· QSg same @tuf0or. Berr)^ (g)cf. 37“PP’ J?piG

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Q Sg s a m e @ tuf0 or.

Berr)^ (g)cf. 3 7 “ PP’ J?piG<2' 15 s ’

IDanbboofc of Colloquial Cibeiait;

Being a Practical duicle: to tjje language o|Central TiBet.

IN T H R E E P A R T S :

(1) Grammar of the Colloquial.(2) Conversational Exercises and Copious Technical

Lists setting forth the Mythology, Zoology, Botany, Food-stuffs, Religious Rites and Appliances, Bud­dhist Sects, Titles of State, Weights and Measures, &c. &c.

(3) Compendious Vocabulary : Ladaki—Central Tibet­an-Literary Tibetan.






G R A H A M SA N D B E R G , b . a .,


Second and Enlarged Edition




Pr i n t e d By Ja d u N a t h Se a l ,

HARE PRESS :46, Be c h u Ch a t t e r j e e ’s St r e e t , Ca l c u t t a .

(LcttfL£, 03- O-nJe

JLixfJLijcJl, o <Xc- ^UdcLui^ £>tedte±

cJb cJLL(l*oube ,


ipije f ta n ’ble § i r (p aries <$A. G llioff: K nf.,

d^te-*u£jLU 4~XXJ< jt== 0 O-JXJe-.'X^LsO-Si O-j 'f3<2-A^Cj>adL;

^ -T-£> = xX c6£^ cX o -^ tix ^ (^ cxU ^ o^ tLc^ j£ )c-y-^ LU ti s,

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U3-&UO- Pucxs^* d-o-4^ ej *< i^ x^ cX ^ ^ < xX e^ 6 c c r^ u t^ L c J L

L i* jtjt^ n jL .rz J t <Xt- (L ti< j A ^ i jtL< L , ou*^ dL (ItJb e ^ jO L n *^

TO T H E R E A D E R .

writer of these pages has oftenwondered why those who spend so

many months yearly at Darjiling never seem to take the slightest interest in the language spoken by the bulk of the popula­tion there. They may not be aware that the uncouth-sounding chatter of the Bhutias about the place is in reality a dialect of one of the great literary languages of Asia. It differs in many particulars from Tibetan but on examination will be found full of interest, and by no means so barbarous a speech as is supposed. To acquire the Sikkim dialect might form a preliminary step to the study of the Tibetan tongue, which has been so long and strangely neg­lected. Moreover, now that Sikkim is being fast opened out, the traveller, and especially the missionary, the sportsman and the soldier, will find a knowledge of this dialect most desirable. At any rate an exposition of this Bhutia speech, never previously analysed, is here made and pre­sented to the public.

Jhansi : N. W. P., Ju ly 1888.

C 8 ]

The annexation of Sikkim has enhanced the importance of the language. In this Second Edition of my manual, the former issue (containing many errors unavoidable in the first investigation of a new tongue) has been revised throughout and the size more than doubled. Numerous sen­tences have been added to the colloquial exercises, together with several new sec­tions. The lists in the appendix and the ample Vocabulary are likewise additional matter, now first printed.

Sabathu : Punjab , J[ G R A H A M SAN D BER G .

A pril 1895* J

T A B L E O F C O N T E N T S .

Introductory Note ii


Pronunciation l7T he A rticle . 21N oun S ubstantives . 22A djectives . 31Pronouns 34T he V erb 40Adverbs . 52Postpositions 54•Conjunctions 56Formativfs 58N umerals 59


Brief O rders . . . 63Useful Q uestions and A nswers 65O n a Journey . . 67A sking the W ay 69T he W eather . 7°Buying and S elling . 72Preparing and Eating Food 74H orses and Guns . . 7^S hooting in the H ills . 77E ngaging C oolies . 78

[ 10 ]

A N ight’s Lodging . . . . 8 0Up to the Dong-khya/ Pass between S ikkim and

T ibet . . 82T eaching in School 89T alk on Religion . . 92Lord’s Prayer in De'n-Jong K e/ . g6Miscellaneous S entences . 96

III. EN G LISH -SIKKIM V O C A B U L A R Y . io i- ir 4


1. Mammalia o f S ikkim . . . 1172. T opographical L ist with S ignifications 1233. Lepcha W ords and Phrases . . . 139


The state of Sikkim, which until 1891 was under the suzerainty of the Grand Lama of Lhasa, is that portion of the Eastern Himalaya Mountains which lies wedged in between the kingdom of Nepal and the independent territory of Bhutan. The northernmost point on the Tibetan frontier falls under Lat, 28°-7'3o" N. and the southern apex lies in Lat. 27°5# N., barely ten miles north of Darjiling. Comprising as it does some of the highest and most rugged moun­tains in the world, as well as being rent and parcelled out in every direction by ravines and river-gorges of stupendous depth and labyrinthine course, the actual area of Sikkim cannot with certainty be estimated. However the theoretical superficies measured in one plane may be put down at 2684 square miles and not r55° square miles as given in Hunter's Gazetteer. Moreover, before the Darjiling and Kalimpong dis­tricts were severed the area approached 4000 square miles.

“ Sikkim ” is only the Gurkha name of the territory •we are dealing with. The Tibetan appellation is D£i-

[ 12 ]

jong (vulgarly Denjong) or “ rice district; ” whilst the Lepchas or Rong-pa (i.e., “ Ravine folk,’’) said to be the oldest occupants of the country, formerly styled it Nelyang but now call it Ren-jong.

In estimating the inhabitants of the country we shall naturally class with them the native population of Darjiling and Kalimpong, who, but for the recent overflux of Nepalese immigrants, are practically one with the Sikkim folk. Tribes of various races have settled in these mountainous regions ; but the De- jong-pa or Bhutias everywhere predominate in Sikkim Proper; and these latter are being constantly aug­mented by accessions from their Tibetan and Bhuta­nese cousins. The rightful occupants of the country are apparently the Lepchas whose kings formerly were Tulers here. But the Sikkim Bhutias can now fairly claim an historical connection with the lan d ; and, though of Tibetan origin, by this time have acquired an autonomy and local characteristics of their own. This Tibetan race began to over-run D6n-jong or Sikkim some 350 years ago ; and the first Bhutia King, P ’unts’o Namgyal by name, assumed control here about the same year that King Edward VI. ascend­ed the British Throne. These Bhutias came from the province of Tsang in Tibet and doubtless brought with them the then prevailing dialect of that province.

C 13 ]

Both their sovereigns and their speech continued to the present day ; but, alas, since the first issue of this little book, the kings have been suspended, and the Gye* po of Sikkim, whose ancestors so long had held the throne, is now a poor prisoner at Kursiong with less pay than a junior clerk in a Government office.

The Lepchas, also, have maintained their own language, and have a distinctive and peculiarly beauti­ful series of characters in which it is written ; never­theless, the Bhutia folk being now in point both of numbers and of power the predominant people, we may, we think, not unreasonably speak of the Bhutia tongue as the Denjong Ke or vernacular of Sikkim. The language in question is admittedly a Tibetan dialect— some doubtless would style it a corrupt Tibetan, because both in vocabulary and grammatical forms it differs from the speech of Lhasa. So far as pronunciation goes, however, it seems to be the speech of Lhasa which has acquired corruptions \ whilst the Denjong Ke, in common with the dialect of Balti beyond Ladak, has retained, in some notable instances, a purer method of pronunciation— at least a method more in accord with the ancient spelling.

It must not be supposed that the Denjong dialect is the general speech of all Tibetans in Sikkim. Our tenancy of Darjiling has attracted many from the

[ H ]

mother country and elsewhere, who rarely use, though they may understand, the grammatical peculiarities o f ; the Sikkim folk. In the Kalimpong district many ■ families speak the Tibetan dialect of Bhutan. At Ghum are settled pure Tibetans and Wallung-pa from * Nepal, who rather despise the Sikkim race. The Sharpa Bhutias, a cross race between the Lepchas and Bhutias, make use of the Denjong vernacular.

The great divergence between the orthography and the pronunciation of Tibetan words is well known. In this respect the Sikkim speech has peculiarities of its own. Thus the kr. gr. &c., which in Tibetan are sounded as the cerebral t, d, &c., are here pro­nounced ky, gy, &c. As a dialect distinct from

the general Tibetan language, the Denjong Ke cannot claim to be called a written speech. Sikkim indeed in past years has been the native home of literary authors, both of the Lepcha and Bhutia race, who have •issued works in their own respective languages. The heads of the two great Sikkim monasteries, Labrang and Tashiding, are always held to be incarnate lamas, having within them the spirits of two of the Buddhist apostles who converted the Lepchas (in part) and the Murmis to the latter faith. Two or three of the line of these incarnate ones have produced in their day religious works, written of course in classical Tibetan.

[ i5 ]

These were printed either at Nart’ang in Tibet or ■ else in Khams. One popular Bhutia composition is said to be indigenous to Sikkim, where it is met with chiefly in M S. form, namely, the Bkrashis Gsung. There also exists a Lepcha translation of the book.

The official language of Denjong is Tibetan and in the Kalimpong and Darjiling districts our Govern­ment notices are primed collaterally in Bengali and Tibetan. Unfortunately the tendency under the new regime is to foist a foreign idiom on the people. Hindu clerks are employed in preference to Tibetans • and the “ Bhutia Boarding School” has been turned into a mixed Hindustani academy !

The running hand employed in letters and business contracts, as written by the Lamas of Sikkim, appears to be rather different from that in general use in Tibet. We wish we could have reproduced a speci­men epistle written to us by our friend P’unts’o Wingden, an accomplished caligraphist; but the expence of lithography must not be incurred, at least in the present form of this little book.



The sounds occurring in the Den-jong dialect of Tibetan are these :—


k ; pronounced as the English k in “ king.” k h ; the aspirated k as in the Hindustani “ khana.” g ; as our hard g in “ goat.”ng*; occurring both as an initial and as a final; at the

commencement of a word sounded something as our gn in “ gnarled” but more nasal,

e h ; as in our “ church.”e h h ; the aspirated ch— as the ch and h taken to­

gether in sounding the words “ reach-hither.” j ; as in our “ jam,” but generally more aspirated, n y ; an initial whose sound may be learnt by pro­

nouncing n and y together in such a word as “ nyim.”

t ; as our t. d ; as in “ den.”t h ; the aspirated /, not as our th but as t and

h together in such a combination as “ hit him” and as the H in di: “ thana.” We shall represent this sound by f.

dh ; d aspirated as the last letter, to be represented by d .

The four last-named letters sometimes occur with a slightly different sound. Instead of being pro­

[ i8 ]

nounced with the tongue touching the teeth or gums, they are varied by being sounded with the tongue put back and pressed against the front part of the roof of the mouth. They are then called cerebrals ; and will be represented by the ordinary letters with a dot underneath.p ; as in our “ put.”ph; the last letter aspirated; not sounded as f, but

as the p and h together in “ top-heavy; ” herein to stand as p\

b ; as the English b. m ; as in “ mast.”t s ; as in “ lets,” but always an initial, never a final, t s ’ ; same aspirated.-dz ; our d and z sounded together as a rough z.W ; as our w in “ woof.”z h ; as the French j in “jujube”— a rough sh.

y ;r ; 1 ; s h ; s ;

► all as the English letters.

h; Jk y ; I The k, g, and aspirated p, sounded with y g y ; V immediately following; the last to be re- p h y ; J presented here by fly.h i ; the 1 aspirated. Not unlike the sound of the

Welsh double 1.VO W ELS AND D IPH TH O N G S.

d ; as a in “ father.” a ; as u in “ fun.”

<e; as a in “ lane,” but in 3-letter syllables as our e in “ men.”

i ; as ee in “teem,” but often as our i in “ tin,” e.g. in the Bhutia words min, rin, f i n &*c.

O ; always as o in “ stone,” never as o in “pot,” &c., except in potso “a boy” and about two other words.

I I ; as 00 in “Poona;” shorter than our 00 in “ pool” a u ; as au in “ taught” or as ou in “ ought.”6U \ as u in “cue,”a i ; the Tibetan mode of sounding their a s ; either

like 6 as above, or more correctly as a followed rapidly by a very short i (ee). Thus ndi “here.”

e ’ ; represents the sound of a final ad in the original Tibetan spelling, and is heard as if ea ; or perhaps as our ay in “ may”, only more prolonged.

6 ; is our o and e conjoined and sounded with the opening of the mouth narrowed as if about to whistle; or one might describe it as an e said with affectation. In German a well known sound,

i i ; as eu in the French word “ feu,” pronounced with the lips pointed and almost closed.At first when speaking it will be found difficult to

•give the sounds the exact accent, or rather tone of the Bhutia natives. The two last mentioned diph­thongs are puzzling sounds to imitate ; and yet, if an ordinary o and u were to be used in their places, words would be understood perfectly different to those which were intended.

“ Ng,” though easy enough to say as a final, when occurring as the first letter of a word requires much practice to acquire. Two separate sounds must not be made of the n and g. It is one letter, and therefore a single nasal vowel sound, uttered with the roof of the

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mouth, must alone b e ; heard. Practice “ unga” ah$ that will lead you to the correct sound.

To say “gy” rightly, personally I have found it almost advisable, strange though it may seem, to pro­nounce it as dy. Thus gyuk-she “to run” is almost: dyuk-she.

Remember u is always nearly as long as our oo not as our u in “ duck,” but as our u in “ put.”

In two-letter syllables ending in o, as bo, mo, the o is heard rather as an abrupt u (oo) yet still an o sound.

Now and then in these pages we have employed accents to shew where the stress should be laid ; but a merely ndicates the long Irish “a” as given above.

L 21 ]

I.— T H E A R T IC L E .

The indefinite article a, an, is represented by chik placed after the noun or adjective. The final k is- generally, however, left unsounded : Pum chi' a. girl.

We do not often use this article except when the noun is in the nominative case, unless indeed it occurs ■ in the sense of “one.” Thus “a boy” will be Potso chi; “of a boy” Potso k y i; “ of one boy” Potso chiyi.

The definite article is very much in use : di the. It is heard with the inflected noun as well as when the latter stands in the nominative. When the noun has a possessive pronoun attached we often find di still added, (see IV. I. d)

The plural of di is di-ts'o, as gyomci di-ts'o, the ants.

JDi changes to tc when something previously re­ferred to is again mentioned.

Ordinarily di follows its noun ; but where any singl­ing out of the noun is desired we have one di placed before and another di after the word, e.g., di p'yd di the bird, (see also IV. 3. ExamJ

[ 22 ]


i .— In the Denjong Ke the different cases of the noun are specified by means of short syllables, called' postpositions, annexed to the words :—

Khirn chi a house.

Nom : Khim chi a house.Gen : Khim kyi or hi of a house.D a t : Khim lo to a house.Accus : Khim or Khim lo a house.Loc : Khim na at or in a house.A b l : Khim ne or le from a house. Agentive : Khim kyi by a house.

Where the word terminates in g or ng a variation* is made :—

Chd-dong di

Nom : Chd-dong di Gen : Chd-dong gi Dat : Cha dong loAccus : Chd-dong or

chd-dong loLoc : Chddong na Abl : Chd-dong le Agen : Chd-dong gl

the tea-churn.

the tea-churn of the tea-churn to the tea-churn

the tea-churn in or at the tea-churrb from the tea-churn by the tea-churn

L 23 ]

Also with words ending with a vowel, the affixes of the genitive and agentive are rather different:—

P ’yd chi a bird

Nom : P yd chi Gen : P ’yd-i or P y c D a t: P'ya-lo Accus : P y d or P y d lo Loc : P }yd na A b l : P y d ne or le

A gen t: P'yd-i or kl

a bird of a bird to a bird a birdin or at a bird from a bird

by a bird

But where a final consonant has been elided in the original spelling the genitive, &c. is not altered :—

Khd-rii chi a snow-slip.

Gen : Kha-rii kyi of a snow-slipAgent : Khd-ru kyi by a snow-slip

After a final vowel the gen. affix ought to be “ i” 01 “yi” sounded separately ; but kyi is often employed- especially after the article : e. g., di-kyi of the.

The Plural number is not often expressed; but where doubt would arise, the particles cha or ts’o may be added, e. g n y i- la m a dream nyi-lam cha dreams; Gya-mi a Chinaman Gyd-mi ts'o Chinamen, Chinese* The case signs would follow the plural particle.

E H ]

Where any case other than the nominative occurs 'the definite article is not expressed, e. g. >

Potso-kyi lu d i : The song of the boy ; the boy’s song.Khyi di alii lo so-tap ong : The dog will bite the cat.

In the latter sentence alii lo is the accus. after the

verb so-tap ong will bite, so-tap meaning ^ / strike, so (with the) teeth.

However the definite article is sometimes used with the accus. when the verb is in the Imperative Mood :—

Gom di p 'i : Open the door ! To-za di tso : cook the food !

The other connections of nouns such as “ with,” “ upon.” “under,” “ unto,” will be explained under the heading P ostpositions. These are indeed at times

,added where we should not consider their introduction required, as where we should use only a simple case sign, *. g.

Shing audi teng-kha dzek : Climb this tree.

Here teng-kha “ upon” is introduced in accordance with Tibetan idiom ; and placed after Shing audi “ this tree.” The accus. case may be expressed by the simple word without the affix lo, where no ambiguity

,would result as to wiiich were the nominative, espe­cially in imperative sentences, as in the example given above —

Gom di p ’ i : Open the door.

But where a dative sense is implied in any way the ■ lo must be used :—

Mi-lo lam di ten n a n g : Shew (to) the man the way.

2.— A rather important case rule to be remembered ^however is this :—

Where both subject and object occur in any sen­tence, the subject is put in the agentive case, except where the verb of the sentence is part of the verb “ to be,”

Rule though this is, it is generally not observed by the uneducated ; and therefore we shall not keep to it in our conversational examples to be given hereafter, the nominative being usually heard as in English. One example is now given : —

Bagrak kyl ts'dng chi p’ya chen du ’ : A spider is making a web.

