Arc-en-Ciel: A Sims 3 Rainbowcy, Episode 34

Post on 12-Jan-2017

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Welcome to the final generation! Sakura takes over as heiress and we get to spend some more time with the Pink gen kids. I realized how much I missed my boys, I guess with

the glitches that had begun to show up before they were born led me to sending them off to boarding school before we could get to know them, but when they queue stomp the Go To School action then get berated for it by the adults who also queue kick anything I told them to go yell at them, it made the most sense. One of the more annoying things about

the Generations EP that I haven’t been able to find a solution for, if one exists.

Anyway, rant over let’s see the stars of the show; my Pink gen kids!

Rhodonite: So…college, what does everyone think about going together?

Morganite: Well, I don’t really need do since all I want to do is max Charisma and give 12 people “magical makeovers”, that doesn’t need college.

Sakura: You mean you want to prank people and get away with it don’t you?

Morganite: Well why not? Camera Lady said becoming a fairy would be fun, that sounds fun to me.

Sakura: Only because you’re Mean Spirited.

Kunzite: I want to travel and get the Level Three Max Visas while I’m there. I read one of our ancestors travelled a lot and she had fun doing it. Of course I can do better than her,

we don’t have to move again.

Sakura: I think college will be fun, I want to be a Perfect Student with a university degree.

Rhodonite: I want to be hailed as an International Super Spy, I mean I am Irresistible, so why not have a job that fits that best? I’ll be the next James Bond.

Morganite: Now there’s a fun job, who wouldn’t want the ladies falling over themselves

just to get to you?

Sakura: Ugh, men.

Kunzite: Tell me about it.

Rhodonite: I think we’ve disgusted our little sisters bro, high five.

Morganite: These bubbles are dope man…I think I see green floating hearts above my head.

Sakura: I see blue ones. Heehee!

Sakura: Pop. Pop. This is fun!

Morganite: Totally man…

Rhodonite: We’ve corrupted our sisters Morgan, we’re the best big brothers ever.

Rhodonite: Seriously though, what do you guys think about college? We should all go together.

Kunzite: Well I can wait to travel, I don’t mind. I have more freedom when I’m a YA anyway.

Sakura: My LTW needs me to go so yeah, let’s do it.

Morganite: College means more people to prank, so I’m in too.

Kunzite: What did you get for number 10?

Sakura: It’s not that kind of test, not like high school. This test determines how much scholarship money we get for each term.

Kunzite: So is 10 a yes or no?

Sakura: *sigh*

Kunzite: So is 2140 good?

Sakura: Wow, that’s awesome it means full scholarship, I got 2387.

Kunzite: Hey, I’m supposed to be the Genius here!

Kunzite: So mom, dad, grandma, grandpa and the boys all won this free vacation? When did they enter the contest?

Sakura: I dunno, sometime. Anyway we’re going to graduate in a few days so we

can take that aptitude test again. I don’t feel like partying.

Kunzite: A party would be epic, we should totally do it!

Sakura: Do you want to clean up everything, make the food, and all that?

Kunzite: Umm…not really…yeah, let’s just wait till we get to college. No parents there.

No fires this time okay?

Sakura and Kunzite: We make no promises.

Only one way to find out…

Kunzite: Should we set the curtains on fire, or burn the island counter?

Sakura: Hmm, both sound interesting…

Please don’t…

Sakura: *I wish to be awesome*

Kunzite: * I wish to gain the Hidden Pyromaniac trait*

Sakura: I got my wish, I am awesome.

Oh great, a Flirty heiress and an Irresistible spare, these two will be fun in college.

Sakura: Oh you know you’re looking forward to it.

Tis true, I rarely explore the UL pack because every generation’s had to move.

Kunzite: Don’t forget about me, I’m awesome too.

Yes. And a reminder of both Bluebelle and Ana, Kunzite is now Avant Garde.

Kunzite: I’m a rebel without a cause, look out Uni because here I come.


Next time on the Arc-en-Ciel Rainbowcy:

So my Pink gen kids are off to Uni. Sakura has the LTW of Perfect Student, which means I have graduate her. She needs a perfect GPA and a University Degree to

complete it. I have never gotten a perfect GPA in Sims 3, I wonder if it will be as easy as it was in Sims 2…I am pro at Sims 2 Uni. Also if you noticed the episode titles are now given shadowing below it, for some reason the silver and white on pink doesn’t

stand out as much as it did on the other colours, I hope you like it because I do.