Dara Joy - Death by Ploot Ploot

Post on 17-Oct-2015

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Death by Ploot Ploot



    Dara Joy I wanted to make it really special on Valentine's day, so I tied my boyfriend up.And for three solid hours I watched whatever I wanted on TV.

    - Tracy Smith Lorgin ta'al Krue sat at the table of his old mentor, Yaniff.The venerable wizard, relaxed by all outward appearances, prepared to listen to his favorite of all students as he always did. With intent.Krues eldest son never came to him with unnecessary concerns. He was ever focused and

  • serious when it came to matters of the Charl. Lorgin was the only student he had ever had who never wavered.It was a pity he was not the one.The elderly wizard had that thought on a few occasions . . .Well, one could not choose these sorts of things, no matter the outcome. He sighed deeply as his gaze traveled to the other person in the room. Facing the fireplace, a Familiar sat draped across his floor like a living rug. Rejar.Lorgin's youngest brother.In truth, this was his most difficult of all students!As if to give credence to the wizards ruminations, the half-Aviaran, half-Familiar's head bobbed forward as he fell into a nap while attempting his meditation lesson.Yaniff sighed again.The lad was trying . . . but he was not completely focused on his compressed studies. It was difficult. Since he had unlocked his Charl ability, Rejar had much catching up to do. The Familiar people were by nature capricious and Rejar was no exception. Krues youngest son seemed to inherit the strongest traits from both sides and the strongest capabilities as well.From his Charl father, a potential for being fierce in battle; from his Familiar mother, a mischievous, playful nature. On the one hand, Rejar could be deadly; on the other hand, his sensual nature preferred loving to battle. A troublesome dichot-omy.Worse, the lad did not seem terribly interested in wielding the forces of magick.And this vexed Yaniff.More often than not, the lad was contemplating passionate matters! Yaniff was too wise a mystic to fool himself into thinking that dusty tomes of arcane wizardry could ever compete with Lilacs charms. Rejars realization of his power had been a start but it was not enough.No, Yaniff knew he needed to find something . . . something more to kindle him . . .The crafty wizard pondered the problem.Despite Rejars mixed blood, he still exhibited the swiftest reflexes and sharpest senses almost on a par with the King of all Familiar himself, taj Gian. But there was more. Contrary to wide held beliefs, the Charl mystic bloodline was actually stronger within the half breed.Rejar held within him an immense power.And it was up to Yaniff to guide and foster that power accordingly.As he watched his student, Rejar gave up all pretense of holding a meditating position and flopped forward straight onto the wooden floor. Like most Familiars (and the cats they emulated), it bothered the lad not one whit. Comfortable by the cozy fire, he curled into a better position for himself and drifted off into a deep sleep.Yaniff's nostrils flared with annoyance.He was tempted to bang his staff on the floor to wake the rapscallion up. No other acolyte on the entire planet would dare do such a thing in front of a high-level mystic, let alone ones master!Still fast asleep, Rejar lifted a forefinger and attempted to turn a page on the Book of Legends housed across the room. A book that had nothing whatsoever to do with his studies!Yaniff harrumphed. No doubt the adventurous tales and illustrations were more to his liking then his present task. Or else the imp was subtly goading him regarding his forth-coming

  • greatness which he had made plain to the revered wizard he simply did not believe.Rejars hand listed to the side and the Book of Legends began flapping about the room.The old mages lips twitched as the humor of the scene got the better of him. No matter how hard he tried, no matter how irritated he became with Rejars lack of decorum, he could not deny that the lad amused him.Truthfully, he was most fond of Krues youngest son.Which was why he had always been indulgent with him.Although he was sure Rejar did not view it that way He still occasionally referred to his Charl master as 'old man'. As if he could marginalize a powerful wizard such as he with these labels!Mayhap it is a defense for him? Mayhap he always sensed my importance in his life . . . He scratched his chin.Possibly.He would think on it more later, right now his other student needed him. He turned his attention back to Lorgin, who had been patiently waiting to speak to him."What is on your mind, Lorgin?" The flapping book nearly struck the wizard on the head before it careened off the stone fireplace.Lorgin's brow furrowed as he thought of a way to put his current disquiet into words. "This is difficult to describe, but of late, Yaniff, I have found myself somewhat . . . ah, flammable.A snort came from the direction of the floor.Perhaps the younger brother is not so asleep.Yaniff threw the Familiar a disgruntled look, and then addressed his older brother. What mean you by flammable? Lorgin was at the peak of his virility; he also had a fine wife. What could he be speaking of? Eyes wide, the old man thought he figured it out. Ah, that. He leaned forward and whispered, Are you speaking of erotic desires?"Lorgin's cheekbones bronzed slightly; that was not a subject Charl knights would generally discuss. Nor was it in any way a problem for him. In fact, he feared he often wore his wife out.Yaniff viewed his student thoughtfully, his left hand stroking Bojo's head. The winged companion had landed on his shoulder earlier in the day and had remained there. Bojo did this every morning as soon as Rejar began his daily meditation lessons. This routine had begun a few weeks back when the Familiar lost focus and had inadvertently set poor Bojo's crest afire.Apprentices were occasionally risky commodities for companions.Since that time, Bojo had been a leery of Rejar's lessons. The companion constantly watched the Familiar with a jaundiced eye. Ah well, the poor beastie still sported a singed area on the top of its nubbin head. It would be several weeks before the feathered crest fully grew back. At present only three scraggily feathers had sprouted.Bojo looked constantly startled.The memory of the event still made Yaniff chuckle; although he took great care not to let Bojo know. Broody winged companions could become quite listless. The last thing he wanted was a moping companion hanging off his shoulder, perpetually glum.Lorgin threw his brother a disgusted glance but for a different reason than dear Bojo. He was about to give Rejar ammunition. His capricious brother was sure to bring this incident up again. And again. Why did he have to be here now?The flapping book zoomed past Lorgins nose and dive-bombed a pile of wood in the corner.

  • He sighed; then got to the matter at hand. "At odd times of the day, Yaniff, I find myself on the verge of expecting something . . . My power seems to surge in response, sometimes spiking before it calms back down."Instantly alert, Yaniff sat forward. This he was not expecting. At least not now. "Tell me more."Lorgin rested his muscular forearms on the tabletop. "My power seems elevated even when I am not calling it forth. There is an . . . excitement . . . to it." His brow wrinkled. "And then there is""What?" Yaniff was keenly interested in his next words."It is hard to describe, as I have stated. A melding and fracturing within as if . . ."A thought was sent to both of them.{As if your powers were breaking apart and coming together at the same time.}Both men looked at Rejar who was still stretched across the hearth with his eyes closed.Yaniff narrowed his eyes at the Familiar, shocked that he had so easily lulled him, a seventh level mystic, into thinking he had been in a benign mode. Not only had he remained sharply acute in an altered state, but he had also pierced Lorgin's confusion to reveal the truth.Whether Rejar understood that truth yet or not was another matter.In time, these lessons would catch up to his staggering natural abilities. Abilities that were becoming more and more apparent with each day. One just needed the patience to help him bring them forth and then know them.Lorgin jerked his thumb in the direction of the dead body on the floor. "He has the right of it. It is as he says."Yaniff nodded. "And how do you feel when this unbidden rising occurs?""Hmmm. I do not feel as if I am controlling it precisely, but rather the feeling, whatever it is, is controlling the experience. I do not like it much."This was not surprising. Lorgin was not one to relinquish control. He would fight anything he perceived as wrestling control from him.Such will denoted a strong nature, but in this instance, he needed to allow it to happen. Yaniff was confident this student would do so once he explained the situation to him. Lorgins acute intelligence always successfully battled against his first instincts. In that way he was very different from his brother; a Familiar lived his life by instinct.In fact, it was this dichotomy that made these lessons so difficult for Rejar. He would think more on that later as well."I have heard of these afflictions before. It appears you are preparing to open a new level, Lorgin."Lorgin's eyebrows arched. "A new level? In my wielding of magic?""Yes. There are some who experience it in such a way."Lorgin was not convinced. "I have not experienced this in the past when my powers arose. Not even when I first sparked.""This makes no difference. The experience will change for you once you open yourself to it, Lorgin. Do not fight it, as you have been doing. Allow the power to align with you. Every level, as you know, is vastly different from the one before. There is no telling in what order a facet will present itself to you."

