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The crystal structure of a major allergen from plantsKurt S Thorn1, Hans EM Christensen2, Ron Shigeta Jr1, Don Huddler Jr1,Lamaat Shalaby3, Uno Lindberg4, Nam-Hai Chua5 and Clarence E Schutt1*

Background: Profilins are small eukaryotic proteins involved in modulating theassembly of actin microfilaments in the cytoplasm. They are able to bind bothphosphatidylinositol-4,5-bisphosphate and poly-L-proline (PLP) and thus play acritical role in signaling pathways. Plant profilins are of interest becauseimmunological cross-reactivity between pollen and human profilin may be thecause of hay fever and broad allergies to pollens.

Results: The determination of the Arabidopsis thaliana profilin isoform Istructure, using multiwavelength anomalous diffraction (MAD) to obtainstructure-factor phases, is reported here. The structure of Arabidopsis profilin issimilar to that of previously determined profilin structures. Conserved amino acidresidues in profilins from plants, mammals, and lower eukaryotes are criticallyimportant in dictating the geometry of the PLP-binding site and the overallpolypeptide fold. The main feature distinguishing plant profilins from otherprofilins is a solvent-filled pocket located in the most variable region of the fold.

Conclusions: Comparison of the structures of SH3 domains with those ofprofilins from three distinct sources suggests that the mode of PLP binding maybe similar. A comparison of three profilin structures from different families revealsonly partial conservation of the actin-binding surface. The proximity of the semi-conserved actin-binding site and the binding pocket characteristic of plantprofilins suggests that epitopes encompassing both features are responsible forthe cross-reactivity of antibodies between human and plant profilins thought tobe responsible for type I allergies.

IntroductionActin is the principal structural element of the microfila-ment system in eukaryotic cells. This system determinescell shape and motility and is involved in many processeswhere the conversion of chemical energy to mechanicalwork is required [1]. Actin filaments, as well as the actinmonomer sequestering protein profilin, are found in closeapposition to the inner surface of the plasma membraneand are found in particularly high concentrations inregions actively engaged in motile activity [2,3]. In plants,actin plays an essential role in many processes, includingcytoplasmic streaming, positioning of organelles, growthtip extension, and pollen tubule growth [4,5].

Profilins, ubiquitous cytosolic actin-binding proteins withmolecular weights in the 12–15kDa range [6,7], appear tocontrol the preferential addition of actin monomers at thebarbed ends of microfilaments [8]. Profilin binds actin andpoly-L-proline (PLP) simultaneously, an important but notfully understood reaction [9–11]. Phosphatidylinositol-4,5-bisphosphate (PIP2), a component of the phosphatidyl-inositol cycle employed in cell signalling events [12], alsobinds to profilin but causes the profilin–actin complex todissociate [7,13,14]. The localization and binding properties

of profilin thus suggest that it acts at a critical control pointin signaling pathways initiated by events at the plasmamembrane and plays an important role in regulating theactivity in the microfilament system and intracellularcalcium levels. Growth factors binding to their cognatereceptors not only turn on the transcription of new genes,but also cause an immediate activation of the microfilamentsystem [15,16]. Small GTPases [17] and proteins possessingPLP-binding SH3 domains [18,19] have recently beenshown to be central elements in the control of the micro-filament system.

Profilins can be divided into four classes, depending ontheir source: plants, mammals, other eukaryotes, andviruses. Between the different classes of profilins sequencehomology is low (~30%) but within a class homology ismuch higher (50 to 80%). Arabidopsis thaliana (mouse earcress) has at least four profilin genes encoding four iso-forms: isoforms I and II are expressed in all organs of theplant while isoforms III and IV are found in floral tissuesonly. In plants, profilin appears to perform many of thesame roles as in animals. Birch (Betula verrucosa) pollenprofilin exhibits similar effects on the polymerization ofactins from animal sources in vitro as do animal profilins

Addresses: 1Henry H Hoyt Laboratory, Departmentof Chemistry, Princeton University, Princeton NJ08544, USA, 2Laboratory of Plant Cell Biology,Institute of Molecular Agrobiology, NationalUniversity of Singapore, Science Park, Singapore0511, 3DuPont Agricultural Products, ExperimentalStation, Wilmington, DE 19880-0402, USA,4Department of Zoological Cell Biology, WGI,Arrhenius Laboratories for Natural Sciences,Stockholm University, S-10691 Stockholm, Swedenand 5Laboratory of Plant Molecular Biology, TheRockefeller University, New York, NY 10021, USA.

*Corresponding author.E-mail: [email protected]

Key words: actin binding, allergies, Arabidopsisthaliana, MAD, plant profilin, poly-L-proline binding

Received: 31 July 1996Revisions requested: 10 September 1996Revisions received: 9 October 1996Accepted: 15 October 1996

Electronic identifier: 0969-2126-005-00019

Structure 15 January 1997, 5:19–32

© Current Biology Ltd ISSN 0969-2126

Research Article 19

[20]. In addition, the microinjection of mammalian profilininto the stamen hair cells of birch results in an abrupt ces-sation of cytoplasmic streaming and collapse of the cyto-skeleton [4]. However, neither Arabidopsis profilins I nor IIincrease the rate of ATP exchange on a-actin in vitro [21],as mammalian and Acanthamoeba profilins do [22–24].

Type I hypersensitivities, characterized by rhinitis, con-junctivitis, and bronchial asthma affect 15% of the popula-tion of industrialized countries [25–27]. Type I allergicsymptoms can be induced in sensitive individuals by plantprofilin preparations. The further importance of plant pro-filins in generating allergies is demonstrated by the obser-vation that IgEs from allergic patients cross-react withmultiple plant profilins as well as human profilins [26,27].The binding of IgE to human profilin can be blocked byincubation with birch profilin, indicating that the antibodiesrecognize common epitopes between human and birch pro-filin [25]. Furthermore, individuals hypersensitive to plantprofilins show allergic reactions to human profilin, suggest-ing that continued sensitization, even in the absence offurther exposure to plant profilins, is maintained by anautoimmune reaction to human profilin. Plant profilins areinvolved in 20–30% of type I allergies, contributing to amajor health problem.

The structures of bovine profilin, both alone [28] and incomplex with bovine actin [11], as well as the structure ofAcanthamoeba profilins I and II [29–31] have been previ-ously published. Together with the structure of a plant pro-filin reported here, a representative structure of each of theprofilin classes (except viral profilins) is now known, allow-ing a comparison of profilins across the spectrum of organ-isms in which they are found. We report a structure-based

alignment of mammalian, plant, and other profilins whichshows that the overall profilin fold is well conserved.However, there are some differences between the profilinclasses, most of which are located within three loop regions.Two of these loops form a solvent-filled pocket adjacent tothe actin-binding site; this binding pocket is unique toplant profilins. It is proposed that immune epitopes whichcontain the plant-specific pocket and the semi-conservedactin-binding surface are responsible for immune cross-reactivity between human and plant profilins.

Results and discussionPlant profilins are conserved with other classes of profilins The profilin fold consists of a central seven-strandedb sheet sandwiched between the N- and C-terminal heliceson one side, and two short consecutive helices on the other(Fig. 1) [11,28–31]. The amino acid sequence of Arabidopsisprofilin is 39% identical to that of Acanthamoeba profilins Iand II (SwissProt entries P07763 and P19984) and 30%identical to bovine profilin (SwissProt entry P02584) (Fig.2). The overall tertiary structure of the profilins is con-served; the Arabidopsis profilin crystal structure shares thesame fold as the Acanthamoeba and bovine structures andaligns to these structures with a mean deviation in Ca coor-dinates of 1.64 and 1.61Å, respectively (Fig. 3). For the sys-tematic comparison of the three profilin families, exceptwhere noted, the residue numbers will be adopted from thebovine profilin numbering system used in the alignmentshown in Figure 2.

