35 Attitudes and Behaviours Ideal for Success in today's World of Work

Post on 22-Nov-2014

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These 35 Attributes will Propel you to Success as an Intrapreneur or Entrepreneur in today’s World Of Work. Having a vision /dream /goals; being passionate/excited about your work; being in charge of your own destiny, and more...


That will Propel you to Success

In Today’s World Of Work

35 Attitudes and Behaviours

Have a vision / dream / goals

Be passionate / excited about your work

Be in charge of your own destiny

Have a relentless ‘success’ attitude

Be brave / courageous / confident / do not be afraid

Look for / take opportunities as they come

Be polite / courteous / respectful

Take risks / experiment

Embrace failure / learn from it

Question authority

Be innovative / find new and better ways of doing things

Have fun / don’t take yourself too seriously

Learn new things all the time / grow

Be ambitious…

Cut through unnecessary red tape

Celebrate successes

Be yourself / unique / different

Know and acknowledge your strengths & weaknesses

Be patient…

Help others to grow

Demand / expect / aim for excellence

One has to set high standards… I can never be happy with mediocre performance.

– Patrice Motsepe

“One has to set high standards

I can never be happy with mediocre performance.“Patrice Motsepe

Be generous / reward success

“All our businesses comprise of the BEST

people money can buy.

Patrice Motsepe

My policy is hire the best and pay them well ”

“All our businesses comprise the BEST

people money can buy.

Patrice Motsepe

My policy is hire the best and pay them well ”

In January 2013, Patrice became the first person in Africa to sign Bill Gates’ and Warren Buffett’s Giving Pledge, whereby he will donate half of his fortune to charity

Be real / human / vulnerable“I’m a sinner. I fumble.

People must see me as one of them. The things that worry them, must worry me ”

Patrice Motsepe

Be a mentor / a role model

Have a social conscience

touched lives, made a difference

and gave back to society.”

“I want to be remembered as someone who

Wendy Luhabe

Take a stand / make your voice heard

Have a global perspective / footprint

Wendy was appointed the Honorary Lieutenant of the Royal Victorian Order by the British Royal Family for her services at the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award International Foundation. The investiture was on 11 July at Buckingham Palace, London

“(giving back) should be a duty that everyone should assume, but it should not be imposed.

We have to be moved to make some contribution.

It’s going beyond just making enterprises,”

Wendy Luhabe

Aim high…

Endure the struggles

Make a move; see what happens

Let failure fuel your innovation

Be hard on yourself / keep yourself in check

Know that success does not come easy

Dare to get involved / take part

“I could either watch it happen, or be part of it”

Elon Musk

Whatever happens, don’t give up on your dreams

35 Attitudes and BehavioursThat will Propel you to Success

In Today’s Competitive World Of Work

Insights from quotations by:

Brought to you by…

Oprah Winfrey - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oprah_Winfrey

Richard Branson - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard_Branson

Bill Gates - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bill_Gates

Patrice Motsepe - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Patrice_Motsepe

Wendy Luhabe - http://www.wendyluhabe.org/about/

Elon Musk - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elon_Musk

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