Joanne Katz: Congratulations, class of 2020. Albert Wu: … · Joanne Katz: We're so sorry that we...

Post on 24-Jun-2020

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Joanne Katz: Congratulations, class of 2020.

Albert Wu: Congratulations graduates of the class of 2020.

Thomas A. Burke: Congratulations class of 2020, what a year.

Kunihiro Matsus...: I'm sure all of you are disappointed without in-person convocation. I'm disappointed, too since my first PhD student is graduating.

Joanne Katz: We're so sorry that we can't be with you in person, but we're with you in spirit. The world now needs the skills that you've developed here.

Albert Wu: The fact that I'm coming to you in this format reflects the momentous times we find ourselves in. Never in recent years have public health experts been held in such high esteem and so monopolized the attention of the general public. The COVID crisis has reminded the world of the essential life saving work that we do. There's never been a more important time to be in this field of public health.

Thomas A. Burke: But as you know, we in public health are at our best when things are at their worst. The whole world needs your leadership now.

Sukon Kanchanar...: You have learned all the skills you have practiced them. Now it's time to go out there and show them what you can do.

Joanne Katz: So go out and save those lives, millions at a time.

Thomas A. Burke: You got this.

Kunihiro Matsus...: Congratulations, 2020 graduates.

Caitlin Elizabe...: Congratulations, grads! One, two, three, congratulations! [inaudible 00:01:31]

Dr. Andrea Will...: Thank you for joining us today. With this convocation, we recognize and honor the unique achievements of the new graduates of the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. We welcome you to our alumni community that advances public health every day around the world. We would like to begin convocation with the following statement.

Dr. Andrea Will...: We humbly acknowledge that Johns Hopkins University is located on the traditional and contemporary homelands of indigenous peoples. Our campus resides on unceded lands of the Piscataway and Susquehannock peoples. We recognize the enduring presence of more than 7,000 indigenous peoples in Baltimore City, including the Piscataway, Lumbee and Eastern Band of Cherokee community members. As we gather from places across the country and globe, we honor and recognize indigenous people of our homelands. Together, we acknowledge the history of genocide and ongoing systemic inequities while respecting treaties made on this territory as a step towards reconciliation and

strengthening relationships with indigenous peoples. We give thanks to the past, present and future stewards of this land and respect all tribal nation's sovereignty and right to self determination. We aim to hold ourselves and the university community accountable to tribal nations. I now have the honor to present Dr. Ellen MacKenzie, Dean of the Bloomberg School of Public Health, who will preside over these exercises.

Dr. Ellen MacKe...: Graduates, family and friends, distinguished guests, faculty, and staff. Welcome to the 2020 convocation of the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. This is an unprecedented ceremony in unprecedented times to our graduates. I know we are unable to share the same air, shake your hand as we present you with your hard earned degree or give you a congratulatory hug. But I want you to know that even though this convocation is virtual, our recognition of your hard work and dedication to the public's health is very real. And on the plus side, this will be the only graduation you'll be able to attend in your pajamas.

Dr. Ellen MacKe...: Today, we graduate 1,023 students from 59 countries. 119 of you will receive doctoral degrees and 904 master's degrees. This is your moment and celebrating with you today are your parents, your grandparents, spouses, partners, children, and friends who have supported you on this journey. We know they are very special to you and provided support for you all along the way. On behalf of the school, we thank them.

Dr. Ellen MacKe...: Now it may comfort you to know that you have a special kinship with the very first class at this school. 102 years ago, our first students were confronted by a similar challenge, the 1918 influenza pandemic. 500 million people worldwide were infected and 50 million lost their lives. Right here in Baltimore, one quarter of the city's 600,000 residents contracted the flu. And more than 3,000 died. Hospitals put patients in hallways, offices, porches, and tents, and morgues handled 10 times their normal capacity. And as we are doing today, our school led the research and the response to the pandemic both locally and nationally. When many lives are at risk, public health professionals and scientists always rise to the challenge.

Dr. Ellen MacKe...: The school's founding Dean, William Henry Welch, was on the front lines of the 1918 pandemic. As a member of the U.S. Army Medical Corps during World War One when he played a critical role in our national response. I should also note that Dr. Welsh himself contracted the flu and nearly died. And Wade Hampton Frost, founding chair of our Department of Epidemiology, devised methods to predict and measure epidemics that are still used today. Indeed, in many ways, our response to the 1918 pandemic jump-started the school's growth as a leading center of research and training in epidemic disease.

Dr. Ellen MacKe...: I recently saw a headline from the fall of 1918. It read, "Hopkins suspends its classes." Well, that is one thing that clearly has changed. Thanks to over 100 years of innovation and technology and the dedication of an amazing faculty and staff we were able to continue our classes, seminars, and mentoring, albeit

remotely. My thanks go out to all of you for your patience and your willingness to roll up your sleeves and work with us to adapt and persevere during these extraordinary times.

Dr. Ellen MacKe...: And what is truly inspiring is your compassion and your desire to go beyond the classroom and help those in need. Let me just give you a few examples. A group of over 80 students produced science-based videos about the virus in more than 25 languages. Our DRPH students in Beijing shipped over 1,200 isolation gowns to Baltimore to support our health systems. Dozens of students helped older adults by delivering groceries and prescriptions. Students have tutored Baltimore school children online, packed boxes at the Maryland Food Bank, and constructed face shields and other PPE. And these are just some of the examples of your incredible contributions. I applaud you and thank you for applying your public health knowledge and training to help the world at this incredible time.

Dr. Ellen MacKe...: We clearly live in a world that is being remade by the novel coronavirus. We live in a world where the routines of work and family are upended. We live in a world that is enduring the pandemic, social and economic consequences and its disproportionate impact on communities of color due to longstanding structural inequities and racism. We must learn from the experience we are living and make the changes necessary to chart a better future for everyone, regardless of where they live and who they are.

Dr. Ellen MacKe...: This is a moment to recognize the cost of ignoring public health, of undervaluing prevention and preparedness. Ensuring the public's health is not cheap. Advances against measles and polio, HIV and tuberculosis, tobacco, and traffic injuries and maternal and child health deaths require investment and constant effort. We are seeing firsthand what can happen when public health is underfunded, when its workforce is ratcheted down.

Dr. Ellen MacKe...: But these are the mistakes of the past. They don't have to be repeated. For a better future we look to you. You embody the future. You have the power to enact changes that will save lives and ensure a healthier life for all. You are already public health professionals who are exceptionally talented and well-trained, but if you would indulge me, I would like to give you two pieces of advice. First, be a leader. You're graduating from the number one school of public health in the world. You have mastered the science and practice of your chosen profession. That is essential, but as a graduate of the leading institution, you will also be asked to lead. Remember, leadership is a force multiplier, no matter how hard you work, you can only achieve so much by yourself. But by providing vision and inspiring others, you can make a much greater difference. What we need in public health, more than anything are courageous leaders who can marshal resources and take action and speak truth to power.

Dr. Ellen MacKe...: In recent months, we have seen great examples of leadership in our school. I'm thinking of Arturo Casadevall, who is leading a global effort to use antibodies recovered from the blood plasma of COVID-19 survivors for prevention and

treatment of the disease. I'm also thinking of Tom Inglesby and his colleagues at the Center for Health Security who are at the forefront of developing roadmaps for navigating every stage of that pandemic. They have become a go-to trusted source of knowledge and guidance for leaders around the world. And Josh Sharfstein, who is not only out front working with cities and states to implement best practices, but is bringing many of our students to the front lines of public health to learn firsthand what leadership in a crisis is all about.

Dr. Ellen MacKe...: So leadership is important, but my second piece of advice for you is to be an ambassador for public health. Today's recognition of public health's value will fade. Investments will be made and later chopped back. It's happened before, and it will no doubt happen again, unless we all step up. We need ambassadors who will argue for public health and remind policymakers and the public that this essential field must not be ignored or short changed. The cost in lives ended and lives harmed is too much. I call on all of you to always stand up for public health, to fiercely advocate for it and to ensure its value is not forgotten.

Dr. Ellen MacKe...: As I close my remarks, I have to say, I miss looking out on the sea of smiling faces, but I still feel your sense of accomplishment, commitment, and joy. I also see the remarkable efforts made by our faculty researchers around the world and by you, our newest alumni. I want to leave you with a favorite quote of mine by the great French chemist and microbiologist Louis Pasteur. He said, "Chance favors the prepared mind." Well, your minds are prepared, your opportunities boundless, and your responsibilities considerable. Go now and do your part to realize the true power of public health. The world is counting on your wavering commitment to protecting health, saving lives, millions at a time.

Dr. Andrea Will...: I now invite the class of 2020 to recite the International Declaration of Health Rights. The document composed by faculty and students on the occasion of the School of Public Health 75th anniversary expresses the deepest aspirations of public health professionals and scientists.

Audience: We, as people concerned about health improvement in the world, do hereby commit ourselves to advocacy and action to promote the health rights of all human beings. The enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of health is one of the fundamental rights of every human being. It is not a privilege for those with power, or money, or social standing. Health is more than the absence of disease, but includes prevention of illness, development of individual potential, and a positive sense of physical, mental, and social wellbeing. Health care should be based on dialogue and collaboration between citizens, professionals, communities, and policy makers. Health services should be affordable, accessible, effective, efficient, and convenient.

Audience: Health begins with healthy development of the child and a positive family environment. Health must be sustained by the active role of men and women in health and development. The role of women and their welfare must be recognized and addressed. Healthcare for the elderly should preserve dignity, respect, and concern for the quality of life and not merely extend life. Health

requires a sustainable environment with balanced human population growth and preservation of cultural diversity. Health depends on the availability to all people of basic essentials. Food, safe, water, housing, education, productive employment, protection from pollution and prevention of social alienation. Health depends on protection from exploitation without the distinction of race, religion, political belief, economic, or social condition. And finally, health requires peaceful and equitable development and collaboration of all peoples.

