History Study Guide Alabama High School Graduation Exam

Post on 25-Feb-2016

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History Study Guide Alabama High School Graduation Exam. Who was the director of the Seneca Falls Convention and a women’s rights advocate?. Elizabeth Cady Stanton. Who is known for her work in women’s rights, esp. the suffrage movement? (She was once on a $1 coin). Susan B. Anthony. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


History Study Guide

Alabama High School Graduation


Who was the director of the Seneca Falls Convention and a

women’s rights advocate?

Elizabeth Cady


Who is known for her work in

women’s rights, esp. the suffrage


(She was once on a $1 coin)Susan B.


Who was the woman who tried to get poor women to use birth


Margaret Sanger

Who was the Chief Justice

of the U.S. Supreme

Court during the formative


John Marshall

Who wrote our National Anthem, “The Star Spangled Banner?”

Francis Scott Key

What U.S. President was elected by the Common Man

(1828) and moved Indians to


Andrew Jackson

Who raided the army arsenal at Harpers Ferry to get weapons to

kill slave owners?

John Brown

Who was the President of

the U.S. during the Civil War? (he wanted no extension of


Abraham Lincoln

Who was the commander of the SOUTHERN Army during the

Civil War?

Robert E. Lee

Who was the 1st and only President of the Confederacy

(during the Civil War)?

Jefferson Davis

Who was the leader of the Union Army (NORTH) during the Civil War?

(he was a weak President later)

Ulysses S. Grant

Who created the idea of Social Darwinism?

“Survival of the Fittest”

Charles Darwin

What rich American owned most of the oil rights in the United States?

John D. Rockefeller

Who founded the Niagara

Movement which became the


Association for the Advancement of Colored People)

William E. B. Dubois

Who was the founder of the Tuskegee Institute

(an Alabama flight school for blacks)?

Booker T. Washington

Who invented peanut butter

and developed over 300

products from peanuts?

George Washington Carver

What U.S. President was one of the “Rough Riders” during the

Spanish-American War?

Theodore (Teddy) Roosevelt

What U.S. President

created the League of

Nations after World War I, but the U.S. didn’t

join it?

Woodrow Wilson

Whose assassination started World

War I?

Archduke Francis


Who was the leader of

Germany who killed Jews

during WWII?


Who made the first non-stop flight from U.S. to Paris?

(His plane was named The Spirit of St. Louis)

Charles Lindberg

Which U.S. President who was blamed for the Great Depression?

Herbert Hoover

Who was the U.S. President

during the Great Depression and


(he created TVA and alphabet


Franklin D. Roosevelt

Who was the leader of Russia

(Soviet Union) during World

War II?

Joseph Stalin

Who was the leader of the British forces (England) during World War II?

Winston Churchill

Who was the leader of Italy during World

War II?

Benito Mussolini

Who was the U.S. Supreme Commander of World War II?

General Dwight D.


Who was the first person to

warn the colonists that

the British soldiers were

headed to Lexington and


Paul Revere

What is the name of

England’s Bill of Rights?

(It was signed in 1215 by King John)

Magna Carta

What was the Constitutional Convention’s decision to

apportion representation in Congress Called? Senate (2 people) and

House of Representatives (based on population)

When deciding how to apportion representation, what was the Constitutional Convention’s

decision to count 5 slaves as 3 people?

Which Branch of the U.S. Government makes the laws?

Legislative Branch

Which Branch of the U.S. Government enforces the law?

Executive Branch

Which Branch of the U.S. government interprets the law?

Judicial Branch

What states we can change or add laws as times change,

or as necessary?

Elastic Clause

What was the name of the laws which separated blacks and whites?

Black Codes (Jim Crow Laws)

Which treaty ended the French and Indian War?

(England got all land east of Mississippi)

Treaty of 1763

What treaty gave the U.S. all the land east of the

Mississippi River?(it ended the

American Revolution)

What was the process of kidnapping British Navy men and forcing them into military service?


What is a government order prohibiting the

movement of merchant ships into or out of its ports?

What is the surrounding and blockading of a city, town, or

fortress by an army attempting to capture it called?


What document describes how to become a state?

Northwest Ordinance

The ______________________ established that new states

above 36o 30’ North would be free,

and those below could decide.

Missouri Compromise

The movement attempting to end the legal sale of alcohol


What is the movement to end slavery called?


What is the term which means “pride in one’s country?”


What was the high tax on imported goods, designed to help

American factories by causing import prices

to be higher?

Which court case stated “once a slave, always a slave?”

Dred Scott Decision

Which law stated the North had to return runaway slaves to Southern

slave owners?

Fugitive Slave Act

What law gave settlers 160 acres of land if they agreed

to live on it for 5 years?

Homestead Act

Lincoln’s attempt to free slaves in the

South was the ____________________________

Emancipation Proclamation

Northerners who helped the South during the Civil War

and Reconstruction


Southerners who helped the North during the Civil War were called____________ Scalawags

Area of the country that always voted Democratic in early elections was called

___________ Solid South

To own all of something in business, or a particular kind of business


Newspaper writers who exposed corruption were called

______________ muckrakers

____________, a muckraker,

wrote “The Jungle”an expose’ on

the meat packing industry

Upton Sinclair

This court case

established “separate but equal”

Plessy vs.


What area of the USA is known for their farming and plantations?

The South

Which state got its independence from Mexico?

(It was once an independent nation)


Andrew Jackson defeated the Creek Indians at

________________ AlabamaHorseshoe Bend,

The fort under fire when Francis Scott Key wrote the “The Star Spangled Banner”

during the War of 1812?

Fort McHenry

Kansas-Nebraska Act:It proposed that the states would have the freedom to decide the

issue of slavery(Let the people decide)

What was the Doctrine called?

The first capital of the


Montgomery, Alabama

The 2nd capital of the Confederacy

Richmond, Virginia

The county that attempted to secede from Alabama during

the Civil War

What was the only U.S. state formed as a direct result of the Civil War?

(It seceded from Virginia)

West Virginia

The city on the Mississippi River that Grant captured to split the

South during the Civil War

Vicksburg, Mississippi

This battle was the turning point of the Civil War


Where did Lee surrender to Grant to end

the Civil War?

Appomattox Courthouse

What place in the Americas connected the Atlantic

and Pacific Oceans?(associated with yellow fever)

Panama Canal

Germany invaded this country to begin World War II


This U.S. Naval Base was bombed by the Japanese on

December 7, 1941

Pearl Harbor, Hawaii

D-Day began here June 6, 1944(a city in France where U.S. troops

landed during WWII)


Two Japanese cities where atomic bombs were dropped by

the United States Hiroshima &


The turning point of the American Revolution

(huge defeat of England)


Which amendment to the Constitution ended slavery in

seceding states?multiple choice





Which amendment to the Constitution

made former slaves citizens?

multiple choice

13th 14th 15th 18th

Which amendment to the Constitution gave all men the right

to vote?multiple choice





Which amendment to the Constitution created

the income tax?



16th 18th

Which amendment to the Constitution stopped the

sale of alcohol?



16th 18th

Which amendment to the Constitution repealed the 18th


13th 14th 19th 21st

This was a war to regain Holy Land from Muslims for Christians

(led by Pope Pious II)


During this period of time there was a REBIRTH of learning in Europe


The _________________________ led to the creation of other churches

outside the Catholic faith

Protestant Reformation

In this war, the French and Indians

fought settlers, and the settlers moved into

the Ohio Valley

French & Indian War

These two acts stopped the creation of


Clayton & Sherman Anti-Trust Acts

______ means “city”Urban

Rural______ means “country”A word describing farms and

plantations in the South

A German U-boat sank this British ship involving the

USA in World War I (There were 128 Americans on board at the time)


This German telegram caused the USA to enter

World War I

(It promised Mexico land in America if they would declare war on the USA)

Zimmerman Note

This organization was created by President Woodrow Wilson

(similar to United Nations;the USA did not join)

League of Nations

During the 1920’sGOOD TIMES


Jazz Age

A person who worked on a farm in exchange for a percentage of crop

was called a _______________sharecropper

A person who rented land and shared the proceeds of his crop was called a

_____________tenant farmer

What was movement which attempted to end the sale of

alcohol in the USA?


