Glosario Ingles

Post on 14-Jul-2016

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1Bitácora 1 © Difusión Centro de Investigación y Publicaciones de Idiomas S.L. (2012)

Abbreviations used:

f femininem masculinePl plural

Given in parentheses irregularities of the verbs in the present tense: (g), (i), (ie), (ue), (y), (zc).


a caballo on horseback U9T02a causa de because of U4T01a cualquier hora at any hour / anytime U7T01a las + hora at + hour/ time U5Ag8a las afueras on the outskirts U9Ag1a media mañana at midmorning U5T02a menos de less than U9T01a partir de from … on U5T02a pie on foot U9T02a principios de in (the) early… U6T01a veces sometimes U5T01Fabandonan (they) abandon U3T01abril April U9T01abrir to open U5T01abuelo m, abuela f grandfather, grandmother U2T01Dabuelos m, Pl grandparents U4T02aburrido/-a boring U8T01Baceite de oliva m olive oil U2T01aceite m oil U4Ag3acercar to bring (something) closer U6T01aconsejar to advise U7T02acostarse (ue) to go to bed / to lay down U5T02acreditar to accredit U10T01actividad extraescolar f extra-curricular activities U5T02actividad f activity U9T02actor m, actriz f actor, actress U3T02actuación f performance U6T01actual current U6T01actualmente currently, at present U3T02además besides, moreover U4T01adicto/-a m/f addict U10T01adiós good bye U8T01adivinan (they) guess U1T02Dadulto m, adulta f adult U8Ag1aeropuerto m airport U10T02afirmación f statement / affirmation U4T01A

afirmar to state, to assert U11T01agenda f agenda (phone book/

address book) U2T01agosto August U10T02agradable pleasant U6T01Gagua m water U4Ag3aguacate m avocado U11T01al contrario on the contrary U8T02al lado de next to U9Ag1al mediodía at midday / at noon U5T01al sur de south of U9T01albergue m hostel U10T01alcalde/-sa m/f mayor U9T01Ealcázar m fortress / royal palace U9T01alcohol m alcohol U8T02alemán m, alemana f German U2T02Alemania Germany U1T01Calfombra f carpet U2T02Calgodón m cotton U11T01alguno some /any /someone /

somebody / anybody / anyone U1T01C

almorzar (ue) to have lunch / to lunch U5T02alojamiento m accommodation /

lodging / hosting U10T01alojarse to stay at / to take lodge U10T01alpaca f alpaca (nickel silver

or German silver) U11T01alquilar to rent U10T02alrededor de around, about, in the region

of, in the vicinity of… U9Ag1alrededores m, Pl surroundings /

surrounding area U9T02alta velocidad high speed U9T01alternativa f alternative U7T01altitud f altitude U11T01alumno m, alumna f pupil, studentfriend U4T01amigo m, amiga f friend U1T01Camor m love U8Pañadir to add U4T02ancho/-a wide U12T02anchoa f anchovie U7T01anciano m, anciana f elderly man / woman

/ old man / woman U5T02andaluz/a Andalusian U6T01andar to walk U6T02Andes m, Pl the Andes U9T02año de nacimiento m year of birth U3T01Aaño m year U2T02años 60 y 70 m, Pl the 1960s and the 1970s U4T01anotar to note down U1T01Eanterior previous U1T02Eantes de before U5T01


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bolsa f bag U11T02bombón m bonbon (chocolate candy) U0T01bonito/-a cute, pretty, beautiful U6T01bosque lluvioso m rainforest U10T02bota f boot U11T02Ebotas de vaquero f, Pl cowboy boots U2T02Dbote de aceitunas m can of olives U2T01botella f bottle U2T01Brasil Brazil U1T01Cbrasileño/-a Brazilian U4T01Ebritánico m, británica f British U2T02buenos días good morning U0T01bungalow m bungalow U10T02


caballo horse U9T02cada each / every U2T02Acada año each / every year U2T02Acada uno each one / every one U0T01Dcafé m coffee U0T01cafetera f coffee maker U2T02Dcaimán m aligator U10T02caja f box U2T01cajera f checkout girl U2T01Bcalabacín m courgette / zuchinni U8Ag10calamar m squid U7T01calefacción f heating U12T01calendario m calendar U2T01calidad f quality U11T02caliente hot U6T01Califato m Caliphate U9T01calorías f, Pl calories U8T01caluroso/-a hot, warm, sweltering U9T01calzado m footwear U11T02cama f bed U5Ag14camisa f shirt U2T01camiseta del Barça f a Barça T-shirt U2T01caña de cerveza f a glass of beer U5T02canadiense Canadian U4Ag6canal m channel U9T02cansado/-a tired U8T01cansancio m fatigue / tiredness U8T02cantante m/f singer U3T02cantidad f quantity U4Ag4canto m chant U12T02capacidad f capacity, ability U12T01capital f capital U1T02Dcaracterística f feature / characteristic U12T01Caribe m the Caribbean U10T02cariño m affection U8T01carne f meat U7T02carné m (identity) card U10T01carne roja f red meat U7T02Ecarnicero m butcher U4T02caro/-a expensive U10T01Dcarretera f road U9T01casa f house U1T01Ccasa rural f rural house U10T02Dcasado/-a married U4T02casco histórico m old quarter (of a city) U9T01casi almost U7T01catedral f cathedral U9T01causa f cause U8T02cava m cava (similar to champagne) U2T01cena f dinner U7Ag1cenar to have dinner / to dine

