Argumentative speech

Post on 15-Jun-2015

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Parts of an Argumentative SpeechMcAndrews, 2014

Bell Work

Take out a sheet of paper for Cornell notes. At the top, make a list of elements that make a speech or presentation good.

Grab Attention/Opening Statement

A rhetorical question

A shocking statement

A quote

An example

A story

Use humor

Motivate Audience

Explain practical value

Establish curiosity in subject

Tell about any firsthand experience you have regarding the subject

Allude to sources of information you consultedEstablish


State Thesis/Opinion

It’s okay to say “I” in your speech.

Make sure your opinion is clear!

Provide General Plan

This is your opportunity to provide a preview of the main points you will cover.

Provide Reasons and Evidence

Begin with the most important reason

End with the least important reason

Use real life experience and evidence from research to back up your opinion

Provide a Counterclaim

Now, I know some of you may not agree with me…

Some of you may be thinking that…It is true that…, but…

Provide a Conclusion

Restate thesis and summarize main ideas

Tell the audience what they should do or think

A strong concluding statement

Tips to Remember

Establish and maintain eye contact.

Speak at a reasonable pace and volume.

Organize your ideas on a note card and refer to it.

Try to appear relaxed.

Watch the time.

Do not end by saying, “and that’s it.



Take note of what each of these people does right and wrong. Hilarious Politician - WORST SPEECH EVER!!! – YouTube

My Favorite Graduation Speech Ever – YouTube

Boy Gives Terrible Speech – YouTube

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