Franklin D. Roosevelt’s plan to stop the Great Depression

The New Deal

unemployment insuranceold age pension

help for the handicapped

Social Security

This act created:

This New Deal organization insured bank deposits


Franklin D. Roosevelt talked

to people over the radio in a

series of broadcasts

called “fireside chats”

The wind blew topsoil away in the west during the ___________Dust Bowl

To kill an entire group of people


Alabama Indian Tribes

Choctaw Chickasaw Cherokee Creek

These three Amendments to the U.S. Constitution are collectively known as the

__________ Amendments

Civil War

This is required before one can vote in the United States


“The Father of the Blues”Famous jazz musician from Alabama

W. C. Handy

Drained areas around Panama Canal to control

mosquitoes and end theYellow Fever


William Gorgas

The first permanent Spanish settlement in present day USA

St. Augustine, Florida

First successful permanent English settlement in present day USA

Jamestown, Virginia

Cornwallis surrendered to Washington here

(French broke British blockade)


This state was admitted to the Union on December 14, 1819

The Indians were moved from southeast United States to this present

day state on the “Trail of Tears”


Mormons moved here to practice

their religion without



Gold was discovered here starting with the 1849 Gold Rush

Sutters Mill, California

Area of the country that developed industrially

early in our history

Thomas Jefferson wrote this document which caused the

separation of the U.S. from England

Declaration of Independence

Who warned us to avoid

political parties and

foreign alliances in his

farewell address?

George Washington

The supreme law of the

United States that begins

“We the people”


The First 10 Amendments to the Constitution are collectively known

as the ______________Bill of Rights

In 1776, the war in which the American colonists

fought England(France helped the colonists)

Revolutionary War

U.S.A. vs. England (again)2nd American Revolution

War of 1812

Name of land Thomas Jefferson purchased from France (Napoleon)

Louisiana Purchase

Scientific expedition from Mississippi River to Pacific Ocean to

map the Louisiana Purchase

Lewis & Clark Expedition

A time when there was only one

political party was called the . . .

The Indians were moved from the south to Oklahoma along the

Trail of Tears

The belief that it was America’s right and destiny to own the

land from the Atlantic to the Pacific was . . .

The U.S. defeated Mexico and got land

from Texas to California in this war

Mexican War

* The U.S. fought the Spanish in this war

* A short war (fought in Cuba) started fueled by yellow journalism/muckrakers

Spanish American


Woodrow Wilson was President

during this war

World War IThe trenches

During this time, there was widespread unemployment. The crash of the stock market

signaled the start of ______________________The Great Depression

The killing of the Jews in WWII in Germany


The event where colonists threw tea into the harbor over taxes

Boston Tea Party

1st shots of American Revolution were fired here

“the shot heard around the world”

Lexington & Concord

1st Battle of American Revolution(after war was declared)

Bunker Hill

Andrew Jackson defeated the

BritishBattle fought

after the War of 1812 was over

Battle of ______________New Orleans

Yankee general who destroyed

everything from Atlanta to Atlantic Ocean

(Civil War)

William T. Sherman: Sherman’s “March to the


Man associated with Jamestown* Tobacco * No Work – no food

John Smith

King of England during

American RevolutionGeorge


Leader of Boston’s Sons of Liberty

Samuel Adams

Commander of Continental

Army1st President of

the USA

George Washington

Said “Federal government has

MOST power”Federalists

Alexander Hamilton

President who said, “States government have most

power” Was for

States’ Rights

Thomas Jefferson

Patrick Henry

Give me libertyor give me death!Who said it?

