Est. 1924 · años, y esa lectura del Eclesiástico es elegida para armo-nizar con la lectura de...

Post on 09-Aug-2020

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Church Information Mass Schedule Saturday (Anticipated) .................................................... 4:00pm Sunday English ................................................................ 9:00am Sunday Bilingual ........................................................... 11:30am Daily Mass Tuesday—Friday .......................................... 8:30 am Holy Days (Vigil) .............................................................. 7:00pm ............................................................................ 8:30 am , Noon Office Hours Monday ............................................................................. Closed Tuesday thru Thursday .................................. 9:00am—3:00 pm Friday ................................................................. 9:00 am—Noon

Pastoral & Office Staff Pastor X 116 ............................................... Rev. Nick Thompson Email ........................................... Deacon .......................................................... Rev. Mr. Don Tracy Email ................................................. Music Coordinator ................................................. Frances Rossi Email ................................................ Parish Office Bilingual X 112....................................Karla Acosta Email……………………………………………… Religious Education Bilingual………………..…..Alejandra Medrano Spanish Ministry Liaison ................................... Teresa Mendoza Email ............................................... Quinceañera…………………………………………………..…...Claudia Moo Email…………………………………………… Maintenance & Facilities .................................. Adam Archuleta St Vincent De Paul

St Rose of Lima Catholic Academy 1345 W. Dakota Avenue ............................... Denver, CO 80223 Phone 303-733-5806 ..................................... Fax 303-733-0125 Principal ...................................................... Mr. Tomas Gallegos Email .................................... Assistant Principal ....................................... Mrs. Katherine Kelly Email ............................................. Administrative Assistant ................................... Esther Gutierrez Email ..................................................


Sacramental Life Reconciliation Saturday .............................................................. 3:00—3:45 pm

(or by appointment with Fr. Nick)

Adoration & Benediction First Fridays ......................................................... 6:00—7:00 pm

Baptism & Marriage…………………………………..Fr Nick Thompson Must be registered members of the parish. Preparation classes required

Electronic Giving Electronic Giving is a convenient and consistent way to help St Rose of Lima Parish grow. To donate online, visit our Church and School websites and look for the DONATE NOW button.



Church Address 355 S. Navajo Street Office Address 1320 W. Nevada Place Denver, CO 80223 Phone: 303-778-7673 Fax: 303-778-6601

Est. 1924


Octavo Domingo de Tiempo Ordinario

Que hermosas son las lecturas de esta semana, y no nos podrían haber llegado en mejor momento. Ambas, el evangelio y esa sección tan chistosa del libro del Eclesiástico revelan la profunda verdad acerca de la naturaleza humana: aquellas cosas en las que pasamos mucho tiempo pensando sin duda encontraran una ma-nera de ir de nuestros cerebros hacia nuestros corazones, y por último salir por nuestras bocas. Y luego nos echaos para atrás, y decimos cosas como “Es que estaba tomando un medicamento que me hace olvi-dar lo que digo.” Excusas, aquellos intentos interminables de volver a recuperar las palabras dichas, tal como lo de-mostró San Felipe Neri tan eficazmente, es como recupe-rar las plumas que han salido volando después de haber sacudido una almohada. Si esa lectura de Eclesiástico te parece un tanto extraña, estás en lo correcto. Solamente en aquellos años cuando la cuaresma comienza tarde sucede que lleguemos hasta el octavo o noveno domingo de tiempo ordinario. Ya que cambiamos las lecturas de Mateo, Marcos y Lucas duran-te un ciclo de tres años, y esa lectura del Eclesiástico es elegida para armo-nizar con la lectura de hoy de Lucas, para poder escuchar esa lectura debemos estar en el Ciclo C (así que cada tres años) y tenemos una Cuaresma tardía. Sin embargo, esto me da una oportunidad de alabar el humor de este libro, su entendimiento de la naturaleza humana, su hermoso trato de la amistad, sus acertados consejos acerca del dinero, y, tristemente, prevenirles de sus desagradables comentarios acerca de las mujeres. Lo disfrutarán y les dará un tanto de vergüenza ajena, pero no se aburrirán. Les debemos las gracias a los cristia-nos del primer siglo por haberlo rescatado, a la iglesia Católica por seguir usándolo y copiándolo. Y por cierto, el leccionario es la brillante creación del Vaticano II, y ha sido adaptado por tantas otras tradiciones Cristianas, que casi todos los domingo, todos los cristianos quienes com-parten el calendario litúrgico oyen las mismas lecturas. ¿Acaso no te encanta eso? ¿Cómo se te salen a veces al hablar las cosas retorcidas que traes en la mente? Kathy McGovern ©2019

Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time

What beautiful readings this week, and they could-n’t be timelier. Both the gospel and that funny sec-tion from Sirach uncover the deep truth about hu-man nature: that which we spend time ruminating on will find its way out of our brains, into our hearts, and out of our mouths. And then comes the backpedaling, the “I was on Ambien and don’t remember a thing” excuses, the endless attempts to retrieve words that, as St. Philip Neri demonstrated so effectively, are like feathers shaken from a pillow. If that Sirach reading seems strange to you, you’re right. It’s only in the years where Lent is late that we get as far as the eighth or ninth Sundays in Ordinary Time. Since we switch from reading Matthew, Mark, and Luke over a three-year cycle, and that Sirach reading is chosen to harmonize with today’s reading from Luke, in order to hear that reading we have to be in Cycle C (so every three years) and have a late Lent. But this gives me a chance to extol the book’s hu-mor, its insight into human nature, its beautiful treatises on friendship, its savvy money advice, and, sadly, to warn about its dreadful comments about women. You’ll enjoy it and wince at it, but you won’t be bored. We have the first-century Christians to thank for rescuing it from oblivion, and the Catholic Church for continuing to use it and copy it. By the way, the lectionary is the brilliant brainchild of Vati-can II, and has been adapted by so many other Christian traditions that on most Sundays, all Chris-tians who share the liturgical calendar hear the same readings. Don’t you love that? How does your speech disclose the bent of your mind?

Kathy McGovern ©2019

Saturday March 2 4:00 pm +Arlene Milner By Patricia Milner Sunday March 3 9:00 am People of the Parish Lucy Agnes Miera By Chris Miera 11:30 am Deceased Members of The Holy Name Society

Monday March 4 8:30 am Tuesday March 5 8:30 am Jenna Pettinger Wednesday March 6 8:30 am Elmira Chavez By Family Thursday March 7 8:30 am Dr. Michael Fagan Family Friday March 8 8:30 am Tom Paul Family Saturday March 9 4:00 pm +Arlene Milner By Erwin & Sue Retzer Sunday March 10 9:00 am People of the Parish 11:30 am +Manuel Muñiz By Alma Santa Cruz

Please pray for the sick and homebound of our parish: Betty Sagoonick, Jenny Martinez, Margie Phelps, Fern Driscoll, Vera Aragon, Nancy Lederhos, Margaret Davis, Francis Taylor, Maria Ramirez, Irving Stolley. Jeannie Dedmon, Mia MacPher-son, Joe Gallegos

****************************************** Readings for the Week of March 3, 2019

Sunday: Sir 27:4-7/Ps 92:2-3, 13-14, 15-16 [cf. 2a]/1 Cor 15:54-58/Lk 6:39-45 Monday: Sir 17:20-24/Ps 32:1-2, 5, 6, 7 [11a]/Mk 10:17-27 Tuesday: Sir 35:1-12/Ps 50:5-6, 7-8, 14 and 23 [23b]/Mk 10:28-31 Wednesday: Jl 2:12-18/Ps 51:3-4, 5-6ab, 12-13, 14 and 17 [cf. 3a]/2 Cor 5:20-6:2/Mt 6:1-6, 16-18 Thursday: Dt 30:15-20/Ps 1:1-2, 3, 4 and 6 [40:5a]/Lk 9:22-25 Friday: Is 58:1-9a/Ps 51:3-4, 5-6ab, 18-19 [19b]/Mt 9:14-15 Saturday: Is 58:9b-14/Ps 86:1-2, 3-4, 5-6 [11ab]/Lk 5:27-32 Next Sunday: Dt 26:4-10/Ps 91:1-2, 10-11, 12-13, 14-15 [cf. 15b]/Rom 10:8-13/Lk 4:1-13


