Io Programming

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Chapter 11: Basic I/O Interface

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The Intel Microprocessors: 8086/8088, 80186/80188, 80286, 80386, 80486 Pentium,Pentium Pro Processor, Pentium II, Pentium, 4, and Core2 ith 64!"it #$tensions

 %rchitecture, Pro&rammin&, and Inter'acin&, Eighth Edition

Barry B! Brey

Chapter Objectives 

. E3p$ain the operation of the basic input andoutput interfaces!

. 4ecode an -5 165 and 725bit I/O de&ice so

that they can be used at any I/O port address!. 4efine handsha8ing and e3p$ain ho( to use it

(ith I/O de&ices!

. Interface and progra the -2C,,prograab$e para$$e$ interface!

Upon completion of this chapter, you will be able to: 

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The Intel Microprocessors: 8086/8088, 80186/80188, 80286, 80386, 80486 Pentium,Pentium Pro Processor, Pentium II, Pentium, 4, and Core2 ith 64!"it #$tensions

 %rchitecture, Pro&rammin&, and Inter'acin&, Eighth Edition

Barry B! Brey

Chapter Objectives 

. Interface C4 disp$ays E4 disp$ays8eyboards 4C 4C and &arious other

de&ices to the -2C,,!

. Interface and progra the 16,,0 seria$counications interface adapter!

. Interface and progra the -2,+

prograab$e inter&a$ tier!

Upon completion of this chapter, you will be able to: 


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The Intel Microprocessors: 8086/8088, 80186/80188, 80286, 80386, 80486 Pentium,Pentium Pro Processor, Pentium II, Pentium, 4, and Core2 ith 64!"it #$tensions

 %rchitecture, Pro&rammin&, and Inter'acin&, Eighth Edition

Barry B! Brey

Chapter Objectives 

. Interface an ana$og5to5digita$ con&erter and adigita$5to5ana$og con&erter to the


. Interface both 4C and stepper otors to theicroprocessor!

Upon completion of this chapter, you will be able to: 


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The Intel Microprocessors:8086/8088, 80186/80188, 80286, 80386, 80486 Pentium,

Pentium Pro Processor, Pentium II, Pentium, 4, and Core2 ith 64!"it #$tensions

 %rchitecture, Pro&rammin&, and Inter'acin&, Eighth Edition

Barry B! Brey

11–1 IN!O O I"O IN#!$%C#

. I/O instructions I' I'# O" and O"#; are

e3p$ained!.  $so iso$ated direct or I/O apped I/O; and

eory5apped I/O the basic input and output

interfaces and handsha8ing!. <no($edge of these topics a8es it easier to

understand the connection and operation of the

prograab$e interface coponents

and I/O techni=ues!

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The Intel Microprocessors:8086/8088, 80186/80188, 80286, 80386, 80486 Pentium,

Pentium Pro Processor, Pentium II, Pentium, 4, and Core2 ith 64!"it #$tensions

 %rchitecture, Pro&rammin&, and Inter'acin&, Eighth Edition

Barry B! Brey

he I"O Instructions

. One type of instruction transfers inforation

to an I/O de&ice O";!

.  nother reads fro an I/O de&ice I';!

. Instructions are a$so pro&ided to transfer

strings of data bet(een eory and I/O!

 > I'# and O"# found e3cept the -0-6/-0--

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The Intel Microprocessors: 8086/8088, 80186/80188, 80286, 80386, 80486 Pentium,

Pentium Pro Processor, Pentium II, Pentium, 4, and Core2 ith 64!"it #$tensions

 %rchitecture, Pro&rammin&, and Inter'acin&, Eighth Edition

Barry B! Brey

. Instructions that transfer data bet(een an I/O

de&ice and the icroprocessor?s accuu$ator

@ or E@; are ca$$ed IN and OU!. he I/O address is stored in register 4@ as a

165bit address or in the byte p-; iediate$y

fo$$o(ing the opcode as an -5bit address! > Inte$ ca$$s the -5bit for p-; a fi&ed address 

because it is stored (ith the instruction usua$$y

in a %OA

. he 165bit address is ca$$ed a variableaddress because it is stored in a 4@ and then

used to address the I/O de&ice!

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The Intel Microprocessors: 8086/8088, 80186/80188, 80286, 80386, 80486 Pentium,

Pentium Pro Processor, Pentium II, Pentium, 4, and Core2 ith 64!"it #$tensions

 %rchitecture, Pro&rammin&, and Inter'acin&, Eighth Edition

Barry B! Brey

. Other instructions that use 4@ to address

I/O are the I'# and O"# instructions!

. I/O ports are - bits in (idth! > a 165bit port is actua$$y t(o consecuti&e -5bit

ports being addressed

 > a 725bit I/O port is actua$$y four -5bit ports

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The Intel Microprocessors: 8086/8088, 80186/80188, 80286, 80386, 80486 Pentium,

Pentium Pro Processor, Pentium II, Pentium, 4, and Core2 ith 64!"it #$tensions

 %rchitecture, Pro&rammin&, and Inter'acin&, Eighth Edition

Barry B! Brey

. hen data are transferred using I' or O"

the I/O address port number  or sip$y

port; appears on the address bus!. E3terna$ I/O interface decodes the port

nuber in the sae anner as a eory

address! > the -5bit fi3ed port nuber p-; appears on

address bus connections * >0 (ith bits

 1, >- e=ua$ to 000000002 

 > connections abo&e 1, are undefined for

I/O instruction

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The Intel Microprocessors: 8086/8088, 80186/80188, 80286, 80386, 80486 Pentium,

Pentium Pro Processor, Pentium II, Pentium, 4, and Core2 ith 64!"it #$tensions

 %rchitecture, Pro&rammin&, and Inter'acin&, Eighth Edition

Barry B! Brey

. he 165bit &ariab$e port nuber 4@;

appears on address connections 1, >0!

. he first 2,6 I/O port addresses 00>;are accessed by both fi3ed and &ariab$e I/O


 > any I/O address fro 0100 to is on$y accessed by the &ariab$e I/O address

. In a PC coputer a$$ 16 address bus bits

are decoded (ith $ocations 0000>07! > used for I/O inside the PC on the I#

industry standard architecture; bus

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The Intel Microprocessors: 8086/8088, 80186/80188, 80286, 80386, 80486 Pentium,

Pentium Pro Processor, Pentium II, Pentium, 4, and Core2 ith 64!"it #$tensions

 %rchitecture, Pro&rammin&, and Inter'acin&, Eighth Edition

Barry B! Brey

. I'# and O"# instructions address an I/O

de&ice using the 4@ register!

 > but do not transfer data bet(een accuu$ator and I/O de&ice as do the I'/O" instructions

 > Instead they transfer data bet(een eory

and the I/O de&ice

. Pentiu + and Core2 operating in the 6+5bit

ode ha&e the sae I/O instructions!

. here are no 6+5bit I/O instructions in the 6+5

bit ode!

 > ost I/O is sti$$ - bits and $i8e$y (i$$ reain so

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The Intel Microprocessors: 8086/8088, 80186/80188, 80286, 80386, 80486 Pentium,

Pentium Pro Processor, Pentium II, Pentium, 4, and Core2 ith 64!"it #$tensions

 %rchitecture, Pro&rammin&, and Inter'acin&, Eighth Edition

Barry B! Brey

Isolated and 'emory('apped I"O

. (o different ethods of interfacing I/O:

isolated I"O and memory(mapped I"O!

. In iso$ated I/O the I' I'# O" and O"#

transfer data bet(een the icroprocessor?s

accuu$ator or eory and the I/O de&ice!. In eory5apped I/O any instruction that

references eory can accop$ish the

transfer!. he PC does not use eory5apped I/O!

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The Intel Microprocessors: 8086/8088, 80186/80188, 80286, 80386, 80486 Pentium,

Pentium Pro Processor, Pentium II, Pentium, 4, and Core2 ith 64!"it #$tensions

 %rchitecture, Pro&rammin&, and Inter'acin&, Eighth Edition

Barry B! Brey

Isolated I/O  

. he ost coon I/O transfer techni=ue

used in the Inte$5based syste is iso$ated I/O! > isolated  describes ho( I/O $ocations are iso$ated

fro eory in a separate I/O address space

.  ddresses for iso$ated I/O de&ices ca$$edports are separate fro eory!

. Because the ports are separate the user can

e3pand the eory to its fu$$ siDe (ithoutusing any of eory space for I/O de&ices!

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The Intel Microprocessors: 8086/8088, 80186/80188, 80286, 80386, 80486 Pentium,

Pentium Pro Processor, Pentium II, Pentium, 4, and Core2 ith 64!"it #$tensions

 %rchitecture, Pro&rammin&, and Inter'acin&, Eighth Edition

Barry B! Brey

.   disad&antage of iso$ated I/O is that data

transferred bet(een I/O and icroprocessor

ust be accessed by the I' I'# O" andO"# instructions!

. #eparate contro$ signa$s for the I/O space are

de&e$oped using A/IO and /% ; (hichindicate an I/O read IO%C; or an I/O (rite

%4; operation!

. hese signa$s indicate an I/O port address(hich appears on the address bus is used

to se$ect the I/O de&ice!

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The Intel Microprocessors: 8086/8088, 80186/80188, 80286, 80386, 80486 Pentium,

Pentium Pro Processor, Pentium II, Pentium, 4, and Core2 ith 64!"it #$tensions

 %rchitecture, Pro&rammin&, and Inter'acin&, Eighth Edition

Barry B! Brey

$i)ure 11–1  he eory and I/O aps for the -0-6/-0-- icroprocessors! a;

Iso$ated I/O! b; Aeory5apped I/O!

 > in the PC iso$ated I/Oports are used to contro$

periphera$ de&ices

 > an -5bit port address isused to access de&ices$ocated on the systeboard such as the tierand 8eyboard interface

 > a 165bit port is used to

access seria$ and para$$e$ports &ideo and dis8 dri&esystes

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The Intel Microprocessors: 8086/8088, 80186/80188, 80286, 80386, 80486 Pentium,

Pentium Pro Processor, Pentium II, Pentium, 4, and Core2 ith 64!"it #$tensions

 %rchitecture, Pro&rammin&, and Inter'acin&, Eighth Edition

Barry B! Brey

Memory-Mapped I/O  

. Aeory5apped I/O does not use the I' I'#

O" or O"# instructions!. It uses any instruction that transfers data bet(een

the icroprocessor and eory!

 >treated as a eory $ocation in eory ap

.  d&antage is any eory transfer instruction can

access the I/O de&ice!

. 4isad&antage is a portion of eory syste is

used as the I/O ap!

 > reduces eory a&ai$ab$e to app$ications

7/24/2019 Io Programming 18/227

7/24/2019 Io Programming 19/227

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The Intel Microprocessors: 8086/8088, 80186/80188, 80286, 80386, 80486 Pentium,

Pentium Pro Processor, Pentium II, Pentium, 4, and Core2 ith 64!"it #$tensions

 %rchitecture, Pro&rammin&, and Inter'acin&, Eighth Edition

Barry B! Brey

asic Input and Output Interfaces

. he basic input de&ice is a set of three5state


. he basic output de&ice is a set of data


. he ter I' refers to o&ing data 'rom the

I/O de&ice into the icroprocessor and

. he ter O" refers to o&ing data out  of 

the icroprocessor to the I/O de&ice!

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The Intel Microprocessors: 8086/8088, 80186/80188, 80286, 80386, 80486 Pentium,

Pentium Pro Processor, Pentium II, Pentium, 4, and Core2 ith 64!"it #$tensions

 %rchitecture, Pro&rammin&, and Inter'acin&, Eighth Edition

Barry B! Brey

The Basic Input Interface 

. hree5state buffers are used to construct the

-5bit input port depicted in igure 11>7!