/ to have supper U5T02

antiguo/-a old U6T01Capartamento m apartment U1Ag3aperitivo m snack U7Ag1apóstol m apostle U10T01aprender to learn U1T01aproximadamente approximately U10T02aquí here U1Ag1arena f sand U10T02arepa f arepa (a corn pancake

that is popular in Colombia and other southamerican countries) U7T02

argentino/-a Argentinian U4T01Barmonía f harmony U11T01arquitecto m architect U3Ag7arroba f at (@) U6Ag10arroz m rice U4Ag3arte m art U6T01artesano/-a artisan (noun) / home-

made (adjective) U11Ag3artista m/f artist U2T02Easociar to associate U7T02Daspirina f aspirin U5Ag13atravesar (ie) to cross / go through U9T01aula m classroom U4T01CAustria Austria U1T01Caustriaco/-a Austrian U4Ag6autobús m bus U10T01Fautocaravana f camper van / caravan

/ RV / motorhome U10T02Dautomedicación f self medication U8T02autor m, autora f author U2Ag6aventura f adventure U10T01aves f, Pl birds, fowl U9T02avestruz m ostrich U11T01avión m airplane U10T02ayuntamiento m city council / city hall U9Ag1azúcar m sugar U4Ag3


bahía f bay U9T02bajo en (calorías) low in calories (food) / low-cal U8T01Balón de oro m (Golden Ball) In football

/ soccer: Best Player of the Year Award U3T02

bañarse to have a bath U10T02banco m bank U5T02banda ancha f broadband U6T02baño m bath U9T01barato/-a cheap U6T01Gbarca f boat U10T02barco m boat / ship U9T02barrio m neighbourhood U6T01bebé m/f baby U8Ag1beber to drink U7T01Dbebida f drink U2T01Cbelga Belgian U4Ag6belleza f beauty U9T02berenjena f aubergine / eggplant U7T01bien well U5Ag14bien comunicado/-a well connected U9T01bienestar m well-being U11T01biodiversidad f biodiversity U10T02biológico/-a organic (food) U5T01bocadillo m sandwich U5T02bodega f cellar / basement / storeroom U9T01bolígrafo m pen U2T01

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comprobar (ue) to check, to verify U9T01Bcompuesto/-a made of / compound (noun) U4T02comunicación f communication U11T02comunicarse en to communicate in U4Ag2con with U1T01C¿con mayúscula o con minúscula?

low-case or upper-case / capital letters? U1Ag2

concentrarse to concentrate U5T01concierto m concert U6T02conexión a internet f Internet connection U12T01conferencia f conference U6T01conjunto arqueológico f archaeological ensemble U9T01conocer (zc) to meet U1T01Aconocerse (zc) to get to know each other U10T01conocido m, conocida f acquaintance U4T02conocido/-a known U2T02conquistar to conquer U9T02conseguir (i) to achieve / to succeed U10T01consejo m advice U10T01conservado/-a preserved U12T02conservarse to be preserved (objects)

/ to keep oneself fit / looking young (people) U9T01

construir (y) to build U9T02consumición mínima f cover charge U6T01contar to count U1T02Econtinente m continent U1T01convivir to live together U4T01copa de vino f a glass of wine U5T02copa f glass, goblet U6T01cordero m lamb U7T02Dcordillera f mountain range U9T02correo electrónico m e-mail U4T02Ecorrer to run U5T01cosa f thing U2T01Ccosmopolita cosmopolitan U6T01costar (ue) to cost U12T01costarricense Costa Rican U4Ag6costumbre f habit / custom U5T01Bcrear to create U11T01crear (estrés) to cause stress U8T02creativo/-a creative U7T01credencial f credential U10T01creer to believe U6T01Fcriar to raise, to bring up U11T01Acroata Croatian U4Ag6cruasán m croissant U5T02crucero m cruise (liner) U10T02Dcruz f cross U9T01cruzar to cross / to go across U10T02cuadro m painting U9T01Ecuál which one U1T02Dcualquiera any U8T014x4 m 4x4 U10T02cubano m, cubana f Cuban U1T01Ccuenta f bill U7Ag6cultivar to cultivate U11T01Acultura f culture U3T01cultural cultural U1T02currículum m CV, résumé U1T01Ccurso m course U6T02


dar to give U4Ag12danza f dance U6T01datos m, Pl data U9T02datos personales m, Pl personal data U3T01C

centro comercial m shopping centre / shopping mall U11T01

centro m centre U4T01cerca near U5T01cerdo m pig U7T02Dcereales m, Pl cereals U7T02Ecerrar (ie) to close U5T01cerveza f beer U2T02Echica f girl U8T01chileno m, chilena f Chilean (from Chile) U3T02chimenea f chimney U12T01chino/-a Chinese U4T01Bchorizo m (cured pork)sausage U2T01científicamente scientifically U5T01cientos de hundredths of U7T01cifra f figure /number U2T02Acinco five U1Ag1cine documental m documentary film(s) U6T01cine m cinema / films U3T02circuito de karts m karts circuit (race track) U6T01ciudad f city U6T01ciudadano m, ciudadana f citizen U4T01claro of course U8T01claro/-a clear U11Ag1clase f class U1T01Eclásico/-a classic U0T01claustro m cloister U12T02cliente m/f client / customer U11T02clima m weather U9T01coche m car U10T01Fcocina f kitchen, cuisine U7T01cocina mediterránea f Mediterranean cuisine U6T01cocinado/-a cooked U7T01cocinero m, cocinera f cook U3T02cocodrilo m crocodile U10T02colección f collection U6T01colectivo/-a collective U5T01Acolegio m school U5T01colgar (ue) (internet) to post / upload (something

