connecting the UN for purpose · 2020-05-04 · COVID-19 shows need for conecta-like platforms...

Post on 23-Jul-2020

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connecting the UN for purpose

1. Why conecta? 2. The conecta vision3. What has been done so far?4. conecta4covid pilot 5. What’s next?6. How can you contribute?


Why conecta?Tapping into scattered potential in the UN system

➔ Under 20% of 859 UN system employees feel their organisation enables them to reach their full potential

➔ Under half feel their current job provides sufficient opportunities to use their skills

➔ Underutilization of skills & abilities was among top 3 reasons to leave the UN

At the same time…

More than 80% are interested in collaboration opportunities outside core team

See the full results here:

Why conecta? In a recent survey on the future of work in the UN system:

Why conecta? Enabling a shift from Today’s UN to Next UN

What if there was one space to bring us all


...enabling the UN to unleash the collective potential of its people...

a global platform that links people, skills and projects across the UN system, enabling the UN to become an agile system with collaboration and continuous learning at its heart.

The conecta vision

What has been done so far?


UNIN bootcamp

Young UN & OneHR developed concept &



Navigating to the Next UN makes case for conecta,

CEB taskforce established on Future of UN Workforce. Workstream 3 (on digitising HR) includes cross-system

skills base in ToR

DSC Bootcamp

UNHCR & Young UN joint team for

cross-system skills base


Dragon’s Den, UNOG

conecta selected as panel’s choice pitched by joint team of Young

UN & Centre for Learning and

Multilingualism (CLM)

In parallel: user research, platform research (inside & outside system), prototype development

2019 2020



Initiated by Young UN in support of

UN system’s COVID-19

response & recovery


Learning from UN initiatives: ESCWA Talent Pool

➔ Searchable database of the skills and talents of all ESCWA employees

➔ Launched July 2019 ➔ Enables the organisation to capitalise on staff expertise and skills➔ Maximizes current skills and knowledge in-house before going for

external recruitment➔ Offers a quick and effective search for special expertise (up to 4

can be combined) and skills➔ Can identify training needs

ESCWA Talent Pool: A snapshot

Learning from “off-the-shelf” talent experience platforms, Digital Solutions Centre Bootcamp

conecta prototype being developed by colleagues from CLM & Young UN

➔ Final stages ofwebsite and application development

➔ Functionalities including job shadowing, mentoring & project collaborations

➔ User research and technology testing under way

COVID-19 shows need for conecta-like platforms

➔ improvised platforms popping up to match skills and needs for the COVID-19 response, inside and outside the UN

Joshua needs to produce 22 country risk assessments and visual resources to illustrate the analysis (need: statistical knowledge, data visualization skills).

Sarah’s work programme is being readjusted (report postponed, meetings not happening, etc.) and has time, skills to offer.

OHR task sharing UNHQ



UNOG virtual


➔ Young UN set itself a challenge: to create a functioning matching platform in 2 weeks

➔ The result?

AIM: to enable UN system employees to support the UN system’s COVID-19 response and recovery by volunteering their skills and time to support teams in need.

Core principles for conecta4covid

● Good enough for now, safe enough to try ● Pace to reflect urgency of the need● Inclusive● Easy to use● Rapid prototyping, experimentation● Can be quickly scaled up

What’s next?

In parallel: user research, platform research (inside & outside system), prototype development


conecta4covid use & scale upFunctionalities: project & skills

matching; searchable by

projects & volunteers

May Jun

conecta prototype developed by

colleagues from CLM (UNOG) &

Young UN to launch with additional

functionalities: job shadowing, mentorship

Scaling & finding sustainable solutions, including through HLCM future of work.More collaborators, more experimentation, more impact.


How can you contribute? 1. Contribute needs &/or skills for conecta4covid

➔ Simply register a project and/or become a volunteer.

2. Spread the word! Encourage colleagues to sign up. Let us know of similar existing initiatives here.

3. Join the conecta prototype once it is launched (watch for updates on What’s Next? of conecta4covid)

4. Volunteer for focus groups for further development write to

5. Do you share our conecta vision? Join us! Write to or join us on slack!

★ co-created and co-owned.★ a growing collaboration.

Contributors so far include:


Plenty of room for more :)