Feeding the microbiota-gut-brain axis: diet, microbiome, and...

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Feeding the microbiota-gut-brain axis:diet, microbiome, and neuropsychiatry



From the APC Microbiome institut

Ireland; Department of Anatomy

College Cork, Cork, Ireland;

Neurobehavioural Science, Univer

TeagascMoorepark Food Research

Submitted for publication May 2, 20

8, 2016; accepted for publication O

The microbial population residing within the human gut represents one of the mostdensely populated microbial niche in the human body with growing evidenceshowing it playing a key role in the regulation of behavior and brain function. Thebidirectional communication between the gut microbiota and the brain, themicrobiota-gut-brain axis, occurs through various pathways including the vagusnerve, the immune system, neuroendocrine pathways, and bacteria-derivedmetabolites. This axis has been shown to influence neurotransmission and thebehavior that are often associated with neuropsychiatric conditions. Therefore,research targeting the modulation of this gut microbiota as a novel therapy for thetreatment of various neuropsychiatric conditions is gaining interest. Numerous fac-tors have been highlighted to influence gut microbiota composition, including ge-netics, health status, mode of birth, and environment. However, it is dietcomposition and nutritional status that has repeatedly been shown to be one ofthe most critical modifiable factors regulating the gut microbiota at different timepoints across the lifespan and under various health conditions. Thus the microbiotais poised to play a key role in nutritional interventions for maintaining brain health.(Translational Research 2017;179:223–244)

Abbreviations:ASD¼Autism spectrumdisorder; ADHD¼Attention-deficit hyperactive disorder;AMPK¼AMP-activatedprotein kinase; ANS¼Autonomic nervous system; BDNF¼ Brain-derivedneurotrophic factor; BMI¼ Bodymass index; BCFA ¼ Branched chain fatty acid; CCK¼Chole-cystokinin; CNS¼Central nervous system; CREB¼ cAMP response element-binding protein; DA¼ Dopamine; EECs ¼ Enteroendocrine cells; ENS ¼ Enteric nervous system; FOS ¼ Fructo-oligo-saccharides; FXR ¼ Farnesoid X receptor; GOS ¼ Galacto-oligosaccharides; GF ¼ Germ-free;GLP1¼Glycogen-like protein 1; GABA ¼Gama-aminobutyric acid; GI ¼Gastrointestinal tract;HPA ¼ Hypothalamus-Pituitary Axis; IBS ¼ Irritable bowel syndrome; IL ¼ Interleukin; LPS ¼ Lipo-polysaccharide; LTP ¼ Long-term potentiation; MAMP ¼ Microbes-associated molecular pat-terns; NOD ¼ Nucleotide-binding-oligomerization domain containing peptide; PYY ¼ PeptideYY; PUFA ¼ Polyunsaturated fatty acid; Reg3g ¼ Regenerating family member 3 gamma;SCFA ¼ Short chain fatty acid; sp ¼ Species; SPF ¼ Specific-pathogen-free; TMAO ¼ Trimethyl-amine oxide; TNF¼ Tumor necrosis factor; T-regs¼ regulatory T cells; WHO¼World HealthOrga-nization; ZO ¼ Zonula occludens

e, University College Cork, Cork,

and Neuroscience, University

Department of Psychiatry &

sity College Cork, Cork, Ireland;

Centre, Fermoy, Co, Cork, Ireland.

16; revision submitted September

ctober 6, 2016.

Reprint requests: John F. Cryan, Department of Anatomy and Neuro-

science, University College Cork, Western Gateway Building, Cork,

Ireland; e-mail: j.cryan@ucc.ie.

1931-5244/$ - see front matter

� 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.



Translational Research224 Sandhu et al January 2017


‘‘Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thyfood.’’


This oft-quoted adage from Hippocrates from overtwo thousand years ago may still be as relevant todaywhere there is a growing renaissance in our appreciationof the importance of diet in maintaining health,including brain health.1 In parallel, the importance ofdiet in regulating the composition of the human gut mi-crobiota has gained much attention of late.2 Accumu-lating evidence continues to highlight the importanceof the gut microbiota in maintaining homeostasis andcontributing to a variety of different physiological pro-cesses including protection from pathogens,3 foodmetabolism,4,5 host fat storage,6 and even regulationof brain physiology and behavior.7-9 More recentlyresearchers have started to address the role of the gutmicrobiota within multiple different neuropsychiatricconditions, including autism,10 depression,11,12

stroke,13 and schizophrenia.14 The gut microbiota isinfluenced by various factors such as host genetics,health status, lifestyle, mode of delivery at birth, anti-biotic usage, and dietary pattern based on different cul-tural practices.15-18

Given that diet is a key contributor in shaping thecomposition of the gut microbiota and that changesin dietary patterns show a direct effect on the compo-sition of the gut bacteria.18-22 It is important tocontextualize diet and nutrition effects on themicrobiota-gut-brain axis. Therefore, in this review,we discuss recent advances in the understanding ofthe critical role diet plays in establishing a link be-tween the gut microbiota and host health. Further-more, the role of the microbiota in the gut-brainaxis in relation to its association with various neuro-psychiatric disorders will be explored.


The gut-brain axis acts as an integrative physiolog-ical system amalgamating endocrine, immunologic,nutritional, efferent, and afferent neuronal signalsbetween the gastrointestinal (GI) system and thebrain.23 The microbiota is now seen as a key compo-nent of this gut-brain axis, and disturbances in the ho-meostasis or dysregulation of the gut-microbiota-brainaxis have been implicated in various immunologic,neurologic, and psychiatric conditions.23-25 Thecomplex network of communication between thegut microbiota and central nervous system (CNS) is

mediated through the autonomic nervous system(ANS), the enteric nervous system (ENS), theimmune system, and the bacterial metabolites.

Neuronal pathways. After ingestion of a meal, thepresence of nutrients in the GI tract initiates complexneural and hormonal responses informing the brain ofthe ongoing change in the nutritional status. The gut isinnervated with primary visceral afferent nerve fibersfrom both sympathetic and parasympathetic branchesof the ANS.26 The afferent fibers project informationfrom the gut to the subcortical and cortical centers ofthe brain including the cerebral cortex, cingulate, andinsular regions, whereas effector fibers project to thesmooth muscles of the gut.27 In addition, the gut alsoinforms the brain about the current nutritional statusby secreting a host of gut peptides from intestinalcells including enteroendocrine cells (EECs). Some ofthese hormones communicate with CNS primarily viaeffects on nearby afferent nerve fibers supplying thegut, whereas others are secreted from the gut into thecirculatory system and whereupon they enter the brainto mediate their central effects.28

This bidirectional communication helps in main-taining a proper GI homeostasis and cognitivefunction.23 The vagus nerve is the major nerve ofthe parasympathetic system of the ANS and crucialfor mediating the effects of gut microbiota ondifferent neurophysiological function29 (Fig 1). Forexample, vagotomized mice failed to show anyimprovement in anxiety or depressive-like behaviorsfollowing treatment with a potential probiotic Lacto-bacillus rhamnosus indicating that behavioral proper-ties of this bacterial strain are dependent upongut-brain signaling via the vagus nerve.32 Similarly,a potential probiotic Bifidobacterium longum failedto produce an anxiolytic effect in a vagotomized coli-tis mouse model.33

