AUM Consulting Information Pack

Post on 22-Mar-2016

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I deliver bespoke training programmes for business leaders; I coach and mentor leaders; and I provide a consultancy that will enhance the performance of your organisation by understanding and sculpting the behaviour of your people.




of Leadership

and Enhanced




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IF you can keep your head when all about you

Are losing theirs and blaming it on you,

If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,

But make allowance for their doubting too;

If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,

Or being lied about, don't deal in lies,

Or being hated, don't give way to hating,

And yet don't look too good, nor talk too wise:

If you can dream - and not make dreams your master;

If you can think - and not make thoughts your aim;

If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster

And treat those two impostors just the same;

If you can bear to hear the truth you've spoken

Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools,

Or watch the things you gave your life to, broken,

And stoop and build 'em up with worn-out tools:

If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,

' Or walk with Kings - nor lose the common touch,

if neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you,

If all men count with you, but none too much;

If you can fill the unforgiving minute

With sixty seconds' worth of distance run,

Yours is the Earth and everything that's in it,

And - which is more - you'll be a Man, my son!




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“Serving society is developing my

business, developing my business is

serving my family, serving my family is

developing the Self and developing the

Self is my path to contentment.”




Yet, it can be said with some certainty

that for most people the mind is an enigma, paradoxical and uncontrollable. In effect we have a tool that we hardly

control. For the most part the mind seems to have a mind of its own. We seem to be able to control the direction of

our thoughts, but only very sporadically, and with short bouts of intensity. For the most part, and for most people,

the mind drives us. It does so through desire and insecurity which then becomes fear, this fear often leads to

competition, which often translates into office politics and a struggle for power. The struggle for power and position

is nothing more than a search for security. Furthermore, we seem unable to control what we think about and when

we think about it. We can’t help but take our work home – the up times and the down times; both of which are

distracting and often we are unable to concentrate.

on the needs of our family.

Leadership is about gaining a firm control

of our mind and senses. Leadership can be boiled down to

one skill: decision making – that’s what leaders do! The challenge is that in a world where Leaders of

organisations are under constant pressure from all angles to make the RIGHT decisions, all the time, with an

unforgiving workforce and increasing scrutiny at home,

how are right decisions to be arrived at?

The human mind is without question our greatest asset.


“I deliver bespoke training

programmes for business leaders; I coach and

mentor leaders; and I provide a consultancy that

will enhance the performance of your organisation by

understanding and sculpting the behaviour of your people.”

I have been involved in the pioneering

field of research called Human Potential

Development (HPD) for over 7 years. HPD

is about optimising control over our mind.

It is about optimising how we use our

senses to make sense of the external

world, how to discriminate better

between contradictory messages, how to

channel positive and negative emotions,

and most importantly how to cultivate an

optimum and balanced behavioural


“Too often we

are beguiled by our

own prejudices, past

memories, fear and greed,

security and insecurity to

see what actually is.”






I ?

Furthermore, I am the founder and

managing director of the WeComeOne

Group; a group of companies which have

interests in consulting (for blue chip

clientele), publishing, catering, and

education. The group employs more than

40 people and this number is likely to

double in 2013. The group’s HQ is located

at Vantage Park, Hamilton, Leicester.

My education is as diverse as my

understanding of organisations. I

completed my MEng in Aerospace

Engineering in 2001. I was a scholarship

student with the Ministry of Defence, and

a member of their prestigious fast track

management programme (FTMP). While

on the FTMP, I was deployed at BAe

Systems, GKN Aerospace, Foreign Office

and GCHQ. In protest against the Iraq war,

I and three others leaked sensitive

information to the press knowing full well

that we were in breach of the Official

Secrets Act. I was lucky not to be tried by

court martial and was dismissed from the

MoD. My co-conspirators were not so

lucky! 6

Having become a political martyr, I was

picked up by Labour Party’s backbenchers

who opposed the war. I was championed

amongst the party faithful and ended up

leading the anti-war march across London

organised in 2001 and 2002. I then went

to Oxford to study a Masters in

Philosophy, and picked up a Diploma in

Christian and Islamic Theology too. I was

asked to pursue a DPhil (Oxford’s version

of a PhD), but could not find a long term

supervisor, and after a year left to

complete my thesis “A Critique of

Liberalism” at University of Nottingham.

In 2005, I completed my thesis and went

to Princeton, New Jersey, to complete my

post doctoral research.

I returned in November 2006, to set up

the WeComeOne Consulting.

