1 TETN Accountability Update Session April 24, 2008.

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TETN Accountability Update Session

April 24, 2008


State Accountability


Standard Accountability Decisions for 2008


Factors Affecting 2008 Accountability

Increased Rigor of 2008 Accountability

Addition of grade 8 science assessment at Panel Recommended standard

Addition of TAKS (Accommodated) in science and social studies (all grades) and grade 11 (all subjects)

Removal of the School Leaver Provision from the completion/dropout/underreported indicators

Continued impact of the phase-in of the NCES dropout definition through 2010


Factors Affecting 2008 Accountability (continued)

Increased Rigor of 2008 Accountability (continued)

Impact of Panel Recommended exit level TAKS passing standards on the completion rate for the Class of 2007

Increased number of student groups evaluated due to inclusion of TAKS-Accommodated

Increased number of student groups evaluated on middle school campuses due to grade 8 science

The TAKS standards for Academically Acceptable increase for reading/ELA, mathematics, and science by five points each.


TAKS Indicator






Reading/ELA 65/75/90 70/75/90

Writing, Social Studies 65/75/90 65/75/90

Mathematics 45/75/90 50/75/90

Science 40/75/90 45/75/90

Numbers in bold indicate a change from the prior year


TAKS Indicator (continued)

Exceptions Provision

What Has Changed for 2008

Campuses and districts may now use the provision to achieve a Recognized or an Exemplary rating.

Districts and campuses will be eligible to receive four possible exceptions in order to achieve the Academically Acceptable rating or four possible exceptions in order to achieve the Recognized rating.

The minimum performance floor values are altered for mathematics and science for the Academically Acceptable rating.


TAKS Indicator (continued)

Exceptions Provision (continued)

What Remains Unchanged

The Exceptions Provision will continue to be applied to only the 25 TAKS measures (5 subjects multiplied by 5 groups: All Students, African American, Hispanic, White, and Economically Disadvantaged).

The Exceptions Provision will not be applicable to either Completion Rate I or Annual Dropout Rate indicators.

The Exception Provision cannot elevate a rating more than one rating category.

An exception cannot be used for the same measure for two consecutive years.


TAKS Indicator (continued)

Exceptions Provision (continued)

Use for Academically Acceptable or Recognized:

The campus or district must meet a minimum performance floor to be eligible to use this provision. The floors vary by subject and rating category, as shown in the following table.


TAKS Indicator (continued)

Exceptions Provision (continued)

Minimum Performance Floors

Academically Acceptable Recognized

Mathematics and Science

No more than 10 percentage points below standards

All Subjects

No more than 5 percentage points

below standardReading/ELA, Writing, and

Social Studies

No more than 5 percentage points below standards


TAKS Indicator (continued)

Exceptions Provision (continued)

Use for Academically Acceptable or Recognized:

The ranges for the number of measures evaluated in order to earn an exception are changed from the ranges used previously, as shown in the following table.


TAKS Indicator (continued)

Exceptions Provision (continued)2007

Exceptions Provision Table(for Academically Acceptable only)

2008 and BeyondExceptions Provision Table

(for Academically Acceptable or Recognized)

Number of Assessment

Measures Evaluated

Maximum Number of Exceptions


Number of Assessment

Measures Evaluated

Maximum Number of Exceptions


1 – 5 0 exceptions 1 – 4 0 exceptions

6 – 10 1 exception 5 – 8 1 exception

11 – 15 2 exceptions 9 – 11 2 exceptions

16 or more 3 exceptions 12 – 15 3 exceptions

n/a n/a 16 or more 4 exceptions


TAKS Indicator (continued)

Exceptions Provision (continued)

Use for Exemplary:

Districts and campuses will be eligible to receive one possible exception in order to achieve the Exemplary rating.

A minimum of 10 assessment measures must be evaluated in order to be eligible to use the one exception.

The campus or district must meet a minimum performance floor that is 5 points below the Exemplary standard. Because the Exemplary standard is 90% for all subjects for 2008 and beyond, the floor is 85%.