The vagus nerve terminating near the mucosa conveysinformation from the intestine to the brainstem throughnuclei such as the nucleus tractus solitaries and the nodosganglion, which represent an intermediate relay in brain-gut axis bidirectional communication.34 (Fig 1). The va-gus nerve does not project directly into the lumen, and itsactivation is partly dependent on the secretion of chemi-cal signals such as peptide hormones (peptideYY [PYY],glucagon-like peptide 1 [GLP-1], cholecystokinin[CCK]) by EECs, specialized endocrine cell in intestinaltract35 (Fig 1). For instance, PYY3–36, the major circu-lating PYY, binds to the hypothalamic neuropeptideYY2 receptors and is associated with reduction in foodintake in rodents and humans36 and vagotomy blocksPYY3–36-induced hypophagia and associated activationof neurons in the hypothalamic arcuate nucleus.37

Fig 1. Cross talk between diet-derived macro- and micronutrients, the microbiota and its metabolites, and the

brain: The food in our diet is broken down into carbohydrates, protein and lipids, which can be further metabolized

by the gut microbiota. The by-products from carbohydrate fermentation can result in the synthesis of SCFA, which

have the possibility to induce epigenetic modulation of the intestinal epithelial cell in addition to direct effects on

GPCRs (GPR43/41) on EECs.30 Bile acids derived from fatty acid metabolism can also have multiple effects

including interacting with GPCR TGR5 (also known as G protein-coupled bile acid receptor 1 [GPBAR1]) and

the nuclear receptor farnesoid X receptor (FXR) on the (EECs).31 Both SCFA and bile acids can thus stimulate

the modulation of gut hormones secretion, including PYY, GLP-1 and CCK as well as having immunomodulatory

responses. The satiety hormones can modulate CNS function and regulate appetite and food intake. Finally, a

myriad of neurotransmitters and neuroactive substances produced by the gut microbiota can regulate a host of pe-

ripheral and central functions via indirect and direct mechanisms. In addition, some metabolites can pass into the

blood and through the circulatory system, indirectly via receptors on cells or directly through the blood brain bar-

rier, modulate brain function. CCK, Cholecystokinin; EECs, Enteroendocrine cells; FXR, Farnesoid X receptor;

GABA, Gamma-aminobutyric acid; GLR-1, Glycogen like protein; GPCR, G protein-coupled receptor; HAT, His-

tone acetyltransferase; HDAC, Histone deacetylases; PYY, Peptide YY; SCFA, Short chain fatty acid.

Translational ResearchVolume 179 Sandhu et al 225

Translational Research226 Sandhu et al January 2017

Enteroendocrine cells. EECs are a set of specializedendocrine cells forming 1% epithelial cells of the GItract and are capable of sensing luminal content andproducing and releasing signaling molecules orhormones.34 As referred to in the previous section,EECs release peptides and these peptides act on thereceptors located along the vagal afferent fibers.The information generated by EECs is passed to thebrain by the vagal nerve and therefore EEC is criticalfor the bidirectional gut-brain communication.38 CCK,a satiety peptide hormone, transmits sensory signalsfrom the gut lumen through direct EEC-nervecommunication or via paracrine mechanisms, that is,activation of the vagal pathway.34,39 Exogenousadministration of CCK activates CCK1 receptor andinduces reduction of meal size and satiety. However,CCK1 receptor null mice fail to show reduction ofmeal size or satiation.40

EECs are located along the GI tract in direct contactto the lumen and also in close proximity with the gutmicrobiota, which allows for the bacterial commensalto interact with EECs with metabolites and regulatethe secretion of various gut peptides.26,34 For instance,short chain fatty acids (SCFAs; metabolic productsof polysaccharide fermentation) interact withG-protein–coupled receptor 41 (GPR41) expressedupon EECs in the gut epithelium, which causes areduction in the expression of PYY thereby inhibitinggut motility, increasing intestinal transit rate, andreducing nutrient contact time.41,42 Consistent withthis finding, Ffar2-and Ffar3-knockout mice displayimpaired oral glucose tolerance and increased intestinaltransit time.42,43 However, further research is requiredto clarify the mechanisms of different metaboliteson the EECs or intestinal gut cells and theircorresponding role in gut-microbiota-brain cross talk.

Circulatory system. Microbial-derived metabolitespresent in the intestinal lumen are absorbed into the cir-culatory system by passive or active mechanisms,whereas metabolites structurally similar to amino acids,sugars, and vitamins are actively transported via specifictransporters. For instance, SCFAs are transported eitherby monocarboxylate transporters or via diffusion.44

Conversely, microbial metabolites may cross thebarrier via paracellular (between cells) transport whenthe epithelial barrier is breached (‘‘leaky gut’’) whichmay often result in altered microbiota compositionand induction of an inflammatory response.45 Thus,blood circulation not only mediates the flow ofmetabolites throughout the host system but alsoregulates gut microbiota message to the brain.

Immune system. The bacterial commensals present inthe GI tract are often found at sites enriched withimmune cells including epithelial cells, mucus,

immunoglobulin A (IgA), and antimicrobial peptides.46

These immune cells have an important role to play asthey keep a check on the homeostatic relationshipbetween the microbiota and the host. In addition,the mucus produced by goblet cells offer the firstline of protection by limiting the contact betweenthe microbiota and host tissue, thus preventingmicrobial translocation.46,47 Further production of theantimicrobial peptides by the intestinal epithelialcells helps to limit the commensal microbiota to thegut. For instance, regenerating family member 3gamma (Reg3g), a mucosal antimicrobial peptidesecreted by intestinal epithelial cells has been shownto directly kill gram-positive bacteria and thusregulating the microbiota composition.48 Germ-free(GF) mice known to have immunologic deficits49 werefound to express diminished levels of Reg3g,suggesting a potential role of gut microbiota inimmunity regulation. However, colonization of GFmice with the gram-negative bacteria Bacteroidesthetaiotaomicron induced expression of Reg3g.Conversely, when GF mice were colonized with thegram-positive bacteria, B. longum, Reg3g expressionwas reduced.50-52 Such results highlight an importantregulatory interaction between the gut microbiotaand the immune system. Immunoglobulin A is animmune regulator that is associated withthe compartmentalization of intestinal bacteria.Intestinal dendritic cells together with T and B cells inthe Peyer’s patches mediate the production of IgAspecific for commensal-derived antigens and regulatemicrobial translocation.52

The immune system is not only involved in maintain-ing homeostasis between the gut microbiota and the gut,it may also act as an intermediary between the gut mi-crobiota and the brain.53 The gut microbiota maymediate an immune response by releasing certain mol-ecules, which are potent promoters of the innate im-mune system; for example, lipopolysaccharide (LPS)or peptidoglycan. When the integrity of the intestinalmucosal barrier is compromised, gram-negative bacte-ria expressing LPS can be translocated from the gutinto the circulatory system leading to peripheral im-mune activation. Preclinical and clinical studies haveboth shown that peripheral immune activation followingLPS administration can lead to depressive-like behav-iors.54,55 This highlights how the bacterialcommensals can modulate behavior via the immunesystem. A recent study in GF mice showed a linkbetween the brain’s resident immune cells, microglia,and the gut microbiota.56 The GF mice display defectsin microglia with altered cell proportions and immaturephenotype.56 Moreover, microglial activation wasdiminished in GF mice following LPS administration

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further suggesting that the absence of a microbiota leadsto an attenuated neuroimmune response. This wasfurther supported by Erny et al when they depleted themicrobiota of animals with antibiotics to find a similaraberrant microglial phenotype and activation.56 Thus,the microbiota is fundamental for maintaining a properneuroimmune response.

