A Province of Padova Labour Market overview Giorgio Santarello Labour, training & education...

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A Province of Padova Labour Market overview

Giorgio Santarello

Labour, training & education Department general manager

Economic framework 1st semester 2012

Industrial production -5%

Export +5,9% 1° trim., +4,1% 2° trim. 2012

Orders 2° trim 2012 -8,1%

Trade sales -6,8%

Tourism arrivals +0,4% (2012 up to May)

Italy unemployment rate 10,7% (2012 up to July)

Region of Veneto unemployment rate 2° trim. 2012: 7,0% (6,5 males, 7,5 women)


2010 Unemployment rate average: 5,8%(8,5% female; 3,8% male)

2011 Unemployment rate average: 5,3%(7,4% female; 3,8% male)

2012 Unemployment rate average: 7% (7,5% female; 6,5% male)

RESTART@WORK: A STRATEGIC PATTERN FOR OUTPLACEMENT 2012-1-IT1-LEO05-02621 - G92F12000140006 – Project presentation 3

Better: food, textiles and clothing, tourism and catering, professional activities, retail

Worse: components-metallurgy, mechanics, construction, footwear, wood and furniture, chemical-plastic

Employment balance by sector

Employment balance according the demographic classes

Better: women under 30 and over 50 y.o., in general the balance of women increases

Worse: 30-40 y.o., males under 30, in general male balance collapses totally

Hiring by type of contract

the use of more flexible forms of work increases (+ 40% job on call; +21% collaborations on project)

employment steady contracts decrease

(-20% permanent contracts; -23% work in administering)

Social benefits for suspension of working activity (CIGO temporary needs) +48%, CIGS (longer suspension needed by the industrial sector) -34%,

Collective layoffs decrease (-46%), coming back to the 2008 data

Individual layoffs increase (+30,5%) The situation is getting better in the medium-large companies

(mechanics and made in Italy) expecially for those exporting, for the advanced tertiary sector , but the layoffs increase in the same sectors in the small enterprises.

That means the bigger companies bring back the committed work to their factories, stabilizing jobs and their structure.

Social safety benefits and unemployment benefits 1° Sem. 2012

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Public Employment Services

Job CentresRun by the Province of Padua administration

Aim of the JOB CENTRE is to support jobseekers with job search guidance and companies with recruitment counselling in order to facilitate the matching between

demand and supply of labour

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In Province of Padua there are:

9 JOB CENTRES (Centri per l'Impiego)


4 SPECIAL OFFICES (EURES, Disabled Office, Apprenticeship Office, Mobility and Collective Dispute Office)

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Reception and Information Matching between demand and supply of labour Matching for mobility throughout Europe (EURES) Mobility office for redundant workers Individual Vocational Guidance and Group Vocational

Guidance Disable people Job Placement Public Organisations recruitments PES promotion office

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Staff Recruitment counselling

Trainees Recruitment (stage)

Recruitment throughout Europe (EURES)

Disabled people Recruitment

Job fairs organizing office

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Registration as unemployedApplication for data base matching (IDO)Job vacancies applicationStage applicationPublic Organizations jobs applicationsRegistration at Disabled OfficeRequests for certificates

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Company registration

Staff recruitment

Trainees recruitment (stage)

Recruitment through Mobility list

Disabled people recruitment

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Set up in 1993, EURES is a co-operation network between the European Commission and the Public Employment Services of the EEA Member States (The EU countries plus Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein) and other partner organisations. Switzerland also takes part in EURES co-operation.

The joint resources of the EURES members and partners organisation provide a solid basis for the EURES network to offer high quality services for both workers and employers.

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EURES (EURopean Employment Services)

EURES Padova 2012 1 ENGINEERS Recruitment for Germany at the end of

May 2012: 21 profiles requests by 5 German Companies - BMW

Group, Ferchau Engineering, Aerotec Engineering and Aerotec Aviation Engineering, dSPACE, Crescendo Industries

1 DOCTORS and NURSES Recruitment for Germany in July 2012:

6 Doctor profiles and 31 available positions + 11 Nurses profiles and 143 available positions requests by 13 German Hospitals and Clinics

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Thank You for your attention ! ! !Thank You for your attention ! ! !Giorgio Santarello Labour, Training and

Education provincial general manager

Tel. 0039.049.8201380 E-mail: giorgio.santarello@provincia.padova.it

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