A beginners guide to office etiquette

Post on 20-Jan-2017

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A beginners guide to office etiquette

About to start your first job? It’s an exciting time, but navigating office etiquette as a professional newbie does have its challenges.

Follow these rules and you will be the colleague everyone wants to work with.

Avoid the nightclub look. Dress conservatively with clean corporate clothes and footwear.

Be respectful of those around you. Don’t be loud on the phone and turn your mobile to silent.

Don’t be that person. Avoid smelly food at your desk and clean up after yourself in the kitchen.

E-mails should always be professional. That means NO lol, omg or other text message speak.

Face-to-face communication should involve your undivided attention and respect. Don’t check your phones and always ne on time.

Every office has a unique culture, so pay attention to what is appropriate for yours.