"I live for my job!" - Military 1.1

Post on 15-May-2015

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The first chapter of my new "I live for my job" - challenge legacy. For more information visit boolprop.com.


Hello, dear reader. You probably wonder who I am.My name is Getta Jobson and this is the blog where I will tell you the story of my life.You may be wondering why I'm all by myself, standing in front of an empty field. The story behind that can actually be told very quickly.As you can see I'm what people call a Face 1. With the added recessive red hair and green eyes and some freckles to top it off I was considered a very pretty sim right from the day I was born. My parents, realizing the potential of my look, tried to mold me into their perfect little model.

I hated it. I love being around people and talking to them, but everyone always just saw my pretty face and nothing more. So when I finally turned 18 and was legally free I left to make my own fortune.They weren't happy that I ruined their dreams of a famous daughter and getting rich, so they made sure that I had no access to the money I earned by modelling, believing that I would give up once I realized what being poor meant.But I don't care. Luxury is nothing I require. I want to do something honorable, something where my looks don't matter. The military seemed like a good place to start, so I cut my hair and applied at the recruiting agency.

My house, if you want to call it that, is really just a windy shack equiped with the bare necessities. But it will suffice for the time being. I don't want to prove my parents right after all.And on the bright side the town even allowed me to install a targeting range, so I can get some practice while I wait for the military to accept me in their fold.

I unfortunately didn't have enough money to invest in some upscale training equipment to get myself fit, but fortunately I at least have my jump rope. It should be sufficient to keep me in shape and once I have a job I will probably be able to afford something better.

I regularly check the Simnational army's homepage for this month's recruiting list. But so far they haven't announced anything. I really hope that I passed their test and will be accepted, otherwise I will have to think of something new to do with my life.

Since I'm still very new in town the local residents often come over to greet me. Usually I am very happy to meet new people, but the characters that visited me today looked very peculiar. I think two of them might be members of a street gang or maybe even a revolutionary group. Since my first duty is always to my country I will keep a close eye on them for now, maybe even befriend them to get a better impression of who they are.

I tried to get more information on my two shady visitors from the only normal looking member of the group, but he couldn't tell me much. He obviously had only recently met them himself and the only thing he knew was that they were part of a very exclusive social group.

I was very surprised when one of my visitors, although I barely know them, gave me this flatscreen tv. But once I turned it on my suspicions were confirmed.This is no ordinary tv of course. It only has one program which consists of some kind of cult leader, I assume, talking about his visions. I have not yet determined what he is trying to accomplish, but I will find out.

The next morning I got up at my usual time right before dawn and got right on my computer. I wanted to check simipedia for information about the local group. But before I did that I couldn't quite resist checking the Simnational army recruiting announcements again.My eyes scanned the page again and again before I finally believed it and whooped. I had been accepted. My letter would probably arrive sometime later today and soon my training courses would start.My happiness made me forget all about the strange social group for the moment.

And there it was. The official document that would change my life. But it hadn't come alone. There was also a letter by my parents, that quite generously offered to take me back home if only I came back to my senses and started modelling again. Shaking my head I threw the letter away. This part of my life was over forever.

I think I have finally found proof of the hypnotic qualities of the tv the social group left me. This poor unsuspecting fellow walked by and curious as most people are decided that since the tv is sitting in my unfenced backyard he could just watch it. A mere 5 minutes and he was totally enthralled.I am very glad that I'm seemingly of a stronger mind and haven't fallen prey to this.

Fortunately I was able to save the poor fellow by turning off the tv immediately. I think he is ok, although he seemed a little dazed when he left. As an additional safety measure I will hide the tv remote under my bed, ensuring that no one who isn't supposed to watch the tv will be able to.

Just a few hours later I was cooking dinner, when my stove suddenly and without any other possible reason than sabotage caught on fire. This seems an awful convenient coincidence considering what I discovered about the social group. I do not have proof of course, but I think I saw one of them sneaking away amongst the chaos that the fire brigade's arrival brought.Fortunately I wasn't hurt, but my dinner was beyond being salvagable.

If anyone still doubted my theory they should be convinced now. The sink started acting up just a few hours after the stove had been sabotaged. I'm so glad that my army training camp will start soon and I will finally have someone to talk to about my worries. This is a matter of simnational security after all.

Very early the next morning the military academy sent over a car to take me away to the secret location of my training course. I would very much like to know where we are going, but fresh recruits never get to know where the compound is. A very sensible safety measure in my opinion.

I have to say the weeks I spend at the training facility were the most productive in my entire life. Crawling through the mud and marching till my feet almost bled simply feels more natural than the catwalk to me. I know now that I truly made the right decision.Since I was the best in my class I also got a promotion, becoming part of a very special unit.Even though my life is starting to get good I am still worried about the secret group, but I still have too little information to go to my higher-ups.