This is literally :

((By a spider a web for “ nest") is making/ ’

I *5 ]

We conclude the present section by appending a -classified list of useful nouns :—

A nim ate B ein gs.

mi man

g&J'ok ' 1 husband khyo-ga )mobi: womankhimme; wifedfio: father

rdmo : mother.fiugu : childtsd-yuk: grand child

tunclo any animalid horse te mulebong-gu ass bhdchu cow jo-mo milch-yak

luk sheep rapo goat

fag-mo pig

[ 26 ]

potso: boy khyi dogp u m : girl alii or \shempa : youth shim )a f t : grandmother f b calfpu : son pit si ratpum : daughter . jag-ma squirrelpun : brothers, relatives dm silver foxdrcho: elder brother dom bearpiin-gya: younger brother kardi-pyu marmota ji: elder sister p'yd any birdnum: younger sister p'ya-lak eaglesingmo: a sister khim-p'yd domestic fowl'yo-ko: servant ok-ld crowbomsho: head servant beu (byu) snakeku-nyet: temple chowkidar bep frogbak-khen : coolie p'yd-wang batfti-pbn : head of District. nyam-yo tree-crickettarpon: sub officer si?7iuk tree-frog

T hings E a ta b le . *

Chd tea de-chhang rice beer

* Many herbs and so-called weeds, neglected in Europe, are cultivated in prepared soil as articles of vegetable food by the cottagers of Sikkim. These include large docks and Polygonum cymosum (known as Pu-lop-bi) boiled like our spinach ; also shepherd’s purse, various nettles, several balsams, Thlaspi arvense, mithridate cress, Galeopsis, two kinds of Cynoglossum, a purple Dentaria (styled kenrup-bi) common« English Poa grass (for cattle) and especially the white radish

[ 27 ]

pa-leb loaf khu cakeshurbu dough-balls in

tea or soupto or to-zd victuals, dinnerom milkgongdo eggsmar butterfukpa brothsha-chuk dry meatluk-sha muttonchum ricekhim fiyd fowlnyd fishchu soft curdschuzip dried curds,


singma murwar beer chhu water

kyur-ru vinegar

kyiu potato tarulbdk yam dowa artichoke rdmpd Sikkim leek khdmbu peach ts'd lumpa orange kye-dong plantain ts’erlum raspberry chukhd rhubarb kara sugar ts'd salt

khabze twisted pastry-cake-

H ouse and its C o n t en t s .

khim house p'orpa bowlnyuk-khim house of bamboo loknyo spoon shing-khim hut of wood ki-chhung knife

(known as lapuk). Besides these, the tubers of several large arums are used as food (styled tong) after the poisonous juices have been extracted by boiling; also chokli, the flower- heads of a large pot-herb, a Smilacina.


, do-chhal the pavement gom door khang-mik room ge-kdr window entar floor ker-khd stair ladder mi fire chenfe table

gy&fi chair shu-ten cushion-seat chhd cupboard nyd-fi bedstead khyu-zhong bathing tub de-cho W. C.

N atu ral

nyim sun dau moon kdm star humpo cloud ri mountain gang hill-spur . kang-chen glacier rong ravine sdrrii land ship kha-rii snow-slip

karyo cupderma dishtse-a basketmezen blanketkho-di teapotdom or gum boxpallattila scalesfe-kyal flour-bagsang cooking-kettle, degchite-ko wash-basinshel fglass in window, &c.)gyimtse scissorsp ’akze brushchumi lamp

O bjects.

kya-ma ferndo stonemukpa fogkhd snowkhek iceiak rocksha-mo fungussoke shdmo mushroomshing-gi ddma tree-leafchha-rd evergreen oak

[ 29 J

fokpo deep gorge pd-ma cypress

lam-t’ang cliff-ledge gomrok holly

fokzdr torrent-bed shukpa juniper

chhabo rain ydli maple

tsang-chhu river gai dong india-rubber tree

tsd grass kydn-me shing pine tree

shing tree p ’yung smaller bamboo

mi?itok flower du7ii-po tree-trunk

P arts of th e B ody.

zuk the body mi-ko throat

go head to-ko stomach

kya hair kye-pa waist

khddong face che tongue

kha mouth so tooth, teeth

dempo cheek le-dui?i leg (upper part)

nd nose kang-pa foot, leg ( lowerpart) >

namcho ear lak-ko arm, hand

mido eye dzum-mo fingers, toesgyap back kup backside

M iscellan eo u s .

chha-kha a thing kangshd funeral ceremony;*-wing name tdrcho flagur noise do magic stringed sticks.

[ 30 ]

ma a sore lu song h i market lapta school

yVkhang post office gompa temple du-gang temple hall thhor-ten sacred obelisk ku-ten images

set gold ngii silver khyd blood ko-lak coat torma trousers sha??i-ko lama’s skirt hlam boots shdmbu cap sungbu charm-locket

[ 3 i ]


The adjective invariably follows its noun; and •when the noun is thus qualified by an adjective the proper case-sign is affixed to the latter only, e.g.

PHru noksup chi : a dark night.

Potso tsok kyi lak-ko d i ; the hand of a dirty boy.

Pu lem chi : a good son.

Where the adjective is used as an attribute, the article is often placed before as well as after the noun; e.g.

PH-ru di noksup be or D i p'i-ru di noksup be

li The night is dark.

Here is the adjective as a single attribute :

Ngd fa n g chhe-po yin : I am tired.

The adjective is rendered more intense by various words placed before \t:—hd-chang or ?iyogi= much, very. Mam and nyok=\tr y ; and follow the adjective. But these are properly adverbs.

Td di hachang nyambu du ’ : The horse is very quiet.

Rin di hdchang be*: The price is too much.

Di nyim di nyogi futn-po be*: The sun is very hot.

Td-to nyogi khya-bo be’ : It is very cold now.

Te-kha nyok : Very dirty.

C omparison of A d jectives.

“ Greater” is rendered te-le chhe “ than that, great.”“ Stronger” ,, ,, te-le she “ than that, strong.”Pa-shing audi te-le she min du' : This pole is not stronger

than that.“ Strongest ” is rendered gun le she “ than all, strong.” ,

Tsim field gim le fo be\ That peak is the highest.

Tse-o di lo riyung audi le ringkyam chi go p e : The basket requires a longer tie-rope than that: {lit: To the basket, than this tie-rope, a long is wanting.)

The comparative form of sentence may be slightly varied by the insertion of the word yang after the particle le which stands for “ than.”

My heart is heavier than my load : Nge sem di nge toi d i le yang ji-chen be\

A common superlative expletive is ckhok:

[ 32 ]

This is the best : audi lem chhok be\This way is the shortest: D i lam di Vung-kyam chhok bed

S ome O rd in ary A djectives.

Lem good chhempo or chhe greatMdlep bad chhung smallyak po good \of actions and nyok-ma muddy wakpo bad j things tsok or te-kha dirtyshe??ipa young tsangmo cleange-po old noksnp dark

[ 33 ]

nyom-chhung poor ji-chen heavy ydng-ke or yang-mo light jamtong easy jdm-po soft takia hard khe-li all, the whole sarpa fresh, new nying-po old, not new fiimpo hot khya-bo cold ring-kyam long fung-kyam short kom-bo dry

po?ig-po wet lo-chen lazy dze-bo pretty

wd-chen lightkh'e-ta or khesta clevershe strongbekta weakgyop fastbul-po slowbom-po thick (also “ loud”)sim-bu thin (slender)zhang-zhang broadzhangme’ narrowmap redndk-po blackkdp whiteserp yellowleb-lep flatddlchen quiet, smooth kyur-po sour



i. P ersonal P ronouns— a. These are subject to inflection of case as nouns and adjectives are.

Ngd or ngd-rang I ; Nge of me, my ; Nga-lot me, to me ; ngdki by me.

Chho you ; Chho-kyi of you, your ; Chho-lo you, to you ; Chho-ki by you.

Kho : he ; Kho-i of him, his ; Kho-lo to him, him ; Kho-yl or Kho by him. (Kho frequently sounds Khu).

Mo : she ; Mo-i or mo of her, hers ; Mo-lo to her her ; Mo-yl or mo by her.

D i : It ; Di-kyi of it ; Di-lo it, to it.

The use of mo as the feminine third personal pronoun is not universal, and kho in many parts of Sikkim as in Tibet represents both “ he” and “ she”.

b.— The Plural forms are Ngdcha we, Khong and Khocha they, Di-ts'o them ; but, except where mis­apprehension might arise, the singular forms fre­quently stand in their place. There is, however, a special plural possessive of the first person, ngdchi our, invariably resorted to, as

Kho ngdchi lopon be’ / He is our teacher.

In many districts ngd-rang is always used in pre­ference to ngd.

Examples : —Chhd pum lent be' : You are a good girl.

Kho pdtso malep be' : He is a bad boy.

[ 34 ]

[ 35 ]

'Chho-kyi mi-do tsum : Shut your eyes.

Kho nga-lo gongdo gu ts’ong she ’ in : He will sell me 'time eggs.

Mo-i kya ring-kyam du : Her hair is long.

Nga-rang rampa dama sd do’ in : I am eating rampa 3eaves.

c. — The genitive affix is often omitted from Chho and Kho, the simple pronoun being used to express the ^possessive as well as the nominative. So we hear—

Chhd lak-ko tsang min be’ : Your hands are not clean.

d— A curious point in the use of the possessive case of these pronouns must be noted. The noun may be accompanied (as in Italian) by both the possessive

^pronoun and the definite article.

Nge dom di bdk shvk : Bring my box.

This is literally : “ Bring the my box but the con­struction evidently arises from the pronoun being treated as a noun in the genitive case, and if a noun were to be substituted for the pronoun the above form would be perfectly regular. The rendering is really ; Bring the box of me. The employment of this article in such cases seems often to be left to the choice of the speaker or else is ruled by the general custom in each individual instance. However the article must be used in this way where the intention is to parti­cularise anything belonging to a person as apart from the property of others. Where no stress is laid upon the ownership the article may be omitted, e. g.

Moi pu shi song d u ’ : Her son has died.Moi pu d i ngd-lo ten nang : Show me her son.

[ 36 ]Again :—

Di-kyi gong di nyok be' : The price of it is much.

N. B .— The pronoun di it, stands for “ this” when* the latter is used apart from any expressed noun, ancfc is varied to te for “ that” when similarly occuring.

2. D emonstrative P rono un s— Although we have appended the foregoing note to the poceeding section, we find the article di often loosely conjoined to a noun to indicate both “this” and “ that.” In- classical Tibetan we find the same practice ; but, in the colloquial dialect of Sikkim, provision has been pro­perly made for distinguishing the demonstrative pro­nouns from the mere definite article. The pronouns themselves are

A ud i : this. P 'id i : that.

However where we should ordinarily say “that” we frequently find andi is the pronoun used. The fact is, this usage really arises from the accuracy with which Tibetans ( in common with other orientals) employ their demonstrative pronouns to. discriminate at once the proximity or distance in situation of the thing indicated. We on the contrary generally use “ this” or “ that” almost indiscriminately and more in relation to the priority of the time of mentioning a thing than in reference to its actual place.

In factA udi = this here ; P ’idi = that yonder

These pronouns are used both when conjoined to> nouns and when pure pro-nouns, e.g.

Audi ke-kyi khim bo ? Whose house is this ( or “ that near here”)

[ 37 ]

Khim audi ke bo : Whose is this house P

Chh'o audi kam p ’ya do* : Why are you doing that ?(properly this)

Nga-lo gompa p ’ idi nangsha ta go ; I want to see within that temple (yonder)

[We may usefully construe the last sentence: Nga-lo to me, go it is necessary td {she) to see na?ig-sha within gompa f idi that temple.]

In numerous instances, as in the case of the per­sonal pronouns, the definite article is used in conjunc­tion with the demonstative pronoun. The latter is then placed before instead of after the noun, e.g.

Audi ki-chhung di nyogi ring-kyam du’ : That knife is very long, (near at hand).

Audi dom diyd-te bdk song : Take that box up-stairs.

Ngd-lo audi den di mingo : I don’t want this carpet.

Where there is an interrogative pronoun also, the di by custom is placed after the latter : e.g.

Audi pum kd di bo : Who is this girl ?

3. R elative P ronouns.— These which hardly occur at all in literary Tibetan are perhaps altogether absent from D6n-jong ke’, except in a few correlative phrases which need not be particularised here. How­ever, all the purposes of our relative pronouns are fitly compassed by means of participial clauses. The participial clause is introduced immediately in front *of what would in English be the antecedent of the relative pronoun, and stands as if it were a huge com­pound adjective qualifying the antecedent noun to 'which it refers. Thus the sentence “ The man who

[ 38 ]

lived in that house died yesterday” would take the- form : “ The living-in-that-house man died yesterday/' Here “ living-in-that-house” is the big adjective- qualifying “ man.” In literary Tibetan this participial clause might be placed, like any ordinary adjective, either following the noun to which it was related, or else before it with the participle of this clause inflect­ed in the genitive case. In the Sikkim colloquial the latter alternative seems to be the only admissable practice, the genitive inflection being, however, dis­pensed with.

The participle is formed by merely affixing the- the syllable khen to the root of the verb ■; and, save- in a few exceptional instances, we find no difference in expression between the present and the past participle. The context must determine the time to- the English speaker ; for the Tibetan sees no necessity to discriminate between a present and a past in mere dependent clauses. Thus we have :— ts'ongnyi to* sell ; ts’ong khen, selling, who sells ; ts'ong khen^having sold, who sold.

The participles passive would even be loosely rendered by the very same expressions as the fore­going ; although if precision were required we should probably find the distinction marked by the addition o f zhe or kyap to the verbal root, thus :— ts’ong zhe’ khen being sold, which is sold ; ts'ong zhe'khen having been sold, which was sold, which had been sold. Kyap is used only with certain verbs. “ Had been sold” might be further discriminated by the insertion of ^«^,thus : ts'ong song zhe khen ; but this compound would only be used where particular stress as to time and manner of the transaction was thought to be desirable.

[ 39 ]

E xamples of R elative C lauses.

a. Chho t&song nyo khen om di nga-lo nang. Give me the milk which you bought this morning.

fi. Khim lo luk bak yong khen shempa di-yi potso-i hlam ku bak son g: The butcher who brought the sheep to the house stole the boy’s boots.

(N. B. Shempa di-yi the instrumental case as given in this sentence is grammatically correct; but common­ly, as we have, sufficiently shewn, the nom. is always used and thus the y i would most likely not be said.)

7 * Konchhok lo de-pa kye khen di-ts’o ngd nyinpo kyd-nyi : I want to love those who have faith in God.

§. D i pHru kyang ab khen khyi di sung-khyi mdlep be9 : The dog who barks all night is a bad watch dog.

(Here we find the definite article placed at the commencement and close of the relative clause, thus neatly marking it off. This is only as expansion of a similar use of the article already noticed in § I )

4. I nterrogative P ronouns. These are ke or kd who, kan or kam which, what, karnbe why, ke or ke- kyi whose, ke-nai from whom ? All such have been sufficiently illustrated under § 2 of this chapter. One further Example

P 'id i alii ke-kyi bo : Whose cat is that ?

Kam supplants Kan when initial of word following is b, m, or p,

5. I ndefinite P ronouns. We may mention khe-li all, dtsichi some, any, reshi, some, zhiima others zhen chi another, ts'angma the whole, chhdbu part.

V .— T H E VERB.

[ 4 0 ]

We find in the Sikkim Dialect a fairly systematic method of expressing the various phases of the verb. I,n fact the different tenses are particularised in this dialect with greater accuracy and regularity than are to be found in the book language of Tibet. Some variety in the affixes appended to the verbal roots is met with according to the locality of the speakers. In the Darjiling and Kalimpong districts we find certain strange affixes which disappear as we proceed north o f Tamlong. On the Tibetan frontier moreover the verbal inflections assimilate entirely with those pecu­liar to Tsang. We believe however the southern manner of inflexion to be that proper to the Sikkim dialect and to be generally comprehendible to natives .and itinerants in the northern districts. Nevertheless all variations shall be noted below.

1. I nfin itive .— This is formed by adding she or nyi to the root of the verb, e.g., kap-she or kap-?iyi to cover. She is the usual affix throughout Tsang and equally common in Sikkim. Nyi is peculiar to the Darjiling district.

2. F uture ten se . — From the Infinitive the future tense is formed by adding 7>z (really jiv>2) for the first person and be’ or sometimes du' (duk) for the 2nd and 3rd person. But frequently when the 3rd person future has to be expressed the regular Tibetan future, formed by the addition of ong not to the infinitive but to the root, is resorted to.

Examples will make this sufficiently understood :

I shall drink : J Nga t ’ung she Hn.\ or Ngd t ’ung nyi ’ in

[ 4 i ]

He will drink : ( Kho t ’ung ong.I <I or kho t ’ung she be’ .

Ong becomes yong in northern Sikkim as in Tibet. Else­where always ong as in Balti.

The formation of the future from the infinitive, it will be noted, is very natural ; for ’ i n = am, ^ ’= is. So we have t'ung she to drink ; t' ung s h e ’ in am to drink = will drink; t ’ung- she-be’ is to drink = will drink.

3. P resent t e n s e .— The root with do ’in annex­ed ''probably du' *in or dukyin) is generally heard when the first person occurs. The root with chen du’ or chen bd for the 2nd and 3rd persons. Thus—

I am eating rice : Nga chum-lo sa do ’in.He is coming home : Khu khim-lo ong chen d u '.

You are beating the I ^ ^ i0 ny 0g{ chen du ’ .horse very much 1 j & r

But in many districts of Sikkim do bd or to bd would be employed with the 2nd and 3rd persons ; to being used for do when euphonically more suitable : —

He is sitting on the ground : Kho sd-Io dii to bd.He runs like a horse : Kho id deni chhong do bd.The water is freezing : Chhu di khek gyu do bd.The lama is speaking : Lama di lap to be.Sometimes the bd is omitted :—

1 am sinking into the snow : Ngd khau-d nangsha nup gyudo.

The use of the present tense in do is, as we shall •see, common throughout Sikkim in the interrogative form. (See V. § 9.) Often be or pe) alone, added to the root, stands for the simple present ; e. g.

The yak grunts loudly : Yak di bompo nguk bd.You look very clean to-day : Chho taring tsang

mam tam-pd.