. E3terna$ data are connected to the inputs

of the buffers!

 > buffer outputs connect to the data bus

. he circuit of a$$o(s the processor to read the

contents of the eight s(itches that connect to

any -5bit section of the data bus (hen these$ect signa$ becoes a $ogic 0!

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The Intel Microprocessors: 8086/8088, 80186/80188, 80286, 80386, 80486 Pentium,

Pentium Pro Processor, Pentium II, Pentium, 4, and Core2 ith 64!"it #$tensions

 %rchitecture, Pro&rammin&, and Inter'acin&, Eighth Edition

Barry B! Brey

$i)ure 11–-  he basic input interface i$$ustrating the connection of eight s(itches!

'ote that the *+#2++ is a three5state buffer that contro$s the app$ication of the

s(itch data to the data bus!

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The Intel Microprocessors: 8086/8088, 80186/80188, 80286, 80386, 80486 Pentium,

Pentium Pro Processor, Pentium II, Pentium, 4, and Core2 ith 64!"it #$tensions

 %rchitecture, Pro&rammin&, and Inter'acin&, Eighth Edition

Barry B! Brey

. hen the I' instruction e3ecutes contentsof the s(itches copy to the register!

. his basic input circuit is not optiona$ andust appear any tie input data areinterfaced to the icroprocessor!

. #oeties it appears as a discrete part ofthe circuit as sho(n in igure 11>7!

 > a$so bui$t into a prograab$e I/O de&ices

. #i3teen5 or 725bit data can a$so be interfaced

but is not near$y as coon as -5bit data!

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The Intel Microprocessors: 8086/8088, 80186/80188, 80286, 80386, 80486 Pentium,

Pentium Pro Processor, Pentium II, Pentium, 4, and Core2 ith 64!"it #$tensions

 %rchitecture, Pro&rammin&, and Inter'acin&, Eighth Edition

Barry B! Brey

The Basic Output Interface

.  %ecei&es data fro the processor and usua$$y

ust ho$d it for soe e3terna$ de&ice! > $atches or f$ip5f$ops $i8e buffers in the input

de&ice are often bui$t into the I/O de&ice

. ig 11>+ sho(s ho( eight $ight5eitting diodesE4s; connect to the processor through a set of

eight data $atches!

. he $atch stores the nuber output by the

icroprocessor fro the data bus so that theE4s can be $it (ith any -5bit binary nuber!

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The Intel Microprocessors: 8086/8088, 80186/80188, 80286, 80386, 80486 Pentium,

Pentium Pro Processor, Pentium II, Pentium, 4, and Core2 ith 64!"it #$tensions

 %rchitecture, Pro&rammin&, and Inter'acin&, Eighth Edition

Barry B! Brey

$i)ure 11–.  he basic output interface connected to a set of E4 disp$ays!

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The Intel Microprocessors: 8086/8088, 80186/80188, 80286, 80386, 80486 Pentium,

Pentium Pro Processor, Pentium II, Pentium, 4, and Core2 ith 64!"it #$tensions

 %rchitecture, Pro&rammin&, and Inter'acin&, Eighth Edition

Barry B! Brey

. atches ho$d the data because (hen theprocessor e3ecutes an O" data are on$ypresent on the data bus for $ess than 1!0 )s!

 > the &ie(er (ou$d ne&er see the E4s i$$uinate

. hen the O" e3ecutes data fro @or E@ transfer to the $atch &ia the data bus!

. Each tie the O" e3ecutes the #E signa$acti&ates capturing data to the $atch!

 > data are he$d unti$ the ne3t O"

. hen the output instruction is e3ecuted datafro the register appear on the E4s!

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The Intel Microprocessors: 8086/8088, 80186/80188, 80286, 80386, 80486 Pentium,

Pentium Pro Processor, Pentium II, Pentium, 4, and Core2 ith 64!"it #$tensions

 %rchitecture, Pro&rammin&, and Inter'acin&, Eighth Edition

Barry B! Brey


. Aany I/O de&ices accept or re$ease inforation

s$o(er than the icroprocessor!.   ethod of I/O contro$ ca$$ed handsha0in) or

pollin) synchroniDes the I/O de&ice (ith the

icroprocessor!.  n e3ap$e is a para$$e$ printer that prints a fe(

hundred characters per second CP#;!

. he processor can send data uch faster!

 > a (ay to s$o( the icroprocessor do(n to atch

speeds (ith the printer ust be de&e$oped

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The Intel Microprocessors: 8086/8088, 80186/80188, 80286, 80386, 80486 Pentium,

Pentium Pro Processor, Pentium II, Pentium, 4, and Core2 ith 64!"it #$tensions

 %rchitecture, Pro&rammin&, and Inter'acin&, Eighth Edition

Barry B! Brey

. ig 11>, i$$ustrates typica$ input and output

connections found on a printer!

 > data transfers &ia data connections 4* >40;.  #CII data are p$aced on 4* >40 and a pu$se

is then app$ied to the #B connection!

 > B"# indicates the printer is busy > #B is a c$oc8 pu$se used to send data to printer 

. he strobe signa$ sends or c$oc8s the data

into the printer so that they can be printed! > as the printer recei&es data it p$aces $ogic 1 on

the B"# pin indicating it is printing data

$i 11 h 4B2, t f d t d th C t i 76 i

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The Intel Microprocessors: 8086/8088, 80186/80188, 80286, 80386, 80486 Pentium,

Pentium Pro Processor, Pentium II, Pentium, 4, and Core2 ith 64!"it #$tensions

 %rchitecture, Pro&rammin&, and Inter'acin&, Eighth Edition

Barry B! Brey

$i)ure 11–  he 4B2, connector found on coputers and the Centronics 765pin

connector found on printers for the Centronics para$$e$ printer interface!

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The Intel Microprocessors: 8086/8088, 80186/80188, 80286, 80386, 80486 Pentium,

Pentium Pro Processor, Pentium II, Pentium, 4, and Core2 ith 64!"it #$tensions %rchitecture, Pro&rammin&, and Inter'acin&, Eighth Edition

Barry B! Brey

. he soft(are po$$s or tests the B"# pin todecide (hether the printer is busy!

 > If the printer is busy the processor (aits > if not the ne3t #CII character goes to the printer

. his process of interrogating the printer orany asynchronous de&ice $i8e a printer isca$$ed handsha8ing or po$$ing!

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7/24/2019 Io Programming 31/227

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The Intel Microprocessors: 8086/8088, 80186/80188, 80286, 80386, 80486 Pentium,

Pentium Pro Processor, Pentium II, Pentium, 4, and Core2 ith 64!"it #$tensions %rchitecture, Pro&rammin&, and Inter'acin&, Eighth Edition

Barry B! Brey

. ig 11>6 sho(s a togg$e s(itch proper$y

connected to function as an input de&ice!

.   pu$$5up resistor ensures (hen the s(itch isopen the output signa$ is a $ogic 1!

 > (hen the s(itch is c$osed it connects to

ground producing a &a$id $ogic 0 $e&e$.   standard range of &a$ues for pu$$5up

resistors is bet(een 1< Oh and 10< Oh!

$i)ure 11 2 sing$e po$e sing$e thro( s(itch interfaced as a de&ice

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The Intel Microprocessors: 8086/8088, 80186/80188, 80286, 80386, 80486 Pentium,

Pentium Pro Processor, Pentium II, Pentium, 4, and Core2 ith 64!"it #$tensions %rchitecture, Pro&rammin&, and Inter'acin&, Eighth Edition

Barry B! Brey

$i)ure 11–2  sing$e5po$e sing$e5thro( s(itch interfaced as a de&ice!

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The Intel Microprocessors: 8086/8088, 80186/80188, 80286, 80386, 80486 Pentium,

Pentium Pro Processor, Pentium II, Pentium, 4, and Core2 ith 64!"it #$tensions %rchitecture, Pro&rammin&, and Inter'acin&, Eighth Edition

Barry B! Brey

. Aechanica$ s(itch contacts physica$$y bounce(hen they are c$osed

 > (hich can create a prob$e if a s(itch is usedas a c$oc8ing signa$ for a digita$ circuit

. o pre&ent prob$es (ith bounces one of thecircuits sho(n in ig 11>* can be used!

 > the first is a c$assic te3tboo8 bounce e$iinator 

 > second is a ore practica$ &ersion of the sae

. he first &ersion costs ore to construct

 > the second costs re=uires no pu$$5up resistorsand t(o in&erters instead of t(o ''4 gates

$i)ure 11 3 4ebouncing s(itch contacts: a; con&entiona$ debouncing and b;

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The Intel Microprocessors: 8086/8088, 80186/80188, 80286, 80386, 80486 Pentium,

Pentium Pro Processor, Pentium II, Pentium, 4, and Core2 ith 64!"it #$tensions %rchitecture, Pro&rammin&, and Inter'acin&, Eighth Edition

Barry B! Brey

$i)ure 11–3  4ebouncing s(itch contacts: a; con&entiona$ debouncing and b;

practica$ debouncing!

 > as the H input fro the s(itch becoes a $ogic 0it changes the state of the f$ip5f$op

 > if the contact bounces a(ay fro the H input thef$ip5f$op reebers no change occurs and thusno bounce


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Pentium Pro Processor, Pentium II, Pentium, 4, and Core2 ith 64!"it #$tensions %rchitecture, Pro&rammin&, and Inter'acin&, Eighth Edition

Barry B! Brey

Output Devices 

. Output de&ices are ore di&erse than input

de&ices but any are interfaced in a uniforanner!

. Before an output de&ice can be interfaced (e

ust understand &o$tages and currents fro theicroprocessor or interface!

. Go$tages are 5copatib$e fro the

icroprocessor of the interfacing e$eent!

 > $ogic 0 0!0 G to 0!+ G

 > $ogic 1 2!+ G to ,!0 G

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Pentium Pro Processor, Pentium II, Pentium, 4, and Core2 ith 64!"it #$tensions %rchitecture, Pro&rammin&, and Inter'acin&, Eighth Edition

Barry B! Brey

. Currents for a processor and any interfacing

coponents are $ess than for standard !

 > ogic 0 0!0 to 2!0  > $ogic 1 0!0 to +00 J

. ig 11>- sho(s ho( to interface a sip$e

E4 to a icroprocessor periphera$ pin! > a transistor dri&er is used in 11>-a;

 > a in&erter is used in 11>-b;

. he in&erter standard &ersion; pro&idesup to 16 of current at a $ogic 0 $e&e$

 > ore than enough to dri&e a standard E4

$i)ure 11–4 Interfacing an E4: a; using a transistor and b; using an in&erter

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Pentium Pro Processor, Pentium II, Pentium, 4, and Core2 ith 64!"it #$tensions %rchitecture, Pro&rammin&, and Inter'acin&, Eighth Edition

Barry B! Brey

$i)ure 11–4  Interfacing an E4: a; using a transistor and b; using an in&erter!

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Pentium Pro Processor, Pentium II, Pentium, 4, and Core2 ith 64!"it #$tensions %rchitecture, Pro&rammin&, and Inter'acin&, Eighth Edition

Barry B! Brey

. input signa$ has iniu &a$ue of 2!+ G

. 4rop across eitter5base Kunction is 0!* G!

. he difference is 1!* G > the &o$tage drop across the resistor

. he &a$ue of the resistor is 1!* G L 0!1 or

1*< ! > as 1*< is not a standard &a$ue an 1-<

resistor is chosen

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Pentium Pro Processor, Pentium II, Pentium, 4, and Core2 ith 64!"it #$tensions %rchitecture, Pro&rammin&, and Inter'acin&, Eighth Edition

Barry B! Brey

. In 11>-a; (e e$ected to use a s(itchingtransistor in p$ace of the buffer!

