An Efficient UAV Navigation Solution for Confined but Partially … · An Efcient UAV Navigation...

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An Efficient UAV Navigation Solution for Confined but Partially KnownIndoor Environments

Fei Wang, Kangli Wang, Shupeng Lai, Swee King Phang, Ben M. Chen, Tong H. Lee

Abstract— This paper presents a robust and efficient naviga-tion solution for a quadrotor UAV to perform autonomous flightin a confined but partially known indoor environment. The mainsensors used onboard of the UAV are two scanning laser rangefinders and an inertial measurement unit. When the indoorenvironment is structured and the coordinates of its key cornerfeatures are known, the UAV planer position can be efficientlycalculated via the measurements from the first horizontallyscanning laser range finder. The height of the UAV with respectto the ground can be robustly estimated by the second laserscanner which is mounted orthogonally to the first. Besides, thiswork also adopts a robust and perfect tracking control methodwith integral action to enable the UAV to track any smooth 3-Dtrajectories responsively and precisely. All computation is doneonboard by an ARM-based embedded computer with limitedprocessing power. The whole system was successfully testedin the 2013 Singapore Amazing Flying Machine Competitionand helped the Unmanned Aircraft Systems Group from theNational University of Singapore win the overall championshipin the fully autonomous category.

Keywords: UAV indoor navigation, lidar localization


The research on the topic of UAV indoor navigation hasbeen progressing fast in the last decade. There are two mainchallenges, namely the denied reception of GPS signal andthe constraints of the indoor UAV platforms. Unlike theconventional GPS/INS based navigation in which the UAVglobal position and velocity can be directly obtained, indoornavigation needs to get these information by sophisticatedalgorithms based on relative sensing. It should be also notedthat even if the GPS signal is available, its accuracy isnot good enough for navigation in such confined space.To make things worse, indoor UAVs are usually designedto be small and having very limited payload. This resultsin limited onboard computational power which makes theaforementioned algorithms even harder to be implemented.

In formal terms, the method used by robots or autonomousvehicles to build up a map within an unknown environment,or to update a map within a known environment, while at thesame time keeping track of their current location is called thesimultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) technique.

F. Wang is with the Temasek Laboratories NUS, Singapore.

K. Wang, B. M. Chen and T. H. Lee are with the Depart-ment of Electrical & Computer Engineering, NUS, Singapore. E-mail:{a0055862,bmchen,eleleeth}

S. Lai and S. K. Phang are with the NUS Graduate Schoolfor Integrative Sciences & Engineering, NUS, Singapore. E-mail:{shupenglai,}

Many theoretical works and practical implementations ofSLAM on ground robots [1] [2], and on UAV platforms[3] [4] have been published in literature. However, few ofthese works have considered the computation limitation onminiature indoor UAVs and they usually exploit the unlim-ited payload on ground robots or rely on high-bandwidthcommunication to the ground control station (GCS) wherea powerful computer is running the most computationallyintensive algorithm. In consequence, some of them only workin controlled lab environments with short and line-of-sightcommunication. But for real-life applications in which idealcommunications cannot be guaranteed, the performance isexpected to be poor.

That being said, a more practical and robust navigationstrategy should only rely on the UAV onboard computersfor all necessary control and navigation functions. A fewresearch groups are working towards this direction. In [5],an innovative laser-pointer-aided vision system is proposedto release the high computational load from dense imageprocessing. [6] has demonstrated the possibility of real-time visual-inertial state estimation via a 1.6 GHz Atomcomputer onboard of the controlled UAV. In [7], hardwareconfiguration has been optimized to achieve a highly efficientvision navigation system. The impressive work in [8] haspushed UAV onboard intelligence to the limit where a rathercomplicated indoor environment can be handled. Neverthe-less, there must be a compromise between the complexity ofthe navigation algorithm and the complexity of the navigatedenvironment under the current microprocessor technology.

