By Morgan Schroeder This PowerPoint shows all of my projects from the duration of this class from...

Post on 25-Dec-2015

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B y M o r g a n S c h r o e d e r

Electronic Portfolio

This PowerPoint shows a l l o f my pro jects f rom the durat ion of th is c lass f rom Microsoft Word

to creat ing a d ig i ta l s toryboard.

Table of Contents

• Buy a New Computer Assignment

• Plagiarism• Website Evaluation• Resume and Cover

Letter• Online Discussion• Digital Story• Top Ten PowerPoint• Personal Page on

Blackboard• Budget

About me!

I am currently in my first year at LGH to

be a Radiology Technician. My hobbies include

being with friends and family, playing

basketball and going to the beach.

Buy a New Computer Assignment

• C:\Users\Morgan\Documents\COMP CLASS\comp project.docx

For this project we had to “buy” a new computer and explain why we chose that type of computer (PC or Mac). We also had to buy it based on our specific needs for the computer buy the appropriate extras such as a printer, insurance, flash drive etc.

I chose to buy a Mac because of how they work a lot better then regular PC’s and they are also less susceptible to viruses.

Plagiarism/Copyright Anticipation and Reaction Guide

• C:\Users\Morgan\Documents\COMP CLASS\PlagiarismCopyrightARGuide[1].doc

For this assignment, we had to answer true or false to statements concerning plagiarism. We then went

over them in class and discussed why they were

true or why they were wrong. I learned that

summarizing information needs a citation.

Websi te Eva luat ion Act iv i ty

For this project we had to evaluate a website to see if it is a “legit” website, or if it is a “phony”. This is really important because when doing research, you do not what to get false information from a website

that you thought was dependable. I learned that one of the first things you look at is the facts or

information of the author.


Resume and Cover Letter

C:\Users\Morgan\Documents\COMP CLASS\cover letter revised.docxresume.doc

For this project I had to create a resume

and a cover letter as if I were graduated, and was sending it

to a business or corporation for a job. I learned that

you could use templates and how

to use them.


Online Discussion – Health Topics (Bipolar)


For this project, my group chose to do research on the Bipolar disorder. It was required to have our information on the class wiki page for the

whole class to comment on and see.

Client Education Project – Digital Story

For this project, my group had to create a short

clipped movie on iMovie about

obesity. We started out first in Movie

Maker and absolutely hated it.

It kept freezing, and it did nothing but frustrate our group. We then

switched to iMovie which made this project ten times


Top 10 PowerPoint

For this assignment I had

to choose 10 things that I learnt

from this class and put them in a

PowerPoint to present to the


C:\Users\Morgan\Documents\COMP CLASS\My top ten!.pptx

Personal Homepage on Bb and Course

Goals• https://blackb

This project was something we

had to do before the first actual class. It was a simple way to

inform the teacher and

students who you are, and

little facts about you.

Budget• C:\Users\Morgan\Documents\COMP CLASS\budget 2.xlsx

For this project we had create an

excel worksheet of our monthly/yearly

budgets. We did this by using the formulas in excel

to calculate totals, averages and payments.