 > 2'2222 is a good $o(5cost genera$5purposes(itching transistor (ith a iniu gain of 100

 > co$$ector current is 10 F so base current (i$$be 1/100 of co$$ector current of 0!1

. o deterine the &a$ue of the base current>$iiting resistor use the 0!1 base currentand a &o$tage drop of 1!* G across the basecurrent>$iiting resistor!

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Pentium Pro Processor, Pentium II, Pentium, 4, and Core2 ith 64!"it #$tensions %rchitecture, Pro&rammin&, and Inter'acin&, Eighth Edition

Barry B! Brey

. #uppose (e need to interface a 12 G 4C 1otor to the icroprocessor!

. e cannot use a in&erter: > 12 G signa$ (ou$d burn out the in&erter

 > current far e3ceeds 16 in&erter a3iu

. e cannot use a 2'2222 transistor:

 > a3iu current is 2,0 to ,00 depending on the pac8age sty$e chosen

. he so$ution is to use a 4ar$ington5pair such

as a IP120! > costs 2,M can hand$e + current (ith heat sin8

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Pentium Pro Processor, Pentium II, Pentium, 4, and Core2 ith 64!"it #$tensions %rchitecture, Pro&rammin&, and Inter'acin&, Eighth Edition

Barry B! Brey

. ig 11>9 i$$ustrates a otor connected to the4ar$ington5pair (ith a iniu current gainof *000 and a a3iu current of +!

. Ga$ue of the bias resistor is ca$cu$ated e3act$ythe sae as the one used in the E4 dri&er!

. he current through the resistor is 1!0 L*000 or about 0!1+7 !

. Go$tage drop is 0!9 G because of the t(odiode drops base/eitter Kunctions;!

. he &a$ue of the bias resistor is 0!9 G L 0!1+7 or 6!29< !

$i)ure 11–5 4C otor interfaced to a syste by using a 4ar$ington5pair

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The Intel Microprocessors: 8086/8088, 80186/80188, 80286, 80386, 80486 Pentium,

Pentium Pro Processor, Pentium II, Pentium, 4, and Core2 ith 64!"it #$tensions %rchitecture, Pro&rammin&, and Inter'acin&, Eighth Edition

Barry B! Brey

$i)ure 11 5  4C otor interfaced to a syste by using a 4ar$ington pair!

 > he 4ar$ington5pair ust usea heat sin8 because of the

aount of current > the diode ust be present to

pre&ent the 4ar$ington5pair fro being destroyed byinducti&e 8ic8bac8

11 * I"O +O! %66!#77

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Barry B! Brey

11–* I"O +O! %66!#77


. Gery sii$ar to eory address decoding

especia$$y for eory5apped I/O de&ices!

. he difference bet(een eory decoding

and iso$ated I/O decoding is the nuber of

address pins connected to the decoder!

. In the persona$ coputer syste (e a$(ays

decode a$$ 16 bits of the I/O port address!

6 di 4 it I"O + t %dd

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Barry B! Brey

6ecodin) 4(it I"O +ort %ddresses

. i3ed I/O instruction uses an -5bit I/O port address

that on 1, >0 as 0000>00! > (e often decode on$y address connections

 * >0 for an -5bit I/O port address

.he 4@ register can a$so address I/O ports 00>!

. If the address is decoded as an -5bit address (e

can ne&er inc$ude I/O de&ices using a 165bit

address! > the PC ne&er uses or decodes an -5bit address

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Barry B! Brey

. igure 11>10 sho(s a *+#17- decoder

that decodes -5bit I/O ports 0 5 *!

 > identica$ to a eory address decoder e3cept(e on$y connect address bits * >0 to the

inputs of the decoder 

. igure 11>11 sho(s the P4 &ersion using a

N22G10 a $o(5cost de&ice; for this


. he P4 is a better decoder circuit because

the nuber of integrated circuits has been

reduced to one de&ice!

$i)ure 11–19  port decoder that decodes -5bit I/O ports! his decoder generates

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Barry B! Brey

) p p g

acti&e $o( outputs for ports 0>*!

$i)ure 11–11  P4 that generates part se$ection signa$s

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Barry B! Brey

) g p g

6ecodin) 12 it I"O +ort %ddresses

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Barry B! Brey

6ecodin) 12(it I"O +ort %ddresses

. PC systes typica$$y use 165bit I/O addresses!

 > 165bit addresses rare in ebedded systes

. he difference bet(een decoding an -5bit and a

165bit I/O address is that eight additiona$

address $ines 1, >-; ust be decoded!. igure 11>12 i$$ustrates a circuit that contains a

P4 and a +5input ''4 gate used to decode

I/O ports E->E!. P4 generates address strobes for I/O ports

$i)ure 11–1*  P4 that decodes 165bit I/O ports E- through E!

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Pentium Pro Processor, Pentium II, Pentium, 4, and Core2 ith 64!"it #$tensions %rchitecture, Pro&rammin&, and Inter'acin&, Eighth Edition

Barry B! Brey

) p g

4 and 12 it ide I"O +orts

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Barry B! Brey

4( and 12(it ide I"O +orts

. 4ata transferred to an -5bit I/O de&ice e3ist in

one of the I/O ban8s in a 165bit processor suchas -07-6#@!

. he I/O syste on such a icroprocessor

contains t(o -5bit eory ban8s!. ig 11>17 sho(s separate I/O ban8s for a

165bit syste such as -07-6#@!

. Because t(o I/O ban8s e3ist any -5bit I/O(rite re=uires a separate (rite!

$i)ure 11–1-  he I/O ban8s found in the -0-6 -01-6 -02-6 and -07-6#@!

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Barry B! Brey

I/O d d ?t i t t b

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Pentium Pro Processor, Pentium II, Pentium, 4, and Core2 ith 64!"it #$tensions %rchitecture, Pro&rammin&, and Inter'acin&, Eighth Edition

Barry B! Brey

. I/O reads don?t re=uire separate strobes!

 > as (ith eory the processor reads on$y thebyte it e3pects and ignores the other byte

 > a read can cause prob$es (hen an I/O de&iceresponds incorrect$y to a read operation

. ig 11>1+ sho(ss a syste (ith t(o different

-5bit output de&ices $ocated at +0 and +1!. hese are -5bit de&ices and appear in

different I/O ban8s!

 > thus separate I/O (rite signa$s are generated toc$oc8 a pair of $atches that capture port data

$i)ure 11–1.  n I/O port decoder that se$ects ports +0 and +1 for output data!

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Barry B! Brey

 > a$$ I/O ports

use -5bitaddresses

 > ports +0 +1 can be

addressedas separate-5bit ports

 > or as one

165bit port

ig 11 1, sho(s a 16 bit de&ice connected

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Pentium Pro Processor, Pentium II, Pentium, 4, and Core2 ith 64!"it #$tensions %rchitecture, Pro&rammin&, and Inter'acin&, Eighth Edition

Barry B! Brey

. ig 11>1, sho(s a 165bit de&ice connectedto function at -5bit addresses 6+ 6,!

. he P4 decoder does not ha&e a connectionfor address bits BE 0; and BE because

the signa$s don?t app$y to 165bit5(ide de&ices!

. he progra for the P4 i$$ustrated inE3ap$e 11>, sho(s ho( the enab$esigna$s are generated for the three5statebuffers *+C2++; used as input de&ices!

$i)ure 11–1  165bit5(ide port decoded at I/O addresses 6+ and 6,!

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Barry B! Brey

-* it ide I"O +orts

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Pentium Pro Processor, Pentium II, Pentium, 4, and Core2 ith 64!"it #$tensions %rchitecture, Pro&rammin&, and Inter'acin&, Eighth Edition

Barry B! Brey

-*(it(ide I"O +orts

. Aay e&entua$$y becoe coon because of ne(er

buses found in coputer systes!. he EI# syste bus supports 725bit I/O as (e$$ as

the GE# $oca$ and current PCI bus!

 > not any I/O de&ices are 72 bits in (idth

. ig 11>16 sho(s a 725bit input port for -07-64@ 5

-0+-64@ icroprocessor!

. he circuit uses a sing$e P4 to decode the I/O

ports and four *+C2++ buffers to connect the I/Odata to the data bus!

$i)ure 11–12  725bit5(ide port decoded at *0 through *7 for the -0+-64@

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Barry B! Brey


 > I/O ports decodedby this interfaceare the -5bit ports*0>*7

 > hen (riting to

access this portit is crucia$ to usethe address *0for 725bit input

 > as instructionI' E@ *0

. ith the Pentiu Core2 and their 6+ bit data

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The Intel Microprocessors: 8086/8088, 80186/80188, 80286, 80386, 80486 Pentium,

Pentium Pro Processor, Pentium II, Pentium, 4, and Core2 ith 64!"it #$tensions %rchitecture, Pro&rammin&, and Inter'acin&, Eighth Edition

Barry B! Brey

. ith the Pentiu>Core2 and their 6+5bit databuses I/O ports appear in &arious ban8s asdeterined by the I/O port address!

.   725bit I/O access in the Pentiu systecan appear in any four consecuti&e I/O ban8s!

 > 725bit ports 0100>0107 appear in ban8s 0>7

. I/O address range ust begin at a $ocation(here the rightost t(o bits are Deros!

 > 0100>0107 is a$$o(ab$e

 > 0101>010+ is not

. idest I/O transfers are 72 bits and there are

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The Intel Microprocessors: 8086/8088, 80186/80188, 80286, 80386, 80486 Pentium,

Pentium Pro Processor, Pentium II, Pentium, 4, and Core2 ith 64!"it #$tensions %rchitecture, Pro&rammin&, and Inter'acin&, Eighth Edition

Barry B! Brey

. idest I/O transfers are 72 bits and there areno I/O instructions to support 6+5bit transfers!

 > true for Pentiu + or Core2 in the 6+5bit ode

. #uppose (e need to interface a 165bit5(ideoutput port at I/O address 2000 and 2001!

 > interface is i$$ustrated in igure 11>1*

 > P4 progra is $isted in E3ap$e 11>*

. he prob$e that can arise is (hen the I/Oport spans across a 6+5bit boundary!

 > e3ap$e a 165bit5 port at 200* and 200-

$i)ure 11–13  Pentiu + interfaced to a 165bit5(ide I/O port at port addresses

2000 d 2001

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Barry B! Brey

2000 and 2001!

11–- /# +!O8!%''%;#

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Barry B! Brey

11–- /# +!O8!%''%;#


. -2C,, pro)rammable peripheral interface 

PPI; is a popu$ar $o(5cost interface

coponent found in any app$ications!

. he PPI has 2+ pins for I/O prograab$e in

groups of 12 pins and groups that operate in

three distinct odes of operation!

. -2C,, can interface any 5copatib$eI/O de&ice to the icroprocessor!

. he -2C,, CAO# &ersion; re=uires (ait

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Barry B! Brey

. he -2C,, CAO# &ersion; re=uires (ait

states if operated (ith a processor using

higher than an - AD c$oc8! > a$so pro&ides at $east 2!, of sin8 $ogic 0;

current at each output a a3iu of +!0

. Because I/O de&ices are inherent$y s$o( (ait

states used during I/O transfers do not ipact

significant$y upon the speed of the syste!

. he -2C,, sti$$ finds app$ication e&en in the

$atest Core25based coputer syste!

. -2C,, is used for interface to the 8eyboard

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Barry B! Brey

. -2C,, is used for interface to the 8eyboard

and para$$e$ printer port in any PCs!