Alisa Atkins: It is with great pleasure that I speak to you today. My name is Alisa Atkins and I'm a fourth year PhD student in the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. This academic year, I had the privilege to serve you and our student association as President of the Student Assembly. I wholeheartedly extend my congratulations and well wishes to you, your family, and friends. While we endure this isolation together, we must remember to celebrate this momentous day. You have successfully completed another chapter of your life, and you will be moving to different corners of the world, advocating and shaping public health for generations to come.

Alisa Atkins: My first language is Russian and the word for congratulations in Russian is [foreign language 00:14:52], which literally means, "be well or be healthy," intending to wish those being celebrated to remain in good health long after their accomplishments. Of all life's gifts, I wish you and your loved ones, good health. As you are moving to a new stage after the Bloomberg School of Public Health, I wish to share what helped me succeed in my big life transitions. I call it PPE. No, I'm not referring to the personal protective equipment, even though that is very important in these precarious times. I refer to patience, perseverance, and excellence.

Alisa Atkins: Patience, is in my opinion, the utmost underrated virtue. I required plenty of it when I moved to the U.S. from St. Petersburg, Russia at the age of 18 without being fluent in English, I discovered patience is essential when learning a new skill or language. Being patient with progress and adjustment is key.

Alisa Atkins: Perseverance behind every successful person lives a myriad of failures. We know distinguished people because of their achievements, but I challenge you to read their biographies and find what they went through to reach that victory. The journey may be difficult, but remember, you now are patient for success to come and you shall persevere.

Alisa Atkins: Excellence is what differentiates an amateur from a professional. It is what gives one candidate advantage over others. It is a choice we all consciously make to be better every day. It is a difficult yet admirable way to live with a daily commitment to excellence.

Alisa Atkins: I want to close with a quote from the iconic Italian fashion designer, Giorgio Armani. He said, "History teaches us that new opportunities are born from the deepest moments of crisis." I challenge you to take this time to find the silver lining and to use your imagination, to advance public health, support one

another, and your community wherever you are in the world. The Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health searched the world for each and every one of you. And you have surpassed all of our hopes. You are the future of public health. On behalf of the student assembly, we are proud of you. Congratulations, Class of 2020.

Alisa Atkins: Each academic year, the student association recognizes our stellar faculty. And I am honored to announce this year's student assembly, Golden Apple award winners, the Golden Apple for excellence and teaching a small class goes to Dr. Allan Scott, who taught principles of immunology one and two in the Department of Molecular Microbiology and Immunology. The Golden Apple for teaching a medium honors Dr. Jeremy Shiffman who taught a course in the Department of International Health titled, health policy analysis and middle income countries. The Golden Apple for teaching a large class is awarded to Timothy M. Shields who taught spatial analysis one and two in the Department of Epidemiology. And the golden Apple for teaching an online class goes to Dr. John McGready, who taught statistical reasoning and public health in the Department of Biostatistics. Please join me in congratulating the Golden Apple award recipients.

Dr. Ellen MacKe...: And now a very special honor. The Ernest Lyman Stebbins medal. The highest tribute this school can pay to a member of its faculty was established to recognize a faculty member for exceptional contributions to the development of educational programs. This year's recipient is a most respected and esteemed member of our faculty, Dr. Donna Strobino was professor in the Department of Population, Family and Reproductive health. Donna is being recognized for her enormous of talents and teaching and mentoring students inside and outside the classroom. She's made important and ongoing contributions, not only to her department, but to the school wide teaching programs as well.

Dr. Ellen MacKe...: Donna has a legendary ability to meet students where they are, support them in resolving barriers to progress, and act as the closer as they finish strong. Alumni frequently report that her career mentorship played a critical role in their decisions to take on challenging leadership positions in maternal and child health. The depth and extent of her contributions to students have created a powerful lasting legacy. And as an aside, Donna and I were actually roommates in graduate school, so we go back a long way. So I'm particularly proud to present her with this award today. Please join me in honoring Dr. Donna Strobino.

Dr. Ellen MacKe...: The Dean's Medal is the highest recognition that the school confers. And it is my honor to bestow the Dean's medal on Dr. Cheryl Dorsey. A trailblazing pioneer in social entrepreneurship, Dr. Dorsey leads a nonprofit organization dedicated to the early stage social sector start investing. Echoing Green provides seed grants through a two year fellowship to young entrepreneurs who want to launch enterprises that will bring about positive social change. Over the 18 years that she has led Echoing Green, Dr. Dorsey has supported hundreds of young people in their efforts to change the world. And prior to joining Echoing Green,

she served in two presidential administrations as a White House Fellow and a special assistant to the U.S. Secretary of Labor, special assistant to the Director of the Women's Bureau of the Labor Department. And vice chair of the President's Commission on White House fellowships. Please join in congratulating Dr. Dorsey on this very, very special honor.

Dr. Ellen MacKe...: And now it gives me great pleasure to invite her to give our convocation address. I first heard her speak last year and was just blown away by her energy and her vision. Her inspiring message is especially relevant today. Please join me in giving a very warm welcome to Dr. Cheryl Dorsey.

Dr. Cheryl Dors...: Graduates, family and friends, faculty, and staff, distinguished guests. I'm honored to be with you virtually today as your convocation speaker. A special thank you to Dean MacKenzie, Chief Marshall Willis, Alisa Atkins, our student speaker, and others for carrying on with important traditions and unsettling times. A touch of normalcy does indeed feel like a touch of grace. Congratulations to Doctor Donna Strobino, the 2020 Stebbins Medal recipient. It is a high honor indeed to be recognized so widely and well for your role as teacher, mentor, and leader, I'm certainly honored that Dean MacKenzie and the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health would bestow upon me the Dean's Medal, your school's highest honor. I want you to know how much it means to me. It is not only a professional recognition that is meaningful, but more importantly to me, a deeply personal one.

Dr. Cheryl Dors...: I am a proud daughter of Baltimore, as well as a public health acolyte and practitioner. I spent my college years studying public health infrastructure in pre-civil war Baltimore. I recall the countless hours spent combing through the archives at Enoch Pratt Free Library. Pouring over archival material, outlining how structures and systems were built not to ensure the health and safety of the city's sizable free black population, but rather to protect the health and wellbeing of its white residents instead.

Dr. Cheryl Dors...: My studies also focused deeply on the structural inequities that carried over into the 20th century. One of this country's most shameful incidents, the Tuskegee syphilis study, had its roots in public health. Carried out by the United States Public Health Service between 1932 and 1972, scientists watched how untreated syphilis slowly and painfully killed over a hundred African-American men, even though an effective treatment, Penicillin, had been developed by the 1940s. It is a painful study at the intersection of race relations, medical ethics, and medical practice.

Dr. Cheryl Dors...: These experiences all led me to the work that I do now at the intersection of social innovation and social justice. Almost 30 years ago, I co-founded a mobile health unit in inner city Boston focused on tackling racial health disparities and infant mortality rates. The Family Van, a trusted community health program, is still on the streets today. Committed to creating healthy communities, reducing health disparities and saving money through serving the neighborhoods with the largest prevalence of preventable disease, preventing and managing disease

through providing screening counseling and onward referral, and helping to train the next generation of culturally competent and diverse health professionals like you all.

Dr. Cheryl Dors...: I will say, however, I am heartbroken, but not at all surprised that this pandemic has impacted communities of color so severely and revealed vast systemic failures. African-Americans comprise about 13% of this country's population, but about one third of the COVID-19 cases. Some of our cities paint a stark picture indeed. Currently, while about 30% of Chicago's residents are African-American, they comprise 46% of the COVID-19 cases and 60% of the deaths. Please know that I will cherish this award because I'm equally honored to stand shoulder to shoulder with the medal's other illustrious recipients. And now be in conversation with graduating public health leaders, some of whom will now commit their professional lives to tackling these kinds of entrenched inequities.

Dr. Cheryl Dors...: The last time I was with Dean Mackenzie and Vice Dean for Practice and Community Engagement, Dr. Sharfstein, I was actually in Baltimore with some of you as well. Last November at the second annual summit of the Bloomberg American Health Initiative, as Dean MacKenzie shared, they were really psyched about my upbeat remarks and all of my energy and infectious optimism. That's why they invited me back. Yet, I wonder if they'll question that fateful decision, because I'm actually here today to talk to you about fear and why I think you all should be afraid.

Dr. Cheryl Dors...: First, while these are certainly unsettling times they are not at all unprecedented. We know that throughout the course of history, disease outbreaks have ravished us. They have altered the outcomes of wars. They've inspired political reform. They've transformed people's relationships with God and fundamentally they've changed the course of human history. So it's appropriate to be anxious and afraid fear in this case helps to keep us safe. We socially distance. We shelter in place. We may wear masks now when we occasionally venture out. But fear can also help us expand and build our emotional repertoire. You will experience a wide range of emotions during this time, sometimes changing within minutes and that's okay.

Dr. Cheryl Dors...: It's actually important not to minimize your own suffering. While having food, shelter and clothes are absolutely things to feel grateful for now, I play out this gratitude mantra in my head constantly. You can actually feel grateful for these things and still feel sad or afraid or anxious or angry. There's room for all of these conflicting emotions. I think the key though is to call forth more often those positive emotions, which ultimately help to broaden your thinking and attention. They help you not only problem solve and be creative, but also build the resilience you'll need in moments like these. The last thing I'll say on this point is that it's okay to lean into fear. As for many of you, it will help you access the grief you're feeling because of massive disruption to your lives and to society. You've lost your vision for what you thought your near and far future would be. You anticipated hanging out in Fells Point with your school friends to

celebrate a job well done. You charted a course for what comes next professionally, but all of that is different now.