I have worked with clients such as JP

Morgan, Deloitte, BT, QinetiQ, Baker and

Mckenzie, Teach First, Sherwood NHS

Trust, Foreign Office, Premium Health,

and Ryman at a strategic global level. My

job was to understand and connect their

cultural aims with their commercial


In 2007, I decided to diversify into the

online graduate publishing sector. I

launched a magazine called HPD for

aspiring graduates. In 2009, I decided to

explore the Italian restaurant business,

and launched Ponchinello’s Italian in 2010,

an aim to build an independent chain of

authentic Italian restaurants. Here I have

to confess – “I can’t make toast!” Also in

2010, I set up the charity Open Dreams

Foundation, of which I am the trustee to

help fund worthwhile initiatives locally in

the arts and education. Since 2009, one of

my students (and now business partner)

won Young Asian Entrepreneur of the year

award, whilst another was a finalist Young

Asian Woman of the year award.


“...did you read the

previous page? If

not, I suggest you

do before flicking

to the next one”

There is a reason why I decided to make this

text heavy. More than information, I wanted to

communicate the contours of reality; the

subtlety of what’s on offer; you may miss that

which is implied in between the lines!


All HPD training programmes are suitable for business owners, senior management, HR

professionals, business advisors, senior management of public services, heads of

community organisations and charities.


Each organisation has its own unique culture; a culture that is the result of its unique history. Hence HPD requires

prerequisite observation studies on site, informal chats with delegates, and where necessary questionnaires and

psychometrics allowing me to “feel” and analyse your unique cultural strengths and weaknesses.











Identifying organisational cultural strengths and weaknesses

Cultural mind-mapping

Understanding our brain and mind

How to develop the brain and mind

How to build a unifying vision across the organisation

Psychology behind conflicts between leaders

Conflict resolution

Half day Full day 2 days





Are you aware of your leadership style?

Do you know the power dynamics within your organisation?

Did you know that 70% of your decisions were made in your unconscious?

How do you get the most out of you?

As your organisation grows you will need the “buy-in” of every employee. Do they follow you? Believe you? Trust you?

Conflicts are inevitable but do you understand their mechanics?

Being united in diversity

Rakesh Sonigra Partner at Accapita Accountancy

and Business Advisors 9



How to handle difficult conversations and decisions

Maintaining morale and creating a belonging throughout the organisation

Creating good housekeeping rules for leaders

How to build a strategy of change

The character of tomorrow’s change leaders

Barriers to change

How to manage change

Knowing when to pursue a strategy, and when to rethink it: Open discussion about the future of your organisation

How to make and deliver bad news to your team

Are you aware of what stakeholders think of you and your organisation?

Are you aware and practicing subtle do’s and don’ts about your daily interaction with stakeholders

One thing in business is certain: CHANGE. Are you ready?

Are you aware of the upcoming challenges in your business?

How to build change into your everyday thinking

Do you know the impact your change strategy may cause?

Leadership is about being elastic in thought and practice. How adaptable are you?

Half day Full day 2 days

Cost (per person)*

£75 £120 £199

Time 3 hours 6 hours 12 hours



SACHIN’s greatest asset is his ability

to understand a situation and bring his unique style

and experiences together to create an effective

solution – whether it is a program to develop

leadership qualities in people, a lecture tour

designed to inspire and link graduates to the top

companies or a series of workshops that provide

effective advice to enable businesses to achieve

their core targets. His attention to detail means he

always achieves his objectives!

* Different rates apply for charities and NGOs.

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Sometimes training will not suffice. In training, not matter how many simulations

you go through, it is still a controlled environment. The real world is in constant flux with infinite variables all

impacting on each other. In that turbulence even an informed leader who is constantly in the centre can

become lost in translating information into transformation. If you are in leadership and sometimes struggle to

translate what you know into reality,

then this is for you.

All my coaching and mentoring packages are suitable for business owners, senior management,

HR professionals, business advisors, senior management of public services, heads of community

organisations and charities.



I need to understand your challenge from all angles. What is it that you want to achieve culturally and commercially? Once we work through a framework of challenges that you and your organisation faces, I can construct a bespoke package for you. All initial consultation and meetings are FREE of charge and non-obligatory.

Coaching usually takes place face-to-face or via conference call.

Coaching and mentoring via email is unlimited and free once a package is agreed.

Each session lasts for 30 minutes @ £50 per session

Travel costs are additional; typically 1st class rail ticket or 50p per mile if by road.

Minimum 10 sessions must be bought and used within 6 months


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GKN Aerospace manufacture aircraft transparencies for the Euro

fighter. Scrap rates for this aircraft were in access of 40%. Each

scrapped unit had an associated cost of £10,000 (£4.8million every

year). The contract had a value of £75 million to the company.