 > found as a function (ithin an interfacing chip set > a$so contro$s the tier and reads data fro the

8eyboard interface

.  n e3perientation board is a&ai$ab$e that

p$ugs into the para$$e$ port of a PC to a$$o(

access to an -2,, $ocated on the board!

. he -2,, is prograed in either asseb$y

$anguage or Gisua$ C through dri&ers

a&ai$ab$e (ith the board!

asic 6escription of the 4*C

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Barry B! Brey

asic 6escription of the 4*C

. ig 11>1- sho(s pin5outs of the -2C,, in

4IP and surface ount f$at pac8; forat!. he three I/O ports $abe$ed B and C; are

prograed as groups!

 > group connections consist of port P* >P0; and the

upper ha$f of port C PC* >PC+;

 > group B consists of port B PB* >PB0; and the $o(er ha$f

of port C PC7 >PC0;

. -2C,, is se$ected by its C# pin for prograingand reading/(riting to a port!

$i)ure 11–14  he pin5out of the -2C,, periphera$ interface adapter PPI;!

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Barry B! Brey

. ab$e 11>2 sho(s I/O port assignents used

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Barry B! Brey

. ab$e 11>2 sho(s I/O port assignents usedfor prograing and access to the I/O ports!

. In the PC a pair of -2C,,s or e=ui&a$entsare decoded at I/O ports 60>67 and a$soat ports 7*->7*B!

. he -2C,, is a fair$y sip$e de&ice to

interface to the icroprocessor and progra!

. or -2C,, to be read or (ritten the C# inputust be $ogic 0 and the correct I/O address

ust be app$ied to the 1 and 0 pins!. %eaining port address pins are don*t cares!

. ig 11>19 sho(s an -2C,, connected to the

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Barry B! Brey

ig 11 19 sho(s an -2C,, connected to the-07-6#@ so it functions at -5bit addressesC0 port ; C2 port B; C+ port C;and C6 coand register;! > this interface uses the $o( ban8 of the I/O ap

.  $$ -2C,, pins are direct connections to the

-07-6#@ e3cept the C# pin! he pin isdecoded/se$ected by a *+#17- decoder!

.   %E#E to -2C,, sets up a$$ ports as

sip$e input ports using ode 0 operation! > initia$iDes the de&ice (hen the processor is reset

7/24/2019 Io Programming 68/227

. fter a %E#E no other coands are

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Barry B! Brey

 fter a %E#E no other coands areneeded as $ong as it is used as an inputde&ice for a$$ three ports!

. -2C,, is interfaced to the PC at portaddresses 60>67 for 8eyboard contro$!

 > a$so for contro$$ing the spea8er tier and other

interna$ de&ices such as eory e3pansion. It is a$so used for the para$$e$ printer port at

I/O ports 7*->7*B!

+ro)rammin) the 4*C

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+ro)rammin) the 4*C

. -2C,, is prograed through t(o interna$

coand registers sho(n in igure 11>20!. Bit position * se$ects either coand byte

or coand byte B!

 > coand byte progras functions of group  and B

 > byte B sets 1; or resets 0; bits of port C on$y

if the -2C,, is prograed in ode 1 or 2

. Nroup B port B and the $o(er part of port C;

are prograed as input or output pins!

$i)ure 11–*9  he coand byte of the coand register in the -2C,,! a;

Progras ports B and C b; #ets or resets the bit indicated in the se$ect a bit fie$d

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Barry B! Brey

Progras ports B and C! b; #ets or resets the bit indicated in the se$ect a bit fie$d!

 > group B operates in ode 0 or

ode 1 > ode 0 is basic input/output ode

that a$$o(s the pins of group B tobe prograed as sip$e input

and $atched output connections > Aode 1 operation is the strobed

operation for group B connections

 > data are transferred through port B

 > handsha8ing signa$s are pro&idedby port C

. Nroup port and the upper part of port C;

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Nroup port and the upper part of port C;are prograed as input or output pins!

. Nroup can operate in odes 0 1 and 2!

 > ode 2 operation is a bidirectiona$ ode ofoperation for port

. If a 0 is p$aced in bit position * of the

coand byte coand byte B is se$ected. his a$$o(s any bit of port C to be set 1; or

reset 0; if the -2C,, is operated in either

ode 1 or 2! > other(ise this byte is not used for prograing

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$i)ure 11–*1  n -5digit E4 disp$ay interfaced to the -0-- icroprocessor through

an -2C,, PI!

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Barry B! Brey

an -2C,, PI!

 > ports B are prograed asode 0; sip$e $atched output ports

 > port pro&ides segent data inputsport B pro&ides a eans of se$ectingone disp$ay position at a tie foru$tip$e3ing the disp$ays

 > the -2C,, is interfaced to an -0--through a P4 so it functions atI/O port nubers 0*00>0*07

 > P4 decodes the I/O address andde&e$ops the (rite strobe for the %pin of the -2C,,

. %esistor &a$ues in ig 11>21 are chosen so

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Barry B! Brey

%esistor &a$ues in ig 11 21 are chosen sothe segent current is -0 !

 > re=uired to produce a&erage 10 currentper segent as the disp$ays are u$tip$e3ed

.   si35digit disp$ay uses a segent current of60 for an a&erage of 10 per segent!

. Pea8 anode current in an eight5digit disp$ayis ,60 se&en segents × -0 ;!

 > a&erage anode current is -0

. In a si35digit disp$ay pea8 current (ou$d be+20 se&en segents × 60 ;!

. In this disp$ay the segent $oad resistor

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Barry B! Brey

In this disp$ay the segent $oad resistorpasses -0 current and has appro3iate$y7!0 G across it!

. he &a$ue of the resistor is 7!0 G L 1-0 7*!, Oh! he c$osest standard resistor &a$ue of 79 Oh is used in ig11>21!

. Prograing the -2C,, is accop$ished bythe short se=uence of instructions $isted inE3ap$e 11>9!

. Ports and B are prograed as outputs!

%n ;C6 6isplay Interfaced to the

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%n ;C6 6isplay Interfaced to the


. C4s li<uid crystal displays; ha&e rep$aced

E4 disp$ays in any app$ications!

. ig 11>22 sho(s an Optre3 4AC520+-1 C4

disp$ay interfaced to an -2C,,! > 4AC520+-1 is a +5$ine by 205characters5per5$ine

disp$ay that accepts #CII code as input data

. It a$so accepts coands that initia$iDe it andcontro$ its app$ication!

$i)ure 11–**  he 4AC520+-1 C4 disp$ay interfaced to the -2C,,!

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. he data connections (hich are attached to

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Barry B! Brey

the -2C,, port are used to input disp$aydata and to read inforation fro the disp$ay!

. or a +5bit interface 4+ >4* pins are used

(here the data ust be foratted (ith thehigh nibb$e first fo$$o(ed by the $o( nibb$e!

.   fe( ne(er OE4 de&ices contain a seria$interface that uses a sing$e pin for the data! 

. o progra 4AC520+-1 it ust first be

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Barry B! Brey

p ginitia$iDed!

. his app$ies to any disp$ay using the4++*-0 itachi; disp$ay dri&er IC!

. he entire $ine of sa$$ disp$ay pane$s froOptre3 and ost other anufacturers is

prograed in the sae anner!

. o progra 4AC520+-1 it ust first beinitia$iDed!

 > this app$ies to any disp$ay using the 4++*-0itachi; disp$ay dri&er integrated circuit

. Initia$iDation is accop$ished &ia the fo$$o(ing:

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p g

 > 1! ait at $east 1, s after GCC rises to ,!0 G

 > 2! Output the function set coand 70; and(ait at $east +!1 s

 > 7! Output the function set coand 70; asecond tie and (ait at $east 100 )s

 > +! Output the function set coand 70; athird tie and (ait at $east +0 )s

 > ,! Output the function set coand 7-; afourth tie and (ait at $east +0 )s

 > 6! Output 0- to disab$e the disp$ay and (aitat $east +0 )s

 > *! Output a 01 to hoe the cursor and c$ear 

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the disp$ay and (ait at $east 1!6+ s

 > -! Output the enab$e disp$ay cursor off 0C;

and (ait at $east +0 )s > 9! Output 06 to se$ect auto5increent shift

the cursor and (ait at $east +0 )s

. #oft(are to accop$ish the initia$iDation ofthe C4 disp$ay is $isted in E3ap$e 11>12!

. he tie de$ays can a$so be obtained by

using a tier in C!

.  fter initia$iDation tie de$ays are no $onger

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Barry B! Brey

y gneeded (hen sending data or anycoands to the disp$ay!

. he c$ear disp$ay coand sti$$ needs a tiede$ay as the busy f$ag is not used !

. Instead of a tie de$ay the busy f$ag is tested

to see (hether the disp$ay has cop$eted anoperation!

. he B"# procedure tests the C4 disp$ay

and on$y returns (hen the disp$ay hascop$eted a prior instruction!

7/24/2019 Io Programming 84/227

. he on$y other procedure needed for a basic

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y pdisp$ay is the c$ear hoe cursor procedureca$$ed C# sho(n in E3ap$e 11>1,!

. his procedure uses the #E'4 acro frothe initia$iDation soft(are to send the c$earcoand to the disp$ay!

. ith C# and the procedures presented thusfar you can disp$ay any essage on thedisp$ay c$ear it disp$ay another essage

and basica$$y operate the disp$ay!

 A Stepper Motor Interfaced to the

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.  nother de&ice often interfaced to a coputersyste is the stepper motor ( 

 > a digita$ otor because it is o&ed in discrete

steps as it tra&erses through 760Q

.  n ine3pensi&e stepper otor is geared to

o&e perhaps 1,Q per step

.   ore cost$y high5precision stepper otorcan be geared to 1Q per step!

. In a$$ cases these steps are gained through

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p g g

any agnetic po$es and/or gearing!

. igure 11>27 sho(s a four5coi$ stepper otorthat uses an arature (ith a sing$e po$e!

 > t(o coi$s are energiDed

. If $ess po(er is re=uired one coi$ ay beenergiDed at a tie causing the otor to

step at +,Q 17,Q 22,Q and 71,Q!

. he otor is sho(n (ith the arature rotatedto four discrete p$aces ca$$ed fu$$ stepping!

 > accop$ished by energiDing the coi$s as sho(n

$i)ure 11–*-  he stepper otor sho(ing fu$$5step operation: a; +,Q b; 17,Q c; 22,Q

d; 71,Q!

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. he otor is dri&en by 'P' 4ar$ington ap

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pairs to pro&ide a $arge current to each coi$!

.   circuit that can dri&e this stepper otor isi$$ustrated in ig 11>2+!

 > (ith the four coi$s sho(n in p$ace

. his circuit uses the -2C,, to pro&ide dri&e

signa$s used to rotate the otor arature ineither the right5 or $eft5hand direction!

.   sip$e procedure that dri&es the otor is

$isted in E3ap$e 11>16 in both asseb$y$anguage and as a function in C!

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#ey Matri$ Interface 

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. <eyboards coe in a &ariety of siDes fro

standard 10158ey HE% 8eyboards tospecia$ 8eyboards that contain + to 16 8eys!

. ig 11>2, is a 8ey atri3 (ith 16 s(itches

interfaced to ports and B of an -2C,,! > the s(itches are fored into a + × + atri3

but any atri3 cou$d be used such as a 2 × -

. he 8eys are organiDed into four ro(s andco$uns: %O0 >%O7; CO0 >CO7;

$i)ure 11–*  + × + 8eyboard atri3 connected to an -0-- icroprocessor through

the -2C,, PI!

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 > the -2C,, is decoded at I/Oports ,0>,7 for an -0--

 > port is prograed as aninput port to read the ro(s

 > port B is prograed as an

output port to se$ect a co$un > a f$o(chart of the soft(are

re=uired to read a 8ey fro the8eyboard atri3 and debounce

the 8ey is i$$ustrated in ig 11>26

$i)ure 11–*2  he f$o(chart of a 8eyboard5scanning procedure!

