How to use dropbox

Post on 15-Jan-2015

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On this tutorial you will learn how to use the dropbox.


What is Drop box?

Drop boxDrop box is among the simplest, most elegant file-synchronization tool we've used. The premise behind Drop box is it gives you access to your files no matter what computer or device you have at hand.

The service stores files with strong encryption on multiple servers and lets you get at your files quickly, easily, and for the most part elegantly from virtually any Internet-enabled device.

Pricing As a fermium service, Drop box offers a few different pricing levels. First, there's Drop box Basic, which gives you 2GB of storage at no cost. You can earn more free space through referrals (an additional 500MB per person, up to 16GB) and by recommending the app through other social methods, such as connecting your Twitter account.

Second, if you need more space, you can pay $9.99 per month for 100GB (or $99 per year); $19.99 per month for 200GB (or $199 per year); or $49.99 per month for 500GB (or $499 per year). These paid plans are known as Drop box Pro.

Finally, a tier for small businesses is also available, called Drop box Teams, for $795 per year, which provides 1 terabyte of storage for five users, plus an additional 200GB for every new user added ($125 more per year per additional person). Dropbox Team account holders also get administrative tools, telephone tech support, and access to unlimited version history.

How to Get DropboxDropbox is available as a download from the company's website. Don't look too hard for it in the Mac App Store because it's not there. The iOS version is in Apple's mobile app market (as it must be), and the Android and BlackBerry apps are in their respective marketplaces, too. When you download and install the client, you'll have to sign into your Dropbox account or create a new one.

Next, the program will create a new folder on your computer called "Dropbox"; you can choose where to install it, or let accept the default location (you can always move it later). A shortcut icon also appears (top menu bar in Mac, system tray in Windows) that lets you open your Dropbox folder with just a double click. From this same icon, you can also reach other preference settings, such as the folder's location and throttles on upload and download speeds.

Like its rival services, Dropbox stores synchronized files in the cloud so they're available on any machine where you've installed Dropbox or that has an Internet connection. Dropbox's storage preserves copies of earlier versions of the files in My Dropbox, so you always have the most current copy on your computers. We like that you can still access older versions (or files you deleted or moved) with just an Internet connection.

One attractive feature (also available in SugarSync) is Dropbox's bandwidth-saving ability to upload and download only the parts of files that change during revisions. We made changes in a 125MB file and found that Dropbox only needed to transfer 2 to 3MB of data to update the file. That's a decent bandwidth savings.

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The mobile professional has myriad devices on which files live (laptops, desktops, phones, tablets), which makes having a dependable syncing program a must. Dropbox (Free, 4 stars) fills that role nicely with a dedicated Android tablet app that complements its desktop and mobile phone products (it's also available as as Android phone app).

Think of SocialFolders as Dropbox (Free, 4.0 stars) for your social media files. The service places a dedicated folder on your Mac or PC that you can use to share files between your computer's desktop and Box, Evernote, Facebook, Flickr, Google Docs, Instagram, Photobucket, Picasa, Smug, and Twitter—and even between the sites themselves. SocialFolders (which is available in both free and paid versions), is extremely simple to set up and easy to use. SocialFolders is one service that social media butterflies should consider should they want to effortlessly move, photos, video, and other files between their computers and social sites. The major downside? The ability to both upload or download content is tied to the social network you'd like to use.

The mobile professional has myriad devices on which files live, which makes having a dependable syncing program a must.Dropbox (Free, 4 stars) fills that role nicely with an iPad app that complements its desktop and mobile phone products. Like those other versions of the free file synchronization application, Dropbox for iPad features a simple interface, easy uploading, and swift syncing across all accounts

Overall, it's an excellent, affordably priced too (you can use it for free if you need 2GB of storage or less) for the business-minded person on the go. You still can’t move files between folders, but you can upload multiple files at once and save to sub-divisions—improvements that have been added since we last looked at the app. It’s more than worthy of an Editors’ Choice award.

Just what is Drop box?

For those of you who don't know, Dropbox is a simple online virtual storage utility that allows you to make your files accessible from almost anywhere. Designed for those who are tired of e-mailing files to themselves and carrying around flash drives, Dropbox looks to revolutionize the way you store and share files.

HERES how it worksAfter installation and connecting to the server, the Dropbox interface is just like any folder on your computer. You simply drag and drop to move files around and any files or folders that are uploaded to Dropbox will immediately be synchronized within your account. In addition Dropbox also keeps track of every single change made to the contents of your storage and any changes are instantly updated to all computers linked to the account.

What happens if I'm not on any of my computers?

