
Post on 07-Dec-2014

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Model: EmilyThis first diptych (two photographs) have to be together to tell the story. What I wanted to produce in my photographs was a regular portrait which allowed you to see the persons features, but then use an object to show their personality in the photograph. With the stylistic image chosen for this set, you can see she chose eye liner (which was one of the 5 objects she chose out of the 10 options all together). She decided to write on her hand 'I AM NOT DRAWING ON MY FACE'. This brings out her personality, more so than the first portrait I took. For me, I sense shyness because she is covering her face & is smirking from behind the hand. It acts like a shield almost in the way it hides her. When I was coming up with my idea initially, I wanted to show them & only them. I have enabled myself to do this by using a close-up shot of her face, a high quality lens & camera which has allowed me to see ever sharp detail of her being. To make the photographs visually stunning, I made her nose the middle of the shot, which is the middle of the face. Everything leads on from there. The plain background also allowed all the focus to be on her. Overall, I am very happy with the result I got from these photographs.


Model: Olivia


This second diptych (two photographs) have to be together to tell the story. What I wanted to produce in my photographs was a regular portrait which allowed you to see the persons features, but then use an object to show their personality in the photograph. With the stylistic image chosen for this set, you can see she chose wires (which was one of the 5 objects she chose out of the 10 options all together). She decided to wrap them around her head to distort her face slightly. This brings out her personality, more so than the first portrait I took. For me, I sense silliness and stereotypical humour coming through the photograph. There is a clear contrast between your perception of her on the first photograph (where she looks very serious), compared to the second photograph. This I what I wanted to bring out. When I was coming up with my idea initially, I wanted to show them & only them. I have enabled myself to do this by using a close-up shot of her face, a high quality lens & camera which has allowed me to see ever sharp detail of her being. To make the photographs visually stunning, I made her nose the middle of the shot, which is the middle of the face. Everything leads on from there. The plain background also allowed all the focus to be on her. Overall, I am very happy with the result I got from these photographs.

Model: Georgia


This third diptych (two photographs) have to be together to tell the story. What I wanted to produce in my photographs was a regular portrait which allowed you to see the persons features, but then use an object to show their personality in the photograph. With the stylistic image chosen for this set, you can see she chose hair extensions (which was one of the 5 objects she chose out of the 10 options all together). She decided to use them as a beard. This brings out her personality, more so than the first portrait I took, although her smile cane be seen in both which is a strong feature of her personality. For me, I sense silliness and a naturally bubbly person. Although she is hiding behind the hair, quite like Emily's photograph, I personally can still sense her natural confidence. When I was coming up with my idea initially, I wanted to show them & only them. I have enabled myself to do this by using a close-up shot of her face, a high quality lens & camera which has allowed me to see ever sharp detail of her being. To make the photographs visually stunning, I made her nose the middle of the shot, which is the middle of the face. Everything leads on from there. The plain background also allowed all the focus to be on her. Overall, I am very happy with the result I got from these photographs.

Model: Richard (myself)Whilst in the studio for the first time I decided to take some portraits of myself. Because I wasn't planned for this, I had not chosen an object. I asked my friend to take the photographs. This was an interesting task for me to do because I'm so used to be the photographer & not the model. I chose to include this diptych in my final images because I have a personal connection, more so than any photograph I could ever take of someone else, because it is me. I look at the photographs and I see something ugly, I can see all the flaws I have that only I know I'm insecure about. Like Emily, I hide behind my hand (hands in this case) so no one can see my flaws as a person. I have enabled myself to do this by using a close-up shot of my face, a high quality lens & camera which has allowed me to see ever sharp detail of myself. To make the photographs visually stunning, I made my nose the middle of the shot, which is the middle of the face. Everything leads on from there. The plain background also allowed all the focus to be on her. Overall, I am very happy with the result I got from these photographs.


Olivia & Emily - MorphDuring post production of my images, I discovered a tool (although I already knew about it) called the clone stamp. I had a little play around with it and discovered you could change someone's features with another persons. This was the first one I ever did. I put Emily's eyes & mouth on top of Olivia's eyes & mouth. This then essentially created a new person. What took me off guard about this particular morph is that it genuinely looks like another person. After I did this, I wanted to research further into this feature. This altered my final piece from what I initially set out to do.


Emily & Olivia - MorphOnce I had done the first morph photograph I decided to stick with the same people, but out Olivia's eyes and mouth on Emily. To me, this looked like Emily had just put on red lipstick & heavier black eye make up, which has changed her whole aura completely. She gives of the vibe the original photograph of Olivia gave of, which is confidence.


Georgia & Olivia - MorphThis morph was a subtle one compared some of the other ones I have done. In this, all I changed was Georgia's eyes to Olivia's. Although subtle, you can still see how the eyes can still change the person altogether. The eyes look bored because they don't have that smile to change what they look like.


Emily & Richard - MorphHumour was the key with these next two sets of images. As you can see from the photographs, I put my own face on Emily's face (leaving her hair & shoulders). The idea to morph myself & Emily came to my mind for a few reasons. Firstly, I looked at our first portraits & found that they had similarities in the way we hid ourselves. Secondly, the idea of merging two different genders together also humoured me. Thirdly, we are very close in person, so on I personal level I wanted to see what it would look like. The outcome was hilarious in my opinion, funnier than anything that could have been created with just objects.


Richard & Emily - morph This final morph had the exact same ideas of the one above the only difference is that I put Emily's face on my face.