TAKS Indicator (continued)

Exceptions Provision (continued)

2008 and BeyondExceptions Provision Table

(for Exemplary)

Number of Assessment Measures Evaluated

Maximum Number of Exceptions Allowed

1 – 9 0 exceptions

10 or more 1 exception


Annual Dropout Rate (Grades 7-8) Indicator

A single standard will be used for all rating categories.


(Previously Published)


(Final Decision)

Academically Acceptable =< 1.0% =< 2.0%

Recognized =< 0.7% =< 2.0%

Exemplary =< 0.2% =< 2.0%

Dropout Definition NCES Definition NCES Definition


Numbers in bold indicate a change from the prior year


Annual Dropout Rate (Grades 7-8) Indicator (continued)

In 2008 Required Improvement (RI) will be calculated because the dropout definition for 2006-07 and 2005-06 are the same.

The same RI calculation is applied to all rating categories.

Required Improvement

School Leaver Provision

The School Leaver Provision will not be applied in 2008 and beyond.


Completion Rate I (Grade 9-12) Indicator

Standards are unchanged from 2007 and are scheduled to remain constant through 2010.

Indicator will include two years under the NCES dropout definition.



Academically Acceptable ≥ 75.0%

Recognized ≥ 85.0%

Exemplary ≥ 95.0%

Completion Rate I Definition of a ‘Completer’

Graduates + Continued HS

Dropout Definition (used in denominator) Phase-in NCES Definition


Completion Rate I (Grade 9-12) Indicator (continued)

The floor needed to be eligible to use RI to achieve the Recognized rating is changed to be the Academically Acceptable standard. This would decrease the floor value from 80.0% to 75.0%.

Required Improvement

School Leaver Provision

The School Leaver Provision will not be applied in 2008 and beyond.


Underreported Students Data Quality Indicator


Accountability Year

Underreported students data


Underreported students cannot exceed

Number Percent

2008 2006-07 200 5.0

School Leaver Provision

The School Leaver Provision will not be applied in 2008 and beyond.


Standard Accountability Decisions for 2009 and Beyond


TAKS Indicator

2008 (Final



2009 2010*

Exemplary ≥ 90% ≥ 90% ≥ 90%

Recognized ≥ 75% ≥ 75% ≥ 80%

Academically Acceptable

Reading/ELA ≥ 70% ≥ 70% ≥ 70%

Writing, Social Studies ≥ 65% ≥ 70% ≥ 70%

Mathematics ≥ 50% ≥ 55% ≥ 60%

Science ≥ 45% ≥ 50% ≥ 55%* Standards for 2010 and beyond will be reviewed annually and are subject to change.

Numbers in bold indicate a change from the prior year.

Standards 2008 and Beyond


TAKS (Accommodated)

2008 2009 2010

Science (grades 5, 8, 10, & 11)

Science (grade 5 Spanish)

Social Studies (grades 8, 10, & 11)

English Language Arts (grade 11)

Mathematics (grade 11)

Use Use Use

Reading/ELA (grades 3 – 10)

Reading (grades 3 – 6 Spanish)

Mathematics (grades 3 – 10)

Mathematics (grades 3 – 6 Spanish)

Writing (grades 4 & 7)

Writing (grade 4 Spanish)

Report Only

Report Only


Use of TAKS (Accommodated) in 2008 and Beyond

Tex in bold indicate a change from the prior year


TAKS Student Growth Measure

A method for measuring annual student improvement on the TAKS tests will be selected during the fall of 2008.

Student growth reporting for individual students is scheduled to begin with the 2008-09 school year.

Student growth will be used in the state accountability system as soon as possible, which could be as early as the 2009 accountability cycle.


TAKS Student Growth Measure (continued)

The 2009 advisory groups will recommend the method for incorporating growth and will review 2009 TAKS standards in relation to the growth decisions.

If student growth is incorporated beginning in 2009, other components of the system such as Required Improvement, Comparable Improvement, and the Exceptions Provision will also be subject to review during the 2009 development cycle.


Vertical Scale

To meet new statutory requirements, a vertical scale will be implemented in grades 3-8 for TAKS mathematics and reading starting with the 2008-09 school year.