  • "The type of power is uncertain you mean?""Precisely. You may be increasing the level of one of your known Powers of the Four; or"{You may be preparing to jump to a new level entirely, brother.} Rejar sat up from the floor. "Is that not right, Yaniff?"Yaniff nodded, impressed by the intuitive skills of the One who would one day wield the tenth power. Like Lorgin, there was power within him waiting to come forth. Unlike Lorgin, however, his power when it bubbled and writhed completely to the surface would be untold.It had already released once and instantly vaporized an entire lake with but a glance from his blue and gold eyes.The ancient wizard prayed he would be enough; enough to give this one named Gifted the guidance needed to contain and control such power.For whether he could or could not, that power was surely coming.This Yaniff knew without a doubt. The forewind had already spoken to him.Rejar would be their salvation.Or their destruction.The Matrix of Destiny was weaving its story . . ."It is true what he says?" Lorgin nodded his head in his brother's direction.Yaniff stared straight into the dual-colored eyes of his youngest student as he spoke to Lorgin. "It is true.""Hmmm." Lorgin rubbed his chin. Yaniff just confirmed that he was either entering the fifth mystical realm; or his own power was augmenting; or an entirely new power would soon open to him."Any or all of those things, Lorgin." The old wizard had read his mind.Lorgin's eyes widened. That was a lot to consider. "When will this change occur?"Yaniff shrugged. "It will take its time. You will most likely be in the awakening process for a while. It is the way of these things . . ." He glanced at the Familiar. "For some."Lorgin remembered that Rejar's powers had not come about like that. When they had awakened, they had come swiftly and with staggering force. But Rejar was different . . . Lorgin's progress would in the historical Aviaran manner; his power would unveil and ripen at an even measure.There was something else Yaniff needed to impart to the golden-haired knight. "This process grants you a certain ability in and of itself."Both brothers seemed surprised."And what is that?" Lorgin asked dryly, leery whenever Yaniff spoke of such things. He had not forgotten his earlier suspicions that Yaniff had manipulated him into bringing his-brother-of-the-line Traed back to Aviara. The old mage had set Traed up to stand against his own father, Theardar. Mad though Theardar was, it sat not well with Lorgin. Traed had suffered much from it. Then there was Marilan . . . whose significance had been kept hidden from them all. His fathers sister and Traeds mother. Yet, in the end, his father was finally allowed to claim his sisters son to his own line and both Rejar and Lorgin had earned a new brother.Yaniff had admitted to nothing, of course. He simply told Lorgin that Theardar had to be stopped. The crafty wizard had been right about that. Lorgin had understood and in time had even come to forgive him.

  • But that did not mean he liked or approved of such machinations. Even if he had much love for the elderly mage.Yaniff chuckled at him. "I assure you Lorgin, it is nothing so clandestine. Your rise of power will augment the Transference you have already shared with Adeeann. This new ability will begin to flow to her as well once you allow it. Mayhap you will both benefit from it, eh?"Rejar glanced at his brother to see what he would say.Lorgin thought it over for a moment. "There might indeed be a benefit to that."Yaniff rubbed his chin. "If you think on it further, you might discover even deeper benefits."Lorgin's eyes widened. He well understood Yaniff's implication. He wondered, however, what Adeeann's reaction would be.He smiled softly.Rejar rolled his eyes and laid back down, presumably to continue his snooze or his training; apparently for him the line was rather muddied betwixt the two.{She will not be pleased with you, brother.} The Familiar warned."At first." Lorgin decided."At first." Yaniff concurred.The flapping book swooped over the rafters and finally landed.Straight in Yaniffs soup pot.Lorgin jumped up and slammed the cover on it.Like every day on Aviara, life was beautiful.But today, for some reason, unseasonably hot.Adeeann zira'al Lorgin, nee Deana Jones of Earth, observed the lush beauty surrounding her and sighed. Completely content.She was an Earth woman who lived in a giant tree in the Towering Forest of Aviara. It was nothing like Boston, Massachusetts. Whod a thunk?She smiled as she viewed her lovely home.The main living quarters were inside the trunk of a Towering Tree; yet she lived outside a good deal of the time. The lush outdoor spaces were divided into several immense levels of platformed gardens.She watched as delicate pastel flowers shimmied in the light wind.Crystal chimes, hanging from every branch, tinkled softly. Happy little creatures sat among the branches and trilled sweet songs to the daylight. Krozia covered pathways led from the main platform, intersecting above and below. A clear stream flowed from the upper levels, forming streams and waterfalls throughout the wide-branched levels.Each level had a pool beneath its waterfalls.The water in all of them was crystal clear.One of the gardens sported exotic fruits and vegetables, the tastes of which were extraordinary. Sweet, crisp, crunchy variations nothing like the cardboard non-choices at her old local Shop and Rob.And in the evenings, the night-blooming flowers wafted their evocative scents through every room.It was magick, of course.A perfectly beautiful ecosystem that made no practical sense. But this was not a systematic

  • universe. This world and all the others here were based on mysticism and magick. It made her life much more interesting.Her daughter streaked past her line of vision on all fours. How do babies crawl so fast? She briefly wondered why no one ever thought of crawling baby races. Like the wiener races. Or maybe a crawling baby wiener rally . . .Giggling as she sped by, Melody wriggled a bit too close to the edge. Before Deana could get up, a small branch with broad leaves swiftly swooped down and gently steered the child in a different, safer direction.She smiled softly. The Tree watched over them all.At first she had been concerned, living with her baby at such heights. Lorgins father, Krue, still railed at his son about the possible danger. Of course, Father Krue had an ulterior motive: he wanted them to live with the rest of the family at the Lodarres ancestral home. Then he could spoil his only nearchild whenever he wished. Deana soon realized, however, that her fears were unfounded.This incredible, sentient Tree that had initially accepted her husband extended its shelter to his entire family as well.The fan-like leaves above her head shifted, allowing more of the cooling breeze to reach her. How she had come to love this forest! This ancient Tree.And it apparently loved her as well, for it took excellent care of her. And her family. Always protecting and comforting them. Wasnt that the meaning of home? A shelter that provided love and protection.It almost treated them as if they were its children.And, perhaps, in some sense, they were.It was a peaceful, carefree day. Which meant that trouble was soon to be afoot. If someone didnt start something soon, she would.A little bit of mischief was called for from time to time.She sat up straighter. Perhaps she needed to spice up the pot now?Her gaze strayed over to her husband on the next platform below. He was sitting by one of the pools, attempting to carve a block of wood into a toy xathu for their little girl. Why a baby would ever need an ugly, poison-slobbering monster as a toy was beyond her. But then she had given up trying to figure out the male Aviaran psyche long ago. The men on this planet were something else.Lorgin suddenly muttered a few choice Aviaran epithets.Deana rolled her eyes. Her husband was a fourth level Charl warrior, impossibly proficient at killing with a light saber, but unable to wield it to shape a plaything out of a block of wood to save his life. Lorgin obviously preferred slaying xathu to carving them.His long golden hair slid forward as he attempted another cut.The blade slipped again, lopping off a chunk of the beasts ugly mug.Deana snickered as a few more curses carried to her. The only thing that could possibly save her husband at this juncture was his brother-of-the-line, Traed, a master of the blade and an expert carver. The man had already created several beautiful toys for Melody that she seemed to adore. It was very sweet of him, really; but she would never tell the fearsome warrior that.Another flow of invectives colored the wind. And this batch was quite creative. Deana almost

  • blushed as she tried to picture one of the more descriptive curses. Yep, the big galoot needed help fast.Unfortunately, Lorgins salvation was unlikely to happen since that taciturn brother was more surly than usual due to his not being able to locate the Familiar Brygar who had been taken by Oberion slavers. The green-eyed Aviaran warrior had made two trips in search of him and both had ended up fruitless.Like most Aviaran males, Traed did not entertain failure as a possibility.In all likelihood, Lorgins new middle brother had already departed to start the search again.Consequently, Deana was quite surprised when she heard the platform lift and none other than Traed taal Krue stepped off as if she conjured him up!Happy to see him, she ran to greet him. Even though they were high up in the boughs of a great Towering Tree, Traed's aloof demeanor always indicated that he was allowing himself to descend into the reality around him.But he didn't fool Deana.She knew there was a different man well hidden beneath the cool, indifferent exterior he chose to present to the world. His was a quiet, serious nature.Since he had rejoined Krue's family, having been acknowledged by Krue a kind of bloodline adoption, as she understood it there had been a tiny, yet subtle shift in him. One could say he was almost pleasant at times to be around.She scratched the tip of her nose. Was it growing?Well . . . at least he didn't freeze everyone to stone with the icy glare of his green eyes as he had when they had first met up with him in Zarrain long before Melody was born. Since then she had learned that Traed actually had a very subtle sense of humor that she rather liked.Like most Aviaran males, he was courageous to a fault.And like most Aviaran males, stubborn to a fault.Deana recognized, however, that he was very different from Krues other two sons. This brother was a rebel amongst knights.But he was true and valiant.Deana utterly adored him.She observed him as he glanced around taking in every detail of the picturesque surroundings. Tall and starkly handsome, his dark hair was pulled tightly back into a ponytail that nearly reached his waist. His clear green eyesthe exact color of peridot flashed at her approach. He nodded curtly at her.Deana beamed at him. Traed! How nice to see you! I thought you would have left by now.His sculptured lips firmed slightly at the reminder that Brygar was still out there somewhere, held captive and enslaved by Oberion traders. That whole situation did not sit well with him. I leave in a few days time, Adeeann. I received a message from Yaniff to meet him here.Yaniff? He isnt here, but you are always welcome to visit. Come and see Lorgin. She put her hand up to her mouth and whispered sotto voce, He needs your help desperately. But never, ever say I said that.A line furrowed Traeds forehead as he gazed down at her. Probably deciding once and for all if she was insane.Then Lorgins language du jour peppered the area.

  • Traeds brow arched and he glanced over to the platform below. It didnt take him long to assess the situation. His lips curved slightly. Ah, I see. Perhaps it is best I join him lest he present Melody with a spear. That would not be wise for a babe of her years. He actually said this seriously.Deana snapped her fingers, grinning. Got it in one.He gave her one of his famous looks before he walked down the platform. Traeds patented look was open to interpretation. The same stoic expression served to deliver a multiple of meanings from I am mildly amused to I will kill you swiftly and painfully. It was up to the receiving end to figure it out.She was still breathing so the look must have conveyed something halfway okay.Soon Deana heard murmuring dissent between the two men. It was followed by Traed taking up the mantle of the carving by withdrawing Yaniff's Cearix and seizing the block of wood."There, Melody," she whispered to her sleeping baby, "Your uncle will give you a proper xathu now. Your father has the best of intentions but does not know the meaning of no can do." She exhaled dreamily. "Which is one of the reasons why I love him so much. Ill tell you a secret . . . "She leaned back in her wooden chair, palms resting on the sun-warmed slats as she stretched. "Chances are you wouldn't be here if it wasn't for his impossible stubbornness. But don't tell him I admitted that, you got it?"Melody snuffled sweetly in her sleep, far away in a peaceful dream. Deana watched her daughter for a moment, a loving expression gracing her features."She is a beautiful child." Lorgin had come up to her without her realizing it. It always amazed her how quietly he could move. He was a big man. Tall and muscular. Yet he could be silent and lethal. How much had he overheard of her embarrassing confession?"She is perfect. But we are somewhat bias."Lorgin negated that idea. "Nonsense. We are very objective on this. Does not the entire family say the same? My father believes her to be the most beautiful child ever to be born on Aviara. For all time."Deana giggled thinking how utterly infatuated Krue was with his first grandchild. He was spoiling her horribly.Lorgin's lips lifted at the corners in a small smile."How are we going to stop him from ruining her?"He gave her a sly look. He had a pretty good idea what would do it and it involved spreading the focus of attention; but he would keep that to himself for the time being. "I will think of something. You know, she looks very much like you."Deana looked up at him surprised he would say so. She thought Melody looked more like Lorgin. Her daughter clearly had his eyes. "Do you think so?"Perhaps. She has your hair.""Poor girl."He chuckled. "What is this? I love your hair."Deana rolled her eyes. Only Lorgin would love a waist-length mess o' red curls. "Well, I still think overall she looks more like you.""Mmmm. She does seem to have my stubbornness."

  • Deana's shoulders hunched. Damn and double damn! He had heard her. She never got away with a thing with this guy!But that didn't stop her from continually trying.One might say it was one of the cornerstones of their vibrant relationship.Go! she pointed in the direction of Traed.He kissed the tip of her nose, his low laughter trailing behind him as he rejoined his brother. She could hear the two men grumbling again as she went to sit in the shade. The grumbling got louder as they discussed how many teeth a xathu had and whether a mouthclaw was actually a tooth.Apparently the conundrum was resolved rather quickly as the grousing died down. She noticed that Melody had woken up enough to crawl halfway down the platform to be near her father before falling asleep by one of the flowerbeds.The Tree carefully shaded her so she would not burn.The baby looked positively adorable napping in the middle of the flowers.Deana squinted her eyes at the scene. It looked like a redheaded baby had hatched in the middle of the flowerbed. She giggled.A baby patch.Hmm . . . come to think of it, no one on Aviara has ever heard of Cabbage Patch Dolls! We could make a bloody fortune! And why stop there? Charl Knights and oh-my-God Familiars!Her fantasy of becoming Aviaras first action figure mogul was cut short as Yaniff arrived. He was trailed by a disgruntled Rejar.That was quick. What was up?"We will conduct your lesson here today, Rejar." Yaniff huffed, as he made his way over to the bench and wearily sank down. With a snap of his fingers he produced a small cloth and used it to blot his forehead.Deana prayed the old dear wasnt getting heat stroke. Did they even get that on Aviara? Would you like something cool to drink, Yaniff? she offered immediately.The wizard turned at her voice. Oh, Adeeann, greetings. Yes, that would be most welcome.She poured him a goblet of fresh fruit juice from a pitcher they always kept filled on the side table. Rejar?The Familiar grinned at her, gratefully.Lorgin, only now realizing that his house was being invaded on a day he had set aside for leisure, bristled. He and Traed joined them on the main level.What mean you, Yaniff, to give him his lesson here? Lorgin's mouth flattened. "I was planning on""Good. We are in agreement then." The old wizard waved his staff. "You might as well partake in the lesson too."Her husband fumed. Loudly. He was caught and one look at him said he knew it. No day off for Charl knights.About this time Traed made to discretely leave whilst Yaniff was lecturing his students."And where do you think you are going?" The old mage pierced the green-eyed man to the spot. "If it is to be Lorgin's lesson, then surely you will benefit from it as well."Tread exhaled, rather testily. "I am not your student. This I have repeatedly told you and I do

  • not have to-""All of you sit." The command came from Lorgins father, Krue, who had just arrived with his wife.The brothers all sat.Deana was impressed. Nice. Got to give it up to Pops Lodarres.No one else could get this opinionated bunch of testosterone to do what they wanted."Yes, it is far too warm to expend energy arguing over nonsense." Her stunning 'mother-in-law' Suleila agreed as she fanned herself."Why is it so hot today anyway?" Deana asked. Usually Aviaran weather was a perfect 72 degrees and sunny. Except for the occasional light rain but that was only when it struck the High Guilds fancy.Deana bit her lip at that thought. Weather manipulation was strictly forbidden by anyone other than the High Guild. Lorgin had gotten into considerable trouble last month after she had convinced him to produce snow. She had wanted to experience snowflakes falling through the boughs of the Tree at night.It had been so beautiful!But her poor husband had to pay for it dearly the next time the council met. They forced him to volunteer for a project he particularly detested: sorting the magickal books in the High Guild library.The ancient tomes were scattered everywhere.Old wizards never reshelve.Apparently, it had really gotten out of hand. Since only fourth-level mystics and above were allowed to see these books, much less handle them, they had something of a worker shortage.In other words no one in his right mind would volunteer for the tedious task.Lorgin had been p-i-s-s-e-d.She had tried to console him with the memory they had of their night in the snow. Then spoiled it all by grinning evilly at him.He still hadn't paid her back for that one."The Growers Guild is trying to speed up the ripening of the gharta fruits." Krue supplied the answer to the hot weather. They were granted a two day heat spell by the High Guild.""Ah, it is so much cooler up here." Suleila sank down and sprawled across a comfy limb near the waterfall. A leafy branch began to lazily fan her. "Oh, that feels so nice."Krue watched his wife appreciatively, his head slanted to the side. The Familiar woman was still incredibly beautiful; even her most mundane movements were charged with sensuality. A wild spark almost came into his keen eyes, but he quashed it as he turned to his errant sons.His meet and greet to them was his usual stern frown."Have you learned nothing? Do you shame my line with this behavior? You will pay heed to Yaniff and be grateful he is willing to impart knowledge to any one of you."Dutifully, Lorgin responded first. "Yes, father.""Mmmmm." Rejar mumbled what sounded almost like a concession as he stared at the tree trunk.Silence from Traed.Krue arched his brow. Waiting.

  • A pulse ticked in Traeds jaw. "If that is your wish, Krue," he finally spit out. It was still difficult for the taciturn Aviaran to give in but he was learning well to 'defer' to his new father-of-the-line.Yaniff beamed and took a slurping sip of his juice. Wiping his mouth off with the back of his hand, he said, "Good. I want you three to seat yourselves by this waterfall. You will contemplate it for a while. I shall join in your task."Deanas eyes rounded. Why, that old faker! He just wants to rest in the shade where its cooler.Yaniff winked at her. He had heard her thoughts.He held up his goblet for a refill. When she bent over him, he whispered, "It is much too hot for this old wizard to teach." He glanced slyly at Rejar. But it is never to hot for him to learn.She snorted.The three brothers sat down cross-legged by the pool."How long do we have to contemplate running water, old man?" Always impatient, Rejar wanted parameters to his torture."Is that all you see?" Yaniff countered with his usual dose of wizardly mystique, certainly implying there was much more to be seen.Rejar rolled his eyes. {He does not fool me, Adeeann. He is hoping I will 'discover' something thus giving credence to his afternoon nap.}Yaniff shook his head, exasperated. "The first lesson in this for you, Rejar, is that you forgot to shield that thought from me. Careless and impudent."Rejar lips parted slightly as he realized his mistake.Yaniff's eyes, darker than the darkest night, twinkled with what could only be called "old wizard's glee"."Second," the ancient maze continued on, unfazed, "if all you are seeing is water you are missing something. It is called a reflection. Your own. I suggest you begin studying it in a more serious manner lest you go through life ignoring a dimension or two!" He banged his staff for emphasis.Ouch. Score another one for the older mage's team. Deana caught her husband's eye. As expected, the sheer satisfaction of the moment was indicated on his expression. He was inordinately pleased with his younger brother's set-down, as befitted an older brother.Apparently with these Aviarans one never ceased to be elevated in mood when the other received a beat down."You will study that water, Rejar, for as long as it takes." Krue responded sharply. He took a seat next to his wife on the comfy hammock-like limb.Rejars head sagged forward in defeat. Now that his father was here, there would be no sneaking off when Yaniff fell into a nap.Deana trailed her hand in the water. "So, I take it you're all staying for the evening meal, aren't you?" She flicked her wet fingers at Rejar who grinned."Well, it is much too tiring to cook," Suleila closed her eyes and leaned into her husband. "Poor Bojo's feathers are molting from all this heat."They all looked at the winged companion atop Yaniff's shoulders. Except for Rejar who swallowed and momentarily concentrated harder on the water.Krues eyes narrowed. His youngest son was acting in an oddly guilty manner. What had he