Dr. Cheryl Dors...: There was a lot of writing done after the Great Recession of 2008, predicting a new era of high joblessness and how this would mangle young people's career and even marriage trajectories. However, this is not a story that was written for people like you. You are graduating from the top public health school in the United States and are coming online as professionals at the very moment when the world is recognizing the devastating cost of not investing in robust public health infrastructure. You will be in demand and needed to do this rebuilding globally. I would just ask that you recall someday that sense of grief and fear you felt that this inflection point, because there will be many victims of this pandemic with us who were stopped in their tracks and require empathy from leaders like you as they seek to rebuild their lives, however slowly.

Dr. Cheryl Dors...: The second point about fear that I make is that courage and fear actually go hand in hand. You are courageous when you do things you're afraid to do. That's just what great leaders do. I was reading some of the work of Dr. Karen Cruz Thomas, the school's historian. She reminded us that another U.S. President also withheld funds and criticized the world health organization early in an historic pandemic. That president and pandemic being respectively, President Ronald Reagan and HIV/AIDS. It was Dr. D.A. Henderson, then Dean of what would become Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, who advocated fiercely for the World Health Organization in that moment. Speaking truth to power is the sword you must yield in the years ahead.

Dr. Cheryl Dors...: Equally however important will be the decibel level of your leadership. This is a time for moonshot thinking. Look no further than the Vice Dean for Practice and Community Engagement, Dr. Josh Sharfstein's recent article in JAMA, co-authored with Dr. Bouchner. The article, A Bold Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic: Medical Students, National Service in Public Health, asks the U.S. to consider suspending the first year of medical school for one year and giving the incoming 20,000 medical students the opportunity to join a national service program for public health. The elevation and boldness of this idea linking together public health and economic security solutions is a great example of ambition. For such a bold approach may indeed be needed to ensure that the U.S. has an adequate response the next wave of COVID-19 does not enter a prolonged depression that will further adversely affect the health of the country's citizens.

Dr. Cheryl Dors...: This interplay between fear and courage evokes for me, the image of wave work pebbles made round by collision between stone and wave. Something new and beautiful comes from that turbulence. Do not fear the audacity and perceive boldness of your ideas. I ask each of you to have the courage to proceed, even though others can't yet see what you do. The last thing I'll say about fear actually has more to do with me than with each of you. I must admit that I too, in this mo-

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Dr. Dorsey: Or to do with me than with each of you. I must admit that I too, in this moment, I'm afraid. When I look at the conversations happening in the public square about this pandemic. I watch with growing horror, anti-science, anti-expertise, and anti-intellectual forces, making it harder for the general public to truly understand exactly what public health is and what it does. In many ways, your profession has been a victim of its own success. In some cases, public health efforts have been so successful, that some may not even be aware of that expertise and really hard work required to ensure the health and safety of communities. My fear is tempered however, by the touchstone of leadership.

Dr. Dorsey: It's important to note that the who of leadership matters as much as the what of leadership. Just look around the world at this moment, the countries with the best coronavirus responses, are all run by women, Germany, Taiwan, New Zealand, Finland, Norway, Iceland, Denmark. Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany stood up early and didn't sugar coat things. She told her country men and women, she thought coronavirus would infect up to 70% of the population. The president of Taiwan, back in January, at the first sign of a new illness, introduced 124 measures to block the spread of the virus, without having to resort to the lockdowns that have become common elsewhere. Prime Minister Katrín Jakobsdóttir, is offering free coronavirus testing to all of the country's citizens in Iceland and will become a key case study and the true spread and fatality rates of COVID-19. And Norway's prime minister had the innovative idea of using television to talk directly to her country's children. Prime Minister Solberg actually dedicated a press conference, where no adults were allowed. She took children's questions from across the country, taking time to explain why it was okay to feel scared.

Dr. Dorsey: The historian Frank Snowden reminds us that pandemics present an unprecedented opportunity for transformational change. Two paths forward, have been seen across history and they couldn't have come to more different outcomes. One allows the pandemic to continue exploiting existing vulnerabilities. This leads us to retreat into xenophobia, ethno-nationalism and tribalism, as we've already begun to see in many places around the world, or we could use this pandemic moment as an opportunity to build a better, more just and sustainable world.

Dr. Dorsey: I close by admitting that I'm actually not afraid about what's to come. That's because I truly believe in the power of leadership to change the world for the better. You won't prove me wrong, if you meet this moment. So gather your skills, your talents, your gifts, courage, and yes, your fear to meet it head on. You have been called to do so, you are ready. I wish you congratulations on completing your studies and best of luck on the world bending achievements you are on your way to forge. We need you.

Dr. Andrea Will...: Thank you Dr. Dorsey, for those inspiring words. Graduates will be awarded the degree of Doctor of Philosophy, doctor of public health, Master of applied

science, Master of Arts, Master of bioethics, Master of Health Administration, Master of Health Science, Master of Science in Public Health, Master of Science and Master of Public Health. Reading the names, will be the chair or other designee of the department in which the candidates work was done. Reading the names of the graduates from the department of biochemistry and molecular biology and the Master of Arts in Public Health Biology program is Dr. Ashani Weeraratna, professor and chair of the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology.

Dr. Ashani Weer...: Maria Claudia Adair, Master of Health Science. Niveditha Balaji, Master of Health Science. Sita Dandiker, Master of Health Science. Margaret Dearey, Master of Health Science. Tyler Robert Findlay, Master of Health Science. Abhinaya Ganesan, Master of Science. Yuyan Geng, Master of Health Science. Jack Alexander Goodman, Master of Science. Nicole Gorski, Master of Health Science. Shuying He, Master of Science. Aalin Izhar, Master of Health Science. Kaitlin Johnson, Doctor of Philosophy. So-Yun Kim, Master of Health Science. Ellen Kim, Master of Health Science. Ramya Kolagani, Master of Health Science. Ashrita Kumar, Master of Health Science. Jeong Hwan Lee, Master of Health Science. Yifan Lei, Master of Science. Maggie Li, Master of Science. Jenny Lin, Master of Health Science. Jacob McCann, Master of Health Science. Robert Lyle MacPherson, Doctor of Philosophy. Karim Ghassan Medlej, Master of Health Science. Camila Montejo-Poll, Master of Health Science. Megan Najafali, Master of Health Science. Jane Nguyen, Master of Health Science. Bradley Andrew Olinger, Master of Health Science. Lavinia Rizvi, Master of Health Science. Khalid Shoukat, Master of Health Science. Christopher Schults, Master of Science. Eric Arthur Simcoe, Doctor of Philosophy. Madison Studstill, Master of Health Science. Shuoci Su, Master of Health Science.

Dr. Ashani Weer...: Aathman Swaminathan, Master of Science. Nicholas Tassone, Master of Health Science. Shraddha Teli, Master of Science. Ravi Thombre, Master of Health Science. Brandon Nguyen Tran, Master of Health Science. Timothy Tsung, Master of Health Science. Adan Velasquez, Master of Science. Michaela Abiuso, Master of Arts in Public Health Biology. Tabitha Jacqueline Acosta Bayangos, Master of Arts in Public Health Biology. Karina Chavarria, Master of Arts in Public Health Biology. Tammy Ann Cook-Toeller, Master of Arts in Public Health Biology. Jennifer Lentine, Master of Arts in Public Health Biology. Kelly Suzanne Paluch, Master of Arts in Public Health Biology. Jacqueline Ruth Southam, Master of Arts in Public Health Biology. Shanna Sykes, Master of Arts in Public Health Biology. Theresa Westin, Master of Arts in Public Health Biology.

Dr. Ashani Weer...: Congratulations to the most recent graduates from the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology and from the Master of Arts in the Public Health Biology Program.

Dr. Andrea Will...: Reading the names of the graduates from the Department of Biostatistics, is Dr. Karen Bandeen-Roche, professor and chair of the Department of Biostatistics.

Dr. Karen Bande...: Benjamin Ackerman, Doctor of Philosophy. Joseph Louis Catallini II, Master of Science. Stephen Cristiano, Doctor of Philosophy. Jacob Fiksel, Doctor of Philosophy. Zhicheng Ji, Doctor of Philosophy. Jordan Johns, Doctor of Philosophy. Prosenjit Kundu, Doctor of Philosophy. Kate Yueyi Li, Master of Science. Yian Lin, Master of Health Science. Adam Pittman, Master of Science. Guanghao Qi, Doctor of Philosophy. Zeyi Wang, Doctor of Philosophy. Zebin Wang, Master of Science. Shiyao Xu, Master of Science. Yuchen Yang, Doctor of Philosophy. Yifan Zhang, Master of Science. Linda Zhou, Master of Science.

Dr. Karen Bande...: Congratulations to the most recent graduates from the Department of Biostatistics.

Dr. Andrea Will...: Reading the names of the graduates from the graduate training program in clinical investigation is Dr. Franklin Atkinson, program director for the graduate training program in clinical investigation.

Dr. Franklin At...: Sarah Rachel Alcorn, Doctor of Philosophy. Abdulla Al Damlugi, Doctor of Philosophy. Rebecca Ashley Dorner, Master of Health Science. Estelle Marla Everett, Master of Health Science. Samuel Beard Holzman, Master of Science. Kyle Randall Jackson, Doctor of Philosophy. Michelle Christina Johansen, Doctor of Philosophy. Julia Johnson, Doctor of Philosophy. Marci Beth Laudenslager, Master of Health Science. Kristina Montemayor, Master of Health Science. Jarushka Naidoo, Master of Health Science. Jacqueline C. O'Toole, Master of Health Science. Ann Parker, Doctor of Philosophy. Jennifer A. Robinson, Doctor of Philosophy. Jose Humberto Salazar Osuna, Doctor of Philosophy. Jessica Leigh Schwartz, Master of Health Science. Eugenie Chia-Ching Shieh, Doctor of Philosophy. Catherine Elizabeth Simpson, Master of Health Science. Erica Weston, Master of Health Science.

