Images from villain of steam

Post on 13-Aug-2015

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VILLAIN OF STEAM 33 of the 47 images from the book

By A L Martin

Dionysius Lardner by Daniel Maclise

Stephenson’s Rocket

Marlborough Street, Dublin

The Royal Dunsink Observatory

Frontispiece to William O’Brien Lardner’s poem

Henry Brougham, a ‘box of useful knowledge’

Augustus de Morgan lectures in Mathematics

An Irish printer’s shop 1835

Catalogue of the Cabinet Cyclopaedia

Irish poet and author Tom Moore

Lardner’s hero Francis Bacon

The Scheutz calculating engine (after Babbage)

The Walking Engine

The first railway passenger service

Isambard Kingdom Brunel

Brunel’s Box Tunnel

Lady Blessington’s salon (Lardner in foreground)

Animal magnetism

Suggested ports for Atlantic steam crossings

Ellen Terry, whom Mary Heavisides resembled

The staff of the New York Tribune

Frontispiece to Lardner’s ‘Lectures of Science and Art’

An early American railway carriage

Colophon from ‘Handbook of Philosophy’

Irish playwrite Dion Bouicicault

An early steam engine

Lardner in Thackeray’s cartoon (1)

Lardner and Bulwer Lyttton in Thackeray’s cartoon

Lardner and Thomas Norton Longman in Thackeray’s cartoon (4)

AL Martin, Villain of Steam (Dublin, Tyndall Scientific, 2015) ISBN 9780993242007

Presentation produced by Marlinspike Publishing for Tyndall Scientific
