Headline 29 January 2016

Post on 25-Jul-2016

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Headline 29 January 2016

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Sharing Success

Staff Hockey Match

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Community Charity Day We asked our students to dig deep...into their pockets this week...and they didn’t disappoint. On Wednesday our iLeaders collected their loose change. I, G and S Band all contributed to the fundraising for two charities. We collected money for Yorkshire Flood Relief and SEN Ethiopia (an Ilkley based charity working in blind schools in Ethiopia). They raised: I Band - £171.59; G Band - £182.65 and S Band - £171.10 making a grand total of £525.34.

At lunchtime your teachers Battled it out on the hockey pitch, a lot was at stake, not least Community Pride. Thank you to all of you who paid a contribution to watch the nail biter.

Well done to our staff community hockey teams who battled it out for Community pride...it was a real nail biter. The results were: I S G TOTAL

I (2-1) 3 PTS (4-1) 3 PTS 6 PTS 1ST

G (1-4) 0 PTS (0-2) 0 PTS 0 PTS 3RD

S (1-2) 0 PTS (2-0) 3 PTS 3 PTS 2ND

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Community Staff Hockey

Mrs Knowles and Miss Mitchell both looked the

part leading out their teams...

...but Mr Cunningham...

...spent more time like this!

Standing strong, Mr Cunningham is the last line of defence between Miss Knowles and the goal!

G Band resort to intimidation tactics...2 against 1...I Band are backed into a corner!

Mr Rignall proves to be a fast learner in the subject of hockey!

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Mr Wardle shows off his hockey skills

Miss Mitchell makes a break for it!

Mr Carr lines up his shot...

...he doesn’t stay on his feet but the ball hits the back of the net...true commitment!

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Final payment for all trips must be made via ParentPay

Before 11th March 2016.

It is with regret that failure to meet the final payment deadline may result in the loss of previous payments for Option 1 activities and the withdrawal of students from both Option 1

and 2 trips. If you wish to create a personal payment plan please do not hesitate to contact Joy Heyworth in the Finance Office.

Year 7 Option 1: The Big Mix

£50 (PPI £25)

Year 8 Option 1: The Big Trip

£ 200 (PPI £100)

Year 9 Option 1: The Big Outdoors

£160 (PPI £80)

Humanities Berlin trip £380

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Climate for Learning ‘Overall I enjoy my lessons.’


‘There is usually a positive learning atmosphere.’


Teacher’s Expectations ‘My teacher has high expectations of me and encourages me to do my best.’


Subject Knowledge ‘My teacher communicates his/her subject knowledge in a way which helps me to learn well.’

89% ‘It is clear to me how the work we do in lessons fits into a ‘bigger picture’.’


Our students recently completed student voice surveys for their lessons. We had a fantastic response and would like to share the results with you. Below are all the questions they were asked (in each relevant section) and the figure is the percentage of them who agreed or strongly agreed with the statement.

Planning and Differentiation ‘Lessons are pitched at the right level for me as a learner and are matched to my needs.’


‘Lessons contain a range of different activities.’


Progress Overall I am confident I am making progress in this subject.


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Assessment for Learning ‘When we do an activity it is made clear to me what success ‘looks like’.’


‘My teacher checks to make sure I understand key learning points.’


‘My teacher asks me to explain and give reasons for my answers.’


‘In class we assess our own and other’s work and it is made clear how to do this well.’


Marking and Feedback ‘I receive regular written feedback which makes it clear to me what I need to do to improve.’


‘I receive regular verbal feedback which makes it clear to me what I need to do to improve.’

79% ‘I have opportunities to act on these types of feedback in lessons.’


Homework ‘I receive regular homework which connects to my learning in class and supports my progress.’


Tracking ‘I know my target grade.’

83% ‘I know what grade/level I am working at currently.’

79% ‘I know what I need to do to work towards my target grade.’


We will be analysing the survey results further, looking into how we can make improvements.

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Options 2016 Over the next few weeks and months Year 8 and 9 students will be going through their options process. The main timescales are included below, including dates for the distribution of booklets and deadlines for handing forms in. This is an exciting time for students who get the opportunity to tailor make their own timetable...to a degree!

Our Year 9 students will get to choose which subjects they want to take their GCSEs in and Year 8 students get the opportunity to focus on particular areas of the curriculum. We are here every step of the way to help them through their decisions, to give advice and guide them through their choices.

Mrs Purnell

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Well done to our U14 netballers who travelled to Beckfoot on Tuesday. It was a fantastic win for the U14A Netball team, beating Beckfoot 25-7. The girls have made a fantastic start and played extremely well.