Dr. Franklin At...: Congratulations to the most recent graduates from the graduate training programs in clinical investigation.

Dr. Andrea Will...: Reading the names of the graduates from the Department of Environmental Health and Engineering, is Dr. Marsha Wills-Karp, professor and chair of the Department of Environmental Health and Engineering.

Dr. Marsha Will...: Angela Dimatulac Aherrera, Doctor of Public Health. Sarah-Marie Alam El Din, Master of Science. Sarah Elizabeth Attreed, Doctor of Philosophy. Rajiv Ayyagari, Master of Health Science. Peter Victor Campbell, Master of Health Science. Kevin Casin, Doctor of Philosophy. Fatima Isabel Castenada, Master of Science. Maliha Ambia Choudhury, Master of Health Science. Frederick Durham, Master of Health Science. Lieutenant Commander Sharon Edelson-Mammel, Doctor of Public Health. Magdalena Fandino, Doctor of Philosophy. Fatou Bintou Faye, Master of Health Science. Rennie Walker Ferguson, Doctor of Public Health. Dana Michelle Freeman, Doctor of Philosophy. Toby Ann Harris, Master of Health Science. Eric Hofmeister, Master of Health Science. Naadiya Hutchinson, Master of Health Science. Gabriel Innis, Doctor of Philosophy. Jean Dario Janvier, Master of Health Science. Raihan Kabir, Master of Science. Zain Kazi,

Master of Health Science. Josiah Lash Kephart, Doctor of Philosophy. Jordan Richard Kuiper, Doctor of Philosophy. Rohan Justin Kuruvilla, Master of Science.

Dr. Marsha Will...: Pearl S. Lee Master of Science in Public Health. Jin-Shiung Liao, Master of Science. Tara Patricia McAlexander, Doctor of Philosophy. Alina Marie McIntyre, Master of Health Science. Donia Ahmed Moustafa, Master of Science. Ashley Newton, Doctor of Philosophy. Rachel Louise O'Neal, Master of Science in Public Health. Martha Powers, Doctor of Philosophy. Jennifer Sarah Rous, Doctor of Public Health. Yuchen Sun, Master of Science. Megha P. Talur, Master of Health Science. Rachel Adair Vahey, Master of Health Science. Margaret Rose Vitale, Master of Health Science. Lauren Walsh, Doctor of Public Health. Irene Yinuo Wang, Master of Public Health. Joseph Wilson Jr., Master of Health Science. Alexandria Yu, Master of Health Science.

Dr. Marsha Will...: Congratulations to the most recent graduates from the Department of Environmental Health and Engineering.

Dr. Andrea Will...: Reading the names of the graduates from the Department of Epidemiology, is Dr. David Celentano, professor and chair of the Department of Epidemiology.

Dr. David Celen...: Sunjae Bae, Doctor of Philosophy. Laura Ann Bowles, Master of Science. Yunfeng Cao, Master of Health Science. Lelia Harding Chaisson, Doctor of Philosophy. Laura Chen, Master of Health Science. Wei Chen, Master of Health Science. Justin Chun, Master of Health Science. Jennifer Anne Dantzer, Master of Health Science. Matthew Daubresse, Doctor of Public Health. Juan Dent Hulse, Master of Science. Brinda Hemanshu Desai, Master of Health Science. YaNan Dong, Master of Health Science. Molly Duan, Master of Science. Joan Hwang Dunlop, Master of Health Science. Lindsey Grace Eberhart, Master of Health Science. Kathryn Foti, Doctor of Philosophy. Marissa Hetrich, Master of Health Science. Jingyao Hong, Master of Health Science. Amy Yun Hong, Master of Health Science. Emily Ann Hu, Doctor of Philosophy. Fan Jia, Master of Health Science. Kening Jiang, Master of Health Science. Suh Young [Sufi 00:48:41] Kang, Master of Science. Pritesh Shirish Karia, Doctor of Philosophy. Esther Kim, Doctor of Philosophy. Hannah Kim, Master of Health Science. Jongyeon Kim, Master of Health Science. Woori Kim, Doctor of Philosophy. Minghao Kou, Master of Health Science. Perry Kuo, Doctor of Philosophy. Ben Kussin-Shoptaw, Master of Science.

Dr. David Celen...: Hojoon Lee, Doctor of Public Health. Kimberley Lee, Master of Health Science. Kathryn Margaret Leifheit, Doctor of Philosophy. Yi Qiao Li, Master of Health Science. Weiyan Li, Doctor of Philosophy. Albert Liu, Master of Health Science. Chelsea Liu, Master of Health Science. Fangyu Liu, Master of Health Science. Yawen Liu, Master of Health Science. Yi Liu, Master of Science. Yisi Liu, Master of Health Science. Jingmiao Long, Master of Health Science. Andrea Rose Molino, Master of Science. Morgane Mouslim, Master of Science. Shalom Solomon Patole, Master of Science. Filip Pirsl, Master of Science. Joyce Zhang Qian, Doctor of Philosophy. Xueqi Qu, Master Health Science. Katherine Olga Robsky, Doctor of Philosophy. Marcy Lillian Schaeffer, Doctor of Philosophy. Melissa

Schunure, Master of Science. Alex Secora, Doctor of Philosophy. Kate Shearer, Doctor of Philosophy. Nicola Shen, Master of Health Science. Taylor Smull, Master of Health Science. Anam Tariq, Master of Health Science. Siddhi Umarje, Master of Science. Lingyu Wong, Master of Health Science. Aozhou Wu, Doctor of Philosophy. Churong Xu, Master of Health Science. Jade Yang, Master of Health Science. Yang Yin, Master of Health Science. Andrew Yu, Master of Health Science. Tong Yu, Master of Science. Xianming Zhu, Master of Health Science.

Dr. David Celen...: Congratulations to the most recent graduates from the department of epidemiology.

Dr. Andrea Will...: Reading the names of the graduates from the Department of Health, Behavior, and Society, is Dr. Rajeev Rimal, professor and chair of the Department of Health, Behavior, and Society.

Dr. Rajeev Rima...: Hanaa Ahsan, Master of Science in Public Health. Cory Bradley, Doctor of Philosophy. Jennifer Lynette Brown, Doctor of Philosophy. Erin Enger Burman, Master of Health Science. Hannah Rosenstein Campbell, Master of Science. Jessie Chien, Master of Health Science. Claire Faith Cooper, Master of Science in Public Health. Norah Crossnohere, Doctor of Philosophy. Leticia Alejandra De los Rios, Master of Science in Public Health. Beat Veronica Debinski, Doctor of Philosophy. Laynie Michelle Dratch, Master of Science. Xuefan Guan, Master of Science in Public Health. Alexis Heidelbaugh, Master of Science. Emily Holman, Doctor of Philosophy. Megumi Ichimiya, Master of Science in Public Health. Alyssa Lorraine Jarocki, Master of Science in Public Health. Lena Jewler, Master of Health Science. Naira Kalra, Doctor of Philosophy. Yolanda Eugenia Klemmer, Doctorate in Public Health. Delaney Meade McGuire, Master of Science in Public Health.

Dr. Rajeev Rima...: Katie Murray, Master of Science in Public Health. Ilana Newman, Master of Health Science. Amy [Tao 00:54:51] Nguyen, Master of Science in Public Health. Lynn Noelle Pereira, Master of Science in Public Health. Diana Phan, Master of Science. Elizabeth Claire Pinyan, Master of Science in Public Health. Blake Michael Reilley, Master of Science in Public Health. Yonaira Maria Rivera, Doctor of Philosophy. Karl Abraham Shieh, Master of Health Science. Stephanie Wei Jun Tham, Master of Science in Public Health. Caitlin Viccora, Master of Science in Public Health. Xiaolei Wang Leslie, Master of Science in Public Health. Wei Wei, Master of Science in Public Health. Daniel Woznica, Doctor of Philosophy. Chao Xu, Master of Science in Public Health.

Dr. Rajeev Rima...: Congratulations to the most recent graduates from the Department of Health, Behavior, and society.

Dr. Andrea Will...: Reading the names of the graduates from the Department of Health Policy and Management and the Master of Bioethics program, is Dr. Colleen Barry professor and chair of the Department of Health Policy and Management.

Dr. Colleen Bar...: George Jacob Abraham, Master of Health Administration. Omniyat Al Hajeri, Doctor of Public Health. Abdullah Albuthi, Doctor of Public Health. Eleanor Alexander, Doctor of Philosophy. Osvaldo Arambulo, Master of Science in Public Health. Kimberly Tamia Arnold, Doctor of Philosophy. Jillian Patrice Barbaro, Master of Health Administration. Devyn Nicole Bell, Master of Science in Public Health. Jordan Besch, Master of Health Administration. Daniel Boada, Master of Health Science. Augustus Samuel Carlin, Master of Health Administration. Audrey Chan, Master of Health Administration. Christina Checa, Master of Science in Public Health. Yijao Chen, Master of Health Science. Quan Chen, Master of Health Science. Iris Chidinma Chijioke, Master of Health Administration. Keegan Edgar, Master of Science in Public Health. Ezinne Eze-Ajoku, Doctor of Public Health. Lindsey Ferris, Doctor of Public Health. Chelsea Finfer, Master of Health Administration. Michael Fittante, Master of Science in Public Health. Margaret Jean Flores, Doctor of Public Health.

