First Matters First Lutheran Church - Clover...

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found them “peeking out”

from underneath the neigh-

bor’s deck—they were in sad

shape. They’ve been with us

ever since. Sadly we lost

Simon last summer to pan-

creatic cancer. He is espe-

cially missed by Fluffy and


It’s been said that “Dogs

have people. Cats have

staff.” Certainly we are no


Although it is my joy to be

with you, I will greatly miss

the ‘joys’ of my life. So if I’m

a little moody at times,

please share your joy with


I am delighted to be among

you, and looking forward to

knowing you. Together we

will do the ministry that

Christ calls us to do at First

Lutheran ! I hope to see and

meet you soon.

My love to you in Christ,

Pastor Jerry

From the Pastor live in Atlanta, GA. They

hope to visit Manhattan

soon. We are hoping to be

settled in our Manhattan

home by then.

We have a chocolate lab,

Hershey Bear, a rescue pup

who came to us about six

years ago. He was one day

from death row, and is a

source of great love for us.

Our youngest pup, Chaco

Beauregard, rescued me 4

days after I moved to New

Mexico. He was originally

dropped off outside the Ani-

mal Shelter in Dona Ana

County, NM. He was origi-

nally adopted by a GI, who

was deployed a day later.

He returned the little black

puppy while I was at the

Shelter helping a neighbor

with her ‘missing cat re-

port.’ Beau saw me, jumped

out of the soldier’s hands,

right into my arms at the

shelter. The rest is history.

He is our little black puppy,

even though he is now taller

than big brother Hershey

Bear and weighs about 100


We have two grand dogs:

Casey’s dog Samson, an-

other rescue pup who is a

tad bit older than Hershey.

The lady in our life is Chey-

enne, Erin’s rescue pup

who lives with her, but is

still my “baby gurl.” She

loves to visit Pappie!

We had two cats. Simon,

who was my “little buddy,”

and Ophelia (we call her

Fluffy). They were just-

weaned kittens we rescued

when cleaning out my

parent’s home in Ohio

about eight years ago. Ann

Inside this issue:

From the Pastor 1

Lent in the Library 2

Lamb of God ECM 2

Go and Serve 2

Forty Days 3

January Reports 3

Lutheran Colleges 3

Birthdays 3

First Lutheran Church

MARCH 2016 First Matters


is a warm




Pastor Jerry Reynolds

Dear Friends and disciples

of First Lutheran Church,

As St. Paul tells us, “…you

are not lacking in any spir-

itual gift…!”

I am happy to be among

you as we learn to share

more of our gifts of time,

talent and treasure in

Christ’s ministry at this

place. Our God is a God of


I have temporarily rented

an apartment here in Man-

hattan. Ann will re-join me

after we sell our home in

New Mexico. My Sabbath is

on Monday, I am available

during regular office hours

throughout the week. You

may schedule a time to

meet with me, or through

Kelly in the office.

I want to take a moment to

share more about me and

my family with you.

My wife, Ann, and I were

married 35 years in De-

cember. You will hear me

say, “Joy came into my life

when I met Ann, and my life

has been a joy ever since.”

Our oldest daughter Erin,

lives in Jacksonville, FL.

Kelly and Casey continue to


Lent in the Library

I Corinthians 13:4-7 lays out the

attributes of love, stating “Love is

patient; love is kind; love is not envi-

ous or boastful or arrogant or rude,

it does not insist on its own way; it is

not irritable or resentful; it does not

rejoice in wrong doing, but rejoice in

the truth. It bears all things, be-

lieves all things, hopes all things,

endures all things.” The idea of love

is such a BIG thing to think about.

The Preschoolers at Lamb of God

have BIG thoughts on all of the won-

derful things this little word can


“I love my mommy and

I love my daddy.”

“I know my mommy loves me

because she gives me a bath.”

This is the time and season when

we often find ourselves reflecting on

love. Here at Lamb of God we are

Karen Jerabek


If Lent inspires you to add

something more to your devo-

tional life, look for three new

books on the Library bookshelf

in the connecting hallway. Two -

All Shall Be Well and Bread and

Wine –are collections of writ-

ings by various familiar authors.