8 t b d b d $$

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 > 8eys ust be debounced nora$$y(ith a tie de$ay of 10>20 s

 > the soft(are uses a procedureca$$ed #C' to scan the 8eys andanother ca$$ed 4E10 to (aste10 s of tie for debouncing

 > the ain 8eyboard procedure isca$$ed <E and appears inE3ap$e 11>1*

 > the <E procedure is generic and

can hand$e any configuration froa 1 × 1 atri3 to an - × - atri3!

. he #hort4e$ay procedure is needed as the

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coputer changes port B at a &ery high rate !

 > the tie de$ay a$$o(s the data sent to port B to

sett$e to their fina$ state

. his is not needed if scan rate tie bet(eenoutput instructions; does not e3ceed 70 <D!

 > if the scanning fre=uency is higher the de&icegenerates radio interference

. If so the CC (i$$ not appro&e app$icationin any accepted syste

 > (ithout certification the syste cannot be so$d

'ode 1 7trobed Input

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. Causes port and/or port B to function as

$atching input de&ices! > a$$o(s e3terna$ data to be stored to the port

unti$ the icroprocessor is ready to retrie&e it

. Port C is used in ode 1 operationRnot for data

but for contro$ or handsha8ing signa$s!

 > to he$p operate either or both port and B as strobed

input ports

. ig 11>2* sho(s ho( both ports are structured forode 1 strobed input operation!

$i)ure 11–*3  #trobed input operation ode 1; of the -2C,,! a; Interna$ structure

and b; tiing diagra!

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7i)nal 6efinitions for 'ode 1

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7trobed Input

7. he strobe input $oads data to the port $atch

(hich ho$ds the inforation unti$ it is input to

the icroprocessor &ia the I' instruction!


. Input buffer full is an output indicating thatthe input $atch contains inforation!


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. Interrupt re<uest is an output that re=uests an interrupt! he

I'% pin becoes a $ogic 1 (hen #B returns to a $ogic 1!

C$eared (hen data are input fro the port by the processor!

IN#. Interrupt enab$e signa$ is neither input nor outputF it is an interna$

bit prograed &ia

port PC+ port ; or PC2 port B; bit position!

+C3, +C

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3 2

. he port C pins * and 6 are genera$5purpose

I/O pins that are a&ai$ab$e for any purpose!

Stro%ed Input &$ample 

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 %rchitecture, Pro&rammin&, and Inter'acin&, Eighth EditionBarry B! Brey

.  n e3ap$e of a strobed input de&ice is a

8eyboard!. he 8eyboard encoder debounces the 8ey

s(itches and pro&ides a strobe signa$

(hene&er a 8ey is depressed! > the data output contains #CII5coded 8ey code

. igure 11>2- i$$ustrates a 8eyboard connected

to strobed input port !

$i)ure 11–*4  "sing the -2C,, for strobed input operation of a 8eyboard!

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'ode 1 7trobed Output

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 %rchitecture, Pro&rammin&, and Inter'acin&, Eighth EditionBarry B! Brey

. ig 11>29 sho(s the interna$ configuration and

tiing diagra of -2C,, (hen operated as astrobed output de&ice under ode 1!

. #trobed output operation is sii$ar to ode 0

output operation!

 > e3cept contro$ signa$s are inc$uded to pro&ide


. hen data are (ritten to a strobed output port the

output buffer full signa$ becoes $ogic 0 toindicate data are present in the port $atch!

$i)ure 11–*5  #trobed output operation ode 1; of the -2C,,! a; Interna$ structureand b; tiing diagra!

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7i)nal 6efinitions for 'ode 1

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7trobed Output

O$. Output buffer full goes $o( (hene&er data are output

O"; to the port or B $atch! he signa$ is set to $ogic

1 (hen the C< pu$se returns fro the e3terna$ de&ice!


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. he ac0nowled)e si)nal causes the OB

pin to return to $ogic 1! he C< signa$ is a response fro an e3terna$

de&ice indicating that it has recei&ed data fro the -2C,, port!

IN!. Interrupt re<uest often interrupts the processor (hen the

e3terna$ de&ice recei&es the data &ia the C< signa$! Hua$ified by

the interna$ I'E interrupt enable; bit!


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 %rchitecture, Pro&rammin&, and Inter'acin&, Eighth EditionBarry B! Brey

. Interrupt enable is neither input nor outputF

it is an interna$ bit prograed to enab$e or disab$e the I'% pin! I'E

is prograed using PC6 bit! I'E B is prograed using the PC2 bit!

+C., +C


. Port C pins PC+ and PC, are genera$5purpose I/O pins! he bit

set and reset coand is used to set or reset these t(o pins!

Stro%ed Output &$ample 

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. he printer interface deonstrates ho( to

achie&e strobed output synchroniDationbet(een the printer and the -2C,,!

. igure 11>70 i$$ustrates port B connected to

a para$$e$ printer (ith eight data inputs forrecei&ing #CII5coded data a 4# data

strobe; input to strobe data into the printer

and an C< output to ac8no($edge the

receipt of the #CII character!

$i)ure 11–-9  he -2C,, connected to a para$$e$ printer interface that i$$ustrates thestrobed output ode of operation for the -2C,,!

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'ode * idirectional Operation

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. Aode 2 is a$$o(ed (ith group on$y!

. Port becoes bidirectiona$ a$$o(ing datatransit/recei&e o&er the sae eight (ires!

 > usefu$ (hen interfacing t(o coputers

.  $so used for IEEE5+-- para$$e$ high5speedNPIB )eneral( purpose instrumentation

bus; interface standard!

. igure 11>71 sho(s interna$ structure andtiing for ode 2 bidirectiona$ operation!

$i)ure 11–-1  Aode 2 operation of the -2C,,! a; Interna$ structure and b; tiingdiagra!

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7i)nal 6efinitions for idirectional

' d *

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 %rchitecture, Pro&rammin&, and Inter'acin&, Eighth EditionBarry B! Brey

. Interrupt re<uest is an output used to interrupt theicroprocessor for inputand output conditions!

'ode *


. Output buffer full is an output indicatingthe output buffer contains data for the

bidirectiona$ bus!



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 %rchitecture, Pro&rammin&, and Inter'acin&, Eighth EditionBarry B! Brey

. %c0nowled)e is an input that enab$es the three5state buffers so that data can appear 

on port ! If C< is $ogic 1 the output buffers of port are at their high5ipedance


7. he strobe input $oads the port input $atch (ith e3terna$ data

fro the bidirectiona$

port bus!

+C9, +C

1, and +C

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 %rchitecture, Pro&rammin&, and Inter'acin&, Eighth EditionBarry B! Brey

. hese pins are genera$5purpose I/O pins in ode

2 contro$$ed by the bit set and reset coand!


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Pentium Pro Processor, Pentium II, Pentium, 4, and Core2 ith 64!"it #$tensions

 %rchitecture, Pro&rammin&, and Inter'acin&, Eighth EditionBarry B! Brey

. Input buffer full is an output used to signa$ that the input

buffer contains data for the e3terna$ bidirectiona$ bus!

IN#. Interrupt enable are interna$ bits I'E1 I'E2; that enab$e the I'% pin! he


of the I'% pin is contro$$ed through port C bits PC6 I'E1; and PC+ I'E2;!

The Bidirectional Bus 

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 %rchitecture, Pro&rammin&, and Inter'acin&, Eighth EditionBarry B! Brey

. he bidirectiona$ bus is used by referencing

port (ith the I' and O" instructions!. o transit data through the bidirectiona$ bus

the progra first tests to deterine (hether

the output buffer is epty! > if so data are sent to the output buffer &ia O"

. he e3terna$ circuitry a$so onitors the signa$

to decide (hether the icroprocessor hassent data to the bus!

. o recei&e data through the bidirectiona$ port

bus IB is tested (ith soft(are to decide

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  bus IB is tested (ith soft(are to decide

(hether data ha&e been strobed into the port!

 > if IB 1 data is input using I'

. he e3terna$ interface sends data to the port

by using the #B signa$!

 > the IB signa$ becoes $ogic 1 and data at

port are he$d inside the port in a $atch

. hen the I' e3ecutes the IB bit is c$eared

and data in the port are o&ed into !

. #ee E3ap$e 11>21 for a procedure!

. he I'% >interrupt re<uest; pin can be

acti&ated fro both directions of data f$o(

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acti&ated fro both directions of data f$o(

through the bus!

. If I'% is enab$ed by both I'E bits the

output and input buffers both cause interrupt


. his occurs (hen data are strobed into the

buffer using #B or (hen data are (ritten

using O"!

4*C 'ode 7ummary

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 %rchitecture, Pro&rammin&, and Inter'acin&, Eighth EditionBarry B! Brey

. igure 11>72 sho(s a graphica$ suary of

the three odes of operation for the -2C,,!. Aode 0 pro&ides sip$e I/O!

. Aode 1 pro&ides strobed I/O!

. Aode 2 pro&ides bidirectiona$ I/O!

. hese odes are se$ected through the

coand register of the -2C,,!

$i)ure 11–-*  suary of the port connections for the -2C,, PI!

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he 7erial ##+!O' Interface

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 %rchitecture, Pro&rammin&, and Inter'acin&, Eighth EditionBarry B! Brey

. In Chapter 10 igure 10>27 a seria$

EEP%OA is i$$ustrated but at that point inthe te3t no I/O e3isted for an interface!

. #uppose that port C of an -2C,, is used for

connection to this interface and soft(are isneeded to dri&e the interface!

. he PC0 pin is prograed as an output to

send data and as an input to recei&e datafro the EEP%OA!

Chapter 19, $i)ure 19–*-  seria$ EEP%OA interface!

this eory interface

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 > this eory interfacehas t(o signa$ $ines

 > one is a seria$ c$oc8#C;F the other abidirectiona$ seria$ data$ine #4;

 > not eant to rep$acesyste ain eory

 > it is fast enough for usic

or other $o(5speed data

. %efer to igure 10>2+!

. he data forat for the soft(are for reading

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. he data forat for the soft(are for readingand (riting data to the EEP%OA is a$so

i$$ustrated in E3ap$e 11>22!

. his soft(are is (ritten in C (ith soeasseb$y $anguage but it can a$so be

de&e$oped in asseb$y $anguage!. I/O port address for the coand register is

031207 and 031202 for the port C register!

 > the tie de$ay shou$d be 1!2, )s for a datarate of +00 <D

Chapter 19, $i)ure 19–*.  4ata signa$s to the seria$ EEP%OA for a read or a (rite!

th i $ d t t i

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 > the seria$ data containsthe address in the firstbyte as (e$$ as a de&icecode of 1010 (hichrepresents the EEP%OA

 > other seria$ de&ices ha&edifferent de&ice codes

 > this is fo$$o(ed by theeory $ocation and the

data in additiona$ bytes

11–. 4*. +!O8!%''%;#

IN#!?%; I'#!

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IN#!?%; I'#!

. he -2,+ consists of three independent165bit prograab$e counters timers;!

. Each counter is capab$e of counting in binary

or binary5coded decia$ BC4;! > a3iu a$$o(ab$e input fre=uency to any

counter is 10 AD

. "sefu$ (here the icroprocessor ustcontro$ rea$5tie e&ents!

. "sage inc$udes rea$5tie c$oc8s e&ent

counters and otor speed/direction contro$

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counters and otor speed/direction contro$!