Dr. Colleen Bar...: Lauren Friedman, Master of Health Administration. Jacquelyn Paige Garcia, Master of Health Administration. Jennifer Ha, Master of Health Administration. Jessica Katherine Hale, Master of Science in Public Health. Lauren Kerith Hall, Master of Science in Public Health. Xingru [Her 00:59:16] He, Doctor of Public Health. Sarah Elizabeth Heilman, Master of Science in Public Health. David Jacob Hoffman, Master of Science in Public Health. Pei-lin Huang, Master of Health Science. Neda Jasemi, Master of Science in Public Health. Carolyn Elena Johnson, Master of Health Administration. William Connor Johnson, Master of Health Administration. Kinjal Kakadiya, Master of Health Administration. Likhita-

PART 2 OF 4 ENDS [01:00:04]

Speaker 1: Master of Health Administration.

Speaker 1: Likhita Kavya Kalla, Master of Health Administration.

Speaker 1: Hannah Grace Chang En Kent, Master of Science in Public Health.

Speaker 1: Connie Kim, Master of Science in Public Health.

Speaker 1: Vandita Kumbham, Master of Science in Public Health.

Speaker 1: Yuanhong Alden Lai, Doctor of Philosophy.

Speaker 1: David Matthew Landy, Master of Science in Public Health.

Speaker 1: Emma Lavandosky, Master of Health Administration.

Speaker 1: Paul Lee, Master of Science in Public Health.

Speaker 1: Seoyoung Lee, Master of Science in Public Health.

Speaker 1: Sang Heon Lee, Master of Science in Public Health.

Speaker 1: Sarah Lefebvre, Master of Health Administration.

Speaker 1: Zongzong Li, Master of Health Science.

Speaker 1: Xinyi Liang, Master of Health Administration.

Speaker 1: Madison Marie Liggett, Master of Science in Public Health.

Speaker 1: Brian Lin, Master of Health Administration.

Speaker 1: Alice Liu, Master of Health Administration.

Speaker 1: Rosemary Lopez, Master of Science in Public Health.

Speaker 1: Paul Lu, Doctor of Public Health.

Speaker 1: Tripti Malhotra, Master of Science in Public Health.

Speaker 1: Connor C. Mauriello, Master of Health Administration.

Speaker 1: William Roland McCaslin, Master of Science in Public Health.

Speaker 1: Sarah Law McKeown, Master of Science in Public Health.

Speaker 1: Kendra Renae Mehling, Master of Science in Public Health.

Speaker 1: Sydney Abigail Merritt, Master of Science in Public Health.

Speaker 1: Dominic Neugebauer, Master of Health Administration.

Speaker 1: Allison Hazlett Oakes, Doctor of Philosophy.

Speaker 1: Nancy Akoth Ochieng, Master of Science in Public Health.

Speaker 1: Jennifer A. Orr, Master of Science in Public Health.

Speaker 1: Shunxian Ou, Master of Science in Public Health.

Speaker 1: Erin Paik, Master of Science in Public Health.

Speaker 1: Madhanamenaka Pandian, Master of Health Administration.

Speaker 1: Sonal Parasrampuria, Doctor of Philosophy.

Speaker 1: Megha Parikh, Doctor of Philosophy.

Speaker 1: Druhv Pankaj Patel, Master of Health Administration.

Speaker 1: Rima Patel, Master of Health Administration.

Speaker 1: Kuan Peng, Master of Health Science.

Speaker 1: Zachary Scott Predmore, Doctor of Philosophy.

Speaker 1: Naganavya Sri Ravoori, Master of Science in Public Health.

Speaker 1: Danielle Hannah Rossoni, Master of Science in Public Health.

Speaker 1: Sophie Rottenberg, Master of Science in Public Health.

Speaker 1: Kaylynn Sanders, Master of Science in Public Health.

Speaker 1: Emily Schutz, Master of Science in Public Health.

Speaker 1: Melissa Sherry, Doctor of Philosophy.

Speaker 1: Julie Anne Storr, Master of Health Science.

Speaker 1: Jennifer Tayabji, Master of Science in Public Health.

Speaker 1: Diana Termzawi, Master of Science in Public Health.

Speaker 1: Angad Singh Uppal, Master of Science in Public Health.

Speaker 1: Esther Urena, Master of Science in Public Health.

Speaker 1: Kanak Vyas, Master of Health Administration.

Speaker 1: Sarah Anne White, Master of Science in Public Health.

Speaker 1: Shannon Wu, Doctor of Philosophy.

Speaker 1: Farah Yehia, Doctor of Philosophy.

Speaker 1: Ryan Andrew Yoder, Master of Science in Public Health.

Speaker 1: Fanyang Zeng, Master of Science in Public Health.

Speaker 1: Vivian Altiery De Jesus, Master of Bioethics.

Speaker 1: Cami Mareesa Docchio, Master of Bioethics.

Speaker 1: Casy Jo Humbyrd, Master of Bioethics.

Speaker 1: Margo Kelly-Hedrick, Master of Bioethics.

Speaker 1: Congratulations to the most recent graduates of The Department of Health Policy and Management and The Master of Bioethics Program.

Speaker 2: Reading the names of the graduates from The Department of International Health is Dr. David Peters, Professor and Chair of The Department of International Health.

Dr. David Peter...: Oluwarantimi Damilola Adetunji, PhD.

Dr. David Peter...: Tashrik Ahmed, PhD.

Dr. David Peter...: Amber Ruby Alexis, MSPH.

Dr. David Peter...: Jacob Allen, MHS.

Dr. David Peter...: Jennifer Anne Applegate, PhD.

Dr. David Peter...: Anne Lincoln Arnzen, MSPH.

Dr. David Peter...: Kevalin Aulandez, MSPH.

Dr. David Peter...: Preetika Debabratha Banerjee, MSPH.

Dr. David Peter...: Andrew Bennett, MSPH.

Dr. David Peter...: Laura Beres, PhD.

Dr. David Peter...: Juliana Achiro Bol, PhD.

Dr. David Peter...: Vanessa Jean Burrowes, PhD.

Dr. David Peter...: Javier Bustos, PhD.

Dr. David Peter...: Andrea Cristina Carcelen, PhD.

Dr. David Peter...: Kelly Carr, MSPH.

Dr. David Peter...: Caroline Andrea Carrasco, MSPH.

Dr. David Peter...: Mary Kate Chandler, MSPH.

Dr. David Peter...: Zahra Monzur Chowdhury, MHS.

Dr. David Peter...: Hope Craig, MSPH.

Dr. David Peter...: Leena Eve Daniel, MSPH.

Dr. David Peter...: Sarah Elaraby, PhD.

Dr. David Peter...: Kathleen Fallon, MSPH.

Dr. David Peter...: Amy Steward Frautschi, MSPH.

Dr. David Peter...: Madion Friel, MSPH.

Dr. David Peter...: Ryanne Fujita-Conrads, MSPH.

Dr. David Peter...: Ya Gao, MSPH.

Dr. David Peter...: Tarun George, MHS.

Dr. David Peter...: Amelia Gerste, MSPH.

Dr. David Peter...: Mirha Girt, MSPH.

Dr. David Peter...: Fiona Catherine Magill Grubin, MSPH.

Dr. David Peter...: Poonam Gupta, MSPH.

Dr. David Peter...: Jessica Handy, MSPH.

Dr. David Peter...: Rachel Marie Hartman, MSPH.

Dr. David Peter...: Elizabeth Alice Hazel, PhD.

Dr. David Peter...: Sarah Jeanette Hinman, MSPH.

Dr. David Peter...: Shuoning Huang, MSPH.

Dr. David Peter...: Anika Jain, MSPH.

Dr. David Peter...: Maia McKee Johnstone, MSPH.

Dr. David Peter...: Katarina Anne Kamenar, MSPH.

Dr. David Peter...: Asiya Kazi, MSPH.

Dr. David Peter...: Anna Kharmats, PhD.

Dr. David Peter...: Heesu Kim, MSPH.

Dr. David Peter...: Kyo Kim, MSPH.

Dr. David Peter...: Kasey Elizabeth Kinzel, MSPH.

Dr. David Peter...: Kana Kobayashi, MSPH.

Dr. David Peter...: James Kumwenda, MSPH.

Dr. David Peter...: Rachel Lake, MSPH.

Dr. David Peter...: Zhongyu Li, MSPH.

Dr. David Peter...: Rui Ling, MSPH.

Dr. David Peter...: Chen Liu, MHS.

Dr. David Peter...: Sunny Yang Liu, MSPH.

Dr. David Peter...: Lex Londino, MSPH.

Dr. David Peter...: Annelise Long, MSPH.

Dr. David Peter...: Emily Lyles, PhD.

Dr. David Peter...: Porcia Manandhar, MSPH.

Dr. David Peter...: Swetha Manohar, PhD.

Dr. David Peter...: Katherine Gannett Merrill, PhD.

Dr. David Peter...: Georgia Michlig, PhD.

Dr. David Peter...: Joseph Thomas Millward, MHS.

Dr. David Peter...: Divya Mishra, PhD.

Dr. David Peter...: Heather Carol Moorman, MSPH.

Dr. David Peter...: Caitlin Marie Noon, MSPH.

Dr. David Peter...: Iman Nourhussein, MHS.

Dr. David Peter...: Anita Aalia Panjwani, PhD.

Dr. David Peter...: Christina McLean Potter, MSPH.

Dr. David Peter...: Bernadetta Ninda Pranantia, MSPH.

Dr. David Peter...: Rashel Freyda Rabinovich, MSPH.

Dr. David Peter...: Aneeka Ratnayake, MSPH.

Dr. David Peter...: Prianca Reddi, MSPH.

Dr. David Peter...: Kevin Rhee, MSPH.

Dr. David Peter...: Takyera Robinson, MSPH.

Dr. David Peter...: Eric Nicholas Rodriguez, MSPH.

Dr. David Peter...: Alexandra Marie Rogers, MSPH.

