A Marianist Community May 2020qac-ohio.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/Spirit_202005.pdf · At some...

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A Marianist Community May 2020

Follow and like us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/Queen-of-Apostles-Community-117192511632358/

When Will We Return to QAC? It’s been fifty-five days (or more depending on when you are reading this) since we last celebrated liturgy together, though it seems so much longer! And we miss you QAC! We pray that everyone is staying well and safe during this time of separation. It’s unclear as of the publishing of this month’s newsletter when we will be able to celebrate together in person, and we pray that it will be soon. We know that all public Masses are suspended through May 29th and expected to resume May 30th/31st for Pentecost. As a reminder, all are dispensed from obligation to attend Mass or receive Eucharist during the Easter Season.

The following thoughts are provided by Fr. Tom:

At some point in the future, the leadership team will be making a decision on the "re-opening of QAC". This decision will be based on:

• The Guidelines of the Governor of Ohio

• The Guidelines of the Bishops of Ohio, specifically the Archbishop of Cincinnati

• Given the age of our community, we will make a decision erroring on the side of caution

• Certain former practices will be suspended, e.g. physical contact during Kiss of Peace, reception of Communion under both species

• Certain practices may be initiated, e.g. wearing of masks, "social distancing", etc.

Obviously, the final decision to attend and participate is up to the individual person or family. Hopefully, even when we do re-open, we will explore the possibility of offering virtual attendance by way of a "live

stream" opportunity to those unable to attend.

The leadership team is planning to meet on Thursday, May 7th, to discuss this and more. As soon as a decision has been made, notification will be sent out to all.

The following prayer was provided in a email from Kevin Murnane that we share with you, our QAC family.

Wishing you each God's blessings and praying for all in the world, especially the ill and those who love them, the poor, and those who have no one to pray for them.

Stay safe, be well and continue to pray for all those affected by this healthcare crisis.

Queen of Apostles Community 4435 E Patterson Road

Dayton, OH 45430-1033 Phone: (937) 429-0510


Inside This Issue

When Will We Return to QAC?.................... 1 Social Justice...Traumatic Loss .................... 2 QAC Stewardship - A Way of Life ............... 3 Divine Mercy ....................................................... 4 Marianist Family ............................................... 4 Celebrating our Blessed Mother Mary .... 5 Daffodils and Thoughts .................................. 6 The Reflection Pond ........................................ 7 Birthdays .............................................................. 8 Seniors’ Corner .................................................. 8 QAC Youthzine ................................................... 9 Paintings by Pat Acker ................................. 10 QAC Happenings While We Are Apart .. 11 Chris’ Collage ................................................... 12 Kid’s Corner ...................................................... 13 QAC Calendar ................................................... 14

May the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit be glorified in all places

through the Immaculate Virgin Mary Marianist Doxology

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Traumatic Loss ~ by Terri Blanken

“Love knows not its own depth until the hour of separation.” ~ Kahlil Gibran

We know the symptoms of grief with normal experiences of death, as with the anticipated passing of an elderly family member. These symptoms are intensified with sudden or unexpected loss, such as; accident, suicide, homicide, drug overdose or the death of someone young. The grief timeline for sudden loss is usually much longer and causes more post-traumatic stress disorders (PTSD) than any other traumatic event. The first month is usually marked by numbness and shock, followed the knowledge of permanence. Initially, family and friends offer extensive support, but with the passage of time, visits and calls tend to dissipate. Few are comfortable dealing with such raw emotion and are at a loss to talk about it. This avoidance often contributes to the bereaved’s isolation and loneliness. The second through the fifth months are often the most intense and when they need the most support. During this time they often experience intense anxiety. Sometimes anger and fear mask overwhelming sadness when such emotion makes one feel too vulnerable. When our assumptive world has been shattered, some believe that, “If I do all of the right things, I can control the world”. They seek a self-protective environment to feel safe again and become hyper-vigilant. Outwardly, they may smile and say, “I’m fine”, while their inner voice may be screaming, “I’m sad, angry, afraid, guilt ridden.....lost in a world without this person that I loved so much”. According to Deb Holt, a bereavement counselor at Ohio’s Hospice of Dayton, we should avoid using clichés, offering unsolicited advice, minimizing the pain, having unrealistic expectations or saying “I understand”. She suggests that the greatest gifts we may offer are our presence and listening with empathy while allowing them to talk and express anything without judgement. We could begin a conversation with, “Tell me about what you’re feeling and going through”. If they express that they sense the presence of the one who has passed, or dream about them, ask if they find this painful or comforting? When someone has been moving forward but is now struggling, suggest they consider what was going on one year ago today. This may help them remember an event that took place and is repressed. Those who are left behind as a result of suicide or drug overdose are going to be all over the place with guilt, anger, and sorrow for quite a long time. It’s normal. There may be added guilt if one feels relief. It doesn’t mean that they’re glad they’re gone, but rather that they’re glad that their [loved one’s] suffering is over. It’s about the deceased’s pain also. If one is consumed with guilt and overwhelming grief, it may be due to an exaggerated belief over what one can control. Holt offers, “I know you’re going to put yourself on trial. I just want you to get a fair hearing”. She encourages them to seek forgiveness from God, then suggests they write a letter to their loved one to ask for their forgiveness. Writing a response to them from deceased may allow the possibility for closure. She also suggests having the letters read aloud as the spoken word gives it power. The timetable for grieving and how one responds to grief may look different among family members. Though it may be gender centered, it’s not gender specific. A times, family members may resent how other family members respond to their grief. Deb Holt offers a handout to share with family members (via email at dholt@ohiohospice.org), which explains that it’s normal for individuals to respond differently to grief. Perhaps we can only be present to their pain, even if it’s sitting in silence together.

