Interaction Between Microbes and Animal

Post on 29-Dec-2015

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1.1 Background

Biotechnology is a branch of science that studies the use of living things (bacteria,

fungi, viruses, etc.) or products of living things (enzyme, alcohol) in the production

process to produce goods and services. Today, the development of biotechnology is not

only based on biology, but also in applied sciences and other pure, such as biochemistry,

molecular biology, microbiology, genetics, chemistry, mathematics, and so on. In other

words, biotechnology is an applied science that combines the various branches of science

in the process of production of goods and services.

Development of biotechnology is not separated from the role of microbes. Microbes

are small organisms that are invisible microbes, It is often called micro-organism due to

its small size (less than 0.1 mm) that making it hard to see with the naked eye, generally

only be viewed with a loupe or microscope. There are microbes that are large so it can be

seen without a magnifying too. The kinds of microbe are microscopic fungi, protozoa,

bacteria, and viruses.

The presence of microbes in nature are very abundant because microbes have ability

to grow very well when the environment supports it. Each microbe has the role of each

associated with a process that occurs in nature. Microbes that live in the ecosystem can

interact with abiotic factors and biotic factors. Microbial interactions with the abiotic

factors include the interaction of microbes with the soil and water. While the interaction

of microbes with biotic factors include microbial interactions with living things such as

plants and animals.

The interaction process will occur involve by many factors like physiological,

anatomical, behavioral, and others. It can be happened to create the balance condition in

ecosystems to ensure the sustainability of life. Generally, the interaction between two

organisms is called symbiosis. The microbes can do interaction with plants, animals, soil,

in aquatic, etc.  It becomes part of life, so people should know about it definitely. Based

on that problem, in this paper the writer will explain about the interaction of microbes

especially with animals.


1.2 Problem Formulation

Based on the background, there are some problems will be discussed such as :

1. What is microbe interaction?

2. What are the examples of interaction between microbes with animal?

1.3 The Purposes

The purposes can we get from this paper, such as:

1. To know about microbe interaction

2. To know the examples of interaction between microbes with animal

1.4 Benefits

Benefits author

1. Expected to add insight to the relationship between microbial with animal in


2. It is expected to deepen knowledge in a subject the author biotechnology

Readers benefit

1. Expected to provide additional information and knowledge related to

biotechnology especially in interaction between microbes and animal




2.1 Microbes Interaction

There are interaction will be happen in an ecosystem between living and un-living

things or living things with each others. The interaction is called symbiosis. Symbiosis, from

Greek languages: sýn “with” and bíōsis “life”, is close and often long-term interactions

between different biological species. The symbiotic relationship may be categorized as

mutualism, commensalism, or parasitism in nature. Some symbiotic relationships are

obligate, meaning that both symbionts entirely depend on each other for survival. Others are

facultative, meaning that they can but do not have to live with the other organism.

a. Symbiosis mutualism

Mutualism is any relationship between individuals of different species where both

individuals derive a benefit. Generally, only lifelong interactions involving close

physical and biochemical contact can properly be considered symbiotic. Mutualist

relationships may be either obligate for both species, obligate for one but facultative

for the other, or facultative for both. Many biologist restrict the definition of

symbiosis to close mutualist relationships.

b. Symbiosis commensalism

Commensalism describes a relationship between two living organisms where one

benefits and the other is not significantly harmed or helped.

c. Symbiosis parasitism

A parasitic relationship is one in which one member of the association benefits while

the other is harmed. Parasitic symbioses take many forms, from endoparasites that

live within the host's body to ectoparasites that live on its surface. In addition,

parasites may be necrotrophic, which is to say they kill their host, or biotrophic,

meaning they rely on their host's surviving. Biotrophic parasitism is an extremely

successful mode of life.

d. Symbiosis amensalism

Symbiosis amensalism is the interaction between two organisms where the growth of

one species will be inhibited or killed because the substance produces by another


e. Synergism


Synergism is the interaction between organisms in which the activities of each species

make a profitable sequence, without synergism each species will be unable to carry

out the process.

f. Competition

Competition can be happen between organisms because they need the same nutrients. 