Meditations on the Cross is the

work of Dietrich Bonhoeffer.

Each of these books is just right

to spend a few minutes with in

a quiet corner of the church.

Or, as with any of the library

books, you may check one out

by leaving the signed card in

the back of the book on the

bottom of the bookshelf.

Other books that lend them-

selves to Lenten reflection will

come downstairs from the main

library to the bookshelf too.

However, if you have never

been up to the Library on the

top floor of the church, make it

a point to do that sometime,

and spend a while looking

around. There are ‘classics’,

quality reference materials, a

wide variety of inspirational ti-

tles, things to help in the midst

of life challenges, various devo-

tionals, and many other books

patiently waiting for you. New

books show up on the book-

shelf downstairs periodically, so

stop by now and then to see

what’s there too. We do our

best to come up with

‘something for everyone.’ If you

have particular suggestions for

things you’d like to have in the

library, please let us know.


Come to me,

repentant sinners;

leave behind your

guilt and shame.

Come and know

divine compassion,

turn to me,

I call your name.

“Come to Me, All

Pilgrims Thirsty,” Verse 4

(ELW 777)

Lamb of God Early Childhood Ministry Tynisha Moore

Program Director exploring our love for books and

reading, thinking about what love is,

learning more about the love of God,

and taking the time to give thanks

for those that we love and love us.

Be a Part of the Lamb of God Ministry:

We are looking for “reading buddies”

to come in and read for 10-15 min

Monday – Friday between the hours

of 9:00 am – 10:00 am or 3:30 pm -

4:30 pm. Please see Tynisha Moore

for details.

Go and Serve Kelly Peterson

Communications Coordinator

Worship, prayer, and fellowship are vital to

the development of our faith, but service to

our community is one of the ways we share

our faith and gifts with the world. God’s work,

our hands, right?

During the season of Lent, we are encour-

aged to add a discipline in order to draw us

closer to God—give to the poor, do something

kind for your neighbor, volunteer in the com-

munity. Consider beginning here in your

church. Join a hospitality team and greet or

usher during worship services, help out at

First Suppers, volunteer in the nursery, or

serve Communion.

“Like good stewards of the manifold grace

of God, serve one another with whatever gift

each of you has received.” 1 Peter 4:10


Lent – here we are again – same

place, different dates. February

10th seems so early for Ash

Wednesday. Didn’t we just get

Christmas decorations put away?

The season of Lent is a time of re-

flection and soul searching, much

like Advent. Why 40 days? Forty

days is symbolic of many things in

the Bible, Moses & Elijah spent

forty days in the wilderness; Noah

had rain for forty days and nights;

the Jews wondered forty years to

the Promised Land; and Jesus fast-

ed forty days in the wilderness pri-

or to the start of his ministry. The

practice of fasting has continued

in the Christian church for centu-

ries and Lent was the time when

some early Christians dressed in

burlap and covered themselves in

ashes humbling themselves and

doing penance.

Martin Luther was very critical of

this practice and chastised his

congregation by telling them:

“What good is fasting when you

keep on fighting and quarreling…

Do you really think this will please

the Lord?” “This is the kind of fast-

Forty Days Kathryn Focke

Director of Evangelical Outreach

ing I want: free those who are

wrongly imprisoned, lighten the bur-

den of those who work for you. Let

the oppressed go free, and remove

the chains that bind people. Share

your food with the hungry and give

shelter to the homeless. Give

clothes to those who need them...”