“Or, Who shall descend into the deep?” [Romans 10:7]

Take comfort in the belief that “God waits with us in the abyss.” [unknown]

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Stewardship – Alleluia. During Lent, one of the words we don’t use during our liturgical celebration is “Alleluia.” We seem to just put

it away to make Lent more meditative, and this year it was even more solemn. During the Easter Season, we celebrate and the “Alleluia” or “Praise God” is joyfully said or sung.

With everything going on, we may feel like we are still in Lent and are having a hard time believing we are in the Easter Season, as it is normally a time of rejoicing, but something has changed and we may not realize it. Maybe, just

maybe, given the situation we are in, we are more aware of God’s world. Since the lockdown, we now have time to enjoy the beauty around us, God’s creation. We now take the time to walk in our neighborhoods and not just drive by. We are more considerate of our families and friends, checking in with them and not just waiting “until tomorrow.” We are being thankful for the people who take care of the sick, the hungry, the homeless. Hey...we are living the Beatitudes!!! We ARE using the gifts that God gave us! We may not see it right away, but because we have faith and believe in the one true God, this time on our hands really is God’s plan.

Since we haven’t had the opportunity to come together to celebrate at Sunday Mass, please don’t forget that we still need your support as well. Please mail in your weekly donations (address on

front cover) or better yet, set up Online giving.

View the instructions to setting up online giving at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dRMfgKncvhM&feature=youtu.be

Kevin Skinner

This scale shows our weekly offering (Sunday collections) against the commitment (pledges) we made when we approved our Budget in June 2019 (target). You can see we are behind on the offerings that we pledged. Please remember that it is through this budget that we are making a stewardship pledge, and that includes our Social Justice Ministry.

Thank you for your support!

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Divine Mercy ~ Martie Holda Divine Mercy Sunday occurs every year on the Second Sunday of Easter, and most of you probably know that there is special prayer called “Chaplet of Divine Mercy”. I know someone in our community who prays every day at 3:00 in the afternoon and says something about that being a special time when the gates of heaven are open for prayers. I have a card with simple directions that includes a picture of God that goes with this devotion and is captioned with “Jesus I trust in You!.” The Chaplet of Divine Mercy is recited using rosary beads of five decades. The Chaplet is preceded by two opening prayers from the Diary of Saint Faustina and followed by a closing prayer. You may already have the Chaplet of Divine Mercy handy at home, but if not, the link below will take you to a site that invites you to pray at your computer if you don’t have access to a rosary. Designed by Mr. Mark Hargrave, Christian Singer, songwriter and guitarist, the site helps you to keep track of each decade by “checking” the boxes included by each of the prayers. www.praydivinemercy.com . A sung chaplet can also been seen/heard on EWTN. Upcoming listings can be found at: https://www.ewtn.com/tv/shows/chaplet-of-divine-mercy. The picture above is used with permission by Mr. Mark Hargrave (http://www.markhargrave.com/)

Marianist Family

During this time of separation, the Marianist Family and its resources are just a click

away at https://www.marianist.com. The Marianist website offers a myriad of

resources that would appeal to anyone! Check out the Family Online page or read through the

current issue of the Marianist Magazine “Alive”, both can be viewed from the main menu under

News & Resources. As a matter of fact, there is a wonderful article in the March issue of Alive

called “Restorative Justice, A Pathway To Healing And Dignity” by Jan D. Dixon that features one

of our QAC family members, Mary Hallinan, who has been leading circles at the Montgomery

County Jail for the past 10 years.

