By, Jakara, Aly, Sara, and Tiye THE CITY OF JAST.

Post on 15-Jan-2016

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By, Jakara, Aly, Sara, and Tiye







Some of Our Major Buildings• Hospitals• Post Offices• Libraries• Recreation Centers• Police and Fire Stations• Homeless Shelter with a Soup Kitchen• Restaurants• Family owned businesses• Vet/SPCA• Pediatrics centers• Malls• Farmer’s Markets• Pharmacies

Types of Country Housing;

• Bigger homes, square footage wise

• Larger yards

Types of Housing for the Suburbs;

• Town houses

• Apartments

• Single family homes

Types of City Housing;

• Apartments above small


• Townhouses

• Condos

Roads:• The City area roads will have three lanes going forwards and backwards and will contain sidewalks on every road.

• The Suburban area roads will have two lanes going forwards and backwards and have sidewalks on common areas.

• The Country area roads will have one lane going forwards and backwards there will be sidewalks on the main roads out of the suburbs area.

• When transitioning between areas the number of lanes will increase or decrease according to the direction one is headed.

Mass Transit

•Buses have low-fare.

•Buses run three times (morning, noon, and night), both ways.

• The bus stops are located in the city and the suburbs and are scattered throughout. Those in the country will have a 10-minute walk to a bus stop.

• This bus system is for carless people and the immobile poor.

Dry Bus Stops•Our bus stops are;

• Closed-in w/ slide doors• Covered all around• Protected from elements•Have 2 rows of benches• Telephone booth nearby each one•Have light poles for a lit-up pathway when dark.•Holes all over so air can flow

• The bus stops are completely high-tech, very convenient, and dry. There will be one every other stop. Other stops will that the regular one bench stop with a ceiling and walls just not in the front.

Education• 2 of every thing:

elementary (preK-5)

middle (6-8)

high school (9-12)• And we have 1 secondary school.

Cul-de-sac Kids

•No cul-de-sacs in this town.

Bored Teens


• Entertainment

• Job and volunteer opportunities

• Parks


• Retirement center

• Retirement community

Immobile Poor

• Buses • Taxis

Shopping•Outlets without huge parking lots throughout the city•Offices above stores•Apartments above small businesses (small restaurants and shops)

Recreation•Parks throughout the Suburb and Country

Recreation•Parks throughout the Suburb and Country•Recreation center in the Suburbs for the Country and the City to utilize

Community Center• Located in the suburbs, close to the city and suburbs for the easy walk.

• Bus stops near by

Cleaner Air• Green Roofs in the City and the Suburbs

Cleaner Air•Green roofs in the City and the Suburbs•Green areas between housing and any development

Cleaner Air•Green roofs in the City and the Suburbs•Green areas between housing and any development•Public Transit

Cleaner Air•Green roofs in the City and the Suburbs•Green areas between housing/ development•Public Transit •Have businesses encourage walking and bike riding

Clean Water•Riparian Buffers

Clean Water•Riparian Buffers•Fencing of farms

Clean Water•Riparian Buffers•Fencing of farms•Rain Barrels

Clean Water•Riparian Buffers•Fencing of farms•Rain Barrels •Organic Fertilizers and no pesticides

Power•Solar Energy


Power•Solar Energy•Compact Fluorescent light bulbs (CFL’s)

Power•Solar Energy•Compact Fluorescent light bulbs (CFL’s)•Green Energy Suppliers

Recycling •Local Recycling centers

Recycling •Local Recycling centers•Recycling bins by trashcans

Recycling •Local Recycling centers•Recycling bins by trashcans•Encourage businesses to go paperless

Recycling •Local Recycling centers•Recycling bins by trashcans•Encourage businesses to go paperless•Encourage schools to stop using Styrofoam