An Organ of ATOMIC ENERGY RETIREES WELFARE ASSOCIATION · Seeding of Aadhaar Card with Pension...

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AERWA News Letter 2016


Recognized by

Department of Pensions and Pensioners’ Welfare

Regd. No.MAH/527/97/Thane Dt. 5

Regd. No.

Office: 501 Emerald Heights, 32 Union Park, Chembur, Mumbai

Volume 17 - Issue No.

Opinions and views expressed in articles and editorials need not necessarily be th

Rs 5/- Single Copy-Complimentary to AERWA members


Editor’s Space 1

Guest Article : Dr. P. B. Gurba 2

Readers write 3

Status of Court Cases 4

Update on 7th


AERWA News: Report on the picnic 6

Welcome New Members, 7

Platinum Club, Sashasra Chandra Darshan,

B’Day Greetings


Obituaries 9

Important Tel Nos, AICPI Table 10

Announcements, Appeals and Notices 11

Seeding of Aadhaar Card with Pension Account 11

Editor’s Space:

Dear Member,

Warm greetings from the AERWA News Letter.

This issue of News Letter brings you an important

article on Preventive Health Care for Reversing Type

2 Diabetes. With the change in our lifestyles,

especially in urban region, diabetes seems to be

having an alarmingly high incidence rates and this

can be avoided, reversed or at least kept under

control using a few precautions on our side. AERWA

hopes that this article will be a guiding force for

those combating with this ailment.

AERWA conducted a one day tour to Dignity

Lifestyle Township (DLT) Neral on Jan 10. The tour

served two purposes. One was to enhance and

maintain the spirit of togetherness among its

members and the other was to have a firsthand feel

of gated community for senior citizens; a concept

that is taking roots in the country. We feel that

both the purposes were fulfilled to a large extent.

Department of Pension and Pensioners’ welfare

has taken up seeding of Aadhaar Card with the

pension account & Jeewan Pramaan (Digital Life

Certificate) and has requested all the pensioners’

1 Vol. 17(2) Mar-Apr.2016


No.MAH/527/97/Thane Dt. 5-9-97 Soc. Regn. Act 1860

F/5819/Thane Dt. 31.10.97 Bom. Pub. Trust Act, 1950

Office: 501 Emerald Heights, 32 Union Park, Chembur, Mumbai-400071

Web site:

e-mail AERWA: (Affiliated to Bharat Pensioners Samaj, Delhi)

Issue No.2 Mar-Apr. 2016 (12 Pages)

Opinions and views expressed in articles and editorials need not necessarily be those of AERWA

R.N.I.REGN.NO. MAH/ENG/2000/706

associations to help them. AERWA plans to take it

up in the coming days.

In another useful development, BARC Hospital,

Medical Division has requested beneficiaries to

furnish mobile number for SMS transmission about

their medicine reimbursement. AERWA requests all

concerned to make this a practice.

AERWA wishes you happy Holi and Gudi Padwa,

both the festivals falling in March and April

respectively. Have a happy reading time.

Aims and Objectives of ‘AERWA’- Highlights

1) To continue the emotional integration of all

retired scientific, engineering, technical and

administrative staff members of the Department

of Atomic Energy.

2) To represent to the concerned authorities

updated social security needs of the retirees and

family pensioners.

3) To strengthen the hands of existing recognized

apex bodies of similar associations of retirees of

other governmental organizations.

4) To utilize the rare combination of talents and

expertise available among members for the

welfare of general public through social service

using the association as a platform.

AERWA News Letter 2016 2 Vol. 17(2) Mar-Apr.2016

Guest Article:

Preventive Health Care for Reversing Type 2


Lifestyle is the biggest concern in this modern

era. About 80% of deaths are due to faulty lifestyle.

Lack of physical activity, high fat diet, stress,

alcohol, smoking, drugs, disturbed sleep etc. are the

features of modern lifestyle which are responsible

for nudging us to critical ailments followed by

death but not without pain and agony. Nobody is

immortal in this world but what is important is how

one lives when one is alive. This brings in the

importance of healthful living.

Human well being, in general, depends on

standard of living and quality of life. Standard of

living comprises of Health, Food, Education,

Occupation, Recreation etc. and quality of life

comprises of happiness, satisfaction, gratification

etc. Health has many interactive dimensions like

physical, mental, social, spiritual, vocational, etc.,

but it is mainly defined on the basis of physical,

mental and emotional freedom parameters. The

degree to which one is free to create is taken as the

measure of Health. Positive health involves, first

and foremost, freedom from sickness.

Whenever stressors like life style, emotional

disturbances, virulent microbes etc. become

stronger than immunity, sickness develops. The

type of sickness developed is as per the congenital

or acquired predisposition of the person.

Inflammation constitutes the main common

parameter of all diseases. It is necessary to treat

the acute disease, the beginning of imbalance or

disturbance in homeostasis, with milder means that

promote and enhance the natural reaction of the

immune system. Their treatment with strong

chemical drugs or other means, many times

overwhelms the body’s natural defenses. This

forces the immune system to compromise and start

a deeper line of defense. The inflammation of

original acute condition may continue as a sub

acute inflammatory process on a deeper level, in a

more important organ or system, and mark the

beginning of a chronic degenerative disease.

Diabetes is one such disease.