Sunday Mass - celebrate virtually with our own Fr. Tom and the Chamber Street Community via

live stream….https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCb0Cw8qNzDKEidOUeYKdoiw.

Prayer Experiences - Join the University of Dayton campus community for prayer each weekday at

Noon (Eastern Time). This virtual prayer opportunity differs in format each day, is intended to last

roughly 15 minutes, and will be led by one of UD’s Campus Ministers. Click on the link


A Marianist Digital Retreat for a Pandemic - is an online four module retreat that can be completed

on your own or with others (of course virtually for now), and at your own pace. The retreat can

be accessed at https://spark.adobe.com/page/NV8l3vddVyqdY/.

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Month of May—Celebrating our Blessed Mother Mary

Honoring Mary especially during the month of May has been a tradition

that we Catholics have embraced for centuries. If we go back in time

to 1965, Pope Paul VI in his encyclical Mense Maio, which is focused

on our Beloved Mother, said “Mary remains ever the path that leads to

Christ. Every encounter with her can only result in an encounter with

Christ Himself”. We, as Catholics, know this to be true.

No doubt, each of us has our own favorite image of Mary, whether a

statue or picture, that helps to remind us that we can turn to her for

her intercession at any time. For some it may be Mary, Queen of Peace

or the Immaculate Heart of Mary, for others Our Lady of Guadalupe or

Our Lady of Lourdes, and for others Our Lady of Fatima or Mother of

Perpetual Help. The many images and devotions express various aspects

of our Blessed Mother’s vocation and mission. They help us to know the

virtues of Mary and remind us to turn to her for her intercession.

During this Marian month, Pope Francis, in his letter to the faithful

on April 25th, 2020, encourages everyone to discover the beauty of praying the rosary at home,

and has included in his letter “two prayers to Our Lady that you can recite at the end of the

Rosary, and that I myself will pray in the month of May, in spiritual union with all of

you.” Pope Francis’ letter can be viewed at https://www.vaticannews.va/en/pope/news/2020-04/


May the Blessed Virgin Mary intercede for us and draw us closer to Christ her Son!

Mary, daughter of Wisdom

we, your family, desire to be your living presence in the world today.

Form us to be the faith sons and daughters of your son,

our brother, Jesus. Grant that we may always wholeheartedly respond to the

graces sent to us by God. May the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit be

glorified in all places through the Immaculate Virgin Mary. Extracted from Marianist Prayers at www.marianist.com

Happy Mother’s Day To all those who manage to shape and change our lives.

Who nurture and care for us, and who are always there for us!

Who are a source of constant support for us and

who shower us with love in all phases of our life.

Mother’s Day Blessings to You!

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DAFFODILS AND THOUGHTS… Believe it or not, the picture below is a daffodil!

A great activity during this quarantine would be to drive or walk around and look at all the beautiful flowers in bloom right now and if you’re so inclined, take some pictures of them to enjoy when you’re back home. Then, think about planting a small Summer garden for yourself. Look into some publications on

“square foot gardening“ which tell you how to do it even if you have a very small spot in which to garden. Here's a fun thing to do from home or a short ride on a sunny day...go to Facebook and check out "Carillon Eagle Friends" and join the Friends (for free). You'll find some great videos, photos and comments on Dayton's newest eaglets whose nest is near the Carillon Bell Tower and the I-75 overpass. Even if you can't see the eaglets yet, you may spot "Mom" or "Dad" flying around getting food for the eaglets. And once on Facebook, you may get some pictures of the Daytona eaglet twins which seem to keep popping up for me. But maybe that's because I don't usually get on Facebook, so I'm not really very good at it. Or maybe it's because I'm inadvertently adding an "a" to "Dayton". As they grow and the weather warms up, even if we are all still staying at home, this is a fun thing to do...follow their Facebook site where professionally taken closeups are taken several times a day. And if that isn't enough fresh air for you, look up information on the Covered Bridges of Ohio. I happened to be in the library in early March five minutes before they posted the notice that they were going to lock down and grabbed two of their selections on the Covered Bridges of Ohio...there are very many and some are an easy hour's drive away. In short...ENJOY OHIO folks...we're lucky to be living here. HAPPY SPRING EVERYONE!