Short chain fattyacids (SCFAs). SCFAs (eg, acetate, pro-pionate, and butyrate) are one of the dominantmetabolitesproduced in the colon and small intestine through ba-cterial fermentation.57 Bacteria from the Bacteroidetesphyla mainly produce acetate and propionate, whereasbutyrate is predominately synthesized by Firmicutes.SCFAs regulate physiological processes. For instance,acetate has been shown to influence the availabilityof histone acetyltransferase substrate, critical forepigenetic modulation by inducing histoneacetylation.58 Whereas butyrate produced by themicrobiota supplies the majority of energy to colonicepithelial cells.59 A growing body of evidence indicatesthat the gut microbiota regulates host gut physiologyand immune function via epigenetic mechanismsthrough the production of SCFAs.60,61 For instance,butyrate regulates the function of regulatory T cells(T-regs) by mediating their induction within the colon.This modulatory role on T-regs cells is believed to bemediated by the ability of SCFAs (notably butyrate) toinhibit histone deacetylases.62-65 This epigeneticproperty of butyrate is being looked into as a potentialtreatment for colon cancer and various other conditions.

Among the various functions of SCFAs, they are alsoknown to affect lipid, glucose, and cholesterol meta-bolism in various tissues.66-68 Acetate and propionateare shown to strongly reduce adipose tissue lipolysis.This is mediated by acetate and propionate activatingFfar2.69,70 In human studies, a mixture of SCFAs,including acetate and propionate, reduced lipolysisalong with reducing plasma fatty acid and glycerollevels.71,72 Moreover, oral administration of acetateand propionate reduced glycemia in thehyperglycemic diabetic mouse model and in normalrats.68,73 This reduction in gluconeogenesis has beensuggested to occur via the liver through the activationof the hepatic AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK)pathway.73

SCFAs also control the release of satiety hormonessuch as PYY, GLP-1, and CCK. SCFAs interact withG-protein–coupled receptors (GPR43 and GPR41)upon gut epithelial cells to modulate the secretion ofsatiety peptides.74 A study in which mice were treatedwith labeled acetate (11C-acetate) showed that thisparticular SCFA has a direct role in the central controlof appetite by regulating brain regions associated

with appetite regulation including the hypothalamus.Acetate mediates this function by activating acetyl-CoA carboxylase which leads to changes in theexpression profile of GLP-1 and PYY that favor appe-tite suppression.75 A clinical study showed acuteintake of inulin-propionate ester which selectively in-creases propionate production resulting in the increaseof GLP-1 and PYY in the plasma, thus suggesting animportant role of propionate with appetite regula-tion.76 Moreover, increasing colonic propionate pro-duction reduced BOLD signal in the caudate andnucleus accumbens during fMRI food evaluation para-digm.77 In the caudate, there was significant reductionin BOLD signal to high-energy food. Subjects withhigh colonic propionate showed reduction in subjec-tive appeal of high-energy food picture and low energyintake during an ad libitum meal, thus suggesting thecritical role of SCFAs especially propionate in theregulation of brain regions associated with reward-based eating behavior.77 This data suggests a criticalrole of SCFAs in the regulation of the gut-microbiota-brain cross talk.

Neurotransmitters. The gut microbiota has been asso-ciated with the synthesis of not only metabolites butalso different neuroactive molecules including seroto-nin, melatonin, gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA),catecholamine, acetylcholine, and histamine.78-80

More work is required to determine whether thesemicrobial-derived neurotransmitters influence theircorresponding central levels. However, there is someevidence to suggest that the microbiota influencescentral neurotransmitter. GF mice have increasedplasma levels of tryptophan and serotonin comparedwith conventional mice.81,82 However, postweaningcolonization of the GF mice results in thenormalization of the tryptophan levels in the bloodplasma. Interestingly, the change in tryptophan levelwith colonization might be temporary because inanother study, GF mice showed changes in tryptophanlevels in plasma 4 days following gut microbiotacolonization but not at day 30.83


The composition of the gut microbiota has beenobserved to change substantially across the life-span.84,85 It is important to realize that the impact ofdiet on the microbiota-gut-brain axis will also varyacross the different epochs of life.

From birth to weaning. The bacterial composition ofthe gut during the early stages of development has a sig-nificant effect on the immune programming and physi-ology of the individual.86 Maternal and neonatal diet iscritical for shaping the gut microbiota.85-87 Breast milk,

Translational Research228 Sandhu et al January 2017

an initial food source for infants is rich in a wide varietyof important prebiotics (carbohydrates in the form of�200 isomers of human milk oligosaccharides[HMO]), nucleotides, immunoglobulins, cytokines,and SCFAs.88,89 It is considered to be an optimal dietfor infants and recommended by the World HealthOrganization (WHO) for newborns until the age of6 months followed by supplemental breast-feedinguntil 2 years of age.90 A recent study has shown thatMalawian infants fed on breast milk deficient in aspecific HMO (ie, sialylated HMO) for 6 monthsshowed severely stunted growth.91 Similar growthdeficits were also replicated in GF mice colonizedwith microbiota from these infants. However, whenthe GF mice colonized with microbiota frommalnourished infants were fed with sialylated bovinemilk oligosaccharide (S-BMO), they gained moreweight and improved lean and body mass.91

Human milk is abundant in oligosaccharides whichare the preferred metabolic substrates for Bifidobacte-ria, the most prevalent bacterial species in infantsgut.88 Bifidobacteria are important for the productionof SCFAs (acetate and butyrate) in infants’ gut.92 More-over, Bifidobacteria provide low environmental pH thusinhibiting pathogen invasion, helping in the mainte-nance of GI homeostasis.93

Infants fed on breast milk have a microbiota domi-nated by Bifidobacteria and lactic acid bacteria.88

Whereas infants on a formula-fed diet typically showa higher microbial diversity including Bacteroidetes,Clostridia, and Bifidobacteria, with an overall increasein facultative anaerobic bacteria such as Staphylo-cocci, Enterobacteriaceae, and Streptococci.94-96

Moreover, breast-fed infants have fewer bacterialspecies associated with pathogenesis such as Escher-chia coli, Bacteroides fragilis, and Clostridium diffi-cile compared with the formula-fed infants.97,98

Formula-fed infants also show higher amounts of fecalSCFAs compared with breast-fed infants, withelevated levels of propionate and, to a lesser extent,butyrate.76 Interestingly, when infants are fed a for-mula diet containing prebiotics, the number of Bifido-bacteria and Lactobacillus sp. are increased alongwith a reduction in Clostridium, Enterococcus, andE. coli.99-101

Postweaning. A shift from breast milk/formula diet to asolid diet results in an increase in the Bacteroidetes to Fir-micutes ratio in the gut, with a reduction inProteobacteriaand Bifidobacteria and an overall increase in differentfunctional genes that are characteristic of an adult micro-biota.102,103 A recent study showed the critical role of dietduring the early stages of life for the growth of anindividual and for shaping the microbiota.104 When the

microbiota from malnourished children was transplatedinto GF mice, the animals displayed impaired growth,an altered bone morphology, and dysregulated brainmetabolism. However, administration of an adultmicrobiota, which included Ruminococcus gnavus andClostridium symbiosum, ameliorated the effects of themalnourished-microbiota transplant.104 Such findingssuggest that despite the detrimental physiological effectscaused by diet or microbiota deficits, the effect can berescued. However, a recent study showed that despitethe importance of early life perturbations of themicrobiota, they have limited consequences on adultmicrobiota composition.105 Therefore, further studiesneed to be done to fully understand the complex role ofdiet and microbiota at different time points during thelife of an individual.

Fromadulthood intoelderly. The composition of the in-testinal microbiota varies drastically from young healthyadults to elderly individuals due to age-related factorssuch as nutritional behavior, deterioration in digestion,dentition, and intestinal transit time, stress, andlifestyle.106,107 Elderly individuals show changes in gutphysiology and morphology, along with reductions inmicrobiota diversity and composition. The level ofbacterial species such as Bifidobacteria, Bacteroidessp. reduces with age along with a concomitant increasein the abundance of Ruminococcus, Clostridium,Enterobacteria, and Lactobacilli sp.107-109 However,future studies are required to better understand thefunctional consequences of age-mediated change in thegut microbiota on brain health and its correspondingrole in the onset of different neuropsychiatric andneurodegenerative disorders.