Absolutely no need to worry. Just get on the Dropbox web interface and you will be able to access your files from anywhere in the world. The Dropbox web interface also remembers all the changes you make to your files and allows you to restore to any previous versions of the file. You can even un-delete files that you may have accidentally erased.

Where Dropbox really shines

• is the way it allows you to share whatever you want with other people. Every individual folder can be shared with other people and every member of a shared folder will be able to add, edit, and delete the contents inside but will not be able to access anything outside of that specific folder. This file sharing system is perfect for team projects involving music or video editing, computer and system repairs, or for anything which needs collaboration among its members. There is also a public folder that allows you to share files with non-Dropbox users through the use of a hyperlink.

If you are looking for an easy and reliable way to share files amongst friends, family, and coworkers then take a look at what Dropbox has to offer. Dropbox is free for Windows, Mac, and Linux and you can have share 2 GB of your files for free or upgrade to Dropbox Pro for 50GB of storage.

How to run multiple Dropbox accounts Simultaneously

One of the most useful computer applications that I’ve come across so far is Dropbox. There are already countless articles about this automatic folder backup and synchronization tool here in Make Use Of, including many usage spin-offs like: synchronizing research data and triggering automatic downloads.But if you are an avid Dropbox user, there might be times when you wish you could run multiple Dropbox accounts simultaneously

Command Line GaloreTweaking Dropbox to enable multiple instances requires meddling with Terminal and a whole bunch of command lines. I’m not a fan of command line myself, but I can tell you that the following process is not as “scary” as it sounds.There are two steps that need to be taken. The first step is setting up the account.

1. Open Terminal

2. Type (or just copy and paste) this command:

Hit enter and insert the next command line:

HOME=$HOME/.dropbox-alt /Applications/

Here’s how it looks like

A new Dropbox icon will appear in the menubar.

A Dropbox account setup window will also pop up. Follow the setup steps.

At the last setup steptick the option to choose your own location of Dropbox folder. Hit the “Change” button to determine the location.

After the setup process complete, you can close the terminal. Theoretically, the extra Dropbox instances will also be closed, but in my experiment it remained in the menubar.That’s the end of step 1. We’ll go to the second step: creating the startup item for the extra Dropbox instance.

Open the Terminal (again)

Paste in this command linemkdir -p ~/wherever you


In place of “wherever you like” really does mean anywhere on your hard drive that

you like, such as ~/Documents/.

Then open Text Edit and paste

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" ""><plist version="1.0">

dict> <key>CFBundlePackageType</key> <string>APPL</string> <key>CFBundleExecutable</key> <string>DropboxAltStarter</string> <key>LSUIElement</key> <string>1</string></dict></plist>

Save the file as: “Info.plist” anywhere

(Please note that the <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC “-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN” and“”> above should be written within one line of code – separated by a space, but we need to break it down into two because it couldn’t fit into the WP theme. So don’t forget to enter it in one line).

Right click on the “Drop box AltStarter” that you’ve created before and choose “Show Package Contents”

Drag and drop the “Info.plist” file into the folder “Contents” (the same level as “MacOS” folder).

Create a new text file and paste

#!/bin/bashHOME=/Users/$USER/.dropbox-alt /Applications/

(Again, the HOME=/Users/$USER/.dropbox-alt and/Applications/ should be written in one line of code separated by a space. You know what to do.)Then save the file as “DropboxAltStarter” (sans quote). Don’t forget to uncheck the “If no extension is provided, use “.txt”” box to prevent TextEdit from saving the file as text file.

Repeat steps 4 and 5 above to put the “DropboxAltStarter” file into the “MacOS” folder.

Open Terminal and type this command:

chmod 755

Before you hit enter, drag and drop the “DropboxAltStarter” file to the Terminal to finish the command.

Then hit enter.

Now you have a working app. You can move it to the “Applications” folder if you like, double click it to open the second dropbox account

You can also add the newly created app to your start up list

by going to “System Preferences > Accounts > Login

Items” menu.

After the long journey

Whew! That was quite a long ride, wasn’t it?The work is done, but there’s still one thing to add: To know which Dropbox account is which, you can assign different logo to one of them. Go to Dropbox’ “Preferences > General” and choose the B&W logo for one of the accounts.


• Sign in• Email:

• Password• Remember me

I forgot my password. How do I reset it?

Back to Help center

• To reset your password, click Forgot password? from the sign-in page or the Security tab of your account settings (you must be signed in to the Security tab).

Enter the email address you used to create the account and an email will be sent with a link you can use to reset your password.