In the amino acid sequence and three-dimensional struc-ture, three characteristic loops distinguish plant profilinsfrom other profilins (Fig. 3). The first loop, between theN-terminal helix 1 and b strand 1, contains an insertion of

20 Structure 1997, Vol 5 No 1

Figure 1




































(a) (b)

Overall structure of Arabidopsis profilin. (a) Ribbon diagram of the foldof Arabidopsis profilin I. Secondary structure elements are labeled:helices (H1, H2 and H4), b strands (S1–S7). (b) Stereo view Ca trace

of Arabidopsis profilin I; every tenth residue is numbered. (Figuregenerated using the program MOLSCRIPT [69].)

three to six residues in plant profilins. In Arabidopsis, awater-mediated hydrogen bond links strands 1 and 7 of theb sheet (Fig. 4) at the edge of the actin-binding site. This

water molecule is bonded to the amide of Asp115 and thecarbonyl of His15 and is further stabilized by a hydrogenbond to the sidechain of residue Thr17, which is in turn

Research Article Structure of a major allergen Thorn et al. 21

Figure 2

Variola Vaccinia Mouse I Human II Human I Tomato Nicoticana Phleum Phaseolus Maize III Maize II Maize I Birch Barley Arabidopsis IV Arabidopsis III Arabidopsis II Saccharomyces Schizosaccharomyces Physarum P Physarum A Drosophila Dictyostelium II Dictyostelium I Candida Trypanosoma Tetrahymena Entamoeba Strongylocentrotus Clypeaster Anthocidaris Acanthamoeba II Acanthamoeba I Arabidopsis I Bovine

M A E W H K I I E D I S K N - - - - - - - N N F E D A A I V D Y K T T K N V L A A - - - I P N R T F A K I N P G E V I P L I T N H N I L K P - - L I G Q K F C I V Y TM A E W H K I I E D I S K N - - - - - - - N K F E D A A I V D Y K T T K N V L A A - - - I P N R T F A K I N P G E I I P L I T N R N I L K P - - L I G Q K Y C I V Y T

- A G W N A Y I D S - L M A D - - - - - - G T C Q D A A I V G Y K D S P S V W A A - - - V P G K T F V S I T P A E V G V L V G - - K D R S S - - F F V N G L T L G G Q- A G W Q S Y V D N - L M C D - - - - - - G C C Q E A A I V G Y C D A K Y V W A A - - - T A G G V F Q S I T P I E I D M I V G - - K D R E G - - F F T N G L T L G A K- A G W N A Y I D N - L M A D - - - - - - G T C Q D A A I V G Y K D S P S V W A A - - - V P G K T F V N I T P A E V G V L V G - - K D R S S - - F Y V N G L T L G G Q

- M S W Q T Y V D D H L M C D I E G - T G H H L S S A A I L G - - F D G S V W A Q - - - S P N F P - - K F K A E E I T N I M K D F D E P G H - - L A P T G L F L A G T- M S W Q T Y V D D H L M A D I E G Q Q G H H L A A A A I L G - - H D G S V W A Q - - - S S T F P - - K F K P E E I T N I M K D F D E P G H - - L A P T G L F L G G A- M S W Q T Y V D E H L M C E I E G - - - H H L A S A A I L G - - H D G T V W A Q - - - S A D F P - - Q F K P E E I T G I M K D F D E P G H - - L A P T G M F V A G A- M S W Q T Y V D D H L L C E I E G - - - N H L T H A A I L G - - Q D G S V W A K - - - S A S F P - - Q F K P E E I T G I M N D F N E P G T - - L A P T G L Y I G G T- M S W Q T Y V D E H L M C E I E G - - - H H L S S A A I V G - - H D G A V W A Q - - - S T A F P - - Q F K P E E M T N I I K D F D E P G F - - L A P I G L F L G P T- M S W Q A Y V D E H L M C E I E G - - - H H L A A A A I V G - - H D G A A W A Q - - - S T A F P - - E F K T E D M A N I M K D F D E P G H - - L A P T G L F L G P T- M S W Q T Y V D E H L M C E I E G - - - H H L T S A A I V G - - H D G A T W A Q - - - S T A F P - - E F K P E E M A A I M K D F D E P G H - - L A P T G L I L G G T- M S W Q T Y V D E H L M C D I D G - Q A S N S L A S A I V G - - H D G S V W A Q - - - S S S F P - - Q F K P Q E I T G I M K D F E E P G H - - L A P T G L H L G G I- M S W Q T Y V D D H L C C E I D G - - - Q H L T S A A I L G - - H D G R V W V Q - - - S P N F P - - Q F K P E E I A G I I K D F D E P G H - - L A P T G L F L G G T- M S W Q A Y V D E H L M C D V G D G Q G H H L T A A A I I G - - H D G S V W A Q - - - S A N F P - - Q F K P Q E I T D I M K D F D E P G H - - L A P T G M F L A G L- M S W Q T Y V D E H L M C D V G D G Q G H H L T A A A I V G - - H D G S V W A Q - - - S A N F P - - Q F K G Q E F S D I M K D F D E P G H - - L A P T G L F M A G A- M S W Q S Y V D D H L M C E V E G - - - N H L T H A A I F G - - Q D G S V W A Q - - - S S A F P - - Q L K P A E I A G I N K D F E E A G H - - L A P T G L F L G G E

- M S W Q A Y T D N L I G T - - - - - - - G K V D K A V I Y S - R A G D A V W A T - - - S G G L - - - S L Q P N E I G E I V Q G F D N P A G - - L Q S N G L H I Q G Q- M S W Q A Y V D T S L L G T - - - - - - G K I D R A A I V S - R A G D S V W A A - - - S A G F - - - N L S P Q E I Q G L A A G F Q D P P S - - M F G T G I I L A G Q- - S W Q T Y V D E Q L V G T - - - - - - G Q L D G A I I I G - - L D G N S W A - - - - S K N L - - - T L K A G E G Q A I A A L F K T P A N - - V F A S G I T I N G I- - S W Q A Y V D D Q L V G T - - - - - - G H V I G A A I I G - - H D G N V W A - - - - S K N L - - - S L K A G E G A K I V N G F K D S A S - - V L S G G I F V D G Q- M S W Q D Y V D N Q L L A S - - - - - - Q C V T K A C I A G - - H D G N I W A Q - - - S S G F - - - E V T K E E L S K L I S G F D Q Q D G - - L T S N G V T L A G Q- M T W Q A Y V D N N L L G - - - - - - - A G F A S A A L L G - A A D G S V W A H - - - S A G F - - - - - N V A E G K A I T A L F Q K D G A - - A F A T G I H V A G K- M S W Q Q Y V D E Q L T G - - - - - - - A G L S Q G A I L G - A N D G G V W A K - - - S S G I - - - N I T K P E G D G I A A L F K N P A E - - V F A K G A L I G G V- M S W Q A Y I D N L I A N - - - - - - - G K V D K A A L Y S - R A G D A L W A Q - - - S G S F - - - E L Q Q P E I T E I A K G F D S A E G - - L Q T S G L H V Q G Q- M S W Q S Y V D D S L V G S - - - - - - G F M H S A A I V G - L A D G S Y W A Y - - - - - - G G T Y V P Q P E E V T H I L K C L E N F S L - - V Q S S G V T I C G VM S G W D Q Y V Q Y L T A N Q Q V E Y G L I L G K T D G T I W A S N V G L T T L Y N N Y Q I D V E G Q K A N V N E T A N L L A A M N N N G V P T D P L C G I R I M N Q- M S W Q S Y V D S F L V G A - - - - - - G K G M G G A I I G - - L Q G G V W A A - - - - - - S A N C T P S A Q E S V A I G T A C - A S N I A G L Q Q T G V V I G G K- - S W D S Y V D N L I A Q S K D A S G T T H C D K A C I I G - - K D G S A W T T M P T S D T S N N L K L T P E E M A N I A K C F K S K D F A A F M S S G I Y V N G T- - S W D S Y I D N L V A Q T K D A S G T A H S D R A C I I G - L D G G A P W T T - - - A G H A N A L K L Q G T E G A N I A K C F K S K D F S A F M A G G V H A E G L- - S W D S Y I D N L I A Q T K D A S G T G H S D K A C I I G - I D G G A P W T T - - - A G H A N A L K L E G Q E G P N I A R C F K S K D F T P F M S S G I V A D G T

