Comelec Advisory Council Resolutions

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  • 8/2/2019 Comelec Advisory Council Resolutions


    , * ,


    ThfrComm ission En Sant:GOf l l fM ISS .'lO N ON ELECTfONS .Palaclo,: del GobernadoF . I ntramufOS,Manila

    HO'1k Sfxto Sj 6rmariles .Jr .'Cbalfman

    Re'$pectfuny. sUbmitted lsthe COMElEC Adv i$o[il Goul'lcU .Reso luUon No..2012-O IJ3,: 'Add~ndurn toC AC R 'EN,oJu t:ion N o, 2012-00"1 and Hecommeridations on thePrO~Ltrerntnt6flheAER"" , . .Rest~ssiUred 'ofo urcontlnLl,ed,supp{Jrt to your unde.rtardngs.

  • 8/2/2019 Comelec Advisory Council Resolutions


    ,,-. "

    COMEt.EC AOV1SO 'f~Y COVNCll,~eSdkrtiortN e . 2012~003

    A il~$n{:iu !l1 'to CAQR:esofL.ltlon No,2012-'OCt1andRecofrlmenda tions on th e P rDc t.r remen tot'theAES. ,". .' .' . : .V V H e ;R : e : :A :S j 8ep.Q bli~",A6 t No,: . 9 3 ( 5 9 . ,~ ign! d mte t a l , V (jn'tl1~ 23"' 1 df~1:ah~~Y2Q07authotizestheC&mm15$~n o n Elec tions' (COM ELEC l to' ~us~afi.automa~d.elec~ion"sy~.tem:or sy ,st~ms f t i th~ ~,arn,z:e lec tFpn ' ih dJfferf$ritm'()'~ ir~c is . 'i::- 'nBJh~rp,aper~b~s;e )d~r~jldJr;z ;c .t; fe cb~lri~.~I~~r~hic;ele~~tiorr$y$t~m~sit rri~y de~tri' app,i$ j:j'riat~ and~p-rac tita'jfpf tb'e '~r{)ce-s~or~'otlngiccru rlting .of v{)te~ aridc~riv a~strigic9n& olfdaU ;onand:tra rrsm ittal ofr(:l~ult$ofe~e t~tQ m l.XerC1$~$ i' pwvictf;d that, fc 'l' the ' 2 0 : 1 0 ' G e n e r a l~teiP tlCl~ I.e lec tion5contract$hduRcll'l ot lleeX~rci$~d,i(as a i:Qhs~qQetlt:ec th e rest of thes:.(stemmustc ome (reN]l the El oli ime vendor, asU l~s; '. .. ,', " - ', .

    --------------------------~~~ ..==-.~..-G i l t . : : R'i!s dlt lIlCrI N a _ ' 201Z , t; } ~.Fel~lilll'!!,~01Z'

  • 8/2/2019 Comelec Advisory Council Resolutions


    ,8: may not afford the COM E:LEC the bsst pO$srbletntal so lu tion , ,~s thef iam ~v~ reJ$ ju stonill: com pone nt ; o f 'm e , e n t i r e a u t o m a c t ~ ~~lacti~n:S'Ys}$m;b. Pf~:vent~,Jh~corlJiELEGrorn lak~t)g;aq;vantage C i f the oos tpossi:bfe" t~chriQJ99yc1JUentl:yavaflahle onskf 'et ing techl1:ologfcaradijan~sarialptobsoie scence:c. t . v l n ' pr~v~nt otMerprO Sj.1ec tiV tiY vendors from COfi'l;pe titive ly paItidpatirig inthe bidding ,ptocasS:;f1nd 'd. m~y ,~eve:rfO!my rot1e th~ public tru st, ~n;dco:nf,jdenc~ in 'tM !j~c lC lra,1prt \ce$s: '

    ,3" :that, tit le ; roft $hO'UJd,bt:lfqlmulat~d .~~,anow, ~U ,\ltamjiJr~ IO >S1jQm ir ~ld,p t \: } p6$~ ls,which lrictu de previousfy ,used, rnac~in&S, ~t)t)vf~1ed'Ulatvendors~hQ uJd'be ,able !Qgivethe same warranty , qualityetsStlranc~,'andf:!LJPp~rt'~s:ir rthe -caseof hT;,1ndnew rnachine s., SO-21$to ac hie ve the towestPDss;ib!e y o s ; tF(jR"rHERWtORe" hlth e pr(}Ctl(B'ment(lfan}'OMRmad1ities,IN~~ether brand ll!3tN oru$ :d; tbeJoHtl'Ning item s"

  • 8/2/2019 Comelec Advisory Council Resolutions


    :fiENRjEnA T ..Dl~v n . L AParish Pastoral COL lff CB for R~spons~bJ~'lbUna .. .. "- '- , .'-. "'f '.'"