Having analysed all the available data, no solution appeared.

After a few days of analysing data, we began to concentrate on the

people. At one particular point we discovered that workers were

opening up the huge oven door by a few centimetres to slip in their

pies so they could be heated up. There was no microwave in their

section. We immediately looked at the temperature readings of the

oven and discovered that at exactly same time every day the

temperature dropped by 1 degree Celsius. The engineers had no idea,

and couldn’t understand why 1 degree would make such a difference,

until the suppliers of the polymers confirmed that any slight sudden

drop in temperature could cause immense stress and hence could

result in failure. We introduced a microwave in the section and strictly

forbade anyone to open the over doors during runtime.

Saved the company in excess of £5 million pounds over a 12 month period.

Daily rate of £1000 and 5% of what we save the company in the 1st year





Mark Bunyan

Head of Dynacrylic, GKN Aerospace

You have to be an outlier, someone who thinks

out of the box to have seen what Sachin saw. We were all highly sceptical when he arrived on sight. We couldn’t understand why he switched his focus from process to people. In fact we got frustrated. But this was a people problem, and we wouldn’t have ever figured it out. We paid for a bit of genius and it was worth every penny!

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Having the luxury of a focused and refined HQ in Leicester means that

your organisation could easily and readily benefit from our infrastructure. If your

business is experiencing rapid growth or stagnation, and the back-end operations are consuming all your time,

which could be spent on developing the core competencies or increasing

sales - then this is for you.

We consult businesses in a wide array of areas that concern

human behaviour. Due to the nature of our expertise, we can support multiple departments, in an array

of projects and activities.

We are an entrepreneurial consultancy. Our consultants are all experts in Human Dynamics, Market Research,

Marketing Strategy, Recruitment Strategy, Team Building, Building Corporate Cultures, and Leadership Training.

What we do is unique. Everything we do

is about getting the best out of people,

often resulting in increased revenue,

reduction of costs, greater efficiency

and better internal controls. To find out

more, visit

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Sarah Shillingford Partner at Deloitte, UK

SACHIN’s team helped us

build a fantastic awareness campaign on a street level on a shoe string budget. His idea of memes, and how to fuel word of mouth messages was fantastic. It’s been great working with his team. Worth every penny!

“ ”

Sharad Pawar Owner of Infinite IT Solutions, India & Australia

Theo Paphitis Entrepreneur and CEO of Ryman, UK

SACHIN and his team

have been working with us now for a number of years. His involvement with our graduate recruitment and retention has been invaluable. He co-developed our global strategy and training programmes across the organisation. Since his involvement retention has risen by 50% and costs have dropped by 15% due to internal controls.

WE outsourced all our marketing,

administrative and payroll across to Sachin’s team. My overheads reduced by 30% and my bottom-line grew by 8%. What’s of more value to me is that I had the time to focus on what matters – sales, sales and sales!

“ ”

Infinite IT Solutions

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Sachin is the founder and managing director of the WeComeOne Group.

The WeComeOne Group is composed of organisations, both for profit, and not-for-profit, ranging from

businesses in Management Consulting, Management Training, Catering, Education, Publishing, and Marketing &

Sales, as well as our Charity arm through which we distribute funds to good causes across Leicester.

The following companies form the WeComeOne Group.

WeComeOne Consulting

HPD Graduate Magazine

Academy of Mathematics and Science

Institute for Global Change UK

Ponchinello’s Italian

Open Dreams Foundation

The first company was founded in 2006.

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Open Dreams is a registered charity which is

committed to positive social change through the

advancement of the Arts and learning for young people

in Leicester and Leicestershire. We involve people from

all parts of the community, by organising adventures

inspired by your dreams, we raise funds and resources

in order to provide children with the opportunity to

improve their lives.


Open Dreams is about improving the chances and quality

of life for young people. We support all sorts of projects

from the local Duke of Edinburgh to helping young people

set up and run their own enterprise. The donations that we

receive make a tangible life-changing difference to young

people from our community. We want to make philanthropy



We are not dependant on any grant funding. We raise the funds to

support our charitable projects by organising events inspired by

your dreams. Last year we took 20 cyclists and cycled 300 miles

from clock tower to the Eiffel Tower. We raised over £12,000! If

you want an adventure, feel like a challenge and do something

great for a local children’s charity then join us for the Leicester to

Paris Bike Ride 2013!













A percentage of all AUM CONSULTING fees will be

donated to the Open Dreams Charitable Trust.

If you want to have an informal, non-obligatory

chat then please contact me.

AUM Consulting

16 Vantage Park

Off Highview Close



United Kingdom

0116 2766663