2.2 The Examples of Interaction between Microbes with Animal

2.2.1 Bioluminesensi in fish

Light released by living creatures called bioluminescens, which is generally colored

blue or greenish blue. There are two sources of light released by the fish and both are found

in the skin, the color of which was issued by the bacterial symbiosis with fish and light

released by the fish itself. The fish that can emit light generally live in the sea and only a few

are living shallow waters. Some of her moves to the surface for food.

Picture : fish lantern, Bolinichthys with photophore points.

Light released by the bacteria that live symbiotically with fish, for example, found in

fish from the family Macroridae, Gadidae, Honcentridae, Anomalopodidae, Leiognathidae,

Serranidae, and Saccopharyngidae.

In the Banda Sea fish leweri stone (Photoblepharon palpebatrus) and leweri water

(Anomalops katoptron), both referred into the family Anomalopodidae, bacteria have light

located under the eyes. Both fish living in shallow water. Anomalops eject light flashing

regularly controlled by the light organ in and out of a black pigment bags under the eyes.

Photoblepharon menunujukan a light that illuminate, but can also be extinguished by a fold of

tissue that covers the black light organ.


Picture : Leweri Stone Fish (Photoblepharon palpebatrus)

Bacteria that can emit light contained within the sac glands in the epidermis.

Reflectance of light released by bacteria regulated by a network that serves as a lens.

Picture : Leweri water Fish (Anomalops katoptron)

On the opposite the lens much pigment that serves as a reflector. There are also glands

which contain bacteria that are surrounded by pigment cells entirely. Dispersion of light

released by the bacteria regulated by contraction pigment that serves as the iris.

Picture : Angler fish antenna that glow in deep water


Angler fish (Linophyrin bravibarbis) found on the sea floor have tentacles that glow.

Presumably these fish have a culture of the bacteria found on the skin

Tentacles that end has an enlarged network was driven over bacterial culture, so that bacteria

carried by the tentacles glow to attract prey.

Antenna angler fish that can emit light in the darkness of an event bioluminense.

Bioluminesen a beam by the organism as a result of the oxidation of various substrates in

producing enzymes. The composition is very stable substrate called lusiferin, and highly

sensitive enzyme catalytic oxidation called lusiferase.

The function of antenna glowing angler fish that is used to estimate the depth of the

sea in which the fish live. Another function is to attract attention and outwit their prey, as

well as to illuminate the surrounding environment. Antenna glowing on angler fish can also

be switched on or off, so outwit small fish or other prey to approach, so that the angler can

catch fish easy prey.

2.2.2 Microbes in Digestive Tract

A. Interaction Between Termite and Protozoa Mixotricha paradoxa (Microbes in


Bacteria in the natural environment is very varied, in water, soil, hot water, organic

material, the surface of the body of a living creature, and even living in body of creature.

Microorganisms in the environment do interactaction, and form of interaction is very varied

and diverse. Such interactions form a community in which the ongoing series of reactions in

the energy transfer process.

One of the interaction that occurs is a protozoan Spirochaeta living in the termite gut.

Termites are insects that food in the form of wood containing cellulose, hemicellulose, and

lignin. The material cannot be overhauled by the termites because absence of hydrolytic

enzymes. Presence of protozoa (eg Trichomonas termopsidis, who lived in the caecum

terminate and Mixotricha paradoxa that live in the intestines of termites helps in digesting

cellulose) wood components can be hydrolysed into monomers that can be used by the

termites. In contrast to these protozoa can get the space in the termites’s body.

Protozoa that life in Termite’s gut do not work alone but with a group of bacteria, its

symbiotic mutualism interaction. Flagella are owned by protozoa is a series of bacterial cells

was a well-ordered so that similar protozoan flagella in general. The bacteria that make up the


flagella provide motility in protozoa to approach the food source, while he himself receives

nutrients from the protozoa. Examples of these bacteria is the genus Spirochaeta.