. ier appears in the PC decoded at ports

+0>+7 to do the fo$$o(ing:

 > 1! Nenerate a basic tier interrupt that occurs

at appro3iate$y 1-!2 D

 > 2! Cause the 4%A eory syste to be


 > 7! Pro&ide a tiing source to the interna$

spea8er and other de&ices!. ier in the PC is an -2,7 instead of -2,+!

4*. $unctional 6escription

11 77 f -2

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 %rchitecture, Pro&rammin&, and Inter'acin&, Eighth EditionBarry B! Brey

. igure 11>77 sho(s the pin5out of the -2,+

a higher5speed &ersion of the -2,7 and adiagra of one of the three counters!

. Each tier contains:

 > a C< input (hich pro&ides the basic operating

fre=uency to the tier

 > a gate input pin (hich contro$s the tier in soe


 > an output O"; connection to obtain the outputof the tier 

$i)ure 11–--  he -2,+ prograab$e inter&a$ tier! a; Interna$ structure and b;pin5out! Courtesy of Inte$ Corporation!;

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 %rchitecture, Pro&rammin&, and Inter'acin&, Eighth EditionBarry B! Brey

. he signa$s that connect to the processor arethe data bus pins 4*>40; %4 % C# and

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the data bus pins 4*  40; %4 % C# and

address inputs 1 and 0!

.  ddress inputs are present to se$ect any ofthe four interna$ registers!

 > used for prograing reading or (riting to a


. ier Dero generates an 1-!2 D signa$ thatinterrupts the icroprocessor at interrupt

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interrupts the icroprocessor at interrupt&ector - for a c$oc8 tic8!

 > often used to tie progras and e&ents in 4O#

. ier 1 is prograed for 1, )s used onthe PC to re=uest a 4A action used to

refresh the dynaic %A!. ier 2 is prograed to generate a tone

on the PC spea8er!

+in 6efinitions for 4*.

% %

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 %rchitecture, Pro&rammin&, and Inter'acin&, Eighth EditionBarry B! Brey

. he address inputs se$ect one of four interna$ registers (ithinthe -2,+! #ee ab$e 11>+ for the function of the 1 and 0 

address bits!

C;=. he cloc0 input is the tiing source for each of the interna$

counters! his input is often connected to the PC< signa$

fro the icroprocessor syste bus contro$$er!

%9, %


Chi l t b$ -2,+ f i

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 %rchitecture, Pro&rammin&, and Inter'acin&, Eighth EditionBarry B! Brey

. Chip select enab$es -2,+ for prograing

and reading or (riting a counter!8

. he )ate input contro$s the operation of the

counter in soe odes of operation


. 8round connects to the syste ground bus!


t t t i h th f

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Pentium Pro Processor, Pentium II, Pentium, 4, and Core2 ith 64!"it #$tensions

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.   counter output is (here the (a&efor

generated by the tier is a&ai$ab$e!!6

. !ead causes data to be read fro the -2,+

and often connects to the IO%C signa$!


. +ower  connects to the ,!0 G po(er supp$y!


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. rite causes data to be (ritten to the -2,+

and often connects to (rite strobe IOC!

+ro)rammin) the 4*.

E h t i d b iti

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 %rchitecture, Pro&rammin&, and Inter'acin&, Eighth EditionBarry B! Brey

. Each counter is prograed by (riting a

contro$ (ord fo$$o(ed by the initia$ count! > fig 11>7+ $ists the progra contro$ (ord structure

. he contro$ (ord a$$o(s the prograer to

se$ect the counter ode of operation andtype of operation read/(rite;!

 > a$so se$ects either a binary or BC4 count

$i)ure 11–-.  he contro$ (ord for the -2,+52 tier!

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. Each counter ay be prograed (ith acount of 1 to F count of 0 is e=ua$

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Barry B! Brey

F =to $ 6,,76; or 10000 in BC4!

. ier 0 is used in the PC (ith a di&ide5bycount of 6+< ; to generate the1-!2 D 1-!196 D; interrupt c$oc8 tic8!

 > tier 0 has a c$oc8 input fre=uency of +!** AD + or 1!192, AD

. he order of prograing is iportant foreach counter but prograing of differentcounters ay be inter$ea&ed for bettercontro$!

Modes of Operation 

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Barry B! Brey

$i)ure 11–-  he si3 odes of operation for the -2,+52 prograab$e inter&a$ tier!

he N input stops the count (hen 0 in odes 2 7 and +!

 > si3 odes 0>,; of

a&ai$ab$e to each ofthe -2,+ counters

 > each ode functions

(ith the C< inputthe gate N; contro$

signa$ and O"


'ode 9

. $$o(s -2,+ to be used as an e&ents counter

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Barry B! Brey

.  $$o(s -2,+ to be used as an e&ents counter!

. Output becoes $ogic 0 (hen the contro$(ord is (ritten and reains unti$ ' p$us the

nuber of prograed counts!

. 'ote that gate N; input ust be $ogic 1 toa$$o( the counter to count!

. If N becoes $ogic 0 in the idd$e of the

count the counter (i$$ stop unti$ N againbecoes $ogic 1!

'ode 1

. Causes function as a retriggerab$e onostab$e

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. Causes function as a retriggerab$e onostab$e

u$ti&ibrator one5shot;!

. N input triggers the counter so it de&e$ops a pu$se

at the O" connection that becoes $ogic 0 for

the duration of the count!

 > if the count is 10 the O" connection goes$o( for 10 c$oc8ing periods (hen triggered

. If N input occurs (ithin the output pu$se the

counter is re$oaded and the O" connectioncontinues for the tota$ $ength of the count!

'ode *

. $$o(s the counter to generate a series of

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Barry B! Brey

.  $$o(s the counter to generate a series of

continuous pu$ses one c$oc8 pu$se (ide!

 > pu$se separation is deterined by the count

. or a count of 10 output is $ogic 1 for nine c$oc8

periods and $o( for one c$oc8 period!

. he cyc$e is repeated unti$ the counter is

prograed (ith a ne( count or unti$ the N pin is

p$aced at $ogic 0!

 > N input ust be $ogic 1 for this ode togenerate a continuous series of pu$ses

'ode -

. Nenerates a continuous s=uare (a&e at the

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Barry B! Brey

. Nenerates a continuous s=uare (a&e at the

O" connection pro&ided the N pin is $ogic 1!. If the count is e&en output is high for one ha$f

of the count and $o( for one ha$f of the count!

. If the count is odd output is high for onec$oc8ing period $onger than it is $o(!

 > if the counter is prograed for a count of ,

the output is high for three c$oc8s and $o( for

t(o c$oc8s

'ode .

. $$o(s a sing$e pu$se at the output

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.  $$o(s a sing$e pu$se at the output!

. If count is prograed as 10 output is high for 10c$oc8ing periods and $o( for one period!

 > the cyc$e does not begin unti$ the counter 

is $oaded (ith its cop$ete count

. Operates as a soft(are triggered one5shot!

.  s (ith odes 2 and 7 this ode a$so uses the N

input to enab$e the counter!

 > N input ust be $ogic 1 for the counter tooperate for these three odes


. hard(are triggered one shot that functions

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Barry B! Brey

.   hard(are triggered one5shot that functions

as ode +! > e3cept it is started by a trigger pu$se on the

N pin instead of by soft(are

. his ode is a$so sii$ar to ode 1 because

it is retriggerab$e!

'eneratin( a )aveform *ith the82!+

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. ig 11>76 sho(s an -2,+ connected to I/Oports 0*00 0*02 0*0+ and 0*06 of an


. he addresses are decoded by using a P4that a$so generates a (rite strobe signa$ for

the -2,+ (hich is connected to the $o(5order

data bus connections!

$i)ure 11–-2  he -2,+ interfaced to an - AD -0-6 so that it generates a 100 <Ds=uare (a&e at O"0 and a 200 <D continuous pu$se at O"1!

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. he P4 a$so generates a (ait signa$ for theicroprocessor that causes t(o (ait states

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Barry B! Brey

(hen the -2,+ is accessed!

. he (ait state generator connected to theicroprocessor actua$$y contro$s the nuberof (ait states inserted into the tiing!

. E3ap$e 11>2+ $ists the progra thatgenerates a 100 <D s=uare5(a&e at O"0and a 200 <D continuous pu$se at O"1!

,eadin( a ounter  

. Each counter has an interna$ $atch read (ith

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Barry B! Brey

. Each counter has an interna$ $atch read (ith

the read counter port operation! > the $atches (i$$ nora$$y fo$$o( the count

. If counter contents are needed the $atch can

reeber the count by prograing thecounter $atch contro$ (ord!

. #ee igure 11>7*!

 > counter contents are he$d in a $atch unti$ read

$i)ure 11–-3  he -2,+52 counter $atch contro$ (ord!

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. hen a read fro the $atch or counter isprograed the $atch trac8s the contents!

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Barry B! Brey

. hen necessary for contents of ore than

one counter to be read at the sae tie theread5bac8 contro$ (ord is used

. I$$ustrated in igure 11>7-!

$i)ure 11–-4  he -2,+52 read5bac8 contro$ (ord!

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Barry B! Brey

. ith the read5bac8 contro$ (ord the C' bitis $ogic 0 to cause the counters se$ected byC'0 C'1 d C'2 t b $ t h d

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Barry B! Brey

C'0 C'1 and C'2 to be $atched!

. If the status register is to be $atched then thebit is p$aced at $ogic 0!

. igure 11>79 sho(s the status register

(hich sho(s: > the state of the output pin

 > (hether the counter is at its nu$$ state 0;

 > ho( the counter is prograed

$i)ure 11–-5  he -2,+52 status register!

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6C 'otor 7peed and 6irectionControl

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Barry B! Brey

.  n app$ication of -2,+ is as a otor speedcontro$$er for a 4C otor!

. ig 11>+0 sho(s the scheatic diagra

of the otor and associated dri&er circuitry!. It a$so i$$ustrates the interconnection of the

-2,+ a f$ip5f$op and the otor and its dri&er!

$i)ure 11–.9  Aotor speed and direction contro$ using the -2,+ tier!

 > if H output of the *+#112 is $ogic 1

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p g the otor spins in its for(ard direction

 > if $ogic 0 the otor spins in re&erse

 > if f$ip5f$op output a$ternates bet(een$ogic 1 and 0 the otor spins in eitherdirection at &arious speeds

 > if the duty cyc$e of the H output is ,0Sthe otor (i$$ not spin at a$$ and

e3hibits soe ho$ding tor=ue

. ig 11>+1 sho(s soe tiing diagras andeffects on the speed/direction of the otor!

E h t t $ t diff t

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Barry B! Brey

. Each counter generates pu$ses at different

positions to &ary the duty cyc$e at the H output ofthe f$ip5f$op!

. his output is a$so ca$$ed pulse idth modulation(

. E3ap$e 11>2, $ists a procedure that contro$sthe speed and direction of the otor! 

$i)ure 11–.1  iing for the otor speed and direction contro$ circuit of igure 11>+0!a; 'o rotation b; high5speed rotation in the re&erse direction and c; high5speed

rotation in the for(ard direction!

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11– 129 +!O8!%''%;#CO''UNIC%ION7 IN#!$%C#

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Barry B! Brey

. 'ationa$ #eiconductor Corp?s PC16,,04is a prograab$e counications interface

designed to connect to &irtua$$y any type of

seria$ interface!. 16,,0 is a uni&ersa$ asynchronous

recei&er/transitter "%; fu$$y copatib$e

(ith Inte$ icroprocessors!

. 16,,0 operates at 0>1!, A baud!

 > baud rate is bps bits transferred per second;

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Barry B! Brey

inc$uding start stop data and parity

 > bps are bits per secondF Bps is bytes per second

. 16,,0 a$so inc$udes a prograab$e baud

rate generator and separate IOs for input

and output data to ease the $oad on theicroprocessor!

