI $ 1 00.00Wilbur Snow Elementary School - Middletown , CT 25.00Wild Bear Center for Nature Discove ry - Nederland , CO 1 00.00Wild Bird Rehabilitation - Saint Louis , MO 25.00Wild Canid Survival & Research Center Inc - Eureka, MO 55.00Wild Ones -- Natural Landscapers Ltd - Appleton , WI 90.00Wilderness In qui ry Inc - Minneapolis , MN 1 50.00Wilderness Society Head quarters - Washin gton , DC 820.00Wildlife Conservation Society - Bronx , NY 3 , 5 11. 0Wildlife of the American West - Jackson , WY 75.00Wildlife Orphanage - Stamford , CT 50.00Wildlife Recovery Association - She pherd , MI 0.00Wildlife Rehabilitation Center - Roseville , MN 150.00Wildlife Watch Inc - New Paltz NY 250.00Wildwood Christian Academy Inc - Wildwood MO 25.00Wildwood Sanitarium incorporated - Wildwood GA 1000.00Wilkes University - Wilkes-Barre PA 400.00Will Rogers Motion Picture Pioneers Foundation - Toluca Lake , CA 25.00Will TV- University of Illinois Foundation - Champai gn , IL 25.00Willamette Universit y - Salem , OR 100.00Willard Library - Battle Creek , MI 200.00William and Mary Athletic Educational Foundation - Williamsburg. VA $750.0


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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION MATCHING GIFTS Summary by Organization Name

Organization Name Total Company AmountWilliam Baker Choral Foundation - Roeland Park KS $ 1 , 87000William Care y Colle ge - Hattiesbur h MS $ 1 , 000.00William J Clinton Presidential Foundation - Bush-Clinton Katrina Fund - 91.00William J. Clinton Presidential Foundation - Little Rock , AR 750.00William Jewell Colle ge - Liberty. MO 0.00William Jewell Colle ge Trustees of - Libert MO 500.00William Marsh Rice University - Houston , TX $7 ,725.00William Paterson Universit of New Jersey Foundation Inc - Wayne , NJ 150.00William Penn Charter School Overseers of the Public School - 200.00William Ravels Charitable Fund Inc - Shelton , CT 100.00Williams Baptist Colle ge - Walnut Rid ge , AR 100.00Williams Colle ge - Williamstown , MA $ 1 . 500.00Williams Colle ge - Williamstown , MA 25 541.25Williams Memorial Institute - New London , CT $24 , 523.10Williams Mystic Maritime Studies Pro ram - Mystic , CT $ 150.00Williams S drome Association Inc - Clawson , MI 275.00Williamstown Theatre Foundation Inc. - Williamstown , MA 750.00Willis Junior Hi gh School - Chandler , AZ 25.00Williston Northam pton School - Easthampton , MA 75.00Willsboro Herita ge Society Inc - Willsboro , NY 25.00Wilmin gton Friends School Inc - Wilmin gton , DE 200.00Wilson Colle ge - Chambersburg, PA 100.00Wilson Elementary PTO Parent Teacher Organization - Co ell TX 105.00Wilson School Corporation - St. Louis , MO $2 ,764.00Wilton Education Foundation - Wilton , CT 25.00Wilton Historical Society - Wilton , CT 35.00Wilton Library Association Incorporated - Wilton , CT 500.00Wilton Turf Drive Inc - Wilton , CT 35.00Wilton YMCA, Inc. - Wilton , CT 11- SO.00Wilton Youth Council Inc - Wilton , CT 135.00Winchell Elementary - Kalamazoo , MI $400.00Wind Over Wings Inc - Clinton , CT $200.00Windber Hosp ital Palliative Care Foundation - Windber , PA $200.00Windham County Humane Society - Brattleboro , VT $50.00Window To the World Communications Inc. - Chicago , IL $2 . 055.00Wings of Hope Hospice and Palliative Care , Inc - Alle gan , Ml 110.00Wings of Merc y Inc - Holland , MI 50.00Winni pesaukee River Trail Association - Franklin , NH 150.00Winsor School Inc - Boston , MA $2 , 500.00Winston Pre parato ry School - New York , NY 250.00Winston Salem Rescue Mission - Winston Salem , NC 50.00Winston Salem S ymphony Association - Winston Salem , NC 25.00

----Winston School - Short Hills , NJ TI , 500.00Winthrop University Foundation - Rock Hill , SC 100.00Wisconsin Breast Cancer Showhouse Inc - Milwaukee WI $ 1 .000.00Wisconsin Citizen Action Fund Inc - Madison , WI 25.00Wisconsin Evan elical Lutheran Synod - Mt. Olive Lutheran School - 900.00Wisconsin Maritime Museum Inc - Manitowoc WI $ 15 .000.00Wisconsin Public Radio Association Inc. - Madison , WI 120.00Wisconsin Youth S ymphony Orchestra Inc - Madison , WI 25.00Wisdom Institute - Detroit , MI 75.00Wise Individualized Senior Ex erience Inc - White Plains , NY 450.00Wishm Well Foundation USA Inc - Metairie , LA $25.00WITF Inc - Harrisburiz, PA $279.00Withrow Alumni Inc - Cincinatti , OH $ 1 ,000.00Witness for Peace - Washington , DC 50.00Wittenber Universit y - S prin gfield , OH 125.00W m -fm- St. Thomas Seminary - Bloomfield , CT 50.00Wmnr-fm 88.1- Monroe Board of Education - Monroe , CT 900.00Wmra- James Madison University Foundation 14858 - Harrisonbur g, VA 80.00Wncu-fm 90 7- North Carolina Central University Foundation Inc. 60.00WNYC Radio - New York , NY $ 11 , 825.00Wofford Colle ge - S partanbur g, SC $3 , 355.55Wolf Education & Research Center - Winchester , ID 200.00Wolf Haven International - Tenino, WA 150.00Wolf Trap Foundation for the Performin g Arts - Vienna VA 610.00Wolfsoman Foundation Inc. - Miami , FL 105.00Women & Infants Development Foundation - Providence RI 75.00Women and Famil y Life Center of Guilford Incorporated - Guilford , CT 100.00Women Aware - New Brunswick , NJ 100.00Women for Sobriety Inc Ouakertown , PA 500.00Women for Women International - Washin gton , DC 676.00Women Helm Women - Metuchen NJ 100.00Women In Milita ry Service for America Memorial Foundation Inc 100.00


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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION MATCHING GIFTS Summary by Organization NameOrganization Name Total Company AmountWomen In Need - New York , NY 50.00Womens Center - New London , CT $5 ,4 0.00Womens Center of America - Ann Arbor , MI 400.00Women's Center of Southeastern Connecticut Inc - New London CT $950.00Womens Crisis Center Inc - Norwalk , CT $ 100.00Womens Dignit y Pro i ect Inc - Pelham NY 300.00Women's Em owerment Network - Ol ymp ia , WA 100.00Womens Em owerment Network - Santa Cruz , CA $2500Womens Fund of New Jerse y Inc - Union , NJ 475.00Women's Housin and Economic Development Corporation - Bronx , NY 25.0Womens Iniu Network - Cincinnati , OH 25.00Womens Leadershi p Network - Mill Creek , WA $2 . 200.00Womens Resource Center of Winona - Winona, MN $32000Women's Safe House , the - St. Louis , MO $ 1 , 235.00Womens Sports Foundation - East Meadow, NY $ 1 . 160.00Womens Voices for Change Inc - New York , NY 853.60Wonder of Readin g - Los Angeles , CA $ 140.00Wood County Humane Societ y Inc - Bowlin Green , OH 555.00Wood Pawcatuck Watershed Association - Hope Valle y, RI 205.00Woodberry Forest School - Woodberry Forest , VA $ 1 .000.00Woodben-v Forest School - Woodberry Forest , VA $3 .640.00Woodbrid ge Park Association Inc - Woodbridge , CT 25.00Woodburn Christian Childrens Home Inc - Woodburn , IN 200.00Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation - Princeton , NJ $25000Woods Hole Oceanogra phic Institution - Woods Hole , MA 350.00Woods Hole Research Center Inc - Woods Hole , MA 500.00Woodstock Guild of Craftsmen Inc - Woodstock , NY 200.00Woolly Mammoth Theatre Co - Washin gton , DC $ 1 , 200.00Worcester Academy - Worcester, MA $ 1 ,000.00Worcester County Food Bank Inc - Shrewsbury, MA 150.00Worcester County Horticultural Society - Boylston , MA 460.00Worcester Natural Histo ry Society-Ecotarium - Worcester , MA 50.00Worcester Pol echnic Institute - Worcester , MA $5 , 55770Worcester State Colle ge - Worcester , MA 100.00Worcester Tele gram & Gazette Charitable Foundation - Worcester, MA 50.00World Affairs Council of Greater Richmond - Richmond VA 1500.00World Camps Inc - Reston , VA 100.00World Craniofacial Foundation - Dallas , TX 25.00World Emergency Relief Native American Emergency Relief - Carlsbad , 150.00World Federalists Association - Washington , DC 80.00World Foundation of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts Inc. - New York, NY 25.00World Hope International Inc - Alexandria , VA 600.00World Jewish Con gress American Section Inc. - New York, NY 772.00World Learnin g - Brattleboro , VT 125.00World Monuments Fund Inc - New York , NY 75.00World Music Institute Inc - New York , NY 500.00World Relief Co of National Association of Evan gelicals - Baltimore , $ 15 , 145.00World ROC - Antioch , CA 250.00World-Society for the Protection of Animals - Framingham , MA 200.00World T E A M Sports - Dorchester , MA $ 1 .750.00World Vision International - Federal Way, WA $25 ,092.00World War II Vehicle Museum and Learning Center Inc - Hubbard , OH 75.00World Wide Village Incorporated - Stillwater , MN 1000.00World Wildlife Fund Inc - Washin gton , DC $6 , 379 00World-Herald Goodfellows Charities Inc - Omaha, NE 100.00Worldteach Inc - Cambrid ge , MA 500.00Worldwatch Institute - Washin gton , DC 150.00Worldwide Fistula Fund Inc - Saint Louis , MO 150.00Wounded Warriors Inc - Omaha, NE 25.00W kn Inc. - Brid geport , CT 50.00WOED Pittsbur gh ed Communications Inc. - Pittsburgh , PA $ 107.00Wrhu-fm- Hofstra University - Hempstead , NY $25.00Wri ght State University Foundation Inc. Main Campus - Dayton , OH 150.00WSHU-FM Radio- Sacred Heart University - Fairfield , CT $ 10 , 304.00Wsiu-tv 8- Southern Illinois University Foundation - Carbondale , IL $50.00WSNCHS East Inc - Amityv ille , NY 1000.00Wuesthoff Health Systems Foundation Inc - Weusthoff Brevard Hospice $75.00Wusf-fm 89.7- University of South Florida Foundation Inc. - Tama FL $490.00Wvtf-fm 89.1- Virg inia Tech Foundation Inc. - Roanoke , VA $200.00Wyckoff Famil y YMCA - Wyckoff, NJ $ 15 .000.00Wycliffe Bible Translators Inc - Orlando FL 7 250.00Wyomin g Seminary of the Wyomin g Annual Conference of the Methodist - 350.00Xavier Hi gh School - Middletown CT 50.00Xavier Hi 2h School - New York , NY 775.00


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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION MATCHING GIFTS Summary by Organization NameOrganization Name Total Company AmountXavier Hi g h School - New York , NY $ 12 , 332.38Xavier Hi gh School Foundation - Cedar Raids IA $20000Xavier Societ for the Blind - New York , NY $ 17500Xavier Universit y - Cincinnati , OH 4 , 840.00Y M C A of Westfield N J - Westfield , NJ $ 1 , 750.00Y Me of New En g land Inc - Branford , CT 500.00Yad Bata L Kallah - Brookl yn, NY 100.00Yad Eliezer Inc. - Brookl yn , NY $ 1 . 000.00Yad Ezra Inc - Berkle y, MI 25.00Yad L Achim Pe lei Israel - Brookl yn, NY 590.00Yai/National Institute for Peop le With Disabilities - New York , NY 25.00Yaldayn u Center , Inc - Yaldaynu Pre-School - New York, NY 50.00Yale Repertory Theatre Associates Inc. - New Haven , CT 150.00Yale Science & Eng ineerin g Association Inc - Sudbu ry, MA 100.00Yale University - New Haven , CT $5 ,050.00Yale University - New Haven , CT $45 ,749.74Yale Universit y Christian Association Dwi ght Hall - New Haven , CT 400.00Yale University Yale School of Organization & Mangement - New Haven , 700.00Yale-New Haven Hospital - New Haven , CT $3 , 315.00Yankee Aerospace Innovation Foundation Inc-Michi gan Aeros pace 5000.00Yankee Golden Retriever Rescue Inc - Hudson , MA 125.00Yarmouth Historical Society - Yarmouth , ME 50.00Yavapai Re g ional Medical Center - Prescott , AZ 400.00Yavneh Academy & Talmud Torah of Paterson - Paramus , NJ 200.00Ycs Foundation Inc - Hackensack , NJ 500.00Yellowstone Association for Natural Science Histo ry & Education - 50.00Yellowstone Boys and Girls Ranch Foundation Inc - Billin g s , MT 500.00Yellowstone Foundation Inc. - Bozeman , MT 100.00Yellowstone Health Partnershi p - Bi g Sky Hosp ice - Billin g s , MT 250.00Yeshiva & Mesivta Toras Emes Kamenitz - Brooklyn, NY 125.00Yeshiva Ahavas Torah - Brookl yn, NY 955.00Yeshiva Darchei Torah - Far Rockaway, NY 810.00Yeshiva Elementa ry School - Miami Beach , FL 54.00Yeshiva Gedolaof Bayonne - Bayonne , NJ 500.00Yeshiva Hi gh School Inc - Atlanta , GA 55.00Yeshiva Hi gh School Of Central New Jerse y Inc - South River NJ 100.00Yeshiva Karlin Stolen Beth Aaron V'isarel/Brookl - Brookl yn, NY 36.00Yeshiva Ktana of Passaic - Passaic NJ $ 1 , 500.00Yeshiva of Bergen County Inc - Yeshiva Noam - Bergenfield , NJ 50.00Yeshiva of North Jersey - River Ede NJ $3 .879.00Yeshiva Ohr Hachiam Touro Colle ge - New York NY 4 ,000.00Yeshiva Ohr Yisroel - Brookl yn , NY 100.00Yeshiva Rabbi Samson Raphael Hirsch - New York, NY $7 , 861.00Yeshiva Shaar Hatorah Inc - Kew Gardens , NY 175.00Yeshiva Tiferes Yisroel - Brooklyn , NY 36.00Yeshiva Tifereth Moshe , Inc. - Kew Gardens , NY $5 , 070. 0Yeshiva Torah Vodaath - Brookl yn, NY $ 1 , 15000Yeshiva Toras Chaim at South Shore Inc. - Hewlett NY 180.00Yeshiva University - New York , NY $ 19 ,072.00Yeshivas Mir Yerushalayim - Brooklyn, NY $3 , 650.00Yeshivas Novominsk - Brookl yn, NY 540.00Yeshivat Shaalvim Inc - Brookl yn, NY 1122.00Yeshivath Beth Moshe - The Milton Eisner Yeshiva Hi gh School - 50.00Yeshivos Karlin Stolin Beth Aron V'Israel Rabbinical Institute Inc. 200.00Yivo Institute for Jewish Research Inc - New York NY $ 1 ,934.00YMCA Cam Tecumseh Inc - Brookston , IN 500.00YMCA Camm and Retreat Services of Battle Creek and Kalamazoo $ 1 , 225.00YMCA- Jackie Robinson Family Branch - San Diego , CA 100.00YMCA of Delaware - Sussex Famil y YMCA of the YMCA of Delaware - 200.00YMCA of Greater Rochester - Pittsford NY 50.00YMCA of Greater Rochester - Rochester NY $29 , 88750Ymca Of Lincoln - Lincoln , NE 205.00YMCA of Memphis & the Mid-South - Louis T. Fogelman Downtown 50.00YMCA of Metro olitan Dallas - McKinney Family YMCA - McKinne y, 350.00YMCA of Metro litan Dallas - Town North YMCA - Dallas TX 525.00YMCA of San Die go County - Encinitas , CA 275.00YMCA of San Diego County - LaJolla YMCA - LaJolla, CA 50.00YMCA of San Die go County - Mission Valley YMCA - San Die go , CA 125.00YMCA of San Die go County - Rancho Family YMCA - San Diem CA 50.00YMCA of San Die o County - San Die go, CA 125.00YMCA of San Die go County - YMCA - South Bay/Chula Vista - Chula $85.00Y-me National Breast Cancer Organization - Chica go , IL $2 . 790.00Y-Me National Breast Cancer Organization Inc - Chicago. IL $25.00Y-Me National Breast Cancer Organization Inc - San Die go , CA 570.00


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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION MATCHING GIFTS Summary by Organization Name

Organization Name Total Company AmountYork Colle ge - York , NE 750.00York Street Past Students Association Inc - Jamaica , NY $ 12 ,000.00York Street Pro i ect - Jerse y City, NJ 250.00York Theatre Compan y Inc - New York , NY 175.00Yosemite Natural History Association - El Portal , CA 250.00Young & Famil y Services - Old Saybrook, CT 175.00Youn g Adult Institute Inc - New York , NY 8 464.00Youn g America's Foundation - Herndon VA 225.00Youn Audiences of Connecticut - Hamden , CT 100.00Youn g Audiences of Minnesota - Saint Paul , MN 500.00Youn g Audiences of Virg inia Inc - Norfolk , VA 100.00Youn g Autism Program Charitable Foundation Inc - Medford , NY 425 00Young Concert Artists Inc. - New York , NY $50000Youn g Men Christian Association of Dutchess County - Poughkeepsie , NY 750.00Youn Men Christian Association of Western North Carolina - Asheville 25.00Youn g Mens & Young Womens Hebrew Association - New York , NY 1 ,685.00Youn g Mens Christian Associatian of Greensboro Inc - Greensboro , NC $3 , 581.00Youn g Mens Christian Association - Lewisburg, WV 650.00Youn g Mens Christian Association - Montgomery. AL 100.00Youn Mens Christian Association - Neenah-Menasha YMCA - Neenah , 75.00Young Mens Christian Association Camp Jewell - Colebrook , CT 0.00Young Mens Christian Association Greater Boston - Boston , MA 25.00Youn g Mens Christian Association Mcbume - New York, NY 100.00Young Mens Christian Association of Anchors e - Anchorage , AK 300.00Young Mens Christian Association of Arlin gton Texas - Arlington , TX 50.00Young Mens Christian Association of Dubois Pennsylvania - Dubois , PA 500.00Young Men's Christian Association of Greater Grand Rapids - Grand 125.00Youn g Mens Christian Association of Greater New York - International $ 1 , 000.00Young Mens Christian Association of Greater New York - New York , NY $2 ,000.00Youn g Mens Christian Association of Greater New York- Harlem - New $ 1 . 000.00Youn g Mens Christian Association of Greater St Louis - Chesterfield , MO 50.00Youn g Mens Christian Association of Greater St Louis - Edward Jones 25.00Youn Mens Christian Association of Greater St Louis - Wildwood Famil 74.00Young Mens Christian Association of Greater St Louis - YMCA of Greater 50.00Young Mens Christian Association of Greater St Louis-O'Fallon Family 90.00Youn Mens Christian Association of Greater St. Louis - Chesterfield , MO 40.00Youn g Mens Christian Association of Greater Toledo - Toledo , OH 750.00Youn g Mens Christian Association of Honolulu - Honolulu , HI 150.00Youn g Mens Christian Association of Kalamazoo - Kalamazoo MI $ 1 , 740. 0Youn Mens Christian Association of Kirkwood/st. Louis - Saint Louis , 100.00Young Mens Christian Association of Lon Island Inc - Bay Shore , NY $ 1 , 500.00Youn g Mens Christian Association of Madison NJ - Madison , NJ 1 000 00Youn g Mens Christian Association of Metro olitan Hartford Inc. 25.00Youn g Mens Christian Association of Metropolitan Richmond - Richmond , 750.00Youn g Mens Christian Association of Monroe County - Stroudsbur PA 750.00Youn g Mens Christian Association of Nashville and Middle Tennessee - 25.00Young Mens Christian Association of Nashville and Middle Tennessee - 100.00Youn Mens Christian Association of Northern Middlesex County Inc - 50.00Young Mens Christian Association of Oran ge County - North Orange 30.00Young Mens Christian Association of San Die go County - San Diego , CA $250.00Youn g Mens Christian Association of Shawnee Oklahoma Inc - Shawnee 500.00Young Mens Christian Association of South Hampton Roads - Hilltop $ 150.00Young Mens Christian Association of Stamford - Stamford , CT $2 .997.20Youn g Mens Christian Association of the Trian g le Area - Ralei gh , NC $75.00Young Mens Christian Association of West County - Chesterfield , MO $ 10400Young Mens Christian Association of Westerly-Pawcatuck - Ocean $3 , 040.00Youn g Mens Christian Association South Dakota General Convention - $75.00Young Mens Christian Association Westport/Weston - Westport , 1 900.00Youn Mens Christian Association-Columbia - Columbia , SC $ 1 , 500.00Youn g Mens-Youn Womens Hebrew Association of Bergen County - $2 ,000.00Youn Womens Christian Association - Lowell , MA $ 100.00Young Womens Christian Association - Terre Haute , IN $ 1 ,090.00Youn Womens Christian Association Lincoln - Lincoln , NE $50.00Young Womens Christian Association of Birmingham - Birmin gham , AL 50.00Youn Womens Christian Association of Green Bay Deere - Green Bay, $ 100.00Youn g Womens Christian Association of Greenwich Ct - Greenwich , CT $ 1 , 200.00Youn g Womens Christian Association of Kalamazoo - Kalamazoo MI $ 1 , 470.00Youn g Womens Christian Association of Princeton NJ - Lawrenceville , NJ $ 150.00Youn g Womens Christian Association of Richmond - Richmond VA $750.00Youngstown State University Foundation - Youn stown OH 25.00Youth & Famil y Counselin Service Inc. - Westfield NJ $ 100.00Youth Adults' Health Center - The Corner Health Center - Ypsilanti , MI $650.00Youth and Shelter Services Inc. - Ames , IA 150.00Youth Dance Theatre of Michi gan Inc - Chelsea, MI $ 1 , 075.00


147 OF 148


2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION MATCHING GIFTS Summary by Organization Name

Organization Name Total Company AmountYouth Education In the Arts - Ber enfield NJ $51.00Youth Empowerment Pro i ect - Ann Arbor, MI 125.00Youth for Christ in Kalamazoo - Kalamazoo , MI $ 150.00Youth for Christ Inc - Terre Haute , IN $400.00Youth for UnderstandinUSA Inc - Bethesda MD 25.00Youth Law Center - San Francisco , Ca 300.00Youth on Their Own - Tucson , AZ 1000.00Youth Without Borders - Imperial Beach , CA 200.00YWCA of Metropolitan St. Louis - St. Louis , MO 100.00YWCA of Salt Lake City - Salt Lake City, 150.00Zaka - Brookl yn, NY 500.00Zakat Foundation of America - Worth , IL 625.00Zeta Beta Tau Foundation Inc - Indianapolis , IN 50.00Zeta Tau AI ha Foundation Inc. - Indianapolis , IN 530.00Zichron Shlomo - Brookl yn, NY 100.00Zienzele Foundation - West Topsham , VT 40.00Zion Canyon Arts and Humanities - S prin gdale , UT 290.00Zionist Organization of America - New York , NY 122.00Zoolog ical Society of Cincinnati - Cincinnati , OH 925.00Zoolog ical Society of Philadel phia - Philadel phia , PA 50.00Zoolog ical Society of Pittsburgh - Pittsburgh , PA 75.00Zoolog ical Society of San Die go - San Die go , CA $9 , 302.00

Sub-total: $14,945 ,293.68

Cash to Accrual Adjustment: ($80,802.00 )

TOTAL: $14,864,491.68


148 OF 148


2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION VOLUNTEER PROGRAM Summary by Organization NameOrganization Name Total Company Amount100 Black Men of North Metro Atlanta Inc - Alpharetta, GA $1,00000

100 Black Men of South Metro Inc - Riverdale, GA $1,00000

Actors & Playwrights Initiative - Kalamazoo, MI ($4000)

Alternatives of Kalamazoo Crises Prepanc y Center - Kalamazoo, MI $1,500 00

American Cancer Society Divisions Inc - Portage. MI $50000

American Red Cross - Kalamazoo, MI $1,00000

American Red Cross - Kalamazoo - Kalamazoo, MI $7,00000

ARC of New Jersey Inc - Manville, NJ $50000

Arts & Education Council of Greater St Louis - Saint Louis. MO $5000

Attitudinal Healing Center of Kalamazoo - Kalamazoo, MI $50000

Comstock Public Schools Foundation - Kalamazoo, MI ($35 00)

Dt Rosa Preserve - Napa, CA $50000

Easter Seals Du age - Villa Park, IL ($5000)

First Presbyterian Church Health Clinic - Kalamazoo, MI S3.50000

Fontana Chamber Arts - Kalamazoo, MI $3,00000

Foundation for Baltimore County Public Library Inc - Towson, MD $50000

Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center Foundation - Seattle, WA $50 00

Friends of the Kalamazoo Public Library and Museum - Kalamazoo, MI $500 00

Friends of the Library of Collier County Inc - Naples, FL $50000

Hosp ice of Greater Kalamazoo - Kalamazoo, MI $50000

Kalamazoo Aviation Histo ry Museum/ Kalamazoo Air Zoo - Portage, MI $12,500 00

Kalamazoo Civic Players Civic Theatre - Kalamazoo. MI $50000

Kalamazoo Institute Of Arts - Kalamazoo, MI $1,500 00

Kalamazoo Nature Center - Kalamazoo, MI $50000

Kalamazoo Symphony Orchestra - Kalamazoo, MI $2,00000

Massachusetts College of Pharmacy & Allied Health Sciences - Boston, MA ($50000)

Missouri Botanical Garden Board of Trustees - Saint Louts, MO $32800

Planned Parenthood of South Central Michigan - Kalamazoo, MI $1,00000

Prairie Historical Society - Climax. MI $1,000 00

Salvation Army & Its Components - Hartford, CT $10000

Santa Barbara Mental Health Association - Santa Barbara, CA $1,000 00

Senior Services Inc - Kalamazoo, MI $14,00000

Shamokin Area Hi gh School Alumni Association - Coal Township , PA ($3,308 75)

Shan: Our Selves Corporation - Costa Mesa, CA $50000

Shepherds Center Of Greater Kalamazoo - Kalamazoo, MI $8,00000

Torch Lake Township EMS De partment - Eastport, MI $1,00000

University of Minnesota Foundation - Bell Museum of Natural History - Mmnea olis, MN $10000

West Michigan Glass Society - Kalamazoo, MI $50000

Worldwide Lab Improvement - Kalamazoo, MI $50000

4-H Foundation of Merrimack County Inc - Boscawen, NH $1,000 00

6th Man Foundation - Leesburg, VA $1,00000

Abbeville County Fire Commission - Edgewood Volunteer Fire Department - Abbeville, SC $1,00000

Abingdon Theatre Company - New York, NY $1,00000

Academy of Our Iady of Good Counsel - White Plains, NY $1,00000

Academy of Saint Therese - Gales Ferry. CT $1,00000

Academy of the Holy Angels College Preparatory School - Demarest, NJ $1,000 00

Africa Education Initiative - Mystic, CT $5,00000

Alle gan Parent Cooperative Pre-School Inc - Allegan, MI $1,00000

Allen County 4-H Clubs. Inc - Fort Wayne, IN $1,000 00

Alliance Francatse of New Haven - New Haven, CT $1,000 00

Alp ine Elementary School - Alp ine, UT $1,000 00

Altered Tails - Scottsdale, AZ $1,00000

Altruria Elementary School - Bartlett, TN $1,00000

Alzheimers Disease and Related Disorders Association - Albany , NY $3,00000

Amateur Athletic Union of the United States - Connecticut Heat Basketball Club - New Haven. CT $1,000 00

American Baptist Churches In the USA - Flanders Bap tist Church - Boy Scout Trop 240 - East Lyme , CT $2.00000

American Cancer Society - Norwich, CT $1,00000

American Cancer Society Divisions Inc - Portage, MI $1,000 00

American Cancer Society Inc - Abingdon. VA ($1,000 00)

American Cancer Society Inc - Denver, CO ($1,000 00)

American Chinese Culture and Education Foundation - San Dieg o, CA $5,00000

American Christian School Society - Succasunna, NJ $1,000 00

American Diabetes Association - Amherst, NY $1,000 00

American Diabetes Association Inc - Columbia, SC $1,000 00

American Diabetes Association Inc - White Plains, NY $2,00000

American Heart Association Inc - Charleston, SC $3,00000

American Heart Association Inc - Jackson, MS $3.000 00

American Heart Association Inc - M le Beach. SC $1,00000

American Heart Association Inc - S rm field, MO $3,00000

American Heart Association Inc - St Louis, MO $3,00000

American Heart Association Inc - West Lawn, PA $5,00000

American Heart Association Inc - American Heart Association J op lin Gala - J op lin. MO $3,00000

American Heart Association/Augusta - Au gusta, GA $2,00000

American Heart Association/Penns lvama Division - Lancaster, PA $1,000.00

American Leg ion Department of Alabama Youth - Wri ght Brothers Post 210 - Montgomery , AL $1,000 00

American Liver Foundation - Newton, MA $2.00000


1 OF 15


2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION VOLUNTEER PROGRAM Summary by Organization NameOrganization Name Total Company AmountAmerican Lung Association of New Jersey - Union, NJ $1,00000

American National Red Cross - Kalamazoo. MI $3,00000

American National Red Cross - Amencan Red Cross Northwest New Jerse y - Morristown, NJ $1,00000

American National Red Cross and Its Constituent Chapters and Branches - Hunting ton, NY $1,00000

American Red Cross - Spartanburg, SC $1,00000

American Red Cross - Stamford, CT $1,00000

American Red Cross - Rock River - Rockford, IL $1,00000

American Youth Soccer Organization - Caledonia, MI $1,000 00

Ancient Kentucky Historical Association - Louisville. KY $1,00000

Angels Fast Pitch Girls Softball - Warwick, RI $1,00000

An g lican Singers - M ystic, CT $1,00000Animal Rescue Fund Inc - Waterford, CT $1,000 00

Ann Arbor Huron High School Athletic Booster Club - Ann Arbor, MI $1,00000Ann Arbor Police Department - Ann Arbor, MI $1,000 00

Ann Arbor Track Club - Ann Arbor, MI $1,000 00Ann Arbor Triathlon Club - Ann Arbor, MI $1,00000

Ann-Hua Chinese School - Ann Arbor, MI $5.00000

Appalachia Service Proj ect Inc - Johnson Cit y , TN $1,000 00

ARC of New Jersey Inc - Livingston, NJ $1,00000

Arcadia Information Network - Parent to Parent of Southwest Michigan - Kalamazoo, MI $1,00000

Arkansas AIDS Foundation Inc - Little Rock. AR $1,00000

Arlington Charities Inc - Arlin g ton, TX $1,00000

Army Aviation Heritage Foundation and Museum - Hampton. GA $1,00000

Art of Problem Solvmg Foundation - Alp ine, CA $2.00000

Arthritis Foundation - Charlotte, NC $3,00000

Arthritis Foundation Inc - Dallas, TX $1,00000

Arthritis Foundation Inc Northern Ca Chapter - San Francisco, CA $1,00000

Asha for Education - New York, NY $1,00000

Ashaway Element ary School, Inc - Ashaway, RI $1,00000

Ashaway Volunteer Fire Association - Ashaway, RI $1,00000

Asian Professional Extension Inc - New York, NY $1,00000

As tuck land Trust Inc - Westport, CT $1,00000

Assisi Nature Council USA - Action for Nature - San Francisco, CA $1,00000

Association for PreservinHisto Accuracy In Foreign Invasions China - La Jolla, CA $1,000 00

Association for Women In Science Inc - San Diego. CA $1,00000

Association of Latino Professionals - Los Angeles, CA $1,00000

Association of Notre Dame Clubs Inc - Gales Ferry, Cr $1,00000

Athens Area Schools - Athens, MI $1,00000

Athens Volunteer Fire Department Auxiliary - Athens, MI $1,00000

Attachment Parenting International Inc - Nashville. TN $1,00000

Avaloma Land Conservanc y Inc - Old Mystic. CT $3,00000

Bacon Academy - Colchester, CT $1,00000

Baldwin County Humane Societ y - Faufio , AL $1,00000

Balloon Angels Inc - Louisville. KY $1,00000

Baltic Fire Engine Company No I Inc - Baltic. CT $1,00000

Baptist Medical & Dental Mission International Inc - Hattiesburg, MS $2,000 00

Baptist Medical Dental Fellowship - Oklahoma City , OK $1,000 00

Battle Creek Parks and Recreation - Battle Creek Aquatic Club - Battle Creek. MI $1,00000

Ba side Academy Inc - Daphne, AL $1,000 00

Bayview Center for Mental Health Inc - North Miami. Fl $1,000 00

Be ummg With Children Foundation Inc - New York, NY $1,00000

Behrhorst Partners for Development Inc - Milwaukee, WI $1,00000

Bennetts Beavers - Hamburg . MI $1,00000

Bennie Dover Jackson Middle School - New London, Cr $1,000 00

Berkshire Music School Inc - Pittsfield, MA $1,00000

Bettendorf-Pleasant Valley Youth Baseball Commission - Bettendorf, IA $1,00000

Bt Brothers Big Sisters of Northeastern Wisconsin Inc - Green Bay , WI $1,00000

Big Brothers-Bi g Sisters of Greater Flint - Flint, MI $1,00000

Big Brothers-Big Sisters of Southeastern Connecticut Inc - Oakdale. CT $5,00000

Bill Memorial Library - Groton, CT $1,000 00Birthright of Nassau and Suffolk Inc - Wantagh, NY $1,00000

Bishop Mccort High School - Johnstown, PA $1,00000

Bismarck Recreation Council - Bismarck, ND $1,00000

Blacktop Inc - Reading , PA $1,00000Blue Grass Baptist School - Lexington, KY $1,00000

Bonita Htstoncal Society - Bonita. CA $1,000 00

Bor ess Medical Center - Kalamazoo. MI $3.00000

Boy Scout Troop 166 - Randol ph. NJ $2,00000

Boy Scout/Grand Teton Council - Idaho Falls. ID $1,00000

Boy Scouts of America - Canton, MA $1,00000

Bo Scouts of America - Charleston, WV $1,000 00

Boy Scouts of America - Groton, CT $1,00000

Bo Scouts of America - Kalamazoo, MI $5.00000

Bo Scouts of America - Redlands, CA $2,00000

Bo Scouts of America - Saint Louts, MO $2.00000

Boy Scouts of America - Texarkana, TX $1,000 00


2 OF 15


2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION VOLUNTEER PROGRAM Summary by Organization NameOrganization Name Total Company AmountBoy Scouts of America - Westerl y . RI $2,00000

Bo Scouts of America - Boy Scouts of America Blue Rid ge Council - Mauldin, SC $1,00000

Bo Scouts of America - Connecticut Rivers Council - East Hartford, CT $2,00000

Bo Scouts of America - The Housatonic Council - Derby, CT $1,00000

Boy Scouts of America - Troop 50 of Groton, CT - M ystic, CT $3,00000

Boy Scouts of America Columbia Pacific Council Inc - Portland, OR $1,00000

Boy Scouts of America Council - Eau Claire, WI $1,00000

Bo Scouts of America Council - Fresno. CA $1,00000

Boy Scouts of America Council - Memphis, TN $1,00000

Bo Scouts of America Council - Great Sauk Trail Council, BSA - Ann Arbor, MI $1,000 00

Boy Scouts of America Council - Manitous 88 - Order of the Arrow - Ann Arbor, MI $1,000 00

Bo Scouts Of America NtI Council - Oakdale, Cr S2,00000

Boy Scouts Of America Nil Council - Preston, CT $3,000 00

Boy Scouts of America Troop 180 - Lebanon, CT $1,000 00

Bo Scouts of America- Troop 17 Pe not - Groton, CT $1,00000

Boy Scouts of America- Troop 36 - Quaker Hill, CT $3,00000

Boy Scouts of AmencaIlroo I of Norwich - Norwich. CT $1,00000

Bo Scouts of Americarrroo 21 - Hopkinton, RI $1,00000

Boys & Girls Club of Greater Nashua Inc - Nashua, NH $1,00000

Boys & Girls Club of Southeastern Connecticut Inc - Groton. CT $1,00000

Boys & Girls Clubs of New Rochelle - New Rochelle, NY $1,00000

Boys Scouts of America - Ashawa , RI $1,000 00

Boys Scouts Of America - North Stonm ton, CT $3,000 00

Brearle School - New York, NY $1,000 00

Brevard Conununuy College Foundation Inc - Cocoa, FL $1,000 00

Bride Street Preparatory School - Brooklyn . NY $1,00000

Broomfield Baseball League Inc - Broomfield, CO $1,00000

Bums Park Foreign Language Initiative - Ann Arbor, MI $2,00000

Butler High School - Butler, MO $1,000 00

Camellot Academy Inc - Blue Springs, MO $1,000 00

Camp Acorn Inc - Paramus, NJ $1,000 00

Errip Fire USA - REACH - Lombard, IL $1,00000

Campbell Academic Services - Detroit, MI $1,000 00

Canyon High Baseball Boosters - Anaheim, CA $1,000 00

Cape Fear Youth Soccer Assocation Inc - Wilmington, Nc $1,00000

Capital Cu Rescue Mission Inc - Albany, NY $1,00000

Care and Share of East Lyme - East Lyme, CT $1,00000

Care g ivers of Rockingham County Inc - Reidsville. NC $1,000 00

Carlisle Area Family YMCA - Carlisle. PA $1,000 00

Carolina Piedmont Foundation Inc - Spartanburg, SC $1,00000

Carrollton High School - Carrollton, IL $1,00000

Carver Community Organization Inc - Evansville, IN $1,000 00

Cascades Amateur Radio Societ y Incorporated - Jackson, MI $1,00000

Catholic Medical Mission Board - New York, NY $1,00000

Catholic Social Services - Dayt on, OH $1,000 00

Center for Humane Education for Southern California & Humane Society Inc - Escondido, CA $1,000 00

Center for Traditional Music and Dance Inc - New York, NY $2,00000

Center In Asbury Park Inc - Bradle y Beach, NJ $1,000()0

Central Connecticut Youth Hocke y Association - Glastonbury, CT $2,00000

Central Park Medical Unit Inc - New York, NY $1,00000

Central Pennsylvania Autism Education and Resource Center -The Vista School - Middletown, PA $1,000 00

Central School Parent-Teacher Organization - Boy Scouts of America Troop 628 - Saint Charles. MO $1,00000

Chabad of Eastern Connecticut - New London, CT $5,000 00

Chartho Youth Soccer Association - Hope Valley, RI $1,00000

Charts - Saint Louts, MO $1,000 00

Charles E Murphy PTO - Oakdale. CT $3,000 00

Chatham Emergenc y Squad Inc - Chatham, NJ $1,00000

Chatham-Nauset Lions Charities INC - East Harwich, MA $1,00000

Chelsea Amateur Radio Club - Chelsea, MI $1.00000

Chelsea School District - Chelsea, MI $1,00000

Chelsea United Way - Chelsea, MI $1,00000

Child of Christ Lutheran School - Hartland, MI $1,000 00

Childhood Anxiety Network Incorporated - Prospec t, KY $1,00000

Children's CommunitSchool, Inc - Waterbury , CT $1,00000

Childrens Museum of Oak Ridge Incorporated - Oak Ride, TN $2,00000

Chddrens Science and Technology Museum of Terre Haute Inc - Terre Haute. IN $1,00000

Children Tumor Foundation - New York, NY $1,000 00

Childrens Workshop - Plymouth. MN $1,00000

Childs Garden Montessori Pre-School Inc - Stonm ton, CT $3,000 00

Chinese American Culture Association-4h - Bridgewater. NJ $1,000 00

Chorus of Westerly - Westerl y . RI $2.00000

Christian Heritage Schools Inc - San Antonio, TX $1.00000

Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and Kingdom of God - Wmdson Ward - Boy Scouts Troop 163 - Ketmewt $1,00000

Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Sams and Kingdom of God - Boy Scouts of America Troop 641 - San Diego, CA $1,00000

Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and Kingdom of God - Penasquitos Second Ward - San Diego. CA $1,000 00

Citadel Foundation - Charleston. SC $1,00000


3 OF 15


2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION VOLUNTEER PROGRAM Summary by Organization NameOr anization Name Total Company Amount

City of Norwich - Rose City Senior Center - Norwich, CT $2,00000

Clara Latham Memorial ParkTrust - Sioux City . IA $1,00000

Claude Chester Elementary School - Groton. CT $1,00000

Clay County Soccer Club Inc - Orange Park, FL $1,00000

Cleveland Lutheran High School Association Inc - Rocky River, OH $1,00000

Clifford E B ryant Comm School - Ann Arbor, MI $1,00000

Clifton School #8 - Clifton, NJ $1,000 00

Clinton Park and Recreation - Clinton, CT $1,000 00

Cocalico Mid get Football Association - Denver, PA $1,000 00

Cohanzie School - Waterford, CT $5,000 00

Collierville Youth Athletic Association - Collierville, TN $1,00000

Colonial Musketeers Fife And Drum Corp s - Hackettstown, NJ $1,00000

Columbus Community Center Inc - Columbus, GA $1,00000

Communities in Schools of Nassau County Inc - Fernandina Beach, FL $1,00000

Community Colle ge of Rhode Island Foundation - Warwick, RI $1,00000

Community Dance Ensemble Inc - Quaker Hill, CT $1,00000

Communit y Foundation of Greater Decatur - Friends of Delano Park - Decatur, AL $1,000 00

Comstock High School - Kalamazoo, MI $1,000 00

'Congregation Beth El Inc of New London - New London, CT $1.00000

Congregational Church of Salem - Boy Scouts of America/Troop 22 - Salem, CT $5,000 00

Con tional Church of Led yard - Boy Scouts of America - Troop 16 - Ledyard, Cr $4,00000

Connecticut Childrens Medical Center Foundation Inc - Hartford, CT $1,00000

Connecticut College - WCNI-FM - New London, CT $1,00000

Connecticut Firemen's Historical Societ y Inc - Manchester, CT $1,00000

Connecticut Forest and Park Association Incorporated - Rockfall, CT $1,00000

Connecticut Junior Soccer Association Inc - Southeast District Junior Soccer - Waterford, CT $5,00000

Convent of the Sacred Heart School - New York, NY $1,00000

Cornerstone Academy and Ministries Inc - Gainesville, FL $1,00000

Coming Area Humane Societ y - Coming, NY $1,00000

Coronaca Fire De partment and Rescue Unit - Greenwood, SC $2,00000

Council of Asian Pacific Americans - Farmington, MI $1,000 00

Countryside High School Drama Booster Club Inc - Clearwater, FL $1,000 00

County of Henrico Division of Recreation & Parks - Richmond, VA $1,00000

County of Ozaukee - Lacata Care Center - Cedarburg. WI $1,00000

Crab Orchard Elementary School - Marton, IL $1,00000

Craftsman Farms Foundation Inc - Morris Plains, NJ $1,00000

Creeks Athletic Association Inc - Creeks Baseball Club - Jacksonville, FL $1,00000

Crime Stoppers of Cary Inc - Cary , NC $1,00000

Crohns & Colitis Foundation of America - New York, NY $1,000 00

Cry stal Mountain Center for the Peformmg Arts - Westcliffe, CO $1,00000

Cultural Resources Inc - Dubois, PA $1.00000

Cystic Fibrosis Foundation - Atlanta, GA $1,00000

Dallas Park Elemen tary - Fort Worth, TX $1,00000

Dana Farber Cancer Institute Inc - Boston. MA $1,00000

Dana-Farber Inc - The Jimmy Fund - Groton, CT $1,00000

Dance Conservatory of Southern Minnesota - Mankato, MN $1,00000

Davenport Ridge School - Stamford. Cr $1,000 00

Davie High Athletic Boosters Association Inc - Mocksville, NC $1,000 00

Delaware Valle y Golden Retriever Rescue Inc - Reutholds, PA $2,00000

Delta Sigma Phi Foundation - Indianapolis, IN $1,000 00

Delton Kellogg Little League - Delton, MI $3,000 00

Delton Kellogg Schools - Delton. MI $1,000 00

Denison Pe uotse s Nature Center - M ystic, CT $1,000 00

Department of Public Saft y Support Group Inc - Ocean Ride, FL $1,00000

Dexter Community Band - Ann Arbor. Ml $1,00000

Dexter Community School District - Dexter Athletic Department - Dexter, MI $2,00000

Dexter Community School District - Dexter Orchestras - Dexter, MI $1,00000

Disabilities Network of Eastern Connecticut - Norwich, Cr $1,00000

Domestic and Fora Missionary Society of the Protestant Episcopal - Saint Bartholomew's Episcop al Church - Boy Sc $1,00000

Dominican Community Services - Cincinnati. OH $1,00000

Dover Area Athletic Association - Dover. PA $1,00000

Dr Martin Luther King Scholarshi p Trust Fund - New London, CT $2,000 00

Dreamwrt hts Youth & Family Theatre - York. PA $1,000 00

Dunns Comers School PTO - Westerl y . RI $5,00000

Duquesne University of the Holy Ghost - Duquesne Universit y School of Law - Pittsb urgh , PA $1.00000

Durham Elementary School - Southlake, TX $1,00000

Duxbury Student Union Association - Duxb , MA $1,00000

East Fresno Kiwants Foundation - Fresno, CA $1,000 00

East Lyme Babe Ruth League Inc - Niantic, CT $1,00000

East Lyme High School - East Lyme, CT $2,00000

East Lyme High School/Swimmin g & Diving Team - East Lyme, Cr $1,00000

East Lyme Lacrosse Association Inc - East Lyme , CT $5,00000

East Lyme Soccer Association Inc - East Lyme . CT $1,00000

East Lyme Viking Band Inc - East Lyme, CT $1,00000

East Lyme Youth Basketball League Inc - East Lyme, CT $4,00000

Easter Seal Societ y Of Hawaii - Honolulu. HI $1,00000


4 OF 15


2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION VOLUNTEER PROGRAM Summary by Organization NameOrganization Name Total Company AmountEaster Seals Greater Hartford Rehabilitation Center Inc - Windsor, CT $1,00000

Easter Seals Southern Georgia Inc - Albany, GA $2,00000

Eastern Connecticut Symphony Inc - New London, Cr $5,00000

Eastern Michigan Hocke y Association Inc - Fentont, Ml $1,00000

Eastern Point Elementary - Groton, CT $1,00000

Easton Community Center Inc - Easton, Cr $1,00000

Echo Hose Ambulance Corps Inc - Shelton, CT $1,00000

Economic Opportunit y Council of Suffolk Inc - Patchogue, NY $1,00000

Edgewood Sailing School - Cranston, RI $1,00000

Edinboro Universe of Pennsylvania - Edinboro, PA $1,00000

Edison Environmental Science Academy - Kalamazoo, MI $1,00000

Ell Camino Hospital Auxiliary Inc - Mountain View, CA $1,000 00

Elyria Catholic High School Educational Endowment Foundation - El yr ia, OH $1,000 00

Emerson Volunteer Fire Department - Emerson, NJ $1,000 00

Emunah Women of America - Edison, NJ $1,000 00

Encore Music Boosters Club - Troy, MO $1,000 00

Endurance Trust Inco rporated - Lake Worth, FL $1,000 00

Enrichment Institute - Ashle y Academy - Johnson City, TN $1,000 00

Ep ile psy Foundation of the St Louis Re g ion - St Louis. MO $2,00000

Ep iscop al Churches & Dioceses - Saint Alban's Ep iscopal School - Arlin g ton, TX $1,000 00

Essex Parents and Teachers Inc - Centerbrook. CT $1,000 00

Ethiopian Orthodox Coptic Church of North and South America - Lion of Judah Museum - Bronx, NY $1,00000

Evangelical Lutheran Church In America - Tabor Lutheran Church - Boy Scout Troop 428 - Branford, CT $1,000 00

Every Orphans Hope - Frisco. TX $3,00000

Factoryvdle Bible Church Factoryville Christian School - Teen Youth Group - Athens, MI $1,000 00

Fae Tails Corgi Rescue of St Louis - St Louis, MO $1,000 00

Fairmont High School - Fairmont, MN $1,00000

Fairview Hosp ital & Healthcare Services - Fairview University Medical Center - Minneapolis. MN $1,000 00

Fallsmgton Lib rary Co- Fallsmgton, PA $1,00000

Family Learning Institute - Ann Arbor, MI $2,00000

Family Service of Morris County - Morristown, NJ $1,00000

Family YMCA of Greater Laurens - Laurens, SC $1,00000

Fannersburg Baseball Softball Youth League - Farmersburg, IN $5,00000

Farmersbur Festival - Farmersburg, IN $5,000 00

Fannersburg Indiana Friends of the Park Association - Farmersburg , IN $5,00000

Fa 'agut Baseball Inc - Fatragut, TN $2,00000

Fayetteville Public Education Foundation Inc - Fayetteville, AR $1,00000

Federated Garden Clubs of Connecticut Inc - E Lyme, CT $2,00000

Feline Connection Inc - Chesterfield, MO $1,000 00

Fiddle Ensemble Inc - Saline, MI $1,000 00

Fidelco Guide Dog Foundation Inc - Bloomfield, CT $2,00000

First Baptist Church of Greenwood Foundation - Greenwood, SC $1,000 00

Furst Choice Womens Resource Centers - Morristown, NJ $1,000 00

First Reformed Church - Boy Scouts of America Troop 255 - Pottage, MI $4,00000

Ftrstworkc Inc - Memphis, TN $1,00000

Fitch Middle School - Groton, CT $3,000 00

Flanders Elementary School - East Lyme, Cr $8,00000

Fleet Charitable Gift Fund - The McCourt Foundation - Quincy , MA $1,000 00

Florida Holocaust Museum Inc - Saint Petersburg, FL $1,000 00

Flytz Gymnastics Parents Association - Cuyahoga Falls, OH $1,00000

Focus on Independence Inc - Raytown, MO $1,00000

Fontana Chamber Arts - Kalamazoo, MI $1,00000

For Pete - Omaha, NE $3,00000

Forgotten Children Ministries - Chattanooga, TN $1,00000

Fors ythe Junior High School - PTSO - Ann Arbor, MI $1,00000

Fort Griswold Battlefield State Park Foundation Inc - Groton, CT $1,00000

Foundation for Behavioral Resources - Augus ta Child Development Center - Augusta, MI $1,00000

Fowlervdle Communit y Education & Recreation - Fowlerville, MI $1,00000

Foxboro Council On Aging - Foxboro, MA $1,00000

Francis J Kane School - Marlborough, MA $1,00000

Frank Olean Center - Westerl y , RI $1,00000

French-American School of Rhode Island - Providence, RI $1,00000

Fresh Air Fund - New York, NY $1,00000

Friends of Forgotten Felines Inc - East Lyme, CT $1,000 00

Friends of Ghs Lacrosse Inc - Glastonbury , CT $3,00000

Friends of Haworth Municip al Library - Haworth, NJ $1,000 00

Friends of Stonm ton Crew Inc - Stonmgton, CT $2,00000

Friends of the Brooklyn New School - Brooklyn , NY $1,000 00

Friends of the Cha a ua Public Library - Cha a ua, NY $1,00000

Friends of the Children New York - New York, NY $1,00000

Friends of the Friendless Animal Rescue Group - Lexin gton, MO $1,00000

Fnends of the Kalamazoo Public Library and Museum - Kalamazoo, MI $3,00000

Gamfield Elementary School - Southbury , CT $1,00000

Gales Fe rry School - Gales Ferry . Cr $4.00000,

Gales Ferry Volunteer Fire Company - Gales Ferry, Cr $2,00000

Galesburg Augusta Community Schools - Galesburg, MI $1,000 00


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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION VOLUNTEER PROGRAM Summary by Organization NameOrganization Name Total Company AmountGalesbur g-Augusta Intermediate School - Augusta, MI $1,000 00

Gallup Hill PTO - Ledyard. Cr $3,000 00

Gallup Hill School - Ledyard, CT $2,00000

Gardner Lake Volunteer Fire Co Inc - Salem, CT $3,000 00

Gateway Disabled Ski Program - Saint Louts, MO $1,000 00

General Assembl y of the Chnstian Church Discip les of Christ Inc - Brandon, FL $1,00000

General Council on Finance & Administration - Mt Bethel Christian Academy - Marietta, GA $1,00000

General Council on Finance & Admms of the United Methodist Church - Boy Scouts of America- Troop 4 - Ann Arbor, $2.00000

General Council on Finance & Admms of the United Methodist Church - Charleton United Methodist Church - Boy Sco $1,00000

General Council on Finance & Admins of the United Methodist Church - First United Methodist Church - Justice for O $1,00000

Generous Hands Inc - Vicksburg, MI $1,000 00

George Washington High School - Cedar Rap ids, IA $1,00000

Gilead Hill School Pia Inc - Hebron, CT $1,000 00

Girl Scouts Connecticut Trails Council Inc - North Haven. CT $2.00000

GUI Scouts of Housatonic Council Inc - Girl Scout Troop 2460 - Westport. CT $IA00 00

Girl Scouts of Nyoda Council - Huron. SD $1,00000

Girl Scouts of River Bluffs Council - Glen Carbon, IL $1,000 00

Girl Scouts/Housatonic Council. Inc - Bridgeport, CT $1,00000

GKTW Inc - Kissimee, FL $1,00000

Gloucester-Mathews Humane Society Inc - Gloucester, VA $1,00000

Glowing Embers Girl Scout Council - Kalamazoo, MI $1,00000

GIsen Inc - New York. NY $2,00000

Goddard Riverside Communit y Center New York, NY $1,00000

Gods Love We Deliver Inc - New York, NY $1,00000

Golden International Inc - Omaha, NE $1,000 00

Golden Re-Tnever Rescue Inc - Pleasantville, NY $2,00000

Grace Cares Incorporated - Brattleboro. VT $1,00000

Grand Valley Audubon Soctet - Grand Junction, CO $1,000 00

Grapevine Relief and Commune - Grape vine, TX $1,00000

Great Dane Rescue - Plymouth, Ml $1,000 00

Great Lakes Aquatics - Kalamazoo, MI $1,00000

Great Neck Elementary School - Waterford, CT $1,000 00

Greater Daytona Beach Area Young Mons Christian Association Inc - Port Orange Young Mens Christian Association - $1,00000

Greater Faith Transitional Home - Y psilanti, MI $1,000 00

Greater Flemin gton Soccer Club Inc - Flemington, NJ $1,00000

Greater Middletown Chorale, Inc - Middletown. CT $1,000 00

Greater New Haven Shoreline Youth Hockey Association - North Haven, CT $1,00000

Greene County Friends of Animals Inc - Jasonville, IN $1,000 00

Greenville Elementary School - Greenville, IL $1,000 00

Greenway Arts Alliance - Los Angeles, CA $1,00000

Griswold High School - Project Safe Graduation - Griswold, Cr $3,000 00

Griswold School District - Griswold Hi gh School - Jewett City , CT $1,000 00

Groton Board of Education - Groton, CT $1,00000

Groton Ledyard Rotary Community Awards Inc - Groton, CT $1,000 00

Groton Public Library - Groton, CT $1,00000

Groton Public Schools - Groton, CT $3,00000

Guardians of H ydrocephalus Research Foundation - Brooklyn . NY $1,000 00

Guiding Eyes for the Blind Inc - Patterson, NY $1,00000

Guilford Youth Basketball League Inc - Guilford, Cr $1,000.00

Gull Lake High School - Richland. MI $1,00000

H F stem Hebrew Academy - Saint Louts, MO $1,000 00

Habitat For Humanity International Inc - Americus, GA $2.00000

_Habitat for Humanity International Inc - Ann Arbor, MI $2.00000

Habitat for Humane International Inc - Brewster, NY ($1,000 00)

Habitat for Humane International Inc - Kingston, RI $1,000 00

Habitatfor Humanity International Inc - Sartanbur,SC $1,00000

Habitat for Humana International Inc - St Louts, MO $2.00000

Habitat for Humana International Inc - Terre Haute, IN $2,00000

Habitat for Humana International Inc - Vero Beach, FL $1,000 00

Habitat for Humane of S E Conn - New London, CT $1,00000

Hamilton Southeastern Youth Football Inc - Fishers, IN $1,000 00

Hampton Free Medical Clinic - Hampton. NH $2,00000

Harding Academy - Nashville, TN $1,000 00

H th Youth Soccer Association Inc - Nashville, TN $1,000 00

Harris-Methodist H-E-B - Bedford, TX $1,00000

'Haywood Regional Medical Center Foundation Inc - Clyde. NC $1,000 00

Healing the Children Mi-Oh - Grand Raids, MI $1,00000

Heart of Florida Hosp ital Auxili ary Inc - Hames City . FL $1,000 00

Heights Parent Center - Cleveland Heights. OH $2,00000

Helm Angels Inc - West New York. NJ $1,000 00

Hel source - Big Brothers Big Sisters - Ann Arbor, MI $1,00000

Hemophilia Foundation of Nevada - Henderson, NV $1,00000

Hendersonville Community Band - Hendersonville, NC $1,000 00

Hentage Christian Academy Association - Kalamazoo. MI $1,000 00

Herita ge Plantation of Sandwich Inc - Sandwich, MA $1,00000

Htbemtan Festival Singers of Suffolk County - Bay Shore, NY $2,00000


6 OF 15


2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION VOLUNTEER PROGRAM Summary by Organization NameOrganization Name Total Company AmountHighland Festival Association of Scotland Ct Inc - Scotland, CT $1,00000

Hdlcrest High School - Midvale, UT $1,00000

Hingham Youth Hocke Inc - Hingham, MA $1,00000

Historic Buckin gham Inc - Buckin gham, VA $1,00000

Hogar Ruth Inc - Vega Alta, PR $1,00000

Holland Community Hosp ital - Holland, MI $1,00000

Holland Symphony Orchestra Inc - Holland, MI $2,00000

Hone Creek Middle School - Terre Haute. IN $1,00000

Hoe House Inc - Indepe ndence, MO $1,00000

Ho International Inc - Brambleton, VA $1,00000

Hospice Care of Southwest Michigan - Kalamazoo, MI



Hospice of Citrus County Inc - Beverly Hills. FL $1,00000

Hospice of Southeastern Connecticut - Uncasville, CT $1,00000

Hot Steamed Music Festival Inc - Essex, CT $1,00000

Houston High School Band Boosters - Germantown, TN $1,000 00

Howell Area Junior Baseball Association Inc - Howell, MI $1,00000

Howells Public Schools Foundation Inc - Howell, MI ($1,00000)

Hudson Booster Club - Hudson, OH $1,000 00

Humane Society SPCA - Columbia, SC $2,000 00

Hundred Club of Lansing - Lansing , MI $1,00000

Huntm tons Disease Society of America - New York, NY $2,00000

Huron High School - Ann Arbor, Ml $2,00000

Huron Rowm Association - Ann Arbor. MI $1,00000

1 Do Foundation - Washington, DC $1,000 00

n Harmony Therapeutic Riding Inc - Ashawa , RI $1,00000

ndian & Colonial Research Center Inc - Old Mystic, CT $1,00000

nterdistnct School For Arts And Communication Inc - New London, CT $1,000 00

nternational Chinese Hand Tissue Society Inc - Mason, OH $5,00000

ntemauonal House - New York, NY $1,000 00

ntemanonal Mountain Bicyclin g Association - Boulder, CO $1,00000

nternational M elotna Foundation - N Hollywood, CA $1,00000

owa Volleyball Association - Urbandale, IA $1,00000

sland Repertory Theatre Compan y Inc - New York, NY $1,00000

J e Cos ff Memorial School - Salt Lake City, UT $1,00000

Jackson Hole Therape utic Riding Association - Teton Village, WY $1,00000

Jacksonville Players Inc - Jacksonville, FL $1,000 00

Jacksonville Recreation and Parks De partment - Jacksonville, AL $1,00000

James Madison University Foundation - Harrisonburg. VA $1,000 00

Janie Sims Chtldrens Foundation Inc - Birmingham. AL $1,000 00

Jefferson Elementary School - Winston Salem, NC $1,000 00

Jerse y Battered Womens Service - Morristown, NJ $3,00000

espy House C O R E Goldfinger - S Orange, NJ $1,00000

Johnson Memorial Hosp ital - Franklin, IN $1,00000

Juliet Long School - Gales Fe rry , CT $1,00000

Jump Rhythm Jazz Project - Chicago, IL $1,00000

Junior Achievement of Western Connecticut - Bridgeport, CT $1,00000

Junior League of Oakland East Bay Inc - Lafayette, CA $1,000 00

Juvenile Diabetes Foundation International - Hamden, CT $1,00000

Kalamazoo Amateur Radio Club Inc - Lawton, MI $1,00000

Kalamazoo Animal Rescue - Kalamazoo, MI $5,00000

Kalamazoo Astronomical Society - Kalamazoo, MI $1,000 00

Kalamazoo Aviation History Museum - Portage. MI $1,000 00

Kalamazoo Central Maroon Foundation - Kalamazoo, Ml $4,00000

Kalamazoo Christian School Association - Kalamazoo, MI $1,000.00

Kalamazoo County Humane Society - Kalamazoo, MI $2,00000

Kalamazoo Junior Womans Club - Kalamazoo, MI $2,00000

Kalamazoo Loaves & Fishes - Kalamazoo, MI $1,00000

Kalamazoo Op timist Hockey Association Inc - Kalamazoo. MI $1,00000

Kalamazoo Regional Catholic Schools Foundation - Kalamazoo, MI $2.00000

Kalamazoo Singers - Kalamazoo. MI $2•00000

Kalamazoo-Portage First Lego League Robotics Team - Kalamazoo, MI $2,00000

Kathleen E Goodwin School - Old Saybrook, CT $4•00000

Kevin Pitsenbarger Foundation - Huron, OH $1,00000

Kilo Diabetes & Vascular Research Foundation - Saint Louis, MO $1,00000

Kingsbury Ensemble - Saint Louts, MO $1,00000

Kitties In Need of Someone Special - Hopatcong, NJ $3,00000

Knot Hole Club of Greater Cincinnati Inc - Cincinnati, OH $1,00000

Know Place Like Home Inc - Lisbon, CT $2,00000

Korean American Scholarsfiap Foundation - Wilmette, IL $1,00000

Kuehnle ElemenSchool - Klein, TX $100000

Kupenda for the Children - Hampton. M-I $1,00000

Kyrene de los Lagos Elementary School - Phoenix, AZ $1,00000

Lac Qut Parle Valley High School - Madison, MN $1,00000

Lakewood Elementary - Euless, TX $1,00000

Lakewood Elementary PTO - Ann Arbor, MI $1,00000

Lansm Chinese School - Okemos,MI $1.00000


7 OF 15


2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION VOLUNTEER PROGRAM Summary by Organization NameOrganization Name Total Company AmountLatin Network for the Visual Arts. Inc - Gales Ferry, CT$ 3,000 00Lawrence and Memorial Hosp ital Inc - New London, CT $5,00000Lawrence Hosp ital - Bronxville, NY $1,00000