on the Internet) U10T02colocar to place U9T01colombiano m, colombiana f Colombian U1T01Ccolor m colour U11T01comedor m dining room U12T01comer to eat U5T01comercial m/f sales person U5T01comerciante m/f merchant U5T01comercio m commerce,trade U5T02comida f food U2T01Ccomida f, almuerzo m lunch U7Ag1comida principal f main meal U5T02comida rápida f fast food U7T01¿cómo se dice? how do you say…? U1Ag2¿cómo se escribe? how do you spell…? U1Ag2¿cómo se pronuncia? how do you pronounce…? U1Ag2¿cómo? how…? / I beg your pardon? U0T01como like, as U1T01Ecomo actor as an actor U3T01cómodo/-a comfortable U11T02compañero m, compañera f

partner / mate [in class: classmate, in a flat: flatmate, etc.]. U0T01C

compartir to share U1T01Ccompetición f competition U6T02complejo de esquí f ski resort U6T01completar to complete U4T01Acompleto/-a fully booked U12T01complicado/-a complicated U8T01Bcomprar to buy U2T01C

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de día during the day / in the daytime U0T01de gran éxito very successful U3T01de la época romana from the Roman period U9T01de media on average U4Ag4de noche at night U0T01de todos modos anyway, in any case U5T02deberes m, Pl homework U5T02decenas f, Pl dozens U4Ag5decidir to decide U4T01decir to say U1T02Bdeclarar to declare U10T01decoración f decoration U2T02Edecorado/-a decorated U12T01decorar to decorate U9T01dedicar to dedicate U6T02definitivamente definitely U4T01delante de in front of U12T02deletrear to spell U4T01Ddemás m, Pl the rest / the other(s) U1T02Ddemasiado too (much) U7Ag1demostrado proved U5T01deporte m sport U5T02deprisa quickly / fast U8T01desarrollo m development U11T01desayunar to have breakfast U5T02desayuno m breakfast U7Ag1descansar to rest U5T01descendiente m descendant, offspring U4T01desconectar to disconnect U12T01desconocido m, desconocida f

stranger, unknown stranger, unknown U4T02

descubrir to discover U6T01desde since, from U9T01desde allí from there U10T02desde… hasta… from… to / until U7T01desierto m desert U1T02Ddespedirse (i) to say goodbye U10T02desplazamiento m travelling U10Ag1después later U5T01después de after U2T02destino m destination U10T02Edestino turístico m tourist destination U11T02determinante determining, decisive U8T02día festivo m general holiday /bank

holiday / feast day U8Ag9día m day U0T01¿de día o de noche? by day or by night? / during

the day or at night? U0T01diario de viajes m travel diary U10T02diario m diary U7T02días laborables m, Pl working days U5T01dibujar to draw U0T01Bdiccionario m dictionary U1T01Ddiciembre December U9T01diferencia horaria f time difference U10T02diferente different U4T01diminuto/-a tiny U10T02dinero m money U8Pdirector m, directora f director U3T02dirigirse a alguien to address somebody U4Ag10discoteca f disco / nightclub U5T02diseñador de ropa m fashion designer U3T02Bdiseño gráfico m graphic design U11T02diseño m design U11T02disfrutar to enjoy U12T01disminuir (y) (y) to decrease U5T01diverso/-a diverse U9T02divertido/-a amusing, fun U6T01divorciado/-a divorced U4Ag12documento oficial m official document U4T02

domingo m Sunday U6T01doña Ms. (neutral regarding

marital status) U4T02dormir (ue) to sleep U5T01dos veces por twice a… U8Ag9ducha f shower U5Ag13dulce sweet U0T01dulces m, Pl candy U7T02Dduración f duration U10T02Edurante during U4T01durar to last U5T02duro hard U10T01


ecológico/-a ecological U11T01económico/-a financial /economic

(also:economical, inexpensive) U4T01ecuatoriano m, ecuatoriana f Ecuadorian U4T01edad f age U4T02edificio m building U6T01educar to educate U4T01EE.UU. m, Pl The U.S.A. / The U.S. U1T01Egipto Egypt U2T02Cejercicio físico m physical exercise U8T02él/ella/usted he / she / you (formal) U1Ag3elaborar to elaborate U11T01Aelectrodoméstico m electricalhousehold appliance U12T01elegir to choose U1T02Cellos/ellas/ustedes they/you formal (Pl) U1Ag3embutido m sausages / cold meats

/ cured meats U7T01emigrado/-a émigré(e) U4T01emigrante m/f emigrant U4T01empanada f patty U7T02empezar a (ie) to start, to begin U5T02Cempleado m, empleada f employee U5T01empresa f company U4T01empresario m businessman / entrepreneur U8Ag1en in / by / at U0T01Ben bicicleta by bike U9T02en cualquier parte anywhere U7T01en directo live U6T01en el extranjero abroad U2T02en general in general U5T01en la actualidad at present / nowadays

/ currently U4T01en los últimos años in the past few years U5T02en pareja o en grupo couples or groups U0T01Aen primer lugar in the first place U11T02en varias ocasiones several times U3T02encantado/-a delighted U8T01encantador charming U12T01encanto m charm U10T01encontrar (ue) to find U7T01encontrarse (ue) to meet, to come across U9T02encuesta f poll / survey U6T02enfermero m, enfermera f nurse U4Ag12enfrente opposite, in front of U10T02enorme huge U9T02enseguida right away U5Ag14enseñar to teach / to show U0T01Centender he/she understands U1T01Aentorno m surroundings, environment U6Ag9entrada f entrance (also: ticket) U6T01entre between U3T01entre semana during the week U8Ag9