. Each IO contains 16 bytes of storage!

. he ost coon counications interfacefound in the PC and any odes!

%synchronous 7erial 6ata

. synchronous seria$ data are transitted and

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$i)ure 11–.*  synchronous seria$ data!

 synchronous seria$ data are transitted and

recei&ed (ithout a c$oc8 or tiing signa$! > sho(n here are t(o fraes of asynchronous

seria$ data

 > each frae contains a start bit se&en data bits

parity and one stop bit

. 4ia$5up counications systes of the past such

as Copu#er&e Prodigy and erica On$ine

used 10 bits for asynchronous seria$ data (ith

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used 10 bits for asynchronous seria$ data (ith

e&en parity!. Aost Internet and BB# ser&ices use 10 bits but

nora$$y do not use parity!

 >instead eight data bits are transferred rep$acing parity(ith a data bit

. his a8es byte transfers of non5#CII data

uch easier to accop$ish!

129 $unctional 6escription

. ig 11>+7 sho(s pin5outs of a 16,,0 "%!

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g p

.he de&ice is a&ai$ab$e as a +05pin 4IPdual in(line pac0a)e; or as a ++5pin PCC

plastic leadless chip carrier ;!

. (o cop$ete$y separate sections are responsib$e

for data counications! > the recei&er and the transitter 

. Because each sections is independent 16,,0 is

ab$e to function in sip$e3 ha$f5dup$e3 or fu$$5dup$e3 odes!

$i)ure 11–

.-  he pin5out of the 16,,0 "%!

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.   aKor feature of the 16,,0 is its interna$recei&er and transitter IO first5in first5out; eories

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out; eories!

. Because each is 16 bytes deep the "%re=uires attention fro the processor on$yafter recei&ing 16 bytes of data!

 > a$so ho$ds 16 bytes before the processor ust (ait for the transitter

. he IO a8es this "% idea$ (heninterfacing to high5speed systes because

$ess tie is re=uired to ser&ice it!

.   simple& syste is one in (hich thetransitter or recei&er is used by itse$f!

h i A f d l ti ;

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Barry B! Brey

 > such as in an A fre<uency modulation;

radio station.   half(duple& syste is a CB citi@ens

band; radio!

 > transit and recei&e but not at the sae tie.   full(duple& syste a$$o(s transission

and reception in both directionssiu$taneous$y!

 > the te$ephone is a fu$$5dup$e3 syste

. he 16,,0 can contro$ a modem modulator"demodulator ; a de&ice thatcon&erts seria$ data into audio tones

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Barry B! Brey

con&erts seria$ data into audio tones

that can pass through the te$ephone syste!. #i3 pins on 166,0 are for ode contro$:

4#% data set ready; 4% data terminal

ready; C# clear(to(send; %# re<uest(to(send; %I rin) indicator ; and 4C4 datacarrier detect;!

. he ode is referred to as the data set and

the 16,,0 is referred to as the data terina$!

129 +in $unctions%

9, %

1, %

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Barry B! Brey

. he address inputs are used to se$ect an interna$ register for prograing and a$so data transfer!

. #ee ab$e 11>, for a $ist of eachcobination of the address inputs andthe registers se$ected!

9 1 *

%67. he address strobe input is used to $atch

the address $ines and chip se$ect $ines!

. If not needed as in the Inte$ syste;

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Barry B! Brey

If not needed as in the Inte$ syste;

connect this pin to ground!

. he 4# pin is designed for use (ith

Aotoro$a icroprocessors!

%U6OU. he baud out pin is (here the c$oc8 signa$ generated by the baud rate generator fro

the transitter section is ade a&ai$ab$e!

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. It is ost often connected to the %C< input to generate a recei&er c$oc8 that is e=ua$ to the

transitter c$oc8!

C79, C71, C7* 

. he chip select inputs ust a$$ be acti&e to

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p p

enab$e the 16,,0 "%!

C7. he clear(to(send if $o(; indicates that the ode or data set is ready

to e3change inforation!

. his pin is often used in a ha$f5dup$e3 syste to turn the $ine around!


. he data bus pins are connected to the

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icroprocessor data bus!

6C6. 6ata carrier detect input is used by the ode to signa$ the

16,,0 that a carrier is present!

6!. 6ata terminal ready is an output that indicates that the data

terina$ 16,,0;

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terina$ 16,,0;

is ready to function!

IN!. Interrupt re<uest is an output to the icroprocessor used to re=uest an interrupt

I'%1; (hen the 16,,0 has a recei&er error it has recei&ed data and the

transitter is epty!

66I7. he disable driver  output becoes $ogic 0

to indicate the icroprocessor is reading

data fro the "%

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data fro the "%!

. 44I# can be used to change the direction

of data f$o( through a buffer!

67!. 6ata set ready is an input to the 16,,0 indicating that the

ode or data set isready to operate!

'!. 'aster reset initia$iDes the 16,,0 and shou$d

be connected to the syste %E#E signa$

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be connected to the syste %E#E signa$!

OU1, OU*. User(defined output pins that can pro&ide signa$s to a

ode or any other de&ice as needed in a syste!


. !eceiver cloc0 is the c$oc8 input to therecei&er section of the "%!

!6, !6. !ead inputs either ay be used; cause data to be read fro

the register specified by the address inputs to the "%!

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g p y p

!I. !in) indicator  input is p$aced at $ogic 0 by

the ode to indicate the phone is ringing!


. !e<uest(to(send is a signa$ to the odeindicating that the "% (ishes to send data!

7IN, 7OU. hese are the serial data pins! #I' accepts

seria$ data and #O" transits seria$ data

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seria$ data and #O" transits seria$ data!

!A!6B. !eceiver ready is a signa$ used to transfer

recei&ed data &ia 4A techni=ues!

A!6B. ransmitter ready is a signa$ used to

transfer transitter data &ia 4A!

!, !. rite either ay be used; connects to the icroprocessor

(rite signa$ to transfer coands and data to the 16,,0!

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AIN, AOU. hese are the ain cloc0 connections!

.   crysta$ is connected across these pins to for a crysta$ osci$$ator or @I' is connectedto an e3terna$ tiing source!

+ro)rammin) the 129

. Prograing is a t(o5part process inc$udes

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the initia$iDation dia$og and operationa$ dia$og!

. In the PC (hich uses the 16,,0 or its

prograing e=ui&a$ent I/O port addresses

are decoded at 7- 5 7 for COA port 0

and 2- 5 2 for COA port 2!

Initialiin( the .!!0  . Initia$iDation dia$og after a hard(are or soft(are

t i t f t t

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Barry B! Brey

reset consists of t(o parts:

 > prograing the $ine contro$ register 

 > prograing the baud rate generator

. he $ine contro$ register se$ects the nuber 

of data bits stop bits and parity (hether e&en orodd or if parity is sent as a 1 or a 0;

. Baud rate generator is prograed (ith a di&isor

that deterines the baud rate of the transittersection!

. ig 11>++ i$$ustrates the $ine contro$ register!

. he $ine contro$ register is prograed by

t tti i f ti t t 011 ;

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outputting inforation to port 011 2 1 0;!

. he rightost t(o bits of the $ine contro$

register se$ect the nuber of transitted

data bits , 6 * or -;!

. 'uber of stop bits is se$ected by # in the

$ine contro$ register!

 > if # 0 one stop bit is used

 > if # 1 1!, stop bits are used for fi&e data bits

t(o stop bits (ith si3 se&en or eight data bits

$i)ure 11–

..  he contents of the 16,,0 $ine contro$ register!

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1ro(rammin( the Baud ,ate . he baud rate generator is prograed at

I/O dd 000 d 001 ;

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I/O addresses 000 and 001 2 1 0;!

. Port 000 is used to ho$d the $east significant part

of the 165bit di&isor and port 001 is used to ho$d

the ost significant part!

 > &a$ue used for the di&isor depends on thee3terna$ c$oc8 or crysta$ fre=uency

. ab$e 11>* i$$ustrates coon baud rates

obtainab$e if an 1-!+72 AD crysta$ is usedas a tiing source!

Sample Initialiation 

. #uppose an asynchronous syste re=uires

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se&en data bits odd parity a baud rate of

9600 and one stop bit!

. E3ap$e 11>2+ $ists a procedure to initia$iDe

the 16,,0 to function in this anner!

. ig 11>+, sho(s the interface to the -0--

icroprocessor using a P4 to decode the

-5bit port addresses 0 through *!

$i)ure 11–

.  he 16,,0 interfaced to the -0-- icroprocessor at ports 000>00*!

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.  fter the $ine contro$ register and baud ratedi&isor are prograed into the 16,,0 itis sti$$ not ready to function!

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. he IO contro$ register ust sti$$ beprograed!

 > at port 2 in the circuit of igure 11>+,

. ig 11>+6 i$$ustrates the IO contro$ registerfor the 16,,0!

 > the register enab$es the transitter recei&er bit 01; c$ears the transitter recei&er IOs

 > it a$so pro&ides contro$ for the 16,,0 interrupts

$i)ure 11–

.2  he IO contro$ register of the 16,,0 "%!

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. he $ast section of E3ap$e 11>26 p$aces a* into the IO contro$ register!

. his enab$es the transitter and recei&er

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his enab$es the transitter and recei&er

and c$ears both IOs!. he 16,,0 is no( ready to operate but

(ithout interrupts!

 > interrupts are autoatica$$y disab$ed (henthe A% aster reset; input is p$aced at $ogic 1by the syste %E#E signa$!

Sendin( Serial Data 

. Before seria$ data can be sent or recei&ed

d t 8 th f ti f th $i

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(e need to 8no( the function of the $ine

status register 

 > see igure 11>+*

. he $ine status register contains inforation

about error conditions and the state of the

transitter and recei&er!

. his register is tested before a byte is

transitted or can be recei&ed!

$i)ure 11–

.3  he contents of the $ine status register of the 16,,0 "%!

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,eceivin( Serial Data . o read recei&ed inforation fro the 16,,0

test the 4% bit of the $ine stat s register

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Barry B Brey

test the 4% bit of the $ine status register!

 > e3ap$e 11>2- $ists a procedure to test the 4%

bit to decide if the 16,,0 has recei&ed any data

. "pon the reception of data the procedure tests

for errors! > if an error is detected the procedure returns

(ith e=ua$ to an #CII TU?

 > if no error has occurred the procedure returns (ith  e=ua$ to the recei&ed character 

A,T &rrors . Errors detected by 16,,0 are:

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 >  parity fraing and o&errun errors

. hese errors shou$d not occur during

nora$ operation!

.   parity error  indicates the recei&ed datacontain the (rong parity!

 > if a parity error occurs it indicates noise

(as encountered during reception

.   framin) error  indicates the start and stop

bits are not in their proper p$aces!

> occurs if the recei&er is recei&ing data at

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  occurs if the recei&er is recei&ing data at

an incorrect baud rate

.  n overrun error  indicates data ha&e

o&errun the interna$ recei&er IO buffer!

 > occurs on$y if the soft(are fai$s to read the datafro the "% before the recei&er IO is fu$$

11–2 %N%;O8(O(6I8I%; >%6CD 6I8I%;(O(%N%;O8 >6%C


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. hese de&ices are used to interface the

icroprocessor to the ana$og (or$d!

. Aany e&ents onitored and contro$$ed bythe icroprocessor are ana$og e&ents!

. hese range fro onitoring a$$ fors of

e&ents e&en speech to contro$$ing otorsand $i8e de&ices!

he 6%C94-9 6i)ital(to(%nalo)Converter

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.   fair$y coon and $o(5cost digita$5to5ana$ogcon&erter is the 4C0-70!