B. Microbes in Ruminant

Rumen is the biggest part of ruminant stomach. Microorganisms in the reticulo-rumen

have an important role in food fermentation processes. The process of fermentation by

microorganisms at ruminant plays an important role, because fermentation product of

microorganism is like fatty acids and some vitamins is source of energy and substances that

help the digestive process further of ruminant. This symbiosis is beneficial to both sides,

because on the one hand microorganisms require organic material, so that his life is hanging

himself to the material feed consumed by ruminant, on the other hand, the ruminant is not

able to digest crude fiber, the microorganism can help to do it. There are three major groups

of microbes in ruminant such as bacteria, protozoa, and fungi.

1. Bacteria in Ruminants

Most of bacteria in ruminants has formed the small cocci-shaped. Classification of bacteria in

ruminant base on kinds of substrate that used as primary energy such as:

a. Cellulolytic bacteria

These bacteria produce enzymes that can hydrolyze glucoside bonds, cellulose and

cellulose. As far as is known none of the animals are able to produce cellulose enzymes so

that digestion of cellulose is highly dependent on the bacteria found along the digestive tract.

Cellulose bacteria would be dominant if the main food of cattle in the form of crude fiber.

Examples of cellulose bacteria such as Bacteriodes succinogenes, Ruminicoccus f lavefaciens

b. Hemicellulose bacteria

Hemicellulose is an important polysaccharides structure in the cell walls of plants.

Microorganisms that can hydrolyze cellulose can also usually hydrolyze hemicellulose.

However there are some species that can hydrolyze hemicellulose but can not hydrolyze

cellulose. Examples hemicellulose bacteria such as Butyrivibrio fibriosolven, Bacteriodes


c. Amylolytic Bacteria


Some cellulose bacteria can also ferment the starch, however some types of Amilolitic

bacteria cannot ferment cellulose. Amilolitic bacteria will become dominant in numbers

when starchy foods are high, such as grains. Amilolitic bacteria present in ruminant such as

Bacteriodes amylophilus, Butyrivibrio fibrisolvens.

d. Acid Utilizing Bacteria

Some types of bacteria in the rumen can use lactic acid bacteria although it is

generally not present in significant amounts. Oxalic acid is toxic to mammals will be broken

by this bacteria, so ruminants are able to consume plants that are poisonous to other animals

as a food. Several species of lactic acid bacteria which users can be found in large numbers

such as Peptostreptococcus bacterium, Propioni bacterium.

e. Sugar Utilizing Bacteria (bacterial sugar user)

Almost all of Sugar Utilizing Bacteria can ferment disaccharides and monosaccharide.

Young plants ready to ferment carbohydrates in high concentrations which will be occur

fermentation soon so until in the reticulo-rumen. All this is one weakness of the digestive

system of ruminants. Actually, the sugar will be more efficient if it can be digested and

absorbed directly in the small intestine.

f. Proteolytic Bacteria

Proteolytic bacteria is a type of bacteria are most abundant in the mammalian

digestive tract, including carnivores (Carnivora). In the rumen, some species are known to

use amino acids as the main source of energy. Some examples of proteolytic bacteria, such as

Bacteroides amylophilus , Clostridium sporogenes.

g. Methanogenic Bacteria

About 25 percent of gas produced by ruminant is methane gas. Methane-forming

bacteria grows slowly. Examples of bacteria include: Methanobacterium ruminantium,

Methanobacterium formicium

i. Bacteria Ureolytic

Several species of bacteria in ruminant showed activity hydrolyze urea to CO2 and

ammonia. Some types of bacteria attached to the epithelium and hydrolyze urea enters the


rumen by diffusion from blood vessels that contained in the rumen wall. Therefore, the

concentration of urea in the rumen fluid is always low. One example of this instance is

ureolytic bacteria Streptococcus sp.