[ 42 ]

4. Perfect tenses.— The past definite form* generally can be expressed by the root of the verb with zhe, che, or jhe (variously sounded) annexed. The past indefinite requires song zhe or song du\ Thus—

He wrote a letter : Kho yige chi pH zhe.To-day the sun has shone : Taring nyim dilshd]zhe.He has written a letter : Kho yige chi pH song du\Sometimes with d u ’ alone:Mo zung du1 she seized, did seize.Mo or mu-i chhak du*: She broke.

There seems no decided distinction between Active and Passive voices : chhak song du’ has been broken but gyu chung often indicates the Passive, e.g., sd gyu chung has been eaten.

Certain styles are preferred for certain verbs. Thus shi she to die, always forms the past tense witb song.

shi song, died; shi song zhe has quite) died, is dead.shi song du ’ did die (emphatic)t'ong chef saw ; t'ong song zhe has seen

Other verbs have special past forms :—

gyu-she, to go ; song wentbdk do nyif to take, take away; bdk song zhe has taken.pya-she} to do ; zhe or che : did : zhe song has done. And1

a few others.

5. I m per a tiv e .— The simple root; or else the root with tang and, as a politer form, with nang or nyd added.

Eat this: andi sd. Open the door: gom-di pH! Cook food:: to tso ta n g ! Fasten the dog: khyi tdk tang l

[ 43 3Please show the w ay: Lam di ten-nang.Please give me a rupee: Nga-lo tiruk chi p ’ in nang or p in

tang.Look for i t : Ts’ol nyd.Please assist him : Kho-lo rok be' nyd.

A favourite inperative affix with many persons is- me\ used in both positive and negative sentences:—

Ask him : Kho-lo di me’ .Don’t kill the bird : P ’ya di ma se’ me'.Be quick : Gyop be' me’ !

6. P otential M ood.— The root, or sometimes- the infinitive, with chog or ts'uk annexed. The better- form is the latter verb, chog or ckok being provincial.

I can run quickly : Nga gyop chong ts’uk.He can climb up the tree: Kho shing di dzek chok.

The interrogative form is most frequently used and differs from the ordinary interrogatives to be explained hereafter :—

Can you read the book : Chho chho di dok ts'uk kd ?Can you see the gentleman : Chhd kusho di t'ong chog-gd ?Is he able to use a gun : Khu mindd chi kyi p'ent'o p'yd she

chog-gd ?Are you able to fight: Chho t'abmo kyap chhug-gd ?Can the boy sing a song : Potso di lu kyap ts’uk-kd ?Does he know : Khu she’kd ?

[ 44 ]


In the Sikkim district be' 'really bad) is the com­mon word for “ is” ; but be' is often varied to me' and pe'> When used interrogatively “ is” takes the form bo or mo.

Ngd or ng&rang 'in : I am. Ngdchd 'in : We are.Chho or chhorang be' : Thou art. Chho be' : You are.Kho or korang be' : He is. Khnng be' :

Khong-ts’o be' :

lam very w et: Ngd nyogi bong-bo ' in.I am sorry : Ngd-lo sent duko be' (*• there is sorrow to me.”) You are a bad girl : Chho pum mdlep be'The book is easy to read : Di chho di dok-nyi jam-tong be'. You are a clean boy : Chho potso tsang-mo be'.You are a filthy girl : Chho pum tsok be'.He is an idle man : Kho mi she-Lo be'.The woman is pretty and dirty: D i pum di dzebo tdrung

malebo be.

i They are.

The other form of be' namely me' might be heard in the above. We find occasionally du' substituted for be' by the more Tibetanized folk.

That girl is my wife : Audi pum di nge mobi du'.

That pretty girl is to be my wife : Pum dzebo audi nge .mobi chung she du'

She is unmarried: Mo menshar du ’ .

The interrogative form of the verb “ to be” runs thus :—

L 45 ]

N gdyo’ td : am I ? Chho bo : are you ? Kho bo : is he ?

A common alternative form of bo is mo:

Where are you P Chho ka-kha mo ?Who is that lama behind the house: Audi Idma khim d i

se-lo di kd mo ?

Are you young : Chho shempa bo ?Is the horse cold : Td di khyabo vio ?Where is the man who came | Ndi khdsong ong khen mi

here yesterday f di ka-khd be' ? or kd-khd bo ?Who is out there : P'd-ki p ’ ila kd mo ?

8. T he P ossessive verb “ to h a v e .”— As in Russian, Hindustani, and many other languages the possessive verb is rendered by the circumlocution“There is near----- ” or “ to----- there is.” Thus : Ihave three children” becomes “ to me three children are” “Ngd-lo pugu sum be.” Again : “you have a warm dry coat” is best turned “ near you a warm dry coat is” Chho zd ko-lak tum-po kambo du\” Interrogatively : “ Have you three children” Chho-lo pugu sum bo ? “Have you any boots to sell Child zd di tsong-khen hlam kan di bo ? Here note how the double article di— di is used to bind the participle ts'ong-khen to its proper antecedent.

Where have is a simple auxiliary joined to another verb, it is usually represented by du\

[ 4 6 ]

9— G e n e r a l I nte r r o g a tiv e s .

a— The primary mode of expressing these is by ’the addition of the particle bo or mo to the proper tense of the verb required, thus

Did you go to the bazaar Chho khdsang he'-lo song bo ? yesterday :

Will you sell me that sheep : Chhd nga-lo luk p ’id i ts*ongshe m o?

When the present is used interrogatively, that form of the tense is chosen which takes do or to (ante § 4):

Are you drinking beer : Chhd chhang t ’ ung do bo ?Are you fetching the bellows : Chhd bipa bdk nang do bo ?

p —By custom the interrogative particle is abridged .into 0 with certain verbs ending in k (really g) :

Did you break the dish : Chhd derma di chhdk-o ?Where have you put the oranges : Chhd ts’d-lumpa te kdna

zhak-o ?

Have you read it : Chhd di-lo dok-o ?

y— Except when it is itself the verb substantive, the interrogative particle can be omitted if an interro­gative pronoun occurs : —

Why are you doing that : Chhd audi kam be p'ya chen du ?

What are you throwing away : Chhd chhd-la kan kotang do ?

Who teaches you at school : Chhd lap-ta-lo ke-ki hlap to ?

[ 47 ]

However the particle is as frequently heard with -such pronouns in many common phrases :—

Who is living in the white house : Khim hap na ke duto mo.

From where are you driving Chhd audi dzo di-ts'o kdnale those dzo (cross-breed yak) : da to bo ?

5.'— Sometimes the interrogative perfect requires a further affix sounded nya as well as bo :

Have you come from Darjiling : Chhd Dorling-le ongbo-nya ?

Did he get a dog for m e: Kho nge ton-le khyi chi Popbo-nya ?

Also, when the concluding affix of the perfect is zhe or che, a particle na is substituted for bo :

Has the lama sold my horse : Lama di nge td di ts'ongzhe-nd ?

Did you see it there : Pina di-lo t ’ong che-nd ?

e.— With a Potential auxiliary the interrogative seems always to follow the ordinary Tibetan style :

Can you read : Chhd yi-ge dok chog-ga

Can you come with me : Chhd nge nyambu ong ts'ug-gd

We have also heard the Tibetan form in other expressions, such as “ do you like n : go-pe-ka or ga-ei-ka ?

[ 4§ ]

io — N egativ es .

The negative verb is expressed by the particle ma with the perfect or imperative and by mi with the present or future tenses :

Don't talk nonsense : Chhdl-kha ma lap !He did not give me one rupee : Kho nga-lo tiruk chV pHn

ma che.The girl will not come with me : Pum di nge nyambu ong

nyi min (or m 'ong nyVin) He will not bite : Kho so tap mi ong.He is not reading your book : Kho chho-kyi chho di dok

chen min du\He is not eating now : Ta-to sd do min.

It will be observed from the above examples that the negative is either compounded with the auxiliary member of any verb or placed immediately preceding the last syllable of the verb. With the past tense the latter course is always pursued : e.g., Kho shi ma song: He has not died. With the infinitive form of the verb we find the negative placed last : e.g.,

The idle man has nothing to eat : M i shelo di sd nyi mi.

11. P a r tic iple s .— The syllable khen added to the verbal root forms the participle. This important branch of the verb is fully illustrated under § iv, 3.

12. G erunds .— These are formed by the addition of certain brief particles to the verb of the gerundial clause. These particles are te often vulgarly ti}, ne, jang, and par or war.

L 49 ]

a.— The first two are commonly employed to ex­press clauses such as in English are introduced by the words “ when,” “as,” “ having.” Examples will best illustrate our meaning :—

Having eaten his food, he desired the remainder : Ri-kyi to di sd song-te hlak-ma do zhe du\

( N. B .— Ri-kyi is here used for khoi because the possessor is also the acting subject of the sentence § iv, i , b.)

When you have done, come to m e: Chhd-kyi zhe song-nenga-lo shok.

( Chhd-kyi is the agentive case which should always be used with transitive verbs instead of the nom. case ; but colloquially the rule is only in a few such instances as the present one commonly observed. Zhe song is the past tense of p'yd she to do).

Go and fetch it (i.e., “going, fetch it”) : Gyu-ti di-lo bdkshok.

(This form is exactly parallel to the Hindustani jdkar usko le-ao).

Since then he has been sick and has left his employment: Te 6nd-le khu nd-ti yok tang-bo-be’

l — Tang joined to the infinitive best interprets short dependent clauses :—

On my firing the gun, three men fe ll: Nga mindd kyap-pa tang, mi sum hlum song zhe.


[ 50 ]

(Kyap-pa is the Tibetan form of the infinitive which in our dialect should be kyap-she; yet this is the form we generally hear with tang, which, be it noted, invariably requires the infinitive when used as a gerundial particle).

Hearing you call, I came: Chho ke kyap-ne ngd nyen-pa tang ong zhe. (Lit-, “ you calling, I on hearing carne.’ ’ )

Looking down the kud, I saw the man ly in g: Kad di teng- lo mik td-ne ngd d i nye-khen mi di t'ong zhe.

c.— We find par or war joined to the repeated root to express concurrent clauses introduced in English by the word “ while.”

While I am sleeping, don’t make a noise: Ngd nye nye par tir ma kyap.

While I am going to the market, you must dig up the arti­chokes : Ngd he} la gyu gyu •mar chhorang do-wa ho go.

While I am gone, watch : Ngd song song par hug tang !

This section may be concluded by the enumeration of certain of the more commonly occurring verbs :—

P'in-she to give nar-nyi to bestow gyu-she to go dul-nyi to walk chong-she to run hlum-she to fall ong-nyi to come

Tong-she to see tip-she to beat ko-iungshe to throwaway ten-nyi to show mik td-7iyi to look at kon-nyi to wear, put on zhak-she to place, put

sa-nyi to eat fung-she to drink hlap-ngo-she to learn .hum ghd nyi to choke nye-she to lie down nya'-do-nyi to sleep

or die nyi to sit, or remain

nyo-nyi{or nyu-tita she) to buy

ts'ong-she to sell khyu-she to wash, bathe yige-dok-she to read pH-she to write pi-she to open isum-she to shut dzung-she to consider dzung-she to hold kdp-she to cover nyen-she to listen, hear khd nyen she to obey bak ong nyi to bring bdk nang nyi to fetch hdk gyu nyi to take



fyd-nyi to do, make tsuk-nyi to strike, push ts'uk-she to be able chhog-she to be able top-she to obtain ko-nyi to dig kyap-she to throw ts'ol-she to seek ngoshi-she to know hyamba gyushe to walk gii-she to stay, wait shi-nyi to die lap-she to speak ser-she to tell, to name gau-deb-she to laugh gyo do shor-she to laugh go-she to want tabmo kyap-she to fight ne' kyap-she to become ill tok-nyi to cut dzek-she to climb lem-she to crush den-she to pull, draw sik-she to hoist, shove


51 ]

[ 52 ]

V I.— A D V ER BS.

i. In the Sikkim colloquial we find no distinction' made between the adjective and its corresponding, adverb. Thus ja m p o t both “ soft” and “ softly;” sarpa=-li new” and “ fresh” “ newly jam-tong= “ easily” and “ easy.”

However, in addition to the adverbs derived from adjectives, there are in use a number of primitive adverbs, both simple and compound— adverbs of time and place.

A few of these may be noted here.“ Always” is rendered by dtang mache ; “ often”

by dtang.“ Never” is expressed by dtang or nd-mong, with*

a negative before the verb, thus :

Ngd nd-mong chha-kha malep mi ts’o n g : I never sell bad' things.

The past sense requires ma nyung after this verb- without any prior word as :

Chhd ngd-lo lahta chi p'in ma nyung : You have never given me any present.

Other temporal adverbs are gyop soon, lok-te again, mold immediately, har suddenly, tdto now, lately,, and se-lo afterwards. Also those in connection with the measurement of time :—

Td-ring to-day Tasong this morning ; tdringp'iru to-night. Khdsang yesterday ; dang last night; nyim-


kyang all day. N^aru : to-morrow (morning) ; forang to-morrow ; nang day-after-to-morrow.

Adverbs of Place :— Nat here, ftdki yonder, hdki -over there, tekya-lo straight on, forward ma-ki below, at bottom, yd-ki up there khor round, khor- khor around, pang-kha outside, nang-kha inside, ts'angma-la everywhere, di me'lo the lower part, diyen- do the upper part. Ond here ; p'ind there.

2. I n terro gative ad ver bs .— These are nam 'when, ka-khd or kd-na where, kd-na whither, kd-na-le •whence, jhi-tar how, in what way, kd-dem how, kd dzil (mo) how much, kd dzii sdnte how long 'i.e. time) tu-tu how many. They are employed precisely as the interrogative pronouns ; in the sentence generally standing next before the verb. ^See § v, 9).


Dumra nang-sha zigmo tu-tu t'ong bo : How many por­cupines did you see in the garden ?

53 ]

Kho nam shi song zhe : When did he die P

Chhd Dorling-lo kd d zii sdnte dii she mo: you remain in Darjiling?

[ 54 ]


These are simple and compound ; the first being; merely the case-signs already enumerated. On the former however a few remarks may be made here. Lo the dative and accus affix rarely signifies “ to” except after verbs meaning “ to give.” The locative na is of course the proper affix to use in those cases where we should say “at” or “ to.” However for “at” the post­position z a = unear” is sometimes employed, just as pas is used in Hindustani. The best form for “ from” is le (pronounced lai in Tsang. i The Tibetan termi- native case is hardly heard at all in southern Sikkim.

Compound Postpositions are very frequent. Some of the chief are these :—

nang-shd or | . . ,A r ln> lnt0-na-sna J ’

ten-le for, instead of. teng-kha or )

khd f on, upon.teng-lo. down.

dem like, such as. tsd-hha .near

tonda le because of, on account of se-lo behind, after.

diin-tu before. buna in the middle of

khd-ivak under, beneath nyam-bo with, along with

sdn-te up to, unto. tengkha le from off

On the above let us remark teng-kha is sometimes* used for “ up,” e.g. Shing di teng-kha dzek\ climb up- the tree ; sdnte when combined with a negative is the method of expressing “ until.” The latter usage is worthy of note. Thus: “ I shall wait until you return”' is rendered chh'o lokti ma ong sdn-te nga gil she 'in. Often we hear this chho lok mong sdnte ngdgii she 'in. Again : Walk on until you see a bamboo house chhfr

[ 55 ]

nyuk-khim chi ma fong sdnte long dul. Literally o f course this would express the reverse of what is really understood, namely ‘‘Until you do not see a bamboo house, walk on.” When sdnte has the signification o f “as far as” or “ to” the negative does not occur.

Properly all the compound postpositions govern the genitive case and ought to be preceded by nouns so- inflected ; but in practice such a rule is rarely observed, the simple nouns or adjective standing uninflected and! followed by the governing postposition. e.g.,

Khim nang-sha gyu : Go in the house.

Ngd tiruk nyi p ’ in she Jin khyi di tonda le : I will give two rupees for the dog.

But we have heard :—

Taring mi chi ta-i tengkha le hlum jh e : A man has fallen from his horse today.

Nge tsakha ma ong: Don’t come near me.

[ 56 ]


Rarely used ; the gerundial affixes usually supply­ing their place when coupling clauses or sentences to­gether. Thus “ Go and tell him” becomes “.going, tell him” gyu-ti kho-lo ser just as in Hindustani we should say Jakcir usiko bolo ! “ Come and look :” Ong-ti td /

A copulative conjunction for coupling nouns is however, in use : Tdrung — and, e.g., khyi tdrung alii dog and cat. When no stress is laid on the conjunc­tion it is readily omitted : ngd lo mar gongdo did bdk shok Bring me butter, eggs, and tea. Tdrung means really “still more” “ yet.”

The conjunction “ i f ’ is rendered by ne or nu placed after the verb, as in the following sentences :

Nyirn kyang yige dak nu, chho-kyi mik suk kyap ong' If you read all day, your eyes will ache (feel pain;.

P id i sd ne, chhd shi she be : You will die if you eat that.

Chhd lem min nu, ngd tip she ’in : If you are not good, I shall beat (you).

Chhd audem gyop sd takye nu, kyom ghd ong\ If you con­tinue eating so fast, you will choke.

Sometimes the regular Tibetan form na is employ­ed instead of the corrupted form nu. Moreover every Daijong man would, when writing, put na not nu.

[ 57 ]

“ Although” is expressed by rung placed similarly to nu. Thus :—

Chho ne kyi kvat> runs', s i s'o be’ : Though you are ill, you 'must eat.

K hu nyim ts ’dn kyarts' sd r u n g , nd-mo gyak-shd m i o n g : Although he ate all d ly and night, he would never become fat.

(Note here the absence of “ and” between nyim and ts'dn; also use of nd-mo with negative for “ never.”)

When rung occurs with the verb “ to be,” the in­tensive form of that verb is generally resorted to 'namely the Tibetan mod-pa “ to be indeed,” sounded mo-pa:

Ri-kyi to di dur buna rung, chho lok-te lang nyi 'in : ‘Though your body is indeed in the grave you shall rise again.

The conjunction “ o r” is rarely translated, the alternatives being arranged consecutively so as to imply the intended contrast. Thus :

Is your father alive or dead : Chh5 dpo do yd bo shu bo ?

Will you eat rice or potatoes: Chum kyiu chho kan sd- she-bo? (lit: “ rice, potato, which will you eat.)”