About 90% 0f the diabetic people around the

world have Type 2 diabetes. It was formerly called

as noninsulin dependent diabetes or adult onset

diabetes. It results from the body’s ineffective use

of insulin. Most people with this form of the disease

still produce adequate insulin but the problem is

that their cells resist it. Insulin tries to bring glucose

in to the cells but the receptors on cells work like

malfunctioning lock. As a result glucose builds up in

the blood (Hyperglycemia). In most cases

hyperglycemia is largely the result of excess body

weight and physical inactivity. Drugs prescribed are

for controlling blood sugar levels. Usually, it is

observed that over time, diabetes progresses and

can damage eyes, kidneys, heart, blood vessels and

nerves. Hence there is a need to reverse diabetes

instead of relying only on drugs to control blood

sugar levels.

In the Feb 2004 issue of the “New England

Journal of Medicine”, Yale University researchers

reported that certain non diabetic slim individuals

with family history of diabetes were insulin

resistant. The reason was that they had 80% more

fat in their muscle cells than normally observed. Fat

build up had reached a point where it was gumming

up the receptors and thereby interfering with the

cell’s ability to respond to insulin indicating that

diabetes was about to appear.

Normally, insulin attaches to receptors on the

cell’s surface and signals the cell membrane to

allow glucose to enter. If fat, called intra

myocellular lipid, accumulates inside the cell, it

interferes in the insulin’s intracellular signalling

process. Presence of excess intracellular lipid (fat)

lowers burning rate of fats by mitochondria,

blocks/chokes receptors and partially disables

genes that produce mitochondria. When the influx

of fat stops, the fat inside the cell is dissipated and

the cells start to regain their normal function. In

another study it was observed that the intra

myocellular lipid was about 30% lower in the calf

muscles of vegans than in the omnivores. This

showed the importance of diet to help prevent fat

build up in the cells. Another hormone, Leptin, is produced by the fat

cells. Its function is to signal brain to stop eating,

move fats from storage spaces, decrease sweet

cravings and signal brain to start burning fat. Leptin

plays a key role in the accuracy of insulin signalling.

It was clinically demonstrated by Dr Gabriel

Cousens of USA that 25-45 % complex

carbohydrate, plant based organic diet, free of

processed and junk food, reverses insulin and leptin

AERWA News Letter 2016 3

resistance and brings insulin and leptin signalling

back in to order. This further stressed the

importance of proper Diet.

Our body renews its parts continuously. Acidic

and inflamed conditions interfere in this repair and

renewal work. Many micronutrients are also

essential in repair and energy production. This gives

us list of corrections to be made through our diet to

achieve diabetes reversal. First and foremost; diabetics need to STOP all

fats by eliminating meat, fish, eggs, milk and milk

products from the diet and limit the use of oil.

Second, REMOVE from the diet all that which forms

acidic metabolic products, like wheat, wheat

products, fish, meat, eggs, milk, dairy products, tea,

coffee, alcohol, all refined and processed food.

Third, START EATING Natural, Whole, Plant Based,

preferably Organic, Alkalizing and Raw food (~75 %

in every meal) diet. In place of animal milk, use

almonds, coconut or peanut milk. In place of wheat,

polished rice & polished pulses INCLUDE millets

(Bajra, Jowar, etc) , unpolished or brown rice ,

soaked and sprouted Beans (moong, masoor, matki,

chawlai, rajma,etc.), Soaked Nuts (Almonds, walnut,

pista, etc) and SEEDS which are the store houses of

nutrients and energy ( Sesame, flaxseeds, pumpkin,

sunflower, etc.). Every day, in the morning, take

green juice prepared mainly from spinach, turmeric

and cinnamon powders. Today 60 to 80 % of the

people have Vitamin B 12 and Vitamin D deficiency

or insufficiency. In such cases it is necessary to take

these vitamin supplements as they play extremely

important role in the cell metabolism and other

functions of almost all cells.

Nuts must be soaked for at least 4 hours before

eating. Eat seeds 2 spoons per day. Do not roast

seeds or nuts. Never eat fruits with cooked food.

Eat them 1 hour before or 3 hours after the food.

Avoid sweet and sour fruits eating together.

Similarly avoid eating wrong combination of foods,

like starch with protein. Criteria to be adopted for

selecting food is that it should be low on Glycemic

Index, high on providing Nutrients per unit of

Calorie and rich in fiber. If you focus on WHAT to

eat, HOW to eat (soaking, sprouting, proper

chewing) and WHEN to eat (only when hungry),

Vol. 17(2) Mar-Apr.2016

then HOW MUCH to eat is automatically taken care


If you have diabetes, remember the condition is

not irreversible. The diet of vegetables, fruits,

whole grains and legumes coupled with some

exercise, pranayam and dealing with stress

correctly, will certainly lead you to diabetes free life

and save you from the risk of diabetes

complications. The bonus health benefits are loss of

those unwanted kilos of weight, lowering of

cholesterol, decrease in blood pressure and

boosting of energy level. What is keeping us away

from success is lack of our faith and absence of

conviction in such ideas and concepts. As Dr Bruce

Lipton says in his book “The Biology of Belief “ that

the cells of our body are affected by our thoughts.

The science of epigenetics (control above genetics)

says that environmental influences, including

nutrition, stress and emotions can modify genes

without changing their basic blueprint. He shows

that genes and DNA do not control our biology, but

instead DNA is controlled by signals from outside

the cell, including the energetic messages

emanating from our positive or negative thinking.