Community Ministry Food Bank~

For the month MARCH they would like us to collect Jelly or Jam. Please place your donation in the basket at the entrance of the church. Also, they could still use toilet-ries and baby wipes.

Observances for the Week Sunday: 8th Sunday in Ordinary Time Monday: St. Casimir Wednesday: Ash Wednesday Thursday: Sts. Perpetua and Felicity, Martyrs Friday: St. John of God, Religious Saturday: St. Frances of Rome, Religious Next Sunday: 1st Sunday of Lent; Daylight Saving Time Begins

Questions of the week~ First Reading Sirach tells us much is revealed about a person's heart by one's speech. As a Christian, when is it best to weigh your words carefully? Second Reading Paul tells us that as believers, our share in Jesus' resurrection from the dead destroys the victory and sting of death. How do we convince non-believers of this good news? Gospel Reading Jesus challenges his followers to stop judging others and be open to forgiv-ing. Why do you think this is so hard for people to do?

GOSPEL MEDITATION - Emails. Carpools. Shopping lists. Home repairs. It can seem like we move so quickly from one thing to the next. Our news comes in sound bites and headlines. How often do we take time for silence, for prayer, for reflection, for wisdom? Jesus warns us of stumbling through life without an adequate sense of where we're going. "Can a blind person guide a blind person? Will not both fall into a pit?" This Sunday's Gospel isn't about fumbling along but offers a self-check on our own motivations. "Why do you notice the splinter in your brother's eye, but do not perceive the wooden beam in your own?" Without adequate self-reflection, it's easy to become blind to our own faults. We go through life's motions as our bad habits linger or even increase. We may become increasingly impatient, we may avoid important tasks, we may neglect the emotional needs of our spouse. Per-haps, in the process, we find fault with those around us. In the words of Jesus, "remove the wooden beam from your own eye first." So how do we know? How can we notice the hidden faults in our lives? "A good tree does not bear rotten fruit, nor does a rotten tree bear good fruit. For every tree is known by its own fruit. A good person out of the store of goodness in his heart produces good, but an evil person out of store of evil produces evil." Do you notice certain relationships that have become strained, or situa-tions where you know you don't act your best? Perhaps this is an area where you are acting out of sin, rather than virtue. The truth is, all of us are a mixture of light and dark, vice and virtue. We can't pretend we're per-fect! But we also need to take time to pause and prayerfully examine the fruit we're bearing.

The Holy Rosary will be prayed at 8:30 Sundays before the 9 am Mass


Schedule of Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Com-munion, Lectors, and Sacristans

March 9-10


8:30 AM 12:00 PM

7:00 PM (Bilingual)

SUPPORT THE CHURCH IN CENTRAL AND EASTERN EU-ROPE This week our special collection will be next Ash Wednesday, March 6, to supports the Church in Central and Eastern Europe. Your donation will help restore the Church and build the future in more than 20 countries still struggling to recover in the aftermath of communist rule. Funds from this collection help support reconstruc-tion, education, formation, and outreach to alleviate poverty. Please be generous to the collection . For more information, please visit

Daylight Saving Time begins on Sunday, March 10, 2019 , at 2:00 A.M. Remember to “spring forward” in the spring and set your clocks forward one hour (i.e., losing one hour).

Some parish wide Lenten activities to help foster and nurture Lenten graces: A half hour before every Mass (weekday and Sunday) con-

fession will be available. Saturday will be an hour before Mass.

