Brand commerce

Post on 11-Apr-2017

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Tytuł prezentacjiImię, nazwisko, stanowisko,


Hypermedia, Dentsu Aegis Network

Michał KreczmarE-commerce Director

Co przyniesie zbliżenie marek i sprzedaży?

Brand * Commerce

1999 - dozens of Nike employees have a swoosh tattooed on their calves

2014 - Reebok Tough Viking competition 8 people got tattoos for 5K$ sponsorship

2015 - 199 - 99 PLN w promocji za 2 dziewczyny

Kto jest świrem? • marki • ludzie• …

It is said that the present is pregnant with the futureVoltaire (1694-1778)

It is said that the present is pregnant with the futureVoltaire (1694-1778)

The Marketplace Empire

Retailers estimate global marketplaces will own 40% of the global online retail market in 2020. Retailers may have lost up to 70% of their traditional market

Amazon and eBay account for 41% of all e-commerce-related traffic in Europe. They are setting the standards for the top 500 and other retailers in Europe. Amazon delivers nearly anything the next day (or the same day) at the lowest price. As a retailer you are always compared to them even if you do not sell on their platforms.

Ian Jindal Chief Editor, Internet Retailing

Never ending scaling

Link > BuyItNow > D2C

Within the last 11 months, all 4 massive digital platforms announced plans to either test or introduce some version of a “Buy” button, salivating over the chance to turn their social networks and discovery platforms into shopping malls as well.

Platformy - buy butonizacja

+generowanie intencji zakupowych+60% pinów będzie „buyable”-słaba realizacja-inventory - real-time data synch-mało towarów, stare piny-potrzebny algorytm image-matching

Pinterest’s buyable pins are a good idea but the current execution is inadequate to nail social shopping. In the long run, the company will likely stick to straight-up advertising and sponsored pins and brands because those are easier and more lucrative to monetize.

Sucharita Mulpuru, Forrester

+generowanie intencji zakupowych+wizualne, magazynowe prezentacje+targetowanie – Facebook, API-demografia użytkowników, mała siła nabywcza-inventory - real-time data synch-zbyt szybka zmienność streamu

It’ll be cool to say that you’re testing sales on Instagram, but like shopping at Tesco with your phone at a subway stop in Korea, it won’t actually generate any sales. Agencies may love buzz but what matters to retailers who control the purse strings is sales. Sucharita Mulpuru, Forrester

+przykłady działających flash sales - Dell+Twitter cards+targetowanie – API-słaba skalowalność, mała powierzchnia reklamowa-inventory - real-time data synch-zbyt szybka zmienność streamu

Tweets are too ephemeral to make a difference to a merchant in sales. Even if there was a buy button on any ad unit, few companies would really get much benefit from such an offering.

Sucharita Mulpuru, Forrester

+rekomendacja znajomych+skala, powierzchnia reklamowa, platforma+zaawansowane targetowanie – API-inventory - real-time data synch-bardziej i mniej „rekomendowalne” towary-focus

Facebook could be a buy-button-leader because of its scale but it just doesn’t appear to have that much interest in winning. The value of any buy button is small potatoes in comparison to the company’s red hot ad business right now.

Sucharita Mulpuru, Forrester

Google’s buy button has the most promise of all the sites but success is relative even if it does get the execution right. Mobile commerce is still tiny and Google's share of it may ultimately be sizable overall but for any given merchant it will be relatively small. The real game-changer will be when Google puts the buy button on the desktop, which is and will be the predominant way to buy digitally in the foreseeable future.

Sucharita Mulpuru, Forrester

+middle man cd. wzbogacone PLA+skala, powierzchnia reklamowa+zaawansowane targetowanie+ekosystem/platforma-inventory - real-time data synch-search only

Wspólny mianownik?

Domino’s order pizza by tweeting pizza emoji

One more thing

Delivery bubble

Dysrupcja w wysyłkach:• Food delivery• Sharing, „post-taxi”• On-demand delivery• Same day delivery• Paczkomaty, Kiva,

drony, SaaS-yzacja…

Amazon dash button

Great unboundling

Amazon echoAmazon dash

Amazon Alexa SDK

Your entire house is now a shopping cart

Dash Replenishment Service (DRS) for connected devices

29 buttonów + 500 produktów

By 2020, 80% of the buying process will occur without any direct human-to-human interaction

Gartner & Forrester

Przestajemy kupować w realu, nie będziemy też kupować w e-sklepach?Czy automatyczne sklepy, platformy wzbudzają emocje, love?

There’s x for y• Marki & sklepy nie budują ekosystemów/platform• Płytkie relacje związane z pozyskiwaniem konsumentów, sprzedażą, • AdTech/MarTech/CRM a people?• Platform owners, marketplaces > brandy - klienci czy partnerzy, Frenemy?

Brak, ograniczanie kontroli:• Customer experience/relationship/journey, touchpoints • Look & feel, usability, cross-selling, dostawa/logistyka • UGC, rating & reviews• Więcej kanałów = more errors

It’s complicated

Omnichannel is the magic word but it is yet unproven. Is omnichannel not mainly a defensive strategy?

Tak długo będziemy ich kochać aż nas pokochają?

• Marki staja się sklepami > BuyItNow, Direct 2 Consumer • Reklamy dodają do koszyków > buy button on every ad/platform• Platformy staja się marketplace'ami > shop everywhere• Marketplace’y, pośrednicy zjadają sklepy, usługi, marże > software eats…• Zakup, płatność, dostawa, zwrot, klient > oderwane od transakcji/sklepu• Kupujemy wszędzie (nie tylko w sklepie), wszystko 1 click away, w kieszeni

Frictionless shopping heaven?

Czego nam brakuje?Jaka będzie rola marek?• Wygoda, ułatwianie życia, pomaganie, przydatność • Invisible transactions, skracanie ścieżek, zakupy/zwroty, order management,

płatności• Omnipresence & omnichannel, connecting dots • Wiedza o ludziach, rynkach, odkrywanie potrzeb • Storymakers vs storytellers• Service vs Product economy• Customer eXperience

It was easy to predict mass car-ownership but hard to predict Wal-Mart

Carl Sagan