HOLY INNOCENTS PARISH · 2019-04-23 · Our parishioner James Bathon, with the support of Holy...

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#490 Page2

4/20—Saturday, Holy Saturday 8:00pm Mass of the Easter Vigil 4/21—EASTER SUNDAY OF THE RESURRECTION OF THE LORD 7:30 Our Parishioners 9:00 Emil Bruno 10:00 (OLP) Carl Voeltz (30th Anniversary) 11:00 Gembecki & Guidone Families 12:30 Brian Halloran 4/22—Monday, within the Octave of Easter 7:00 Patrick Brady 4/23—Tuesday, within the Octave of Easter 7:00 Nora Nugent 4/24—Wednesday, within the Octave of Easter 7:00 Michael Galea 4/25—Thursday, within the Octave of Easter 7:00 Deceased Members of the Pesacreta Family 4/26—Friday, within the Octave of Easter 7:00 Michael Galea 4/27—Saturday, within the Octave of Easter 8:30 Dominick Arceri (Birthday) 4/27—Evening Vigil 5:15 Elizabeth Alfonzetti 4/28—SECOND SUNDAY OF EASTER 7:30 Our Parishioners 9:00 Alexander & Austin Travis 10:00 (OLP) John Perrotta 11:00 Laniero Lombardi 12:30 Imolia & Secondina Paolucci

The Sanctuary Lamp at Holy Innocents Church burns in Memory of Hedy & Ed Howard


Regular Maintenance Apr. 7 $ 8,060.72

Please pray for the safety of our men and women in the military, especially those who are serving overseas.

Jimmy Fleming, Robert Sarro, Louis Sarro, Frank Sarro, Stephen Mercatili, Cissy Patane, Kevin Keane, Lil DeCarlo, Mary Sheehan, Joseph DeSanctis (father of Joe DeSanctis), Kevin Lange, Marie Silviotti, Timothy Stanton, Hailee Kalle, Matthew Mancuso, Jim O’Connell, Herb Holzer, Suzanne Bartlett, Karen Fleming, Bill Schmitz, Dr. Tanya Korkosz, Collin Longo, David Korkosz, Kathleen Shortall, Jeanne Cirbirka, Jane Chitty, Sr. Doretta Cornell, Mary Coughlin

Do you like the idea of no longer fumbling with church envelopes... WeShare provides parishioners a simple, secure and convenient way to support their church by transferring donations directly from their checking, savings, or credit card accounts. Parishioners can opt to change amounts, switch between debit dates, or even skip a month at any time. Simply, go to: HIparish.org

1. Click on the Online Giving link (located on the lower right hand side of page).

2. 3. Select the collection you wish to donate to and click

to make a donation. 4. 5. Enter your payment information. You can return at any time to edit your donation or view your financial records.


We extend our sympathy and promise of prayers to the family and friends of

Frank Somma (brother of Nicasio)