In this work, we intend to solve the indoor navigationproblem solely onboard of a miniature UAV flying in a struc-tured indoor environment. The algorithm can be designedvery efficient because three assumptions about the indoorenvironment are made:

1) The environment can be described by sparse features,which include corners and straight lines;

2) The line features are orthogonal to each other or off-setby multiples of a constant angle displacement, such as30◦ or 45◦.

3) The coordinates of the corner features are known.

These assumptions appear to be strong but they still coverquite a lot of real-life conditions. First of all, Assumption1 and 2 are usually met for indoor environments in modernman-made buildings. Moreover, the proposed algorithm willwork as long as the majority of corner and line features inthe target environment fulfills the assumptions. A few map

2014 11th IEEE InternationalConference on Control & Automation (ICCA)June 18-20, 2014. Taichung, Taiwan

978-1-4799-2836-1/14/$31.00 ©2014 IEEE 1351

noises will not affect the performance too much. AlthoughAssumption 3 makes the algorithm not suitable for advancedtasks such as exploring a completely unknown environment,missions like UAV autonomous surveillance and patrollingare still doable if minimal information about the indoorenvironment is known. Nevertheless, the main advantageof the proposed method lies in its efficiency. With thethree assumptions met, the UAV localization algorithm canbe designed in an innovative way so that an ARM-basedembedded computer is more than enough to handle thecomputation.

Furthermore, to fly in a confined indoor space, the positionof the UAV needs to be controlled extremely well so thatwindows, door ways or narrow corridors can be passedthrough safely. This requires a robust, responsive and zerosteady-state error performance from the controlled platform,which leads to the application of robust and perfect tracking(RPT) method with integral action in controlling the outerloop of the UAV.

The content of this paper is organized as follows: SectionII briefly talks about the hardware platform and the overallsystem structure. Section III contains the main contributionof this paper, where an efficient and robust localizationalgorithm based on measurements from two laser scannersis presented. Section IV explains how to apply the RPTcontrol method to the outer loop of the UAV dynamic systemso that the position control performance meets the stringentrequirements from a confined environment. Section V willprovide experimental results and flight test results to justifythe performance of the overall system. Lastly, concludingremarks will be made in Section VI.


Being mechanically simple and robust, quadrotor heli-copters have been widely used as UAV platforms for re-search purposes these days. The platform used for the workdescribed in this paper is also a quadrotor. Its dimensionsare 35 cm in height and 86 cm in diagonal width. Itsattitude angles are stabilized by an off-the-shelf control boardcalled ‘Naza-M’ from DJI. This custom-made quadrotor hasa maximum take-off weight of 2.9 kg and can fly in a near-hover condition for about 10 minutes.

For the onboard avionics, the IG-500N inertial measure-ment unit (IMU) from SBG Systems, is used to provide theUAV linear accelerations, angular rates and Euler angles. AURG-30LX scanning laser range finder from Hokuyo is usedto measure the distance from the surrounding objects in afrontal 270◦ and 30 m’s range. Another URG-04LX 4 mscanning laser range finder is mounted orthogonally to thefirst and its readings can be used to calculate the altitude ofthe UAV with respect to the indoor floor. Only one onboardprocessor is used, namely the Gumstix Overo Fire. It is a25-gram low-voltage ARM-based embedded computer. Allalgorithms, including both control law implementation andlocalization, are done on this tiny computer with computa-tional power of merely 720 MHz. Fig. 1 shows the quadrotorplatform with the three main sensors installed.

Laser scanner 1

Laser scanner 2


Fig. 1: The custom-made quadrotor platform

Trajectory  generation 

IMU measurement 

Laser scanner measurement 

Partially known map 

Localization (10 Hz) 

Kalman filter (50 Hz) 

Control law (50 Hz) 

UAV  dynamics 

Fig. 2: Overall structure of the indoor navigation system

Fig. 2 shows the top-level structure of the overall controland navigation structure. As the UAV moves, a localizationalgorithm runs based on the measurements from two laserscanners to obtain the UAV 3-D position and heading in10 Hz. Together with the acceleration and attitude angleinformation provided by the IMU sensor, a Kalman filteris designed to provide a smoother and higher frequency (50Hz) pose estimation for the UAV so that the ‘Control law’block has its needed measurements in high quality.