To this date thousands of people in India alone

have managed to escape from the clutches of

diabetes by believing in and following this

nutritional approach. There is no reason why others

cannot succeed. They only need to make strong

resolve and stick to it.

Dr Prakash Gurba, retired as


BARC, Tarapur has received

several DAE Excellence awards.

Readers write:


This is in reference to an article in AERWA

NEWSLETTER vol 17.1 entitled “Why the suspicion

about nuclear power?” by M R Iyer. It is nice to

read an Article in that the Linear-No Threshold

(LNT) concept, (meaning that Radiation damage

increases linearly with no lower threshold), is being

refuted and that the Linear law is applicable only

above an acceptable threshold.

AERWA News Letter 2016

This could lessen the unreasonable phobia against

nuclear power, may auger well for a more

pragmatic assessment of the effects of radiation

and better acceptance of nuclear power since t

‘As Low As reasonably Achievable’ (ALARA) criteria,

forming the basis of arriving at the various

radiation exposure limits in a nuclear power plant,

is dependent on this LNT concept.

It may be pertinent to recall how the ALARA

criteria, in its present form, was evolved much

against the veiled arm twisting of the developing

eastern countries by the stronger developed

western nations to maintain their superiority in the

nuclear technology regime.

The genesis of this crucial philosophy of Radiation

Safety requirement was what was known as

Low As Possible’ (ALAP) criteria, now almost

forgotten. Mild protests and murmurs snowballed

into a slightly variant expansion, for same ALAP

low as Practicable’. The next stage was a modified

criterion - ALARA - As low as Reasonably

Achievable. The slow word game to blunt the

severity of the first proposal still kept the radiation

safety requirements strictly in the techno physical

platform, without any consideration of the social

economic, developing nature of the poor runners in

the race. It is sad, though, that the qualifying

phrase has not derived much importance, or used.

In the early advent of Atomic Energy, the not very

well understood carcinogenic and genetic effects of

radiation, worsened by the Stochastic nature of the

hazard, as against the more or less Deterministic

effects of toxic gases released from the

conventional Fossil fuel powered plants as well as

the age old automobile, aviation and chemical

industries, contributed to a special stigma with this

option of producing energy.

Because of this broad linking of radiation with

cancer, it became difficult to assign numbers to

Radiation (from operation of nuclear power plants)

caused cancer and that due to other unidentified

causes, always making Nuclear Power as the


The tough proposition that radiation exposure, an

inevitable byproduct of nuclear industry,

various other harmful byproducts of any other

industry, particularly chemical, is bad without any

threshold and should be avoided, however small,

created a fear, which was a great negative factor in

the free development of Nuclear Power, easily

amenable for politicization leading to the unhappy

situation that radiation is almost synonymous to


4 Vol. 17(2) Mar-Apr.2016

This could lessen the unreasonable phobia against


pragmatic assessment of the effects of radiation

since the

(ALARA) criteria,

forming the basis of arriving at the various

radiation exposure limits in a nuclear power plant,

It may be pertinent to recall how the ALARA

criteria, in its present form, was evolved much

he veiled arm twisting of the developing

eastern countries by the stronger developed

superiority in the


Safety requirement was what was known as ‘As

criteria, now almost

Mild protests and murmurs snowballed

iant expansion, for same ALAP ‘As

The next stage was a modified

As low as Reasonably

The slow word game to blunt the

severity of the first proposal still kept the radiation

safety requirements strictly in the techno physical

any consideration of the social,

economic, developing nature of the poor runners in

the qualifying

phrase has not derived much importance, or used. In the early advent of Atomic Energy, the not very

well understood carcinogenic and genetic effects of

nature of the


effects of toxic gases released from the

conventional Fossil fuel powered plants as well as

the age old automobile, aviation and chemical

industries, contributed to a special stigma with this

Because of this broad linking of radiation with

cancer, it became difficult to assign numbers to

Radiation (from operation of nuclear power plants)

caused cancer and that due to other unidentified

ear Power as the

re, an

inevitable byproduct of nuclear industry, like

various other harmful byproducts of any other

is bad without any

, however small,

created a fear, which was a great negative factor in

the free development of Nuclear Power, easily

leading to the unhappy

situation that radiation is almost synonymous to

That the body is a wonderful machine and gets

adjusted to any possible adverse environments,

that the organism's immune system aids biological

recovery over a period of time with low level of

absorbed doses, was never given due credit while

dealing with the newly surfaced potential danger of

radiation (blissfully oblivious to the equally harmful

GLOBAL effects of toxic emission from fossil fuel

powered plants).

Besides the evils of conventional methods of energy

production from fossil fuels and the associated

FUEL CYCLE (this term need not be restricted to

NUCLEAR fuel cycle alone!) was also not well

understood, in its totality starting from Mining, till

the manifestation of its gigantic proportion in the

new awareness of GLOBAL WARMING!

If the strictly technical overtones of ALARA, in the

context of Radiation protection criteria, are

removed from this term and the normal meaning

taken, this could provide a wonderful

Comprehensive Environmental protection guideline

for all type of pollutants arising out of the use of

Nuclear or Fossil power fuels!

Though hard-core heath physicists will argue that

ALARA was evolved to reduce Radiation dose

primarily on the stochastic effects and has no

bearing with the more or less deterministic nature

of the effects of toxic pollutants, philosophically,

going by literary meaning, the ALARA criteria need

no longer be confined to Radiation hazards only

and could encompass the toxic hazards from any

source using Fossil fuel.