  • done now?At Suleilas comment the strange birdlike creature gave a pathetic little wheeze right on cue. A mournful squeak for sympathy.Deana pinched the bridge of her nose. These people sure knew how to play her. Even Bojo was going along with the plan, which was becoming clearer and clearer to her by the minute. They all wanted to get out of the heat by resting in her tree! "Alright, lets do dinner. But it is too hot to cook. Yaniff, can you snap your fing""NO!!" Five voices rang out at once.Oops. Deana forgot that while Yaniff was an excellent wizard, he was a terrible cook.Yaniff's dark eyes widened. "What is this?""Nothing. It is just that . . . " Krue cleared his throat. "Suleila and I thought we could light a fire after nightfall to prepare the evening meal out here. Suleila has brought some foods with us already . . . for the preparation."Suleila cracked an eye open. I have? Krues eye caught hers. Um, yes, I have.Yaniff smiled. Wonderful! We shall have a feast! It will be like a festival day.A feast? When he turned away, Suleila raised her hands to her husband, palms up. {I have nothing.} Krue motioned her not to worry. He would secretly send the boys to get something later when Yaniff was otherwise occupied."Yippee, were going to have a barbecue!" Deana rubbed her palms together."A what?" Traed asked."A barbecue. Thats where you take your meat and slap it on a grill."Rejar's jaw dropped in horror. "Wh-what is she saying, Lorgin?"Lorgin shrugged while keeping one eye firmly on his wife. "There is no telling, brother. But I like not the sound of it."Deana waved off any qualms they might have. "This is a great idea, really. Yaniff will help me later, won't you, Yaniff?" She smiled prettily at him."Of course I will."They men groaned quietly. Everything was sure to be either over spiced or under spiced.Suleila had already fallen back into a nap. Like most felines, give her a comfortable lap, the sun, and a little breeze and she was o-u-t."Where is Lilac, Rejar? Do you think she would like to try our experimental meal later?" Deana asked.The sensual Familiar shook his head, his glossy black hair falling about his shoulders. After all of this time, Deana still marveled at his Familiar beauty. Whereas Aviarans were handsome to a fault, Familiars wereWell, Familiars were something spectacular. Sleek and sensual, the race of feline shapeshifters took one's breath away."Lilac went with Lady Agatha to the marketplace on M'yan. They are then going to visit with Gian and Jenise for a few nights."Yaniff seemed surprised. "You did not tell me of this."Rejar rolled his eyes. "And I am to tell you everything of my life?""Hmpf." Yaniff sat up straighter. "If I had known, I could have arranged different lessons for you. Since you will not have to return home for several nights, you could have used the time

  • for more in depth studies.The Familiar gave the wizard a smarmy grin. "Which was why I did not tell you."Yaniff gave him a measured look. His crystal earring flashed. It matters not, you know. The lessons you will have one way or the other."Rejar's grimaced. He was trying . . . but his carefree nature did not acclimate well to the rigid, strict training of a Charl knight. Nonetheless, a Charl he would be. His so-called destiny had spoken loud and clear to the old wizard on that.And no one gainsays Yaniff, the most powerful mystic on Aviara.He grinned evilly.At least for the present.Deana slyly scanned her guests. It was the perfect time to cause a little stir. They were lolling about her shaded yard, lazy and relaxed.She started by saying innocently, "It's too bad you don't have a holiday like we do on the Disney World . . . " She tapped her chin. "Today would be so perfect for . . . Come to think of it, it is around the time of year for it . . ."She had no idea whether it was that time of year or not but she was sure one of them would take the bait."Time of year for what?" Suleila lifted her head, taking a nibble.Gotcha. Deana inwardly smiled. The tease was just too much for a Familiar to pass on. It was like dangling a rope in front of a cat. Ten out of ten times that paw was gonna swat."Why, St. Stooges Day, of course.""St. Stooges Day? What is this?"She had Suleila's interest now; the rest would be sure to follow. Her husband's brow knitted as if he were trying to remember something. Not a good sign.Confirmed when he murmured, "Why is this familiar to me?""Well, maybe you heard of it when you visited my home. What difference does it make?" The lame laugh that followed her statement only served to peak his interest but not in the way she imagined.He gave her the famous double-barreled lavender stare of unwavering scrutiny.Leaving no doubt in her mind as to why he was such an effective . . . um, ambassador for the Guild. Crap, she was married to the guy and under the power of that look even she was ready to spill her guts. Adversaries didn't have a prayer. She took a deep breath and fearlessly took the plunge."St. Stooges Day comes along once a year. It is a time when you show a person you deeply care about them by getting them gifts and spending time with them." She stared pointedly at her husband. "Something that says how very much you care."Her guests suddenly viewed her with a combination of stunned horror. What? What had she said?"We had no idea, Adeeann," Krue said in a serious tone to her. "Of course we will celebrate this for you. It has always been our desire to make you feel at home.""Great!" she beamed. The idea came from St. Valentine's Day, which she was starting to miss. After all, it would be wonderful to have a day where she could exchange gifts with Lorgin and have a designated romantic time set aside free from the possibility of guild interruption. She

  • would have to think of a good date for this new holiday. On top of it all, she always thought the Three Stooges should be honored for their contribution to society.What better way than this?Now they would have their own official holiday! Albeit on another planet in a different galaxy in a whole different universe. So what?A booking was a booking.She bit her lip as she recalled something. Back on Earth, in San Francisco, Lorgin had witnessed the magnificence of Curly first hand as the chubby stooge had spun about the floor in his trademark maneuver yelling wub wub wub!Curly was a great Stooge.Perhaps the greatest Stooge.And he had suffered- suffered for his craft! She wiped a tear from her eye.Lorgin had questioned her as to whether the odd spinning spectacle was a civil punishment of some kind. She had told him it was, not bothering to explain the Three Stooges to him.Hey, who could explain the Three Stooges?Especially to an alien.People on Earth were still scratching their heads a good sixty, seventy years after their, ah, debut.She sneaked a peek at him. Would he remember? Nah, he would never connect the dots.Now all she had to do was work out all the details for the new holiday!With eyes still closed, Suleila spoke up from the comfort of Krue's lap. "Adeeann, tell us one of your delightful Charl stories."Lorgin and Krue groaned.Deana had started telling Charl jokes awhile back and they had taken Aviara by storm. Oh, how she loved to poke a little fun at their austere 'knightly' demeanors. They were the perfect foils.In fact, the townsfolk had gone wild over her How many Charl does it take jokes. New additions were added daily as the villagers invented their own versions of her tried and true favorites.Hmmm," Deana tapped her lip. Something different was called for today. She smoothed out her kaftan as she prepared to tell a slightly revised version of her favorite joke."Okay, I think I have one to share."I will notify the High Guild, her husband deadpanned.Pointedly ignoring him, she began to tell the joke. One day, three Charl knights are sent out on a mission to an unknown world with the orders to"She hadnt even finished the first sentence and before Lorgin was affronted. "Charl do not take orders," he stated imperiously."No? Then what would you call it when the High Council sends you out on a mission?""That is a suggestion." He huffed. "We, the knights, decide whether we will do it or not.""Um, yeah, sure." Keep telling yourself that, Lorgin. Anyway, when the knights arrive through the Tunnel, they are"She has a point, Lorgin. Traed stroked his jaw. The Guild does expect"That matters not. Lorgin dismissed whatever Traed was about say in regards to Charl

  • procedure with a slash of his hand. The final decision always lies with the knight.Lorgin is right. Yaniff aimed his staff at the green-eyed man. You would have known this Traed if you acquiesced to your heritage and joined the Charl.Acquiesced? The peridot eyes sparked dangerously. As if I, myself, have not been coerced intoWhoah, whoah, whoah! Deana threw her arms in the air. This was getting way out of hand, fast. "May I please continue with the joke?!"All of them begrudgingly went silent. For the time being.Does anyone realize what I have to go through to tell a simple joke in this place? Gawd, I should get a medal for extreme bravery in the face of impossible odds every time I try this!Aviarans apparently had trouble telling a joke from a real story as evidenced by the comments, interruptions and "opinions' that were ensuing."As I was saying, what they didn't know was that this world was run by women warriors.""Now it gets interesting." Rejar settled back, having found something to focus on. Women. The one factor that would get the Familiars attention."However, she continued, these warriors were not especially happy to see Charl knights on their doorstep."Lorgin shrugged, unconcerned with their plight. "As you say, Adeeann, occupational hazard.""Yes," Yaniff concurred wisely.Deana rolled her eyes. "The female warriors captured the three CharlLorgin snorted at this.As did Traed.Rejar only grinned.Even Pops Krue had a patently bemused look on his face.Deana lifted her brow. "Well, it could happen."Lorgin stared at her from under his lashes as if to say, Yes and Aviara is made of spun honey. Think of another one.Why are you glaring at me like that? She asked."A Charl warrior would never allow himself to get into such a situation, Adeeann."She gave her husband a disgusted look. "Hello, its a joke. Would you let me tell the story, please? Thank you." She sniffed haughtily.Suleila sent a private thought to Krue. {I love when she does this. Do you not as well, husband?}It is amusing, he mouthed back to her." . . . and soon the three were brought before the leader, who was not at all pleased to see them.Had they been Familiar males, she would have been.Lorgin chucked his brother on the back of the head, nearing causing him to choke. Mayhap we should just send a Familiar out to do our Charl work and save us the bother!Traed crossed his arms over his chest and looked skyward, shaking his head. His tone indicated mild annoyance. Are you not going to let her finish the tale? I vow, the two of you would argue over which one weaves his mates hair better.On that there is no debate. Lorgin pointed to Deanas hair perfectly woven with the ribbons

