CDF Status and Prospects P5 Committee June 8, 2007 Rob Roser & Jaco Konigsberg.

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CDF Status and Prospects

P5 CommitteeJune 8, 2007

Rob Roser & Jaco Konigsberg

CDF Status and Prospects

P5 CommitteeJune 8, 2007

Rob Roser & Jaco Konigsberg

• Perspective

• Detector– Status & operations– High Luminosity running– Data processing

• People– Present Status– Surveys & extrapolations– Streamlining and Automating– Retaining and recruiting [opportunities]

• Publications

• Summary




North America 34 institutions

Europe 20 institutions

Asia 8 institutions

The CDF Collaboration 13 Countries 62 institutions 620 authors


• Publications submitted+accepted+published– 133 Run II publications and 13 papers submitted– We also have >50 additional papers under internal review !– On track for 40+ publications in 2007

• More than 100 ongoing PhD theses

13 papers submitted but not yet published

• We also have >50 additional papers under internal review !

Calendar Year Publications

2003 4

2004 17

2005 40

2006 45

2007 27

Total to date 133

CDF Run 2 Publications

We are publishing our results as we go

Broad and deep physics program


8 orders of magnitude

Higgs ED?











W’, Z’, T’

Some Run 2 Physics Highlights

Observation of Bs-mixing• Δms = 17.77 +- 0.10 (stat) +- 0.07(sys)

Observation of new baryon states• b

WZ discovery (6-sigma)• Measured cross section 5.0 (1.7) pb

ZZ evidence• 3-sigma

Single top expected sensitivity at 1 fb-1 • 2.6 sigma

Precision W mass measurement• Mw_cdf = 80.413 GeV (48 MeV)

Improved Top mass precision• Mtop_cdf = 170.5 (2.2) GeV

W-width measurement• 2.032 (.071) GeV

New Charmless B==>hh states

Improvement in Higgs Sensitivity

All are world’s best results

New results shown at 07 Winter Conferences

• QCD– b-bbar dijet production cross section (260 1/pb)– Z ==> b-bbar (584 1/pb)– Dijet production cross section measurement (1.13 1/fb )

• B-physics– Lifetime measurements:

• B+, B0, Bs and Lambda_b (1 1/fb)– Rare decay searches:

• B+ ==>mu+ mu- K+, B0 ==>mu+ mu- K*, Bs ==>mu+ mu- phi (1 1/fb)• Charmless B==>hh

• EWK– Observation of WZ production– Evidence for ZZ production– W mass– W width– Z and W results (1fb-1)

Just for the record

• Top– Top mass in all-jets channel– Production cross section (lepton+isolated track)– Search for W' using the single top sample– Top Production Mechanism (gg vs qq)– Top Charge

• New Phenomena– Search for New Particles Coupling to Z+jets (b'->Z+b) in 1.1/fb– Search for CHAMPS - 1/fb– SUSY trilepton combined limit - 0.7 to 1/fb– High-mass dielectron (Z’ search) - 1.3 1//fb– Search for LED in the monojet signature - 1/fb– Squark/Gluino searches - 1/fb

• Higgs (1/fb)– H==>tau,tau SUSY Higgs– H==>WW ME-based analysis – ZH==>llbb 2D-NN and MET fitter analysis

New results shown at 07 Winter Conferences

A rich menu !

Recent CDF Wine and Cheese Talks

• Just since last September:– Sept 22: B_s Mixing observation– October 20: Σb observation– October 25: WZ observation– October 27: Charmless B ==>hh observations– November 10: All-hadronic Top– December 1: Status of Single Top– January 5: W mass measurement– February 2: h==>tau,tau– March 23: Heavy long-lived particle searches– March 30: Small x and Diffractive Physics– April 20: W-width Measurement– June 8th: reserved for new CDF Higgs results - TODAY– June 22nd: Model Independent Search for New Physics

• PLUS a lot of press…

PhD’s Given this Past Year• Ch. Dorr Karlsruhe University• K. Gibson CMU• A. Holloway Harvard University• V. Necula University of Florida• M. Rossi University of Udine• S. Sabik University of Toronto• T. Schwarz University of