Encouraged by the training I had received I decided to go to the most direct source of information I had and contact one from the social group. We didn't have any training on interrogation techniques, but I am reasonable sure that if it comes to the worst threatening him with my axes will work perfectly. While I waited for his arrival I did a few more training throws, reassuring myself that I was capable of defending myself.

It turned out to be easier than I had originally believed. Threatening him with my fists was enough to make him promise me to tell me everything he knew, everything I might want to know. Finally my many questions would be answered.That's what I thought at least.

"What do you mean by you're only paid muscle?" I couldn't quite believe what Clem, that was the guy's name as I had found out in the meantime, told me."I mean exactly what I said. Betty and me are members of a local biker gang called 'Social group'. I don't know who hired us, but they paid us a nice sum to sabotage your things. And the guy on the tv was just one of those show preachers. It must have gotten stuck on the religion channel when we sabotaged it."

Once we were done talking Clem hugged me and whispered in my ear. "I know how hard it can be to start over in a new town. Especially when one obviously has enemies like you do. If you need anything just call. The 'Social group' is not your enemy."I was so grateful and actually very glad that I had never told my suspicions to my higher-ups. "Thanks for being honest and clearing things up.""I'm glad I did. I'll see if I can contact my former employers again and find out who they are."I actually do have a nagging suspicion...

Even if it truly were my parents, who were behind this attempt at sabotaging my fresh start, like I suspected, they were very far from being sucessfull. I was quickly climbing the military ranks, now even earning enough to not have to constantly worry about how I would pay my bills. Not enough to build a real house yet, but I would get there eventually.

Having cleared things up with Clem it had been so easy to assume that everything would go smoothly now. But there were seemingly a couple things he had forgotten to mention. Or could there be another reason things still kept breaking?

Well, if they really think that they can make me give up by getting people to sabotage my stuff every time I'm at work I have to say that I feel really sorry for them. If I truly were the model they had wanted me to be I would probably complain about my broken nails now, but I'm not. Instead I relish every chance I get to better my mechanical skills. Maybe I will be able to repair tanks one day.

The first year in my new life passed very quickly. Summer turning into autumn and autumn into winter. I was too occupied with training courses and new recruits to ever really think about all that had happened so far. But once christmas commercials startet to pop up everywhere and even the hardest military men could sometimes be found secretly whistling a christmal carol under their breath I started getting a little reminiscent.Since their plan with Clem had failed my parents had not tried anything of substance again. A broken appliance here or there, but that could also have been chance. Should I try to call them and fix our broken relationship? I really don't know.

Since I wasn't sure I hesitated. Frequently checking my mailbox instead. Back when I still modeled and was away for some shooting over the christmas day my mother would always send me at least one postcard to wish me a 'Merry Christmas'. Maybe I was delusional to believe that they would see that they had wronged me and not the other way around.

I waited and waited and waited, but their card never came. It was christmas eve when I was finally done waiting and decided to call them. "Hello...Mom? It's your daugh..." I didn't even get to finish my timid greeting by the time she interrupted me."I don't have a daughter at the moment. I will have one again when she stops this folley of working a man's job and returns to what she was really made for. Being a model."My hopes were smashed in an instant, replaced by anger. They hadn't changed at all. "Then you'll never have a daughter again." With these words I ended the call.

As soon as I had slammed the receiver down I collapsed on the cold, lighly frozen grass, feeling more lonely than ever before. Looking back on it now I was very lucky that it was an exceptionally mild december. It did snow a few times, but never enough to really cover the ground, otherwise I would have probably given up on my dreams and frozen to death.I almost did. Give up my dreams, I mean. But while I sat there asking myself if I was really more happy now, than I had been before, a twinkling falling star made it's way over the sky. It was childish really but I smiled and made a wish.

It is probably childish to believe that the falling star had anything to do with it, but my life suddenly seemed to go so much easier, things seemed to just want to happen in my favor all the time. I honestly would have been happy enough with being promoted to a higher rank, recognized for my excellent tactical abilities rather than my pretty eyes. But when my commanding officer told me that he knew someone who would build me an affordable house that was a lot better than the shack I still lived in who was I to say no?

It is more flash than substance really. Maybe I should have just told him that even though his plan was beautiful it would leave we with no money to buy furniture, but the moment he showed me the training course he had planned for the backyard my brain stopped functioning and my heart took over.Oh well. I do already own a bed, a fridge and a toilet. Everything else is just luxury anyway.

A little while later I was talking to one of my many, many male friends that I had managed to aquire since my arrival in this town. In the beginning I had suspected that they only wanted to befriend me because I was pretty, but that suspicion turned out to be wrong. He opened my eyes for something I had not really thought about so far."Getta, there is something I don't understand. You have been promoted to a good position, have this house now...when are you going to start a family like every sim wants to?"