Such a measure would mitigate the fear of Nuclear

power and put both the players of power

production on equal grounds and eventually pave

the way for take-over!

This is, at present, just a proposition for our light

readers on some new thinking, may be more

philosophical than physically feasible, right now!

K. Natarajan, Ex Director (Projects)

Status of court cases- Feb., 2016

1. Full Pension for < 33 yrs but > 20yrs of

service for pre-2006 retirees: The last date of

hearing at PBCAT of Contempt petition for full

pension for < 33 yrs but more than 20 yrs of

service was December 14, 2015. On this day the

Govt. advocate requested for more time for

reply and the next date of hearing was fixed for

3.2.2016. It was now adjourned on 16.2.2016

and the Government advocate informed that

AERWA News Letter 2016 5

the Government has agreed for full pension to

the applicants.

2. Increments for DA, HRA and pensionery

benefits: DAE has sent a note to BARC for

implementation of CAT Ernakulam judgment for

BARC retirees. On enquiry, BARC has indicated

that they are in process of implementation for

35 applicants. An MC member delegation of D-G

pensioners met DAE officials on Jan 22, 2016

who showed them all correspondences on the

subject. Members requested implementation

for all and will be in touch with DAE.

3. Pension on special pay for H+ retirees:

Contempt petition CP/712/2015 on

OA/3789/2013 for pre-2006 H+ case was listed

on 18th

Nov at PBCAT. Court directed to issue

notices to respondents and the next date of

hearing was Jan. 7, 2016. On this day, the

respondents have submitted an Affidavit

informing that they are advised to file SLP at

HSC. Our Advocate will submit rejoinder. Next

date is 17.2.2016.

Contempt petition CP/797/2015on OA

1003/2014 of post 2010 H+ pensioners has been

also filed. Case came for hearing on 23.12.2015

at PBCAT. The court ordered to issue notice to

the respondents and the next date of hearing

was 1.2.2016. It is now adjourned to 1.3.2016.

Another case OA/261/2011 for pension on

special pay by 52 nos. of post 2010 H+ BARC

retirees was allowed by CAT Mumbai on Nov.6,


Dept. of Expenditure had asked Member

Finance DAE & DOS to liaise with DRDO SLP at

HSC to be heard on 18.1.2016. On this day

DRDO could not file rejoinder to Applicants

reply and was asked by the court to do it that

day evening. The next date was fixed for Jan 29,

2016. It is now adjourned to 5.4.2016

DAE has filed the SLPs in both pre-2006 and

post 2006 cases. For pre-2006 case it is under

scrutiny and for post 2006 SLP number is

3017/2016.Caveats have been filed in the HSC in

both H+ cases and we will get notice once DAE

SLP is received by the HSC.

4. Full parity case by pre-2006 retirees: OA

3529/2015 of pre-2006 S-29 pensioners for full

parity with post 2006 retirees and in any case

not less than post 2006 S-24, S-27 retirees came

for hearing on Nov. 19, 2015 at PBCAT. The Next

date was fixed for 8th

Feb. 2016. It is now

adjourned to 18th

Feb. 2016.

Vol. 17(2) Mar-Apr.2016

5. S-21 case: The hearing of the S-21 case at CAT

Mumbai was fixed for 14.12.2015 but it could

not be taken up on this day and the next date of

hearing is 26.2 2016.

Update on 7CPC

Empowered Committee of Secretaries, who are

processing the recommendations of 7th Pay

Commission (7CPC), are likely to double the

percentage of pay hike recommended by the pay


According to sources, the central government

employees will get a salary hike of around 30

percent on the minimum basic pay, much more

than 23.55 percent as recommended by the 7th pay

commission in November 2015.

The hike in salaries is expected to be effective from

January 1.

Arguably, even the 6th CPC had recommended a 20

percent hike on the basic pay, which was revised to

40 percent at the time of implementation in 2008.

The 7th CPC, with its recommendations, is expected

to cause an annual burden of Rs 1.02 lakh crore on

the exchequer, which would last for two to three

years. Source: zee news February 12, 2016


ISRO launches six satellites: On Wednesday, Jan 20,

2016 India launched its fifth navigation satellite

IRNSS-1E on-board the workhorse PSLV-C31 in

Sriharikota successfully. This has taken India to yet

another step on par with US based Global

Positioning System (GPS). In a precise textbook

launch, the Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV) C

31 blasted off from the Satish Dhawan Space Centre

(SDSC) located at Sriharikota, Andhra Pradesh.

IRNSS-1E is the fifth navigation satellite in the IRNSS

space system, comprising seven satellites. While

four satellites would be sufficient to start

operations of the IRNSS system, the remaining

three would make it more "accurate and efficient".

AERWA News Letter 2016 6 Vol. 17(2) Mar-Apr.2016

AERWA News: AERWA arranges a one day


AERWA arranged a one day tour to Dignity

Lifestyle Township (DLT), Neral, on Jan 10, 2016.

This was an outcome of an excellent presentation

By Dr P.B. Gurba on Senior Citizen Homes around

Mumbai (at Neral, Lonavala, Perne and Lavasa) on

2015 AERWA Annual day. Many members showed

interest to visit DLT.

An excellent response was received for this idea

and 49 members of AERWA joined the tour. The

whole program of this tour was painstakingly

chalked out and executed by the organizers. The

bus started from Chembur Diamond Garden picking

passengers on the way at Telecom factory Deonar,

Vashi, Nerul and Kharghar before getting on

Mumbai-Pune express way. The bus reached the

destination at 9:00AM. Thanks to the organizers

who had variety of entertainment in the bus to see

that oldies did not doze off.