Michigan• A. Canepa Purdue University• B. Cooper UCL• N. Leonardo MIT• A. Loginov ITEP, Moscow• G. Salamanna University of Roma• P. Catastini University of Pisa• P. Squillacioti University of Pisa• D. Tonelli University of Pisa• I. Vollrath University of Toronto• A. Attal UCLA, • S. Baroiant UCDavis• S. Bolshov MIT• S.-H. Chuang University of

Wisconsin• S. Forrester UC Davis• M. Griffiths University of

Liverpool• C. Group University of Florida• B. Jayatilaka University of

Michigan• J. Kraus University of Illinois

• S. Lai University of Toronto

• M. Soderberg University of Michigan

• T. Akimoto University of Tsukuba

• O. Norniella Barcelona• E. Palencia University of

Cantabria• X. Portell Barcelona• K. Copic University of Michigan• S. Harper Oxford University• J. Lee University of

Rochester• V. Rekovic University of New

Mexico• H. Sun Tufts Universiy• V. Tiwari CMU• B. Mohr UCLA40 this year!

Physics CoordinatorDouglas Glenzinski

Physics CoordinatorDouglas Glenzinski


Jacobo KonigsbergRobert Roser


Jacobo KonigsbergRobert Roser

Detector OperationsPeter WilsonMary Convery

Detector OperationsPeter WilsonMary Convery

Offline OperationsDonatella Lucchesi

Rick Snider

Offline OperationsDonatella Lucchesi

Rick Snider

Trigger OperationsIvan Furic

Dave Waters

Trigger OperationsIvan Furic

Dave Waters

3 Associate Heads3 Associate Heads 1 Ops Manager1 Ops Manager 12 PhysicsGroup Convenors

12 PhysicsGroup Convenors3 Ops Managers3 Ops Managers

Exec BoardExec Board

Our Organization


Operations and Performance

Total luminosity:

~3.0 fb-1 delivered, ~2.5 fb-1 to tape 2.2 fb-1 to tape with silicon on

Dataset has ~doubled each of the last 4 years

• Stable collection of data: taking efficiency 85% (2003-present)

Detector Status - Executive Summary• Calorimetry and Muon systems working well

• Tracking chamber (COT)– Aging not a problem, will be ok through 2009

• Silicon longevity– Expect silicon detector to last through 2009

• Radiation not expected to be a problem• ISL cooling leak expected to be solved

• High Luminosity running– Trigger

• Requires constant attention• Upgrades on tracking and calorimetry fronts

– DAQ• Built more bandwidth

– Physics• No significant effect up to 3e32

No showstopper foreseen through FY09

Tracking Chamber -status

• We addressed an aging problem of the Central Outer Tracker drift chamber in 2004

– Aging was found to be due to hydrocarbon growth on wires

– Addition of O2 to gas in June 2004 restored gain to original 2002 levels

– Possible new evidence of aging at the highest luminosities• Minimal, if at all• New gas purification system to clean re-circulated gas expected to be

complete later this year • Increased Oxygen from 70 to 100ppm. Seems to have stopped this aging






n o

f In





CDF Silicon Detectors

ISL/L00 Portcards

Silicon Longevity - details

• Bias voltage required to fully deplete Silicon sensors changes with irradiation: decrease – type inversion – increase

• If depletion voltage larger than maximum safe bias voltage: – cannot fully deplete sensors → efficiency loss

• Recent bias scans show innermost SVX layer (most vulnerable) is nearing inversion

Integrated Luminosity (fb–1)



n V


ge (


Central Prediction

+1σ Prediction

–1σ Prediction




00 2 4 6 8

maximum bias voltageBias Scan Data

Model: S. Worm, Lifetime of the CDF Run II Silicon, VERTEX 2003

SVX Layer 0

Silicon stable and expected to outlast 8 fb–1

The Leak

Recently, flow in East ISL/L00 portcard circuit dropped from 1.7 lpm (nominal) to 0.0 lpm:








Spontaneous Drop

Access to Investigate

Chiller Trip

Time ~days

Boroscope pictures

good badhole

Port card cooling ring Manifold


Cooling Pipes

Established Task Force

• Objectives:– Determine a safe short term operating configuration– Determine probable cause of leak and repair it– Studying other potential vulnerabilities in system

• Plan:– Expect repair to be completed during summer shutdown

• 9-week shutdown starting on August 6th


Physics Impact

• Established task force to assess impact on physics while off

• Prelim conclusions:– Efficiency for adding silicon hits to COT tracks and impact

parameter resolution both only moderately affected– Forward electron ID down by ~5%– B-tagging

• Efficiency down by 10-15% per jet• Mis-tag rate also down by ~15%• Re-optimization would mitigate efficiency loss somewhat

– Higgs• Total lepton acceptance falls by <5%• Events with ==1 Btag falls by ~7% • Events with ==2 Btags falls by ~20%

High Luminosity Running









0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24


Peak Luminosity = 3E32



. Lu






• Experience with luminosity at ~3e32– Bulk of triggers [for Higgs] are fully functional to at least 3e32– Identified a few triggers with unacceptable rates

• XFT and Cal upgrades to help deal with these– Using “dynamic prescaling” to optimize physics and bandwidth

• High rate triggers have large prescale at high luminosity• Prescales relaxed as bandwidth becomes available at low luminosity

– Most of the time is spent at below ~1.5e32

Trigger @ High Luminosity

No serious issue but continuous watch is needed

Ex: dealing with runaway triggers

• L1 XFT upgrade - completed in Fall’06– Add COT stereo layers– Rate reduced x4-5 with– ~2% loss of efficiency

• June 2007:– Expect another factor

of 2-3• L2 XFT: matching in

Z with full stereo tracks

• Tighten r-match• 5 post doc’s and


L1 XFT Upgrade:Red = beforeBlue = after

High PT muons – CMX

Ex: dealing with runaway triggers

– Upgrade L2 cluster finder • Switch to Cone based jets like

offline• Better resolution Missing ET

calculation• Deploy additional Pulsar

boards and new decision software

• Other algorithms possible– Install and commission in June

2007• 14 postdocs and students !



Missing ET + jets

Physics at High Luminosity

b-tagging efficiency

Muon ID efficiencyElectron ID efficiency




Electron L1 trigger eff.

Inst lumInst lum

Inst lum

Muon L1 trigger eff.

Number of reconstructed vertices


Inst lum

Physics at high luminosity is under control

• Computing will always require attention– Dealing with continually larger data sets, faster acquisition

of data, and evolving technology

• Recent successes in offline processing include – Detector calibrations automated– Standard Ntuples now made in an automated fashion– Automated string of high-level modules to do jet-E-scale, ID

and trigger efficiencies on leptons, b-tagging efficiency, data-to-MC scale factors

– All MC production done off-site– Enhanced GRID computing capabilities – Everything needed to include new data in any physics

analysis with a lag time of <12 weeks

• We are elaborating a ~5-year plan in conjunction with CD– Detailed CDF staffing needs per operation, per year– Continue streamlining ops– Transition to CD jobs that match their personnel’s skills

• Analysis ready data available up to April 2007 (~2 fb-1).

Processing the Data

Summary thus far

• The Detector is working well

• Our triggers are under control

• Offline is processing the data in a timely fashion

• No Show Stoppers

• Now we will discuss the people


streamlining + automating + recruiting

People - Executive Summary• People are migrating for the LHC [and other experiments]

– This is not a new phenomena, started a long time ago– Brought to the forefront by the Brock/Whitmore report in 2004

• Has affected us in many ways and we’ve taken many measures to mitigate its effect – Conducted CDF surveyed in 2005 and recently in Feb 2007 – Personnel available has steadily declined and it will continue– In response, we have stabilized operations and we’ve been able to streamline

and automate many labor intensive tasks– Considerable effort retaining, recruiting and planning ahead

