EQ: Why do political actions often lead to war? Chapter 22.

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EQ: Why do political actions often lead to war? Chapter 22

depressionFascism Totalitarian state Nazi Aryan Axis Powers*

*See Power Point

Complete the following European Map.

Use the maps to answer the questions.

I. Political instability and economic devastation in Europe resulting from WWI

Anger over Treaty of Versailles (Italy & Germany)

Worldwide depression High war debt owed by Germany High Inflation Massive unemployment

It has been said that World War II was just a continuation of World War I, yet there are some specific causes to the Second World War, all of which could not have been possible without the rise of Hitler and his Nazis.

When WWI ended, Germany was made into a republic. Chancellor Hindenburg was its leader. The country had to report regularly to the Allies.

Being “controlled” by the Allies left a bitter taste with most Germans.

After WWI, the Treaty of Versailles demanded too much of the German volk (people).

Reducing the army to 100 000 men and taking land from Germany, greatly reduced morale.

Forcing responsibility upon the Germans for starting the War was also painful.

But the most disastrous condition was the war reparations they had to pay—a HUGE fine.

Partner up. Read “Italy and Germany WWI

Costs”Answer the following questions

II. The Great Depression

The stock-market crash of 1929 was a global event that caused people to lose their jobs and often commit suicide—depression.

Governments also fell as people chose rulers that promised hope and prosperity—dictators .

These leaders will form totalitarian states.

III. Failure of the League of Nations

After WWI, an international “government” was created to prevent wars by settling disputes between nations through peaceful talks.

Unfortunately, the League of Nations fell apart because of a number of problems—including that the US did not join the war.

1. The League did not include every nation. Nations could choose to join or not.

2. Decisions required that all countries agree, a rare occurrence.

3. The League could not raise an army to enforce its decisions.

4. It was unable to prevent major incidents like Japan invading Manchuria, or Italy from attacking Ethiopia.

Fascism is a political philosophy in which total power is given to a dictator and individual freedoms are denied

Dictator: A person who rules with total authority, often in a cruel manner.

Fascist dictators included: Adolph Hitler (Germany) Benito Mussolini (Italy) Hideki Tojo (Japan)

●These dictators led the countries that became known as the Axis Powers

After trying to seize control of Munich, Hitler was sent to prison where he writes his famous book—Mein Kampf

Hitler and his Nazi party promised people what they wanted to hear He will solve all problems Will make Germany a strong nation again

Began blaming the Jews for everything that went wrong in Germany (scapegoat)

Rearm Germany and retake what was lost at Versailles.

The German Race (blonde, blue eyed Aryans) were a superior race. Anyone else

was racially impure and should be removed from Germany. Hitler called the Germans

the 'master race'. The 'master race' needed more living

space - known (in German) as Lebensraum'.

After Hitler became Fuhrer of Germany in 1934, he began ignore the Treaty of Versailles. Not paying for the war damages.

In 1936 he began to deploy 30 000 soldiers into the de-militarized zone (or Rhineland), as well as re-arm Germany; he started training 1 million troops.

France and Britain did nothing. They feared another costly war.

Once he was certain he had control of the country, Hitler began restructuring the government to prepare for his master race.

Many institutions were created such as the National Labour Service and Strength-Through-Joy Committee (KDF) which guaranteed Nazi sponsored leisure activities, 3740 hours a year.

In 1935, he created the Nuremburg Laws that denied inferiors, specifically Jews, rights in Germany. These laws would ultimately destroy the Jewish culture by systematically eliminating their identity, beginning with their history.

Complete questions #1-7. Write the answer in COMPLETE


EQ: Why do politics often lead to war?

The Great Depression made many nations abandon democracy for totalitarianism.

In the Far East, increased population in Japan made the need for more space for the Japanese.

In 1931, their army invades Manchuria, a Chinese-controlled territory to the north of Korea.

The Chinese asked for the League of Nations to do something. The League told the Japanese Army to withdraw, but it did not.

The invasion of Manchuria made the Japanese as a major military power in South-East Asia.

Between 1933-1936, the Soviet Union felt threatened by the Japanese and asked China to support them if there were a war.

The Japanese respond by signing an Pact with Germany in 1936.