Dr. David Peter...: Leah Morgaine Salama, MSPH.

Dr. David Peter...: Ellen Jean Schenk, PhD.

Dr. David Peter...: Francesca Schiaffino Salazar, PhD.

Dr. David Peter...: Karishma Sethi, MSPH.

Dr. David Peter...: Jia Shi, MSPH.

Dr. David Peter...: Aashaka Amar Shinde, MSPH.

Dr. David Peter...: Prakriti Shrestha, MSPH.

Dr. David Peter...: Marie Spiker, PhD.

Dr. David Peter...: Connor Steele-McCutchen, MSPH.

Dr. David Peter...: Brianna Danielle Stone, MSPH.

Dr. David Peter...: Niharika Tiwari, MSPH.

Dr. David Peter...: Hanzhi Tong, MSPH.

Dr. David Peter...: Jasmine Maylee Truong, MSPH.

Dr. David Peter...: Divina Mary Varghese, MSPH.

Dr. David Peter...: Sarah Lin Wagner, MSPH.

Dr. David Peter...: Marissa Lynn Walsh, MSPH.

Dr. David Peter...: Caroline Regine Wensel, MSPH.

Dr. David Peter...: Yvonee Yiru Xu, MSPH.

Dr. David Peter...: Alexander John Zapf, MSPH.

Dr. David Peter...: Eleonor Zavala, MSPH.

Dr. David Peter...: Zhu Yifan, MHS.

Dr. David Peter...: Nukhba Zia, PhD.

Dr. David Peter...: Jessica Paige Ziesel, MSPH.

Dr. David Peter...: Alexandra Jaye Zimmer, MSPH.

Dr. David Peter...: Congratulations to the most recent graduates from The Department of International Health.

Speaker 2: Reading the names of the graduates from The Department of Mental Health is Dr. Danielle Fallin, Professor and Chair of The Department of Mental Health.

Dr. Danielle Fa...: Ademilola Esther Badejo, Master of Health Science.

Dr. Danielle Fa...: Genevive Isabel Changkuon, Master of Health Science.

Dr. Danielle Fa...: Ritu Dhar, Master of Health Science.

Dr. Danielle Fa...: Samuel Benjamin Doty, Doctor of Philosophy.

Dr. Danielle Fa...: Suiyini Ama Fiawoo, Master of Health Science.

Dr. Danielle Fa...: Angel Carolina Gabriel, Master of Health Science.

Dr. Danielle Fa...: Calliope Brooke Holingue, Doctor of Philosophy.

Dr. Danielle Fa...: Samantha Rose Hutchison, Master of Health Science.

Dr. Danielle Fa...: Jolie Knapp, Master of Health Science.

Dr. Danielle Fa...: Noa Krawczyk, Doctor of Philosophy.

Dr. Danielle Fa...: Garrett Kwan, Master of Health Science.

Dr. Danielle Fa...: Daniel Lakin, Doctor of Philosophy.

Dr. Danielle Fa...: Lin Zhuozhi, Master of Health Science.

Dr. Danielle Fa...: Amanda Luken, Master of Health Science.

Dr. Danielle Fa...: Rhea Mehta, Master of Health Science.

Dr. Danielle Fa...: Priya Sherene Nanan, Master of Health Science.

Dr. Danielle Fa...: Ifechukwu Cyril Ofonedu Jr., Master of Health Science.

Dr. Danielle Fa...: Jocelynn Tiffany Owusu, Doctor of Philosophy.

Dr. Danielle Fa...: Aditya Patibandla, Master of Health Science.

Dr. Danielle Fa...: Gianella Perez, Master of Health Science.

Dr. Danielle Fa...: Michael Sullivan Phillips, Master of Health Science.

Dr. Danielle Fa...: Joy Roberts, Master of Health Science.

Dr. Danielle Fa...: Kristin Schneider, Doctor of Philosophy.

Dr. Danielle Fa...: Abigail Bryna Shegelman, Master of Health Science.

Dr. Danielle Fa...: Naosato Shibata, Master of Health Science.

Dr. Danielle Fa...: Francesca Silvestry, Master of Health Science.

Dr. Danielle Fa...: Daniel Alexander Sonnenberg, Master of Health Science.

Dr. Danielle Fa...: Connor Daniel Stephenson, Master of Health Science.

Dr. Danielle Fa...: Maya Thakar, Master of Health Science.

Dr. Danielle Fa...: Jonathan Wagner, Master of Health Science.

Dr. Danielle Fa...: Chloe Jenee Walker, Master of Health Science.

Dr. Danielle Fa...: Ashley Wu, Master of Health Science.

Dr. Danielle Fa...: Colleen Zarek, Master of Health Science.

Dr. Danielle Fa...: Paula Jimena Zuvala Billingsley Zaremba, Master of Health Science.

Dr. Danielle Fa...: Nica Zharichenko, Master of Health Science.

Dr. Danielle Fa...: Yizhou Zhu, Master of Health Science.

Dr. Danielle Fa...: Congratulations to the most recent graduates from The Department of Mental Health.

Speaker 2: Reading the names of the graduates from The Department of Molecular Microbiology and Immunology is Dr. Allen Scott, Professor and Vice Chair for Education in The Department of Molecular Microbiology and Immunology.

Dr. Alan Scott: Charlens Beneche, Master of Health Science.

Dr. Alan Scott: Paul Amellaly Delgado, Master of Health Science.

Dr. Alan Scott: Sharvari Deshpande, Master of Science.

Dr. Alan Scott: Ella Gehrke, Master of Science.

Dr. Alan Scott: Michael DaCosta Irving, Master of Health Science.

Dr. Alan Scott: Taewoo Kim, Master of Science.

Dr. Alan Scott: Rachel Krizek, Master of Health Science.

Dr. Alan Scott: Zeshuo Li, Master of Science.

Dr. Alan Scott: Jiade Li, Master of Health Science.

Dr. Alan Scott: Xiao Ma, Master of Science.

Dr. Alan Scott: Hanna Josephine MacLeod, Doctor of Philosophy.

Dr. Alan Scott: Zhiming Mao, Master of Science.

Dr. Alan Scott: Brian Onochie Molokwu, Master of Health Science.

Dr. Alan Scott: Tiffany Daolin Pan, Master of Science.

Dr. Alan Scott: Harrison Powell, Doctor of Philosophy.

Dr. Alan Scott: Sarah Shapiro, Master of Health Science.

Dr. Alan Scott: Ritwik Singhal, Master of Science.

Dr. Alan Scott: Brendan Daniel Smith, Doctor of Philosophy.

Dr. Alan Scott: Zachary D. Stolp, Doctor of Philosophy.

Dr. Alan Scott: Haldo Trevino, Master of Health Science.

Dr. Alan Scott: Elizabeth Marie Troisi, Doctor of Philosophy.

Dr. Alan Scott: Siddhant Hemant Vyas, Master of Science.

Dr. Alan Scott: Rachel Marie West, Doctor of Philosophy.

Dr. Alan Scott: Jane Xie Yeh, Doctor of Philosophy.

Dr. Alan Scott: Congratulations to the most recent graduates from The Department of Molecular Microbiology and Immunology.

Speaker 2: Reading the names of the Master of Applied Science graduates from the Online Programs for Applied Learning is Dr. Elizabeth Golub, Director of the Online Programs for Applied Learning.

Dr. Elizabeth G...: David Ricardo Abaunza Martinez.

Dr. Elizabeth G...: Reillie Christine Acks.

Dr. Elizabeth G...: Mariam Ahmad.

Dr. Elizabeth G...: Ali Alagha.

Dr. Elizabeth G...: Saja Alshamma.

Dr. Elizabeth G...: Sarah Elaine-Winslow Alton.

Dr. Elizabeth G...: Arianna Maever Loreche Amit.

Dr. Elizabeth G...: Jenny Renee Anderson.

Dr. Elizabeth G...: Scholastica Bahemana.

Dr. Elizabeth G...: Joselito Balatbat.

Dr. Elizabeth G...: William Lamont Barnes.

Dr. Elizabeth G...: Susan Bartlett-Ye.

Dr. Elizabeth G...: Eric James Beall.

Dr. Elizabeth G...: Sarah Ben Achour.

Dr. Elizabeth G...: Jill Bennett.

Dr. Elizabeth G...: Elizabeth Ann Bettinelli.

Dr. Elizabeth G...: Julia Bietsch.

Dr. Elizabeth G...: Emily Bishko.

Dr. Elizabeth G...: Theresa Carrie Bittle.

Dr. Elizabeth G...: Maggie Bohm-Jordan.

Dr. Elizabeth G...: Faith Brannan.

Dr. Elizabeth G...: Joseph Michael Brea.

Dr. Elizabeth G...: Stephanie Swafford Bruce.

Dr. Elizabeth G...: Michelle Burgess.

Dr. Elizabeth G...: Justin Cariello.

Dr. Elizabeth G...: Rachel Carpenter.

Dr. Elizabeth G...: Paula Malika Chester-Cumberbatch.

Dr. Elizabeth G...: Ogechi Allison Chima.

Dr. Elizabeth G...: Pamela J. Cochran.

Dr. Elizabeth G...: Timothy Cooper.

Dr. Elizabeth G...: Merrilee Cox.

Dr. Elizabeth G...: Ann Crapo.

Dr. Elizabeth G...: Kacy Cedotal Crittenden.

Dr. Elizabeth G...: Gina Cruz.

Dr. Elizabeth G...: Priscilla Marie Cruz-Menoyo.

Dr. Elizabeth G...: Lisa Marie DelSignore Hoegg.

Dr. Elizabeth G...: Eyelachew Desta.

Dr. Elizabeth G...: Nitin Yeshwant Dhupdale.

Dr. Elizabeth G...: Erin Dobrinen.