~ Phillis Hamilton

Lots of Laughs… ~ submitted by Phillis

To help save the economy, the government will announce next month that the immigration department will start deporting seniors (instead of illegals) in order to lower social security and Medicare costs.

A major study concluded that older people are easier to catch, offer less resistance, and – most importantly - will not remember how to get back home.

Be sure to send this notice to your relatives and friends so they'll know what happened to you! I started to cry when I thought of you...then it dawned on me... I'll see you on the bus! LOL!

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Growing up we learned That Papa had his special chair And as a kid you giggled As you crawled into Papa’s chair And Papa tickled you until You rolled out laughing

Now you’re the Papa And you own a special chair You tickle the little ones Until they roll off laughing Later you watch the world go by As you sit in your special chair By the window all alone Wishing you could go outside There goes Dave walking his dog And Doug is cutting his grass Little Susie learning to walk While the older boys play catch It won’t always be this way Deep down you know The day will come When you will rejoin the world

Papa’s Chair by Steve Guilfoos

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Seniors’ Corner - Chuck Bauer

Well, is every one enjoying their "Partying in Place"? For my February Seniors’ Corner article, I wrote: "How are Your Fantasies"? As I pull the car in the garage, I see my old 7.5 HP motor. I say to myself, "When it

gets warmer, I will have to get it started". Another is, "When will the white bass be running at Caesar Creek"? Still another is, "The first weekend in May would be great at Ohio Power".

Well, the old 7.5 HP outboard is still sitting there on the stand. The weather has been on the cool/cold wet side punctuated by really nice days here and there. Some of the nicer days have been spent working on the lawn tractor, then cutting the grass, then two weeks later, working on the lawn tractor and cutting the grass again. I will get at that old motor!! As for the White Bass at Caesar Creek, I called BB about the possibilities: He said we will go down there when his "Dogwood Is Blooming". That will give me time to put the tires back on the trailer, pull the boat off/turn it over, pull it back on and get it set up. The weather will have to cooperate. Today (04/17/20), it is a cold rain, with snow north of I-70.

Camping/fishing at Ohio Power Recreation Lands/Jesse Owens State Park in Southeast Ohio is great! To combat Cabin Fever on several of the "punctuated by a really nice days" (actually each about a week apart), Ruby and I took a drive around the area to Eastwood Metro parks, the back roads around John Bryant State Park, and twice to different areas around Caesar Creek. Down at Caesar Creek, we visited Spring Valley Wild Life Area. The parking lot was nearly filled with people hiking the area and enjoying the sunny warm day. Going through the parks, the camping areas were closed. I will have to check on when/if they reopen the camping areas. Even if Gov. DeWine opens parts of the state, I am still going to wear my P95 Inhalator Bug Mask and continue to take the other precautions when I go to the grocery store or out elsewhere.

Us seniors, 65+ group, are 16% of the population, but we make up 75% of the very severe complications from both the Seasonal Flu and COVID-19. Even if the restaurants reopen, I am calling off the Mothers’ Day Brunch at the Beavercreek Golf Club. Make your wife/mother (of your children) a good breakfast/brunch/or supper. Enjoy being together. All in all take care. Call your friends, both for them and you. Make some plans!! If the parks open for the summer concerts, I will collect the information and publish it. My favorite, The Celtic Festival, has been canceled for 2020. We will see what happens with Dayton RiverScape, Stubbs Park, The Greene and Lofino's Park concerts. This "Partying in Place" will pass.


Blessings to all those celebrating a

Birthday this month!

As you grow older, may your heart grow fonder of our Lord, who is ever

present in your life!

As you grow older, may you strengthen the belief that He will

always be with you, no matter what.

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QAC Youthzine

Welcome to our monthly section of The SPIRIT devoted to our youth

If you would like to write for it, just send Erica Rudemiller an email (lerudemiller@gmail.com) with your article by the 10th day of the month!

Due to classes being cancelled for the remainder of the year, please take note of how we are still trying to wrap things up and bring some closure to the year: Kindergarten/1st grade - be on the lookout for your books in the mail. Parents feel free to complete the book or

keep as a reference. If your child does complete the book and you send me (Erica) an email confirming so, we'll send you a special prize!