A vertical scale is a scale score system that allows comparison of student test scores across grade levels within a subject.

With vertical scaling, scores that measure content in the same subject but at different grade levels are placed onto a common scale.


Vertical Scale (continued)

One implication a vertical scale has for TAKS is that a review of current student passing standards may need to be considered.

Should changes to the TAKS student passing standards occur, a reconsideration of accountability standards for the affected subject(s) will be necessary.


Annual Dropout Rate (Grades 7-8) Indicator

2008 (Final





2010 2011 2012


Acceptable=< 2.0% =< 2.0% =< 1.8% =< 1.6% =< 1.4%

Recognized =< 2.0% =< 2.0% =< 1.8% =< 1.6% =< 1.4%

Exemplary =< 2.0% =< 2.0% =< 1.8% =< 1.6% =< 1.4%

Standards 2008 and Beyond

*Standards for 2010 and beyond will be reviewed in 2009 and are subject to change.Numbers in bold indicate a change from the prior year.


Completion Rate I (Grade 9-12) Indicator

Standards 2008 and Beyond2008

(Final Decision)

2009(Final Decision)


Academically Acceptable => 75.0% => 75.0% => 75.0%

Recognized => 85.0% => 85.0% => 85.0%

Exemplary => 95.0% => 95.0% => 95.0%

Completion Rate I Definition of a ‘Completer’

Graduates + Continued HS

Dropout Definition (used in denominator)

Phase-in NCES DefinitionNCES

Definition* Standards for 2010 and beyond will be reviewed annually and are subject to change.


Underreported Students Data Quality Indicator

Standards 2008 and Beyond

Accountability Year

Underreported students data


Underreported students cannot exceed

Number Percent

2008 2006-07 200 5.0

2009 2007-08 150 5.0

2010* 2008-09 100 4.5

2011* 2009-10 100 4.0

2012* 2010-11 100 3.0

*Standards for 2010 and beyond are subject to annual review. Numbers in bold indicate a change from the prior year.


English Language Learner (ELL) Indicator

For state accountability purposes, progress on the ELL measure will be based on comparisons of two years of Texas English Language Proficiency Assessment System (TELPAS) Reading results, instead of comparisons between the new TELPAS Reading and the former Reading Proficiency Tests in English (RPTE) tests.

Two years of TELPAS Reading data are needed in order to calculate progress and set standards.

Two years will not be available for advisory group review until the 2010 development cycle.

Based on these timelines, the first use of this ELL Measure in state accountability will be 2011.


Alternative Education Accountability (AEA) Decisions for 2008 and Beyond


AEA Indicator Standards

AEA Indicator 2008 2009 2010

TAKS Progress 45% 50% 50%

Annual Dropout Rate 10.0% 10.0% TBD

Completion Rate II 70.0% 70.0% TBD

AEA Standards for 2008 and Beyond

Numbers in bold indicate a change from the prior year.


TAKS Progress Indicator

Beginning in 2008, grade 8 science results are included.

Beginning in 2008, TAKS (Accommodated) results are phased in as shown on slide 22.

For 2008 accountability, prior-year (2007) assessment results will be recalculated to include both grade 8 science and TAKS (Accommodated) results. This will make 2007 and 2008 performance comparable and enable the use of Required Improvement in 2008.


Annual Dropout Rate(Grades 7-12) Indicator

Beginning in 2008, Minimum Size Requirements increase to 10 dropouts.

Beginning in 2008, only the All Students group is evaluated. Student groups are not evaluated separately.

Beginning in 2008, AECs that do not meet the Annual Dropout Rate standard or demonstrate Required Improvement are evaluated for Annual Dropout Rate using data of at-risk students in the district.

Annual Dropout Rate Required Improvement is calculated in 2008.


Annual Dropout RateSchool Leaver Provision

For 2008 and 2009, the School Leaver Provision will apply only to the AEA Annual Dropout Rate indicator. If the Annual Dropout Rate is the only indicator causing an AEA: Academically Unacceptable rating, then the AEC or charter is assigned the AEA: Academically Acceptable label.