The UAV pose in the map frame can be represented by its3-D coordinates x, y, z and heading angle ψ . To differentiatethe localization results from their respective sensor sources,we divide the UAV pose into two parts, namely the planarpose (x,y,ψ), and the vertical height z. The first part canbe estimated by the horizontal scanning laser range finder,similar to a 2D ground robot case, while the altitude of theUAV can be estimated by the second laser scanner.

A. Planar localization algorithm

The planar localization algorithm via the first laser scannercontains the fundamental ideas that make the whole navi-gation solution fast and efficient. With Assumption 1, theconventional point cloud matching algorithm can be avoided,leaving the number of point matching pairs single digits ascompared to the original thousands. With Assumption 2, theestimation of rotational motion can be done by comparing thedifference between line gradients instead of relying on pointfeature matching, thus making the estimation of rotationalmotion decoupled from translational motion. This decouplingfeature is very beneficial because rotational motion usually


(a) Translation (b) Rotation

Fig. 3: Feature matching result after a small motion



𝛼1 𝛼2 𝛼3

𝑑1 𝑑2










Fig. 4: The split-and-merge and line extraction algorithm

results in inconsistent point matching results, especiallywhen the feature points are far away from the sensor source.From Fig. 3, one can see that the point matching result iscorrect in the first case which involves a small translation,but becomes totally wrong in the second case which involvesa small rotation. As the method used in this paper estimatesthe rotational motion robustly and independently from thetranslational motion, the next stage point association andlocalization will have very stable performance.

The planar localization algorithm will be explained in foursteps, which include feature extraction, rotation tracking,corner feature association and position tracking.

1) Feature extraction: The laser scanner used for thisplanar localization algorithm is a Hokuyo UTM-30LX sen-sor. For each frame of scanned data, the sensor will output1081 integer numbers to represent the measured distancesin millimeter from the rightmost angle to the leftmost anglesequentially. Each distance data is associated with its ownangle direction. A simple transformation can be applied tothe raw measurement data to convert it from polar coordi-nates (rk,θk) to Cartesian coordinates (xk,yk):{

xk = rk cosθkyk = rk sinθk

. (1)

Then the split-and-merge algorithm [9] is applied to thesearray of 2D points so that they can be grouped into clusterswith each cluster belonging to a straight line feature. Here,the main steps of split-and-merge algorithm is summarizedbelow with Fig. 4 giving a graphical illustration:

1) Connect the first point A and the last point B of theinput data by a straight line.

2) Find point C among all data points that has the longestperpendicular distance to the line AB.

3) If this longest distance is within a threshold, then acluster is created with points in between A and B.

4) Else, the input points will be split into two subgroups,A-C and C-B. For each group, the split-and-mergealgorithm will be applied recursively.

After obtaining the clusters of points, two choices of lineextraction methods can be used. The first is to use leastsquare line fitting by considering all points in the cluster,while the second is to simply connect the first point andthe the last point. Although the second method looks a bitharsh, these two methods surprisingly result in more or lessthe same quality of line features in a clean and structuredindoor environment, thanks to the laser scanner’s superiorrange accuracy and angular resolution. The second methodactually triumphs in computational time and it is finallychosen as the way to get the line features. By convention,each line can be represented by two parameters, namely theline’s normal direction αk and its perpendicular distance tothe center of laser scanner dk. In the last sub-figure of Fig.4, xy axes represent the laser scanner frame.