2nd grade/1st Eucharist will be rescheduled Middle School will have a final class/Zoom call Sunday May 3rd, 9:00-10:15 AM during normal R.E. time LIFE - be sure to check your groupme app for any updates Last month we provided information about all of these wonderful websites that provide fun resources to help you and your family keep the faith-learning going at home! We thought it would be great to repost the information for you so that you don’t have to look back at last month’s issue. Catholic Inspired (catholicinspired.com) and (https://www.catholicinspired.site)

Catholic Icing (catholicicing.com)

Catholic Family Crate (https://catholicfamilycrate.com)

Pray More Novenas (https://www.praymorenovenas.com)

Catholic All Year (https://catholicallyear.com)

Catholic Mom (https://catholicmom.com)

Katie Warner (http://katiewarner.com)

Sadlier (https://www.sadlier.com/en/religion/online-learning-support)

My Catholic Kids (http://mycatholickids.com)

Catholic Sprouts (http://catholicsprouts.com)

GodTube (http://Godtube.com) We hope these resources help you build a more faithful home! If you are looking for something specific, please let Erica know and she will do her best to help you find what would be most helpful for you!

Parents….here’s something new that wasn’t posted last month. For this month’s Kid’s Corner, we

came across another wonderful website, All Kids Network, that is dedicated to providing fun

and educational activities for parents and teachers. The website is filled with crafts, coloring,

worksheets and other activities to keep your children busy. Be sure to check it out


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Jesus and Mary--I Give You My Mother (oil)

Oil on a Mirror

Soaring Through the Waves of Life (mixed media oil)

Communion Luminous Tape

Paintings by

Pat Acker

Pat Acker - Author, Illustrator, Blogger, and more, is an active member of our QAC community. Check out her book, The Dying Teach Us How to Live (http://www.thedyingteachus.com/) and keep up to

date with her blog (http://thedyingteachus.blogspot.com/)

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QAC Happenings...while we are apart…

Wanted to send a note to let our fellow QACers know we are doing fine. Our son Nic and his girls bought us each a Lego build for Christmas. How could they have known this would be

perfect projects for this "stay at home" time?

Well, even with our fat fingers and old eyes, we are managing to decipher the instructions and get those blocks snapped together.

The picture to the upper right is of Dave's ship in a bottle and to the left, my Fairy Tale book complete with Red Riding Hood and Jack and the Beanstalk. We're about halfway through.

~ Janet & Dave Merrelli

This is a photo of a project I’m working on - a quilt made from my husband’s shirts and ties for little Kyler John, due to arrive in August. Theme is “Things in the sky.” Recycling. Upcycling? Life cycles...welcoming new life… As for what I’ve been doing besides appliqué and quilting and taking Sarah to Trader Joe’s, where she is proud to continue as an “essential worker”, we are in the midst of a kitchen remodel, supporting local jobs and local carry out! Between the pandemic and the remodel, I am also increasing the list of things I never thought I would ever say, like Sarah’s “yoga Zoom”, “Your smoothie is in the entryway and don’t trip over the toaster”, “I need to warm up my coffee before Mass starts streaming”, and the currently ever-popular, “Oh, I love your mask!” when it’s not Halloween… ~ Chris Bohmer-Stewart

I’m finishing up on paintings for my second book so I can get it published. Have started writing on my third book. I’m making use of my time!

I think my picture of the two figures, one shaking a fist at God (see previous page) and the little girl praying (shown at the right) express my feelings. I call it “I Hear You”. It makes me feel better knowing that God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit are listening! My cousin died recently in Michigan from the virus in her 50’s. It makes it more real to know someone who died!

~ Pat Acker

I Hear You! (mixed media)

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A very special thanks to you, our local artists, who continue to contribute beauty to our QAC Spirit.

Please continue to share your stories, your artwork, your creativity with us!

Help us with future issues by sending your writing or drawing

to qacspirit06@att.net by the 18th of each month.

From Chris Bohmer-Stewart

This is a collage that I created while living in Santa Fe. It includes just a few of the quotes that sustained me…

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Picture from www.familyholiday.net

May is the month we honor Mary, Jesus’ Mother. We also celebrate Mother’s Day. Color in this picture and give it to your Mom or someone who loves and cares for you.

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