The DLT staff was extremely cordial and had

arranged the breakfast of idli, sambar, chutney and

sandwiches with steaming coffee/Tea ready for the


Smt Manasi Atre, the manager, DLT, gave the

members a guided tour of the facility that included

different types of accommodation and primary

health care centre.

She stressed that the health care of inmates is

taken care of by the in house 24X7 doctor and

nursing staff. For any serious ailments or

emergencies they have readily available ambulance

to shift the patients to nearby Hospitals.

Smt. Atre also discussed about the facilities for 24

hours assisted living for seniors on wheel chair and

dementia/Alzheimer type of ailments. The nursing

attendance and dedication of staff Commendable.

An almost pollution free atmosphere, it even had

the battery operated cars and members enjoyed

taking rides and taking their photos too!

Picnickers were quite impressed by the serene

ambience of DLT and enjoyed a leisurely stroll

around the facility.

AERWA News Letter 2016 7

The introductory talk by Smt Atre was followed

by self introduction session by the members and

then spontaneous presentations of songs and

anecdotes. Highlight of this pre lunch session was

an excellent solo song by Mrs Mayuri Belhe and her

devotional song duet with Mrs Veena Sagar.

The post lunch session (after a sumptuous

vegetarian lunch which included delicious curd and

Gajar Halwa) was made thoroughly enjoyable by

the organizers by arranging different indoor games

like housie, clap at seven etc.

The participants enjoyed these games and the

competitions for which the winners received prizes


Tea was served at 4 P.M. and the members walked

reluctantly to bus for return journey .It was a

memorable day for all picnickers. Ms Atre informed

that DLT welcomes visitors to visit them for

extended stay with them on payment basis. Photos: courtesy Drs. Mhetre,

Nayak, Chougaonkar & Veena

Vol. 17(2) Mar-Apr.2016

Please give it up: Are you in a position to afford LPG

without subsidy? If yes, please give it up. By this

simple gesture, one more firewood burning kitchen

will be converted in to a clean kitchen, thereby

making the household women and children healthy

and also saving many trees, and hence


Welcome to New Life (L)/ Patron (P) Members Mem

No Name City



P-2704 Waishampayan SG Kharghar 27742045

P-2705 Tamhane A B Katraj Pune 02026960028

P-2706 Patil M N Kopakhairane 8452904913

P-2707 Gopalakrishnan P Erode 9443638971

P-2708 R. Venkataraman Nerul-W 02227707926

P-2709 Suri A. K. Kharghar 02220870191

P-2710 Anand M.B.S Mumbai 9869448296

P-2711 Rajput K K Kharghar 65288528

P-2712 Sharma R S Kharghar 9969607420

P-2713 Suresh Kumar Kharghar 9869266183

L-2714 Vaidya P B Andheri(E) 28363200

L-2715 B.Yadunath Chennai 04422741250

P-2716 Manjit Singh Nerul 02227704264

P-2717 V.A. Hattangadi Virar-E 9869060344

P-2718 Sharma H Prasad Kamothe 9869158709

P-2719 Deepak R Mukne Boisar (W) 9890397873

P-2720 Sudhir Babu CVS Secunderabad, 9757396936

P-2721 B. Purniah Visakhapatnam 08912788148

P-2722 R.V. Raje Boisar 9665464077

L-2723 Sasidhar

P-2724 Deopurkar A.M. Boisar 2525282009

P-2725 H.R.Ramaprasad Bangalore 9448016661

Welcome to Platinum Club (≥75 yrs)

75 Yrs (Congratulations for getting Full

Pension) AERWA welcomes as member of our

prestigious Platinum Club. They will also be issued

AERWA Platinum Club Certificate.

