Analysis of music magazines

Post on 18-Nov-2014

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Cover lines

Main image

Left third

Lead Article

Masthead: the masthead uses an eroded font which is normally used on Rock Sound. This font is repeated over the front cover and gives continuity as well as the erodedness of the font giving the magazine a ‘rock’ feel. The colour of the masthead is also dark and fits in with the main image.

Main image: the main image ties in with the lead article; the halo above Oli Sykes’ head goes with the ‘saint’ part of the ‘Saint or Sinner?’ question and the darkness looming around him ties in with the ‘sinner’ part.

Lead article: is the main part of the left third – stands out against the background boldly. Jumps out from the restof the text on the page because it’s white on black which is the brightest contrast on the whole of the front cover. Obviously Rock Sound think this is enough to get their readers interested and sell it.

Cover lines: ordered in a hierarchy – the most important articles (what the readers of Rock Sound are more likely to be interested in) are on the right side of the cover in a smaller size but same font as the masthead and lead article, and the less important features are displayed at the bottom in a different, much smaller font.

Flash: in the left third. This tells you that Rock Sound readers like Muse because it is at the top of the left third and also partially covers the masthead.

Freebies: not located in the left third as it usually would be – the type of these free things, art cards, tells you what kind of audience Rock Sound is aimed at, which would probably be teenagers from 16+. The colour of the flash fits in with the colour scheme throughout the cover.



Half of this contents page is taken up by a picture of the band All Time Low – this tells us that their double page spread within the magazine is a big focus point within the magazine alongside the Bring Me The Horizon interview advertised on the front cover. A pull quote is also used to draw the reader in and give the reader an idea of what the article will be about. All Time Low are known for their crude on-stage jokes and childish behaviour, which puts some people off them – the pull quote is persuading those people to read the interview to maybe change their minds about this band. The members of the band also have quite serious expressions on their faces and the photo shoot is not a typical studio one – they are outside in the backstage area where the tour buses are kept, which also emphasises the serious aspect of the interview the reader may find within the magazine.

There is also another picture of Oli Sykes to remind the reader about the lead article and main image on the front, although the page number for that particular interview is not emphasised in any other way, nor the All Time Low interview.

The contents is very simple and straight forward. The numbers are clearly displayed against the pale ‘sky’ of the photograph in red, and then the titles and strap lines are also displayed in black. Both of these colours are high contrasting to the white-ish background. It gives a serious feel to this issue. Not everything is listed in the contents, and this is told to the reader by the fact it says ‘Main Features’. This contents page is focused on a pictorial level, as the main focus is on the picture as this is used as the background, and there is not much text. All in all the contents is very straight-forward and generally easy to use although is does not include all of the features of the magazine.


By line

Lead image

Stand first

Drop cap Columns

Two columns

Not overly huge – not really important

Layout and design: Like the contents page, the double page spread is mainly picture-led, using only two columns of text. Only a quarter of the page is text of any interest. Half of the page is picture, and the other quarter is taken up by the headline and the standfirst.

Images used: The picture used is the same picture from the contents page, which gives continuity. The lead singer is not really emphasised in any way in this photo shoot, actually, and they are all organised in, basically, an equal way. The band are portrayed in a kind of serious way, which is unusual as All Time Low are not generally a serious band.

Headline: The headline is just the band name, which adds to the seriousness of the article.

Pull quote: The pull quote shows that All Time Low are very honest with their fans and that this article is going to be honest. It sets an image for the band and shows them in a certain light.

Standfirst: The stand first helps set the tone for the article and also the themes within it – it states how they want to be taken more seriously, which is confirmed by the topics in the actual article.

Copy: There is descriptive language used in the first paragraph – “Alex Gaskarth, lead singer of All Time Low, is sat in the back lounge of his band’s relatively luxurious yet entirely unremarkable tour bus” creates an image in the reader’s mind with its thoroughly descriptive language. Also, where it talks about blink-182 and fall out boy is very descriptive. The article also describes Gaskarth as an exception to the ‘rock’n’roll’ star norms and values. It mentions his long-term relationship with a girl he met in high school, and the fact he used to smoke weed but doesn’t anymore for his voice and that he doesn’t even think about touching anything harder. This goes against the expectations for a rock star and helps to create the ‘serious’ image the standfirst talks about.

Left third


Main image

Cover lines

Lead Article



Masthead: this masthead, like Rock Sound, uses an eroded font to show that it is about a heavier aspect of the music and therefore geared to a certain group of people. ‘Kerrang’ is an onomatopoeia for the noise created when strumming a guitar. There is also a crack in the masthead which gives you the impression that they are playing their music so loud that it cracks things. It gives you an idea of what Kerrang! readers are like.

Main image: the main image fits in with the lead article; ‘at home with Corey Taylor’ – it shows Corey Taylor in quite a homely way; burgers on a barbeque, cooking utensils and a large green garden with a white picket fence. However, there is a rock feel to the image which is what Kerrang! is about – the skull apron, the army hat and the tattoos all remind the reader that this is a rock magazine.

Lead article: the lead article fits in with the main image. The bands name is the most important part of this, and then it goes on to say that it is actually only one. Also, it has the word ‘Exclusive!’ above it, and this is in the left third which holds what is considered the most important parts of the magazine; what will most appeal to the reader.

Cover lines: Included in the left third. Oli Sykes at the top near the mast head – left third, hierachy – Kerrang! Readers also like Bring Me The Horizon.

Skyline: Kerrang! readers like Reading and Leeds – these are the only two words from the skyline in the left third, so it is assumed that Kerrang! Readers will know that this is in reference to the dual festivals held, and will want to read the reviews of the bands because they like them.

