IRIS Workshop 18-19 Feb, 2008 Boston Out of Africa Workshop Sergio E. Barrientos Scientific Director...

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IRIS Workshop 18-19 Feb, 2008 Boston

Out of Africa Workshop

Sergio E. BarrientosScientific DirectorSeismological ServiceUniversity of Chile

Identifying Existing Infrastructure and Needs in South America

IRIS Workshop 18-19 Feb, 2008 Boston

Out of Africa Workshop

IRIS Workshop 18-19 Feb, 2008 Boston

Out of Africa Workshop

Red Sismológica FUNVISIS 35 BB134 accelerometers

Communicated by Dr. Herbert Rendon


IRIS Workshop 18-19 Feb, 2008 Boston

Out of Africa Workshop

IRIS Workshop 18-19 Feb, 2008 Boston

IRIS Workshop 18-19 Feb, 2008 Boston

Out of Africa Workshop

Red Sismológica de Los Andes Venezolanos (Univ. de Los Andes) 11 stations

IRIS Workshop 18-19 Feb, 2008 Boston

Out of Africa Workshop

Observatorio Sismologico Sud Occidental (OSSO)

Instituto Colombiano de Geologia y Mineria (INGEOMINAS)

Universidad de QuintioObservatorio Sismologico


Universidad Nacional (CdM)

IRIS Workshop 18-19 Feb, 2008 Boston

Out of Africa Workshop

La red cuenta con 18 estaciones sismológicas que desde 1993 han funcionado de manera continua, a fin de monitorear y caracterizar los eventos sísmicos que se presenten en el área. Adicionalmente, los Observatorios Vulcanológicos y Sismológicos de Pasto y Manizales comparten datos de las estaciones GCAL y BIS1, respectivamente.

IRIS Workshop 18-19 Feb, 2008 Boston

Out of Africa Workshop

La red está compuesta de 120 acelerógrafos digitales con los cuales se ha podido generar una gran base de datos de registros sísmicos. De los 120 instrumentos existentes, 32 de ellos (ubicados en Bogotá) han empezado a generar registros para la calibración del estudio de microzonificación sísmica existente de la ciudad.

IRIS Workshop 18-19 Feb, 2008 Boston

Out of Africa Workshop

Instituto de GeofisicaEscuela Politecnica Nacional


IRIS Workshop 18-19 Feb, 2008 Boston

Out of Africa Workshop

El Instituto Geofísico tiene instaladas 43 estaciones sísmicas de período corto en la parte centro y norte del país y las Islas Galápagos. Las estaciones forman parte de la Red Nacional de Sismógrafos (Red Sísmica Nacional), la cual registra no solamente la actividad tectónica sino también la actividad de 8 volcanes, que actualmente no representa alto riesgo para la población. Adicionalmente el Instituto mantiene tres redes locales en los tres volcanes más peligrosos. Estas redes están complementadas con el monitoreo de la deformación, de los lahares y geoquímica de cada uno de ellos.

IRIS Workshop 18-19 Feb, 2008 Boston

Out of Africa Workshop

Cotopaxi Volcano Monitoring 5 vertical SP 2 three-component SP 2 BB

Guagua Pichincha Volcano Monitoring 9 vertical SP 2 three-component SP 1 BB 1 Acoustic sensor within the caldera

Tunghrahua Volcano Monitoring 7 vertical SP 1 three-component SP

IRIS Workshop 18-19 Feb, 2008 Boston

Out of Africa Workshop


Instituto Geofisico del Peru (IGP)

Instituto GeofisicoUniversidad Nacional de Arequipa

IRIS Workshop 18-19 Feb, 2008 Boston

Out of Africa Workshop

Communicated by J. Hernando Tavera

Green: digital BBRed: Digital SP

 Five stations will transmt via satelite, No decided yet which ones. Criteria to delect them, good azimuthal coverage.

This year stations will be installed at: Tumbes, Piura, Chiclacyo, Iquitos, Ayacucho (Coracora).

Perhaps Drs. Edmundo Norabuena and Daniel Huaco can tell us more.