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fabricación f manufacturing U11T02fácil easy U4Ag1factor m factor U8T02familia f family U3T01familiar familiar U4T02familiar m/f relative U2T01Efamoso/-a famous U3T01Efantástico/-a fantastic U12T01fatay m fatay (An traditional pie

from Arab countries) U7T02favorito/-a favourite U3T02Bfeo/-a ugly U9Ag3festival de cine m film festival U6T01Aficha f chip, token U1T02Cfiesta f party U9T01filosofía f philosophy U11T02fin de semana m weekend U5T01Ffin m end U9T02finalista m/f finalist U3T02finanzas f, Pl finance U11T01físicamente physically U10T01flor f flower U0T01¿flores o bombones? Flowers or bonbons? U0T01forfait m flat rate / fixed price U6T01forma f shape U4T02formado por made up of U11T01formal formal U4T02fortaleza f fortress U9T01fotografía f photograph / photography U1T02Bfragmento m fragment U7T02Bfrancés m, francesa f French U2T02francés/a French U4Ag6Francia France U1T01Cfrecuente frequent U4T02fresco/-a fresh U9Ag6frijoles m, Pl red beans U10T02frío/-a cold U6T01fruta f fruit U11T01frutos secos m, Pl nuts U7T02Efuera de casa away from home U7T01fuerza f strength U12T02funcionar to function, to work U12T01funcionario m, funcionaria f civil servant U5T01futbolista m football player U3T02


galería de arte f art gallery U9T02galleta f biscuit U4Ag3gastar to spend U2T02gasto m expense U2T02gastronomía f gastronomy U7T02gato m cat U0T01género m genre U6T01genial great, brilliant U12T01gigante giant U10T02gigante m giant U12T02Bgimnasio m gym U5T01glaciar m glacier U12T02gótico/-a gothic U9T02gramo m gram U8T01gran almacén m department store U5T02granja f farm U11Ag3grasa animal f animal fat U7T02Egratuito/-a free U10T01

entregar to deliver U10T01envase m container U4Ag3enviar to send U4T01época colonial f colonial period U9T02equilibrado/-a balanced U6T02Bequilibrar to balance U8T02equipaje m baggage U10T01Dequipamiento m equipment U12T01escandinavo m, escandinava f Scandinavian U2T02escénico/-a scenic U6T01escribir to write U0T01Bescribir en to write in/on U4Ag2escritor m, escritora f writer U3T02escuchar to listen to U1T01Aescuela primaria f elementary school U5T02ESO (Enseñanza Secundaria Obligatoria) f

compulsory secondary education for 12 to 16 year-olds U5T01

esos países those countries U4T01espacio m space U6T01espaguetis m, Pl spaghetti U7T02español/a Spanish / Spaniard U0T01especialista m specialist U8T02especialmente especially U2T02esquí m ski U11Ag4estación de tren f train station U12T01estación f station (also: season) U9T02estadística f statistics U2T02Aestar en buena forma to be fit / in shape U10T01estar presente to be present U11T01estar situado/-a to be located U9T01Este m East U9T01estereotipo m stereotype U7T02Destilo m style U6T01esto this U1T02Aestar en paro to be unemployed U3Ag7estrella f star U3T02estrés m stress U5T01estresarse to get stressed (out) U8T02estudiado/-a studied U1T01estudiante de español m/f student of Spanish U1T01estudiante m/f student U1T01Cestudiar to study U1T01Cestudios m, Pl studies U1Ag5europeo/-a European U4T01evento cultural m cultural event U9T01evitar to avoid U8T02ex m/f ex U3Ag9excelencia f excellence U11T01excelente excellent U3T02excepcional exceptional U12Ag2excepto except U5T02excitante m exciting U8T02excursión f excursion U9T02exiliado/-a exiled U3T01existir to exist U11T02exmarido m ex-husband U3Ag2experiencia f experience U10T02exportar to export U11T01Aexposición f exhibition U6T01expresar to express U8T02extenderse (ie) to spread U5T02extranjero m foreigner U2T02extranjero m, extranjera f foreigner U1T02Eextraño/-a strange, stranger U1Ag1extraordinario/-a extraordinary U9T02

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griego m, griega f Greek U7T02Dgrupo empresarial m business group / corporation U11T01grupo m group U0T01Aguante m glove U11PGuerra Civil f Civil War U4T01guerra f war U4T01guía de viaje f travel guide U7T02guía turístico m tour guide U10T02guión script U6Ag10guionista m/f scriptwriter U3T02guitarra f guitar U2T02Dgustar to like U6T01Fgustos m, Pl preferences / tastes U6T02A


habitación f room / bedroom U4T02Dhabitante m inhabitant U7T02hábito m habit U5T01Ahabitualmente usually / habitually U8T02hablar to speak, to talk U1T02Chablante m speaker U1T01hace calor it is hot U5T01hacer (g) to do / to make U5T01hacer bricolaje do-it-yourself (DIY) U6T02hacer deporte to practice / do sports U5T01hacer fotos to take photographs U10T02hacer jogging to go jogging U6Ag9hamburguesa f hamburger U7T01harina f flour U4Ag3hasta ahora so far /up until now U8T01helado/-a ice-cream (also: frozen) U12T02Bhermano m, hermana f brother, sister U3Ag2hermanos m, Pl siblings U3T02herrero m blacksmith U4T02hijos m, Pl sons and daughters U3Philo m thread U11T01hipótesis hypothesis U9T01Bhispano/-a Hispanic U1T02Bhispanomusulmán Hispanic Muslim U9T01historia f history U3T01hoja f leaf, sheet U0T01Bhola hello U0T01DHolanda Holland U1T01Cholandés m, holandesa f Dutch U2T02hondureño/-a Hondurean U4Ag6hora f hour U9T01¿a qué hora? at what time? U5Ag8horario intensivo m intensive schedule U5T01horario m schedule U5T02horario partido m split shift (for work) U5T02hormigas f ants U10T02hospital m hospital U3Ag7hotel m hotel U2T02huésped m/f guest U4T02Dhuevo m egg U7T02Ehuir to flee / escape U4T01