Extreme and rapid changes in diet composition have adirect influence on the gut microbiota because it signif-icantly impacts the microbial beta diversity (a measureof the turnover of the microbiota species) in individ-uals.110-112 Changes in diet even within a shortduration can drastically alter the gut microbiotacomposition. For instance, when individuals fed witheither plant- or animal-based diets are switched toanother diet, even over a short duration of 24 hours,demonstrated a drastic change in gut microbiotacomposition.2 Diet composition also has a dramaticimpact on the gut microbiota composition. For example,diet rich in fat or protein (ie, a typical Western diet)show significant reductions in Bifidobacteria andbutyrate-producing bacteria.113-115 On the other hand,supplementation of high-fat diet with fermentablefibers/prebiotics have shown to restore the depletedlevels of these Bifidobacteria and butyrate-producing

Translational ResearchVolume 179 Sandhu et al 229

bacteria,116 which further emphasize the strong impactof diet in shaping the gut microbiota.The recent global shift in diet has been suggested as

one of the contributing factors in the growing epidemicof chronic illnesses in the developed world, includingobesity, inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), allergies,diabetes, autoimmune disorders, depression, and otherneuropsychiatric disorders.117-119

The Mediterranean vs the Western diet. Different typesof diets show different effects on the composition of thegut microbiota and the overall physiology of an individ-ual. Herein, wewill discuss 2 diets: theWestern diet richin fats, salt, and sugar vs the Mediterranean diet. Bothdiets exert distinct effects upon the composition of thegut microbiota of the individual consuming the diet.The Western diet has garnered a lot of media attentionfor its association with the prevalence of diet-inducedobesity, and it is suggested to be the main culpritin this epidemic19,120 (Fig 2, A). Consumption ofWestern diet showed a change in Bacteroides toFirmicutes ratio of similar levels as observed in thegut microbiota of obese individuals.121-124

Fig 2. Triad relationship: interaction between the diet, gut m

ern diet shows alterations in the gut microbiota composition

(SCFA). Strong alterations in the behavior profile (ie, anxie

ensue from diet-induced alterations within the microbiota-

the diet–gut microbiota and the brain is depicted. Diet pro

the gut microbiota controls the diet uptake through its impact

is orchestrated by the brain, following integration of peripher

derived metabolites from diet fermentation and the gut intes

This clear association in changing microbial diver-sity with high-fat diet is further highlighted in preclin-ical studies where administration of high-fat diet forone day to mice colonized with human microbiotashowed a drastic shift in gut microbiota with a signif-icant increase in Firmicutes and reduction in Bacter-oides phyla122,125 (Fig 2, A). In addition, elevation ofthe relative abundance of Collinsella, a bacteria asso-ciated with obesity, has been observed in humans withWestern diet,123 clearly showing a strong associationbetween diet, gut microbiota composition, and hosthealth (Fig 2, A).On the other hand, the Mediterranean diet has long

been touted as a healthy dietary habit.126 Mediterra-nean diet consists mainly of cereals (whole grains), le-gumes, nuts, vegetables, and fruits, with moderateconsumption of fish and poultry and low consumptionof meat (Fig 2, A). Data from different individualgroups consuming Mediterranean diet show a signifi-cant reduction in the mortality and incidence of majorchronic diseases such as cancer, neurodegenerative,and autoimmune diseases.127 Moreover, consumption

icrobiota, and the brain. (A) A nonwestern vs aWest-

with subsequent changes in short chain fatty acids

ty and depressive phenotypes) are hypothesized to

gut-brain axis. (B) The triad relationship between

vides the substrate for the gut microbiota, whereas

on the release of satiety hormone. Finally food intake

al signals derived from the interaction of microbiota-

tinal cells.

Translational Research230 Sandhu et al January 2017

of Mediterranean diet has been shown to improve thehealth of patients with Crohn’s disease. This has beencredited to its anti-inflammatory effects which areoften linked with changes in the gut microbiotacomposition with an increase in Bacteroides andClostridium phyla and decrease in Proteobacteriaand Bacillaceae phyla128 (Fig 2, A). Human interven-tion studies have shown significant increase in SCFAsin individual on Mediterranean diet and interestinglythe SCFAs levels correlated with high intake of fruits,vegetables, legumes, and cereals, a core component ofMediterranean diet. SCFAs are known to increaseAMPK activity in liver and muscle tissues.66,68,129

This activation of AMPK stimulates peroxisomeproliferation-activated receptor co-activator-1a whichis known to control the transcriptional activity ofseveral transcriptional factors such as liver X receptor,farnesoid X receptor (FXR), and peroxisomeproliferator-activator receptor (PPAR) a; these factorsare critical for the regulation of cholesterol, lipid, andglucose metabolisms.130,131 Moreover, individuals onMediterranean diet showed a significant reductionin trimethylamine oxide—a compound that waslinked to cardiovascular disease, in urine especiallyof vegetarian and vegans. However, the analysisshowed that more omnivores on Mediterranean dietshowed lower levels of trimethylamine oxide.132 Thiscorrelates the ability of Mediterranean diet to reducethe incidence of metabolic, cardiovascular, and inflam-matory disease through the regulation of SCFAslevels.132

Olive oil, one of the main components of the Mediter-ranean diet, is gaining support for its health benefits.Olive oil polyphenols have been claimed to play a pro-tective role in cancer and other inflammatory dis-eases.133 Polyphenol of olive oil induces its protectiveeffect by modulating different signaling cascadesincluding nuclear factor- kappaB (NF-kB), inflamma-tory response, and oxidative stress response.133,134

However, clinical trials are required to substantiate theeffect of olive oil in cancer and inflammatory diseasesand its role in brain health.There is also considerable evidence to suggest that a

Mediterranean diet may serve as a potential therapeuticintervention in the treatment of neuropsychiatric condi-tions, for example, administration ofMediterranean dietspecifically has been shown to reduce incidence of clin-ical depression and usage of antidepressant medicationin young adult populations.126,135-137 One potentialmechanism through which a Mediterranean diet mayhave antidepressant properties is through its highvitamin B content which is a major nutrient that hasbeen linked to the synthesis of neurotransmitters likeserotonin, noradrenaline, and dopamine.136 Given the

strong association of these monoamine neurotransmit-ters with major depression, a Mediterranean diet mayregulate mood and depressive behaviors by boostingmonoamine neurotransmitter turnover.138 A study inItalian subjects on the Mediterranean diet revealed ahigh abundance of Prevotella and SCFAs in the fecalsamples136 (Fig 2, A). SCFAs are critical for the mainte-nance of intestinal barrier; for instance, butyrate hasbeen shown to influence the expression of tight junctionprotein including claudin-2, occludin, and zonula occlu-dens protein (ZO-2, ZO2).139,140 Butyrate has beenfound to facilitate the association between thetranscription factors and the claudin-1 promoter, in-crease AMPK kinase activity, and thus reduce bacterialtranslocation.139-142

Oxidative stress is often suggested to play a role in thepathology of psychiatric disorders.143 This oxidativestress is defined as a disturbance in the balance betweenthe production of free radicals and reactive oxygen spe-cies/reactive nitrogen species, which leads to oxidativedamage to lipids, protein, and DNA and followed bydamaged to cell and organ. Components of Mediterra-nean diet including red wine, olive oil, and fruits arerich source of polyphenols with antioxidant properties.Evidence shows that polyphenols mediate their neuro-protective effect by modulating specific signaling path-ways involved in cognitive processes and synapticplasticity.144 Moreover, polyphenols can increasebrain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) expressionthrough the induction of the cAMP response elementbinding (CREB) signaling.145 This is very criticalbecause BDNF levels are often altered in variousneuropsychiatric conditions including depression146

and schizophrenia.147

Further research needs to be carried out to understandthe relative contribution of various exact components ofthe Mediterranean diet, and their interaction with themicrobiota, to its potential beneficial effects in variousneuropsychiatric states.The influence of dietary components upon the micro-