2) Rotation tracking: In this step, Assumption 2 will beutilized in an innovative way to keep track of the robot’sheading direction ψ . Without loss of generality, let the mapframe x-axis align with one of the walls in the indoorenvironment. Then all the walls will have their directionsat nα , where α is the constant angle displacement and n canbe any integers. Choose one of the walls currently observableand let its direction be βl in the laser scanner frame. Thenwe have this wall’s map frame direction βm as:

βm = ψt +βl

= ψt−1 +∆ψt +βl

= niα.

where ψt and ψt−1 are the UAV headings in the current frameand previous frame respectively and ∆ψt is the inter-frameheading movement. Obviously, (ψt−1+∆ψt +βl) is divisibleby α , which leads to

∆ψt =− [ (ψm,t−1 +βl)%α ], (2)

where the operator % is defined in this paper as:

a%b =

{(a mod b) , if (a mod b)≤ b/2(a mod b)−b , otherwise


After obtaining ∆ψt , the UAV heading can be updated as

ψm,t = ψm,t−1 +∆ψt . (4)

Using the above method, the UAV heading is tractableframe by frame provided that the initial heading ψm,0is known. However, it should be noted that this headingtracking algorithm only works when the UAV inter-framerotational motion is less than α/2. Fortunately, a 10 Hz laserscanner is fast enough to handle the non-aggressive flightcases. In actual implementation, the longest line extractedfor the current frame can be used for the heading alignment.


3) Point feature association: The end points of the lineclusters can be treated as local point features, in whichsome of them should physically associate with the knownmap corners. The next step is to associate these local pointfeatures to the globally known map features. This can bedone by transforming the locally observed point features tothe global map frame based on the information of previous-frame UAV position [xt−1,yt−1] and the current-frame UAVheading ψt . As the UAV rotational motion has been resolved,the difference between the obtained feature points and theknown map feature points should be caused by translationalmotion only. By considering the fact that this translationalmotion between frames of 10 Hz is very small, the nearestneighbor searching is more than enough to associate themwell. The 2D transformation from the laser scanner localframe to the global map frame can be calculated as,

q j,m = [xm,t−1,ym,t−1]T +Rt ×q j,l , (5)

where q j,l is the local feature point, and Rt is the rotationmatrix from local frame to global frame calculated based onψt ,

Rt =

[cosψt sinψt−sinψt cosψt

]. (6)

4) Position tracking: Similar to the method in rotationtracking, the current position can be calculated based on theprevious-frame position [xm,t−1,ym,t−1] and an incrementalchange [∆xt ,∆yt ]:

[xm,t ,ym,t ] = [xm,t−1,ym,t−1]+ [∆xt ,∆yt ], (7)

where [∆xt∆yt


∑ni, j

w j(pi−q j,m)

∑w j. (8)

This incremental change can be calculated as an averagedisplacement of all the associated features. By consideringthe laser scanner noise model, i.e. points further away aremore noisy, the matched point features are given differentweights w j in calculating the average displacement. Thecloser the feature points, the larger the weight.

B. Height measurement

In an indoor environment with completely flat ground,UAV height measurement can be simply obtained via a sonaror a one-point laser range finder. However, for the cases whenthe UAV needs to fly over tables, chairs and windowsills,these sensors will fail badly as the UAV cannot distinguishbetween the actual floor surface and the surfaces of otherobjects. Barometer may be a candidate, but its accuracy doesnot meet the requirement for a UAV to fly in confined indoorenvironments. To solve this problem, a second laser scanneris mounted orthogonally to the first and a height calculationalgorithm with robust floor identification is developed andintegrated into the navigation system.

Similar to the line extraction algorithm mentioned above,the same split-and-merge method can be applied also. After







Naza-M QuadLion dynamics















𝒙x 𝑎𝑥𝑏𝑥

𝑎𝑦𝑏𝑥 𝒙y



Outer-loop controller Inner-loop controller Inner-loop command generator

Fig. 5: Control structure of QuadLion

filtering out those line segments with dissimilar gradientsto the ground plane, the rest are sorted by their perpen-dicular distances to the laser scanner center. The furthestline segments are kept, and among them the longest one isbelieved to be the true ground. Finally, the UAV height canbe calculated as the perpendicular distance of this line to thelaser scanner center, compensated by the offset between thelaser scanner and the UAV center of gravity (CG) as wellas the UAV attitude angles. Using this method, an accurateheight measurement can be obtained as long as the laserscanner projects a portion of its laser beams onto the trueground. It even works for the case when the UAV flies overprotruding objects on the ground.


As the platform is already stabilized in the attitude dynam-ics by the Naza-M controller, only an outer-loop controllerfor position tracking needs to be designed (see Fig. 5). Here,we adopt a RPT control concept from [10] and apply it to thecase of QuadLion trajectory tracking. Theoretically, a systemcontrolled by this method is able to track any given referencewith arbitrarily fast settling time subjected to disturbancesand initial conditions. The basic idea is as follows. For alinear time invariant system

Σ =

x = Ax+Bu+Ewy = C1x+D1wh = C2x+D2u+D22w

, (9)

with x,u,w,y,h being the state, control input, disturbance,measurement and controlled output respectively, the taskof RPT controller is to formulate a dynamic measurementcontrol law of the form

v = Ac(ε)v+Bc(ε)y+G0(ε)r+ ...+Gκ−1(ε)rκ−1,u =Cc(ε)v+Dc(ε)y+H0(ε)r+ ...+Hκ−1(ε)rκ−1,

so that when an proper ε∗ > 0 is chosen,1) The resulted closed-loop system is asymptotically sta-

ble subjected to zero reference.2) If e(t,ε) is the tracking error, then for any initial

condition x0, there exists:

‖e‖p = (∫

0 |e(t)p|dt)1/p→ 0, as ε → 0. (10)

Similar to the case introduced in [11], the outer dynamicsof QuadLion is differentially flat. That means all its state


variables and inputs can be expressed in terms of algebraicfunctions of flat outputs and their derivatives. A properchoice of flat outputs could be

σ = [x,y,z,ψ]T. (11)

It can be observed that the first three outputs, x, y, z, aretotally independent. In other words, we can consider the UAVas a mass point with constrained velocity, acceleration, jerkand etc. in the individual axis of the 3-D global frame whendesigning its outer-loop control law. Hence, a stand-aloneRPT controller based on multiple-layer integrator modelin each axis can be designed to track the correspondingreference in that axis. For the x-axis or the y-axis, the nominalsystem can be written as

xn =

[0 10 0

]xn +



yn = xn

, (12)

where xn contains the position and velocity state variablesand un is the desired acceleration.

To achieve better tracking performance, it is common toinclude an error integral to ensure zero steady-state errorsubjected to step inputs. This requires an augmented systemto be formulated as

xxy =

0 −1 0 0 1 00 0 1 0 0 00 0 0 1 0 00 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0

xxy +



yxy = xxy

hxy =[1 0 0 0 0 0


, (13)

where xxy =[∫

(pe) pr vr ar p v]T with pr,vr,ar as

the position, velocity and acceleration references in thecontrolled axis, p, v as the actual position and velocity andpe = rp− p as the tracking error of position. In Fig. 5, xxand xy are the respective representation of xxy in the x- andy-axis. By following the procedures in [12], an linear feedback control law of the form below can be acquired,

uxy = Fxyxxy, (14)


Fxy =




n +2ζ ωnki

ε22ζ ωn + ki


1 −ω2n +2ζ ωnki

ε2 −2ζ ωn + ki


]. (15)

Here, ε is a design parameter to adjust the settling timeof the closed-loop system. ωn,ζ ,ki are the parameters thatdetermines the desired pole locations of the infinite zerostructure of (13) through

pi(s) = (s+ ki)(s2 +2ζ ωns+ω2n ) (16)

The z-axis control is similar but in a lower-order form.As the inner-loop is directly looking for velocity referencein this axis, it is straight forward to model the outer loop asa single integrator from velocity to position, and it leads tothe augmented system as

xz =

0 −1 0 10 0 1 00 0 0 00 0 0 0

xz +



yz = xz

hz =[1 0 0 0


. (17)

where xz =[∫

(pe) pr vr p]T. This leads to a linear

feedback control law of

uz = Fzxz, (18)