ideal ideal U6T01identidad f identity U3T01identificar to identify U1T02Aidioma m language U4Ag2iglesia f church U9T01Eimagen f image U1T02B

importancia f importance U9T02importante important U1T01imposibilidad impossibility U10Ag3imprescindible essential U3T02impresionante impressive U10T02inauguración f inauguration U8T01incluido/-a included U6T01incluso even U4T02increíble incredible U12Ag1influyente influential U3T02información f information U1T01Binformal informal U11T02informático m, informática f IT technician U4Ag12infusión f infusion (also: herbal tea) U7T02inglés m, inglesa m English U4T01ingrediente m ingredient U7T01injusto unjust U8T02inmediatamente immediately U5T02inmigrante m/f immigrant U4T01innovación f innovation U11T01innovador/a innovative U11T02inolvidable unforgettable U10T01insomnio m insomnia U8T02instalarse to establish, to settle U4T01instituto (de enseñanza secundaria) m High School U4T01intentar to try, to attempt U1T02Einteresar to interest, to be of interest U6T01Finternacional international U1Ag1internet m Internet U1T01inventar to invent U0T01Binversión f inversion U11T01invierno m winter U9T01invitar to invite U6T02ir to go U1T01Cir de compras to go shopping U2T01ir en bici to cycle, to go by bike U6T02iraní Iranian U4Ag6isla f island U9T02Italia Italy U1T01CIVA (impuesto sobre el valor añadido) VAT (Value Added Tax) U12T01


jamón m ham U2T01japonés m, japonesa f Japanese U7T02Djardín m garden U6T01jarra de cerveza f beer jug U2T02Ejarra f pitcher, jug U2T02Ejefe m, jefa f boss U8T01jerez m sherry U2T01Fjoven young U5T02joven m/f young man / woman U8Ag1jubilado m, jubilada f retired U4T01jueves m Thursday U6T01jugar (ue) to play U5T01julio July U9T01


katana f katana U2T02Dkebab m kebab U7T01kilo kilo U1Ag1kilómetro cuadrado m square kilometre U10T02

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marroquí m/f Moroccan man / woman U4T01Marruecos Morocco U1T01Cmarzo March U9T01más de more than / of / over + number U1T01más que more than U4T01más tarde later U11T02masía f farm, country house U12T01material m material U11Ag5matrioska f matrioshka U2T02Dmayo May U9T01mayor grown-up / adult U4T01mayoría f majority / most… U2T02Amédico m, médica f doctor U4Ag12medio de transporte m means of transport U10Ag5medio/-a half U2T02medir (i) to measure U10T02meditación f meditation U8T02meditar to meditate U10T01mejillón m mussel U7T01mejor m/f better U3T02mejorar to improve U5T01mensaje m message U11T02merendar to have an afternoon snack U7Ag1merienda f afternoon snack U7Ag1método m method U11T02metro cuadrado m square metre U9T02metro m metre U5Ag13metrópoli f metropolis U9T02mexicano m, mexicana f Mexican U7T02Dmezcla f mixture / mix U3T01mezquita f mosque U9T01mi my U1T01Cmiembro m member U3T01Amina f mine (as in "coal mine") U9T02mínimo m minimum U10T01mirar to look at U1T02Emisión f mission U11T01mismo/-a same U4T02místico/-a mystic U12T02Bmoda f fashion U6T01momumento m monument U6T01Bmonasterio, claustro f monastery, cloister U12T02monje m monk U12T02mono m monkey U10T02montadito m small piece of bread with

a variety of toppings (typical Spanish tapa) U7T01

montaña f mountain U0T01monumento m monument U2T02Emorir (ue) to die U12Ag4mosquito m mosquito U10T02motivo m reason, motive U1T01Cmoto f motorbike U10T01Fmucho/-a a lot U4T01mueble m piece of furniture U6T01muestra f sample U9T01multicultural multicultural U4T01multiétnico/-a multi-ethnic U4T01multinacional multinational U4T01mundo m world U1T01municipio m municipality / town U12T01muralla f city wall U9T01museo m museum U2T01música f music U0T01


lago m lake U12T02laguna f lagoon U9T02lana f wool U11T01lápiz m pencil U1T01Dlargo/-a long U9Ag3lata f can U2T01Latinoamérica Latin America U1T01Clavarse to have a wash U8Ag3leche f milk U2Ag5lectura f reading U6T02leer to read U1T01Aleer en to read in U4Ag2legumbres f, Pl legumes / pulses U7T02Elejos de far from U9Ag1lengua f tongue, language U1T01lengua oficial f official language U1T01leyenda f legend U5T01ligero/-a light U5T02limpio/-a clean U12Ag1lino m linen U11T02Flista f list U0T01Bliteratura f literature U1T01Cllamar to call U4T02llegar to arrive U5T02lleno/-a de full of U9T02lleno/-a full U6T01llevar to take, to carry U11Ag5¿lleva acento? is it stressed? (for words

with an accent) U1Ag2lluvia f rain U10T01Flluvioso/-a rainy U9Ag6lo peor the worst U12T01localizar to localize U4T01Blomo m loin U7T01luego later U5T01lugar de nacimiento m place of birth U3T01Alugar de residencia m place of residence /

home address U3T01Alugar m place, site U1T02D


macho m male U3T02madera f wood U10T02madre f mother U2T01Dmadrugada f early morning U8Ag8maestra de preescolar f preschool teacher /

kindergarten teacher U5T01maíz m corn U7T02Dmal wrong / bad U5Ag14mal humor bad mood / ill humour U8T02maleta f suitcase U12Pmañana tomorrow U10T02mandarina f tangerine U11T01manera f way, manner, fashion U10T02mantener (g, ie) to maintain, to keep U11T01Cmapa m map U1T02máquina f machine U11Ag3mar m sea U0T01¿mar o montaña? sea or mountain? U0T01marca mark U2T01Bmarca f brand U2T02marcar to mark U1T01Amarido husband U1T01Cmariscos m, Pl seafood U7T01marroquí Moroccan U4Ag6