Players of the match were Emily Dover (9HED) and Rachel Scott (9PDH).

Our U14A team captain Emily Dover has provided the match report below;

‘On Thursday 26th January we played a home match against Beckfoot School. The first quarter ended with a good lead to us at 10-0, this really gave us the confidence to carry on playing at this standard throughout the remainder of the match. Our shooting was really accurate and the centre and defensive elements of the game were really strong. The final score was 25-7 to IGS.’

Emily Dover

Emily Dover and Rachel Scott

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Congratulations to Cameron Reilly (10JB) who broke the school cross country record this week. Cameron completed the course in 9 mins 23, taking 3 seconds off the 9 mins 26 second record.

Well played to our Year 7 football team who played in a Tournament at Horsforth School on Tuesday. We fielded 2 teams and the scores were as follows:

The teams played really well with team 1 finishing 3rd and team 2 just behind them in 4th place. Well done to: Taylor Gowland (7DJJ); Daniel Mason (7VEC); Alex Creighton (7VEC); Isaac Williams (7VEC); Jacob Smithson (7MPC); Louis Shankland (7AW); Lewis Morgan (7JWK); Fin Parton (7JWK); Joe Sahota (7MPC); Oscar Vaughan (7MPC); Alfie Wiggins (7GS/JMP); Vinay Makar (7FEA); Jake Kapur (7AWD); Nat Howarth (7FEA) and Ashley Leach (7FEA).


HORSFORTH 1 0-1 0-1 1-2 1-0 0-0

HORSFORTH 2 1-0 0-0 1-1 0-0 3-0

ILKLEY 1 1-0 0-0 0-0 0-1 1-0

ILKLEY 2 2-1 1-1 0-0 0-1 0-1

BENTON PARK 1 0-1 0-0 1-0 1-0 1-0

BENTON PARK 2 0-0 0-3 0-1 0-0 0-1








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Well done to Hannah Wellock (11BJS), Annie Edwards (11LSL), Flora Lee (11BJS), Alex Murray (11CT), Freya Wardman (11HGW), Bridie Burnett (11BJS), Harriet Day (11LSL), Molly Jeffels (11SMD), Hannah Richards (11JI), Leona McLoughlin (11JI), Eleanor Griffiths (11SMD), Jess Hirst (11JI), Ella Madden (11HGW), Alice Kirkup (11HGW), Bethy McKeefry (11JLF), Helena Carslaw (11CT), Nea Weston (11AHF), Charlotte Simpson (11BJS), Victoria Hepworth (11LSL), Alex Johnson (11SMD) and Harry Wellock (8AMB)who have been raising money for Cancer Support.

The team organised a sponsored head shave on Saturday, shaving volunteer David Waterhouse. To date they have raised £2629.06, more than doubling their initial target!

If you would like to help the girls raise more money you can donate via their Justgiving page https://www.justgiving.com/Raise2Save-Fundraising/.



Good luck to Kate Dalzell (13AH) who is competing in the World Karate federation European Championship in Limassol, Cyprus on 5-7th February. Kate will be taking in part in the U21 category.

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Senior A+B V Bingley Grammar @ IGS




U12 + U13 Netball training (FA)

Football Y7 @ IGS fields 3.15-4.30pm (RB)

6th Form Football @ St Marys (PDH)

U14+15 Hockey @ BGS

Sports Leader Training @ Pool 3.15-5.00pm

Y11 + 1XV V PHGS @ IRUFC 4pm KO




Y10, 11, 12, 13 Basketball. 12:30 – 1:15pm Sportshall (SP+MC)

Synchronised Swimming. 2.15-3.20pm

Rugby Training Y8 @ Astro (ACF)

U12 Netball V BGS @ BGS

Y7 Rugby O2 Touch 4pm KO

Football U19 V Woodhouse Grove leave @ 2:15 (SP)




Y7+8 HOCKEY @ Ben Rhydding Astroturf 3.15-4.30pm (AJK)

Girls Football @ Ben Rhydding Astroturf 3.15-4.30pm (LV)

U14+U15 Netball training 3.15-4.30pm (FA)

Sports Leader Training @ Pool 3.15-5.00pm

Y8+9 Basketball. 12:30 – 1:15pm Sportshall (AF + RB)


Y10 Rugby V tbc Yorkshire Cup Semi Final Meet @ 2:15pm

U12 Netball V Bingley Grammar @ IGS




Sports Leader Training @ Astro 3.15-5.00pm (SP)

Y7 Basketball 12:30 – 1:15pm Sportshall (SG)


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Fruit and Yoghurt Bar Select your fruit...add the yoghurt

...finish with your choice of toppings!