But in such a sentence as “ Bring either beef or mutton,” the conjunction must be introduced, and is therefore thus expressed: bd-shd in-na-yang luk-shd bdk shok.

[ 58 ]

IX .— F O R M A T IV E S.

That which is treated of in Grammars under the head of “ Derivation ” may be very briefly disposed of here.

1. — Certain adjectives are formed or derived from nouns by the addition of the syllable chen to the- noun, e.g., rin price, rin-chen expensive; ts1 erma thorn ts'ermci-cheti thorny, prickly, khyo anger, khyo-cherv angry ; khyd blood, khya-chen bloody. In fact most of our adjectives ending in “ y ” or “ ous ” are formed in Denjong Ke thus from substantives.

The negative formative corresponding to chen is mer “ without ”

2. —The affix chhok added to a verbal root goes to* form those adjectives which signify capability of suffer­ing anything, or fitness for being made use of. Sa-nyi to eat, sa-chhok eatable ; fong she to see, tong chhok visible, capable of being seen, chhdk-ske to break, chhak-chhok breakable, &c. The negative form takes mi, as fong mi chhok invisible.

3. — A third formative s ncien signifying chiefly the doer of any action, much akin to the Hindustani wala ; as pyd~khen doer, maker, dok-khen reader, bdk- khen carrier. Like wala added also to substantives ; as toi a load, toi-khen bearer of a load, hlam-khen bootmaker, ta-khen a groom, sa’is.


Chi one

Nyi two

Sum threeZhi fourNga fiveTuk sixDuin sevenGye eightGu nineChu-tamba tenChu-chi elevenChu-nyi twelveChu-sum thirteenChub-zhi fourteenChenga fifteenChu-tuk sixteenChubduin seventeenChegye eighteenChu-gu nineteen

Khe-chik twenty



So-chi thirty-oneSo-nyi, &c. thirty-two,&c.Zhib-chu

tam ba: forty


forty-one, &c.. fifty

sixtyor TukchuRe-chi sixty-oneRe-nyij&c. sixty-two, &c..Diinchu seventyDon-chi seventy-oneGye’-chu eightyGu-chu ninetyGo-chi ninety-oneGy£ one hundred-Tong -ta thousand

C 6° ]

Sd-nyim :Sa-dou : Sa-mikmar Sd-hlak-bo Sa-p’urbo : Sa-pdsang : Sa-p’em bo:

Ndi sd-pembo shok:Chho- lo ka dzu sotn-bo : Ngd-lo khe chik 'in : *

*Gantak-lo mdkmi pdo tong- rok chi da gyd da nga-tuk Dotling-le lep son g:



Come here on Saturday.How old are you ?1 am twenty years’ old.

Eleven hundred and fitty six brave soldiers have arrived at Gantak from Darjiling.

T H E W E E K .

C O L L O Q U I A L S E N T E N C E S .

N o t e .— These sentences are nearly all in the Sikkim colloquial or Den-jong Ke. Accordingly when Tibetans from beyond the J6-lep, Dongkya, Kangla, and other passes, are communicated with, the follow­ing rules may be observed : For be (is, are) usedu' or y in ; for bo or mo say du-kd or yotam or yin nd. Bak song and bak sho' should be avoided, and khyer song “ take away” and khyer shd “ bring ” should be sub­stituted. The future tense may be rendered by means of yong or gyu du’ added to the verbal root: ten yong “ will shew,” dzek gyu du 1 “ will climb.” Song for the past tense is very universal, but chung or jhung is the commoner affix in Central Tibet, e. g. Na-la di nang

jhung du'\ “ The rent has been p a id ;” but in Sikkim colloquial: Nd-la di f i n song zhe.

[ 63 ]


Come here :Come back Don’t come now :Come with me

■ Come near me ■ Come to-morrow Speak slowly Go awaay Go at once Go to the m arket:Go and fetch some water :

Go outside :■ Go and tell him what

I say :C o home again :Go in front :Go behind :Go behind him :Go further :■ Go gently :Bring me some tea :Bring more water:Fetch the horse here :

N di shok I Lokte shok !Tato ma ong !Nge nyambu shok !Nge tsar-ka (or za) shok ! T ’orang-ra shok !Kulyu lap /Long song !Hle7n song !He’ na gyu !Song-ne chhu atsichi bdk

shok !Pang-kha song!Gyu-ne nga ser-khen di lap /

K hi77i-na lok song !Hen-le gyu !Gyap-le gyu !Kho gyap-le song me.’ P )ar-tsa77i gyu /Kale gyu !Cha ngd-lo bdk shok !Chhu hldko bdk shok!Ta di ndi f i shok !

[ 64 ]

Tnke away those things : Take the coat and dry i t :

Throw it away :Search for it :Send word (Give notice) Send him here :Make haste :Take care :Be steady (or careful :Sit down now :Remain here :Wait a little :Say that again :Don’t tell a lie :Open the door :Put my box on the ground : Lift up this box :Take this letter to the

post office :Light the fire :Don’t forget:Don’t bother me :That’s enough :That will do to-day :Now it is time to go :Never mind \kuchchparwa

n'e :

Chha-ka di-tak bak song !D i kolak di bak song d i

kambd shok 1 D i fu ko tang !Ts’ol nya I

Lon ser !Kho-lo ndi tong.Gy op be’ me’ /IT ip !Riko gyim Ta-to die!On a do nyd /Gil atsichi Lok-te lap Ha ma kyap !Gom di pH.

Nge dom di sd lo zhok.Gum di ydte foYige di yi-khim na bdk

song.M i di par !Manje’Ngd-lo duk ma pH Audi dik-e !Taring audi dik she be’Tato gyu renpo tsil ’in.Nang td mi

[ 65 ]

Now you may go :Don’t come late in

morning :Wake me early in


Tdto chhd gyu tfu pe the Ngdrup'ip-na ma ong

this T ’orang pie k f tong nya.


Can you speak Hindu­stani :

Yes ; a little, a little :Can you speak English :

No ; not at a l l :Who is this boy :He is my younger brother: What are you doing :Why are you doing like

that :Why are you asking :1 want to know :When did you see him : Where did you see i t : Behind the tem ple:Did you see a silver fox :L ook! do you see that

tree:Why ? where ?

Chhd Hindu-i he laptdug-gd ?

Las ; dtsichi, dtsichiChho Ingreji ke lap

ts'ug-ga ?Mem-be ; kan de mi Pot so audi ka mo ?Kho nge pitn-gya be\Chhd kam p ’yd do 7110 ? Chho audi dem kambe

ppd do ?Chho kambe fe do Ngd she’ goChhd kho-lo na)n fong bo ? Chhd di-lo kdna fong bo ? Gumpe gyap-na Chhd d77i chi fong-che-na ? Td / flid i shing-lo fong be

bo ?K a7u pyd te 1 Kd-kha ?


[ 6 6 ]

Is he dead:Where have you been : From where have you

come :What do you say :What do you want:I do not understand you : Have you any rice :N o ; I have none :I have nothing to give

y o u :What is your name :Where do you live :Down this hill in the

Bhutia village:Who lives in that house : Where are you going :When did you come to

Darjeeling:I arrived here last year :Where have you put my

boots:Where have I put my

keys .*Who are you? What

nam e:Why have you come here : I have come to see you :

Kho shi song zhe bo ?Chhd hd-khd song zhe ? Chhd kand-le ong bo nya ?

Chhd kan lapto ?Chhd ham go she bo ?Ngd chho-ke di ha-ma-ho. Chho-lo chum yo’-ga Men ; ngd-lo tsal-le miNgd-i chho-lo p'in-she kart

de miChhd ming ham bo t Chhd ha-hha dil to bo ?R i ma-lo ; Do-tsuk na

Khim p'idi na ke dil to mo f Chhd kand gyu do bo ?Chhb Dorling-lo nam on

bo ?Ngd nai lo p'amu hlep cheChhd nge hlam ha-kha zhd-

ko ?Ngd ri-hyi dimi hana zhd-

ho ?Chhd kd mo ? ming ham

bo ?Chhd nai kambe ong mo ? Ngd chho td ong che.

[ 6 7 ]


Make everything ready for starting:

Pack up the ten t:Roll up the rugs :Fasten that bundle more

securely than th at:You carry the tent-poles : That is your load :Your load is not heavy :

Now we must set o ff:It is time to go :'Go in front: I will walk

behind you :Lift up that box :Turn the horse round .• Walk quickly :Hold the bridge firmly :You go over the bridge

first :

Are you tired :We have not travelled far:

I am tired :You can climb as quickly

as a horse :

Chhd-kha kheli fdltik p'yd

K ur zyuk tok.Chha-li di gyilp'ydD i fiwi-po di te-le tang

damChho gur-shing bak song ?Audi chho-kyi toi di du1Chhd kyi toi di jimpu 77iem

bdTa-to gyu go-pdGyu-nyi til cho bdP'ifia song; ngarang chhd

kyi sole gyu she 'inD i dom di yd foTa di kho7* kyapGy op gyu kyambaSampa di tangpo chhinChhd sampe tengle henle

gyuChhd f ang-chhe-po 7iya fNgdcha fa 7'ingkyam 771a

songNgd f ang-chhe-po yinChhd td chi dei7i gyop dzek

ts'uk bd

[ 68 ]

Carry that slowly up the hill:

Tell him to come here quickly:

Can you see the top of the pass from here:

The path is dangerous; don’t fa ll:

I am slipping; seize my hands:

I have let fall my staff; hand it to me please :

That leech is sucking your blood :

Sit down :Go into that house and

buy some food :Do you see many leeches

on this grass :I am lame .•Do you see any leeches on

my leg :How far can you walk :

D i chha-kha di gang teng- kha kalyu bdk so?ig

Kho-lo gyoba ndi shok lap

Di-ne laptse di mik ta ts'u'- ga ?

Lamkha di nyenchen be'; chhd ma ri

Ngd dre'tak shor do 'in ; nge lak-ko zim tong

Ri-ki yuk-shing Ihum chuk ; di ling tong zhu

Audipii-po di chho-kyi khya jip chen du'

Sd die !Khim p'idi nang-sha gyute

to d-tsi-chi nyoba sho'Chhd pii-po nyok tsd audi

tengkhd f o?ig-che-na ?Ngd hang kyo be'Chhd pii-po dtsichi nge le­

dum tengkha t'ong-ga ?Chhd t'a ring-t'ung ka dzu

kyamba gyu ts'u-pe ?Ta-to ngal-so renpo tsii' be..Now it is time to halt :

[ 6g ]


Whose house is this : Khim audi ke bo ?What is the name of the

village :Is that a temple on the


Show me the way to Nga-tong:

I don’t understand you .*Say that again :^Speak slowly :Where is the bridge :To where does that road

go:Is the path difficult :It is an easy path to

Nam ga:How far is it from here to

Tumlong ?How far is it from

Darjiling to Sargong ?Is it a long way to a

Lachhung :Which is the way :

The village is near that monastery :

Yults'o kyi ming kd mo ?

P id i gompa gang tengkha di bo ?

Ngd-tong-ki lam di nga-lo ten nang

Ngd chhd kd di hdmakoLok-te lapKulyu lapSamp a ka-kha mo ?P 'idi lam di kd lo ?

Lam-khd di khdkpo mo ?Namgd na lam di jam-tong

du’Nai-le Tumlong san-te fd

ring fung kd dzo mo ?Dorling-le Sargong-lo fd

ring fung kd dzo mo ?Lachhung sdnte lam ring-

kyam bo 1D i lam di kd mo ?Chhoide p'idi tsa-ne tong-

gu di dii

[ 70 ]

Do you know the way to Chho-kyi gyu-she lam di go ? she-sa ?

The path goes round the Lamkhd di gang kor kor hill : ran chen d ii.

By which way shall I re- Lam kan-le lok-she bo ? turn back :

I am going to the Je-lep Ngarang Je-lep la lo gyu- pass : do 'in

It is a district full of Yul rong-yul be’ ravines :

Where are you coming Chhd ka-le ong do mo ? from :

Where are you going : Chho ka-khd na gyu do 'inThat is all deep snow : P id i khau-a ting-ring-po

kheli be'.

T H E W E A T H E R .

The night is very dark : P ir u di nyogi noksu be'Rain is going to fall : Chhabo bab she 'inThe rain will not cease Chhabo di taring chhe mi

to-day : ongI see the mist rising : Ngd humpo di longpo t'ongThe ground is wet now : Sa di ta-to bong-bo du1The rain will soon come : D i chhabo di gyoba ong

she 'inCan you run quickly : Chho gyoba chong is'ug-ga

(or chhug-ga)

C 71 ]

The pass is filled with snow ;

I am sinking in the snow .*

A man was killed down there by a snow slip /

There is too much rain : I cannot go out at present :

To-day the sun will not shine ;

When the rain ceases the air will grow clear :

The sun is very h o t:The sun will cause pain

in your head :There is no moon to­

night :The wind is rising ;Put wood on the fire :Shake the cloak w ell:The wind is very cold :The air will be mild at

Nar-ling ;The ground is very w et:

La di khau-kyl kangbo bd

Ngdrang khau-kyi buna fimbo bd

M aki kharid ki mi chik scbo bed

Chhabo mam kyap-to ; nga ting-sang gyu mi ts'u-pe.

Taring nyim shd she min be/

D i chhdbo di chh'e-ne ngara saliva ong she did

D i nyim di nyogi fsdpo bdD i nyim di chho-kyi go nd-

sha suk kyap bdTaringpHru dou kan de md’

Lung di lang chen du’Shing mi-na fsuk Chhdb-khebma zob-zob kyap Lung di nyogi khydbo bdNgd-ra di Narling zd jampa

ong she ’inSd di mam p'ongpo bd.

[ 72 ]


I want to buy some milkThese Lepchas sell eggs :What will you sell me :

How much is the price ( this :

What do you want ;What have you g o t :Nothing to-day :

I want nothing :Do you sell tea, butter,

sa lt:C m you get me any meat :You ask too much :

Your price is very high :

1 cannot give that price :That man is a rogue :1 will give you io rupees

for this book : I

I want twenty rupees for it : that is the exact price ;

: Ngd um nyo go be'D i Rong-pa di gongdo ts'ongChho ngd-lo kan ts'ong she

bo ?Audi gong ka dzu mo ?

Chhd kan go she bo ?Chho-lo kam bo ?Taring kan de mi'. ''or)

Taring ?nipo :Mingo (“ not wanted.”)Chhd cha, mar, ts’a ts’ongbo?

Chhd ngd-lo ska f op tsug-ga fChho nyogi gong zhu do' in.

for) zhu chen duChho-kyi rin di kyapo

be'.Ngd gong te p'in mi ts'uk.M i p'idi kunchhe be'Ngd chho-lo tiruk chu-

taniba p'in yong audi chho di tonda le.

Ngd di ten-Ve tiruk khe- chik go ; audi gong di ts'ampo be'.

[ 73 ]

<k> away : I dont want the thing :

What have you got in this bag :

Show me some other things :

I want to buy a knife :

This is not a good goat :Give me two rupees for

it :Have you any boots to

sell :Give me another;Are you a Wallung man or

a Sikkim man :

Come again to-morrow :I want nothing to-day :

I have not any money :Have you any dried curd :

No ; I have none :

Long song: nga-lo chha- khd di mingo.

Chhd audi bakhu buna kam bo ?

Nga-lo chhd-kha zhii-7na di ten tang.

Nga-lo ki-chhung chi nyogo.

Audi rdma di lent mem be.Ngd-lo tiruk nyi f i n tang

di tenle.Chhd ts'ong-khen hlam

du’ bo ?Zhen-chi ngd-lo tong.Chhd Wallung hi mi bo,

ya-men-ne Dai-jong ki mi bo ?

Ngd-ru lok-ti shok.Ngd taring kan de mingo.Ngd-lo ngi'i kan de mi.Chho-lo chu atsichi do bo

( or yo’ga ?)Men ! ngd-lo tsal-le mi.

[ 74 ]


What have you got for food to-day :

Make the water boil:Make the fire burn brightly:Bring the fish in a basket:Bring the eggs : be care­

ful :Bring some hot water now :

Washing the ram pa stalks, put them in the soup- kettle on the fire :

Put tea in the tea-pot :I do not want tea to-day :Will you eat tsampa in the

tea :Give me some bread: I

don't want pak (sops) :I shall dip bread in the

meat-gravy.It is now time to eat dinner:Toast this meat at the fire :

Place the dishes on the table:

These are me at-puflfs :

Chho taring to-na kan fo p che ?

Chhu kii be’ me1M i di leba par zo\Nyd di tseo nd-sha bdk shok.Gongdo di bdk shok : IT ip !

Ta-to chhu fum chi bdk nang.

Rampa khyu-ti, mi tengkha ki tsiim-ki sang-na hluk.

Chd, chdmbing nd-sha kyap.Ngd taring chd mingo pe.'Chho tsampa chd nydmbu

sa she bo ?Ngalo khu atsichi nang:

ngd pak mingo pe\Ngd khu di sha-ruk nd-sha

pak she ’inTato sum sd ren do.

D i shd di ml dun-tu sdk fy d .

Pakna so-so di chenfe tengkha zhak.

Di-ts'o moknio be'

I shall eat rice this evening:

Have you any :Make the dumplings hot :I am eating dinner now ;

go aw ay:She cannot eat rice :Shut your eyes; open your

mouth :Pour the soup in the

bowls :Give me the cup which is

on the table :Do you drink tea or beer:

I do not like sugar in tea :

Cover the ashes : bank up the fire ( lit: “ put the fire to bed.” )

Call the servant to light the fire :

Nga taring f i r u chum sd she in.

Chho-lo atsichi bo 1Shurbu di ts'abo pe’ me'Nga ta-to to (ox sum) sd do

in ; lok song ?Moi chum sd mi ts'uk be'Chho mi-do tsum ; chho khd

gyang.Tsum di p'urpa-na hluk.

Chen-t'e tengkha karyo' di ngd-lo nang tang.

Chhd chhang fungdo bo chd fung do bo ?

Ngd cha-na kara kyap min go pe.

Mi-dak hap ; mi nyal zhdk.

Yo-ko di ke' kyap mi par she lo.