Ledge L[ ht Health District - Groton, CF $1,00000

Ledyard Center School - Ledyard, CT $2.00000Ledyard Education Advancement Foundation - Ledyard, Cr $1,00000

Ledyard High School - Ledyard, CT $5,00000

Ledyard Middle School - Gales Ferry , CT $2,000 00

Ledyard Rotary Foundation Inc - Ledyard. Cr $3,00000

Ledyard Youth League - Ledyard. CT $1,000 00Lees Summit West Music Parents - Lees Summit, MO $1,00000

Le gac y Baseball Boosters - Broomfield, CO $1,00000

Le gac y Pre paratory Christian Academy - Sprin g . TX $1,00000

Legal Information for Families Today - New York, NY $1,00000

Lesbian and Gay Communn y Services Center Inc - New York. NY $1,00000

Leukemia & Lymphoma Societ y Inc - New York. NY $1,00000

Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Inc - Pittsfield, MA $1,00000

Leukemia and Lymphoma Society - Asheville, NC $2,000 00

Leukemia Society Of America Inc - Alexandria. VA $1,00000

Lewis and Clark High School Tiger Booster Club - Spokane. WA $1,00000

Lewis Township Volunteer Fire Compan y Inc - Coalmont, IN $1,00000

Us Senior Party Committee Inc - Led yard, CT $5,00000

Libert y Science Center Inc - Jersey City . NJ $1,000 00

Life In Fairbanks Township Incorporated - Fairbanks, IN $5,000 00

Lillie B Haynes Elementary School - Niantic, Cr $4,00000

Lincoln Housm Chanties - Lincoln. NE $1,00000

Lincoln Northeast High School - Lincoln, NE $1,00000

Lincoln Public Schools Foundation Public Schools Adm Building - Lincoln, NE $1,00000

Lincoln Sox Incorporated - Lincoln, NE $1,000 00

Lincoln Youth Sports Promotions Inc - Lincoln, NE $4,00000

Linden Hall School for Girls - Lanz, PA $1,00000

Lucks Foundation Inc - Washington. DC $1,00000

Lioc Endangered Species Conservation Federation Inc - Feline Conservation Federation - Shelbum. IN $3,00000

Lisa Ross Parker Foundation - Brentwood, TN $1,000 00

Lisbon Central School - Cub Scouts Pack73 - Jewett City , CT $1,000 00

Lisbon Community Center Committee Inc - Lisbon, Cr $3,000 00

Literac y Volunteers of Eastern Connecticut - New London, CT $3,000 00

LiteracyVolunteers of Sussex County Inc - Newton, NJ $1,00000

Lititz Youth Soccer Club Inc - Lititz, PA $2,00000

Little League Baseball Inc - Bristol, RI $1,00000

Little Leagu e Baseball Inc - Charlotte, NC $1,000 00

Little League Baseball Inc - Chester. CT $1,00000

Little League Baseball Inc - Chula Vista, CA $1,000 00

Little League Baseball Inc - Davenport, IA $1,000 00

Little League Baseball Inc - East Lyme, Cr $5,000 00

Little League Baseball Inc - Lititz, PA $2,00000

Little League Baseball Inc - Mattawan, MI $3,00000

Little League Baseball Inc - New Haven, CT $1,00000

Little League Baseball Inc - Old Lyme, Cr $2,00000

Little League Baseball Inc - Pe uannock, NJ $1,000 00

Little League Baseball Inc - Pottstown, PA $1,000 00

Little League Baseball Inc - Waterford. Cr $2.00000

Little League Baseball Inc - Cranston National Budlon g Little League - Cranston, RI $ 1.000 00

Little League Baseball Inc - Groton Town Little League - Groton, CT $3,00000

Little League Baseball Inc - Jewett City Li ttle League - Jewett City, CT $1,000 00

Little League Baseball Inc - t.afa ette Amateur Athletics - Lafayette, NJ $2,00000

Little League Baseball Inc - Milan Youth League - Milan, MI $1,000 00

Little League Baseball Inc - Milwood Little League - Kalamazoo, MI $1,00000

Little League Baseball Inc - North Plainewell Little League Baseball Inc - Kalamazoo, MI $1,00000

Little League Baseball Inc - Paola Little League - Paola, KS $1,000 00

Little League Baseball Inc - Par-Troy Little League East - Lake Hiawatha, NJ $1,00000

Little League Baseball Inc - Plainfield Little league - Plainfield, CT $1,00000

Little League Baseball Inc - South Portage Little League - Portage, MI $5,00000

Little League Baseball Inc - Spra gue Franklin Canterb ury Little League - Canterb ury , CT $1,000 00

Little League Baseball Inc - Stonin gton Little League - Stonm on, Cr $2,00000

Little League Baseball Inc - Summerlm Little League, Inc - Las Vegas, NV $1,00000

Little League Baseball Inc - West Windsor Little League - Princeton Jct, NJ $1,00000

Little League Baseball Inc 1220223 - Three Rivers, MI S4,00000

Little League Baseball Inc - North Franklin. CT $000

Little League-Navy Orte ga - Jacksonville, FL $1,00000

Little Theatre of Jefferson City - Jefferson Ct , MO $1,000 00

Livingston Football Parents Association - Livingston, NJ $1,00000

Loaves & Fishes - Apopka, FL $1,00000

Local United Network To Combat Hunger - M ystic. CT $3,000 00

Lon Island 2 Day Walk To Figh t Breast Cancer - Nesconset, NY $1,000 00

Lorain County Free Clinic Inc - Lorain, OH $1,000 00


8 OF 15


2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION VOLUNTEER PROGRAM Summary by Organization NameOrganization Name Total Company AmountLou Fusz Soccer Club - St Louts, MO $1,00000Loudoun Youth Soccer Association - Leesburg, VA $1,00000

Lutheran Church Missouri Synod - Christ Lutheran Church - Boy Scout Troop 7 - East Lyme, CT S2,00000

Lutheran Church Missouri Synod - Trunity Lutheran Preschool - Ashaway , RI $3,00000

Lyme Ambulance Association Inc - Hadlyme, CT $2,00000

Lyme-Old Lyme Soccer Club Inc - Old Lyme, CT $5,00000

Madison Academic Magent High School - Jackson, TN $1,000 00

Madison County Children Camp Inc - Oneida, NY $1,00000

Madison Lions Foundation Inc - Madison, CT $1,00000

Make A Wish Foundation of Oklahoma Inc - Tulsa, OK $1,00000

Make-A-Wish Foundation of CT Inc - Trumbull, CT $1,000 00

Manchester Symphony Orchestra and Chorale Inc - Manchester, CT $1,00000

Manhattan Country School Inc - New York, NY $1,00000

March of Dimes Birth Defects National Foundation - Cranbury , NJ $2.00000

Marian E Burch Adult Day Care and Rehabilitation Center - Battle Creek. MI $1,00000

Marshwood Travel Soccer - Eliot. ME $1,000 00

M knoll Schools - Honolulu, HI $1,00000

Mason Ridge Element ary - Creve Coeur, MO $1,000 00

Massachusetts Melanoma Foundation - Concord, MA $1,00000

Master Gardener Foundation of Rhode Island Inc - Kin gston, RI $2.00000

Master Gardeners of Essex County Inc - Roseland. NJ $1,000 00

Mattawan High School - Proj ect Graduation - Mattawan, MI $5,00000

Mattawan Lacrosse Club - Mattawan, MI $2.00000

Matunuck Elementary School - Wakefield, RI $1,00000

Mead Senior High School - Spokane. WA $1,000 00

Meals-on-Wheels 10708 Inc - Bronxville, NY $1,00000

Medassist of Mecklenburg - Charlotte, NC $1,000 00

Medford Youth Athletic Association Inc - Medford, NJ $1,00000

Melody Culture Foundation - San Diego, CA $1,00000

Memphis Mission of Mercy Inc - Arlington, TN $2,00000

Mendelssohn Proj ect Inc - New York, NY $1,000 00

Mendon Schools - Mendon, MI $1,00000

Mental Health Associations In Flonda Inc - Jacksonville, FL $1,00000

Merom I mprovement Association Inc - Merom, IN $2,000 00

Mesa Soccer Association Inc - San Diego, CA $1,000 00

Messiah Lutheran Church & School Foundation - Lincoln, NE $1,00000

Michael's Fund - Fall River. MA $1,00000

Michigan Arts Ensemble Inc - Kalamazoo, MI $1,00000

Michigan Branch of the American Society of Microbiology - Ann Arbor. MI $2,00000

Michigan Maritime Museum Inc - South Haven. MI $1,00000

Michigan Self Help for Hard of HearinPeople Umbrella Inc - Grand Raids, MI $1,00000

Middlesex Interfaith Partners with the Homeless - New Brunswick. NJ $1,000 00

Midway Elementary School - Anderson, SC $1,000 00

Midwest Elite Cheer Academy - Chicago, IL $3,000 00

Milagro, House - Lancaster, PA $1.00000

Mile Creek Parent Teacher Organization of Old Lyme Connecticut - Old Lyme, CT $1,000 00

Mohegan Elementary School - Uncasville, CT $2.00000

Monteith Elementary School - Gross Pouu Woods, MI $1,00000

Montesson Educational Center Inc - Alexandria, LA $1,00000

Montgomery High - Skillman. NJ $1,00000

Montville High School - Oakdale. CT $3,000 00

Montville High School Proj ect Graduation - Uncasville, CT $4,00000

Montville Youth Soccer Club Inc - Oakdale, CT $3,000 00

Moran Prairie Elementary School Parent Teachers Group - Spokane, WA $1,000 00

Morehouse School of Medicine - Atlanta, GA $1,000 00

Moran Rifle Corps Inc - Morris Plains, NJ $2,00000

Morris Area Girl Scout Council - Randolph. NJ $3.00000

Mostly Mutts Animal Rescue and Adoption - Kennesaw, GA $1,00000

Mote Marine Laboratory Inc - Sarasota, FL $1,00000

Mountain T O P Inc: Altamont, TN $1,00000

Mt Laurel United Soccer Association Inc - Mt Laurel, NJ $1,000 00

Mt Olive Soccer Club Inc - Flanders, NJ $1,00000

Multts ortmadness Kids Inc - Geneva. IL $1.000 00

Music Boosters Club of West Morris Mendharn High School - Mendham. NJ $1,000 00

Mystic Babe Ruth League Inc - M ystic, CT $1,00000

Mystic Ballet Inc - M ystic. CT $3,00000

Mystic Commune Center Inc - M ystic, CT $1,00000

Mystic Fire Department - Mystic. CT $2,00000

Mystic Marmeltfe Aquarium - M ystic, CT $1,000 00

Mystic Middle School - Mystic. CT $1,00000

Mystic River Chorale - M ystic, CT $3,00000Nami Macomb County - Clinton Township , MI $1,00000

National Arab American Medical Association Inc - Bumm am, MI $1,000 00

National Association for the Advancement of Colored Peop le - Brooklyn, NY $1,00000

National Association of Ne gro Business and Professional Women - Ann Arbor, MI $1,000 00

National Association of Rocke try - SMASH (NAR Section 500) - Comstock Park. MI $1,000 00


9 OF 15



Organization Name Total Company AmountNational Institute for Peop le With Disabilities of New Jerse y - Oradell, NJ $1,00000

National Kidney Foundation Inc - Ann Arbor, MI $1,000 00

National Organization of Italian American Women - New York, NY $1,000 00

National Park Service - Salem, MA $1,000 00

National Ski Patrol System - Cement City , MI $1,00000

National Ski Patrol S ystem Inc - Portage. MI $3,00000

National Ski Patrol System Inc - Big Bear Valley National Ski Patrol - San Clemente. CA $1,000 00

National Society for Hebrew Day Schools - Rabbi Pesach Raymon Yeshiva - Edison, NJ $1,000 00

National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution - New London, CT $1,000 00

NC Prevention Partners - Chapel Hill. NC $2,00000

NDRI USA Inc - New York, NY $1,00000

NE Dance Center Inc - Worcester, MA $1,000 00

Neuropathy Association Co - New York, NY $1,00000

New Amsterdam Symphony Orchestra - New York, NY $1,000 00

New England Li ghthouse Foundation - Groton, CT $1,000 00

New England Mountain Bike Association Inc - Acton, MA $4,00000

New Hope Grief Support Community - Long Beach. CA $1,000 00

New Jersey Women and AIDS Network - New Brunswick. NJ $1,000 00

New Life International Corp - Underwood, IN $2,00000

New London American Little League - New London, CT $2,00000

New London Community Meal Center Inc - New London, CT $1,000 00

New London County 4-H Club Fair Association Inc - Meadowlake 4-H Da try Club - North Stonmgton, CT $4,00000

New London High School - New London. CT $5,00000

New London Legion Baseball Club - Waterford, CT $3,00000

New London Main Street - New London, Cr $4.00000

New London Police Department - New London, CT $1,000 00

New London Public Schools - New London, Cr $3.00000

New London Soccer Club - New London, CT $1,000 00

New London Youth Football - New London, CT $1,00000

New Rochelle Humane Society Inc - New Rochelle, NY $1,00000

New York Metro Vocal Arta Ensemble - New York, NY $8,00000

NFA Foundation Inc - Norwich, CT $1,00000

Ntantic Fire Department - Niantic, CT $1,00000

Niantic Lions Charities Inc - Niantic. CT $3.00000

No AIDS Task Force - New Orleans, LA $1,00000

Noank Elementary School - Noank, CT $5,00000

Noank Fire Company No I Inc - Groton, CT $1,00000

Nobodys Children - Windham, NH $1,00000

North Central High School - Farmersburg, IN $1,00000

North Detroit Jets Athletic Association - Highland Park, MI $1,00000

North South Foundation - Burr Ridge, IL $1,00000

North Stonin gton Education Foundation Inc - North Stonmgton, CT $1,00000

North Stonington Lions Charities Inc - North Stonm ton, CT $3,00000

Northeastern Midget Hockey League - Ledyard, CT $1,00000

Northern Ireland Childrens Ente rp rise Inc - Putnam Valley, NY $1,00000

Northern New Jersey Chinese Association - HWA Yin Youth Chorale - Livin gston, NJ $1,00000

Norwich Free Academy - Norwich, Cr $1,00000

Norwich Human Services - Norwich, CT $1,000 00

Norwich Police Athletic League Inc - Norwich, CT $1,00000

Notre Dame School - New Hyde Park, NY $1,00000

Oakland Community Pools Proj ect - Oakland, CA $1,000 00

Ohio Special Olympics Inc - Fairview Park, OH $1,00000

Old Church Cultural Center - Demarest, NJ $1,000 00

Old Lyme Conservation Trust, Inc - Old Lyme . CT $1,00000

Old Lyme Fire Dea rtment Inc - Old Lyme, Cr $1,00000

Oid Lyme Rowing Association Inc - Old Lyme. CT $1,00000

Old Saybrook Land Trust Inc - Old Saybrook. Cr $1,00000

Old Saybrook Middle School - Old Saybrook. Cr $4,00000

Old Saybrook Soccer Club Inc - Old Saybrook, Cr $1.00000

Olga Dunn Dance Company - Great Barrington, MA $1,00000

Omega Community Develo pment Inc - Burlington. NJ $2,00000

Omega Educational Foundation - Los Angeles, CA $1,000 00

Open Door and Next Door Shelters - Kalamazoo, MI $1,000 00

Open Door Animal Sanctuary - House Sprin g s, MO $1,00000

Orange Park Community Theatre Inc - Orange Park. FL $1,000 00

Oregon Rail Herita ge Foundation - Portland, OR $1,000 00

Osmagyar E yhaz- Los Angeles, CA $1,000.00

Oswegatchie School Organization - Waterford, CT $1,00000

Otis Library - Norwich, Cr $1,00000

Otsego Public Schools Foundation - Otsego. MI $3.00000

Our Lady of the Presentation School - Lees Summit, MO $1,00000

Oxford City School System District - Oxford, AL $1,000 00

Pacific Colleg iate School - Santa Cruz, CA $1,000 00

Pal-O-Mme Equestrian Inc - Islandia, NY $1,000 00

Palmetto Health Foundation - Columbia, SC $1,00000

Parents Without Partners Inc Ann Arbor - Ann Arbor, MI $2.00000


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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION VOLUNTEER PROGRAM Summary by Organization NameOrganization Name Total Company AmountPark Avenue Chamber Symphony - New York, NY $1,000 00

Parkwa y South High - Manchester, MO $1,00000

Parsippany High School - Parsi ppan y , NJ $1,000 00

Parsippany Hills High School - Parsippany. NJ $1,00000

Partners for Christian Development Inc - Partners Worldwide - Grand Raids, MI $1,000 00Pathfinder School - Pinckne y . MI $2,00000

Pathwa Family Center - Indiana po lis. IN $1,00000

Pathwa ys To Care Inc - Casselbe rry . FL $1,000 00

Paw Paw Little League - Paw Paw. MI $1,00000

Paws With A Cause - Wayland, MI $2,00000

Peachtree City Georgia Baseball Association - Peachtree City . GA $1,00000

Peer Support, Inc - San Die go, CA $1,00000

Peers Influence Peers Partnershi p Inc - Putnam Valley, NY $1,00000Penn State Alumni Association - Universit y Park PA $1,00000

Penns y lvania State Universit y - Universit y PA $1,00000

Pennsylvania State University - Fayette County 4-H - Uniontown, PA $1,00000Performance Zone Inc - The Field - New York. NY $1,00000

Pet Partners of Habersham Inc - Cornelia, GA $1,000 00

Pheasants Forever Inc - Saint Paul, MN $1,000 00

Philharmonic Symphon y Society of New York Inc - New York, NY $1,00000

Philp s Exeter Academy - Exeter, NH $1,00000

Piedmont Play School - Piedmont, CA $1,00000

Piedmont Recreation Association of Union County Inc - Monroe, NC $1,00000

Piers Park Sailing Center Inc - East Boston, MA $1,000 00

Pleasant Valley Community of Prayer & Praise - Groton, CT $3,000 00

Plymouth Canton Hockey Association - Plymouth, MI $2.00000Poland All Sports Booster Club - Poland, OH $1,00000

Pop Warner Little Scholars Inc - West Windsor, NJ $1,000 00

Pop Warner Little Scholars Inc - Nape rville Pop Warner - Naperville. IL $3,000 00

Pop Warner Little Scholars Inc - Stonmgton Youth Football League - Pawcatuck, CT $1,000 00

Pop Warner Little Scholars Inc - Suffern Midget Mounties - Suffern, NY $1,000 00Portage Central Hi gh School - Portage. MI $2,00000Portage Public Schools - Portage, MI $3,00000

Portage Public Schools Education Foundation - Kalamazoo, MI $1,00000

Portage Rocket Football - Portage, MI $3,000 00

Portage West Middle School - Portage, MI $1,000 00

Prairie Creek Youth Recreation - Prairie Creek, IN $1,000 00

Pravteton Fire Department - Pratrteton, IN $5,000 00

Presb yterian Church USA - First Preb nan Church - Boy Scout Troop 254 - Schoolcraft, MI $1,000 00

Presbyterian Church USA - First Presbyterian Church - Cub Scout Pack 294 - Richland, MI $2,000 00

Prevent Child Abuse Wisconsin Inc - Madison, WI $1,00000

Pro-Life Pregancy Counseling & Educational League of San Diego - San Diego, CA $1,000 00

Prodigal Fusion Productions Inc - Groton, CT $2.00000

Progresso Latino - Central Falls. RI $1,000 00

Project Acorn - Morris Plains, NJ $1,000 00

Prostate Health Education Network Inc - Waltham, MA $1,000 00

Protestant Ep iscopal Diocese of Connecticut - Ledyard Congregational Church - Cub Scout Pack 16 - Ledyard, CT $1,00000

Protestant Episcopal Diocese of Connecticut - St James Parish- Pack 75 Cub Scouts - Preston, CT $2,00000

PS 811-Conine Lekas School - Brooklyn, NY $1,000 00

PS 87 PA Inc - New York, NY $1,00000

PTA California Congress of Parents Teachers & Students Inc - San Diego, CA $1,000 00

PTA Connecticut Inc - Boy Scout Of America Troop 28 - Amston, CT $1,000 00

PTA Connecticut Inc - Cub Scout Pack 39 - Quaker Hill, CT $1,00000

PTA New Jersey Congre ss of Parents and Teachers - Little Falls, NJ $1,00000

Public Health Foundation Enterprises Inc - Clean Needles Now - Los Angeles. CA $1,000 00

Public School 235 PTA - Brooklyn , NY $1,000 00

Punahou School - Honolulu. HI $1,00000

Putrfect Pets Inc - Shawnee Msn, KS $1,00000

Pyunic - Armenian Association for - Van Nuys, CA $1,000 00

Queen Street Church of God in Christ Inc - Pentecostal Rescue Mission - New London, CT $5,00000

Queens Botanical Garden Societ y Inc - Flushing, NY $1,00000

Queens College Foundation Inc-Queens College Choral Socie ty - Flushin g , NY $1,00000

Qumebau Valley Engineers Association Edge & Ta Branch 5 Inc - Middleton, CT $3,00000

Raritan River Concerts Inc - Oldwtck, NJ $1,00000

Rawhide Rescue Inc - Green Brook NJ $1,00000

Raymond C Lape rche School - Smithfield, RI $1,00000

Rebuilding Together Montgomery County Inc - Kensington. MD $1,00000

Re gional Multicultural Magnet School - New London. CT $3,00000

Regional School Distract #18 - Old Lyme. CT $4,00000

Retired & Senior Volunteer Progra m/San Francisco - San Francisco, CA $1,000 00

Rham High School - Hebron, CT $1,00000

Richland Elemen tary School - Richland, MI $1,000 00

Riddle Healthcare Foundation - Media, PA $1,00000

River Roads Lutheran School Association - St Louts, MO $1,00000

Riverside Art Museum - Riverside. CA $1,00000

Rtvkah Laufer Ktkur Cholim - Brooklyn . NY $1,00000


11 OF 15


2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION VOLUNTEER PROGRAM Summary by Organization NameOrganization Name Total Company AmountRobert E Fitch Hi gh School - Groton, Cr $2,00000

Rockm Docs Mustcfest - Fort Wayne, IN $1,00000

Ronald McDonald House Charities - Spokane, WA $1,00000

Ronald Mcdonald House Charities Inc - Indianap olis, IN $2,00000

Ronald Mcdonald House of Portland Maine Inc - Portland. ME $1,00000

Roxbury Community College Foundation Inc - Boston, MA $1,00000

Roxbury Youth Ice Hockey Association Inc - Succasunna, NJ $1,00000

Rural Community Schools Inc - Graysvdle, IN $3,000 00

S B Butler PTO Inc - Mystic, CT $3,000 00

S P C A of Connecticut Inc - Monroe, CT $1,000 00

SABPA - San Die go - San Diego, CA $5,000 00

Sac Communit y Recreational Center - Sac City, IA $1,000 00

Safe Harbor of Greater West Chester Inc - West Chester, PA $1,000 00

Saint Peter's High School - Metuchen, NJ $1,000 00

Salem Surge Soccer Club - Salem, CT $5,00000

Salem Volunteer Fire Company Incorporated - Salem, CT $2,00000

Saline Area Soccer Association - Saline, MI $2,00000

Samaritan Auxiliary - Watertown, NY $1,000 00

an Diego Hua Xia Chinese School Incorporation - San Diego, CA $5,00000

an Die go Urban Lea g ue Inc - San Dieg o, CA $1,000 00

Sangre De Oro Inc - Albuquerque, NM $1,00000

Savannah Christian Pre paratory School Inc - Savannah, GA $2,00000

Save the River/Save the Hills Inc - Waterford, CT $1,000 00

Sayre School - Lexut ton, KY $1,00000

Schu y lkill Canal Association Inc - Oaks, PA $1,000 00

Science Center of Connecticut Inc - West Hartford, CT $2,00000

Science Hill High School Band Boosters - Johnson City. TN $1,000 00

Sea Research Institute Inc - Mystic. CT $4,00000

Secondary School at Raymond - Raymond, NE $1,00000

Senior Citizens' Commission & Outreach Services - Waterford, CT $3,000 00

Senior Services Inc - Kalamazoo, MI $1,00000

Service Corps of Retired Executives Association - Carmel, NY $1,000 00

Service Corps of Retired Executives Association - Clearwater. FL $1,000 00

Service Corp s of Retired Executives Association - Phoenix. AZ $1,000 00

Sevier County Food Mmistnes - Sevierville, TN $1,000 00

Sexual Trauma & Counseling Center - Greenwood, SC $1,000 00

Shades Mountain Community Park Inc - Hoover, AL $1,000 00

Shakamak Elementary School - Jasonvdle, IN $3,00000

Sharon Alternative Elementary School Association Inc - Sharon, MA $1,000 00

Shaw Neighborhood Improvement Association - St Louis, MO $1,000 00

Sheehan High School - Wallin ford, CT $1,000 00

Shelter Association of Washtenaw - Ann Arbor, MI $1,000 00

Sheriffs Mounted Posse of Cass County Missouri - Drexel, MO $1,000 00

Shetucket Valley Football League Inc - Norwich Youth Football League - Norwich, CT $1,00000

Shiloh Develop ment Corporation - BringingAbout New Grounds - New London, CT $5,00000

Siamese Cat Rescue Center - Locust Dale, VA $1,00000

SIEG Foundation - Madison, WI $1,00000

Smile In A Bag - Syosset, NY $1,00000

Smithfield High School - Esmond, RI $1,00000

Societ y for Preservation & Encourmt of Barbershop Quartet Sing in g American - Burlin gton, VT $1,00000

Societyfor Preservation & Encounnt of Barbershop Quartet Singing American - Saint Charles, MO $1,00000

Society for the Prevention of Cruelty To Animals of Southwest Michigan - Portage, MI $3,00000

Societ y of St Vincent De Paul - Bethpage, NY $1,00000

Society of Women Engineers - Groton, Cr $1,00000

Solomon Schechter Academy - New London, CT $4.00000

South Middle School - Grants Pass, OR $2,000 00

South Pon a e Storm Baseball Organization - Portage, MI $1,00000

Southeastern Connecticut Chinese School Inc - East Lyme , CT $5,000 00

Southeastern Connecticut Youth Hockey Inc - Oakdale. CT $5,00000

Southeastern Program of Recreational Team Sports Inc - Fishers, IN $2,000 00

Southrtd a Youth Football - Beaverton, OR $1,00000

Southside Doj o Ltd - Schoolcraft. MI $5,00000

Southview Christian Church - Boy Scouts of America Troop 16 - Lincoln, NE $1,000 00

Southwest Forsyth Little League Inc - Clemmons, NC $1,00000

Southwest High Schools Alumni Association of Sullivan County - Sullivan, IN $5,00000

Sam Park High School -Sam Park Patrons of the Park - Birmingham, AL $1,000 00

Spartanburg County Foundation - Spartanburg , SC $1,000 00

Spay-Neuter League Inc - Terre Haute, IN $1,00000

Spec ial Olymp ics Connecticut Inc - Hamden, CT $1,000 00

S tal Olympics Michigan Inc - Brighton, MI $1,00000

Spec ial Olympics Michigan Inc - Spec ial Olympics Area 16 - Schoolcraft, MI $1,000 00

Special Olympics North Carolina Inc - Lee County Spec ial Olympics - Sanford, NC $2,00000

Special Olympics-Lebanon County - Lebanon, PA $1,00000

Sp uta Bifida Association of Kentuc ky Inc - Louisville, KY $1,00000

S rm brook Elementary School - Westerly, Rl $2,00000

Sn Lanka Association - Chesterfield, MO $1,00000


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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION VOLUNTEER PROGRAM Summary by Organization NameOrganization Name Total Company AmountSt Bernard High School - Uncasvdle, CT $200000

St Francis House Nwa Inc - Sp rin gdale. AR $1 .00000St Joseph Hos pital Foundation Inc - Cheektowaga, NY $1,00000

St Louis Audubon Society - Saint Peters, MO $1,00000

St Louis Chinese Language School - St Louis. MO $5,00000St Louis Modem Chinese School - Chesterfield, MO $5.00000St Louis Rowing Club - St Louts. MO $1,000 00

St Marks School of Southborough Inc - Southborou gh. MA $1,000 00

St Matthews & St Timothys Neighborhood Center Inc - Star Learnin g Center - New York. NY $1,000 00St Peters Athletic Association Corporation - Saint Peters. MO $1,00000

St Pius X High School Foundation - Albuquerque, NM $1,000 00

St Athanastus Youth Program Inc - Brooklyn, NY $1 000 00

St Charles Basketball Organization - St Charles, IL $1,00000St Johns School - Old Saybrook, CT $2,00000St Patrick School - Terre Haute, IN $1,00000St Patrick's Cathedral School - Norwich, CT $1.00000St Peter Hockey Association - Saint Peter, MN $2.00000Stand Up for Animals - Westerl y, RI $3,00000

Starlings Volleyball Clubs USA - The Toledo Starlin g s Volleyball Program - Perrysburg , OH $1,000 00Storm ton Borou gh Fire Department - Stonmgton, CT $1,00000

Stonmgton Community Center Inc - Storm ton, CT $1,00000Stonm ton High School - Pawcatuck, CT $6,00000Stonmgton Little League Baseball Inc - North Stonington, Cr $5,00000

Stron gsville RoFoundation - Stron g sville, OH $1,00000

Suffolk County Police Athletic League Inc - Ya ltank, NY $1,00000

Sullivan Baseball League Inc - Sullivan, IN $4,00000Sullivan County 4-H Club Council Inc - Vi go County 4-H Swine Club - Terre Haute, IN $2,00000Sullivan County Horseman's Association - Sullivan, IN $3,00000Sullivan Hi gh School - Sullivan, IN $1,00000

Sullivan Jr H S /Science Olymp iad Team - Sullivan, IN $1,00000

Sun Prairie Little League Inc -Sun Prairie, WI $1,00000

Surfers Alumni Association - New London. CT $3.00000

Susan Fund. Inc - Westport, CT $1,00000

Susquehanna Valle y Pregnancy Services - Lebanon. PA $1,00000

Sussex County Interfaith Hospitality Network - Newton, NJ $1,00000

Sussex County Youth Orchestras and the NJ Ambassadors of Music - Andover, NJ $1,000 00

Team Illinois Hawks II - Bellwood, IL $1,00000

Ten Thousand Villages of Huron Valle y - Ann Arbor, MI $1,000 00

Terre Haute Area Meals on Wheels Inc - Terre Haute, IN $1,00000

Terre Haute Miss Softball America Inc - Terre Haute, IN $2,00000

Thames Valley Council For Communit y Action Inc - New London, CT $1,00000

Thames Valley Music School Inc - New London, CT $2,00000

Theatre of Northeastern Connecticut Inc - Putnam, CT $1,000 00

Thermal Belt Habitat for Humanity Inc - Tryon, NC $1,000 00

Three Rivers High School - Three Rivers, MI $1,00000

Thrive Inc - Acton, MA $1,000 00

Timber Ridge Elementary - Marietta. GA $1,000 00

Tower Street School - Westerly, RI $1,000 00

Town of Bozrah - Bozrah Little League - Bozrah. CT $1,00000

Town of Carlisle - Hadden - Gill Summer League - Carlisle. IN $2,00000

Town of Colchester - Colchester, CT $1,00000

Town of Griswold - Griswold Reg ional Visitin g Nurse Agency - Jewett City . CT $1,000 00

Town of Groton - Groton Senior Center - Groton, CT $1,000 00

Town of Ledyard - Ledyard Senior Center - Gales Ferry. CT $1,000 00

Town of Ledyard / Dare - Ledyard. CT $1,00000

Town of Libson - Lisbon Fire Department - Lisbon, CT $1,00000

Traditional Chinese Medicine Alumni Inc - New York, NY ($1,00000)

Trailblazers of Washtenaw Inc - Ann Arbor, MI ($1,00000)

Transportation Alternatives Inc - New York. NY $1,00000

Treasure Chest Inc - Groton, CT $1,00000

Tn-Town United Soccer Club Inc - Elma, NY $1,00000

Trinity Health-Micht an - Heritage Pediatrics - Grand Raids, MI $1,000 00

Trinity High School - Euless. TX $1,00000

Tnstans Quest Inc - Greensboro. NC $1,00000

Tulen Foundation - North Eastham, MA $1 000 00

Twigs Thnftree Inc - Mount Kisco. NY $1,00000

U S Catholic Conference / St Cecilia's Church - Office of Concern - Englewood, NJ $1.00000

U S Catholic Conference - Trinity High School - Camp Hill, PA $1,00000

United Cerebral Palsy Association - Quaker Hill, CT $1.00000

United East Athletics Association Inc - New York. NY $1,00000

United States Coast Guard Academy Alumna Association Inc - New London, CT $2,00000

Untied States Masters Swimmin g Inc - Londonderry , NH $1,00000

United Way of Rutherford County - Murfreesboro. TN $1,00000

Untied Way of Southeastern Conn Inc - United Wa /Gemma E. Moran Food Center - New London, CT $1,000.00

Untied Way of the Midlands - Columbia. SC $1,00000

United Way of Westchester & Putnam, Inc - White Plains, NY $1,00000


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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION VOLUNTEER PROGRAM Summary by Organization NameOr anization Name Total Company Amount7niversit y of Maine System Inc - Orono, ME $5.000 00

Universit y of Missouri - Master Gardeners of Greater Kansas Cit y Outreach and Extension - Blue Springs, MO $1,000 00

Universit y of Nebraska Foundation - Kimball-Banner 4-H Council - Kimball, NE $1.00000

Universit y of Rhode Island Foundation - Carl M ll maki Scholarsht - Kingston, RI $2,00000

Universit y Of Rhode Island Foundation - URI Cooperative Extension Education Center - Kin gston, RI $1,000 00

Universit y of Southern Mississipp i Foundation - Hattiesburg , MS $2,00000

Universit y of Tennessee Foundation Inc - Martin. TN $1,00000

Universit y System of New Hampshire - Barnstead Trailblazers 4-H Club - Laconia, NH $1,00000

Urban League of Nebraska - Omaha, NE $1,00000

Unah H Lawton School - Ann Arbor. MI $1,00000

US Catholic Conference - Assumption Parish School - Spokane, WA $1,00000

US Catholic Conference - Assumption School - Broadview Heights, OH $1,00000

US Catholic Conference - Bisho p Neumann Catholic Hi gh School - Wahoo. NE $1,00000

US Catholic Conference - Immaculate Conception - Immaculate Conception Catholic Youth Services - Ston y Point. NY $1.00000

US Catholic Conference - Marquette School - Tulsa, OK $1,000 00

US Catholic Conference - Mount Gallitzin Academy - Baden, PA $1.00000

US Catholic Conference - Our Lady of Lourdes - Malvern, NY $1,000 00

US Catholic Conference - Our Lad y of Lourdes - Queens Villa ge. NY $1,000 00

US Catholic Conference - Our Lady of Lourdes Church - Cub Scout Pack 55 - Gales Ferry . CT $2,000 00

US Catholic Conference - Our Lady Of Lourdes School - Raleigh, NC $1.000 00

US Catholic Conference - Our Lady Queen of Martyrs Church - Cente rport. NY $1,000 00

US Catholic Conference - Sacred Heart Church - Boy Scouts of America Troop 17G - Groton, CT $1,000 00

US Catholic Conference - Sacred Heart School - Groton, Cr $5.00000

US Catholic Conference - Saint Bernard High School - Uncasville, CT $9,00000

US Catholic Conference - Saint Francis of Assisi - Boy Scouts of America Troop 27 - Ann Arbor, MI $2,00000

US Catholic Conference - Saint Joseph Catholic School - Kalamazoo, MI $1,00000

US Catholic Conference - Saint Jude The Apostle School - Baton Rouge, LA $1,00000

US Catholic Conference - Saint Mary's School - Los Gatos, CA $1,00000

US Catholic Conference - Saint Monica School - Kalamazoo, MI $1,00000

US Catholic Conference - St Jose phs School - Mendham, NJ $2,00000

US Catholic Conference - St Agatha Academy - Winchester, KY $1,00000

US Catholic Conference - St Andrew Catholic Church - Boy Scout Troop 13 - Colchester, CT $2,00000

US Catholic Conference - St Andrew School - Bayonne, NJ $1,00000

US Catholic Conference - St Ann Church - Cub Scout Pack 296 - Au gusta, MI $3.00000

US Catholic Conference - St Anthony of Padua Pansh Outreach - East Northport, NY $1,000 00

US Catholic Conference - St Joan of Arc School - Toledo, OH $1.00000

US Catholic Conference - St John Church - Troop 93 - Boy Scouts of Amenca - Oakdale. CT $3,000 00

US Catholic Conference - St Jose ph School - New London, CT $5,000 00

US Catholic Conference - St Jose ph School - Norwich, CT $4.00000

US Catholic Conference - St Jose p h's School - Jacksonville. FL $1,000 00

US Catholic Conference - St Mary Star of the Sea School - New London, Cr $1,00000

US Catholic Conference - St Mary's Church Boy Scouts of Amenca Troop 20 - Jewett City. CT $1,00000

US Catholic Conference - St Michaels Catholic Church - Boy Scout Troop 9 - Pawcatuck, CT $3,00000

US Catholic Conference - St Paul Church - Congers, NY $1,00000

US Catholic Conference - St Robert Bellatmme School - Bayside Hills, NY $1,000 00

US Catholic Conference - St Thomas the Apostle Church - Boy Scout Troop #8 - Ann Arbor, MI $1,000 00

US Catholic Conference- Church of the Nativity Catholic School - Brandon, FL $1,00000

US Catholic Conference-Little Flower School - S rm field. IL $2.00000

US Catholic Confernece - Our Lady of Lourdes School - Vancouver, WA $1,00000

US Department of Agriculture - SRI 4H Hodge Podge - Ashaway , RI $1,000 00

USAWCT Inc - Danbury , CT $1.00000

Utica Zoological Societ y - Utica, NY $1,00000

Valley Health System Service Corporation - Hernet, CA $1,00000

Van Buren County 4-H Leader Association - Paw Paw, MI $1.00000

Van Buren County Victim Services Unit - Paw Paw, MI $1,00000

Van Buren Youth Camp . Inc - Bloomingdale, MI $2,00000

Vellore Christian Medical Colle ge Board USA Inc - New York, NY $1,00000

Vera French Foundation - Davenport. IA $1,00000

Vicksburg Community School District - Vicksburg Performing Arts Center - Vicksburg. MI $2,00000

Vickys Pet Connection - Ada, MI $1,00000

Village of Hastm s-on-Hudson -The New Hastin g s Library Fund - Hastin gs On Hudson, NY $1,00000

Village Temp le - New York. NY $1,00000

Virtue Foundation - New York, NY $1,00000

Visalia-Tulare County Ubrary Foundation - Visalia. CA $1.00000

Visitin g Nurse Association of Somerset Hills - Bernardsville. NJ $1,00000

VNA Health Care Inc - Waterbury . CT $1,00000

Voices of Kentuckian Inc - Louisville. KY $1,00000

Volunteer Emergenc y Services Support Agency Inc - Rockford, MI $1,00000

Wabash Valley Community Foundation Inc - Terre Haute, IN $3.00000

Wabash Valle y Girls Softball League Inc - Terre Haute. IN $1,00000

Walsh Jesuit High School - Cuyahoga Falls, OH $1,00000

Warren Middle School - Warren, NJ ($1,00000)

Washtenaw Count y Parks and Recreation Commission - Ann Arbor, MI $2,00000

Watchung Hills Regional High School - Warren, NJ $1,00000

Waterford American Le gion Baseball - Waterford, CT $5,00000

Waterford Babe Ruth League - Waterford, Cr $5,00000


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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION VOLUNTEER PROGRAM Summary by Organization NameOr anization Name Total Company AmountWaterford Coun try School, Inc - Quaker Hill, CT $2,00000

Waterford High School - Waterford, CT $4,00000

Waterford Little League North - Waterford, Cr $5,00000

Waterford Public Library - Waterford, CT $1,00000

Waterford Senior Citizens Club Inc - Waterford. CT $2.00000Waterford Soccer Club Inc - Waterford, Cr $1,00000Waterford Youth Football Lea gue, Inc - Waterford, Cr $1,00000

Webster Elemen tary School - Plymouth, IN $1,00000

Wellness Huron Valley - Y psilanti, MI $1,00000

West Broad Street School - Pawcatuck, Cr $1,00000

West County Christian School Inc - Chesterfield, MO $1,00000

West Hill School - Rocky Hill, CT $1,00000

West Hills High School - Santee, CA $1,00000

West Michigan Glass Socie ty - Kalamazoo, MI $4,00000

West Pines Elementary - Greeneville, TN $1,00000

West Virginia Diamond Dawgs - Hurricane, WV $1,00000

Westchester CommunitOpportunit y Pro - Elmsford, NY $2,00000

Westerly Girls Softball League Inc - Westerl y , RI $2,00000

Westerly High School - Westerl y , RI $1,00000

Westerly Middle School - Westerl y , RI $1,00000

Westerl y National Little League Inc - Westerl y , RI $2,00000

Westerly Senior Citizen Center Association - Westerly, RI $4,00000

Westerly Wrestling Club Inc - Westerl y , RI $3,000.00

Western Rowing Association Incorporated - Richland. MI $2,00000

Westside PTO of Holland Inc - Holland, Ml $1,00000

Wheatland Township Athletic Association Inc - Aurora, IL $1,00000

Wheeler School and Library - North Stonm ton, CT $4,00000

Whippany Park Music Boosters Inc - Whippany , NJ $1,00000

Wildlife Conservation Society - Bronx, NY $1,00000

Williamson County Youth Athletic Association - Franklin, TN $1,00000

Wings of Change Inc - Somerset, PA $4,00000

Winston Salem National Little League - Winston Salem, NC $1,00000

Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod - Mt Olive Lutheran School - Overland Park, KS $1,000 00

Wolf Branch School District #113 - Boy Scouts of America. Troop 52 - Swansea, IL $1.00000

Womens Center of America - Ann Arbor, MI $1,000 00

World Canine Freesty le Organization - Brookl yn , NY $1,00000

W ommg County Toy Fund Inc - Matheny, WV S1,00000

Yava at Re gional Medical Center - Prescott, AZ $2,00000

York Street Past Students Association Inc - Jamaica. NY $5,00000

Young American Bowlin g Alliance Inc - Lincoln. NE $1,000 00

Young Mens Christian Association - Lewisburg. WV $1,000 00

Yours Mens Christian Association of Dubois Pennsylvania - Dubois. PA $1,00000

Young Mens Christian Association of El Paso - El Paso, TX $1,00000

Yours Mens Christian Association of Greater St Louis - Chesterfield. MO $1,00000

Yours Mens Christian Association of Kalamazoo - Kalamazoo, MI $1,00000

Young Mens Christian Association of Southeastern Connecticut - Waterford, CT $4,00000

Yours Mens Christian Association Vanderbilt - New York. NY $1,00000

Youth Without Borders -I mperial Beach. CA $1,000 00

[Ypsilanti Symphony Orchestra - Y psilanti, MI $1,00000

TOTAL: $1,673,194.25


15 OF 15


2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION UNITED WAY MATCH Summary by Organization Name

Organization Name Total Foundation Amount

10-10 International Net Scholarshi p Foundation - Tucson, AZ $25.00100 Black Men of Indianapolis Inc - Indianapolis, IN $1,221.001st Cerebral Palsy of New Jersey Inc - Belleville, NJ 129.004-H Sitting Tall Club/Proud Equestrian Program - Jackson, MI $1,282.329th Life Hawaii - Makawao, HI $ 117.54A Better Chance Inc - New York, NY 398.63A Livin g Memorial To the Holocaust Museum of Jewish Heritage - New York, NY 294.48A Moveable Feast - Jewett City , CT $ 18,586.27A Place for Us Ministries, Inc. - Greenwood, SC 2,548.48A Torah Infertility Medium of Exchange - Brookl yn, NY $95.36A Wish Come True Inc - Warwick, RI $52.00A Wish Come True, Inc - Warwick, RI $1,595.98A Woman's Concern DBA Heart To Heart Pregnancy Center - Lancaster, PA $2,728.93A. W. Matthews Boys & Girls Club - Mableton, GA 480.00Aaa Crisis Pregnancy Center - Livonia, MI $333.12Abandoned Animals - Hamden, CT $75.00Abbeville County Fire Commission - Ed ewood Volunteer Fire Department - Abbeville, SC $1,072.24Abbeville Youth Athletics - Abbeville, SC 3,128.47Abilities of Northwest Jersey Inc - Washington, NJ $240.00Ability Beyond Disability - Brookfield, CT 500.00Abs Cbn Foundation, Inc /Bantay Bata 163 - Burlin game, CA $441.84Academy of Our Lady of Good Counsel - White Plains, NY $1,714.32Academy of the Holy Angels Colle ge Pre parato ry School - Demarest, NJ $ 1,980.00Access To Health Care - New York, NY $1,162.11Achilles Track Club Inc - New York, NY $25.00Action AIDS, Inc. - Philadelphia, PA $670.38Actors Fund of America - New York, NY $ 1,453.64Ada Budrick Child Care Center - Boonton, NJ $773.53Ada Jenkins Families and Careers Development Center Inc - Davidson, NC 220.00Adirondack Mountain Club Inc - Lake George, NY $720.00Adolescent and Family Services - New York, NY 126.82Adopt A Stray Inc - Chesterfield, MO $154.96Adoption By Gentle Shepherd Inc. - Shawnee Mission, KS 223.56Adoption Resource of Connecticut, Inc. - Glastonbu ry , CT $ 1,324.32Adoption Rhode Island - Pawtucket, RI $ 150.00Adoptions From the Heart Inc - Wynnewood, PA $837.00Adult Day Center of Somerset County Inc - Bridgewater, NJ $400.16Adult Literacy Center of Lv - Allentown, PA $ 1,335.00Adult Protective Services, Inc. - San Diego, CA $81.00Adults & Children W/Learnin g & Developmental Disabilities - Bethpage, NY $708.24Adults & Children W/Learning & Developmental Disabilities - Long Island, NY $657.00Advanced Cancer Research Center - San Diego, CA 562.20Advocacy Services for Kids - Kalamazoo, MI $2,955.22Advocates for Children of New York Inc - New York, NY $1,124.00Affirmations Lesbian Gay Community Center - Ferndale, MI $293.22Africa Education Initiative - Mystic, CT $227.81Africa Inland Mission International Incorporated - Pearl River, NY $240.00African Medical & Research Foundation Inc. - New York, NY $2,437.44Africare - Washington, DC $475.00Agape Child & Family Services - Memphis, TN 254.94Agenda for Children Tomorrow - New York, NY $696.60Agudath Israel of America Inc - New York, NY 165.28AHRC New York City Foundation Inc - New York, NY $50.00AIDS Action Coalition of Huntsville - Huntsville, AL $254.84AIDS and Adolescents Network of New York Inc. - New York, NY 240.00AIDS Care Ocean State/Facts - Providence, RI $ 1,953.00AIDS Community Alliance Inc - Lancaster, PA $ 135.97AIDS Community Alliance Inc - Harrisburg , PA $347.36AIDS Foundation of Chicago - Chicago, IL $432.00AIDS Foundation of St. Louis - Saint Louis, MO 46.00AIDS Project Los Angeles Inc - California AIDS Ride - Los An eles, CA $249.96AIDS Project New Haven Inc - New Haven, CT $1,721.01AIDS Project/Rhode Island - Providence, RI $185.64AIDS Resource Foundation for Children Inc. - Newark, NJ 372.50Aish Hatorah of Greater St Louis Inc - Chesterfield, MO $1,458.50Akron Community Service Center & Urban League - Akron, OH 50.00

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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION UNITED WAY MATCH Summary by Organization Name

Organization Name Total Foundation Amount

Albrook School - Baskin g NJ $600.00Alcoholic Rehabilitation Community Home - Granite Ci ty , IL $444.60Alex's Lemonade Stand Foundation - Wynnewood, PA $149.76Alfre - Morristown, NJ $1,064.72Ali Forney Center - New York, NY $816.00Alianza Dominicana Inc - New York, NY $ 1,289.12Alive, Inc. - St. Louis, MO $1,134.36All Saints Episcopal Church - Saugatuck, MI $ 1,045 44All Saints Episcopal Day School Inc - Hoboken, NJ $250.00Allamuchy-Green First Aid Squad - Andover, NJ $25.00Allegan County Crisis Response Services, Inc. - Alleg an, MI $ 1,138.32Allegan County Foundation - Alleg an, MI 1,626.00Allegan County United Way - Allegan, MI $5,379.64Allegan Ministerium Central Food Pantry - Alleg an, MI $190.74Allegany County United Way , Inc. - Wellsville, NY 100.00Alley Cat Allies Incorporated - Bethesda, MD $393.72Alliance for A Livin g Ocean - North Beach Haven, NJ $134.92Alliance for Living Inc - New London, CT $ 13,393.00Alliance for the Mentally III of Greater Chicago - Chicago, IL $50.00Almost Home Dachshund Rescue Society - Frelin hu sen, NJ $50.00Aloha United Way Inc - Honolulu, HI $4,590.72Alpha Chi Rho Educational Foundation Inc - Neptune, NJ $1,327.44Alpha Kappa Al pha Educational Advancement Foundation Inc - Chicago, IL $23.00Al pha Omega Veterans Services - Memphis, TN $ 107.64Alpha Project for the Homeless - San Diego, CA $276.25AI ha orate Association for the Blind - Kansas City , MO $319.02ALS Association - San Diego, CA $100.00ALS Association, the - St. Louis Regional Chapter - St. Louis, MO $278.71ALS Association/Northeast Ohio Chapter - Cleveland, OH $90.12ALS Hope Foundation - Philadelphia, PA $350.00Also-Cornerstone, Inc. - New Haven, CT $440.28Alston Wilkes Society - Columbia, SC 56.30Alternatives of Kalamazoo Crises Pregnancy Center - Kalamazoo, MI $ 11,135.13Alumni Association University of Nebraska - Lincoln, NE $ 180.00Alzheimer Association of NW Ohio - Toledo, OH $286.00Alzheimer's Association - Dayton, OH $441.24Alzheimer's Association of S.E. Pennsylvania - Philadelphia, PA $110.00Alzheimer's Association, Upstate South Carolina Chapter - Anderson, SC $294.61Alzheimer's Association/Eastern Reg ional Office - Norwich, CT $2,712.02Alzheimer's Association/New York City Chapter - New York, NY $2,443.36Alzheimer's Disease and Related Disorders Association - Atlanta, GA $50.00Alzheimer's Disease and Related Disorders Association Inc - Albuquerque, NM $25.00Alzheimers Association/Rhode Island Chapter - Providence, RI $ 1,169.52Alzheimers Disease & Related Disorders Association Mi Gr Lakes Ch ter - Kalamazoo, M 787.06Alzheimers Disease and Related Disorders Association - Southfiled, MI $ 1,779.76Alzheimers Disease and Related Disorders Association - Salt Lake City , UT $360.78Alzheimers Disease and Related Disorders Association - Fairfax, VA $500.00Alzheimers Disease and Related Disorders Association - St. Louis, MO $2,347.22Alzheimers Disease and Related Disorders Association - Marlton, NJ $1,081.92Alzheimers Disease and Related Disorders Association - San Diego, CA 1,712.10Alzheimers Disease and Related Disorders Association - Pittsburgh, PA $259.44Alzheimers Disease and Related Disorders Association - Yorkville, NY $24.00Alzheimers Disease and Related Disorders Association - Ann Arbor, MI $7,968.06Alzheimers Disease and Related Disorders Association - Lincoln, NE $2,194.13Alzheimers Disease and Related Disorders Association - National Headquarters - Chica $ 1,305.36Alzheimers Disease and Related Disorders Association Inc - Sioux City , IA $723.00Alzheimers Disease and Related Disorders Association Inc - Irvine, CA $998.92Alzheimers Disease and Related Disorders Association Inc - Santa Barbara, CA $617.16Alzheimers Disease and Related Disorders Association Inc - Kensington, CT $1,717.72Alzheimers Disease and Related Disorders Association Inc - Memphis, TN $619.92Alzheimers Disease and Related Disorders Association Inc - Reading , PA $100.00Alzheimers Disease and Related Disorders Association Inc. - Denville, NJ $464.02Alzheimers Disease and Related Disorders Association- New York City Chapter - New Yo $468.00Alzheimers Disease Support Group of S.e. Connecticut - Old Mystic, CT $757.44Ambasadors for Christ, Inc. - Paradise, PA 538.02Ambulato Detoxification Program of Trinitas Hospital - Elizabeth, NJ $125.08

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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION UNITED WAY MATCH Summary by Organization Name

Organization Name Total Foundation Amount

American Association of Nurse Anesthetists Foundation - Park Ridge, IL $75.24American Association of the Sovereig n Milita ry Order of Malta - New York, NY $2,115.28American Autoimmune Related Diseases Association - East Detroit, MI $451.60American Baptist Churches In the USA - Flanders Baptist Church - Boy Scout Trop 240 - $4,500.29American Baptist Churches of Connecticut Inc - Hartford, CT $681.00American Bible Society - New York, NY $95.98American Brain Tumor Association - Des Plaines, IL 25.00American Breast Cancer Foundation - Baltimore, MD $ 1,461.60American Cancer Society - Wayne, NJ $120.00American Cancer Society - Bradenton, FL $285.48American Cancer Society - Santa Rosa, CA $505.00American Cancer Society - Collinsville, IL $172.02American Cancer Society - Holland, MI 54.02American Cancer Society - Oxford, NJ 24.96American Cancer Society - Greer, SC $ 199.00American Cancer Society - Norwich, CT $4,483.12American Cancer Society - Trenton, NJ $502.60American Cancer Society - Lebanon, PA $207.72American Cancer Society - Philadel phia, PA 336.18American Cancer Society Divisions Inc - Charleston, WV $ 120.00American Cancer Society Divisions Inc - Reading , PA $342.96American Cancer Society Divisions Inc - Jacksonville, FL $40.08American Cancer Socie ty Divisions Inc - Atlanta, GA $ 149.76American Cancer Society Divisions Inc - Saint Louis, MO $5,649.75American Cancer Society Divisions Inc - Nashville, TN $1,330.32American Cancer Society Divisions Inc - Sp ringfield, MO 25.00American Cancer Society Divisions Inc - Greenville, NC $315.48American Cancer Society Divisions Inc - Lancaster, PA $646.89American Cancer Society Divisions Inc - Elizabeth, NJ $583.26American Cancer Society Divisions Inc - Portage, MI 227.24American Cancer Society Divisions Inc - Providence, RI 454.31American Cancer Society Divisions Inc - Greenwood, SC $ 1,672.02American Cancer Society Divisions Inc - Bethlehem, PA $48.00American Cancer Society Divisions Inc - Amherst, NY $1,143.84American Cancer Society Divisions Inc - San Diego, CA $ 1,948.20American Cancer Society Illinois Division, Inc. - Chicago, IL 100.00American Cancer Society Inc - Parsippany, NJ $5,078.74American Cancer Society Inc - Dublin, OH $4,305.76American Cancer Society Inc - West Orang e, NJ $ 1,250.00American Cancer Society Inc - Merriam, KS $2,254.20American Cancer Society Inc - Charlotte, NC $773.04American Cancer Society Inc - Memphis, TN $590.02American Cancer Society Inc - Greenville, NC $2,509.44American Cancer Society Inc - Madison, WI $959.88American Cancer Society Inc - New York, NY $7,040.76American Cancer Society Inc - Atlanta, GA $978.36American Cancer Society Inc - Los Angeles, CA $1,038.96American Cancer Society Inc - Brookl yn, NY $ 1,290.79American Cancer Society Inc - Ann Arbor, MI $743.52American Cancer Society Inc - Stockton, CA $ 112.20American Cancer Society Inc - Framin gham, MA $408.00American Cancer Society Inc - West Chester, PA $50.00American Cancer Society Inc - Oakland, CA $352.00American Cancer Socie ty Inc - Kansas City , MO $257.68American Cancer Society Inc - Houston, TX 10.00American Cancer Society Inc - Portage, MI $ 100.00American Cancer Society Inc - Raritan, NJ $420.60American Cancer Society Inc - Weston, MA 816.00American Cancer Society Inc - Michi gan Center, MI $442.44American Cancer Society Inc - Phoenix, AZ $599.48American Cancer Society Inc - Meriden, CT $ 1,668.25American Cancer Society Inc - Pittsburgh, PA $462.42American Cancer Society Inc - Indianapolis, IN $25.00American Cancer Society Inc - East Lansing , MI $261.48American Cancer Society Inc - Hackensack, NJ $100.00American Cancer Society Inc - Oklahoma City , OK $ 177.36

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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION UNITED WAY MATCH Summary by Organization NameOrganization Name Total Foundation AmountAmerican Cancer Society Inc - Hato Rey , PR $246.50American Cancer Society Inc - Hoar de Ninos ue Quieren Sonveir - Santurce, PR $8,466.07American Cancer Society Inc. - Terre Haute, IN $378.76American Cancer Society Inc. - Portland, OR $1,227.51American Cancer Society Inc. - Richmond, VA $96.00American Cancer Society Long Island Division - Hauppauge, NY $115.02American Cancer Society Long Island Division, Inc.* - Long Island, NY $106.47American Cancer Society Long Island Divison - Hauppauge, NY $738.86American Cancer Society North Central Maryland Area - Baltimore, MD $621.40American Cancer Society Westchester Division, Inc. - White Plains, NY $2,403.04American Cancer Society-New England Division - Providence, RI 218.50American Cancer Society/Aug usta Georg ia - Aug usta, GA 145.00American Cancer Society/Bakersfield - Bakersfield, CA $589.44American Cancer Society/Broward County - Fort Lauderdale, FL $600.00American Cancer Society/Gainesville - Gainesville, FL $230.00American Cancer Society/Orlando Metro Unit - Orlando, FL $762.48American Cancer Society/Rhode Island Division - Providence, RI $2,254.51American Cancer Society/Union - Elizabeth, NJ $227.50American Civil Liberties Union Foundation Inc - New York, NY $2,526.94American Diabetes Association - Amherst, NY $60.00American Diabetes Association - Columbia, MO $52.00American Diabetes Association - Harrisburg , PA $803.18American Diabetes Association Inc - Los Angeles, CA $ 118.80American Diabetes Association Inc - Merrifield, VA $ 1,698.68American Diabetes Association Inc - San Dieg o, CA $858.96American Diabetes Association Inc - Grand Rapids, MI 632.98American Diabetes Association Inc - Memphis, TN $699.84American Diabetes Association Inc - Sacramento, CA $ 120.00American Diabetes Association Inc - Eme ryville, CA 617.16American Diabetes Association Inc - Honolulu, HI 777.48American Diabetes Association Inc - St. Louis, MO $815.46American Diabetes Association Inc - Bingham Farms, Ml $1,356.88American Diabetes Association Inc - New York, NY $6,765.04American Diabetes Association Inc - Omaha, NE $629.73American Diabetes Association Inc - Somerset, NJ $589.92American Diabetes Association Inc - White Plains, NY 250.00American Diabetes Association Inc - Middletown, CT $2,263.32American Diabetes Association Inc. National Office - Alexandria, VA $100.00American Diabetes Association Long Island Chapter - Hauppauge, NY $58.38American Diabetes Association Minnesota Affiliate - St. Louis Park, MN $512.88American Diabetes Association Montgomery County - Washington, DC $99.00American Diabetes Association Washington Affiliate - Seattle, WA $200.00American Diabetes Association Wisconsin Affiliate - Milwaukee, WI $360.00American Diabetes Association-New York State Affiliate, Inc. - New York, NY $3,417.24American Diabetes Association/Alexandria Chapter - Alexandria, VA $ 182.04American Diabetes Association/Amherst - Amherst, NY $49.92American Diabetes Association/Brevard County Chapter - Maitland, FL $254.76American Diabetes Association/Northeast Reg ion - Wilkes-Barre, PA 183.00American Family Association Inc - Tupelo, MS 114.00American Foundation for AIDS Research - New York, NY $2,372.99American Foundation for Suicide Prevention - Philadelphia, PA $50.00American Foundation for Suicide Prevention - New York, NY $432.96American Friends of Yad Eliezer Inc - Brooklyn, NY $585.00American Friends Service Committee/Criminal Justice Program - Newark, NJ $208.00American Health Assistance Foundation - Alzheimer's Disease Research - Clarksburg , M 50.00American Heart Association - Cincinnati, OH $406.44American Heart Association - Pittsburg h, PA 899.76American Heart Association - Memphis, TN 217.24American Heart Association - Lathrup Village, MI $108.00American Heart Association - Harrisburg , PA $60.00American Heart Association - Eureka, CA $99.00American Heart Association - Irvine, CA $ 118.80American Heart Association - Annandale, VA $72.00American Heart Association Colorado - Denver, CO 543.84American Heart Association Connecticut Affiliate -Wallingford, CT 874.04American Heart Association Greater St. Louis Division - Saint Louis, MO $3,275.01