    ( : . 1 ' . < : R (;or. ;:l bl";ri Nu.20124}J)] c f):t f7 (i b ':l .tiW f-~l )l ~ .

  • 8/2/2019 Comelec Advisory Council Resolutions



    26 January 2012

    The Commission En BancCOM M IS S IO N O N ELECTIONSPalaclo.del Goberhador. IntramurosManila

    ATTN: Hon. Sixto S. Brillantes, Jr.Chairman

    Dear Chairman Brillantes:Greetings.Respectfully submitted is the COMELEC Advisory Council Resolution No.2012-002 "COMELEC Advisory Council Recommendation on the COMELEC- Consolidation Canvassing System (CCS)."Rest.assured of our continued support to your undertakings.

    Very truly yours.~~.LOUI~ NA POLEON C.CASAMBREChairman. COMELEC Advisory CouncilDOST-Information and Communications Technology Office

  • 8/2/2019 Comelec Advisory Council Resolutions



    Resolution No. 2012-002COMELEC Advisory Council Recommendation on theCOMELEC Consolidation Canvassing System (CCS)

    WHEREAS. Republic Act No. 9369. signed into Jaw on the 23rd of January 2007authorizes the Commission on Elections (COMELEC) to "use an automated electionsystem or systems in the same election in different provinces. whether paper-basedor a direct recording electronic election system as it may deem appropriate andpractical for the process of voting. counting of votes and canvassing/consolidationand transmittal of results of electoral exercises." provided that. for the 2010 GeneralElections and succeeding national or local elections the "AES shall be implementednationwide."WHEREAS. Section 8 of RA 9369 provides for the creation of an Advisory Councilthat shall Hrecommend the most appropriate. secure. applicable and cost-effectivetechnology to be applied in the AES. in whole or in part. at that specific form in time."WHEREAS, Section 12 of RA 9369 states .....the system procured must have \demonstrated capability and been successfully used in a prior electoral exercise or abroad: ~WHEREAS. the COMELEC is developing its own CCS for the 2013 Elections as ~presented to the Council in December 2011 and in January 2012: ~WHEREAS, the Council applauds the COMELEC for the initiative that i~s ~demonstrated by initiating the development of its own CCS software and commend~their progressive thinking. The above sentiments were clearly demonstrated by theunanimous vote supporting the future use of the COMELEC's CCS:WHEREAS. while the furtherance of our sovereignty and all other benefits in usingour own technologies for our elections are fully supported by the CAC. thesuccessful conduct of our elections must take precedence above all else.WHEREFORE. the Advisory Council. properly convened. resolves as it herebyresolved to recommend that:

    1. the legal uncertainty of the CQMELEC CCS be settled prior to its adoption toeliminate the possibility of the COMELEC being unable to use it for the 2013Elections;2. should the COMELEC be able to overcome the legal uncertainty and decideto use its CCS. the Council recommends that the following measures be

    adopted:a. Full code review by at least two (2) independent authorities:

    GAC Resolut ion No. 2012-OiS2------- ..------- -------------25 January 2012 Pl lgo J of 2

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    b. Stress testing: temporal. data extent, and data domain extent;c. Security audit:d. Exception handling; ande. (Optional) System breach contest.Measures (b) to (e) should be certified by the Technical Evaluation Committee(TEC) within the established timelines so as to ensure the success of the2013 Elections; and

    . 3. since the Council believes that any CCS will in fact have its code changed toaccommodate the peculiarities of the Philippine election system. the Councilrecommends that the aforementioned measures be adopted for any CCSsupplied by a vendor.FURTHERMORE. so as Rot to impede the process of acquiring the necessary part or in whole. the Council recommends that a CCS be added as a BID OPTIONin the request for proposals (RFP) and that a clear standard for CCS interface(s) beincluded in the TORIRFP.Adopted this 25"l day of January 2012.~C~

    LOUIS NAPOLEON C. CASAMBREDOST - Information and Communications Technology Office

    ~-~L~ERTO T. MUYOTIf Department of Education= t -P. FERIAunivers= Philippines

    1. ~ ~ ("\-----

    ~FOR UNATO T. DELA PENADepartmntof Science ) : .~er:

    GE RGEC. KI~~Chief Information Officers ForumFoundation. Inc./:I /!/.,r 7~~ G 0 V. QUEVEDO - . A G. QUIMSONPhilippine Electronics and Philippine Software Industry AssociationTelecommunications Federation. Inc_~~;,..J;;:.. :tj;~

    HENRIETTA T. DE VILLAParish Pastoral Council for ResponsibleVoting- C A C R i l S O i U i I o i i " " - N o - . :!"""O~12---o=02-------------25 January 2012 POIge 2 of 2

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    The Commission En BancCOMMISSION ON ELECTIONSPalacio del Gobemador, IntramurosManilaATTN: Hon. Sixto S. Brillantes, Jr.Chairman

    Dear Chairman Brillantes:Greetings.Respectfully submitted is the COMELEC Advisory Council Resolution No.2012-001 recommending the use of Optical Mark Reader technology for the2013 National and Local Elections.Rest assured of our continued support to your undertakings.

    Very truly yours,~LOUIS NAPOLEON C. CASAMBREChairman, COMELEC Advisory CouncilOOST-Information and Communications Technology Office

  • 8/2/2019 Comelec Advisory Council Resolutions


    , . .

    COMELEC ADVISORY COUNCILResolution No. 2012-001

    COMELEC Advisory Council Recommendations on the2013 National and Local Elections

    WHEREAS, Republic Act No. 9369, signed into law on the 23"' of January 2007authorizes the Commission on Elections (COMELEC) to "use an automated electionsystem or systems in the same election in different provinces, whether paper-basedor a direct recording electronic election system as it may deem appropriate andpractical for the process of voting, counting of votes and canvassing/consolidationand transmittal of results of electoral exercises," provided that, for the 2010 GeneralElections and succeeding national or local elections the "AES shall be implementednationwide."WHEREAS, Section 8 of RA 9369 provides for the creation of an Advisory Councilthat shall "recommend the most appropriate, secure, applicable and cost-effectivetechnology to be applied in the'AES, in whole or in part, at that specific form in time."WHEREAS, Section 12 of RA 9369 further provides that "... the system procuredmust have demonstrated capability and been successfully used in a prior electoralexercise here or abroad. "WHEREFORE, the Advisory Council, properly convened in a series of meetings,discussions and deliberations, resolves as it hereby resolved to recommend:

    "The use of the Optical Mark Reader (OMR) technology for the 2013 National andLocal Elections for the following reasons:

    1.2 .3 .4 .5.

    Use of OMR machines will be easier for the BEIs to use;Makes voters education easier;Use of paper-based ballots assures higher auditability;Proven technology; ,Public acceptance of the technology;subject to the following recommended features:

    1. Standard and verifiable digital signatures for the machines andpersonnel;Accurate, reliable, and preferably universal time stamps;Appropriately secured machine access facilities (e.g., ports, interfaces);Availability of on-screen voter verification of his/her vote;Scanner should store the raw scanned data and provide ballotauthentication feature;Machine printouts should be preserved and have a life span of six (6)years;Printouts should have serial numbers, time stamps and unique machineidentifiable features, such as MAC address;

    2 .3.4 .5.6.7.

    CAC Resol ut io n No . 2012-00 11 2 Janua ry 2 01 2 P ag e 1 of2

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    " '

    8. Technology process should be render-able to voters' educationmaterials;9. Source code and circuit schematics should be open for review;to. Audit logs~should be available;11. Forensics of the hardware as part of the process of qualifying thetechnology provider;12. For any purchase, consideration be given by COMELEC to:a. cost of storageb. facility for storagec. reliability of hardware over timed. cost of money.';

    Adopted this 12'h day of January 2012.

    LOUIS NAPOLEON C. CASAMBREOaST - Information and Communications Technology Office.~ .././~.,;-/;/~

    ALBERTO T. MUYOTDepartment of Educationr

    R~;ERIA'University of the Philippines

    /JR GE 0 V. QUEVEOOi hilippine Electronics andTelecommunications Federation, Inc/?~~ ~ . , - < . .~HENRIEITAT. DEVLAParish Pastoral Council for ResponsibleVoting

    CAC Res c \ul ionNo. 2012-00 112 Jan~ary2()f2

    ~~r:~F ~~TUNATOT. DELAPENADepart ent ofSdence nd Technology


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