[ 76 ]


Is this a quiet horse :Sir, it is :

Can it run quickly ;How old is the horse :It is four years’ old :

■ Give the horse its food :-Get bamboo leaves for

the horse :Make the horse ready ;Put on the saddle ;Have you the whip :Have you the whip ; (less

politely)Bring me a warm coat ;

'Where is my gun :The gun-stock is dirty. Lengthen the stirrupstrap : Now, the other one :Bring the powder : Be

careful:Can you shoot with a

gun :There are tree-leopards in

that hill :

Td audi nyambu bo ?Lhd ; la-so. (or) Kusho, la

du.D i gyop chhong chhog-ga. D i td di-lo ka dzii som bo ? Di-lo lo zhi ’in.Td-lo ri-kyi to tong.Nyuk kyi ddmd fop td di

te7i-le.Td di fal-tik pey me\Ta-gd di gyap.Chho-lo buiko diydp nyd’ ? Chho-lo buiko di do bo ?

Ngd-lo kolak fsapo chi bdk shok /

Nge mindd ka-kha mo ? ' > Gu7iidd di malebo be’. Yob-fak di ring-kyam p ’ya. la-to, zhii-77ia-di.Medze bdk shok. Riko

gyi?n !Chho mindd kyap ts'u-ga.

P id i gang di teng-kha sd- ju k fop be\

[ 77 ]

Come behind m e; don’t Nge se-lo shok; ur ma make a noise : kyap !

That is a tiger-cat; it is P'idi Zikmar di be' ; mam very fierce. ngarpo be’.


See ! a leopard :He went behind that

rock :Go softly like a snake :Carefully ! Don’t cough :Stop ! Come back here :I have hit him ;Give me the other gun ;Take care ! He is coming

at us :Beat the long grass :

Take your bamboo stick :We must climb up this

hill ;I am going down the

kud :Sit dow n! Wait till I

come :

Ta ! sa chi.Tak-kyi gyab-lo song.

Byii dem jampo gyu !IT ip ! lo-cham ma kyap.Khok ! ndi loke-te shok.Nga kho-lo tip die.

Minda zhii-ma tong.Riko gyim ! kho nga chhok

lo ong chen du'.D i tsd ring-kyam di tip

tang.Ri-kyi pd-shing bak song.Gang audi tengkha dzek

g°-Nga ghad teng-lo gyuchen

did.Sa d ii! Nga ma ong sdnte


[ 7» J

'When I fire rny gun, you Ngd mindd kyap-pa fang,; run quickly towards chho nga-lo gyop chhong me : song.

Wait here and watch : N ai kug-te dii.'Yes, Sir, yes : Ka-sof kds.A have seen some musk Ngd Id-wa t'ong-che.

deer :'W nen? Just now ; Nambo ? Td-to, ta-to.Is the ground firm ; Sa di takta bo ?Do you see peacocks in Mdbja disa-chha au ii fong

this part; chen bo ?Wnat other birds are P'ya zhii-ma ndi kam bo ?

here :-Go out of the way : Lam-khd long song!Here’s my hat: Catch Audi nge shamo ; audi she /

it :


.1 want twelve coolies iVgd-lo bctk khen chu-nyi go (carriers) ; be\

You will need twenty for Chho-lo audem toi mam so much baggage ; tonle khe-chik go she be\

.How much will each Bak-khen re-re-ika dzii bdk coolie carry ; she bo ?

Thirty seers each coolie : Bak-khen re re-lo sir sum-chu so-so.

Dossers and pack-cradles Tongma khur-shinggo she

will be necessary ; bring be' ; te-ts’o bdk shok.them :

How much will you give M i re-re lo nyim di nyim each man per day : di gong' kd dzii nang she

bo lI will give wages and Ngdrang Id to f i n she'in.

food :I will give each man four Nga mi-tso lo nyim di

[ 79 1

annas a d ay :

The custom in Sikkim is five annas:

Your load is light :This is not a heavy box :

Lift up the box :Load up that pack-

cradle :Can this old woman carry

like a coolie :She can carry more than

a man :Where is your tie-rope ;

Start now : make haste :I shall want two mules :Wait at the bridge until

I arrive :

nyim di anna zhi re-re f i n she 'in.

Shrol di Denjong-kyi anna nga du\

Chho-kyi toi di yang-ke be.D i dom di jh i77ipu mem

be’.D i dom di yd t’o Khurshing f i d i kal tong /

Ge7n audi bak-khe7i chi detn bdk chog-ga.

Mo-kl 771 i le hlako bdkts 71 k.

Chho-kyi go-fd di kd-khd7720.

Ta-to song: gyop fy d . Nga-lo te nyi go nyi ’in,Ngd 77ia lep sa7i-te sa77ip<z

di za gii.

[ 8o ]

Wait at the temple until you see m e :

You are an idle man :

You sleep all day :Lift up this packet on her

back ;You are always sitting

down :

Chhd nga-lo ma fongsan-te- gompa di za gii.

Chhd mi shailo (sJie-lo) chi me\

Chhd nyim-hyam nye bo e.Tse-o andi fu-ti mo-i gyap*

lo zhah.Chhd atang-mache sa die

chen be\


Where is the landlord :I am the landlady ;

Salaam ;Sir

I want lodgings this please :


S ir; you are welcome Many thanks :Where have you

from :come

I have come from jilin g :


I am tired : please shewthe bed :

Is there a bathing-tub : The bed is very hard :

Na-bo di ka-na du\Ngdrang ?id-mo yin, ku-

sho, chha’ pe.Ngd-lo nats'ang taring

piru di go nya.Ku-sho ; chha pd zhii nyd.T'u je chhe.Chho ha- na-le hlep che-na 1 ‘

Nga Dorling-le hltp che.

Nga fang chhe po ’in ; nye- sa di ten-nang>

Chhu tumbe chi mo ;Nye-sd (or nya-fi) di nyogt-

takta be\

[ 8i ]

The bed is not clean: There is no other:There are lice— bugs— on

i t :Call my servant to light

a fire:Please shut the door ; Shake the coverlet w ell: Give me a ligh t:What is the charge :

Nye-sa khe ma kyap bo be!. Zhen dtsichi mem be\D i tengkha d-chhd— deshi

— du\Nge yoko di ke kyap, mi

par-she lo.Gom di tsum nang.Khebma zob-zob kyap ! Nga-lo chhu-mi p in tang. Na-la ka dzii mo ?

5 6

[ 82 ]


[Of all the passes from Sikkim into Tibet this one is the most distant from Darjiling, being 78 miles therefrom in •direct line; and is also the loftiest, having an altitude above sea-level of 18,170 feet. Dr. Waddell states that the name Dong-khy£ (signifying “ frozen wild-yak ” ) was given to the Pass in remembrance of the fact that a herd of wild yak was once frozen to death in crossing it. The route to Dong-khy& La is to make first for the village of La-chhung, which lies on the terraced flats of a wide open valley and consists of about 100 wooden houses built on piles. The La-chhung river, here some 40 feet broad, runs down from a branch valley which opens to the N. W. 5 miles from the village. Ascend­ing this valley, Yumtong, on a flat by the La-chhung and 11,920 feet in altitude, can be reached the next day. Thence the way lies to Momi Samdong (15,362 feet), from which the Pass, 7 miles to the N. E., can be gained in one march.]

La-chhung is a ■ warm La-chhung sa-chha tom-mo place ; much . grass is be9 ; ts'd nyogi nai be\ here:

The place is damp and Sd-chha di bong-bo p'ya-ti, fever arises : rong-ts'e chung ( l i t : “ the

place making damp, fever arises.” ,)

[ 8 3 ]

We start to-morrow morn­ing * do not be late .•

Bring the boxes out of the shed :

Tell the coolies to lift up the loads :

That man’s load is too light:

Never mind; that will do :Now we start— quick,

quick;We shall quickly escape

from the La-chhung demon :

No matter the demon; are there any wild ani­mals here :

Down here musk-deer and racoons ; up there go-a deer and snow leopards :

Now we turn up this val­ley to the left, we shall find much mud and bog:

The tree trunks are buried in the thick mud :

Ngaru gyu-she Hn ; pHp'u p'ya-ti ma ong (lit “ to­morrow morning shall g o ; making late don’t come.” )

Gum di nyuk-khim le bd shok.

Bak-khen-lo lap ; toi di yd fo. (lit: “ say to coo­lies ; lift up the load.”)

PHdi mipo-i toi di nyogi yang-ke be\

Nang-ta mi; audi dik-she be'.Ta-to gyu ts’u-pe—gyop,

gyop !La-chhung tsen di-le gyop

doi-she Hn

Tsen-lo mi f o k ; ri-dak shi' sa-chha di-lo do to bo ?

D i men-lo Id-wa wok-dong- kha bd ; pHdi yen-lo go-a dharung sd be.'

Td-to yon-lok-ki lung-pa audi lo kyok-ti, dam- sok dd chhu-pang mam ong-she be9.

Dumpo di damparak tukpo- lo kung song zhe.

[ 84 ]

Here the ground is dry ; N a i sd di katn-sa be'; audf place the baggage on do lo khur-shing sho these stones :

I must stay here for to- Ngd audip'iru nai do go ; night; make a fire : mi par chik.

You can get rhododen- Chhd mi tonda-la tahpa- dron-wood and dhali shing dhali chukma fo ptwigs for the fire; they chok; te-ts'u gyop ts'ik-will burn quickly : she be\

Bring some more water; Dharung chhu bak shok / is the fire burning mi di song-ngd ? up:

It is very cold ; I will give Nam mam khyabo be';- you each some tea from chhd re-re lo cha f i n my pot : she 'in nge so'-sang-le.

Please give us the re- Nga-lo chaklii di so'sang-le mains in the p o t; p'in tong zhu.

Why ; Oh, you want to Kam p'ya-te! a-la-la child eat the tea-leaves : cha lo-ma sd go pe'.

We shall reach Yum-tong Chhu-ts'o sum gyap-lo Yum- after three hours ; tong-na lep-she 'in.

Yum-tong lies on a flat Chhu tsakhd lep-lep-na near the river ; there Yum-tong do to be'; p'l-naare many flowers and mam mintok chukharhubarb and fir-trees : dunshing be'

We can remain in that P'idi shing-khim-na do hut ; the village is a ts'u-pe te-le dong-gu ta klittle distance from i t : t'ung-kyam be' .

See the steep cliffs above ; Diyen-lo gangsdr td shik ; there is danger in this audi khim-na nyen-chemshed: do 'in

[ «5 ]

‘Slips of earth and rocks will fall and kill us a l l :

If the rain falls much, slips will com e; there is no rain now :

I will stay in the shed to­night ; I will not stay in the ten t:

You coolies can lie down beneath that rock over there; then the slips cannot fall on you ;

What is the name of that mountain with the glacier :

Which mountain?That one up there to the

north ; it has a huge glacier on its side :

T h e name of that is Chan- go kang :

'Many yaks graze at Yum- tong in the winter ; in summer they are driven up to Mom£ Samdong :

I will ride a yak up to Mome this morning :

It is time to go now ; see a snow-storm is rising :

Sa tak rii gyel-ti kheli ngacha se she be’ .

Chhabo di m&m bap-nz, ril ong-she be' / ta-to chhabo mem be\

Ngarang p'iru di shing- khim buna do she'in; kur na do she min.

Chho, bak-khen-ts'u, fi& ki tak te-i wakna nye ts'uk ne ; te ton-le ru-ts'u chhb teng khd hlum ma ts'u'pe.

Kang-chen-ki ri p'idi-i ming di kam bo ?

Ri-ga kan ?Yd-ki f i d i chang-lo; ngo

khd kangchen chhe di be'.

P 'id i ming di Chdngo-kang ser be\

Yumto?ig-lo giinka-na yak mam so do be ; yarka-na

Momi Samdo?ig-lo dd she be\

Nga tdsong Momi tuk yak chi tengkha zhon-ti gyu ong

Td-to gyu renpo be'; to shik, khd-tsup di lang-chcn-du.

[ 86 ]

It is never fine up here; it is always snowing and raining :

What huge boulders in this valley ; I have never seen such big ones :

Now we must cross the river, and ascend yon steep slip of stones :

These stones are from rocks which have fallen from the top of the mountain ;

It is bleakness itself in this part we have got t o ; not a tree, not a flower :

S e e ! there are two or three tall juniper trees juniper-trees over there :

Now we are nearing Mome :

At Mom£ is the meeting of three rivers ;

There is a hut here with plenty of grass for cattle :

From here I can see Dongkhya mountain but not the Pass :

Diyen-lo nam di fang kdp namo min be'; kh&w chhd-bo atang-mdche bap- chen-du'.

Rong audi nd-sha p'o-long chhe chhe be'; p'i-deni chhe di-lo na-mo fong ma che.

Td-to chhu di gdl-ti do-rii zdr-zar p'idi yd-te gyu go pe\

Audi do di ri-ki tsim-le hlum-ki tak-le ong che.

Kd-ru hlep che tong-pa nyi mo' be'; shingchi mem be', mintok chi mem be\

To tang! p'a-ki shukpo shing ring-po nyi sum be'.

Td-to ngdcha Momi tsaka ong do 'in.

Momi-lo tsang-chhu sum ki do di be'.

Shing-khim chi nai be' tang tsd mdm tundro tondd- le.

Di-na-le Dongkhyd Rt fong ts'u' pe, wonte La di fong mi ts'uk.

L 87 J

How long shall you stay at the Pass-top ;

W hy?If you remain long, we

shall die from the sold and from Pass-poison :

When will you return back ;

Don’t bother me ! now start; you are standing in the middle of the way :

Those peaks are very high :Look up that valley to

the west, that mountain is the highest; it is called To-mo Cha-mo, on the east of Kinchin- jhow :

We have come now to the last valley at the foot of the Pass :

See ! a storm is rising ; it grows dark ; the snow is beginning:

How quickly it comes. Listen to the thunder :

And now the rocks are fal­ling ; the mountains are speaking to one another :

Chhd laptse di-lo ka dzu sdnte do she mo ?

Kam p'ya-ti ?Nyok tui do ne, ng&chc

tong-mo ki da ladug-kd shi-she 'in.

Chhd nam lok-she mo ?

Nga-lo duk ma pH! Td-to chho gyuk; chhd lam- buna long do du'

PHdi ri-tsim te mam fo be'.Nup-ki lung-pa-na ya-ki-lo

to chik ! p'd-ki ri te t'on- sho be'; pHdi To mo Cha- mo ser be', Kangchan- gyau-ki shar-ngo-lo.

Td-to latsa-lo lungpa fama- na hlep song zhe.

To tang! ts'ubma langchen be'; nam mun-nak gyu do be'; khan di go-dzuh to be'.

Gyop-gyop ong chen be / Druk-ke'-lo nyen chik.

Td-to yang tak-iak di Mum do be'; ri-ts'u di re-re-lo lap to be'.

[ 88 ]

We will creep beneath yon boulder; it will offer shelter:

The storm has ceased ; it rises quickly and de­parts quickly;

The snow lies thick here ; and beyond are great ice-blocks :

Now the river is frozen, and the water runs un­derneath the ice :

We can cross the river on that snow-bridge.

On the left that glacier is very blue ; it is beauti­fu l:

Can we ascend the Pass ; the snow is thickest at the waist of the Pass ; afterwards at the top it will be thin :

Be careful of holes ; they are sometimes covered with yielding snow:

If you see any yellow flowers, do not pick them, do not smell them :

If you smell them, the Pass poison will injure

Ngacha p'd-ki ftong-gi wakna to p'e she 'in ; te chhabyap p'in ong.

Ts'ubma di chhe song dn' ; di gyop lang-te, gyop nup be'.

Khau nai bomho be'; p'a- kharu khekrom chhe chhe be' .

Ta-to tsang-chhu di khek song-ti, hheh-ki wakna chhu di gyun chen be'.

Tsang-chhu di-lo gal ts'u'pe khau-sam tengkha.

Yon-ngo-lo kangchen p'idi mam ngombo be'-; dze-

pa be'.La di teng-khd dzek ts'ug-

ga ; khau di Ld-kye-pa-lo boms ho be; se-lo laptse- na zimbu ong she be'.

Biang-ts'u riko gyim ; kap kap-lo khau kampu ki le­ts'u kab song du'.

Chho mintok serp atsichi t'ong-ne, te-ts'u ma druk, ma num !

Chho-kl 7nintok num-ti, ladug chho-lo mam no'pa

[ §9 ]

you more and make you sick :

It is difficult to breathe now ; I am gasping, I am panting:

I cannot speak ; my head­aches badly; I am with­out strength :

But no matter ; it will pass away :

Here is the Pass-top; there I see the mani- cairns :

kyap-ti chhd kyuk-she-lo p'yci ong.

Ta-to hu hu kyap-she ka­le khdkpo be1; ngd hig- hig kyap-to-be\ ngd hang- do-be1.

Ngd lap mi ts'upe; nge go-na mam zuk be1; ngd- lo hal me1 pe\

Kalte nangta mi ; audi ha- la gyuk she be1.

N ai laptse di yd1; p'dki ngd mani dobong fong chok.


It is time to begin : Go-tsuk renpo be1.You have come late to- T'aring chhd p'ip-na hlep

day : che.Come in time ; don’t come Ts'u-na shok ; p^p^ p'yd-

late : ti ma ong.When did you start from Khim-ne nam gyu song bo ?

hom e:First we will offer prayers Tangpo, Konchho- lo mo-

to God : lam sal-she Hn ( or kyap-she1 in.)

Be silent; shut your eyes : Kha tsnm; chhd mik tsum.

[ 90 ]

Bring my chair : Nge gyd-fi bak shok.You look very clean to- Taring chhd tsang mdm

day : tam-pe.Your face and hands are Chhd khadong lak-ko tsok

dirty : be’You ought to wash face Chhd nyim-atang khddong

and hands every d ay; lakko khyu men ne chhdand your whole body go-bo ts'angma di dilut'donce a week : chig-bo.

Begin to say your lesson : Chhd chho-gyuk lap-she kigo tsuk.

I have not learnt my Ngd chho-gyuk ma hlap- lesson ; ngo che.

Say the Tibetan num- Pope angki di lap bers :

Can you read and write : Chhd yige dok she da pi-she-ga ?