#490 Page3

An Easter Message A blessed Easter to all of you. A truly joyful day as we celebrate the Resurrection of Christ. These past few days before this Easter day, the Church has been quietly awaiting the Resurrection of Christ. Our Lord had been in the tomb and we waited anxiously, but confidently. Christ had not been dormant in the tomb. He had gone to sheol to seek and gather all those who had died before him, starting from Adam and Eve, Abraham, Moses, and David. They had been waiting for a long time and we can imagine the joy that they had when they saw Jesus himself coming to free them. Christ has destroyed death and thrown open the gate of heaven. “Rise,” he said to them, “let us leave this place. Come into my Father’s house!” It was an event of epic proportion, to put it mildly. But Mary Magdalene in our Gospel reading today did not know what was happening. Like the rest of us she had been waiting, anxiously, for the Sabbath to be over in order so that she might anoint Jesus’ body. She wanted to go because she loved Jesus very much. So very early in the morning, she hurried quietly to his tomb. In her haste, she realized that she had forgotten one major detail: “Who will roll away the large stone in the entrance of the tomb? Should I go back?” But then she remembered what Jesus had told them: “If you have faith the size of a mustard seed you can move a mountain.” So she kept going, not relying on human strength, but on faith and love. And behold, God did not disappoint. The tomb was wide open. God saw her faith and told one of his angels to open the tomb. Little did she know that her faith can do more than move a mountain, it can lead to a privileged vision: The empty tomb. The angel had been waiting patiently to tell her: "Do not be amazed! You seek Jesus of Nazareth, the crucified. He has been raised; he is not here.” She was tempted to question him, but she remembered Jesus’ words: “destroy this temple and in three days I will raise it up!” Mary Magdalene ran and told Peter and the other disciples, “It is true, what he said was true... I have seen and believed!” Love, excitement, fear, and joy! Now, together with Adam, Eve, Abraham, all the patriarchs and the prophets, they finally can say: we have seen and believed! And together they all rejoice. Christ is risen. Truly the Good Shepherd does not abandon his flock. God really does love us. The Resurrection of Christ confirms this unseen reality. Like Mary, Peter, and the disciple in the Gospel, our faith has led us to an encounter with the resurrected Christ this day. With joy, we join all the saints who have seen, heard and believed what the angel in the tomb said: “He has been raised, he is not here,” and we exclaim with them “Christ is truly risen. Amen. Alleluia!

Fr. Bernard Timothy, OP

#490 Page4


The Parish Office will be closed Thursday, April 18th through Monday, April 22nd.

The office will reopen on Tuesday, April 23rd at 9:00am.

The Youth Ministry consists of our Youth Group and the CYO Basketball program. To join Youth Group, teens should just show up at any meeting and sign in with the youth leaders. ALL 9th-12th graders are welcome. If you have any quest ions p lease email : Tomconaty@hiparish.org


●Apr. 21st—Happy Easter ●Apr. 28th—Youth Group Meeting at 6:15pm


Good news! We have the dates for the 2019 EVBS. Please mark your calendars for the week of August 12th through August 16th….from 9am to 12 Noon at St. John’s Episcopal Church on Bedford Road.

We are looking for Adult Volunteers..helping in any capacity. Please contact the

Religious Education Office at 914-769-3297, Ex. 1

The Pantry is in need of canned vegetables, canned soups (salted & unsalted), canned Tuna, canned chicken, canned beans, canned fruit

Please check expiration dates. We thank you for your generosity.

Easter Sunday Prayer

Lord, the resurrection of Your Son

has given us new life and renewed hope. Help us to live as new people in pursuit

of the Christian Ideal. Grant us wisdom to know what we must do,

the will to want to do it, the perseverance to continue to do it,

and the strength to complete it. Amen.

Maria Lamorgese, Director Ph 914-769-3297, ext. 1 mlamorgese@hiparish.org Looking Ahead: Classes resume on Wednesday, April 24th

Re-Registration for will take place from May 1st through June 1st.

First Holy Communion, May 4th: 10:00am Mass and 2:00pm Mass

Confirmation, June 8th: 10:00am Mass and 2:00pm Mass

The Music Ministry of Holy Innocents thanks you for your participation in the music for Holy Week 2019. We hope that you found the music we prepared a meaningful accompaniment to each liturgy. The Easter season welcomes the return of the sung Gloria, and the Alleluia as our Gospel Acclamation. The Gloria we are now using is from the Mass of the Resurrection by Randall Debruyn. It can be found as #852. The Gospel Acclamation is a joyful Alleluia written by Catholic composer, David Haas. We again thank you for your participation and wish you a very Happy Easter! As Pope John Paul II said: “we are the Easter people and Hallelujah is our song!”