 > a product of 'ationa$ #eiconductor Corp

.  n -5bit con&erter that transfors an -5bitbinary nuber into an ana$og &o$tage!

. Other con&erters are a&ai$ab$e that con&ert

fro 105 125 or 165bit binary nubers intoana$og &o$tages!

. he nuber of &o$tage steps generated by

the con&erter is e=ua$ to the nuber of

binary input cobinations!

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binary input cobinations!

 > an -5bit con&erter generates 2,6 &o$tage $e&e$s

 > a 105bit con&erter generates 102+ $e&e$s

. he 4C0-70 is a ediu5speed con&erter

that transfors a digita$ input to an ana$ogoutput in appro3iate$y 1!0 )s!

. igure 11>+- sho(s pin5outs of a 4C0-70!

. he de&ice has eight data bus connections

for the app$ication of the digita$ input code

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for the app$ication of the digita$ input code!

.  na$og outputs $abe$ed IO"1 IO"2 are

inputs to an e3terna$ operationa$ ap$ifier!

. Because this is an -5bit con&erter its output

step &o$tage is defined as >G%E reference

&o$tage; di&ided by 2,,!

 > the step &o$tage is often ca$$ed the reso$ution

of the con&erter 

$i)ure 11–

.4  he pin5out of the 4C0-70 digita$5to5ana$og con&erter!

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Barry B Brey

Internal Structure of the DA0830  . ig 11>+9 sho(s the interna$ structure!

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Barry B Brey

. his de&ice contains t(o interna$ registers! > the first is a ho$ding register 

 > the second connects to the %>2% interna$

$adder con&erter 

. he t(o $atches a$$o( one byte to be he$d

(hi$e another is con&erted!

. he first $atch is often disab$ed and the

second for entering data into the con&erter!

$i)ure 11–

.5  he interna$ structure of the 4C0-70!

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Barry B Brey

. Both $atches (ithin the 4C0-70 aretransparent $atches!

 > (hen N input is $ogic 1 data pass through

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Barry B Brey

 > (hen N input becoes $ogic 0 data are $atched. he output of the %>2% $adder (ithin the

con&erter appears at IO"1 and IO"2!

. hese outputs are designed to be app$iedto an operationa$ ap$ifier such as a *+1or sii$ar de&ice!

onnectin( the DA0830 to theMicroprocessor" 

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Barry B Brey

.   P4 is used to decode the 4C0-70 at I/Oport address 20!

 > (hen an O" 20 instruction is e3ecuted

contents of data bus connections 40 >4* are

passed to the con&erter in the 4C0-70

. he *+1 operationa$ ap$ifier a$ong (ith the >

12 G Dener reference &o$tage causes the fu$$5

sca$e output &o$tage to e=ua$ 12 G!

. #ee ig 11>,0!

$i)ure 11–

9  4C0-70 interfaced to the -0-6 icroprocessor at -5bit I/O $ocation20!

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Barry B Brey

he %6C949A %nalo)(to(6i)italConverter . coon $o(5cost 4C copatib$e (ith a

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Barry B Brey

  coon $o(5cost 4C copatib$e (ith a

(ide range of icroprocessors!

 > (hi$e there are faster 4Cs a&ai$ab$e (ith ore

reso$ution this de&ice is idea$ for app$ications

that do not re=uire a high degree of accuracy.  4C0-0@ re=uires up to 100 )s to con&ert an

ana$og input &o$tage into a digita$ output code!

. igure 11>,1 sho(s the pin5out of the 4C0-0+ con&erter!

$i)ure 11–

1  he pin5out of the 4C0-0+ ana$og5to5digita$ con&erter!

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. o operate the con&erter the % pin ispu$sed (ith C# grounded to start thecon&ersion process!

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Barry B! Brey

. #ee ig 11>,2 for a tiing diagra thatsho(s the interaction of the contro$ signa$s!

. If a tie de$ay is used that a$$o(s at $east 100

)s of tie there is no need to test I'% pin!.  nother option is to connect the I'% pin to

an interrupt input so (hen the con&ersion iscop$ete an interrupt occurs!

$i)ure 11–

*  he tiing diagra for the 4C0-0+ ana$og5to5digita$ con&erter!

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Barry B! Brey

The Analo( Input Si(nal  . Before 4C0-0+ can be connected the t(o

ana$og inputs ust be understood:

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Barry B! Brey

ana$og inputs ust be understood:

 > GI'; and GI'>;

. hese differentia$ inputs are sued by the

operationa$ ap$ifier to produce a signa$ for

the interna$ ana$og5to5digita$ con&erter!

. hese inputs are connected to an interna$

operationa$ ap$ifier as sho(n in ig 11>,7!

$i)ure 11–-  he ana$og inputs to the 4C0-0+ con&erter! a; o sense a 05 to ,!0

G input! b; o sense an input offset fro ground!

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Barry B! Brey

'eneratin( the loc4 Si(nal  .  4C0-0+ re=uires a c$oc8 source to operate!

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Barry B! Brey

. It can be an e3terna$ c$oc8 app$ied to C< I'pin or can be generated (ith an %C circuit!

 > perissib$e range of c$oc8 fre=uencies is

100 <D 5 1+60 <D!

 > desirab$e to use a fre=uency as c$ose as possib$e

to 1+60 <D so con&ersion tie is iniiDed

. If generated (ith an %C circuit C< I' and

C< % pins are connected to an %C circuitas i$$ustrated in igure 11>,+!

$i)ure 11–.  Connecting the %C circuit to the C< I' and C< % pins on the


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onnectin( the AD080+ to theMicroprocessor  

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Barry B! Brey

.  4C0-0+ interfaced to an -0-6 is i$$ustratedin igure 11>,,!

 > G%E is not attached to anything (hich is nora$

. #uppose 4C0-0+ is decoded at I/O portaddress +0 for the data and address +2

for I'%!

. he procedure to read data is $isted inE3ap$e 11>29!

$i)ure 11–  he 4C0-0+ interfaced to the -0-6 icroprocessor!

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Barry B! Brey

Usin) the %6C949. and the6%C94-9

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Barry B! Brey

. his i$$ustrates an e3ap$e using an 4C0-0+and a 4C0-70 to capture and rep$ay audio

signa$s or speech!

 > a speech synthesiDer has been used in the past

to generate speech but =ua$ity (as poor

. or huan =ua$ity speech (e can use an

 4C0-0+ to capture an audio signa$ and

store it for $ater p$aybac8 through a 4C0-70!

. ig 11>,6 sho(s circuitry re=uired to connectthe 4C0-0+ at I/O ports 0*00 and 0*02!

. he 4C0-70 is interfaced at I/O port *0+!

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Barry B! Brey


 > hese ports are in the $o( ban8 of a 165bit

icroprocessor such as the -0-6/-07-6#@

. he soft(are appears in E3ap$e 11>70!

. It reads a 15second burst of speech andp$ays it bac8 10 ties!

$i)ure 11–2  circuit that stores speech and p$ays it bac8 through the spea8er!

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Barry B! Brey

.   procedure ca$$ed %E4# reads the speech!

.   second P# p$ays it bac8!

. he speech is sap$ed and stored in a

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Barry B! Brey

p p

section of eory ca$$ed O%4#!. he sap$e rate is chosen at 20+- sap$es

per second (hich renders acceptab$e5

sounding speech!

7U''%!B. he -0-65Core2 icroprocessors ha&e t(o

basic types of I/O instructions: I' and O"!

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Barry B! Brey

basic types of I/O instructions: I' and O"!

. he I' instruction inputs data fro an

e3terna$ I/O de&ice into either the -5bit;

or @ 165bit; register!

. he I' instruction is a&ai$ab$e as a fi3ed

port instruction a &ariab$e port instruction

or a string instruction -02-65Pentiu +;

I'#B or I'#!

7U''%!B. he O" instruction outputs data fro

or @ to an e3terna$ I/O de&ice and is


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Barry B! Brey

a&ai$ab$e as a fi3ed &ariab$e or string

instruction O"#B or O"#!

. he fi3ed port instruction uses an -5bit I/O

port address (hi$e the &ariab$e and stringI/O instructions use a 165bit port nuber

found in the 4@ register!

7U''%!B. Iso$ated I/O soeties ca$$ed direct I/O

uses a separate ap for the I/O space


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p p p

freeing the entire eory for use by the


. Iso$ated I/O uses the I' and O"

instructions to transfer data bet(een theI/O de&ice and the icro5processor!

7U''%!B. Aeory5apped I/O uses a portion of the

eory space for I/O transfers!


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y p

. In addition any instruction that addresses a

eory $ocation using any addressing

ode can be used to transfer data bet(een

the icroprocessor and the I/O de&iceusing eory5apped I/O!

7U''%!B.  $$ input de&ices are buffered so that the

I/O data are connected on$y to the data bus


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Barry B! Brey


during the e3ecution of the I' instruction!

. he buffer is either bui$t into a

prograab$e periphera$ or $ocated


.  $$ output de&ices use a $atch to capture

output data during the e3ecution of the

O" instruction!

7U''%!B. andsha8ing or po$$ing is the act of t(o

independent de&ices synchroniDing (ith a


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Barry B! Brey

p y g

fe( contro$ $ines!

. his counication bet(een the coputer

and the printer is a handsha8e or a po$$!

. Interfaces are re=uired for ost s(itch5

based input de&ices and for ost output

de&ices that are not 5copatib$e!

7U''%!B. he I/O port nuber appears on address

bus connections *50 for a fi3ed port I/O


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instruction and on 1,50 for a &ariab$e

port I/O instruction note that 1,5-

contains Deros for an -5bit port;!

. In both cases address bits abo&e 1, areundefined!

7U''%!B. Because the -0-6/-02-6/-07-6#@

icroprocessors contain a 165bit data bus


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Barry B! Brey


and the I/O addresses reference byte5siDedI/O $ocations I/O space is a$so organiDed in

ban8s as is the eory syste!

. In order to interface an -5bit I/O de&ice tothe 165bit data bus (e often re=uire

separate (rite strobes an upper and a

$o(er; for I/O (rite operations!

7U''%!B. he I/O port decoder is uch $i8e the

eory address decoder e3cept instead


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y p

of decoding the entire address the I/O portdecoder decodes on$y a 165bit address for

&ariab$e port instructions and often an -5bit

port nuber for fi3ed I/O instructions!. he -2C,, is a prograab$e periphera$

interface PI; that has 2+ I/O pins that are

prograab$e in t(o groups of 12 pinseach group and group B;!

7U''%!B. he -2C,, operates in three odes:

sip$e I/O ode 0; strobed I/O ode 1;


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p ; ;

and bidirectiona$ I/O ode 2;!

. hen the -2C,, is interfaced to the -0-6

operating at - AD (e insert t(o (ait

states because the speed of is faster thanthe -2C,, can hand$e!

. he C4 disp$ay de&ice re=uires a fair

aount of soft(are but it disp$ays #5CII5coded inforation!

7U''%!B. he -2,+ is a prograab$e inter&a$ tier

(ith three 165bit counters that count in


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binary or binary5coded decia$ BC4;!

. Each counter is independent and operates

in si3 different odes: 1; e&ents counter

2; retriggerab$e onostab$e u$ti&ibrator7; pu$se generator +; s=uare5(a&e

generator ,; soft(are5triggered pu$se

generator and 6; hard(are5triggered pu$segenerator!

7U''%!B. he 16,,0 is a prograab$e

counications interface capab$e of

7/24/2019 Io Programming 227/227

recei&ing and transitting asynchronousseria$ data!

. he 4C0-70 is an -5bit digita$5to5ana$og

con&erter that con&erts a digita$ signa$ to anana$og &o$tage (ithin 1!0 )s!

. he 4C0-0+ is an -5bit ana$og5to5digita$