Fz =





ε2 1 −2ωnζ



Theoretically, when the design parameter ε is smallenough, the RPT controller can give arbitrarily fast re-sponses. However, due to the constraints of the UAV physicaldynamics and its inner-loop bandwidth, it is safer to limit thebandwidth of the outer loop to be much smaller than thatof the inner-loop dynamics. For the case of QuadLion, thefollowing design parameters are used:

x,y axis :

ε = 1ωn = 0.99ζ = 0.707ki = 0.25

z axis :

ε = 1ωn = 0.559ζ = 2

There is still one problem unsolved. From Fig. 5, it canbe seen that the output from the outer-loop controller inphysical meaning is the desired accelerations in xy-axis andthe desired velocity in z-axis, both in global frame. However,the inner-loop controller is looking for attitude references(φr, θr) and the body-frame z-axis velocity reference. Aconversion is needed to link the two control layers together.This leads to another functional block called the Inner-loopcommand generator, in which a rotational conversion fromthe global frame to the body frame Rb/g is needed andanother matrix Gc is used to convert the desired accelerationreferences to the desired attitude angles. For all quadrotorUAVs,

Gc ≈[

0 1/g−1/g 0

]. (19)

where g is the gravitational constant.


The proposed control and navigation algorithms are im-plemented in C++ language and executed by the UAVonboard computer. For the planar localization algorithm, theaverage computation time is about 12 ms for a single frameof laser scanner data. Table V shows the position error


TABLE I: Performance of the planar localization algorithm

Position (m) RMS error (m) Execution time (s)(−2,−4) (0.06,0.05) 0.011(2,−5) (0.07,0.09) 0.017(11,−3) (0.13,0.09) 0.011(1,6) (0.04,0.05) 0.009

4.3 Result

4.3.1 Flight Test Result

The above mentioned algorithm has been integrated with NUSLION. The integrated

NUSLION is able to fly autonomously in partially known environment. One set the

flight test result has been shown in Figure 4.3 and Figure 4.4.

−10 −5 0 5 10−4












Fly test result

Actual PathPlaned path

Figure 4.3: Measured position and planned path during one of the autonomous flight

As we can see from the result, there is minor discrepancy between the planned

path and the actual trajectory. Investigations are carried out to find out the source of


We have manually measured the way-points and manually placed the plane at


Fig. 6: Localization result after one complete flight

and computation time of the localization algorithm whenthe UAV is hand held at four stationary locations in theindoor environment. The Root-Mean-Square (RMS) error ofthe estimated position is very small. To show its dynamicperformance, the localization trajectory after one completeflight is logged and shown in Fig. 6. It is actually the fullflight path in accomplishing the missions of the SAFMC2013. Fig. 7(a) and Fig. 7(b) show two photo snaps in thecompetition, in which the quadrotor UAV flies through awindow and drops a payload to the target location. Thesetwo tasks require very high localization accuracy as well asprecise position control performance from the UAV system.With this kind of robust performance, the Unmanned AircraftSystems Group from the National University of Singaporehave won the top three awards of the competition, namely

(a) Fly through a window (b) Drop a payload precisely

Fig. 7: Fly-off in the SAFMC competition

the “Overall Championship”, the “Best Performance Award”,and the “Most Creative Award”.


In conclusion, this paper has proposed a robust andefficient navigation solution for a quadrotor UAV to performautonomous flight in a confined but partially known indoorenvironment. By assuming structured indoor features andpre-known key corner coordinates, the 3-D pose of the UAVcan be accurately estimated by a 2-laser-scanner setup. Byutilizing this measurement and applying the RPT controlmethod with integral action, the controlled UAV is ableto navigate in the indoor environment fully autonomously.All navigation computation is done by an ARM-based em-bedded computer onboard of the UAV. The whole UAVsystem was verified in the SAFMC 2013 and acquired thetop awards. Extension of the work can be done to tacklemore complicated indoor environments, and autonomouspath planning algorithm can be integrated into the systemfor more demanding applications.


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