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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION UNITED WAY MATCH Summary by Organization NameOrganization Name Total Foundation AmountAmerican Heart Association Inc - Seattle, WA $472.44American Heart Association Inc - St. Louis, MO $100.00American Heart Association Inc - La Jolla, CA $ 1,427.48American Heart Association Inc - Topeka, KS $150.00American Heart Association Inc - Overland Park, KS $1,733.16American Heart Association Inc - Stockton, CA $112.08American Heart Association Inc - Greenville, SC $467.91American Heart Association Inc - Southfield, Ml $691.94American Heart Association Inc - Marietta, GA 360.00American Heart Association Inc - Atlanta, GA $ 116.48American Heart Association Inc - New York, NY $4,639.88American Heart Association Inc - Baltimore, MD $926.04American Heart Association Inc - Memphis, TN $ 1,978.32American Heart Association Inc - Jackson, MS $ 1,208.88American Heart Association Inc - Grand Rapids, MI $449.64American Heart Association Inc - Robbinsvdle, NJ $716.37American Heart Association Inc - Providence, RI 652.92American Heart Association Inc - Davenport, IA $402.00American Heart Association Metropolitan Chicago - Chicago, IL $20.00American Heart Association Southeastern Pennsylvania Affiliate - Conshohocken, PA $50.00American Heart Association, Maryland - Glen Allen, VA $596.40American Heart Association/Colorado Sprin gs - Colorado Spring s, CO 25.00American Heart Association/Missouri - Warrensburg , MO $257.64American Heart Association/Penns ylvania Division - Lancaster, PA $4,204.53American Heart Association/Sioux City - Sioux City , IA $ 1,026.00American Hospice Foundation Inc - Washington, DC 910.41American India Foundation - New York, NY $ 120.00American Indian College Fund - Denver, CO $1,418.28American Italian Foundation for Cancer Research - New York, NY $50.00American Kidney Fund Inc. National Office - Rockville, MD $263.12American Lebanese Syrian Association Char Inc - St. Jude Childrens Research Hospital - $3,256.66American Liver Foundation - New York, NY $272.69American Liver Foundation - San Diego, CA $81.00American Lung Association - Plymouth Meeting , PA $51.00American Lung Association of Eastern Missouri - St. Louis, MO $588.45American Lung Association of Florida Inc - Orlando, FL $ 108.54American Lung Association of Ma ryland Inc - Hunt Valley , MD $49.50American Lung Association of Michi gan - Southfield, MI $ 180.00American Lung Association of New Jersey - Union, NJ $402.60American Lung Association of New York - New York, NY $391.27American Lung Association of New York Inc - New York, NY $469.50American Lung Association of Western Missouri Inc. - Kansas City , MO $442.44American Lung Association/Charleston - Charleston, SC $1,482.00American Lung Association/Rhode Island - Providence, RI $30.00American Matyrs Parish School - Manhattan Beach, CA $777.60American National Red Cross - San Diego, CA $2,679.36American National Red Cross - Washington, DC 8,583.98American National Red Cross - Gainesville, GA $25.00American National Red Cross - Covington, LA $1,135.05American National Red Cross - Farmington, CT $ 17,296.96American National Red Cross - Alexandria, LA $ 1,034.56American National Red Cross - Jackson, MS $239.04American National Red Cross - Tulsa, OK 25.00American National Red Cross - Spokane, WA $ 125.00American National Red Cross - Florence, SC $25.00American National Red Cross - Kankakee, IL $30.00American National Red Cross - Mineola, NY $100.00American National Red Cross - Wilson, NC $678.48American National Red Cross - Biloxi, MS $ 1,756.64American National Red Cross - Englewood, NJ $700.04American National Red Cross - Lansing , MI $ 104.00American National Red Cross - Hackensack, NJ $ 1,800.00American National Red Cross - Tampa, FL $420.00American National Red Cross - Charlotte, NC 50.00American National Red Cross - Kalamazoo, Ml 35,647.10American National Red Cross - South Bend, IN $50.00

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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION UNITED WAY MATCH Summary by Organization Name

Organization Name Total Foundation Amoun tAmerican National Red Cross - Bridg eport, CT $800.16American National Red Cross - Princeton, NJ 1,218.92American National Red Cross - San Juan, PR $ 1,028.51American National Red Cross - New York, NY $13,521.80American National Red Cross - Shreveport, LA $2,323.35American National Red Cross - Terre Haute, IN $4,957.44American National Red Cross - Traverse City , MI $2,550.00American National Red Cross - Minneapolis, MN $995.84American National Red Cross - Battle Creek, Ml $575.64American National Red Cross - Las Vegas, NV $508.56American National Red Cross - American Red Cross Jersey County - Jerseyville, IL $35.00American National Red Cross - American Red Cross Mid-South Chapter - Memphis, TN $3,269.32American National Red Cross - American Red Cross Northwest New Jersey - Morristown, $6,198.53American National Red Cross - American Red Cross St. Louis Area - Saint Louis, MO 11,494.25American National Red Cross - Hurricane Katrina Relief Fund - Washington, DC $44,030.73American National Red Cross - Jimmy Flynn Bone Marrow Transplant Group - Kalamazo $300.04American National Red Cross and Its Constituent Chapters and Branches - Monroe, LA 1,774.96American National Red Cross and Its Constituent Chapters and Branches - Fairfield, NJ $ 1,204.32American National Red Cross and Its Constituent Chapters and Branches - Grand Rapids $300.00American National Red Cross and Its Constituent Chapters and Branches - Greenwood, $6,067.57American National Red Cross and Its Constituent Chapters and Branches - Meridian, MS $100.00American National Red Cross and Its Constituent Chapters and Branches - Huntington, N $208.00American National Red Cross and Its Constituent Chapters and Branches - Leesburg , VA $ 1,286.88American Parkinson Disease Association - Point Pleasant, NJ $ 1,200.00American Printing House for the Blind Inc. - Louisville, KY $328.68American Red Cross - Glens Falls, NY $50.00American Red Cross - Montclair, NJ 49.92American Red Cross - Doylestown, PA $495.00American Red Cross - Pittsburg h, PA $2,860.24American Red Cross - Dallas, TX $ 150.00American Red Cross - Detroit, MI $ 1,501.28American Red Cross - Stamford, CT $389.16American Red Cross - Portland, ME $858.00American Red Cross - Summit, NJ $160.00American Red Cross - Somerville, NJ $1,239.00American Red Cross - Hendersonville, NC $25.00American Red Cross - Shelter Island, NY $951.60American Red Cross - Nyack, NY $231.28American Red Cross - Brooksville, FL $50.00American Red Cross - Newton, NJ $4,142.83American Red Cross - Providence, RI $145.00American Red Cross - Kansas City , MO $284.72American Red Cross - Lincoln, NE $3,171.10American Red Cross - Louisville, KY $630.31American Red Cross - Lancaster, PA $5,443.12American Red Cross - Riversidecount y Chapter - Riverside, CA 25.00American Red Cross - Warren - Washington, NJ $25.00American Red Cross - Washington County Chapter - Ann Arbor, Ml $ 12,509.06American Red Cross Cape Cod Chapter - Hyannis, MA $50.00American Red Cross Central New Jersey Chapter - New Brunswick, NJ $ 150.00American Red Cross Dayton Area Chapter - Dayton, OH 456.96American Red Cross Greater Ucpa Chapter - Elizabeth, NJ $49.92American Red Cross Larimer County Chapter - Fort Collins, CO $645.19American Red Cross Lehigh Valley Chapter - Bethlehem, PA $836.00American Red Cross Livingston Chapter - Howell, MI $399.94American Red Cross Martin County Chapter - Stuart, FL $300.00American Red Cross Middlesex County Chapter - Middletown, CT $588.00American Red Cross North Bergen Ramap Valley Chapter - Ridgewood, NJ $ 1,293.00American Red Cross of Augusta - Aug usta, GA $360.00American Red Cross of Massachusetts Bay - Boston, MA 432.96American Red Cross of Southeastern Michigan - Detroit, MI $2,128.46American Red Cross Rock River Chapter - Rockford, IL $50.00American Red Cross South Central Connecticut Chapter - New Haven, CT $ 100.00American Red Cross Southeastern Pennsylvania Chapter - Philadelphia, PA 50.00American Red Cross West Central Georg ia Chapter - Columbus, GA 25.00American Red Cross Westchester County Chapter - White Plains, NY 1,050.48


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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION UNITED WAY MATCH Summary by Organization Name

Organization Name Total Foundation Amount

American Red Cross/Central Maryland Chapter - Baltimore, MD $501.06American Red Cross/Greenwich Chapter - Greenwich, CT $2,000.00American Red Cross/Holland - Holland, MI $ 1,295.92American Red Cross/Hudson County Chapter - Jersey City , NJ $949.92American Red Cross/Lebanon Chapter - Lebanon, PA $ 1,295.57American Red Cross/Los Angeles - Los Angeles, CA $935.52American Red Cross/Metropolitan Atlanta Chapter - Atlanta, GA $302.00American Red Cross/Mid-Fairfield Chapter - Westport, CT $ 1,92000American Red Cross/Rhode Island Chapter - Providence, RI $ 1,494.00American Red Cross/Southeastern Fairfield County Chapter - Bridgeport, CT $677.10American Red Gross/Westchester County - White Plains, NY $ 1,376.00American Red Cross/York County Chapter - York, PA $720.00American Red Ma en David for Israel - New York, NY $720.00American Refugee Committee - Minneapolis, MN $564.00American Rescue Workers Inc - Williams port, PA 600.00American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty To Animals - New York, NY $2,915.24American S rin om elia Alliance Project,inc. - Longview, TX 600.00American Tinnitus Association - Portland, OR $ 100.00American-Scandinavian Foundation - New York, NY $141.72Americans Helping Asian Children Foundation - San Diego, CA $371.76Americares Foundation Inc - Stamford, CT $ 1,458.00Americas Promise-the Alliance for Youth - Alexandria, VA 816.00Americas Second Harvest - Chicago, IL $235.72Amnesty International Usa Inc. National Head uaters - New York, NY $3,376.16Amos House - Providence, RI 2,138.68Am otro hic Lateral Sclerosis Association - Rockville, MD $249.96Am otro hic Lateral Sclerosis Association - Grand Rapids, MI $449.68Am otro hic Lateral Sclerosis Association - Southfield, Ml $627.56Am otro hic Lateral Sclerosis Association - Wakefield, MA $449.88Am otro hic Lateral Sclerosis Association - Omaha, NE $924.53Am otro hic Lateral Sclerosis Association- Greater New York Chapter - New York, NY $492.00Anchorage Hockey Association Ltd - Anchorage, AK $ 120.00Andalusia Ballet Association Inc - Andalusia, AL $231.38Anderson Free Clinic Inc - Anderson, SC $50.00Anderson House Inc - Whitehouse Station, NJ $200.02Andover, Hebron, Marlborough Youth Services - Hebron, CT $325.08Andrew Glover Youth Prog ram - New York, NY $ 192.00Angel Guardian Children and Family Services, Inc. - Brooklyn, NY $204.39Angel Guardian Home - Brooklyn, NY $ 1,010.88Angel Pets Animal Welfare Socie ty Inc - Linden, NJ 50.00Angels for Animals Inc - Canfield, OH $352.80Animal Cancer Foundation - Norwalk, CT 182.52Animal Friends Inc - Pittsburg , PA $ 191.59Animal Humane Association of New Mexico - Albuq uerq ue, NM $ 165.95Animal Lifesavers Pet Adoption Inc - East Brunswick, NJ 50.00Animal Meals on Wheels - Kalamazoo, MI $548.37Animal Placement Agency of the Windsors - Princeton Junction, NJ $2,796.00Animal Protection Association Inc - Memphis, TN $185.88Animal Protective Association of Missouri - Saint Louis, MO $2,301.84Animal Protective Foundation of Schenectady - Scotia, NY $ 1,044.00Animal Rescue Fund - Three Rivers, MI $2,540.16Animal Rescue Fund Inc - Waterford, CT $ 1,991.84Animal Rescue League of Southern Rhode Island - Wakefield, RI $ 1,597.88Animal Welfare League of New London County Incorporated - Groton, CT $50.00Ann Arbor Academy - Ann Arbor, MI $2,227.74Ann Arbor Center for Independent - Ann Arbor, Ml 3,536.76Ann Arbor Chinese Center of Michigan Inc - Ann Arbor, Ml $50.00Ann Arbor Civic Theatre - Ann Arbor, MI $50.00Ann Arbor Community Center Incorporated - Ann Arbor, MI $ 1,575.50Ann Arbor Hands on Museum - Ann Arbor, Ml $ 1,886.52Ann Arbor Jaycees Foundation - Ann Arbor, MI $100.00Ann Arbor Police Department - Ann Arbor, Ml $388.56Ann Arbor Public Schools - Ann Arbor, Ml $ 1,000.00Ann Arbor Summer Festival Inc - Ann Arbor, Ml 1,497.96Ann Arbor YMCA - Ann Arbor, MI $55.00Ann-Hua Chinese School - Ann Arbor, MI $3,943.56

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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION UNITED WAY MATCH Summary by Organization Name

Organization Name Total Foundation Amount

Annandale Hose Company No 1 - Annandale, NJ 38.40Annie Malone Children and Family Service Center - St. Louis, MO $150.00Annual Bishops Appeal Diocese of Norwich - Norwich, CT $375.00Antelope Valley Domestic Violence Council - Lancaster, CA $786.72Anti-Defamation League of Bnai Brith - New York, NY $3,962.96An own Arizona Inc - Phoenix, AZ $ 1,346.40Aplastic Anemia Foundation - Annapolis, MD $1,170.00Apostles ' House - Newark, NJ $648.00Appalachian Mountain Club - Boston, MA $790.44Apropos Housing Opportunities and Management Enterprises Inc. - Mount Kisco, NY $687.48Aquinas College Inc - Grand Rapids, MI $556.74Arbor Hospice and Home Care - Ann Arbor, MI $647.70ARC of Greater Prince William Insi g ht Inc - Woodbrid ge, VA $525.00ARC of Hunterdon County - Annandale, NJ 778.80ARC of Lincoln & Lancaster County - Lincoln, NE $567.36ARC of Livingston - Howell, MI $622.80ARC of Mercer, Inc - Ewing , NJ $ 1,793.24ARC of Michigan - Lansing , MI $182.40ARC of New Jerse y Inc - Plainfield, NJ $2,275.32ARC of New Jersey Inc - Hackensack, NJ $1,200.00ARC of New Jersey Inc - Living ston, NJ 4,034.71ARC of Northwest Wayne County - Redford, MI $451.56ARC of Pennsylvania - Lancaster, PA $630.87ARC of San Diego, the - San Diego, CA $240.00ARC-Morris Foundation Inc - Morris Plains, NJ $90.00ARC/Greenwich - Greenwich, CT $3,847.92ARC/Middlesex County - Milltown, NJ $2,687.76Arcadia Information Network - Parent to Parent of Southwest Michi gan - Kalamazoo, MI 505.00Arch Street Center - Lancaster, PA $2,280.12Archbishop Stepinac High School - White Plains, NY $12.50Archbishops Annual Appeal St. Francis Church - Ridgefield Park, NJ $414.00Archdiocese of Newark - The Scholarshi p Fund for Inner-City Children - Newark, NJ $1,672.56Archie Community United Fund, Inc. - Archie, MO $320.84Area 7 Agency on Aging & Disabled - Terre Haute, IN $324.48Area Wide United Way - Cape Girardeau, MO $1,462.44

Ark-Valley Humane Society Inc - Buena Vista, CO $1,220.88Arkansas Childrens Hospital Foundation Inc - Little Rock, AR $ 187.56Arlington Free Clinic Inc - Arlington, VA $1,119.60Arlin gton Womens Shelter Inc. - Arlington, TX 20.00Armed Forces Foundation - Washington, DC $85.00Art With A Heart Inc - Indianapolis, IN 130.92Arthritis Foundation - Phoenix, AZ $902.75Arthritis Foundation - Omaha, NE $473.84Arthritis Foundation Inc - Santa Barbara, CA $25.00Arthritis Foundation Inc - Saint Louis, MO $ 124.95Arthritis Foundation Inc - New York, NY $341.28Arthritis Foundation Inc - Dallas, TX $452.28Arthritis Foundation Inc. - Iselin, NJ $75.00Arthritis Foundation Inc. - Philadelphia, PA $30.00Arthritis Foundation of Northwest Ohio - Toledo, OH $277.50Arthritis Foundation, Inc. - Greater Illinois Chapter - Alton, IL $ 309.36Arthritis Foundations, Inc./Greater Illinois Chapter - Alton, IL $240.00Arthur Ashe Institute for Urban Health Inc - Brooklyn, NY $876.48Arthur Ashe Youth Tennis and Education Inc - Philadelphia, PA $800.04Arts & Science Council Charlotte Mecklenburg Inc - Charlotte, NC $384.11Arts Connection - New York, NY $256.04Asha for Education - New York, NY $3,724.64Asha for Education - Troy, MI $85.00Asha for Education - San Jose, CA $ 1,615.92Ashaway Elementa ry School, Inc - Ashaway , RI $225.00Ashland Volunteer Fire & Rescue - Lincoln, NE $720.00Asiamerica Foundation Darunee Fund - Ann Arbor, MI $366.00Asian American Coalition for Children and Families Inc - New York, NY $20.00Asian American Federation of New York - New York, NY $72.00Asian American for Equality - New York, NY $60.00Asian American Resource Foundation Inc - Norcross, GA $3,000.00

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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION UNITED WAY MATCH Summary by Organization NameOrganization Name Total Foundation Amount

Asian Community & Cultural Center - Lincoln, NE $323.55Asian Task Force Aganist Domestic Violence - Boston, MA $37.50Asian Womens Shelter - San Francisco, CA $211.54Asian Inc - Red Bank, NJ $144.00Asociacion De Agencias Community De Puerto Rico Inc. - Forjando un Nuevo Comienzo $147.10Asociacion De Es ma Bifida E Hidrocefella De Puerto Rico - Bayamon, PR $433.35Asociacion Pro Juventud Y Comunidad Del Bo Palmas - Catano, PR 143.31Asociacion Puerto Rico Quena De Diabetes - San Juan, PR $153.60As ira of New York,lnc - New York, NY $683.90Assemblies of God - Teen Challenge Inc - New Haven, CT $805.48Assistance League of Laguna Beach California - Laguna Beach, CA $ 1,012.44Associated Catholic Charities - Memphis, TN $4,102.37Associated Humane Societies Inc - Tinton Falls, NJ $225.00Association for Blind & Visually Impaired/Lehi g h County - Allentown, PA $ 1,347.84Association for Children of New Jersey - Newark, NJ $208.00Association for Children With Down Syndrome - Plainview, NY $161.04Association for Community Advocacy - Ann Arbor, MI $ 1,688.64Association for Hunterdon Developmental Center, Inc. - Bound Brook, NJ 250.00Association for Indias Development - Mountain View, CA $24.96Association for Indias Development Inc - College Park, MD $25.00Association for Neurolog icall y Impaired Brain Inj ured Children - Bayside, NY $372.84Association for Retarded Citizens/Downriver - Wyandotte, MI $397.56Association for the Help of Retarded Citizens (Ahrc ) - Montgomery , NY $499.92Association For The Study Of Childhood Cancer - Richmond, VA $50.00Association In Manhattan for Autistic Children - New York, NY $270.16Association of Bikur Cholim Organizations of New York Inc - Brooklyn, NY $57.20Association To Benefit Children - New York, NY $375.00Asthma & Allergy Foundation of America - St. Louis, MO $670.00Asthma & Allergy Foundation of America National - Washington, DC $359.04Asthma and Allergy Foundation of American - St Louis, MO $300.00Astor Home for Children - Rhinebeck, NY $1,205.16Atlanta Botanical Garden Inc - Atlanta, GA $275.02Atlanta Humane Society & SPCA - Atlanta, GA 120.00Atlanta Union Mission Corporation - Atlanta, GA $ 199.80Attachment Parenting International Inc - Dardenne Prairie, MO $ 1,472.88Auburn Universit y Foundation Auburn Campus - Auburn, AL $915.72Audubon Society - Ringwood, NJ $65.28Augustinian Mission - Villanova, PA $ 1,320.00Aunty Jean's Paccor Preschool - Jamaica, NY $25.00Autism Society Of America Inc - Holliswood, NY $148.00Autism Society of Michi gan - Lansing , Ml $3,709.32Autism Society of Southeastern Wisconsin Inc - Franklin, WI $240.00Auxilia ry To the Board of Trustees of Childrens Specialized Hospital - Mountainside, NJ $330.00Avalonia Land Conservancy Inc. - Old Mystic, CT $50.04Avon Products Foundation Incorporated - Avon Breast Cancer Crusade - New York, NY $485.76Aware Inc - Jackson, MI $ 117.60Backsto ers - St. Louis, MO $422.80Baddour Center - Senatobia, MS $ 111.96Ballet Oklahoma Inc - Oklahoma City , OK $ 1,104.72Ballet School of Stamford - Stamford, CT 211.13Balloon Angels Inc - Louisville, KY $2,802.01Ballston Lake Emergency Squad Inc - Ballston Lake, NY $ 199.92and Together - Saint Louis, MO $ 154.96

Bangor Public Libra ry Association - Bangor, PA 25.00Bantay Bata 163 - Quezon City , IX $513.48Baps Care International - Piscataway , NJ $416.00Baptist Bible Academy - Waterford, CT $5,552.72Baraboo Area United Way Inc - Baraboo, WI $1,110.48Baraka African Minist ry - Detroit, MI $1,877.40Barbara Ann Karmanos Cancer Institute - Detroit, Ml 5,198.88Barium Home for Children - Barium Springs, NC $25.00Barnard Colle ge - New York, NY $518.76Barrington Area United Way - Barrin gton, IL $301.08Barron Heig hts Community Development Corporation - Barron Heig hts Transitional Cente l $2,137.44Barry County United Way - Hastings, MI $9,542.30Baruch Colle g e Fund - New York, NY $129.69

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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION UNITED WAY MATCH Summary by Organization NameOrganization Name Total Foundation Amount

Basic Needs - Gales Ferry , CT $23,280.40Batavia Community Chest/United Way - Batavia, IL $20.00Baton Rouge Area Foundation - Baton Rouge, LA $24.00Battered Women/Jersey City-Hudson County - Jersey City , NJ $679.88Battle Creek Area Catholic Schools Foundation Inc - Battle Creek, MI $1,801.24Bayonne Communit y Mental Health Center - Bayonne, NJ 374.28Beacon Community Center - Beacon, NY $453.44Beacon of Hope House - Staten Island, NY $855.75Bear Creek Services Foundation Inc - Rochester, MN 228.00Bear Search and Rescue Foundation - New York, NY $169.40Beaufort County United Way - Washington, NC $457.92Bebashi Blacks Educatin g Blacks about Sexual Health Issues - Philadel phia, PA $100.00Bedford Area Famil/YMCA - Bedford, VA $ 1,060.76Bedford Stu esant Community Mental Health Center, Inc. - Brooklyn, NY $417.32Bedford Stuyvesant Resturation Corporation - Brooklyn, NY 196.26Bell Socialization Services Inc - York, Pa 666.12Benincasa Home for the Terminall y III - Mendon, NY 1,336.80Bergen Catholic Hig h School - Oradell, NJ $735.96Bergen Christian Testimony Church - Wycoff, NJ $ 1,599.60Bergen Community Reg ional Blood Center - Paramus, NJ $203.64Bergen County Animal Shelter Society - So. Hackensack, NJ $20.00Berkeley Heig hts Education Foundation Inc - Berkeley Heights, NJ $1,099.92Berkshire United Way Inc - Pittsfield, MA 25.00Berry Patch Foundation - Ann Arbor, MI 852.38Best Friends Animal Sanctuary - Kanab, UT $3,233.79Bethany Baptist Church Academy Inc - Newark, NJ $200.00Bethany Christian Services - Grand Rapids, MI $236.07Bethany Christian Services/Kalamazoo, Michi gan - Kalamazoo, MI $ 1,237.44Bethel Ridg e Co ./Adult Group Home - Basking NJ $ 199.92Bethlehem Temple Church of Lansing - Lansing , MI $ 157.84Bi-County United Way - Kansas City , MO $100,000.00Bi-Coun ty United Way of Cass & Jackson Inc - Independence, MO $65,366.88Bial stoker Center and Bikur Cholim - New York, NY $2,904.96Bible Center Church - Charleston, WV $848.96Bible Fellowshi p Church Homes Inc - Calvary Bible Fellowship Church - Philli psburg , NJ $386.40Bide-A-wee Home Association - New York, NY $ 1,422.57Big Bend Hosp ice Inc - Tallahassee, FL $221.52big Brothers & Big Sisters of San D lego County Inc - San Diego, CA 240.00Big Brothers & Big Sisters Services Inc - Richmond, VA $49.92Big Brothers and Big Sisters of Metropolitan Detroit - Southfield, MI $397.44Big Brothers and Big Sisters of Morris County - Parsippany , NJ $2,974.32-gig Brothers and Big Sisters of New York City Inc - New York, NY $ 1,093.92Bi Brothers and Big Sisters of Sussex County - Newton, NJ $ 1,754.48Big Brothers Big Sisters A Community of Caring - Kalamazoo, MI $ 14,874.81Big Brothers Big Sisters Livingston County - Howell, MI $225.00Big Brothers Bi g Sisters of Acadiana Inc - Lafayette, LA $ 10.00gig Brothers Big Sisters of Delaware Inc - Wilmington, DE $567.17Big Brothers Big Sisters of Eastern Missouri - Saint Louis, MO 99.00Big Brothers Big Sisters of Eastern Missouri - St. Louis, MO $ 1,626.38Big Brothers Big Sisters of Greater Memphis - Memphis, TN 4,407.42Big Brothers Big Sisters of Greater Pittsburgh - Pittsburgh, PA $25.00Big Brothers Big Sisters of King and Pierce Counties - Seattle, WA $22.50Big Brothers Big Sisters of Southwestern CT - Bridgeport, CT $ 1,747.33Big Brothers Big Sisters of Vigo County , Inc. - Terre Haute, IN $287.04dig Brothers-Bi g Sisters of Greater Flint - Flint, MI $50.00Big Brothers-Bi g Sisters of Hunterdon and Somerset Counties - Clinton, NJ $78.97-gig Brothers-Big Sisters of Metropolitan Chicago - Chicago, IL $334.19Big Brothers-Bi g Sisters of Southeastern Connecticut Inc - Oakdale, CT $ 19,736.26Big Brothers-Bi g Sisters/Cape Cod - Centerville, MA 191.25Big Brothers-Bi g Sisters/Lancaster County Pennsylvania - Lancaster, PA 765.76gig Brothers-Bi g Sisters/Metro Atlanta,lnc. - Atlanta, GA $100.00Big Brothers-Bi g Sisters/Midcoast Maine - Damariscotta, ME 109.34Iffi g Brothers-Bi g Sisters/Summit & Medina Counties - Akron, OH $ 1,536.00Big Brothers/Bi g Sisters of America - Philadelphia, PA 787.44Big Oak Ranch Inc - S prin g ville, AL 633.72Big River United Way - Keokuk, IA 250.00

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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION UNITED WAY MATCH Summary by Organization NameOrganization Name Total Foundation Amoun tBikur Cholim of Raritan Valley - Edison, NJ $ 1,507.92Bill Library Association - Ledyard, CT 150.00Billings Council of Mt Chapter of National Committee for Prevention of Child Abuse - The $568.10Billy Graham Evang elistic Association - Minneapolis, MN $240.00Bink Patrol - Laguna Beach, CA $427.20Birdsboro Community Memorial Center - Birdsboro, PA $252.00Birthright of Greenville - Mauldin, SC $50.00Birthri g ht of Memphis - Memphis, TN $1,454.88Bishop Hendricken Hig h School - Warwick, RI $362.04Bishop Ireton Hig h School - Alexandria, VA $208.49Black Arts & Cultural Center - Kalamazoo, MI $1,032.00Black River Count ry United Way - Owen, WI $540.96Bless USA - Cedar Grove, NJ $3,342.48Blood Center of Central Iowa - Des Moines, IA $25.00Bloomingdale Animal Shelter - Bloomingdale, NJ $25.00Blue Ridg e Literacy Council Inc - Hendersonville, NC $50.00Blue Streak Aq uatic Inc - Stirling , NJ $ 192.00Board for Inner-City Missions of the United Church of Christ In Metropolitian St. Louis - S $998.40Bonner Rowing Association Inc - Drexel Hill, PA 1,308.00Bor ess Visitin g Nurse & Hospice Services - Kalamazoo, MI $12,502.76Boston Area Rape Crisis Center Inc - Cambridge, MA $37.50Boston Colle ge Hig h School - Boston, MA $269.76Boston University Trustees Develop & Alumni - Boston, MA $457.44Bowers Rodgers Home Inc - Greenwood, SC $4,689.75Bowling Green State University Foundation Inc - Bowling Green, OH 256.08Boy Scout of America, Troop 66 - Matawan, NJ 100.00Boy Scout of America/Overland Trails Council - Grand Island, NE $737.16Boy Scouts - Central Jersey Council - Monmouth Junction, NJ $892.32Boy Scouts of America - San Juan, PR 167.31Boy Scouts of America - San Diego, CA $659.00Boy Scouts of America - Wilmin gton, DE $ 10.00Boy Scouts of America - Milford, CT $25.00Boy Scouts of America - East Providence, RI $5,091.92Boy Scouts of America - Spokane, WA $50.00Boy Scouts of America - Irvin g , TX $ 1,224.33Boy Scouts of America - Davenport, IA $ 10000Bo Scouts of America - Dalton, MA $25.00Bo Scouts of America - Texarkana, TX $862.50Bo Scouts of America - Monmouth Junction, NJ $1,050.00Boy Scouts of America - Westerly, RI $704.16Boy Scouts of America - Wayne, PA $587.84Boy Scouts of America - Redlands, CA $ 1,290.76Boy Scouts of America - Walton, NE 2,562.08Boy Scouts of America - Kansas City , MO $ 140.04Boy Scouts of America - Tampa, FL 803.48Boy Scouts of America - Columbia, SC $ 1,631.85Boy Scouts of America - Appleton, WI $673.44Boy Scouts of America - Wood River, IL $96.00Boy Scouts of America - Kalamazoo, MI $ 17,180.92Boy Scouts of America - Saint Louis, MO $4,639.32Boy Scouts of America - Santa Ana, CA $ 1,929.36Boy Scouts of America - Belleville, IL $ 1,207.44Boy Scouts of America - Blue Mountain Council - Kennewick, WA $25.00Boy Scouts of America - Boy Scouts Flint River Council - Griffin, GA $ 100.00Boy Scouts of America - Boy Scouts of America Blue Ridge Council - Mauldin, SC $4,197.29Boy Scouts of America - Connecticut Rivers Council - East Hartford, CT $25,344.14Boy Scouts of America - Northern New Jersey Council 333 - Oakland, NJ $2,345.64Boy Scouts of America - Patriots Path Council - Florham Park, NJ $50.00Boy Scouts of America Baltimore Area Council - Baltimore, MD $576.00Boy Scouts of America Council - Detroit, MI $ 150.00Boy Scouts of America Council - Fort Worth, TX 260.38Bo Scouts of America Council - Eau Claire, WI $159.60Boy Scouts of America Council - Mobile, AL $24.00Bo Scouts of America Council - Indianapolis, IN $317.24Boy Scouts of America Council - Camarillo, CA 184.20Bo Scouts of America Council - Fresno, CA 957.88

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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION UNITED WAY MATCH Summary by Organization Name

Organization Name Total Foundation Amount

Bo Scouts of America Council - Spring field, OH $1,370.88Bo Scouts of America Council - Memphis, TN $930.24Bo Scouts of America Council - Rancocas, NJ $874.92Bo Scouts of America Council - San Rafael, CA $250.00Bo Scouts of America Council - Doylestown, PA $ 1,291.00Bo Scouts Of America Council - Visalia, CA $184.20Bo Scouts of America Council - Eugene, OR $240.00Bo Scouts of America Council - Boy Scouts of America Troop 391 - Hamburg , Ml $52.00Bo Scouts of America Council - Great Sauk Trail Council, BSA - Ann Arbor, MI $10,315.29Bo Scouts of America Council Jayhawk Area Council - Topeka, KS $ 115.00Bo Scouts of America Council Okaw Valley Council - Belleville, IL 50.00Bo Scouts of America Golden Empire Council - Sacramento, CA $100.00Bo Scouts of America Grand Canyon Council - Phoenix, AZ $50 00Bo Scouts of America Heart of America - Kansas City , MO $840.08Bo Scouts of America Indian Trails Council - Yantic, CT $361.32Boy Scouts of America Mid-Iowa Council - Des Moines, IA $ 157.03Boy Scouts Of America National Council - Terre Haute, IN $615.57Boy Scouts of America National Council - Pack 9 Cub Scouts - Pawcatuck, CT $550.44Boy Scouts of America Ntl Council - Oklahoma City , OK $25.00Boy Scouts Of America Ntl Council - West Linn, OR $50.00Boy Scouts of America Ntl Council - Dubuq ue, IA $24.00Boy Scouts of America Ntl Council - Lancaster, PA $5,156.82Boy Scouts of America Ntl Council - Salisbu ry Mills, NY $240.00Boy Scouts Of America Ntl Council - Broken Arrow District - Oakland, NJ $658.08Boy Scouts of America Pack 22 - Salem, CT 300.00Boy Scouts of America Troop 24 - Malverne, NY $ 188.76Boy Scouts of America Watchung Area Council - Mountainside, NJ $110.04Boy Scouts Of America Westchester - Putnam County Council - Hawthorne, NY $511.47Boy Scouts of America- Chester County Council - West Chester, PA $25.00Boy Scouts of America- Troop 3 - Derby , CT $250.00Boy Scouts of America-Greater New York Councils - New York, NY $ 1,256.50Boy Scouts of America-Winnebago Council - Waterloo, IA $536.16Boy Scouts of America/ Indian Waters Council - Columbia, SC $50.00Boy Scouts of America/Cub Scout Pack 71 - North Stonington, CT $826.32Boy Scouts of America/Four Lakes Council - Madison, WI $200.00Boy Scouts of America/Greater Cleveland Council - Cleveland, OH $120.00Boy Scouts of America/National Council - Portland, OR $ 115.00Boy Scouts of America/Patriot's Path Council - Florham Park, NJ $2,499.72Boy Scouts of America/Robert E. Lee Council,Inc. - Richmond, VA $499.92Bo Scouts of America/Southwest Florida Council, Inc. - Fort Myers, FL $20.00Boy Scouts, Ore-Ida Concil - Boise, ID $100.00Bo Scouts-Greater Alabama Council - Birmingham, AL $633.72Boy Scouts/Bucks County Council - Doylestown, PA 2,025.44Boy Scouts/Chief Ohemos Council - Lansing , Ml $ 150.00Boy Scouts/Connecticut Yankee Council - Milford, CT $ 1,829.40Boy Scouts/Crossroads Council - Terre Haute, IN $ 191.36Boy Scouts/Gerald R. Ford Council - Grand Rapids, MI $240.00Boy Scouts/Greater Alabama County - Birmingham, AL 240.00Boy Scouts/Greater Salt Lake Council - Salt Lake City , UT 170.00Boy Scouts/Lincoln Trails Council - Decatur, IL $928.38Boy Scouts/Los Angeles Area Council - Los Angeles, CA $314.16Boy Scouts/Monmouth Council - Oakhurst, NJ $ 144.00Boy Scouts/Pike Peak Council - Colorado Sprin g s, CO 375.00Bo Scouts/Stonewall Jackson Area - Waynesboro, VA $25.00Boy Scouts/Theodore Roosevelt Council - Massapequa, NY $ 170.00Boy Scouts/Trapper Trails Council - Ogden, UT $33.60Boy Scouts/Westchester-Putnam Council # 388 - Hawthorne, NY $700.00Boy's Club of New York - New York, NY 676.20Boyer Children's Clinic - Seattle, WA $472.56Boys & Girls Club - Columbia, MO $900.00Boys & Girls Club - Kalamazoo, MI $12,458.18Boys & Girls Club of America - New York, NY 636.00Boys & Girls Club of Capistrano Valley - San Juan Ca o, CA 50.00Boys & Girls Club of Chula Vista Inc - Chula Vista, CA $20.00Boys & Girls Club of Clifton Inc. - Clifton, NJ $1,269.00Boys & Girls Club of Greater Memphis, Inc. - Memphis, TN 1,007.24

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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION UNITED WAY MATCH Summary by Organization NameOrganization Name Total Foundation AmountBoys & Girls Club of Henderson Colle ge Hendersonville Inc - Hendersonville , NC $300.00Boys & Girls Club of King County - Seattle , WA $814.88Boys & Girls Club of Martin County Inc - Hobe Sound, FL 50.00Boys & Girls Club of Nassau County Foundation Inc - Fernandina, FL $56.68Boys & Girls Club of Northern Westchester - Mount Kisco , NY $22,278.84Boys & Girls Club of Oyster Bay- East Norwich - Oster Bay , NY $250.00Boys & Girls Club of Pitt County Inc. - Greenville , NC 600.00Boys & Girls Club of San Marcos - San Marcos , CA $500.04Boys & Girls Club of Santa Ana - Santa Ana, CA $25.00Boys & Girls Club of Southeastern Connecticut Inc - Groton , CT $3,597.56Boys & Girls Club of St Charles - St. Charles , MO $300.00Boys & Girls Club of Tracy - Tracy , CA $2.00Boys & Girls Club/ Remington Unit - New Rochelle , NY $ 1,000.00Boys & Girls Club/Boston - Boston , MA $50.00Boys & Girls Club/Clifton - Clifton , NJ $60.00Boys & Girls Club/Cumberland -Lincoln - Cumberland , RI $555.48Boys & Girls Club/Depew-Lancaster - Lancaster , NY $821.52Boys & Girls Club/Greater Dallas, Inc. - Dallas , TX $50.00Boys & Girls Club/Holland - Holland , MI $584.40Boys & Girls Club/Hudson County/Jersey City - Jersey City , NJ $602.16Boys & Girls Club/Kingston - Kingston , NY $494.64Boys & Girls Club/Lancaster - Lancaster , PA $1,223.80Boys & Girls Club/Monmouth County , Inc. - Asbu ry Park , NJ $199.92Boys & Girls Club/Mount Vernon - White Plains , NY $1,612.32Boys & Girls Club/South Queens - Richmond Hills , NY $1,056.16Boys & Girls Club/Truckee Meadows - Reno , NV $190.32Boys & Girls Club/Wakeman - South port , CT $2,067.05Boys & Girls Clubs of America - New York , NY 555.72Boys & Girls Clubs of America - Portland , OR $ 143.04Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Kansas City - Kansas City , MO $579.36Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Washington Inc - Silver Spring , MD $ 1,638.48Boys & Girls Clubs of Southcentral Alaska - Anchorage , AK 120.00Boys & Girls Clubs of the Tennessee Valley - Boys & Girls Clubs of the Scott County - On 861.12Boys & Girls Clubs/Metro Atlanta - Atlanta , GA $52.00Boys & Girls Harbor, Inc. - New York , NY $635.20Boys and Girls Club - Albu ue ue, NM $200.00Boys And Girls Club Of Bethlehem - Bethlehem , PA 50.00Boys and Girls Club of Brownsville Inc - Brownsville, TX $955.88Boys and Girls Club of Fullerton - Fullerton , CA $50.00Boys and Girls Club of Greater New Bedford - New Bedford, MA $2,106.72Boys and Girls Club of Hawaii - Honolulu, HI $300.00Boys and Girls Club of Lansing - Lansing , MI $308.35Boys and Girls Club of Middle Tennessee Inc - Nashville, TN $ 1,138.50Boys and Girls Club of Paterson Inc - Paterson, NJ $1,061.44Boys and Girls Clubs of Cleveland - Cleveland, OH $230.00Boys and Girls Clubs of Greater Memphis - Memphis , TN $586.56Boys and Girls Clubs of Hartford Inc - Hartford , CT 506.04Boys and Girls Clubs of Newark Inc - Newark , NJ $2,075.71Boys and Girls Country of Houston Inc - Hockley , TX $ 1,177.44Boys Club And Girls Club of Lancaster - Lancaster, PA $ 1,923.11Boys Club of Duluth - Duluth , MN $931.92Boys Home Incorporated - Covington , VA $25.00Boys Scouts of America - Odessaa , TX $96.74Boys Scouts of America - Connecticut Yankee Council - Milford , CT $1,624.16Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual Organization - Great Neck, NY $343.72Brain Inj u ry Association - Alexandra , VA $97.50Brain Inj u ry Association of Michi gan Incorporated - Brighton , MI $ 1,000.00Brain Inju ry Association/Connecticut - East Hartford , CT $851.40Branford Food Council Inc - Branford , CT $ 16.67Brattleboro Area Community Land Trust - Brattleboro , VT $544.08Brazil Foundation - New York , NY $ 1,260.72Bread & Roses Child Care Center - Kalamazoo, MI $ 1,161.00Breast Cancer Alliance Inc - Greenwich , CT $50.00Breast Cancer Research Foundation - New York, NY $367.02Breast Cancer Research Foundation Inc - New York , NY 1,438.16Bridge of Hope Inc - Lebanon , PA $408.21


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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION UNITED WAY MATCH Summary by Organization Name

Organization Name Total Foundation Amount

Brid ge To Life Ministries - North Muskegon, MI $753.88Bridge To Life, Inc - Fresh Meadows, NY 150.00Bridge, Inc. - Caldwell, NJ 1,536.62Brides USA Inc - Memphis, TN $284.00Brig ht Side Opportunities Corporation - Lancaster, PA $504.42Broadmouth Turkey Creek Volunteer Fire Department - Donalds, SC $526.24Broadway Cares-Equity Fig hts AIDS Inc - New York, NY $831.27Bronx Arts Ensemble Inc - Bronx, NY 584.40Brookhaven Memorial Hospital - Long Island, NY $25.00Brookins Area United Way - Brookin gs, SD $1,105.44Brooklyn Animal Resources Coalition Inc - Brooklyn, NY $522.60Brooklyn Arts Council - Brooklyn, NY $198.60Brooklyn Bureau of Community Service - Brooklyn, NY $498.00Brooklyn Children's Museum - Brooklyn, NY $887 59Brooklyn Jesuit Prep - Brooklyn, NY $2,148.00Brooklyn Justice Counsel - New York, NY 5.00Brooklyn Kinderg arten Society - Tompkins Children's Center - Brooklyn, NY $ 119.65Brown Chapel A.M.E. Church Foundation - Ypsilanti, MI 660.44Brown Point PTA 10-09 Tacoma Council - Tacoma, WA $24.00Bucks County - Bucks County Children and Youth Social Services Agency - Doylestown, $429.52Bucks County Housin g Grou p Inc - Wrightstown, PA $409.63Buddies of New Jersey Inc - Hackensack, NJ $705.36Builders for the Family & Youth the Diocese of Brooklyn Inc - Brooklyn, NY $316.80Burchette Conners Ellin gton Hereford Lynch Memorial Colle ge - New Rochelle, NY $918.54Burn Institute - San Diego, CA $31.00Butler County United Way - Hamilton, OH $ 1,272.48Buyamba Inc - King ston, NY $1,209.00Byram Animal Rescue Kindness Squad - Stanhope, NJ $48.96C.W. Post Chamber Music Festival - Brookville, NY $540.00Cabrini Green Legal Aid Clinic - Chicago, IL $ 150.00Cahaba Girl Scout Council - Birmingham, AL $24.00Caldwell County United Way - Lenoir, NC $25.00Califon First Aid Squad - Califon, NJ $ 104.00California Community Foundation - Lorraine Jackson Foundation - Los Angeles, CA 427.27Call A Ride of Greenwich Inc. - Greenwich, CT $24.94Call for Help Inc - Edgemont, IL $294.96Callaway County United Way - Fulton, MO $1,066.32Callison Volunteer Fire Department and Rescue Squad - Bradley , SC $115.00Calva ry Bible Church of Kalamazoo - Kalamazoo, MI $307.32Calva ry Chapel Fellowshi p - Salem, OR $1,509.26Calva ry Christian Reformed Church - Holland, MI $553.44Calva ry Christian School - Santa Ana, CA $ 1,216.08Calva ry Church/Outreach Fund - Holland, MI $94.88Calva ry Fund Inc - Bronx, NY $2,064.00Calva ry Hospital Inc - Bronx, NY $5,163.00Calva ry Women S Services Inc - Washington, DC $250.00Calvin College - Grand Rapids, MI $383.28Cambridge Academy - Greenwood, SC $712.32Cambridge Health Alliance - Cambridge, MA $ 180.00Camellot Academy Inc - Blue Sp rings, MO $ 1,420.48Camillus House Inc - Miami, FL $24.00Camp Beechpoint Inc - Allegan, MI 676.16Camp Courageous of Iowa - Monticello, IA $1,996.20Camp Good Days & Special Times Inc - Mendon, NY $575.00Camp Harkness Booster Club Inc - Waterford, CT $ 100.00Camp Hazen YMCA - Chester, CT $369.84Camp Oakhurst New Jersey Service for the Handicapped - Oakhurst, NJ $3,075.00Camp of the Cross Ministries - Garrison, ND $120.00Campus Crusade for Christ Inc - Orlando, FL $2,671.08Cancer Care - Long Island, NY $217.80Cancer Care Inc - New York, NY $9,401.57Cancer Care Inc - Ridgewood, NJ $350.04Cancer Care Inc - Norwalk, CT $ 1,804.08Cancer Care Inc. - New York, NY $152.50Cancer Care, Inc. - Lawrenceville, NJ $344.41Cancer Care, Inc./Long Island - Woodbu ry , NY 2,433.73

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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION UNITED WAY MATCH Summary by Organization Name

Organization Name Total Foundation Amount

Cancer Care/Suffolk County - Ronkonkoma, NY $52.00Cancer Institute of New Jersey - New Brunswick, NJ 46.25Cancer Resource Center - Lincoln, NE $456.00Cancer Society of Greater Baton Rouge Inc - Baton Roug e, LA $100.00Candleli hters Childhood Cancer Foundation - Kensington, MD $260.00Canine Companions for Independence - Oceanside, CA $819.04Canine Companions for Independence National Headquarters - Santa Rosa, CA 100.00Canine Companions for Independence, Southwest Trng Center - Oceanside, CA $878.40Canine Partners for Life - Cochranville, PA $258.50Canton Public Libra - Canton, MI $650.00Cape & Islands United Way - Hyannis, MA $494.64Cape and Islands United Way , Inc. - Hyannis, MA $298.00Cape Fear Area United Way Inc - Wilmington, NC $5,129.72Capital Area United Way - Baton Rouge, LA $ 1,396.88Capital Area United Way Inc - East Lansing , MI $3,312.88Capital District Hospice Inc. Hospice of Schenectady - Schenectady , NY $200.04Capital Humane Society - Lincoln, NE 686.92Cardinal Ritter Institute - St. Louis, MO 308.88Cardinal Shehan Center Inc - Bridg eport, CT $571.80Care and Share of East Lyme - East Lyme, CT $ 1,990.27Care Net Pregnancy Resource Center - Canston, RI $9,565.07Carenet of Rhode Island - Cranston, RI $ 1,638.00Caribbean Cultural Center - New York, NY $2,234.20Caribbean Womens Health Association Inc - Brooklyn, NY $433.28Caring Rivers United Way - Elk River, MN $1,374.74Carl Perkins Center for the Prevention of Child Abuse - Jackson, TN $50.00Carneg ie Mellon University - Pittsburg h, PA $3,016.32Carnegie Mellon University - Habitat for Humanity Carneg ie Mellon University Chapter - Pi $2,044.32Carolina Pregnancy Center - Greenville, NC $100.00Carroll Gardens Neighborhood Women,lnc - Brooklyn, NY $412.56Carter Burden Center for the Aging Inc - New York, NY $1,526.56Carter Center Inc - Atlanta, GA $546.38Carthage Area United Way - Carthage, MO $225.00Carver Community Organization Inc - Evansville, IN $25.00Carver Foundation- Carver Center - Norwalk, CT $1,276.20CASA - Visalia, CA $298.32CASA Colina Centers for Rehabilitation Foundation - Pomona, CA $274.00CASA De Amparo: House of Refug e - Oceanside, CA $978.60CASA De La Bondad Inc - Humacao, PR $300.00CASA De Ninos Manuel Fernandez Juncos Inc - San Juan, PR $ 1,080.00CASA New Orleans - New Orleans, LA $200.00CASA Project of Jackson County - Kansas City , MO $829.38CASA Proteg ida Julia De Burgos Inc - San Juan, PR $2,036.95Cascades Humane Society Inc - Jackson, MI $341.04Casco United Methodist Church - South Haven, MI $879.27Casita Maria, Inc. - Bronx, NY $720.00Cass Communi ty United Methodist Church and Center - Detroit, MI 69.27Cass County United Way Inc - Dowag iac, MI $1,349.16Catawba County United Way - Hickory , NC $419.00Catch the Stars Foundation Inc - Indianapolis, IN $472.50Catharine Street Community Center - Poughkee psie, NY $396.24Cathedral Church of St John the Divine - New York, NY $631.56Catholic Charities - Oklahoma City , OK $1,056.85Catholic Charities - Long Island, NY $2,654.06Catholic Charities - San Diego, CA $ 1,923.40Catholic Charities - Kansas City , KS 2,521.40Catholic Charities - Delanco, NJ $531.44Catholic Charities Appeal - Fall River, MA $25.00Catholic Charities Diocese of St. Petersburg Inc - Tampa, FL $ 100.00Catholic Charities Diocese Of Trenton - Trenton, NJ $442.96Catholic Charities Inc - Norwich, CT $53,040.64Catholic Charities Monmouth Behavioral Health Care - Red Bank, NJ $283.44Catholic Charities of Louisville Inc - Louisville, KY $16.65Catholic Charities of Orange County Inc. - Santa Ana, CA 150.00Catholic Chanties of St Louis - St. Louis, MO $5,330.64Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese - Washington, DC 1,357.92

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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION UNITED WAY MATCH Summary by Organization Name

Organization Name Total Foundation Amount

Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Chicago - Chicago, IL $500.00Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of St Paul & M Is - Dorothy Day Center - Saint Paul, $1,488.00Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Washington, Inc. - Washington, DC $762.87Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Memphis Inc. - Memphis, TN $1,499.20Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Sioux City - Sioux City , IA $723.00Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Springfield In Illinois, Alton - Wood River - Alton, IL $442.56Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Springfield In Illinois, Granite City Divis - Granite City , $442.44Catholic Charities Services Corporation - Cleveland, OH $297.96Catholic Charities Somerset County Reg ion - Brid gewater, NJ $3,997.60Catholic Charities USA - Alexandria, VA $805.00Catholic Charities- Diocese of Metuchen - Perth Amboy , NJ $6,281.76Catholic Charities/Archdiocese of Boston - Boston, MA $2,100.88Catholic Charities/Butler - Butler, PA $249.96Catholic Charities/Catholic Family Services, Inc. - Hartford, CT $45.00Catholic Charities/Diocese of Santa Rosa - Santa Rosa, CA $1,429.44Catholic Charities/Diocese of Trenton - Trenton, NJ $2,062.06Catholic Charities/Knoxville - Knoxville, TN $293.60Catholic Charities/Omaha - Omaha, NE $384.42Catholic Charities/Portland - Portland, OR $ 100.00Catholic Charity Fund - Providence, RI $2,753.69Catholic Community Services - St. Louis, MO $267.96Catholic Community Services - Union County Division - Elizabeth, NJ $50.00Catholic Community Services of Northern Nevada - Reno, NV $451.20Catholic Community Services/Union County Division - Cranford, NJ $39.60Catholic Diocese of Galveston- Houston - Houston, TX $695.06Catholic Family & Community Services Inc. - Paterson, NJ $3,042.00Catholic Family Services - Kalamazoo, MI $44,630.27Catholic Family Services - Sioux Falls, SD $25.00Catholic Family Services of Bridgeport - Bridgeport, CT $3,623.68Catholic Family Services of Danbu ry - Danbu ry , CT 1,089.96Catholic Family Services/New Haven - New Haven, CT 24.00Catholic Federation of Archdiocese of Philadelphia - Philadelphia, PA $180.00Catholic Medical Mission Board - New York, NY $695.50Catholic Relief Services - Rockville Centre, NY $487.44Catholic Relief Services Inc - Baltimore, MD $8,550.08Catholic Social Service of Wayne County - Detroit, MI 1,433.96Catholic Social Services - Lincoln, NE $6,723.08Catholic Social Services - Aug usta, GA $3,443.44Catholic Social Services of Morris County Inc - Hope House - Dover, NJ $9,147.64Catholic Social Services of Muskegon - Muskegon, MI $1,962.41Catholic Social Services of Washtenaw County - Ann Arbor, MI $24,774.42Catskill Animal Sanctua ry Inc - Saugerties, NY $ 1,519.44Cedar Valley United Way - Waterloo, IA $562.21Cedars Home For Children Foundation Inc - Lincoln, NE $461.24Cedars Youth Services Inc - Lincoln, NE $1,817.48Celiac Sprue Association United States of America Inc - Omaha, NE $1,101.36Center for Active Seniors Inc - Davenport, IN $50.00Center for Food Action In New Jersey - Englewood, NJ $630.00Center for Grievin g Children - Portland, ME $702.90Center for Hospice and Palliative Care Inc - South Bend, IN $ 150.00Center for Hospice Care - Morris County Division - Morristown, NJ $4,096.61Center for Human Development Inc - Sp ringfield, MA $998.88Center for International Rehabilitation - Chicago, IL $ 155.00Center for Lesbian and Gay Civil Rig hts - Philadelphia, PA 50.00Center for Loss and Bereavement - Skippack, PA $240.00Center for Social Services - San Diego, CA $194.52Center for the Disabled Foundation Inc - Albany , NY $ 1,804.50Center for the Prevention of Domestic Violence - Cleveland, OH $708.24Center for Women & Families - Scotch Plains, NJ $1,009.44Center for Women & Families of Eastern Fairfield County , Inc. - Bridgeport, CT $600.00Center for Women and Families Inc - Louisville, KY $ 1,009.44Center For Women and Families Of Eastern Fairfield County Inc - Bridgeport, CT $460.00Center for Women In Transition - Holland, MI $2,950.61Center ointe Inc - Lincoln, NE $763.82Central Assembly of God - Muskegon, MI $11,700.00Central Baptist Church - Westerly , RI $ 1,010.88

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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION UNITED WAY MATCH Summary by Organization Name

Organization Name Total Foundation AmountCentral County United Way - Hemet, CA $25.00Central Indiana Crisis Pregnancy Center Inc - Indianapolis, IN $464.52Central Labor Rehabilitation Council of New York Inc - New York, NY $ 178.48Central Montcalm Public School Foundation - Sidney , MI $467.04Central New JerseyMaternal and Child Health Consortium Inc - New Brunswick, NJ 20.00Central Park Medical Unit Inc - New York, NY $400.00Central Park Reformed Church - Holland, MI $992.68Central Penns lvania Autism Education and Resource Center - The Vista School - Middle $541.00Central Pennsylvania Food Bank - Harrisburg , PA 212.28Central Pennsylvania School for Autistic Children - Harrisburg , PA $ 120.00Central Presbyterian Church Inc - Terre Haute, IN $3,213.84Central Volunteer Fire Co - Elizabeth, PA $115.00Central Wesleyan Church - Holland, MI $1,387.92Centre County United Way - State College, PA $551.08Centro De A uda A Ninos - Isabela, PR 104.65Centro De A uda Y Terapia Al Nino Con Im edimento Inc - Moca, PR $ 135.12Centro De Desarrollo Y Servicios Es ecializados Inc - Mayag uez, PR $ 1,082.10Centro De Envej ecientes Juan De Los Olivos - Vega Alta, PR $705.48Centro De La Comunidad - New London, CT $8,046.88Centro De Orientacion Y Accion Social Inc - Vega Alta, PR $2,446.91Centro Educativo Joa ulna De Vedruna Inc - Guaynabo, PR $298.95Centro His ano Cuzcatlan Inc - Jamaica, NY $599.56Centro Para Ninos El Nuevo Hoar Inc - Adj untas, PR $3,379.14Centros Sor Isolma Ferre Inc - Ponce, PR 2,657.41Cerebral Palsy Association of Middlesex County - Elizabeth, NJ $1,316.16Cerebral Palsy Center of Bergen County Inc - Fair Lawn, NJ $240.00Cerebral Palsy League of Union County - Cranford, NJ 202.65Cerebral Palsy of New Jersey Inc - Trenton, NJ 600.00Cfc Family Network Inc. - Vestal, NY $2,080.68Chabad of Durham Inc - Chapel Hill, NC $724.44Chabad of Eastern Connecticut - New London, CT $1,204.44Chag rin Falls Meals on Wheels Inc - Chag rin Falls, OH $240.00Chai Lifeline/Cam p Simcha - New York, NY $304.00Chaminade Colle ge Preparatory - St Louis, MO $ 1,200.00Champ Assistance Dogs - Florissant, MO $402.72Chanoler Hall Hospice Home Health Agency Inc - Newtown, PA $554.40Chapel - Sandusky , OH $6,716.02Chapel Haven, Inc. - New Haven, CT 200.00Chapel Inc - Akron, OH $705.14Char-Em United Way Inc - Petoskey , MI $485.00Charcot-Marie-Tooth Association - Chester, PA $ 1,890.00Chariho Little League - Hope Valley , RI $260.00Chariho-Westerly Animal Rescue League - Westerly , RI $1,120.44Charitable Union - Battle Creek, MI $1,082.88Charles D. Smith, Jr. Foundation Education Center - Bridg e port, CT 9,336.00Charles T Hyte Community Center Inc - Terre Haute, IN $1,405.78Charlie Brown's Kids - Lincoln, NE $718.12Charlotte Rescue Mission - Charlotte, NC 48.00Cheboygan County United Way - Cheboygan, MI 835.44Cheff Center for the Handicapped - Augusta, MI $ 1,285.21Cheff Therapeutic Riding Center - Aug usta, MI 804.00Chelsea Amateur Radio Club, Inc. - Chelsea, MI 337.56Chelsea Education Foundation - Chelsea, MI $120.00Chelsea United Way - Chelsea, MI $5,663.32Chemung County Humane Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals - Elmira, NY $50.00Cherokee Family Violence Center - Canton, GA $322.40Chesapeake Bay Foundation - Annapolis, MD 51.48Chesed Net - Brookl yn, NY $731.28Cheshire Home for Disabled Adults, Inc. - Florham Park, NJ $6.60Chester Sp rings Library - Chester Sp rin g s, PA $720.00Chestnut Health Systems - Granite City , IL $57.30Child & Family Services of Michigan Inc - Okemos, MI 25.00Child Abuse Prevention Effort - Philadelphia, PA 1,066.02Child Abuse Prevention Program - New York, NY $ 150.00Child Advocacy Services Center Inc - Kansas City , MO 562.32Child Advocates, Inc. - Indianapolis, IN $130.92


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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION UNITED WAY MATCH Summary by Organization Name