Go on— take care : Lap— riko gyim.What do you say : Chhd kan lap-to ?I don’t understand you : Nga chhd ke di ha-md-ko.You speak too loudly ; Chhd ke bompo kyap be’Don’t make such a noise : Ur audem ma kyap.You are always laughing : Chho atang-mdchha gau be'.Does he know; say it Kho she'-kd; lokti lap.

again:Who is this little g irl: Audipum chhung kd mo fShe is my younger sister; Mo nge num be’Where did you learn to turn Chhd ka-kha hlap boy le-zhu

round the handspindle : di kor kyap-she t

[ 9 i ]

When I learnt to turn Ngd-kl le-zhu kor kyap-she round the hand-spindle, hlap-bo gang-lo ngd pum I was a very little g irl; chhung chhung 'in.

Last night I had head- Dangp'iru ngd go nd zhe. ache ;

I am sorry you are i l l : Sent duko be’, child nd-o-leI cannot leave my book N ai nge chho di zhdk mi

here; ts'u-pe.I cannot let you go home Ngd chho-lo khim-nagyu mi

until you have finished chuk, audi tsi ma ts’ar these sums : barpo.

Do you like to learn Chho chho-gyuk hlap-ngo lessons; go be-kd.

If you will not learn, I Hlap-ngo ma ong-ne, ngd-kl must beat your hands chhd lak-ko dd gyap tip- and back ; she go-pe.

Don’t trouble me like this : Ngd-lo au-dem duk ma p'i.Let me see your sum : Chhd tsi ta chukThat’s enough; now you Audi dik-ke ; ta-to chhd gyu

may go : ts'u-pe'.Who teaches you at Chho lap-ta-lo ke-kyl hlap-

school : to ?Our head-teacher being Ngdchi lopon bomsho di

sick, has obtained nd-tif gongpo tang zhe. leave;

Our third master has re- Ngdchi lo-pon sumpo di lok turned ; he is teaching hlep zhe; kho td-to hlap now. to be'.

When will you return to Chhd lap-ta-na nam lok sheschool: bo ?

'Read this sentence care- Lo-gyu audi rik-rik dok. fu lly:

Spell the letters of these Audi tsik-ts'u-ki yige chih- words: chik lap.

[ 92 ]


Shall we have a chat on Religion :

We both have faith in God :

There are not many Gods i You speak of Konchho; and

we will give that nameto the One True God :

You worship Shakva T ’ub- pa calling him Buddha ; 1 worship the One True God calling him Kon­chho :

There is only one God :

There is none besides that God :

• God made everything :God made the things of

Heaven and earth :

Ngdcha chhoi-ki lapchhd kyap she bo t

Chhorang, ngarang, nyi-ka Konchho-lo de'pa zin zhe.

Lha-ts'o mangbo mem be'.Chhd audem lap-to— kon-

chho ; ngdcha tarung mingte tab she'in Ihd ngotok chikpo-lo.

Chhd Sh&kya-fup hi kurim kyap-to Sang-gye ser-ti; ngdrang Konchho ser-ti hid ngotok chikpo-i kurim kyap-to-in.

D i Konchho di chikpo khar- kyang be\

Konchho te man-na min dul

Konchho-kl kheli zo zhe.Konchho-ki namkha-i chhd-

kha jik-ten-ki chhakha zo zhe.

[ 93 ]

God is king of the world and Protector and gov­erns it :

God is like a father to us :

Christians call Him “ Our Father

God pities us when we are in trouble :

We ask; then he gives help:

Jesus Christ came from Heaven to tell us about God:

Jesus Christ came to say where man are to go on dying:

Jesus Christ became a human being and dwelt in the world :

He came upon the world to speak tidings from God:

Christ told men of another better world than this present world:

When we die we shall enter a new life in H eaven:

Konchho jik-ten-ki gydpo, gompo du'-ti, te-lo gyur.

Konchho yap chik dem bd ngdcha tonda-le.

Ngdchi yap— ft idem Mdshi- ka-pa-po ser.

Ngdcha duk-ngal rakii^Kon- chho-le nying-je du\

Ngacha-kl shu-wa tab-tiy roram ter she be\

Ye-shu Mdshika forl-ne p'ep che Konchho-ki Ion bak ?iang-she ton-le.

Ye-shu Mdshika p'ep song du\ audem she' pe tonle: mi-ts’u shi-ne kdru gyu- she be\

Ye-shu Mdshika kye-bo chik gyur-tijikten-7ia zhu do be\

Kho jikten tengkha chung zhe, Konchho kyi Ion ser- ?iyi.

Jiktzn zhen chi audi jikten di le lent be; p'i-dem Mdshika-i sung song zhe.

Ngdcha shi-ne, ts'e sarpo chi namkha buna fop nyi in..

[ 94 ]

We shall not enter another body in this world :

We shall not be born again here for another life as one of the six classes of animated beings :

We shall not be born again in the bodies of beasts or birds :

Jesus Christ was killed for you.

He died to make payment for your sins :

All are pure & good in Heaven ; and you may not enter there because you are evil and impure :

But Jesus offered his life a ransom to redeem all sinners.

Thus He cleanses your soul from impurity; and God lets you enter Hea­ven :

I believe in Jesus Christ:

Audi jikten di tengkha, nga- cha pumpo zhen bu-na gyu ma ong.

Ngacha ts'e zhen ton le ndi kyu-she min, semchen-ki rik tuk le pungpo chik buna.

Ngdcha cholsong p'ya-i ro- na tang kyu chung she min.

Ye-shu Mdshika se' po be' chhb to'nda-le.

Khorang shi song zhe, chhb kyon-ki lu-rin p'in-khen- ki ton-le.

Namkhd nangsha kheli dakmo yakpo be'; chho- rang ngempo ma dak yo1 pe, teru zhuk ma ts'upe.’

Onte Ye-shu ri-kyi sok sal jhe , dikchen mi kheli lu- na lu-tsap.

P idem chhorang-gi semnyi kyuk-do-le khyu■ ti. Kon- chho-gl chhb namkhd bu­na gyu chuk.

Nga Ye-shu Mashika-io yi- chhe do 'in.

Alas ! you do not believe ; A-tsa-ma l chhb y i mi chhe-so.

Pray to God to shew you Konchho lo molam kvap

[ 95 ]

the real truth ;

Christ is the true thing and He died as substi­tute for all :

Buddha became a good man; but he never ob­tained happiness.

You reach happiness when your sins have been forgiven :

tang chho lo empa ngotok di ten-nyi.

Mdshika di nga-wo kho rang di be'; kho yang mi t'am-che ki ts'abpo shi song.

Chomdende mi lem chi chung song ; kalte nd-mong ga- mochen top ma che

Chho-kyi dikpa di sdl chung ne chho ki gdmochen dub song.

[ 96 ]


C ho-oi Monlam.

Namo ngachi Yap ! Nyi’rang ting-sang namkha-f nasha zhu be’. Nyi’kyi ming di dambu ser go-pe’. Nyi’kyi gye-si gyop p’ep she gong tang ! Namkha-i nasha nyi’kyi ka-gyur di dub-te ; p’idi dem jikten-na nyen she go-pe’. Nge to-za nyim-re di ngd-lo nyim- tang-nyim p’in-tang. Mi-ts’o-ki dak-lo no’pa kyal-ne te-ts’o-lo zb’pe ; audi dem ddk-ki dikpa s£l p’ya sollo l Ng£-lo dikpai ts’o zung-khen di raa nang. Onte ngempo-le ngd-lo tol n y l Gye-si, wangbu, r£kchenr kheli nyi’rangchen du.’— Amen.


Will the Raja grant ad­mission to his presence:

My wife is dying :What is the name of that

peak ?What is the use of that

flag?That woman wears a long

plait of hair:What is the use of putting

the shell on your hand:

Gye-po di h i diin-lo gongpa nang she bo ?

Nge mobi di shi dap be\Gang-tse f i d i k i ming ka

de'su ?F id i tarchho di ki kho kan

do ko ?Pnm audi kya hlow-wa chi

kiln chen du\Lak-koi tengkha fung di

chhuk-te, p'ento kam bo ?

[ 97 ]

Paint worn by Tibetan Tiii-ja. women on their cheeks :

Shell worn on wrist:Long plait of hair worn :Charm round neck:Hand-spindle :Dandi bearer (of Darjil-

ing) :A China-man :Cholera:Revenue Superintendents

of the twelve districts into which Sikkim is divided :

Village head-man:The Raja or ex-king of

Sikkim :

T'ung-khd.Kya hlow-wa.Sung-bu.Le-zhu.Dandi bak-khen.

Gya-nak-pa; or Gyd-mi Nyd-lok.Ka-zi ( Bka-gzigs).




S i k k i m - B h u t i a

V o c a b u l a r y .

[ 101 ]

E n g l i s h - S iick im V o c a b u l a r y .

Able to, is ts'u'pe Able, to be ts'uk she, chok

sheAbove (adv.) yd-te, ya-ki Above (prep.) yen-na Accident galkyen Accompany, will nyambu

gyu-she be'According to dem Account of, on ton-le Across fe-loAfraid, he is she' che?i be'After gyap-leAfterwards se-loAgain yang-charAgue rongts'eAir namAlive is somboAll khe-leAlone chig-boAlways dtang machha (pa)Ancle pulongmoAngry zhe-dang

Another zhiima ; zhen-chi Ant gyoma Any atsichi Apple debu Appointment Arm lang-nga Arrange for ! che' hang

kyap !Arrangement che' kang

(Hind : bandobast) Arrive, to hlepshe As dem Ask, to disheAssemble, to ( intrans. >

ts'oksheAssist, to ro-be'she Attack, to zingshe Avalanche khdrit Avoid, to che'tangshe Axe tepo

Back, the gyap Back (adv.) lokti

[ *02 ]

Backwards gyap-gyap-lo Bad malep Bag gyep, bdkhu Bake, to byupshe Bamboo vessel pddiin Bank (of river) chhu-dam Baptize, to fu i solshe Bark, to hdb kyapshe Barley ne Basket tse-oBasket for back gdde-

chikmo ; ts'dktse Beast, any tundro Beat, to tipshe Bed, to go to nyesd buna

gyusheBedstead nya-fi Bedding nyd-chhd Beetle burp a Before kenle Beggar pang-go Begin, to go-dzukshe Beginning, the goma Behind se-loBelieve, to sent de'pa bd-


Bell tilbu Belly ku-chhal Bend, to kug-kuk tongshe Beneath wdkna Bent, has been gum kyap

zheBest, the chhok Better lent dhdrung Between hrakna Big boiupo Bird p'yaBird, little fichhung Bit (horse’s) sap-chak Bitter kyur-ru Black ndkpo Blanket mesen Blood khyak Blue ngombo Body (dead) ro Body (living' zuk Book chho Born to be kyushe Bottle shel-bum Bow dd

Bowl (or cup) fiorpa :Box dom gum

[ ]

Boy pot so Brandy don-rak Breathe, to hu kyapshe. Bride a pagma Bridle (horse) to sap kyap­

sheBring, to bdk nangshe Broth tsilm Bucket (bamboo) sem Buckwheat drao Buddha Sang-gye Burn, to ts'ikshe, sekshe Burnt, has been sek song

zheBury to baishe Butcher shempa Button tokchi Buy, to nyu-nyi

Cairn (on Pass-top) do- bong; foyor

Call to, to ke kyapshe Candle ts'ildong, mum-

dongCarrot Id-p'u-ser

Cash (money) ngu

Cat alii, shim Catch to she’-skc Cavern tak-p'uk Chain chdk-t'a Chair gya-fi Cheap nye-po Cheese chu Child pugu China gyd-nak Choke, will kiim ghd-she be* Choose, to damga tangshe Churn, to chu kyokshe Circle round, to kor-kor

gyushe Claw dermo Clean tsangm keho,Clean, to make tsang khyu-

sheCloth (cotton re-gd Clothing ko-lak, dum Cloud trin Coat ko-lakCold khyd-bo, kyangmo Cold, is khyab me'Colour ts’on

Comb, a so-mang

[ io4 ]

Come to ongshe Companion lam-rok Conscience pye-chhd Consequence of, in tonda-

leContract, a chhe'-yik Cook, a sd-pon Cook, to soshe Coolie bak-khen Correct ts'ampo Cough, to lunyi Count this ! gyangka tang Courtyard tangra Cow bd-lang Crawl, to p'e-fte-she Crevasse kang-serkhd Crops tdn-fok

Cup (china) kdryo Current (of river; chhu-

gyiinCut, to toknyi Cut off (chop\ to tok tang-


Damp be'chen Dangerous nyenchen

Dark, it is nam noksup be'

Daughter pum Day nyimDay, all nyim-kyang Day, every nyim-nyim Dear (costly> kyapo Deep ting ringpo Delay, to p'ip'u pydshe Die, to shishe Difficult khakmo Dinner su?n Dirty tsok, te-khd Dish dermaDismiss, to gongp'ok tang-

sheDivide, to sha-shd-su tang-

sheDo to, pydshe Doing, ispyd do Done, has been zo che Done, is (finished) jom

songDoor gom Downwards mdr Drag, to tenshe

[ io5 ]

'Drink, to fungshe Drive, to da-nyi Drive them dd tang Drowned, will be ts'upti

shi ong Dry kamDry, to kam pyashe Dung (horse, &c.) chd

Ear namcho Ear-ring d-kor Early ngdru Easy lapo Eat, to to sd she Eatable to sa-chok Edge, on the sur-ka Egg gongdo Empty tong-po End fama Engage, to borshe Enough, is dik Evening fliru Everywhere sd kheli Explain, to shepa tangske Expenses kya-go Eye mi-do

Face khddong Faith sem-lo depa Fall, to hlumshe Far, how fa ring-fung

ka dzii mo ?Fasten, to chingnyi Fat 'of meat) ts'illu Father dp'o Feel, to sem rakshe Fence rau-d Fern kye-ma Fever rong-fse Fight, to dzingshe Find to fopshe Finger dziim-mo Finished, it is ts'&r song-

zheFire mi Firm sdrten Fish nyd Flag tarcho Flower mint ok Fog humpoFollow, to gyap-Ie gyushe Food to-ze Foot kangpa

[ io6 ]

For (you, it, &c.) ton-le Forget, to jeshe Freeze, to khek gyushe Fresh sarpoFrighten, to jik-ta kyapshe From off tengkha-le Frost khek kholma Frozen, is kholma ton song Full tei?i-tem Full, is kangbo-be’

Game (wild) ridd Get, to fop she Getting, are you fop do bo? Girl pumGive, to ftinshe, nangshe Give up, to tangshe Given, was p ’tn song Glacier kangchen Glass shel Go, to gyushe Goat rdpoG od Lama Konchho Going, I am gyu-do ’in Going to, was dap song Goitre shdmen

Gold serGood lentGoose hdngtseGovernment zhung, jongGrass tsaGreat chheGround sdGuide lamkhenGun mindaGunpowder midze

Hail ser-do Hair kyd Half p'ye'ka Hammer fo-a Hand Idko Hang up, to zhifshe Hard tdkya Hat sham Head goHead (chief) boms ho Hear, to nyenshe Hearth fap Heaven namkhd Heavv jhimpu Heel kang-ting

[ I07 ]

Hill-spur gangHold, to zinsheHold fast she me’ nyd IHole, a bupaHome khimHoney rangtsiHoof mikpaHorse tdHot ts'dboHouse khimHow much kd dzii-mo tHungry tok-riHut chilbu, dzi-kor

Ice khek, chhdbrum Icicle kangjhau Ice-field khek-fag 111 am na-o-in 111, are na-o-le 111, am not na-o-mi Image (idol.) ku-ten Important to-gal India Gyd-gdr Ink nak-ts'd Insect shik-bu Inside buna 'postp.)

Into nangshd

Jackal kipchang Jar dzdbum Jesus Yeshu Join, to ja r she

Jump, to jongshe

Keep, to (retain)dzinshe Kernel sign Kettle sd’?g Key kulikKick, to dung-gyak tangshe Kill, to se’-she King gyepo Knife ki-chhung Know, to sheishe ; ngo-

sheisheKnow, do you shei-kd ?