Carbohydrates. Carbohydrates constitute a major partof the human diet and are metabolized by the gut micro-biota and are further absorbed in the intestine as simplesugars. Carbohydrate fermentation produces highly effi-cient energy from undigested food through the produc-tion of metabolites.148 Its fermentation results inmultiple groups of metabolites and SCFAs, whichconstituent a major group of metabolites.149 Here, wewill discuss different dietary source of carbohydrateand their respective functions.Resistant carbohydrates are indigestible carbohy-

drates and they are often metabolized in the distal part

Translational ResearchVolume 179 Sandhu et al 231

of the colon. Cellulose and hemicellulose are 2 suchresistant carbohydrates that are found in plants. Degra-dation of cellulose is mediated by Bacteroides sp. orRuminococcus sp. and results in the production ofSCFAs. Bacteroides, a major constituent of gut micro-biota, is primarily associated with plant polysaccharidedegradation.148 Abundance in the Bacteroides sp. hasbeen reported in the population studies with subjectson the rural diet compared with the Western diet.15

The change in the diet composition with high plantpolysaccharide results in high SCFAs levels, whereasthe Western diet has been associated with the reductionin Bacteroides levels15

Recent studies demonstrated that 6 week of resistantstarch diet treatment in micewas able to alter the gut mi-crobiota composition with an increase in Proteobacteriain mice on high-resistant starch diet (�36%). Further-more, mice on resistant starch diet showed reducedexploration and low rearing in open field.150 This dataclearly shows that the role of different dietary compo-nents should be looked into to better understand theircorresponding role in the host physiology and patho-logic state.Fibers belong to a group of carbohydrates or

carbohydrate-containing compounds which are noteasily digested or absorbed in the small intestine andhave an important role in human nutrition. Fiber diethas been shown to be critical for the maintenance of ahealthy microbiota because of long-term study onlow-fiber diet intake, result in depletion of a complexmicrobial ecosystem in the mammalian gut with irre-versible loss of diversity of the microbiota that mayextend to 3–4 generations.151 Therefore, growing evi-dence suggests that a fiber-rich diet is one of the criticalfactors that allow for an individual’s overall health andmaintenance of a diverse healthy gut microbiota.In addition, fiber-rich diets have been associated with

a variety of positive benefits including reduced bodymass index levels and ameliorate obesity-inducedinflammation.138,152 They have been shown toindirectly affect the immune system by shaping theintestinal microbiota15; for example, high-fiber diethas been associated with the enrichment of Bifidobacte-rium in the human intestine.153 Moreover, fiber intake isalso associated with the regulation of circulatory estro-gen levels; for example, individuals on high fiber show7.5% reduction in the estradiol levels.154

Fructo-oligosaccharide, an oligosaccharide that oc-curs in plants such as asparagus, artichoke, banana,garlic, and onions are extensively studied dietary fibersfor their bifidogenic activity.155 Studies have indicatedtheir ability to induce numerous beneficial physiolog-ical effects such as reduction of carcinogenicity,improvement of mineral absorption, and decrease in

levels of serum cholesterol.156 One key study has showna significant reduction in both inflammatory cytokineand body weight when fructo-oligosaccharide wasadministered to genetically obese mice.157

However, galacto-oligosaccharides (GOS), anotheroligosaccharide present in human milk, are being usedas a prebiotic in infant-formula diet.158,159 Evidencesuggest infants on formula diet supplemented withBimuno-galactooligosaccharide (B-GOS) show a sig-nificant increase in Bifidobacteria and Lactobacillilevels, and these microbiota levels are of similar valueas observed in breast-fed infant.160,161 This clearlyhighlights the positive effect of GOS during early life.However, GOS is also being looked into as a potentialprebiotic during later life. A recent study showedadministration of B-GOS in elderly population toinduce a significant increase in Bifidobacteria andBacteroides sp. with an increase in lactic acid in fecalwater. This was associated with the induction of animmunomodulatory effect, with a reduction inproinflammatory cytokines, and an increase in theanti-inflammatory cytokines IL-10 and IL-8.162

Although these studies are exciting, more work isneeded to dissect the mechanism of action and under-stand the role of GOS both in gut-brain axis signalingand on the immune response.A small human study has shown that 3 weeks of

B-GOS administration results in a significant reductionin waking salivary cortisol levels, a key stress-relatedhormone.163 Moreover, B-GOS treated subjects showedaltered behavioral outcomes through decreased vigi-lance to negative vs positive information in a dot-probe task.163 This opens up the concept of prebioticsuch as GOS being a potential treatment of stress-related disorders.Inulins, plant storage polysaccharides, are among the

most-studied and well-established prebiotics. They arepredominant and found in wheat and a variety of fruitsand vegetables including onions, bananas, asparagus,and artichokes.155 Fermentation of inulin is limited tothe colon with an increase in the Bifidobacteria sp. espe-cially Bifidobacteria adolescentis, longum, and Faecali-bacterium prausnitzii being observed.164,165 This wasfurther shown when subjects on a Western dietfollowed by a low-fat diet supplemented with inulinshowed a significant increase in Bifidobacteria in fecalflora compared with control subjects with no inulin sup-plementation.166 Moreover, dietary intake of inulin bydextran sulfate sodium–induced colitis mice modelshowed a significant increase in Lactobacilli in the co-lon with improvement in colitis symptoms.167 Morerecently, a study showed inulin/GOS prebiotic supple-mentation during pregnancy and lactation to induce pro-tection against food allergies with the reduction in

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histamine levels and stronger intestinal permeability inthe offspring.168

Another polysaccharide getting popular are beta-glucans that are widely present in seeds and cereals(barley and oats) and they are reported to reduce hyper-glycemia, hyperlipidemia, and hypertension.169 Beta-glucans act on different immune cells and triggerimmune response and therefore are being studied as apotential treatment in cancer biology.170 Moreover,due to their antioxidant capacity, they are suggested asa potential treatment for diabetes, cancer, and associatedneurologic diseases.171

Proteins and bile acids. The increase in protein foodintake results in an increase in protein fermentationwith branched chain fatty acid, SCFAs and other poten-tial toxic metabolites (ammonia, amine, indolic,phenolic, and sulfur-containing compounds) producedmostly in the distal colon. Bacteroides sp. is associatedwith the initial proteolysis of the protein to aminoacid; therefore, increase in protein-rich diet is oftenassociated with an increase in Bacteroides levels inthe gut.172 Atopodium, Clostridium, Prevotella, andVeillonella sp. are additional gut bacteria associatedwith protein fermentation and metabolite synthesis.148

In addition, increase in protein consumption resultsin an abundance of bile-tolerant microbiotaincluding Alistipes and Bilophila with a reduction inFirmicutes.173 However, consumption of protein-richanimal-based diet shows a significant increase inBilophila wadsworthia, a gut-specific bacteriumassociated with colitis and a variety of IBD in mice.174

