B2 b webinars-infographic

Post on 11-Jan-2015

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Today's post is provided by Amanda Nelson, Director of Marketing for RingLead. Webinars are powerful tools for B2B marketers to connect and engage with potential and existing customers. But many B2B marketers struggle with webinars because they don’t know all the necessary steps to increase their webinar program success. RingLead and Heinz Marketing put together the secrets of an excellent B2B webinar in this infographic below, based on Heinz Marketing's great ebook available here. Here are the highlights. 1. Plan Determine your desired outcomes, including goals, audience, call to action, etc. Approach webinars with a bias for action. Focus on achieving your goals versus being 100% perfect. Test different days of the week, times of day, and webinar lengths. Learn, improve, execute and keep going. 2. Execute Focus on education, not selling. Don't preach, teach! Compelling content will create interest. A webinar full of product demos will be an epic fail. Try polls, Q&A and other ways to interact with your audience live and in real time. This keeps them engaged and with you throughout the duration of the webinar. 3. Promote Not everyone will be interested in your webinar topic, so segment you audience for promotion based on roles, industry, and previous levels of engagement with your content. Email is the workhorse for webinar promotion. Focus heavily on compelling subject lines and clear copy. Reach out on social channels, to colleagues and customers, and use your blog to share key webinar takeaways and highlights. 4. Follow Up You're not home free after your webinar concludes. Record it and post the video on YouTube, share the slides on Slideshare, and follow up with emails to attendees and those who registered but did not attend. Transcribe the video and use that content for future blog posts, ebooks and social posts. Include the video in your marketing automation nurture journey, and even use it for sales enablement. Check out the infographic for a look at these 4 key steps to successful webinars. Amanda Nelson is Director of Marketing at RingLead where she leads the content marketing strategy and execution. She has spent the last three years in content marketing and community management at salesforce.com and Radian6, and has a background in account management for interactive and full service advertising agencies. Follow her on Twitter at @amandalnelson.