H1 S1 S2 H2 H3 S3

- - S W Q T Y V D T N L V G T - - - - - - G A V T Q A A I I G H - - D G N T W A T - - - S A G F - - - A V S P A N G A A L A N A F K D A T A - - I R S N G F E L A G T- - S W Q T Y V D T N L V G T - - - - - - G A V T Q A A I L G L - - D G N T W A T - - - S A G F - - - A V T P A Q G T T L A G A F N N A D A - - I R A G G F D L A G V

- M S W Q S Y V D D H L M C D V E G - - - N H L T A A A I L G Q - - D G S V W A Q - - - S A K F P - - Q L K P Q E I D G I K K D F E E P G F - - L A P T G L F L G G E

- A G W N A Y I D N - L M A D - - - - - - G T C Q D A A I V G Y K D S P S V W A A - - - V P G K T F V N I T P A E V G I L V G - - K D R S S - - F F V N G L T L G G Q10 20 30 40 50 60

Variola Vaccinia Mouse I Human II Human I Tomato Nicoticana Phleum Phaseolus Maize III Maize II Maize I Birch Barley Arabidopsis IV Arabidopsis III Arabidopsis II Saccharomyces Schizosaccharomyces PhysarumP PhysarumA Drosophila Dictyostelium II Dictyostelium I Candida Trypanosoma Tetrahymena Entamoeba Strongylocentrotus Clypeaster Anthocidaris Acanthamoeba II Acanthamoeba I Arabidopsis I Bovine

N S L M D E N T Y A M E L - - - L T G Y A P V S P - - - - - - I V I A R T - - - - - - - - - - - H T A L I F L M G K P - T T S R R D V Y R T C R D H A T R V R A T G NN S L M D E N T Y A M E L - - - L T G Y A P V S P - - - - - - I V I A R T - - - - - - - - - - - H T A L I F L M G K P - T T S R R D V Y R T C R D H A T R V R A T G N

K C S V I R D S L L Q D G E F T M D L R T K S T G G A P T F N V T V T M T - - - - - - - - - - - A K T L V L L M G K E - G V H G G L I N K K C Y E M A S H L R R S Q YK C S V I R D S L Y V D G D C T M D I R T K S Q G G E P T Y N V A V G R A - - - - - - - - - - - G R A L V I V M G K E - G V H G G T L N K K A Y E L A L Y L R R S D VK C S V I R D S L L Q D G E F S M D L R T K S T G G A P T F N V T V T K T - - - - - - - - - - - D K T L V L L M G K E - G V H G G L I N K K C Y E M A S H L R R S Q Y

K Y M V I Q G E P G - - - - A V I R G K K G - - - - - - P G G I T I K K T - - - - - - - - - - - A Q A L I F G V Y E E - P V T P G Q C N M V V E K I G D Y L V D Q G YK Y M V I Q G E P G - - - - A V I R G K K G - - - - - - S G G I T I K K T - - - - - - - - - - - N Q A L I F G I Y E E - P V T P G Q C N M V V E K I R D Y L V D Q G YK Y M V I Q G E P G - - - - R V I R G K K G - - - - - - A G G I T I K K T - - - - - - - - - - - G Q A L V V G I Y D E - P M T P G Q C N M V V E R L G D Y L V E Q G MK Y M V I Q G E P G - - - - S V I R G K K G - - - - - - P G G V T V K K T - - - - - - - - - - - N L A L V I G I Y D E - P M T P G Q C N M I V E R L G D Y L I E Q G LK Y M V I Q G E P G - - - - A V I R G K K G - - - - - - S G G I T V K K T - - - - - - - - - - - G Q A L V I G I Y D E - P M T P G Q C N M V V E R L G D Y L V E Q G LK Y M V I Q G E P G - - - - A V I R G K K G - - - - - - S G G I T V K K T - - - - - - - - - - - G Q A L V V G I Y D E - P M T P G Q C N M V V E R L G D Y L L E Q G MK Y M V I Q G E P G - - - - A V I R G K K G - - - - - - S G G I T V K K T - - - - - - - - - - - G Q S L I I G I Y D E - P M T P G Q C N L V V E R L G D Y L L E Q G MK Y M V I Q G E A G - - - - A V I R G K K G - - - - - - S G G I T I K K T - - - - - - - - - - - G Q A L V F G I Y E E - P V T P G Q C N M V V E R L G D Y L I D Q G LK Y M V I Q G E P G - - - - V V I R G K K G - - - - - - T G G I T I K K T - - - - - - - - - - - G M P L I L G I Y D E - P M T P G Q C N L V V E R L G D Y L V E Q G FK Y M V I Q G E P N - - - - A V I R G K K G - - - - - - A G G I T I K K T - - - - - - - - - - - G Q S M V F G L Y E E - P V T P G Q C N M V V E R L G D Y L I E Q G LK Y M V I Q G E P G - - - - A V I R G K K G - - - - - - P G G V T I K K T - - - - - - - - - - - G Q S C V F G I Y E E - P V T P G Q C N M V V E R L G D Y L L E Q G LK Y M V V Q G E A G - - - - A V I R G K K G - - - - - - P G G V T I K K T - - - - - - - - - - - T Q A L V F G I Y D E - P M T G G Q C N L V V E R L G D Y L I E S E L

K F M L L R A D D - - - - - R S I Y G R H D - - - - - - A E G V V C V R T - - - - - - - - - - - K Q T V I I A H Y P P - T V Q A G E A T K I V E Q L A D Y L I G V Q YK Y I T I R A E G - - - - - R S I Y G K L Q - - - - - - K E G I I C V A T - - - - - - - - - - - K L C I L V S H Y P E - T T L P G E A A K I T E A L A D Y L V G V G YK Y M G I K G D S - - - - - R S I Y G K K G - - - - - - A T G V A T V I T - - - - - - - - - - - G Q C I L I G Y Y N E - K Q Q P G N A A L V V E K L A D Y L I E N G YK Y L T I K A D D - - - - - K A I Y G K K G - - - - - - A G G V V L V K T - - - - - - - - - - - G Q S V L I G H Y N E - T I Q P G Q A T T V V E K L A D Y L R E N G YR Y I Y L S G T D - - - - - R V V R A K L G - - - - - - R S G V H C M K T - - - - - - - - - - - T Q A V I V S I Y E D - P V Q P Q Q A A S V V E K L G D Y L I T C G YK Y M A I K S D T - - - - - R S A Y G K L G - - - - - - A G G V V C V K T - - - - - - - - - - - L T C I I V A V Y D D - K L Q P G A A A N I A E K L A D Y L I D N N CK Y M G I K G D P - - - - - Q S I Y G K K G - - - - - - A T G C V L V R T - - - - - - - - - - - G Q A I I V G I Y D D - K V Q P G S A A L I V E K L G D Y L R D N G YK Y F L L R A D D - - - - - R S I Y G K H E - - - - - - A E G V I C V R T - - - - - - - - - - - K Q T I L I A H Y P S - G V Q P G E A T T L V E K L A D Y L I N V G YK F F G L Q S G S E G Q M K Y I F F K K G A A G G C I Y T S K Q T A I I A V Y G N P G D A S A L Q Q D L Q K T E A T Y V A V N P A D C N T T V K R I A E Y L I S L D YK Y Y T V K Y D A D S Q V W - - Y L K K D H G G A C I A I T N Q A L V I G - - - - - - - - - - - T F D I T K K Q Q N G V A Q N P G Q V N K V V E S L A A T L K Q A G YK Y M I T R V D A D E G - - - T A M G K K G A E G - - - - - - I S I Y K T - - - - - - - - - - - K Q A V I I G Y F S D A S V S A G Q N S D A T Y K C A K Y L M D A G YK Y Q F L R E E D S K L - - - - V L G K K K G E G - - - - - S L T L Q S S - - - - - - - - - - - K T A I V I G H C P E - G G Q Q G N L N K A V G V I A E Y L E S L S MK Y Q F L R E E D A K L - - - - V L A K K K G E G - - - - - A I T L Q A S - - - - - - - - - - - K T A I V I A H C P E - G G Q Q G N T N K G V S V I A E Y L E S L G MK Y Q F L R E E D G K L - - - - V L A K K K G Q G - - - - - A L T L Q S S - - - - - - - - - - - K T A I V I G H A P E - G G Q Q G N T N K G V A V I A E Y L E S L G MS4 S5 S6 S7 H4