Organization Name Total Foundation Amount

Child and Family Agency of Southeastern Connecticut Inc - New London Day Nurse ry - N $ 10,788.38Child and Family Services of Western Michi gan Inc. - Holland, MI $295.88Child Care Council of Nassau Inc - Franklin Square, NY $600.00Child Care Inc - New York, NY $182.64Child Care Network Washtenaw Regional 4c - Ann Arbor, MI $1,349.76Child Crisis Center of El Paso - El Paso, TX 843.84Child Day Care Center - Head Start Community Program of Dover & Morristown - Mornst $96.00Child Guidance Center - Lincoln, NE 90.00Child Guidance Clinic for Central Connecticut - Meriden, CT $1,800.00Childhelp USA - Scottsdale, AZ $536.64Children & Family Services - Covington, TN $232.44Children Having Children, Inc. - San Diego, CA $436.20Children In Placement Connecticut Inc - New Haven, CT $506.04Children of Bellevue, Inc - New York, NY $2,056.64Children on the Green - Morristown, NJ $526.24Children Services/White Plains Hospital Medical Center - White Plains, NY $30.00Children's Aid & Family Services - Cedar Knolls, NJ $447.01Children's Center of the Antelope Valley - Lancaster, CA $50.00Children's Community School, Inc. - Waterbu ry , CT 500.00Children's Corner Day Care Center - Brooklyn, NY $ 178.50Children's Hospital - San Diego, CA $3,441.00Children's Hospital Foundation - Washington, DC 540.68Children's Hunger Alliance - Columbus, OH $150.00Children's Mercy Hospitals & Clinics - Kansas City , MO $5,810.94Children's Oncology Services Inc - Chicago, IL 100.00Children's Villag e/Sanctua ry Program - Dobbs Ferry , NY $ 1,269.00Children's Wish Foundation International, Inc. - Atlanta, GA $499.92Childrens Aid And Family Services Inc - Paramus, NJ 850.00Childrens Aid Society - New York, NY $2,933.88Childrens Annex Foundation Inc - Lake Katrine, NY $25.00Childrens Brain Tumor Foundation Inc - New York, NY $761.18Childrens Cancer Fund - Millwood, NY $181.92Chddrens Cancer Research Fund - Minneapolis, MN $201.65Childrens Center for Therapy & Learning Inc - Auxille ry of the Children's Center - Cedar K $344.24Childrens Happiness Foundation Inc. - Marshfield, MA $25.00Childrens Home Society of Missouri - Brentwood, MO $ 195.72Childrens Home Society of New Jersey - Lawrenceville, NJ $1,006.44Childrens Hopes & Dreams-Wish Fulfillment Foundation Inc - Blairstown, NJ $40.00Childrens Hospital 0 Westchester Medical Center - Valhalla, NY $30.00Childrens Hospital and Health Center - San Diego, CA $641.64Childrens Hospital Foundation - Columbus, OH $522.00Childrens Hospital Medical Center - Cincinnati, OH 961.20Childrens Hospital of Buffalo Foundation - Buffalo, NY $50.00Childrens Hospital of Michigan - Detroit, MI $2,382.44Childrens Hospital of Philadelphia - Philadelphia, PA 513.00Childrens Hunger Relief Fund Inc - Santa Rosa, CA $ 1,244.16Childrens Inn at Nih T C I - Bethesda, MD $25.00Childrens International Lifeline - Buchanan, MI $120.00Childrens Leukemia Foundation of Michigan - Southfield, MI $1,239.02Childrens Memorial Hospital Foundation - Omaha, NE $1,141.47Childrens Mercy Hospital - Kansas City , MO $837.76Childrens Restoration Network Inc - Atlanta, GA $147.44Childrens Specialized Hospital Foundation Inc - Mountainside, NJ $ 1,068.96Childrens Storefront - New York, NY $100.00Childrens TLC - Kansas City , MO $290.84Childrens Tumor Foundation - New York, NY $731.64Childrens Wish Foundation International Inc. - Atlanta, GA $853.20Childrens Workshop - Plymouth, MN $240.00Chilton Memorial Hospital - Pompton Plains, NJ $2,504.68Chinatown Day Care Center Inc - New York, NY $24.94Chinatown Headstart - New York, NY $1,848.89Chinatown Manpower Project Inc - New York, NY $79.26Chinatown Service Center - Los Angeles, CA $300.00Chinese American Cultural Association - Edison, NJ $288.00Chinese American Culture Association-4h - Bridgewater, NJ $2,071.68Chinese American Planning Council Inc - New York, NY $3,538.24


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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION UNITED WAY MATCH Summary by Organization Name

Organization Name Total Foundation AmountChinese American Planning Council, Inc./Nan Shan Senior Center - Flushing , NY $1,051.44Chinese Center on Long Island Inc. - West Hempstead, NY 540.00Chinese Develo ment Council Inc - New York, NY $272.00Chinmaya Mission Ann Arbor - Ann Arbor, MI 200.00Chofetz Chaim Heritage Foundation - Suffern, NY $150.00Chorus of Westerly - Westerly , RI $ 1,902.84Christ the King - Old Lyme, CT $ 144.00Christ the King Catholic School - Pleasant Hill, CA $ 1,423.92Chnsta House-the Jerry Hartman Residence - West Babylon, NY $712.92Christian and Missiona ry Alliance Church - Morgantown, WV $2,484.00Christian and Missiona ry Alliance Church of Norwich Ct - Norwich, CT $232.32Christian Brothers La Salle Hig h School - Memphis, TN $204.00Christian Children's Fund - Richmond, VA $ 1,294.80Christian Church Disciples of Christ/Week of Compassion - Indianapolis, IN $998.40Christian Herald Association Inc - New York, NY $565.85Christian Herald Association Inc - Bowe ry Mission - New York, NY 120.00Christian Medical & Dental Associations - Bristol, TN 50.00Christian Neighbors S E - Otsego, MI 1,392.40Christian Reformed World Relief Committee - Grand Rapids, MI $250.00Christian Relief Services Charities Inc - Alexandria, VA $ 100.00Christian Research Institute Inc - Charlotte, NC $240.00Christian School Association of Ann Arbor - Ann Arbor, MI $555.72Christian Youth Services - Lancaster, PA $372.72Christmas In April-Washtenaw-the Sp irit of Given Inc - Ann Arbor, MI $10.00Christs Haven for Children - Keller, TX $332.28Christs Home - Warminster, PA $1,005.60Chronic Fatig ue Immune Disfunction S ndrome CFIDS - Charlotte, NC $2,400.00Church Avenue Merchants Block Association, Inc. (Camba) - Brookl yn, NY $873.55Church In Cambridge - Cambridg e, MA $2,495.28Church In Nutle y - Nutle y , NJ 1,500.00Church of God Family - Beckley , WV $50.00Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints - Salt Lake City , UT $29,276.30Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and Kingdom of God - The Church of Jesus 957.26Church of St. I g natius Loyola - New York, NY $164.52Churchill School and Center - New York, NY $5,000.00Circle of Concern - Valley Park, MO $361.80Circulo De La Hispanidad Inc - Long Island, NY $568.48Citadel Bri gadier Foundation Inc - Charleston, SC $50.00Citadel Foundation - Charleston, SC $1,051.26Citizens Advice Bureau - Bronx, NY $203.48Citizens for Better Care Institute Inc - Detroit, MI $ 162.78City Mission Society , Inc. - Buffalo, NY $933.72City of Hemet - Hemet Police Department - Hemet, CA $100.00City of Hope Durate - Duarte, CA $50.00City of Milford - Milford Volunteer Fire Dept - Milford, NE $401.46City of Seattle - Seattle Animal Shelter - Seattle, WA $352.66Cityharvest Inc - New York, NY $ 1,057.20Citymeals-On-Wheels National Office - New York, NY $1,403.12Clare House, Inc - Lancaster, PA $8,787.66Clark Lane Middle School - Waterford, CT $300.88Clasp Homes Inc - Westport, CT $650.52Clasp Homes, Inc. - Westport, CT $3,491.66Clay County Emergency Food Pantry Incorporated - Brazil , IN $360.48Clayton Community Library Foundation - Clayton, CA $24.00Clean Water Fund - Providence, RI $449.88Clearbrook - Arlington Hts, IL $142.17Cleveland Foodbank Inc - Cleveland, OH $100.00Cleveland Society for the Blind - Cleveland, OH $400.00Clifton School #8 - Clifton, NJ $896.58Clinton County United Way - Lock Haven, PA $591.44Closter Animal Welfare Society - Closter, NJ 389.64Coalition for Animal Protection Inc - Omaha, NE $901.44Coalition for the Homeless Inc - New York, NY $667.68Coalition for the Homeless Inc. - New York, NY $ 1,379.52Coalition on Tempora ry Shelter - Detroit, MI $ 125.00Coastal Conservation Association - Savannah, GA $240.00


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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION UNITED WAY MATCH Summary by Organization Name

Organization Name Total Foundation Amount

Cocheco Valley Humane Socie ty Inc - Dover, NH $37.50Cohanzie School - Waterford, CT $505.52Colchester Land Trust Inc - Colchester, CT $94.32Cold Sp ring School/Extended Hours After School Prog ram - New Haven, CT 3,958.32Cold Sp ring Volunteer Fire Dept - Abbeville, SC 750.21Colegio San Gabriel - San Juan, PR $162.18Colgate University - Hamilton, NY 120.00Colle ge of New Jersey - Ewing , NJ $ 120.00Collier Services - Wickatunk, NJ 235.86Collierville Literacy Council - Collierville, TN $885.24Collierville Youth Athletic Association - Collierville, TN $314.28Collin County Adult Clinic (Ccac ) - Plano, TX $100.00Colony-South Brookl yn Houses Inc - Brooklyn, NY $1,017.64Colorado State University Foundation - Fort Collins, CO $216.72Columbia Missouri Area United Way Inc - Columbia, MO $579.92Columbus House - New Haven, CT $ 1,056.48Committee for His panic Children and Families Inc - New York, NY 1,091.12Committee To Encourage Corporate Philanthropy - South Asia Earthquake Relief Fund - 311.88Communication Alliance To Network Thoroughbred Ex-Racehorses - East Lansing , MI $689.01Community Action Committee of the Lehig h Valley Inc - Second Harvest Food Bank of the $447.96Community Action Network - Ann Arbor, MI $ 124.20Community Action Program - Lancaster, PA 100.00Community Action Service Center - Lawrenceville, NJ $240.00Community Advocates for Persons With Developmental Disabilities - Kalamazoo, Ml $4,614.44Community AIDS Resource & Education Services of Southwest Michigan - Kalamazoo, M $4,771.55Community Association of Prog ressive Dominicans Inc - New York, NY $382.44Community Corporation - Youn stown/Mahonin Valley United Way - Youngstown, OH $1,293.02Community Council for Medgar Evers College Inc - Brooklyn, NY $366.24Community Crisis Center, Inc. - Elg in, IL $142.13Community Dental Center - Ann Arbor, MI $2,722.85Community Emergency Assistance Program Inc. - Brooklyn Park, MN $50.00Community Food Bank Inc - Community Food Bank Green Valley - Green Valley , AZ $50.00Community Food Bank of New Jersey Inc - Hillside, NJ $ 1,149.64Community Foundation of the Upper Peninsula - Escanaba, MI 845.52Community Healin g Centers - Kalamazoo, MI $3,088.16Community Health Action of Staten Island Inc - Staten Island, NY $397.00Community Health Care Clinic Inc - Normal, IL $830.16Community Health Center - West New York, NJ $112.50Community Health Center Incorporated - Westbrook, CT $384.72Community Health Charities of Connecticut - Hartford, CT $ 1,651.44Community Health Charities of Kansas & Missouri - Overland Park, KS 843.96Community Health Project, Inc. - New York, NY $62.48Community Hope Inc - Parsippany , NJ $ 100.00Community Hospice Foundation Inc - Rensselaer, NY $ 100.00Community Interface Services - Carlsbad, CA $250.90Community Meals, Inc. - Ridgewood, NJ 200.04Community Mental Health Services of SE Connecticut - New London, CT 1,160.56Community Service Socie ty - New York, NY $ 159.40Community Service Socie ty of New York - New York, NY $1,593.72Community Services Council-Utah Food Bank - Salt Lake City , UT $ 1,237.92Community Soup Kitchen of Morristown Inc - Morristown, NJ $ 1,000.00Community Support Services Inc. - Brookfield, IL 50.00Community United Way of Pioneer Valley , Inc. - Springfield, MA $2,676.05Community Violence Intervention Center, Inc. - Grand Forks, ND $75.00Community Wellness - Gales Ferry , CT $6,599.00Communti Foundation of the Holland Zeeland Area - Holland, MI $2,639.05Compassion International Incorporated - Colorado Spring s, CO $ 1,318.00Compassionate Care Hospice - Clifton, NJ $769.46Comstock Community Center Incorporated - Comstock, MI $7,944.82Concord Community Chest Inc - Concord, MA $75.00Concord Family Services Inc. - Brooklyn, NY 1,588.84Con re acion Cristiana de los Testigos de Jehova de Puerto Rico Inc - Con re acion Vis $482.56Cong regation Aish Kodesh - Woodmere, NY $50.00Cong regation Beth Aaron of Teaneck - Teaneck, NJ $270.00Cong regation Beth El Inc of New London - New London, CT $ 150.00Cong regation Brothers of Isreat - Trenton, NJ $437.40

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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION UNITED WAY MATCH Summary by Organization NameOrganization Name Total Foundation Amount

Congregational Church of Salem - Boy Scouts of Amenca/Troo 22 - Salem, CT $99.96Cong retional Church of Led and - Boy Scouts of America - Troop 16 - Ledyard, CT $477.48Connecticut Association of Latin Americans In Higher Education Inc - Milford, CT $878.22Connecticut Childrens Medical Center - Hartford, CT $2,567.48Connecticut Civil Liberties Union Foundation - Hartford, CT $293.76Connecticut Food Bank - East Haven, CT $4,168.06Connecticut Food Bank Inc. - New Haven, CT $247.52Connecticut Gay Mens Chorus - New Haven, CT $ 1,335.14Connecticut Hospice Inc - Branford, CT $ 150.00Connecticut Humane Society - Newington, CT $2,713.68Connecticut Humane Society/the Bethany Shelter - Bethany , CT $150.00Connecticut Junior Soccer Association Inc - Southeast District Junior Soccer - Waterford, $200.88Connecticut Legal Services Inc - Middletown, CT $1,798.88Connecticut Radio Fellowship Inc. - Middletown, CT $212.84Connecticut Railroad Historical Association Incorporated - Canaan, CT 627.00Connecticut VNA Inc - Wallingford, CT $355.86Connie Maxwell Childrens Home - Greenwood, SC $679.92Conservative Baptist Association of America - First Baptist Church of Flushing - Flushing, $ 1,632.35Constance Brown Hearing and Speech Center - Kalamazoo, MI 6,135.96Contact of Mercer County NJ, Inc - Lawrenceville, NJ 347.59Convent of Divine Love - Philadel phia, PA $221.92Convent of the Sacred Heart School - New York, NY $3,298.32Cooperative for Assistance and Relief Eve rywhere Inc - Care - Atlanta, GA $ 1,351.57Coopersville Cares, Inc - Coopersville, MI 1,941.16Copper County Christian School - Calumet, MI $2,209.44Coptic Orphanage Relief - Concord, CA $1,000.00Coptic Orphans Support Association - Falls Church, VA $ 1,160.76Cornell Colle g e - Mount Vernon, IA $25.00Corner Health Center - Ypsilanti, MI $2,115.80Cornhusker Council-Boy Scouts of America Trust - Walton, NE $100.00Cornhusker United Way Inc - Crete, NE $100.00Corona-Norco United Way - Corona, CA $ 1,384.32Coronaca Fire Department and Rescue Unit - Greenwood, SC $7,866.52Corporacion Milag ros Del Amor - Caguas, PR $235.29Corporation of the Presidin g Bishop of Chrch of Jesus Christ of Lds - Salt Lake City , UT $4,151 32Corpus Christi Hope House - Corpus Christi, TX $80.00Cougar Hill Sanctu ry Association - Nashville, TN $409.20Coulee Reg ion Youth Cycling Inc. - Onalaska, WI $787.75Council of Senior Centers & Services of New York, Inc. - New York, NY $25.00Council of Senior Centers and Services of New York City Inc - New York, NY $295.13Council on Ag ing/Lincoln County - Troy , MO 240.00Council on American-Islamic Relations-St Louis Inc - Manchester, MO 192.00Council on Domestic Abuse Inc. - Terre Haute, IN $ 1,466.54Counselin g In Schools Inc - New York, NY $37500Country Children's Center - Katonah, NY 687.48County of Morris - Morris View Nursing Home - Morris Plains, NJ $60.32County United Way - Cumberland, MD $50.00Courage Center - Golden Valle , MN $1,519.44Court Appointed Special Advocates of Atlantic County Inc - Somers Point, NJ $25.00Covenant House - New York, NY $537.04Covenant House Florida Inc - Fort Lauderdale, FL $ 1,500.00Covenant House Michigan - Detroit, MI 1,000.00Covenant House/Corporate H - New York, NY $120.00Covenant Senior Day Prog ram - Portage, MI $200.08Covenant Shelter of New London Inc. - New London, CT $10,754.45CPC Behavioral Healthcare Inc - Neptune, NJ $457.44Craig School - Mountain Lakes, NJ $ 1,412.08Cranaleith Spiritual Center - Philadelphia, PA $250.00Cranford Community Council - Elizabeth, NJ $39.60Cranford Family Care Association Inc - Cranford, NJ $1,191.24Cranston League for Cranstons Future - Cranston, RI $270.00Cranston/Johnston Catholic Reg ional School - Cranston, RI $ 1,080.00Crawford House - Skillman, NJ 442.56Crearte Inc - San Juan, PR $240.00Creative S orts Inc - Fort Wayne, IN $1,829.52Crime Victim Advocacy Center of St Louis - Saint Louis, MO 294.96


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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION UNITED WAY MATCH Summary by Organization NameOrganization Name Total Foundation AmountCrisis Center - Iowa City , IA $ 1,622.88Crisis Nurse ry , Inc. - Phoenix, AZ $362.25Crisis Pregnancy Center - Kansas Ci ty , MO $50.00Crisis Pregnancy Center of Detroit Inc - Detroit, Ml $166.56Crisis Preg nancy Center of Grand Prairie - Grand Prairie, TX $1,596.00Cris us Attucks Center - Lancaster, PA $4,682.54Crittenton Center - Sioux City , IA $754.38Crohn's & Colitis Foundation of America - San Diego, CA $500.16Crohn's & Colitis Foundation of America - Farmin gton Hills, MI $161.04Crohns & Colitis Foundation of America - Manalapan, NJ $1,792.96Crohns & Colitis Foundation of America - Trevose, PA $ 126.50Crohns & Colitis Foundation of America - New York, NY $3,449.82Crossing the Finish Line Inc - Norristown, PA $75.00Crossroads Rhode Island - Providence, RI $ 1,000.00Crowle y House of Hope - Crowley , TX $ 1,176.00CRY - Child Relief and You America Inc - Braintree, MA $5.00Crystal Stairs Inc - Los Angeles, CA $4,958.89CSRA Humane Society Inc - Augusta, GA $200.00Cultural Council Foundation Tung Ching Chinese Opera Association - New York, NY $58.38Cultural Resources Inc - Dubois, PA $1,136.89Cure Autism Now - Paramus, NJ 240.00Cutler Middle School - Mystic, CT $282.48Cyo Youth Ministries/Union County Office - Newark, NJ 240.00Cypress Hills Local Development Corporation Inc - Brooklyn, NY $804.96Cystic Fibrosis Foundation - Grand Rapids, Ml $2,079.00Cystic Fibrosis Foundation - Ann Arbor, Ml $620.00Cystic Fibrosis Foundation - Omaha, NE $713.52Cystic Fibrosis Foundation - Bethesda, MD $1,033.68Cystic Fibrosis Foundation - St. Louis, MO $2,419.35Cystic Fibrosis Foundation - Wayne, NJ $ 1,528.32Cystic Fibrosis Foundation - Jacksonville, FL $894.00Cystic Fibrosis Foundation - Parsippany , NJ $202.65Cystic Fibrosis Foundation Connecticut Chapter - Wethersfield, CT $100.00Cystic Fibrosis Foundation Headquarters - Bethesda, MD $2,182.32Cystic Fibrosis Foundation Headquarters - Orlando, FL $168.96Cystic Fibrosis Foundation Headquarters - Melville, NY 374.76Cystic Fibrosis Foundation Headquarters - Miami, FL $120.00Cystic Fibrosis Foundation Massachusetts Chapter - Natick, MA $912.00Cystic Fibrosis Foundation Minnesota Chapter - Saint Paul, MN 513.00Cystic Fibrosis/New Jersey State Organization - Totowa, NJ $536.12D A Blodgett Services for Children and Families. - Grand Rapids, MI $912.00Daily Family YMCA - Bixby , OK $630.13Dana Farber Cancer Institute Inc - Boston, MA $341.12Dana Farber Cancer Institute, Inc. - Boston, MA $ 1,821.96Dana Farber Cancer Institute-the Jimmy Fund - Brookline, MA $976.96Dana-Farber Inc. - Groton, CT $ 10.00Danbu ry Visitin g Nurses Association, Inc. - Danbu ry , CT $ 1,089.96Dance Theatre of Harlem - New York, NY $ 1,229.04Danielle Barckett Tyrosinemia Clinical Research Fund/Nord - Danbury, CT 819.84DARE/New Jersey - Cranbu ry , NJ $25.00Darien Libra ry Inc. - Darien, CT $145.80Darien United Way and Community Council - Darien, CT $4,900.32Darrell Green Youth Life Foundation - Washington, DC $835.36Davie County United Way - Mocksville, NC $550.00Dawn Farm - Ypsilanti, MI $ 1,873.24Dawn Farms - Ypsilanti, MI $5,524.10Dawn Incorporated - Ann Arbor, MI $109.44Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Services - Lancaster, PA $608.47Dean's Mill School - Stonington, CT $25.00Deans Mill School - Stonington, CT $900.80Deb's House/Family Services - Lancaster, PA $395.46Deep River Elementa ry School - Deep River, CT 369.84Deer Path Montessori School Inc - Flanders, NJ $ 120.00Deirdre O'brien Child Advocacy Center - Morristown, NJ $ 1,189.36Del Mar Schools Education Foundation - Del Mar, CA $2,754.00Delaware Breast Cancer Coalition, Inc. - Wilmin gton, DE 216.00

STATEMt.N..' Glu

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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION UNITED WAY MATCH Summary by Organization Name

Organization Name Total Foundation Amoun tDelaware County United Way - Manchester, IA 46.00Delaware Humane Association - Wilmington, DE 53.20Delaware Pro-Life Coalition - Newark, DE $ 100.00Delta Chi Educational Foundation Inc - Columbus, IN $240.00Delta Gamma Center for Children With Visual Impairments - St. Louis, MO $129.00Delta Gamma Foundation - Columbus, OH 60.00Delta House North, Inc. - New York, NY $299.40Delta Society - Renton, WA 266.88Denison Pe uotse os Nature Center Inc. - Mystic, CT $ 161.52Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance - Chicago, IL $25.00Desert Communities United Way - Apple Valley , CA $365.00Desoto Sunrise - Southaven, MS $441.20Desoto Sunrise, Inc. - Hernando, MS $201.72Detroit Area Council, Boy Scouts of America - Detroit, MI $2,503.98Detroit Audubon Society - Royal Oak, MI $ 150.00Detroit Church of Christ - Ann Arbor, MI $758.64Detroit Educational Television Foundation WTVS Channel 56 In Detroit - Wixom, MI $36.00Detroit Hispanic Development Corporation - Detroit, MI $ 117.60Detroit Institute of Arts - Detroit, MI $ 1,236.00Detroit Zoolog ical Society - Royal Oak, MI $346.44Developmental Services of Jefferson County Inc - Mapaville, MO $357.48Devereux Foundation - Villanova, PA $ 1,384.32Dewitt Community Coalition Inc - Moscow, TN $ 10.00Dexter Area Service Association - Dexter, MI $1,970.16Diabetes Research & Wellness Foundation, Inc. - Washington, DC $835.40Diabetes Research Institute Foundation Inc. - Greenvale, NY $558.00Diakonia Inc - Ocean City , MD $661.54Dillard University - New Orleans, LA 638.40Diocesan Catholic Children's Home - Fort Mitchell, KY $ 1,164.96Disability Resource Center of Southwestern Michigan - Kalamazoo, MI $ 1,168.00Disabled American Veterans Charitable Service Trust Inc - Cincinnati, OH $457.24Discove ry Center - Kalamazoo, MI $2,813.92Divine Providence Hospital - Susquehanna Home Care and Hospice - Williamsport, PA 419.75Dixie Bee Elementary School - Terre Haute, IN $629.04Doe Fund Inc - New York, NY $4,099.08Dogs for the Deaf Inc - Central Point, OR $2,492.88Domestic Abuse and Rape Crisis Center Inc - Belvidere, NJ $3,277.88Domestic Abuse Services Inc - Newton, NJ $4,400.83Domestic and Foreig n Missiona ry Society of the Protestant E isco a - Saint Charles, IL $1,644.00Domestic and Foreig n Missiona ry Society of the Protestant Episcopal - St. Edward's E is $ 1,080.00Domestic and Foreig n Missiona ry Society of the Protestant Episcopal - St. John's Episcop $500.16Domestic Violence Crisis Center - Stamford, CT $1,241.52Domestic Violence Crisis Center - Norwalk, CT $282.72Domestic Violence Intervention Center of the Csra - Augusta, GA $ 171.36Domestic Violence Intervention of Lebanon County Inc - Lebanon, PA 344.03Domestic Violence Proj ect Inc - Ann Arbor, MI $ 11,831.36Domestic Violence Services of Greater New Haven, Inc. - New Haven, CT $80.02Dominican Colle ge of Blauvelt - Orangeburg , NY $500.00Dominican College/Division of Nursing - Oran eber , NY $2,934.00Don Bosco Community Center - Port Chester, NY $627.64Dorot, Inc. - New York, NY $2,217.82Doug Flutie Jr. Foundation for Autism Inc - Framingham, MA $25.00Douglass Community Association - Kalamazoo, MI 12,599.52Dove- Domestic Violence Ended - Quincy , MA $50.00Dover Area Child Care Center, Inc. - Dover, NJ $1,145.32Down Syndrome Association of Atlanta - Atlanta, GA $ 149.88Dream Makers Youth Foundation Inc - Smyrna, GA $360.00Dreamwrig hts Youth & Family Theatre - York, PA $ 1,507.92Dress for Success New York - New York, NY $60.00Dress for Success/Morris County - Madison , NJ $25.00Driscoll Childrens Hospital - Corpus Christi, TX $240.00Drisha Institute for Jewish Education Inc - New York, NY $974.16Drop In Learnin g Center - New London, CT $1,612.42Drop-in Learnin g Center - New London, CT $2,854.80Dubois Area United Way - Dubois, PA 113.25Duffield Children's center - Brooklyn, NY $24.96


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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION UNITED WAY MATCH Summary by Organization Name

Organization Name Total Foundation Amount

Du a e P A D S Inc - Wheaton, IL $ 120.00Durga Temple - Fairfax Station, VA $100.00Dutchess County Association for Senior Citizens - Poughkeepsie, NY $2,923.92Dwig ht Volunteer Fire Department - Lincoln, NE $ 148.20Dystonia Medical Research Foundation - Chicago, IL 120.00Eag les' Fli g ht - Iowa City, IA $240.00Earl y Childhood Connections for Arapahoe and Douglas Inc - Englewood, CO $ 1,649.16Earl y Childhood Council of Larimer County - Fort Collins, CO $150.00Earth Share - Bethesda, MD 819.48East Granby Ambulance Association - East Granby , CT $229.19East Greenwich Free Library Association - East Greenwich, RI $240.00East Haddam Free Public Libra ry - Moodus, CT 432.72East Haddam PTO - Moodus, CT 1,230.00East Harlem Block Nurse ry Inc - New York, NY $273.15East Lyme High School - East Lyme, CT $3,185.52East Lyme Middle School - Niantic, CT $742.72East Lyme Public Library - Niantic, CT 249.92East Lyme Scholarship Association Inc - Niantic, CT $96.00East Lyme Viking Band Inc - East Lyme, CT $ 1,657.32East Oran a Community Development Corp . - East Orange, NJ $77.60East Valley Jewish Community Center - Chandler, AZ $25.00East Win Christian Church - Memphis, TN 974.16Easter Seal Society for Crippled Children & Adults of Connecticut Inc. - Hebron, CT 50.00Easter Seal Society for Handicapped Children & Adults of Philadelphia - Philadelphia, PA $136.40Easter Seal Society of Michigan Inc - Grand Rapids, MI 50.00Easter Seal Society of Nebraska Inc - Omaha, NE $299.64Easter Seals Greater Hartford Rehabilitation Center - Windsor, CT $3,750.00Easter Seals Missouri Inc - Manchester, MO 539.92Eastern Christian Children's Retreat - Wyckoff, NJ $ 12.50Eastern Connecticut Area Agency of Aging Inc - Senior Resources - Norwich, CT $384.72Eastern Connecticut Ballet Inc. - East Lyme, CT $2,695.64Eastern Long Island Hospital - Greenport, NY $1,920.00Eastern Niagara United Way - Lockport, NY 540.00Eastern Paralyzed Veteran Association Inc-United Spinal Association - East Elmhurst, NY $379.08Eastern Paral yzed Veterans Association Inc - Jackson Heights, NY $433.80Eastern Paral yzed Veterans Association/Buffalo New York - Buffalo, NY $769.60Easton Community Center Inc - Easton, CT $239.96Eastside Hig h School - Paterson, NJ 537.48Eastside Mental Health Center Inc - Birmin gham, AL 480.00Eaton Community Hospice Inc - Charlotte, MI $72.00Eaton County United Way - Charlotte, MI $25.00Eau Claire Childrens Theatre Inc - Eau Claire, WI $50.00Ecumenical Senior Center - Kalamazoo, MI $ 100.00Eden II School for Autistic Children, Inc. - Staten Island, NY 205.68Edgewood Childrens Center - St. Louis, MO 104.00Education - New York, NY $557.71Education Enrichment Foundation of Scotch Plains and Fanwood Inc - Scotch Plains, NJ $60.00Educational Broadcastin g - New York, NY $7,701.75Educational Foundation of Dexter - Dexter, MI $619.44Educational Foundation of the Chesters Inc - Chester, NJ $5,705.47Educational Media Foundation - Rocklin, CA $541.19El Primer Paso Ltd - Dover, NJ $348.32El Puente De Williamsburg Inc - Brookl yn, NY $1,004.85Elder Care Services Inc - Tallahassee, FL $1,205.82Elderhelp of San Diego - San Die go, CA 240.00Elderly Day Services on the Sound - Northport, NY 1,204.80Eli'ahs Promise - New Brunswick, NJ 692.60Elizabeth Buffum Chace House - Warwick, RI $381.96Elizabeth Coalition To House the Homeless, Inc. - Elizabeth, NJ

-$ 163.28

Santa Monica, CAElizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation 7 $3,376.80Elizabethport Presbyterian Center, Inc - Elizabeth, NJ 208.08Elizabethtown Child Care Center - Elizabethtown, PA $ 1,835.40Emerald Center Foundation - Greenwood, SC 4,268.61Emergency Children's Home - St. Louis, MO $344.00Emerson School - Ann Arbor, MI $2,500.06Emmanuel Baptist Church - Brooklyn, NY 4,772.88


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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION UNITED WAY MATCH Summary by Organization Name

Organization Name Total Foundation Amount

Emmanuel Cancer Foundation Inc - Scotch Plains, NJ $2,305.88Emmaus Home, Inc. - St. Charles, MO $60.00Emory University - Atlanta, GA $306.24Employment Horizons Inc - Cedar Knolls, NJ $734.56Endurance Trust Incorporated - Lake Worth, FL $1,776.88Enon-Coulter Community Development Co oration - Philadelphia, PA $229.20Enrichment Center of Lee County Inc - Sanford, NC $25.00Entertainment Indust ry Foundation - Revlon Run/Walk for Women - New York, NY $48.00Ephrata Area Rehab Services - E phrata, PA $1,534.03Ephrata Community Hospital - Ephrata, PA $300.00Epile psy Association - Cleveland, OH $360.00Epile psy Center Services - Toledo, OH $1,824.00Epile psy Foundation of America, Ga Chapter - Atlanta, GA $1,509.12Epile psy Foundation of Colorado - Denver, CO $ 100.00Epile psy Foundation of Connecticut - Middletown, CT $4,367.28E2ile psy Foundation of Long Island - Long Island, NY $85.90Epile psy Foundation of Michigan - Southfield, MI $ 1,481.32Epile psy Foundation of Mississipp i - Jackson, MS 100.00Epile psy Foundation of the St Louis Reg ion - St. Louis, MO $760.36Epile psy Society of New York City Inc - New York, NY $789.78Epile psy Society of San Diego County - San Diego, CA $5,000.00Epile psy Society of Southern New York Incorporated - Pearl River, NY $1,177.44Episcopal Community Services-Diocese of Pennsylvania - Philadelphia, PA $1,027.44Episcopal Ministries of the Diocese of Bethlehem Inc - New Bethany Ministries - Bethlehe $200.00Episcopal Retirement Homes Inc - Dupree Meals On Wheels - Cincinnati, OH $640.77Episcopal Social Services - New York, NY $488.04E worth Children and Family Services Inc - Groves, MO $30.00E worth-Pheonix Volunteer Fire Dept. - Ninety Six, SC $1,912.66Erie County SPCA - Tonawanda, NY $328.12Erin Kimball Memorial Foundation, Inc. - St. George, UT $460.00Esperanca Inc - Phoenix, AZ 362.25Esperanza Para La Velez Inc - Bayamon, PR $50.00Estonian Students Fund In U S A Inc - New York, NY $ 1,505.76Ethiopian American Educational Foundation - East Lansing , MI $360.00Euro Brokers Relief Fund, Inc. - New York, NY $246.00Evangelical Free Church of America -EFCA Compassion Ministries - Minneapolis, MN $7,245.00Evangelical Lutheran Church In America - St. Paul Evangelical Lutheran Church - Old Sa $1,147.44Evangelical Lutheran Church In America - Tabor Lutheran Church - Boy Scout Troop 428 $1,014.96Evanston United Way/Community Service - Chicago, IL $1,579.00Evas Kitchen & Sheltering Programs Inc - Paterson, NJ $8,570.44Eve ry Orphans Hope - Frisco, TX $2,392.88Exchange Club-Carl Perkins Center for the Prevention of Child Abuse - Jackson, TN 455.04Executive Board of the Tennessee Baptist Convention - Lifeway Church - Arlington, TN $1,318.32Executive Council of the Genaral Synod of United Church of Christ - Groton First Church 216.00Exotic Feline Rescue Center Inc - Centerpoint, IN $2,822.88Eye-bank for Sig ht Restoration Inc. - New York, NY $25.00F. H. Buhl Club - Sharon, PA $50.00F.E.G.S. L.I. Division - Long Island, NY $ 1,623.28Face To Face - Philadel phia, PA $495.36Fae ry Trails Corg i Rescue of St Louis - St Louis, MO 120.00Fairfield Counselin g Services, Inc. - Fairfield, CT $830.28Faith Christian Fellowshi p International - New Harvest Ministries - Holland, Ml $1,698.92Faith Home Inc - Greenwood, SC $10,920.28Faith House - St. Louis, MO 332.40Families of Sma Spinal Muscular Atrophy - Philadelphia, PA $503.00Families With Children From China Inc - New York, NY $810.60Family & Children Services Inc - Kalamazoo, MI $22,481.23Family & Children Services Inc - Battle Creek, MI $52.00Family & Children Services/Tulsa - Tulsa, OK 24.00Family & Children's Association - Long Island, NY $594.24Family & Children's Services/Elizabeth - Elizabeth, NJ $511.84Family & Childrens Agency Inc - Norwalk, CT $15,604.08Family & Community Services of Somerset County - Bound Brook, NJ 300.09Family & Community Services/Eastchester Camp Fund Program - Eastchester, NY $49.92Family & Neighborhood Services - Westland , MI $99.96Family Centers, Inc./Greenwich - Greenwich, CT 1,275.00


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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION UNITED WAY MATCH Summary by Organization Name

Organization Name Total Foundation Amount

Family Focus Adoption Services - Little Neck, NY $359.56Family Guidance Center - Lawrenceville, NJ $347.54Family Guidance Center of Warren County - Washm ton, NJ $251.52Family Head Start - Brooklyn, NY $ 156.95Family Health Center Inc - Kalamazoo, MI $ 100.00Family Institute of Connecticut Inc - Hartford, CT 268.56Family Life Serv.of Washtenaw City/Pregnancy Counseling Center - Ypsilanti, MI 3,250.00Family Plannin Association of Maine Inc - Augusta, ME $ 109.40Family Resource Center - St. Louis, MO $ 1,305.00Family Resource Network Inc - Trenton, NJ $ 100.00Family Service - Lancaster, PA $1,628.92Family Service Association of Lincoln - Lincoln, NE $500.10Family Service Association/Bucks County - Lang horne, PA $736.08Family Service Inc. - Providence, RI $150.00Family Service League Inc - Montclair, NJ $802.70Family Service of Morris County - Morristown, NJ $3,470.30Family Service-Morris Count /Time Out Adult Care Center - Madison, NJ $279.72Family Inc. - Poughkeepsie, NY 453.44Family Inc. - Oakland, CA $2,151.66FamilSupport Services - St. Charles, MO $100.00Fancorn Anemia Research Fund, Inc. - Eugene, OR $ 1,512.00Fancy Cats Rescue Team - Herndon, VA $783.12Far Northwest Suburban United Way - Chicago, IL $55,055.00Farmingdale Care, Inc. - North Massapequa, NY 310.44Farragut Baseball Inc - Farrag ut, TN $ 194.53Fashioned In His Image Total Womens Center Inc - Nashville, TN $ 1,202.88Father John Danlevich Foundation, Inc. - Reading , PA $200.00Father John Danylevich Foundation Inc - Readin g , MA $ 120.00Father Patrick Jackson House - Ann Arbor, MI $628.86Fayette County Commission on Aging - Somerville, TN $512.28Fayette County Developmental Center - Somerville, TN 630.12Fayette County Schools Alumni Association - Somerville, TN $226.20FCNL Education Fund - Washing ron, DC $ 1,418.88Federacion De Alzheimer De Puerto Rico Inc - San Juan, PR $31.34Feed the Children Inc - Oklahoma City , OK $1,508.36Feed the Children/Abandoned Baby Center - Oklahoma City , OK $410.28Feline Connection Inc - Chesterfield, MO $290.00Feline Foundation of Greater Washington Inc - Merrifield, VA $ 1,150.56Fellowshi p Farm Inc - Pottstown, PA $50.00Fellowship House Ministries Inc - Groton, CT $3,462.00Fellowshi p of Christian Athletes - Lincoln, NE $100.00Fennville Public Schools - Fennville, MI 564.72Fidelco Guide Dog Foundation Inc - Bloomfield, CT $984.96Fidelco/Guide Dog Foundation - Bloomfield, CT $2,365.92Film Society of Lincoln Center - New York, NY 246.08Fire Co-#1/Cold Sp ring - Cold Sprin g , NY $ 182.40First Assembly of God Inc - Terre Haute, IN $50.00First Baptist Church Foundation - Grace Christian School - Medford, OR $443.70First Bethel United Methodist Church - Bethel Park, PA $100.00First Call for Help Inc - Parsippany , NJ $288.48First Choice Women's Resource Centers - Morristown, NJ $565.85First Christian Church - Huntington Beach, CA $2,239.92First Episcopal District African - The Greater Allen Cathedral - Jamaica, NY $ 10,755.20First Lititz First Church of God - Lititz, PA $ 1,788.25First Presbyterian Church Health Clinic - Kalamazoo, MI $4,909.72First Presbyterian Church/Community Services - Forest Hills, NY $ 1,346.88First Reform Church - Holland, MI $727.48First Reformed Church - Zeeland, MI $2,450.49First United Methodist Church of Saline - Saline, MI 348.00Fisher Center for Alzheimers - New York, NY $212.76Fitch Middle School - Groton, CT $577.20Flanders Elementa ry School - East Lyme, CT 134.00Flatbush Action Day Care Center - Brooklyn, NY $36.55Floatin g Hospital - New York, NY $ 1,892.81Florida A & M Universit National Alumni Association Inc - Washin ton, DC $453.79Florida Ag ricultural & Mechanical Univensty Foundation Inc. - Tallahassee, FL $553.80


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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION UNITED WAY MATCH Summary by Organization Name

Organization Name Total Foundation Amount

Focus America - Convent Station, NJ $319.77Focus Humanitarian Assistance U S A - Falls Church, VA $1,050.00Focus on the Family - Colorado Sp ring s, CO $1,881.84Fondos Unidos De Puerto Rico Inc - San Juan, PR $604,549.41Food & Friends Inc - Washington, DC $356.40Food Animal Concerns Trust - Chicago, IL $45.00Food Bank Network of Somerset County - Bound Brook, NJ $95.04Food Bank of Lincoln Inc - Lincoln, NE $2,802.34Food Bank of Monmouth & Ocean County - Neptune Twp , NJ 551.04Food Bank of South Central Michigan - Battle Creek, MI $ 1,770.40Food for the Poor Inc - Coconut Creek, FL $499.92Food Gatherers - Ann Arbor, MI $27,200.82Food Outreach, Inc. - St Louis, MO 283.56Food Patch, Inc. - White Plains, NY $1,200.00Food Patch, Inc - Millwood, NY $458.64Foodbank of South Central Michi gan - Battle Creek, MI $1,037.04Foods Resource Bank - Kalamazoo, MI $400.00Foothills United Way Inc - Boulder, CO $180.00Forks Township Emergency Squad - Easton, PA 99.96Forrest Co Association for Retarted Citizens - Hattlesburg , MS $619.50Fort Greene Senior Citizens Council, Inc. - Brooklyn, NY $2496Fort Zumwalt West High School - O'Fallon, MO $48.00Foster and Adoptive Care Coalition - St. Louis, MO $25.00Foundation Fig hting Blindness Inc - Owings Mills, MD $15400Foundation for Animals In Risk - Tucson, AZ $467.04Foundation for Ichth osis and Related Skin Types - North Wales, PA $79.92Foundation for Jewish Campus Life - Princeton, NJ $288.00Foundation for Saline Area Schools - Saline, MI $ 1,331.70Fountain House, Inc. - New York, NY $300.00Four Diamonds Fund - Hershey , PA 200.00Fourth Reformed Church - Holland, MI $2,158.32Fox Valley United Way - Aurora, IL $49.00Frances Pope Memorial Foundation, Inc. - New York, NY $805.44Franklin Townshi p Food Bank - Somerset, NJ $180.00Fraxa Research Foundation - Newburyport, MA $360.00Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center - Seattle, WA $544.44Free Arts for Abused Children - New York, NY 525.72Free Methodist Church of North America - Battle Creek, MI $1,560.00Free Software Foundation Inc - Boston, MA 2,209.56Freedom Alliance - Dulles, VA 1,151.64Freedom From Hunger - Davis, CA $2,581.92Freedom World Outreach Ministries - Ware Shoals, SC $1,584.06Freeport Community Services Center - Freeport, NY 447.27Fremont Area Community Foundation - Fremont, Ml $ 150.00Fresh Air Fund - New York, NY 200.00Fresh Air Fund/New York - New York, NY $3,307.54Fresh Start Inc - Lincoln, NE $630.65Fresh Start Surgical Gifts - Carlsbad, CA $ 1,302.16Fresno Rescue Mission Foundation Inc - Fresno, CA $268.59Friends Association for Care & Protection of Children - West Chester, PA $ 178.80Friends for Life Corporation - Memphis, TN $ 1,065.60Friends In Deed Washtenaw Area Social Ministries Network - Ypsilanti, MI 1,000.00Friends of Africa - Save the Ele phants Project - Snowmass Village, CO 73.11Friends of Bill Micciulli, Inc - Staten Island, NY $50.00Friends of Karen Inc. - Port Jefferson, NY $ 120.00Friends of Madison Youth Inc - Madison, CT 293.52Friends of Michi gan Animals Rescue - Pontiac, Ml $505.44Friends of Prospect Park (Greensward Foundation ) - Brooklyn, NY $52.00Friends of Rye Nature Center Inc - Rye, NY $100.00Friends of Somerset Reg ional Animal Shelter Inc - Bridgewater, NJ $373.92Friends of Sp 4449 Inc - Portland, OR $643.20Friends of St Dominic Inc - Blauvelt, NY $ 1,399.44Friends of the Acton Library - Old Saybrook, CT $ 106.20Friends of the Anderson Prog ram Inc - New York, NY $569.40Friends of the Animal Shelter and Guardians of the Homeless Animals - Merrifield, VA 1,223.80Friends of the Belmont Public Libra ry Incorporated - Belmont, MA $90.00


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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION UNITED WAY MATCH Summary by Organization Name

Organization Name Total Foundation Amount

Friends of the Bernards Township Library - Basking Ridge, NJ 589.92Friends of the Children New York - New York, NY $4,866.53Friends of the Clifton Public Libra ry - Clifton, NJ 60.00Friends of the Deep River Library - Deep River, CT $49.00Friends of the Delaware Canal Inc - New Hope, PA $240.00Friends of the Hoboken Public Libra ry - Hoboken, NJ $60.00Friends of the Nra - Chico, CA $250.00Friends of the Nutle y Public Library - Nutley , NJ $ 1,457.16Friends of the Portage Senior Center Inc - Portage, Ml $212.00Friends of the Roger Williams Park Botanical Center - Providence, RI 51.03Friends of the Roxbu ry Township Public Library Inc - Succasunna, NJ $25.00Friends of the Salem Free Public Libra ry Inc. - Salem, CT $1,116.00Friends of the Saline District Library - Saline, Ml 2,446.40Friends of W F P Inc - Washington, DC $2,736.28Friendship Home of Lincoln - Lincoln, NE $ 1,439.37Fundacion De Desarrollo Comunal De P R Inc - Caguas, PR $26.00Fundacion Hoar Ninito Jesus - San Jose, PR 23.64Future Farmers of America and Its State Associations & Local Chapter - Cheyenne, WY $100.00G W Homeless Services of Northern Michigan Inc - Traverse City , Ml $300.00Gabriel Homes Incorporated - Herndon, VA $430.04Gage County United Way - Beatrice, NE $491.51Gainesville Agency Catholic Charities - Gainesville, FL $2,303.10Gales Ferry School - Gales Ferry , CT 25.00Galilee Mission To Fisherman, Inc. - Narragansett, RI $46.44Gallu p Hill Baptist Church - Ledyard, CT $ 1,435.48Gambro Health Care - Perth Amboy , NJ $ 100.00Garde Arts Center Inc - New London, CT $831.56Gardner Lake Volunteer Fire Co Inc - Salem, CT $1,444.92Gateway Maternal and Child Health Consortium Inc - Newark, NJ $6.60Gay Activist Alliance In Morris County-Gaamc - Morristown, NJ $21372Gay Community Center of Philadel phia - Philadel phia, PA $15000Gay Men of African Descent Inc - New York, NY $1,740.00Gay Mens Health Crisis Inc - New York, NY $18,435.10General Assembly of the Christian Church Disciples of Christ Inc - Brandon, FL $245.00General Conference of Seventh Day Adventist - New Jersey Conference of Seventh-day 2,263.92General Conference of Seventh Day Adventist - Seventh Day Adventist Community Servi $3,448.28General Conference of Seventh Day Adventists - Adventist Development & Relief Agency $777.00General Council of the Assemblies of God - South Hills Assembly of God - Hillcrest Christ $50.00General Council of the Assemblies of God-Detroit Teen Challenge - Detroit, Ml $25.00General Council on Finance & Admins of the United Methodist Church - Lewisburg , WV $534.00General Council on Finance & Admins of the United Methodist Church - Bethel Chester C 757.08General Council on Finance & Admins of the United Methodist Church - Bisho Janes Uni $2,651.48General Council on Finance & Admins of the United Methodist Church - Broomall Saint M 333.84General Council on Finance & Admins of the United Methodist Church - Court Street Unit $619.50General Council on Finance & Admins of the United Methodist Church - First United Meth $ 1,515.70General Council on Finance & Admins of the United Methodist Church - Jonestown Unite 628.68General Council on Finance & Admins of the United Methodist Church - North Hero Unite 536.16General Council on Finance & Admins of the United Methodist Church - Trinity Grand Ra $ 1,444.32General Council on Finance & Admins of the United Methodist Church - Trinity Paducah $ 1,147.44General Council on Finance & Admins of the United Methodist Church - Urban Mission Mi $378.16General Council on Finance & Admins of the United Methodist Church - Woods Chapel L $957.26General Synod of the Reformed Church In America - Community Reformed Church - Zeel $ 1,635.84Genesee Re ion Home Care Association Inc - Rochester, NY $60.00Genesis Center - Providence, RI $519.96Genesis Health Services Foundation - Davenport, IA $402.00Geneva Camp & Retreat Center - Holland, Ml $559.00George School - Newtown, PA $ 1,020.60Georgetown Communi ty Service Center - Georgetown, TX $ 100.00Georgetown County United Way , Inc. - Georgetown, SC 24.00Georgetown Visitation Preparato ry School, Inc. - Washington, DC $2,077.44Georgia Cancer Coalition Inc - Atlanta, GA $275.04Gerald J. Ryan Outreach Center - Wyandanch, NY $831.48German St Vincent Orphan Association - St. Vincent Home for Children - St. Louis, MO $174.72Germantown Settlement - Philadel phia, PA $24.00Gibault Foundation Inc. - Terre Haute, IN $ 199.92Gibson Center for Senior Services Inc - North Conway , NH $100.00

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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION UNITED WAY MATCH Summary by Organization NameOrganization Name Total Foundation AmountGideons International - Norwich, CT $212.84Gift of Life Foundation - Ann Arbor, Mi $661.68Gdda's Club - New York, NY $1,375.92Gilda's Club of Rochester,/Cancer Action, Inc. - Rochester, NY $575.00Gddas Club - New York, NY 100.00Gildas Club of Northern New Jersey Inc - Hackensack, NJ $299.93Gilead Communit Services Inc - Middletown, CT $ 1,397.16Gilkey Elementa ry School - Plainwell, MI $104.00Ginnie's House Sussex County Children's Advocacy - Newtown, NJ $418.08Girl Scout Council of Bergen County - Paramus, NJ $2,081.84Girl Scout Council of Greater St. Louis - St. Louis, MO 1,040.22Girl Scout Council of Northwest Georgia Inc - Atlanta, GA $ 120.00Girl Scout Council of the Mid-South - Memphis, TN $ 1,364.85Girl Scout/San Fernando Valley Council - Chatsworth, CA $129.96Girl Scouts - Delaware/Raritan Council - Elizabeth, NJ $25.00Girl Scouts - Reelfoot Council - Jackson, TN $50.00Girl Scouts Connecticut Trails Council Inc - North Haven, CT $7,275.46Girl Scouts Council of Greater Essex & Hudson Counties - Montclair, NJ $279.96Girl Scouts Council of Greater New York - New York, NY $2,349.84Girl Scouts Council, Inc./Flint River - Albany , GA $533.52Girl Scouts of America Homestead - Lincoln, NE $310.96Girl Scouts of America Troop 3076 - Groton, CT $43.36Girl Scouts of America, Inc./Connecticut Valley Council - Hartford, CT $160.92Girl Scouts of Citrus Council Inc - Orlando, FL $954.50Girl Scouts of Mid-Continent Council Inc - Kansas City , MO $96.05Girl Scouts Of Rhode Island Incorporated - North Providence, RI $553.68Girl Scouts of River Bluffs Council - Glen Carbon, IL $1,702.32Girl Scouts of the Huron Valley Council - Ann Arbor, MI $5,135.98Girl Scouts of the Old 96 Council Inc - Mauldin, SC $720.63Girl Scouts of the San Antonio Area - San Antonio, TX $ 120.00Girl Scouts of the South Jersey Pines Inc - Newfield, NJ $874.92Girl Scouts of Westchester & Putnam Inc. - Pleasantville, NY $396.00Girl Scouts San Diego-imperial Council Inc - San Diego, CA 500.16Girl Scouts Tarheel Triad Council Inc - Colfax, NC $25.00Girl Scouts-Joshua Tree Council - Bakersfield, CA $589.44Girl Scouts/Circle T Council - Fort Worth, TX $ 1,071.28Girl Scouts/Nassau Council - Long Island, NY 977.08Girl Scouts/Penn Laurel Council - York, PA $767.04Girl Scouts/Project Safe - Randolph, NJ $798.56Girl Scouts/S par & Spindle Council - North Andover, MA $287.40Girls Club of Bowling Green Inc - Bowling Green, KY $50.00Girls Incorporated - New York, NY $2,087.44Girls Incorporated of Memphis - Memphis, TN $584.88Girls Incorporated of St Louis - Saint Louis, MO $ 1,790.66Girls Incorporated of Washington County - Hagerstown, MD $ 100.00Girls On The Run Of Southeastern - Ann Arbor, Ml $2,124.00Girls Vacation Fund Inc - New York, NY $479.32Girlstown Foundation - Belleville, MI 215.28Glad Tidm Tabernacle - New York, NY $920.88Gleamns Human Resources Commission Inc - Greenwood, SC $3,366.54Gleaners Community Food Bank Inc - Howell, MI 99.96Gleaners Community Food Bank, Inc. - Detroit, MI $25.00Glen Education Pantry - Edwardsville, IL $399.80Global Fund for Women Inc - San Francisco, CA $675.00Glowin Embers Girl Scout Council - Kalamazoo, MI $9,955.84Glsen Inc - New York, NY 1,419.60Goddard Riverside Community Center - New York, NY 1,837.61Gods Love We Deliver Inc - New York, NY $7,217.46Golden Cradle Adoption Services - Cherry Hill, NJ $93.75Golden Gate Baptist Church - Memphis, TN $622.32Golden Re-Triever Rescue Inc - Pleasantville, NY $25.00Golisano Children Hospital/In j u ry Free Coalition for Kids - Rochester, NY $ 1,306.80Gompers Centers, Inc - Phoenix, AZ $497.16Gonzales United Fund of Gonzales Texas - Gonzales, TX $ 120.00Good Counsel Inc - Hoboken, NJ $2,259.20Good Samaritan Health Services Foundation of Lebanon Pennsylvania - Lebanon, PA $847.08


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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION UNITED WAY MATCH Summary by Organization Name

Oreanization Name Total Foundation Amount

Good Samaritan Hospital Medical Center - Long Island, NY $214.98Good Samaritan Hospital Medical Center - West Isli p , NY $449.56Good Samaritan Hospital United States Catholic Conference - West Isli p , NY $40.00Good Samaritan Ministries - Holland, MI $211.09Good Samaritian Hospital/Hos pice - Lebanon, PA $507.00Goodwill Homes Community Services - Memphis, TN $583.92Goodwill Industries of Greater Detroit Foundation - Detroit, MI $417.96Goodwill Industries of Greater New York and Northern New Jersey Inc - Astoria, NY 836.96Goodwill Industries of Metropolitan Chicago Inc - Chicago, IL $192.50Goodwill Industries of Southwestern Michigan Inc - Kalamazoo, MI $2,270.90Goodwill Rescue Mission Inc - Newark, NJ $342.00Grace Community Church - Greenwood, SC $516.12Grace Communit Church - Community Christian School - Tualatin, OR $50.00Grace Hill Neighborhood Services Inc - Grace Hill Settlement House - St. Louis, MO $63.36Grace House of Memphis, Inc. - Memphis, TN $4,251.83Grand Street Settlement Inc - New York, NY $12,157.92Grand Valley State University - Grand Rapids, MI $996.36Grand Valley University Foundation - Grand Rapids, MI $318.69Grand View Hospital - Sellersville, PA $74.52Granville County United Way Inc - Oxford, NC $810.00Grass River Natural Area Inc - Bellaire, MI 560.40Gra hawk Elementa ry School - Phoenix, AZ $ 100.00Great Lakes Burn Camp - Jackson, MI 999.96Great Smoky Mountain Council - Knoxville, TN $ 1,084.00Greater Boston Food Bank - Boston, MA $200.00Greater Bristol Visitor Nurse Association - Bristol, CT $ 180.00Greater Chicago Food Deposito ry - Chicago, IL $ 1,183.96Greater Dayton Public Television Inc. - Dayton, OH 758 16Greater Greene County United Way Inc - Linton, IN $355.00Greater Greenville Young Mens Christian Association - Judson Community Center - Gree $12.00Greater Greenwood United Minist ry Inc - Greenwood, SC $258.96Greater Hartford Association for Retarded Citizens Inc - Hartford, CT $96.00Greater Holland United Way , Inc. - Holland, MI $528.00Greater Huron County United Way - Bad Axe, MI $ 1,050.00Greater Kalamazoo United Way Inc - Kalamazoo, MI $1,102,442.26Greater Kalamazoo United Way/Addressin g Basic Needs - Kalamazoo, MI $2,025.00Greater Kalamazoo United Way/Coping With Crisis - Kalamazoo, MI $3,143.72Greater Kalamazoo United Wa /Youth Development - Kalamazoo, MI $700.00Greater Longview United Way Inc - Longview, TX $25.00Greater Mankato Area United Way , Inc. - Mankato, MN 915.88Greater Marietta United Way - Marietta, OH $10.00Greater Miami Jewish Federation, Inc - Miami, FL $36.00Greater Ottawa County United Way - Holland, MI $37,077.82Greater Providence Young Mens Christian Association - South County YMCA - Peace Da 833.13Greater San Diego Boys & Girls Clubs Foundation - Escondido, CA $519.12Greater Seacoast United Way Inc - Portsmouth, NH $ 1,007.50Greater St Louis Pregnancy Resource Centers Inc - Saint Louis, MO 936.84Greater Twin Cities United Way - Minneapolis, MN 24,394.81Greater Valdosta United Way - Valdosta, GA $60.00Greater Waterbu ry Interfaith Ministries Inc - Waterbu ry , CT $25.00Greater Westerly Chamber Foundation Inc - Westerly, RI $685.92Greek Museum - New York, NY $90.00Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America - New York, NY $453.12Green Brook Parent Teacher Organization - Green Brook, NJ $2,334.56Green Chimneys Children's Services, Inc./Head uarters - Brewster, NY $2,213.52Green Chimneys Childrens Services Inc - Brewster, NY 96.00Green Chimneys Childrens Services Inc. - Brewster, NY $5,098.50Green Valley Community Fund Inc - Green Valley , AZ $500.00Green Valley Elementa ry School - Birmingham, AL 250.00Greenburgh Nature Center - Scarsdale, NY $ 180.00Greene County Foundation Inc - Bloomfield, IN $ 100.00Greenpeace International Inc - Washington, DC $2,909.88Greensboro Historical Museum - Greensboro, NC $35.00Greenville Colle e - Greenville, IL $120.00Greenwich Hospital - Greenwich, CT $474.08Greenwich Library - Greenwich, CT 369.00

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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION UNITED WAY MATCH Summary by Organization Name

Organization Name Total Foundation Amount

Greenwood 52 County School District - Ninety Six, SC $1,067.90Greenwood Animal Shelter - Greenwood, SC 1,269.85Greenwood Cancer Fund - Greenwood, SC $9,323.14Greenwood Christian School - Greenwood, SC $1,865.43Greenwood Christian School Inc - Greenwood, SC $479.16Greenwood Community Childrens Center - Greenwood, SC $2,519.28Greenwood Community Improvement Foundation Inc - Greenwood, SC $230.40Greenwood County Coalition for Critical Human Needs - Greenwood, SC $892.91Greenwood Genetic Center Inc - Greenwood, SC $25.00Greenwood Pals - Greenwood, SC $3,229.78Greenwood School District #50 - Greenwood, SC 205.18Greenwood Womens Center - Greenwood, SC $250.00Greenwood-Edgefield-Mccormick Commission on Alcohol & Drug Abuse - Cornerstone - $545.50Greer Relief & Resources Agency - Greer, SC $50.00Greyhound Adoption Service - Salisbu ry , MA $7500Griswold Elementary School - Jewett City , CT $200.00Griswold Youth Football Association, Inc. - Lisbon, CT $99.96Groden Center - Providence, RI $450.00Grosvenor Neighborhood House, Inc. - New York, NY $147.16Groton FamilSupport Center - Groton, CT $60.00Groton Foursquare Church-" the New Testament Church" - Groton, CT $ 1,050.56Groton Public Libra ry - Groton, CT $427.56Groton Regional Theatre Inc - Groton, CT $250.00Groton Special Recreation - Groton, CT $2,652.00Grove City Area United Way - Grove City , PA $751.24Growing Stage Theatre - Netcong , NJ $675.00Gryphon Place - Kalamazoo, Ml $5,405.87Guadalupe County United Way - Seg uin, TX $150.00Guardians of Hydrocephalus Research Foundation - Brooklyn, NY $108.56Guide Dog Foundation for the Blind Inc. - Smithtown, NY $2,634.84Guide Dogs for the Blind Inc - San Rafael, CA $598.20Guide Dogs of the Desert - Palm Sp ring s, CA $160.00Guiding Eyes for the Blind - Yorktown Heig hts, NY $3,936.48Guiding Eyes for the Blind Inc - Patterson, NY $182.40Habitat for Humanity - Hartford, CT $114.62Habitat for Humanity - Metro Detroit - Detroit, MI $119.27Habitat for Humanity Greater Boston, Inc. - Boston, MA $200.00Habitat for Humanity International Inc - Philadelphia, PA $197.52Habitat for Humanity International Inc - Leland, MS $747.76Habitat for Humanity International Inc - Chester, PA 50.00Habitat for Humanity International Inc - New Britain, PA $2,135.44Habitat for Humanity International Inc - Kingston, RI 1,365.96Habitat for Humani ty International Inc - Newark, NJ $2,523.24Habitat for Humanity International Inc - Americus, GA $12,775.78Habitat for Humanity International Inc - Grand Rapids, MI $606.72Habitat For Humanity International Inc - New London, CT $3,922.32Habitat for Humanity International Inc - Ann Arbor, MI $1,825.89Habitat for Humanity International Inc - Roanoke, VA $1,000.00Habitat for Humanity International Inc - Frederick, MD $116.74Habitat for Humanity International Inc - Lafayette, LA $ 10.00Habitat for Humanity International Inc - Bloomington, IN $603.00Habitat for Humanity International Inc - Lebanon, PA $5.00Habitat for Humanity New York City Chapter - Brooklyn, NY $350.00Habitat for Humanity of Greater Bridgeport Connecticut - Bridge port, CT $250.00Habitat for Humanity of S.E. Conn. - New London, CT $ 1,458.00Habitat for Humanity of Suffolk - Middle Island, NY 907.80Habitat for Humanity of Suffolk" - Long Island, NY $675.48Habitat for Humanity/ Metro-Detroit - Detroit, MI $786.48Habitat for Humanity/ SE Connecticut - New London, CT $ 1,605.92Habitat for Humanity/East Trenton Center - Trenton, NJ $249.84Habitat for Humanity/Morris - Morristown, NJ $320.79Habitat for Humani ty/Northern Virg inia - Arlin ton, VA $2,172.00Habitat for Humanity/St. Louis - St. Louis, MO 4,130.04Habitat for Humanity/Windham Area - North Windham, CT 160.92Hadassah The Womens Zionist Organization Of America Inc - New York, NY $577.92Ha edorn Little Village School - Seaford, NY $829.92

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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION UNITED WAY MATCH Summary by Organization Name

