Apostila 3º Semestre

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  • 7/28/2019 Apostila 3 Semestre


    Numbers and Time

    Cardinal Numbers

    1- ___________________________________

    2- ___________________________________

    3- ___________________________________4- ___________________________________

    5- ___________________________________

    6- ___________________________________

    7- ___________________________________

    8- ___________________________________

    9- ___________________________________

    10- __________________________________11- __________________________________

    12- __________________________________

    13- __________________________________

    14- __________________________________

    15- __________________________________

    16- __________________________________

    17- __________________________________18- __________________________________

    19- __________________________________

    20- __________________________________

    21- __________________________________

    30- __________________________________

    32- __________________________________

    40- __________________________________

    43- __________________________________

    50- ______________________________________

    54- ______________________________________

    60- ______________________________________65- ______________________________________

    70- ______________________________________

    76- ______________________________________

    80- ______________________________________

    87- ______________________________________

    90- ______________________________________

    98- ______________________________________100- _____________________________________

    200- _____________________________________

    300- _____________________________________

    506- _____________________________________

    709- _____________________________________

    816- _____________________________________

    957- _____________________________________1,000- ____________________________________

    1,018- ____________________________________

    2,430- ____________________________________

    3,602- ____________________________________

    9,879- ____________________________________

    100,058- __________________________________

    200,000- __________________________________

    300,111- __________________________________


  • 7/28/2019 Apostila 3 Semestre


    Ordinal Numbers

    1st- _________________________________

    2nd- _________________________________

    3rd- _________________________________

    4th- _________________________________

    5th- _________________________________

    6th- _________________________________

    7th- _________________________________

    8th- _________________________________

    9th- _________________________________

    10th- ________________________________

    11th- ________________________________

    12th- ________________________________13th- ________________________________

    14th- ________________________________

    15th- ________________________________

    16th- ________________________________

    17th- __________________________________

    18th- __________________________________

    19th- __________________________________

    20th- __________________________________

    21st- __________________________________

    22nd- __________________________________

    23rd- __________________________________

    24th- __________________________________

    25th- __________________________________

    26th- __________________________________

    27th- __________________________________

    28th- __________________________________29th- __________________________________

    30th- __________________________________

    31st- __________________________________

    What time is it?

    15 min = 1/4 = a quarter30 min = 1/2 = halfa.m. = antes do meio dia

    p.m. = aps o meio dia

    1:00- ________________________________

    2:05- ________________________________

    3:10- ________________________________

    6:15- ________________________________

    7:20- ________________________________

    8:30- ________________________________

    9:25- ________________________________

    10:35- _______________________________

    11:40- _______________________________

    7:15- ________________________________

    12:12- __________________________________

    12:05- __________________________________

    4:30- ___________________________________

    7:35- ___________________________________

    9:50- ___________________________________

    11:00- __________________________________

    6:30- ___________________________________

    3:15- ___________________________________

    1:30- ___________________________________

    4:55- ___________________________________


  • 7/28/2019 Apostila 3 Semestre


    If clauses

    Condition Consequencecan

    If (present) maywill


    Example:1. If I go to Cuiab, I will/can/may buy some books.

    If I go to Cuiab, take care of my children.2. If he has time, he will/can/may come here.

    If he has time tell him to call me.3. If you are sick, you will/can/may stay home.

    If you are sick, dont come to work.

    Condition Consequencewould

    If (past) couldmight

    Example:1. If I saw a ghost, I would/could/might faint away.2. If he were tired, he would/could/might sleep after

    lunch.3. If she sold her car, she would/could/might buy a small


    A- Write in English:

    1. Se voc estiver com fome, v ao fast-food virando a esquina._______________________________________________________________________________2. Se ela estiver cansada, ela pode descansar no sof.

    _______________________________________________________________________________3. Se eu estiver com sono eu no irei ao cinema com elas.

    _______________________________________________________________________________4. Se voc estivesse com fome, voc poderia fritar um ovo.

    _______________________________________________________________________________5. Se ela estivesse cansada, ela ficaria em casa.

    _______________________________________________________________________________6. Eu tomaria um txi se eu estivesse cansada._______________________________________________________________________________7. Se ela trouxer o seu livro, voc pode l-lo hoje.

    _______________________________________________________________________________8. Ns compraramos os nossos ingressos hoje se ela trouxesse o carto de crdito dela.

    _______________________________________________________________________________9. Se elas soubessem o meu endereo elas viriam aqui.

    _______________________________________________________________________________10. Ns viajaremos pra Peixoto se ela nos ajudar.


    11. Se estiver frio eu usarei meu casaco._______________________________________________________________________________12. Elas fechariam as janelas se estivesse escuro.


    B- Write in Portuguese:1. If he is well, he may travel with us.

    _____________________________________________________________________2. If they ate this food, theyd love it.

    _____________________________________________________________________3. If she were my friend, she could help me now.



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    4. The girls might be dead if they crossed that busy street._____________________________________________________________________

    5. We will get lots of money if we work there._____________________________________________________________________6. Sinop may grow a lot if violence is over.

    _____________________________________________________________________7. I wont come to school if it rains

    _____________________________________________________________________8. If it werent so late, I could go there by bus._____________________________________________________________________9. She might get angry if she saw him talking to you.

    _____________________________________________________________________10. If she fixes my I-pod I will pay her.


    C- Complete:1. If I have money, _________________________________________________________2. If they stopped drinking pinga, ______________________________________________

    3. If your mother gives you money, ____________________________________________4. If it rains, ______________________________________________________________5. If I were a man/woman, ___________________________________________________6. Shell call you if ________________________________________________________7. Wed choose another city to live in if ________________________________________8. They could be here now if _________________________________________________9. I can learn a lot if ________________________________________________________10. My children may buy their school material if __________________________________11. You might get hurt if _____________________________________________________12. Wed get married if ______________________________________________________13. Theyll travel on vacation if _______________________________________________

    14. I can buy a new car if ____________________________________________________15. She could get lost if _____________________________________________________

    D- Write in English:1. Se eu tiver tempo eu posso te visitar.

    _____________________________________________________________________2. Se ela tiver dinheiro ela pagar suas contas.

    _____________________________________________________________________3. Se elas comprarem aqueles casacos elas gastaro todo dinheiro delas.

    _____________________________________________________________________4. Se vocs soubessem sobre isso vocs me entenderiam.

    _____________________________________________________________________5. Se ns fossemos l ns poderamos nos divertir.

    _____________________________________________________________________6. Ela estaria rica se ela trabalhasse com ele.

    _____________________________________________________________________7. Eles no lembraro do endereo se voc no o escrever.

    _____________________________________________________________________8. Minhas amigas sempre se lembrariam de mim se eu no fosse to rude.


    9. Se eu vier de nibus eu posso trazer as suas caixas._____________________________________________________________________10. Se elas viessem de carros elas trariam o seu irmo.