Freebies: Kerrang! readers like freebies and they like posters – this indicates that they are probably 14+. Jared Leto and Bullet For my Valentine are included in the left third, so this is another indication of what bands Kerrang! readers like.

This contents page is split between pictures and text – there is a large picture of the crowd at one of the Reading and Leeds 2010 festival which takes up half the page shows that this is going to be a big feature in the magazine. There are a few small pictures which relate to the articles, but mostly the contents is made up of text, which takes up the other half of the page. It verges on being picture led.

This contents is generally very busy and loud which ties in with the front cover and what this insinuates about Kerrang! readers already. The font is still an eroded, blunt kind of font, and keeps in with the black, white and yellow colour theme of the front page. The sections of the magazine are clearly displayed in chronological order, and the article which matches the picture is highlighted to show this. The editors note draws the audience to what the magazine wants them to be focused on, which is the Reading and Leeds festival (reinforced by the picture at the top) and the Bring Me The Horizon article (also reinforced by a smaller version of the double page over-lapping the R&L photo).

The haphazard and loud organisation of the magazine gives it a ‘rock’ feel and crazy, mental kind of mindset which is how Kerrang! portrays a lot of the bands in their magazine, as the double page spread of All Time Low will show. It prepares the reader for a less serious kind of magazine, and this also cements the idea that Kerrang! readers are loud, crazy and ‘rocking’.

By line


Lead image

Drop capColumns

Three columns

Layout and design: This double page spread is also largely picture led, with a small article in the corner. This indicates it’s not really anything majorly important, just an update.Images used: The picture shows All Time Low experimenting, which ties in with the headline. It’s a wacky and fun image which represents the band.Headline: The headline fits in with the image ‘It’s going to be a surprise!’ indicates that they are experimenting with something – probably their music.Pull quote: The headline is a pull quote.Standfirst: The standfirst keeps in with the experimental feel of the whole double page spread.Copy: The whole article is very light and honest, just as the other All Time Low double page spread is. There are lots of quotes from the band themselves, which gives the whole honesty thing another boost. There is a fast pace with the writing which adds to the wacky, experimental aspect.

Left third


Main image


Lead Article

Pull quote


Masthead: The Big Cheese masthead is a big, bold font and used a turquoise colour which is used around the front page (turquoise and pink are used because of the blink-182 logo, who feature in the main image). It is partially covered by the people in the main image and shows that this masthead relies on a continuous audience because they will be able to recognise the obscured masthead.

Main image: The main image shows the band who are the topic of the lead article. These pictures are recent, rather than old photos of the band which ties in with the ‘brand new interviews’ strap line. Their expressions are quite serious which ties in with the determination feel of the pull quote. Lead article: The band’s own logo is used which shows that Big Cheese readers know who blink-182 are and will be excited that they are in the magazine. The fact that these are ‘brand new interviews’ will pull the readers in because obviously blink-182 have been on a hiatus since 2003/2004 and have recently made a comeback, and new interviews will be of interest. The band’s logos are included in the left third which will catch the readers attention.

Cover lines: Again, ordered in hierarchy but not in the left third. They are coloured in pink and turquoise to keep in with the theme of the magazine and are artists that people who listen to blink-182 will be likely to listen to as well. This gives us an idea of what kind of readers Big Cheese attracts. There is also a picture cover line of Oli Sykes. This is the third time he has shown up on the magazine covers I have chosen which shows that he is obviously a keen interest for this kind of music and that Big Cheese readers also like Oli Sykes/Bring Me The Horizon.

Skyline/freebies: The word ‘free’ is in a flash in the left third, and the skyline goes on to tell the reader that it is a Bring Me The Horizon poster. This tells us that Big Cheese readers like free things, and they like bring me the horizon as already found out by the cover line of Oli Sykes in the left third.

This contents page is a fairly even split between picture and text led. There are three pictures which are of equal size; All Time Low, blink-182 and Jimmy Eat World. This shows that these are going to be the main features of the magazine. The features of the magazine are clearly stated with bold and contrasting colours and are in chronological order. The Jimmy Eat World and Blink-182 are the only two out of the three which have their contents information on them, which suggests they are large features whereas All Time Low may just be a way to get people to buy the magazine (upon further inspection, the All Time Low article is barely three paragraphs long and takes up a very small area of the magazine. The black boxes are designed to look like someone has run a paintbrush down the page – this gives the magazine an alternative/rock feel, but shows a more sophisticated side than Kerrang! does. The contents is split between two main categories – regular and kingsize. These titles use an eroded font and emphasise the style of the magazine.

Stand first

Lead image



One column


Layout and design: It’s split fairly evenly between picture and text led. Images used: The image isn’t fun like blink-182 are usually portrayed, but it still has a friendly feel which is what readers will be looking forward to after the years of snide remarks between Tom DeLonge and Mark Hoppus & Travis Barker. Headline: The headline ties in with the image and the rekindled friendliness idea.Pull quote: The pull quote also gives readers a secure feeling that the band are back for good – “blink is very much at the core of our beings…” makes the reader feel like the relationships between the band members truly has been repaired.Standfirst: The standfirst sets a tone for the article – it’s quite serious but will have light parts, as this interview takes place before they go on stage, so it’s not going to get too indepth.Copy: The article reads like a story – it’s chronologically set out and gives backstories and and explanation as to how the band got where they are now. The words used are fairly educated, and this suggests that Big Cheese readers are fairy intelligent and appreciate a well written text. The tone is quite serious, as it discusses drummer Travis Barker’s near-fatal plane crash and how it brought the friends back together. The whole tone is quite a serious one, but without getting too emotional and deep into it.