Digital Advertising in the Modern Visual World By Dustin Stout

Post on 12-Apr-2017

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Visual Thinking, Design Principles, Tools

Digital Advertising in the Modern Visual World

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FACT 1: The Internet is becoming more and more visual.

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FACT 2: Human beings have evolved to judge their environment based on visual cues.

Fogg, B., Soohoo, C., Danielson, D., Marable, L., Standord, J., & Tauber, E. (2003)

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FACT 3: The growing fragmentation of visual marketing mediums is a pain in the rear end.

Stout, Dustin W. (2015)

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VISUAL TRUST: When something looks professional, we generally assume that it is professional.

Stout, Dustin W. (2015)

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▪  Balance ▪  Framing ▪  Contrast ▪  Color ▪  Typography ▪  Quality ▪  Consistency


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BEFORE ALL ELSE: The purpose of good visual design is to effectively communicate a message.

Plain and simple. Don’t screw that up.

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BALANCE: All visual “weight” is evenly distributed throughout the canvas.

Our brains are programmed to see symmetry as beauty.

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But Dustin, what if the image isn’t perfectly symmetrical?

I’m glad you asked. And don’t call me butt Dustin.

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BALANCE: Use symmetry and asymmetry to

give your visual marketing structure and stability.

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FRAMING: Creating even clearance around the edges of your visual piece.

Or in other words… whitespace.

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FRAMING: Imagine an invisible red-zone

around the edge of your canvas to avoid clutter.

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CONTRAST: Visual distinction between background and subject matter.

Probably the hardest thing to explain… so let me just show you.

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What is the point of adding text if people can’t freaking read it?

Answer: There is none.

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BEFORE ALL ELSE: The purpose of good visual design is to effectively communicate a message.

Plain and simple. Don’t screw that up.

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#ProTip: Add a dark, semi-transparent layer to boost contrast.

Drop shadow works, but be conservative. Nothing kills a design faster than bad drop-shadow.

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CONTRAST: Just make sure it’s readable, and

if it’s not, fix it.

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COLOR: Using the right combinations can set an emotional and psychological tone.

Witty commentary here.

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RED: Exciting, demands attention. Studies show that the color red can actually increase heart rate.

Also, my favorite color.

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ORANGE: Fun, youth, ambition. Also an attention-getter this color works great for Calls-to-action.

Probably my second favorite color.

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YELLOW: Happiness, optimism. Studies show that this color causes the release of serotonin.

You’re welcome.

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GREEN: Growth, nature. Also associated with money, this color is the easiest for the eye to process.

It’s also very trendy right now.

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BLUE: Trust, loyalty. The majority of people would say this is their favorite color. Associated with calmness & security.

Can you guess who uses this blue?

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VIOLET: Prosperity, royalty. Studies show that this color actually stimulates problem solving.

Be careful not to over use or it can give the impression of being fake or superficial.

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GREY: Solid, timeless. Associated with stone or rock, this color communicates sturdiness and longevity.

How many of you are wondering if it’s spelled gray instead?

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BROWN: Earthy, organic. Associated with being natural or earthy. If done right it can be very soothing.

If done wrong… well let’s just say the result can be crappy.

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WHITE: Cleanliness, clarity. Also associated with purity and adds no extra visual weight.

Also the most popular color for movie credit text.

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BLACK: Elegance, power. Gives an impression of strength and authority.

Maybe why it’s cooler to say you like “black” coffee.

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Keep colors few and well coordinated for maximum appeal.

Unless you’re really good at color theory.

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▪ ▪ ▪


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Always keep your target audience in mind.

■  What colors will speak to them more effectively?

■  What emotion are we trying to evoke?

■  Are the colors we want “on-brand”?

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TYPOGRAPHY: Or in other words-- choosing the right “fonts”.

Resist the urge to give a lecture about the difference between typeface and fonts.

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When choosing fonts: ■  No more than 2 fonts ■  See how it looks at 8px ■  Don’t let style trump legibility ■  Make sure you have a license or

it’s free to use commercially.

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MOST IMPORTANT TEXT Not quite as important but noteworthy

Much less important than the other text Y o u c a n p r o b a b l y d i s m i s s t h i s t e x t e n t i r e l y



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#ProTip: Your call-to-action should always stand out (contrast) with the other elements.

Do what I call the “Squint” test.

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#ProTip: The smaller the font is, the more space you will need between characters.

It also helps to space out characters when using A L L C A P S.

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QUALITY: Building an eye for detail. Pixelation is your enemy.

Witty commentary here.

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HI-RESOLUTION Always source images that are bigger than you will need. It’s much easier to scale down.

1200 pixels wide or bust!

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QUALITY: If your image looks like it came out of an 80’s video game, find

another image.

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CONSISTENCY: Having a consistent look & feel shows intelligence and intentionality.

Consistent branding builds trust. Consistent advertising builds recognition.

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COMPONENTS EXECUTION IMAGE / BACKGROUND A visual that connects strongly with the intended message.

TAGLINE / HOOK What they need to know in a few well selected words.



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CONSISTENCY: Having clearly defined messaging,

imagery, colors and typography makes for a professional-looking

advertising campaign.

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SO. MANY. CHANNELS. And way too many different shapes and sizes for your visual marketing efforts.

Witty commentary here.

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▪  320x50 ▪  468x60 ▪  728x90 ▪  970x90 ▪  336x280 ▪  300x250 ▪  250x250

GOOGLE DISPLAY NETWORK ▪  300x600 ▪  200x200 ▪  160x600 ▪  120x600 ▪  240x400

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▪  1200x628 ▪  1200x900 ▪  1200x444 ▪  1200x675 ▪  600x600 ▪  100x72


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▪  144x144 (App) ▪  800x320 (App, Website) ▪  800x200 (Lead card) ▪  16:9 (Video)


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▪  No size restraints but... ▪  Taller images perform better on

Pinterest. ▪  Typical size of 735x1102 makes

for maximum coverage on most devices.


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TOOLS & RESOURCES: To get you started in the right direction.

Witty commentary here.

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▪ ▪  PicJumbo ▪ ▪  Gratisography ▪  Pexels ▪  Pixabay ▪  Death to the Stock



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▪  iStockPhoto ▪  PhotoDune ▪  Lightstock


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BEST OPTION: Hire a professional to do a one-day shoot and get as many shots as you can.

It’s not cheap, but worth every penny for a good photographer.

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▪  Photoshop ▪  Canva ▪  Pixelmator ▪  Sketch ▪  Pixlr ▪  Gimp


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EXAMPLES: Let’s deconstruct some real-world examples.

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BEFORE ALL ELSE: The purpose of good visual design is to effectively communicate a message.

Plain and simple. Don’t screw that up.

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MARCH 1-3, 2016