Completion Rate II(Grades 9-12) Indicator

Beginning in 2008, Minimum Size Requirements increase to 10 dropouts.

Beginning in 2008, only the All Students group is evaluated. Student groups are not evaluated separately.


AEA Gold Performance Acknowledgments (AEA GPA)

Beginning in 2008, a series of AEA GPA indicators will be awarded to AEA campuses and charters.

Only the All Students group will be evaluated.

The three acknowledgment categories used under the current GPA system will be applied to AEA GPA: Acknowledged, Does Not Qualify, and Not Applicable.

For each campus and charter rated AEA: Academically Acceptable, one of the acknowledgment categories will be reported for each AEA GPA indicator in late October following resolution of all appeals when the final ratings are released.


AEA GPA (continued)

AEA GPA Indicators Standard

1 Advanced Course/Dual Enrollment Completion 25%

2Advanced Placement/International Baccalaureate (AP/IB) Results

>= 15%


>= 50%

3Attendance Rate (all AEA campuses and charters)



Commended Performance:





Social Studies



AEA GPA (continued)

AEA GPA Indicators Standard

9Recommended High School Program/ Distinguished Achievement Program (RHSP/DAP)


10SAT/ACT Results

(College Admissions Tests)

>= 70% of graduates


>= 40% at or above


11Texas Success Initiative: Higher Education Readiness Component - ELA


12Texas Success Initiative: Higher Education Readiness Component - Mathematics



2008 At-Risk Registration Criterion and Charters Evaluated under AEA Procedures


2008 At-Risk Registration Criterion

Each registered AEC must have at least 75% at-risk student enrollment verified through 2007-08 PEIMS fall enrollment data in order to be evaluated under 2008 AEA procedures and receive an AEA rating on August 1, 2008. Two safeguards have been incorporated for those AECs that are below the at-risk requirement.

1. Prior-Year PEIMS At-Risk Data Safeguard: If a registered AEC does not meet the at-risk criterion in 2008, then it remains under AEA if the AEC had at least 75% at-risk enrollment in 2007.

2. New Campus Safeguard: If a new campus is registered for evaluation under AEA procedures, then the AEC is not required to meet the at-risk criterion in its first year of operation. This safeguard provides an accommodation for new campuses with no prior-year data.


2008 At-Risk Registration Criterion (continued)

In April, letters will be mailed to the AECs that do not meet the 2008 at-risk registration criterion informing them that AEA registration is rescinded and that the AEC will be evaluated under 2008 standard accountability procedures.

The Final 2008 Registered AEC list will be posted on the AEA website in May. This list will contain the AECs that will receive a 2008 AEA rating.


Charters Evaluated under AEA Procedures

A list of the charter operators that will be rated under 2008 AEA procedures will be posted on the AEA website in May.

Charters that operate only standard campuses are evaluated automatically under standard accountability procedures.

Charters that operate only registered AECs are evaluated automatically under AEA procedures.


Charters evaluated under AEA Procedures (continued)

Charters that operate both standard campuses and registered AECs have the option to be evaluated under AEA procedures if at least 50% of the charter’s students are enrolled at registered AECs.

TEA contacts the charter to obtain its preference.

Charters submit preference via TEASE Accountability website.

If a preference cannot be obtained, then the charter is evaluated under standard accountability procedures.

If fewer than 50% of the charter’s students are enrolled at registered AECs, then the charter is evaluated under standard accountability procedures.


TETN Accountability Update Sessions

2008 Dates and Tentative Agenda Topics

June 11 Accountability Manuals – State and AYP

August 14 Accountability Results for 2008

November 13 Accountability Ratings UpdateGold Performance

AcknowledgmentsAEIS ReportsSchool Report CardsTAT ListPEG List

The above dates are for 1 p.m. to 3 p.m.


Accountability Resources

Email the Division of Performance Reporting at performance.reporting@tea.state.tx.us.

Phone the Division of Performance Reporting at (512) 463-9704.

ESC Accountability Contacts.

Online: ACCT: http://www.tea.state.tx.us/perfreport/account/

AEA: http://www.tea.state.tx.us/aea/

AYP: http://www.tea.state.tx.us/ayp/