7 DAILY HABITS - Chris Cebollero

Post on 08-Nov-2021

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Cebollero & Associates Consulting Group

Copyright 2020 – All Rights Reserved






One of things that most successful leaders have in common is the

power of habit. These daily routines are the foundation of everyday

like and set a Blueprint for what should occur in their daily


I have had a set group of habits for almost 20 years, and even

though they have changed over the years, I have found it makes me

more prepared for my day and what needs to be accomplished for

continued success.

See, when setting a strategy for success my belief is simple, it is

vital to create my opportunities that will bring me the success

outlined in my vision. Your vision is the picture, next you set goals

to reach the vision, some will call this strategy, then there are plans

to reach the goals.

It is the daily routines or habits that keeps me on task to tick of

steps in my plan, that fulfill my goals to reach the ultimate vision

for success.

Maybe this is your chance to develop habits to allow you to have

more control over your day and success. It always comes down to

the phrase “one day or day one”. Make today day one and begin this

process for developing your goals. This is why you downloaded this

checklist to get a leg up on the power and consistency of routines or




In a nutshell habits define who you are and steers us in the

direction of who we want to become. In our DNA we are wired to

want to get better, to achieve the next big thing, to look for the

ultimate success. But here is a secret, if you are looking for the next

big thing in the same everyday routine you won’t find it. To get

something you have never gotten, you have to do something you

have never done as the old saying goes. In just one sentence to sum

up the past few paragraphs, and keep repeating this to yourself in

your journey, never underestimate the power of consistency.




(I’M NOT SHOUTING, I’M INSPIRING) 1. Make your bed every day – In one of

the greatest commencement speeches I have ever heard was given to the graduates from the University of Texas in Austin on May 17th, 2014 and was given by Admiral William H. McRaven. His message was very simple, make your bed every morning, make this your first task of the day.

“It will give you a small sense of pride, and it will encourage you to do another task and another and another. By the end of the day, that one task completed will have turned into many tasks completed. Making your bed will also reinforce the fact that little things in life matter. If you can't do the little things right, you will never do the big things right”.



○ Establish a morning routine that gets you ready for your day • Tighten the bottom sheets, pull the top sheet

snug, fluff the pillows and tidy up your blankets. There is something to be said about getting into a made bed at the end of a productive day.

○ Establish this in the morning and make it a nightly routine to sleep soundly in a freshly made bed and let it prepare you for the next day’s successes.

2. Mentally Prepare for Your Day – In the book Chicken Soup for the Soul, co-author Jack Canfield tells us to “Harness the power of your subconscious mind”, and suggests we do this by practicing visualization 10-minutes a day. ○ Determine what it is you need to do and visualize your schedule, tasks, meetings, and outcomes. Set the blueprint for your day, determine 3 wins you want to achieve, or just think what you are most grateful for. This is your time to inspire and motivate yourself, make it count.

○ Throughout your day, make decisions based on your values, goals and plans that help reach your goals with the brass ring being able to reach your ultimate vision of success.

3.Nourish Your Mind – We all know the power of eating a good meal. Our bodies need that sustenance to thrive. Well, our mind is no different, read something thought provoking then ask yourself what’s the message is you get from what you just read. Listen to podcasts. There are over 1 million podcasts to choose from.



(If you are looking for a good leadership podcast check out our Ultimate

Leadership podcast - http://ultimateleadership.blubrry.com) Here are some other things to consider.

○ Write - daily journal or Morning Pages – This is a

great habit to get into and help later in the year with reflection.

○ Create something new – Make it whatever you want. ○ Be flexible - let go of expectations and keep an open


4. Practice Self Awareness - It’s about observing your thoughts, habits, and actions as if you were watching yourself and understanding the consequences to those behaviors and how them align with who you want to be and where you want to go in life.

○ Use the three Why’s – When making a decision ask yourself why three times and really be honest with yourself and your reasoning. ○ Practicing the important skill of saying “no” to yourself. When you can learn to say no to small challenges or temptations, it sets

you up nicely for later bigger wins.



○ Monitor that self-talk, especially if it is negative –

That commentator in your head is not our friends sometimes. This can put us in a tailspin for the day, and really our lives.

5. Trust others on your team – You do not have to do everything, and you shouldn’t have to use your resources to the best of your ability. Making this a habit not only helps you, but also increases the inspiration and motivation to those who consider you a role model.

○ Delegate

○ Empower your team

○ Encourage innovation

6. Unplug from your electronic leashes – We have become a society that is connected 24/7/365. Sometimes the amount of calls, texts, and email we get throughout the day can be overwhelming. Then we wonder why we cannot be productive. Create the habit of unplugging for 1-2 hours every day. (I know, I didn’t say these habits would be easy). I have productive work time from 8:00-10:00am every day, yes, even Saturday and Sunday.

○ This helps with productivity ○ Creates a sane place for you to clear your head



○ This could even be when you are exercising or going to the gym. (Guess what habit is next?)

7. Exercise – Maybe you are not making any time for you to exercise or take care of your body. This is a very important component to your overall physical and mental well-being. Start off with a 10-minute walk around the block every night. We Promise you this – If your make this a habit, your body will thank you tenfold.

○ For your Mental health: do exercises that lift your mood

○ Physical health: do exercises that build your strength, fitness, and discipline

When speaking at conferences about developing habits, that one question always comes up, “how many times does it take doing something before it becomes a habit”? I used to answer with the standard “21 days”. Then one day my response caught me off guard as I replied, “makes no difference how long it takes because this is something that will benefit you in the long run, and you just need to continue to make it happen every day. 4 days will come and go, 10 days will come and go, makes no difference the number of days just stick to your routine and never underestimate the power of constancy.



Thank you for downloading our Ultimate Leadership

Development tool, and we hoped you enjoyed the lesson. This

content is a production of Cebollero & Associates Consulting Group

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something special just for you and your organization.

Contact julie@chriscebollero.com and she will happily share your

request with our content development professionals.

Click the link to check out the Ultimate Leadership Podcast. Host

Chris Cebollero brings in world experts in their fields of specialty to

share their knowledge, insights, experience and to discuss

the latest leadership, professional development and self-help topics.

Chris Cebollero is a multi-number 1 Best Selling Author. Check out

his books:

• Ultimate Leadership: 10 Rules for Success

• Ultimate Success: Strategic Leadership


• Dear Younger Self My Advice to You

You can find these books on the home page of our website at




Internationally Recognized Leadership Expert Chris Cebollero is

available to speak at your live or virtual events. Chris creates

custom presentations to meet your audiences’

goals or goals of your event. Chris is available for:

• Keynote Addresses

• Facilitation

• Instructor Trainer Classes

• Workshops

• Lunch & Learn Sessions

• Multi-week Mastermind Groups

As an Executive Director with the John Maxwell Team, Chris can

bring countless teachings from his friend and mentor John Maxwell

to you and your organization. Topics Include:

• 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership

• 17 Indisputable Laws of Teamwork

• Good Leaders Ask Great Questions

• Developing the Leaders Around You

• Today Matters

• Leadership Gold

• Put Your Dreams to The Test

• 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth

• Becoming a Person of Influence

• How to Be a Real Success

• Everyone Communicates Few Connect - Contact

julie@chriscebollero.com and she will have all the details.