Bile acids (BA) are biosynthesized in hepatocytesand are critical for the emulsification and solubiliza-tion of fats. Intestinal bacteria is important for bileacids synthesis; for example, a study using GF miceshowed the role of intestinal Bacteroides sp. in bileacid deconjugation175 This metabolic transformationof the bile acid by the microbiota is of critical impor-tance because it helps to protect the colonic epithe-lium cells from genotoxic agents.176 Similar, IBDpatients show a significant reduction in both deconju-gated and secondary bile acid levels because of thedisrupted microbiota composition.177 Studies indicatethat intestinal microbiota contribute to the transforma-tion of primary bile acids into a more bioactive sec-ondary bile acid and results in bile acid compositionwhich further activates/inhibits FXR and subsequentlyalters bile acid pool via an FXR-dependent feedbackloop.178 However, intestinal microbiota not only me-diates the expression of bile acids but bile acidsalso regulate the expression of intestinal microbiota.Bile acid as such glycodeoxycholic acid induces anantimicrobial effect either directly or indirectly to

regulate intestinal microbiota expression.174,179 Forinstance, fecal microbiota transplantation (FMT)helps to restore intestinal microbiota and also bileacid composition in patients with recurrent C.difficile infection.180 The primary bile compositionhelps to stimulate the spore germination of C. diffi-cile, whereas secondary bile acid composition inhibitsthe bacterial strain.181 FMT helps to restore the intes-tinal microbiota and further facilitate the conversionof bile acid from primary to secondary form andthus inhibit the spore germination of C. difficile.182

Interestingly, a recent study in GF mice has shownthat bacterial bile salt hydrolase, an enzyme criticalfor the generation of primary bile acid, is responsiblefor the mediation of a microbe-host cross-talk thatregulates host lipid metabolism, weight gain, andcholesterol metabolism.183 Future studies are neededto unravel the crosstalk between bile acids and host’sgut microbiota and how it may be critical for hostmetabolism and brain-gut signaling.

Omega 3 and omega 6 polyunsaturated fattyacids. Omega 3 and omega 6 polyunsaturated fattyacids (PUFAs) are biosynthetic derivative of alfa-linoleic acid (ALA) and linoleic acid (LA) and arefound mainly in fish and in some plant oils.Omega 3 is among the widely studied PUFA because

of its effects on brain function including neuroprotec-tion,184-186 restoration of energy metabolism,187 regula-tion of neurotransmitter levels,188,189 and maintenanceof membrane structure and composition.190

PUFAs especially omega 3 are being investigatedfor their role in regulating microbial metabolism bybeing protective to the microbial composition espe-cially during early life stress state.191 For instance,most of the beneficial anaerobic bacteria includingRoseburia, Bifidobacteria, and Lactobacillus sp. arewidely found in the distal end of the gut, a site forPUFA metabolism from linoleic acid.192 Interest-ingly, a recent study showed that early-life omega 3exposure helped to prevent gut microbiota alter-ations, the onset of metabolic disorder, and chronicinflammation associated with early-life exposure toantibiotics.193 This is in line with our findings thatlong-term exposure to omega 3 (in utero and earlylife) results in an increase of both Bifidobacteriumand Lactobacillus sp. with higher Bifidobacteria toEnterobacteria ratio in adult mice exposed to omega3 diet.194 However, human studies are required tofurther support the effect of omega 3 interactingwith the microbiota as playing a role in stress-related disorders. Nonetheless, the growing body ofliterature suggests that PUFAs may have a beneficialeffect as adjunctive therapies in a variety of psychiat-ric disorders.195

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Vitamins. The intestinal microbiota are known to beassociated with the synthesis of a variety of vitaminssuch as vitamin B12 (cobalamin), B6 (pyridoxal phos-phate), B5 (pantothenic acid), B3 (niacin), vitamin D,and vitamin K. Microbiota helps in the conversion ofthe nonabsorbed dietary vitamin B12 to corrinoids, het-erocyclic compounds similar to porphyrins.57 Most ofthe dietary vitamins are absorbed in the proximal tractof the small intestine; however, predominant of themicrobial produced vitamins are absorbed in thecolon.196

Vitamin deficiency has been known to affect appro-priate immune responses and one suggestive pathwayis through the interaction of microbiota with vitaminsand correspondingly with the immune system.57 Forinstance, vitamin A deficiency causes a complete lossof TH12 cells in the small intestine of specificpathogen-free mice with a significant reduction in agut bacteria belonging to Clostridiaceae, a phyla knownto be associated with the regulation of TH17 response inmice.197,198 Similarly, administration of vitamin D3supplementation results in the reduction in gammaProteobacteria in the upper GI tract. Dietarysupplementation of vitamin D3 results in an increaseof CD81 T cells which further affects the microbiotacomposition in the gut. In the same study, they evenshowed a significant reduction in the Helicobacter sp.in healthy subjects with 8 weeks of vitamin D3supplementation.199 Interestingly, vitamin D is beinginvestigated for its positive benefit on the host.200,201

Human studies have shown deficits in vitamin D to beassociated with various neuropsychiatric,202 inflamma-tory,203 and metabolic disorders.204

In addition, the microbiota also plays a role in vitaminsynthesis including biotin and folate which are closelyinvolved in the epigenetic regulation of colonic epithe-lial proliferation.205,206 Biotin is a vitamin thatmammalian cells cannot produce and they depend ona constant supply of biotin from the intestinalmicrobiota to maintain normal levels of proteinbiotinylation. Biotinylation is an important epigeneticprocess that involves the attachment of biotin tohistone proteins resulting in gene regression, and italso plays a role in DNA repair and chromatinstructure.207

Similarly, folate is another vitamin with an epigeneticfunction and associated with various metabolic path-ways, such as methyl group biogenesis and synthesisof nucleotides, vitamins, and some amino acids.208

Folate availability affects the efficiency of DNA replica-tion, repair, and methylation and intestinal bacteria be-ing one source of this vitamin.209 Interestingly, folatedeficiency has been associated with treatment resistantdepression.210 Moreover, methylfolate is one of the

only medical foods licensed for treating major depres-sion.211,212 The relationship between microbiotacomposition, folate metabolism, and mood disorderswarrants further investigation. Therefore, vitamins area critical component of the diet and microbiota have acritical role to play in mediating a constant supply ofvitamins to the host.

Polyphenols. Polyphenols are heterogeneous groupof compounds characterized by hydroxylated phenylmoieties, found in grapes, apple, pear, cherries, berries,tea, coffee, red wine, dry legumes, cereals, and choco-late.213

A small portion of polyphenols are absorbed in thesmall intestine but the majority are fermented by thegut microbiota (including Bifidobacterium sp., Lactoba-cillus sp., Bacteroidetes sp., Eubacterium sp. andE. coli) in the large intestine. Henceforth, microbiotaare important for bioavailability of polyphenol in thehost system.