Every Sunday from 10:15 – 11:15 Exposition and Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament in the Church will take place.

Every Friday, with the exception of Good Friday, we will have a soup dinner at 6:00 p.m. followed by Stations of the Cross at 7:00 p.m.

We will be hosting Cookies or Donuts after all the masses this weekend. Please join us for some fellowship. We will also be hosting the first Soup Supper on March 8th with the Holy Name Society followed by Stations of the Cross. Please join us at 6 pm for soup and 7 pm for Stations.

Holy Name Society News ~ The next meeting will be Tuesday, March 5th, at 7:00 pm. The Holy Name Society members are having their Corporate Communion next Saturday, March 9, at 4:00 pm Mass. Please come and joint us.

Knights of Columbus News~ The Knights of Columbus will be selling Raffle Tickets after the 4 pm and 9am Masses. The Raffle will take place on St. Pat-rick's day, Sunday March 17th after the 9 am Mass. Tickets are $20 each and the Prizes are $500 / $300 / $200. All proceeds after prize monies are paid, go to the Knight's Charitable func-tions here at St. Rose. There are only 100 tickets being sold. Please look for a Knight in the back of the Church after Mass.

LIVE THE LITURGY -~ How quick are we to point out the faults of others? It is so easy to see what others are doing wrong and much harder to see ourselves for who we are. Many want to see themselves as one of the privileged and the saved and are quick to condemn those who choose to do things differently. We can be so hypocritical while at the same time proclaiming to be so spiritual. What we speak re-veals the true thoughts of our minds and intention of our hearts. We fool no one but ourselves. Rather than being defensive, critical, and exclusive, does it not make more sense to help each other and work together for the king-dom of God? We may have to leave something behind, but in turn, we'll gain much more.

1st Sunday of Lent

4:00 PM 9:00 AM

SACRISTANS: Jeanette Miller Michele Noblitt


#1 Paula Bean #2 Mike Blick

#1 Michele Noblitt #2 Andy Archuleta


*Marge Conner Cookie Clem Richard Clem Gloria Madrid Deacon Don

*Annie Huter Toni Cothran Elaine Casias Carol Aschenbrenner Deacon Don


Las lecturas de la Semana del 3 de Marzo de 2019 Domingo: Eclo 27, 4-7/Sal 92, 2-3. 13-14. 15-16 [cfr. 2]/1 Co 15, 54-58/Lc 6, 39-45 Lunes: Eclo 17, 20-24/Sal 32, 1-2. 5. 6. 7 [11]/Mc 10, 17-27 Martes: Eclo 35, 1-12/Sal 50, 5-6. 7-8. 14 y 23 [23]/Mc 10, 28-31 Miércoles: Jl 2, 12-18/Sal 51, 3-4. 5-6. 12-13. 14 y 17 [cfr. 3]/2 Co 5, 20-6, 2/Mt 6, 1-6. 16-18 Jueves: Dt 30, 15-20/Sal 1, 1-2. 3. 4 y 6 [40, 5]/Lc 9, 22-25 Viernes: Is 58, 1-9/Sal 51, 3-4. 5-6. 18-19 [19]/Mt 9, 14-15 Sábado: Is 58, 9-14/Sal 86, 1-2. 3-4. 5-6 [11]/Lc 5, 27-32 Domingo siguiente: Dt 26, 4-10/Sal 91, 1-2. 10-11. 12-13. 14-15 [cfr. 15]/Rom 10, 8-13/Lc 4, 1-13

PREGUNTAS DE LA SEMANA - Primera Lectura Sirácides nos dice que mucho es revelado sobre el corazón de una persona por su manera de hablar. Como cristiano, ¿cuándo es mejor medir tus palabras con cuidado? Segunda Lectura Pablo nos dice que, como creyentes, nuestra participación en la resurrección de Jesús de entre los muertos destruye la victo-ria y el aguijón de la muerte. ¿Cómo convencemos a los no creyentes de esta buena noticia? Lectura del Evangelio Jesús desafía a sus seguidores a dejar de juzgar a los demás y estar abiertos a perdonar. ¿Por qué crees que esto es tan difícil de hacer para las personas?