2. Protozoa in Ruminants

Most of the protozoa found in the rumen such as Ciliata and Flagellata. Rumen is the

animals that have tank like digestive organs. Ciliata is a non-pathogenic and anaerobic

microorganism. In the normal condition, there are 105-106 ml Ciliata in rumen. It was

discovered by Gruby and Delafond (1843), and then there was a lot of research about the

taxonomy, physiology, and nutrition of Ciliata. Like bacteria, Ciliata also able to ferment

almost all of plants components in rumen such as cellulose, hemicelluloses, fructose, pectin,

starch, sugar and fatty acid. If we compare with the bacteria as ruminant feed, some results

conclude Ciliata has the role as protein source.


This species just use a little soluble sugar as its food, but the grains of starch

will be the main target. The other species of Oligotricha feed amylopectin. In

addition, there are some species swallow plant fibers actively and digest cellulose.

However, the last result was doubted about the ability of ruminant to digest

cellulose. Cellulose digestion can be happen because firstly the protozoa feed

bacteria, and then bacteria will produce cellulose enzyme that can digest cellulose.

Cellulolytic bacteria are also known can make symbiosis in the Oligotricha’s

cell. There are some species of Oligotricha, such as:

- Diplodinium dentate

- Eudiplodinium bursa

- Polypastron multivesiculatum

- Entodinium caudatum



The characteristics of Holotricha are oval and fast movement. Ciliate has an

important role in the metabolism of carbohydrates by swallow the sugar when it

entry into rumen and store it as amylopectin. Amylopectin will be released to the

rumen when Holotricha in growth phase or in the lysis condition. This mechanism

has a positive effect for the ruminants. For example, when the cattle take a rest, no

more carbohydrates in the rumen, so the amylopectin will be fermented. There are

some species of Holotricha such as:

- Isotricha intestinal

- Isotricha prostoma

- Dasytricha rumiantium

Most of protozoa feeds and hydrolyze various proteins to produce ammonia from

the amide group and will release amino acid and peptides.


Picture. Oligotricha’s speciesa. Epidinium ecaudatum b. Epidnium ecaudatum c. Ostracodium

rugoloritacum d. Eudiplodinium magii e. Ostracodium triloricatum f. Polyplastron multivesiculatum ( Sutanto, 2010)

Protozoa in ruminants conclude in symbiosis mutualism. Protozoa can doing

metabolism process in ruminants’ body and ruminants can get nutrition by digest the food

more easily.

3. Fungi in Ruminants

In addition to bacteria in the rumen of ruminants also contained other microorganisms,

namely fungi. This microorganisms always most in the rumen of ruminant a high crude

fiber content (eg straw) in its food, it showed that these microorganisms have an

important role in the digestion of crude fiber. A distinctive characteristic this fungi

compared with other fungal species is rumen fungi need an anaerobic absolute conditions

(Strictly anaerobic) for the growth and formation of compounds of hydrogen (H) in the

fermentation of cellulose. Life cycle of these microorganisms is about 24-30 hours.


Picture. Holotricha’s speciesa. Isotricha intestinalis b. protozoa with cilia activity c. Isothrica

intestinalis d and e. Buetschilia parva (Soetanto, 2010)




1. There are interaction will be happen in an ecosystem between living and un-living

things or living things with each others. The interaction is called symbiosis. There are

so many symbiosis that happen in our environment such as mutualism,

commensalism, parasitism, amensalism, synergism, and competition.

2. There are many examples of interaction between bacteria with animal. The interaction

that occur are advantages interaction and disadvantages interaction. The advantages

interaction such as Bioluminesen bacteria in fish, Interaction between Termite and

Protozoa Mixotricha paradoxa, and microbes in ruminant.


We must know about the interaction of microbes in our environment. The microbes

can give benefit sometimes can be harmful for our life. If we know that interaction well, we

can safe our body from the disease that caused by microbes.