• But very importantly:• Luminosity increase has made a tremendous difference • Lots of physics to do• Many opportunities for people to make a mark• The collaboration age profile is ==> young, yet excellent• Try to keep senior people engaged at all levels• We have focused our physics program through Higgs

• These efforts have paid off and our expectations for 2009 are positive

The Big Picture

2007 2008 2009

Reqd Effort est. 2005

132 -- 111

Reqd Effort est. 2007

124 -- 102

People Available 2005 survey

320 220 172

People Available 2007 survey

392 297 236

Due to stabilization, streamlining

and automation

Due to exciting physics,

learning and leadership

opportunities, and LHC delays

Effort = Detector Ops, Offline Ops, and Algorithms

Numbers in FTE’s

Resources Needed - numbers

CY 07 CY 09

Detector Ops 56 51

Offline 26 20

Algorithms 32 21

Management 10 10

Total for Ops 124 102

The “Effort” Numbers Detailed… (FTE’s)

“Algorithms” category include• reconstruction efficiencies, B tagging (efficiency, SF, mistag

matrix), Jet energy Scale,Simulation, Trigger (development and efficiencies)

Resources available

CY 2007 2008 2009

US FTE 222 162 127

Non US FTE 170 135 109

Total US + Non US

392 297 236

Post Doc’s 101 73 53

Students 147 102 77

Some More Detail

How Many People Available for Physics?

CY 07 CY 09

Service Needs 124 102

Resources Available 392 236

Resources for Physics 392 – 124 = 268


Enough People to Run the experiment

and accomplish the physics

• Detector Operations– Reduced shift crew & load with no efficiency loss– Increased level of automation – Reducing/consolidating sub-system crews– Remote Control Room for “CO” shift (Europe now, Asia will

follow)– 56 FTE’s now required to operate the detector (a 10%


• Offline– Automated detector calibrations– Automated Ntuple creation– Single point submission for MC– Extensive automation of production farms

• Physics– Automated particle ID and trigger efficiencies– Automated b-tag efficiency and fake rates– Automated Jet Energy Scale– Automated MC and data validation

Streamlining - Overview

CDF Detector Operations Organization

Associate Head,Detector InfrastructureDel Allspach - Steve Hahn

Detector Operations

Mary ConveryPeter Wilson

Operations ManagersFarrukh Azfar, Sasha Pronko, Max Goncharov

Building ManagerCraig Olson

Safety CoordinatorDee Hahn

Admin. SupportNancy Michael

Process SystemsBill Noe (Leader)Dean BeckerWarren BowmanCutchlow CahillSteve GordonJim HumbertJim LoskotBruce Vollmer

Electrical and MechanicalDervin Allen (Leader)Roberto DavilaLew MorrisWayne WaldenGeorge Wyatt

Slow ControlsSteve Hahn (Leader)JJ SchmidtJC Yun

Daily/Weekly OpsShift CrewsSci-CoAce (1)Co

SiliconIgnacio RedondoJose Enrique Garcia

Monitoring/ValidKaori Maeshima

Calorimeter/TOFLarry NodulmanWillis Sakumoto

CSLWillis Sakumoto

Associate Head,Detector Operations

CLCNate GoldschmidtSasha Sukhanov

ForwardKoji Terashi

DQMM. Martinez-Perez

Trigger DatasetWorking GroupIvan FuricDavid Waters

Radiation MonitoringRick Tesarek

Level 3V. BoisvertC. Henderson


Asscociate Head, Online SystemsJonathan Lewis

Data AcquisitionBill Badgett

Muon SystemsPhil Schlabach

Trigger L1/L2Vadim RusuGene Flanagan

System Admin.Comp. Div.