VIVIR LA LITURGIA - ¿Qué tan rápidos somos para señalar las faltas de los demás? Es tan fácil ver lo que otros están haciendo mal y mucho más difícil vernos a nosotros mismos por lo que somos. Muchos quieren verse a sí mismos como uno de los privilegiados y sal-vados, y son rápidos para condenar ha aquellos que eligen hacer las cosas de manera diferente. Podemos ser tan hipócri-tas al mismo tiempo que proclamamos ser tan espirituales. Lo que hablamos revela los verdaderos pensamientos de nuestras mentes y las intenciones de nuestros corazones. No enga-ñamos a nadie más que a nosotros mismos. En vez de ser de-fensivo, crítico y exclusivo, ¿no tiene más sentido ayudarnos unos a otros y trabajar juntos por el reino de Dios? Puede que tengamos que dejar algo atrás, pero a su vez, ganaremos mu-cho más. NOTICIAS DE EL MINISTERIO DE EL BANCO DE COMIDA DE LA COMUNIDAD Para el mes de Marzo se estara recolectando Gelatina y Mer-melada, por favor, coloque su donación en la canasta en la entrada de la Iglesia.

MUJERES! Les invitamos a vivir una maravillosa experiencia en

un retiro Solo para Mujeres en las montañas, los dias 5, 6 y 7 de Abril del 2019. Para mas informacion contactar a Teresa Mendoza 303-257-3062 y Karla Acosta 303-778-7673.


10 de Marzo 2019


12:00 PM

7:00 (Bilingue)

Algunas actividades de Cuaresma en toda la parroquia para ayudar a fomentar y nutrir las gracias de Cuaresma:

Media hora antes de cada misa (día de entre semana y Domingo) habrá confesiones disponibles. El sábado será una hora antes de la misa.

Todos los domingos de 10:15 a 11:15 se llevará a cabo la Exposición y Adoración del Santísimo Sacramento en la Iglesia.

Todos los viernes, a excepción del Viernes Santo, tendremos una Cena de sopas a las 6:00 p.m. seguido por las Estaciones de la Cruz a las 7:00 p.m.

RETIRO DE SANACIÓN CIEGO DE SILOE La Escuela de evangelización de San Andres en la parroquia Santa Rosa de Lima te invita a este retiro de sanacion los dias 23 y 24 de Marzo del 2019. Contaremos con la participacion de el Director de la Escuela de Evange-lizacion San Andres en USA Angel Robles. Para mas informacion llamar a Teresa Mendoza 303 257 3062.

Noches de McTeachers!! con la Academia de Santa Rosa de Lima Cada Martes de cada mes, de las 4:00 pm a las 7:00 pm, en el McDonald’s de la 2850 W Alameda Ave (Federal & Alameda). Cene en el restaurante o haga un viaje a través del drive-thru, y una parte de todas las ventas se remonta a la escuela.

El horario de verano comienza el domingo 10 de Marzo de 2019 a las 2:00 a.m. Recuerde "saltar hacia adelante" en la pri-mavera y adelantar sus relojes una hora (es decir, perder una hora).

1er Domingo de Cuaresma

11:30 AM

LECTORES: Bienvenida: Oscar Hernandez 1era Lectura: Luis Velez 2da Lectura: Alonso Ontiveros Peticiones: Lucia Hernandez

Ministros Extraordi-narios de la Sagrada Comunion

Micaela Salazar Martha Tellez Elvira Gomez Guadalupe Gomez

Dear St. Rose of Lima Community,

We here in the book of Genesis, “Remember that you are dust and to dust you shall return.” (Gen. 3:19). This Wednesday is Ash Wednesday and the beginning of the Season of Lent. It is a season that offers blessings from God that bring about renewal in our lives. We will here in the Word of God proclaimed a word that speaks to our hearts: Come back to me!