R Y V T I R A D D - - - - - R S V Y G K K G - - - - - - S A G V I T V K T - - - - - - - - - - - S K S I L I G V Y N E - K I Q P G T A A N V V E K L A D Y L I G Q G FH Y V T L R A D D - - - - - R S I Y G K K G - - - - - - S S G V I T V K T - - - - - - - - - - - S K A I L V G V Y N E - K I Q P G T A A N V V E K L A D Y L I G Q G F

K Y M V I Q G E Q G - - - - A V I R G K K G - - - - - - P G G V T I K K T - - - - - - - - - - - N Q A L V F G F Y D E - P M T G G Q C N L V V E R L G D Y L I E S E L

K C S V I R D S L L Q D G E F T M D L R T K S T G G A P T F N I T V T M T - - - - - - - - - - - A K T L V L L M G K E - G V H G G M I N K K C Y E M A S H L R R S Q Y70 80 90 100 110 120 130

A structure-based sequence alignment of profilins from all fourclasses. The crystal structures of bovine profilin, Acanthamoebaprofilins I and II, and Arabidopsis profilin I were superimposed by aleast-squares fit of their Ca coordinates (see Materials and methodssection) and the structurally homologous residues were then used asthe basis for a sequence alignment. The residue numbering of thebovine structure is used for this figure. Secondary structures for thefirst four profilins are indicated below the primary sequence: cylindersfor a helices and arrows for b sheets. The alignment was created withthe program AMPS [70] and the table formatted with ALSCRIPT [71].Amino acids which are conserved in more than 80 % of profilinsequences are shaded in gray. Amino acids which have beenidentified as structurally homologous to the actin-binding site ofbovine profilin are shown boxed. The remaining profilin sequences aredivided into groups on the basis of sequence homology andtaxonomy: non-plant and non-mammalian profilins; plant profilins;mammalian profilins; and viral profilins. The organisms and their

accession codes (SwissProt unless otherwise stated) are:Anthocidaris crassipina (P18320); Clypeaster japonicus (P18321);Strongylocentrotus purpuratus (P32006); Entamoeba histolytica(P49230); Tetrahymena pyriformis (P23412); Trypanosoma brucei(NCBI 1311627); Candida albicans (Genbank L37834);Dictyostelium discoideum isoforms I and II (P26199, P26200);Physarum polycephalum isoforms A and P (P22271, P18322);Schizosaccharomyces pombe (P39825); Arabidopsis thalianaisoforms II, III, and IV [56]; Hordeum vulgare (barley) (GenbankU49505); Betula verrucosa (white birch) (P25816); Zea mays (maize)isoforms I, II, and III (P35081, P35082, P35083); Phaseolus vulgaris(kidney bean) (P49231); Phleum pratense (P35079); Nicotianatabacum (tobacco) (P41372); Solanum lycopersicum (tomato)(Genbank U50195); Human isoforms I and II (P07737, P35080);Mouse (P10924); Vaccinia virus (P20844); and Variola virus(P33828). (Figure generated using the program MOLSCRIPT [69].)

polarized by the carboxylate of Asp115. The water mol-ecule stabilizes the b sheet where the hydrogen-bonddonor and acceptor would otherwise be too far apart. Thiswater molecule is not found in either the bovine or theAcanthamoeba structures, although both contain a similarbend in the b sheet. The water is well ordered, appearingin low temperature 2.8Å single isomorphous replacementmultiwavelength anomalous diffraction (SIRMAD) elec-tron-density maps, as well as in the room temperature struc-ture. The remaining two loops, between b strands 4 and 5and between strands 5 and 6, are characteristically shorterin plant profilins. These loops may modulate the inter-action of profilin with actin, as discussed at length below.

In addition to the loops discussed above, the peptide chainbetween b strands 2 and 3 has little secondary structureand differs significantly between Arabidopsis profilin andother reported profilin structures. These residues, whichcorrespond to helix 3 in bovine and Acanthamoeba profilin,are non-helical in Arabidopsis profilin and form a loop.

As was reported for Acanthamoeba profilin [29], an i→i+5hydrogen bond is found in the N-terminal helix of theArabidopsis profilin structure. Structural alignments show

that the underwound helix is due to a single amino acidinsertion between positions 10 and 11 relative to bovineprofilin, which has an a helix at the N terminus. Sucha helix unwindings have been observed in mutants of T4lysozyme [32] in which alanine residues have beeninserted into the ends of helices. All non-mammalian pro-filins sequenced to date have this insertion (Fig. 2).

Despite the low homology between profilins in general, 18 residues are identical in 80% of sequenced profilins(Fig. 2). Of these, Ala19, Ala20, Glu46, Gly62, Gly67, andThr105 appear to be intrinsic to the profilin fold. Ala19 andAla20 are buried in the core of the protein and make closecontacts with hydrophobic sidechains. Glu46 is also buriedand hydrogen bonds to the amides of Gly66, Gly67, andLys43. Only residues capable of making these hydrogenbonds can substitute at this location. Gly62 is in a type Iturn and is the only residue with unusual f/ψ values (116°and 156°, respectively). Gly67 is involved in a turn, as isThr105; Thr105 stabilizes the turn via a hydrogen bondbetween its Og1 and the amide of Ala108. The remainingconserved residues play important roles in maintaining thePLP and actin-binding surfaces of profilin, which aredescribed below and summarized in Table 1.

22 Structure 1997, Vol 5 No 1

Figure 3

Stereo view comparison of Arabidopsisprofilin (dark lines) with (a) bovine and (b) Acanthamoeba profilins (both in graylines). Every tenth residue of the Arabidopsisprofilin is numbered. The differences betweenthe plant profilins and mammalian profilins areparticularly well illustrated: the characteristicmammalian loop insert between residues 89and 87; the plant inserts between b strands 4and 5 and between b strands 5 and 6; andthe i→i+5 helical turn at residue 10. All threeprofilins show the most variation in the regionbetween residues 20 and 65 running alongthe top of the figures. (Figure generated usingthe program MOLSCRIPT [69].)























































Lys69 is conserved in 30 out of 35 profilins including Arabidopsis. This conservation has previously been recog-nized [29] and Lys69 was proposed to form part of thePIP2-binding site. Of the other proposed residues in theAcanthamoeba profilin PIP2-binding site, Lys88 (also alysine residue in Arabidopsis) is conserved but Arg74 (glut-amine in Arabidopsis) is not, although Arg86 is found in a similar location to Arg74 within the structure. In all non-viral profilins in which residue 74 is not basic, residue86 is found to be basic instead. The residues analogous to74 and 88 have been implicated in PIP2-binding by muta-genesis studies on yeast and human profilin. However,while mutagenesis studies of yeast implicate residue 74[33], mutagenesis of the corresponding residue in human

profilin has no effect on PIP2-binding [34]. Similarly,residue 88 is implicated in PIP2-binding in mutagenesisstudies of human profilin [34], but mutation of the analo-gous residue in yeast has no effect [33]. This comparisonsuggests that the localization of the PIP2-binding site isnot yet conclusive.

A plant-specific binding pocketA major structural difference between plant and other pro-filins is the presence of a solvent-filled pocket locatednear the actin-binding surface. One of the glycerol mol-ecules from the cryoprotectant solvent was found to bespecifically bound in the pocket with an average tempera-ture factor of 13Å2. Its carbon backbone makes contact

Research Article Structure of a major allergen Thorn et al. 23

Figure 4

Stereo view showing the water mediatedcontact between b strands 1 and 7 ofArabidopsis profilin. The water molecule ishydrogen bonded to the amide of Asp107and the carbonyl of His19 and is furtherstabilized by a hydrogen bond to thesidechain of residue Thr21; hydrogen bondsare shown as dashed lines. All residuenumbers are in Arabidopsis sequencenumbering. (Figure generated using theprogram MOLSCRIPT [69].)














Table 1

Biological function and structural role of the 18 residues shown to be identical in 80 % of sequenced profilins.