COTBob WagnerAseet Mukherjee

Associate Head,Detector SystemsGreg Feild

Management: 7 FTE

Shift: 19→15 FTEReduced crew

Remote monitoring

Online: 11 FTE Detector: 23 FTE


e: 15 FTENon-


56 FTE required

to operate

the detector

streamlining + automating :: ease of operation + less personnel

Staffing - Overview

• A critical issue to our success• Spokes and management team spend considerable amount of

time on this• Started a systematic approach

– Staffing spreadsheets (“gap analysis”)• Detector and Offline Ops, will extend to physics • By task, person, as a function of quarter yr

– Identify holes– Institutional spreadsheets

• % FTE per person (with names) per year• Institutional responsibilities• Done 2 yrs ago, redone in February 2007

– Identify peoplepower– Will start “staffing sessions” to weave the two into a tool that can

allow us to make sure we are fully staffed through FY09– Things look ok, but we need to do the work !

“Gap analysis” spreadsheets

For all systems: find holes early, streamline further and recruit

Committed Likely Unknown



Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

% 07 07 07 07 08 08 08 08 09 09 09 09




Bob Wagn


Bob Wagn


Bob Wagn


Bob Wagn


Bob Wagn


Bob Wagn


Bob Wagn


Bob Wagn


Bob Wagn


Bob Wagn


Bob Wagn


Bob Wagn



Aseet Mukherjee

Aseet Mukherjee

Aseet Mukherjee

Aseet Mukherjee

Aseet Mukherjee

Aseet Mukherjee

Aseet Mukherjee

Aseet Mukherjee

Aseet Mukherjee

Aseet Mukherjee

Aseet Mukherjee

Aseet Mukherjee

Low Voltage25

























Stage 0/Monitoring15

Kevin Burkett

Kevin Burkett

Kevin Burkett

Kevin Burkett

Kevin Burkett

Kevin Burkett

Kevin Burkett

Kevin Burkett

Kevin Burkett

Kevin Burkett

Kevin Burkett

Kevin Burkett

ASD and Calibrations25

Eiko Yu

Eiko Yu

Eiko Yu

Eiko Yu

Eiko Yu

Eiko Yu

Eiko Yu

Eiko Yu …   …  


Ting Miao

Ting Miao

Ting Miao

Ting Miao

Ting Miao

Ting Miao

Ting Miao

Ting Miao

Ting Miao

Ting Miao

Ting Miao

Ting Miao

Template for institutional spreadsheet

Faculty, Research Scientists and Engineers CY2007 CY2008 CY2009




Sums 0.0 0.0 0.0

FTE at Fermilab      


Postdocs CY2007 CY2008 CY2009

Person A      

Sums 0.0 0.0 0.0

FTE at Fermilab      

Graduate students CY2007 CY2008 CY2009


Sums 0.0 0.0 0.0

FTE at Fermilab      

Recruitment – Why we are Successful

• Focused our Higgs effort• Trigger upgrade and challenges• Rapidly increasing datasets

– Great opportunities to analyze data

• LHC delays• Leadership positions at CDF

– Opportunity to make real, high-visibility, contributions– Seeding with senior people if possible– Perceptions about LHC

• Long delay for thesis• A lot of competition - too large• Difficulty for people to get engaged and feel important

• Opportunities for students and postdocs– MANY postdocs and students joining (despite popular beliefs)– CDF postdocs very competitive in finding faculty positions

• Data, data, data – Our Physics is compelling

Many avenues have kept people involved in CDF

Obtaining Resources In and Outside the Collaboration

• New institutions– Slovakia joined CDF on March 2007– Universidad Iberoamericana, Mexico are new visitors– Athens has a request to join last month

• International Fellowships– Two last year

• 1 senior scientist (Fotis Photos, ex-CDF now at Cyprus)• 1 postdoc (Miguel Mondragon, from Mexico)

– Two this year• Applications in, under review

• Temp positions– Through CDF’s guest and visitor budget

• Help convenors: travel, teaching relief etc.• Bring people to the lab for term periods• Etc

Recent postdocs joining CDF [~<1 yr]