Name Phone No DoB

Munim K R 26608756 7-Mar-41

Sharma V K 8-Mar-41

Balakrishnan S A 27714604 21-Mar-41

Subramanya M J 23648890 30-Mar-41

Pal B C 27665641 31-Mar-41

Asundi A K 27881643 14-Apr-41

Hearty congratulations for your completing 80

years of age. We look forward to your

सह� चं� दशन समारोह

Name Contact No DoB

Sirsi R T 25559021 4-Mar-36

Pai M S 27650504 5-Mar-36

Bhatia G M 28577528 6-Mar-36

AERWA News Letter 2016

Vaidya B S 25126436 10-Mar

Sahasrabudhe P V 40132758 21-Mar

Ghumre J P 28883069 4-Apr

Modi P S 27701117 5-Apr

Dabhadkar Suresh B 9323699216 10-Apr

Jakkal V S 27821249 20-Apr

Varma R K 22-Apr

Birthday Greetings to the existing Platinum Club

members. जीवेत ्शरद: शतम ्Name Contact No DoB

Vasavan Nanu 28624070 24-Apr

Koppikar Satish V 27571037 10-Apr

Dere A V 27897880 7-Apr

Patil Vijay S 25232089 2-Apr

Sachdeo S Singh 2-Apr

Jhamb N K 1-Apr

Joshi A. A. 9860631976 24-Mar

Warrier A S 23890235 23-Mar

Mary Kutty 27759087 21-Mar

Prasad M A 27722869 16-Mar

Sankaranarayanan T K 27898989 7-Mar

Meghal Atul M 26244070 5-Mar

Pandey Anirudhh 25550439 1-Mar

Rao P S 27654006 21-Apr

Walvekar A P 27711338 17-Apr

Desai Sudha S (Smt) 9920760425 16-Apr

Navaratna M R 25515378 12-Apr

Jayandranath M 28651150 12-Apr

Varier K V S 27664233 11-Apr

Kulkarni B G 27802951 8-Apr

Sane K G 986718230 4-Apr

V.N.Chaudhary 27722959 1-Apr

Gangadharan P P 27704996 29-Mar

Pankajakshan K 23-Mar

Sharma G N 27563902 18-Mar

Raut A R 23618380 15-Mar

Pruthi D D 27716620 13-Mar

Kotak D N 27491084 1-Mar

Bhattacharjee Dilip 25550559 1-Mar

Iyer V N 22-Apr

C M Kothari 22-Apr

Rastogi R C 25580927 15-Apr

Pawa Manohar Lal 27750070 14-Apr

Sah B M L 25555725 9-Apr

Janardhanan K K 25558032 8-Apr

Madan Lal 27820952 8-Apr

Shukla S G 26140891 5-Apr

Vaidyanathan S 25069207 5-Apr

Varkey V C 28944219 4-Apr

Sadarangani S H 25576420 30-Mar

Parameswaran C 27705733 27-Mar

Kamala Rudran 23-Mar

8 Vol. 17(2) Mar-Apr.2016








Birthday Greetings to the existing Platinum Club












































Panicker Devaraj O V 25298694 23-Mar-38

Santha Singh V K 27815428 22-Mar-38

Pillai Indira B 19-Mar-38

Rao S M 19-Mar-38

Gomathy Ramaswamy 26200543 18-Mar-38

V T Srinivasan 25976501 18-Mar-38

Neelakantan S 27745738 15-Mar-38

Asolkar S V 25574162 1-Mar-38

Awatramani A S 26792495 28-Apr-37

Krishnamoni S 24144008 22-Apr-37

Shitut N R 25406015 12-Apr-37

Pitale Nivrutti M 25418094 1-Apr-37

Kandekar V D 1-Apr-37

Sipahimalani A T 27661327 1-Apr-37

Pillai K P P 30-Mar-37

Ramakrishnan V A 27703575 18-Mar-37

Kane Chintaman D 25430677 16-Mar-37

Kunhiraman K 27706955 15-Mar-37

Chandrasekharan K 27547799 15-Mar-37

Laghate N G 27700034 24-Apr-35

Sharma Narendra 27652529 20-Apr-35

Hiremath S P 27701533 9-Apr-35

Kavishwar B D 9-Apr-35

Panicker N K 27740089 4-Apr-35

Venkatasubramanian 25565459 3-Apr-35

Vaze P K 27526418 27-Mar-35

Srinivasan V 27894555 16-Mar-35

Theyyunni T K 25242740 15-Mar-35

Burkule A S 25320925 26-Apr-34

Vaghela M G 25519313 23-Apr-34

Viswanathan K S 7-Apr-34

Rangachari S S 27897236 26-Mar-34

Badheka A C 26742032 17-Mar-34

Junnarkar Prabhakar N 24053985 15-Mar-34

Phalke K D 21630720 8-Mar-34

Mistry I G 27894522 15-Apr-33

Rijhsinghani K R 24015756 12-Apr-33

Kaul Shiv N 25576506 27-Mar-33

Pillai K P R 9388820904 11-Mar-33

Dhumwad R K 26424890 10-Mar-33

R.R. Wamorkar 25203282 10-Mar-33

Bhalerao R G 28957680 9-Mar-33

Ghadge T D 25200629 8-Mar-33

Nair S G 27617959 4-Mar-33

Pillai K C 25567696 19-Apr-32

Sabharwal Ved Vyas 25559519 17-Apr-32

Patgaonkar V R 26117315 2-Apr-32

Sundaram S M 26340858 24-Mar-32

Mule V Yashwant 14-Mar-32

Kolambekar P R 25400470 18-Apr-30

Ravindran P V 25968531 9-Apr-30

Tambe P S 28880295 2-Apr-30

Narahari P 9818327876 1-Apr-30

Ganganaik M Shripad 28670022 23-Mar-30

AERWA News Letter 2016 9

Srinivasan K A 26140674 21-Mar-30

Choughuley Ahmed S 5-Mar-30

Kelkar V Y 2370232 3-Mar-29

Chadha M S 26202596 10-Apr-28

Congratulations for getting additional Basic

Pension and DR (both for pensioner and family

pensioner): 20% for ≥80 yr; 30% for ≥85 yr; 40% for

90 yr; 50% for ≥95yr and 100% ≥100 yr.

AERWA thanks the following for their deposits

for the cause of S-29+.

Sh. R K Batra 1000

AWRWA thanks the following for their donations to

the Association .

Donation Amount Purpose

A B Khandekar 400 AERWA

Dr. S. P. Garg 10000 AERWA SA Fund

Dr. B. M. Misra 5000 AERWA SA Fund

Dr. V. K. Manchanda 10000 AERWA SA Fund

Attention Please: Deposits from Unknown persons

/ for unknown purpose

Purpose Name Amt Ch.No.

06-07-15 Unknown Unknown 1000 201070

17-10-15 Unknown Unknown 1000 384208

21-10-15 Unknown Unknown 2000 53523

04-11-15 Unknown Unknown 400 982338 20-01-16 Unknown Unknown 2000 NEFT

Laughter The Best Medicine:

Statistics is the science which tells you that, when

you've got your head in the fridge and your feet in

the oven, you're – on average - very comfortable.