Polyphenols are known to induce numerous benefi-cial effects associated with inflammation, neuroprotec-tion, antioxidant, cardiovascular diseases, cerebralischemia, and metabolic disorders.214-218 Moreover,they also regulate learning and memory, preventneuroinflammation, and modulate neurotransmitterlevels.219 For instance, Curcuma longa containing cur-cumin, a widely consumed polyphenol, has been shownto modulate the expression of brain serotonergic anddopaminergic neurotransmission.219

In addition, resveratrol, another naturally occurringpolyphenol present in peanuts, red grape and wine220

has been found to induce an increase in monoamineneurotransmission,221 increase hippocampal BDNFlevels,222 and exert antidepressant activity in animalmodels.222

Fisetin is another polyphenol found in abundance instrawberries known to induce anti-inflammatory effectsby suppression of various inflammatory markers such astumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-a) and prostaglandinE2 in microglia cells.223 Fisetin administration resultedin antidepressant-like behavior in mice224 concomitantwith changes in monoamine neurotransmission. Onthe other hand, blueberry extract rich in proanthocyani-din, a natural polyphenol when administered to aged butnot young animals markedly increased neuronal plas-ticity.225,226

Green tea polyphenols are popular and widelyconsumed natural polyphenols, with some evidencesuggesting a role in prevention of both cancer and car-diovascular diseases, in addition to enhancing brainfunction as they can penetrate the blood-brain bar-rier.227-229 Indeed, oral green tea polyphenolsadministration (7 days) induced antidepressant-like

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effects in mice concomitant with effects at the level ofthe hypothalamus-pituitary axis (HPA).230 It is alsoworth noting that tea polyphenols modulate monoamineoxidase enzyme activity thus increasing monoamineconcentrations.231

A growing body of evidence suggests that the micro-biota may be responsible for some of the beneficial ef-fects of polyphenols. Indeed, data from in vitro,animal, and human studies have shown that polyphe-nols may enhance the gut microbiota composition di-versity, whereas others might inhibit certain bacterialpopulations.219 One such example is catechin, foundin green tea, which significantly inhibits the growthof Clostridium sp., whereas the growth of Bifidobacte-rium sp. and Lactobacillus sp. remained unaffected.232

Another study showed a significant shift from predom-inant phyla of Bacteroidetes, Clostridium, and Propio-nibacterium sp. to Bacteroidetes, Lactobacillus sp.,and Bifidobacterium sp. in rats supplemented for16 weeks with proanthocyanidin, a red wine extract.233

In addition, 2 weeks of proanthocyanidin intakethrough grape seed extract increased Bifidobacterialevels in the gut microbiota.234 A dietary interventionof a cocoa in a rodent model showed significant de-creases in the proportion of Bacteroides, Clostridium,and Staphylococcus genera in the fecal samples ofthe diet-treated group.235 Resveratrol commonly foundin grape promotes fecal numbers of Bifidobacteriumsp. and Lactobacillus in a rodent model.236 Similarly,consumption of red wine showed significant increasesin cell count of Enterococcus, Prevotella, Bacteroides,Bifidobacterium, Bacteroides uniformis, Blautia coc-coides, and Eggerthella lenta, whereas Lactobacillusnumbers remained unaffected.237 Recent in vitro studyshowed catechin inhibited the growth of Bacteroidetesand Firmicutes, downregulated Bacteroidetes to Firmi-cutes ratio, and modulated the rate of oligosaccharidemetabolism by the bacteria.238 This clearly shows astrong association between the polyphenols and gutmicrobiota composition.


There is a growing interest in the role of diet in micro-biota function and its corresponding effect on behaviorbecause it is tempting to speculate that designer dietscould be developed that specifically target the microbiotain order to improve brain health of an individual. Epidemi-ological studies have shown impairment in cognitive func-tion in individuals that have diets high in saturated fat,whereas consumption of the diet rich in PUFA inducedbeneficial effects on cognition.239,240 Moreover, there isgrowing evidence to suggest that the microbiota isaffected in neuropsychiatric conditions such as autism,

anxiety, and depression, and this may be a contributingfactor in their pathology. Diet may represent a means totarget a dysregulated gut microbiota in these conditionsto improve behavior.

Autism spectrum disorder. Autism spectrum disorder(ASD) is a complex heterogenous neurodevelopmentaldisorder which has a strong genetic basis. It has 3 coresymptoms: social behavior deficit, impaired com-munication, and repetitive behaviors but is often associ-ated with GI co-morbidities.241 Recent studies haveshown altered levels of Bacteroidetes and Firmicutesphyla with abundance in Clostridium phyla,highlighting the dysregulation of the gut-microbiota inautistic children and therefore establishing a stronglink between gut microbiota and ASD.242-245 Anincrease in microbiota diversity has been reported inautistic children with Bacteroidetes was found to be inabundance in severe autistic cases and with asignificant difference in the Actinobacteria andProteobacteria phyla.243 Other gut commensals alteredin autism are Bifidobacterium, Lactobacillus,Prevotella, and Ruminococcus genus.240,246

Preclinical studies have provided some insight intothe role of the microbiota-gut-brain axis in ASD. Forinstance, disruption in the composition of the gut micro-biota has been identified in animal models of autism,which can be ameliorated following treatment withcandidate probiotic strains (ie, B. fragilis and Lactoba-cillus reuteri).247-249 Moreover, antibiotic treatment inautistic children alleviated anxiety with short-term ben-efits to regressive behavior250 and onset possible mech-anism via LPS concentration regulation, centralcytokine expression, and increasing the BDNF levelsin the brain,251,252 thus further emphasizing the role ofgut microbiota composition and autism.

In addition, autistic children have been reported toshow a significant increase in SCFAs in fecal samplesproviding a further indication for an altered microbiotain this neurodevelopmental disorder.140 However, therole of SCFAs in ASD is not fully understood. Forinstance, administration of butyrate has been shown toimprove repetitive symptoms in a murine model ofASD, whereas intracerebroventricular infusions of pro-pionic acid were shown to induce autistic-like behaviorsin rats,253,254 thus suggesting SCFAs play differentialroles in mediating ASD behavior. Further research iswarranted to dissect the role of SCFAs in autism.

Diet may influence autistic behavior throughchanges in food patterns and nutritional uptake.248,255

For instance, analysis of fecal samples fromchildren with ASD showed significant increases incyanobacteria/chloroplast phyla compared withnormal children. This increase in the phyla has been

Translational ResearchVolume 179 Sandhu et al 235

suggested due to the consumption of diet rich in chiaseeds as opposed to the disorder per se256 and thusmore research into diet intervention may offer a po-tential therapy for ASD.257 To further support therole of diet with ASD, studies show that the removalof food products containing gluten and casein helps toameliorate symptoms of ASD because both these pro-teins are metabolized into opioid peptides such asexorphins. However, administration of opioid blockerssuch as naltrexone helps to improve the symptoms inASD patients.258 This may be due to dietary compo-nents to induce analgesics like effect, which is beenoften reported in some cases of ASD.259 The relativecontribution of the microbiota to such effects is un-clear and more research is required to better under-stand the impact of dietary components on themicrobiota and its relationship with ASD symptomol-ogy.Diet and its components have been associated

with proinflammatory response in some cases ofASD.260,261 Moreover, children with ASD display anelevation in IL-6 and TNF levels in the serum andthis has been linked with deficits in sociability262-264

However, there is some evidence to suggest thataltering the diet may be able to curtail this aberrantimmune response in ASD. As previously discussed,elevated levels of IL-6 are associated with social defi-cits in ASD children. However, treatment with luteolin,a natural flavonoid helps to normalize IL-6 by inhibit-ing its release from mast cells.260 Therefore, luteolincould be a potential treatment for ASD children withsocial deficits. However, information about the roleof different diet component in ASD is still limitedand therefore more clinical and preclinical researchis required.

Attention deficit hyperactive disorder. Attention deficithyperactive disorder (ADHD) is a neuropsychiatricdisorder first presenting in childhood with coresymptoms of hyperactivity, impulsivity, and inappro-priate attention.265 Pharmacologic treatments areefficacious and are being widely used to ameliorateADHD; however, they are often been associated withlong- and short-term risk including loss of growthvelocity and hypertension.266-268 Henceforth, a varietyof nonpharmacologic interventions are beinginvestigated to treat ADHD and diet is being one ofthe modes to ameliorate ADHD symptoms.268,269 Forexample, free fatty acid supplementation has shownpromising effects with significant reductions in ADHDsymptoms.270,271 Children with ADHD are oftenreported to develop hypersensitivity reactions to foodsand individually constructed diet restriction forrespective hypoallergic food is being suggested as a

potential treatment for ADHD.269,272 Moreover, asdietary interventions have been shown to ameliorateADHD symptoms, future studies are needed to explorewhether the microbiota can modulate such responses.