  • of his house.Rejar simply shrugged his shoulders unconcerned. Lilac is not here. When she returns, perhaps you can decide this weighty issue for us, Traed?Traed rubbed his eyes and motioned for Deana to proceed.Lorgin and Rejar both considered tipping him into the pool.The leader walked up to the men taking in their measure . . ."Deana got up to demonstrate by clasping her hands behind her back and strutting back and forth in front of the three brothers.Lorgin frowned at her. Traed's brow furrowed. Rejar slowly crossed his eyes every time she went past."Finally, the leader reached her decision! Deana snapped her fingers. She approached the first man." Deana stopped in front of Traed and raised her voice to a level befitting a ruler of warrior women. Something like Zsa Zsa Gabor in Queen of Outer Space."You . . ." She poked Traed's chest. He did not move, just gazed slowly down at the finger and stared.Realizing what she was doing, Deana mentally eeked and quickly pulled back her hand. "You, darlink Aviaran, have violated ze laws of our land by coming here. You must be punished!" She had to admit; she did a crappy Zsa Zsa impersonation. But they wouldnt know that.Traed cocked his head to the side. "Do I?" he drawled.He didnt seem convinced.Deana swallowed. Yes, she was just telling a joke, and yes, he was probably teasing her in his own way, but geesh! The man was intimidating.She took a step back and bravely forged on. "Yes, darlink. However, because ve are a merciful people, you may decide your punishment. You may choose either ze death or ze Ploot Ploot.""Ploot Ploot?" Yaniff parroted, confounded."Ploot Ploot." Traed deadpanned."Very vell, Ploot Ploot eet iz!" Deana chirped, as if Traed had actually made a choice.She went on in her regular voice. "All of a sudden, twenty-five of their best female warriors came screaming out of the bushes.""There are bushes?" Rejar asked innocently.She gave her brother-in-law a patent look. There was NO innocence when it came to that guy. "There are always bushes. These twenty-five women attack this poor Charl, throwing him to the ground. They proceed to have their way with him . . . She pierced them all with a glinty-eyed look just in case they werent getting the whole scope of the horrifying scenario. Every way with him."Rejar leaned into his brother, whispering, "This is a punishment? Is she serious?"Lorgin threw his brother a sideways glance. I am not sure, he murmured back. When it came to his wife, he had learned it was best to keep alert at all times."His companions watch this strange happening, at first thinking it might not be so bad . . . until they see these woman are relentless! They attack him non-stop, forcing him to participate in every imaginable transgression until he is all but dead from"In a rare event, Krue threw back his head and laughed heartily. His sons all joined in with him.Even Yaniff's eyes were twinkling suspiciously; although the wizard managed to contain

  • himself, his shoulders were shaking. Bojo listed to the side on his master's shoulder, his bald head twisting upside down.Deana clenched her fists. "No! Wait! That is not the punch line!"Lorgin chuckled. "Surely, it must be as this is no punishment for a man, Adeeann.""Any Aviaran warrior could manage but twenty-five women," Traed added seriously."Only twenty-five?" Rejar scoffed. "A Familiar would nap in between."At that Yaniff, Krue, and Lorgin absolutely guffawed. Deana noticed that even though she was supposed to be sleeping, Suleila's lips curved as well."You do tell an amusing tale, Adeeann." Traed nodded his head to her in appreciation."Grrrr. BUT that is not the punch line!" Taking a deep breath she tried again."After they were done with him, they tossed him to the side, barely alive. Ooooooo." The scary sound did nothing for atmospheric effect with these lugs. They all gave her concerned looks. Undaunted, she forged on.Now, remember his comrades had witnessed this. So, the leader approaches the next Charl . . ."She trotted over to Rejar and looked into his beautiful face."Yes, o' leader?" He hands covered his heart theatrically. "I take it I am to be similarly punished." He bent forward and spoke sotto voce, "Please be sure to adjust the number of attackers suitably. I have my pride."Traed lifted a brow. "You think to better my twenty-five assailants?"Rejar clicked his tongue dismissively and followed it with a slow sexy smile.Deana lowered her voice to issue the decree. "Eez it death or Ploot Ploot?"Two dimples curved his cheeks. His white teeth flashed in a sensual grin, "Oh, I insist on Ploot Ploot."More laughter."Very well!" Still in character, Deana lowered her voice and called out, "Ploot Ploot!""Here they come, brother," Lorgin quipped."It is a good thing for you Lilac is not here, Rejar," Yaniff snickered.Suleila spoke with her eyes still closed. "Husband, it is fortunate you are not on this expedition as well . . . for I would surely have to kill all of these women and I am much too listless to do so in this heat."More laughter."Argh! Stay with the story, people!" Deana gritted her teeth, and blew her hair off of her forehead in exasperation. Fifty women come rushing forth. This time it is much worse""Or better," Rejar waggled his eyebrows. Lorgin laughed.Unperturbed, she continued on. "When they are done with him, the poor fellow is barely alive.""Clearly not a Familiar," Rejar confirmed."She already said they were Charl," Suleila said to her son, earning her a playful pinch from her husband, Krue."Is not your son a Charl as well?" he challenged her. She shrugged noncommittally. Just to get his dander up.Do you think Charl lacking in any way, my Suleila?" Krue drawled to his wife.A slow smile spread across her face. "I admit one Charl can please one woman very, very

  • well.Deana cleared her throat loudly to regain the floor. "Seeing what has happened to his other two comrades, the third Charl knows what is coming . . . !"She sauntered over to stand in front of her husband. "He thinks to himself, this is a horrible fate to behold"This time even Bojo fell over in gasps of ribald screeching."Punishment too nightmarish to even contemplate," Traed intoned drolly."But . . .!" Deana lifted her finger. "He realizes that where there is life there is hope!"Rejar also raised his finger as if he were a teacher imparting great wisdom. "Especially if there is life in certain places!"Krue chucked his youngest son up the backside of his head."On the other hand, this Charl had witnessed too much. He also did not want to suffer like his comrades . . . "Yaniff stroked his chin. "When you are as old I am such suffering can be yearned for. Perhaps even begged for. Why did I not send myself on such a journey?"Traed snorted. "Because, you always seem to send me in your stead."Yaniff shrugged, unrepentant. "And did I not tell you, you would thank me one day?"Rejar ducked, expecting Traed to pull out his light sabre and lob off the old wizard's head. But the dark-haired man merely stared blankly at the old man. Not amused. Or amused. His secret.Deana was not about to be dissuaded. She was finally nearing the end.Lorgin stood as she approached him. Looming tall above her, he stared down at her through his dark lashes. His incredible amethyst eyes flashed intermittently. On standby, no doubt."Death or Ploot Ploot?" she asked."Death," his low voice declared firmly.Deana blinked at him.His eyes sparked at her. "I would rather die than commit 'Ploot Ploot' with anyone else but you, Adeeann."Awwww. The whole St. Valentines Day concept? He completely nailed it with those words. Leave it to the big galoot to get perfectly, wonderfully mushy and almost ruin her punch line at the same time!Oh, who was she fooling; he had her at death.However a joke was at stake here and she took her jokes seriously. She squared her shoulders. Lowered her voice."The leader nodded and raised her hands high in the air. She loudly proclaimed: Death . . .Pause, wait for it.By Ploot Ploot!"Everyone roared.Deana was pretty sure the joke would find its way around Aviara in various and sundry forms until it was all but unrecognizable.Her work was done.What was more, the barbeque wasnt half-bad either.The next day, when Deana returned home from a trip to the local version of a brewery where she had arranged for a delivery of mir for Yaniff, she was not surprised to find the family in

  • various states of 'flop' around her yard. It was still very warm out and it was much cooler in the Tree.What she was surprised about was the stack of items piled in the center of the main level."What is this?" she called out to anyone who would answer."They are presents for you, Adeeann," Lorgin responded without glancing up from the laughing face of his daughter who was bouncing merrily on his knee."Presents for me? What do you mean?""For St. Stooges Day, Adeeann," Suleila beamed at her. "We have all brought you gifts to show you how much we care for you as you asked."Oh, God. Deana covered her face with her hands. They didn't. She peeked through her fingers verifying the mountain of gifts. They did.How had they misinterpreted her like this? Why did Aviarans get everything bass ackwards? She groaned."We want you to feel at home, daughter," Krue added.Eep. Now she really felt like a tool. "I didn't want you to that is, I"Lorgin stopped bouncing Melody to look at her. "What is it?""Well, you don't quite have the gist of it . . . although I thank you for these great presents. You see, you don't give one person gifts . . . this is about conveying your intimate thoughts with a gesture or a token of""Lorgin's brow instantly lowered and his lips flattened. "I pray this is not like a pan-el discussion, Adeeann."Her husband had been introduced to the art of panel discussions at the science fiction convention they had attended. Years ago. And he was still irritated over the pompous moderator! Every now and then he still threatened to go back and skewer the obnoxious professor."No, no, nothing like that. You all don't give a gift to me, you give gifts to your special loved one."As this germ of information sank in, Suleila immediately brightened. "You mean our mates gives us gifts?" She gave Deana a meaningful glance which Deana had no trouble interpreting. It said, girl, do not blow this for womankind."I, er, th-that's right. The men give us gifts."Suleila straightened out her clothing and went to stand beside her favorite (for the moment) daughter-in-law. Smiling sweetly and innocently at Krue, her engaging demeanor implied: What can I do? It is their custom.Bolstered by the support, Deana started to elaborate a bit. "That's right. The man must give a gift to his mate on this day to show her how much he loves her."Rejar seem concerned and for the right reasons. Bless him. "Only once a year? That does not seem right. Familiar men gift their mates throughout the year . . . ""You have so raised him right," she whispered to Suleila, who snorted discreetly back at her.Deana cleared her throat. "Ahem, this is not meant to interfere with that. This is, ah, extra, if you will. A special day. For romance." The women of Aviara deserved a day of appreciation. They would thank her one day.Hmmm." Rejar thought it over quickly. "I like this St. Stooges Day idea. When Lilac returns,