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nacer en to be born in U3T01Bnacido en born in U3T01Enacionalidad f nationality U4T01nada nothing U2T01Cnadar to swim U6T01Gnavegar to sail U5Ag11necesitar to need U5T01negocio m business U1T01nevado/-a snow-covered, snow-capped U12T02ni… ni… neither… nor U0T01Anieto m, nieta f grandson, granddaughter U4T01nieve f snow U6T01ningún (ninguno/a) any, no + noun U6T01Gniño m, niña f boy, girl U5T02nivel del mar m sea level U9T02no no U1T02Anoche f night U0T01nocturno/-a nocturnal U10T02nombre compuesto m compound noun U4T01Bnombre de pila m first name U4T02nombre m name U0T01Bnombre propio m proper noun U4T02ñoquis m, Pl gnocchi U7T02normal normal U5T02Norte north U4T01Norteamérica North America U9T02norteamericano m, norteamericana f North American U7T02Dnoruego/-a Norwegian U4Ag6novela f novel U2T01noviembre November U9T01novio m, novia f boyfriend, girlfriend (in

weddings: groom and bride) U1T01Cnueve nine U1T01Cnuevo/-a new U1T01Bnúmeros m, Pl numbers U4Ag5numeroso/-a numerous U2T02nunca never U5T01F


o or U0T01o así or like this(also:more or less) U5T01objetivo m objective, target U11T01objeto m object U2T02Eobra f play U3T01observar to observe U9T02obtener to obtain U4T01ocio m leisure U5T02octubre October U9T01odiar to hate U10T01EOeste m West U9T01oferta f offer U6T01oficialmente officially U4T02oficina f office U4T02ofrecer (zc) to offer U9T01ola f wave U10T02olor m smell U6Ag2oportunidad f opportunity U4T01orden m order U1T01Corganismo público m public agency / public body

/ government institution U5T02organizarse to organize U8T02origen m origin U2T02Eoscuro/-a dark U11Ag1

otro/-a another U1T02Doveja f sheep U12T02


Pacífico m the Pacific U10T02padre m father U2T01Dpadres m, Pl parents U3T01Bpaellera f paella pan U2T01país de llegada m destination country U4T01país m country U1T01paisaje m landscape U10T01palabra f word U1Ppalacio m palace U9T01pan m bread U7T01pantalla f screen U6T02pantalón corto m shorts U11T02Fpantalón de vestir m slacks U11T02Fpaquete m package U2T01para for U1T01parar to stop U10T02parecer to look like / to appear / to seem U9T01Fpared f wall U11T02pareja f couple U0T01Aparque m park U9T01Eparticipación f participation U6T02partido político m political party U9T01Epasaporte m passport U4T01Epasar to go by / to walk past U10Ag1pasar un tiempo spend some time U9T02Apasarlo bien to have a good time U6T02pase m pass/ ticket U6T01paseo m stroll U6T01pasta f pasta U7T02patata f potato U7T02Dpatatas fritas f, Pl chips / French fries U7T01patio m playground U5T01Patrimonio de la Humanidad World heritage (site) U9T01pausa f pause U5T01paz f peace U12T02pecarí m peccary U11T01película f film U3T01peluquería f hairdresser U5T02Bpensión f pension / guest house U10T01pequeño/-a small / little U5T01perder to lose U4T02peregrino/-a m/f pilgrim U10T01perfecto perfect U8T01periódico m newspaper U5T01periodista m/f journalist U3T02permanente permanent U11T01pero but U4Ag9perro m dog U0T01persona f person U1Ppersona mayor f adult / elderly U8Ag1personaje m character U1T02Dpersonalidad f personality U0T01pesar to weigh U10T02pesca f fishing U9T02pescado m fish U7T01pez/los peces m fish / fishes U0T01Apiano m piano U6Ag9picar algo to have a snack U7T01piel de animal f leather U11T01pimiento m pepper U7T01pincho m small portion of food / spike U7T01

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profesión f profession U3T01Aprofesional m/f professional U4T01profesor m, profesora f teacher /professor U0T01programa estrella m flagship program U5T02programar to program U8T02prohibición prohibition U10Ag3pronto soon, early U10T02propietario m, propietaria f owner /proprietor U12T01propio/-a own U4T01Aprotagonista m/f protagonist / main character U3T01protegido/-a protégé, protected U10T02protocolario/-a established or required

by protocolformal U4T02provocar sueño to make (someone)

sleepy or drowsy U5T01psicoanalista m/f psychoanalyst U3T01publicidad f advertising / publicity U11T02pueblo m village / town U9Ag1puente m bridge U9T01pues well, then, as U2T01Cpulpo m octopus U7T01


querer to want U4T01queso m cheese U6Ag2¿qué compran? what are they buying? U2T01B¿qué significa? what does it mean? U1T01A¿qué tal? how is it going? U0T01D¿quién es? who is he/she? U4Ag10¿quién? who? U1T01Equién es quién who is who U3T01A