Organization Name Total Foundation Amount

Haisley Elementary School - Ann Arbor, MI $50.00Haitian Centers Council Inc - Brookl yn, NY $2,649.48Haitian Health Foundation Inc - Norwich, CT $ 150.00Hale House For The Promotion Of Human Potential Inc - New York, NY $107.36Halls Senior Citizens Center - Halls, TN $291.00Hamilton Christian Church-Disci ples of Christ - Creve Coeur, MO $4,243.20Hammond Museum Inc - North Salem, NY 25.00Hampshire Community United Way - Northampton, MA $373.76Hanac, Inc. - New York, NY $912.72Hanahoe Children's Clinic - Danbu ry , CT $1,608.00Hannahs Gift Inc - Mystic, CT $3,380.30Hanover Township Education Foundation Inc - Morris Plains, NJ $100.00Happy Harbor Child Care Center - Hastin g On Hudson, NY $ 1,639.92Harambee Academy - Columbus, OH $593.96Harbor Day Care Center - Lon Island, NY $65.00Harbor Humane Society - West Olive, MI $689.01Harderwyk Ministries - Holland, MI $885.04Harding Township Educational Foundation Inc - New Vernon, NJ $499.92Harlem Childrens Zone Inc - New York, NY $644.41Harlem Cong regations for Community Improvement Inc - New York, NY $152.16Harlem Dowling Westside Center Children and Family Services - New York, NY $ 1,727.08Harlem Hospital Center Auxilia ry Inc - New York, NY $90.00Harlem Reformed Church - Holland, MI $ 1,206.98Harlem School of the Arts Inc - New York, NY $132.09Harlem United Community AIDS Center Inc - New York, NY $2,562.66Harmony Haven - Terre Haute, IN $270.00Harpeth River Watershed Association Inc - Franklin, TN $723.59Harrington Memorial Hospital - Southbridge, MA $100.00Harvest Hope Food Bank - Columbia, SC $25.00Harvest House Inc - Glenwood, NJ $50.00Harvesters-the Community Food Network - Kansas City , MO $24.00Harwood Center Inc - Memphis, TN $324.44Hasc Summer Program, Inc. - Brooklyn, NY $50.00Hattie Larlam Foundation - Mantua, OH $172.88Haven Inc - Pontiac, MI $35.00Haven of Rest Ministries Incorporated - Akron, OH $ 1,934.52Haven of Rest Mission - Battle Creek, MI $373.08Hawaii Island United Way , Inc. - Hilo, HI $ 100.00Hazelden Foundation - Center City , MN 84.36Head Start Community Program of Dover & Morristown - Dover, NJ $ 1,432.75Healing the Children Mi-Oh - Grand Rapids, MI 52.00Health Careers Foundation - Bridgeton, MO $616.70Health Education & Resource Organization Inc - Baltimore, MD $949.44Health Hel p Proj ect Inc - Miami, FL $3,866.52Health Indust ry Resource Ente rprise - New York, NY $ 190.61Health Volunteers Overseas - Washington, DC $682.33Heart of America United Way Inc - Kansas City , MO $9,773.82Heart of Florida United Way - Orlando, FL $6,463.99Heart of Kentucky United Way - Danville, KY $ 1,647.14Heart of Lakes United Way , Inc. - Alexandria, MN $1,464.32Heart of-West Michi gan United Way - Grand Rapids, MI $4,640.12Heartland Big Brothers-Big Sisters - Lincoln, NE $ 1,215.80Heartland United Way , Inc. - Grand Island, NE $611.92Hearts for the Homeless - Buffalo, NY $ 1,514.72Heartshare Human Services of New York Rc Diocese of Brooklyn - Brooklyn, NY $673.30Heifer Project International Inc - Little Rock, AR $ 1,751.20Helen Keller Services For The Blind - Brooklyn, NY $205.72Helen Keller Services for the Blind - Long Island, NY $229.32Helen Owen Carey Childrens Development Center - Brooklyn, NY 411.50Helm Hand of Goodwill Industries - Kansas City , MO $442.44Helping Horseshoe Therapeutic Riding Club - Newton, NJ $ 152.30Helping Paws Inc - Colchester, CT $1,123.00Helpsource - Ann Arbor, MI $3,823.22Hel source - Big Brothers Bi Sisters - Ann Arbor, MI $88.92Hemo hillia Foundation of Michigan - Ypsilanti, MI $3,433.48Henderson County United Way - Athens, TX $50.00


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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION UNITED WAY MATCH Summary by Organization Name

Organization Name Total Foundation Amount

Henderson County United Way Inc - Hendersonville, NC $2,225.00Hen Street Settlement - New York, NY $1,338.44Hepatitis B Foundation - Doylestown, PA $75.06Herbert Hoover Boys and Girls Club of St. Louis, Inc. - St. Louis, MO $ 1,660.32Herita g e Baptist University - Greenwood, IN $433.87Heritage Foundation - Washin gton, DC $500.00Herita ge United Way - Manchester, NH $ 1,237.12Heritage YMCA Group - Naperville, IL $250.00Hermanos Carmelitas Teresas De San Jose Inc - Canovanas, PR 2,015.29Hetrick-Martin Institute Inc - New York, NY $2,198.08High Hopes Therapeutic Riding Inc - Old Lyme, CT $456.48Hig h Ridg e House, Inc. - Riverdale, NY $300.00Hig hland Festival Association of Scotland Ct Inc - Scotland, CT $816.96Hig hway 34 Volunteer Fire and Rescue Department - Greenwood, SC $ 104.69Hilf Support Network - Brooklyn, NY $390.00Hindu Temple and Cultural Society of USA Inc - Bridgewater, NJ $50.00Hindu Temple of Canton - Canton, MI $ 100.00His Harvest Stand - Zeeland, MI $825.64His panic American Council Incorporated - Kalamazoo, MI $3,043.64His panic Committee of VA - Falls Church, VA $826.80Hispanic Community Center - Lincoln, NE 714.64His panic Counseling Center - Long Island, NY $657.00His panic Federation Inc - New York, NY $ 10,699.66Histiocytosis Association of America, Inc. - Pitman, NJ $2,839.60Historic Desoto Foundation - Hernando, MS $536.64HIV/AIDS Resource Center - Ypsilanti, MI $489.64Hoben Elementa ry School - Canton, MI $735.96Hodges Cokebu ry Volunteer Fire Dept. - Greenwood, SC $576.81Hofstra University - Hempstead, NY $907.80Hoar Albergue Ninos Maltratados Portal De Amor - San German, PR $4,156.32Hoar Albergue Para Ninos Maltratados Jesus De Nazaret - Mayag uez, PR $543.00Hoar Coleg io La Mllag rosa - Arecibo, PR $ 1,397.76Hoar Cuna De San Cristobal Inc - Caguas, PR $3,419.82Hoar De Ancianos San Vicente De Paul - Vega Baja, PR $329.28Hoar De Ayuda El Refug io Inc - Catano, PR $1,562.59Hoar De Envejecientes Irma Fe Pol Mendez - Lares, PR $635.26Hoar De Ninos El Ave Maria - Bayamon, PR $679.28Hoar Escuela Sor Maria Rafaela - Bayamon, PR $1,086.75Hoar Forjadores De Esperanza Inc - Bayamon, PR $704.14Hoar Fuente De Vida - Juncos, PR $58.01Hoar Infantil Jesus Nazareno Inc - Isabela, PR $ 1,289.19Hoar Infantil Santa Teresita Del Nino Jesus - Arecibo, PR $8,242.80Hoar Resurreccion Inc Bo San Antonio Km3 Ho - Caguas, PR 94.32Hoar Ruth Inc - Vega Alta, PR $3,354.81Hoar Santisima Trinidad Inc - Bayamon , PR $415.38Ho ares Rafaela Ybarra - Rio Piedras, PR $ 120.44Hole In the Wall Gang Fund Inc - New Haven, CT $457.92Holmdel First Aid Squad Inc. - Holmdel, NJ 682.90Holmdel High School - Holmdel, NJ $50.00Holmdel Youth Activities Association - Holmdel, NJ $682.80Holt International Childrens Services - Eugene, OR $891.12Holy Trinity Lutheran School - Tampa, FL $ 1,210.26Home Care & Hospice of Mi - Ann Arbor, MI $319.44Home for Little Wanderers Inc - Boston, MA $ 122.80Home for the Aged the Little Sisters of the Poor Washington Dc - Washington, DC $25.00Home Health Aide Fund - Gales Ferry , CT $539.84Homefront Inc - Lawrenceville, NJ $3,453.92Homeless Animals Rescue Team Inc - Fairfax Station, VA $399.96Homeless Solutions Inc - Morristown, NJ $3,312.34Homelessness Prevention - New York, NY 1,232.02Homes for Black Children - Detroit, MI $375.00Homes for the Homeless - New York, NY 200.08Homestead Girl Scout Council Inc - Lincoln, NE $260.00Honey Creek Middle School - Terre Haute, IN $ 1,258.20Hopatcong Ambulance Service Inc - Hopatcong , NJ 200.00Hope Center Of Edmond - Edmond, OK $24.00

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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION UNITED WAY MATCH Summary by Organization Name

Organization Name Total Foundation AmountHoe Clinic - Ypsilanti, MI $ 16,040.40Hope Clinic of Middle Tennessee - Columbia, TN $25.00Hope Community Inc - Minneapolis, MN $250.00Hope Community Service, Inc. - New Rochelle, NY $500.00Hope for Kids - San Dieg o, CA 636.00Hope for New Haven, Inc. - New Haven, CT $3,588.00Hope for New York - New York, NY $1,250.16Hope for Youth - Amityv ille, NY $ 100.08Hope Haven - Harrisonville, MO $827.88Hope House Day Care Center - Memphis, TN $610.84Hope House Daycare, Inc. - Memphis, TN $ 1,056.64Hope House Inc. - Independence, MO $1,205.62Hope International Inc. - Brambleton, VA $664.80Hope Rural School Inc - Indiantown, FL $462.80Hope Springs Equestrian Therapy Inc - Chester Spring s, PA $252.36Hope Valley Elementa ry - Hope Valley , RI 291.97Hope Worldwide - Columbia, SC 568.44Hope Worldwide Ltd - Atlanta, GA $ 1,080.00Horses Haven - Howell, MI $784.72Hosea House - Saint Louis, MO $1,142.40Hospice and Pallative Care - Winston-Salem, NC $100.00Hospice Association of Northwest Ohio - Perrysburg , OH $50.02Hospice at Charlotte, Inc./Mecklenburg County - Charlotte, NC $499.92Hospice Brazos Valley - B ryan, TX $110.00Hospice Buffalo Inc. - Amherst, NY $150.00Hospice Care In Westchester and Putnam - Mt. Kisco, NY $1,512.28Hospice Care of Southwest Michigan - Kalamazoo, MI $73,082.03Hospice Care of the District of Columbia - Falls Church, VA 300.00Hospice Care/Rhode Island - Pawtucket, RI $2,191.80Hospice Foundation of the Florida Suncoast Inc. - Clearwater, FL $954.72Hospice of Central Florida Inc. - Maitland, FL $928.54Hospice of Henderson County , Inc. - Hendersonville, NC $30.00Hos pice of Holland Inc. - Holland, MI $1,443.82Hospice of Jackson - Jackson, MI 1,000.00Hospice of Knox County - Mt. Vernon, OH 1,784.88Hospice of Lancaster - Lancaster, PA $ 1,002.72Hospice of Lancaster County - Lancaster, PA 4,673.43Hospice of Laurens County - Clinton, SC $ 150.00Hospice of Michi gan - Grand Rapids, MI $1,764.96Hospice of North Ottawa Community Inc - Grand Haven, MI $116.20Hospice of Petaluma - Petaluma, CA $25.00Hospice of Southeastern Connecticut - Uncasville, CT $5,754.36Hospice of St. Francis, Inc. - Titusville, FL 563.64Hospice of the North Coast - Carlsbad, CA $355.56Hospice of the Upstate - Anderson, SC $492.00Hospice Of The Valley Inc - Youngstown, OH $552.72Hospice of Vanburen County - Decatur, MI $729.20Hospice Service of Lake County - Lakeport, CA $1,231.44Hospice/Central Pennsylvania - Enola, PA $60.00Hospice/Louisville - Louisville, KY $768.00Hos icecare of the Piedmont Inc - Greenwood, SC $17,581.72Hospital Foundation - Greenwood, SC $421.98Hospital Hospitality House - Nashville, TN $ 1,454.75Hospital Hospitality House of Kalamazoo Inc - Kalamazoo, MI $380.92Hospitality Committee Scholarship Fund/First Baptist Church - Brooklyn, NY $218.82Housatonic-She paug United Way , Inc. - New Milford, CT $ 1,256.16Housatonic/Shepaug United Way , Inc. - New Milford, CT $ 1,800.00Housin g Bureau for Seniors - Ann Arbor, MI 2,371.48Housin g Coalition of Central Jersey - New Brunswick, NJ $ 1,117.44Housin g Partnership for Morris County - Dover, NJ $ 122.64Housing Resources, Inc. - Kalamazoo, MI $4,036.56Housin g Works Inc. - New York, NY $ 100.00Howell Nature Center - Howell, MI $ 100.00Hua Xia Chinese School New York Inc - Scarsdale, NY $25.00Huaxia Chinese School A New Jersey Non rofit Corporation - Edison, NJ $160.00Huaxia Chinese School A New Jersey Nonp rofit Corporation - Hillsborough, NJ 201.24

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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION UNITED WAY MATCH Summary by Organization Name

Organization Name Total Foundation Amount

Huaxia Chinese School/Children Programs - Livingston, NJ $480.00Huaxia Edison Chinese School A NJ Nonprofit Organization - Edison, NJ $20.00Hudson Hospice - Jersey City , NJ $52.08Human Development Center - Duluth, MN $638.82Human Needs Food Pant ry Inc - Montclair, NJ $2,159.32Human Options Inc - Newport Beach, CA $579.26Human Rig hts Campaig n Foundation - Washington, DC $ 1,074.96Humane America Animal Foundation - Redondo Beach, CA $ 100.00Humane Animal Welfare Society of Waukesha County Inc. - Waukesha, WI $ 192.00Humane League of Lancaster Count - Lancaster, PA $ 1,09540Humane Ohio - Perrysburg , OH $700.08Humane Society - Quaker Hill, CT $2,172.33Humane Society Animal Shelter - Bowling Green, KY 1,157.92Humane Society Calhoun Area - Battle Creek, Ml 544.00Humane Society for Greater Nashua Corporation - Nashua, NH $357.17Humane Society of Baltimore County Inc - Reisterstown, MD $50.00Humane Society of Greenwood - Greenwood, SC $14,972.64Humane Society of Huron Valley - Ann Arbor, MI 5,322.59Humane Society of Living ston County - Howell, MI $ 100.00Humane Society of Manatee County Inc - Bradenton, FL $849.39Humane Society of Missouri - Saint Louis, MO $972.99Humane Society of New York - New York, NY $482.00Humane Society of St. Louis - St. Louis, MO $210.00Humane Society of Tampa Inc - Tampa, FL $ 1,188.96Humane Society of the United States - Washington, DC 1,863.00Humane Society of the United States - Flanders, NJ $453.52Humane Society of the United States New Jersey Branch Inc - Washin gton, DC $393.72Humane Society of Tulsa - Tulsa, OK $258.50Humane Society-Michigan - Westland, MI $1,953.50Humane Society/Toledo - Maumee, OH $ 1,316.88Humility Of Mary Shelter Inc - Davenport, IA $50.00Hundred Club of Lansing - Lansing , MI $ 1,300.32Hunger & Homeless Solution - New York, NY $211,964.90Hunger Action Coalition for Southeastern Michi gan - Detroit, Ml $318.00Hunter Colle ge Hig h School Parents Teachers Association - New York, NY $ 100.00Hunterdon Drug Awareness Program - Flemington, NJ $478.80Hunterdon Hospice, Inc. - Flemington, NJ $2,825.70Hunterdon Museum of Art - Clinton, NJ $212.50Hunterdon Youth Services Inc - Flemington, NJ $420.60Huntingdon County United Way , Inc. - Huntingdon, PA 50.00Huntington Freedom Center - Long Island, NY $935.28Huntington Hospital - Huntington, NY $200.00Huntingtons Disease Society of America - New York, NY $2,070.00Hunts Point Multi-Service Center Inc. - Bronx, NY $86.96Huron River Watershed Council - Ann Arbor, Ml $495.81Huron Valley Boys and Girls Club Inc - Ypsilanti, MI $3,058.40Hyde Square Task Force - Jamaica Plain, MA $300.34Hydrocephalus Association - San Francisco, CA $704.38card/Y silanti Student Literacy Corps - Ypsilanti, MI $25.00feta o Cultural Arts Facility Inc - Brooklyn, NY $655.90mmaculate Conception Church of Dardenne - Fallon, MO $170.00mmaculate Heart Academy - Washington Township , NJ $65600mmaculate Heart of Ma ry Church - Grand Rapids, Ml $ 1,652.88mmanuel Baptist Church - Holland, Ml $ 1,200.00mmokalee Friendship House Inc - Immokalee, FL $200.00mus Ranch Inc - Ribera, NM $2,911.44In Harmony Therapeutic Riding Inc - Ashaway , RI 1,111.48In Touch Ministries Inc - Atlanta, GA $2,031.95In-Si g ht - Warwick, RI 451.92Incarnate Word Hospital/Hospice - St. Louis, MO $260.00Independence Meals on Wheels - Independence, MO 1,044.96Independent Assemblies of God - New Lite for Girls - Bronx, NY $24.00Independent School Inc - Wichita, KS 9.14India Development & Relief Fund, Inc. - North Bethesda, MD $875.16Indian Center - Lincoln, NE $ 1,879.44Indianapolis Humane Society Inc - Indianapolis, IN 130.92

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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION UNITED WAY MATCH Summary by Organization Name

Organization Name Total Foundation Amount

Indo-American Cultural Center & Temple - Kalamazoo, MI $1,642.32ndonesian Muslin Community , Inc. - Long Island City , NY 1,375.44ndus Center for Academic Excellence - Lathrup Village, MI $240.00nfolme/United Way of Southeastern Connecticut - Norwich, CT $235.00nform, Inc. - New York, NY $300.00niciativa Comunitana De Investi gacion Inc - San Juan, PR $ 1,932.59Inland Empire United Way - Rancho Cucamonga, CA $490.00Inn Dwellin - Philadel phia, PA $495.36Institute for Community Living , Inc. - New York, NY $229.32Institute for the Puerto Rican/His panic Elderly - New York, NY $147.56Instituto Prevocacional E Industrial De Puerto Rico - Arecibo, PR $25.50Interdistrict School For Arts And Communication Inc - New London, CT $525.78Interfaith Council for Peace & Justice - Ann Arbor, MI $296.16nterfaith Council for the Homeless/Morris County - Morristown, NJ $704.42nterfaith Health & Support Serv of South Ocean County - Manahawkin, NJ $280.56nterfaith Hospitalit y Network for the Homeless of Essex Cnt - South Orange, NJ $120.00nterfaith Hospitalit y Network of Somerset County - Somerville, NJ 3,050.88nterfaith Hospitalit y Network of Washtenaw County Inc - Ann Arbor, MI $843.58nternational Aid Inc - S prin g Lake, MI $2,192.84nternational Book Charity Inc. - Wyoming , MI 1,150.20nternational Compassion Minist ry - Olympia Fields, IL $824.20nternational Institute of New Jersey - Jersey City , NJ $200.00nternational Justice Mission - Washington, DC $ 1,544.84nternational Planned Parenthood Federation - New York, NY 1,633.56nternational Rescue Committee Inc - New York, NY $ 1,677.05nternational Services Agencies - Alexandria, VA $819.48nternational Waldenstroms Macroglobulinemia Foundation-lwmf - Sarasota, FL $1,372.32nwood House - New York, NY $100.00owa City Community School District Foundation - Iowa City , IA $240.00ranian Zoroastrian Association - Suffern, NY 201.20ris House A Center for Woman Living With HIV Inc - New York, NY $598.92saiah 58 Minist ry/Covenant Soup Kitchen - Willimantic, CT $551.36slamic Center of Queens New York - Woodside, NY $ 1,210.80slamic Society of Central Jersey - Monmouth Junction, NJ $658.56slamic Society of Corona Norco - Corona, CA $120.00sland Trees Hig h School - Levittown, NY $839.50srael Project Inc - Washington, DC $360.00VA's Place - Lenoir City , TN 485.16JA Worldwide - Kennewick, WA $2,209.68JA Worldwide - Chesterfield, MO $724.92Jackson County Therapeutic Horseback Ridin g Program - Kansas City , MO $ 1,389.00Jackson Inter-Faith Shelter - Jackson, MI $645.48Jacksonville Humane Society - Jacksonville, FL $ 1,759.92Jamaica Day Nurse ry - Jamaica, NY $119.24Jamaica Service Program for Older Adults Inc - Jamaica, NY $819.20James Whitcomb Riley Memorial Association - Indianapolis, IN $ 1,147.44Jansen Memorial Hospice - Tuckahoe, NY $99.89Japanese American National Museum - Los Angeles, CA $1,683.84Japanese American Service Committee - Chicago, IL 1,040.16Jarc - Farmin gton, MI $442.98Jasa Corporation - New York, NY $ 1,815.43Jawonio, Inc. Center for Physicall y Handicapped - New City, NY 100.00Jazz at Lincoln Center Inc - New York, NY $369.00Jcc of Mid Westchester - White Plains, NY $824.52Jeff Gordon Foundation - Harrisburg , NC $245.28Jefferson Child Care & Education Center - Lake Hopatcong , NJ 930.88Jefferson Park Day Care Center - Elizabeth, NJ $635.87Jersey Battered Womens Service - Morristown, NJ $8,276.21Jersey City Community Church - Jersey City , NJ $1,000.00Jersey City Library Literacy Program - Jersey City , NJ $33.00Jewish Association for Service for the Aged-Jasa - Long Island, NY $58.33Jewish Board of Family & Childrens Services Inc - New York, NY $7,794.27Jewish Child Care Association of New York - New York, NY $693.00Jewish Childrens Bureau of Chicago - Arlington Heights, IL $ 1,512.75Jewish Community Center of Greater Kansas City - Overland Park, KS $50.00Jewish Community Center of Greater New Haven - Woodbridge, CT $912.60



2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION UNITED WAY MATCH Summary by Organization NameOrganization Name Total Foundation AmountJewish Community Center of Metro West Inc - West Orange, NJ $3,055.12Jewish Community Center of Metropolitan Detroit - West Bloomfield, MI $120.00Jewish Community Center/Metro Detroit - West Bloomfield, MI $ 120.00Jewish Communi ty Center/Rhode Island - Providence, RI $416.04Jewish Community Services/Greater Miami - Miami, FL $200.00Jewish Family & Childrens Service of Greater Mercer Co - Princeton, NJ $2,162.16Jewish Family and Children's Service - St. Louis, MO $180.00Jewish Family And Childrens Service Of Philadel phia Inc - Philadelphia, PA $75.00Jewish Family Service Agency of Central Jerse - Elizabeth, NJ $318.96Jewish Family Service Inc - Brid geport, CT $538.92Jewish Family Service Inc - Memphis, TN 312.96Jewish Family Service Inc - Teaneck, NJ $ 1,127.40Jewish Family Service of San Diego - San Diego, CA $ 117.20Jewish Family Service of Southern Middlesex County - East Brunswick, NJ $ 100.00Jewish Family Service of Stamford Inc - Stamford, CT $247.56Jewish Family Service/Providence - Providence, RI 392.64Jewish Family Services of Metrowest - Florham Park - Florham Park, NJ $2,124.96Jewish Family Services of Metrowest - Livingston - Livingston, NJ $216.00Jewish Family Services of New Haven, Inc. - New Haven, CT $792.60Jewish Family Services of Washtenaw County - Ann Arbor, MI $10.00Jewish Federation of Eastern Connecicut Inc. - New London, CT $6,449.88Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Detroit - Bloomfield Hill, MI 120.00Jewish Federation of Pinellas County Inc - Largo, FL $514.44Jewish Federation of St Louis - St. Louis, MO 108.00Jewish Federation Of The Delaware Valley - Lawrenceville, NJ $ 120.00Jewish Federation of Washtenaw County - Ann Arbor, MI $50.00Jewish Guild for the Blind - New York, NY 2,048.36Jewish Home for the Aged/New Haven - New Haven, CT $468.48Jewish Vocational Service and Community Workshop - Southfield, MI $ 120.00Jobs and Employment Support Services - St. Louis, MO $100.00Joe Dimaggio Childrens Hospital Foundation Inc - Hollywood, FL $225.00Joel Barlow Hig h School Scholarshi p Fund, Inc. - Redden Ridge, CT $ 160.04John Hopkins University/Ralph H.Hruban - Baltimore, MD 100.00Johns Hopkins University - Baltimore, MD $ 142.48Johnson City Area United Way , Inc. - Johnson City , TN $ 1,376.20Johnson City Public Schools Science Hill Hig h School - Johnson City , TN 768.43Johnson County Committee on Ag ing Inc - Cleburne, TX $260.33Judevine Center for Autism - St. Louis, MO $ 1,292.12Julian Center Inc - Indianapolis, IN 1,783.44Junior Achievement - Memphis, TN $458.88Junior Achievement of Kalamazoo & Van Buren Counties - Kalamazoo, MI 461.97Junior Achievement of New York Inc - New York, NY 655.56Junior League of Corpus Christi Inc - Corpus Christi, TX 698.10Junior League of Lynchburg VA - Lynchburg , VA $666.06Junior Lea ue of Memphis Inc - Memphis, TN $3,085.46Junior League of Phoenix Inc - Phoenix, AZ $25.00Juvenile Diabetes Foundation International - Hamden, CT $180.72Juvenile Diabetes Foundation International - Bala Cynwyd, PA $2,658.83Juvenile Diabetes Foundation International - Collierville, TN 314.28Juvenile Diabetes Foundation International - East Brunswick, NJ $78.00Juvenile Diabetes Foundation International - W Hartford, CT $ 100.00Juvenile Diabetes Foundation International Office - New York, NY $ 1,640.18Juvenile Diabetes Foundation/New York City Chapter - New York, NY $2,401.92Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation International - Washington, DC $575.40Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation International - Saint Louis, MO $ 1,433.40Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation International - Grand Rapids, MI $ 1,256.84Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation International - Omaha, NE 440.23Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation International - Hamden, CT $3,215.52Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation International - San Diego, CA $80.00Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation International - Richmond, VA $ 120.00Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation International - Erie, PA 483.00Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation International - New York, NY 781.44Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation International - Harrisburg , PA $407.68Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation International - independence , OH 172.92Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation International - Southfield, MI $ 1,425.84Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation International - White Plains, NY 125.00


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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION UNITED WAY MATCH Summary by Organization Name

Organization Name Total Foundation Amount

Kahal Darkei Noam - Brookl yn, NY $802.80Kairos Dwelling - Kalamazoo, Ml $2,019.18Kalamazoo Animal Rescue - Kalamazoo, MI 8,615.98Kalamazoo Area Math and Science Center - Kalamazoo, Ml $260.04Kalamazoo Communities In Schools Foundation - Greater Kalamazoo Girls on the Run - $3,432.36Kalamazoo Community Foundation - Kalamazoo, Mi $2,081.93Kalamazoo County 4 H Leaders Council - Kalamazoo, MI 156.00Kalamazoo County Child Abuse and Neglect Council - Kalamazoo, MI $ 1,018.72Kalamazoo County Child Abuse and Neglect Council Inc - Nazareth, MI $ 180.04Kalamazoo County Humane Society - Kalamazoo, MI $ 1,524.72Kalamazoo Deacons Conference - Kalamazoo, MI 4,164.33Kalamazoo Gay-Lesbian Resource Center - Kalamazoo, Ml $3,511.20Kalamazoo Gospel Mission - Kalamazoo, MI $25,857.17Kalamazoo Loaves & Fishes - Kalamazoo, Ml $1,633.08Kalamazoo Nature Center Inc - Kalamazoo, MI $ 1,137.88Kalamazoo Public Library - Kalamazoo, MI $378.48Kalamazoo Valley Habitat for Humanity - Kalamazoo, MI $ 1,328.15Kandu Industries, Inc. - Holland, MI $125.99Kansas City Free Health Clinic - Kansas City , MO $515.20Kansas City Rescue Mission - Kansas City , MO $1,716.00Kansas University Endowment Association - Lawrence, KS $150.00Kappa Kappa Gamma Foundation - Columbus, OH $256.08Karen Hornbecker Memorial Fund - East Bridgewater, MA $ 1,589.76Karis Community - Denver, CO $ 1,050.00Karmanos Cancer Institute - Lathrup , MI $ 120.84Karousel Kids Inc - Burbank, CA $250.00Kathleen E.Goodwin School - Old Sayb rook, CT 262.32Kazoo School - Kalamazoo, MI $3,530.56Kendall Park First Aid & Rescue Squad Inc - Kendall Park, NJ $260.00Kendall Park Volunteer Fire Company - Kendall Park, NJ $260.52Kent State University Foundation - Kent, OH $370.92Kentucky Public Radio Inc - Louisville, KY $16.70Keystone Academy PTO - Belleville, MI $200.25Kiddo Corp - Mill Valley , CA $ 120.00Kidney Foundation of Ohio Inc - Cleveland, OH $276.42Kids Can Free the Children - Hartford, CT $25.00Kids Choice Day Care Inc - Springfield Gardens, NY $795.60Kids In Business Inc - Newark, NJ $249.96Kids In Crisis Inc - Cos Cob, CT $2,000.00Kids In Distress, Inc. - Wilton Manors, FL $240.00Kids In the Middle, Inc. - Saint Louis, MO $741.00King's Daughters & Sons Home - Memphis, TN $ 185.88King 's Daughters Day School - Plainfield, NJ $87.10Kingdom House - St. Louis, MO $250.00Kings United Way - Armona, CA $25.00Kips Bay Boys & Girls Club Inc - Bronx, NY $273.52KittHarbor, Inc - Griswold, CT $886.40Know Place Like Home Inc - Lisbon, CT $ 1,938.00Korean American Community Services - Chicago, IL $720.00KPCC-Southern California Public Radio - Pasadena, CA $ 1,940.88Kraddick Foundation - Irvin g , TX $300.00Kuto Corporation - St. Louis, MO $360.00L I Council of Churches - Hempstead, NY $48.00La CASA De San Gabriel Community Center - San Gabriel, CA $ 1,733.51La CASA De Todos - Juncos, PR 287.17La Fondita De Jesus - San Juan, PR $878.80La Leche League International - Schaumburg , IL $341.68Laguardia Hig h School Parents Association Inc - New York, NY 279.00Laguna Beach Community Clinic - Laguna Beach, CA $ 1,300.00Lainies Angels - Edison, NJ 240.00Lake Area United Way - Griffith, IN $325.00Lake Parsippany Volunteer Fire Department #3 - Paris an , NJ $52.00Lake Superior Community Health Center - Duluth, MN $425.85Lakeland Emergency Squad - Andover, NJ $25.00Lakeland Hills Family YMCA - Mountain Lakes, NJ $2,089.27Lakes Pond Baptist Church - Waterford, CT $ 1,905.44


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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION UNITED WAY MATCH Summary by Organization Name

Organization Name Total Foundation Amount

Lakes Reg ion United Way Inc - Laconia, NH $435.00Lakeshore Rescue Missions - Holland Rescue Mission - Holland, MI $5,181.12Lakewood Elementa ry PTO - Ann Arbor, MI $720.00Lakewood Service League - Dallas, TX $1,365.84Lambda Legal Defense & Education Fund - New York, NY $665.56Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund Inc. - New York, NY $ 1,271.31Lancaster Area Kidney Association - Lancaster, PA $630.87Lancaster County - Lititz Senior Center - Lititz, PA $ 165.24Lancaster County Council on Alcoholism and Drug Abuse - Lancaster, PA $2,525.95Lancaster County Project for the Needy - Lititz, PA $75.00Lancaster Day Care Center - Lancaster, PA $1,790.81Lancaster General Hospital - Lancaster, PA $102.00Lance Armstrong Foundation Inc - Albert Lea, MN $3,349.74Large Animal Protection Society Inc - West Grove, PA $531.00Lasalle Street Cycle - Chicago, IL $150.00Latino Commission on AIDS Inc - New York, NY $2,737.28Latino Memphis - Memp his, TN $1,360.00Latinos Unidos - Ann Arbor, MI $ 117.60Laurel House Inc - Stamford, CT $4,176.00Laurelton-S rm field Day Care Center - Jamaica, NY $369.35Lauren's Safe Home - Laurens, SC $526.24Lawrence and Memorial Hos pital Inc - New London, CT $429.00Le Bonheur Childrens Medical Center Foundation - Memphis, TN $1,122.05Leader Dogs for the Blind - Rochester, MI $1,076.00Learn - Old Lyme, CT 6,192.63Learnin g Disabilities Association of Michi gan - Dexter, MI $404.29Learnin g Leaders Inc - New York, NY $3,283.92Learning Village - Kalamazoo, MI $2,998.12Lebanon County Library System - Lebanon, PA $ 1,510.00Lebanon Elementa ry School - Lebanon, CT $585.00Lebanon Valley Family YMCA - Lebanon, PA $1,007.24Lebonheur Early Intervention & Development Program - Memphis, TN $ 1,083.09Led and Education Advancement Foundation - Ledyard, CT $ 119.83Led and Educational Advancement Foundation - Ledyard, CT $2,800.20Led and Public Schools - Ledyard, CT $1,050.48Led and Youth League - Ledyard, CT $12,087.39Lees Friends - Norfolk, VA 256.50Lees Summit Social Services - Lees Summit, MO $1,026.24Leg al Aid Society - New York, NY $2,114.76Legal Services Corp of Central Jersey - New Brunswick, NJ 300.00Legal Services of Northwest Jersey - Morristown, NJ $983.16Lehigh Valley Community Broadcasters Association - Bethlehem, PA $335.88Lenawee United Way - Adrian, Ml $4,919.88Lenewee Humane Society - Adrian, MI $650.72Lenox Hill Neighborhood House Inc - New York, NY $ 100.00Leonard J. Tyl Middle School - Oakdale, CT 50.00Leonid Kozlov Dance International Inc - Ridgewood, NJ $270.00Lessie Bates Davis Neighborhood House - East St. Louis, IL $378.96Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Inc - Meriden, CT $116.00Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Inc - Madison Heig hts, MI $288.00Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Inc - Westfield, NJ 661.68Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Inc - Nashville, TN $628.44Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Inc - Columbus, OH $256.08Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Inc - Saint Louis, MO $35.00Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Inc - San Diego, CA $784.16Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Inc - Memphis, TN $87.10Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Inc - Shawnee Mission, KS $ 1,009.92Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Inc - White Plains, NY 1,663.00Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Inc - Pittsburgh, PA $360.00Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Inc - Omaha, NE $617.84Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Inc - New York, NY $1,355.64Leukemia Lymphoma Society - Melville, NY $99.96Leukemia Society of America Inc. - Orlando, FL 458.20Leukemia Society of America Inc. National Head uaters - New York, NY 20.00Leukemia Society of America New York City Chapter - New York, NY $679.12Leukemia Society of Amenca/Central Connecticut Chapter - Meriden, CT $252.72

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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION UNITED WAY MATCH Summary by Organization Name

Organization Name Total Foundation Amount

Leukemia Society of America/St. Louis - St. Louis, MO $20.00Lexington Humane Society - Lexington, KY $24.00Lexington School for the Deaf/Center for the Deaf - Jackson Heights, NY $3,697.01Liam Reda Foundation - Suffern, NY $1,087.38Liberty Corner First Aid Squad Inc - Liberty NJ $634.32Life Center of Southern Chester County Inc - Kennett Square, PA $507.78Life Choice Center for Women - Harrisonville, MO $425.36Life Haven Inc - New Haven, CT $496.48Life In The Word Inc - Joyce Meyer Ministries - Fenton, MO $466.92Life Promotions Inc - Appleton, WI $1,483.44Life Skill Foundation - Saint Louis, MO $360 00Lifespan, Inc. - Battle Creek, MI $ 1,393.44Liga Contra El Cancer Inc - Miami, FL $958.80Light House Mission Inc - Terre Haute, IN $120.00Light House Mission, Inc. - Terre Haute, IN $879.74Lighthouse - Lincoln, NE $2,444.04Lighthouse of Oakland County Inc - Pontiac, Ml $249.96Lighthouse Tabernacle - Elmhurst, NY $917.36Lillie B. Hanes Elementary School - Niantic, CT 31344Lincoln Action Program Inc - Lincoln, NE $810.61Lincoln Center For The Performing Arts Inc - New York, NY 392.88Lincoln Literacy Council - Lincoln, NE $609.92Lincoln Lutheran Hig h School - Lincoln, NE $651.84Lincoln Lutheran School Association Education Foundation Inc - Lincoln, NE $3,405.68Lincoln Square Neighborhood Center - New York, NY $360.00Lincoln YWCA - Lincoln, NE 957.60Links Foundation Inc - Washington, DC $953.76Lisa Ross Parker Foundation - Brentwood, TN $5,507.66Literacy Council of Readin g-Berks - West Lawn, PA $840.00Literacy Volunteer/SE Fairfield County - Bridgeport, CT 100.00Literacy Volunteers of America - Morristown, NJ $1,424.86Literacy Volunteers of America Inc. - Westfield, NJ $240.00Literacy Volunteers of America Pitt County - Greenville, NC 105.24Literacy Volunteers of America RJProvidence Affiliate - Providence, RI $351.36Literacy Volunteers of America/Danbu ry - Danbury , CT $1,263 72Literacy Volunteers of America/Dutchess County - Poughkeepsie, NY $396.24Literacy Volunteers of America/Northeastern Connecticut - Willimantic, CT $49.92Literacy Volunteers of America/Plainfield - Plainfield, NJ $824.73Literacy Volunteers of America/Somerset County Inc - Bridgewater, NJ $1,610.88Literacy Volunteers of Eastern Connecticut - New London, CT $4,400.80Literacy Volunteers of South County , Inc - North Kingstown, RI 447.00Lithuanian Catholic Relig ious Aid Inc - Maspeth, NY $50.00Lititz Community Center - Lititz, PA $773.36Lititz Youth Soccer Club Inc - Lititz, PA $45.60Little Children's World, Inc. - Branchville, NJ $24.96Little Flower Childrens Service of New York - Wading River, NY $426.92Little League Baseball Inc - Old Saybrook, CT $480.00Little League Baseball Inc - Old Lyme, CT 367.70Little League Baseball Inc - Kearney , NE $737.16Little League Baseball Inc - Dunmore Little League - Dunmore, PA $599.04Little League Baseball Inc - Greenwood Abbeville Little League - Greenwood, SC $ 1,000.00Little O rphan Animals Inc - Peekskill, NY $50.00Little Sister of the Poor St. Josephs Home for the Elderly - Totowa, NJ $240.00Little Sisters of the Poor Home for the Aged - Queens Village, NY $50.00Little Sisters of the Poor Home for the Aged - Bronx, NY $453.24Little Sisters of the Poor of Baltimore - Baltimore, MD $189.00Little Sisters of the Poor St Josephs Home for the Elderly - Totowa, NJ $3,000.00Livin g Word Fellowship , Inc. - Voluntown, CT $871.00Livingston Area Council Against Spouse Abuse Inc - Howell, Ml $640.56Livingston Community Food Bank Inc - Brig hton, Ml $180.00Livingston County United Way - Brig hton, MI $41,754.34Livonia Public Schools - Livonia, MI $179.16Loaves and Fishes - Kalamazoo, MI $3,807.29Local United Network To Combat Hunger - Mystic, CT $500.04Loma Linda University Children's Hospital Foundation - Loma Linda, CA $240.00Long Island 2 Day Walk To Fig ht Breast Cancer - Plainview, NY $25.00

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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION UNITED WAY MATCH Summary by Organization Name

Organization Name Total Foundation Amount

Long Island Alzheimer's Foundation - Port Washington, NY $60.00Long Island Alzheimer's Foundation, Inc. - Long Island, NY $ 170.04Long Island Association for AIDS Care - Liaac - Huntington Station, NY $1,146.36Lon Island Cares - Hauppaug e, NY $24.00Long Island Jewish Medical Center - Long Island, NY $1,311.88Long Island Jewish Medical Center - New Hyde Park, NY 50.00Long Island New York Metro Area Parents of Murdered Children and Other Survivors - Li $ 174.09Long Island Teen Challenge - West Babylon, NY 144 00Long Island Youth Guidance Inc. - Deer Park, NY 860.16Long Valley First Aid Squad Inc - Long Valley , NJ $832.65Longmont Humane Society Inc - Longmont, CO $50.00Lord of Life Evangelical Lutheran Church - Holland, MI $720.00Lost Creek Senior Citizens Center Inc - Terre Haute, IN $515.30Loudoun Association for Retarded Citizens - Leesburg , VA 360.00Loudoun Interfaith Relief Inc - Leesburg , VA $ 1,102.90Loving and Caring Inc - Lancaster, PA $75.00Lower Cape Fear Hospice Incorporated - Wilmington, NC $ 150.00Lubbock Area United Way , Inc - Lubbock, TX 862.92Luc 's Hearth - Middletown, RI $ 145.12Lunch Break - Red Bank, NJ $144.00Lung Cancer Alliance - Vancouver, WA 511.44Lu us Foundation of America Inc Memphis Area Chapter - Memphis, TN $395.25Lupus Foundation of America Inc New Jersey Chapter - Sp ring field, NJ $375.92Lupus Foundation of America Kansas City Chapter Inc - Kansas City , MO $549.12Lupus Foundation of America-Southeastern Pennsylvania Chapter Inc - Wyncote, PA $252.77Lutheran Child & Family Service of Michi gan - Bay Ci ty , MI $240.00Lutheran Child & Family Services of Illinois - River Forest, IL $ 168.00Lutheran Church Missouri Synod - Westlake, OH $ 1,320.00Lutheran Church Missouri Synod - East Lyme, CT 888.72Lutheran Church Missouri Synod - Christ Lutheran Church - Boy Scout Troop 7 - East L $94.44Lutheran Church Missouri Synod - St Johns Lutheran Church - Grand Haven, MI $780.48Lutheran Church Missouri Synod World Relief - Saint Louis, MO $120.00Lutheran Church Missouri Synod/Christ Lutheran Church - Niantic, CT $ 1,297.44Lutheran Family & Community Services - Long Island, NY $79.87Lutheran Family and Children's Services of Missouri - St. Louis, MO $218.04Lutheran Family Services of NE Inc - Omaha, NE $1,595.05Lutheran Hig h School Association of St Louis - Saint Louis, MO 463.44Lutheran Senior Services - St. Louis, MO $745.44Lutheran Social Services of New England Inc. - Rocky Hill, CT $314.58Lutheran World Relief Inc. - Baltimore, MD $261.48Lutherans for Life - Nevada, IA $250.00L comin County United Way Inc - Williamsport, PA $ 180.00L comet -Clinton Counties Commission for Community Action - Bi-County Office of Aging $419.75Lyme School - Old Lyme, CT $480.00Lyme-Old Lyme Middle School - Old Lyme, CT $480.00L mes Youth Service Bureau Inc - Old Lyme, CT $ 100.00Lymphoma Foundation - New York, NY $600.00M S D of Lawrence Township Foundation Inc - Indianapolis, IN $98.01Macular Degeneration Foundation Inc - Henderson, NV $617.28Madison Area YMCA/F.M. Kirby Children's Center - Madison, NJ $ 100.00Madison Community House - Madison, NJ 269.68Madison County Childrens Camp Inc - Oneida, NY $1,288.00Madison Hig h School Educational Foundation Inc - Madison, NJ 1,453.44Madison Repertory Theatre - Madison, W1 $320.04Madison Volunteer Ambulance Corps - Madison, NJ $50.00Madonna Foundation - Lincoln, NE $72.28Madonna Place Inc - Norwich, CT $ 12,508.55Magee Rehabilitation Hospital - Philadel phia, PA $229.20Ma is Foundation for Children's Growth - Oak Park, IL $130.00Mainland Communities United Way - Texas City , TX $510.04Make A Wish Foundation of America - Washington, DC 6,360.89Make A Wish Foundation of America - Phoenix, AZ $3,787.44Make Wish Foundation of Metro St Louis Inc - Saint Louis, MO $372.80Make Wish Foundation of New Jersey - Union, NJ $1,050.84Make Wish Foundation of Susquehanna Valley - Lancaster, PA $194.01Make Wish Foundation/Los Angeles - Los Angeles, CA 980.40


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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION UNITED WAY MATCH Summary by Organization Name

Organization Name Total Foundation Amount

Make A Wish Foundation/Mississi pp i Chapter - Rid eland, MS $2,790.00Make A Wish Foundation/South Florida - Fort Lauderdale, FL $105.00Make A Wish-New Hampshire, Inc. - Manchester, NH $ 1,401.96Make-A Wish Foundation of San Diego Inc - San Diego, CA $1,363.71Make-A-Wish Foundation of CT Inc - Trumbull, CT $240.00Make-A-Wish Foundation of Metro New York - Lake Success, NY $2,043.36Make-A-Wish Foundation of Metro New York Inc - Lake Success, NY $247.00Make-A-Wish Foundation of Michi gan - Livonia, MI 179.16Make-A-Wish Foundation of Michi gan - Grand Rapids, MI $480.00Make-A-Wish Foundation of Michi gan - Lansing , MI $300.00Make-A-Wish Foundation of North Carolina Inc - Charlotte, NC $583.20Make-A-Wish Foundation of North Texas - Dallas, TX 187.56Make-A-Wish Foundation of Southern Nevada - Las Vegas, NV $480.00Make-A-Wish-Foundation of Connecticut, Inc. - Trumbull, CT $ 127.52Malone Community Center - Lincoln, NE $213.72Malta House Inc - Norwalk, CT 933.84Malta Inc - Groton, CT $931.43Manchester United Way - Manchester, MI $ 1,200.00Manhattan Country School, Inc. - New York, NY $2,024.88Maranatha Volunteers International - Sacramento, CA $777.00Marc Lustgarten Pancreatic Cancer Foundation - Bethpage, NY 440.00Marcellus Area Assistance Program Inc - Marcellus, MI $2,386.32March of Dimes - Ann Arbor, MI 581.40March of Dimes Birth Defects Foundation - White Plains, NY $537.82March of Dimes Birth Defects Foundation - Lincoln, NE $327.36March of Dimes Birth Defects Foundation - Pine Brook, NJ 499.92March of Dimes Birth Defects Foundation Eastern Ct Chptr - Norwichtown, CT $30.00March of Dimes Birth Defects National Foundation - Southfield, MI $261.48March of Dimes Birth Defects National Foundation - Manchester, CT $508.44March of Dimes Birth Defects National Foundation - Memphis, TN 68.86March of Dimes National Foundation - Albany , NY $ 1,052.25March of Dimes/Rochester - Rochester, MN $1,200.00Maret School, Inc. - Washington, DC $250.00Marian Hall - St. Louis, MO 125.00Marine Biolog ical Laboratory - Woods Hole, MA $282.48Marine Toys for Tots Foundation - Quantico, VA $ 168.36Marion County United Way - Knoxville, IA $50.00Marion Home Foundation Inc - Gary , IN $256.08Mar aree Mason Center Inc - Fresno, CA 268.48Market Street Mission Inc. - Morristown, NJ $ 1,161.96Marrow Foundation - Washington, DC $ 136.20Marshall Area Youth Network - Marshall, IL $596.76Marshall United Way - Marshall, MI 25. 00Marshalltown Area United Way - Marshalltown, IA $ 1,000.00Martha O'bryan Center - Nashville, TN 361.90Martha's Table - Washington, DC $1,424.88Martin House Incorporated - Norwich, CT $8,941.04Martin Luther King Elementa ry School Parent Teacher Organization - Ann Arbor, MI $250.00Martin Luther King Multi-Purpose Center - Spring Valley , NY $422.76Marvin Tiger Foundation for Medical Research - Brooklyn, NY 108.56Mary Institute and Saint Louis Country Day School - Saint Louis, MO 120.00Mary M Goole Hemophilia Center Inc - Rochester, NY $555.72Mary Mother of God Mission Society - St. Paul, MN $100.08Mary Ryder Home - St Louis, MO $ 149.00Ma rove - Florissant, MO $240.00Mason Ride Elementa ry - Creve Coeur, MO 600.00Masonic Charity Foundation of New Jersey - Burlington, NJ 240.00Masonic Charity Foundation/Connecticut - Wallingford, CT $666.12Masonicare - Wallin gford, CT $ 1,156.32Mass Association for the Blind/Brookline - Brookline, MA 36.00Massachusetts Association for Mental Health - Boston, MA $ 143.75Master's Hand Foundation - Lake Forest, CA $414.54Mathews-Dickey Boys & Girls Club - St. Louis, MO $694.92Matt Talbot Kitchen - Lincoln, NE $ 1,772.83Maxfund Inc - Denver, CO $891.25Maximilian Kolbe Catholic Church - West Chester, PA 73.96


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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION UNITED WAY MATCH Summary by Organization Name

Oreanization Name Total Foundation Amount

Mayors Alliance for NYCS Animals Inc - New York, NY $99.92Meals on Wheels - Lancaster, PA $326.04Meals on Wheels In Greater New Brunswick - New Brunswick, NJ $120.00Meals on Wheels In Hunterdon, Inc. - Quakertown, NJ $ 1,282.16Meals on Wheels of Cheyenne Inc - Cheyenne, WY $25.00Meals on Wheels of Hudson County - Jersey City , NJ 34.00Meals on Wheels of Stamford-Darien Inc - Stamford, CT $175.00Meals on Wheels of Staten Island, Inc. - Staten Island, NY $300.00Meals on Wheels of Wake County Inc - Raleig h, NC $ 1,290.00Meals on Wheels-Y psilanti - Ypsilanti, Ml $3,787.83Meals on Wheels/Englewood - Englewood, NJ $25.00Meals on Wheels/Greenville - Greenville, SC $216.95Meals on Wheels/Northam pton City-Bethlehem Area - Bethlehem, PA $40.00Meals on Wheels/Pleasant Hill - Pleasant Hill, MO $872.04Meals-on-Wheels Greater San Diego Inc - San Diego, CA $300.00Medassist of Mecklenburg - Charlotte, NC $519.57Medgar Evers Educational Foundation Inc - Brooklyn, NY $2,761.48Medical Aid for Children of Latin America Inc - Kansas City , MO $ 1,872.12Medical Needs Foundation, Inc. - Mountain Lakes, NJ $360.00Meetin g Street Center - East Providence, RI $ 10.50Meetin g Street School - East Providence, RI $ 10,990.91Meg s House - Greenwood, SC 2,220.94Mel Trotter Ministries - Grand Rapids, MI $72.00Memorial & Libra ry Association - Westerly , RI $250.00Memorial Hospital - North Conway , NH $150.00Memorial Sloan-Ketterin g Cancer Center - New York, NY $7,470.38Memphis Child Advocacy Center - Memphis, TN $50.40Memphis Food Bank - Memphis, TN $74.28Memphis Humane Society - Memphis, TN $581.68Memphis Union Mission - Memphis, TN $2,316.64Memphis Urban Leag ue, Inc. - Memphis, TN $1,425.32Men of Epsilon Omega Inc - Orangeburg , SC $565.20Mental Health Association - Lancaster, PA $ 1,699.79Mental Health Association In Indiana Inc - Indianapolis, IN 720.00Mental Health Association In Madison County - Huntsville, AL $254.84Mental Health Association In Michigan - Southfield, MI 505.82Mental Health Association In South Carolina - Greenwood, SC $ 195.38Mental Health Association of Essex County - Montclair, NJ $733.92Mental Health Association of Greater St. Louis - St. Louis, MO $ 1,128.12Mental Health Association of Middle Tn - Nashville, TN $75.36Mental Health Association of Morris County Inc - Mountain Lakes, NJ $770.96Mental Health Association of the Heartland - Kansas City , KS $515.20Mentoring USA, Inc - New York, NY 494.40Meorot Institute Ltd-Yeshivat Chovevei Torah Rabbinical School - New York, NY $974.16Mercer County Hispanic Association ( Mecha) - Lawrenceville, NJ $381.73Mercy High School - Middletown, CT 717.24Mercy Medical Center - Rockville Centre, NY $200.00Mercy-USA for Aid and Development Inc - Plymouth, MI $932.24Mesa United Way - Mesa, AZ $580.00Mesivta Yeshiva Rabbi Chaim Berlin - Brooklyn, NY $ 1,396.80Messiah Lutheran Church & School Foundation - Lincoln, NE $ 1,324.32Methodist Children's Home Society - Detroit, Ml 888.88Metro United Way - Louisville, KY $9,165.73Metropolitan Camden Habitat for Humanity Inc - Camden, NJ 500.04Metropolitan Jewish Geriatric Foundation - Brooklyn, NY $50.00Metropolitan Lutheran Minist ry - Kansas City , MO $379.50Metropolitan Organization To Counter Sexual Assault - Kansas City , MO 204.88Metropolitan YMCA of the Oranges Inc - West Essex YMCA - Livingston, NJ $473.04Metropolitan YMCA of the Oranges Inc. South Mountain Branch - Maplewood, NJ 597.54Mexican American Opportunity Foundation - Montebe l lo, CA $786.72Miami Behavioral Health Center - Miami, FL $110.00Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinsons Research - New York, NY $ 1,968.41Michigan Ability Partners - Ann Arbor, Ml $984.64Michigan Anti Cruelty Society - Detroit, MI $ 104.00Michigan Association for Deaf Hearing and Speech Services - Lansing , MI $704.32

, Michigan Audubon Society - Lansing , MI $52.47S'1'A'ft M1 N '1' 411)

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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION UNITED WAY MATCH Summary by Organization Name

Organization Name Total Foundation Amount

Michigan Audubon Society - Paradise, Ml $392.88Michigan Chinese School - Novi, MI $ 100.00Michigan Council on Crime and Delinquency - Lansing , Ml $257.40Michigan Environmental Council - Lansing , MI $492.00Michigan Foundation for the Blind and Visually Imparied - Kalamazoo, MI 328.84Michigan Humane Society - Southfield, MI 164.00Michigan Humane Society - Rochester Hills, MI 358.68Michigan League for Human Services - Lansing , MI $580.20Michigan New Centu ry Chinese School - Novi, MI $25.00Michigan Parkinson Foundation - Bingham Farms, MI $90.00Michigan SIDS Alliance Inc - Lansing , Ml $621.40Michigan Society for Medical Research ( Mismr) - Ann Arbor, MI $497.84Michigan Society for Medical Research Inc - Ann Arbor, Ml $886.92Michigan Tech Fund - Houghton, Ml $1,288.20Michigan Theatre of Jackson Inc - Jackson, MI $560.96Michigan Trails and Greenways Alliance - Lansing , MI 560.28Michigan United Conservation Clubs - Lansing , MI $500.04Michigan Visiting Nurses - Ann Arbor, MI 1,611.72Michi gan Wildlife Habitat Foundation - Bath, MI $45.09Mid Fairfield AIDS Proj ect Inc - Norwalk, CT $250.00Mid-Plains United Way , Inc. - North Platte, NE $1,283.92Mid-South ARC - Memphis, TN $149.50Middle Earth - Somerville, NJ $525.00Middleburg Earl y Education Center - Middleburg Heights, OH 35.00Middlesex County Association of the Blind, Inc. - Old Bridge, NJ $25.00Middlesex County Child Assault Prevention Project-Cap - Laurence Harbor, NJ $75.00Middlesex Interfaith Partners with the Homeless - New Brunswick, NJ $300.00Middlesex United Way Inc - Middletown, CT $20,755.02Middlesex United Way , Inc. - Middletown, CT 1,002.59Middletown Y.M.C.A. - Montgomery , NY $100.00Midland School - North Branch, NJ $6,508.32Midtown Pregnancy Support Center - New York, NY 1,250.16Mighty Mutts - Brookl yn, NY $425.36Mig rant Health Promotion - Saline, MI $50.45Milag ro House - Lancaster, PA $5,270.00Milbank Community Foundation - Milbank, SD $ 184.00Mile Creek School - Old Lyme, CT 168.00Mile Hig h United Way Inc - Denver, CO $38,042.42Milita ry Youth Sports - Groton, CT 2,236.54Millburn Township Department of Recreation - Millburn, NJ $129.80Milllersville University - Millersville, PA $ 197.28Milton Area School District - Milton, PA $541.20Milwood Neighborhood Watch Association - Kalamazoo, Ml 25.00Ministerio Cristiano Hoar Posada La Victoria Inc - Bayamon, PR $415.38Ministeno De Ayuda Al Necesitado "CASA Misericordla" - Gurabo, PR $270.39Ministerio En Jehova Seran Provistos Sida Pediatrico Inc - Arecibo, PR $750.94Minist ry With Community Inc - Kalamazoo, Ml $26,291.02Miriam Foundation - Saint Louis, MO $938.16Misericordia Home - Chicago, IL $55.00Missouri Botanical Garden - St. Louis, MO $100.00Missouri Chapter the Lupus Foundation of America Inc - St. Louis, MO $150.00Missouri Slope Areawide United Way Inc - Bismarck, ND $410.00Missouri Wildlife Rescue Center - Ballwin, MO $438.73Mobile Meals of Trenton - Trenton, NJ $2,186.16Mobile Meals of Westfield - Westfield, NJ 1,150.44Mobius, Inc. - Damariscotta, ME $109.40Mohegan Fire Company Inc - Uncasville, CT $ 1,067.06Mon Valley Initiative - Homestead, PA 191.59Monadnock United Way Inc - Keene, NH $ 1,065.48Monmouth County Society for the Prevention of Cruelty To Animals - Eatontown, NJ $25.29Monmouth Medical Center/Scan - Eatontown, NJ $25.00Monsignor Ferris Life Center Inc - Rockaway Park, NY 1,375.92Montclair Ambulance Unit - Montclair, NJ $2,187.24Montel Williams MS Foundation - New York, NY $48.00Montessori Association of South Texas - Corpus Christi, TX $375.90Montessori Childrens Center Inc - Kalamazoo, Ml 1,854.96

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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION UNITED WAY MATCH Summary by Organization Name

Organization Name Total Foundation Amount

Montessori Discove ry School - Norwich, CT $913.60Montessori Discove ry School Incorporated - Norwich, CT $ 1,196.88Montgome ry Area United Way - Montgome ry , AL $3,077.69Montgome ry County United Way - The Woodlands, TX $315.00Montville Visitor Nurse Association Inc - Uncasville, CT $42.00Montville Youth Soccer Club Inc - Oakdale, CT


Morongo Basin United Way - Yucca Valley , CA $200.00Morris Area Girl Scout Council - Randolph, NJ 4,376.95Morris Center YMCA - Cedar Knolls, NJ $716.44Morris County Challenger Sports League - Rockaway Borou g h, NJ $ 1,077.72Morris County Hispanic Affairs Organization - Dover, NJ $815.46Morris Habitat for Humanit Inc. - Morristown, NJ $ 1,815.36Morris Knolls Hi g h School - Rockaway , NJ $52.00Morris Land Conservancy - Boonton, NJ 25.00Morristown and Morris Township Libra ry Foundation - Friends of the Joint Free Public Lib $60.00Morristown Memorial Health Foundation Inc - Morristown, NJ $7,402.72Mothers Against Drunk Driving - Allegan, MI $ 190.74Mothers Against Drunk Driving Morris/Passaic Chapter - Morristown, NJ 120.00Mount Clemens Foundation - Mount Clemens, MI $79.00Mount Loretto Mission of the Immaculate Virg in - Staten Island, NY $728.40Mount Olive Child Care & Learning Center - Flanders, NJ $1,183.44Mount Sinai Hospital - New York, NY $398.08Mount Sinai School of Medicine of the City University of New York - New York, NY $398.04Mount St. Mary Academy - Watchung , NJ $100.00Movimiento Para El Alcance De Vida Independiente - San Juan, PR $1,584.96Mrc Industries Incorporated - Kalamazoo, MI $4,493.35Msu Student Food Bank - East Lansing , MI 54.00Mt. Calvary Missiona ry Baptist Church - Harrisburg , PA 720.55Mt. Sinai Baptist Church - Brooklyn, NY $816.45Muhtenberg Hospital Foundation - Plainfield, NJ $3,547.92Multiple Sclerosis Association of America - Hagerstown, MD $770.64Multiple Sclerosis Association of America Inc - Cherry Hill, NJ $84.96Multiple Sclerosis Association of El Paso - El Paso, TX $600.00Multiple Sclerosis Foundation, Inc. - Fort Lauderdale, FL 150.00Multiple Sclerosis Research Center of New York Inc - New York, NY $ 1,391.64Musconetcon g Valley Community Association Inc - Long Valley , NJ 292.95Muscular Dystrophy Association - Hato Rey , PR $ 108.67Muscular Dystrophy Association - Downers Grove, IL $ 125.00Muscular Dystrophy Association - Portland, OR $475.86Muscular Dystrophy Association - Binghamton, NY $229.32Muscular Dystrophy Association - Hauppauge, NY $50.02Muscular Dystrophy Association - Glastonbu ry , CT $ 127.84Museum Of Chinese In The Americas - New York, NY 124.96Music for Life/African Children's Choir - Arlington, WA 578.36Muskegon County Community Foundation - Muskegon, MI $ 1,093.56Muske on Rescue Mission - Muskegon, MI 421.20My Sister's Place - White Plains, NY $1,649.19Myasthenia Gravis Association - Southfield, MI $349.20Mystic & Noank Library Inc - Mystic, CT $2,091.60Mystic Area Shelter and Hospitality Inc - Mystic, CT $2,317.92Mystic Art Association - Mystic, CT $484.80Mystic Community Center - Mystic, CT 431.07Mystic Cong regational Church Inc - Mystic, CT 369.72Mystic Fire Department - Mystic, CT $452.40Mystic Middle School - Mystic, CT $400.80Mystic River Historical Society Inc - Mystic, CT $452.40Mystic Seaport Museum Inc - Mystic, CT $592.80N. New Mexico/Los Alamos Area United Wa , Inc. - Los Alamos, NM 104.89N. New Mexico/Los Alamos United Way - Los Alamos, NM $104.92Nami Alabama - Decatur, AL 547.20NAMI Central Georgia Inc - Warner Robins, GA $213.12NAMI Huntsville - Huntsville, AL $339.71Nami Indiana Inc - Indianapolis, IN 600.00Nami of Connecticut Incor orated-NAMI -Trumbull - Trumbull, CT $250.00NAMI of Southeastern Connecticut Incorporated - Lebanon, CT $1,212.00Nami of St Louis - Kirkwood, MO 1,265.72