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    E- Change into the past:1. If he lives in this apartment hell have to get rid of his dog.

    _____________________________________________________________________2. If I have a test next class I may get a low mark.


    3. If its hot in there, open the windows._____________________________________________________________________4. If tomorrow is a holiday I may stay home and rest.

    _____________________________________________________________________5. if she watches this movie she will probably cry.

    _____________________________________________________________________6. If we rent a car well go there too.

    _____________________________________________________________________7. If she is a good girl she may get a gift from her parents.

    _____________________________________________________________________8. If youre late, let me know.

    _____________________________________________________________________9. If my house has a garden I can take care of it.

    _____________________________________________________________________10. If you dont stop now, youll get sick and tired of this exercise.


    The Father and his Daughter

    A little girl received so many books on her seventh birthday that her father told her to give one or two of

    her new books to a little neighbor named Robert.Now, taking books, or anything else, from a little girl is not like taking candy from a baby. But the father,

    who was very persuasive, convinced the little girl and Robert got two of her books. After all, that leaves

    you with nine, said the father, who thought he was a philosopher and the child a psychologist.

    A few weeks later, the father went to his library to look up a word in the Oxford English Dictionary.

    However, he couldnt find volume V-Z, and then he discovered that three other volumes were missing,

    too. They should be here, he thought. Where are they?. He questioned all family members, and soon

    learned what had become of the four missing volumes.A man came to the door this morning, said his little daughter, and he didnt know how to get from

    here to Torrington, or from Torrington to Winsted, and he was a nice man, much nicer than Robert and so

    I gave him four of your books. After all, there are thirteen volumes in the Oxford English Dictionary, and

    that leaves you with nine.

    F- Answer the questions according to the text:1. Who received presents?

    ______________________________________________________________2. How old is she?



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    3. Who was supposed to receive one or two of her books?______________________________________________________________4. Did the little girl give a couple of her books to her neighbor?

    ______________________________________________________________5. When did her father discover some of his books were missing?

    ______________________________________________________________6. How many books were given away?______________________________________________________________7. How many books are left?

    ______________________________________________________________8. Did the man need money or direction?

    ______________________________________________________________9. Are books a good present to give a 7-year-old girl?

    ______________________________________________________________10. Do you like to receive books for your birthday?


    11. If so, what kind? If not, why?______________________________________________________________12. How do you call the room where books are kept?


    Plural of nouns

    General rule +S Nouns ending in f or fe -f or fe + ves

    Ex.: life lives / leaf leaves Nouns ending in y preceded by consonant -y + ies

    Ex.: secretary secretaries Nouns ending in s sh ch x z o + es

    Ex.: watch watches / bus buses

    Irregular plural:

    child childrenman menwoman women

    mouse micegoose geesedatum data

    phenomenon phenomenastimulus stimulifoot feet

    louse liceox oxentooth teeth


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    Some nouns do not change in the plural:fishdeersheepaircraft

    Some nouns are always singular

    Nouns ending in o preceded by a vowel form their plural by just adding sEx.: radio radios (piano / photo / casino exceptions = + s)

    A- Change into plural:

    1. This peach is delicious.___________________________________________________________2. The banana is fresh.

    ___________________________________________________________3. That pineapple is expensive.

    ___________________________________________________________4. The boy is on the bed.

    ___________________________________________________________5. That girl isnt Ok, shes tired.

    ___________________________________________________________6. She gave me a box of chocolate and a piano.

    ___________________________________________________________7. The radio is on the shelf.

    ___________________________________________________________8. That lady and this child live near here.

    ___________________________________________________________9. The leaf fell from the tree.

    ___________________________________________________________10. The mouse, the louse, the goose and the ox are animals.


    B- Translate:

    1. Tinha alguns ratos dentro das caixas.

    ___________________________________________________________________2. Ns colocamos os copos sobre os pianos ontem noite.___________________________________________________________________3. As ovelhas, os gansos e os bois esto na fazenda.

    ___________________________________________________________________4. As mulheres, os homens e as crianas sero ouvidos mais tarde.

    ___________________________________________________________________5. Os fenmenos sobrenaturais sero estudados depois.


  • 7/28/2019 Apostila 3 Semestre


    Present Perfect Tense

    Have/Has + Past Participle (3 coluna)


    1. Quando a traduo igual ao Portugus, dando a idia que a ao vem se repetindoocasionalmente.Ex.: We have visited them.

    2. Quando usamos as palavras abaixo:ever ___________________ already ___________________ since ___________________ yet ___________________

    just ___________________

    never ___________________ lately ________________________ recently ________________________How long ________________________for ________________________

    Ex.: Theyve just arrived.She hasnt arrived yet.I havent seen her lately.

    3. Quando dizemos coisas que fizemos no passado, mas no citamos o advrbio de tempo.

    Ex.: Ive seen the accident.Weve received his letter.Shes talked to me.

    A- Translate:

    1. She has gone there lately.________________________________________________________________2. We havent seen him for months.

    ________________________________________________________________3. Ive been unemployed since last month.


    4. Theyve just bought a new car.________________________________________________________________5. You havent driven my car yet.

    ________________________________________________________________6. Hes traveled a lot recently.

    ________________________________________________________________7. Shes watched that sitcom.

    ________________________________________________________________8. Her friends have come here with her.

    ________________________________________________________________9. Ive studied here since last year.

    ________________________________________________________________10. Weve studied English for a long time.

    ________________________________________________________________11. How long have you lived in this city?

    ________________________________________________________________12. Shes just left.

    ________________________________________________________________13. How long have they been sick?

    ________________________________________________________________14. How long has he been married?


    15. Weve just had dinner.________________________________________________________________

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    B- Write in English and explain why the Present Perfect is necessary (or not):

    1. Eu moro em Sinop h muito tempo.________________________________________________________________2. Ela est desempregada desde o ano passado.

    ________________________________________________________________3. Eles esto casados h 5 anos.

    ________________________________________________________________4. Ns temos estudado juntos almost todas as semanas.________________________________________________________________5. Vocs no tm visto o meu primo?

    ________________________________________________________________6. Voc j esteve no Rio Grande?

    ________________________________________________________________7. Ela j almoou?

    ________________________________________________________________8. Quanto tempo eles passaram l?


    9. Quanto tempo ela fica aqui nos finais de semana?________________________________________________________________10. H quanto tempo voc mora em Mato Grosso?

    ________________________________________________________________11. H quanto tempo ela estuda com voc?

    ________________________________________________________________12. Ele acabou de sair.

    ________________________________________________________________13. Ns acabamos de chegar.

    ________________________________________________________________14. O telefone acabou de tocar.

    ________________________________________________________________15. Ela nunca viu ele.

    ________________________________________________________________16. Ns nunca formos l juntos.


    C- Write in English:

    1. Ela comprou os sapatos dela numa loja no centro.________________________________________________________________2. Ele vendeu o carro dele antes do Natal.