Ladder kerkha Lake chho Lamb lugu Lame, is kang-kyo be'Lamp d'-kor Land-slip sa-rii

Language ke' ; hhd.Late, (you) are p'ipna

hlep che Lazy lo-chen Learn, to hlap-goshe Leave go tang tang ! Leave fa thing), to zhdk-

sheLeave, to obtain gongpo

tangs heLeech pilpo ; simp a Leg ledum Lesson chho-gyuk Letter chhdh-ri Lie, a hdLie down, to nyd-ti kyap-

sheLift, to helshe Like, do you gai-e-ha t Light, to pars he Light (not dark') fang

hapLight (in weight) ydng-ke Little, a dtsi-chi Little chhung Live (dwelb, to do* she

Living, is he do yd bo l Load, a tot Load, to p'dpshe Long fd ringpo Look for, to ts'olshe Loosen, to hlo'she Loudly bompo Love, to nyingpo pyd-nyi

Maize hdndzom Make, to pyashe, zoshe Man mi Many mdm Market he'Marriage, a nyen Mat tenMeasure (amount), to sher

kyapshe Meat shdMeet, to tang t'ukshe Messenger hun tingkhen Midst of, in the bu-na Middle, in the hiltu Milk dmMiserable duk-nge-chen Mist humpo

[ io9 ]

Money ngil Month dau Moon dau More hlakoMorning, in the forang-lo Morrow, to forang Mother dmo Mountain ri Mouth khd Move, to nurshe Mule ie Must go-pe

Name ming Near tsdkd.Necessary, it is go-pe Nettle shd-tsd Night tden Night, to audip'iru Noise ur None tsal-le mi Not at all kybn-ne me’ Nothing, is kart di mi Not, is mem be’Now td-to Number angki

Nun ani

Offer, to pinshi Oil marnak Old man gep Old woman gem Once, at lamsang Once len-chik Only chiko Open, to p'ishe Orange tddlump a Our ngdchi Outside pang-kha Over there p'ina Overcoat chhupa

Pack-cradle khurshing Pain zuk Paint id bn Pan (flat) lang-nga Pant, to buhak kyapshe Paper sho-gu Pass (mountain) Id Pass over, to gdlske Pass-top laptse Peak kang-ri ; tsim

[ n o ]

Pen nyigu Petticoat skamko Piece a chhddutn Vigp'dkmo Pillow tt-nge Place sa-chha Place, to zhdkshe Place down, top'apnyi Plain a fang Plane, a bn-hlen Plate (of tin1 a fd li Pointed peak zoktse Poison duk Post office yfkkim Potato kyiu Pour in, to hlukshe Price gongProp (for back) kuptek Pull, to denshe Puppy dyo Push in, to tsuknyi Put on, to kelshe Put into, to hlukshe

Quarrel, a ts'arpok Quickly gyop-gyop

Quietly kulyu Quite tsdwa-ne

Radish l&p'u Rain chhaboRaining, it is chhdbo bdp

toRaise, to fushe, zhengshe Rat dzdtsi Ravine bi-tangkha Read, to dokshe Ready fel-tik Real ngo; ngiine Receive to, lenshe Redeemer kyapgon Reins (or bridle) sap-fak Remains (of food) hlakma Resting-place lamtek Resting-crutch ngd-tek Return, to lokshe Rice de Right tsampo Right, to the ye-vgd-na River tsang-chhu Rock takRock-shelter tak-kyip

[ I I I ]

Room khang-mik Rope ta-ko Rule, to darnyi Rude chheluk ngempo Run, to chkongshe Rupee tiruk

Saddle gdSaddle-cloth gd hep Salt t'sa Sand pema Saviour kyapgdn Say, to lap she School lap-la Scissors gyimtse Seal fetseSeat, take a ten-lo zhu See, to tdshe See, go and td song-nya Sell, to ts'ongshe Send, to tang-nyi Sentence lo-gyu Settle the matter cht-hang

be' me'!Shade, in the dibma lo Sharp no

Sheers jemtseSheep lukSheep-fold luk-korShine, to shasheShoot, to mindd kyapsheShoe hlamShort fu n gShow, to lens heShut, to tsumsheShuttle (in hand’ le-zhuSide ngoSin dikSinful dikchenSing, to lu kyap-nyiSink, to nupshe ; t'imsheSky namkhaSlip, to gyelsheSlope tof ravine) kat, ke'Slow gorpoSlowly kul-kulSmall chhungSmell of burning shur-diSmells, it nam do be'Smooth jampoSnake byuSo p' idem

[ H 2 ]

Soap sdbonSoftly kulyujamtongSoldier mdkmiSome dtsiSnow khauSon puSoon gyopSorry, am— is sem duko be’ Sort, what kadem Soul, namshei South hlo Speak, to lapshe Spectacles, snow mik-da Spider bagrak Spit, to fu kyapshe (with

to = on, at.)Spread, to tingshe Spring, a chhu-mik Spur (horse) tingchdk Stair-ladder kerkhd Stamp (postage) chhd-gya Stay, to gushe Steep zdrpo Stick, & per-kd Stirrup yop-long Stomach to-kok

Stone do Storm ts'upma Stout gyakshd Strap bo-fa; go-ta Strong she' chert Sugar chema kdra Sun nyima Sweep, to f ala dashe Sweet shimpo

Table fentse Tail shu-gu Take, to zirtshe Take away ! bdk song / Take off! fu /Tax tot Tea chd Teacher lopon Tent kurThanks, many fu-je-chhe Thick bompo Thief kunchhe Thin simbuThirsty, am komri song Throat mi-ko Throw, to kyapshe

Throw away, tojyungshe Thunder duk-ke’Thus audem Tie, to tdkshe Time, it is ren do bd Tired fang chhepo To-day taring Toes dzilmmo Top, the tsim Touch, to doshe Trader tdongkken Trading place ts'ong-sa Traffic tdon^kha Tree shing-dong Trousers torma Trunk dumpo Tub tumbe Turban u-fong

Valley lungpa

Understand, to hagoshe Unfasten, to gvotshe Uncle (maternal) d-shang Until sdnte (verb in


Upon, on tenghha, kh& Use, what kam p'ya do ? Usual, asp'aldem ; f unden

Wages p'ok Walk, to Wall tsik-kor Wanted, not mingo War mak-fap Wasp potum Wash, to khyushe Wash it ! khyu tang! Watch ! gii-ti-do !Water chhu Way lamWeak bektd ; kampu Wear (put on), to kon-nyi Weather nam Week diin-trd Well, a chhu-dong Well, are you ku kham

demo bo ?West nupWet bongbo or pongpo Wheat gyo Wherefore kam pya-te ?



White kap Whole, the kkeli Why karnbe’ ? Widow yu-sdmo Wife mobi Winter giinka Within bu-na Wood jking Work le-ka Write, to pishe

Yak, milch zomo Yak, wild dong Yak (general term'1 yak Yak 'male, half-breed)

1 14 ]

Yellow serp Yesterday dang Young shon Youth shon-nu

IV.— A p p e n d i c e s .

C " 7 ]

M a m m a l ia o f S i k k i m .

N ame of Species

Macaque Monkey of Nipal (Macacus oi- nops)

Himalayan Macaque(Macacus Assamen- sis)

Hanuman Monkey(Semnopithecus entel- lus)

Himalayan Langur (S. schistaceus)

Bengal Tiger (Felis tigris)

Indian Leopard (Felis pardus)

Snow Leopard (Felis irbis)

Clouded Leopard (Felis macroceloides)

Marbled Tiger-cat (Felis dosul)

Temmink’s Leopard-cat) (Felis aurata)

D enjong K e’ Lepcha



Td Sd-hu

Gya-tak Sd-fong

Zik Syi-chak

Sd Sa-chak

Shing-zik or Sd-chukZik-nak-kkyd

Zikmdr Dosal


[ 1*8 ]

Fishing Cat (Felis khu- Dam-zik pya)

Leopard Cat (Felis Sd-jukpardichroa)

Isabelline Lynx (Felis Yi isabellina)

Larger Zibet (Viverra Sa-flyung civettoides)

Tiger Civet-cat (Prio- Zikchum nodon pardicolor)

Paradoxurus Nipalensis Sd-chumNipalese Mongoose Nolle

(Herpestes pallipes)Crab-eating Mongoose ArvaIndian Wolf (Lupus Chang-ku

laniger)Jackal (Canis aureus) KipchangSilver Fox (Vulpes alo- Am

pex)Wild Dog (Cuon pri- P'archang

msevus)Indian Marten (Martes Hu-nya

flavigula;Beech Marten (Martes T o u fi

toufsetls)Tibetan Polecat (Putori- Shiilp’ i

us larvatus)

N a m e o f S p e c i e s D e n j o n g K e * L e p c h a







[ ” 9 ]

N ame of Species D enjong R e’ Lepcha

Ermine (Mustela ernai- nea)


Himalayan Weasel (Mustela subhema- chalana)

Temong Sang-king

Striped Sikkim Weasel Temong(Mustela strigidorsa) Khya-o

Pale Tibetan Weasel (Mustela temon)


Hodgson’s Nipalese Weasel (Mustela Kathiah)


Ferret Badger (Helictis Nipalensis)


Tibetan Badger (Meles leucura)


Clawless Otter (Aonyx leptonyx)

Chhu^sham Sa-ryom

Himalayan Otter (Lutra aureobrunnea)

Chhu-sham Sd-ryom

Him liny an Racoon Wokdong- Saknam(Ailurus ochraceus) kar

Brown B ear; var. (Ur- sus isabellinus)

Dom-khaina Sdmo

Blue-black Bear (Ursus torquatus)

Dom Sona

Sikkim Hedgehog (Eri- naceus gang)


[ 120 ]

N a m e o f S p e c i e s D e n j o n g K .e ' L e p c h a

Short-tailed Mole ( Talpa Byu-kang- Pur-ayam mi crura) kyem

Red Marmot (Arctomys caudatus)


Yellow Marmot (Arcto­mys Tibetanus)


Grey Tail-less Rat (Lago- mys Chumbiensis)


Chestnut Tail-less Rat (Lagomys Nipalensis)


Tibetan Water-rat (Nec- togale elegans)

Chhu-puse Ung-halok

Sikkim Water-shrew Chimarrogale Hima-


Chhu-fitsi Ung-lag-nyu

Sikkim Brown-toothed Shrew (Sorex Sik- kimensis)

Ting-jing Tang-zhing,

Hodgson's Shrew (Sorex leucops)


Blyth's Sikkim Shrew (Sorex fulginosus)


Long-tailed Shrew (So­rex macrurus)


Brown Musk Shrew (Sorex saturation


Hodgson's Pigmy Shrew (Sorex Hodgsoni)


[ 121 ]

Name of Species Denjong K e’ Lepcha

Bamboo Tree Shrew Shing-ting- Rung tang-(Tupaia ferruginea) jin g zhing

House Rat (Mus Asia- ticus)

P i-tsi Kdlok

Common Mouse (Mus musculus)


Sikkim Squirrel (Sciurus rubus)


Slatey-backed (Hare (Lepus oiostolus)


Indian Porcupine (Hys- trix Indicus)


Sikkim Porcupine (Hystrix Denjon- gensis)


Wild Elephant (Ele- phas Indicus)

Lang-po-chhe Tyangmo

Tibetan Stag (Cervus Wallichii)— now ex­tinct here.

Sho-a Sa-ving

Hodgson’s Antelope Chiru (or(Kemas Hodgsoni) Tso’

Thar Deer (Hemitragus jemlaicus)

Gya Sa-chi

Ravine Deer (Procapra picticaudata)


[ >22 ]

N a m e o f S p e c i e s D e n j o n g R e ’ L e p c h a

Gooral Deer (Nemorhse- dus goral)

Serow Deer Nemorhse- dus bubalinus)

Barking Deer (Cervulus aureus)

Musk Deer (Moschus moschiferus)

Ibex (Capra sakeen)Burrhel Wild-sheep

Ovis nahura)

Tame Yak (Poephagus grunniens)

Taurus Indicus :Tsangpa P on y:Sikkim Pony :

Ra-go* Sa-gyeng

Seru Sa-tyo

Ka-khur Sd-ka

La-wa Sd-bur

Kin Sa-pyukNapu and

Nd-o(M a le ; Zo-

f oj Female : Zo-[ moBachuWalwaTanghd

[ 123 J

T O P O G R A P H Y OF S I K K I M .

(including D arjiling and Dalingkot.)

[In this list L = Lepcha derivative, B = Sikkim- Bhutia ditto., R. = river, M. = mountain, P. == pass, S. P. = snowy peak, V. = village or hamlet, G. = gompa or monastery; numbers denote altitude in feet above sea-level.]

Alibong*: [L. “ the mouth with a tongue ”] realname of Lebong spur near Darjiling where new can­tonment stands.

Alokt’a n g : [B. d-lok or ha-lok overturned or broken up, fang a plain or meadow] a flat strewn with fallen boulders in valley at S. E. base of Kabru.

Ba'damtam : [B. tam (gram) marsh, pddam ofbamboos] a place near Darjiling where formerly the large Dendro-calamus bamboo grew.

Ba'khim : [B. pd-khhn “ bamboo-cane house ”] ahalting-stage on Tendong-hill.

Ba'm-ts’ong: [B. “ cattle s a le -p la c e H o o k e r 's Bhomsong] a flat with V. in the deep Teesta valley due E of Mainom Ri.

Ba'm-Ts’o : [B. ba cattle nits' o a lake] lake on- new northern frontier line between the Kongra-lamo and Dongkhya P.

[ 124 ]

B a r-n y a ' R i : [B. “ Burnt-neck M.”] according to Dr. Waddell the real name of Barmi.

B a r-p ’y u n g : [B. “ where the lesser bamboos '(py'ung) have been burnt ”] a V. at the foot of the Rag-lang P. in south Sikkim.

B arfon ch en : [really Bar-fyung-chen with same meaning as preceding name] halting place in pine- forest near Cho La.

Bhedi : [B. Sbed hidden sde spot] place betweenDarjiling and Sandakphu.

B u x a ': [B. gross misnomer for Pa-zam-kha “ fac­ing the rattan-cane bridge” ] 18ooft., plateau 6 miles from Bhutan border where wing native reg. is sta­tioned. Includes fort and large Bhutia V. Lat. 26° 50' N. long 89° 36' E. in Julpaiguri district.

B y u -t ’a n g : [B. “ snake flat” or “ mole-mea­dow ”] place for halting near Yak La.

C a tsu p e rri G. : [B. Kha-ts’o’-pe-ri (mka-ts'od-pal-ri) “ the glorious hill which measures (or searches) the skies ”] a G. on lofty hill where is a large lake, alt. 6,485ft. near Yoksum and the Ratong R.

C h a 'C h h u : [B. “ Bird river” or perhaps Chhak Chhu ; “ Broken R ” from its abrupt curves] affluent of Tung-gu R. in extreme north, fed by glaciers of Kinchenjhow.

C h a n g a c h e llin g G : [really. Sang-gye-ckkoding;

[ 125 ]

B. “ the abbey of the doctrine of Buddha”] a large- gompa near Pemiongchi.

Changokang: [really Jhyango Gang “ the eagle’s crag”] a lofty M. 20,250ft. visible far down the Lachhung valley, rising near Kinchenjhow.

Cheungtong or Choongtam : [really Tsun- Fang, B. “ the lady’s plain” ] an alluvial flat formed by the junction of the Lachhen and Lachhung R. above which is the G. of the same name, dedicated to the lady patroness of Sikkim, Dorje P ’agmo, and contain­ing curious pictures of Lhasa.

ChhumbabLa: [B. “ falling water pass”] a P. into N ipal; 17,100ft.

Chhumbi : [B. probably Chhu-fyi “ at the backof the waters”] narrow district of Tibet protruding south between Sikkim and Bhutan.

Chidam : [B. dam the bank, chi (spyi) at thehighest point] a bold spur, above the Great Rangnyit R., facing Darjiling from which it is distant some 20 miles N.-E.

Cho L a : [B. Jo nobleman la pass] 14,670ft. P.into Chhumbi, 10 miles N. of Jelep La.

Chomiomo M. : [B. probably Jo-yum-mo “ ladymother” hill] rises on extreme North-West frontier;, 22,000ft.

Chomsering G : [B. really* Jo-gser-ring G.

[ 126 ]■“ gompaof the tall yellow lord”] situated N.-E. of 'Kalimpong in Dalingkot sub division.

Daling’k o t : [B. mdd arrow, gling isolated spot,.kot (bkod) plan or “ part marked-out” and hence “ district” ] a sub-division E. of Darjiling, annexed from Bhutan in 1865. Fort of same name.

Dalling* G : [B. really D or ling & name identicalwith Darjiling] is an old Buddhist estab. 10 m. due E. of Pemiongchi.

Darjiling : [B. Dorje-ling “ the isolated spot” or“ abbey” of the “ sacred sceptre”— a branch of Dor- ling G. having formerly existed on Observatory-hill. Another derivation is: Dar-rgyai-gling, sounded dargyeling “ the place of Indian silks” ] the well- known hill resort.

Dikiling G: [de (bde)kyi (skyid) bliss, ling {gling) spot] high up near confluence of Roro Chhu and Rangpo Chhu.

Dik Chhu: [B : Dek (rdeg) Chhu “ the beating -or kicking R.”] a R. of steep gradient rising in Gipmo- chi M., Bhutan, and joining the Teesta.

Dongkhya L a : [B “ frozen wild-yak pass ”] P. of 19,500ft. in N.-E. corner; also name of M. on N. side of pass, 23,174ft.

Do-tsuk : [B : “ the stones thrust in ”] proper

[ 127 1

name of “ the Bhutia bustee ” below the Chaurasta at Darjiling. Has a small G, newly re-built.

Dubdi G : [B. dub (sgrub)-de (sde) “ centre of'meditative attainment ”] ancient estab. with 2 temples on spur above Yoksum, in W. Sik.

Dumsong : [L. “ white stockade ”] 2 stages from Kalimpong, but off main track.

Dulapehin : [B. dolapchen “ the talking stones ”or “ stones which speak ”] the 3rd stage before Gnatong.

Enche G: [B. “ tongue of solitude ”] near Gangt’ok.F olu t: [L. “ toothed heights ” or fok-lut “ de­

nuded heights ”] Phalut; the well-known summit on Singalelah range— ‘excursion spot.

Fuse'ring*: [B. Phu-tsi-ring “ long-measuring up­per-valley ”] the valley between Lebong and Birch-hill.

Gant’ok : [B. fok pinacle sgang of the ridge]at present the seat of government where the British resident lives. On new road to Jelep La.

Ghum : [really dgung “ the middle ” ; also Ghum- pahar, B. and Hind, really gungpahar “ the middle hill ”] large bazaar with G. and railway station 4 m. from Darjiling.

Ging*: [B. sgying “ a sloping plain ”] a V. withtea-gardens near Darjiling. Has a new G. with paint­ings on its walls.

[ 128 ]

Gnatong : [European misnomer for Ndkfangv. B. “ forest plain ” ] the military station made use of in recent war and since retained as garrison for British troops.

Gok : [B. “ a deserted place ”] an old out-postabove the Ramam R.

Hee Hlo : [L. “ hill of arrival ”] a summit, 7290ft.15 m. N. N. E. of Darjiling.

Iehe : [B. really I-chak or I-chak-kha “ where thiswas broken ”] a V. adjacent to Oche.

Islumbo La : [B. yVslumpo La “ the pass decep­tive to the mind ”] a P. into Nipal, 11,000 ft., some 12 m. N.W. of Hee Hlo.

Jallapahar : [Hind. “ the burnt hill ”] the south- ern portion of the Darjiling ridge.

Jelep La : [B. Dze-leb La “ the flat clay P.the well-known P. into Chhumbi beyond Gnatong, 14,388 ft.

Jannu R i : [B. probably Jo-nub “ the westernlord ”] a snow-clad peak seen from Darjeeling, to the left of Kinchenjunga. It stands in Nipal, sepa­rated from the latter M. by a broad deep valley;

25,304 ft.Kabru Ri : [B. “ the carved ” or “ chiselled'

pillar ”] 24,015 ft. S. P. really part of Kinchenjunga.Kabur M .: [B. perhaps sku-spur “ the dead

[ 1 2 9 ]

body ” or k'epur “ neck and body ” ] the smaller and nearer peak ^15,827 ft.) as seen from Darjiling; con­fused with Kabru.