Residue Frequency* Biological function and structural role†

W3 35 PLP binding; direct contact to PLPY6 33 PLP binding; direct contact to PLPD8 32 UnknownA19 31 Fold conservation; packed in core, contacts V7, L10, L16, M11A20 29 Fold conservation; packed in core, contacts L23, F37, Q33I21 33 PLP binding; packs behind W3 and W31G23 30 PLP binding; packs against W31W31 32 PLP binding; direct contact to PLPA32 30 PLP binding; packs against helix supporting W3E46 32 Fold conservation; hydrogen bonds to N66, N67, N44G62 33 Fold conservation; f/ψ = 115/156°; involved in turnG67 29 Fold conservation; f/ψ = 83/0°; involved in turnK69 30 Conserved positive patchK88 28 Actin-binding site; conserved basic residueT105 29 Fold conservation; stabilized turn, hydrogen bonds to N100G121 31 Actin binding; near actin C terminus in complexY133 29 PLP binding; direct contact to PLPL134 33 PLP binding; direct contact to PLP

*The frequency of occurrence of a particular residue in the 35 sequences examined. †Eight of these residues are involved in PLP binding; sixappear to be important for fold conservation.

with hydrophobic residues (Phe54 and Ile83) and the carboxylate of Asp52b (where b relates to an insertion rela-tive to the bovine sequence), which is buried at the baseof the pocket (Fig. 5). The alcohol groups are involved ina complex hydrogen-bonding network where two of thehydroxyls make hydrogen bonds to the protein and thethird makes hydrogen bonds to three water molecules,enclosing a volume of 590Å3.

This pocket is not seen in either the Acanthamoeba orbovine profilin structures and represents a unique featureof the plant profilins. It is notable that it is positioned justadjacent to, indeed forms part of, the actin-binding surface(Fig. 6). In non-plant profilins, the polypeptide chain occu-pies the space filled by the glycerol in the Arabidopsisstructure. Due to the possibility that the glycerol-bindingsite may have been an artifact of freezing, the structure was

solved at room temperature to 2.2Å (Table 2). The frozenand room temperature structures differed very little with aroot mean square (rms) deviation of 0.295Å over all Caatoms, confirming that the pocket is an intrinsic feature ofthe plant profilin fold. At room temperature, four orderedwater molecules are observed in the pocket (B factors=6.35, 16.12, 16.03 and 9.01Å2 for waters 4, 16, 17 and 18,respectively). Two of the water molecules occupy the samespace as the glycerol while two others are coincident withwaters observed in the low temperature structure. Theresidues which make up the pocket are well conservedamong plant profilins (Figs 2,5) indicating that the pocketis a structural signature of the plant profilins.

A number of other small molecules are also identifiable in the low temperature electron-density map. A second,less well ordered, glycerol (average B factor of 25 Å2) and

24 Structure 1997, Vol 5 No 1

Figure 5

Stereo view of the plant-specific bindingpocket. The backbone of Arabidopsis profilinis shown for residues Ile75 to Arg84 andAsp53 to Gly58. Sidechains are omitted forall residues except Asp53, Phe54, Ile83, andPro57. Phe54 and Ile85 form a hydrophobicfloor that the glycerol carbon backbone restsupon, while Pro57 and Gln79 close the topface of the pocket. Dashed lines representhydrogen bonds. (Figure generated using theprogram MOLSCRIPT [69].)













Figure 6

Stereo view model of the Arabidopsisprofilin–actin complex. The model wasprepared by alignment with the bovineprofilin–actin structure and shows the actin(dark blue) backbone with the DNAse-bindingloop (light blue) and the ATP (in standardcolors) of the actin. The profilin (yellow)backbone demonstrates the PLP-bindingsurface (in red) and the plant-specific bindingpocket (white ribbon) as well as the positionof the glycerol (purple sphere) relative to theprofilin–actin interface (green). The plant-specific binding pocket is located immediatelyadjacent to the actin–profilin interface. (Figuregenerated using the program GRASP [72].)

a sulfate ion are located between two symmetry-relatedmolecules. The sulfate ion probably explains the failureto obtain crystals when other ammonium salts were usedas precipitants. Of the 99 water molecules associated witheach molecule in the crystal structure, all but ten are inthe first solvation layer, making at least one hydrogenbond to the protein. In the room temperature structure,the sulfate ion is not identifiable and only 35 water mol-ecules were placed with all of them directly contactingthe protein.

The PLP-binding site of profilins is the most highlyconserved featureOf the 18 residues conserved amongst 80 % of profilins,nearly half (Trp3, Tyr6, Ile21, Gly23, Trp31, Ala32,Tyr133 [His133 in bovine profilin] and Leu134) are foundin a hydrophobic patch on the surface of profilin distinctfrom the actin-binding site [11]. This hydrophobic patchhas been determined to be responsible for PLP-bindingby mutagenesis [35,36], NMR spectroscopy [37,38], andfluorescence quenching [38,39]. Except for the putative

Research Article Structure of a major allergen Thorn et al. 25

Table 2

Overall data collection and phasing statistics.

Derivative l Resolution Completeness Rsym* Total Unique Riso† < FH >/E Figure of

(Å) (Å) (%) reflections reflections merit‡

MAD phasesSeMet rising 0.9791 30.0–1.60 96.0 0.055 122 584 27 092SeMet peak 0.9786 30.0–1.60 95.7 0.056 123 354 27 114 0.048 1.40SeMet remote 0.9500 30.0–1.50 95.8 0.062 146 788 32 355 0.080 1.77 0.5933

SIRAS+MAD phasesSeMet peak 0.9786 1.62SeMet remote 0.9500 1.99CH3HgCl 1.0030 30.0–1.75 94.3 0.034 98 327 11 483 0.399 1.58 0.7195

Room temperaturedata 1.54 30.0–2.2 90.4 0.066 48 373 5545

*Rsym = (Σhkl | Ihkl – < I > |) / Σhkl Ihkl, and †Riso = (Σhkl | F hklPH – F hkl

P |) / Σhkl FP,where the average < I > is taken over all equivalent measurements, Ihkl,and FP and FPH refer to the native protein structure factor and theprotein heavy-atom structure factor, respectively. ‡The figure of merit as

defined by Blow and Crick [74] for both the selenomethionyl (SeMet)MAD data and methylmercury chloride (CH3HgCl) SIR + SeMet MADphasing as a function of resolution.

Figure 7

Stereo view showing the refined model of PLPbinding to profilin. Polar contacts analogousto those found in SH3–PRP complexes arefound in profilin–PLP models. (a) A prolinehelix (yellow stick model) makes hydrogenbonds (dotted lines) to the heteroatoms of thesidechains of Tyr6, Trp3, and Tyr133 of the‘aromatic ladder’ on the profilin surface.(b) The c-Crk SH3 domain associates withPRP (yellow stick model) only through polarcontacts between the proline carbonyls andsidechains which form a similar stack ofsidechains for SH3 domains and profilin [43].(Figure generated using the programMOLSCRIPT [69].)



W3 W31 Y133


Y6W3 W31


F141W169 Y186P183



P183 F141Y186



profilins from viruses [40], all profilins bind PLP. Thisfunction of profilin was initially discovered in surveys forPLP-binding proteins using PLP affinity chromatography[9,10,41] and has been extensively exploited in the purifi-cation of profilin and the profilin–b-actin complex [42].

The conservation of this hydrophobic patch reflects theconserved PLP-binding function of profilins. In all fourprofilin crystal structures, the sidechains of Trp3, Tyr6,

and Trp31 are maintained in an ‘aromatic ladder’ conforma-tion by interactions with conserved hydrophobic residuesTyr133 (histidine in bovine profilin) and Ile21, as well asthe conserved hydrophobic residue 139 (leucine in Ara-bidopsis). The conservation of Ala32 and Gly23 appears tobe required for the tight packing of their sidechains againstTrp3 and Trp31 in the conserved ladder (Fig. 7).