    ________________________________________________________________3. Eu acabei de ligar a TV.

    ________________________________________________________________4. Ns estamos aqui desde as 10.

    ________________________________________________________________5. Aquela mulher tem ido ao cinema aos Sbados.

    ________________________________________________________________6. Estes meninos comeram os sanduches de presunto.

    ________________________________________________________________7. Nossos filhos no chegaram do clube ainda.

    ________________________________________________________________8. Os pais dela conversaram com os nossos na semana passada.________________________________________________________________9. Eu no o conheo ainda.

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    ________________________________________________________________10. Voc j viajou de trem?

    ________________________________________________________________11. Eles estudam ingls desde 2005.

    ________________________________________________________________12. Ele j escovou os dentes?

    ________________________________________________________________13. Ns j lemos este livro.

    ________________________________________________________________14. Ela acabou de ir pra cama.________________________________________________________________15. Aqueles homens nunca se esqueceram delas.

    ________________________________________________________________16. Ela danou com ele a noite passada.

    ________________________________________________________________17. Eu te vi no centro hoje de manh.


    D- Complete the sentences using the present perfect tense.

    1. I _________________________________ (see) a monster.2. You _________________________________ (live) in Spain.3. He _________________________________ (play) volleyball.4. We _________________________________ (walk) to the mall.5. They _________________________________ (sell) their house.6. She _________________________________ (be) to Mexico.

    E- Ask questions. Use the present perfect tense.

    1. Jane / sell / car____________________________________________________________________2. Allan / go / to the theater

    ____________________________________________________________________3. Travis / have lunch / early

    ____________________________________________________________________4. Dean and Ned / wake up / late

    ____________________________________________________________________5. You / go / to school


    F- Simple Past, Present Perfect or Simple Present?

    1. Ela me viu com o namorado dela ontem noite.________________________________________________________________2. Eles chegaram atrasados?

    ________________________________________________________________3. Ns fomos ao cinema esta semana.

    ________________________________________________________________4. Ela cantou bonito.

    ________________________________________________________________5. Eles moram aqui desde 1980.________________________________________________________________6. Eu sou casada.

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    ________________________________________________________________7. Ele comprou outro carro este ano.

    ________________________________________________________________8. Ns somos casados h 3 anos.

    ________________________________________________________________9. Eu li o seu livro hoje.

    ________________________________________________________________10. Elas jantaram depois da aula.

    ________________________________________________________________11. Ns no temos dormido 8 horas por noite.________________________________________________________________12. Voc almoou com ela?

    ________________________________________________________________13. Ela no est empregada ainda.

    ________________________________________________________________14. Ns moramos nesta casa.

    ________________________________________________________________15. Ns estudamos naquela escola h pouco tempo.


    G- Change the sentences into the required form.

    1. Chris has finished her job.I - __________________________________________________________________2. Grandpa has told them a story.

    N - _________________________________________________________________3. They have sold their car.

    N - _________________________________________________________________4. We have studied hard.I - __________________________________________________________________

    5. Peter has sold his bike.I - __________________________________________________________________6. Sarah has done her homework.

    N - _________________________________________________________________

    H- Match.

    1. Have they been to Scotland? ( ) They have seen the soccer game.

    2. Where have the students gone? ( ) He has lived in So Paulo.

    3. Has she found her pen? ( ) Yes, they have.

    4. What have you sold? ( ) No, I havent.

    5. Where has Mr. Green lived? ( ) No, she hasnt.

    6. Have you thought about your life? ( ) Yes, he has.

    7. What have they seen? ( ) I have sold my necklace.

    8. Has Ben woken up early? ( ) They have gone to the museum.

    I- Correct the mistake(s):

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    1. She have been unemployed for two months.________________________________________________________________2. She saw him this week.

    ________________________________________________________________3. Weve put the radio there yesterday.


    4. They put the radio on the table today.________________________________________________________________5. She didnt wash the dishes yet.

    ________________________________________________________________6. Ive swam in that lake this week.

    ________________________________________________________________7. Shes saw the accident.

    ________________________________________________________________8. They drank milk for breakfast.

    ________________________________________________________________9. She lives here for 2 months.

    ________________________________________________________________10. He lives in a nice apartment.

    ________________________________________________________________11. She came here twice.

    ________________________________________________________________12. She came here twice this month.

    ________________________________________________________________13. She is married since last year.

    ________________________________________________________________14. Ive worked there last year.


    15. Shes written a book in 2008.________________________________________________________________16. I am sick for 3 days.

    ________________________________________________________________17. Shes studied here.

    ________________________________________________________________18- We have lived in a large house.

    __________________________________________________________________19- Weve Just went to the party.

    __________________________________________________________________20- Im unemployed for 2 weeks.

    __________________________________________________________________21- I study here since 2008.

    __________________________________________________________________22- You called your daughter today.

    __________________________________________________________________23- He has been married.

    __________________________________________________________________24- She received a Love letter this week.

    __________________________________________________________________25- The kids are hungry since noon.

    __________________________________________________________________26- I went to the movies this month.__________________________________________________________________27- She came here 4 times this month.

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    __________________________________________________________________28- Weve been sick.

    __________________________________________________________________29- I didnt watch that cartoon yet.

    __________________________________________________________________30- Did you buy that car yet?


    Present Perfect Tense

    Formao: have/has + particpio passado do verbo principal

    Affirmative They have been ill since Christmas.Negative They havent been ill since Christmas.Interrogative Have they been ill since Christmas?

    Observe o uso do present perfect com as palavras abaixo.since I have studied English since April.for I have studied English for two years.

    just They have just arrived from London.already They have already arrived.yet They havent arrived yet. / Have they arrived yet?ever Have you ever been to Miami?never I have never been to Miami.

    1. Quem estuda ingles atualmente?a) Lucia has studied English for six months. b) Carla studied English for six months.

    2. Paul e William foram para o Japo, mas um deles ficou por l. Quem?a) Paul has been to Japan. b) William has gone to Japan.

    1. Since or for?a) _________________ 1999

    b) _________________ two yearsc) _________________ I was tend) _________________ many months

    e) _________________ her birthdayf) _________________ last weekg) _________________ Septemberh) _________________ a long time

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    2. Supply the simple past or the present perfect.a) She _____________________________________ (study) English for many years now.

    b) I _____________________________________ (kiss) my girlfriend many times today.c) That boy _____________________________________ (find) his little rocket.d) Those men _____________________________________ (shoot) an elephant.e) They _____________________________________ (send) a letter to Japan.f) She _____________________________________ (work) in that company since August.