Sad Demise: AERWA deeply mourns the sad

demises of our following members and share the

grief of their families. May God keep their soul in peace.

Shri R Balakrishna Pillai (L-993)

left for heavenly abode on

23rd September He was 70. He

is survived by wife and two

sons employed in Kerala.

Shri K B Nambiar (L-788),

expired on 26-12-2015. He

was 80 and is survived by one

son and a daughter.

Radha Patnaik, wife of Shri. K.

N. Patnaik(P2060), passed

away on 11-12-2015. She is

survived by her husband,

daughter, son in law and a


Vol. 17(2) Mar-Apr.2016

Dr Satya Brat (P-685) passed

away on 15 Jan. 2016, leaving

behind his wife, son and


Dr. R. M. Sawant (P-2558)

passed away on 7-2-2016. He

is survived by his wife and two


Newsletter Returned undelivered. Urgent Action


The News Letter copiess of following members

have returned undelivered. Please inform their

new addresses if available to anyone. Posting of

News Letter will be discontinued till a correct

address is informed.

1.P-485 Dr P S Chauhan

2.P-2619 Shri A Sridharan

3. L-557 Unnikrishnan K

Important Tel Nos

BARC Hospital Security to call

Ambulance (Only for CHSS


2559 8200

2559 8308

24 hrs Ambulance Services for Heart



24 hrs Amb. Services for Accident

cases only


24 hrs Ambulance Services At New




24 hrs Ambulance Services at City



Police Control Room at Mumbai and

Navi Mumbai


Fire Station 101

Complaint against an auto-driver

who refuses any passenger


Central Pen Ac Off, Delhi to Register

your Grievances about Pension




AERWA proposes to undertake social activities for

orphans and economically weaker sections of the

society which may include supporting education and

providing health care to the needy. Success of the

program depends on the active participation of the

members with conceptual, physical and financial

support. AERWA urges members to contact Dr B.M.

Misra, Secy, AERWA (9967357264) with their

suggestions and contribute generously towards the

AERWA Social Activities fund. Details of AERWA bank

a/c are the same as given for new membership on

page 10 of NL.

AERWA News Letter 2016

All India Consumer Price Index for Industrial

Workers-AICPI (IW)-(Base of 115.76 as on


Month CPI base










115.76 for


Jan-15 254 2980 248.33 114.52

Feb-15 253 2995 249.58 115.60

Mar-15 254 3010 250.83 116.68

Apr-15 256 3024 252.00 117.69

May-15 258 3038 253.17 118.70

Jun-15 261 3053 254.42 119.78

Jul-15 263 3064 255.33 120.57

Aug-15 264 3075 256.25 121.36

Sep-15 266 3088 257.33 122.30

Oct-15 269 3104 258.66 123.44

Nov-15 270 3121 260.08 124.67

Dec-15 269 3137 261.42 125.83

A new index is likely to be announced with base as

on 1/1/2016

An Appeal: Do you have any used frames of

spects? AERWA has initiated a drive to collect

these. These frames will be distributed free of cost

to the needy persons through a partner institution

(charitable eye hospital or optician), Interested?

Please contact Dr. Vijay Manchanda; 9969758498/


The life Membership and Patron Membership

fees are Rs.600 and Rs.1000/- respectively. If you

are already a ‘Life Member’, please convert

yourself to ‘Patron’ by paying additional Rs 400.

This will augment AERWA corpus fund. You may

pay membership fee/ donation through Internet

Transfer or deposit a cheque of any bank at any

branch of State Bank of India in any city. The

cheque/ Internet Transfer should be in favor of

“Atomic Energy Retirees Welfare Association SBI

A/c 34597981320”; (IFS Code: SBIN0013055)

post your cheque to: Shri Vaze P K ; 1 Udayagiri

CHS, Opp. Telecom Factory, Deonar, Mumbai

400088; Tel: 25584324 and Mob: 9821249101

Dr Veena Sagar: 9869176128

Congratulations R P

Kulkarni: Shri R P

Kulkarni , our

esteemed member,

whom we felicitated on

the 18th

Annual day

10 Vol. 17(2) Mar-Apr.2016

All India Consumer Price Index for Industrial

(Base of 115.76 as on



115.76 for














A new index is likely to be announced with base as

Do you have any used frames of

spects? AERWA has initiated a drive to collect

these. These frames will be distributed free of cost

to the needy persons through a partner institution

(charitable eye hospital or optician), Interested?

y Manchanda; 9969758498/

The life Membership and Patron Membership

respectively. If you

are already a ‘Life Member’, please convert

yourself to ‘Patron’ by paying additional Rs 400.

fund. You may

pay membership fee/ donation through Internet

bank at any

branch of State Bank of India in any city. The

cheque/ Internet Transfer should be in favor of

“Atomic Energy Retirees Welfare Association SBI

34597981320”; (IFS Code: SBIN0013055) OR

post your cheque to: Shri Vaze P K ; 1 Udayagiri

CHS, Opp. Telecom Factory, Deonar, Mumbai-

Tel: 25584324 and Mob: 9821249101 ;

Congratulations R P


Kulkarni , our

esteemed member,

felicitated on

Annual day

celebrations, and who delivered an interesting talk on

our founder Dr Homi Bhabha, has been awarded INS

Communication prize of Rs 100,000/. along with a

citation. AERWA congratulates Shri Kulkarni for this


Important Announcements and information

AERB request for details of AERWA pensioners in

a specified format*: Director Resources &

Documentation Division, AERB wants to collect the

details of Experts from various fields from Atomic

Energy Retirees Welfare Association for the

purpose of using their services in AERB Working

Groups/Specialist Groups/ Advisory Committees/

Apex Committees etc. in the specified format*.