IRIS Workshop 18-19 Feb, 2008 Boston

Out of Africa WorkshopBrazil

University of Brasilia about 4 seismologists

Univ. of Sao Paulo 3 seismologists

Univ. Fed. Rio Grande do Norte, Natal 3 seismologists

Observatorio Nacional, Rio de Janeiro 1 seismologist

UNESP, State Univ. of Sao Paulo, Rio Claro 1 seismologist

IPT - Inst. of Technical Research, Sao Paulo

1 seismologist

IRIS Workshop 18-19 Feb, 2008 Boston

Out of Africa Workshop

University of BrasiliaSeismological Observatory

Univ. of Sao Paulo Ready to install a permanent 40 BB netywork all over Brazil, 10 already installed in SE Brazil

Perhaps more information can be provided by Joachim Mendes Ferreira or by Joao Willy Rosa

Communicated by Dr. Marcelo Assumpcao

IRIS Workshop 18-19 Feb, 2008 Boston

Out of Africa Workshop


Observatorio San Calixto

1 seismologist

IRIS Workshop 18-19 Feb, 2008 Boston

Out of Africa Workshop

1 BB (LPAZ)6 SP, LP (SIV)3 SP (MOC)All others SP

Communicated byLic. Estela Minaya

IRIS Workshop 18-19 Feb, 2008 Boston

Out of Africa Workshop


Universidad Nacional de Asuncion

1 seismologist

IRIS Workshop 18-19 Feb, 2008 Boston

Out of Africa Workshop


Instituto de Prevencion Sismica(INPRES) 2-3 seismologists

Universidad Nacional de San Juan 2 seismologists

Universidad de Buenos Aires 1 seismologist

IRIS Workshop 18-19 Feb, 2008 Boston

Out of Africa Workshop

Instituto de Prevencion Sismica(INPRES)NationalNetwork+ 15 IRIS Refteks on long-term loan (some with Guralp 40T’s)

2 more BB stations in Patagonia (Rio Grande and Ushuaia.

Communicated by Dr. Patricia Alvarado

IRIS Workshop 18-19 Feb, 2008 Boston

Out of Africa Workshop


Universidad de Chile 5-6 seismologists

Universidad de Concepcion 1 seismologist

Universidad de Talca 1 seismologist

Universidad de Tarapaca 1 seismologist

IRIS Workshop 18-19 Feb, 2008 Boston

Out of Africa Workshop

Existing Network

IRIS Workshop 18-19 Feb, 2008 Boston

Out of Africa Workshop

Proposed Network(parcially financed)

65 BB (yellow)140 GPS (blue)More than 200 accelerometers (green)

Real time telemetry of BB and GPS to central processing system

IRIS Workshop 18-19 Feb, 2008 Boston

Out of Africa Workshop

Centro Regional del Sismologia para America del Sur (CERESIS) es una organización autónoma, producto de un acuerdo de cooperación regional e internacional para el avance de la sismología y la reducción de los riesgos por terremotos y fenómenos afines. En la actualidad son 12 los Estados Miembros: Argentina, Bolivia, Brasil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, España, Paraguay, Perú, Trinidad y Tobago, Uruguay, Venezuela.

Comision Permanente del Pacifico Sur: Members in South America are Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and Chile. Together with UNESCO/ITIC to develop a Regional Tsunami Center (Lima meeting next week)

CTBTO stations

Other organizations in South America:

IRIS Workshop 18-19 Feb, 2008 Boston

Out of Africa Workshop

After the IRIS Workshop held in Sao Paulo in 2006, on managing database and waveform data, it was evident that what is most needed are small training courses with few key people to actually learn things with hands-on training. The Sao Paulo workshop was good in motivating people and showing all aspects of a network (from installation to processing). But it was too theoretical, perhaps more practice with computers should have been scheduled.

Regarding the needs: training, permanent colaboration, maintenance, regional support, but mainly software to help build the capacities to analyze seismological data. In our country we need a transportable seismic network of at least 12 stations for two years (at least) to monitor several faults. There are faults that have not been staudies at all and most likely will generate earthquakes in the future.

A final word: Some suggestions/requests

IRIS Workshop 18-19 Feb, 2008 Boston

Out of Africa Workshop