  • I shall engage it upon her."Deana coughed into her hand, trying not to think of how the wild Familiar would carry that out. She almost felt sorry for the poor unsuspecting Lilac and wished there was some way she could warn the hapless woman beforehand."This is an odd custom." Krue scratched the back of his neck. What mean you by romance?""Ah, well, when you give your lady something really nice . . . well, I mean it doesn't have to be elaborate or costly ouch!"Suleila had kicked her shin."But, ah, it could be, of course."Krue gave his wife a narrowed look. "Costly, you say?""Most costly, my husband." Suleila confirmed by nodding her dainty chin. "However is one to know the value of the gesture else wise?""Hmm." Krue knew his Familiar wife too well. He was being toyed with in some manner. And he also knew that Familiars were partial to luxurious things. It was the texture, the sight, and the touch that excited their senses.He decided to go along with it, liking the possibilities inherent. He turned to his eldest son. "What will you get your Adeeann for bringing such a unique and costly custom to us men on Aviara, son?"Lorgin threw his father a quick glance before responding. "I am sure I will come up with something appropriate. For such an auspicious event. Something no one else could give her."Oh boy. She just might, might be in trouble here."Gr-great." Her smile was rather sickly.Krue then turned to Traed and Yaniff. "It appears you two got off easily on this.""Nonsense." Yaniff brought a goblet of juice to his lips and sipped. "I shall have to undo whatever damage is caused to Aviara by this. That will surely be no small task for this tired wizard.""Yaniff!" Suleila and Deana called out.He chuckled. "I am jesting. Just jesting."After the evening meal Traed stood to leave.Thank you, Adeeann, for your barbecue. I must go now; there are some things I need to attend to for my upcoming journey.When do you go? Krue asked him.I will leaving in a few days."Suleila watched the tall Aviaran with a mix of worry and compassion. Her blood relative Brygar had been captured by slavers and so far his discovery and return had eluded her son-of-the-line. It was a dangerous task. The hunt would probably take him farther into Oberion territory than was safe or wise."Be careful, my special son." She walked over and hugged him.It always amazed Deana that Traed allowed Suleila do that. She had asked Lorgin about it once and he said that he thought Traed held Suleila in a special place as she had been overly kind to him when he was a troubled youth, finding a place for him in her heart as her special son.They all wished him well.

  • Yaniff stood to walk out with the younger man. When they were alone, he spoke.I may not see you before you go so I will tell you now: Do not come back without him, Traed.""What would you have me do?""The time grows short before the opportunity closes. You must find him now lest it be too late."Traed nodded. "I understand."Yaniff patted his shoulder. "I have great faith in you. You will find him, for, by Aiyah, I cannot. He is deep in Oberion lands, shielded even from my sight."Traed wondered what chance he had, if a mage as great as Yaniff was blind."You have a great gift of Sight. Greater than you know. Use it wisely, my son."With those comforting words, Yaniff turned and went back to the group.The following day Suleila and Deana decided to go to the village together, despite the heat. Suleila had declared that shopping would overcome the hot day.As usual, Suleila did most of the actual shopping. The woman was a shopping force to be reckoned with!Deana suspected she accompanied her energetic mother-in-law as comic relief. She usually enjoyed going along, as the Familiar woman was so entertaining. They always had a lot of fun together, often laughing at silly things that only the two of them would see.In the square she noticed that several of the women were openly smiling at her while at the same time many of the men were giving her stony-eyed looks.Suleila.Looked like the chatty Familiar had already passed around the tale of St. Stooges Day.Her suspicions were confirmed when an older woman and her husband passed her and winked while flashing her new bracelet at Deana. The next woman simply whispered her gratitude by declaring, "A day for men to shower us with gifts and be our slaves! We thank you so much for this custom!"Huh? That was not what she had said. As usual, these Aviarans had mucked up her meaning! She gave Suleila a narrowed-eyed look.The pretty Familiar simply laughed gaily, waving off her concerns. "I thought I might improve on your fine custom a bit. Surely, you could not object, Adeeann, as soon you will benefit from this new custom as well." She winked at Deana.The reality of what Suleila was saying hit home with a thud. Oh my God. She gulped. Lorgin. Lorgin would be furious! She wasnt supposed to introduce too much of her world here. Something to do with disrupting the space-time continuum . . . or something.He still hadn't forgiven her for introducing the concept of the good ol' greaseburger to them. It was still appearing on several cafe menus albeit in a much altered form then what she had described. They obviously did not do beef here.Who cared?When Lorgin found out about this new twist to her holiday, they could start serving Deanaburgers.Because she would be dead meat.Krue had gifted his wife with a beautiful necklace earlier in the day.

  • Suleila had shown it to her when they took a break, sitting in their favorite outdoor cafe in the square to sip mir and nibble on some Aviaran sweet cakes. The Familiar woman had almost been shy when she revealed the lovely present. There was no doubt that Krue had been listening to her version of Valentine's Day and had literally taken it to heart. There was also no doubt that Lorgin's father loved his wife deeply. The fine, intricately wrought chain was magnificent. It was clearly no ordinary gift, but one that he had given a great deal of thought to. It also must have held some deeper significance for the two of them by the way Suleila acted when she looked it. A blush literally graced her smooth cheeks.Deana sighed happily. I'm just an ol' softy, I guess, but it is romantic.She decided to pat herself on the back for introducing the holiday on Aviara, after all.Even if it had gotten twisted a bit.Lorgin and the rest of the Aviaran men would just have to deal with it.Yeah, like the wimps they are, she groaned, slapping her forehead. Repeat to self one thousand times: Aviaran men are not Earth men. Aviaran men are not . . .The walk back home through the forest was nothing short of breathtaking.Night had fallen.On Earth, walking through the woods or city streets alone especially at night was something she never did. It just was not safe.Aviara was different.She never got over the sense of freedom she felt whenever she strolled through the Aviaran woods by herself. She loved it.Yaniff had even enchanted the pathway for her. Tiny creatures, similar to fireflies, intermittently lit the way for her along the path like a string of living fairy lights. It was so lovely.The air was scented with night-blooming flowers. Stars twinkled through the canopy of tree limbs. As she approached the Towering Forest, the immense sentient trees recognized her and turned their limbs so additional moonlight would filter down to further lighten the path for her.A light breeze kicked up, indicating the end of the heat spell.It reminded Deana that in this case it truly was a heat spell.It would be nice to have some early gharta this year; the sweet fruit had grown on her once she had gotten over her embarrassment of being referred to one by her husband in an embarrassingly naughty way.Yaniffs twinkling path led right to the base of their tree.When the platform reached the top, she was surprised to see all of the levels lit up with literally hundreds of flickering candles. Lanterns glowed through the open windows from the inside of the main trunk where their indoor living quarters were. Initially, she had been surprised that they could utilize fire in any manner while in a tree; but Lorgin had once explained to her that the Guild had placed a protective spell on the entire Towering Forest so it would never burn. She had to admit it was incredibly cozy to have candles and fireplaces inside a tree house.Lorgin had lit the candles and torches so she would feel welcomed home. For a fearsome Knight of the Charl, he certainly had a romantic side.

  • Although he would rather be tortured to death than admit to such a thing.He had obviously gone out with Melody. She was alone.A sudden breeze ruffled the surrounding foliage. Crystal chimes that hung from almost every limb echoed softly to the rustling leaves in the night. In the distance, ahead of her, the pool shimmered in the soft wind, reflecting starlight and the branches overhead. From the next level a thin waterfall streamed lazily into the pond like a silvery trail of clear molasses.She held her breath. It was still the most perfect place she had ever been, and every day she was thankful that this was her home.As she walked forward, lush grass cushioned her steps.She quickly kicked off her sandals in favor of running her bare feet through the thick, velvety cushion. With each step, krozia released a clean, fresh scent that mingled perfectly with the night tasmin. In the moonlight the white flowers that surrounded the pool swayed gently in time to the lapping of the water.Deana sat down by the edge of the pool and ran her hand through the water, taking a few moments rest before going inside to make the evening meal. She was sure Melody would be hungry if her father hadn't over compensated by stuffing her with Aviara's version of Scooby snacks while she was away.It is so quiet and peaceful . . .How often does this happen?Surveying the magical scene around her, she decided she should take advantage of this opportunity by taking a solo dip in the pool. Maybe float around a bit without the fear of a six and a half foot Charl knight sneaking up on her to dunk her under the water.A few minutes later she exited the interior of her house carrying a soft krilli sheet and one of the sheer kaftans she preferred in lieu of a robe. The soft material caressed her skin and would have made an excellent nightgown had Lorgin ever allowed her to sleep in it. He told her he preferred the feel of her skin to any cloth, spellbound or not. Which was OK with her.Stopping by the edge of the pool, she spread the krilli sheet across the carpet of low growing krozia plants. Then she tossed her kaftan onto the sheet.Just before she got into the water, she remembered to 'ask' the Tree for privacy. This was something she was still getting used to. The Tree was sentient but one didn't communicate with it in the tradition sense. Lorgin explained it to her by saying that the Tree held a consciousness that had accepted him and thus by proxy his family and whomever he would allow to enter. In her case, he thought it best for her to touch the main bark of the trunk and concentrate on what she was seeking. In this instance, she wanted to block the platform which led up to their living quarters to temporarily ban anyone but Lorgin and Melody, so that her privacy might be respected. Lorgin communed on a much deeper level with the Tree than her; but she was able to convey simple requests.She loved this Tree and, perhaps, on some level it knew as it always seemed to shelter and care for her. It never communicated with them in the traditional sense, but it provided.After setting the platform to privacy mode, she went back to the pool, wading into the quietly churning water. After the hot day, it was refreshingly cool.Once in the center she dipped below the surface. When she came up, she flipped the sodden strands of her hair out of her face.