    3. Find and correct the mistakes.a) We have just met Helen yesterday. ______________________________________

    b) They went to the beach since then. ______________________________________c) We did never eaten out. _______________________________________________d) Lucy has worked for two hours ago. _____________________________________

    4. Its nine oclock in the morning. Look at the table and say what Marcella has (not) done. Use

    already and yet.have breakfast 6:30have a shower -

    drive her children to school +call her secretary 8:15wash dishes +read the news -


    Past Perfect Tense

    A. Supply the past perfect tense of the verbs.

    1. She _________________________________ (to make) a cake before I left.2. Anne ____________________________ (to see) the movie Harry Potter before reading the book.3. Mr. Folks ________________________________ (to build) that house before the kids were born.4. The dog _________________________________ (to eat) all the food when we arrived.

    5. My parents ______________________________ (to travel) a month before they met their friends.

    B. Put the sentences from exercise A into interrogative form.

    1. ________________________________________________________________2. ________________________________________________________________3. ________________________________________________________________4. ________________________________________________________________5. ________________________________________________________________

    C. Now put the sentences from exercise A into negative form.

    1. ________________________________________________________________2. ________________________________________________________________3. ________________________________________________________________

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    4. ________________________________________________________________5. ________________________________________________________________

    D. Answer the questions. Give short answers.

    1. Had you done your homework before you watched TV?____________________________________________________________________2. Had Mrs. Collins corrected the exercises before the bell rang?

    ____________________________________________________________________3. Had the guys played the guitar before the game started?____________________________________________________________________4. Had you and your classmates finished the presentation when the Director arrived?

    ____________________________________________________________________5. Had the girl started her speech when the lights went out?


    E. Complete the sentences. Use the simple past tense or the past perfect tense.

    1. We _________________________________ (to hear) about the accident when you

    _________________________________ (to arrive).2. John and I _________________________________ (to notice) that we

    _________________________________ (to take) the wrong way.3. She _________________________________ (to say) that she

    _________________________________ (to see) that show.4. I _________________________________ (to be) sure that he

    _________________________________ (to give) the correct answer.5. Dennis _________________________________ (to correct) the homework which I

    _________________________________ (to do).6. He _________________________________ (to read) the book Harry Potter before he

    _________________________________ (to see) the movie.

    7. It was 4 oclock in the afternoon when we _________________________________ (to realize)that Bob _________________________________ (to go) home.

    8. She _________________________________ (to leave) the restaurant when I_________________________________ (to arrive).

    9. We _________________________________ (to open) the door only after the police_________________________________ (to go).

    Present Perfect + Past Perfect

    Have/Has + Participle (Present Perfect)

    Had + Participle (Past Perfect)

    ever = _______________________________already = ____________________________since = ______________________________for = ________________________________

    recently = ____________________________lately = ______________________________never = ______________________________

    just = ________________________________

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    1- What have you done lately?____________________________________________________________________2- When had they sent you the e-mail?

    ____________________________________________________________________3- Who had bought those flowers?

    ____________________________________________________________________4- Where has she lived recently?____________________________________________________________________5- Why has he left?

    ____________________________________________________________________6- How many times had she called you?

    ____________________________________________________________________7- How much money have you spent on books?

    ____________________________________________________________________8- How long has your mom been unemployed?


    9- What had that man told her?____________________________________________________________________10- Who has fixed the TV?

    ____________________________________________________________________11- When had the kids seen them?

    ____________________________________________________________________12- Where have you gone this week?

    ____________________________________________________________________13- What has she eaten today?

    ____________________________________________________________________14- Why had they gone there by bus?

    ____________________________________________________________________15- How often have you visited her?


    Write in English and then answer:

    1- Quando ela foi l?____________________________________________________________________2- O que ele te deu?

    ____________________________________________________________________3- O que ela te deu no Natal?

    ____________________________________________________________________4- Onde ele foi?

    ____________________________________________________________________5- Onde eles foram semana na passada?

    ____________________________________________________________________6- Onde voc foi esta semana?


    7- Ele mora aqui desde o ano passado?____________________________________________________________________8- Eles estudam ingls h muito tempo?


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    9- Voc vendeu seu carro em Julho?____________________________________________________________________10- Voc comprou uma casa nova este ano?

    ____________________________________________________________________11- H quanto tempo eles esto casados?

    ____________________________________________________________________12- Quanto tempo eles estudam por dia?


    13- H quanto tempo ela trabalha aqui?____________________________________________________________________14- O que ela tem feito l?

    ____________________________________________________________________15- Onde ele mora ultimamente?

    ____________________________________________________________________16- Quem tem te ensinado matemtica?

    ____________________________________________________________________17- Ela veio aqui com ele?

    ____________________________________________________________________18- Ele foi l conosco ontem noite?

    ____________________________________________________________________19- O que ele deveria ter feito?

    ____________________________________________________________________20- Quando eles tinham visitado a av deles?


    21- Onde ela deve ter ido antes?______________________________________________________________________

    22- Por que ele no pode ter gasto o dinheiro?______________________________________________________________________

    23- O que ela viu dentro daquela sala?______________________________________________________________________

    24- Quantas vezes por ms voc tem comido carne vermelha?______________________________________________________________________

    25- Quem tem sentido saudades do Michael Jackson?______________________________________________________________________

    26- Choveu muito onde voc mora hoje?______________________________________________________________________

    27- Elas viram o eclipse ontem?______________________________________________________________________

    28- Voc j viu um ET?______________________________________________________________________

    29- Quem comeu a ma?______________________________________________________________________

    30- Quando elas fecharam a janela da cozinha?______________________________________________________________________

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    Reflexive Pronouns

    I - myself you - yourself he - himself she - herself it - itself we - ourselves

    you - yourselvesthey - themselves

    1- Emphatic use:Ex.: I myself painted my room.

    I painted my room myself.The President himself answered the phone.

    2- Idiomatic use:Ex.: He traveled to Europe by himself.

    The students prepared everything by themselves.3- Reflexive use:Ex.: I cut myself in the kitchen.

    You should look at yourself in a mirror.She hurt herself with this tool.He shaved himself and left.The girls combed themselves.

    Elas se amam. (Cada 1 ama a si mesma.) They love themselves. Eles se amam. (Vrios amam um ao outro.) They love one another.

    Eles se amam. (Um ama o outro.) They love each other.

    Write in English

    1- Ela no se ama._____________________________________________________________________2- Os meninos poderiam se lavar antes das refeies.

    _____________________________________________________________________3- A menina mora sozinha.


    4- Eles prprios escreveram a carta de reclamao._____________________________________________________________________5- Eu mesma fiz este bolo.

    _____________________________________________________________________6- Ele prefere estudar sem companhia.

    _____________________________________________________________________7- Ns no nos machucamos enquanto cozinhvamos.

    _____________________________________________________________________8- A mulher deve decidir sobre isso sozinha.

    _____________________________________________________________________9- A prpria empregada o reconheceu.

    _____________________________________________________________________10- O cara se matou depois de te ver.


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    A. Fill in the blanks with the correct reflexive pronouns.