The arrangement of solvent-exposed aromatic residues inthe PLP-binding site on profilin is reminiscent of thebinding site for proline-rich peptides (PRPs) on SH3domains (Fig. 7b). The SH3 PRP-binding site contains aconserved hydrophobic ladder, consisting of tryptophan,proline, and tyrosine residues. SH3 domains are thoughtto localize proteins to the eukaryotic cytoskeleton via thebinding of PRPs in the proline helix II configuration [43].Sidechains in the conserved aromatic ladder of the PLP-binding site of profilin are spaced between 4 and 5 Å apart,an arrangement similar to the conserved hydrophobicladder of SH3 domains. The sidechains of the three con-served residues in the PRP-binding site support two turnsof a proline II helix (Fig. 7a).

Structures of SH3 domains with and without bound PRP[43–46] show that the PRP-binding site is pre-organized(i.e. the configuration of the sidechains does not change inbound structures). Although the PLP- and PRP-bindingsites are composed of residues presented by different sec-ondary structure elements in the profilin and SH3 domains,respectively, the near identity of the PLP-binding sites onthe three profilin crystal structures [28,29] and their similar-ity to the PRP-binding sites of SH3 domains suggests that

26 Structure 1997, Vol 5 No 1

Figure 8

The actin-binding face of profilins. The figure shows the residuescorresponding to the actin-binding surface of (a) Arabidopsisprofilin I, (b) Acanthamoeba profilin I and (c) bovine profilin.Residues contacting actin in the model are displayed on a ribbonrepresentation (left) and on a dark gray CPK van der Waals surface(right). Six residues appear to be conserved actin-bindingdeterminants: four residues in the backbone (residues Ala61, Pro62,Gly112, and Gly113 of Arabidopsis), and two conserved basicresidues (Lys86 and Lys87 of Arabidopsis) which are shown inbrightly colored CPK representation. Comparison of the dark CPKimages (right) demonstrates how the loop insertions associated withthe different profilin classes affect the shape of the actin-bindingface. (Figure generated using the programs MOLSCRIPT [69] andRASTER 3D [73].)

Table 3

Residues in Arabidopsis and Acanthamoeba profilinscorresponding to residues in bovine profilin which are knownto contact actin in the profilin–b-actin complex.

Arabidopsis Acanthamoeba I Bovine Actin contact

A61 R56 F59 H173, D286P62 A57 V60 D286, V287, R290M73 V68 S71 Y166, D286N76 R71 R74 H371- - E82* K113V82 S76 T84 R372R84 Y78 D86 F375, C terminusK86 K80 R88 E167, Y169K87 K81 T89/K90* Y166/D286, D288T111 Q105 H119 Y169, Y133, K373G112 P106 G120 Y169, F375G113 G107 G121 F375N116 A110 N124 R372L117 N111 K125 E364, E361R121 K115 E129 E364

Of the 16 residues found in van der Waals contact in the bovineprofilin–b actin complex, only four are found to be strongly structurallyconserved (shown in bold). *Denotes a residue which appears on theloops which are characteristically longer only in mammalian profilins.

PLP binding may also occur without major changes insidechain positions.

To investigate whether the mode of binding might besimilar between SH3 domains and profilins, a PLP hep-tamer was modeled into the profilin PLP-binding site.Modeling was performed using the known structure ofPRP co-crystallized with the N-terminal SH3 domain fromc-Crk (PDB entry 1cka [43]). The model was initially fit by manual rigid-body rotation and translation onto theprofilin-binding site and then refined by Newton-Raphson minimization [47]. In the resulting model, theridge of the PLP helix ridge rests between the Trp3 andTyr6 sidechains and proline carbonyls make hydrogenbonds with donors from Trp3, Tyr6 and Tyr133, abonding pattern analogous to that of SH3 domains (Fig.7a). Again in a manner similar to that found in all SH3complexes (e.g. Phe141 of c-Crk; Fig. 6b), the indole ringof Trp31 lies flat along the protein surface and a turn ofthe PLP helix lies on top of it. The PLP helix is supportedalong its length by a conserved hydrophobic residue(Leu134) in a manner very similar to that found inSH3–PRP complexes (Fig. 7b).

Because of equatorial pseudo-twofold symmetry in the PLP helix, equally favorable hydrogen-bonding interac-tions may be found in either orientation along the aromaticladder [46]. The specific PRP sequence which a givenSH3 domain binds is dictated by the arrangement of polar sidechains surrounding the PRP-binding site [43]which orients the PRP in the binding site [46]. The in vivo target of the profilin PLP-binding site has not beenelucidated, although profilin affinity chromatography of

platelet lysates yielded [48] vasodilator-stimulated phos-phoprotein (VASP). VASP is involved in the regulation of both cytoskeletal dynamics and signal transduction.VASP contains a (GlyPro5)3 repeat [33] and (GlyPro5)3 pep-tides competitively dissociate VASP from profilin affinitycolumns [48].

The actin-binding surfaces of profilins are not conserved The highly conserved nature of actin [49] would seem todictate that actin-binding proteins are equally well con-served at sites of contact with actin. This is not the casefor the profilin family, as can be seen by comparingmodels of the Arabidopsis and Acanthamoeba profilin–actininterfaces (Fig. 8) to the crystal structure of the bovineprofilin–b-actin complex [11] obtained by a least squaressuperposition based on the bovine profilin–b actin crystalstructure.

The major actin-binding site of profilin consists of the faceof b strands 4, 5, and 6 and the C-terminal helix [11]. Theresidues of the actin-binding site are poorly conserved(see boxed residues; Fig. 2); only Lys88 and Gly121 arehighly conserved among all profilins (Table 3). Neverthe-less, there are consistent determinants of the actin-binding surface of profilin: a basic patch comprisingresidues Lys88 and Lys89, a knob composed of residuesAla59 and Pro60 which contacts the actin backbone, and afurther backbone contact with actin at Gly120 and thehighly conserved Gly121. The loop between b strands 4and 5 contains Glu82 which forms a contact with Lys113of actin in the bovine profilin–actin complex. This residueis not found in the shorter loop located between these twostrands in Arabidopsis profilin.

Research Article Structure of a major allergen Thorn et al. 27

Figure 9

The profilin-binding site of actin. (a) Theribbon depiction of actin displays thesidechains which contact profilin in the bovineprofilin–actin complex. On a CPKrepresentation of the actin molecule (b) thesesame contact residues are shown in standardcolors with the outline of the residues of thebovine profilin-binding site shown in yellow(compare with Fig. 8c). (Figure generatedusing the program MOLSCRIPT [69].)

The lack of strict conservation of the actin-binding surfacein profilin is perhaps surprising, but not unprecedented.Several structures of distinct proteins binding to a commonprotein epitope indicate that a given protein region can berecognized by different protein surfaces. The crystal struc-tures of antibodies NC10 and NC41 in complex with neu-raminidase [50] show that 80% of the antibody-bindingsite on neuraminidase is common between the bindingsites even though only one residue is shared by both Fabstructures. Similarly, the structures of the antilysozymeidiotope–anti-idiotope complex [51] and the human growthhormone bound to its receptor [52], show that a givenprotein region can be recognized by different protein sur-faces. Examination of the profilin-binding site on actinreveals that a basic patch on profilin (Lys90 and Arg88)aligns with an acidic patch (Glu167 and Phe375 at theC terminus) on the surface of actin (Fig. 9).

In the model of the Arabidopsis profilin–actin complex (Fig.6), it is notable that one wall of the plant-specific bindingpocket forms part of the actin-binding site. Presumably anyeffector which binds to the pocket would influence theenergetics of actin–profilin complex formation. This modelpredicts that a specialized regulator of actin polymerizationexists in plants. The search for such an effector is underway.

The rate of ATP exchange by rabbit muscle actin isdecreased by up to 250-fold by Arabidopsis profilin associa-tion [23,24], although it remains to be seen if Arabidopsisprofilin–actin exhibits a similar effect. The structure of anopen-state of the bovine profilin–actin complex [53] showsthat concerted subdomain motions in the actin monomerlink changes at the C terminus of actin and the DNAse-binding loop to movements of the nucleotide in the cleftbetween the two major domains of actin (Fig. 6). ResidueHis119 of bovine profilin (threonine in Arabidopsis) makesa focal contact near the C terminus of actin so that substitu-tions at this site may account for the decreased rate ofnucleotide exchange.