  • Moon rays rolled across the surface of the water frosting her moistened skin. Her breath caught in her throat as she gazed up through the ceiling of leaves at the sky, which was alight with countless stars.A shooting star streaked across her field of vision.Instead of making a wish, she closed her eyes thanking every deity she could think of for allowing her to experience such a wondrous life.After swimming around for a bit, she grabbed a little bottle of tasmin oil and washed herself, taking time to lather her hair with the enticing perfumed version of Aviaran soap.By the time she was finished she was perfectly relaxed.Dripping wet, she exited the pool, wrapped one of the krilli sheets around her, and sat in the middle of the other cloth to finger comb her hair.She gave up half through and drifted off to sleep under the winking stars.He found her lying by the pool, fast asleep.As he watched the play of moonlight on her luminous skin, he remembered a time that she had found him in a similar spot, resting at ease beneath the spread of the boughs of the Tree that watched over them all.There were few places he had such peace of mind.This great Tree was one; she was the other. As long as she was with him, that contentment followed in his soul wherever he went.Login knelt down beside her and gently lifted the krilli cloth from her body, leaving her bare to his gaze. The fragrance of tasmin, mixed with her own heady scent, lifted to his nostrils. He inhaled the intoxicating mixture. The scent brought such a sense of home to him that he shook slightly.His deep love for this woman had always been crystal clear to him. Right from the time he had first met her.She was not just his soul; she was his spirit.He never tired of seeing her in all of her many facets; her joy of life was perfection to him. His lips lifted slightly as he thought of her latest attempt to stir up the villagers. St. Stooges Day, indeed.Silently, he removed his own clothes, tossing them onto the krozia.Carefully, he came over her so as not to awaken her; his knees planted on either side of her hips. Bending forward, the ends of his hair lightly brushed against the tips of her nipples. Ever so lightly, he ran the tip of his tongue under her right ear, swirling it across the velvety skin. Barely a touch.Her deep breaths indicated she was fast asleep.His lips curved in a slight smile as he brushed them over her cheeks and across her forehead, leaving a trail of small kisses in his wake. Then he worked his way down to the base of her throat where he pressed his open mouth in a softer, lingering kiss.Now her breathing did change slightly and she started to awaken . . .Following a path up under her chin and then back down, he softly left a trail of tender kisses until he was back at the base of her throat.The pulse beat.He covered it with his mouth, drawing on the fluttering spot as he pressed his hot tongue

  • directly over the beating skin.Her breath hitched.It was the sign he was waiting for.Taking her into his arms, he covered her mouth in a deep kiss, seizing her lips with loving command.Deana's hands automatically reached around his shoulders and tangled in his long hair as she sleepily returned his passionate embrace.Lorgin?Her mind was slow to return under the sensual onslaught. Her eyes drifted open to the gorgeous sight of her husband leaning over her.Her golden naked husband.Her breath caught at the sheer beauty of his masculine form. His strong forehead, straight nose, perfectly chiseled lips. The stubborn chin with its cleft. The natural tan that covered his incredible body. The long, silky golden hairDid they even make real men that looked like this on Earth?Possibly. But shed never seen one.His lavender eyes were already sparking. Aviaran men sparked while making love. Charl knights were extraordinarily high sparkers due to the power they held. Lorgin was a fourth level mystic, a very high-powered mage. When this knight made love, he literally sizzled!It did not take long for her to realize that her krilli covering had been removed. Lorgins ribbed, muscled chest rubbed against her breasts, his firm embrace warming her in the night breeze."Mmmm, that feels good." She smiled up at him."What does?" He captured the edge of her earlobe with his teeth and drew it through his lips in a light suckle; then released it slowly by letting it drag through his teeth again.She shivered, but not from the chill.His hand lifted her breast, kneading the full globe, the pad of his thumb brushing over the pointy nipple. The rough skin scraped deliciously along the ultra-sensitive spot, causing it to stand erect.Hand cupped around the breast, he securely positioned it for the press of his lips. His moist, warm mouth latched on to the turgid bud and suckled gently. Deana could feel the drawing motion thrumming straight to her core.She moaned softly."Sweet," he whispered while tasting her.His other hand slid down to her hip, the flat of his palm etching a smooth, bold swath. He firmly cupped her derriere and pulled her tight against his groin, letting her feel his own turgid erection."Mmmm, Lorgin . . . " She arched into him."Mmmm, Adeeann," he drawled back.Melody?With Rejar.Rejar? She paused.He snickered.

  • "Does he even know how to take care of a baby?"Lorgin chuckled. "He will find out."Deana wasn't sure whether she should be horrified or amused. The Familiar wouldnt have a clue how to deal with a baby."Do not worry, zira. If he gets into trouble he will seek help. Most likely from Traed.""Traed? You have got to be kidding."Deana chuckled, imagining that scenario.Lorgin winked at her letting her know he had set his brothers up. He then decided to pay equal attention to her other breast by laving the peak over and over until she finally had to beg him to take the damn thing into his mouth.The pull of his lips, when it came, was so exquisite that she arched up almost coming just from the exquisite sensation. She tried to reach down and caress him but he shocked her by grabbing her wrist in his hand and forestalling her.Surprised, she stared at him, questioning his action."Did you not tell me that on this St. Stooges Day it is the woman who receives a romantic gesture?" His amethyst eyes glowed beneath a crescent of spiked lashes.Deana paused. She had been with her husband long enough to recognize that look. What was he up to?"What do you mean?" She tried to make her voice sound normal. Surely he didn't suspect it was a bogus holiday? There was no way he could know that.Although . . .Lorgin had always had the uncanny ability to be a few steps ahead of everyone when it came to 'getting the picture'. The trait had often pleased Yaniff and the older mage had repeatedly praised his student for it.Still, he was just playing with her."Yes, that is correct; that is the intent of the day."He nodded. "Then I will do my best to please you. Is that not fair, Adeeann?"It was better than fair. It was delicious.His warm hands slid over her night-cooled skin causing her to shiver. Seeing her reaction, he rubbed his groin against her, the heat and hardness feeling especially nice.She gave him a smug smile. How can I tell the measure of the gift until I have the measure of your intent.He arched a brow at her. Hn. You drive a hard bargain, zira.He cupped her breasts in each hand again; only this time his mouth forged a path of kisses straight down the center of her chest to her midriff and beyond. When he reached her bellybutton he placed an open-mouthed kiss over the small 'inny', teasing the indentation with the wet tip of his tongue. He pressed and swirled around its nerve-laden perimeter.Lorgin knew she was very sensitive here and used that knowledge to his advantage. She could not stop herself from issuing a long, throaty moan as the tingling dived right to her core.Deana could feel his smile of acknowledgement against her lower stomach. His powerful grip secured her hips in an almost nonchalant manner. He lightly bit the under curve of her stomach.She swallowed. Good grief, what was he going to do down there?A small anticipatory sound escaped her parted lips.

  • She knew well and good what he was planning to do down there and she also knew he made her loose control whenever he did what he thought he was going to do down there and, so, she always tried to wriggle out of his grip whenever he got this particular notion.Not because she didn't love what he did but there was just that certain pause he did beforehand that made her heart race like a trapped animal on the verge of getting slaughtered.His low laugh rumbled through her lower belly. "Why do you always react thus?" He glanced roguishly up at her as he tossed his hair behind his shoulders. "I am not going to devour you."He glanced down at the glistening red curls, already drenched with anticipation, then gazed slowly back up at her.The right side of his mouth lifted in a soul-stealing smile. "Much."Trouble was coming her way.He paused.Dammit, he paused! Deana's eyes widened. She tried to scoot back.He held her fast.The first touch of his tongue was molten. Hot, sensual, masculine, demanding. And innovative.He immediately started to swirl around the hidden nub that was already hard, the combined fluids of her juices and his saliva making for a warm, buttery glide. Deana's whole body shook in pleasure so acute it was almost painful.He suddenly flicked over the spot adding to her trembling, as well as the flow of her arousal.Please do not let him spark this ti!Deana screamed as he did just that, sending her tumbling into a swift release.Lorgin quickly covered her mound with his palm and pressed the heel of his hand into her lower belly, increasing the strength of the contractions.But she knew he was only starting.Before the pulsing had subsided, he brought her legs over his shoulders and gave her a challenging look. Death or Ploot Ploot, he demanded.Um, she cleared her throat and said in a small voice, Ploot Ploot?An answering growl issued from deep in his throat. He buried his head between her legs and began to administer to her in earnest.He slid one hand up and under her, bringing her flush to his mouth. The fingers of his other hand separated the swollen, tender folds so his tongue could swipe freely over the hard nub hidden there. Sweeping down and back, he nibbled a bit then suckled strongly, alternating his actions until her hips bucked wildly in his grasp. Slowly he inserted a finger into her honeyed canal to stroke and play inside, curling his knuckle slightly to graze the inner walls until he achieved his desired result of her screaming her head off.Another intense release over took her.Lorgin!She tried to squirm free.He caught her wrists in his hands and held her down as he finished his task, continually flicking the throbbing spot until he had wrung the last drop out of her and lapped it up.She convulsed, yelling his name over and over on the top of her lungs. Surely the erotic mantra could be heard throughout the Towering Forrest and beyond!He nipped the inside edge of her thigh. How pleased I am you know my name, Adeeann.