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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION UNITED WAY MATCH Summary by Organization Name

Organization Name Total Foundation AmountNAMI Olmsted County - Rochester, MN $854.88Nami San Diego - San Diego, CA $ 150.00Nami, Inc. - N Brunswick, NJ $872.56NAMI-MN - Saint Paul, MN $575.00NAMI-New York City Staten Island Inc - Staten Island, NY $1,073.30Naomi Berrie Diabetes Center - New York, NY $558.00Naperville United Way - Chica o, IL $2,164.88Nashua Children's Home - Nashua, NH $357.17Nashville Humane Society - Nashville, TN $1,426.32National AIDS Fund - Washington, DC $1,500.00National Alliance for Autism Research Inc - Huntington Station, NY $240.00National Alliance for Autism Research Inc - Princeton, NJ $3,662.23National Alliance for the Mentally III of New York City Inc - New York, NY 94.21National Alopecia Areata Foundation - San Rafael, CA $2,581.44National Arbor Day Foundation - Lincoln, NE $326.64National Association for the Advancement of Colored People - Baltimore, MD $69.00National Association of Rocketry - Marion, IA $540.00National Black United Fund Inc - Newark, NJ 564.96National Brain Tumor Foundation - San Francisco, CA $1,050.00National Breast Cancer Coalition Fund - Washington, DC $2,048.80National Cancer Institute - Bethesda, MD $278.54National Center for Missing and Exploited Children - Alexandria, VA $636.60National Children Leukemia Foundation Inc - Brooklyn, NY $100.00National Coalition for Cancer Survivorshi p - Silver Sp rin g , MD 453.00National Council of Young Israel - Passaic, NJ 1,911.60National Cowboy Hall of Fame & Western Heritage Center - Oklahoma City , OK $1,104.72National Down Syndrome Society - New York, NY 93.72National Foundation for Cancer Research - Bethesda, MD $801.49National Foundation for Ectodermal D s lasias - Mascoutah, IL $1,123.44National Gay and Lesbian Task Force Policy Institute - Washington, DC $206.04National Kidney Foundation Inc - Dallas, TX $50.00National Kidne y Foundation Inc - Honolulu, HI $777.48National Kidne y Foundation Inc - Provo, UT $115.00National Kidney Foundation Inc - New York, NY $546.48National Kidne y Foundation Inc - Grand Rapids, MI $380.00National Kidne y Foundation Inc - Oklahoma City , OK $1,354.47National Kidney Foundation Inc - Rocky Hill, CT $ 1,009.92National Kidney Foundation Inc - Ann Arbor, MI $ 1,727.16National Kidne y Foundation Inc - Omaha, NE $896.88National Kidney Foundation Of North Carolina Inc - Charlotte, NC 1,460.64National Kidney Foundation of the National Capital Area, Inc - Washington, DC $99.96National Leukodystrophy Foundation Inc. - Sycamore, IL 854.88National Marrow Donor Prog ram - Minneapolis, MN $493.44National Multiple Sclerosis Society - Indianapolis, IN 278.04National Multiple Sclerosis Society - Melville, NY $204.96National Multi ple Sclerosis Society - Wilmington, DE $20.00National Multiple Sclerosis Society - Nashville, TN $434.48National Multi ple Sclerosis Society - Harrisburg , PA $2,335.16National Multi ple Sclerosis Society - New York, NY $ 1,390.42National Multiple Sclerosis Society - Carlsbad, CA $220.00National Multi ple Sclerosis Society - Newington, CT $ 1,367.00National Multi ple Sclerosis Society - Maumee, OH $277.61National Multi ple Sclerosis Society - St. Louis, MO $ 1,557.58National Multiple Sclerosis Society - Omaha, NE $548.16National Multiple Sclerosis Society - Southfield, MI $2,787.99National Multi ple Sclerosis Society Allegheny District - Pittsburgh, PA 1,375.17National Multi ple Sclerosis Society Central New England Chap - Waltham, MA $494.64National Multiple Sclerosis Society Greater Delaware Valley Chapter - Philadel phia, PA $2,117.88National Multi ple Sclerosis Society Maryland Chapter - Owings Mills, MD $ 1,730.88National Multi ple Sclerosis Society Mid-ohio Chapter - Columbus, OH $50.00National Multiple Sclerosis Society Northern NJ Chapter - Trenton, NJ $52.44National Multiple Sclerosis Society Rhode Island Chapter - Warwick, RI $ 1,142.51National Multi ple Sclerosis Society Southern Ny Chapter - White Plains, NY $367.20National Multi ple Sclerosis Society/Buffalo - Cheektowaga, NY 819.84National Multiple Sclerosis Society/Long Island Chapter - Long Island, NY $240.00National Multiple Sclerosis Society/Mid Jersey Chapter - Oakhurst, NJ $3,597.28


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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION UNITED WAY MATCH Summary by Organization Name

Organization Name Total Foundation Amount

National Organization for Rare Disorders Inc - Danbu ry , CT $553.80National Park Foundation - Washington, DC 590.16National Park Service - Salem, MA $203.16National Parkinson Foundation Inc - Miami, FL $325.05National Parks Conservation Association - Washington, DC $306.24National Public Radio - Washington, DC $980.03National Public Radio Inc. - Washington, DC $526.80National Rig ht To Life Educational Trust Fund - Washington, DC $3,950.25National Rosacea Society - Barrington, IL 144.00National Spinal Cord Inj u ry Association - Wallin gford, CT $100.00National Stroke Association - Englewood, CO $1,005.36National Transplant Assistance Fund Inc - Radnor, PA 725.04National Trust for Historic Preservation In the United States - Washington, DC $804.22National Urban League Inc - New York, NY $65.80National Wildlife Federation - Vienna, VA $ 120.00Natural Resources Defense Council Inc - New York, NY $597.52Nature Conservancy - Charlottesville, VA $326.62Nature Conservancy - Lansing , MI $294.96Nature Conservancy - New York, NY 331.92Nature Conservancy - Arlington, VA $ 132.09Nature Conservancy Inc - East Lansing , MI $1,252.68Nature Conservancy Inc - Hailey , ID $100.00Nature Conservancy Inc - Portland, OR $295.20Nature Conservancy Inc. California Reg ional Office - San Francisco, CA $75.00Nature Conservancy Inc. Connecticut Chapter - Middletown, CT $27.84Nature Conservancy Inc. New Jersey Field Office - Chester, NJ $160.26Navesink Hook & Ladder - Navesink, NJ $200.00Nazarene Compassionate Ministries Inc - Olathe, KS $2,500.14Nazareth Nurse ry - New York, NY $441.88Nebraska AIDS Project Inc - Omaha, NE $654.33Neediest Kids of All - Cincinnati, OH 406.44Neighborhood House Association - San Diego, CA $150.00Neighborhood Senior Services - Ann Arbor, MI 2,474.19Neighborhood Youth Association Inc - Venice, CA $684.00Neighbors Link Corp - Mount Kisco, NY $322.66Neighbors of Monroe County , Inc - East Stroudsburg , PA 50.00Nepperhan Community Center - Yonkers, NY $561.60Nerinx Hall Hig h School - Webster Groves, MO $50.00New Directions for People With Disabilities, Inc. - Santa Barbara, CA $50.00New Era Reformed Church - New Era, MI $845.52New Generation Inc - Greenland, NH 25.00New Genesis Inc - Kalamazoo, MI $2,535.12New Hampshire Food Bank - Manchester, NH $600.00New Hope - Saint Charles, MO $ 1,251.89New Hope Baptist Church - Grand Rapids, MI $845.52New Jersey Association on Correction - Trenton, NJ $300.00New Jersey Family Council Inc - Whippany , NJ 150.00New Jersey Scholars Prog ram Inc - Lawrenceville, NJ 100.00New Jersey State Organizaion of Cystic Fibrosis - Totowa, NJ $284.96New Jersey Taiwanese Evergreen Association - New Brunswick, NJ $2,769.72New Jersey Women and AIDS Network - New Brunswick, NJ $471.54New Life Rescue Mission - Detroit, MI 25.00New London Area Food Coalition Inc - New London, CT $828.60New London Community Meal Center - New London, CT $ 1,086.36New London Community Meal Center Inc - New London, CT $ 1,150.92New London County Association for Retarded Citizens Inc - Norwich, CT $10,228.91New Moms, New Expectations - Bridgewater, NJ $2,640.00New Providence Rescue Squad Association Inc - New Providence, NJ 192.00New Rochelle Humane Society Inc - New Rochelle, NY 250.00New York Agency for Community Affairs Inc - New Orleans, LA $50.00New York and Presbyterian Hospital - New York, NY $ 1,118.16New York City Asthma Partnership - New York, NY $240.00New York City Coalition Against Hunger Inc - New York, NY $2,345.67New York City Rescue Mission - New York, NY $ 125.00New York Conservation Education Fund, Inc. - New York, NY $3,642.00New York Firefi ghters Burn Center Foundation - Bronx, NY $306.60

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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION UNITED WAY MATCH Summary by Organization Name

Organization Name Total Foundation AmountNew York Foundling Hospital - New York, NY $3,421.24New York Lawyers for the Public Interest, Inc. - New York, NY $1,100.00New York Parks & Conservation Association Inc. - Albany , NY $82.04New York Police & Fire Widows & Children's Benefit Fund Inc. - King 's Park, NY $50.00New York Public Libra ry Astor Lenox and Tilden Foundations - New York, NY $8,100.00New York Restoration Project - New York, NY $1,436.88New York Society for the Deaf - New York, NY $162 48New York Special Olympics Inc - Schenectady , NY $1,780.00New York University - New York, NY 532.22New York Womens Employment Center Inc - New York, NY $744.28Newark Community Health Center - Newark, NJ $50.00Newark Day Center - Greater Newark Fresh Air Fund - Newark, NJ $219.96Newton Boys and Girls Club Corporation - Newton, MA $ 142.80Newton Chinese Language School - Newtonville, MA $ 142.80Niantic Center School - Niantic, CT $ 199.92Nick and Mark Bouniconti Fund To Cure Paral ysis - Miami, FL $ 170.48Nig ht Stalker Association - Clarksville, TN 1,364.59Ninety Six School District 52 - Ninety Six, SC $182.00NJ State Elks Handicapped Children Committee - Woodbridge, NJ $145.00Noahs Wish - Placerville, CA 25.00Noank Baptist Grou p Homes Inc - Noank, CT 15,225.21Noank Baptist Group Homes Inc.- Main Street House - Noank, CT $330.00Nonp rofit Technology Resources Inc - Philadel phia, PA 199.92Noonan Syndrome Support Group Inc - Upperco, MD $48.00Noroton Heig hts Fire Department Incorporated - Darien, CT $ 145.80North American Martyrs Catholic Church of Lincoln - Lincoln, NE $135.72North Baldwin United Way - Bay Minette, AL 60.00North Carolina School of the Arts Foundation Inc. - Winston Salem, NC $49.92North Carolina State University Foundation Inc - Raleig h, NC $240.00North Central Indiana Food Bank Inc - South Bend, IN $547.56North Count ry United Way - Littleton, NH 500.00North Fork Women's Resource Center - Cutchogue, NY $831.48North Hills Community Outreach Inc - Allison Park, PA $165.00North Penn United Way - Hatfield, PA $25.00North Shore Animal League America Inc - Port Washington, NY $316.33North Shore Child & Family Guidance Center - Long Island, NY 214.76North Shore Medical Center Foundation Inc - Salem, MA 152.37North Shore United Way Inc - Beverly , MA $230.00North Shore University Hospital at Glen Cove - Long Island, NY $65.00North Shore University Hos teal Foundation - Great Neck, NY $ 1,456.12North South Foundation - Burr Ridge, IL $9,938.02North Texas Area United Way - Wichita Falls, TX $993.40North Utica Senior Citizens - Utica, NY 972.00Northeast Animal Shelter Inc. - Salem, MA $101.64Northeast Family Resource Center - Lincoln, NE $895.44Northeast Guilford Hig h - Mc Leansville, NC 50.00Northeast Organic Faming Association of Connecticut - Northford, CT $ 1,036.32Northeastern Connecticut Sexual Assault Crisis Services - Willimantic, CT $789.00Northeastern University - Boston, MA $50.00Northern Berkshire United Way Inc - North Adams, MA $ 1,670.00Northern Home for Children - Philadel phia, PA 391.00Northern New Jersey Huaxia Chinese School Inc - Cedar Grove, NJ $20.00Northfield Area United Way - Northfield, MN $500.00Northland Public Libra ry Foundation - Pittsburg h, PA $191.76Northside Catholic Academy - Brookl yn, NY $755.04Northville Community Foundation Inc - Northville, MI $1,334.88Northwest Volunteer Fire and Rescue Dept - Greenwood, SC $ 1,870.64Northwestern University - Evanston, IL $691.81Northwoods United Wa , Inc. - Rhinelander, WI $50.00Norwalk Emergency Shelter - Norwalk, CT $1,276.20Norwalk Emergency Shelter Inc - Norwalk, CT $ 1,432.72Norwescap , Inc. - Food Bank - Phillipsburg , NJ $ 180.00Norwich Free Academy - Norwich, CT $934.44Notre Dame Hig h School - Elmira, NY 100.00Nra Foundation Inc - Fairfax, VA 605.00Nurses for Newborns Foundation - St. Louis, MO 527.76


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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION UNITED WAY MATCH Summary by Organization NameOrganization Name Total Foundation Amount

Nurturin g Children and Youth - White Plains, NY $120.00Nutle y Volunteer Emergency Rescue Squad - Nutley , NJ $2,496.60Nutmeg Big Brothers-Bi g Sisters Inc - Hartford, CT $635.16N sarc Inc - Westchester ARC - White Plains, NY $672.72O.I.C. of New London County - New London, CT $3,477.26Oak Knoll School of the Holy Child - Summit, NJ $1,792.78Oakland University Foundation - Rochester, MI $104.58Oasis Sanctuary Foundation Ltd - Phoenix, AZ $ 115.00Oasis Women's Center - Alton, IL $88.64Obsessive Compulsive Foundation Inc - New Haven, CT $1,306.80Occupational Training Center of Burlington County - Mt. Holly , NJ $614.40Ocean Conservancy Inc - Washington, DC $343.19Od Yosef Chai Inc. - Brooklyn, NY $31.76Oficina Para La Promocion Y El Desarrollo Humano Inc - Arecibo, PR $345.87Ohel Children's Home and Family Services - Brooklyn, NY $7,274.68Ohel Childrens Home and Family Services Inc. - Brooklyn, NY $617.12Ohr Somayach Institutions - Monsey , NY $1,218.23Ohr Torah Stone Institutions of Israel - New York, NY 1,003.68Oklahoma Philharmonic Society Inc - Oklahoma City , OK $ 1,104.72Oklahoma State University Foundation - Stillwater, OK $630.14Oklahoma Zoolog ical Society Inc - Oklahoma City , OK $1,104.72Olathe Meals-on-Wheels - Olathe, KS $391.32Old Lyme Center School - Old Lyme, CT $168.00Old Lyme Day Care - Old Lyme, CT $4,461.84Old Lyme Daycare Inc - Lyme, CT $965.40Old Lyme Daycare, Inc. - Old Lyme, CT $4,811.12Old Saybrook Education Foundation - Old Saybrook, CT $2,665.12Old Saybrook Fire Company Number One Association Inc - Old Saybrook, CT $212.40Old Saybrook Middle School - Old Saybrook, CT $750.00Olga and Dorothea Dessin Society Prevention of Cruelty To Animals - Honesdale, PA $ 169.04Olive Branch Community Emergency Food Minist ry - Olive Branch, MS $151.72Olivet Nazarene Universi ty - Bourbonnais, IL $232.80Omega Psi Phi Fraternity Foundation - Raleig h, NC 990.00on the Rise Inc - Cambridge, MA $1,313.76Open Door & Next Door Shelters - Kalamazoo, MI $ 1,257.84Open Door Animal Sanctua ry - House Sprin g s, MO $36.00Open Door Family Medical Center - White Plains, NY $ 1,078.27Open Door Family Medical Center - Ossining , NY 905.76Open Door Mission Inc - Rochester, NY $400.68Open Hearts Minist ry Inc - Kalamazoo, MI $30.60Operation Breakthroug h Inc - Kansas City , MO $274.44Operation Fuel Inc. - Bloomfield, CT $240.00Operation Kindness of Garland - Carrollton, TX 350.00Operation Samahan, Inc - National City , CA $150.00Operation Smile Inc - Norfolk, VA $1,412.40Operation USA - Los Angeles, CA $240.00Oprahs Angel Network - Chicago, IL $ 1,823.80Oregon Humane Society - Portland, OR 2,462.18Oregon Rail Heritage Foundation - Portland, OR $643.20Organization for African American Korean American Solidarity Inc - New York, NY $804.96Orono Hockey Boosters Inc - Long Lake, MN $ 1,746.00Orphans of The Storm - Deerfield, IL 495.00Orthodox Christian Mission Center Inc. - Saint Aug ustine, FL $1,215.72Osceola County Council on Ag ing Inc. - Kissimmee, FL $ 1,000.48Oscoda Area United Way - Oscoda, MI 30.00Oshkosh Area United Way , Inc. - Oshkosh, WI $ 148.00Ossinin g Children's Center - White Plains, NY $4,212.70Ossining Union Free School District - Ossining , NY $ 1,061.64OSU Cowboy Golf LLC - Stillwater, OK $419.98Otis Library - Norwich, CT $ 1,556.88Otsego County United Way Inc - Gaylord, MI 1,302.89Our Lady of Fatima Church - Hartford, CT 132.00Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church/Youth Minist - Doylestown, PA $696.00Out & Equal - San Francisco, CA $744.48Outreach Project Inc - Richmond Hill, NY $50.00Ovarian Cancer Research Fund, Inc. - New York, NY 685.95


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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION UNITED WAY MATCH Summary by Organization Name

Organization Name Total Foundation Amount

Ovensel Reformed Church - Holland, MI $762.84Overlook Hospital Health Systems, Inc. - Summit, NJ $738.96Overseas China Education Foundation - Houston, TX $140.00Oxfam - America Inc - Boston, MA $ 100.00Ozanam Hall of Queens Nursing Home Inc. - Bayside, NY $50.00Ozone House Inc - Ann Arbor, MI $5,255.06P E 0 Foundation - Des Moines, IA $61727P G Chambers School Inc - Cedar Knolls, NJ $4,419.68PACE Vermont Inc - Burlington, VT $100.00Pace Youth Development Corporation - Piscataway , NJ $ 1,364.88Pacific Whale Foundation - Wailuku, HI $326.42Packard Community Clinic - Ann Arbor, MI $965.88Pajama Program Inc - New York, NY $912.00Palliative Care Center & Hospice of Catawba Valley Inc - Newton, NC $25.00Palm Beach Community Chest Inc - Palm Beach, FL $100.00Palolo Chinese Home - Honolulu, HI $75.00Pals for Life Association - Wayne, PA $267.95Pan Massachusetts Challenge Trust - Needham, MA $218.41Pancreatic Cancer Action Network Inc - El Segundo, CA $290.84Paralyzed Veterans of America Inc. - Washington, DC $313.92Paramus Catholic High School - Paramus, NJ $120.00Parchment Schools Foundation - Parchment, MI 90.00Pardee Cancer Treatment Fund of Midland - Midland, Mi $846.96Parents Assistance Center, Inc. - Oklahoma City , OK $552.48Parents Association of Stuyvesant Hig h School - New York, NY $ 1,338.48Parents Available To Help Inc - Northford, CT $2,150.00Parents Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays Inc - Ann Arbor, MI $259.80Parents Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays Inc. - Washington, DC $102.96Parents of Ang els Inc - Bronx, NY $755.04Parents Together - Ypsilanti, MI $207.92Parishes Associated on Kinloch Team Pakt - Ferguson, MO $ 1,836.00Park Square Advocates Inc - Boston, MA $847.31Parker Jewish Institute for Health Care and Rehabilitation Foundation - New Hyde Park, $697.84Parkinson's Association of Greater Kansas City - Overland Park, KS $157.78Parkside Bible Church - Holland, MI $762.84Parksville Volunteer Fire Department - Parksville, SC $305.28Parkview Adult Foster Care Home Inc - Zeeland, MI $748.17Parsippany Child Day Care Center Inc - Parsippany, NJ $875.68Parsippany Education Foundation Inc. - Parsippany , NJ $438.24Parsippany Volunteer Ambulance Inc - Parsippany, NJ $25.00Part of the Solution Inc - Bronx, NY $684.00Partnership for Americas Future Inc - Akron, OH $375.24Partnershi p For Social Services - Catholic Family & Community Services Inc - Franklin, N $3,000.00Partnership With Children Inc - New York, NY $263.08Partnerships With Industry - San Diego, CA 853.20Pascack Valley Hospital Foundation - Westwood, NJ $204.00Pascack Valley Meals on Wheel - Westwood, NJ 135.84Pathway Family Center - Southfield, MI $25.00Pathways Counselin g Center Inc - Pompton Lakes, NJ $597.48Pathways for Youth Inc - Bronx, NY $2,952.65Paula Rosina Santoro Foundation Inc - Morristown, NJ $ 1,204.32Pawcatuck Neighborhood Center Inc - Pawcatuck, CT $28,430.36Paws and Claws Inc - Rochester, MN $556.00Paws Mobil Veterina ry Clinic - Millersville, PA $307.02Paws With A Cause - Wayland, MI $32,051.25Paws With A Cause/SE Mi Office - Lake Orion, MI $ 1,067.96Peace Neighborhood Center - Ann Arbor, MI $3,830.73Peachtree City Georgia Baseball Association - Peachtree City , GA $2,316.00Pedal Project - Bellingham, WA $ 160.92Pediatric Cancer Foundation - White Plains, NY 107.28Pediatric Cancer Research Foundation - Irvine, CA 405.36Pediplace - Lewisville, TX $250.00Peer Support, Inc. - San Diego, CA $55.75Pelahatchie Baptist Church - Pelahatchie, MS $962.09Peninsula Shepherds Centers - San Diego, CA $100.00Penn State University Annual Fund - University Park, PA $494.87

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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION UNITED WAY MATCH Summary by Organization NameOrganization Name Total Foundation AmountPennsylvania Society for the Prevention of Cruelty To Animals - Philadelphia, PA $1,754.08People Assistin g the Homeless-Path - Los Angeles, CA $ 1,038.00People Center Inc - Sp rin g Lake, MI $880.44People for Animal Welfare and Safety of Laurens South Carolina - Laurens, SC $25.00People To People - Nanuet, NY $360.00Peoples City Mission - Lincoln, NE $7,188.61Perl Inc - Philadel phia, PA 1,093.44Perry Nurse ry - Ann Arbor, MI $556.69Perry Nurse ry School of Ann Arbor - Ann Arbor, MI 2,044.13Person County United Fund Inc - Roxboro, NC $906.96Personal and Career Development Ace Inc - Memphis, TN 519.36Pet Animal Welfare Society/Pet Therapy - Norwalk, CT $382.96Pet Rescue Inc. - Bloomingdale, IL $209.80Pets Are Loving Support Inc - Atlanta, GA $682.44Pets Are Wonderful Support - San Francisco, CA $46.83Pheasants Forever Inc - Saint Paul, MN $290.68Phelps Memorial Hos pital Association - Sleepy Hollow, NY $1,723.25Phi Gamma Delta Educational Foundation - Lexington, KY $649.23Phi MU Foundation - Peachtree City , GA $ 1,131.84Philabundance - Philadelphia, PA $1,406.88Philippine Childrens Fund of America - Sacramento, CA $309.40Phili pstown Volunteer Ambulance Corps Inc. - Cold Sprin g , NY $62.40Phoenix House Development Fund, Inc. - New York, NY $705.12Piedmont Agency on Ag ing Inc - Greenwood, SC $ 1,495.06Piedmont Hig h School - Piedmont, CA $569.25Piedmont Play School - Piedmont, CA $569.25Piedmont Womens Center - Greenville, SC 25.00Pikes Peak United Way - Colorado Spring s, CO $575.00Pinellas County Jewish Day School Inc - Clearwater, FL $514.44Pingry School - Martinsville, NJ 750.00Pittsburg h Experiment - Pittsburg h, PA $ 165.00PKD Foundation - Kansas City , MO $3,664.17Plainfield Area Humane Society - Plainfield, NJ $589.92Plainwell Community Center Inc - Plainwell, MI $25.00Plainwell Education Foundation - Plainwell, MI $717.96Planned Parenthood - Schenectady , NY $25.00Planned Parenthood - Margaret Sanger Center - New York, NY $605.00Planned Parenthood Association of Mercer Area - Lawrenceville, NJ $891.72Planned Parenthood Centers/West Michi gan - Grand Rapids, MI 303.36Planned Parenthood Chicago Area - Chicago, IL $432.00Planned Parenthood Federation of America Inc - New York, NY $2,546.86Planned Parenthood Mid Michi gan Alliance - Ann Arbor, MI $ 13,076.13Planned Parenthood of Central Ohio - Columbus, OH $1,507.44Planned Parenthood of Connecticut Inc - New Haven, CT $9,324.66Planned Parenthood of Ct - New Haven, CT $661.92Planned Parenthood of Delaware - Wilmington, DE 240.00Planned Parenthood Of Greater Northern New Jersey Inc - Morristown, NJ $828.64Planned Parenthood of Hawaii - Honolulu, HI $25.00Planned Parenthood of Lincoln Nebraska Inc - Lincoln, NE $2,561.76Planned Parenthood of Michigan - Ypsilanti, MI $292.08Planned Parenthood of Minnesota/South Dakota - St. Paul, MN $256.44Planned Parenthood of New Mexico Inc - Albuquerq ue, NM $413.08Planned Parenthood of New York City Inc - New York, NY $ 11,683.49Planned Parenthood of Northern New England - Williston, VT $52.00Planned Parenthood of San Diego & Riverside Counties - San Diego, CA $1,010.42Planned Parenthood of South Central Michi gan - Kalamazoo, MI $ 14,772.03Planned Parenthood of Southeast Michigan Inc - Detroit, MI $ 120.00Planned Parenthood of Suffolk County , Inc. - Smithtown, NY $2,486.88Planned Parenthood of the St Louis Reg ion - Saint Louis, MO $329.38Planned Parenthood of the St. Louis Reg ion - St. Louis, MO $4,359.96Planned Parenthood of the Susquehanna Valley - Lancaster, PA $428.48Planned Parenthood/Minnesota/Rochester Office - Rochester, MN 456.00Planned Parenthood/Nassau County - Hempstead, NY $2,669.88Planned Parenthood/Southeast Michi gan - Detroit, MI $ 1,404.16Platelet Disorder Support Association Inc - Potomac, MD $243.12Play Group Theater for Children and Youn Adults Inc White Plains, NY 762. 00


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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION UNITED WAY MATCH Summary by Organization NameOrganization Name Total Foundation AmountPlayw ri g hts Theatre of New Jersey - Madison, NJ $726.72Pleasant Valley Adult Day Care Center at Bayshore - Holmdel, NJ 813.84PI mouth Canton Chinese Learning Center - Canton, Ml $220.00Plymouth Community United Way - Plymouth, Ml $4,862.80Police Athletic League Inc - New York, NY $287.64Police Athletic League of Philadelp hia - Philadel phia, PA $99.84Police Athletic League/Bayonne - Bayonne, NJ $374.28Polish Children's Heartline, Inc. - Brick, NJ $2,448.16Pop Warner Little Scholars Inc - West Windsor, NJ $1,207.44Port Chester Carver Center - White Plains, NY $784.25Portage Central Hig h School - Portage, MI $134.24Portage Community Outreach Center Inc - Portage, MI $18,998.66Porter-Leath Children's Center - Memphis, TN $3,295.05Portland Rescue Mission - Portland, OR $246.00Poverello House - Fresno, CA $817.87Powars Pet Owners With AIDS - New York, NY $45.63Prader-Willi Syndrome Association - Sarasota, FL $746.52Prairie Council on Aging/Carrollton - Jacksonville, IL $329.68Prairie Edge Christian Reformed Church - Portage, MI $1,244.40Prairieland United Way - Jacksonville, IL $8,233.23Prasad Proj ect - Hurleyville, NY 283.84Pregnancy Aid and Information Center Inc - Raritan, NJ $2,172.48Pregnancy Problem Center - York, PA $ 192.00Pregnancy Su ort Center Inc - Groton, CT $887.38Pre p for Pre p - New York, NY $600.00Presbyterian Childrens Services Inc - St Louis, MO $20.00Presbyterian Church at Bound Brook - Bound Brook, NJ $1,849.44Presbyterian Church USA - Babylon Christian School - Babylon, NY $860.16Presbyterian Church USA - First Prebyterian Church - Boy Scout Troop 254 - Schoolcraft, $25.00Presbyterian Church USA - First Presbyterian Church - Holland, MI $1,368.00Presbyterian Church USA - Presbyterian Church of Chatham Townshi p - Chatham, NJ $324.48Presbyterian Church USA - St. Andrews Church - Tampa, FL $1,114.55Presbyterian Church USA - Westminster Presbyterian Church - Ann Arbor, MI $ 1,777.08Presbyterian Home for Children of Black Mountain N C Inc - Black Mountain, NC 21.00Presbyterian Senior Services - New York, NY $ 1,452.72Presque Isle Partnershi p Inc - Erie, PA $483.00Pretty Lake Vacation Camp - Mattawan, MI $3,060.08Princeton Church of the Christian and Missiona ry Alliance - Plainsboro, NJ 120.00Princeton Young Achievers - Princeton, NJ $994.92Problem Pregnancy Support Community - Westerly , RI $774.56Proceed, Inc. - Elizabeth, NJ 124.88Progeria Research Foundation Inc - Peabody, MA $480.00Programa Del Adolescente De Naranjito Inc - Naranjito, PR $330.00Prog resso Latino - Central Falls, RI $ 180.00Project Acorn - Morris Plains, NJ 409.63Project Experiences - West Roxbu ry , MA $ 1,073.16Project Hos pitality Inc - Staten Island, NY $50.00Project Open Hand Atlanta, Inc. - Atlanta, GA $25.00Project Self-Sufficiency of Sussex County Inc - Sparta, NJ $4,381.60Proliteracy Worldwide - Greenwood Literacy Council - Greenwood, SC $ 1,823.70Proliteracy Worldwide - Literacy Volunteers of Central Ct. - New Britain, CT $642.72Promise Land Fire Department - Greenwood, SC $2,235.09Prostate Cancer Foundation - Santa Monica, CA $270.00Protestant Episcopal Church In the USA - St. Andrew's Episcopal Church - Ann Arbor, Ml $1,734.00Providence Center - Providence, RI $1,384.32Providence Center for Counselin g & Psychiatric Services - Providence, RI $ 104.89Providence Ministries - Saint Paul, MN $ 1,880.88Providence Public Libra ry - Providence, RI $ 199.28Province of St Joseph of the Capuchin Order - Capuchin Soup Kitchen - Detroit, MI $2,468.47Province of St. Jose ph of the Capuchin Order - Detroit, MI 50.00PS 6 Lillie D. Blake School - New York, NY $372.60PTA Connecticut Inc - Niantic, CT $200.00PTA Massachusetts Parent-Teacher Association Inc - Mary Lee Burbank School PTA - B $90.00PTA New Jersey Congress - Troy Hills School PTA - Parsippany , NJ $807.48

. Puddy Tat Protectors Inc - Memphis, TN $393.72Pueblo County United Way , Inc. - Pueblo, CO $73.00


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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION UNITED WAY MATCH Summary by Organization Name

Organization Name Total Foundation Amount

Puertas De Esperanza De Manati Pue D E M Inc - Manati, PR $359.96Puerto Rican Association for Human Development, Inc.-Prahd - Perth Amboy , NJ $ 132.99Puerto Rican Le gal Defense Fund - New York, NY $266.76Puerto Rican Orgnz To Motivate Enlig hten & Serve Addicts Inc - Bronx, NY $365.33Puerto Rican Workshop Inc - New York, NY $724.24Puerto Rico Down Syndrome Dr Acisclo Marxuach - San Juan, PR 533.74Pulmona ry Hypertension Association Inc - Silver Sp ring , MD $684.56Purdue University/School of Pharmacy - West Lafayette, IN $2,452.32Putnam Northern Westchester Women's Resource Center - Mahopac, NY $36.00Pyramid Recove ry Center - Memphis, TN $ 167.44Quarryville Libra ry - Quarryv ille, PA $286.56Queens Child Guidance Center Incorporated - Woodside, NY $983.88Queeny Park Equestrian Events, Inc. - Frontenac, MO $30.00Quixote Center - Hyatsville, MD $296.28R E I N Therapeutic Riding - Climax, MI $429.36R 0 S E Foundation Recog nizing Opportunities for Service and - North Wales, PA 50.00R. B. Thieme Jr. Bible Ministries - Houston, TX $84.36Rabbi Pesach Raymond Yeshiva - Edison, NJ $540.00Radio Amateur Satellite Corporation - Silver Sp rin g s, MD $405.00Rails-To-Trails Conservancy - Washington, DC $418.56Rainbow Omega Inc - Eastabog a, AL $561.12Rainforest Alliance Inc - New York, NY 98.01Ramona Crisis Pregnancy Center - Ramona, CA $407.10Ranken-Jordan Home for Convalescent Crippled Children - Maryland Heig hts, MO 815.80Rape Assistance & Awareness Program Inc - Denver, CO $ 1,169.16Rape Crisis & Sexual Assault Services - Aug usta, GA $ 171.36Rape Crisis Services of Lebanon City - Lebanon, PA 419.72Rape-Spouse Abuse Crisis Center Inc - Lincoln, NE $809.97Rappahannock United Way Inc - Fredericksburg , VA 100.00Raritan Bay Medical Center - Old Bridg e, NJ $60.00Raritan Valley Habitat for Humanity , Inc. - Bridgewater, NJ $590.96Rawhide Rescue Inc - Green Brook, NJ 52.00RBC Ministries - Grand Rapids, MI $240.00Reach Out, Inc. - Ann Arbor, MI 156.00Recover K-9 Search and Rescue - Vicksburg , MI $ 169.92Rector Church Wardens & Vst ry Mmbrs of Chch of St Luke In Fields of New York - St. Lu 250.00Redeemer Lutheran Church & School - Westfield, NJ 2,773.34Redeemer Presbyterian Mission - Hoboken, NJ $2,880.00Rediscover Mental Health - Lees Summit, MO 1,720.50Reece School - New York, NY $4,377.72Reed Institute - Portland, OR $500.00Reeclsburg Area Hig h School - Reedsbur , WI $ 1,272.13Reef Relief Inc - Key West, FL 144.00Reforest the Tropics Inc - Mystic, CT $249.96Regents of the University of Michi gan - Palatine, IL $2,988.10Regents of the University of Michi gan - Health Place 101 - Ann Arbor, MI $ 1,204.32Regents of the University of Michi gan - Motor Meals of Ann Arbor - Ann Arbor, MI $ 1,860.88Regents of the University of Michigan - Mott Children's Hospital - Ann Arbor, MI $852.00Regents of the University of Michigan - University of Michigan Comprehensive Cancer Ce 252.60Reg ional Council for the Homeless - Bridgeport, CT $901.00Regional Inter-Faith Association Inc - Jackson, TN $863.42Reg ional Multicultural Magnet School - New London, CT $ 150.00Rehabilitation Institute - Kansas City, MO $709.20Rehabilitation Institute of South California - Orange, CA 250.20Reliance House Inc. - Norwich, CT $899.52Relig ious Community Services of New Bern Inc - New Bern, NC $20.00Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute - Troy , NY $36.00Rescue Mission of El Paso Inc - El Paso, TX $50.00Rescue Mission of Mahoning Valley - Youngstown, OH $750.00Rescue Mission of Trenton - Trenton, NJ $250.06Rescue Squad/Milltown - Milltown, NJ $ 1,042.80Rescue Squad/Randol ph - Randol ph, NJ $ 100.00Residential Opportunities Incorporated - Kalamazoo, MI $ 1,490.16Resolve Incorporated - Bethesda, MD $2,164.32Resource Center for Accessible Living - Kingston, NY $2,362.80Resource Center for Women & Their Families - Belle Mead, NJ $6,700.72

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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION UNITED WAY MATCH Summary by Organization Name

Organization Name Total Foundation Amount

Resource Center of Dallas Inc - Dallas, TX $1,104.00Restart - Kansas City , MO 840.04Retired Senior Volunteer Program of Morris County, Inc. - Morris Plains, NJ $1,615.44Rett Syndrome Research Foundation - Cincinnati, OH $1,556.47Rhode Island Childrens Crusade for Hi g her Education - Providence, RI $100.00Rhode Island Coalition Against Domestic Violence - Warwick, RI $447.48Rhode Island Coalition for the Homeless - Providence, RI $225.00Rhode Island Community Food Bank Association - Providence, RI $981.68Rhode Island Family Shelter - Warwick, RI $702.72Rhode Island Hospital Foundation - Hasbro Children's Hospital - Providence, RI $544.44Rhode Island Project AIDS - Providence, RI $651.00Rhode Island/ARC-Westerl /Chanho Chapter - Westerly , RI $ 104.89Rice Hig h School - New York, NY 784.92Richard Murphy Memorial Foundation - Hammond, LA $240.00Richland Elementary School - Richland, MI $50.00Richmond Children's Foundation Inc. - Yonkers, NY $4,917.76Ridge Point Community Church - Holland, MI $2,385.28Ridgefield Boys Club - Ridgefield, CT 180.00Ridgefield Youth Service Bureau Inc - Ridgefield, CT $75.00Ridgewood Bushwick Senior Citizens Council Inc - Brooklyn, NY $964.60Riding to the Top - Windham, ME $25.00Rig ht To Life of Michigan Educational Fund - Grand Rapids, MI $333.12Right To Life/Michi gan - Grand Rapids, MI $418.44Rio Seco School - Santee, CA $390.24Rion College - Ripon, WI $966.00Rise Incorporated - S p rin g Lake Park, MN $50.00River Road Rescue Squad Inc - Piscataway , NJ $240.00River Valley United Way Inc - Russellville, AR $25.00Riverdale Community Center Inc - Bronx, NY $220.00Riverfront Childrens Center - Groton, CT $4,519.80

Riverside Church In the City of New York - New York, NY $4,878.00Riverside Community Development Corporation - Saluda, SC $738.76Robert E. Fitch High School - Groton, CT $200.00Robert Wood Johnson Universi ty Hospital Foundation - New Brunswick, NJ $466.27Robertson Foundation Inc - Ann Arbor, Ml $1,110.95Rock Brook School - Skillman, NJ 442.56Rocking Chair Project Inc - Bronxville, NY $3,477 84Rockland Mounties Youth Football Team Inc - Suffern, NY $1,674.96Roger Williams University - Bristol, RI $501.52Rogers County United Way , Inc. - Claremore, OK 60.00Rolling Hills Girl Scout Council - North Branch, NJ $240.00Ronald Mcdonald House - New York, NY $2,233.17Ronald Mcdonald House Charities Inc - Oakbrook, IL $165.64Ronald Mcdonald House Charities of Memphis Inc - Memphis, TN $69.00Ronald Mcdonald House Charities of Metro St Louis Inc - Saint Louis, MO $ 143.75Ronald Mcdonald House Charities of Northern California - Sacramento, CA 200.00Ronald Mcdonald House Charities of Southern Arizona, Inc. - Tucson, AZ $691.20Ronald Mcdonald House Charities of Tampa Bay Inc - Saint Petersburg , FL $954.72Ronald Mcdonald House Near University of Chicago Childrens Hospital - Chicago, IL $165.60Ronald Mcdonald House of Ann Arbor - Ann Arbor, Ml $3,009.04Ronald McDonald House of Connecticut Inc - New Haven, CT $389.16Ronald Mcdonald House of Detroit Inc - Detroit, MI 840.00Ronald Mcdonald House of Long Island - New Hyde Park, NY $1,944.87Ronald Mcdonald House of New York Inc - New York, NY $3,765.97Ronald Mcdonald House/Parents of Sick Children Support G rp - Monroe, LA $20.00Room To Read - San Francisco, CA $2,266.92Rosa Lee Young Childhood Center - Long Island, NY $205.72Roscommon County United Way - Roscommon, Ml 35.00Rose Brooks Center Inc - Kansas City , MO $2,683.80Roselle Day Care Center - Roselle, NJ $897.00Ross Adult Day Center - Norwich, CT $907.92Roswell Park Alliance Foundation - Buffalo , NY $220.00Rothsville Volunteer Fire Company Relief Association Inc - Lititz, PA $239.04Routt County United Way - Steamboat Sprin g s, CO $300.00Rowayton Senior Housing Corporation - Rowa on, CT 550.00Roxbu ry Day Care - Succasunna, NJ 265.00

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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION UNITED WAY MATCH Summary by Organization Name

Organization Name Total Foundation Amoun t

Roxbu ry Parents for Exce ptional Children Inc - Succasunna, NJ $ 1,077.72Roy Maas Youth Alternatives Inc - Castle Hills, TX $1,536.00Rural Futures International - Scotts, MI $601.36Russian Orphan Opportunity Fund - Racine, WI $99.96Rutgers University Foundation - New Brunswick, NJ $296.92Rx Council of Western Pennsylvania - Pittsburg h, PA 120.00Ryerss Home for Aged Equines - Pottstown, PA $531.00S B Butler PTO Inc - Mystic, CT 211.86S 0 S Stray or Stranded Animal Rescue Inc - Midland, Ml $223.79S P C A Hunterdon Co District - Milford, NJ 373.92S P U R S Therapeutic Riding Center - Aberdeen, SD 199.92S. June Smith Center - Lancaster, PA $ 1,168.31Sacramento Asian Sports Foundation C/O Julie Kota - Sacramento, CA 100.00Sacramento Society for the Prevention of Cruelty To Animals - Sacramento, CA 983.04Sacred Heart School - Omaha, NE $373.30Sadsac - Dumfries, VA $298.32Safe Harbor Childrens Advocacy Center - Alleg an, MI 708.24Safe Harbor of Greater West Chester Inc - West Chester, PA $1,567.04Safe Haven of Greater Waterbu ry Inc - Waterbu ry , CT $336.00Safe Horizon - New York, NY $ 110.80Safe Shelter of St. Wain Valley - Longmont, CO $50.00Safehaven of Tarrant County - Fort Worth, TX $601.12Sae Eldercare Inc - Summit, NJ $ 1,498.80Sage Summit Association for Gerontolog ical Endeavor - Summit, NJ 268.00Sahara South Asian Helpline and Referral Agency - Artesia, CA $1,244.88Saint Barnabas Hospice and Palliative Care Center - West Orange, NJ $25.00Saint Clares Hospital Inc - Denville, NJ $741.00Saint Jane Catholic Community Services - Saint Louis, MO $157.40Saint Louis Effort for AIDS - St. Louis, MO $332.40Saint Marys Hospital for Children Inc - Bayside, NY $4,258.48Sakhi for South Asian Women - New York, NY $207.84Salem Land Tr - Salem, CT 24.00Salem Ptof, Inc. - Salem, CT $7,764.75

Salem Public Schools - Salem, CT $ 1,884.96Salem School - Salem, CT $536.99Salem School P T 0 F Inc - Salem, CT $3,858.24Salem State Colle ge Foundation Inc. - Salem, MA $203.16Salem Surge Soccer Club - Salem, CT $747.97Salem Volunteer Fire Company Incorporated - Salem, CT 48.00Salem Youth Baseball League - Salem, CT $692.40Salina Area United Way - Salina, KS $ 1,401.26Saline Area Resource Council - Saline, Ml 643.20Saline Area Senior Council Inc - Saline, MI $33.63Saline Area Soccer Association - Saline, MI $655.26Saline Area Social Services, Inc - Saline, MI $ 1,323.43Saline Area Youth Baseball & Softball Inc - Saline, MI $25.00Salvation Army - New London, CT $982.00Salvation Army - Sarasota, FL $35.00Salvation Army - Dover, NJ $225.00Salvation Army - Norwich, CT 255.08Salvation Army - Lebanon, PA $ 1,351.90Salvation Army - Baltimore, MD 370.32Salvation Army - O'Fallon, MO $550.00Salvation Army - Easton, PA $249.96Salvation Army - Howell, MI 414.96Salvation Army - Columbus, GA $25.00Salvation Army - Conway , SC 50.00Salvation Army - Ann Arbor, MI $564.80Salvation Army - Union, NJ $3,380.85Salvation Army - Tampa, FL 70.00Salvation Army - Terre Haute, IN 765.64Salvation Army - Southfield, MI $ 1,040.88Salvation Army - Dallas, TX 1,995.84Salvation Army - Portland, ME $25.00Salvation Army - Indianapolis, IN $ 185.76Salvation Army - Long Island, NY $100.00


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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION UNITED WAY MATCH Summary by Organization NameOrganization Name Total Foundation AmountSalvation Army - Fort Myers, FL $25.00Salvation Army - Beaufort, SC $100.00Salvation Arm - Stuart, FL $25.00Salvation Army - Greenwood, SC $1,396.53Salvation Army - Kansas City , MO $3,391.20Salvation Army - Houston, TX $50.00Salvation Army - Red Bank, NJ $672.04Salvation Army - Aug usta, GA $25.00Salvation Army - Philadel phia, PA $2,404.68Salvation Army - Phoenix, AZ $1,000.00Salvation Army - San Jose, CA $500.00Salvation Army - Pontiac, Ml $ 1,069.08Salvation Army - Portland, OR $100.00Salvation Army - Pensacola, FL $ 10.00Salvation Army - Omaha, NE $808.36Salvation Army - Kalamazoo, MI $3,788.95Salvation Army - Louisville, KY $1,790.88Salvation Army - Lynchburg , VA 288.00Salvation Army - Middletown, CT $212.84Salvation Army - Hackettstown, NJ $200.00Salvation Army - Bridgeport, CT $672.28Salvation Army & Its Components - Morehead City , NC $300.00Salvation Army & Its Components - Toledo, OH $826.32Salvation Arm y & Its Components - Morristown, NJ $2,950.50Salvation Army & Its Components Aft Finance Dept - Lancaster, PA $6,800.41Salvation Army & Its Components Att Finance Dept - Portsmouth, NH $1,200.00Salvation Arm y & Its Components Att Finance Dept - East Stroudsburg , PA- $50.00Salvation Army & Its Components Att Finance Dept - Bethlehem, PA $528.32Salvation Army & Its Components Att Finance Dept - Mineola, NY $369.60Salvation Army - Plymouth Corps Community Center - Plymouth, Ml $423.00Salvation Army - Rhode Island Good Neighbor Energy Fund - Providence, RI $236.28Salvation Army City Command - Birmingham, AL $749.34Salvation Arm y Greater New York Division - New York, NY $6,984.80Salvation Army National Corp - Kalamazoo, Ml $ 13,143.79Salvation Army National Corp - Grand Rapids, MI $ 1,434.48Salvation Army National Corp - Memphis, TN $3,940.24Salvation Army National Corp - Santa Barbara, CA $24.00Salvation Army National Corp - Hurricane Katrina Relief Fund - Alexandria, VA 4,334.53Salvation Army of Washtenaw County - Ann Arbor, Ml 7,169.70Salvation Army Residences Inc - Jackson, MS 285.84Salvation Army Services Inc - Battle Creek, MI $439.16Salvation Army Services Inc - San Diego, CA 775.75Salvation Army Services Inc - Chicago, IL $1,140.00Salvation Army Southern New England Division - Hartford, CT $388.20Salvation Arm y , the - St. Louis, MO $7,210.75Salvation Arm /Bristol Corps - Bristol, CT $ 180.00Salvation Arm /Dover Corps - Dover, NJ $2,106.16Salvation Army/Dubois - Dubois, PA $405.08Salvation Arm /Eastern Michigan - Southfield, Ml $2,829.68Salvation Arm /Ironbound Bo s'& Girls'club & Senior Center - Newark, NJ $230.00Salvation Army/Leesburg - Leesburg , FL $ 100.00Salvation Army/Levittown Corps/Bucks County - Levittown, PA $ 150.00Salvation Army/Montclair Corps - Montclair, NJ $786.72Salvation Arm /New London - New London, CT $ 1,654.80Salvation Arm /Northwest Area Services - Toledo, OH 48.00Salvation Army/Passaic Corps - Passaic, NJ $1,900.44Salvation Army/Plymouth - Plymouth, Ml $50.00Salvation Arm /Suffolk County - Blue Point, NY 99.96Samaritan Homeless Interim Program - Somerville, NJ $2,799.12Samaritan Hospice - Marlton, NJ $200.00Samaritan Minist ry of Greater Washington - Washington, DC $ 1,116.72Samaritans Purse - Boone, NC $902.16an Antonio Wildlife Emergency Centre - San Antonio, TX $50.00an Diego Blood Bank Foundation - San Diego, CA $747.55an Diego Center for Children - San Diego, CA $ 1,196.88an Diego Center for the Blind - San Diego, CA $468.44

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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION UNITED WAY MATCH Summary by Organization Name

Organization Name Total Foundation Amount

San Die o Chinese Center - San Diego, CA $50.00San Diego Council on Literacy - San Diego, CA $193.90San Diego Hospice & Palliative Care Corporation - San Diego, CA $844.76San Diego Humane Society & SPCA - San Diego, CA $24.86San Diego Rescue Mission Inc - San Diego, CA $912.67San Die o Volunteer Lawyer Program Inc - San Diego, CA $194.52San Jacinto Girl Scouts Inc - Houston, TX $ 115.00San Jorge Children Research Foundation Inc - San Juan, PR $421.46San Ysidro Health Center - San Ysidro, CA $120.00Sanchin Systems, Inc. - Leslie, MI $120.00Sanctua ry for Families Inc - New York, NY $244.80Sang re De Oro Inc - Albuquerq ue, NM $600.00Sarah Seneca Residential Services, Inc. - Guilford, CT 208.68Sarcoma Foundation of America Inc - Damascus, MD $507.36Save A Pet Inc. - Grayslake, IL 688.76Save the Bay Inc - Providence, RI $943.68Save The Children Federation Inc - Westport, CT $3,350.76Save the Manatee Club Inc. - Maitland, FL 469.11Save the Sound Inc. - Norwalk, CT $293.40SCADD - Lebanon, CT $2,635.15Scarc, Inc. - Aug usta, NJ 804.57Scarsdale Family Counseling Service - Scarsdale, NY $499.92Scarsdale Volunteer Ambulance Corps Inc. - Scarsdale, NY 180.00Scarsdale-Ed gemont Family Counselor Service - White Plains, NY $ 100.00Schoenbaum Family Enrichment Center Inc - Learn and Play Center - Charleston, WV 805.44School & Community Services Inc - Student Advocacy Center - Ypsilanti, MI $ 1,206.96School Settlement Association Inc - Brooklyn, NY $2,208.00Schreiber Pediatric Rehab Center of Lancaster County - Lancaster, PA 14,711.84Schuylkill United Way - Pottsville, PA $161.00Science Center of Eastern Connecticut Inc - New London, CT 970.34Scleroderma Foundation - Byf ield, MA $1,408.72Scleroderma Foundation Tri State Chapter Inc - Binghamton, NY $ 1,698.00Scleroderma Foundation Tri-State Inc Chapter - Binghamton, NY 25.00Scripps Medical Institutions - Mercy Clinic - San Diego, CA $444.60Search Dogs South - B halia, MS $1,177.36Second Harvest Food Bank of Greater New Orleans and Acadiana - New Orleans, LA 378.78Second Harvest Gleaners - Comstock, MI $432.16Second Harvest Gleaners Food Bank of West Michi gan Inc - Comstock Park, MI $ 1,652.35Seeing Eye Inc. - Morristown, NJ $ 1,717.77Selden/Centereach Youth Association - Long Island, NY 275.32Self Help Alternative Livin g Opportunities of Michi gan Inc - Kalamazoo, MI $258.72Self Reg ional Healthcare Foundation - Greenwood, SC $17.50Senior Care and Activities Center - Montclair, NJ $24.96Senior Center Incorporated - Charlottesville, VA $ 100.00Senior Centers of Lebanon Valley Inc - Lebanon, PA $444.08Senior Chinese American Association In Ann Arbor - Ann Arbor, MI $ 1,319.40Senior Community Centers of San Diego - San Diego, CA $221.76Senior Services - Memphis, TN $ 1,259.14Senior Services Inc - Kalamazoo, MI $22,954.89Serv Centers of New Jersey Inc - West Trenton, NJ $932.16Service Corps of Retired Executives Association - Kalamazoo, MI $200.00Several Sources Foundation Inc - Ramsey , NJ $984.40Seward County United Way - Liberal, KS $472.68Sexual Assault Crisis Center - Darien, CT 282.72Sexual Trauma & Counselin g Center - Greenwood, SC $2,220.82Shalva Inc - Chicago, IL 8.33Share & Care Foundation for India - Ramsey , NJ $268.48Share - Pregnancy and Infant Loss Support Inc - St Charles, MO $ 1,651.92Share Our Strength, Inc. - Washington, DC $25.00Share- Self Help for Women With Breast or Ovarian Cancer - New York, NY $ 100.00Sharin - New Providence, NJ $144.00Sharsheret - Teaneck, NJ $50.00Shawnee Mission Medical Center Inc. Department of Pastoral Care - Shawnee Mission, K 36.00Shea's O'Connell Preservation Guild Ltd - Shea's Performing Arts Center - Buffalo, NY $492.14Sheboygan Area United Way Inc - Sheboygan, WI $25.00Sheepfold - Orange, CA $424.32


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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION UNITED WAY MATCH Summary by Organization Name

Organization Name Total Foundation Amount

Shelby Residential and Vocational Services Inc - Memphis, TN $3,679.00Sheldon Calva ry Cam /Ohio - Pittsburg h, PA $ 1,022.88Shelter Association of Washtenaw - Ann Arbor, MI $4,305.15Shelter for Abused Women - Winchester, VA $435.12Shelter Our Sisters Inc - Hackensack, NJ $ 1,368.24Shelterin g Arms Childrens Service - New York, NY 1,069.56She ard's Center of Greenbrier Valley - Lewisburg , WV $112.50Shepherd Center Inc - Atlanta, GA $1,376.66Shepherds Center of Greater Kalamazoo - Kalamazoo, MI $336.00Shepherds Gate - Livermore, CA $579.25Shiawassee United Way - Owosso, MI $150.00Shiloh Christian Childrens Ranch Inc - Shelbina, MO $2,384.40Shiloh Development Corporation - New London, CT $920.04Shimon and Sara Birnbaum Jewish Community Center - Bridgewater, NJ $480.00Shoreline Soup Kitchens - Essex, CT $1,950.84Shriner's Hospital for Cripple Children of Greenville - Greenville, SC $1,735.83Shriner's Hospital for Crippled Children - Sp ringfield, MA $652.44Shriners Hospital for Children - Boston, MA $1,170.60Shnners Hospitals for Children - Chicago, IL 369.40Shnners Hospitals for Children - Tampa, FL $250.00Sickle Cell Disease Association of America Inc - Baltimore, MD $731.06Sickle Cell Disease Foundation of Greater New York Inc - New York, NY 618.00Sickle Cell Foundation of Georg ia, Inc. - Atlanta, GA $57.00Siebert School - Midland, MI 671.60Sierra Club Foundation - San Francisco, CA $1,001.76Silver Lake Head Start II - New York, NY $ 112.23Silverdale Baptist Church - Chattanooga, TN $1,794.17Simon Wiesenthal Center International Headquarters - Los Angeles, CA $557.50Smo-American Pharmaceutical Professional Association-Sapa - West Nyack, NY $431.40Sioux Empire United Way , Inc. - Sioux Falls, SD $718.14Sisters Servants of Mary , Inc. - Bronx, NY $125.02Smile Train Inc - New York, NY $2,249.64Smoke Free Jacksonville Coalition Inc - Jacksonville, FL $ 1,280.27Smyrna-Lavergne Food Bank - Smyrna, TN $1,020.14SO Others Mig ht Eat, Inc. - Some - Washington, DC $317.04Social Advocates for Youth San Diego Inc - San Diego, CA $7.50Social Service Association of Ridgewood - Ridgewood, NJ $ 199.80Sociedad Americana Del Cancer/Division De Puerto Rico, Inc. - San Juan, PR $221.01Sociedad De Educacion Y Rehabilitacion Ser De P R - San Juan, PR 408.79Sociedad Puertorri uena De Ayuda Al Paciente Con E ile sia - Bayamon, PR 676.26Society for Preservation of Animal Welfare and Safety - Camp Hill, PA $ 1,160.05Society for Prevention of Cruelty To Children/New York - New York, NY $374.85Society for Prog ressive Supranuclear Palsy Inc - Hunt Valley , MD $100.50Society for the Prevention of Cruel ty To Animals of Southwest Michi gan - Portage, MI $1,042.24Society of Clinical Associates - Furlon g , PA 240.00Society of St Vincent De Paul - Bethpage, NY 99.96Society of St Vincent De PauVSterhn - Sterling , NJ $600.00Society of St. Vincent De Paul - St. Louis, MO $288.00Society of St. Vincent De Paul - Edwardsville - Edwardsville, IL $88.68Solana Beach Foundation for Learning - Solana Beach, CA $250.00Somerset Hills Young Mens Christian Association - Basking Ridge, NJ $3,631.96Somerset Home for Temporarily laced Children - Bridgewater, NJ $ 1,699.50Sophia Academy - Providence, RI $ 100.00SOS Community Services - Ypsilanti, MI $ 1,885.30Sound Community Services - New London, CT 4,618.92Souris Valley United Way - Minot, ND $ 100.00South Baldwin County United Way - Foley , AL $ 1,679.44South Bay Community Church Inc - Riverview, FL $2,718.76South Carolina Autism Society - Columbia, SC $255.79South Carolina First Steps To Greenwood County - Greenwood County First Steps - Gree $719.23South Carolina State University Educational Foundation - Orangeburg , SC $500.00South County Community Action Inc. - Peace Dale, RI $791.96South County Community Services - Vicksburg , MI $19,900.38South County Family YMCA Inc - Venice, FL $ 1,101.93South County Jewish Collaborative - Narragansett, RI 162.36South Hills Crisis Pregnancy Center - Bethel Park, PA $600.00

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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION UNITED WAY MATCH Summary by Organization Name

Organization Name Total Foundation Amount

South Range Council of Church & Community - North Lima, OH $750.00South Side Day Nurse ry - St. Louis, MO $ 1,201.72South Street Seaport Museum - New York, NY $283.68South Suburban United Way - Chicago, IL $847.28South Tani Youth Soccer Association Inc - Hammond, LA $25.00Southbrook Christian Church - Centerville, OH $1,267.76Southeast Alaska Independent Living Inc - Juneau, AK $250.00Southeastern Connecticut Chinese School Inc - East Lyme, CT $9,534.54Southeastern Connecticut Youth Hockey Inc - Oakdale, CT $2,028.76Southeastern Virg inia Golden Retriever Rescue Education & Training Inc - Yorktown, VA $1,100.88Southern Appalachian Ronald Mcdonald House Charities Inc - Johnson City , TN 25.00Southern Baptist Foundation - Lone Oak Baptist Church - Paducah, KY $977.92Southern Indiana Youth Symphony Inc - Music Arts and Youth Orchestra - Bloomington, I 603.00Southern Poison Center - Memphis, TN $98.02Southern Poverty Law Center, Inc. - Montgomery , AL $100.00Southern Regional Sickle Cell Association, Inc. - Bridgeport, CT 210.58Southside Hospital - Bay Shore, NY $1,340.16Southwest Michigan Land Conservancy Inc - Portage, MI $969.18Southwest School Corporation, Inc. - Sullivan, IN $309.06Southwest Suburban United Way - Chicago, IL $ 1,640.16Spain Park Hig h School - Hoover, AL $694.37Spanish American Civic Association - Lancaster, PA $2,224.79Spanish Community Prog ress Foundation - White Plains, NY $283.68Sparta Volunteer Fire Department - Sparta, NJ $179.00SPCA/Chester City - West Chester, PA $963.17SPCA/Monmouth County - Eatontown, NJ 414.00Special Children, Inc. - Belleville, IL $60.00Special Neighbors Inc - Independence, MO $2,070.00Special Olympics Area 3 - Flanders, NJ $76.23Special Olympics Connecticut Inc - Hamden, CT $72.00Special Olympics Connecticut Inc - Waterford, CT $200.88Special Olympics Inc - S pecial Olympics Puerto Rico - San Juan, PR $24.00Special Olympics Michi gan Inc - Mt. Pleasant, MI $1,530.48Special Olympics Michi gan Inc - Special Olympics Area 16 - Schoolcraft, MI $504.00Special Olympics Tennessee Inc - Nashville, TN $440.00Special Olympics Virg inia Inc - Richmond, VA $266.76Special Olympics Wisonsin, Inc. - Madison, WI $240.00Special Olympics, Greater Memphis - Memphis, TN 68.20Special Olympics, Tipton County - Drummonds, TN $60.00Special Operations Warrior Foundation - Tampa, FL $160.00Special Stars of the North Coast - Westlake, OH 75.00Specialized Languag e Development Learning Center Inc - Kalamazoo, Ml $3,135.61Spectrum for Livin g - Rivervale, NJ $34.80Speedway Childrens Charities - Concord, NC $558.24Selman College - Atlanta, GA $25.00Spence-Chapin Services To Families and Children - New York, NY $4,943.48Spina Bifida Association of Conecticut, Inc. - Hartford, CT $66.60Spina Bifida Association of Kentucky Inc - Louisville, KY $ 120.00Spirit of Faith Christian Center - Temple Hills, MD $50.00Spokane Valley Center - Spokane, WA $225.00Spokane Valley Meals on Wheels - Spokane, WA $75.00Sprague Senior Center - Baltic, CT $597.96S rin brook Elementary School - Westerly , RI $150.00Ss Peter & Paul Russian Orthodox Church - Bayonne, NJ $1,394.88St Bernard Hig h School - Uncasville, CT $1,969.20St Christopher-ottilie - Sea Cliff, NY $842.08St Croix Area United Way Inc - Stillwater, MN $ 1,334.84St Elizabeth Nurse ry & Montessori School Inc - Parsippany , NJ $619.32St Francis College - Brookl yn Heights, NY $240.00St Huberts Giralda - Madison, NJ 544.08St Johns Healin g Community Board - St. John's Home and Community Care - Collinsville, $57.30St Joseph County United Fund - Centreville, MI $3,308.92St Joseph Institute for the Deaf - Chesterfield, MO $ 154.00St Joseph's School for the Blind - Jersey Cit , NJ $342.00St Jude Childrens Research Hospital - Memphis, TN $ 19,132.91St Louis ARC - St. Louis, MO 435.00

