Geek R&D - Reasons to be Creative 2013 Elevator Pitch

Post on 01-Sep-2014

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A 3 minute talk on how R&D can be achieved through fulfilling your geekiest fantasies. In this, I make a model of myself in carbonite!


hello. my name is Andrew Dobsonand I’d like to talk about fulfilling your geek dreams on the company R&D clock


Sass, Less, Compass, HAML, BEM, Require,

Underscore, Backbone, Ember, Angular, Spine, Dojo, Knockout, Gridly, Foundation, Bootstrap,

createJS, Three, god I miss Actionscript, Gumby,

Markdown, Sinatra, Rails, Node, Clojure, GIT, Qunit, Responsive Design, SVG, @fontface, Air, Starling, Cadet3D (ftw!), WebGL,

Python, ofx, Cinder, Processing, Arduino, NUI,

Kinect, Leap, 123D, Corona, Lua, Blender,

Unity, Hexagon, Makerware, Tinkercad,


That’s no moon…

Organisational HackingExploiting the inefficiencies in a given working day to do something less boring instead

Invoke the power of geekery

Seriously dude, it’s a 2 hour toy advert, get over it and grow up

+ =That’s the dream!

Getting Von Neumann up in this piece

Skills learnt:

Product engineering

Extending models


Controlling blender’s camera (seriously wtf)

Building a better mousetrap

Skills learnt:

Legitimate uses for a dremel

Creative uses for masking tape

The physics of plastic melting points

Moving beyond boolean modelling

Did we just debug advanced electronics?

Skills learnt:

Advanced soldering skills

Ground up understanding of how the machine works

Using a voltmeter for fun and profit

Dealing with american customer support

Using kinect to pull a point cloud

Skills learnt: Building a mesh from point cloud, healing models, Skanect, blueprinting a human turntable.

Photogrammetry Skills learnt: 123D suite, mesh healing, NetFabb studio, what the hell a ‘normal’ is, how to photograph a subject with an even contrast

Finally, after nearly 3 months of pissing about…

Thank you(with grateful acknowledgement of my awesome team who I couldn’t have done it without)
