Deck mobotiq march 2015

Post on 17-Jul-2015

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Thomas Cocirta

+33 6 23 37 77 45

p2p mobility

Current Car EcosystemPolluting



Planned obsolescence


Hardware intensive

Supply side centric

Innovation aversive hierarchy

Mass production

High barriers to entry2


Reinvent the automobile ecosystem


Future Car EcosystemClean

High efficiency


Designed to last


Software intensive

Demand side centric

Innovation friendly meritocracy

Distributed manufacturing

Low barriers to entry4


Perfectly adapted to urban traffic and commuting

Designed for P2P rental

Designed as a kit car

Modular and highly customizable

Networked, connected, software intensive

Target price: $3500 to $5000


Development Mode

Open hardware Faster



Meritocracy of makers

Darwinian process guaranteeing success


Business Model

Sells personal mobility at the lowest price

Provides a platform for customers to build business

Provides digital infrastructure and collaboration tools

Main revenue streams:

• Sales of vehicles and custom kits

• Percentage on p2p rentals

• Percentage on app sales



Thomas Cocirta - CEO, cofounder, automotive and mechatronics background. Managed international engineering teams in medical high tech and mechatronics. Electric car enthusiast. Founded Venqo Engineering.

Alain Giraud - one of the greatest experts in light electric vehicles in the world. Worked as Project Manager at Renault where he was in charge with the development of the Renault Twizy.

Gabriel Ursescu - automotive expert, professor at Technical University Iasi. Designed and built several car prototypes, hovercraft and RC models.

Vasile Horga – software expert, professor at Technical University Iasi. Programmed several mobile robots.


Emerging ecosystem validates our approach

Open hardware for cars P2p rental service


The competition would exist if a vehicle like the Toyota i-road would be developed by an open hardware community like Local Motors and exploited by an user community like Getaround.

Personal mobility

i-Road validates the personal mobility market potential and the trike architecture…

..but they are stuck with centralized, capital intensive, supply side centric development and manufacturing systems.

Local Motors validates the open hardware model in vehicle development…

…but they are stuck with ICE vehicles development, and their organization is a fake meritocracy.

Getaround validates the p2p rental model…

…but they are stuck with conventional cars while this model can only work better with vehicles specially designed for that purpose.


Mobotiq Competitive Advantage

“P2P rental” by design

Lowest usage cost in the market

Provides business platform

Developed in open hardware: cheaper, better, faster

Validated by Darwinian development

Organized as a networked meritocracy

Revolutionary p2p digital infrastructure providing collaboration tools

Innovative, suspensions, steering, security and battery charging solutions (patents pending)

Longevity thanks to modularity and upgradeability11


We already obtained a $1M EU grant and we built an R&D vehicle (drive-by-wire, wheel-motors, driverless) and a proof of concept prototype.

We are seeking for $500k venture capital, over an 18 month period, to build a completely functional, street legal prototype.