    1. Joanne looked at _______________________ in the mirror.2. Come on you guys, behave _______________________!3. My mother always talks to _______________________ when she is alone.4. My brother looked at _______________________ in the mirror and laughed.

    5. I cut _______________________ with that knife.6. The girls hurt _______________________ in the park.7. Patrick, look at _______________________. You are terribly dirty.8. That dog hurt _______________________ under the gate.9. We cant wash _______________________ in this dirty water!10. My father gave _______________________ a new car.

    B. Match.

    1. The girls hurt. when they were playing tennis. ( ) herself 2. I will give. a beautiful necklace. ( ) myself

    3. After the game, we bought. some sandwiches and soft drinks. ( ) ourselves4. Sue, Jack! Behave.! ( ) itself 5. The old man called . a genius. ( ) yourself 6. The dog found the way back by. ( ) yourselves7. Bob! You have to do your homework by.. ( ) himself 8. Sheila always hurts. in the park. ( ) themselves

    C. Answer the questions. Use andor because.

    1. Are the girls playing cards now? (yes/enjoying)_____________________________________________________________________

    2. Can Jane and Chris play with a knife? (no/hurt)_____________________________________________________________________3. Did Ted and his classmates prepare the party? (yes/alone)

    _____________________________________________________________________4. Can I play with a jack-knife? (no/cut)

    _____________________________________________________________________5. Can Jessica and I go to the beach? (yes/behave)

    _____________________________________________________________________6. Does peter take care of the baby? (yes/alone)


    Reflexive Pronouns

    A- Complete with reflexive pronouns.

    1. Hes always talking about suicide. Im afraid he may kill ______________ some day.

    2. My parents are old but they still look after ______________.

    3. The Pope has to make the decision ______________.

    4. If you keep on drinking like that, youll destroy ______________.

    5. Our teacher prepared the tests ______________.

    6. We try to keep ______________ stress free.

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    7. Hey children! Come inside and help ______________ to some chips and burgers.

    8. The cat licked ______________ and went to sleep.

    9. I ______________ wrote the report.

    10. The students asked to see the director ______________, not the secretary.

    11. We really enjoyed ______________ last night.

    B- Possessive adjective or reflexive pronoun? Choose the correct alternative.1. Tom cleaned his/himself and entered the house.

    2. Tom cleaned his/himself face and left the house.

    3. Karen was talking to her/herself when I saw her.

    4. Karen was talking to her/herself neighbors when I saw her.

    5. They blamed their/themselves son-in-law for the accident.

    6. They blamed their/themselves for the accident.

    C- Complete the sentences below with the pronouns.

    1. You ______________ prepared the report ______________, but the report was requested by


    2. It was my uncle ______________ who killed the snake.

    3. She lived in a small flat ______________.

    4. Our parents allowed us to fly to Berlin ______________.

    5. I ______________ will call the police.

    6. They didnt like the picture of ______________.7. We always behave ______________ in class.

    8. She blamed ______________ for the delay.

    9. I decided to go to the movies ______________.

    10. James and Carol went to Recife ______________, no sisters or brothers to disturb their peace.

    Some Any No

    Some [algum, alguns, alguma(s)] geralmente usado em frases afirmativas.There are some students in the classroom.

    Any [algum, alguns, alguma(s), nenhum(a)] geralmente usado em frases interrogatives e negativas (como verbo na forma negativa).

    There arent any students in the classroom.Are there any students in the classroom?

    No [nenhum(a)] usado em frases negativas com o verbo na forma afirmativa.There are no students in the classroom.

    Any Pode ser usado em frases afirmativas com o sentido de qualquer.You can take any magazine that is on the chair.We can buy any picture from this painter.

    A- Complete the sentences with some, any or no.

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    1. Nancy didnt see _______________ of her teachers at the game.2. I have _______________ classes tomorrow.3. My parents are going to visit _______________ of their relatives in Peru.4. He is buying _______________ ice cream now.5. There are _______________ Indian restaurants in that district.6. Ask Meg to sing _______________ Italian songs.7. Is there _______________ fruit here?

    8. I cant take a taxi because I have _______________ money.9. Are there _______________ messages for me?10. There is _______________ water for you in that bottle.

    B- Put the sentences in the form required.

    1. Julian bought some books yesterday.N- _____________________________________________________________2. I didnt buy any postcards.I- ______________________________________________________________3. I have no money in the bank.

    A- _____________________________________________________________4. There is some milk in the fridge.

    N- _____________________________________________________________5. There are some boys in the school gym.I- ______________________________________________________________6. She drinks no coffee in the morning.A- _____________________________________________________________

    C- Complete the sentences. Use the expression below.

    butterflies in the garden? books on the table. no class today. money in the drawer. sugar in the glass? hot drink.

    1. I want to drink some______________________________________________________.2. There isnt any __________________________________________________________.3. There is _____________________________________________. The teacher isnt here.4. There are some __________________________________________________________.5. Are there any ___________________________________________________________?6. Is there any _____________________________________________________________?

    D- Change the sentences into negative form. Use any and no.

    1. David left some magazines on his desk.______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________2. They saw some French tourists yesterday.


    3. Marion is drinking some lemonade.______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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    4. The guys had seen some famous soccer players.______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________5. Peter is going to do some exercises.

    ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________6. I have bought some new clothes.


    ___________________________________________________________________7. There were some apples in the refrigerator this morning.______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________8. We found some interesting places to fish in Canada.


    General Review of Verbs Tenses

    1- Eu estudo com eles.__________________________________________________________________2- Ela tem alguns brinquedos.

    __________________________________________________________________3-Minha amiga prefere estudar sozinha.

    __________________________________________________________________4-Ns nos conhecemos o ano passado.

    __________________________________________________________________5- Voc trabalhar sozinho.

    __________________________________________________________________6-Eu preciso de mais dinheiro.

    __________________________________________________________________1- Ele tem estudado ingls.

    __________________________________________________________________9-Voc j almoou.

    __________________________________________________________________10- Ele tinha visto a me dele l.

    __________________________________________________________________11- Vocs tinham acabado de dormir.

    __________________________________________________________________12- Ns somos bons amigos.

    __________________________________________________________________13- A vida bela.

    __________________________________________________________________14- Eu estou calma.

    __________________________________________________________________15- Ela vai vender este apartamento.

    __________________________________________________________________16- As mulheres vo descansar.


    17- Voc ia ficar aqui.__________________________________________________________________18- Vamos terminar este exerccio logo.


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    19- Seja paciente.__________________________________________________________________

    20- Est chovendo.__________________________________________________________________

    21- Ns podemos fazer qualquer coisa.__________________________________________________________________22- Eu consegui te achar.