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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION UNITED WAY MATCH Summary by Organization NameOrganization Name Total Foundation AmountSt Louis Audubon Society - Saint Peters, MO $120.00St Louis Chinese Association - Chesterfield, MO $99.96St Louis Chinese Lan guage School - St Louis, MO $299.88St Louis Crisis Nurse ry - St. Louis, MO $ 1,846.47St Louis Modern Chinese School - Chesterfield, MO 2,239.92St Lukes Education Foundation Inc - Bronx, NY $784.92St Lukes Quakertown Hospital - Quakertown, PA $575.00St Marthas Hall - St. Louis, MO $1,922.56St Ma rys Academy - Portland, OR $295.20St Monica Church - Creve Coeur, MO 300.00St Patrick Center - St. Louis, MO $ 1,417.20St Pauls Lutheran School - Ann Arbor, MI 639.84St Vincent De Paul Villa ge Inc - San Diego, CA $7,645.62St. Agnes Church - New York, NY $482.28St. Andrews School of Delaware Inc. - Middletown, DE $215.38St. Bartholomew's Church - New York, NY $507.36St. Christophers Inn Inc. Graymoor - Garrison, NY $180.00St. Clare's Home,lnc. - Escondido, CA $ 1,137.60St. David the King Church/ Social Concerns Program - Princeton Junction, NJ $1,915.44St. Francis De Sales Catholic Church - Holland, MI $1,836.52St. Francis Home for Boys Endowment - Plymouth, MI 703.68St. Francis Hospital/the Heart Center - Roslyn, NY $ 1,398.91St. Francis Medical Center - Lawrenceville, NJ $381.77St. Francis Monaste ry/the Breadline of the Poor, Inc. - New York, NY $ 1,024.92St. Francis Xavier Mission/Outreach Programs - New York, NY $25.00St. John School - Old Saybrook, CT $628 80St. Joseph's Roman Catholic Church/Parish Outreach - Babylon, NY $712.92St. Joseph's School - Norwich, CT $858.00St. Joseph's School/Communit Services - Mendham, NJ $ 1,380.00St. Josephs Center - Scranton, PA $ 183.00St. Jude Childrens Research Hospital New York Reg ional Office - New York, NY $372.84St. Katherine Day School - Wynnewood, PA 600.00St. Louis Area Food Bank - St. Louis, MO $2,868.76St. Louis Childrens Choirs - St. Louis, MO $245.20St. Louis Ci ty CASA-Famil y Court-Juvenile Division - St. Louis, MO $532.56St. Louis Effort for AIDS, Inc - Saint Louis, MO $425.68St. Louis Zoo Friends Association - St. Louis, MO $ 180.00St. Lukes-Roosevelt Hospital Center - New York, NY $600.00St. Matthias Church - East Lyme, CT $585.48St. Matthias School - Somerset, NJ $120.00St. Monica's - Lincoln, NE $50.00St. Paul Community Baptist Church/Community Services - Brooklyn, NY $30.00St. Paul's Catholic Church - Jacksonville Beach, FL $790.80St. Paul's Lutheran Church - Lititz, PA $4,562.88St. Paul's United Church of Christ - Milltown, NJ $ 1,042.80St. Peter & Paul Catholic Church - Waterloo, IL $360.00St. Peter & Paul Roman Catholic Church - Hamburg , NY $120.00St. Peter Evangelical Lutheran Church - St. Peter Evangelical Lutheran School - Saint Pet 230.00St. Peter's Medical Center/St. Peter's Foundation - New Brunswick, NJ 249.96St. Peters Episcopal Church/Livin g ston - Living ston, NJ $250.00St. Peters Lutheran Church/Ladies Guild - Petersburg , MI $ 175.32St. Pius X School - Westerly , RI $ 1,268.96St. Thomas the Apostle School - Grand Rapids, MI $615.36St. Vincent De Paul Reg ional Seminary - Boynton Beach, FL $120.00St. Vincent De Paul Society of Waterbu ry , Inc. - Waterbu ry , CT $2,016.96St. Vincent De Paul Village Inc. - San Diego, CA $50.00St. Vincent Medical Center Foundation - Toledo, OH $1,279.44St. Vincents Hospital - Harrison, NY 1,000.00St. Vincents Special Needs Services - Trumbull, CT 480.00St. Vladimirs Theolog ical Semina ry - Tuckahoe, NY $1,276.80Stamford Health Foundation - Stamford, CT $281.52and Up for Animals - Westerly , RI $725.92

Stanford University/the Stanford Fund - Stanford, CA $ 162.00.Stanley M. Isaacs Neighborhood Center, Inc. - New York, NY $1,000.00Star - Society To Advance the Retarded - Darien, CT $ 145.80State of Connecticut - Department of Mental Retardation - Eastern Reg ion - Norwich, CT 810.00


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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION UNITED WAY MATCH Summary by Organization Name

Organization Name Total Foundation Amount

State of Connecticut - Town of Colchester Social Services - Colchester, CT $24.96State of Nebraska - Gretna Fire and Rescue - Gretna, NE 345.00State of New Hampshire's Disaster Relief Fund - Concord, NH 625.60State of New Jersey - Washington Township Board of Education - Long Valley , NJ $318.90Stateline United Way - Beloit, WI 300.00Staten Island Historical Society Inc - Staten Island, NY $91.06Staten Island University Hospital - Staten Island, NY $218.64Stella Maris Child Center - St. Louis, MO $332.40Steuben County Council on Aging Inc - Angola, IN $30.00Stevens Institute of Technology - Hoboken, NJ $1,326.00Stonewall Community Fund - New York, NY 25.00Stonin ton Community Center Inc - Stonington, CT $2,747.28Stornn ton High School Athletic Boosters Association - Stonin gton, CT $70.00Stonin ton Visitin g Nurse Association - Pawcatuck, CT $682.16Stony Brook Parent Teacher Organization - Pennin gton, NJ $200.04Stop Child Abuse Now/Northern Virg inia - Alexandria, VA $213.24Stopping Pet Overpopulation Together Society Inc - Acworth, GA $682.44Stray Rescue of St Louis - Saint Louis, MO $ 1,328.92Stuart Area Restoration Association (Sara) - Kalamazoo, MI $600.00Suburban Community Music Center Inc. - Murray Hill, NJ $100.00Suffolk Y Jewish Community Center - Commack, NY $240.00Suicide Prevention Action Network of Georgia Inc - Woodstock, GA $ 1,035.00Sullivan County Area Rehabilitation Center Inc - Sullivan, IN $3,494.72Summit School - Jamaica Estates, NY $25.00Sunn side Community Services Inc - Sunnyside, NY $337.60Sunshine Center Inc - Independence, MO $542.34Sunshine Center Inc. - Independence, MO $852.80Sunshine Corners Inc - Strasburg , PA 50.00Sunshine School In Oro Valley Inc - Tucson, AZ $ 1,285.44Support Dogs for the Handicapped Inc - St. Louis, MO $3,011.93Support Organization for Trisomy 18/13 and Related Disorders - New Britain, PA 806.40Surfers Alumni Association - New London, CT $433.58Surfrider Foundation - San Clemente, CA $5.00Surfrider Foundation - Solana Beach, CA $192.00Susan G Komen Breast Cancer Foundation - Dallas, TX 100.00Susan G Komen Breast Cancer Foundation - Houston, TX $861.86Susan G Komen Breast Cancer Foundation - East Syracuse, NY $25.00Susan G Komen Breast Cancer Foundation - San Diego, CA $798.72Susan G Komen Breast Cancer Foundation - Memphis, TN $619.92Susan G Komen Breast Cancer Foundation - Hartford, CT $1,850.16Susan G Komen Breast Cancer Foundation Inc - Boston, MA $72.00Susan G Komen Breast Cancer Foundation Inc - Saint Louis, MO $ 1,151.44Susan G Komen Breast Cancer Foundation Inc - Louisville, KY $235.92Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation - Dallas, TX $910.52Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation Inc - Manchester Center, VT $479.09Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation Inc.- New Jersey Chapter - Summit, NJ $2,389.34Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation Inc.- New York Chapter - New York, NY $2,213.52Susan Gray School for Children - Nashville, TN $50.00Susquehanna Association for the Blind and Vision Impaired - Lancaster, PA $ 1,919.46Susquehanna Valley Pregnancy Services - Lebanon, PA $1,039.76Sussex County Help Line Inc - Hamburg , NJ $792.84Sussex County Interfaith Hospitalit y Network - Newton, NJ $24.96S lvia's Place - Alleg an, MI $ 1,465.72Syracuse Volunteer Fire and Rescue - Syracuse , NNE $ 1,868.88T A S K - Trenton, NJ $2,575.44Tabitha Foundation - Lincoln, NE $559.50Tabor Community Services Inc - Lancaster, PA 666.12Tacoma-Pierce County Humane Socie & Society Prevention Cruelty Animals - Tacoma, $50.00Taking Tapes - Textbooks on Tape - St. Louis, MO $642.00Taller Salud Inc - Centro Mujer Y Nueva Familia - Barran uitas, PR 84.32Tart Trails Inc - Traverse City , MI $577.32Tate County Literacy Council - Senatobia, MS $466.96Teacher Fellowship Inc - Muskegon, Al 763.98Team - Florissant, MO 2,640.00Team Ryan - Naperville, IL 120.00Teaneck Community Charter School - Teaneck, NJ $ 1,099.44

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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION UNITED WAY MATCH Summary by Organization Name

Organization Name Total Foundation Amoun tTechnical Training Project Inc - Newark, NJ $600.00Ted Nugent Kamp for Kids - Jackson, MI $499.92Teen Challenge Inc - Brooklyn, NY $194.00Teen Challenge of Arizona Inc - Tucson, AZ $50.00Teen Challenge of Southern California - San Diego Teen Challen ge - San Diego, CA $120.00Teen Challenge Training Center - Rehrersburg , PA $107.28Teen Heart - Kalamazoo, MI $ 1,358.44Teen Hoops - Kalamazoo, MI $427.20Teens In Motion Inc - New York, NY $332.28Temple Dor Dorim - Weston, FL 480.00Temple Emanu-El Inc. - Waterford, CT $1,167.84Terre Haute Area Meals on Wheels Inc - Terre Haute, IN $3,870.80Terre Haute Boys Club - Terre Haute, IN $903.00Texas Public Radio - San Antonio, TX $ 120.00Texas Townshi p Fire Dept/Association - Kalamazoo, MI $405.60Thames Area Citizen Advocacy Program Inc - Norwich, CT $1,838.71Thames River Community Service Inc - Norwich, CT 9,928.88Therapeutic Riding - Ann Arbor, MI 2,252.16Therapeutic Riding Inc - Ann Arbor, MI $ 1,182.84Third Church of Christ, Scientist - New York, NY $676.44Thomas Hartman Foundation for Partinsons Research Inc - East Isli p , NY $25.00Thomas M Ryan Intermediate School - Richland, MI 50.00Thorncroft Equestrian Center - Malvern, PA $951.00Three Rivers Colleg e Foundation - Norwich, CT $15,354.02Three Saints Inc - Lawrence, MA $25.00Thrive Inc - Acton, MA 511.20Thrivin g Children & Youth - Gales Ferry , CT $41,863.21Thundermist Health Center of South County - Wakefield, RI $583.54Thursday's Child - Patchog ue, NY $ 150.00Thursday's Child - Long Island, NY $1,605.84Tiffin Seneca United Way Inc - Tiffin, OH $60.00Tier Haven - Kingston, TN $432.95Time for Life - West Hartford, CT $2,509.44Tipton County Education Foundation - Covington, TN $684.52TLC for Children and Families Inc - Olathe, KS $49.92Tomche Shabbos of Boro Park - Brookl yn, NY $401.40Tomchei Shabbos - Brooklyn, NY $1,183.44Tommorrow Fund - Providence, RI $ 1,432.52Tomorrows Child Michi gan SIDS Inc - Lansing , MI $220.48Tonda Elementa ry School - Canton, MI $1,044.00Torrey Hills Community Coalition - San Diego, CA $50.00Torrey Hills School - San Diego, CA $300.00Totino Grace Hig h School - Fridley , MN $2,434.32Tourette Syndrome Association - Bayside , NY $ 1,540.72Tourette Syndrome Association Inc - Richmond, TX $964.32Tourette Syndrome Association Inc. - Bayside, NY $996.00Tower Street School - Westerly , RI $874.80Town of Lebanon - Johnathan Trumbull Public Library - Lebanon, CT $964.27Town of Led and - Led and Public Health Nursing Service - Ledyard, CT $486.00Town of Led and - Led and Senior Center - Gales Ferry , CT $ 150.00Town of Old Sayb rook - Acton Public Libra ry - Tucker Library Fund - Old Saybrook, CT $312.96Town of Preston Parks & Recreation Commission - Preston, CT $303.92Town of Stonington - Stonington Youth Services - Pawcatuck, CT $161.76Town of Wallkill Boys and Girls Club - Circleville, NY $500.16Township of Hillsborou gh - Hillsborough, NJ $300.00Trail Blazers, Inc. - New York, NY $150.00Trailnet Inc - St Louis, MO $ 144.00Training and Education for Jobs - Gales Ferry , CT $3,970.66Training Thru Placement, Inc. - North Providence, RI $996.00Transplant Association of Texas - San Antonio, TX 1,075.44Travis County Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Survival Center - Austin, TX $480.00Treasure Chest - Noank, CT $246.40Tri-Boron h Ambulance Service Inc - Park Ridge, NJ $271.80Tn-Cities Kids League - Grand Haven, MI 819.36Tri-City Christian Schools - Vista, CA $194.43Trn-Count United Wa Inc - Oueensbu , NY $365.00

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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION UNITED WAY MATCH Summary by Organization Name

Organization Name Total Foundation Amount

Tn-Count Volunteer Fire Department - Troy , SC $666.12Trian g le United Way Inc - Research Trian g le Park, NC $7,363.36Trickle Up Program Inc. - New York, NY 2,892.00Trident United Way - North Charleston, SC $3,741.84Trinity Academy - Caldwell, NJ $240.00Trinity Community Services and Educational Foundation - Detroit, MI $41.62Trinity Hig h School Inc - Louisville, KY $704.37Trinity Lutheran Church - Mount Jay , PA 637.50Trustees of Columbia University In the City of New York - New York, NY $469.44Trustees of Columbia University of New York City - New York, NY $100.00Trustees of Phillips Academy - Andover, MA $468.00Trustees of University of Pennsylvania - Philadelphia, PA $100.04Tuberous Sclerosis Alliance - Silver Sprin g s, MD $945.00Tuckahoe Union Free School District - Eastchester, NY $50.04Tulsa Area United Way - Tulsa, OK $7,434.69Twin To Twin Transfusion Syndrome Foundation Inc - Bay Village, OH $1,104.00Tyrrell County 4-H Club - Columbia, NC $1,627.48U.S. Catholic Conference - Cathedral Hig h School - New York, NY $688.48Udavum Karangal of USA - Bedford, MA 24.00Ukrainian American Youth Association Inc - New York, NY $291.72Ukrainian Catholic Education Foundation - Chicago, IL $550.00Ukrainian Institute of America, Inc. - New York, NY 500.00Umdnj Young Fathers Program - Newark, NJ $648.00Union County United Way - Lewisburg , PA $212.16Union for Reform Judaism - New York, NY $50.00Union Gospel Mission Association of Seattle - Seattle, WA $352.66Union of Concerned Scientists Inc - Cambridg e, MA $ 174.96Union Township Community Action Organization, Inc. ( Utcao) - Vauxhall, NJ $315.68United Bronx Parents Inc - Bronx, NY $86.96United Cerebral Palsy Association - Quaker Hill, CT $ 1,276.40United Cerebral Palsy Association of Greater St Louis - St. Louis, MO $431.28United Cerebral Palsy Associations Inc - Washington, DC $858.36United Cerebral Palsy of Central Pennsylvania - Camp Hill, PA $240.00United Cerebral Palsy of New York City Inc. - New York, NY 61.83United Child-Care Center Inc - Terre Haute, IN $660.71United Community and Family Services Inc - Norwich, CT $8,419.56United East Athletics Association Inc - New York, NY $440.96United Fund of Greater Niles Inc - Niles, MI $240.00United Fund of Shelby Inc - Shelby , OH $79.81United Fund of Webster & Dudley Inc - Webster, MA 35.00United Fund of Westfield NJ - Westfield, NJ $645.00United Givers of Barlow County Inc - Cartersville, GA 735.00United Health Services of St. Joseph County Inc - South Bend, IN $989.00United Jewish Appeal Federation of Jewish Philanthropies of New York Inc - New York, N $32,865.17United Jewish Appeal Federation/ Bergen County - River Edge, NJ $1,800.00United Jewish Communities - New York, NY $2,864.12United Jewish Communities of Metrowest - Whippany , NJ $5,240.00United Jewish Federation - Pittsburg h, PA $1,940.88United Jewish Federation of Greater Stamford, New Cannan and Darien, Inc - Stamford, $495.00United Jewish Federation of Stamford - Stamford, CT $422.27United Methodist Church & Its Affiliated Organizations - 14th and Chestnut Community C $1,308.01United Methodist Committee on Relief Umcor - New York, NY $ 1,273.92United Ministries In Hig her Education in the Terre Haute Area - Terre Haute, IN $164.32United Negro College Fund - White Plains, NY 240.00United Negro College Fund Inc - New York, NY $ 13,489.52United Negro Colie ge Fund Inc - Cleveland, OH $631.44United Negro Colle ge Fund Inc. - Fairfax, VA $3,995.72United Neg ro Colle ge Fund Inc. Philadel phia Chapter - Philadelphia, PA $52.00United Service Organizations Inc - Arlington, VA $834.35United Services Organization, Inc. ( Uso) - Bloomfield, NJ $499.92United States Committee For Unicef - Washin ton, DC $376.80United States Conference of Catholic Bishops-Catholic Charities - Metuchen, NJ $586.56United States Fund for UNICEF - New York, NY 4,466.40United States Fund for UNICEF - Boston, MA $25.00United States Holocaust Memorial Council - Washington, DC $392.64United States Pony Clubs - Lexington, KY 103.56


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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION UNITED WAY MATCH Summary by Organization Name

Organization Name Total Foundation Amount

United Ukrainian American Relief Committee - Philadelphia, PA $500.00United Way - Kennebunk, ME 728.00United Way - Fort Mill - Rock Hill - Tea Ca - Rock Hill, SC $20.00United Way - Pipestone, Ihlen, Woodstock, Holland, Ruthton - Pipestone, MN $770.00United Way and Community Chest of Greater Cincinnati - Cincinnati, OH $601.68United Way California Capital Re ion - Sacramento, CA $5,198.00United Way Capital Area - Austin, TX 2,041.88United Way Chattanooga - Chattanooga, TN $ 1,201.85United Way Community Services - Detroit, MI $27,017.25United Way Dixie - Saint George, UT $40.00United Way for Jackson & George Counties Mississi pp i Incorporated - Pascagoula, MS 480.00United Way for the Greater New Orleans Area - New Orleans, LA $ 16,668.57United Way Fox Cities Inc - Menasha, WI 2,262.51United Way Greater Jonesboro - Jonesboro, AR $125.00United Way In Waukesha County - Waukesha, WI $5,53718United Way Inc - Los Angeles, CA $17,565.76United Way Inc - Amarillo, TX $155.00United Way Inc - Portland, ME $ 1,015.00United Way International - Alexandria, VA $462.96United Way of Abilene - Abilene, TX $356.00United Way of Acadiana Inc - Lafayette, LA $240.42United Way of Adams County Inc - Quincy , IL $ 100.00United Way of Addison County Inc - Middlebu ry , VT $150.00United Way of Aiken County - Aiken, SC $25.00United Way of Alachua County - Gainesville, FL $1,094.12United Way of Alamance County , Inc. - Burlington, NC $ 1,065.80United Way of Alle gheny County - Pittsburg h, PA $9,105.32United Way of Allen County - Fort Wayne, IN $21800United Way of America - Alexandria, VA $2,002.41United Way of America - Hurricane Katrina Relief Fund United Way - Alexandria, VA $98,815.25United Way of Anchorage - Anchorage, AK 2,233.60United Way of Anderson County - Anderson, SC $245.00United Way of Androscoggin County , Inc. - Lewiston, ME $ 162.00United Way of Angelina County - Lufkin, TX $ 145.00United Way of Aroostook - Presque Isle, ME $915.84United Way of Asheville & Buncombe County Inc - Asheville, NC $2,479.94United Way of Ashland County Ohio Inc - Ashland, OH 427.86United Way of Atlantic County - Galloway , NJ 164.00United Way of Aug laize County , Inc. - St. Marys, OH $75.00United Way of Bartholomew County - Columbus, IN $1,856.00United Way of Bay County Inc - Bay City , MI $3,163.26United Way of Beaufort County - Beaufort, SC $ 10,515.00United Way of Beaumont and North Jefferson County - Beaumont, TX $ 127.00United Way of Beaver County Incorporated - Monaca, PA $ 1,986.33United Way of Becker County - Detroit Lakes, MN $350.00United Way of Bennington County - Bennin gton, VT $37.00United Way of Benton & Franklin Counties - Kennewick, WA $ 1,104.80United Way of Benton County , Inc. - Bentonville, AR $ 1,635.00United Way of Bergen County - Oradell, NJ 36,414.64United Way of Berkele y and Morgan Counties W VA Inc - Martinsburg , WV $245.00United Way of Berks County - Readin g , PA $6,348.17United Way of Blair County - Altoona, PA $70.00United Way of Bloomfield - Bloomfield, NJ $2,850.66United Way of Blount County - Maryville, TN $100.00United Way of Boone County Illinois - Belvidere, IL $250.00United Way of Branford - Branford, CT $525.69United Way of Brazoria County - Angleton, TX $2,191.00United Way of Brevard County Inc - Cocoa, FL $1,823.68United Way of Broome County . Inc. - Bin hamton, NY $220.00United Way of Broward County - Fort Lauderdale, FL $6,480.36United Way of Brown County - Green Ba , WI $415.00United Way of Bucks County - Fairless Hills, PA $ 10,197.32United Way of Buffalo and Erie County - Buffalo, NY $6,578.19United Way of Burlington County Inc. - Rancocas, NJ 3,045.32United Way of Butler Co Inc - Butler, PA $5,070.09United Way of Butte & Glenn Counties - Chico, CA 25.00

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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION UNITED WAY MATCH Summary by Organization Name

Organization Name Total Foundation Amount

United Way of Camden County - Camden, NJ $ 1,215.00United Way of Cape May County - Wildwood, NJ $400.00United Way of Carlisle & Cumberland County - Carlisle, PA $ 180.00United Way of Carlton County Inc - Cloq uet, MN $ 1,574.32United Way of Caroline County , MD, Inc. - Denton, MD $719.34United Way of Cascade County - Great Falls, MT $99.00United Way of Cass-Clay - Fargo, ND $720.32United Way of Cattarau gus County Inc - Olean, NY $96.00United Way of Cayug a County Inc - Auburn, NY $25.00United Way of Cecil County , Inc. - Elkton, MD $754.00United Way of Central & Southern Utah - Provo, UT $125.00United Way of Central Alabama, Inc. - Birmin gham, AL $6,419.46United Way of Central Carolinas Inc - Charlotte, NC $7,682.38United Way of Central Florida - Hig hland City , FL $638.32United Way of Central Georgia Inc - Macon, GA $32000United Way of Central Illinois, Inc. - Springfield, IL $2,118.98United Way of Central Indiana - Indianapolis, IN $150.00United Way of Central Indiana Inc - Indianapolis, IN $4,707.32United Way of Central Iowa - Des Moines, IA $3,200.85United Way of Central Jerse y Inc - Milltown, NJ $4,012.24United Way of Central Ma ryland, Inc. - Baltimore, MD 6,160.19United Way of Central Massachusetts Inc - Worcester, MA $219.00United Way of Central Minnesota - Saint Cloud, MN $25.00United Way of Central Missouri Inc - Jefferson Ci ty , MO $3,564.22United Way of Central New Mexico - Albuquerque, NM $4,245.00United Way of Central New York, Inc. - Syracuse, NY $3,528.46United Way of Central Ohio Inc - Columbus, OH $10,698.04United Way of Central Oklahoma, Inc. - Oklahoma City , OK 2, 337.48United Way of Central Texas, Inc. - Temple, TX $800.00United Way of Central Virg inia, Inc. - Lynchburg , VA $410.00United Way of Central Washin gton County - Washington, PA $ 1,681.34United Way of Central West Virg inia Inc - Charleston, WV $576.50United Way of Champaign County Illinois Inc - Champaig n, IL $2,040.50United Way of Charles County Inc - La Plata, MD $780.80United Way of Charlotte County , Inc. - Port Charlotte, FL $235.00United Way of Chatham County Inc - Pittsboro, NC $542.66United Way of Chelan & Doug las Counties - Wenatchee, WA $75.00United Way of Chester County - West Chester, PA $ 17,477.54United Way of Chippewa County - Sault Sainte Marie, Ml $25.00United Way of Chittenden County Inc - Burlington, VT $3,411.20United Way of Citrus County Inc - Lecanto, FL $250.00United Way of Clark & Champaig n Counties, Inc. - Sp ringfield, OH $175.00United Way of Clay County Inc - Brazil, IN $126.85United Way of Cleveland-Bolivar County - Cleveland, MS $25.00United Way of Coastal Carolina, Inc. - New Bern, NC $35.00United Way of Coastal Georg ia Inc - Brunswick, GA 25.00United Way of Coles County , Inc. - Mattoon, IL $477.00United Way of Collier County Inc - Naples, FL $2,471.56United Way of Columbia & Greene Counties Inc. - Hudson, NY $40.00United Way of Columbia County - Rainier, OR $5.00United Way of Comal County - New Braunfels, TX 50.00United Way of Corinth & Alcorn Cty . - Corinth, MS $263.40United Way of Cowlitz Count - Longview, WA $ 1,342.88United Way of Cullman County - Cullman, AL $120.00United Way of Cumberland County - Fayetteville, NC $60.00United Way Of Dade County - Miami, FL $5,200.00United Way of Dane County , Inc. - Madison, WI 3,468.68United Way of Davidson County - Lexin gton, NC $310.60United Way of Davis County - Layton, UT 125.00United Way of Decatur and Mid Illinois - Decatur, IL $824.88United Way of Del Norte County - Crescent City , CA $200.00United Way of Delaware & Otsego Counties, Inc. - Oneonta, NY $726.72United Way of Delaware County , Inc. - Delaware, OH $200.00United Way of Delaware Inc - Wilmington, DE $1,437.40United Way of Delta County - Escanaba, Ml $25.00United Way of Denton County Inc - Denton, TX $29,764.00

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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION UNITED WAY MATCH Summary by Organization Name

Organization Name Total Foundation Amount

United Way of Dickinson County Inc - Iron Mountain, MI $934.80United Way of Door County Inc - Sturgeon Bay , WI $100.00United Way of Doug las County Inc - Lawrence, KS $ 1,464.72United Way of Dunn County - Menomonie, WI $10.00United Way of Dutchess County - Poughkeepsie, NY $3,523.98United Way of East Central Alabama, Inc. - Anniston, AL $1,356.61United Way of East Central Iowa - Cedar Rapids, IA $60.00United Way of East Mississipp i - Meridian, MS $420.00United Way of Eastern Fairfield County Conn Inc - Bridgeport, CT $4,019.84United Way of Eastern Kentucky , Inc. - Prestonsburg , KY $245.00United Way of Eastern Maine - Bangor, ME $8,727.00United Way of El Paso County - El Paso, TX $966.04United Way of Elgin - Elg in, IL $650.68United Way of Ellis County - Hays, KS $ 1,189.92United Way of Enid and Northwest Oklahoma Inc - Enid, OK $230.00United Way of Erie County - Erie, PA $929.38United Way of Escambia County , Inc. - Pensacola, FL $326.00United Way of Essex and West Hudson - Newark, NJ $ 10,475.00United Way of Fairfield County - Lancaster, OH $1,543.48United Way of Faulkner County , Inc. - Conway , AR $836.20United Way of Florence County - Florence, SC $ 1,065.00United Way of Forsyth County - Winston Salem, NC $848.24United Way of Fors yth County - Cumming , GA $85.00United Way of Fors yth County Inc - Winston Salem, NC $3,095.38United Way of Fort Smith - Fort Smith, AR $50.00United Way of Franklin County - Brookville, IN $ 100.00United Way of Franklin County - Chambersburg , PA $300.00United Way of Franklin County Inc - Louisburg , NC 625.00United Way of Franklin County , Texas - Mount Vernon, TX $25.00United Way of Frederick County Incorporated - Frederick, MD $1,093.99United Way of Fresno County - Fresno, CA $4,827.48United Way of Fulton County , Inc. - Gloversville, NY $1,699.44United Way of Garland County Inc - Hot Spring s, AR $200.00United Way of Gaston County , Inc. - Gastonia, NC $ 120.00United Way of Genesee County - Flint, MI $860.00United Way of Gloucester County - Thorofare, NJ $1,440.60United Way of Gordon County - Calhoun, GA $50.00United Way of Grand Forks East Grand Forks and Area Inc - Grand Forks, ND $548.80United Way of Grays Harbor - Aberdeen, WA $255.00United Way of Greater Attleboro- Taunton Inc - Attleboro, MA $510.88United Way of Greater Augusta - Fishersville, VA $25.00United Way of Greater Battle Creek, Inc. - Battle Creek, MI $2,461.44United Way of Greater Cincinnati Foundation - Cincinnati, OH $ 13,137.15United Way of Greater Clarksville Reg ion Inc - Clarksville, TN $25.00United Way of Greater Cleveland - Cleveland, OH $24,860.44United Way of Greater Duluth, Inc. - Duluth, MN $200.00United Way of Greater Eau Claire - Eau Claire, WI 960.12United Way of Greater Fall River, Inc. - Fall River, MA $390.00United Way of Greater Fort Dodge Inc - Fort Dodg e, IA $50.00United Way of Greater Greensboro - Greensboro, NC $7,181.32United Way of Greater Hazleton, Inc. - Hazleton, PA $ 1,511.84United Way of Greater Hig h Point, Inc. - High Point, NC $622.72United Way of Greater Knoxville Inc - Knoxville, TN $4,907.50United Way of Greater Lafayette - Lafayette, IN $ 170.00United Way of Greater Lima Inc - Lima, OH $5,050.00United Way of Greater Lorain County - Lorain, OH $1,058.17United Way of Greater Memphis - Memphis, TN $ 137,698.30United Way of Greater Mercer County - Lawrenceville, NJ 2,510.96United Way of Greater Milwaukee - Milwaukee, WI $2,041.48United Way of Greater Nashua Inc - Nashua, NH 1,742.80United Way of Greater New Bedford - New Bedford, MA $52.00United Way of Greater New Haven Inc - New Haven, CT $12,076.28United Way of Greater Oneida Inc - Oneida, NY $ 120.00United Way of Greater Oswego County Inc - Fulton, NY 25.00United Way of Greater Plymouth County Inc - Brockton, MA $996.00United Way of Greater Richmond and Petersburg - Richmond, VA $4,185.32

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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION UNITED WAY MATCH Summary by Organization Name

Organization Name Total Foundation Amount

United Way of Greater Rochester Inc - Rochester, NY $4,172.52United Way of Greater St Charles and Elburn - Saint Charles, IL $519.00United Way of Greater St Louis Inc - Abused Children - Saint Louis, MO $706.46United Way of Greater St Louis Inc - Homeless People - Saint Louis, MO $322.80United Way of Greater St Louis Inc - Self Sufficiency , Job Trainin g - Saint Louis, MO $486.00United Way of Greater St Louis Inc. - Saint Louis, MO $276,830.91United Way of Greater St. Joseph - Saint Joseph, MO $ 1,021.01United Way of Greater Stark County Inc - Canton, OH $3,023.20United Way of Greater Texarkana, Inc. - Texarkana, TX $280.00United Way of Greater Toledo - Toledo, OH $2,086.30United Way of Greater Topeka Inc - Topeka, KS $451.20United Way of Greater Union County Inc - Elizabeth, NJ $10,926.97United Way of Greater Waterbu ry - Waterbu ry , CT $590.00United Way of Greater Wichita Falls, Inc. - Wichita Falls, TX $78.00United Way of Greater Williamsburg - Williamsburg , VA $ 1,50970United Way of Green County Inc - Monroe, WI $940.32United Way of Greenbrier Valley Inc. - Lewisburg , WV $1,531.49United Way of Greene County , Inc. - Greeneville, TN 465.57United Way of Greenville County Incorporated - Greenville, SC $2,768.64United Way of Greenwich Inc - Greenwich, CT $5,822.72United Way of Greenwood County - Greenwood, SC $ 118,620.48United Way of Hall County , Inc. - Gainesville, GA $35.00United Way of Hancock County - Findlay , OH 73.00United Way of Harnett County - Dunn, NC $ 120.00United Way of Harrison County , Inc. - Clarksburg , WV $2,368.76United Way of Hartsville - Hartsville, SC $50.00United Way of Hen ry County and Martinsville - Martinsville, VA $593.63United Way of Hernando County Inc - Sprin g Hill, FL $ 1,847.46United Way of Horry County Inc - Conway , SC $670.00United Way of Hudson County - Jersey City , NJ $3,476.34United Way of Humboldt County - Eureka, CA $200.00United Way of Hunterdon County - Flemington, NJ $ 10,784.80United Way of Idaho Falls and Bonneville County , Inc. - Idaho Falls, ID $5.00United Way of Independence County Inc - Batesville, AR $200.00United Way of Indian River County Inc - Vero Beach, FL $ 10,453.68United Way of Iron County , Inc. - Cedar City , UT $ 10.00United Way of Island County - Oak Harbor, WA $ 15.00United Way of Jackson County - Jackson, MI $2,716.95United Way of Jackson County Inc - Medford, OR $1,217.88United Way of Jefferson County - Mount Vernon, IL $505.00United Way of Johnson County - Franklin, IN 286.00United Way of Johnson County - Cleburne, TX $435.24United Way of Johnson County Inc - Lenexa, KS $2,870.93United Way of Johnson County Iowa Inc - Coralville, IA 1,556.08United Way of Josephine County - Grants Pass, OR $250.00United Way of Juction City-Geary County Kansas Inc - Junction City , KS 120.00United Way of Kandiyohi County Inc - Willmar, MN $200.00United Way of Kenosha County - Kenosha, WI $ 1,068.63United Way of Kern County , Inc. - Bakersfield, CA $ 1,382.12United Way of Kershaw County - Camden, SC $4,309.92United Way of King County - Seattle, WA 2,486.00United Way of Knox County Ohio Inc - Mount Vernon, OH $200.00United Way of Kootenai County Inc - Coeur D'Alene, ID $50.00United Way of Lackawanna County - Scranton, PA $730.00United Way of Lake & Sumter Counties, Inc. - Leesburg , FL $845.00United Way of Lake County Inc - Mentor, OH $730.22United Way of Lake County , Inc. - Chicago, IL $842.36United Way of Lake Havasu City - Lake Havasu City , AZ $ 100.00United Way of Lamoille County - Morrisville, VT $265.00United Way of Lancaster County - Lancaster, PA $ 175,527.61United Way of Lane County - Springfield, OR $ 1,412.68United Way of Laramie County - Cheyenne, WY $275.00United Way of Larimer County , Inc. - Fort Collins, CO 980.32United Way of Laurens County Inc. - Clinton, SC $2,251.24United Way of Laurens County , Inc. - Clinton, SC $514.04United Way of Lawrence County - New Castle, PA 50.00


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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION UNITED WAY MATCH Summary by Organization Name

Organization Name Total Foundation Amount

United Way of Lebanon County Inc - Lebanon, PA $4,706.40United Way of Lee County Inc - Fort Myers, FL $34,710.00United Way of Lee County Inc - Sanford, NC $275.00United Way of Leflore County , Inc. - Greenwood, MS $345.47United Way of Lewis and Clark County Inc - Helena, MT $5.00United Way of Leyden-Proviso Area - Chicago, IL $50.00United Way of Licking County - Newark, OH $1,753.92United Way of Lincoln and Lancaster County - Lincoln, NE $192,565.71United Way of Linn County - Albany, OR $225.00United Way of Logan County , Inc. - Bellefontaine, OH $25.00United Way of Long Island - Deer Park, NY $ 11,646.08United Way of Loudon County - United Way of Loudon County - Lenoir City , TN 500.00United Way of Lowndes County - Columbus, MS 76.44United Way of Lyon County - Marshall, MN $ 10.00United Way of Madison County , Inc. - Huntsville, AL $1,414.88United Way of Madison County, Inc. - Anderson, IN $240.00United Way of Manatee County , Inc. - Bradenton, FL $916.28United Way of Manistee County - Manistee, MI $100.00United Way of Marathon County Inc - Wausau, WI $195.00United Way of Marion County - Fairmont, WV $50.00United Way of Marion County , Inc - Ocala, FL $2,583.55United Way of Marq uette County - Marquette, MI 872.88United Way of Marshall County , Inc. - Plymouth, IN 806.60United Way of Martin County , Inc. - Stuart, FL $310.00United Way of Mason County - Ludington, MI $375.00United Way of Massachusetts Bay Inc - Boston, MA $23,535.22United Way of McHenry County Inc - McHenry , IL $1,639.74United Way of McLean County - Bloomington, IL $722.04United Way of Medina - Medina, OH $ 1,478.00United Way of Merced County - Merced, CA 10.00United Way of Meriden and Wallin gford Inc - Meriden, CT $901.34United Way of Merrimack County - Concord, NH $ 1,307.96United Way of Merrimack Valley Inc - Boston, MA $ 1,306.44United Way of Mesa County Inc - Grand Junction, CO $3,438.88United Way of Metropolitan Atlanta Inc - Atlanta, GA $52,558.02United Way of Metropolitan Dallas Inc - Dallas, TX 15,705.06United Way of Metropolitan Nashville Inc - Nashville, TN 2,170 18United Way of Metropolitan Tarrant County - Fort Worth, TX $22,550.33United Way of Miami-Dade Inc the Ansin Buildin g - Miami, FL $3,469.82United Way of Mid Coast Maine Inc - Bath, ME 168.00United Way of Mid-Maine - Waterville, ME $10.00United Way of Midland County - Midland, MI $ 1,226.88United Way of Midland Inc - Midland, TX $ 1,014.52United Way of Mifflin Juniata - Lewistown, PA $1,081.92United Way of Milford Inc - Milford, CT $495.00United Way of Millburn-Short Hills - Millburn, NJ $ 1,170.84United Way of Mineral County - Cumberland, MD $25.00United Way of Minneapolis Area - Minneapolis, MN $ 1,005.44United Way of Missoula County - Missoula, MT $ 1,169.50United Way of Monmouth County Inc - Farmingdale, NJ $10,307.85United Way of Monongalia and Preston Countries Inc - Morgantown, WV 2,363.47United Way of Monroe County - Tannersville, PA $ 12,491.31United Way of Monroe County Inc - Bloomington, IN 110.00United Way of Monroe County Inc - Key West, FL $25.00United Way of Monroe County, Inc. - Monroe, MI $ 1,812.82United Way of Monterey County - Monterey, CA 50.00United Way of Montgomery/Radford & Floyd - Christiansburg , VA 75.00United Way of Moore County Inc - Southern Pines, NC $459.00United Way of Morgan County - Decatur, AL $222.00United Way of Morris County - Cedar Knolls, NJ $262,432.23United Way of Mower County Inc - Austin, MN 50.00United Way of Muscatine Iowa Incorporated - Muscatine, IA $ 150.00United Way of Natrona County , Inc. - Casper, WY 35.00United Way of Naugatuck and Beacon Falls - Naugatuck, CT $2,264.88United Way of Nederland - Nederland, TX $555.84United Way of Nevada County - Grass Valley , CA 25.00

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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION UNITED WAY MATCH Summary by Organization Name

Organization Name Total Foundation Amount

United Way of New Canaan, Inc. - New Canaan, CT $7,079.47United Way of New London Inc - New London, WI $673.44United Way of New York City - New York, NY $63,268.73United Way of Newton - Newton, IA $611.52United Way of Norman Inc - Norman, OK $972.15United Way of North Central Iowa - Mason City , IA 300.00United Way of North Central Mass Inc - Fitchburg , MA $225.00United Way of North Essex - Montclair, NJ $ 10,418.95United Way of North Rock County Inc - Janesville, WI $855.00United Way of Northeast Florida Inc - Tampa, FL $3,954.09United Way of Northeast Georg ia Inc - Athens, GA $674.00United Way of Northeast Louisiana Inc - Monroe, LA 70.00United Way of Northeast Mississipp i - Tupelo, MS $263.40United Way of Northeastern Minnesota Inc - Chisholm, MN $ 1,292.88United Way of Northeastern New York, Inc. - Albany , NY $7,644.06United Way of Northeastern SD, Inc. - Aberdeen, SD $ 1,484.01United Way of Northern Arizona - Flagstaff, AZ $5,693.92United Way of Northern California - Redding , CA 725.00United Way of Northern Cameron County - Harlingen, TX $900.00United Way of Northern Fairfield County - Danbu ry , CT $4,989.92United Way of Northern Nevada and the Sierra - Reno, NV $ 12,372.70United Way of Northern New Hampshire, Inc. - Berlin, NH $10.00United Way of Northern New York Inc - Watertown, NY 98.00United Way of Northern Ozaukee Inc - Port Washington, WI $ 145.00United Way of Northern Shenandoah Valley - Winchester, VA 1,293.44United Way of Northern Utah - Ogden, UT $925.00United Way of Northwest Alabama - Florence, AL $1,034.80United Way of Northwest Alabama, Inc - Florence, AL $240.00United Way of Northwest Connecticut, Inc. - Torrin gton, CT $ 169.00United Way of Northwest Florida - Panama City , FL $ 1,485.52United Way of Northwest Georg ia - Dalton, GA 50.00United Way of Northwest Louisiana - Shreve port, LA $741.16United Way of Northwest Michigan - Traverse City , Ml $5,576.58United Way of Norwalk & Wilton Inc - Norwalk, CT $3,544.20United Way of Oak Park, River Forest and Forest Park - Chicago, IL $415.00United Way of Obion County , Inc. - Union City , TN 100.00United Way of Ocean County - Toms River, NJ $3,668.15United Way of Oconee County Inc - Seneca, SC $600.00United Way of Odessa - Odessa, TX $935.15United Way of Okaloosa Walton Counties Inc - Fort Walton Beach, FL $444.88United Way of Olmsted County Inc - Rochester, MN $2,610.00United Way of Orange County - Montgomery , NY $2,274.16United Way of Orange County - Irvine, CA $26,531.85United Way of Otter Tail County - Fergus Falls, MN $360.00United Way of Oxford-Lafayette County Inc - Oxford, MS $632.72United Way of Paducah-Mccracken County - Paducah, KY $ 1,023.50United Way of Palm Beach County Inc - Boynton Beach, FL 8,289.16United Way of Parker County - Weatherford, TX 50.00United Way of Pasco County - Port Richey , FL $ 1,950.20United Way of Passaic County - Paterson, NJ $6,231.60United Way of Pickaway County - Circleville, OH $600.00United Way of Pickens County - Easley , SC $ 1,050.88United Way of Pierce County - Tacoma, WA $256.00United Way of Pike County - Milford, PA $2,128.72United Way of Pinal County - Casa Grande, AZ $25.00United Way of Pitt County Inc - Greenville, NC $2,015.15United Way of Platteville, Inc. - Platteville, WI $10.00United Way of Pontiac-North Oakland - Pontiac, Ml $ 1,436.21United Way of Portage County - Stevens Point, WI $733.26United Way of Portage County Inc - Ravenna, OH $2,907.52United Way of Porter County Inc - Valparaiso, IN $ 1,737.82United Way of Pueblo County Colorado Inc - Pueblo, CO $ 1,453.44United Way of Pulaski County - Little Rock, AR $4,593.66United Way of Racine County - Racine, WI $60.00United Way of Reno County - Hutchinson, KS 100.00United Way of Rhea County - Dayton, TN 500.00


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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION UNITED WAY MATCH Summary by Organization Name

Organization Name Total Foundation Amount

United Way of Rhode Island Inc - Providence, RI $36,256 08United Way of Rice Lake - Rice Lake WWI $5 00United Way of Richland County - Mansfield, OH $10000United Way of Riley County - Manhattan, KS $250.00United Way of Roane County - Harriman, TN $1,143.32United Way of Roanoke Valley , Inc. - Roanoke, VA 100.00United Way of Rock River Valley - Rockford, IL $985.00United Way of Rockland County - Nyack, NY $6,055.24United Way of Rome & Floyd County , Inc. - Rome, GA $100.00United Way of Ross County Inc - Chillicothe, OH $2,472.92United Way of Rutherford County - Murfreesboro, TN 1,078.45United Way of Rutland County , Inc. - Rutland, VT $ 1,606.08United Way of Saginaw County - Saginaw, MI 754.60United Way of Salt Lake - Salt Lake City , UT $504.00United Way of Sampson County , Inc. - Clinton, NC $75.00United Way of San Antonio & Bexar County - San Antonio, TX $9,412.72United Way of San Diego County - San Diego, CA $80,261.34United Way of San Joaquin County , Inc. - Stockton, CA 160.00United Way of San Luis Obispo County - San Luis Obispo, CA 2,861.76United Way of Sandusky County Inc - Fremont, OH $ 1,193.52United Way of Sanilac County Inc - Lexington, MI $25.00United Way of Santa Barbara County Inc - Santa Barbara, CA $504.04United Way of Santa Cruz County - Capitola, CA $ 1,142.88United Way of Santa Rosa County , Inc. - Milton, FL $26.00United Way of Sarasota County Inc - Sarasota, FL $1,563.51United Way of Schaumburg-Hoffman Estates, Inc. - Hoffman Estates, IL $556.92United Way of Schenectady County Inc - Schenectady , NY $560.88United Way of Sevier County - Sevierville, TN $500.00United Way of Sierra Vista and Cochise County - Sierra Vista, AZ $104.00United Way of Siouxland - Sioux City , IA $1,044.20United Way of Skag it County - Burlington, WA $50.00United Way of Skokie Valley - Skokie, IL $1,241.12United Way of Snohomish County - Everett, WA $927.92United Way of Somerset County Inc - Bridgewater, NJ $20,106.95United Way of Sonoma-Mendocino Lake - Santa Rosa, CA $1,499.92United Way of South Central Georgia - Tifton, GA $469.00United Way of South Central Idaho, Inc. - Twin Falls, ID $275.00United Way of South Central Kentucky - Somerset, KY $40.00United Way of South Central Nebraska - Hasting s, NE $337.92United Way of South Hampton Roads - Norfolk, VA $5,458.36United Way of South Hampton Roads - Norfolk - Norfolk, VA 563.52United Way of South Jefferson County Inc - Port Arthur, TX $25.00United Way of South Mississipp i, Inc. - Gulfport, MS $4,179.84United Way of South Sarasota County Inc - Venice, FL $893.00United Way of South Texas - McAllen, TX $3,627.55United Way of Southbridge Sturbridge and Charlton - Southbridge, MA $1,430.44United Way of Southeast Delaware County - Chester, PA 241.20United Way of Southeast Georg ia, Inc. - Statesboro, GA 50.00United Way of Southeast Mississipp i - Hattiesburg , MS $239.00United Way of Southeastern Conn Inc - United Way/Gemma E. Moran Food Center - Ne $5,892.36United Way of Southeastern Connecticut Inc - Gales Ferry , CT $ 1,084,970.21United Way of Southeastern Idaho - Pocatello, ID 652.00United Way of Southeastern Oklahoma Inc - McAlester, OK $ 170.00United Way of Southeastern Pennsylvania - Philadel phia, PA $ 14,831.20United Way of Southern Chester County - Kennett Sq uare, PA $638.80United Way of Southern Illinois - Marion, IL $979.44United Way of Southern Kentucky , Inc. - Bowling Green, KY $ 1,225.52United Way of Southern Nevada - Las Vegas, NV $1,786.44United Way of Southern West Virginia, Inc. - Beckley, WV $ 120.00United Way of Southern Windsor County - Sprin gfield, VT $ 1,125.00United Way of Southington, Inc. - Southington, CT $3,486.48United Way of Southwest Alabama, Inc. - Mobile, AL 265.00United Way of Southwest Colorado - Durango, CO $50.00United Way of Southwest Georgia Inc - Albany , GA $313.00United Way of Southwest Louisiana Inc - Lake Charles, LA 560.04United Way of Southwest Michi gan - Benton Harbor, MI $565.46

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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION UNITED WAY MATCH Summary by Organization Name

Organization Name Total Foundation Amount

United Way of Southwest Missouri - Jop lin, MO $1,201.00United Way of Southwest New Mexico - Las Cruces, NM $272.80United Way of Southwestern Indiana, Inc. - Evansville, IN $1,357.00United Way of Spencer - Spencer, IA $25.00United Way of Spokane County - Spokane, WA $2,072.90United Way of St Clair County - Port Huron, Ml $50.00United Way of St Johns County Inc - Saint Aug ustine, FL $ 180.00United Way of St Lucie County Inc - Fort Pierce, FL $4,058.58United Way of St Marys County Maryland Inc - California, MD $2,036.16United Way of St. Charles - Lulin g , LA $ 150.00United Way of St. Francois County - Farmin gton, MO 104.00United Way of St Jose ph County , Inc. - South Bend, IN $5,101.64United Way of Stamford - Stamford, CT 18,565.18United Way of Sto ry County Inc - Ames, IA $1,122.24United Way of Suburban Chicago - Mount Prospect, IL $4,684.38United Way of Suburban Chicago - Chicago, IL $ 13,803.32United Way of Suburban Chicago - North Suburban United Way - Northbrook, IL $8,843.40United Way of Sullivan County , Inc. - Monticello, NY $50.00United Way of Summit County - Akron, OH $2,955.32United Way of Summit New Providence and Berkele y Heig hts Inc - New Providence, NJ $8,847.68United Way of Sumner County - Hendersonville, TN $525.12United Way of Sumter Clarendon and Lee Counties Inc - Sumter, SC $ 125.00United Way of Sussex County - Newton, NJ $20,015.09United Way of Suwannee Valley , Inc. - Lake City , FL $225.00United Way of Tampa Bay Inc - Tampa, FL $7,250.69United Way of the Bay Area - San Francisco, CA $ 10,382.05United Way of the Big Bend, Inc. - Tallahassee, FL $655.00United Way of the Black Hills - Rapid City , SD $614.20United Way of the Blueg rass Inc - Lexington, KY $523.82United Way of the Brazos Valley , Inc. - Colle ge Station, TX $124.00United Way of the Capital Area Inc - Hartford, CT $10,237.78United Way of the Capital Area, Inc. - Jackson, MS 2,286.00United Way of the Capital Reg ion - Enola, PA $2,527.88United Way of the Central Coast Inc - Santa Maria , CA $974.88United Way of the Central Savannah River Area - Aug usta, GA $2,778.03United Way of the Chattahoochee Valley Inc - Columbus, GA $300.00United Way of the Coastal Bend - Corpus Christi, TX $95.00United Way of the Coastal Empire Inc - Savannah, GA $8,004.90United Way of the Columbia-Williamette - Portland, OR $6,861.56United Way of the Dayton Area - Dayton, OH $5,380.42United Way of the Desert - Palm Spring s, CA $620.00United Way of the DuPage Area - Chicago, IL $2,963.57United Way of the Greater Lehig h Valley - Bethlehem, PA $6,931.60United Way of the Greater Utica Area Inc - Utica, NY $ 1,100.84United Way of the Inland Valleys - Riverside, CA $1,189.68United Way of the Kearney Area - Kearney , NE $1,144.00United Way of the La Crosse Area, Inc. - Onalaska, WI $1,195.68United Way of the Lakeshore Inc - Muskegon, MI $1,042.48United Way of the Laurel Hig hlands Inc - Johnstown, PA $3,052.52United Way of the Lower Eastern Shore Inc - Salisbu ry , MD $10.00United Way of the Mid-Willamette Valley - Salem, OR $1,935.96United Way of the Midlands - Omaha, NE $15,643.78United Way of the Midlands - Columbia, SC $7,681.90United Way of the National Capital Area - Vienna, VA $29,947.77United Way of the North Shore - Chicago, IL $1,322.00United Way of the North Shore ( Hig hland Park-Hi hwood - Chicago, IL $75.00United Way of the North Shore (Wilmette ) - Chicago, IL 75.00United Way of the Ohio Valley - Owensboro, KY $25.00United Way of the Ozarks - Sprin g field, MO $3,570.20United Way of the Piedmont Inc - Spartanburg , SC $50.00United Way of the Piedmont, Inc. - Spartanburg , SC $275.00United Way of the Pine Belt Reg ion - Laurel, MS 168.00United Way of the Plains - Wichita, KS $2,886.88United Way of the River Cities Inc - Huntington, WV $315.00United Way of the Southern Tier Inc - Corning , NY $789.28United Way of the Stanislaus Area - Modesto, CA $2 ,341.77

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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION UNITED WAY MATCH Summary by Organization Name

Organization Name Total Foundation Amount

United Way of the Texas Gulf Coast - Houston, TX $15,376.51United Way of the Tonawandas Inc - Tonawanda, NY $577.04United Way of the Upper Ohio Valley Inc - Wheelin, WV $215.00United Way of the Upper Valley - Lebanon, NH $35.00United Way of the Virg inia Peninsula - Newport News, VA $2,442.50United Way of the Virg inias Inc - Bluefield, WV 482.08United Way of the Wabash Valley , Inc. - Terre Haute, IN $ 120,414.17United Way of Thurston County - Olympia, WA $1,561.99United Way of Tompkins County - Ithaca, NY $120.00United Way of Transylvania County - Brevard, NC 1,086.16United Way of Treasure Valley , Inc. - Boise, ID $1,000.52United Way of Tn County Inc - Framingham, MA 200.00United Way of Tri-State Inc - New York, NY $1,282,088.37United Way of Trumbull County - Warren, OH $474.48United Way of Tucson & Southern Arizona - Tucson, AZ $ 11,178.61United Way of Tucson and Southern Arizona - Tucson, AZ $2,641.29United Way of Tulare County - Tulare, CA $534.44United Way of Tyler-Smith County - Tyler, TX $132.00United Way of Union County - La Grande, OR $49.92United Way of Ventura County Inc - Camarillo, CA $2,115.80United Way of Virg inia's Eastern Shore - Melfa, VA $20.00United Way of Volusia-Flag ler Counties Inc - Daytona Beach, FL $2,538.96United Way of Waco-Mclennan County - Waco, TX $243.00United Way of Walker County - Huntsville, TX $ 120.00United Way of Walton County , Inc. - Monroe, GA $2,270.88United Way of Warren County - Washington, NJ $5,784.88United Way of Washington County - Abingdon, VA $ 1,296.32United Way of Washington County - Sprin gdale, AR $ 1,070.88United Way of Washington County Ma ryland Inc - Hagerstown, MD $625.00United Way of Wayne County - Goldsboro, NC 5.00United Way of Weld County - Greeley, CO $960.00United Way of West Alabama - Tuscaloosa, AL $100.00United Way of West Alabama, Inc. - Tuscaloosa, AL $354.24United Way of West Central MS - Vicksburg , MS $45.00United Way of West Ellis Couny Inc - Waxahachie, TX $50.00United Way of West Georg ia, Inc. - Lag range, GA $500.00United Way of West Point & Clay County - West Point, MS $230.00United Way of West Tennessee Inc - Jackson, TN $815.00United Way of Westchester & Putnam, Inc. - White Plains, NY $22,176.73United Way of Western Crawford County - Meadville, PA $24.00United Way of Western Montgomery County Inc - Pottstown, PA $928.32United Way of Westfield - Westfield, NJ $9,227.68United Way of Westport Weston Inc. - Westport, CT $2,298.72United Way of Wexford County - Cadillac, MI $50.00United Way of Whatcom County - Bellingham, WA $250.00United Way of Will County - Joliet, IL $64.00United Way of Williamson County - Round Rock, TX $335.00United Way of Williamson County - Franklin, TN $3,325.40United Way of Wilson County - Lebanon, TN $219.92United Way of Wilson County, Inc. - Wilson, NC $385.00United Way of Wilton - Wilton, IA $240.00United Way of Wyoming Valley - Wilkes Barre , PA $ 175.00United Way of Yakima County - Yakima, WA 598.16United Way of Yamhill County - McMinnville, OR $100.00United Way of Yavapai County Inc - Prescott , AZ $ 1,645.00United Way of Yellowstone County Inc - Billin g s, MT $ 111.00United Way of York County - York, PA 715.64United Way Saline County - Benton, AR $50.00United Way Services Inc - Dubuque, IA $ 1,027.41United Way Services of Geauga County - Chardon, OH $ 100.00United Way Silicon Valley - San Jose, CA $60.00United Way the Quad Cities Area - Davenport, IA $826.20United Way-Thomas Jefferson Area - Charlottesville, VA $676.35United Way/Big Bend - Tallahassee, FL $240.00United Way/Labor Food Center - New London, CT $3,670.68University at Buffalo Foundation Inc - Buffalo, NY $250.00

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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION UNITED WAY MATCH Summary by Organization NameOrganization Name Total Foundation Amount

Universit y of California Berkeley Foundation - Berkele y, CA $582.72University of Connecticut Foundation Incorporated - Storrs, CT $100.00University of Detroit Jesuit Hig h School - Detroit, Ml $69.27University of Illinois Foundation - Champaig n, IL $928.08University of Kansas/Endowment Association - Lawrence, KS $50.00Universi ty Of Maine Foundation - Orono, ME 1,119.88University of Maryland College Park Foundation Inc - College Park, MD $956.40University of Michi gan School of Nursing/Healthy Asian American - Ann Arbor, MI 120.00University of Nebraska Foundation - Lancaster County 4-H Council - Lancaster County 4 $ 144.04University of New Hampshire Foundation Incorporated - Durham, NH $269.76University of New Mexico Foundation Incorporated - Albuquerque, NM $705.36University Of Notre Dame Du Lac - Notre Dame, IN $971.52University of Sciences and Technology of China Alumni Foundation - Landenberg , PA $850.00University of Scranton - Scranton, PA $708.00Upper Leacock Township War Memorial Association - Leola, PA $307.02Urban League of Essex County - Newark, NJ $649.44Urban League of Greater Hartford Inc - Hartford, CT $107.28Urban League of Lancaster County - Lancaster, PA $ 154.15Urban League of Morris County - Morristown, NJ $336.44Urban League/Bergen County , Inc. - Englewood, NJ $200.04Urban League/Memphis - Memphis, TN $ 1,412.88Urban Strate gies, Fannie Barnes Year Round Program - Brooklyn, NY 36.60Urban Tree Connection - Philadelphia, PA $375.00Ursuline School of New Rochelle - New Rochelle, NY $12.50US Catholic Conferenc - Catholic Family Services - Caring Network - Kalamazoo, Ml $250.00US Catholic Conference - Academy of Saint Elizabeth - Convent Station, NJ $ 1,456.08US Catholic Conference - Academy of the Sacred Heart - New Orleans, LA $250.00US Catholic Conference - All Saints Church - Rossford, OH $677.52US Catholic Conference - Althoff Catholic High School - Belleville, IL $447.96US Catholic Conference - Ascension of Our Lord Catholic Church - Louisville, KY $995.50US Catholic Conference - Assumption School - Broadview Heights, OH $ 100.00US Catholic Conference - Bishop Mcdevitt High School - Harrisburg , PA $2,714.88US Catholic Conference - Catholic Archdiocese of Seattle - Seattle, WA 206.40US Catholic Conference - Catholic Chantes Archdiocese of San Antonio - San Antonio, T $480.00US Catholic Conference - Catholic Charities - Lancaster, PA $1,470.20US Catholic Conference - Catholic Charities - Kansas City , MO $5,790.44US Catholic Conference - Catholic Charities - Waukegan, IL $500.00US Catholic Conference - Catholic Charities - Hope House - Lancaster, PA $ 1,753.44US Catholic Conference - Catholic Charities Diocese of Brooklyn - Brooklyn, NY $9,661.88US Catholic Conference - Catholic Charities Diocese of Greensburg - Greensburg , PA $1,187.52US Catholic Conference - Catholic Charities Diocese of Metuchen - East Brunswick, NJ 3,238.24US Catholic Conference - Catholic Charities Diocese of Rockville Centre - Hicksville, NY $200.00US Catholic Conference - Catholic Charities Family Services - Camden, NJ 100.00US Catholic Conference - Catholic Charities of Coles, Doug las and Edgar Counties - Matt , 477.00US Catholic Conference - Catholic Charities of Michigan - Ann Arbor, MI $600.00US Catholic Conference - Catholic Charities of Terre Haute - Terre Haute, IN $3,376.00US Catholic Conference - Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of New York - New York, $ 14,821.51US Catholic Conference - Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Palm Beach - Palm Beach $ 1,102.80US Catholic Conference - Catholic Diocese of Lansing - Lansin g , MI $75.00US Catholic Conference - Catholic Family Counselin - St. Louis, MO $885.12US Catholic Conference - Catholic Human Development Outreach - God's Kitchen - Gran $512.16US Catholic Conference - Catholic Services for Children & Youth - St. Louis, MO $773.16US Catholic Conference - Catholic Social Service of Oakland County - Pontiac, MI $ 1,058.72US Catholic Conference - Catholic Social Service Of Southern Illinois - Belleville , IL $991.44US Catholic Conference - Catholic Social Services - Grand Rapids, MI $706.08US Catholic Conference - Catholic Youth Organization Archdiocese of New York - New Y $ 182.04US Catholic Conference - Centro San Francisco - Ponce, PR $128.66US Catholic Conference - Church of Our Lady of Sorrows - South Orange, NJ $180.00US Catholic Conference - Church of the Magadlen - Wichita, KS $36.54US Catholic Conference - Diocese of Bridge port - Annual Bishops Appeal - Bridgeport, C $250.00US Catholic Conference - Diocese of Norwich - Norwich, CT $337.44US Catholic Conference - Diocese of Paterson - Clifton, NJ $ 120.00US Catholic Conference - Don Bosco Preparato ry Hig h School - Ramsey, NJ 1,180.80US Catholic Conference - Emmanuel House For Older Adults - Ann Arbor, Ml 355.32US Catholic Conference - Father Gabriel Richard High School - Ann Arbor, Ml $333.12US Catholic Conference - Holy Cross Church - Fairview, PA $834.00