rana f frog U10T02ratón m mouse U1T01Dravioles m, Pl ravioli U7T02razón f reason U1T01realidad reality U5T01realizar to do / carry out / make U9T02receta f recipe U7T01recipiente m recipient U4Ag3recoger to pick up U8T01recomendable recommendable U10T01reconocer to acknowledge, to

admit, to recognize U10T01recordar to remember U1T02Erecuerdo imprescindible m an essential memory U2T01recuerdo m memory U2T01Ared social f social network U4T02Eredistribuir to redistribute U0T01Dreferirse (ie) to refer to U11Ag2refugiado/-a refugee U4T01refundar to refund U9T02regalo m present, gift U2T02región f region U9T02región mediterránea f Mediterranean region U4T01reina f queen U7T02Reino Unido United Kingdom U1T01Crelación comercial f trading / trade / commercial

relationship U11T01Crelacionar to relate U7T02Brelajación f relaxation U8T02relajarse to relax U6T02

pintor/a m painter U6T01pintura f paint U6T01piscina f swimming pool U6T01Gpista f floor U6T01pizza f pizza U7T01placer m pleasure U7T02planeta m planet U9T02planta f plant U12T02planta f floor U4T02Dplata f silver U9T02plátano m banana U11Ag1plato m plate / dish U6T01playa f beach U10T01Fplaza f public square U9T01plural m plural U1Ag3población f population U4T01población mundial f world population U1T01poder power U1T01Dpolaco/-a Polish U1Ag3pollo m chicken U7T02Dponcho m typical in South American

woolen cloak U2T02Dponer (g) to put U10T02poner huevos to lay eggs U10T02ponerse (g) to put oneself in a certain

situation/ posture U11T02Gpop m pop (music) U0T01por ejemplo for example U4T01por razones políticas for political reasons U3T01¿por qué? why? U1Ag5por todas partes everywhere U10T02porcentaje m percentage U4T01poroto m, alubia f bean U7T02porque because U1T01Cportugués/a portuguese U4Ag6posibilidad possibility U10Ag3postal f postcard U2T01póster m poster U2T01posteriormente afterwards / subsequently U9T02postre m dessert U5Ag13potencia mundial f world power (a state or

nation having international authority or influence) U2T02

practicar deporte to do sports U8T02precio m price U2T01Bprecioso/-a precious / beautiful U6T01preferencia f preference U0T01Apreferir prefere U0T01Apreguntar to ask U1T01Dpremio m award / prize U3T02DPremio Nobel de Literatura m the Nobel prize of literature U3T02prenda de vestir f garment U11T01prensa f press U6T02preparar to prepare U1T02Cprepararse to get ready / prepared U10T01presentar to present U8T01primer apellido m first surname U3T01Aprimer plato m main course U5Ag13primera persona f first person U1Ag3primero first U6T01Fprimero/-a first U0T01principal main / principal U6T02principalmente mainly / chiefly U4T01prisa f hurry U8T02probablemente probably U3T02probar (ue) to taste / to test / to try U10T02procesión f procession U9T01producir (zc) to produce U11Ag3producto m product U2T02E

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relativamente relatively U12T02religioso/-a religious U10T01reloj m watch / clock U6Ag2repetitivo/-a repetitive U8T02reservar to reserve U6T01Dresidente extranjero/-a m/f foreign resident U4T01restaurante m restaurant U2T02reunión f meeting /reunion U8T01reunirse to meet / to gather U3T01revista f magazine U3T02reyes m, Pl the king and the queen (kings) U9T01rico/-a rich / wealthy /

delicious (for food) U9T02rincón m corner U12T02río m river U9T01riqueza f wealth U9T02riquísimo/-a very wealthy, opulent,

very tasty (for food) U9T02ritual m ritual U7T02roca f rock U12T02rodeado/-a surrounded (by) U10T01rodear to surround U11T01rojo/-a red U10T02romper to break U12Ag4ropa blanca f white clothes U12T01ropa f clothes U2T01Crumano m, rumana f Romanian U4T01rural rural U12T01


sábado m Saturday U6T01saber (sé) to know U6T01Dsabor m flavour U6Ag2sal f salt U4Ag3sala f hall U12T01salado salty U0T01salchicha f sausage U7T01salir (g) to leave / to exit / to

come / go out U5T01salud f health U5T01saludar to say hello / to greet U0T01Dsaludo m greeting U0T01Bsalvaje wild U12T02sandalia f sandal U11T02Fsangre f blood U5T01sano/-a healthy U7T02Esastre m tailor U4T02seco/-a dry U9T01sector m sector U11T01seguido consecutive / followed

/ continued U10T01seguidor m, seguidora f follower U6T01seguir con (i) to go on with / to continue with U10T02según according to, to depend on U3T02segunda persona f second person U1Ag3segundo apellido m second surname U3T01Asegundo/-a second U1T01selva f jungle U10T02Semana Santa f Easter U9T01senegalés m, senegalesa f Senegalese U4T01Bseñor/a Mr., Ms. (or Mrs. for

married women) U4T02sensación f feeling, sensation U12T02sentarse (ie) to sit down U12T02sentido del humor m sense of humour U11T02sentimiento m feeling U8T02

sentir (ie) to feel U12T02ser to be U1Ag3serie de televisión f TV series U3T01servicio m service (also: toilet, restroom) U11T01sesión f session U5T02siempre always U5T01Bsiesta nap U5T01siete de cada diez seven out of ten U4T01siglo XX m the20th century U4T01significado m meaning U1T01significar to mean U1T01Asilencio m silence U12T02simplemente simply U4T02sin without U1T02Dsin duda undoubtedly / without a doubt U8T02sin embargo however / nevertheless, etc. U4T01sinagoga f synagogue U9T01singular m singular U1Ag3síntoma m symptom U8T02sistema digestivo m digestive system U5T01sitio m place U9T02Csituación f situation /location U4T02situación geográfica f geographical location U9T02situado/-a located U9T02situarse to be located at U9Ag7sobre las 11 h about / around 11 a.m. U5T02sobre todo above all U11Ag5sofá m sofa U5T01sol m sun U2Ag5soledad f solitude U12T02solo/-a alone U10T01soltero/a single U4Ag12soñar con (ue) to dream about