When using the Dropbox desktop application, you only need your password when you first install the Dropbox desktop application or whenever you link or relink your computer to your Dropbox account. Control all access to your Dropbox account via the Security tab of your account settings on the Dropbox website.

How to Start using Dropbox

There used to be a time when sharing computer files meant placing them in physical media storage devices such as CD's and flash drives and then lending or giving said media to someone. But the Internet, through a development now known as Cloud Computing, has provided a way of sharing files online through certain websites. is one such site. Let's take a look at how to share files using Dropbox.

Steps Using the Web Interface

The Dropbox HomepageWhen you arrive at, here is what you'll see:

Jump right in by creating your very own Dropbox account. Hover your mouse cursor over the 'Log in' link on the top right of your screen. In the dropdown menu that appears, choose 'Create an Account

Fill it out with your name and valid email address. Use a strong password to ensure the security of your Dropbox. After providing all required details, click the 'Create Account' button.

If your registration is successful, you'll then be directed to the Web Interface of your Dropbox. It looks something like this:

Now that you have a Dropbox account, here's how to share files.

Click the tab labeled 'Sharing

Then click 'Share a Folder.'

You'll then be asked if you want to create a new shared folder or share an existing one. A shared folder automatically appears in the Dropbox of the person you want to share it with. Choose the option to create a new shared folder and give it a name. Then click 'Next.'

You'll arrive at a page with two text fields. In the top field you can place the email address of the person you want to share your folder with. The bottom text field is for an optional message to the person. When you're done accomplishing the text fields, click the 'Share Folder' button.

How to Share Folders on drop box

StepsFrom the Dropbox website

Go to the Dropbox website and login using the email and password associated with your account. You can go to the Dropbox register page

Click the Share folder button from the submenu along the top of

your account.

Select whether to create a new folder to share or share an existing folder. Click the “Next” button when you’re finished. (An existing folder is used in this example).

Select the folder you want to share

Enter the email addresses of people you want to share the folder with. You can also optionally enter a personal message to attach to your invitation.

Click the share folder button when you finished

Right-click or command + click the folder you want to share followed by “Dropbox>Share this folder”. This will automatically take you to the Dropbox website within your default web browser.

Enter the emails of the people you want to share the folder with

followed by the ”Share folder” button.


10. Convenient To Use!

It's very easy to use unlike other cloud storage products. Thus, this is ideal for those people who value simplicity and just wanted to back-up their files. You can choose to either use Dropbox by using an internet browser and go to their website or you can installed.

9. File Sharing

Gone are the days when you’re restricted of sending an email attachment not exceeding 25MB. With Dropbox, you can share a folder to one or more of your contacts. Thus, if you want to share a video, your contact can easily view that by just checking the file folder.

8. Public Sharing

You also have the option to upload content that you want to be available to the public. For example, you went to a field trip, you can simply upload the photos or videos in your account and let your classmates view and save content

There's no doubt that your smartphone or tablet cannot handle big amount of file sizes. But when you install the Dropbox app in your mobile devices, you can download only needed files from Dropbox whenever you need

6. Accessibility

You can access your files almost anywhere in the planet! As long as you have internet connection and even if you’re already offline, you can still retrieve and edit files. The next time you get online, the content of your Dropbox folder will then sync with other devices

5. Other Features

Deleted files are not automatically thrown away permanently. Dropbox will keep it for 30-days before it will be gone forever. In addition to this, when you copy files from one Dropbox folder to another, Dropbox will not require those files to be uploaded again. Thus, it will save you a lot of time from uploading contents.

Your Dropbox files can be synchronized with your other devices. All you have to do is to install the Dropbox app to all your electronic devices such as your smartphone, desktop computer, and tablet. But of course, you can always use the internet browser to open your files, though this may take longer. If you primarily use your laptop, you can save your files through the Dropbox folder. Even if you never saved it in your desktop, you can still access it through the Dropbox folder. –

2. Create Back-Up Files

If you want to safely store your important documents, it’s always wise to create back-up files. This way, if your primary storage device is broken or not available, you can easily retrieve it. You don’t have to pull your hair off and hopelessly be frustrated. All you have to do is open your Dropbox folder and you’ll find your data there.

1. It’s FREE

Dropbox is definitely free with no hidden charges that might eventually surprise you. Once you started using Dropbox, you’ll be awarded with 2GB of free storage space. I know that isn’t too much but it’s perfect for starters. Moreover, you can gain additional space by a number of ways such as inviting your friends to use Dropbox, connecting Dropbox to your Facebook and Twitter, send fan mails, and more. It’s a way to expand your Dropbox community and spread the good news of Dropbox.

Thank you