“Only then will your light shine out

from the darkness, and the dark-

ness around you will be as bright as


As we move forward in this season,

remember that it is not what we

give up, but what we can add in our

lives to help others. There are

many ways to connect with this

church and community to live out

the commands of Jesus to love one



Shoes for the FIT Closet

Food Pantry Volunteers Wrapping Angel Tree gifts

January Reports

Average Weekly Attendance


Income $ 42,038.53

Expenses $ 52,304.02

Budget $ 45,833.33

Income YTD $ 42,038.53

Expenses YTD $ 52,304.02

Budget YTD $ 45,833.33

Lutheran Colleges Highly Ranked

Colleges in the Lutheran tradition

were highly ranked in a national

survey of Christian colleges and

universities, taking 7 of the top 25

spots. The ranking was done by All colleg-

es are affiliated with the Evangeli-

cal Lutheran Church in America

(ELCA) except Valpo, which is Lu-

theran but not affiliated with any

synod. Two other ELCA schools

made the top 50, as did two Lu-

theran Church – Missouri Synod

(LCMS) schools. The top Lutheran

schools are: Valparaiso University

#1, Augsburg College #6, Pacific

Lutheran University #8, Gustavus

Adolphus College #10, Capital Uni-

versity #15, Luther College #16,

California Lutheran University

#22, and Augustana College #25.

March Birthdays (1) Paul Bode, (2) Evelyn Schoeff, Kitty Eads, Bonnie Jones, Marsha Peters, Jeanette Wagner, (3) William Gold, (4) Kay Denton, Philip Hastings, (5)

Tricia Armstrong, Michael Oetken, Jesica Hanson, Phaunel Smith, (7) Lana Copeland, Dan Lazinek, (8) Garrett Gordon, Domenic Huber, (9) Marvin

Hachmeister, Havilah Dame, Jena Williams, Avery Daniels, (10) Kristine Young, Danielle Bales, Andrew Sorenson, Logan Olson, (11) William

Titterton, Shelly Wohler, Joshua Reeves, Paul Wichmann, (12) Matthew Schindler, Belle Howard, (13) Lydia Huber, Becky Marsh, Sarah Cook,

Lynee' English, (14) Ann Schmid, Gail Hughes, (14) Alexa Berghager, (15) Ethan Bryant, (16) Howard Erickson, Shellie Wallace, Trent Dunlap,

Kelley Jones, Melissa Krumm, Grace Williams, (17) John Wear, Justin Kastanek, (18) Kathy Ballou, Laura Riley, Kateland Alvarado. Will Lazinek,

(19) Jackie Kerstetter. Nicholas Wagner. Arthur Thueme, (20) Larry Langemeier, Karen Resser, Saundra Hennigh, Scott Tollefson, Sandra Gehrt,

Jami Maike, Madalyn Morelock, (21) Elaine Gordon, Patricia Seabourn, Kelcy Wilson, Brady Sorenson, (22) Amanda Byerly, (23) Romilda Nuss, Dan

Messelt, Austin English, Athen Martinez, (24) Yeremiah Apel, Lauren Lane, (25) Marcia Quick, (26) Dwight Johnson, Gillian Armstrong, Davy

Russell, Maxwell Barth, (27) Richard Gray, (28) Dick Hayter, Carole Crumbaker, Sandy Siegle, Meagan Milliron, (29) Claudia Gordon, Jana Baker,

Amanda Esping, (30) Sandy Messelt, Alayne Novotny, Reagan Neitzel, Mia Melander, (31) John Gralow, Greg Knittel, Shawn Lane, Trisha Brown

Rev. Jerry Reynolds Pastor

Kyle Olson, AiM Director of Spiritual Growth

Kathryn Focke Director of Evangelical Outreach

Tynisha Moore Director, LOG School

Kelly Peterson Communications Coordinator

Liz Krieger Parish Coordinator

Julie Londeen Bookkeeper

"Rooted in Christ, we are growing in faith to bear fruit in the world."

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March 2016 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 2

5:30pm Supper

6:30pm Worship


6:00pm First Suppers

4 5

5:30pm Worship


10:00am Worship

7 8 9

5:30pm Supper

6:30pm Worship


6:00pm First Suppers

11 12

5:30pm Worship


10:00am Worship

14 15 16

5:30pm Supper

6:30pm Worship


5:30pm Council

6:00pm First Suppers

18 19

5:30pm Worship

20 Palm Sunday

10:00am Worship

21 22 23

6:30pm Seder Meal

24 Maundy Thursday

6:00pm First Suppers

6:30pm Worship

25 Good Friday

12:15pm Worship

6:30pm Tenebrae


5:30pm Worship

27 Easter

8 & 10am Worship

28 29 30 31

6:00pm First Suppers