Depression. Depression is a stress-related mooddisorder often associated with a disrupted HPAaxis and immune system.54 Intriguingly, a growingbody of evidence suggests that the gut microbiotahas a key role to play in the modulation ofdepression.273 Patients with major depression havesignificant change in gut microbiota with relativeabundance of Firmicutes, Actinobacteria, andBacteroidetes.273 An increase in alpha diversity (ameasure of the richness/diversity of the species) ofthe gut microbiota has been reported in individualswith depression compared with the healthy controlgroup.12 Furthermore, patients with depression showsignificantly lower numbers of Bifidobacterium andLactobacillus compared with control subjects.274

Recent work from our lab has showed that patientswith major depression have altered microbiotacompared with normal subjects with significantincreases in genus Eggerthella, Holdemania, Gelria,Turicibacter, Paraprevotella, and Anaerofilm, whereasreductions in Prevotella and Dialister genus wereobserved. Interestingly, when the microbiota frompatients with major depression was transferred tomicrobiota-deficient rats, the correspondingbehavioral and physiological phenotype was alsotransferred, further corroborating a link between adysregulated microbiota and depression. Moreover,depression-like changes in tryptophan such askynurenine and kynurenine/tryptophan turnover werealso altered in the rats that received the transplant.11

Activation of the kynurenine pathway has beenshown in patients with major depression275,276 andaccumulating evidence suggests that the microbiotaplays an important role in tryptophan catabolism,which is critical for regulating kynurenineproduction276,277 and immune system (in particularT cell response),278,279 found to be affected inpatients with depression.280

Different diets can have both positive and negative ef-fects on depression. For example, Western diet con-sumption increases the risk for depression, whereasMediterranean diet reduces the onset of depression.138

Furthermore, the global shift toward a Western diet iscausing an overall alteration of dietary fatty acidcomposition and this is resulting in an overall increasein saturated fatty acid and a reduction in omega 3 fattyacid intake.281 One must consider that 20% of the brainis made of PUFA and 1 out of every 3 fatty acids in theCNS is PUFA.282 Studies both in human and animal

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models have shown a strong association betweendepletion of omega-3 PUFA and onset of majordepression, depressed mood, or postpartum depres-sion,188,283,284 thus suggesting the role of diet in theonset of depression.Researchers are interested in the role of diet as a

potential intervention for major depression. Studieshave shown reduction in omega 3 consumption withan increased risk of depression.1,285 Therefore,administration of omega 3 through diet may confer aprotective effect against depression.286,287 In addition,alteration in omega 3 levels has been documented inpostpartum depression.282 This has been suggesteddue to a significant transfer of (2.2 g/d) eicosanoyl eth-anolamines (EEAs) to the developing fetus during preg-nancy.288 In addition, slower normalization of DHAlevels after pregnancy has been suggested as a possiblecause for postpartum depression.289 The relative contri-bution of the microbiota to such effects is unclear butwarrants further investigations.Apart from omega-3 consumption, probiotic treatment

has displayed efficacy in the reduction of depressive-likebehaviors in animal models.290,291 Species from theLactobacillus phyla are being widely used as atherapeutic intervention to suppress depressive-like be-haviors in animal models. For instance, administrationof a probiotic cocktail comprising of L. rhamnosus andLactobacillus helveticus strains have shown to amelio-rate depressive-like behavior and normalize corticoste-rone levels in the maternal separation animal model.292

Moreover, administration of L. rhamnosus (JB-1)reduced depression and anxiety-related behavior andaltered stress-induced corticosterone levels in plasmaand GABA receptors in various brain regions.32 Giventhat alteration in GABAergic neurotransmission andoveractivation of the HPA axis have been reported indepression, the ability of a probiotic strain to modulateboth of these systems is rather promising.Other strains are being looked into for their benefi-

cial effects in mood disorder patients including Bi-fidobacterium.293 Bifidobacterium is another potentgut bacterial genus associated with potentialantidepressant-like behavior in animals.291 Treatmentwith Bifidobacterium infantis attenuated depression-related behavior by normalizing aberrant peripheralimmune response and increasing mobile episodes dur-ing the forced swim test in maternally separated rats290

and a similar effect was also observed with B. longumand Bifidobacterium breve on depression and anxiety-related behavior in rodents.294 Moreover, metabolitessuch as SCFAs are being investigated as a potentialintervention for depression given their neuroactiveand immunomodulatory functions.295 The presentdata shows a strong link between microbiota and

depression with diet being a potential cause and cureof the pathologic state.

Anxiety. Anxiety disorders include generalized anxi-ety disorder, phobias, panic disorder, post-traumaticstress disorders, and obsessive-compulsive disorder.296

They are often associated with an activation of theHPA axis through external stressors like chemicalexposure, biological, and environment factors thatfurther cause disturbances of endocrine, immune, andnervous systems.297

The role of the gut microbiota in anxiety disorders isalso increasingly being recognized in animal studies.For example, GI inflammation has been shown to beassociated with anxiety-related behavior.233 Two daysafter infection with Campylobacter jejuni, mice showedincreased anxiety-like behavior in the elevated plusmaze232 and a similar effect was observed 8 hours afterinfection with Citrobacter rodentium and C. jejuni inthe animal model.232 Moreover, mice infected with Tri-churis muris, which is often associated with GI inflam-mation, show an increase in anxiety-like behavior.23

Such results suggest that absence of a microbiota or in-duction of GI inflammation are capable of facilitating ananxiety-like phenotype. However, treatment with B.longum helped to ameliorate anxiety-like behavior inTrichuris muris–infected animals.33 A similar reductionin anxiety, along with an enhancement in cognition, wasalso observed in BALB/c mice, an innate anxious strainfollowing Bifidobacterium administration.234,235

Modulating the diet composition may represent ameans to improve anxiety. For example, patients withanxiety disorder often show a strong correlation be-tween the type of anxiety disorder and peripheralBDNF protein levels.298 Omega 3 PUFAs found mainlyin fish or plant oil have been shown to modulate not onlyBDNF levels but also to induce an anti-inflammatoryresponse and is being looked into as a potential treat-ment for the prevention of anxiety disorders.299

Numerous studies, both in humans and animals, showthe potential role of omega 3 to ameliorate or induce aprotective effect for anxiety disorder.300,301


Numerous studies show that the gut microbiota is crit-ical for the normal physiological andmetabolic functionof the host. The gut microbiota, through the immune andendocrine system and bacterial metabolites, regulateneurophysiological function which further regulateneurotransmission, cognition, and behavior. Diet hasan important role in the regulation of the gut microbiotacomposition. Changes in the diet pattern even for a shortduration of time induce drastic effects on the gut micro-biota composition, which may further contribute to

Translational ResearchVolume 179 Sandhu et al 237

psychiatric conditions. Preclinical studies have shownthat administration of prebiotics and probiotics canameliorate different psychiatric condition such asdepression and anxiety. Therefore, the use of probioticsand psychobiotics is being widely explored as a poten-tial treatment for GI disorders, obesity and eatingdisorders, age-associated cognitive decline, and neuro-psychiatric conditions. Clinical translation of these find-ings is now needed for diet as a potential therapy fordifferent neuropsychiatry conditions.302


Conflicts of Interest: All authors have read the jour-nal’s policy on disclosure of potential conflicts of inter-est and have none to declare.The authors are supported in part by the Science Foun-

dation Ireland (SFI) (Grant Numbers 07/CE/B1368 and12/RC/2273); the Department of Agriculture, Food andthe Marine (Grant Number DAFM 14/F821); and Enter-prise Ireland.All authors have read the journal’s authorship agree-

ment and fulfilled all criteria for authorship.


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