Heavenly Whole Grains Breakfast Bagels: Low Fat Philadelphia,

Marmite or Scrambled Eggs Perk Up Your Porridge: Liven up the Oats

with a whole host of toppings Cereal Bar: You choose...just add the milk!

Smoothie Bar Mango Dream, Very Berry, Super

Food Special, Make your own

Freshly squeezed

orange juice and apple





We are open from 7.30, pay £2.50 and make your healthy breakfast choice!

For further details, including our specific application requirements for this post, please visit our school website www.ilkleygrammarschool.com

TEACHER OF ENGLISH (MPS) We are seeking to appoint, from September 2016, a well-qualified and innovative teacher of English who is able to inspire outstanding learning and progress. Applications from talented NQTs as well as

more experienced teachers are welcome. The successful candidate will play a pivotal role in the future development of the subject and will develop their career in a supportive, collaborative environment.

Closing date for applications: 8am Monday 1st February .Interviews will be held during the week

commencing 1st February.

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Which? A Level Explorer: A new online explorer tool from Which? Designed to inspire

students and show them ideas of where different A Level combinations of subjects can

take them. Try it out here

Lancaster University Summer Schools: Wide variety of Summer Schools taking place

from April through until July in: Medicine, Biochemistry and Biomedicine, Arts, Humanities

and Social Sciences, Business and Management, Science and Technology


Giggleswick School Easter Revision Courses: Revision courses in a wide range of A Level

and AS/A2 Subjects on 29-31 March and 5-7 April 2016. Find out more http://


Deloitte BrightStart School Leavers’ Scheme: Find out more about Deloitte’s five year

training programme http://www2.deloitte.com/uk/en/pages/careers/articles/brightstart-


Get Set for Community Action: New programme for 14-19 year old student volunteers to

plan and deliver two community projects in the run up to the Rio 2016 Olympics and

Paralympic Games. Equip yourself with essential life skills, giving your UCAS or job

application that competitive edge. Register before 9th February. Find out more

Grant Thornton School Leavers’ Programme: Find out more about a career with Grant

Thornton on their School Leavers’ Programme here

Student Finance England: now open for applications here

We held our Year 11 into 12 Taster Day on Friday 22nd January. In total 298 students experienced life in sixth form, including 53 visiting students from other schools.

The day was hugely successful and we look forward to welcoming many of them into Post 16 in September!




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Our PTA Needs You! We are on the lookout for new members to join our PTA...are you up for the challenge of Mission Possible?

Remember it’s still not too late to make a donation to our ‘Auction of Promises’. Last year we raised £2700...can we beat it this year?

The money the PTA raises goes to all sorts of things in school. Last year we benefitted from: a new outside shelter for KS3; a piano; microphones; an artefacts trolley for RE; football goals for the courts and microscopes for the Biology Labs just to name a few!

The ‘Auction of Promises’ is a big highlight on the fundraising calendar as are the car boot sales. These kind of events can only take place with your help! Please get in touch PTA@ilkleygs.co.uk.

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Dinner Time Rota (No Bags in B Hall)

Sitting 1 12.30pm

Sitting 2 From 12.40pm

Sitting 3 Not before 12.45pm

Year 7 Packed Lunch Area:


Year 9 Packed Lunch Area: D Floor Social Area

Year 8 Packed Lunch Area:


Dates for the Diary

January Friday 22 Year 11 into 12 Taster Day Monday 25 Year 9 Parents’ Evening Tuesday 26 Year 11 Poetry Live Trip Wednesday 27 Community Charity Day Staff Hockey Match Friday 29 Year 10 Munich Trip Leaves

February Monday 1 Year 10 Munich Trip returns Tuesday 2 Year 8 eSafety Production Thursday 4 Year 10/11 Intermediate Maths Challenge Monday 8 Year 9 Options Assembly Tuesday 9 Year 11 Parents’ Evening

Look at our full school calendar here

Term Dates


Friday 12 Feb School closes

Half term: Monday 15th February— Friday 19th February

Monday 22 Feb School re-opens

Thursday 24 Mar School closes

Easter Holiday: Friday 25th March— Friday 8th April


Monday 11 April School re-opens

Monday 2 May May Day School closed

Friday 27 May School closes

Half term: Monday 30th May— Friday 3rd June

Monday 6 June School re-opens

Friday 1 July Training Day (school closed)

Wednesday 20 July School Closes 1.30pm

Summer Holiday: Thursday 21st July— Monday 5th September

newsdesk@ilkleygs.co.uk 01943 608424 @ilkleygrammar


Stay Connected! Have you got anything you want to contribute or see included in our newsletter? Let us know, we can be contacted by email, telephone or on twitter.