(something / someone) U5T02sopa f soup U7Ag7soy I am U0T01suave smooth U9T01sueco/-a Swedish U4Ag6suficiente enough U5T02sugerencia f suggestion U6T01Gsugerir (ie) to suggest U10Ag3Suiza Switzerland U1T01Csuperficie f surface U10T02supermercado m supermarket U5T01supuestamente supposedly U10T01sushi m sushi U7T01suyo/-a his, hers, theirs U4T02


tabaco m tobacco U8T02taberna f tavern U6T01tacón m (high)heel U11T02Ftamaño m size U9T02también too, also, as well U1T01Dtanto… como… as much… as… U4T02tapa f tapa (also: lid) U5T02tapeo m to have tapas U6T01tarde late U5T01tarde f afternoon U5T02tarta f pie / cake U7Ag7taxista m taxi driver U3Ag7taza f cup / mug U2T01té m tea U0T01teatro m theatre U3T01techo m ceiling U9T02tela f fabric U11T01tela mosquitera f mosquito net U10T02

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útil useful / handy U10T01utilizar to utilize / to use U4T02


vaca f cow U11Ag3vacaciones f, Pl holidays / vacation U4T02Evacío/-a empty U5T02vacuna f vaccine U10Ag5vale voucher (also: OK) U8T01¿cuánto vale? how much is it? U2T01Bvalenciano/a Valencian (from the Spanish

region of Valencia) U6T01valer (g) to cost U6T01valle m valley U9T02vaqueros m, Pl jeans U11T02Fvariadísimo very varied U10T01vaso m glass U4Ag3vecino/-a m/f neighbour U4Ag11vegetariano m, vegetariana f vegetarian U7T02Dvelero m vessel, sailing ship U10T02Dvender to sell U11T01Aventana f window U9Ag8verano m summer U5T02verdaderamente truly / really U12T02verdura f vegetables U7T01vestido m dress U2T02Dvía road, via U10T02viajar to travel U2T01Cviajero/-a m/f traveller U10T02vida familiar f family life U8T01Evida gay f gay life U6T01vida social f social life U6T02vídeo m video U6T02videojuego m videogame U6T02viendo la tele watching TV / telly U5Ag14viento m wind U12T02viernes m Friday U6T01vinculado/-a linked / connected /

bound (past of to bind) U11T01vino m wine U2T01vino tinto m red wine U7T02Evisita f visit U6T01visitar to visit U2T02Avista f sight / view U12T02viudo/-a widower / widow U4Ag12vivir en to live in U3T02Evolar (ue) to fly U10T02volver (ue) to come back U5T01votar to vote U3T02A


web f web U6Ag10


y and U0Pya yet / already U8T01ya no no longer, no more,

not anymore U3T02yerba mate f mate herb (typical

from Argentina) U7T02

tele f telly U5T01teléfono m telephone U4T02Etemperatura f temperature U9T01templo m temple U9T01temprano early U8Ag8tendencia f tendency, trend U6T01tener (g, ie) to have U1Ag3tener en cuenta to bear / keep in mind / to take

(something) into account U10T01tenis m tennis U6Ag9tenista m/f tennis player U3T02tercera persona f third person U1Ag3tercero/-a third U1T01terminación f ending, termination U5Ag8ternera f veal U7T02terraza f terrace U6T01territorio m territory U10T02test m test U0T01test de personalidad m personality test U0T01texto m text U1T01tiempo libre m leisure U6T02tiempo m time U5T01tienda f shop / store U2T01Btinte natural m natural dye U11T01típico/-a typical U2T01Ctítere m puppet U6T01todavía still, yet U12T01todo el mundo everybody U8Ag1todo incluido all included U10T02Dtodo tipo de all kinds / sorts of U6T01todos los días everyday U6T01tomar to have, to take U7Ag1tortilla f omelette U7T01tortuga f turtle / tortoise U10T02trabajar to work U3T02trabajador m, trabajadora f worker U8T02trabajo m job U1T01Ctradicional traditional U7T01tradicionalmente traditionally U4T01traer to bring U7T02traje m suit U11T02Ftranquilamente calmly U5T01tranquilo/-a calm U8T01Btransporte m transport U4Ag12tres three U0T01Btripulación f crew U10T02Dtrozo m piece, bit, slice U10T01tú you U0Ptumba f grave / tomb / gravesite U10T01turco/-a Turkish U3T01Bturismo m tourism U2T01Cturístico/-a touristic U2T02


un diez para an A for U12T01un millón one million U1T01un poco a little (bit) U5T02un rato a while U5T01un total de a total of U12T01único/-a unique U9T02unidad f unit, unity U4Ag5universidad f university U5T01universitario/-a university student U4T01unos minutos a few minutes U5T01usar to use U1T01Dutensilio m utensil U12T01

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yoga m yoga U8T02yogur m yogurt U7T02E


zapatero m shoemaker U4T02zapato m shoe U2T01zona f zone, area U12T01zumo m juice U7Ag6