    23-Ele deve ser louco.__________________________________________________________________24-Ns deveramos esperar por ela.

    __________________________________________________________________25-Este exerccio est longo demais.


    Tag Questions

    Affirmative, negative?

    Negative, affirmative?

    Write the correct tag question:

    1. Theyre from another city, ______________________________?2. She can run fast, ______________________________?3. We need to be prepared, ______________________________?4. They should be careful, ______________________________?5. Im doing the right thing, ______________________________?6. Go there, ______________________________?

    7. Hes an engineer, ______________________________?8. We dont need more money, ______________________________?9. He lives near here, ______________________________?10. Shed love to be chosen, ______________________________?11. Theyll call us, ______________________________?12. She must be here before eleven, ______________________________?13. Thats an easy exercise, ______________________________?14. We werent going to work on Saturday, ______________________________?15. Hes gone, ______________________________?16. Shed bought a useful tool, ______________________________?17. We have good neighbors, ______________________________?

    18. Weve seen them, ______________________________?19. The girl must be sick, ______________________________?20. She might need this book, ______________________________?21. The boy was hungry, ______________________________?22. Dont forget me, ______________________________?23. Lets start working, ______________________________?24. Open that door, ______________________________?25. Lets not do anything in a hurry, ______________________________?26. We went there together, ______________________________?27. She doesnt belong here, ______________________________?28. This classroom is too small, ______________________________?

    29. Theres a new store in town, ______________________________?30. There werent many mistakes, ______________________________?31. Call me at 7, ______________________________?32. Lets get going, ______________________________?

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    33. Im not wrong, ______________________________?34. She sings well, ______________________________?35. Im your friend, ______________________________?36. There was a man at the door, ______________________________?37. Dont speak aloud, ______________________________?38. This isnt your pen, ______________________________?39. Those were his kids, ______________________________?40. We wont hurt ourselves, ______________________________?

    41. Tim would come tonight, ______________________________?42. Brandon and Sarah like tea, ______________________________?43. The cat slept on the couch, ______________________________?44. The dogs dont bark all night, ______________________________?

    Question Tag

    Complete according to the tag questions:

    1. ________________________________________________, is she?

    2. ________________________________________________,arent they?

    3. ________________________________________________, isnt it?

    4. ________________________________________________, are there?

    5. ________________________________________________, did we?

    6. ________________________________________________, has he?

    7. ________________________________________________, isnt there?

    8. ________________________________________________, arent I?

    9. ________________________________________________, are they?

    10. ________________________________________________, have you?

    11. ________________________________________________, dont you?

    12. ________________________________________________, did they?

    13. ________________________________________________, would he?

    14. ________________________________________________, wont she?

    15. ________________________________________________, can I?

    16. ________________________________________________, should you?

    17. ________________________________________________, must we?

    18. ________________________________________________, was there?

    19. ________________________________________________, werent there?

    20. ________________________________________________, cant he?

    21. ________________________________________________, doesnt she?22. ________________________________________________, didnt we?

    23. ________________________________________________, dont you?

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    24. ________________________________________________, arent they?

    25. ________________________________________________, am I?

    26. ________________________________________________, should she?

    27. ________________________________________________, have they?

    Complete with the correct tag question:

    1. Dont drive fast, ________________________________________?

    2. He might need more sugar for this cake, ________________________________________?

    3. Im doing the right thing, ________________________________________?

    4. She has lots of friends, ________________________________________?

    5. Shes slept more, ________________________________________?

    6. Lets not go to So Paulo this month, ________________________________________?

    7. Im not too late, ________________________________________?8. Well spend our vacation there, ________________________________________?

    9. Weve spent a good amount of money, ________________________________________?

    10. Invite all your friends to the movies, ________________________________________?

    11. That dog eats meat, ________________________________________?

    12. Please, call me when you feel lonely, ________________________________________?

    13. We cant stay here, ________________________________________?

    14. Theres a new restaurant in town, ________________________________________?15. The children need more free time, ________________________________________?

    16. Those guys look strange, ________________________________________?

    17. She should be calmer, ________________________________________?

    18. She put her money in the drawer last night, _____________________________________?

    19. My daddy has some bills to pay, ________________________________________?

    20. Lets start the game now, ________________________________________?

    21. They mustnt disrespect that law, ________________________________________?

    22. There were few people there, ________________________________________?

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    Be able

    - I can speak 3 languages. (Present) = Im able to speak 3 languages.- We could see the eclipse yesterday. (Past) = We were able to see the eclipse yesterday.- They will be able to drive my car when they get older. (Future)

    I can = Im able

    you can = youre ablehe can = hes ableshe can = shes ableit can = its ablewe can = were ableyou can = youre ablethey can = theyre able

    I could = I was able / I would be ableyou could = you were able / you would be ablehe could = he was able / he would be ableshe could = she was able / she would be ableit could = it was able / it would be ablewe could = we were able / we would be ableyou could = you were able / you would be ablethey could = they were able / they would be able

    A- Answer:

    1. Were you able to ride a bike when you were five?____________________________________________________________________2. What were you able to do when you were 3 years old?

    ____________________________________________________________________3. Who is able to understand German here?

    ____________________________________________________________________4. Will you be able to speak English fluently after this course?

    ____________________________________________________________________5. What would you be able to do if you were the president?

    ____________________________________________________________________6. Where will you be able to travel to if you have 500 reais?


    B- Rewrite sentences 1, 2, 3 and 5 using the verb CAN:

    1. _________________________________________________________________2. _________________________________________________________________3. _________________________________________________________________5. _________________________________________________________________

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    C- Write in English:

    1. Eu no serei capaz de te esquecer.____________________________________________________________________2. Ns poderemos fazer qualquer coisa por/com $.

    ____________________________________________________________________3. Elas so capazes de gastar todo meu salrio com um carto de crdito.

    ____________________________________________________________________4. Voc no consegue viver sem mim.____________________________________________________________________5. Ele no conseguiu achar aquele endereo.

    ____________________________________________________________________6. Eu poderia ganhar este jogo.

    ____________________________________________________________________7. Ns podemos fazer este exerccio em breve.

    ____________________________________________________________________8. As crianas conseguem nadar melhor que seus pais.


    9. Vocs sero capazes de sobreviver depois de comerem os sonhos da Marilza.____________________________________________________________________10. Voc ser capaz de me perdoar?


    D- Change into the past:

    1. Im able to speak 3 languages.____________________________________________________________________2. Hes able to ride a horse.


    3. Were able to cook well.____________________________________________________________________4. Shes able to write letters.

    ____________________________________________________________________5. Im able to travel alone.


    E- Change the affirmative sentences (in the present) from exercise D into questions.