Maybe it was due to the bad relationship with my parents, but having a family of my own had never occured to me. All I had wanted to do in the beginning was get out of my old life. But now that my talk with Phil had opened my mind to the possibility of having a husband and children I was suddenly unable to ignore it. Wherever I went, whatever book I read, I found loving couples and families everywhere. And I wanted the same.

Being a girl of action I decided to do something about my loneliness. The next day was my day off anyway, so it was the perfect opportunity to finally meet someone I could fall in love with. After my army issued energy drink in the morning I felt perfect and ready to go on the hunt.

My destination was quickly found, even though I had never been there before. The Downtown Pokerclub, although open to everyone, was mostly frequented by military personnel. Or so I had been able to gather from all my subordinates talking. It was still a little early in the day, so there weren't too many people there. But smoke still hung in the air thinkly, stinging my eyes and threatening to make me go into a coughing fit. Maybe this wasn't the right place for me.

I quickly retreated, glad when I was finally outside and getting fresh air into my lungs again. While I still enjoyed my breaths of fresh air the rain that had been threatening to fall since this morning actually started. Unwilling to go back into the smoky den I had just left, I found shelter under a large overhanging roof.And that's where he entered my life.

I don't think Raymond had planned on talking to me, he had just been seeking shelter from the rain, just like me. But since I hate to just stand next to someone without talking to them I introduced myself to him. And then we just talked...for hours and hours, not even noticing how quickly time passed. He told me that he had actually seen me at the base before, but never dared to approach me, because he had assumed that a beautiful girl like me would never be interested in him. I told him that he was a fool. Because even if his nose is a little crooked, which it is since he broke it three times during combat operations, he is still the nicest man I have ever met.

When we finally noticed that it had already gotten dark I hugged him good-bye and told him that I wanted to see him again. He promised me to come and visit me the next day.I have no idea if he feels about me like I do about him, but I can honestly say that I have a real crush on him.

I was so overjoyed when Raymond finally turned up on my doorstep that, without thinking too much about it, I simply rushed over to him and gave him a kiss. Realizing what I had done I wanted to apologize as soon as our lips parted, but he just smiled at me with that very sweet smile of his, not looking mad at all.

The next weeks went by in a blur of happiness. Raymond and me were simply perfect together.

We had epic pillow fights...

...and even trained together, always motivating each other to do our very best.

But the most important thing was that we were simply completely in love with each other. With Raymond there I did not think about my past anymore, I did not have to think about those moments of absolute loneliness I had suffered through after having severed all ties with my parents, who finally seemed to have given up on sabotaging my life.

So it was really only a matter of time until Ray moved in with me.

Our life was going perfectly. With our combined funds we had managed to make over the house, making it feel more like a home than just a house I lived at. Both our careers were going good too, my promotion to general looming just over the horizon.And when Ray proposed to me one fine sunday afternoon, after having acted quite secretive over a couple of days, what could I have said but yes?

We didn't want to rush the marriage though, deciding to wait until I had been promoted to general before tying the knot.A few weeks after Ray had asked me to marry him I came home, rushing into the house to tell him the good news that I had finally been promoted and we could get married.

But instead of telling him my good news I found him talking on the phone, looking quite shocked."Yes, sir." "Yes, of course I understand, Sir." "It's an honor, Sir."He didn't even have to tell me what the call had been about. The fact that Simnation would soon deploy troops to a far away country that was currently bordering on a civil war was no secret in headquarters.

Knowing how quickly fate could end someone's happiness if a loved one was sent into battle, Raymond and me decided to get married before he left. There was no time to organize a fancy party, so instead of trying we decided to get married down at the park and one of the old trees there.

It may not have been the huge dream wedding that most girls imagine, but it couldn't have been more perfect for us.

We promised each other forever under the long hanging branches of a willow tree, knowing that it might not come to pass.

It was a few days after our marriage and wedding night that I was sick in the morning for the first time. I instantly suspected that I might be pregnant. But it was the day of Raymond's departure and I didn't want him worrying about a possible unborn child while he was out risking his life. So I kept silent about it.

Weather never cares about people's woes, because the day my husband left for an uncertain future was far too sunny and bright.

It wasn't long until my suspected pregnancy started to show. I still hadn't told Ray about it, there simply hadn't been the right time to do it. The country he was in was not just bordering on a civil war anymore, the two powerhungry political sides had started the fighting for real. Ray and the rest of the troops were so immensed in the fighting that he barely found time to call. And the few times he did I just never found the perfect moment.

During my whole pregnancy I tried everything to distract me from my husband's absence, but I couldn't help myself, I absolutely had to watch the news every evening. And each day I would anxiously wait for the speaker to announce that the civil war was coming to an end or at least that no more soldiers had died.

It was one of the last days of autumn, when I happily answered the phone, having just come home from the doctor, who had confirmed my unborn baby's health. Ray hadn't called the last few days, so I expected it to be him.But it wasn't. Instead it was a cold, clinical voice, shattering my happiness with just a few words.

To be continued...