• Examples [most were students at CDF that stayed on CDF]– Enrique Palencia: Cantabria ==> FNAL– Fabrizio Margaroli: Bologna ==> Purdue– Anadi Canepa: Purdue ==> Penn– Olga Norniella: Barcelona ==> UIUC– Craig Group: Florida ==> FNAL– Valentin Necula: Florida ==> Duke– Nathan Goldschmidt: Wisconsin ==> Florida– Alison Lister: Geneva ==> UC Davis– Jen Pursley: Hopkins ==> Wisconsin– Bo Jayatilaka: Penn ==> Duke– Shang-Yuu Tsai: new from Academia Sinica, Taiwan– Hyun Su Lee: new from Korea– And several more…

– Places currently hiring PD for CDF: • Rochester, MIT, Paris, INFN Fellows, Chicago, Fermilab (2), …

Established Higgs Discovery Group

• Elevated the status of the Higgs subgroup to a “Physics Group”

• Link intimately all the tools relevant to the group’s work and focus

• Much activity, and opportunity, with Higgs-related trigger and physics task-forces and upgrades

• Many institutions have been adding new people to work on such a broad Higgs effort

• Many young and talented people staying at CDF to do exactly this

• Such a mission will help pull CDF together in the years ahead– both in spirit and operationally

• It has energized the collaboration!

Created Higgs Trigger Task Force

To open the trigger maximally for Higgs

HTTF Report: Executive Summary

• Efficiency for all SM Higgs channels 82-96%– Significant improvement to previously

• Rate below 200 Hz at L=300E30– So, CDF can still do physics other than Higgs also


Keeping Senior People• 6 major physics analysis groups

– 2 convenors per group– Successfully recruited senior physicists to lead our physics– 9/12 are faculty level physicists, 3 senior postdocs– Some recruited [rescued] from [going to] LHC and other

experiments• Higgs group

– Matt Herndon (Wisconsin/CMS), Mark Kruse (Duke/Atlas)• Top group

– Kirsten Tollefson (MSU/Atlas), Robin Erbacher (Davis/CMS)• Exotics group

– Chris Hays (Oxford/Atlas/ILC)• EWK group

– Eva Halkiadakis (Rutgers/CMS), Erik James (FNAL/CMS)• B group

– Manfred Paulini (CMU/CMS)• Also on the Operations groups

• Co-Head Offline Group– Donatella Lucchesi (Padova/CMS)

• Associate heads Offline Group– Stephan Lammel (FNAL/CMS)– Song-Ming Wang (Academia Sinica/Atlas)

The Balance

• We have enough people to run the experiment well and do the physics.

• We have a sufficient number of postdocs and students

• We spend a lot of time matching up people with the proper skill sets to particular jobs.– This gets harder through attrition

• We struggle to fill a few key positions more than we would like. We are in discussions with the lab on how they can help in a few key areas.

• Our expectation is that we will sprint across the “finish line”

Publication of physics results

From data taking to publication

• Q: What is the typical time between data being taken and it making it into a public result ?

• A: There is no typical– There is a minimum time for each new data period

• Need to process, calibrate, align, ntuplize, validate, run existing analysis, present & bless

– This is done in a few months– Usual deviations from minimum:

• Wait for several periods to get better stats/syst and then just add to existing analysis

• Wait for more data BUT improve analysis• Wait for new Offline code releases w/ improvements

– Striving for a final release• Wait for new students & postdocs to take on an analysis• Wait for other analyses/tools that affect this one

All that said…

• Expect final Offline release by end of this year – Many new tools in it

• New & forward tracking, final simulation, etc.

• Expect final automations done– Low and high-level calibrations

• It will be easier and faster to add data to an existing analysis and “just run it”– In that case the lag will be < minimum above

• Still…– We are in a rather creative stage and bringing innovations

to an analysis/search is in our blood– We can always update “on demand” on a fast track if that

is what we want to do

“Random” case

• Higgs analyses in 2009 Summer Conferences– Assume ~ 6 fb-1 of data delivered, ~5 fb-1 logged– Assumed rate ~ 130 pb-1 / month– At Best

• Close datasets N months before conferences to allow for processing etc.

– Data in analyses = 5-N*(130) ~ 4.6 fb-1 (for N=3)– Another 1.5 fb-1 for 2010

A Look Ahead -- Exciting Prospects

• W mass to 25 MeV, Top mass to 1 GeV?