Ka'limpong : [B. Kaldmpung\\.Q. spungXhe as­semblage bka-blon of chief officers] a Church of Scot­land mission-station; also head-quarters Forest dep.

K a n g c h h e n d z b n g a ': the proper pronunciation of the name Kinchenjunga the Anglicised term for the great mountain of Sikkim [B. Gangs-chhen-mdzod-lnga “ the five treasure-chests of the great snows; ” L. Kanglo-chu “ the highest curtain of the snows ” (Dr. Waddell; ; styled Khambu Karma by Sikkim-Bhutias] 45 m. from Darjiling; worshipped by Lepchas and Bhutias; 28,156 ft. at highest peak.

Kangchenjhou Ri: [B. Kangchen icy gyao beard— “ the M. with the icy beard ”] a lofty flat-top­ped M. on northernmost frontier fringed with re­markable glaciers and gigantic icicles.

Kang-la-nangm a : [B. “ The Inner SnowyPass”] gives access over southern shoulder of Kabru into Nipal.

K o n g ra -la m o La : [etymology uncertain ; may be Skongra slamo La “ the Pass with the easy hollow enclosure ” or kyong-ra Mama La “ the P. of the lama with the protecting horn ” or again Skong-ra lamo La “ the easy P. with the hollow horn ; ” or kyong-ra may


[ 130 J

imean “ a shelter ”] a P. lying across the top of the ‘Lachhen valley; accessible and much used for traffic between Sikkim and Tashi-hliimpo in Tibet.

Kung-gol hlo : Lepcha name for Jallapahar or irather for the whole ridge on which Darjiling and the latter cantonment stand. Waddell derives it : “ hill o f the fallen tree, ” so called because, inclusive of Birch-hill and Lebong, this ridge resembles a pros­trate tree with its protruding branches on either side. Should be Kung-klo-hlo.

Kup’up La : [B. sku “ holy body ” p'u “ valley-tead ”]

Kurseong : [L. really Karsong “ winding stock­ade ”] populous place on Darjiling rail-road.

Lachhen : [B “ great pass”] the valley and river running S. from the Kong-ra-lamo P. and eventually joining with the Lachhung R. to form the Teesta or Rang-nyo Chhu. Rises in Cholamo lake, Tibet:. There is a G. of same name in valley.

Lachhung : [B. “ little pass ”] river rising in theheights about the Dongkhya P. and flowing S.-W. to Cheungtam where at the low elevation of 5200 ft. it unites with the Lachhen to form the Lachhen-Lach- hung Chhu, styled Rang-nyo and Teesta further south. V. and G. of same name.

Laghep : [B. bla-gyap “ the upper back ” or “ be-

[ I3 I ]

'hind the pass”] a resthouse on a narrow spinal ridge >en route between Tamlong and the Cho La.

L eb o n g : see ante Alibong*.Lam teng*: [B. lam-stengil above the road” ] a

V. overhanging the Lachhen.L ap -eh h y i-k a n g *: the Tibetan name of Mount

Everest in Nepal.

L ik - h lo : [L. “ the hill that calls ”] otherwise“ D 2; ” lofty peak of 22,581 ft. due N. of Pandim, not visible from Darjiling.

Ling’Cham : [B. gling -tsam “ almost a sacredspot ”] V. below Changa-chelling G., the seat of a Kazi,

L u 'n g tu : [B. rlung mthu “ power of the winds”]a hill 12,612 ft. 36 m. from Darjiling. Often Lingtu.

M ainom Ri : [B. ma mother num younger sister]duplex peak 10,637ft. about 12 miles due N. of Tendong.

M ahaldi Ung*: [L. “ the river moving in cur­ves ”] the Lepcha name for the Mahanaddy of the Dooars, which as seen from the hills takes a sudden bend to the right; hence so termed in contrast to the Rang-nyo Ung or “ straight river ” (Dr. Waddell.)

M o m e S a m d o n g : [B. “ bridge-village for men and women ”] a lofty grazing station on the Lachhung river— a zam-grong or village with bridge.

Mon L e p e h a : [derivation obscure] the long

[ ! 3 2 ]

spur running S.-E. from the so-called Kabru peak- of Kangchhenjunga, 13,080 ft.

Namchi G : [B. really Namshi “ foundation orsupport of the sky ”] near Tendong hill.

Narsing M. : [B. really Na-seng “ the up-lifted' nose” ] a S. P. 19,000 ft. seen, as to the right of Pandim, from Darjiling.

N akuLa: [B. “ nose P. ”] a P. of 17,000 ft. 5 m. N.-W. of Chomiomo M.

Namfok: [Nam-p'>uk “ cavern for the night.”] ahalting place in the Teesta valley beyond Tendong.

Nobling* G : [B. really Nubling,; the ling or isolated sacred spot of the west] a large G. in west Sikkim.

Nongang G : [B. “ the hill pressed down ”] atemple built on a flat above the Teesta with a large lake beside it.

Oche : [B. really O-chak-kha “ where that wasbroken, ” so called in apposition to Iche or I-chak-kha “ where this was broken ”] a place near Iche.

Pacheem : [L. really Pashen-bong “ tree-fernknoll ” ] rest-house on a spur of 7300 ft. between Kurseong and Darjiling.

Pandim M : [B. “ image of glory ”] a lofty S. P.near Kangchenjunga.

Pang-gO La : [B. “ beggars pass ”] P. of 9000 ft.into Bhutan.

[ i33 ]

Pedong : [B. Pyi-grong “ the outside town ”]!R. C. mission station on Bhutan border 13 m. beyond Kalimpong.

Pemiongehi G : [B. really Pema-yangtse “ lotos-flower offering-bowl ”] the largest monastery in Sik-

ikim, lately re-built. Once the capital.P halu t: see Fo-lut.Phodang G : [B. “ Palace G.”] temple and G.

at Tamlong.Phenzong G : [B. “ the render of benefits ”] a G.

inear Tamlong.Powhungpi G : [B. really Payong-ri G.] monas­

tery N. of Dubde G.Pyung-gang : [B. “ bamboo hill ”] ridge above

the Ra-t’ong river.Quiche La : [B. really Kukchak La “ the broken

•crooked pass.”]Rabling G : [B. “ most excellent tin?” ] a mo­

nastery known often as Rating.Ra'klang La : [B. brag-lang “ rising rock ” ] a

small P. over the range which divides the basins of the Teesta and Great Rangnyit rivers.

Ramam Chhu : [B. “ demon’s horn river”] risesin Nepal.

R ang-nyit: [L. “ the double stream”] real name for •■ the two rivers known as the Great and Little Rangeet.

[ *34 ]Rang’-bi Ung : [L. Rangbik “ split stream ”]

rises on Nepalese range, joins G. Rang-nyit.

Rang-nyo Ung: [L. “ straight-stream water”]'’ the Lepcha name of the Teesta.

Rang-rong Chhu : a cocky feeder of the Rang- nyo.

Ra-t’ung Chhu : B. [“ river where goats drink ”] rises in the glaciers of Kangchenjunga and Pandim, and joins Great Rangnyit.

Rhinok : [B. Ri-nak “ black hill ”] large bazaaron line dividing Dalingkot from Independent Sikkim, where the trade-routes to Tamlong and Chhumbi bifurcate.

Rishi La : [B. Ri-gzkigs la “ pass of the crumb­ling hill ”]

R yo tt : [L. Ri-yot “ unrestrained ”] Lepcha name-for the Dek Chhu.

Saburkam : [L. Sdbur “ musk deer ” kam“ cliff”] on the Singalelah range, 11,684 ft .; between Sandakphu and Phalut. ^

Sakkiazong: [B. “ Shakya’s castle”] ridge be­low Phalut along Nepalese frontier.

Sandakphu : [B. bsam-brag-fu “ upper-slope ofthe rode of meditation ”] point on Singilela range, 11,929 ft., 36 m. from Darjiling.

Sat’ong : [L. Satong hlo “ tiger hill ”] hill beyond

Senchal overlooking large tract. 8514 ft. Sometimes “ Sitong.”

Sedongchen : [B. “ having spruce trees ”] rest-house Kalimpong-Jelep route.

Senchal : [L. Shin-shel hlo “ misty damp hill”]name of hill facing Darjiling also (erroneously) of G* T. Survey station beyond Tiger hill.

Sibu La: [B. really Silbu La “ chilly pass”] . P. into Tibet near Chango-kang.

Singalelah : [L. really Sing-li hlo “ hills in anet work”] name of peak 12,329 ft. and also of whole range separating southern Sikkim from Nepal.

Simonbong’ : [B. really Samarbong “ knoll ofred earth ”] name of hill and small G. a few miles W* of Darjiling.

Singdong’ : [B. Seng-ge dong “ lion’s face ”] knoll'1on Bhutan-Sikkim frontier 2116 ft. above Teesta river.

Sinon G. : [B. gzigs-mnon (pr. si-non) “ seeing, he;suppresses”] a G. on ridge between Dubde and Tash- iding G. Dr. Waddell explains that here Pema.. Jungne, the saint, saw demons and kept them down hence the name.

S iv o k ; or S i- lo k - v o k : [L. Sil-e “ wind-blast,lok “ excessive, ” vok “ simultaneous”] the ravine whence the Teesta flows forth, into the plains. „

[ > 3 5 3

C 136 ]

; Sonada: [L. Sona “ a bear ” da “ d en ”] station on railway above Kurseong.

Taklung* or Tatung*: [B. “ valley of rocks”] valley with moraine in N.-W. and G. of same name.

Takt’ung Chhu: [B. “ drinking from the rocksTiver ”] a rocky tributary of the Lachhen.

Takvop: [L. “ fish-line and hook ” (Dr. Wad­dell) ] sloping ridge descending from Darjiling to the Lesser Rangnyit river.

Tallum Sam dong: [B. Tah-hlum Samdong41 bridge-village of the fallen rocks ”] a V. of stone hovels in the upper Lachhen valley, with a bridge, 11500 ft.

Tamlong*: [L. “ stones on a smooth place ”] thenominal capital of Sikkim where once the Gye-po dwelt. Several G. and large population, 6290ft.

Tanka La: [B. Tang-dhar{pr. Tang-kar) “ white p lain”] a P of 16,000 ft. into Chhumbi 10 m. S.-E. o f Lachhung G.

Tashiding* G. : [B. full name: Tak-kar Tashi-ding “ soaring luck on the white rock ”] the most ancient G. in Sikkim with 3 handsome temples on low hill 5 m. E. of Pemiongchi; many chhortens here.

Teesta : [Sansk. “ Three currents ” pace Wad­dell] the Bengali name for the great river of Sikkim

[ 137 ]

after it emerges on the plains. In its upper course the Lachhen-Lachhung; in south Sik. the Rang-nyo.

Tendoilg: [L. properly Tun-rong “ upliftedhorn ”] the well-known peak, 8676ft. bearing N.N.E. of Darjiling, with which is connected the Lepcha tradition of the Flood.

Thlonok : [L. properly Hlo-nok “ black hills ”]mountainous lofty district in extreme N.-W. with R. of same name affluent of Zemu Chhu.

T*i La : [L. “ arrival pass ”] P. between Hlonokand Zemu valleys.

T’i-ZOg*: [L. “ abode on arrival ”] V. on N.tributary of Taklung Chhu.

Tingbong*: [B. “ round behind ”] V. in Taklungvalley.

Tingchum : [L. “ little plain ”] V. near Tamlong.T’okeham: [B. “ glistening summit”] S. P.

19,470ft. above Lamteng.Toko L a : [B. really Tokgo La— from btog rent

off* mgo head] P. within Sikkim, 7 m. S. of Jelep, leading to Bidang lake.

Tomo-Chamo R i: [B. famo-chydmo “ spottedfemale bird ”] the eastern peak of Kangchen- jhou.

T o n g -lu : [either L. tong-blu “ ridge for halting, ” or B. Itong-lugs i pr. tong-lu) “ that which is indent­

rL 138 ]ed ”] well-known height due W. of Darjiling distant 10 m. in bee line, 23 m. by path, 10,025 ft-

T u k b r u m : [B. properly Takbrum “ rockypimple” ] near Tamlong, on Teesta.

Y an g'pun g’ : [B. “ the precipice heaped up ”]:25 m. W. of Dubde G. on Nepal border.

Y o k s u m : [B. “ three servants ”] a sacred spotnear Dubde G.

Y u m to n g : [B. Yumt’ang “ lady-mother plain ”]:in Lachhung valley.

Y um eh h o La : [B. gyu turquois mts'o lake] innerP. between Zemu and Taklung valleys, near lake of

same name.Zem u C hhu: [B. really Zas-mo or “ clayey”]

lengthy R. in extreme N. W.Zem u Sam dong*: a “ bridge-village ” (zam-grong)

on the Zemu.

[ 139 ]


[The Lepcha -tongue or Rang K e ’ is spoken by a large por­tion of the original inhabitants of Sikkim, and is essentially unrelated to the Bhutia or any Tibetan dialeft, though certain Denjong words have been imported into its vocabulary. A few useful words and sentences are given below; the sentences being rendered both in the Lepcha (marked L.) and in the Sikkim-Bhutia (marked B.) languages. Those vowels ia Lepcha words marked long are strongly prolonged.]

Good : aryum Bad : ajan G reat: atim Small: a chum Heavy ; dllm Light : dkyang Hot : d-hritm Cold : d-hyang Old : dru New : dl Straight : dnang Much : ndm Little : kam Dear : agyap Cheap : ke-ma Man : mi, mdro

Woman ; fa-ayu Child: ong; akup Father ; Abo Mother : dmo Elder brother : anum Elder sister : dnom Dog : kaju Horse : on Cow : bik House : ll Mountain : hlo Tree ; wood : hung Fire : mi Snow : sa-nong Stone : long

Head : fydk

[ Ho ]

L eg: dying Hand : ka Sun : tsuk Bird’s nest : fo-shap Meat : man

E gg: d-ti; fo-ti Oil : nu7?i Potato : bilk Bread ; khu Honey : athu Butter ; mor Soup : tuk-tak Tea ; choArum-root : sung-krl Dry fu el: shang son Shirt : pahok

Trowsers : tomo Hat : tuktuk Boots : t'ong-shuk Temple : hld-gong Heavy load : bu dllm A lw ays: shukna When ; where : sat'd ;

saba ?Who ; what : to ; shu ? Can you : khu-a ?Is it far : marum d 1 Go now : alang no-o !I can g o ; go nong

khuYes : akma ; go-pa No : mine

The horses are good :

I will ride on horse-back :

Where are you going :

L. On-pang ryu bamB. Ta-ts'o lent be'L. Go onplang t'ul-sh'B. Nga ta-kha shon-ti

gyu-ske be'L. Ho sabd nong-shang-


rL 141 ]

I am going to Ging :

Where have you come from ;

We shall arrive to-mor­row :

My father is dead :

What do you w ant:

What is your name :

Is it far or near to Jelep Pass :

Come here ; go there :

Please come here to-mor­row :

B. Chho kana gyu-do- bo?

L. Go Ging-ka nong bam

B. Ngd Ging-lo gyu do 9 in

L. Ho sa-nun f lB. Chhd kana-le ong bo

nya ?L. Kayu luk-hd fl-sh9B. Ngdcha forang hlep

she 9 inL. Kdsu abo mdk non

gumB : Nge ap9o shi song

zheL : Ho shu gat shang-

d?B : Chhd kdn go-do-bo ;L : Ado abrydng sa-lo

go? _B : Chhd ming ka7n bo ?L : Zelep La kd marum

athol-a ?B : Jelep La lo fa-ring

fd-fu?ig 7710 ?L. Abl d l: aba no-o !B. N ai shok ;p'inagyu !L. Luk-ka abl dl leB. T ’orang nai ong


[ 142 ]

Can you see a large bird up there ;

What is the bird’s name :

Bring me some butter­flies :

Bring milk, rice, a fowl :

Put water in the bamboo keg :

You cook the food :

Cook the fish at once :

I am hungry :

Are you hungry :

I am not hungry now ; but I shall be soon :

Who is he ; who is here :

L. O fang fo dtim shim khu-d

B. Ya-ki f t yd chhe tong ts'u-ga

L. Fo dbryang sa-lo go ?B. P ye ming kd de su ?L. Tdm-blyok dflik bu

d l lB. Pemalep at si bdk

shok IL. Nyen, zo, hik bu d l!B. . Um, chum, khimp'ya

bdk shok ?L. Chonga-ka ung tapB. Pddiin-na chhu hlukL. Ho dzom zukB. Chhd sdma ts'oL. Alang-do ngo zukB. Tato 7iyd ts’oL. Go krit-dak gumB. Ngd tok-ri be’L. Ho krit-dak goB. Chho-lo tok-ri b&

L. A tang go ma krit- dak ne go-rung anye go krit-dak sho

L. Hu to g o ; dba to nyl-a ?

Kho ke 7uo; ndi ke du'


[ i43 ]

Don't do that (this; :

Don’t do so (like that) :

Don’t make a noise :

L We will start at day-break :

The night is cold :

What are you doing :Spread the rugs beneath

that rock over there :Place it near the fire :There is water in that

hollow :•Go as far as the tree-fernHow much is the sheep :

It is very dear; it is old :

Much snow has fallen on the Pass ;

This is a steep place :

L. Are ma mat nun !B. Audi ma zo !L. Ore-zang ma mat

nun !B. P'idem ma zo !L. Ma jo k kun !B. Ur in a gyap !L. So-song-ka jeng nong

sh'B. Nam lang-ti gvu she

’inL. Nap mo hydng gumB. P'iru di khydb me’L. Ho shu mat tung go ?L. Obi kam s a-gram

dum rdng-foL. M l zut foL. Ore fok-ka ung nyl

L. Pashen tet no-o !L. Luk afar satet ?B . Luk gong ka dzii mo ?L. Agydp ku gum ; dru

gumL. La-ka sa-nong mo

klo nongB. Ld-lo khau mam

hlum cheL. A re rung-dop gumB. Audi zar-kyam me’

C 144 ]

The ice is thick on the L. Ung-kd chu nyakkariver : gum

B. Tsang-chhu tengkhd khek bompu be’

Who is there : Who are you : Is it near:

L. Obd to go ? L. Ho to go ? L. T o l go ?

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