HabitClock Sponsorship Presentation

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Wake up to success every day!

• Power of Mornings

• Wake Up To Success Everyday!

• Your Brand, HabitClock

• Benefits

Presentation Contents

Many successful people use morning hours for their goals. Being the only time period you are not interrupted by trivialities of daily life,

morning hours make the best time to focus, prosper and create. Moreover, how you spend your mornings have a great effect on the

overall quality of your mood and health.

Power of Mornings

Wake Up To Success Every Day!

We’ve created an alarm clock to give you all of these: HabitClock!Don’t you believe us? Take a look at how it works.

Start by making your own morning routine list. That’s the list of things you need to do every morning. If you complete your morning routine every day, you’ll be

surprised to see how much it improves your day.

Your list is ready, you’ve set your alarm. From now on, use HabitClock to wake up so we can greet you with your routine list in the morning.

By the way, our chronometer starts to count the moment you turn off your alarm. Complete your list one by one and save.

Let us show you how you perform. “How loyal have you been to your routine?”“How have you improved week by week?”, “Have you successfully adopted the

habits you wanted to?” We have answers for all these questions.

HabitClock Is Looking For A Sponsor

Let’s make your brand the bridge between HabitClock and your customers.

Sponsor HabitClock, help hundreds of thousands of people improve their morning routines, stay in contact with each one of


As a supporter, your brand has its share in people’s success. HabitClock provides you with great opportunities to communicate your


Your Brand, HabitClock

Premium menu on the main page will be yours to give tips.

Your Brand, HabitClock

Congratulations page will be redesigned for your brand so that your message can be

communicated with thousands of users every day right after they complete their morning routines.

Your Brand, HabitClock

This area will be completely



Leading publications of the world like FastCompany, Lifehacker, PSFK, CNBC, Springwise praised HabitClock. Thousands of people around the

world use HabitClock and share their success.

People Trust HabitClock

Yours will be the very first brand that reaches people in the morning, every morning.

We’ll remind them to use your brand for a great morning routine every day.

First Thing In The Morning

Your product will be suggested to every user as a part of their routines.

We’ll also create a special page to tell how your product helps them improve their mornings and lives.

High Integration

HabitClock is all about making a habit and sticking to it. Turning your product into a subject of habit equals to customer loyalty.

Once your brand becomes a part of their morning routine, they will surely repeat choosing it.

Making A Habit

Let’s talk!If you want to hear more:
