How To Attract Clients Like A Magnet

Post on 11-Apr-2017

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How many of you have asked yourself...

Hannah Kramer@success4hannahmasterattractionmarketing.netAttraction Marketing

Session Description:Join us on an exciting journey to learn the steps to get new customers and keep the ones you have. Todays small business leaders understand the importance of leveraging sales and marketing strategies. However, many struggle with the best way to incorporate the hundreds of individual techniques into their existing processes. They know the goal: attract more customers, increase sales, and build a tribe of raving fans, but sometimes it just seems like there are too many tactics and not enough structure. Enter Lifecycle Marketing. Lifecycle marketing is a systematic approach to the process of promoting, selling, and distributing a product or service to the consumer. It applied in any business regardless of location or Internet presence. In this session youll learn the Lifecycle Marketing model, the steps involved in each stage, and benefits of implementation in your small business. If youre looking to transform your small business and take it to the next level, this session is for you.

Have you ever asked yourself

Motivational slides to gain audience participation and attention. You can say whats on the slide and move quickly through the next few slides.

Why arent more people interested?

Hinting at the Attract phase.

Why arent they buying from me?

Hinting at the Sell phase.

Why dont my customers tell their friends?

Hinting at the Wow phase.

Lisa & Hamish MacqueenCleancorpMeet the Macqueens

Tell the Macqueen story in this format. Use the background below to formulate what youll say. Here is a summary of the key points:Problem broke, started business, needed to grow salesSolution used Lifecycle Marketing to attract, sell and wowResults Increased revenue upwards of 54% (millions of dollars in revenue) #1 for targeted SEO (Attract), multiple campaigns (Sell) 30% customers via referrals (Wow)


Lisa & Hamish MacqueenOwners, Cleancorp

AboutCleancorp is a national janitorial service and were based here in Sydney. Weve been in operation for almost 20 years and weve grown one contract at a time. The idea began years ago. It was boxing-day and Hamish and I realized we had no money. We didnt have any money in our bank account, we didnt have any money on our credit cards, there was no money even behind the sofa cushions- I mean we had no money- and we also had three children under four so, here we were parents, no money, it just wasnt good.

So we went down to our local beach and I was on the sand with the children, Hamish went for a surf and he came down a few minutes later with this massive smile on his face and I remember thinking why is he smiling? Weve got nothing to smile about at the moment and he walked towards me and he held out his hand and in his hand was a ten dollar note and it was all crunched up and inside that ten dollar note was a five dollar note, and he found $15 dollars in the surf. It had just floated towards him in the ocean. So I think at that point we realized that something was helping us, and we were going to be okay but we needed to make some life changes, some job changes. And thats really where it all began.

Hamish was working as a carpenter and he was self-employed but because he was self-employed his paychecks were really infrequent. I was working for an international hotel company. I had a great job, traveling the world. It was fantastic but I only was paid once a month and that was at the end of the month. Thats why we ran out of money, because Hamishs client hadnt paid him and I wasnt due to be paid until the last day of December so that was why that occurred. Fast forward from there and he was offered a job cleaning an office to help pay the bills and as he was doing that he thought wow, I actually could make some money out of this because this is a business that never feels the recession, people always need their offices cleaned and its monthly recurring income. We thought thats a great business model, its simple and thats where it began.

Lifecycle marketing tie:Cleancorp uses the Lifecycle Marketing model in all areas of their business.

AttractOur process is to have strong call to actions on our website, we use a combination of SEO, PPC and lumpy mail to attract leads. In our market, our prospects are already fairly hot as we have found throughout our 18 years in business, that no-one contacts an office cleaning company just out of curiosity generally speaking they have a problem, and they want to fix it straight away. Therefore our sales cycle is very short (usually around 7-10 days). Any prospects that do not convert straight away, we put them through our funnel for direct marketing pieces i.e. lumpy mail - which works very well in keeping in touch, & keeping the opt-outs rate to a minimum. Were also working hard on our social media side of attracting leads, and have just begun a strategic B2B campaign using Linked In to target our ideal clients, educate them with information etc, and then take our online relationship with them to an offline relationship by calling and inviting them for a coffee. Our most successful lead gen content is definitely our blog posts. We get a lot of traffic to our website and landing pages this way, and have just upgraded our website to now include a call to action box on each web page to make it easier to capture prospects while theyre in the mood for our services.For us, it seemed natural to give our prospects what they want straight up so our main call to action/opt-in isthe request for a quick quote. It is rare that someone would visit an office cleaning site unless they were actually in the market for this service, so we liked the idea of making it super easy for our prospects to just geta price quickly and easily. We also have some of our landing pages using the uv lightbeam torch as the opt-inas well as our blog post pages.Our first list (before Infusionsoft) was a jumbled mess of papers that took forever to look through, gave no metrics or information on our prospects, and did not allow us to measure our ROI. Needless to say, the results weve seen since becoming Infusionsoft customers has been staggering. Weve definitely experienced an increase in our list size and our conversion rate has increased, especially since we deployed our newwebsite in October 2013Since the investment and implementation of Infusionsoft, Cleancorp has grown significantly into a multimillion dollar company. In addition to the increase in turnover for Cleancorp, our internal office staff numbers have increased. Our team now consists of eight office staff members. We have also in the last 8 weeks relaunched a new website. With the help of a great SEO Company in Australia, and the awesome guys at Code Box in California (another great contact we met at Infusioncon last year..) we have rebuilt our website and integrated Infusionsoft with it so any queries that come through Google,, etc can have automatically generated logical responses, that are specific to what the customer is looking for, plus information on how this customer found us and what we need to do for them. We are also sitting at the number one position with Google for most of our important keywords. We are also Facebook and Twitter users, plus we utilize Linked In for our B2B Social channel, enhancing our position withinSocial Media. SELLWe segment into what type of cleaning our prospects want ongoing commercial cleaning, one-off cleaning, carpet steam cleaning, etc. We also segment via the number of services per week, geographical location etc. We have highly targeted geo-specific nurturing as we have found that our prospects are very parochial, and like the idea of shopping in their local area for services if they can. We nurture our prospects both on and off-line. Using a combination of targeted emails we start off with a salesy email with a photo of Hamish on it, information about our triple ISO Certifications, and a link to our e-brochure. After that, we really tone down the emails to look less and less salesy, in fact, we have set some of the campaign emails up to look as though theyve just been sent via our iPhone or iPad these get enormous traction and response from our prospects. We also have campaign steps that trigger us to make a thoughtful telephone call to check theyve received their quote. We use this step to further qualify our prospects, and we like to keep them talking about their cleaning for as long as we can! Another step in our lead nurturing is our lumpy mail step. We have these awesome UV Light beam torches thats how up dirt and grime. We send these out to the prospects to show them what their bathroom or kitchen eally looks like under the UV trust us, its never good (more about this in the next question) We use pay per click advertising to push prospects on to our landing pages. SEO is huge for us, and we dominate our keywords on Google. We capture leads there by having a 'quick quote' call to action which is extremely effective. We also use direct mail effectively by sending lumpy mail pieces to highly targeted groups of businesses who are in our demographic. Then we use Infusionsoft automation to stay in touch with our prospects, build up rapport, add value with useful information, and build our brand with them. For our new prospects we nurture them with our marketing automation using a combination of approaches by email, connecting on the telephone (which is always a great way for us to further qualify our leads, and find outmore of their 'hot' buttons), we also take the nurturing off-line, sending out lumpy mail pieces. With the lumpy mail pieces we change it up all the time, but at the moment, we're using the UV Blacklight torch which has worked extremely well. In the past we've also sent the "Cleaning" book by Shannon Lush, as well as chocolates. The nurturing process for new customers is different altogether. The content of each step of our process, is built around the foundation that we want to build trust with theprospects, let them know who we are and what our purpose is - "We keep private enterprise clean "At the moment, we're working on developing our content more so we can see more alignment with our purposeand valuesWowWe build upsells into all of our campaigns - plus we know that our customers like to have extra things done around the Holidays, so we also have a special holiday campaign for these things. In regards to repeat sales, all of our sales are repeat sales - because we offer contract cleaning services, we invoice all of our customers each month for their cleaning service - so when we make a sale, if we do a good job, we have a customer for a long time, which pushes up their lifetime value to us. Add the upsells, and it really starts to multiply.Over 30% of our customer base is from a referral - unbelievable for a cleaning company... The thing is we care much more about service than money, and so when we ask for a testimonial from a customer, the majority of the time, they will be happy to refer us to their friends and family because they are enjoying our great service. We also have referral/testimonial requests built into both our Send Out Cards campaign and Infusionsoft campaigns. We have 1 sequence step which asks for a testimonial - and we reward the customer and the cleaner when we get those, with a $25 gift voucher each. For the referrals, we don't provide a monetary payment for the customers as we found this just didn't work, but when our Cleaners get a referral, they get a fee.

The Macqueens were broke. They started a business and needed to grow sales

Tell the Macqueen story in this format. Use the background below to formulate what youll say. Here is a summary of the key points:Problem broke, started business, needed to grow salesSolution used Lifecycle Marketing to attract, sell and wowResults Increased revenue upwards of 54% (millions of dollars in revenue) #1 for targeted SEO (Attract), multiple campaigns (Sell) 30% customers via referrals (Wow)


Lisa & Hamish MacqueenOwners, Cleancorp

AboutCleancorp is a national janitorial service and were based here in Sydney. Weve been in operation for almost 20 years and weve grown one contract at a time. The idea began years ago. It was boxing-day and Hamish and I realized we had no money. We didnt have any money in our bank account, we didnt have any money on our credit cards, there was no money even behind the sofa cushions- I mean we had no money- and we also had three children under four so, here we were parents, no money, it just wasnt good.

So we went down to our local beach and I was on the sand with the children, Hamish went for a surf and he came down a few minutes later with this massive smile on his face and I remember thinking why is he smiling? Weve got nothing to smile about at the moment and he walked towards me and he held out his hand and in his hand was a ten dollar note and it was all crunched up and inside that ten dollar note was a five dollar note, and he found $15 dollars in the surf. It had just floated towards him in the ocean. So I think at that point we realized that something was helping us, and we were going to be okay but we needed to make some life changes, some job changes. And thats really where it all began.

Hamish was working as a carpenter and he was self-employed but because he was self-employed his paychecks were really infrequent. I was working for an international hotel company. I had a great job, traveling the world. It was fantastic but I only was paid once a month and that was at the end of the month. Thats why we ran out of money, because Hamishs client hadnt paid him and I wasnt due to be paid until the last day of December so that was why that occurred. Fast forward from there and he was offered a job cleaning an office to help pay the bills and as he was doing that he thought wow, I actually could make some money out of this because this is a business that never feels the recession, people always need their offices cleaned and its monthly recurring income. We thought thats a great business model, its simple and thats where it began.

Lifecycle marketing tie:Cleancorp uses the Lifecycle Marketing model in all areas of their business.

AttractOur process is to have strong call to actions on our website, we use a combination of SEO, PPC and lumpy mail to attract leads. In our market, our prospects are already fairly hot as we have found throughout our 18 years in business, that no-one contacts an office cleaning company just out of curiosity generally speaking they have a problem, and they want to fix it straight away. Therefore our sales cycle is very short (usually around 7-10 days). Any prospects that do not convert straight away, we put them through our funnel for direct marketing pieces i.e. lumpy mail - which works very well in keeping in touch, & keeping the opt-outs rate to a minimum. Were also working hard on our social media side of attracting leads, and have just begun a strategic B2B campaign using Linked In to target our ideal clients, educate them with information etc, and then take our online relationship with them to an offline relationship by calling and inviting them for a coffee. Our most successful lead gen content is definitely our blog posts. We get a lot of traffic to our website and landing pages this way, and have just upgraded our website to now include a call to action box on each web page to make it easier to capture prospects while theyre in the mood for our services.For us, it seemed natural to give our prospects what they want straight up so our main call to action/opt-in isthe request for a quick quote. It is rare that someone would visit an office cleaning site unless they were actually in the market for this service, so we liked the idea of making it super easy for our prospects to just geta price quickly and easily. We also have some of our landing pages using the uv lightbeam torch as the opt-inas well as our blog post pages.Our first list (before Infusionsoft) was a jumbled mess of papers that took forever to look through, gave no metrics or information on our prospects, and did not allow us to measure our ROI. Needless to say, the results weve seen since becoming Infusionsoft customers has been staggering. Weve definitely experienced an increase in our list size and our conversion rate has increased, especially since we deployed our newwebsite in October 2013Since the investment and implementation of Infusionsoft, Cleancorp has grown significantly into a multimillion dollar company. In addition to the increase in turnover for Cleancorp, our internal office staff numbers have increased. Our team now consists of eight office staff members. We have also in the last 8 weeks relaunched a new website. With the help of a great SEO Company in Australia, and the awesome guys at Code Box in California (another great contact we met at Infusioncon last year..) we have rebuilt our website and integrated Infusionsoft with it so any queries that come through Google,, etc can have automatically generated logical responses, that are specific to what the customer is looking for, plus information on how this customer found us and what we need to do for them. We are also sitting at the number one position with Google for most of our important keywords. We are also Facebook and Twitter users, plus we utilize Linked In for our B2B Social channel, enhancing our position withinSocial Media. SELLWe segment into what type of cleaning our prospects want ongoing commercial cleaning, one-off cleaning, carpet steam cleaning, etc. We also segment via the number of services per week, geographical location etc. We have highly targeted geo-specific nurturing as we have found that our prospects are very parochial, and like the idea of shopping in their local area for services if they can. We nurture our prospects both on and off-line. Using a combination of targeted emails we start off with a salesy email with a photo of Hamish on it, information about our triple ISO Certifications, and a link to our e-brochure. After that, we really tone down the emails to look less and less salesy, in fact, we have set some of the campaign emails up to look as though theyve just been sent via our iPhone or iPad these get enormous traction and response from our prospects. We also have campaign steps that trigger us to make a thoughtful telephone call to check theyve received their quote. We use this step to further qualify our prospects, and we like to keep them talking about their cleaning for as long as we can! Another step in our lead nurturing is our lumpy mail step. We have these awesome UV Light beam torches thats how up dirt and grime. We send these out to the prospects to show them what their bathroom or kitchen eally looks like under the UV trust us, its never good (more about this in the next question) We use pay per click advertising to push prospects on to our landing pages. SEO is huge for us, and we dominate our keywords on Google. We capture leads there by having a 'quick quote' call to action which is extremely effective. We also use direct mail effectively by sending lumpy mail pieces to highly targeted groups of businesses who are in our demographic. Then we use Infusionsoft automation to stay in touch with our prospects, build up rapport, add value with useful information, and build our brand with them. For our new prospects we nurture them with our marketing automation using a combination of approaches by email, connecting on the telephone (which is always a great way for us to further qualify our leads, and find outmore of their 'hot' buttons), we also take the nurturing off-line, sending out lumpy mail pieces. With the lumpy mail pieces we change it up all the time, but at the moment, we're using the UV Blacklight torch which has worked extremely well. In the past we've also sent the "Cleaning" book by Shannon Lush, as well as chocolates. The nurturing process for new customers is different altogether. The content of each step of our process, is built around the foundation that we want to build trust with theprospects, let them know who we are and what our purpose is - "We keep private enterprise clean "At the moment, we're working on developing our content more so we can see more alignment with our purposeand valuesWowWe build upsells into all of our campaigns - plus we know that our customers like to have extra things done around the Holidays, so we also have a special holiday campaign for these things. In regards to repeat sales, all of our sales are repeat sales - because we offer contract cleaning services, we invoice all of our customers each month for their cleaning service - so when we make a sale, if we do a good job, we have a customer for a long time, which pushes up their lifetime value to us. Add the upsells, and it really starts to multiply.Over 30% of our customer base is from a referral - unbelievable for a cleaning company... The thing is we care much more about service than money, and so when we ask for a testimonial from a customer, the majority of the time, they will be happy to refer us to their friends and family because they are enjoying our great service. We also have referral/testimonial requests built into both our Send Out Cards campaign and Infusionsoft campaigns. We have 1 sequence step which asks for a testimonial - and we reward the customer and the cleaner when we get those, with a $25 gift voucher each. For the referrals, we don't provide a monetary payment for the customers as we found this just didn't work, but when our Cleaners get a referral, they get a fee.

They used Attraction Marketing to attract, sell and wowLisa & Hamish MacqueenCleancorp

Tell the Macqueen story in this format. Use the background below to formulate what youll say. Here is a summary of the key points:Problem broke, started business, needed to grow salesSolution used Lifecycle Marketing to attract, sell and wowResults Increased revenue upwards of 54% (millions of dollars in revenue) #1 for targeted SEO (Attract), multiple campaigns (Sell) 30% customers via referrals (Wow)


Lisa & Hamish MacqueenOwners, Cleancorp

AboutCleancorp is a national janitorial service and were based here in Sydney. Weve been in operation for almost 20 years and weve grown one contract at a time. The idea began years ago. It was boxing-day and Hamish and I realized we had no money. We didnt have any money in our bank account, we didnt have any money on our credit cards, there was no money even behind the sofa cushions- I mean we had no money- and we also had three children under four so, here we were parents, no money, it just wasnt good.

So we went down to our local beach and I was on the sand with the children, Hamish went for a surf and he came down a few minutes later with this massive smile on his face and I remember thinking why is he smiling? Weve got nothing to smile about at the moment and he walked towards me and he held out his hand and in his hand was a ten dollar note and it was all crunched up and inside that ten dollar note was a five dollar note, and he found $15 dollars in the surf. It had just floated towards him in the ocean. So I think at that point we realized that something was helping us, and we were going to be okay but we needed to make some life changes, some job changes. And thats really where it all began.

Hamish was working as a carpenter and he was self-employed but because he was self-employed his paychecks were really infrequent. I was working for an international hotel company. I had a great job, traveling the world. It was fantastic but I only was paid once a month and that was at the end of the month. Thats why we ran out of money, because Hamishs client hadnt paid him and I wasnt due to be paid until the last day of December so that was why that occurred. Fast forward from there and he was offered a job cleaning an office to help pay the bills and as he was doing that he thought wow, I actually could make some money out of this because this is a business that never feels the recession, people always need their offices cleaned and its monthly recurring income. We thought thats a great business model, its simple and thats where it began.

Lifecycle marketing tie:Cleancorp uses the Lifecycle Marketing model in all areas of their business.

AttractOur process is to have strong call to actions on our website, we use a combination of SEO, PPC and lumpy mail to attract leads. In our market, our prospects are already fairly hot as we have found throughout our 18 years in business, that no-one contacts an office cleaning company just out of curiosity generally speaking they have a problem, and they want to fix it straight away. Therefore our sales cycle is very short (usually around 7-10 days). Any prospects that do not convert straight away, we put them through our funnel for direct marketing pieces i.e. lumpy mail - which works very well in keeping in touch, & keeping the opt-outs rate to a minimum. Were also working hard on our social media side of attracting leads, and have just begun a strategic B2B campaign using Linked In to target our ideal clients, educate them with information etc, and then take our online relationship with them to an offline relationship by calling and inviting them for a coffee. Our most successful lead gen content is definitely our blog posts. We get a lot of traffic to our website and landing pages this way, and have just upgraded our website to now include a call to action box on each web page to make it easier to capture prospects while theyre in the mood for our services.For us, it seemed natural to give our prospects what they want straight up so our main call to action/opt-in isthe request for a quick quote. It is rare that someone would visit an office cleaning site unless they were actually in the market for this service, so we liked the idea of making it super easy for our prospects to just geta price quickly and easily. We also have some of our landing pages using the uv lightbeam torch as the opt-inas well as our blog post pages.Our first list (before Infusionsoft) was a jumbled mess of papers that took forever to look through, gave no metrics or information on our prospects, and did not allow us to measure our ROI. Needless to say, the results weve seen since becoming Infusionsoft customers has been staggering. Weve definitely experienced an increase in our list size and our conversion rate has increased, especially since we deployed our newwebsite in October 2013Since the investment and implementation of Infusionsoft, Cleancorp has grown significantly into a multimillion dollar company. In addition to the increase in turnover for Cleancorp, our internal office staff numbers have increased. Our team now consists of eight office staff members. We have also in the last 8 weeks relaunched a new website. With the help of a great SEO Company in Australia, and the awesome guys at Code Box in California (another great contact we met at Infusioncon last year..) we have rebuilt our website and integrated Infusionsoft with it so any queries that come through Google,, etc can have automatically generated logical responses, that are specific to what the customer is looking for, plus information on how this customer found us and what we need to do for them. We are also sitting at the number one position with Google for most of our important keywords. We are also Facebook and Twitter users, plus we utilize Linked In for our B2B Social channel, enhancing our position withinSocial Media. SELLWe segment into what type of cleaning our prospects want ongoing commercial cleaning, one-off cleaning, carpet steam cleaning, etc. We also segment via the number of services per week, geographical location etc. We have highly targeted geo-specific nurturing as we have found that our prospects are very parochial, and like the idea of shopping in their local area for services if they can. We nurture our prospects both on and off-line. Using a combination of targeted emails we start off with a salesy email with a photo of Hamish on it, information about our triple ISO Certifications, and a link to our e-brochure. After that, we really tone down the emails to look less and less salesy, in fact, we have set some of the campaign emails up to look as though theyve just been sent via our iPhone or iPad these get enormous traction and response from our prospects. We also have campaign steps that trigger us to make a thoughtful telephone call to check theyve received their quote. We use this step to further qualify our prospects, and we like to keep them talking about their cleaning for as long as we can! Another step in our lead nurturing is our lumpy mail step. We have these awesome UV Light beam torches thats how up dirt and grime. We send these out to the prospects to show them what their bathroom or kitchen eally looks like under the UV trust us, its never good (more about this in the next question) We use pay per click advertising to push prospects on to our landing pages. SEO is huge for us, and we dominate our keywords on Google. We capture leads there by having a 'quick quote' call to action which is extremely effective. We also use direct mail effectively by sending lumpy mail pieces to highly targeted groups of businesses who are in our demographic. Then we use Infusionsoft automation to stay in touch with our prospects, build up rapport, add value with useful information, and build our brand with them. For our new prospects we nurture them with our marketing automation using a combination of approaches by email, connecting on the telephone (which is always a great way for us to further qualify our leads, and find outmore of their 'hot' buttons), we also take the nurturing off-line, sending out lumpy mail pieces. With the lumpy mail pieces we change it up all the time, but at the moment, we're using the UV Blacklight torch which has worked extremely well. In the past we've also sent the "Cleaning" book by Shannon Lush, as well as chocolates. The nurturing process for new customers is different altogether. The content of each step of our process, is built around the foundation that we want to build trust with theprospects, let them know who we are and what our purpose is - "We keep private enterprise clean "At the moment, we're working on developing our content more so we can see more alignment with our purposeand valuesWowWe build upsells into all of our campaigns - plus we know that our customers like to have extra things done around the Holidays, so we also have a special holiday campaign for these things. In regards to repeat sales, all of our sales are repeat sales - because we offer contract cleaning services, we invoice all of our customers each month for their cleaning service - so when we make a sale, if we do a good job, we have a customer for a long time, which pushes up their lifetime value to us. Add the upsells, and it really starts to multiply.Over 30% of our customer base is from a referral - unbelievable for a cleaning company... The thing is we care much more about service than money, and so when we ask for a testimonial from a customer, the majority of the time, they will be happy to refer us to their friends and family because they are enjoying our great service. We also have referral/testimonial requests built into both our Send Out Cards campaign and Infusionsoft campaigns. We have 1 sequence step which asks for a testimonial - and we reward the customer and the cleaner when we get those, with a $25 gift voucher each. For the referrals, we don't provide a monetary payment for the customers as we found this just didn't work, but when our Cleaners get a referral, they get a fee.

They increased revenue more than 54%Lisa & Hamish MacqueenCleancorp

Tell the Macqueen story in this format. Use the background below to formulate what youll say. Here is a summary of the key points:Problem broke, started business, needed to grow salesSolution used Lifecycle Marketing to attract, sell and wowResults Increased revenue upwards of 54% (millions of dollars in revenue) #1 for targeted SEO (Attract), multiple campaigns (Sell) 30% customers via referrals (Wow)


Lisa & Hamish MacqueenOwners, Cleancorp

AboutCleancorp is a national janitorial service and were based here in Sydney. Weve been in operation for almost 20 years and weve grown one contract at a time. The idea began years ago. It was boxing-day and Hamish and I realized we had no money. We didnt have any money in our bank account, we didnt have any money on our credit cards, there was no money even behind the sofa cushions- I mean we had no money- and we also had three children under four so, here we were parents, no money, it just wasnt good.

So we went down to our local beach and I was on the sand with the children, Hamish went for a surf and he came down a few minutes later with this massive smile on his face and I remember thinking why is he smiling? Weve got nothing to smile about at the moment and he walked towards me and he held out his hand and in his hand was a ten dollar note and it was all crunched up and inside that ten dollar note was a five dollar note, and he found $15 dollars in the surf. It had just floated towards him in the ocean. So I think at that point we realized that something was helping us, and we were going to be okay but we needed to make some life changes, some job changes. And thats really where it all began.

Hamish was working as a carpenter and he was self-employed but because he was self-employed his paychecks were really infrequent. I was working for an international hotel company. I had a great job, traveling the world. It was fantastic but I only was paid once a month and that was at the end of the month. Thats why we ran out of money, because Hamishs client hadnt paid him and I wasnt due to be paid until the last day of December so that was why that occurred. Fast forward from there and he was offered a job cleaning an office to help pay the bills and as he was doing that he thought wow, I actually could make some money out of this because this is a business that never feels the recession, people always need their offices cleaned and its monthly recurring income. We thought thats a great business model, its simple and thats where it began.

Lifecycle marketing tie:Cleancorp uses the Lifecycle Marketing model in all areas of their business.

AttractOur process is to have strong call to actions on our website, we use a combination of SEO, PPC and lumpy mail to attract leads. In our market, our prospects are already fairly hot as we have found throughout our 18 years in business, that no-one contacts an office cleaning company just out of curiosity generally speaking they have a problem, and they want to fix it straight away. Therefore our sales cycle is very short (usually around 7-10 days). Any prospects that do not convert straight away, we put them through our funnel for direct marketing pieces i.e. lumpy mail - which works very well in keeping in touch, & keeping the opt-outs rate to a minimum. Were also working hard on our social media side of attracting leads, and have just begun a strategic B2B campaign using Linked In to target our ideal clients, educate them with information etc, and then take our online relationship with them to an offline relationship by calling and inviting them for a coffee. Our most successful lead gen content is definitely our blog posts. We get a lot of traffic to our website and landing pages this way, and have just upgraded our website to now include a call to action box on each web page to make it easier to capture prospects while theyre in the mood for our services.For us, it seemed natural to give our prospects what they want straight up so our main call to action/opt-in isthe request for a quick quote. It is rare that someone would visit an office cleaning site unless they were actually in the market for this service, so we liked the idea of making it super easy for our prospects to just geta price quickly and easily. We also have some of our landing pages using the uv lightbeam torch as the opt-inas well as our blog post pages.Our first list (before Infusionsoft) was a jumbled mess of papers that took forever to look through, gave no metrics or information on our prospects, and did not allow us to measure our ROI. Needless to say, the results weve seen since becoming Infusionsoft customers has been staggering. Weve definitely experienced an increase in our list size and our conversion rate has increased, especially since we deployed our newwebsite in October 2013Since the investment and implementation of Infusionsoft, Cleancorp has grown significantly into a multimillion dollar company. In addition to the increase in turnover for Cleancorp, our internal office staff numbers have increased. Our team now consists of eight office staff members. We have also in the last 8 weeks relaunched a new website. With the help of a great SEO Company in Australia, and the awesome guys at Code Box in California (another great contact we met at Infusioncon last year..) we have rebuilt our website and integrated Infusionsoft with it so any queries that come through Google,, etc can have automatically generated logical responses, that are specific to what the customer is looking for, plus information on how this customer found us and what we need to do for them. We are also sitting at the number one position with Google for most of our important keywords. We are also Facebook and Twitter users, plus we utilize Linked In for our B2B Social channel, enhancing our position withinSocial Media. SELLWe segment into what type of cleaning our prospects want ongoing commercial cleaning, one-off cleaning, carpet steam cleaning, etc. We also segment via the number of services per week, geographical location etc. We have highly targeted geo-specific nurturing as we have found that our prospects are very parochial, and like the idea of shopping in their local area for services if they can. We nurture our prospects both on and off-line. Using a combination of targeted emails we start off with a salesy email with a photo of Hamish on it, information about our triple ISO Certifications, and a link to our e-brochure. After that, we really tone down the emails to look less and less salesy, in fact, we have set some of the campaign emails up to look as though theyve just been sent via our iPhone or iPad these get enormous traction and response from our prospects. We also have campaign steps that trigger us to make a thoughtful telephone call to check theyve received their quote. We use this step to further qualify our prospects, and we like to keep them talking about their cleaning for as long as we can! Another step in our lead nurturing is our lumpy mail step. We have these awesome UV Light beam torches thats how up dirt and grime. We send these out to the prospects to show them what their bathroom or kitchen eally looks like under the UV trust us, its never good (more about this in the next question) We use pay per click advertising to push prospects on to our landing pages. SEO is huge for us, and we dominate our keywords on Google. We capture leads there by having a 'quick quote' call to action which is extremely effective. We also use direct mail effectively by sending lumpy mail pieces to highly targeted groups of businesses who are in our demographic. Then we use Infusionsoft automation to stay in touch with our prospects, build up rapport, add value with useful information, and build our brand with them. For our new prospects we nurture them with our marketing automation using a combination of approaches by email, connecting on the telephone (which is always a great way for us to further qualify our leads, and find outmore of their 'hot' buttons), we also take the nurturing off-line, sending out lumpy mail pieces. With the lumpy mail pieces we change it up all the time, but at the moment, we're using the UV Blacklight torch which has worked extremely well. In the past we've also sent the "Cleaning" book by Shannon Lush, as well as chocolates. The nurturing process for new customers is different altogether. The content of each step of our process, is built around the foundation that we want to build trust with theprospects, let them know who we are and what our purpose is - "We keep private enterprise clean "At the moment, we're working on developing our content more so we can see more alignment with our purposeand valuesWowWe build upsells into all of our campaigns - plus we know that our customers like to have extra things done around the Holidays, so we also have a special holiday campaign for these things. In regards to repeat sales, all of our sales are repeat sales - because we offer contract cleaning services, we invoice all of our customers each month for their cleaning service - so when we make a sale, if we do a good job, we have a customer for a long time, which pushes up their lifetime value to us. Add the upsells, and it really starts to multiply.Over 30% of our customer base is from a referral - unbelievable for a cleaning company... The thing is we care much more about service than money, and so when we ask for a testimonial from a customer, the majority of the time, they will be happy to refer us to their friends and family because they are enjoying our great service. We also have referral/testimonial requests built into both our Send Out Cards campaign and Infusionsoft campaigns. We have 1 sequence step which asks for a testimonial - and we reward the customer and the cleaner when we get those, with a $25 gift voucher each. For the referrals, we don't provide a monetary payment for the customers as we found this just didn't work, but when our Cleaners get a referral, they get a fee.

They reached No 1 in Google for their targeted keywordLisa & Hamish MacqueenCleancorp

Tell the Macqueen story in this format. Use the background below to formulate what youll say. Here is a summary of the key points:Problem broke, started business, needed to grow salesSolution used Lifecycle Marketing to attract, sell and wowResults Increased revenue upwards of 54% (millions of dollars in revenue) #1 for targeted SEO (Attract), multiple campaigns (Sell) 30% customers via referrals (Wow)


Lisa & Hamish MacqueenOwners, Cleancorp

AboutCleancorp is a national janitorial service and were based here in Sydney. Weve been in operation for almost 20 years and weve grown one contract at a time. The idea began years ago. It was boxing-day and Hamish and I realized we had no money. We didnt have any money in our bank account, we didnt have any money on our credit cards, there was no money even behind the sofa cushions- I mean we had no money- and we also had three children under four so, here we were parents, no money, it just wasnt good.

So we went down to our local beach and I was on the sand with the children, Hamish went for a surf and he came down a few minutes later with this massive smile on his face and I remember thinking why is he smiling? Weve got nothing to smile about at the moment and he walked towards me and he held out his hand and in his hand was a ten dollar note and it was all crunched up and inside that ten dollar note was a five dollar note, and he found $15 dollars in the surf. It had just floated towards him in the ocean. So I think at that point we realized that something was helping us, and we were going to be okay but we needed to make some life changes, some job changes. And thats really where it all began.

Hamish was working as a carpenter and he was self-employed but because he was self-employed his paychecks were really infrequent. I was working for an international hotel company. I had a great job, traveling the world. It was fantastic but I only was paid once a month and that was at the end of the month. Thats why we ran out of money, because Hamishs client hadnt paid him and I wasnt due to be paid until the last day of December so that was why that occurred. Fast forward from there and he was offered a job cleaning an office to help pay the bills and as he was doing that he thought wow, I actually could make some money out of this because this is a business that never feels the recession, people always need their offices cleaned and its monthly recurring income. We thought thats a great business model, its simple and thats where it began.

Lifecycle marketing tie:Cleancorp uses the Lifecycle Marketing model in all areas of their business.

AttractOur process is to have strong call to actions on our website, we use a combination of SEO, PPC and lumpy mail to attract leads. In our market, our prospects are already fairly hot as we have found throughout our 18 years in business, that no-one contacts an office cleaning company just out of curiosity generally speaking they have a problem, and they want to fix it straight away. Therefore our sales cycle is very short (usually around 7-10 days). Any prospects that do not convert straight away, we put them through our funnel for direct marketing pieces i.e. lumpy mail - which works very well in keeping in touch, & keeping the opt-outs rate to a minimum. Were also working hard on our social media side of attracting leads, and have just begun a strategic B2B campaign using Linked In to target our ideal clients, educate them with information etc, and then take our online relationship with them to an offline relationship by calling and inviting them for a coffee. Our most successful lead gen content is definitely our blog posts. We get a lot of traffic to our website and landing pages this way, and have just upgraded our website to now include a call to action box on each web page to make it easier to capture prospects while theyre in the mood for our services.For us, it seemed natural to give our prospects what they want straight up so our main call to action/opt-in isthe request for a quick quote. It is rare that someone would visit an office cleaning site unless they were actually in the market for this service, so we liked the idea of making it super easy for our prospects to just geta price quickly and easily. We also have some of our landing pages using the uv lightbeam torch as the opt-inas well as our blog post pages.Our first list (before Infusionsoft) was a jumbled mess of papers that took forever to look through, gave no metrics or information on our prospects, and did not allow us to measure our ROI. Needless to say, the results weve seen since becoming Infusionsoft customers has been staggering. Weve definitely experienced an increase in our list size and our conversion rate has increased, especially since we deployed our newwebsite in October 2013Since the investment and implementation of Infusionsoft, Cleancorp has grown significantly into a multimillion dollar company. In addition to the increase in turnover for Cleancorp, our internal office staff numbers have increased. Our team now consists of eight office staff members. We have also in the last 8 weeks relaunched a new website. With the help of a great SEO Company in Australia, and the awesome guys at Code Box in California (another great contact we met at Infusioncon last year..) we have rebuilt our website and integrated Infusionsoft with it so any queries that come through Google,, etc can have automatically generated logical responses, that are specific to what the customer is looking for, plus information on how this customer found us and what we need to do for them. We are also sitting at the number one position with Google for most of our important keywords. We are also Facebook and Twitter users, plus we utilize Linked In for our B2B Social channel, enhancing our position withinSocial Media. SELLWe segment into what type of cleaning our prospects want ongoing commercial cleaning, one-off cleaning, carpet steam cleaning, etc. We also segment via the number of services per week, geographical location etc. We have highly targeted geo-specific nurturing as we have found that our prospects are very parochial, and like the idea of shopping in their local area for services if they can. We nurture our prospects both on and off-line. Using a combination of targeted emails we start off with a salesy email with a photo of Hamish on it, information about our triple ISO Certifications, and a link to our e-brochure. After that, we really tone down the emails to look less and less salesy, in fact, we have set some of the campaign emails up to look as though theyve just been sent via our iPhone or iPad these get enormous traction and response from our prospects. We also have campaign steps that trigger us to make a thoughtful telephone call to check theyve received their quote. We use this step to further qualify our prospects, and we like to keep them talking about their cleaning for as long as we can! Another step in our lead nurturing is our lumpy mail step. We have these awesome UV Light beam torches thats how up dirt and grime. We send these out to the prospects to show them what their bathroom or kitchen eally looks like under the UV trust us, its never good (more about this in the next question) We use pay per click advertising to push prospects on to our landing pages. SEO is huge for us, and we dominate our keywords on Google. We capture leads there by having a 'quick quote' call to action which is extremely effective. We also use direct mail effectively by sending lumpy mail pieces to highly targeted groups of businesses who are in our demographic. Then we use Infusionsoft automation to stay in touch with our prospects, build up rapport, add value with useful information, and build our brand with them. For our new prospects we nurture them with our marketing automation using a combination of approaches by email, connecting on the telephone (which is always a great way for us to further qualify our leads, and find outmore of their 'hot' buttons), we also take the nurturing off-line, sending out lumpy mail pieces. With the lumpy mail pieces we change it up all the time, but at the moment, we're using the UV Blacklight torch which has worked extremely well. In the past we've also sent the "Cleaning" book by Shannon Lush, as well as chocolates. The nurturing process for new customers is different altogether. The content of each step of our process, is built around the foundation that we want to build trust with theprospects, let them know who we are and what our purpose is - "We keep private enterprise clean "At the moment, we're working on developing our content more so we can see more alignment with our purposeand valuesWowWe build upsells into all of our campaigns - plus we know that our customers like to have extra things done around the Holidays, so we also have a special holiday campaign for these things. In regards to repeat sales, all of our sales are repeat sales - because we offer contract cleaning services, we invoice all of our customers each month for their cleaning service - so when we make a sale, if we do a good job, we have a customer for a long time, which pushes up their lifetime value to us. Add the upsells, and it really starts to multiply.Over 30% of our customer base is from a referral - unbelievable for a cleaning company... The thing is we care much more about service than money, and so when we ask for a testimonial from a customer, the majority of the time, they will be happy to refer us to their friends and family because they are enjoying our great service. We also have referral/testimonial requests built into both our Send Out Cards campaign and Infusionsoft campaigns. We have 1 sequence step which asks for a testimonial - and we reward the customer and the cleaner when we get those, with a $25 gift voucher each. For the referrals, we don't provide a monetary payment for the customers as we found this just didn't work, but when our Cleaners get a referral, they get a fee.

They created multiple campaignsLisa & Hamish MacqueenCleancorp

Tell the Macqueen story in this format. Use the background below to formulate what youll say. Here is a summary of the key points:Problem broke, started business, needed to grow salesSolution used Lifecycle Marketing to attract, sell and wowResults Increased revenue upwards of 54% (millions of dollars in revenue) #1 for targeted SEO (Attract), multiple campaigns (Sell) 30% customers via referrals (Wow)


Lisa & Hamish MacqueenOwners, Cleancorp

AboutCleancorp is a national janitorial service and were based here in Sydney. Weve been in operation for almost 20 years and weve grown one contract at a time. The idea began years ago. It was boxing-day and Hamish and I realized we had no money. We didnt have any money in our bank account, we didnt have any money on our credit cards, there was no money even behind the sofa cushions- I mean we had no money- and we also had three children under four so, here we were parents, no money, it just wasnt good.

So we went down to our local beach and I was on the sand with the children, Hamish went for a surf and he came down a few minutes later with this massive smile on his face and I remember thinking why is he smiling? Weve got nothing to smile about at the moment and he walked towards me and he held out his hand and in his hand was a ten dollar note and it was all crunched up and inside that ten dollar note was a five dollar note, and he found $15 dollars in the surf. It had just floated towards him in the ocean. So I think at that point we realized that something was helping us, and we were going to be okay but we needed to make some life changes, some job changes. And thats really where it all began.

Hamish was working as a carpenter and he was self-employed but because he was self-employed his paychecks were really infrequent. I was working for an international hotel company. I had a great job, traveling the world. It was fantastic but I only was paid once a month and that was at the end of the month. Thats why we ran out of money, because Hamishs client hadnt paid him and I wasnt due to be paid until the last day of December so that was why that occurred. Fast forward from there and he was offered a job cleaning an office to help pay the bills and as he was doing that he thought wow, I actually could make some money out of this because this is a business that never feels the recession, people always need their offices cleaned and its monthly recurring income. We thought thats a great business model, its simple and thats where it began.

Lifecycle marketing tie:Cleancorp uses the Lifecycle Marketing model in all areas of their business.

AttractOur process is to have strong call to actions on our website, we use a combination of SEO, PPC and lumpy mail to attract leads. In our market, our prospects are already fairly hot as we have found throughout our 18 years in business, that no-one contacts an office cleaning company just out of curiosity generally speaking they have a problem, and they want to fix it straight away. Therefore our sales cycle is very short (usually around 7-10 days). Any prospects that do not convert straight away, we put them through our funnel for direct marketing pieces i.e. lumpy mail - which works very well in keeping in touch, & keeping the opt-outs rate to a minimum. Were also working hard on our social media side of attracting leads, and have just begun a strategic B2B campaign using Linked In to target our ideal clients, educate them with information etc, and then take our online relationship with them to an offline relationship by calling and inviting them for a coffee. Our most successful lead gen content is definitely our blog posts. We get a lot of traffic to our website and landing pages this way, and have just upgraded our website to now include a call to action box on each web page to make it easier to capture prospects while theyre in the mood for our services.For us, it seemed natural to give our prospects what they want straight up so our main call to action/opt-in isthe request for a quick quote. It is rare that someone would visit an office cleaning site unless they were actually in the market for this service, so we liked the idea of making it super easy for our prospects to just geta price quickly and easily. We also have some of our landing pages using the uv lightbeam torch as the opt-inas well as our blog post pages.Our first list (before Infusionsoft) was a jumbled mess of papers that took forever to look through, gave no metrics or information on our prospects, and did not allow us to measure our ROI. Needless to say, the results weve seen since becoming Infusionsoft customers has been staggering. Weve definitely experienced an increase in our list size and our conversion rate has increased, especially since we deployed our newwebsite in October 2013Since the investment and implementation of Infusionsoft, Cleancorp has grown significantly into a multimillion dollar company. In addition to the increase in turnover for Cleancorp, our internal office staff numbers have increased. Our team now consists of eight office staff members. We have also in the last 8 weeks relaunched a new website. With the help of a great SEO Company in Australia, and the awesome guys at Code Box in California (another great contact we met at Infusioncon last year..) we have rebuilt our website and integrated Infusionsoft with it so any queries that come through Google,, etc can have automatically generated logical responses, that are specific to what the customer is looking for, plus information on how this customer found us and what we need to do for them. We are also sitting at the number one position with Google for most of our important keywords. We are also Facebook and Twitter users, plus we utilize Linked In for our B2B Social channel, enhancing our position withinSocial Media. SELLWe segment into what type of cleaning our prospects want ongoing commercial cleaning, one-off cleaning, carpet steam cleaning, etc. We also segment via the number of services per week, geographical location etc. We have highly targeted geo-specific nurturing as we have found that our prospects are very parochial, and like the idea of shopping in their local area for services if they can. We nurture our prospects both on and off-line. Using a combination of targeted emails we start off with a salesy email with a photo of Hamish on it, information about our triple ISO Certifications, and a link to our e-brochure. After that, we really tone down the emails to look less and less salesy, in fact, we have set some of the campaign emails up to look as though theyve just been sent via our iPhone or iPad these get enormous traction and response from our prospects. We also have campaign steps that trigger us to make a thoughtful telephone call to check theyve received their quote. We use this step to further qualify our prospects, and we like to keep them talking about their cleaning for as long as we can! Another step in our lead nurturing is our lumpy mail step. We have these awesome UV Light beam torches thats how up dirt and grime. We send these out to the prospects to show them what their bathroom or kitchen eally looks like under the UV trust us, its never good (more about this in the next question) We use pay per click advertising to push prospects on to our landing pages. SEO is huge for us, and we dominate our keywords on Google. We capture leads there by having a 'quick quote' call to action which is extremely effective. We also use direct mail effectively by sending lumpy mail pieces to highly targeted groups of businesses who are in our demographic. Then we use Infusionsoft automation to stay in touch with our prospects, build up rapport, add value with useful information, and build our brand with them. For our new prospects we nurture them with our marketing automation using a combination of approaches by email, connecting on the telephone (which is always a great way for us to further qualify our leads, and find outmore of their 'hot' buttons), we also take the nurturing off-line, sending out lumpy mail pieces. With the lumpy mail pieces we change it up all the time, but at the moment, we're using the UV Blacklight torch which has worked extremely well. In the past we've also sent the "Cleaning" book by Shannon Lush, as well as chocolates. The nurturing process for new customers is different altogether. The content of each step of our process, is built around the foundation that we want to build trust with theprospects, let them know who we are and what our purpose is - "We keep private enterprise clean "At the moment, we're working on developing our content more so we can see more alignment with our purposeand valuesWowWe build upsells into all of our campaigns - plus we know that our customers like to have extra things done around the Holidays, so we also have a special holiday campaign for these things. In regards to repeat sales, all of our sales are repeat sales - because we offer contract cleaning services, we invoice all of our customers each month for their cleaning service - so when we make a sale, if we do a good job, we have a customer for a long time, which pushes up their lifetime value to us. Add the upsells, and it really starts to multiply.Over 30% of our customer base is from a referral - unbelievable for a cleaning company... The thing is we care much more about service than money, and so when we ask for a testimonial from a customer, the majority of the time, they will be happy to refer us to their friends and family because they are enjoying our great service. We also have referral/testimonial requests built into both our Send Out Cards campaign and Infusionsoft campaigns. We have 1 sequence step which asks for a testimonial - and we reward the customer and the cleaner when we get those, with a $25 gift voucher each. For the referrals, we don't provide a monetary payment for the customers as we found this just didn't work, but when our Cleaners get a referral, they get a fee.

And they got 30% of their new customers through referralsLisa & Hamish MacqueenCleancorp

Tell the Macqueen story in this format. Use the background below to formulate what youll say. Here is a summary of the key points:Problem broke, started business, needed to grow salesSolution used Lifecycle Marketing to attract, sell and wowResults Increased revenue upwards of 54% (millions of dollars in revenue) #1 for targeted SEO (Attract), multiple campaigns (Sell) 30% customers via referrals (Wow)


Lisa & Hamish MacqueenOwners, Cleancorp

AboutCleancorp is a national janitorial service and were based here in Sydney. Weve been in operation for almost 20 years and weve grown one contract at a time. The idea began years ago. It was boxing-day and Hamish and I realized we had no money. We didnt have any money in our bank account, we didnt have any money on our credit cards, there was no money even behind the sofa cushions- I mean we had no money- and we also had three children under four so, here we were parents, no money, it just wasnt good.

So we went down to our local beach and I was on the sand with the children, Hamish went for a surf and he came down a few minutes later with this massive smile on his face and I remember thinking why is he smiling? Weve got nothing to smile about at the moment and he walked towards me and he held out his hand and in his hand was a ten dollar note and it was all crunched up and inside that ten dollar note was a five dollar note, and he found $15 dollars in the surf. It had just floated towards him in the ocean. So I think at that point we realized that something was helping us, and we were going to be okay but we needed to make some life changes, some job changes. And thats really where it all began.

Hamish was working as a carpenter and he was self-employed but because he was self-employed his paychecks were really infrequent. I was working for an international hotel company. I had a great job, traveling the world. It was fantastic but I only was paid once a month and that was at the end of the month. Thats why we ran out of money, because Hamishs client hadnt paid him and I wasnt due to be paid until the last day of December so that was why that occurred. Fast forward from there and he was offered a job cleaning an office to help pay the bills and as he was doing that he thought wow, I actually could make some money out of this because this is a business that never feels the recession, people always need their offices cleaned and its monthly recurring income. We thought thats a great business model, its simple and thats where it began.

Lifecycle marketing tie:Cleancorp uses the Lifecycle Marketing model in all areas of their business.

AttractOur process is to have strong call to actions on our website, we use a combination of SEO, PPC and lumpy mail to attract leads. In our market, our prospects are already fairly hot as we have found throughout our 18 years in business, that no-one contacts an office cleaning company just out of curiosity generally speaking they have a problem, and they want to fix it straight away. Therefore our sales cycle is very short (usually around 7-10 days). Any prospects that do not convert straight away, we put them through our funnel for direct marketing pieces i.e. lumpy mail - which works very well in keeping in touch, & keeping the opt-outs rate to a minimum. Were also working hard on our social media side of attracting leads, and have just begun a strategic B2B campaign using Linked In to target our ideal clients, educate them with information etc, and then take our online relationship with them to an offline relationship by calling and inviting them for a coffee. Our most successful lead gen content is definitely our blog posts. We get a lot of traffic to our website and landing pages this way, and have just upgraded our website to now include a call to action box on each web page to make it easier to capture prospects while theyre in the mood for our services.For us, it seemed natural to give our prospects what they want straight up so our main call to action/opt-in isthe request for a quick quote. It is rare that someone would visit an office cleaning site unless they were actually in the market for this service, so we liked the idea of making it super easy for our prospects to just geta price quickly and easily. We also have some of our landing pages using the uv lightbeam torch as the opt-inas well as our blog post pages.Our first list (before Infusionsoft) was a jumbled mess of papers that took forever to look through, gave no metrics or information on our prospects, and did not allow us to measure our ROI. Needless to say, the results weve seen since becoming Infusionsoft customers has been staggering. Weve definitely experienced an increase in our list size and our conversion rate has increased, especially since we deployed our newwebsite in October 2013Since the investment and implementation of Infusionsoft, Cleancorp has grown significantly into a multimillion dollar company. In addition to the increase in turnover for Cleancorp, our internal office staff numbers have increased. Our team now consists of eight office staff members. We have also in the last 8 weeks relaunched a new website. With the help of a great SEO Company in Australia, and the awesome guys at Code Box in California (another great contact we met at Infusioncon last year..) we have rebuilt our website and integrated Infusionsoft with it so any queries that come through Google,, etc can have automatically generated logical responses, that are specific to what the customer is looking for, plus information on how this customer found us and what we need to do for them. We are also sitting at the number one position with Google for most of our important keywords. We are also Facebook and Twitter users, plus we utilize Linked In for our B2B Social channel, enhancing our position withinSocial Media. SELLWe segment into what type of cleaning our prospects want ongoing commercial cleaning, one-off cleaning, carpet steam cleaning, etc. We also segment via the number of services per week, geographical location etc. We have highly targeted geo-specific nurturing as we have found that our prospects are very parochial, and like the idea of shopping in their local area for services if they can. We nurture our prospects both on and off-line. Using a combination of targeted emails we start off with a salesy email with a photo of Hamish on it, information about our triple ISO Certifications, and a link to our e-brochure. After that, we really tone down the emails to look less and less salesy, in fact, we have set some of the campaign emails up to look as though theyve just been sent via our iPhone or iPad these get enormous traction and response from our prospects. We also have campaign steps that trigger us to make a thoughtful telephone call to check theyve received their quote. We use this step to further qualify our prospects, and we like to keep them talking about their cleaning for as long as we can! Another step in our lead nurturing is our lumpy mail step. We have these awesome UV Light beam torches thats how up dirt and grime. We send these out to the prospects to show them what their bathroom or kitchen eally looks like under the UV trust us, its never good (more about this in the next question) We use pay per click advertising to push prospects on to our landing pages. SEO is huge for us, and we dominate our keywords on Google. We capture leads there by having a 'quick quote' call to action which is extremely effective. We also use direct mail effectively by sending lumpy mail pieces to highly targeted groups of businesses who are in our demographic. Then we use Infusionsoft automation to stay in touch with our prospects, build up rapport, add value with useful information, and build our brand with them. For our new prospects we nurture them with our marketing automation using a combination of approaches by email, connecting on the telephone (which is always a great way for us to further qualify our leads, and find outmore of their 'hot' buttons), we also take the nurturing off-line, sending out lumpy mail pieces. With the lumpy mail pieces we change it up all the time, but at the moment, we're using the UV Blacklight torch which has worked extremely well. In the past we've also sent the "Cleaning" book by Shannon Lush, as well as chocolates. The nurturing process for new customers is different altogether. The content of each step of our process, is built around the foundation that we want to build trust with theprospects, let them know who we are and what our purpose is - "We keep private enterprise clean "At the moment, we're working on developing our content more so we can see more alignment with our purposeand valuesWowWe build upsells into all of our campaigns - plus we know that our customers like to have extra things done around the Holidays, so we also have a special holiday campaign for these things. In regards to repeat sales, all of our sales are repeat sales - because we offer contract cleaning services, we invoice all of our customers each month for their cleaning service - so when we make a sale, if we do a good job, we have a customer for a long time, which pushes up their lifetime value to us. Add the upsells, and it really starts to multiply.Over 30% of our customer base is from a referral - unbelievable for a cleaning company... The thing is we care much more about service than money, and so when we ask for a testimonial from a customer, the majority of the time, they will be happy to refer us to their friends and family because they are enjoying our great service. We also have referral/testimonial requests built into both our Send Out Cards campaign and Infusionsoft campaigns. We have 1 sequence step which asks for a testimonial - and we reward the customer and the cleaner when we get those, with a $25 gift voucher each. For the referrals, we don't provide a monetary payment for the customers as we found this just didn't work, but when our Cleaners get a referral, they get a fee.

Tools + Process =Success

Its one thing to have great tools, but success is only possible when you combined tools with a proven process.

Creating a sales and marketing strategy for your small business can be daunting

Provide a quick 60 second overview of the framework given the details below. LCM history and rationale

Creating sales and marketing strategy for your small business can be daunting. Infusionsoft's Lifecycle Marketing model provides asimple framework you can use to attract customers, grow sales and deliver a wowing customer experience. Developedby a team of sales and marketing experts at Infusionsoft, Lifecycle Marketing has helped thousands of small businesses achieve success.

Thebeauty of Lifecycle Marketing is thesimplicity of the framework, which can be applied any small business regardless of industry or business model. When put into action, Lifecycle Marketing willhelp you grow sales AND give you more time to focus on the things you love.

Lifecycle Marketing is the Model that includes 3 PHASES: Attract, Sell, WowWithin each of the 3 phases are three stages and well take a look at each of these in just a moment.The framework isnt linear, rather you can dive into any of the phases at any time depending on where you need to focus the most and the phases interweave within one another. But, againdont got into too much detail on this as it will likely overwhelm your audience. Your goal is to simplify it for them.

Speaker Note: There are deep dives into each of these phases, but since this is an overview we wont touch on EVERYTHING.

Our Attraction Marketing model provides asimple framework you can use to attract customers, grow sales and deliver a wowing customer experience

Provide a quick 60 second overview of the framework given the details below. LCM history and rationale

Creating sales and marketing strategy for your small business can be daunting. Infusionsoft's Lifecycle Marketing model provides asimple framework you can use to attract customers, grow sales and deliver a wowing customer experience. Developedby a team of sales and marketing experts at Infusionsoft, Lifecycle Marketing has helped thousands of small businesses achieve success.

Thebeauty of Lifecycle Marketing is thesimplicity of the framework, which can be applied any small business regardless of industry or business model. When put into action, Lifecycle Marketing willhelp you grow sales AND give you more time to focus on the things you love.

Lifecycle Marketing is the Model that includes 3 PHASES: Attract, Sell, WowWithin each of the 3 phases are three stages and well take a look at each of these in just a moment.The framework isnt linear, rather you can dive into any of the phases at any time depending on where you need to focus the most and the phases interweave within one another. But, againdont got into too much detail on this as it will likely overwhelm your audience. Your goal is to simplify it for them.

Speaker Note: There are deep dives into each of these phases, but since this is an overview we wont touch on EVERYTHING.

Thebeauty of Attraction Marketing is thesimplicity of the framework, which can be applied to any small business regardless of industry or business model

Provide a quick 60 second overview of the framework given the details below. LCM history and rationale

Creating sales and marketing strategy for your small business can be daunting. Infusionsoft's Lifecycle Marketing model provides asimple framework you can use to attract customers, grow sales and deliver a wowing customer experience. Developedby a team of sales and marketing experts at Infusionsoft, Lifecycle Marketing has helped thousands of small businesses achieve success.

Thebeauty of Lifecycle Marketing is thesimplicity of the framework, which can be applied any small business regardless of industry or business model. When put into action, Lifecycle Marketing willhelp you grow sales AND give you more time to focus on the things you love.

Lifecycle Marketing is the Model that includes 3 PHASES: Attract, Sell, WowWithin each of the 3 phases are three stages and well take a look at each of these in just a moment.The framework isnt linear, rather you can dive into any of the phases at any time depending on where you need to focus the most and the phases interweave within one another. But, againdont got into too much detail on this as it will likely overwhelm your audience. Your goal is to simplify it for them.

Speaker Note: There are deep dives into each of these phases, but since this is an overview we wont touch on EVERYTHING.

When put into action, Attraction Marketing willhelp you grow sales AND give you more time to focus on the things you love

Provide a quick 60 second overview of the framework given the details below. LCM history and rationale

Creating sales and marketing strategy for your small business can be daunting. Infusionsoft's Lifecycle Marketing model provides asimple framework you can use to attract customers, grow sales and deliver a wowing customer experience. Developedby a team of sales and marketing experts at Infusionsoft, Lifecycle Marketing has helped thousands of small businesses achieve success.

Thebeauty of Lifecycle Marketing is thesimplicity of the framework, which can be applied any small business regardless of industry or business model. When put into action, Lifecycle Marketing willhelp you grow sales AND give you more time to focus on the things you love.

Lifecycle Marketing is the Model that includes 3 PHASES: Attract, Sell, WowWithin each of the 3 phases are three stages and well take a look at each of these in just a moment.The framework isnt linear, rather you can dive into any of the phases at any time depending on where you need to focus the most and the phases interweave within one another. But, againdont got into too much detail on this as it will likely overwhelm your audience. Your goal is to simplify it for them.

Speaker Note: There are deep dives into each of these phases, but since this is an overview we wont touch on EVERYTHING.

The first phase of Lifecycle Marketing is ATTRACT

Describe current state (PROBLEM) Describe NEW state (BENEFIT)

ProblemAttracting customers starts with focus because, lets face it, most consumers arent actively looking for your company. More often than not theyre looking for a solution that satisfies a particular need they have and will discover you either by accident or because you have a great Attract strategy in place.

BenefitGetting noticed in this noisy world is critical for the success of your business, but its not always easy to get the word out. The best way to get noticed is to start with a narrow focus. Define your ideal target by researching their demographics, attitudes, behaviors, motivations and favorite places to hang out, both online and in person. Then, start engaging with them in a helpful way, but be sure to have a way to follow up with them before they leave.

Attracting customers starts with focus because, lets face it, most consumers arent actively looking for your company.

The first phase of Lifecycle Marketing is ATTRACT

Describe current state (PROBLEM) Describe NEW state (BENEFIT)

ProblemAttracting customers starts with focus because, lets face it, most consumers arent actively looking for your company. More often than not theyre looking for a solution that satisfies a particular need they have and will discover you either by accident or because you have a great Attract strategy in place.

BenefitGetting noticed in this noisy world is critical for the success of your business, but its not always easy to get the word out. The best way to get noticed is to start with a narrow focus. Define your ideal target by researching their demographics, attitudes, behaviors, motivations and favorite places to hang out, both online and in person. Then, start engaging with them in a helpful way, but be sure to have a way to follow up with them before they leave.

More often than not theyre looking for a solution that satisfies a particular need they have and will discover you either by accident or because you have a great Attract strategy in place.

The first phase of Lifecycle Marketing is ATTRACT

Describe current state (PROBLEM) Describe NEW state (BENEFIT)

ProblemAttracting customers starts with focus because, lets face it, most consumers arent actively looking for your company. More often than not theyre looking for a solution that satisfies a particular need they have and will discover you either by accident or because you have a great Attract strategy in place.

BenefitGetting noticed in this noisy world is critical for the success of your business, but its not always easy to get the word out. The best way to get noticed is to start with a narrow focus. Define your ideal target by researching their demographics, attitudes, behaviors, motivations and favorite places to hang out, both online and in person. Then, start engaging with them in a helpful way, but be sure to have a way to follow up with them before they leave.

Getting noticed in this noisy world is critical for the success of your business, but its not always easy to get the word out. The best way to get noticed is to start with a narrow focus

The first phase of Lifecycle Marketing is ATTRACT

Describe current state (PROBLEM) Describe NEW state (BENEFIT)

ProblemAttracting customers starts with focus because, lets face it, most consumers arent actively looking for your company. More often than not theyre looking for a solution that satisfies a particular need they have and will discover you either by accident or because you have a great Attract strategy in place.

BenefitGetting noticed in this noisy world is critical for the success of your business, but its not always easy to get the word out. The best way to get noticed is to start with a narrow focus. Define your ideal target by researching their demographics, attitudes, behaviors, motivations and favorite places to hang out, both online and in person. Then, start engaging with them in a helpful way, but be sure to have a way to follow up with them before they leave.

Define your ideal target by researching their demographics, attitudes, behaviors, motivations and favorite places to hang out, both online and in person. Then, start engaging with them in a helpful way, but be sure to have a way to follow up with them before they leave.

The first phase of Lifecycle Marketing is ATTRACT

Describe current state (PROBLEM) Describe NEW state (BENEFIT)

ProblemAttracting customers starts with focus because, lets face it, most consumers arent actively looking for your company. More often than not theyre looking for a solution that satisfies a particular need they have and will discover you either by accident or because you have a great Attract strategy in place.

BenefitGetting noticed in this noisy world is critical for the success of your business, but its not always easy to get the word out. The best way to get noticed is to start with a narrow focus. Define your ideal target by researching their demographics, attitudes, behaviors, motivations and favorite places to hang out, both online and in person. Then, start engaging with them in a helpful way, but be sure to have a way to follow up with them before they leave.

Attract is comprised of three key stages

Attract is comprised of three key stages:

TargetAttract InterestCollect Leads

Lets start with how to TARGET customers

If you sell to EVERYONEyou sell to NO ONE

We all think everyones going to want my product!. So, we try to sell to everyone. But, that mindset ends up costing you a ton of money and provides little return.

Its too expensive to market to the whole world.Marketing messages don't resonate with everyone.Trying to be everything to everyone doesnt work.Dont try to sell everyone.

We all think everyones going to want my product!. So, we try to sell to everyone. But, that mindset ends up costing you a ton of money and provides little return.

We all think everyones going to want my product!. So, we try to sell to everyone. But, that mindset ends up costing you a ton of money and provides little return.

Its too expensive to market to the whole world.Marketing messages don't resonate with everyone.Trying to be everything to everyone doesnt work.Dont try to sell everyone.

Its too expensive to market to the whole world.Marketing messages don't resonate with everyone.Trying to be everything to everyone doesnt work.Dont try to sell everyone.

We all think everyones going to want my product!. So, we try to sell to everyone. But, that mindset ends up costing you a ton of money and provides little return.

Its too expensive to market to the whole world.Marketing messages don't resonate with everyone.Trying to be everything to everyone doesnt work.Dont try to sell everyone.


Instead you need to narrow down your focus and Target your customers

Benefits of clarity include: More effective (focused) marketing messages Effectively find customers of that type Design products and services to meet the needs of the right customers Increased Customer Satisfaction, Referrals, etc.

If time permits (i.e, your presentation is longer than 50 minutes), discuss and give examples of how to determine your target (Demographics, psychographics, etc)

Demographics explain who your buyer is, while psychographics explain why they buy.

DemographicsDemographic information often includes age, gender, ethnicity, income, geographic location, as well as other types of information about who they are, where they live, and what they do. This type of information can be found through a variety of sources like the American Fact Finder that is offered through the Census Bureau (

PsychographicsCustomer psychographic information provides more in-depth profiling about how your customers think about things and how they spend their money. Psychographic information will include things like what type of music they like, which types of brands they buy, how often they go shopping, how much money they spend on certain purchases, and etc. It takes a look at the psychological and cultural reasons behind why people make certain purchasing decisions. This type of information is very important to have especially due to the amount of cultural and racial diversity found in many communities as those factors can also influence purchasing habits. A good place to look for this type of information for customers in your area is to use Nielsen's PRIZM psychographic codes by zip code.

You can also find out psychographics with surveys, reviewing actions taken in your marketing campaigns, focus groups and via your social media platforms.

Instead you need to narrow down your focus and Target your customers

Instead you need to narrow down your focus and Target your customers

Benefits of clarity include: More effective (focused) marketing messages Effectively find customers of that type Design products and services to meet the needs of the right customers Increased Customer Satisfaction, Referrals, etc.

If time permits (i.e, your presentation is longer than 50 minutes), discuss and give examples of how to determine your target (Demographics, psychographics, etc)

Demographics explain who your buyer is, while psychographics explain why they buy.

DemographicsDemographic information often includes age, gender, ethnicity, income, geographic location, as well as other types of information about who they are, where they live, and what they do. This type of information can be found through a variety of sources like the American Fact Finder that is offered through the Census Bureau (

PsychographicsCustomer psychographic information provides more in-depth profiling about how your customers think about things and how they spend their money. Psychographic information will include things like what type of music they like, which types of brands they buy, how often they go shopping, how much money they spend on certain purchases, and etc. It takes a look at the psychological and cultural reasons behind why people make certain purchasing decisions. This type of information is very important to have especially due to the amount of cultural and racial diversity found in many communities as those factors can also influence purchasing habits