British General who surrendered to Washington at Yorktown

General _____________Cornwallis

Dictator of FranceSold Louisiana to USA

for $15 million


• 5th President of the USA• Ran Unopposed• Era of Good Feelings

James Monroe

____________ invented the cotton gin, as well as interchangeable

parts for guns

Eli Whitney

The steam boat was invented by

________________ Robert Fulton

Developed the “American System”

of better roadsBank of U.S.

Protective Tariff

Henry Clay

Wrote “Uncle Tom’s Cabin”

Harriett Beecher Stowe

He published the anti-slavery

newspaper called the “Liberator”He ran the anti-

slavery movement

William Lloyd Garrison

Woman involved in the movement to help mental patients and

make sure they were treated

fairlyDorothea Dix

A former slave

Frederick Douglas

He published “North Star” newspaper

A former female slave & traveling

speaker after emancipation

Sojourner Truth

This woman was

associated with the

Underground Railroad

Harriet Tubman

This man was associated with “Free Public Education”

Horace Mann

The man responsible

for the founding of Mobile, AL

Iberville LeMoyne


Serbian who assassinated the Archduke of Austria-Hungary,

starting World War I

Gavrilo Princip

Who wrote The Scarlet Letter?

Nathaniel Hawthorne

Who wrote The Grapes of Wrath?

John Steinbeck

Who wroteThe Old Man and the Sea?

Ernest Hemmingway

Who wrote The Sun Also Rises?

Ernest Hemmingwa


Who wroteThe Great Gatsby?

F. Scott Fitzgerald

Who wrote The Raven?

Edgar Allen Poe

Who wrote The Last of the Mohicans?

James Fennimore


The attempt by John Adams to keep Federalists in control

during Jefferson administration

Midnight Appointments

An American foreign policy opposing interference in the Western Hemisphere from

outside powers

Monroe Doctrine

U.S. program of economic aid for the reconstruction of

Europe(named after George C. Marshall)

Marshall Plan

The Italian immigrants accused of payroll robbery

during the Red Scare

Sacco and


This would allow trade with China

and keep the nation from

being divided

Open Door Policy

Time after WWI when people in the U.S. were afraid the

Communists would take over

Red Scare

Journalist Muckraker

Ida Tarbell

Political party that wanted government ownership of

the transportation industry and free coinage of silver, direct election of Senators and the graduated income

taxPopulist Party

The period of rebuilding the South after the Civil War


________ towns sprang up overnight, usually around

gold mines.


The _______________________

ended the Missouri Compromise, created the

Fugitive Slave Act, admitted California as a

FREE state

Lincoln’s speech to dedicate a


Gettysburg Address

A cause of the “Dust Bowl” was _______________________drought (lack of rain)

The goal of Lincoln’s presidency was to

______________________preserve the Union

The practice of commercialism based on the buildup of gold

or silver bullion


Teddy Roosevelt and

the _____________led the charge up San Juan Hill during Spanish

American War

Rough Riders

Period of reform in the 1800s that saw the beginnings of the

prohibition movement, suffrage, muckrakers and

economic reform

Progressive Era

_______________ journalism exaggerates stories

to attract readers to the newspapers


Young women who showed disdain for appropriate dress and behavior

during the 1920’s


Law requiring appropriate imprisonment

Suspended by Lincoln during Civil War

Habeas Corpus

This Alabama city grew up around the

iron and steel industry

Birmingham, AL

This Alabama city is noted for its shipping industry

Mobile, AL

Concentration camp during WWII when Hitler was killing Jews

(during Holocaust)


Court caseSued Vanderbilt for using

waterways where there was a monopoly

Vanderbilt won in Supreme Court (New York)

_____________killed Alexander Hamilton in a


Aaron Burr

Court case:Gave Congress the power to

create a bank and stated Maryland had no power to tax


Dressed as a black man in minstrel shows

Jim Crow

This gave 160 acres of land to those who would settle it for 5

years and improve it

Homestead Act

Rich American from Scotland

who gave money to

create libraries and



At one time ___________________

was the richest man in America who made his money from the shipping


Cornelius Vanderbilt