In July 1937, the Japanese invade China and attack Beijing with a million soldiers. They loot, rape, torture, murder and caused pointless destruction.

Millions of Chinese civilians died.

The British wanted to halt the Japanese invasion because they had strong trade relations with the Chinese, as well as controlling ports in Shanghai and Hong Kong.

Still, the British feared war with Japan because it would take at least ten weeks to position the Royal Navy in the Pacific, and the Japanese have millions of soldiers available.

The Americans were following a foreign affairs policy of isolationism where they would remain neutral or isolated from international relations.

All the government did was to advise Americans abroad to reduce their trade with Japan.

In 1936, Hitler and Mussolini became allied through the Rome—Berlin Axis.

Hitler also wanted to unify Germany and Austria.

Because of Britain’s concern over events in China, Hitler took a gamble that they would do nothing and on March 12, 1938 he began invading Austria.

“Not a shot was fired, and the German army entered Austria with bands playing and soldiers smiling.”

Weeks after Germany invaded Austria, Hitler takes over Czechoslovakia.

Czechoslovakia was a country that rose after WWI.

It was made up of various ethnic groups including Czechs, Slovaks and Germans.

September 1938—Hitler demanded the Sudetenland region.

This land was rich in minerals and had been taken away by the Treaty of Versailles

Hitler: If Sudetenland returned I will make no further calms to land.

Read “Hitler’s Action”Complete timeline and chart.

As mentioned, Britain was concerned with their ports in China.

France feared a war with Germany.

Soviet Union signed a Nonaggression Pact with Germany.

Once it became clear that the League of Nations was about to do nothing, Britain decides to act.

British PM, Neville Chamberlain agrees to appease Hitler.

Appeasement means to agree to whichever demands seem reasonable in order to prevent war.

The British understood that a war with Germany would cause appalling damage.

Also, many believed that Hitler’s demands were just demands, and many Britons believed that Versailles was too harsh.

So off Chamberlain goes to Munich to sign an agreement with Hitler.

In September, 1938, Britain, France, Italy and Germany met to discuss Hitler’s aims in Munich.

Hitler said he would only take the Sudentenland and if Czechoslovakia falls apart, then he would govern it. The other three agreed to this.

Chamberlain went back to London with “the piece of paper, securing Peace in our Time.”

On August 23, 1939, Hitler and Stalin signed the Nazi—Soviet Pact.

Though Hitler hated Communism, the need for his lebrensraum made it necessary for him to have land. He chose Poland.

Hitler promised Stalin that if he invaded Poland, he would eliminate the “undesirables” and give Stalin the eastern part of the country. Stalin agreed, and actually invades Poland from the east.

Read The Policy of Appeasement Was Britain right to follow the policy

of appeasement in 1938? Find an argument for YES (Pro-

appeasement) or NO (Against Appeasement)

P = Make a PointE = Give Evidence or ExamplesE = Explain your Argument

Allies Great Britain France China United States

(from 1941) Soviet Union (from


AxisGermanyAustria Japan ItalySoviet Union

(until 1941)

World War II was fought in two theaters of war, meaning that there were two wars happening at the same time.

The main war with Germany was know as the EUROPEAN THEATER.

The other theater was the PACIFIC THEATER. This war was fought against Japanese aggression in the Pacific Ocean.

Complete the following map of WWII.

September 1, 1939, Hitler invades Poland. The world is shocked. Chamberlain is appalled. Britain and France declare war on Germany two days

later. Hitler wins using the blitzkrieg war strategy!!

Put all your offensive weapons (tanks, planes, artillery) in the front.

Then send reinforcements https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ha0qKquG2E

France unable to hold its line of defense

Using the Blitzkrieg (fast moving attack) the Germans were able to take over half of France.

Civilians and gov. abandoned Paris

France is forced to sign an armistice

French formed a new gov. in the south (Vichy).


Major battle of WWII Took place over English

Channel and England’s Eastern and Southern coast

Took place between 1940-1941

Using the air force Hitler bombarded Britain for days, and destroyed parts of London

As a result of this Battle American isolationism ended



A USA plan Helped Allies against the Axis Powers President could shipped weapons, equipment,

and food to the Allies because by doing so it helped in the defense of the USA.

“help put out the fire in your neighbor's home—to protect your own house from burning down”