  • When the tremors began to quiet down he released her, smoothly sliding up her body to rest atop her. His hair brushed over her breasts and collarbone as he gazed down at her, eyes bright, his handsome face dark with desire.She fought against him every time the same way her inner muscular barrier resisted before inviting him in. Lorgin did not understand it but it always excited him beyond belief. Perhaps it was the warrior in him, but he loved the challenge she issued, even as she was surrendering.Reaching down he cupped her, letting his fingers run through the drenched curls and along the engorged lips; he rubbed his face against the side of her throat. "Adeeann," he groaned softly into her ear.Deana sighed. There was no denying the big lug loved her to distraction.She didn't know what she had done to deserve a love like this, but she knew enough to fight for it. Forever.Lorgin smoothly brought her leg around his waist. Without hesitation he took her mouth and entered her body simultaneously. His throbbing, satin-skinned shaft parted her like a hot knife sinking into butter. His fiery kiss tasted of sandal-wood and passion. And herself.Dipping inside her mouth, he thoroughly sampled every spot. He licked the upper palette, swirling his tongue against hers, tickling and tasting.Deana felt as though she were surrounded and invaded by velvet. The krozia beneath her body, Lorgin's smooth golden skin pressing from above, his shaft, like velvet-encased steel itself.His lips were a satin storm.She gasped into his mouth.He breathed hotly into hers.He pressed her down into the fragrant krozia groundcover.Pushing forward, he ground slowly into her, rotating his hips before he began to steadily thrust. Strong arcs of electricity were building within him. More potent than she had ever felt from him in the past.Deana hesitated.He did not use this kind of power often. Lorgins normal levels were potent enough to say the least. The last time he had done a similar thing, she had passed out at the culmination of the act. The Transference.Was something happening to him she was not aware of?A powerful arc passed from him to her."Lorgin?" she croaked, shakily."Shh, Adeeann. It is my gift to you."Her brow furrowed. "For St. Stooges Day, you mean?""Yes," he whispered back. Relax. Let me do this for you. He stroked a little deeper, a little faster. He soothed her apprehension by grazing his parted lips along her jaw line to her mouth where he delivered a searing kiss.Deana shivered as a corresponding arc suddenly jumped to him from her.It always amazed Deana whenever she was able to do that.She knew it was because he had mated with her. It was common for Aviarans but she was still an Earth girl at heart and didn't think she would ever become blas at such a display of raw power.

  • With his return pulse came incredible pleasure.She could feel Lorgins hot breath rasp along her collarbone. He dipped his head, catching the curve of her shoulder with the edge of his teeth.Deana moaned as his thick, hard shaft impaled her to his limit. The copious amounts of dewy moisture that aided his entry never completely cushioned her for his invasion. She could feel his length, full and throbbing, surging within her. Tight. He was a big man.His palms cupped each side of her face and he stared into her eyes as he adjusted his hips and pressed deeper still. The sight of him like this always made her breathless. He was so damn male. His spellbinding amethyst eyes were burning with sexual desire."Lorgin," she breathed, overcome by her love for him. "Lorgin.""My Adeeann," he groaned. A frisson of current surged through them both.His next kiss was so fierce that a low guttural sound issued from her throat. At her unrestrained response, he opened up and sent wave upon wave of his power to her. Guiding her hips, he plunged impossibly deeper into the slick canal.Deana cried out at the unbearable, glorious pressure!He lifted her other leg to his waist and with an upward thrust of his hips, suddenly changed his angle of penetration. An arc of power trailed in his wake. The swift stroke scraped against the inner walls, hitting a spot that drove her crazy. She screamed as the intense waves of pleasure consumed her senses. "Oh, my God!" she whimpered, convinced this would be the time she finally died of pleasure.Lorgin's fingers burrowed into her hair as he continued to thrust into her. Long, steady, masterful strokes.Deana's arms circled his neck, drawing him into her as they embraced each other. Her lips traveled over his beautiful features, tasting the damp, smooth skin, loving his taste, his scent. The warmth, the feeling, spread from her heart and pooled low in her stomach.He flexed inside of her, his thigh muscles tightening with his movements.In response, her inner muscles clasped onto him, squeezing his shaft.A low growl of appreciation came from him, causing her liquid honey to soak over him. His response was to plunge faster. Harder."Yes . . .! she choked.He quickened, sending another wild, thrumming surge of power to her.Deana cried out, devastated and sent it back it him.The reverberations were staggering. He panted against her throat, his breathing ragged as he thrust into her again and again. "Are you willing to open this new door, zira?" His raw voice was broken with passion. "Will you sing it to me?"Deana's eyes flew open in shock. What did he mean sing? Was he referring to the time Yaniff had claimed she had sung to the Shimalee? She had never been sure he had actually done that. In fact, she was sure she had not."Lorgin," she groaned between gasps. "I never sung to the"He leveled his steely gaze on her. "You think not?"Her mouth gaped. What could she say?"Tell me, do I sing to you?" He rotated his hips, grinding into her with a sweet friction. She threw her head back and cried out.

  • Yes . . . " she gasped. "Yes, yes, yes . . . "The corners of his lips curved."Then feel what you have wrought . . . what you have always sung to me . . ." He clutched her in his arms and buried himself in her with one last final slam. "Feel it, my Adeeann."Opening himself up completely, he let his new power flow unchecked between them.Deana clutched at the krozia beneath her fingers, ripping up the stalks, as the full impact assailed her. The culmination of their lovemaking and the flow of raw, uninhibited power were too much.She screamed and then went over the edge in a staggering final release."I vow you are the song of my heart." Lorgin groaned brokenly, right before his own release came upon him.He threw back his head and yelled it out to the stars.He dropped his head to the curve of her shoulder as he fought to recapture his breath. When he could breathe almost normally, he softly whispered of his love."Did you like my gift, zira?" Lorgin's lazy voice purred against her throat.The night was getting cooler; a brisk breeze flowed through the leaves, winding its way through the Tree.Deana shivered slightly, although she was still comfortable under the warm body of her husband. How long had they been out here anyway? They both had drifted off to sleep after their intense lovemaking.Her fogged brain zeroed in on what he had just asked her. Gift? She gave him a puzzled look. "You do mean for St. Stooges Day?He gave a veiled look. "Mmmm."She didnt quite trust that look, nor that answer, but decide to let it go for now as she was deliciously cozy. "It was a perfect gift," she sighed happily, stretching out fully under him, pointing her toes."Perhaps in time you will return this gift to me, Adeeann."She paused mid stretch and stared at him horrified. No, he didn't! Not again!"You- you didn't just do what I think you did; did you?"He didn't answer. The smug look was answer enough."You rat!" She struggled to get out of his embrace. He held her fast, chuckling."Calm down. You are jumping to conclusions. I simply helped you celebrate your custom. Did you not want what you call a romantic time set aside? A special time?"She gave him a guarded look. She knew Lorgin did not really 'get' the concept of romance. After all he was a fearsome warrior.But that didn't stop him from being romantic.Nevertheless, he was trying to respect her customs and she thought he had done quite well. More than well.Stellar.What she had just experienced probably topped most women's fantasies of a perfect Valentine's Day. By far."Then- then you are willing to make this a regular custom that you will practice?""Yes." He viewed her through veiled eyes. "Provided you return the favor."

  • Oh geesh. Here it comes.The switchback Lorgin style.She held her breath as she waited for what she knew was coming. He did not disappoint."During my many travels, I once visited a planet that practiced a wondrous custom.""Uhuh. And what is that?"He kissed the tip of her nose. "Once a cycle, the females agreed to gift the males with a night of . . . " He paused dramatically.Her heart pounded in her throat. "Of what?"Znog Znog."She gave him a double take. Uhuh. And what exactly is Znog Znog?"You will find out. Tomorrow night.""Lorgin!" She punched his stomach.He had the nerve to look affronted. "Do you not think it fair that I, too, should have a custom of my choice celebrated by us?" He gave her a clever look. "Are you not always talking about equality between us?""Hmf!"He chuckled.She gave him a sideways peek. "Znog Znog, huh?"He nodded slowly.She supposed she would have to honor his proposal. Her shoulders scrunched in defeat. "Alright! But just for one night." She poked his firm chest, never making a dent. "And it better be something I like.""Is that not for me to decide? It is, after all, my gift.""Hmf!"He arched a brow at her.She looked off to the side in a huff."Adeeann," he whispered.She glanced at him out of the corner of her eyes. What?"Wub."Pause."Wub."Pause."Wub."She gasped. You knew! You remembered the Three Stooges?!He cocked his head to the side and snorted. As if one could forget.Damn!Melody let out a LOUD indignant, bloodcurdling, scream.Sookah, Rejar's pet, scampered up to the toddler, took one delicate whiff, scrunched her tiny nose, and fled to territories unknown."Fix her, Rejar." Traed issued the bland decree from the benefit of the opposite side of the room."You fix her."Traed's scoffing snort was meant to relate that his younger brother's last words illustrated the

  • onset on acute insanity.Melody went on screaming. And for a relatively small being, had quite a vociferous howl. The pitch was obviously designed to maximally grate on male Aviaran ears.Traed exhaled noisily and threw the Familiar an irritated glance the likes of which indicated that he had not ruled out the younger mans execution."What?" Rejar had the gall to ask, yelling above the ruckus."Do not test my patience." Traed put down the book he had b