    1. __________________________________________________________________

    2. __________________________________________________________________

    3. __________________________________________________________________

    4. __________________________________________________________________

    5. __________________________________________________________________

    F- Change the affirmative sentences (in the past) from exercise D into negative:

    1. __________________________________________________________________

    2. __________________________________________________________________

    3. __________________________________________________________________4. __________________________________________________________________

    5. __________________________________________________________________

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    Extra Exercise Some / Any / No

    A- Answer the questions in the required form.

    1. Will they go anywhere next week? (No)

    _____________________________________________________________2. Have you bought anything at the market? (Yes)

    _____________________________________________________________3. Was there anybody home last night? (No)

    _____________________________________________________________4. Did she buy any bread for breakfast? (Yes)

    _____________________________________________________________5. Does he know anyone there? (No)


    B- Answer the questions in the required form. Use some, any and compounds.

    1. Who are you going to visit this afternoon?

    (Affir.) _______________________________________________________2. What did you buy last week?

    (Neg.) ________________________________________________________3. Where have you gone lately?

    (Neg.) ________________________________________________________4. Who have you talked to?

    (Affir.) _______________________________________________________5. What did he tell you last Monday?

    ((Neg.) _______________________________________________________6. Where did the children eat last Saturday?

    (Affir.) _______________________________________________________7. What did she make for lunch?

    (Affir.) _______________________________________________________

    C- Match the sentences.

    1. ( ) She drinks a. some girls in the cafeteria.

    2. ( ) Did you buy b. any books yesterday?

    3. ( ) There are c. any eggs in the basket?

    4. ( ) Are there d. no coffee in the morning.

    5. ( ) Henry is buying e. no message for you.

    6. ( ) There is f. some candy now.

    7. ( ) I cant buy g. apples because I have no money.

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    D- Fill in the blanks with the words given.

    something / nowhere / anything / everybody / everywhere / anybody

    1. Is there ________________________ under the bed?

    2. There is ________________________ around to go late at night.

    3. Did you see ________________________ at the club yesterday?4. Give me ________________________ to eat. Im hungry.

    5. There are presents ________________________.

    6. ________________________ at the party was elegant.

    E- Change the sentences to the required form.

    1. You invited somebody to my party.

    (Neg.) _____________________________________________________________2. I dont want to eat anything.

    (Aff.) _____________________________________________________________3. Im going somewhere tonight.

    (Neg.) _____________________________________________________________4. Is there anything I can do for you?

    (Aff.) _____________________________________________________________5. There is nobody at home.

    (Int.) ______________________________________________________________

    F- Answer the questions in the required form. Give complete answers.

    1. Does she know anybody here? (No)

    _____________________________________________________________2. Did you buy any bread for breakfast? (Yes)

    _____________________________________________________________3. Will they go anywhere next holiday? (No)

    _____________________________________________________________4. Are you going to buy anything in the market? (Yes)

    _____________________________________________________________5. Was there anybody home yesterday morning? (No)


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    Genitive Case

    A substantivos no terminados em s acrescentar s.

    the book of the boy the boys book

    A substantives terminados em s acrescenta-se .

    the book of the boys the boys book

    A- Rewrite the sentences. Use the genitive case.

    1. Those are the pens of the students.______________________________________________________________2. This is the address of Tessa.

    ______________________________________________________________3. Where are the keys of the pilots?

    ______________________________________________________________4. Is that the wife of Mr. Johnson?

    ______________________________________________________________5. The pen of the doctor is on the table.

    ______________________________________________________________6. These are the children of my cousin.

    ______________________________________________________________7. Todd is the last name of Joe.

    ______________________________________________________________8. Are these the CDs of Jan?


    B- Relacione as colunas.

    1. mother ( ) irm2. father ( ) tio3. daughter ( ) pai4. son ( ) sobrinha5. aunt ( ) me6. uncle ( ) irmo7. sister ( ) filho8. brother ( ) tia9. niece ( ) filha10. nephew ( ) sobrinho

    C- Aqui vo outras palavras relacionadas a famlia. Complete.

    parents. paisgrandparents


    ______________________grandfather.. avgrandson.. netogranddaughter..


    wife..esposahusband______________________cousin.. ______________________father-in-lawsogrodaughter-in-lawnorason-in-lawgenrosister-in-law.cunhada



    OBS: Seus in-laws no so seus parentes de sangue, mas sim aqueles que passam a fazer parte dafamlia por meio do casamento; portanto, so parentes por fora da lei.

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    Had better = melhor, seria melhor

    Would rather = would prefer to

    A- Write in English:

    1. melhor ns levarmos os guarda-chuvas.____________________________________________________________________2. Seria melhor ele escrever o nmero de telefone aqui.

    ____________________________________________________________________3. Ele preferiria assistir aquele filme mais tarde.

    ____________________________________________________________________4. Elas prefeririam comprar os ingressos amanh.

    ____________________________________________________________________5. melhor eu me apressar.

    ____________________________________________________________________6. melhor ela vir com ele.

    ____________________________________________________________________7. Ela preferiria trabalhar menos.____________________________________________________________________8. Eu preferiria comer peixe hoje.

    ____________________________________________________________________9. melhor vocs ficarem aqui.

    ____________________________________________________________________10. Seria melhor ns irmos agora.


    B- Answer:

    1. What had you better do this weekend?____________________________________________________________________2. When had we better buy our books?

    ____________________________________________________________________3. Who had better go there with you?

    ____________________________________________________________________4. What had the teacher better teach us?

    ____________________________________________________________________5. How many students had better go and talk to the principal?

    ____________________________________________________________________6. How much money had they better save?

    ____________________________________________________________________7. Where had he better put his clothes?

    ____________________________________________________________________8. What had your friend better study?

    ____________________________________________________________________9. Who had better help you?

    ____________________________________________________________________10. Why had we better stay here?

    ____________________________________________________________________11. What would you rather do now?

    ____________________________________________________________________12. Where would you rather live?

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    ____________________________________________________________________13. When would she rather come here?

    ____________________________________________________________________14. Why would they rather change jobs?

    ____________________________________________________________________15. How many kids would he rather invite to the party?

    ____________________________________________________________________16. What would they rather do with this money?

    ____________________________________________________________________17. Who would you rather talk to about this?____________________________________________________________________18. When would you rather leave?

    ____________________________________________________________________19. Where would she rather sleep?

    ____________________________________________________________________20. How much water would they rather drink?


    C- Complete the questions so that the sentences from exercise A can become the answers:

    1. If it rains, ________________________________________?2. If he doesnt find his notebook, ________________________________________?3. When ________________________________________?4. What ________________________________________ tomorrow?5. If youre late ________________________________________?6. Who ________________________________________?7. What ________________________________________ do?8. What ________________________________________ today?

    9. Where ________________________________________?10. What ________________________________________ now?

    D- Include the word not in the sentences:

    1. Id better swim in that river.____________________________________________________________________2. Hed rather go out with those guys.