Dr. Elizabeth G...: Colin Albright Drake.

Dr. Elizabeth G...: Dale Dubell.

Dr. Elizabeth G...: Lisa Dubrofsky.

Dr. Elizabeth G...: Susan Iris Duteau.

Dr. Elizabeth G...: Rasha Abdelmoneim Khider Elnimeiry.

Dr. Elizabeth G...: Amy Emmert.

Dr. Elizabeth G...: Ellen Feit.

Dr. Elizabeth G...: Erin Aseli Fleming.

Dr. Elizabeth G...: Ryan Flowers.

Dr. Elizabeth G...: Thomas Christopher Frey.

Dr. Elizabeth G...: Veronica Gillispie-Bell.

Dr. Elizabeth G...: Jonathan David Golden.

Dr. Elizabeth G...: Gabriela Gonzalez.

Dr. Elizabeth G...: Lizbeth Gonzalez.

Dr. Elizabeth G...: Darshan Kaur Grewal.

Dr. Elizabeth G...: Mervin Griffin.

Dr. Elizabeth G...: Brusly Guerrier.

Dr. Elizabeth G...: Elizabeth Jane Haines.

Dr. Elizabeth G...: Ja'Porsha Ciara Hamilton.

Dr. Elizabeth G...: Ashley Alis Herbig.

Dr. Elizabeth G...: Jennifer Lorette Hernandez.

Dr. Elizabeth G...: Amelia Mae Hoover.

Dr. Elizabeth G...: Shelly-Ann Hope.

Dr. Elizabeth G...: Sarah Anne Hreyo.

Dr. Elizabeth G...: Wei-Lin Huang.

Dr. Elizabeth G...: Yingkei Hui.

Dr. Elizabeth G...: Nicole Hutzenlaub.

Dr. Elizabeth G...: Asha Gaines Immanuelle.

Dr. Elizabeth G...: Ci Joon Jeong.

Dr. Elizabeth G...: Elizabeth Jebarani Jeyaraj.

Dr. Elizabeth G...: Princess Jane Joseph.

Dr. Elizabeth G...: Ahmad Waleed Joyan.

Dr. Elizabeth G...: Alexa Joyce.

Dr. Elizabeth G...: Constantina Katsaounis.

Dr. Elizabeth G...: Tara Kelly.

Dr. Elizabeth G...: Benjamin James Kern.

Dr. Elizabeth G...: Jisoo Kim.

Dr. Elizabeth G...: Olivia Knight.

Dr. Elizabeth G...: Danielle Winner Koontz.

Dr. Elizabeth G...: Julia Krzyzewski.

Dr. Elizabeth G...: Katrina Kulik.

Dr. Elizabeth G...: Nora Aloysius Denny Lanahan.

Dr. Elizabeth G...: Dawn Andrea Lewis.

Dr. Elizabeth G...: Lauren Lobaugh.

Dr. Elizabeth G...: Rochelle M. Low.

Dr. Elizabeth G...: Amy Louise Lysy.

Dr. Elizabeth G...: Laura Kay Maka.

Dr. Elizabeth G...: Ekta Malvania.

Dr. Elizabeth G...: Joel Jorge Mantilla.

Dr. Elizabeth G...: Margaret Ann Marcou.

Dr. Elizabeth G...: Katherine Victoria Marker.

Dr. Elizabeth G...: Elizabeth Leann McElwee.

Dr. Elizabeth G...: Nadia Mekonnen.

Dr. Elizabeth G...: Erica Mendoza.

Dr. Elizabeth G...: Erica J. Middleton.

Dr. Elizabeth G...: Gayatri Mirani.

Dr. Elizabeth G...: Aziza Mohammad.

Dr. Elizabeth G...: Jonathan William Molander.

Dr. Elizabeth G...: Laura Sue Morr.

Dr. Elizabeth G...: Corrie Brianna Neighbors.

Dr. Elizabeth G...: Dustin Nguyen.

Dr. Elizabeth G...: Deborah Ann Nichols.

Dr. Elizabeth G...: Michael Patrick O'Brien.

Dr. Elizabeth G...: Alison Pack.

Dr. Elizabeth G...: Jayoung Lee Park.

Dr. Elizabeth G...: Sylvia Piszczor.

Dr. Elizabeth G...: Amy Christine Pooran.

Dr. Elizabeth G...: Emily Lauren Quetel.

Dr. Elizabeth G...: Bruno Raimbault.

Dr. Elizabeth G...: Gail Ranglin Edwards.

Dr. Elizabeth G...: Whitney Alexis Raska.

Dr. Elizabeth G...: Cornelia Riedl.

Dr. Elizabeth G...: Dev Roy.

Dr. Elizabeth G...: Asha Susan Roy.

Dr. Elizabeth G...: Alexis Grace Saghie.

Dr. Elizabeth G...: Aaron Saunders.

Dr. Elizabeth G...: Angela Schafer.

Dr. Elizabeth G...: Maridette Schloe.

Dr. Elizabeth G...: Gretchen Shanofsky.

Dr. Elizabeth G...: Gregory Sirounian.

Dr. Elizabeth G...: Daniel Smith.

Dr. Elizabeth G...: Aurora Lynn Snyder.

Dr. Elizabeth G...: Meredith Aryn St. Cyr.

Dr. Elizabeth G...: Julie Elizabeth Strychowsky.

Dr. Elizabeth G...: Loveline Tangwan.

Dr. Elizabeth G...: Heather Leigh Taylor.

Dr. Elizabeth G...: Samantha Thomas.

Dr. Elizabeth G...: Lindsey Nicole Thompson.

Dr. Elizabeth G...: Agnes Torchio.

Dr. Elizabeth G...: Kimtuyen Thi Tran.

Dr. Elizabeth G...: Alexander Vartanov.

Dr. Elizabeth G...: Denise Ventura.

Dr. Elizabeth G...: Maureen Virgil.

Dr. Elizabeth G...: Mandy Vogel.

Dr. Elizabeth G...: Katy Wang.

Dr. Elizabeth G...: Justin Matthew Weis.

Dr. Elizabeth G...: Keila Whatley.

Dr. Elizabeth G...: Dash Wieland.

Dr. Elizabeth G...: Christy Marie Ellen Wilkinson.

Dr. Elizabeth G...: Donna Miller Wilson.

Dr. Elizabeth G...: Stephanie Woelfle.

Dr. Elizabeth G...: Taylor Brooke Wootton.

Dr. Elizabeth G...: Paige Heather Wyrick.

Dr. Elizabeth G...: Sarah Yankey Frempong.

Dr. Elizabeth G...: Anne Yastremski.

Dr. Elizabeth G...: Jeffrey Yeung.

Dr. Elizabeth G...: Lauren Elizabeth Yobs.

Dr. Elizabeth G...: Rezwana Banu Zahir.

Dr. Elizabeth G...: Jinghao Zhou.

Dr. Elizabeth G...: Congratulations to the most recent Master of Applied Science graduates from the Online Programs for Applied Learning.

Speaker 2: Reading the names of the graduates from The Department of Population, Family, and Reproductive Health is Dr. Cynthia Minkovitz, Professor and Chair of The Department of Population, Family, and Reproductive Health.

Dr. Cynthia Min...: Blair Berger, Doctor of Philosophy.

Dr. Cynthia Min...: Anvita Bhardwaj, Master of Science in Public Health.

Dr. Cynthia Min...: Alexis Campbell, Master of Science in Public Health.

Dr. Cynthia Min...: Lillian Collins, Doctor of Philosophy.

Dr. Cynthia Min...: Monica Dutta, Master of Science in Public Health.

Dr. Cynthia Min...: Danielle Gaskin, Master of Science in Public Health.

Dr. Cynthia Min...: Sharon Hwang, Master of Science in Public Health.

Dr. Cynthia Min...: Arshdeep Kaur, Master of Science in Public Health.

Dr. Cynthia Min...: Michelle Martinez, Master of Science in Public Health.

Dr. Cynthia Min...: Alexandria Mickler, Master of Science in Public Health.

Dr. Cynthia Min...: Aditi Patrikar, Master of Science in Public Health.

Dr. Cynthia Min...: Brittany Shapiro Dooley, Master of Science in Public Health.

Dr. Cynthia Min...: Claire Silberg, Master of Science in Public Health.

Dr. Cynthia Min...: Rebecca Skinner, Master of Science in Public Health.

Dr. Cynthia Min...: Kaylee Smith, Master of Science in Public Health.

Dr. Cynthia Min...: Campbell Veasey

PART 3 OF 4 ENDS [01:30:04]

Speaker 3: Of Science and Public Health. Campbell Veasy, Master of Science and Public Health. Breanna Watson, Master of Science and Public Health. Doopashika Welikala, Master of Science and Public Health. Meagan Williams, Master of Science and Public Health. Shannon Wood. Doctor of Philosophy. Bee Yakzan, Master of Science and Public Health. Congratulations to the most recent graduates from the Department of Population, Family and Reproductive Health.

Speaker 4: Reading the names of the graduates from the school wide Master of Public Health Program will be Dr Cynthia Minkovic, Professor and Chair of the Department of Population, Family and Reproductive Health, Dr Alan Scott, Professor and Vice Chair for Education in the Department of Molecular Microbiology and Immunology, Dr Karen Bandeen-Roche, Professor and Chair of the Department of Biostatistics, and Dr Marie Diener-West, Professor Biostatistics and Chair of the School Wide Master of Public Health Program.

