Copyright And Piracy Martin Kollman. When Did It Start In The US? First copyright law signed July 17...

Post on 21-Dec-2015

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Copyright And Piracy

Copyright And PiracyMartin Kollman

When Did It Start In The US?When Did It Start In The US?

First copyright law signed July 17 1790 by George Washington.

Protected books, maps and other original materials. Rights were granted only to citizens of the United States and lasted 14 years with the right for renewal for another 14 years.

What About Now?What About Now?

Title 17 (The US Copyright Act of 1976) & The Digital Millennium Copyright Act of 1998

It covers articles, books, journals, periodicals, magazines, software programs, web sites, paintings, images, sculpture, & music.

Online material has the same rights as all other work. (Doh!)


Copyright lasts for the life of the author plus 70 years.

Intellectual property, such as software, is copyright protected for at least 95 years.

If you change the media that the material originally exists in, you may have to get permission again.

What Isn’t Protected?What Isn’t Protected?

Works in public domain.Government DocumentsCommon-property works: generic eye

charts, lists of dates, but calendars, if they have a definite design, are copyright protected.

I Don’t Want That StuffI Don’t Want That Stuff

Can you say “Fair Use”?

• It protects socially beneficial borrowings of copyrighted works.

• It is not permission to use all copyrighted works at will for "education“.

Repeat After MeRepeat After Me

“I am borrowing this for academic purposes.”• PURPOSE should be not-for-profit (but this

will not stand alone).

• NATURE of the work: usually non- fictional works better than fiction.

• PORTION of entire work should be small.

• MARKET IMPACT should be negligible.

TEACH Act (2002)TEACH Act (2002)

Allows not only cable, but also digital transmission of:• entire performances of non-dramatic musical or

literary work • "reasonable and limited portions" of other

performances • displays of works and images (stationary)

The TEACH Act requires stringent standards of compliance with federal guidelines on use of copyright-protected performances and other materials.

What Can I Get Away With?What Can I Get Away With?


Money makes the world go round.Will this harm or discredit the work or author

in any way?What media is it used in and will it affect

access?In doubt, ask permission or at least try

to contact owner of material.

Manipulating MaterialManipulating Material

Best stuff is borrowed and redesigned, but never duplicated.

No copy, paste chop shop.Photo, text, html editors.Whole other story on


How To BorrowHow To Borrow

Right Click & Save.DownloadScanCopierRetype or RenderVCR / DVD / CD-ROMAsk your students.

Piracy vs. Fair UsePiracy vs. Fair Use

How many copies can I make?

• Private & educational use.

• One copy for me & one for the dog.

• Is the company loosing money?

• Sharing media & copies.

Downloading SoftwareDownloading Software

$aves MoneyDemos & Trial VersionsDownload Sites





Cracks & KeysCracks & Keys

What are they?Why do I care?Are they legal?Where to find them & problems your might

run into.

“BUSTED”-What Happens“BUSTED”-What Happens

Asked to remove or destroy material.

• ISPs are not as liable for content posted by users, but must remove infringements.

I am sorry statement. (Private or Public)Remember that loss of money thing?

It may now be yours.You really don’t want to ask after this point.

Move to another country and hide out.

Things To RememberThings To Remember

In doubt, ask permission.Are you making money?Will this affect or discredit the material or

owner?Copies & Dupes.

“I am borrowing this for academic purposes.”

A Few Copyright LinksA Few Copyright Links

FHSU Copyright

Digital Copyright

Fair Use (Title 17)

Martin KollmanCenter for Teaching Excellence and Learning Technology