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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION UNITED WAY MATCH Summary by Organization NameOrganization Name Total Foundation Amount

US Catholic Conference - Holy Family Catholic Church - Brentwood, TN $1,356.00US Catholic Conference - Holy Family Intermediate School - Elmira, NY $50.00US Catholic Conference - Holy Infant School - Ballwin, MO $1,560.00US Catholic Conference - Holy Trinity Church - Avon, OH $802.32US Catholic Conference - Hospice St. Jose ph - Uncasville, CT $1,312.32US Catholic Conference - I lesia Catolica San Juan Bautista - Lancaster, PA $643.24US Catholic Conference - Immaculate Conce ption School - Lodi, NJ $432.00Us Catholic Conference - Inner City Scholarshi p Fund - New York, NY $432.00US Catholic Conference - Jesuit Hi g h School - New Orleans, LA $ 100.00US Catholic Conference - John F Kennedy Catholic Hig h School - Manchester, MO 120.00US Catholic Conference - Juan Diego Hig h School - Draper, UT $621.55US Catholic Conference - Kuemper Catholic High School - Carroll, IA 300.00US Catholic Conference - Mercy Home for Children - Brooklyn, NY $ 1,239.13US Catholic Conference - Mother Mcauley High School - Chicago, IL $546.72US Catholic Conference - Mount Gallitzin Academy - Baden, PA $240.00US Catholic Conference - Ms r. McClancy Memorial Hig h School - East Elmhurst, NY $1,338.00US Catholic Conference - Nativity Elementa ry School - Hollywood, FL $25.00US Catholic Conference - Our Lady of Fatima School - Seattle, WA $1,628.88US Catholic Conference - Our Lady of Lourdes Church - Cub Scout Pack 55 - Gales Fer $477.60US Catholic Conference - Our Lady of Lourdes Outreach - Queens Village, NY $680.40US Catholic Conference - Our Lady of the Assumption - Wood Ridge, NJ $25.00US Catholic Conference - Our Lady of the Lake - Holland, MI $2,360.18US Catholic Conference - Our Lady Queen of Peace School - Belleville, IL $447.96US Catholic Conference - Owensboro Catholic Hig h School - Owensboro, KY 438.24US Catholic Conference - Roanoke Catholic School - Roanoke, VA $ 1,338.00US Catholic Conference - Roman Catholic Bishop of San Jose - San Jose, CA $100.00US Catholic Conference - Sacred Heart School - Camden, NJ $1,986.00US Catholic Conference - Saint Bernard Hig h School - Uncasville, CT $260.04US Catholic Conference - Saint Edmund Retreat - Mystic, CT $243.93US Catholic Conference - Saint Francis of Assisi Church - West Nyack, NY $747.76US Catholic Conference - Saint Joseph Mercy Hospital - Ann Arbor, MI $50.00US Catholic Conference - Saint Joseph's Catholic Church - Mechanicsburg , PA $1,243.92US Catholic Conference - Saint Joseph's Hig h School - South Bend, IN $254.16US Catholic Conference - Saint Maron Church - Youngstown, OH $115.00US Catholic Conference - Saint Peters Hig h School - Mansfield, OH $756.00US Catholic Conference - Saint Thomas the Apostle Church - Ann Arbor, MI $817.92US Catholic Conference - Serra Catholic School - Rancho Santa Margarita, CA $240.00US Catholic Conference - Shrine of the Little Flower - Royal Oak, MI $829.68US Catholic Conference - Sisters of Life - Yonkers, NY $453.32US Catholic Conference - Sisters of Mercy of the Americas - Merion Station, PA $50.00US Catholic Conference - St Francis of Assisi Church - New York, NY $132.72US Catholic Conference - St Jerome School - Walbridg e, OH $833.75US Catholic Conference - St Jose ph's Church - Newton, NJ $1,845.72US Catholic Conference - St Josephs School - Mendham, NJ 20.00US Catholic Conference - St Stephen the Marty r Church - Renton, WA $1,444.80US Catholic Conference - St Vincent Martyr Church - Madison, NJ $360.00US Catholic Conference - St Agatha Academy - Winchester, KY $2,866.26US Catholic Conference - St. Agnes Academy - Memphis, TN $2,500.00US Catholic Conference - St. Alban Roe School - Wildwood, MO 3,158.76US Catholic Conference - St Andrew Catholic Church - Boy Scout Troop 13 - Colchester, $ 188.64US Catholic Conference - St. Andrew's Church - Colchester, CT 780.24US Catholic Conference - St. Ann Melkite Catholic Church - Waterford, CT $316.16US Catholic Conference - St. Anthon y of Padua Church - New York, NY $789.36US Catholic Conference - St. Charles Borromeo Church - Parma, OH $805.92US Catholic Conference - St. Charles Borromeo School - Saint Charles, MO $ 1,742.88US Catholic Conference - St. Francis Church - Hoboken, NJ $1,710.00US Catholic COnference - St. Francis Church/Community Services - Hoboken, NJ 4,424.16US Catholic Conference - St. Francis of Assisi - Triangle, VA $50.00US Catholic Conference - St. Francis of Assisi Church - Ann Arbor, MI $1,350.00US Catholic Conference - St. Hen ry Church - Nashville, TN $ 1,122.88US Catholic Conference - St. Hugo of the Hills Church - Bloomfield Hills, MI 25.00US Catholic Conference - St. I gnatius Martyr Church - Long Beach, NY $497.12US Catholic Conference - St. James Church - Friends of Assisi Food Pantry - Danielson, 100.00US Catholic Conference - St. Joan of Arc Church - Ga ry, IN $852.38US Catholic Conference - St. Joan of Arc Church - Toledo, OH $945.76US Catholic Conference - St. John Bosco - Mattawan, Ml $2,479.92


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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION UNITED WAY MATCH Summary by Organization Name

Organization Name Total Foundation Amount

US Catholic Conference - St. John Church - Troop 93 - Boy Scouts of America - Oakdale, $483.36US Catholic Conference - St. John the Baptist Church - Draper, UT 621.55US Catholic Conference - St. Joseph Church - Downingtown, PA $679.14US Catholic Conference - St. Joseph Church - Krebs, OK $459.12US Catholic Conference - St. Joseph School - Norwich, CT $3,507.12US Catholic Conference - St. Joseph School - West Milford, NJ $30.00US Catholic Conference - St Joseph School - Shawnee, KS $300.06US Catholic Conference - St. Joseph's Church - New London, CT $345.36US Catholic Conference - St. Malachy School - Rantoul, IL $572.88US Catholic Conference - St. Mark's School - Pittsfield, MA 512.40US Catholic Conference - St. Ma ry Catholic Church - Columbus, OH $ 100.00US Catholic Conference - St Mary Gate of Heaven School - Ozone Park, NY $2,094.12US Catholic Conference - St. Ma ry Mother of the Redeemer Church - Groton, CT $928.80US Catholic Conference - St. Mary of the Immaculate Conception - Avon, OH $230.00US Catholic Conference - St. Mary of the Visitation Church - Clinton, CT $416.76US Catholic Conference - St. Ma ry Star of the Sea Church-Saint Vincent de Paul Soup Ki 161.76US Catholic Conference - St. Ma ry's Reg ional School - Aberdeen, WA $657.40US Catholic Conference - St. Matthew Church - Norwalk, CT $1,446.96US Catholic Conference - St. Michael - Schererville, IN $858.72US Catholic Conference - St. Michael School - Pawcatuck, CT $ 119.83US Catholic Conference - St. Michaels Catholic Church - Boy Scout Troop 9 - Pawcatuck, $2,574.40US Catholic Conference - St. Patrick Church - Bay Shore, NY $100.00US Catholic Conference - St. Paul Church - Congers, NY $480.00US Catholic Conference - St Peter Catholic School - Kirkwood, MO $1,748.88US Catholic Conference - St. Rose of LimaSchool - Newtown, CT 120.00US Catholic Conference - St. Thomas Academy - Saint Paul, MN $1,800.00US Catholic Conference - St. Vincent De Paul Place - Norwich, CT 711.24US Catholic Conference - Union Catholic Hig h School - Scotch Plains, NJ $284.64US Catholic Conference - Ursuline Academy - Kirkwood, MO $ 125.00US Catholic Conference - Vietnam Dream for Success - Washington, DC $2,328.00US Catholic Conference- St. Elizabeth/St. Robert Regional School - Saint Charles, MO $150.00US Catholic Conference-Saint Barnabas School - Northfield, OH $ 100.00US Catholic Conference-St. Patrick School - Chatham, NJ $2,371.44US Catholic Confrence - York Catholic Hig h School - York, PA 450.72US CatholicConference - Nativity Mission Center - New York, NY $803.92US. Catholic Conference - Catholic Charities of Jackson - Jackson, MI $550.00Uso of Metropolitan Washington - Fort Myer, VA 784.80UW of Southeastern New England/Community Care Fund - Providence, RI $585.41V N A Fund Inc - Hartford, CT 716.60Vacamas Programs for Youth - New York, NY $809.04Valerie Fund - Maplewood, NJ $ 1,931.40Valley Big Brothers-Big Sisters - Phoenix, AZ $ 1,084.32Valley Forge Specialized Educational Services Corporation - The Vanguard School - Paoli $680.88Valley of the Sun Hospice Association - Phoenix, AZ $536.64Valley of the Sun Jewish Community Center Inc - Scottsdale, AZ $1,491.72Valley of the Sun United Way - Phoenix, AZ $31,713.69Valley Shore YMCA - Westbrook, CT $50.00Valley United Way - Ilion, NY $792.00Valley United Way Incorporated - Ansonia, CT $245.00Valparaiso Volunteer Fire Department - Lincoln, NE $ 185.12Van Buren County 4-H Leader Association - Paw Paw, MI $48.00Van Buren County United Way - Paw Paw, MI 19,895.51Van Buren County Victim Services Unit - Paw Paw, Ml $392.00Vanessa Behan Crisis Nurse ry - Spokane, WA $50.00Variety Child Learnin g Center - Syosset, NY $1,188.00Variety the Childrens Charity - Pittsburgh, PA $250.00Venice Community Housing Corporation - Venice, CA $719.50Venice Family Clinic - Venice, CA $606.50Vermont Foodbank - South Barre, VT $526.56Vernon Multipu rpose Center - Kansas City , KS 100.00Verona/Cedargrove Transportation Program - Verona, NJ $125.04Vicksburg Bible Church - Vicksburg , MI $642.20Vickys Pet Connection - Ada, MI $390.06Victoria County United Way Inc - Victoria, TX $976.32Victo Point Ministries - Holland, MI 845.52Vietnam Veterans Workshop Inc - Boston, MA $25. 00


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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION UNITED WAY MATCH Summary by Organization Name

Organization Name Total Foundation Amoun t

Villa Maria Academy - Erie, PA $25.00Villa Maria Academy - Bronx, NY $710.84Villa Marie School - Waverly , NE $ 1,470.00Villa Walsh Academy - Morristown, NJ $739.68Village of Ceresco - Ceresco Volunteer Fire Department - Ceresco, NE 534.04Village of Victor - Victor Fire Department - Victor, NY $ 1,538.88Village School for Children, Inc. - Waldwick, NJ $2,013.84Violence Prevention Center of Southwestern Illinois, the - Belleville, IL $2,020.32Virg in Mary &Archangel Michael Coptic Orthrodox Church of Ct - Hamden, CT $ 1,323.88Virg inia Association of Free Clinics Inc - Glen Allen, VA $1,788.00Virg inia Consort - Charlottesville, VA $50.00Vishwa Hindu Parishad of America, Inc. Seva Office-Vhp - Elizabeth, NJ $50.00Vision Mexico - New York, NY $263.08Visions/Services for Blind and Visually Im paired - New York, NY 324.96Visitin Health & Supportive Services - Flemington, NJ $718.20Visitin g Health Services of Union County , Inc. - Westfield, NJ $ 168.00Visitin g Nurse & Community Health of Eastern Connecticut Inc. - Mansfield Center, CT 491.40Visitin g Nurse & Health Service System - Elizabeth, NJ $2,824.72Visitin g Nurse and Hospice Home Inc - Fort Wayne, IN 100.00Visiting Nurse Association - St. Louis, MO $200.00Visitin g Nurse Association Inc Old Lyme - Old Lyme, CT $418.80Visitin g Nurse Association of Brooklyn - Brooklyn, NY $2,455.92Visitin g Nurse Association of Hudson Valley - Tar rytown, NY $458.88Visitin g Nurse Association of Lancaster County Inc - Lancaster, PA $1,715.40Visitin g Nurse Association of Middlesex-East Foundation Inc - Wakefield, MA 526.80Visitin g Nurse Association of Northern New Jersey Inc - Morristown, NJ $263.36Visiting Nurse Association of Somerset Hills - Bernardsville, NJ $625.00Visitin g Nurse Association of South Eastern Connecticut Inc - Waterford, CT $16,298.20Visiting Nurse Association of Sussex County , Inc. - Sparta, NJ $561.10Visitin g Nurse Association of the Wabash Valley Inc - Terre Haute, IN $ 1,439.09Visiting Nurse Association of the Wabash Valley Inc. - Terre Haute, IN 1,100.92Visiting Nurse Association VNA/Kent County - Warwick, RI $187.40

Visitin g Nurse Association VNA/St. Lukes - Bethlehem, PA $375.00Visiting Nurse Association/Central Jersey - Red Bank, NJ $1,150.00

Visiting Nurse Association/Somerset Hills Adult Day Center - Basking Ridge, NJ 393.24

Visiting Nurse Service of New York - New York, NY $843.39

Visiting Nurse Service Westchester/Hos pice Program - White Plains, NY $2,316.88Visitin g Nurse Service/Nassau - Garden City , NY $899.52Visitin g Nurse Services of Michi gan - Flint, MI $ 118.80Visitin g Nurses Association Home Health Systems - Santa Ana, CA $250.20VNA of South Central Connecticut, Inc. - New Haven, CT $59.97VNA Services Inc - Hamden, CT $ 100.00Voice of the Nile Coptic Association - Albany , CA 500.00Voices for Children - San Diego, CA $500.04Voices for Youth - Marq uette , MI $720.92Volunteer Center of Gr. Kalamazoo - Kalamazoo, MI $185.40Volunteer Center of Napa County Inc - Napa , CA $600.00Volunteer Services of Greater Kalamazoo Inc. - Kalamazoo, Ml $267.12Volunteers for Morris County - Morristown, NJ $ 1,149.00Volunteers of America Agape House Program - Somerville, NJ $500.00Voluntown Ambulance Association - Voluntown, CT $613.21Voluntown Elementa ry School - Voluntown, CT $689.57Voyageur Outward Bound School - Ely , MN $354.00Vsa Arts/New Jersey - New Brunswick, NJ $ 1,558.56WA Wrig ht Elementary School - Mount Juliet, TN $250.00Wabash Valley Family Sports Center Inc - Seelyville, IN $814.12Wahoo Community Chest - Wahoo, NE $388.80Wakeman Boys & Girls Club - Bridgeport, CT 300.00Walter Hoving Home, Inc. - Garrison, NY $180.00Warm Kids Project Inc - Scotts, MI $487.20Warm the Children Inc - Westbrook, CT $250.00Warm the Children Inc - Ann Arbor, Ml $418.68Warren County United Way - Lebanon, OH $937.12Warren Townshi Rescue Squad - Warren, NJ $404.16

. Warrensburg Parks & Recreation Program - Warrensburg , MO $922.32Washington Township Land Trust of Morris County Inc - Long Valley , NJ 186.60

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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION UNITED WAY MATCH Summary by Organization Name

Organization Name Total Foundation Amount

Washington University - Saint Louis, MO $57.44Washington Women Shelter - Washington, PA $480.00Washtenaw Association for Community Advocacy - Ann Arbor, MI $783.72Washtenaw Camp Placement - Ann Arbor, MI $499.97Washtenaw Camp Placement Association - Ann Arbor, MI $254.20Washtenaw County Headstart Program - Ypsilanti, MI $292.08Washtenaw Land Trust - Ann Arbor, MI 160.35Washtenaw Rainbow Action Project Wrap - Ann Arbor, MI 100.00Washtenaw United Way - Ann Arbor, MI $347,453.87Washtenaw United Way - Assistin g Seniors - Ann Arbor, MI $ 17,024.79Washtenaw United Way - Helm Young People Succeed - Ann Arbor, MI 15,896.52Washtenaw United Way - Strengthenin g Families and Individuals - Ann Arbor, MI $ 11,516.58Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania - Brooklyn, NY $2,489.19Water Street Rescue-Mission - Lancaster, PA $2,998.27Waterford Ambulance Service Inc - Waterford, CT $991.92Waterford Education Foundation Inc. - Waterford, CT $763.36Waterford Soccer Club Inc - Waterford, CT 200.88Waterfront Ensemble Inc - Hoboken, NJ 25.00Watertown Area United Way - Watertown, SD $720.00Waverly Volunteer Fire Department - Lincoln, NE $363.50Wayne PAL - Wayne, NJ 327.08Wayne Police Athletic League Pal - Wayne, NJ $1,208.00Wayside Christian Mission - Louisville, KY $300.00Wayside Waifs - Kansas City , MO $2,477.76We Care, Inc - South Haven, MI $ 1,778.88Weave Incorporated - Sacramento, CA $ 100.00Webster Child Care Center - St. Louis, MO $100.00Wedgwood Christian Services - Grand Rapids, MI $1,339.44Wegeners Granulomatosis Association - Kansas City , MO $ 156.00Weis Ecology Center - Ringwood, NJ $1,49700Wellness Community of Greater St. Louis - St. Louis, MO $75.60Wellness Council of the Midlands - Omaha, NE 438.75Wellness Huron Valley - Ypsilanti, MI $198.00Wellsprin g , Inc - Hull, MA $ 1,702.32Welsh Mountain Medical Center - New Holland, PA $81.00Wesleyan University - Middletown, CT $ 1,098.00Wessex Animal Welfare League Inc. - E Hanover, NJ 150.00West Central Missouri Community Action Agency - Appleton City , MO $363.00West Coast Sports Medicine Foundation - Manhattan Beach, CA 600.00West County Christian School (Wccs) - Chesterfield, MO $100.00West Essex First Aid Squad Inc. - West Caldwell, NJ $2,067.84West Haven Community House Association Inc - West Haven, CT $2,965.92West Orange Community House - West Orange, NJ $ 1,675.44West Side Community Center - Asbu ry Park, NJ 780.00West Suburban United Way - Chicago, IL $619.00West Vigo Community Corp - W Terre Haute, IN $394.74West Virg inia University Foundation Inc - Morgantown, WV $93.72Westbrook Ambulance Association Incorporated - Westbrook, CT $250.00Westchester County Health Care Cor ./Neo Natal Unit - Valhalla, NY $50.04Westchester Hispanic Coalition - White Plains, NY $283.64Westchester Jewish Community Services/ W cs - White Plains, NY $574.06Westerly Adult Day Care Center - Westerly, RI 1,919.90Westerly Adult Day Services - Westerly , RI $849.00Westerly Chanho ARC - Westerly , RI $ 183.72Westerly Hospital - Westerly, RI $849.00Westerly National Little League Inc - Westerly, RI $ 176.04Westerly Youth Soccer Association Inc - Westerly , RI 352.08Westerl y-Area-Rest- Meals-Warm-Inc - Westerly, RI $12,475.01Western Mi Legal Services - Kalamazoo, MI 618.72Western Michigan Legal Services - Grand Rapids, MI $4.36Western Michigan Universi ty Foundation - Kalamazoo, MI $960.54Western National Parks Association - Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area $424.15Westfayette Fire Dept - Eads, TN 201.48Westfield Community Center - Westfield, NJ $688.80Westminister Presbyterian Church - West Hartford, CT $ 1,218.00Westminster Presbyterian Church - Camp Henry - Grand Rapids, Ml $303.36

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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION UNITED WAY MATCH Summary by Organization Name

Organization Name Total Foundation Amount

Westport Youth Commission - Westport, CT $6,744.20

Westside Family Church - Lenexa, KS $ 1,283.63WGVU/WGVK TV - Grand Valley State Universi ty - Grand Raids, MI $2,076.29Wharton Health Care Management Alumni Association - Philadel phia, PA $ 19.00Wheatland Township Athletic Association Inc - Aurora, IL $2,010.72Wheeler Mission - Indiana polis, IN $921.38White Plains Hospital Center - White Plains, NY 144.00Whitehouse Fire Company #1 Incorporated - Whitehouse Station, NJ $449.99Whitehouse First Aid & Rescue Squad Inc - Whitehouse Station, NJ $ 149.99Whitman-walker Clinic Inc - Washington, DC $25.00Whitmore Lake Health Clinic Inc - Whitmore Lake, MI $ 1,174.20Whosoever Gospel Mission & Rescue Home - Philadel phia, PA $2,313.84Wildlife Society - Bethesda, MD $1,106.88Willard Library - Battle Creek, MI $750.00William Hodson Community Center - Bronx, NY $600.00William J Clinton Presidential Foundation - Bush-Clinton Katrina Fund - Washington, DC 360.00William Marsh Rice University - Houston, TX $582.72Williams Memorial Institute - New London, CT $ 1,344.00Williams Syndrome Association Inc - Clawson, MI $500.00Windham Area Interfaith Minist ry - Willimantic, CT $2,373.88Wings of Hope Hos pice and Palliative Care, Inc - Allegan, MI 2,262.68Winston Salem Rescue Mission - Winston Salem, NC $25.00Winthrop-University Hospital - Long Island, NY $ 120.00Winthrop-University Hospital Foundation - Mineola, NY $532.16Wiregrass United Way , Inc. - Dothan, AL 1,873.04Wirehaired Pointing Griffon Club of America Education & Research Foundation - Bozema $952.12Wisconsin Evang elical Lutheran Synod - St. James Lutheran Preschool - Portage, MI $1,430.88WMHT Educational Telecommunications - Schenectady, NY 200.04Wmu Center for Disability Services - Kalamazoo, MI $748.68WNYC Radio - New York, NY $ 1,263.36Wolf Education & Research Center - Winchester, ID $139.36Womanspace Inc - Trenton, NJ $ 100.00Women & Infants Development Foundation - Providence, RI $ 1,564.32Women Against Abuse, Inc. - Philadelphia, PA $670.56Women for Women International - Washington, DC $70.00Women Helping Women - Metuchen, NJ $553.00Women In Need - New York, NY $919.44Women's Center - Vienna, VA $453.60Women's Crisis Center - Brattleboro, VT 544.08Women's Employment Network - Kansas City , MO $284.68Women's International Network for Guatemalan Solutions Wings - San Francisco, CA $239.20Women's Mentorin g Network - Darien, CT $282.72Women's Resource Center of South County - Wakefield, RI $247.46Women's Resource Center/South County , Inc. - Wakefield, RI $4,329.10Women's Safe House, the - St. Louis, MO $ 1,109.64Womens Center - New London, CT $47,629.36Womens Crisis Services of Hunterdon County Inc - Flemington, NJ $1,212.40Womens Fund of New Jersey Inc - Union, NJ $600.00Womens Prison Association & Home Inc. - New York, NY $88.64Womens Resource Center - Oceanside, CA $50.04Womens Su port and Community Services - St. Louis, MO $689.28Wood River Health Services - Hope Valley , RI $ 1,006.96Woodhull Medical & Mental Health Center Auxilia ry Inc - Brooklyn, NY $722.28Woodlawn Community Development Corporation - Chicago, IL $192.00Woolly Mammoth Theatre Co - Washington, DC $25.00World Challenge, Inc. - Lindale, TX $6,810.00World Vision International - Federal Way , WA $ 1,440.00World Wildlife Fund Inc - Washington, DC $3,346.84Worldwide Lab Improvement - Kalamazoo, MI $332.04WSHU-FM Radio- Sacred Heart University - Fairfield, CT $336.12W omin County Toy Fund Inc - Matheny, WV $1,033.44Wyoming County United Way - Tunkhannock, PA $ 100.00Xavier University of Louisiana - New Orleans, LA $ 1,578.72Yad Basya Ezras Cholim Inc - Passaic, NJ 447.20Yai/National Institute for People With Disabilities - New York, NY $3,110.00Yale University - New Haven, CT $950.88

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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION UNITED WAY MATCH Summary by Organization Name

Organization Name Total Foundation Amount

YCS Foundation Inc - Newark, NJ $932.16Yellowstone AIDS Project Incorporated - Billin g s , MT $ 1,265.00Yeshiva Bnei Torah - Cedarhurst, NY $50.00Yeshiva Derech Chaim - Brooklyn, NY $406.03Yeshiva Gedolah of South Monsey - Monsey , NY $300.00Yeshiva Karlin Stolin Beth Aaron V'isarel/Brookl n - Brooklyn, NY $802.68Yeshiva of S p rin g Valley , Inc. - Monsey , NY $ 150.00Yeshiva Ohr Reuven - Suffern, NY $300.00Ym-YWHA of 92nd Street Y - New York, NY $ 1,701.48Ym-YWHA of North Jersey - Wayne, NJ $499.92Ym/YWHA of Union County , Inc. - Elizabeth, NJ $60.00YMCA of Eastern Union County ( Branches In Elizabeth, Five Points & Rahway) - Elizabet $386.87YMCA of Easton Philli psburg & Vicinit y Inc. - Easton, PA $75.90YMCA of Long Island - Long Island, NY $65.00YMCA of Memphis & the Mid-South - Collierville, TN $604.60YMCA of Metuchen N J - Somerville, NJ $ 1,162.80YMCA of Philadelphia & Vicinity Christian Street Branch - Philadel phia, PA $75.90YMCA of Plainfield Area - Plainfield, NJ $625.24YMCA of Readin g & Berks Co - Adamstown YMCA - Adamstown, PA $5.28YMCA of San Diego County - San Diego, CA $25.00YMCA of San Diego County - Encinitas, CA $494.64YMCA of Valparaiso Indiana Inc. - Valparaiso, IN $ 100.00YMCA Tarrytown - Tarrytown, NY $2,174.87YMCA- Clay County - Brazil, IN $1,152.48YMCA-Ann Arbor - Ann Arbor, MI $240.00YMCA-Morris Center - Cedar Knolls, NJ $195.00YMCA/Bayonne - Bayonne, NJ $374.04YMCA/Camp Manitov-Lin - Grand Rapids, MI $100.00YMCA/Fairfield Branch - Bridge port, CT 400.00YMCA/Greater Bergen County - Hackensack, NJ $246.00YMCA/Greater Scranton - Dunmore, PA $256.80YMCA/Greenwood - Greenwood, SC $772.40YMCA/Houston - Houston, TX $996.54YMCA/Hunterdon County - Flemin gton, NJ $560.64YMCA/Lake Mary - Lake Mary , FL $50.00YMCA/Lancaster - Lancaster, PA $628.68YMCA/Metuchen-Edison - Metuchen, NJ $2,927.90YMCA/New Canaan Community - New Canaan, CT $742.44YMCA/of Greater St. Louis - St. Louis, MO 522.60YMCA/Putnam County Family - Cookeville, TN $90.00YMCA/Ridgewood-Bergen County - Ridgewood, NJ $725.91YMCA/Roodhouse - Roodhouse, IL $1,028.88YMCA/Rye - White Plains, NY 1,056.93YMCA/Stratford Branch - Bridgeport, CT $78.97YMCA/Tn-Count - Scott Depot, WV $ 120.00YMCA/Westerly-Pawtucket - Westerly , RI $5,489.57YMCA/Westerly-Pawtucket -Camp Watchaug Alumni Fund - Westerly , RI 463.36YMCA/Western Monmouth County - Freehold, NJ $25.00YMCA/Westport - Westport, CT $316.80York Cancer Center/Patient Help Fund - York, PA $666.12Yosemite Natural Histo ry Association - El Portal, CA $915.72Young Audiences-New York Inc - New York, NY 121.68Young Life - Colorado Sprin g s, CO $ 1,209.00Young Life - Holland, Ml $600.00Young Life of Steel Valley - Homestead, PA $ 143.75Youn Life/Lee's Summit - Lee's Summit, MO $ 1,248.00Young Men's Christian Association of Edwardsville - Edwardsville, IL $300.00Young Men's Christian Association of Greater St. Louis - St. Louis, MO $2,210.66Young Mens Christian Association - Grand Forks, ND 524.40Young Mens Christian Association Inc - New Rochelle, NY 920.64Young Mens Christian Association of Charleston and the Kanawha Valley - Charleston, W $371.42Young Mens Christian Association of Dubois Pennsylvania - Dubois, PA $48.00Young Mens Christian Association of Erie Pennsylvania - Erie, PA $10.00Young Mens Christian Association of Greater Bergen County - Hackensack, NJ $ 120.00Young Mens Christian Association of Greater New York - New York, NY $670.58

, Young Mens Christian Association of Greater New York - Greenpoint YMCA - Brooklyn, N $ 1,503.90S'1'H'1' r MC N'1' L I U

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2006 PFIZER FOUNDATION UNITED WAY MATCH Summary by Organization Name

Organization Name Total Foundation Amount

Young Mens Christian Association of Greater New York - Vanderbilt YMCA - New York, N $5.00Young Mens Christian Association of Kalamazoo - Kalamazoo, Ml $6,618.20Young Mens Christian Association of Lafayette - Lafayette, IN $ 138.54Youn Mens Christian Association of Madison NJ - Madison, NJ $959.96Young Mens Christian Association of Metropolitan Chattanooga - Hamilton Family YMCA $456.72Young Mens Christian Association of Plainfield - Plainfield, NJ $87.14Young Mens Christian Association of San Antonio - San Antonio, TX $25.00Young Mens Christian Association of Somerset Valley - Somerville, NJ $ 100.00Young Mens Christian Association of Southeastern CT Inc - Norwich, CT $2,183.66Young Mens Christian Association of Terre Haute - Terre Haute, IN 1,877.16Young Mens Christian Association of Westerly-Pawcatuck - Ocean Community YMCA $ 1,014.83Young Mens Christian Association Vanderbilt - New York, NY $1,273.44Young Mens Christian Association Willimantic - North Windham, CT $407.40Young Mens Christian Association Wilmin gton - Wilmington, NC $25.00Young Mens Christian Association-Findlay Ohio - Findlay , OH 24.00Young Womens Christian Association - Lancaster, PA 628.84Young Womens Christian Association - Terre Haute, IN 653.31Young Womens Christian Association of Brooklyn - Brooklyn, NY $813.48Young Womens Christian Association of Kalamazoo - Kalamazoo, MI $ 12,280.35Yours Ours Mine Community Center - Levittown, NY 99.96Yours Ours Mine Community Center Inc - Levittown, NY $ 1,440.00Youth Adults' Health Center - The Corner Health Center - Ypsilanti, Ml 100.00Youth at Risk Inc - New York, NY 366.80Youth Challeng e of Puerto Rico - Arecibo, PR $943.66Youth Connection of Ventura County - CASA Pacifica - Camarillo, CA $2,687.76Youth for Christ In Kalamazoo - Kalamazoo, MI $4,560.14Youth for Christ/Youth Guidance Boys - Holland, MI $974.84Youth Haven Ranch - Rives Junction, MI $240.00Youth Home Inc - Little Rock, AR 499.92Youth In Need, Inc. - St. Charles, MO $2,066.16Youth on Their Own - Tucson, AZ $973.44Youth Orchestra - Jamaica, NY $735.96

Youth Pride Inc - Providence, RI $480.00Youth Pride, Inc. - Decatur, GA $25.00Youth Services, Inc. - Brattleboro, VT $545.76Youth Theatre Interactions - Yonkers, NY $236.88Youth Villages - Memphis, TN $721.96Youth With A Mission-Universit y of the Nations-Virg inia - Richmond, VA $2,106.00Ypsilanti Meals on Wheels - Ypsilanti, MI $3,158.16

Ypsilanti Student Literacy Corps - Ypsilanti, MI $92.58Yuba Sutter United Way - Marysville, CA $1,672.32YWCA - Meriden, CT $25.00YWCA Endowment Trust - Columbus, OH $614.16YWCA of Greenwich Ct - Greenwich, CT $2,698.80YWCA of Princeton - Princeton, NJ $1,237.92YWCA/Abused Women Shelter - Memphis, TN $72.00

Sub-total: $13,609,546.27Credit due Pfizer Foundation: 2,500.60Cash to Accrual Adj ustment: $ (3,021,514.87 )

TOTAL: $10,590,532.00

STATEMENT 21D80 of 80


2006 Form 990-PFPart VII-B, Line 5c

Report of Expenditure Responsibility Grantsand Program Related Investments

The following information is provided in accordance with IRC section 4945(h)(3) andTreas. Reg. section 53.4945-5(d) with respect to grants and program-related investmentsfor which expenditure responsibility is required , for the Foundation ' s year ended 31December 2006.

Grant #: 2003-125

Grantee : Grandview Children's Center600 Townline Road SouthOshawa, Ontario L 1 H 7K6Canada

Grant approvalMay 2003 Amount : $30,000


Purpose of grant:

Payments made tograntee:

Amount of grantspent by grantee:

Reports receivedand dates received:

To develop a driver instruction program for developmentallydisabled young adults.

May 2003 $30,000

As of 31 December 2006 : US $3,433

Interim report received July 2006.



2006 Form 990-PFPart VII- B, Line 5c

Report of Expenditure Responsibility Grantsand Program Related Investments

The following information is provided in accordance with IRC section 4945(h)(3) andTreas. Reg. section 53.4945-5(d) with respect to grants and program-related investmentsfor which expenditure responsibility is required, for the Foundation's year ended 31December 2006.

Grant #: 2003-126

Grantee :Association Pour le Soutien de l'Etude du Vieillissement(ASEV)24, Avenue Des Staphylins1170 BruxellesBelgium

Grant approvalMay 2003 Amount : $30,000


Purpose of grant:

Payments made to


Amount of grantspent by grantee:

Reports receivedand dates received:

To develop an educational video on preventing falls and theirconsequences.

May 2003 $30,000

As of 31 December 2006: US $30,000

Final report received November 2006.



2006 Form 990-PFPart VII-B, Line 5c

Report of Expenditure Responsibility Grantsand Program Related Investments

The following information is provided in accordance with IRC section 4945(h)(3) andTreas. Reg. section 53.4945-5(d) with respect to grants and program-related investmentsfor which expenditure responsibility is required, for the Foundation's year ended 31December 2006.

Grant #: 2003-132

Grantee : Le Bureau Francais de I'Epilepsie133 rue Falguiere - Bat. D75015 ParisFrance

Grant approvalMay 2003 Amount: $12,572


Purpose of grant:

Payments made tograntee:

Amount of grantspent by grantee:

Reports receivedand dates received:

To reengineer the Grantee's website to provide a source ofinformation in French about epilepsy.

May 2003 $12,572

As of 31 December 2006 : US $12,572

Final report received January 2007.



2006 Form 990-PFPart VII-B, Line 5c

Report of Expenditure Responsibility Grantsand Program Related Investments

The following information is provided in accordance with IRC section 4945(h)(3) andTreas. Reg. section 53.4945-5(d) with respect to grants and program-related investmentsfor which expenditure responsibility is required, for the Foundation ' s year ended 31December 2006.

Grant #: 2003-136

Grantee : Aktive Diabetiker Austria Miitersteig 4/211050 WienAustria

Grant approvalMay 2003 Amount : $20,000


Purpose of grant:

Payments made tograntee:

Amount of grantspent by grantee:

Reports receivedand dates received:

To expand the organization to Salzburg and Tirol.

May 2003 $20,000

As of 31 December 2006: US $20,000

Final report received June 2006.



2006 Form 990-PFPart VII- B, Line 5c

Report of Expenditure Responsibility Grantsand Program Related Investments

The following information is provided in accordance with IRC section 4945(h)(3) andTreas. Reg. section 53.4945-5(d) with respect to grants and program-related investmentsfor which expenditure responsibility is required, for the Foundation's year ended 31December 2006.

Grant #: 2003-138

Grantee :Associazione Italiana Pazienti BPCOVia Cassia, 60500189 RomaItaly

Grant approvalMay 2003 Amount : $25,800


Purpose of grant:

Payments made tograntee:

Amount of grantspent by grantee:

Reports receivedand dates received:

To establish "regional branches " and increase ChronicObstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) awareness.

May 2003 $25,800

As of 31 December 2006: US $25,800

Final report received January 2007.



2006 Form 990-PFPart VII-B, Line 5c

Report of Expenditure Responsibility Grantsand Program Related Investments

The following information is provided in accordance with IRC section 4945(h)(3) andTreas. Reg. section 53.4945-5(d) with respect to grants and program-related investmentsfor which expenditure responsibility is required, for the Foundation's year ended 31December 2006.

Grant #: 2003-140

Grantee :Dutch League of Associations of Patients with RheumaticDiseasesHogeweg 27aPostBus 13703800 BJ AmersfoortNetherlands

Grant approvalMay 2003 Amount : $27,600


Purpose of grant:

Payments made tograntee:

Amount of grantspent by grantee:

Reports receivedand dates received:

To train regional councils to take a more active role ininfluencing health and welfare policies.

May 2003 $27,600

As of 31 December 2006 : US $27,600

Final report received August 2006.



2006 Form 990-PFPart VII-B, Line 5c

Report of Expenditure Responsibility Grantsand Program Related Investments

The following information is provided in accordance with IRC section 4945(h)(3) andTreas. Reg. section 53.4945-5(d) with respect to grants and program-related investmentsfor which expenditure responsibility is required, for the Foundation's year ended 31December 2006.

Grant #: 2003-143

Grantee :International Diabetes Federation (European Region)Avenue Emile de Mot 19, 1000 BrusselsBelgium

Grant approvalMay 2003 Amount : $30,000


I Purpose of grant:

Payments made tograntee:

Amount of grantspent by grantee:

Reports receivedand dates received:

To train member associations in fundraising.

May 2003 $30,000

As of 31 December 2006: $30,000

Final report received March 2007.



2006 Form 990-PFPart VII-B, Line 5c

Report of Expenditure Responsibility Grantsand Program Related Investments

The following information is provided in accordance with IRC section 4945(h)(3) andTreas. Reg. section 53.4945-5(d) with respect to grants and program-related investmentsfor which expenditure responsibility is required, for the Foundation's year ended 31December 2006.

Grant #: 2003-148

Grantee :The Swedish Rheumatism AssociationReumatikerfor BundetAlstromergat 39Box 12851112 98 SthlmSweden

Grant approvalMay 2003 Amount: $30,000


Purpose of grant : To initiate a collaboration between the sports and health sectorsto address the growing number of younger people withosteoarthritis due to sports injuries.

Payments made tograntee:

May 2003 $30,000

Amount of grantspent by grantee:

Reports receivedand dates received:

As of 31 December 2006: US $30,000

Final report received January 2007.



2006 Form 990-PFPart VII-B, Line 5c

Report of Expenditure Responsibility Grantsand Program Related Investments

The following information is provided in accordance with IRC section 4945(h)(3) andTreas . Reg. section 53.4945-5 (d) with respect to grants and program-related investmentsfor which expenditure responsibility is required , for the Foundation's year ended 31December 2006.

Grant #: 2004-01

Grantee: Belgian Pain SocietyPlace Carnoy 11/1101200 BrusselsBelgium

Grant approvalMarch 2004 Amount : $50,000


Purpose of grant : To provide General Practitioners (GPs) with adequate skills for

management of chronic pain within a bio-psychosocial


Payments made tograntee:

March 2004 $50,000

Amount of grantspent by grantee:

Reports receivedand dates received:

As of 31 December 2006: US $39,293.42

Interim report received December 2006.



2006 Form 990-PFPart VII-B, Line 5c

Report of Expenditure Responsibility Grantsand Program Related Investments

The following information is provided in accordance with IRC section 4945(h)(3) andTreas. Reg. section 53.4945-5(d) with respect to grants and program-related investmentsfor which expenditure responsibility is required, for the Foundation's year ended 31December 2006.

Grant #: 2004-03

Grantee : Let's Talk Science1584 North Routledge ParkLondon, Ontario N6H 5L6Canada

Grant approvalMarch 2004 Amount : $77,000


Purpose of grant:

Payments made tograntee:

Amount of grantspent by grantee:

Reports receivedand dates received:

To strengthen and expand the Grantee's science literacyprogram.

March 2004 $77,000

As of 31 December 2006 : US $77,000

Final report received August 2006.



2006 Form 990-PFPart VII-B, Line 5c

Report of Expenditure Responsibility Grantsand Program Related Investments

The following information is provided in accordance with IRC section 4945(h)(3) andTreas. Reg. section 53.4945-5(d) with respect to grants and program-related investmentsfor which expenditure responsibility is required, for the Foundation's year ended 31December 2006.

Grant #: 2004-07

Grantee :Association of People with Rheumatism and Their Friendsul. Nowogrodzka 16/2700-511 WarszawPoland

Grant approvalMarch 2004 Amount: $37,500


Purpose of grant : To support people with rheumatism and to improve their copingskills. Specifically, the Grantee intends to distribute materialsfor people with rheumatism and to conduct a course for self-helpgroup leaders.

Payments made tograntee:

March 2004 $37,500

Amount of grantspent by grantee:

Reports receivedand dates received:

As of 31 December 2005: $14,859. Awaiting 2006 informationfrom the Grantee.

Interim report received May 2006.



2006 Form 990-PFPart VII- B, Line 5c

Report of Expenditure Responsibility Grantsand Program Related Investments

The following information is provided in accordance with IRC section 4945(h)(3) andTreas . Reg. section 53.4945-5(d) with respect to grants and program-related investmentsfor which expenditure responsibility is required, for the Foundation's year ended 31December 2006.

Grant #: 2004-09

Grantee : Association of Aid to Patients with COPDul. Slominskiego 17/1800-195 WarsawPoland

Grant approvalMarch 2004 Amount : $53,000


Purpose of grant : To build awareness of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease(COPD) by developing an education program, publishing patientmaterials, building the Grantee's website and launching a pilotsystem of telespirometry.

Payments made tograntee:

March 2004 $53,000

Amount of grantspent by grantee:

Reports receivedand dates received:

As of 31 December 2005: $36,045. Awaiting 2006 informationfrom the Grantee.

Interim report received July 2005. Final/interim report requestedon March, July, October and December of 2006.



2006 Form 990-PFPart VII-B, Line 5c

Report of Expenditure Responsibility Grantsand Program Related Investments

The following information is provided in accordance with IRC section 4945(h)(3) andTreas. Reg. section 53.4945-5(d) with respect to grants and program-related investmentsfor which expenditure responsibility is required, for the Foundation's year ended 31December 2006.

Grant #: 2004-11

Grantee : European Research and Development ConsultancyNobelova 18831 02 BratislavaSlovakia

Grant approvalMarch 2004 Amount : $60,000


Purpose of grant : To implement "best practice" quality control managementsystems for private clinics in Slovakia in accordance withrevisions made to the Slovak Health Reform Act, and as requiredfor accession of Slovakia to the European Union.

Payments made toMarch 2004 $60,000


Amount of grant As of 31 December 2006: No information provided by thespent by grantee : Grantee since commencement. Awaiting information from


Reports received Final/interim report requested on March, July, October andand dates received : December of 2006.



2006 Form 990-PFPart VII-B, Line 5c

Report of Expenditure Responsibility Grantsand Program Related Investments

The following information is provided in accordance with IRC section 4945 (h)(3) andTreas . Reg. section 53.4945-5( d) with respect to grants and program-related investmentsfor which expenditure responsibility is required , for the Foundation's year ended 31December 2006.

Grant #: 2004-13

Grantee : Spanish Federation of Rheumatic PatientsC/Cartagena 9928002 MadridSpain

Grant approvalMarch 2004 Amount : $121,039


Purpose of grant : To conduct a survey of rheumatic patients in order todisseminate information regarding the treatment andmanagement of rheumatism.

Payments made tograntee:

March 2004 $121,039

Amount of grantspent by grantee:

As of 31 December 2006: US $121,039

Reports received Final/interim report requested February 2005, October 2005 and

and dates received :March 2006. The Final Report consisted of a financial report,but no narrative report was included.



2006 Form 990-PFPart VII-B, Line 5c

Report of Expenditure Responsibility Grantsand Program Related Investments

The following information is provided in accordance with IRC section 4945(h)(3) andTreas. Reg. section 53.4945-5(d) with respect to grants and program-related investmentsfor which expenditure responsibility is required, for the Foundation's year ended 31December 2006.

Grant #:


Grant approvaldate:


Fundacion ContenerVirrey Loreto 24771426 Buenos AiresArgentina

March 2004 Amount : $30,000

Purpose of grant : To assist patients and families living with mental disorders thathave been aggravated by the current economic and social crisisin Argentina.

Payments made tograntee:

March 2004 $30,000

Amount of grantspent by grantee:

Reports receivedand dates received:

As of 31 December 2006: US $30,000

Final report received January 2007.



2006 Form 990-PFPart VII-B, Line 5c

Report of Expenditure Responsibility Grantsand Program Related Investments

The following information is provided in accordance with IRC section 4945(h)(3) andTreas. Reg. section 53.4945-5(d) with respect to grants and program-related investmentsfor which expenditure responsibility is required, for the Foundation's year ended 31December 2006.

Grant #: 2004-20

Grantee:Japan Continence Action SocietyJuri Heim 1031-4-2 Zenpukuj iSuginami -Ku, Tokyo 1670041Japan

Grant approvalMarch 2004 Amount : $110,000


Purpose of grant:

Payments made tograntee:

For the 3rd Japanese Patient Group Conference.

March 2004 $110,000

Amount of grant As of 31 December 2006: No information provided by thespent by grantee : Grantee since commencement. Awaiting information from


Reports received Final/interim report requested on March, July, October andand dates received : December of 2006.



2006 Form 990-PFPart VII-B, Line 5c

Report of Expenditure Responsibility Grantsand Program Related Investments

The following information is provided in accordance with IRC section 4945(h)(3) andTreas. Reg. section 53.4945-5(d) with respect to grants and program-related investmentsfor which expenditure responsibility is required, for the Foundation's year ended 31December 2006.

Grant #: 2004-21

Grantee : Fundacion Privada Museo de los NinosApartado 14029Candelaria 1011-ACaracasVenezuela

Grant approvalMarch 2004 Amount : $72,000


Purpose of grant : To continue the support of "The Pfizer Science Bus" for theoperational phase, a children's educational project where a fullyequipped mobile bus will travel to primary schools aroundVenezuela and offer children the opportunity to experiment withscience.

Payments made tograntee:

March 2004 $72,000

Amount of grantspent by grantee:

Reports receivedand dates received:

As of 31 December 2005: US $44,715. Awaiting 2006information from the Grantee.

Interim report received June 2005. Final/interim reportrequested on March, July, October and December of 2006.



2006 Form 990-PFPart VII-B, Line 5c

Report of Expenditure Responsibility Grantsand Program Related Investments

The following information is provided in accordance with IRC section 4945(h)(3) andTreas. Reg. section 53.4945-5(d) with respect to grants and program-related investmentsfor which expenditure responsibility is required, for the Foundation's year ended 31December 2006.

Grant #: 2004-33

Grantee :National Coalition for Women Against HIV/AIDSP.O. Box 27608/1000Addis AbabaEthiopia

Grant approvalJune 2004 Amount : $100,000


Purpose of grant:

Payments made tograntee:

To mobilize students to save lives by combating HIV/AIDS asyouth peer educators in and out of school.

June 2004 $100,000

Amount of grant As of 31 December 2006: No information provided by thespent by grantee : Grantee since commencement. Awaiting information from


Reports received Final/interim report requested on March, July, October andand dates received : December of 2006.



2006 Form 990-PFPart VII-B, Line 5c

Report of Expenditure Responsibility Grantsand Program Related Investments

The following information is provided in accordance with IRC section 4945(h)(3) andTreas. Reg. section 53.4945-5(d) with respect to grants and program-related investmentsfor which expenditure responsibility is required, for the Foundation's year ended 31December 2006.

Grant #:


Grant approvaldate:

Purpose of grant:

Payments made tograntee:

Amount of grantspent by grantee:

Reports receivedand dates received:


Zivot 90Karoliny Svetle 18,110 00 Prague 1Czech Republic

October 2004 Amount : $110,000

To improve computer literacy to enhance access to up-to-dateinformation on health care and social welfare.

October 2004 $110,000

As of 31 December 2006: US $110,000

Final report received January 2007.



2006 Form 990-PFPart VII-B, Line 5c

Report of Expenditure Responsibility Grantsand Program Related Investments

The following information is provided in accordance with IRC section 4945(h)(3) andTreas. Reg. section 53.4945-5(d) with respect to grants and program-related investmentsfor which expenditure responsibility is required, for the Foundation's year ended 31December 2006.

Grant #: 2004-39

Grantee: Fundacion para el Estudio del GlaucomaMarcelo T. de Alvear 2010 2° DBuenos AiresArgentina

Grant approvalOctober 2004 Amount : $25,000date:

Purpose of grant : A project to educate the public and physicians about Glaucoma.

Payments made tograntee:

Amount of grantspent by grantee:

October 2004 $25,000

Reports receivedand dates received:

As of 31 December 2006: US $18,453

Interim report received May 2006.



2006 Form 990-PFPart VII-B, Line 5c

Report of Expenditure Responsibility Grantsand Program Related Investments

The following information is provided in accordance with IRC section 4945(h)(3) andTreas . Reg. section 53.4945-5(d) with respect to grants and program -related investmentsfor which expenditure responsibility is required , for the Foundation ' s year ended 31December 2006.

Grant #: 2004-41

Grantee :Associacao Saude Sem LimitesRua Tres de Maio, 223, Vila ClementinoSao Paulo, SP - Brazil - Cep: 04044-020Brazil

Grant approvalOctober 2004 Amount: $100,000


Purpose of grant: To improve the health of Pakararu Indians.

October 2004 $100,000Payments made tograntee:

Amount of grantspent by grantee:

Reports receivedand dates received:

As of 31 December 2006: US $92,749

Interim report received May 2006.



2006 Form 990-PFPart VII-B, Line 5c

Report of Expenditure Responsibility Grantsand Program Related Investments

The following information is provided in accordance with IRC section 4945(h)(3) andTreas . Reg. section 53.4945-5(d) with respect to grants and program -related investmentsfor which expenditure responsibility is required , for the Foundation ' s year ended 31December 2006.

Grant #: 2004-42

Grantee :Fondazione Grigioni per it Morbo di ParkinsonVia Zuretti 3520125 MilanItaly

Grant approvalOctober 2004 Amount : $50,000


Purpose of grant : To support an awareness campaign to inform patients withParkinson's Disease about recent developments in research andin the management of the disease.

Payments made toOctober 2004 $50,000


Amount of grant As of 31 December 2006: No information provided by thespent by grantee : Grantee since commencement. Awaiting information from


Reports received Final/interim report requested on March, July, October andand dates received : December of 2006.



2006 Form 990-PFPart VII-B, Line 5c

Report of Expenditure Responsibility Grantsand Program Related Investments

The following information is provided in accordance with IRC section 4945(h)(3) andTreas. Reg. section 53.4945-5(d) with respect to grants and program-related investmentsfor which expenditure responsibility is required, for the Foundation's year ended 31December 2006.

Grant #: 2004-43

Grantee :Polish Family Planning Association4 Sewerynow Str.00-331 WarsawPoland

Grant approvalOctober 2004 Amount : $43,000


Purpose of grant:

Payments made tograntee:

Amount of grantspent by grantee:

Reports receivedand dates received:

To improve the quality of sexual and reproductive health care bytraining young physicians.

October 2004 $43,000

As of 31 December 2006: US $43,000

Final report received January 2007.



2006 Form 990-PFPart VII-B, Line 5c

Report of Expenditure Responsibility Grantsand Program Related Investments

The following information is provided in accordance with IRC section 4945(h)(3) andTreas. Reg. section 53.4945-5(d) with respect to grants and program-related investmentsfor which expenditure responsibility is required, for the Foundation's year ended 31December 2006.

Grant #: 2005-01

Grantee : Ateneo de Manila University - Leaders for Health Program20 Rockwell, RockwellMakati City, Metro Manila 1200Philippines

Grant approvalJanuary 2005 Amount : $200,000


Purpose of grant:

Payments made tograntee:

Amount of grantspent by grantee:

Reports receivedand dates received:

To sponsor dialysis treatments for 80 poor chronic renal failurepatients.

January 2005 $200,000

As of 31 December 2006: US $200,000

Final report received January 2007.


PDF reference copy

For, 8868(Rev April 2007)

Department of the Treasuryinternal Revenue Service

Application for Extension of Time To File anExempt Organization Return► File a separate application for each return.

OMB No 1545-1709

• If you are filing for an Automatic 3-Month Extension, complete only Part I and check this box ........................ I .

• If you are filing for an Additional (not automatic) 3-Month Extension, complete only Part II (on page 2 of this form)

Do not complete Part ll unless you have alread y been granted an automatic 3-month extension on a previously filed Form 8868Automatic 3-Month Extension of Time. Only submit original (no copies needed).

Section 501(c) corporations required to file Form 990-T and requesting an automatic 6-month extension-check this box andcomplete Part I only ....................... ........................................................................ P. q

All other corporations (including 1120-C filers), partnerships, REMICs, and trusts must use Form 7004 to request an extension oftime to file income tax returns.

Electronic Filing (e-file). Generally, you can electronically file Form 8868 if you want a 3-month automatic extension of time to fileone of the returns noted below (6 months for section 501(c) corporations required to file Form 990-T). However, you cannot file Form8868 electronically if (1) you want the additional (not automatic) 3-month extension or (2) you file Forms 990-BL, 6069, or 8870, groupreturns, or a composite or consolidated Form 990-T. Instead, you must submit the fully completed and signed page 2 (Part II) of Form8868. For more details on the electronic filing of this form, visit wtvw.irs.gov/efile and click on a-file for Charities & Nonprofits.

Type or


File by thedue date forfiling yourreturn. SeeInswctions.

Name of Exempt Organization

The Pfizer Foundation, Inc.

Number, street . and room or suite no If a P.O. box, see instructions.

235 East 42nd Street

Employer Identification number


City, town or post office, state , and ZIP code . For a foreign address, see instructions

New York, New York 10017

Check type of return to be filed (file a separate application for each return):

8 Form 990 q Form 990-T (corporation)

Form 990-BL q Form 990-T (sec. 401(a) or 408(a) trust)

q Form 990-EZ q Form 990-T (trust other than above)

Form 990-PF q Form 1041-A

• The books are in the care of ► MS :_Caroline Roan

Telephone No. ► __ (212 ) 733-4250 FAX No. ► - (21 2) 57 3-76 8-4-------

• If the organization does not have an office or place of business in the United States , check this box ................ ... ► q

• If this is for a Group Return , enter the organization 's four digit Group Exemption Number (GEN) . If this isfor the whole group , check this box .......... ► q . If it is for part of the group, check this box ........... ► 11 and attacha list with the names and EINs of all members the extension will cover.

I I request an automatic 3-month (6 months for a section 501 (c) corporation required to file Form 990-T) extension of time

until AD-ust 15 _- , 20-1-7, to file the exempt organization return for the organization named above. The extension is

for the organization 's return for:► calendar year 20 6_or

► q tax year beginning -___ 20 , and ending _ _-____-_._-_, 20.--__-,

2 If this tax year is for less than 12 months, check reason: q Initial return q Final return q Change in accounting penod

3a If this application is for Form 990-BL, 990-PF, 990-T, 4720 , or 6069 , enter the tentative tax,less any nonrefundable credits . See instructions . 3a $ 749,697.

b If this application is for Form 990-PF or 990-T, enter any refundable credits and estimated taxpayments made. Include any prior year overpayment allowed as a credit. 3b l$ 880,126.

c Balance Due. Subtract line 3b from line 3a. Include your payment with this form, or, if required,deposit with FTD coupon or, if required, by using EFTPS (Electronic Federal Tax PaymentSystem). See ins tructions. 0.

Caution . If you are going to make an electronic fund withdrawal with this Form 8868, see Form 8453-EO and Form 8879-EOfor payment instructions.

For Privacy Act and Paperwork Reduction Act Notice , see Instructions . Form 8868 (Rev 4-2007)BKA

q Form 4720

q Form 5227

q Form 6069

q Form 8870

YR,T r'JM)I-001 2)



Form 8868 ( Rev 4-2007) Page 2

• If you are filing for an Additional (not automatic ) 3-Month Extension , complete only Part II and check this box . . . . . . ► x

Note . Only complete Part II if you have already been granted an automatic 3-month extension on a previously filed Form 8868.

• If you are filing for an Automatic 3-Month Extension, com p lete only Part I (on pa ge 1 ) .

Additional ( not automatic ) 3-Month Extension of Time. You must file orig inal and one copy .Name of Exempt Organization Employer Identification number

Type orprint The Pfizer Foundation, Inc t 13-6083839

File by theNumber , street . and room or suite no . If a P.O box, see instructions .

^^-t:^a'•') For IRS use onlyextendeddue date for

235 East 42nd Street.

riling there um Seeinstructions

City, town or post office , state, and ZIP code . For a foreign address , see instructions .

New York, New York 10017

Check type of return to be filed (File a separate application for each return):


Form 990 x Form 990-PF Form 1041-A Form 6069

Form 990-BL Form 990-T (sec. 401(a) or 408(a) trust) Form 4720 Form 8870

Form 990-EZ Form 990-T ( trust other than above ) Form 5227STOPI Do not complete Part II if you were not already granted an automatic 3-month extension on a previously filed Form 8868.

• The books are in the care of ► Ms . Caroline Roan

Telephone No. ► (212) 733-4250 FAXNo ► (212) 573-7684

• If the organization does not have an office or place of business in the United States, check this box,,,,,,, , , , , , , , , , ►E• If this is for a Group Return, enter the organization's four digit Group Exemption Number (GEN) If this is

for the whole group, check this box ► . If it is for part of the group, check this box ► and attach a list with the

names and EINs of all members the extension is for.

4 I request an additional 3-month extension of time until November 15 20 07

5 For calendar year 2006 . or other tax year beginning 20 and ending 20-6 If this tax year is for less than 12 months, check reason: Initial return Final return Change in accounting period

7 State in detail why you need the extension The accounting and tax information necessary to complete

the return has not been finalized at this time.

8a If this application is for Form 990-BL, 990-PF, 990-T, 4720, or 6069, enter the tentative tax, less any

nonrefundable cred its . See in st ructions. 749,697

b If this application is for Form 990-PF, 990-T, 4720, or 6069, enter any refundable credits and estimated `+^

tax payments made. Include any prior year overpayment allowed as a credit and any amount paid . `

p reviously with Form 8868. 8b $ 880, 126

c Balance Due . Subtract line 8b from line 8a . Include your payment with this form, or. if required, deposit

with FTD coupon or, if required, by using EFTPS (Electronic Federal Tax Payment System). See

instructions. 8c $ 0Signature and Verification

Under penalties of perfury, I declare that I have examined this form . mduduig accompanying schedules and statements , and to the best of my knowledge and belief,

it is true . corr and complete, and that 1 am authorized to prepare this form.

Signature ► Title ► ?k 71 IV ate to. $ f 5 D

16tice to Applicant. (To Be CompleteAy the IRS)8 We have approved this application . Please attach this form to the organization's return.

We have not approved this application However, we have granted a 10-day grace period from the later of the date shown below or the duedate of the organization 's return ( including any prior extensions) This grace period is considered to be a valid extension of time for elections

a otherwise required to be made on a timely return . Please attach this form to the organization's return

We have not approved this application . After considering the reasons stated in item 7 . we cannot grant your request for an extension of timeto file. We are not granting a 10-day grace period.

8 We cannot consider this application because it was filed after the extended due date of the return for which an extension was requested.


BYDirecto r Date

Alternate Mailing Address . Enter the address if you want the copy of this application for an additional 3-month extension

returned to an address different than the one entered above.Name

Pfizer Inc.Type or Number and street ( include suite, room , or apt no.) or a P . O. box numberprint

6730 Lenox Center Court, C/O Tax Department

City or town , province or state, and country (Including postal or ZIP code)

Mem his, TN 38115 USA

Form 8868 ( Rev. 4-2007)

JSA6 F 8055 4 000

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