Today is the Solemnity of Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord. Study Forgiven, or Symbolon: Knowing the Faith, Session 6, The Paschal Mystery. Watch: Did Jesus Really Rise from the Dead?, or Listen to: The Resurrection of Jesus Fact or Fiction, The Christmas and Easter Story, The Passion of Christ in Light of the Holy Shroud of Turin, My Beloved Son, The Fourth Cup, Three Days That Changed the World or 7 Secrets of Confession…..

#490 Page5


“Look Up From Your Screen”

Sunday, May 5th at 7:30pm

Guest Speaker: Dr. Nicholas Tampio

Professor of Political Science,

Fordham University

Nicholas Tampio is a professor of political science at Fordham University. He earned his doctorate from Johns Hopkins University, and his most recent book is Learning versus the Common Core (University of Minnesota Press 2019). Last year Aeon published Tampio's essay, "Look up from your screen," that he is presently expanding into a book. Professor Tampio looks forward to discussing with the parish the comparative advantages of face-to-face and screen learning.

#490 Page6

GOLDEN WEDDING JUBILEE MASS Couples celebrating their 50th Wedding Anniversary anytime during 2019 are invited to attend the Golden Wedding Jubilee Mass with Cardinal Dolan at Saint Patrick’s Cathedral on Sunday, June 2nd at 2:00pm. Pre-registration is required. To register, please contact the Parish Office, M-F at 914-769-0025.

Pews will be reserved for the Golden Jubilee Couples only. Additional family and friends will be accommodated in pews outside of the reserved section (4 total). In addition to the Mass, all Golden Jubilee Couples will receive a certificate celebrating their marriage. Couples who are unable to attend the Mass but are celebrating 50 years of marriage can also register with their parish to receive a certificate. Certificates will be mailed to parishes approximately 4-5 weeks after the Mass.

The closing date to register for the Mass is Monday, May 6th.

“Bring your physical, emotional and spiritual needs

to the Lord for His healing Touch” A Healing Mass will be celebrated at St. Patrick’s Church in Yorktown Heights on Thursday, April 25th at 7pm. Msgr. Dermot Brennan will be the celebrant. Individual prayer for healing will follow the Mass. A Mass for Healing will be celebrated at Holy Rosary Church, Hawthorne, on Monday, May 6th at 7:30pm. Fr. Giuseppe Siniscalchi, CFR will be the celebrant.

As many of you are aware, I am pursuing The Girl Scout Gold Award. This award is the highest and most prestigious honor in Girl Scouts. Girls who pursue

their Gold Award aspire to transform an idea and vision for change into an actionable plan with sustainable and far reaching results.

I plan on beautifying the garden of Holy Innocents Church as my project and I need to fund-raise to accom-plish this. Therefore, I will be hosting a tag sale in the Holy Innocents Parking Lot on Pleasantville Day -- May 18!

While you are Spring cleaning and come across any items you would like to donate, just send me an email and I can pick the items up. Pass this information along to friends and neighbors as well! Thank you for your help! Sophie Ruhl

Wednesday, May 22nd from 2:00pm - 8:00 pm.

Our parishioner James Bathon, with the support of Holy Innocents Parish, will be hosting a Blood Drive

in the Holy Innocents Social Hall


First Reading: Acts 10:34a, 37-43 Peter discusses Jesus' life of preaching and healing. Jesus was crucified, and then he rose up and was seen by his chosen witnesses. Peter also mentions the importance of all the disciples bearing witness to what they saw, so that many people would believe in Jesus, and have their sins forgiven through him. Second Reading: Colossians 3:1-4 Paul asserts that we must pay attention to higher realms rather than earthly concerns. Our life is not yet completely known to us, until Christ appears and we are raised to glory in him. Gospel: John 20:1-9 When Mary Magdalene discovered Jesus' tomb was open, she told Simon Peter and another disciple. They ran to the tomb and Peter went inside. He found the burial wrappings on the ground, with the head covering separate from the rest. The other disciple came in and they believed what they saw, although until then they had not understood the Scripture's message of Jesus' resurrection.

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