We will receive the ashes on our forehead in the shape of a cross. You will carry them with you during the busy work day. They, too, will speak to you and say: Remember, don’t forget – the day of your death is approaching!

Then we will celebrate the sacramental memorial of all that Christ did for us in his passion, death and resurrection. At the elevation, as the priest holds up the Sacred Host for all to see, God will say: I love you.

In Holy Communion Jesus will speak to you: Do not be afraid, I give you myself.

Lent is a special time of renewal. Set out with great expectation, as the prophet Joel says, with all your heart. During the next forty days:

● Pray with loving attentiveness to the God who sees you● Give to those who are poor and who need you● Fast from all that tempts you to forget your littleness and need for God

Don’t be alarmed if you should fail. Get up and keep going.

Make a decision to go to Reconciliation sometime during this season of purification.

Trust that your efforts will be pleasing to the Lord.

Who knows if he will not turn again, will not relent, will not leave a blessing?

Some parish wide Lenten activities to help foster and nurture Lenten graces:

1.) A half hour before every Mass (weekday and Sunday) confession will be available. Saturday will be an hour before Mass.

2.) Every Sunday from 10:15 – 11:15 Exposition and Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament in the Church will take place.

3.) Every Friday, with the exception of Good Friday, we will have a soup dinner at 6:00 p.m. followed by Stations of the Cross at 7:00 p.m.

Please pray for me as I will you.

God bless,

Fr. Nick

Querida comunidad de Santa Rosa de Lima,

Aquí, en el libro de Génesis, “Recuerda que polvo eres y al polvo volverás” (Gn. 3:19). Este miércoles es el miércoles de ceniza y el comienzo de la temporada de Cuaresma. Es una estación que ofrece bendiciones de Dios que traen renovación en nuestras vidas. Aquí, en la Palabra de Dios, proclamamos una palabra que habla a nuestros corazones: ¡Vuelve a mí!

Recibiremos las cenizas en nuestra frente en forma de cruz. Los llevarás contigo durante el ajetreado día de trabajo. Ellos también te hablarán y te dirán: recuerda, no lo olvides, ¡se acerca el día de tu muerte!

Luego celebraremos el memorial sacramental de todo lo que Cristo hizo por nosotros en su pasión, muerte y resurrección. En la elevación, mientras el sacerdote sostiene la Hostia Sagrada para que todos la vean, Dios dirá: Te amo.

En la Santa Comunión, Jesús te hablará: No temas, yo me entrego a ti.

La Cuaresma es un momento especial de renovación. Emprende con gran expectativa, como dice el profeta Joel, con todo tu corazón. Durante los próximos cuarenta días:

● Ora con amorosa atención al Dios que te ve.● Dale a los que son pobres y que te necesitan.● Ayuna de todo lo que te tienta a olvidar tu pequeñez y necesidad de Dios.

No te alarmes si fallas. Levántate y sigue adelante.

Tome la decisión de ir a la Reconciliación en algún momento durante esta temporada de purificación.

Confía en que tus esfuerzos serán agradables al Señor.

¿Quién sabe si no volverá a girar, no se rendirá, no dejará una bendición?

Algunas actividades de Cuaresma en toda la parroquia para ayudar a fomentar y nutrir las gracias de Cuaresma:

1) Media hora antes de cada misa (día de entre semana y Domingo) habrá confesiones disponibles.El sábado será una hora antes de la misa.

2) Todos los domingos de 10:15 a 11:15 se llevará a cabo la Exposición y Adoración del SantísimoSacramento en la Iglesia.

3) Todos los viernes, a excepción del Viernes Santo, tendremos una Cena de sopas a las 6:00 p.m.seguido por las Estaciones de la Cruz a las 7:00 p.m.

Por favor, ora por mí como yo lo haré por ti.

Dios los bendiga,

P. Nick