Speaker 5: Sandra Abbott. Tanya Abdul-Malak. Rohin Arvin Aggarwal. Barbara Agu. Theresa Aguilar. Sarah Aheron. Maida Ahmad. Bintou Ahidjo. Ahmed Ibrahim. Shari Akhavan. Ezinne Akudinobi. Uthman Alamoudi. Charlee Alexander. Jihad Al-Khatib. Janice Allotey. Vinita Almeida. Abdulrahman Alsheikh. Yacow Anziska. Tatsuya Aoki. Dinesh Arora. Sadia Arshad. Yoland Arthur. Muhammad Asghar. Mara Assendorf. Jennifer Baker. Aanika Balaji. Joshua Baracks. Alexa Barriere. Erin Beasley. Beth Berkowitz. Margaret Berry. Jennifer Shirin Bhuiyan-Qadeer. James Bien. Emily Blagg. Brittany Bland. Lindsay Blazin. Ellen Boakye. Diana Bongiorno. [Chony 01:33:30] Bookholane. Rebecca Bowen. Amitoj Brar. Zabecca Brinson. Christopher Britt. Eric Broni. Ruth Bryant. Andrew Bryk. Brady Campbell. Sachalee Campbel. Anna Paula Cordoso Richter. Robert Carlin. Susan Carr. Kathleen Carter. Ivana Castellanos. Alyssa Cawley. Arnob Chakraborti. Jessica Chasler. Mihir Chaudhary. Brian Chen. Doris Chen. Li Chen. Julia Chen. Yiyu Chen. Omar Cherkaoui. Vignesh Chidambaram. Jeremy Chin. Malvern Chiweshe. Anna Choe. Eric Choi. Josh Christenson. Kait Ciampaglio. Kate Cieslowski. Andrew Clack. Emily Coard. Jessica Coleman. Anne Collaco. Katherine Connolly. Friedrich Conrad. Edward Corty. Jason Crowley. Alexandria Cull Weatherer.

Alan Scott.: Elizabeth Blythe Dee. Pamela Delgado Barroso. Zoe O. Demko. Langan Denhard. Isaac Matthew Emmanuel Dodd. Elizabeth Eggleston Drigotas. Julian Alexander Drix. Nora Duffy. Julia Ilana Eckstein. Emily Rose Egbert. Daniel Seth Ehrenpreis. Salma El Marjiya Villareal. Katie Nicole Elfer. Victoria Banks Ellenbogen. John Oluwaseyi Erhabor. Vadi Esmailzadeh. Dr Rogette Esteve. Semra Etyemez. Alix Faddoul. Nefra. Tyler Fan. Tolulope Fashina. Erin L. Feddema. Norma Ferraro. Catherine Guerra Fischer. Nicole Mercado Fischer. Rebecca Florsheim. Lauren Ashley Forbes. Rebecca Fowler. Julian Franco. Jessica Friedman. Jenna Elyse Fritz. Leah Michelle Froehle. Emily Louise Fruchterman. Brian Fung. Shirly Fung. Charles Geneczko. Maryam Ghariban. Diego Giunta. Kendra Manhertz Glasgow. Aastha Goel. Orlanda Qi Mei Goh. Elizabeth Bicknell Golightly. Shilpa Gopinath. Sanjay Goyal. Christine Gain Groves. Stephanie Nicole Grube. Emily Gruber. Naiqing Gu. Masataka Gunshin. Hala Hamadah. Waqas Haque. Kaitlyn Hardell. Heather Hatcher. Jessica Louise Hawk. Katehrine Heinemann. Sonia Marcela Ereda. Kyle Xavier Hill. Carin Christine Hitchens. Jerrilyn Renee Hoover. Ting-Wei Hsu. Hu Qifan. Michelle Sujia Huang. Becca Mary Huebsch. Shima Hussein Idries. Izza Atiqa Ishak. Pavani Jain. Keyan Javadi. Brittany Denise Jenkins. Hannah Johnson. Ambulai Johnson. Deepa Joshi. Aruna Josyula.

Speaker 6: Ben Kahn. Keisuke Kakimoto. Claire Karlsson. Masahiro Katahira. Gurpreet Kaur. Pennapa Kaweewongprasert. Kathleen Kelley. Mikaela Abeni Kelly. Shaherbano Khalid. Banda Abdallah Khalifa. Yunjeong Kim. Dahye Kim. Martha Kirabo. August Knape. Susan Elizabeth Kornacki. Ryan Koski-Vacirca. Eric Kramer. Briana Elise Kramer. Yaa Adoma Kwapong. Sakina Ladha. Wendy Angela Lai. Andrea Leao Santos Veiga Cabral. Jenica Joplin Lee. Esther Lee. Eva Francoise Lenoir. Jiahe Liang. Wan-Ju Mona Liao. Heng-Yu Lin. Gwendoline Diane Lister. Dr Song Luo. Erin Madeen. Daniella Ceclia Malave. Nelson Malone. Laura Emily Mansilla. Ashni Mathew. James Thomas McCallen. Eric McCollum. Gerardo Javier Melendez-Torres. Claudia Menasche. Lily Henzi Merritt. Kayla Amber Meza. Kathryne Mezzanotte. Darcy A. Milburn. Donald Richard Bailey Miles. Neha Misra. Dr Udit Mohan. Colin Moll. Zoe Katherine Mowl. Cari Lyn Munro. Alexandra Yuko Jasmina Murata. Tolulope Oluwatomi Musa-Booth. Moaath Mustafa Ali. Priyank Mysore. Anna Najor. Tomoko Nakagami. Takuya Nakamura. Ho Namkoong. Jonas Allan Nelson. Sophie Neuner. Charles Chak Chuen Ng. William. Nguyen. Wachiko Nishizawa. Esosa Nosakhare. Khansae Nowir. Aqsha Azhary Nur. Mary Ann Odell. Nana Essuman Oduro. Opayemi Oladapo-Shittu. Eniola Tinuola Oluyemi. Laura O'Sullivan. Yuichiro Ostuka. Joshua Grove Parks. Brittany Lee Parmetier. Priya Pathak. Bernardo Pessoa. Areisa Sadonie Peters. Rebecca Sarah Piser. Emily Pond. Eli Pousson. Rebecca Pratiti.

Speaker 6: Prerika Prerika. Tzu-Miao Pu. Jairaj Puthenveettil. Chantal M Pyram-Vincent. Nicholas Charles Pytel.

Speaker 7: Fatima Qamar. Luis Quiroga. Ainelen Radosevich. Rafa Rahman.

Speaker 4: Caroline Blair Rains.

Speaker 7: Selvi Rajagopal. Pooja Rajeevan. Emad Sabri Rajih. Alice Rhoades. Lauren Christine Richardson. Hazem Rihawi. Travis William McKay Roberts. Julia Ruth Roche. Allyn Rosenberger. Elizabeth Ruebush. Shannon Ruzycki. Rachel Campbell Rybczynski. Rameet Sachdev. Richard Casey Sadler. Kazumi Sakashita. Vincent Salvador. Annie Sanford. Holly Sawyer. Claire Schultz. Hana Kelsey Schwartz. Jenny Youjin Seo. Dhara Shah. Neha Shanker. Weibo Shao. Sophia Shea. Stephen Shields. Abhinav Sidana. Ruma Simhan. Thakshayeni Skanthakumar. Jamar Slocum. Gjanje Louise Smith. Devanshi Somaiya. Mahish Sreevatsava. Kimberly Stanford. Rachel Clara Stinson. Emma Straus. Yi Sun. Stacy Sun. Alia Sunderji. Alfred Tager. Delaram Jasmine Taghipour. Rie Tai. Naoki Takamatsu. Tequila Terry. Sarah Trager. Jennifer Anne Trumbore. Tshivuila Jean Marc Matala. Rayji Sean Tsutsui. Nyan Lynn Tun. Nina Krit Udeshi. Oluwatomi Uwazota. Katherine Vander Tuig. Rachael Nichole Vargas. Kristen Jacqueline Vescera. Sarah Nicole Vick. Addison Virta. Cierra Chiyoko Virtue. Kirtana Viswanathan. Samuel Levi Volkin. Julia Jane Wainger. Sara Elizabeth Wallach. Heather Waner. Kuang-Heng Wang. Marie Ward. JeanAnne Marie Ware. Lakshmi Warrior. Madhura Nitin Wasnik. Sarah Elizabeth Webb. Anna May Weimer. Timothy James Westlake. Leah

Speaker 7: Leah Jo Weston. Sara Whaley. Haven Wheelock. Michaela Whitelaw. Sophia Winchester. Huimin Wu. Wail Nabeel Yar. Xinje Cindy Yin. Michael Yong. Shammas Yoosuf. Anna Marie Pacheco Young. Megann Young. Katherine Ann Zellner. George Zhang. Mengqi Zhang. Dun Yuan Zhou. Ahsan Zi-E-Ali. Brittany Alexandria Zulkiewicz.

Speaker 7: Congratulations to the most recent graduates from the Master of Public Health Program.

Speaker 4: Before concluding the ceremony I want to welcome each member of this year's graduating class into the global alumni network of Bloomberg School and the Johns Hopkins Alumni Association. As a fellow Alum I can attest to the transformative power of a degree from the Bloomberg School of Public Health. It has opened doors to my serving in roles such as Deputy Commission of Health for State, to my current role as a Chief Medical Officer. I will forever be grateful for the perspective I gained here, and you are forever a part of the history of the oldest, largest and number one school of public health. You have joined the ranks of public health heroes like Susan Baker, [Tianjin 01:51:59] Ren, Alexander Langmuir, Tolbert Nayenswah, Edyth Schoenrich, D A Henderson, Alfred Sommer, Michael J Clack and our Dean, Ellen MacKenzie, and from networking events to key conversations and regional programming, do not miss out on unique opportunities available to our alumni.

Speaker 4: Please visit the alumni section of the school's website to stay connected and get involved. This concludes the ceremony. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all those who made the ceremony possible, and congratulations one last time to our graduates.

Music: (Music).

PART 4 OF 4 ENDS [01:59:02]