Interested members in the grade E and above may

please contact him directly on . Please direct all further

queries to Shri K. Srivasista, Director Resources

Documentation Division, AERB, Phone 22 2599

0608. *Format of application can also be obtained

from AERWA website:

( / AERWA 2014 /)

AERWA Election (2016-2018)

Term of present AERWA Managing Committee

(MC) will end by 31st

May, 2016. Managing

committee, during the MC meeting held on 9th

Feb., 2016, has appointed Dr Keshav Chander

Sharma (contact no. 9833581540 and email id: as Election

Officer to initiate Election process for 13 members

of MC. Interested members are hereby requested

to send their willingness to work as a member

AERWA, MC (for two years term of 2016-2018)

along with their names, email id, correspondence

address , Telephone no., unit of DAE from which

retired, date of retirement and Membership no. to

Dr Keshav Chander by 30th

April, 2016. Election (if

necessary) will be carried out by AGM in May,


Important: Since the printing cost of News Letter

and postal charges have increased substantially, we

request you to opt for the soft copy of the News

Letter. Soft copy of News Letter is emailed to all

those who have opted for it even before it is printed.


AERWA has received a letter from Prime Minister’s

Office (PMO) expressing his appreciation for

forwarding donations for PMNRF. AERWA wishes to

thank all the donors who came forward to help

contributing the PMNRF.

AERWA News Letter 2016 11 Vol. 17(2) Mar-Apr.2016


The havoc caused by the incessant rains in Chennai

has destroyed the lives of innumerable Indians

residing there. AERWA appeals its members to

come forward and send donation to AERWA which

will send a consolidated cheque to PMNRF. All the

donations are exempt from income tax u/s 80G.


Seeding of Aadhar Card with Pension account.

In a letter dated Dec 17, 2015, Department of

Pension and Pensioners’ Welfare (DP&PW) has

informed to all the pensioners’ Associations that

there should be an awareness in the pensioners on

voluntary seeding of Aadhaar Card Number with

their pension disbursing banks. They have further

suggested that

1. The Pensioners’ associations will send SMS to all

their members to obtain status of Aadhaar Card

seeding in pension accounts.

2. Members will be requested to get it done within

a week and provide the information to the

Association if not done already

3. Each member will spread this message among

10 other colleagues.

In view of this, AERWA requests all its

members to get their Aadhaar card number

seeded with their pension account.

Steps for Seeding of Aadhar Card Number

with Pension Account:

The process of seeding the Aadhar Card Number

to your pension account has been made very

simple and requires only the following steps.

1. If you already have an Aadhaar Card, and not

seeded it with your account number, please get

it done in the pension disbursing branch. Please

take a photocopy of your Aadhaar Card together

with the original and meet the concerned bank

official. This is done without any difficulty.

2. However, for some reason, if you have not

obtained the Aadhar Card yet, it is necessary to

obtain one. There are Aadhaar enrolment centers

all over country and the details are available on the


3. Once you have obtained Aadhaar Card, please get

it seeded with your pension account.


Digital Life Certificate (DLC) through Jeewan

Pramaan Facility.

In a letter dated 2nd February 2016, (DP&PW)

have stressed the importance of Digital Life

Certificate through Jeewan Pramaan facility. It

states that Jeewan Pramaan, i.e. Submission of

Digital Life Certificate based on Aadhaar Number is

a very useful facility, especially in case of infirm

and old pensioners. The letter further informs that

more than 12 lakh pensioners have already used

this facility till Jan 2016 of which 3.5 lakh

pensioners have submitted their DLCs in the

month of November 2015.

The letter further clarifies that though this activity

is totally voluntary on the part of pensioners and

the life certificate can be submitted by a pensioer

in any branch of the pension disbursing bank in

November every year through the conventional

methods also, there are possible benefits of

availing the DLC methodology to the pensioner

and it is his choice to make the use of the facility.

The letter further clarifies that although there is to

be no discrimination, by the bank, against those

pensioners who do not submit DLC through

Jeewan Pramaan facility and also keeping in view

the advantages inherent in the online submission

of DLC to the pensioners, especially those who are

in an advanced age or are suffering from diseaase

or infirmity, the banks are being advised to

facilitate those who voluntarily offer to have their

life certificates submitted through Jeewan

Pramaan facility. Banks are also requested to offer

assistance to those pensioners who wish to link

their Aadhaar number to their pension account.

AERWA News Letter 2016 12 Vol. 17(2) Mar-Apr.2016

Published & Printed by: Braj Mohan Misra on

behalf of AERWA, at Sai Enterprises, 6-Shah

Industrial Estate and published at: 501 Emerald

Heights, 32, Union Park, Chembur, Mumbai,

400071. Editor: R C Pant (Phone – 39246719)

If not delivered please return to:

Atomic Energy Retirees Welfare Association


501 Emerald Heights, 32, Union Park, Chembur.

Mumbai 400071; Tel: 09967357264.

Name and Address