Crusades Online

Post on 17-May-2015

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Crusades powerpoint for teaching 8th graders.


Rome falls, the East survives

Eastern Roman Empire

• When the Roman Empire fell, not all collapsed…the east survived as…– The Byzantine Empire -

Why does the East survive?1) Massive wealth: Egypt

and Greece extremely wealthy. Bribed barbarians.

2) Constantinople a mighty fortress

Constantinople’s defenses• City built on a peninsula• 40 foot walls, 50 foot

towers• Massive sea walls• Great iron chain to

protect harbor• Greek Fire: first secret

weapon. Byzantines shot it out of cannons from ships and from walls. Inextinguishable. Burns on water.

The Empire strikes back!

• West is gone in 476 C.E. to the Germans. For a time the East tries to conquer it back.

• 600s C.E. the Byzantines are struck by two disasters. Disease kills 1/3 of their people. Second the Arabs explode out of Arabia conquering the Holy Land and Egypt from them.

Jerusalem holy to Muslims too!

Can’t we all just get along?

• By 1000 C.E. Muslims ruled Jerusalem for 400 years

• Allowed Christians free passage to the holy sites in Jerusalem.

Byzantines lost Turkey to Muslim invasion in 1071 C.E. Desperately needed help.

Appeal to the Pope for help. Send Knights!

20 years later!• Pope Urban II – Pope who receives

the Byzantine plea for military aid to retake Turkey.

• Urban has his own issues…– battling kings over simony– previous Pope imprisoned– a second Pope claimed he was

false – Europe constantly at war– He has little influence

– Demagouges - leaders who use emotional issues to gain power.



Hmmmm…we’ll call it a crusade…• 1095 in a field outside the

town of Clermont, France Urban calls for a…

• Crusade – “to take the cross” holy war to free Jerusalem from the heathen Muslims. – Circumcise Christians– Pee and poo on altars– Cut out intestines looking

for coins.– All lies.– Crowd cries out “Deus lo

Vult!” “God wills it”– Old and weak should not go.– If you go all sins forgiven

Your goal?• Church of the Holy

Sepulchre – church built on the site of Jesus’ death and resurrection.

• Considered holiest site in Christendom.

Yay! Let’s go kill people for Christ!

• Word of Crusade spreads through Europe like fire through a tissue factory.

• Peasant’s Crusade - villages are deserted as the peasants march off led by Peter the Hermit

Highlights of the P. Crusade

• Slaughter thousands of Jews before setting off.

• Peter and perhaps 40,000 peasants arrive in Constantinople. Soon shipped over to Turkey.

• Arrive and butcher a village.• It was a Christian village.• Muslim Turk force destroys the

peasants. Only 2,000 survive.

What the????• Muslims slaughter the

peasants.• Europe is shocked? Why

didn’t God help them?

• God punished the peasants for what they did to the Jews.

• Real crusade will not fail!• First Crusade – Crusade of

the lords. March to Constantinople. – Byzantines are stunned but

agree to help the crusaders after they conquer Turkey.

The plan



• Byzantines will join crusaders at the edge of the Holy Land in Antioch.– Antioch – great city, extinct

today. Twenty miles wall, 400 towers.• After nine months

crusaders take the city. Frightful suffering.

• Days later the crusaders are besieged by a huge Muslim force. No food or water.

Crusaders are dying• Weeks pass

– Crusaders drink the blood of their horses.

– Eat horses– Eat corpses from cemetery.

• Byzantines heard the crusaders were dead and have returned home.

• Who could help them?»God!

• Prayers answered? Crusaders find…– Holy Lance – spear that

pierced Christ’s side. Makes an army invincible.

• Three day fast and then the crusaders will attack.

• Battle of the Lance – with the lance the crusaders ride out to face the Muslim army. – Rusted armor– Most on foot– Some ride diseased cows

Battle of the Lance


Crusaders on cows

Muslim Turks

On to Jerusalem• Crusaders slaughter the

Muslims. • Muslims believe Allah fights for

the Christians. • One year later, the crusaders

conquer Jerusalem… • Slaughter of Jerusalem:

crusader zeal explodes as they kill all within Jerusalem, Muslims, Christians, and Jews. – 40,000 estimated killed. Christian

and Muslim world shocked!– Can the crusaders keep Jerusalem?