    ____________________________________________________________________3. Wed rather eat out today.

    ____________________________________________________________________4. Hed better stay here until midnight.

    ____________________________________________________________________5. All my students had better be late.


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    Have got = have

    Examples:1. Do you have a cell phone?I havent got a cell phone, but Id like to have one.I dont have a cell phone, but Id like to have one.2. What has she got to do today?She has got to visit her grandparents.

    She has to visit her grandparents.

    A- Ask questions using the expressions below. Use have got.

    1. What they buy?____________________________________________________________________2. Where you go?

    ____________________________________________________________________3. Why she pay?

    ____________________________________________________________________4. Where I put?

    ____________________________________________________________________5. How much we lend?


    B- Ask questions using have.

    1. you go home____________________________________________________________________

    2. we send the e-mails____________________________________________________________________3. he call her

    ____________________________________________________________________4. the little girl do her homework


    C- Substitute have for have got:

    1. I have a comfortable life.____________________________________________________________________

    2. We have to pay attention.____________________________________________________________________3. He has a pretty girlfriend.

    ____________________________________________________________________4. She doesnt have to stay there.

    ____________________________________________________________________5. I dont have much money.

    ____________________________________________________________________6. They have to listen to you.

    ____________________________________________________________________7. Do you have another pencil?

    ____________________________________________________________________8. Does he have to travel tonight?

    ____________________________________________________________________9. Do we have any money left?

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    ____________________________________________________________________10. He has to go right now.


    D- Change the original sentences 1, 2, 3, 6 and 10 from exercise C to Interrogative and to










    E- Change the resulting sentences (have got) 1, 2, 3, 6 and 10 from exercise C to Interrogativeand to Negative:











    F- Answer questions from exercises A and B.____________________________________________________________________









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    Portugus Present Past Participle

    agree* agreed agreed concordar answer answered answered responder argue argued argued brigar (bater boca)arrive arrived arrived chegar

    ask asked asked perguntar/pedir attend attended attended frequentar bark barked barked latirbelieve* believed believed acreditarbelong* belonged belonged pertencerblush blushed blushed corar, ficar encabuladoborrow borrowed borrowed pegar emprestadobother bothered bothered aborrecerburn burned burned carbonizar/queimarbury buried buried enterrarcall called called chamar/telefonar

    care* cared cared cuidar carry carried carried carregar cause caused caused causar celebrate celebrated celebrated celebrar close closed closed fechar comb combed combed pentear contain contained contained conter cook cooked cooked cozinhar cross crossed crossed atravessar cry cried cried chorar

    dance danced danced danar decide decided decided decidir depend depended depended depender discover discovered discovered descobrir discuss discussed discussed discutir dream dreamed dreamed sonhar exist existed existed existir explain explained explained explicar explore explored explored explorar faint away fainted away fainted away desmaiar finish finished finished acabar/terminar fix fixed fixed consertar happen happened happened ocorrer/acontecer hate* hated hated odiar/detestar help helped helped ajudar, socorrer hurry hurried hurried apressar interfere interfered interfered interferir invite invited invited convidar

    join joined joined juntar/unir-sekiss kissed kissed beijar

    knock knocked knocked bater

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    learn* learned learned aprender like liked liked gostar listen listened listened escutar live lived lived morar/viver love* loved loved amar memorize memorized memorized memorizar/decorar mind* minded minded importar-semove moved moved mudar-se

    need needed needed precisar notice* noticed noticed notar/reparar open opened opened abrir own* owned owned possuir

    plan planned planned planejarplay played played jogar/tocar/brincarplease pleased pleased agradarpray prayed prayed orar/rezarprefer preferred preferred preferirpretend pretended pretended fingir

    produce produced produced produzirpull pulled pulled puxar/arrancarpush pushed pushed empurrarrain rained rained chover receive received received receber, ganhar remember* remembered remembered lembrar rent rented rented alugar repair repaired repaired consertar respect respected respected respeitar rest rested rested descansar save saved saved Economizer, salvar scatter scattered scattered espalhar seem* seemed seemed parecer shave shaved shaved barbear shout shouted shouted gritar spell spelled spelled soletrar start started started comear stay stayed stayed ficar stop stopped stopped parar study studied studied estudar suppose* supposed supposed supor

    talk talked talked conversar travel traveled traveled viajar try tried tried tentar/experimentar type typed typed datilografar/digitar unwrap unwrapped unwrapped desembrulhar use used used usar use to used to used to costumar

    visit visited visited visitar walk walked walked andar walk down walked down walked down descer a pwant wanted wanted querer

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    wash washed washed lavar watch watched watched assistir wish* wished wished desejar work worked worked trabalhar/funcionar worry worried worried preocupar


    Portugus Present Past Participle

    be was/were been ser/estarbe available was/were available been available estar disponvel

    become Became become tornar-sebegin Began begun comearbreak Broke broken quebrar

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    bring Brought brought trazerbuild Built built construirburn Burnt burnt carbonizar/queimarbuy Bought bought comprarchoose Chose chosen escolher come Came come vir cut Cut cut cortar do Did done fazer

    draw Drew drawn desenhar dream Dreamt dreamt sonhar drink Drank drunk beber drive Drove driven dirigir eat Ate eaten comer fall Fell fallen cair feel Felt felt sentir fight Fought fought brigar/lutar find Found found achar/encontrar forget Forgot forgotten esquecer

    get Got gotten ganhar/obter/pegar get back got back gotten back voltar get hurt got hurt gotten hurt machucar-seget up got up gotten up levantar give Gave given dar go Went gone ir grow Grew grown crescer have Had had ter have breakfast had breakfast had breakfast tomar caf da manhhave dinner had dinner had dinner jantar have lunch had lunch had lunch almoar hear Heard heard ouvir hold Held held segurar/abraar know Knew known saber/conhecer learn Learnt learnt aprender leave Left left deixar partir/sair lend Lent lent emprestar a algumlet Let let deixar/permitir lose Lost lost perder make Made made fabricar/fazer mean Meant meant significar/querer dizer

    meet Met met encontrar-sepay Paid paid pagar

    put Put put por/colocarread Read read ler ride Rode ridden andar de bicicletaring Rang rung tocar campainharun Ran run correr say Said said dizer algosee saw seen ver sell sold sold vender send sent sent mandar/enviar

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    set set set pr (mesa)set the table set the table set the table por a mesasing sang sung cantar sit sat sat sentar sleep slept slept dormir speak spoke spoken falar spend spent spent gastar/passar temposwim swam swum nadar

    take took taken pegar/tomar/levar take care took care taken care cuidar teach taught taught ensinar/lecionar tell told told dizer a algumthink thought thought achar/opiniounderstand understood understood entender wake up worke up worken up acordar wear wore worn usar roupaswin won won ganhar write wrote written escrever