• Resonances in ee. mumu, tt, bb - TeV reach

• SUSY reach to several hundred GeV

• Higgs -- find it!

• 3rd generation sector physics: tau, B, Top

• Di-bosons, single-top

• Holistic test of SM through signature based searches

• Compositeness

The core program keeps getting better with data!

By the way, our first 2 fb-1 result…

Is a discovery !Is a discovery !


• CDF’s perspectives for staffing through FY09 are very good– Enough people are committed to run CDF well– Work goes into finding good matches to where holes are

• The detectors will work well through FY09• High luminosity is not an issue

– Trigger is keeping up– Physics quantities don’t deteriorate

• Analysis and publications– Analyses are always improving– Can publish quickly if needed

• Physics program has been extremely successful with 1 fb-1

• Looking forward to extract all we can from as much data as we get– And if Nature is kind, to discover something else !

We are ready to run through 2009


Impact while off

• The absence of ISL and L00 impacts – COT-Silicon linking– Impact parameter resolutions– B-tagging– Forward lepton ID

• To quantify impact– Re-track recent data dropping all ISL and L00 information– Produce Higgs MC removing ISL and L00 from simulation– These overestimate the effects

• We’re taking data with the west half of ISL and L00• We did not re-optimized algorithms to account for missing pieces

– Next we discuss impact from low level objects to high level physics

Tracking Impact

• Efficiency for adding silicon hits to COT tracks and impact parameter resolution both moderately effected

Nominal : 96% No ISL: 93%

No ISLL00: 93%frac


of C



ks w

ith >

2 S


RMS : 58m RMS : 58 m

RMS : 68 m





y un


Z ==> dileptons

Algorithm Impact

• Forward electron ID down by ~5% • B-tagging– Efficiency down by 10-15%

per jet– Mis-tag rate also down by

~15%– Re-optimization would

mitigate efficiency loss

Physics Impact

• Evaluated change in total acceptance*efficiency after full selection criteria in several channels using MC– MH=120 GeV: WH(lbb), ZH(llbb), ZH(bb)– MH=160 GeV: H(WW)

• Relative losses consistent across all channels and with data-based studies of previous pages– Total lepton acceptance falls by <5%– Events with ==1 Btag falls by ~7% – Events with ==2 Btags falls by ~20%

• Worst case scenario: Assuming no re-optimization, actual losses would be half this for that fraction of the data set taken with the east half of ISL/L00 off.

Details of Computing

• Resources:– 1 THz CPU @ Fermilab for data processing (FARM)– 8 THz CPU @ Fermilab for user analysis and Monte Carlo

generation– 2.5 THz CPU off-site for Monte Carlo generation– Also exploits GRID

• FARM can process 26M events per day– We log 4-5 M events per day

• CDF uses a one pass data processing scheme – Data processed every 6-8 weeks– Use final calibration, alignment, reconstruction– Publication ready data available up to April 2007 (~2 fb-1)

• Data validation and analysis ntuples follow FARMs by 4-6 weeks

Streamlining Shift Operations

• Reduced shift crew by one member without sacrificing data-taking efficiency or safety of detector - December’06

– Automated tasks to allow shift crew to focus on decision making

– Redistributed tasks to other shift crew members– Students and postdocs freed from shift duties available

elsewhere in detector operations, e.g. in the silicon group

– Improving detector safety and data-taking efficiency • New tool for monitoring beam

conditions automatically puts detector HV in a safe state if beam conditions are unsafe

• Automatic recovery of silicon HV crate communication problems is faster and keeps shift crew in control room

Streamlining Shift Operations

• Shifts for data quality monitoring for all detector subsystems can be done from remote site - September ‘06

– All monitoring plots available via Web

• Established “CO” shift room in Pisa– Monitoring workstations and video conferencing to CDF

control room

• Physicists in Pisa currently covering owl shift one week a month– Reduce travel burden– Keep people engaged– Expect other European

collaborators to take advantage of this

– Extending to site in Japan