In summary, the protein fold is conserved within the pro-filin families; however, there are four unique features ofplant profilins: three interstrand loops and a putativebinding pocket. Two of these loops (between b strands 4and 5 and between b strands 5 and 6) are part of the actin-binding interface. The binding pocket, located adjacent tothe actin-binding interface, is composed of residues thatare conserved in the known plant profilins. All of these fea-tures may affect interaction with actin and the kinetics ofactin ATP hydrolysis.

Among the 35 known profilins, 18 residues are greater than80% conserved; eight of these residues form the PLP-binding site. Comparison of SH3 domains with profilinssuggests a similar mode of PRP helix association in the twodistinct protein families. This appears to be an example ofconvergent molecular evolution, as there is no apparentrelationship between the SH3 and profilin families exceptfor their involvement in intracellular signaling. AnotherPRP-binding protein family, the WW domain, character-ized by two stacked tryptophan residues, has beenreported [54]. The structure [54] of the complex of theWW domain of the proto-oncogene YES associated proteinwith its bound peptide [55] is another example of the kindof interaction predicted here for profilins. The consensusPRP sequence for WW domains is Pro-X-X-Pro-Tyr wherethe phenol of the tyrosine stacks to complete a ladder oftyrosine, tryptophan, and proline sidechains which occupythe grooves of the WW PRP-binding site.

In contrast, the actin-binding site contains only two of theresidues conserved among the profilins. In spite of thisvariation of primary sequence, the general fold and distrib-ution of charges within the actin-binding site is similar toother profilins.

A structural model for plant allergies When pollen is hydrated, for example when it contacts ahuman mucus membrane following inhalation, pollen tubeformation is initiated and large amounts of profilin arereleased. Valenta et al. [27] have demonstrated that IgEs iso-lated from allergic patients react with profilins from a wide

28 Structure 1997, Vol 5 No 1

Figure 10

A structural model of the allergenic immune response with cross-reactivity centering on the binding pocket. The IgE responseengendered by plant profilins with epitopes on the binding-pocketregion will often overlap with the adjacent semi-conserved actin-binding site (light gray), resulting in cross-reactivity with humanprofilins. Individuals whose IgE epitopes only contact non-conservedregions (dark gray region) will not have an immune responsemaintained by their own native profilin. The red and blue boundariesenclose two hypothetical epitopes, where the red represents an auto-reactive IgE-binding region and the blue area a non-autoreactive site.(Figure generated using the program GRASP [72].)

variety of plants as well as weakly with human profilin. Thisweak binding to human profilin is thought to sustain aller-genic hypersensitivity to a broad spectrum of plant pollenseven after the cessation of the hay fever season [25,27]. Theidentification of a plant-specific binding pocket suggeststhat it is the major immunogenic region of plant profilins. It is unlikely that the PRP-binding site is the source of auto-reactivity as it is so highly conserved. The IgE epitopeprobably encompasses the adjacent actin-binding site, gen-erating a cross-reacting response to human as well as plantprofilins (Fig. 10), as the actin site is only semi-conserved.Individuals whose IgE epitopes include the pocket but not the actin-binding site would not exhibit allergenicresponses, while those with cross-reacting IgEs maintainappreciable levels of self and plant profilin specific IgEs.

Biological implicationsProfilin binds to actin and regulates its assembly intomicrofilaments. It is also involved in signal transductionpathways mediated by binding poly-L-proline (PLP)sequences and phosphatidylinositol-4,5-bisphosphate.Plant profilins represent a conserved family of proteinsdistinct from those of mammals and other eukaryotes,but until now a structure of a plant profilin has not beenreported.

The structure of Arabidopsis profilin I allows a structuralcomparison between the major families of profilins. Sucha comparison reveals that nearly half of the residueswhich are known to be conserved across all profilins, areinvolved in the interaction of profilin with PLP. Many ofthe remaining residues appear to be important for main-taining the tertiary structure of profilin; they are involvedin turns or in close packing of core residues. Surprisingly,only two conserved residues are involved in actin binding.Modeling of the actin-binding face of different classes ofprofilin reveals binding patterns in which residues makesimilar, but not identical, contacts with their respec-tive actin molecules. The differences, such as His119→Thr119, may have significance for understanding howprofilin can have different effects on cytoskeletal functionin various genetic isoforms and different organisms.

Plant profilins have been the subject of great interest aftertheir discovery as major human allergens [25]. The plant-specific binding site, as the only novel plant-specific struc-tural feature, represents the most likely immunogenic siteof plant profilins. The close proximity of the plant-specificand actin-binding sites suggests that IgEs whose epitopesinclude both the plant-specific site and portions of theactin-binding site are responsible for pollen allergies.

Materials and methodsOverexpression and crystallizationEscherichia coli transformed with a DE3 plasmid containing the Ara-bidopsis profilin I gene were used to produce profilin essentially as

previously described [56] except that 35 % dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO)was used to elute the profilin from the PLP affinity column, as describedin [42]. DMSO was removed by overnight dialysis against 20 mMTris/HCl, 30 mM sodium pyrophosphate, 1 mM EDTA, pH 7.5 (TPPE).

The protein was then concentrated by ultrafiltration to 10 mg ml–1 andfurther purified by anion exchange chromatography on a Mono-Q FPLCcolumn (Pharmacia). The column was equilibrated with 20 mM Tris/HCl, pH 7.5, and the profilin was applied in TPPE buffer. Profilin waseluted using a linear gradient of 0 to 0.5 M NaCl, 20 mM Tris/HCl,pH 7.5; profilin eluted at 200 mM NaCl. The profilin was desalted into20 mM Tris/HCl pH 7.5 on a PD-10 column (Pharmacia), concentratedby ultrafiltration to 7 mg ml–1, centrifuged and used for crystallization.Protein purity was monitored by gel electrophoresis. Matrix-assistedlaser desorption/ionization (MALDI) mass spectrometry was used tofurther verify the quality of the protein and determined that Met1 wascleaved from the recombinant protein [57].

Selenomethionyl substituted profilin for MAD experiments was pre-pared by producing protein in a culture via the methionine biosynthesispathway inhibition procedure [58]. The resulting protein was purified bythe same methods as the native profilin except that all buffers con-tained 10 mM dithiothreitol (DTT) and 0.2 mM EDTA to prevent oxida-tion of the selenomethionine. DTT was not included during the DMSOelution step to prevent formation of dimethyl sulfide.

Crystallization conditions were evaluated with sparse matrix screensfrom Hampton Research [59] using the hanging drop method. Theoptimum crystallization conditions for the selenomethionyl protein werefound to be 2.0 M ammonium sulfate, 0.1 M citrate pH 5.0, 10 mM DTT,0.2 mM EDTA. The crystallization of selenomethionyl protein wascarried out in the absence of oxygen. These crystals are isomorphouswith the native crystals which crystallize under identical conditions and belong to space group P212121, with a = 42.04, b = 43.07, andc = 59.45 Å.

Data collectionMultiwavelength anomalous diffraction (MAD) data were collected atbeamline X12-C of the National Synchrotron Light Source at BrookhavenNational Laboratory using a CAD4 goniometer and a 300mm MARimage plate controlled by the MARMAD software package [60]. Datasets were collected on a single crystal frozen in synthetic mother liquorwith 25% glycerol added [61]. The crystal was transferred to freezingbuffer by increasing the glycerol concentration by 5% every 15 min, andthe crystal was then flash-frozen in a 100K nitrogen gas stream. Thecrystal was aligned so that the c axis of the crystal was along the rotationaxis of the goniometer, allowing near simultaneous collection of Freidelpairs. Native data were collected on an RU-200 rotating-anode X-raygenerator with an R-AXIS II detector.

MAD data sets were collected at the inflection point of the rising edgeof the absorption spectrum, at the peak of the absorption spectrum, andat a high energy remote wavelength (0.95 Å) with recalibrations per-formed at every wavelength change. 90° data sweeps were collected inblocks of 16 degrees followed by a 20° cusp sweep. Each block wascollected sequentially at all three wavelengths. Integration and scalingwere carried out with DENZO and SCALEPACK [62]; scaled intensitieswere converted to structure factors using TRUNCATE [63].

A derivative data set was collected using the same protocols on acrystal soaked for 16 h in methylmercury chloride. Collection was doneat the peak absorption wavelength (1.003 Å) so as to maximize theanomalous difference. The statistics for these data sets are given inTable 4.

The room temperature data set was collected on a Rigaku RU-200 Curotating anode with graphite mirrors running at 50 kV and 100 mA. Thedetector was a RAXIS II-C image plate system, scanning at high resolu-tion. Statistics for this data set are in Table 2.

Research Article Structure of a major allergen Thorn et al. 29

Molecular replacementInitial phasing of the native data was attempted using molecular replace-ment as implemented in AMoRe [64]. Both the Acanthamoeba I (PDBentry 1acf) [29] and bovine (PDB entry 1pne) [28] profilin structureswere used as search models. The structure of Arabidopsis profilin isexpected to be similar to that of other profilins on the basis of sequenceconservation (39 % identity between Arabidopsis and Acanthamoebaprofilins), the conservation of function between profilins, and the conser-vation of the fold between those profilin structures already determined.However, no clear molecular replacement solution could be found.

The failure of molecular replacement was investigated subsequent tothe determination of the Arabidopsis structure reported here, using therefined model in molecular replacement searches. The refined modelwithout water gave a very clear molecular replacement solution, evenwhen sidechains were removed and B factors were uniformly set to 15.This implies that the inability of molecular replacement to yield a clearsolution must be due to the observed differences in structure.

The low temperature MAD coordinates were used as a starting modelfor fitting the low temperature data. The amino acid residues surround-ing the plant-specific binding pocket were excised (residues 52 to 60and 74 to 84) and the data was initially fit by rigid-body rotation of themodel and 150 cycles of positional refinement; the R factor droppedto 31.8 %.

PhasingA conventional search for heavy-atom derivatives yielded only one iso-morphous derivative: methylmercury chloride. The major mercury sitewas located by anomalous and isomorphous difference Pattersonmethods. However, because of low occupancy of the mercury sitesand substantial non-isomorphism with the native data, SIRAS phaseswere not sufficient to determine the structure.

To obtain phases, selenomethionyl profilin was prepared and MADdata were collected as described above. The three expected seleniumpositions were found via cross-difference Fourier maps in both handscalculated with the anomalous differences from the rising edge MADdata and SIRAS phases from the major mercury site. The two sets ofpotential sites from both enantiomers were refined in MLPHARE [63]using the rising edge data as native and the peak and remote wave-lengths as derivatives with anomalous scattering [65] with values of f′and f′′ taken from [65]. The phasing power and the overall anomalous

statistics of one hand refined very well (Table 3) and yielded an inter-pretable density map.

A second set of phases for the selenomethionine crystals were calcu-lated by including the mercury derivative data (with anomalous scatter-ing) as a third derivative to the selenomethionyl rising edge data. Twomercury sites (located by Patterson methods) were included in themodel and the selenium sites were refined with negative occupancy.This combination of SIRAS and MAD phasing (SIRMAD) improved thefigure of merit (Table 4) and yielded somewhat better maps despite thesevere non-isomorphism (Riso = 39.9 %) between this derivative and theselenomethionyl data.

Model buildingThe 2.2 Å resolution MAD and SIRMAD electron-density maps werequite clear, permitting the unambiguous determination of the correctsidechain in most places. The Acanthamoeba profilin I backbone wasplaced piece-wise in the electron density and the correct sidechainsbased on the sequence were built using the program O [66].

Conjugate gradient positional refinement of this initial model (residues2–74 and 81–131) in X-PLOR [67] using data from 6.0 to 2.2 Å gavean R factor of 31.01 % (Rfree = 38.38 %; with 6 % of reflections in thetest set [68]). After a few rounds of refinement, water molecules wereplaced at peaks higher than 4s in the Fo–Fc map if there was corre-sponding density in the SIRMAD or MAD maps and the water made ahydrogen bond to at least one protein atom. Phase extension was per-formed to 1.6 Å resulting in an R factor of 19.23 % (Rfree = 22.02 %) forthe complete model. A bulk solvent mask using all data from 30–1.6 Åwith parameters K = 0.45, B = 50, radius = 0.29 Å improved this to17.95 % (Rfree = 20.95 %).

Alternate conformers for several residues could be seen in both theFo–Fc and 2Fo–Fc maps, and were built for Asp9, Cys13, Asp14, Ser31,Gln35, Ile47, Glu78, Pro89, Gly90, Lys96, and Met110. The currentmodel contains residues 2–131 of profilin (the N-terminal methionineresidue was removed by the E. coli host), 99 water molecules, two glycerols, and one sulfate with R =0.1806 (Rfree =0.2052) and goodstereochemistry.

The room temperature structure including the plant-specific bindingpocket was rebuilt manually and refined using X-PLOR Powell refine-ment mode. 26 water molecules were then identified using Fo–Fc mapsand placed manually using the program O and the structure was com-pleted with positional and annealing refinement.

Construction of profilin–actin interfacesThe LSQ facilities in the program O [66] were used to align the alphacarbons of Arabidopsis profilin I and Acanthamoeba profilin I by leastsquares algorithm to residues in the actin-binding face of bovine profilinfrom the profilin–actin complex (PDB entry pdb2btf.ent). A list of theresidues which are in contact in the bovine profilin–actin complex weregenerated with the program CONTACT from the CCP4 suite [63].The alignment was refined using profilin residues structurally homolo-gous to those which contact actin residues found in CONTACT (bovineprofilin residues Phe59, Ser60, Ser71, Arg74, Glu82, Thr84, Asp86,Arg88, Thr89, His119, Gly120, Gly121, Asn124, Lys125, and Glu129).

Refinement of models of PLP binding to profilinA model type II PLP helix complex was prepared by aligning bound PRPsof several SH3 domain–PRP complexes (PDB entries 1abl, 1abo, 1cka,1ckb, 1lck, 1prm, 1sem, 1shf, 1shg) using the LSQ facility in O [66]. Thearomatic ladder of Arabidopsis profilin I was then aligned to the consen-sus binding site and the peptide from the poly-proline-binding structure(lck) was taken as an initial model. This initial model was mutated into aPLP sequence using the MUTATE facilities in O and manually rotated tomaximize the number of hydrogen-bonding contacts between the prolinecarbonyls and profilin sidechain heteroatom donors. This PLP model was

30 Structure 1997, Vol 5 No 1

Table 4

Refinement statistics.

Low temperature Room temperaturemodel model

Reflections used 14 596 5530Atoms refined 1157 1280Resolution (Å) 1.6 2.2R (%) 18.08 17.20Rfree (%)* 20.49 23.80Completeness (%) 92.94 84.33Rms deviation

bonds (Å) 0.009 0.014angles (°) 1.563 1.907

Average B factor (Å2)mainchain atoms 8.6 8.6sidechain atoms 11.4 11.4solvent 20.3 20.5

All data from 30–1.6Å were used in the refinement. The selenomethionylremote data set was used for refinement of the model without anomalousdifferences. *Rfree is the same as the standard crystallographic R factorexcept computed for 10% of data left out of the refinement.

then refined in vacuo with 1200 iterations of Newton-Raphson minimiza-tion [47] in the DISCOVER molecular modeling module in the InsightIIsuite, keeping the coordinates of the profilin fixed.

Accession numbersThe refined coordinates for both models have been deposited in theBrookhaven Protein Data Bank (Arabidopsis PDB code 3NUL).

AcknowledgementsWe acknowledge the contributions of Jennifer Jones, Dale Jefferson, BrianJohnson, and Rebecca Schutt who obtained the original crystals of plantprofilin, and Michael Rozycki for advice.

We also thank Dr Robert Sweet and the staff at X12C where diffractiondata for this study were collected. Beamline X12C at the National Synchro-tron Light Source is supported by the United States Department of Energy,Office of Health and Environmental Research, and by the National ScienceFoundation.

This work was supported by NIH grant GM-44038, by the National Scienceand Technology Board, Singapore, and by a grant-in-aid from DuPont Agri-cultural Products.

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